#harry styles angsy
atlafan · 4 years
Office Neighbors - Part Two
a/n: here we are! a little shorter than part one, but there’s some good stuff in here I think! enjoy! (also reblogs/feedback is super helpful) not proofread
warnings: fluff, slight smut (but not with who you think) 
words: 10K
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You groan heavily when your alarm goes off at 5AM Tuesday morning. You wanted to make sure your body had time to go to the bathroom before Harry picked you up. You knuckle at your eyes, and then get out of bed. You make yourself a quick iced coffee, and then get dressed. You decide on a cropped pair of leggings and one of your t-shirts that wicks away sweat. You pack an extra pair of socks, another shirt, and another sports bra just in case you get really sweaty. You make yourself some trail mix, and throw an extra water into your pack. Harry said he would bring actual sandwiches for the two of you. You get your ponytail through your hat, and use the bathroom again before waiting him.
Harry: here
You grab your pack and head out to his car. He had similar attire on as he did when you hiked with him the last time. Shorts, a sleeveless top, bandana and clip holding his hair back. You both nod at each other. It was still too early to speak. When you get to the trailhead you both spray each other with bug spray and begin.
“How long do you think it’ll take?” You speak up.
“Why, you in a hurry?” He smirks at you.
“No.” You nudge him. “Just wondering.”
“It’s about two and half miles up. It’s gradual, but there are also some really steep parts. If I were jogging, it would only take a couple of hours, but we can take our time. That’s why I wanted to leave so early.”
“You’ve…you’ve jogged this?”
“Sure.” He shrugs. “It’s just running uphill.”
“Big nope from me.” You laugh. “I like the idea of just taking our time.”
“You get a fuller experience that way, I think. Don’t be afraid to tell me you need a break too. Some of the steeper parts are killer.”
“Will do.”
You both talk about your fall courses, what you plan to do differently, if anything. You talk about how you’re actually excited to have some student advisees, and how you might approach the meetings.
“It’s okay not to be super serious. Most importantly, you just need to listen, which you should have no problem with. You’re a good listener.” He says, blushing slightly.
“Sort of trained to be one.” You chuckle. “But I get what you mean. Now that I know the curriculum and the course sequence a little better, I definitely feel more confident to lead them in the…wow…that is steep.” You gulp as you look at the area ahead.
“We’ll just take our time.” He smiles. “It’s not a race.”
You make it up the first steep hump, and you tell him you need a water break.
“Christ, and here I thought I was in shape.”
“Hiking can be pretty humbling.” He uses a rag to wipe some sweat from his forehead, and takes a drink of water as well. “All set?”
“Mhm, let’s keep going.”
Every so often you stop to take pictures, and there is a moment where Harry veers off so he can have a “wee”, as he would call it. You had drank half your bottle of water and you definitely needed to pee too, but you were too embarrassed.
“Are you sure you don’t need to go?”
“I’m fine.”
“Look, that’s a flatter area, you could-“
“What if I get a mosquito bite…down there?” You whisper.
“It’s not mosquito season.” He laughs. “Did you bring some T-“
“Yes.” You mumble.
“So, just go, it’s fine. You’re being silly. I’ll stand right over there and keep watch.”
“Ugh, I can’t believe I’m doing this.” You groan and take the bit of toilet paper you brought out of your bag. Your eyes stay glued to the back Harry’s head while you do your business. You stick your rubbish into a plastic bag and stuff it away, then you use some hand sanitizer. “Okay.”
“All set?” He turns to look at you. “Not so bad, was it?”
“Not something I’d like to make a habit of, but no, it wasn’t terrible.”
It takes about two and half hours to get to the summit. You both were sticky with sweat, but it was worth it from the view alone.
“Oh my god.” You say slowly as you look around. “This is incredible.”
“Isn’t it? I feel so lucky to live here.”
“I’m starting to feel the same way for sure.” You take a few photos before sitting down, letting out a sigh.
You look over at Harry who’s taking his shirt off and your eyes widen. You knew about the birds on his collar bones, but the butterfly and the ferns were a complete surprise. Harry had such a nice body. He was toned, but still had a softness to him. He notices you looking at him and he blushes.
“Sorry, I’m soaked.”
“No, it’s okay…sorry, I just…your tattoos, I haven’t seen those ones.”
“Oh…” He looks down at himself. “I got these so long ago. Got a few more you haven’t seen.” He pulls up one side of his shorts so you can see the tiger on his thigh.
“Didn’t those huge ones hurt?”
“Eh.” He says sitting down next to you, grabbing a sip of his water. “Some did and some didn’t. The trick is to get a little tipsy beforehand.” He winks at you. He leans back on his elbows and closes his eyes for a moment before looking out at the view again.
“You know, I think you had the right idea about the shirt…do you mind?”
“Well, if I took mine off for a bit. I packed myself a spare, but-“
“Oh! Yeah, um, I don’t care, uh, do what makes you comfortable.”
You nod and peel your shirt off. You lay it on the ground next to you, feeling better already from the breeze hitting your hot skin. You were glad you thought to wear one of your cuter sports bras. Your heart was racing slightly, mostly because it had been a while since you had last taken your clothes off in front of someone, but it was just Harry, after all.
“I brought some peanut butter sandwiches, are you hungry? I know it’s not exactly lunch time, but-“
“That sounds amazing, I’m starving. I didn’t eat beforehand.”
“You didn’t?!” He sits up fully.
“I didn’t want to have to…really go to the bathroom.”
“Oh, Y/N.” He laughs while he gets the sandwiches out of his pack. “Here.”
“Thank you.” She notices his eyes drift to her cleavage. It was only for a moment, and she didn’t mind it.
“No problem.”
If Harry were twenty-years-old he’d probably try to make a move. Kiss you, press you up against a tree, fuck, put his hand over your mouth so other hikers wouldn’t be able to hear you moan. But he wasn’t twenty-years-old, he was thirty-two, and he had an eleven-year-old son who he wouldn’t want to treat a woman like that. He wanted to set a good example, to show him how a respectful man treats a woman. So, he eats his own sandwich, trying to keep his eyes anywhere but your body.
“Do you want some trail mix?” You take it out of your bag.
“Sure! Thanks.” He reaches his hand in the bag and takes some out.
You guzzle down some more of your water and stand up. You didn’t want to sit too long and get stiff.
“Harry, would you take my picture?”
“Of course.” He stands up and takes your phone. He smiles at your smile as he snaps the photo.
“How about a selfie?”
“Of the two of us?”
“Like this?” You made him so fucking nervous, he was never like this with anyone else.
“I don’t care if you don’t. I’ll just stand here, and you can stand in front of me to get the shot.”
“Oh, right.” He thought to maybe put his arm around you, but that clearly wasn’t happening. You both smile and he takes the shot.
“Do you two want a picture?” A woman says. She was with a couple of other people. “I’d be happy to take it for you.”
“That would be great!” You snatch your phone from Harry’s hand and give it to her. “Are you still sweaty?” You look up at him.
“I don’t think so.”
“Good.” You put your arm around his waist, and he puts an arm around you, hand on your shoulder.
“Alright, I took a couple.”
“Thank you so much, would your group like any?”
“Would you mind?”
“Not at all.”
You take a few photos for the group and then you look over the photos of you and Harry.
“These are great.” You smile and show him.
“You’ll send those to me, yeah?”
“Of course.”
“I’m walking down like this, I don’t wanna get my spare shirt sweaty. I was thinking we could grab a real lunch after this…if you don’t mind me taking up your entire day that is.”
“I would love nothing more than to stuff my face after this, Har.”
You decide to just go down in your sports bra, not wanting to get your spare shirt sweaty either. The way down feels like it takes no time at all. It was definitely easier to hike down a mountain than to hike up a mountain. That is, until you got to one of the steeper parts.
“Just step down on the side and take slow steps. Don’t go straight down.”
“Would, um, hold my hand? I’m a little nervous.”
“Of course.” He looks back at you and takes your hand, giving you a reassuring squeeze.
He helps you down the steeper parts, taking your hand each time until things get more gradual again. You feel incredibly proud of yourself once you’re back at the parking area.
“That was amazing, Harry. I feel amazing.”
“Good, I’m glad.”
“Andy’s done that with you before?”
“Oh, sure. Plenty of times.”
“Incredible.” You chuckle as you grab your spare bra and shirt from your pack. Harry dabs his chest with a rag before putting his t-shirt on. “Shit, where should I change?”
“I’ll just be a second.”
He nods and waits outside the car while you quickly change. You feel so much relief letting your breasts free, giving yourself a second to cool off before putting your fresh bra on. You pull your t-shirt on overhead and get out to sit in the passenger seat. Harry hops in the driver’s seat and off you go.
“I can’t believe it’s only 12:30.”
“Another benefit of getting up early. Did you see how full the lot was? People are so uneducated. I’d never start a hike now.”
“I know! There were so many people going up when we were coming down. I couldn’t believe it.”
“And now they’ll have to rush.”
“Have you ever hiked at night before?”
“I have, actually. I used to help lead this moonlit hike thing during move-in weekend for first year students. It was a lot of fun.”
“How come you stopped?”
“Not a junior faculty anymore.” He shrugs. “I just didn’t feel like it after a certain point. I still help with other things, but I definitely don’t give up all my free time to the school anymore.”
“I volunteered for that casino night last fall. I was on campus until almost midnight, I was pooped. Sometimes those kids make me feel so old.”
“You’re not old.” He chuckles.
“I mean, I know, I just feel out of touch sometimes.”
“How can a person who studies social media feel out of touch?” He raises an eyebrow at you.
“It’s more so the lingo. I was giving a lecture, and I made a really great point, and when I was done one student shouted ‘period’ and everyone laughed. I had to look it up on urban dictionary.” You both laugh at that.
Harry drives into town, and parks near the local diner.
“How do you feel about brunch?”
“Sounds amazing.”
You both get out and head inside. The morning rush was gone already, so you’re sat right away. You both inhale your food. Greasy hash browns and omelets. And coffee, a lot more coffee. You split the bill and Harry starts the drive to your apartment.
“So, you’ll hike with me again?”
“I’ll hike with you again.” You nod with a smile. “Do you think Andy will be jealous?”
“Nah, he already knows. I’m sure he’ll be expecting lots of details.”
“About what?”
“Um, just how the view was and all that.”
“Right.” He pulls up in front of your house, and you both look at each other. “One of these days you’ll let me pick you up.” You unbuckle your seat belt and he nods. “Thanks again.”
“I’d hug you…but I’m a little gross, so…”
“No worries.”
“Well…” You weren’t sure what the next time you were going to see him was.
“Sometimes, while Andy is still in school, I’ll use the library on campus to work on things. It’s got a/c…less stuffy than our offices. I usually only go on a rainy day, but-“
“Cute, we can study together like classmates.” You giggle. “I’ll let you know if I decide to use the space.” You smile and get out of the car.
Harry was enjoying his shower, it was quick, but it was good to clean off. He throws on some comfy clothes and nearly dozes off on the couch.
“Dad, I’m home!” Andy shouts, immediately waking him up. “How was the hike?” He plops down on the couch next to Harry.
“It was good, Y/N had a nice time.”
“Is she going to come camping with us?”
“I’m…not sure.” He sighs. “That’s not something just a friend would join in on, you know?”
“I don’t, but…”
“I’m not going to press her about it, I think she’s thinking it over. We’ve got time yet…” He sits up a little straighter. “When Mum comes to get you on Friday she’s going to come in for a bit and chat.”
“About what?”
“What you want to do this summer.”
“I spend summers with you.”
“Yes, but usually you spend the school year with her, that’s why you get me over the summer.”
“You don’t want me this summer?” He leans into him to rest his head on Harry’s chest, and Harry puts his arm around his son.
“Of course I do, but your Mum wants you too. I don’t know, I’m going to propose she get you for July, and I get you for August, I think that’s a good compromise, but she may not see it that way.”
“What about June?”
“Well, you have school for most of June, so you could go be with her end of June through July. It wouldn’t be the end of the world, would it? I wouldn’t hate having my own lake to swim in every day.”
“I guess that’s true…and Noah’s boat is pretty cool.” He sighs.
“I just wanted to give you the heads up.”
Harry was up reading in bed later that night. The rain had started and he could hear it tapping on his window, almost starting to lull him to sleep. He heard his phone buzz and his eyes lit up when he saw it was you.
You: hey! Almost forgot to send these to you!
You sent along all of the photos from the day.
Harry: thanks! Really glad that lady was there to take these of us
You: me too…so when exactly is this camping trip?
Harry: middle of June…when Andy gets out of school…June 20th I think
You: if I really won’t be intruding, I think I’d like to go. I’m trying to do more things to get out of my comfort zone
Harry: are you serious?! He’ll be so excited…I mean, I’m excited too.
Harry: I think he wants his friend Brandon to come so having another adult there would be a huge help
He didn’t want his first text to sound too eager.
You: lol well I’m happy to help how I can ;p you’ll tell me what to pack and all that right? I literally have no idea what I would need for overnight stuff
Harry: if you can get yourself a sleeping bag you’ll be all set, I have two tents and a ton of camping stuff. You would just want to bring your own food, clothes, etc.
You: alright sounds good :)
Harry hadn’t told Andy about you coming on the trip just yet. He wanted to save it as good news in case the conversation about summer with Paige didn’t go well.
“I guess let’s just start.” Paige says after eating a quick dinner with Harry and Andy in Harry’s home. “Ideally, what would you prefer?” She asks her son.
“To not go back and forth a lot. It stresses me out, I feel like I need to remember every little thing I don’t have two of.”
“Do you have any vacations or anything planned?” Harry asks, looking at his planner. “Right now for us it’s just the camping trip, and that’ll only be the weekend he gets out of school.”
“I was hoping to have him for the fourth. The Barrett’s are coming to staycation at the rental two doors down.”
“Really?!” Andy perks up. “I like when they visit.”
“So…why not spend the rest of June with me,” Harry begins. “You could do July with mum, and then come back to me mid-August.”
“That actually sounds good to me.” Paige says.
“What about Brandon?”
“It’s only a thirty minute drive, I’m sure his dad won’t mind it when you two wanna hang out. Hell, I’ll even come pick you up and bring back here if need be.”
“And if there’s a weekend you wanna just come see Dad in July, you can. You won’t be held hostage.”
“It’s just…you work during the day, Mum.”
“I know honey, but Noah’s got the home office. He can stay in with you and Rachel, and you two could go swimming and have fun at the lake. He could take you on boat rides too.”
“Really?” She says.
“Yeah, I think all that seems fair.” He looks at the two of them. “I know…I know I can be sort of difficult sometimes, and I’m really grateful that I got to spend the school year with Dad, and I really hope I get to do it again…”
“I think that can be arranged.” Paige smiles. “You’ve never done so well in school, we’re both so proud of you.”
“Yeah, bud, I think this school was a good fit for you.”
“So…I’ll be able to do it again next year, I can keep living with you?”
“If that’s what you want, Mum and I are okay with this new arrangement.”
Andy shoots out of his seat and hugs the both of them.
“Go on and get your things for the weekend, sweetheart.” Paige smiles.
“Okay!” Andy races into his room.
“You’re surprisingly cool with all this.” Harry says to her as they both stand.
“I want him to be happy, and if he’s happier here then what can I do?” She shrugs. “Are you alright continuing to take all this on?”
“Yeah, plus he’s getting older. He can be home for a bit before I am.” Paige hums her response. “How, um, how did you feel about my friend?”
“She was really nice! She seems sweet, why?”
“She’s going to come camping with us.” Harry whispers. “And I just wanted to make sure you felt comfortable with it.”
“Oh, Harry.” Paige smiles. “Thank you, yeah, I’m perfectly fine with it. Andy seems to really like her.”
“Who?” Andy says, coming out with his backpack and duffle.
“Y/N.” Harry says. “I told her how you wanted Brandon to come camping, and I’ll need some help, so she’s coming camping with us.”
“She is?! Oh my god, we gotta work on your flirting then, Dad. You need help.”
“Excuse me? I’m great at flirting.” He scoffs. “Back me up.” He says to Paige.
“It’s true, Andy.” She chuckles. “Your dad can really turn on the charm when he wants to.”
“Well, you didn’t see him trying to ask her to come to my birthday party. I thought he was going to wet his pants!” He laughs.
“Oi, I was just trying to play it cool before you blurted it out.”
“So, what, you have a thing for her?” Paige asks.
“I like her, yeah.”
“Does she like you?”
“She must if she’s coming overnight with us, right?”
“You know, I’ve never really known you to hold back with a woman you liked before…” She raises an eyebrow at him.
“I work with her, it’s a little more complicated. She’s mentioned a couple of times how she doesn’t think dating in the workplace is smart, just offhand, so I’ve been nervous.”
“I think you guys should hang out again before the trip.” Andy says. “Oh! You could go to her place to help her pack.”
“I’m not gonna invite myself over!” Harry rolls his eyes. “Alright, that’s enough. Go have a good weekend with Mum.”
Andy laughs and gives his dad a hug before leaving with Paige.
“God, you feel so good, it’s been way too long.” Ray grunts in your ear. “Should have never stopped doing this.”
Ray was an old flame from your previous institution. You decided to go home to Boston this weekend because your brother had some new recipes he wanted you to try. You happened to bump into Ray at a bar, and went with him back to his place for some promised fun. He was a decent enough fuck, he knew how to scratch your itch, and that was good enough right now. Although, you didn’t feel the need to answer his dirty talk. You just grunt and moan and try to focus on what you’re after.
You’re close, but you’re not quite getting there. He was fucking into you from behind, and hitting the right spots, but it wasn’t…it just wasn’t…
Your fingers slip to your clit, and you rub harsh circles into yourself as Ray continues to fuck into you. Your eyes pinch closed, and suddenly there are tattooed arms around you. A raspy, deep voice in your ear.
“Come on, you can do it. Show how you make yourself come.”
Your eyes snap open and roll back when you feel your release. You cry out and collapse onto the bed after Ray spills into the condom. You get up after catching your breath to use the bathroom. Ray watches as you put your clothes on.
“Going so soon?”
“Yeah, I’m staying with my brother…be sort of weird not to come back tonight.”
“It was great to be able to do this again.”
“Yeah.” You smile and kiss him on the cheek. “Thanks for the fun.”
On your uber ride back, it starts to settle into your mind that you just had to fantasize about your friend, Harry Styles, to get off while having sex with someone else. This wasn’t an accidental dream, this was on purpose.
“Shit.” You pinch the bridge of your nose and sigh. This camping trip wasn’t going to be easy.
Harry: hey! Was wondering if you want to come out and have some ice cream with Andy and I? He got straight A’s! Think it’s worth celebrating.
You: oh wow! Sure, I could definitely meet up for ice cream. Just at the place down town?”
Harry: yup! 6:30PM work?
You: sure! See you soon :)
Harry: :)
“Yeah, Dad?”
“Wh…what’s this?” He shows Andy the text conversation on his phone.
“Oh…I, uh, asked Y/N to get ice cream with us while you were in the shower.”
“Why didn’t you just ask me to ask her?!”
“Does it matter? She said yes.”
“Of course it matters! Ugh, I can’t believe I’m gonna have to change my passcode again.” He reads over the conversation again. “I should ground you or something…no toppings on your ice cream.”
“Sorry, thems the rules.” Harry smirks and grabs his keys.
You were waiting patiently outside of the ice cream shop for the two of them. You smile when you see Harry’s car pull up. They both get out and greet you.
“Congratulations, Andy.”
“Thanks!” He gives you a quick hug before going inside. You and Harry follow.
“Hey, uh…” He grabs your wrist. “Not that I’m upset or anything…but he actually stole my phone and texted you.”
“Oh!” You start laughing. “Glad I didn’t say anything naughty then.” You wink and walk up to the ice cream counter. You all get your ice cream and sit at a table across the street in the town common. “No toppings, Andy? I’m surprised you didn’t get a sundae.”
“Dad said I couldn’t.” He huffs, and bites into his mint chip ice cream.
“That’s what you get for stealing my phone, you little bugger.” Harry jostles the hair on Andy’s head, and Andy swats his hand away. “Did you have a nice weekend with your brother?”
You nearly choke on your ice cream. You clear your throat and nod.
“Yeah, um, yeah it was good. He came up with this new sauce for his raviolis, it was delicious.”
“Do anything else? Must be nice to go to a city that has things open past 9PM.” He chuckles.
“Um, yeah, I mean I went out, but nothing too exciting to report back.” You were blushing slightly. “So, Andy, straight A’s, how’d you manage that?”
“Brandon and I call each other to do homework a lot. He’s really smart.”
“So are you, don’t sell yourself short. You’ve worked hard this year.” Harry says.
“Yeah, but Brandon’s, like, really smart.” You furrow your brows a little as your lips curve up. It almost sounded like Andy was swooning. “He’s really excited to come camping with us this weekend. Are you excited too, Y/N?”
“I’m…excited to see how it goes.” You laugh. “Should be interesting to say the least. Instead of you coming to get me I could just meet you at your house so we can leave from there.”
“That would be great. Brandon’s sleeping over the night before so we can just get up and go.”
“You should sleep over too, Y/N.” Andy says.
“Andy.” Harry says to him.
“I’ll need all the sleep I can get before camping, and in order to do that I need my own bed, but thank you very much for the offer.” You smile.
“I could swing by the night before, though, and pack everything up in the car.” Harry says.
“Now there’s an idea.” You say with a grin.
“Okay, I’m trusting you both to be good while I’m gone for a bit. I shouldn’t be out too long, but still. Please be good.”
“We’re literally watching a movie then going to sleep, I don’t think we’re going to burn the house down.” Andy says, rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, Mr. Styles, go see your girlfriend, we’ll be fine.”
“She’s not my…” He sighs. “I’ll be back soon.”
Harry drives to your apartment, and you buzz him in when he gets there. You had gotten caught up all day doing research, so you were running around in a tank top, shorts, and socks. Your door was open for him. It was the first time he had ever been inside your place.
“Coming!” You yell from your bedroom. “I’m so sorry, I’m not quite all there yet.” You say, dragging out your pack. “I can’t seem to get the sleeping bag on here without it unravelling.” You look up at him and pout.
Harry was sweating. Even though he had seen you in just a sports bra and leggings, this was almost more revealing.
“I can, uh, get it to stay on there tighter for you.”
“You’re amazing.” You go back into your room to pull out a couple of more things. “I definitely over packed…it’s going to be too heavy.”
“I kept some room in mine in case this happened, no worries.” He gets the sleeping bag tied on correctly. “There we go.” He stands up and is suddenly only inches away from you.
“Let me give you the tour.” You step back. “It’s a two bedroom, I use the other one as an office. It’s way too much of a mess to show you but, that’s the living room.” You show him. “Got a half bath over there, and full bath down the hall, kitchen…and that’s my bedroom.”
“It’s really nice.” He walks around with his hands behind his back. “You’re really good at decorating. Are you sure you didn’t go to school for interior design?” He raises an eyebrow at you, making you giggle.
“No, but it’s certainly a hobby of mine. It relaxes me to look through magazines and go to stores to get ideas.”
“Your office at work has the perfect balance. Mine must look all over the place.”
“No! I love your office, it’s very inviting.”
“Thanks.” He looks you up and down. “Are these the, uh, pj’s you packed for camping? You may get cold.”
“I’m not an idiot, I packed sweats.”
“What are the sleeping arrangements going to be like?”
“Well, I have two tents. One for the boys, and then I have this larger one I figured we could, um, share…if it’s not too buggy I may sleep outside. Would you feel comfortable being in the same tent?”
“Sure.” You shrug. “I was going to make some tea, would you like some, or do you need to get back to them?”
“They should be fine on their own for a bit longer, a cup of tea sounds great.”
You nod, and his eye grows when he notices a park on the back of one of your shoulders. It looked like a fading bite mark. He glares at you without you seeing. Who the fuck did that to you? He wonders. It should be him leaving marks on you.
“So, when you went to Boston, you really didn’t do much?” He asks as he sits down at your kitchen island.
“Well, I wasn’t exactly going to get into it in front of your son.” You chuckle and turn your electric kettle on. “I went out to an old bar I used to go to when I was living in the area, ran into an old friend.”
“And how was that?”
“Okay.” You shrug, and put two tea bags into a couple of mugs. You pour the water over them and put one in front of him.
“You’re welcome.”
“So…you and this friend…” He just wanted to confirm if his suspicion was true. “Did anything happen?”
“Like what?” Harry rolls his eyes at you. “Oh! Harry…”
“Come on, you can tell me.” He was trying to pal around, he just needed to know the truth.
“He was an ex-boyfriend…and…yada yada yada.” You sip your tea. “I don’t know why I did it…guess I just wanted to feel close to someone, and it was easy with someone familiar.”
“Right, I get that.” It stung to hear. “Paige and I hooked up a few times after we ended it. Sometimes you just wanna be with someone who knows what you like without you having to say it.” He thought he’d sting you a bit too.
“Mhm.” You didn’t want to think about Paige getting to fuck Harry. Perhaps if you had been drunk you would have asked him what he liked.
“Well, I should probably get going. Early day tomorrow and all, thanks for the tea.”
He grabs your pack and you walk him to the door.
“I’ll be at your place for seven. See you in the morning.”
“See you in the morning.”
You drive to Harry’s house in the morning, and the kids burst outside with a little too much energy for you so early. Harry says hello to you, and you notice he’s not wearing his glasses, something he rarely did.
“Morning.” He mumbles.
“Morning.” You open the passenger car door and get in. The boys climb in the backseat.
“Alright.” Harry turns to look at them. “I had to listen to you two hyenas all night. I’d like a nice, quiet ride to the trail head, got it?”
“Yes.” They both say at the same time.
You smile at Harry and he winks at you as he pulls out of the driveway. It’s about a forty-five minute long ride to the trail head. Harry parks and gets everything out of the car. The boys walk a few paces ahead of you and Harry like you expected them to.
“So, they kept you up?”
“You have no idea. I must have told them three times to knock it off.” He groans. “Little…twats.” He says under his breath and you can’t help but laugh.
“I heard that!” Andy says without looking.
“Good, you were supposed to!”
“Are you his father or his brother?” You tease.
“He’s just trying to act cool in front of his friend.” Harry nods toward Brandon. “Which I get, but I can’t let him get away with too much.”
“So, how come people tend to do this overnight?”
“Well, it’s about five miles up, and that’ll take the majority of the day. It’s not really safe to hike at night, so we set up camp, have dinner, hang out, and then once the sun goes down we’ll set up a campfire and stuff like that.”
“I’m excited to see the sun rise.”
“Yeah, that’s the best part. I taught Andy about sun salutations so we’ll be doing that too.”
“And you’ll teach me too, right?”
“Of course, you can follow right along.”
You smile at each other and keep walking. You all take your time, enjoying the scenery around you. An hour or so in you all stop to take water and snack breaks. The boys go off to have a wee, and then you keep going.
“So, you said there’s no shower at these bathrooms, right?”
“No, there’s not. But you can use the sink, and they do have men’s and women’s separate restrooms, so you’ll have some privacy.”
“Okay, great. I just didn’t want to feel gross when we go to sleep.” Harry nods at you. “It’s such a beautiful day. I’m really glad I’m here with you.” You clear your throat. “With all of you.”
“Yeah, me too.”
At one point you needed to stop to pee. Harry got the boys to not giggle and tease you, somehow, as you took a few moments to get yourself situated. You were about midway, and Harry knew the part of the trail where you could see out just a little bit. It was nice and flat, and the perfect spot for lunch. They were light lunches, veggies, nuts, and more water. Harry explained it wouldn’t be good to fill up too much because it would make going up a mountain that much more difficult.
“When will you two know what class you’re in next year? Sixth grade, that’s pretty wild.” You say to Brandon and Andy.
“Next year they’re putting us on teams. You either still have two teachers or four.” Andy explains. “We wanna be on the four team.”
“Why’s that?” You ask.
“Because then you’re not stuck in the same two classrooms all day.” Brandon says. “It’ll make the day go by faster.”
“That’s what a kid on the basketball team told us, anyways.” Andy shrugs. “We heard the four team has nicer teachers too.”
“I just hope they don’t put one of us on the four team and the other on the two team, that would be the worst.” Brandon says.
“Is it by last name or anything?” Harry asks.
“We have no idea, when we asked our fifth grade teachers they didn’t really say there was much reason behind who gets what.” Andy says. “I’ll worry about it in August.”
“Yeah, I don’t even want to think about school right now.” Brandon says.
“Y/N, do you still do work over the summer like Dad does?” Andy asks.
“Yes, I’m still technically in school. So I do research like Dad, but mine is so I can become a doctor like him, he just does it to keep his name out there.” She nudges him playfully.
“Oi, my work is more than just for vanity, thank you very much.”
“I don’t know Dad, I think Y/N has a point. I’ve seen you do your research.” Andy grins.
“Oh, this I’d love to hear.”
“Dad watches really sad romance movies, cries, and then pauses the movie to take notes about how he’s feeling.”
“I do that to compare to the books that the films are based off of, and I see how I felt while reading the book versus watching the movie. I also make notes about the cinematography and mise en scene, because music-“
“Mr. Styles, you lost me at the cinnamon tography…” Brandon says and everyone laughs.
After lunch you get going again. You’re amazed that the boys don’t need a lot of breaks and don’t seem tired. They get excited when they see certain critters or flowers. As you get closer to the top, you notice it getting a little steeper. Harry had the biggest pack on, and you were fucking floored that he wasn’t huffing and puffing his way up. He was sweating for sure, but he was in no way struggling. Impressive, to say the least.
“Dad! I recognize this part, we’re almost there!” Andy exclaims.
“Yeah! Shouldn’t be long now!” He calls ahead. “How are your feet doing?” He asks you.
“Not too bad, I’m glad I changed my socks when we took our last break. I’m sure I’ll feel it tomorrow.”
“After we get to the top and everything we’ll make sure to stretch. Your legs will tighten up too much if we don’t.”
“Makes sense. Has Brandon gone hiking with you before?”
“Oh, sure, tons of times. Never overnight, though, so this will be nice for them.”
A few more paces, and a few sharp turns, and you’ve made it to the summit.
“Holy shit.” You say to yourself. Mountains and greenery as far as your eyes could see. No lake this time, but you didn’t care.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Harry says to you.
“It’s…incredible.” You were still in shock.
“Congrats, it’s your first 4,000 footer.” He puts his hand on your shoulder and gives it a squeeze before getting his pack off. You all get your packs off.
Dozens of pictures are taken. You take some of the boys with Harry, and Andy uses your phone to take one of you and Harry, and he even wants one of just you and him, it was sweet.
“So…where’s the campsite?”
“Oh, just down that way a bit. Figured we could hang out here while we stretch and stuff. Just chill and take it all in before we go to set up the tents.”
You all sit on the ground and stretch your legs. It felt good to just take some time to breathe slowly and let your legs relax. You all walk to where the campsite is and claim your territory.
“So over there are the bathrooms, and then that hut over there actually has a snack bar in it and a few forest rangers.”
“That’s so cool! Do you need help with the tents?”
“Have you ever set one up before?”
“Then you can watch. It’ll be easier if Andy and I just do it.”
You nod and take a step back with Brandon as Andy and Harry work to get the two tents situated. Andy and Brandon get their sleeping bags set up the way they like inside their tent and then they head off towards the bathroom.
“Alright.” You say after tossing some of your things inside yours and Harry’s tent. “I’m gonna go change.”
“Okay, I’m gonna get the firewood together. Gotta get cooking soon.”
“What are we having?”
“Regular hot dogs for the boys, vegan ones for us, that work?”
“You had a cooler in there?”
“And a cast iron pan. Ain’t my first rodeo, darling.” He says cheekily, but you blush anyways from him calling you darling. He had never called you that before.
You grab the things you need for the bathroom, and you’ve never been so thankful to see a clean, working toilet in your life. There were some other people around setting up their own campsites as well, it wasn’t just your group. You use a washcloth to freshen up and then put on some new leggings and a long sleeve shirt. You take your hair out of its hat and put some dry shampoo in before putting it all up in a messy bun. You sigh happily now that you feel a little cleaner.
The boys, and Harry, had changed into some comfier clothes as well. You notice that Harry is wearing his glasses once again. They were all sitting on different blankets around the fire Harry had just gotten started.
“How many would you like?” He asks you as he takes out the different types of hotdogs.
“Two would be great, thank you.” You say, sitting down near Andy.
“I also have some other veggies, I cut up some bell peppers.” Harry takes the baggy out of the cooler. “I figured beans wouldn’t be such a great idea.”
“Dad, can I have two hotdogs?”
“Same here.” Brandon chimes in.
“Of course, boys.”
Harry makes up the vegan hotdogs first, and then makes the boys. They all munch on the veggies and other snacks that Harry packed. He even made sure to bring Oreo’s, Andy’s favorite. Once the sun sets, and everyone bundles up a bit more, Harry breaks out the items to make s’mores.
“Brandon, do you think your dad will coach basketball again in the winter?” Harry asks him.
“Yeah, he said he should have the time. I like him better as a coach than the guy I had a couple of years ago that’s for sure.”
“I like the way your dad coaches, he’s not mean.” Andy says. “I had one guy one year that just yelled and drilled the whole time, it wasn’t any fun.”
“You’re just kids, why would anyone yell at you?” You ask, biting into your own s’more.
“Some of these people are just looking for excuse to be aggressive.” Harry sighs. “This was a much better year all around for everyone I’d say.”
A light hearted ghost story or two is told before the boys both call it a night, their long night before finally catching up with them. Harry makes sure all their trash is thrown away and secure, and he reminds them of the buddy system for if they need to wee in the middle of the night. He also gives them a flashlight so they’ll be able to see everything.
“I think they had the right idea.” You yawn after coming back again from the bathroom. “I’m pooped.”
“Same here. Go get settled, I’m gonna put the fire out.”
You nod and go into the larger tent Harry set up for the two of you. You roll out your sleeping bag, and use one of your spare sweatshirts as a pillow. You get settled in and sigh. It was sort of nice to be unplugged, away from screens and research. Harry eventually crawls in, and gets settled into his own sleeping bag. He sets a dim lantern on his side so he could read a bit.
“What are you reading?”
“The screenplay that was adapted to make The Notebook…” He mumbles.
“You’re working?”
“Sort of…I usually bring books like these camping. They’re easier to read.”
“Should I be offended that you were about ready to read instead of staying up to chat?” You smirk.
Harry’s eyes grow slightly. You wanted to have pillow talk before bed? Is that it?
“Um…well…I just figured you were tired, and I usually read to fall asleep-“
“Harry, relax, I was just teasing. You can read if you want.” You smile at him and turn over, nestling into your sleeping bag. “Night.” You say, looking over your shoulder at him quickly.
Part of you wanted to whine or complain that your makeshift pillow wasn’t comfortable so he’d offer to let you lay on his chest. Maybe he’d caress you and even read to you for a bit. Maybe you would have done that if his son wasn’t in the tent right next to you.
Harry couldn’t concentrate on his book. His eyes kept glancing over to your curled up body. You looked so soft and peaceful, and he just wanted to wrap his arms around you. He wanted to keep you safe and warm all night. And because Harry usually sleeps holding onto a pillow of some kind, he felt a little fucked. He sighs and turns the lantern off. He lays on his back for a while until his eyes eventually flutter closed. You both were exhausted from the hike.
You wake up feeling warm and cozy. You weren’t sure why you had woken up. It’s not like the sun was shining yet, the whole point was to get up and watch the sun rise. No, you woke up from feeling small puffs of air by your ear and a strong hold around your stomach. Harry must have rolled over in his sleep and started cuddling with you. You almost wish you were in a shared sleeping bag so you could get even cozier. It would be like one giant sleeping bag burrito. You feel his arm pull you closer into him, and his breathing changes.
You shift and turn on your back so you can look up at him, and he keeps his arm around your waist. You gaze at each other, and he moves his hand up to smooth some hair away from your face before letting it caress your cheek. You both look like you’re about to say something when-
“Dad, come on! The sun’s gonna be up soon!”
Andy startles Harry so badly, it’s like he wakes up all over again, like he didn’t realize what he was doing with you. He nearly jumps away from you and sits up.
“Okay, one second! Go get washed up.” He sighs, and then looks at you. “I-“
“Let’s get to it before they find a way to get in here and drag us out.”
Harry unzips the tent and you both use the bathroom before heading out with the boys to the summit again.
“Alright everyone.” Harry says, and he starts doing some simple yoga moves. The boys follow and so do you.
It was amazing to actually do sun salutations as the sun came up. After sitting and looking out a while longer you all head back to the campsite breakfast. You drink water instead of coffee in fear of really needing to use the bathroom later. You each have a granola bar, and then start to clean up the tents. You get changed in your attire for the day, as done everyone else, and you all start working your way down the mountain.
“What did you think of the sunrise, boys?” You ask.
“It was so cool! I can’t wait to show my parents the pictures I took.” Brandon says.
“Must be nice to have a phone that actually takes decent pictures.”
“I took plenty of pictures on mine, Andy.” Harry says. “You got two more years, I think you can wait.” He chuckles as Andy looks back to give him a pouty face.
“How’d you sleep, Y/N?” Brandon asks.
“Oh! Um…” You and Harry look at each other briefly and then blush. “Pretty good, slept the whole night through, I think. How about you two.”
“My mom gave me some melatonin, so I slept good.” Brandon shrugs.
“And I’m used to camping, so I was fine.” Andy says.
“Good, that’s really good.” You say and clear your throat.
You both knew you’d have to have a conversation about the way you woke up, but now obviously wasn’t going to be the time. Finally, after hours, you make it all the way back to the trailhead, and get everything into Harry’s car. It was an incredible couple of days, but you couldn’t wait to get home to take a proper shower. Hell, you may even take a bath just to relax your sore muscles. Harry drops Brandon off, and Andy helps him with his things. They hug goodbye; it’s awfully sweet.
“Dad, can I shower first? I feel gross…”
“Sure, just don’t take too long.”
“Okay! Thanks again for coming Y/N.”
“Thank you again for inviting me.” You smile as you all get out of Harry’s car. He waits for Andy to go inside before speaking up.
“I’m sorry about this morning, I hope I didn’t make you feel uncomfortable…when I sleep I usually have a pillow or something and-“
“I wasn’t uncomfortable.” You say as you grab your things out of his trunk and put them into your own. “In fact, I can’t remember the last time I felt so comfortable.” You look at him and close your trunk.
“Oh.” His eyebrows raise and his cheeks grow slightly red. “Um.” He rubs the back of his neck. “I have him for the rest of this week until I send him off with Paige for July, so I wanna spend as much time with him as I can, but-“
“Call me when you’re free. I don’t mind waiting.”
Harry was chilled to his bones from your words. He watched you get into your car and drive off before going into his house. You said what you said because you had a feeling Harry had been waiting for you to get your act together a bit. You’ve known him for almost a year, and he’s been a great friend, but there’s something that’s been brewing between the two of you. Probably since the day you met.
“Is that everything?” Paige chuckles as Andy brings another bag into her house.
“I wanted to make sure I had options.” He grunts as he gets inside.
“He’s just like you, I swear.” She shakes her head at Harry.
“As if we needed more proof that he’s mine.”
“So…I heard the camping trip went well, what’s next for you and Y/N?”
“Not sure, I’m gonna give her a ring the second I’m on the road.”
“Did anything happen between you two in that tent?” She raises an eyebrow at him.
“No.” He mumbles and kicks some dirt at his feet. “Not much I could do with two eleven-year-olds right next door.”
“Harry.” She laughs.
“We woke up…very close together, that was about it. Bottom line is we need to talk, and now I’ll have the time to do so.”
“You know you’re going to need to fill Andy in on everything when you have your chats on the phone.”
“Please, it’ll be the first thing he asks me instead of how are you…”
“Okay, that’s everything.” Andy says. “Love you.” He hugs Harry and Harry sighs as he wraps his arms around him.
“Love you too, call if you need anything, and be good, promise?”
Harry waves as he gets into his car, and he calls you right away just like he said he would. The phone goes straight to voicemail, which makes him feel like he got kicked in the gut, especially because it rang twice first. Suddenly, a couple of texts come up on his screen.
You: hey!
You: sorry, I’m at the library getting some work done. I’ll call you later
Harry sighs, but he completely understands. Not too long ago it was him using every free moment he had to get his doctoral research done. He had his own work he should be doing, so he goes home and gets settled up in his office.
He was getting some incredible work done on his latest manuscript, the journal that publishes his works will definitely be pleased. He blinks and sees it’s already 8PM, and you never called, or texted. He hoped you were alright. He stands up and stretches, and decides to grab a quick shower. The house was quiet without Andy, and he didn’t like it. He flops down onto the couch in just a pair of boxers and turns the TV on. A ring on the doorbell startles him, and he gets up right away. He peers through the window to see you, holding a box of pizza and a bottle of wine. He cracks the door open so you could only see his face.
“Hey! Sorry for just dropping by. I got really busy earlier, and I thought this would be better than calling. Hungry?” You smile brightly at him.
“Yeah, that sounds great. I was actually feeling pretty-“
“Um, Har…”
He had opened the door more just out of instinct, revealing his mostly naked body.
“Shit, let me, uh, come in, I’ll go throw something on.” You giggle as he basically scurries to his bedroom to change. He comes back out in a t-shirt and joggers. “Thanks for bringing all this.”
“I planned to come by earlier, I know you dropped Andy off today…how are you doing?”
“I’m okay…work distracted me, but it’s hitting me now. It’s really quiet without him already…I’m glad you’re here.”
“Me too.” You pop the box of pizza open. “Wanna get this bottle open?”
He grabs his wine opener, two glasses, and two plates. He gets the bottle open while you set the pizza out. He pours you both a glass and you sit down at the table.
“So, you got a lot done today?” He asks you.
“You have no idea! I was on fire.” Harry laughs at that.
He listens to you talk about what you got done. He couldn’t help but watch every movement your lips made, and how your eyes got brighter and brighter at how excited you were.
“Sorry, I’m going on and on about my thing, what did you get done today?” You say, sipping your wine.
“Worked on my manuscript for the journal.” He shrugs. “Nothing special.”
“Oh, don’t say that, you do incredible work. I love reading your articles. I actually think I used to read your work when I was still in grad school.” You start blushing. “It’s sort of cool knowing the person you’ve been able to learn so much from.”
“Just sort of cool, huh?” He scoffs playfully and you nudge him. “Wanna move outside, I put up a screen around the perimeter for bugs, or are you still hungry?”
“No, I’ve had plenty, but I’ll be bringing this bottle with us.” You grab the wine and you both head outside. “When did you even have time to do this?”
“Andy helped me. It wasn’t too difficult.”
You imagine Harry doing handy work, and it makes every part of your body flutter.
“I wish I had outdoor space like this, it’s my one complaint of my apartment, no balcony or anything.”
“Yeah, we didn’t like it much either, we didn’t stay there long.”
“It’s where Paige and I lived when we first came here. I got my master’s from the university first, then my doctorate. Her grandparents lived in that big house, so they helped babysit Andy a lot.”
“Oh.” You didn’t have any problems with Paige, but she didn’t love being reminded that they were once together and in love.
“Were you sore after the hike or anything?” Quick to change the subject, maybe he felt the same way.
“Um, only for a day or so. I didn’t stretch as much as I should have when I got home. Thought the bath I took would have been good enough.”
“Would you ever do it again?”
“I would! I had more fun than I thought…but I’ll only go to the mountains that have working bathrooms.”
“Deal.” He smiles and takes a sip of his wine. “Maybe we could do something like that later this month.”
“With or without Andy?” You raise a playful eyebrow at him.
“I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t mind an adults only trip.”
“Is that so?”
“Mhm.” He finishes off his glass and pours another. “Refill?”
“Please.” You hold your glass out for him and he pours some more. You take a sip and lick your lips. “And why exactly would you like it to be adults only?”
“Perhaps…I wouldn’t have minded not being interrupted that morning.”
“Andy really startled you, huh?”
“I almost forgot he was there…” He plucks at his bottom lip. “It was…an interesting how we woke up.”
“Very interesting.” You sip your drink. “I was sort of…hoping you were going to cuddle me or something.”
“You were?!” His eyes widen.
“Yeah, it was sort of cold, even in sweats and a sleeping bag. I felt so cozy when I woke up.”
“You didn’t even flinch when you looked up at me…”
“Why would I have?”
“I don’t know…sort of weird to wake up in a friend’s arms, isn’t it?”
“Not so weird when that friend is you.” You look at him. “You back peddled when you tried to explain why. It’s okay if you wanted to hold onto me.”
“I literally sleep with a body pillow, you can check my room.” He defends. “I’ve always been like that.” He mumbles.
“So it wasn’t about me?”
“No…I…I wanted to cuddle you.” He wanted to do more, but again…his son was there.
“Well…I’m glad you did. It’s nice being the little spoon once in a while, and your cologne always smells so good, no complaints here.”
“You…you like my cologne?”
“Love it, actually.” You finish off your glass and you grab the bottle to pour just a little more in. “It’s nice when the person you have to see every day at work smells good.”
“Let’s see….” He holds his hand up to count on his fingers. “You like my work, you’re happy I cuddled you, and you enjoy my cologne.” He looks at you. “What should I be thinking of all this?”
“I…” You swirl your drink around. “Do you remember when I had that really awkward dream about you a while back?”
“That was a complete accident, a freaky thing that happened that I didn’t want to have happen.”
“Is this one of those compliment sandwiches?”
“No, I’m…please…” You look at him. “The last time I went to Boston, as you know, I hooked up with someone.”
“Yeah.” He rolls his eyes.
“But…I was having trouble getting there…and…well…” You look away from him. “You popped in and I was happy about it. I…thought of you…and…”
“And were you able to get there, Y/N?”
“Yes.” You say just above a whisper. “I wanted it to be you.”
“I thought you didn’t want to date colleagues?”
“I don’t, but…” You look at him again. “I think I like you too much to care about that anymore.”
“God, I…” He gets up and kneels in front of you, taking one of your hands. “I like you so much, you have no idea.”
“Well, I have a small idea…woke up with you pressed against me.” You smirk.
“No way you felt anything between two sleeping bags and all the layers of clothes.”
“Little bit.”
“Christ.” He groans.
“Again, not complaining, it’s flattering, actually.”
“So when you let that guy leave that mark on the back of your shoulder, were you hoping it was me who did that too?” He stands up now.
“You saw that?” You gasp as you look up at him.
“I did…when you were running around your place getting everything together.” He pulls you to stand up, and he tucks some of your hair behind your ear. “You were wearing a pretty flimsy tank top.”
“I don’t exactly get dolled up when I’m home all day working.”
“I guess we have that in common.” He pushes his glasses to the top of his head, and cups your jaw with one hand, and hooks his other arm around your waist to pull you closer.
“Are you going to kiss me?”
“Do you want me to?”
Your eyes flutter closed as he leans in, and you tug at his shirt as his lips meet yours. It’s soft at first, he’s just getting a feel for you, and then it turns needy. His hand slides to the back of your head, tugging softly at your hair to crane your head up more. You gasp at this, and he takes the openness as an invitation to nip at your bottom lip. You moan softly, and your tongue peeks out to meet his. They mold together like they were supposed to all along. Suddenly, he takes a step back.
“Wh…what’s wrong?” You wipe the small trail of spit from your mouth that he left behind.
“Nothing, I just…I told myself I wouldn’t do this while we were drinking. There have been a lot of times I’ve wanted to kiss you, but I haven’t because we were drunk or something.”
“I’m not drunk, are you?”
“I’m a little tipsy, yeah.”
“I, okay, yeah, so am I.” You chuckle
“So, I think we should stop for now. I wanna do this right. I wanna take you on a proper date.”
“I’d like that.” You smile, and then chew on your bottom lip. “It’s the right thing to do anyways, we shouldn’t jump into this too quickly. I have some different trips planned this summer, and I’m going to be busy working on things, getting my classes together…not exactly a whirlwind summer romance we’re looking at.”
“I have a conference in New York later this summer, so I’ll be busy as well getting my lecture ready.”
“Wait…I have a conference to go to in New York later this month too!”
“Really? Is it the CMT?”
“Yeah! I went last summer too and had such a good time. I had no idea you were giving a lecture, the itinerary doesn’t come out until next week.”
“I’m presenting some research about my wellness course…I’ve been collecting some data over the last three years I’ve been teaching it.”
“Ah, so you’re not going to be discussing the complexities of Pride and Prejudice?” You smirk at him.
“Nope, saving that for a rainy day.” He smirks back.
“Wow, well…that’s sort of exciting…we’ll be going to the same place for a few days.”
“We could, um, drive together if you wanted.”
“I was just going to take the bus…”
“I get free parking at the hotel since I’m part of the conference.”
“It’s a four hour drive…that’s a long time for you to be stuck with me.”
“Was stuck with you overnight not too long ago, and I didn’t mind it one bit.” He puts his hand on your shoulders. “Are you staying at the hotel where the conference will be?”
“Great.” He smiles. “It’s, um, it’s a date then.”
“Yeah.” You smile at him. “Although…might be nice to go out before then…make sure we still like each other, and all that.” You joke.
“Yeah, I could easily not be into you in just a couple of weeks.” He jokes back and you can’t help but laugh.
“Let’s go inside, I need some water before I go home.”
“Good idea.”
He leads you in, and after a two glasses of water, and giving you a mock-sobriety test, he lets go. Well, not before giving you another steamy kiss by your car after you promised to text him when you got home. It was just as needy as the first kiss. He didn’t press his body up against yours, but from the way he was sucking on your bottom lip, you could tell he wanted you desperately. But like the responsible adults you were, you ended it there, and called it a night. A very good night.
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berrynarrybanana · 4 years
say that you love me - pt. 1
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A/N: So I was going to post a prologue and then I decided...nah. This was too good for me to sit on and for once, I kind of like the angst that I created. I really, really hope you all like it! Please let me know what you think! Also shout out to everyone in my writing group for being awesome and inspiring. There are so many great minds there and I wish I could list you all here. Thank you so much! 
P.S: I love feedback and interacting! Don’t hesitate to leave some comments, tags, or asks with your thoughts! 
Word Count: 4K
July 2018 
I couldn’t stop myself. 
Harry was far too charming and familiar for me to avoid giving into. The same boyish grin that I loved when I was a teenager was now a cheeky smirk backed up by an electric performance that had my body buzzing seconds into the show. Any self-control that I thought I had going into tonight was gone. I should have known that I didn’t have any self-control when it came to Harry. It wasn’t the first time that I had seen him perform on a stage, but the last time I saw him on stage was in the band after I graduated from Uni. It was different with the other guys around. We still saw each other every Christmas and occasionally we would go for dinner to catch up, but things were different now. He was Harry Styles and I was just Bristol. If I could pinpoint one thing about Harry that drastically changed, it was how he kissed. 
The passion that he put behind kissing me made a fire ignite in my belly that not even six tequila shots could kill. He moved with confidence and purpose, his large palms gripping my sides as he backed me into his bedroom door. I wasn’t sure if this was his actual bedroom, or just a guest room that he used for hookups. I didn’t care either way. I was in too deep and I was going to see this through no matter what happened or where we were. I moaned into his lips as he slipped his tongue over mine, digging his nails into the soft flesh of my hips to pull me closer. He rolled his hip against my thigh as he pulled back from my lips, pressing a few sloppy kisses down my neck. 
“That’s my shirt.” Harry tugged at the hem of my t-shirt, lifting his head so that he could look into my eyes. I let out a confused whine, reaching for his face. “The shirt you have one, it’s mine.” 
“Harry, I’ve had this shirt for ages.” I glanced between us, the faded Pink Floyd logo almost gone after one too many spins in the wash. “It’s mine.” 
“No, it’s not.” He stepped back, holding me at arm's length as he looked at it closely at the fabric. “Bristol, that is definitely my shirt.” 
“Harry, are you kidding me right now?” I rolled my eyes, dropping my head back against his bedroom door with a groan. “Can we argue about the shirt tomorrow morning?” 
“No.” He tugged at the hem again, a smirk gracing his lips as he let his eyes slowly drift back up my body. He licked over his bottom lip, shaking his head. “Summer of 2009. We went on one last camping trip with Georgia, Matt, Benji, and the rest of the gang. Remember that?” 
My head was foggy from the alcohol and the high that Harry had me on. 
“Not really…” I lifted my head up, pouting at him. “Harry-” 
“I fucked you in the field behind Georgia’s house, under the stars, for hours while everyone else was passed out.” He giggled and I was sure it was because of the way my breath hitched in my throat. “You remember now?” 
“Vaguely?” I squeaked out. 
“Stole my bloody shirt and left me in a tent with Benji after.” He let his hands slip under the shirt again, grabbing at my sides as he moved back in, kissing my lips softly. “Not the only thing you stole from me back then if I remember correctly.” 
“Yeah?” I asked, my eyes fluttering shut as he let his finger drift to the button of my pants, popping it open with ease before tugging the zipper down. “What else did I steal from you?”
“My heart.”
My eyes flew open and connected with Harry’s right before he smashed his lips into mine fully again. Just like that, we were back to clawing at each other like animals. He could always do that to me. He could cool me down and then fire me right back up. It was a talent that no other man had ever been able to replicate. Harry not only had an affect on my body, but he had one on my emotions as well. I slipped my fingers back into his hair as he slipped his fingers into my panties, teasing my clit with short, barely there circles. It had me whining into his mouth, my hips following his hand as he moved his fingers back out. He pulled away, glancing down between us as he tugged my jeans down over my hips and thighs. I stepped out of them, carefully kicking them to the side as Harry dropped to his knees in front of me. I watched him with bated breath, licking over my swollen bottom lip in anticipation. 
He unzipped my boots, helping me step out of them before kissing up my calf to my thigh. He stopped at my hips, pressing soft kisses to the tattoo inked into my skin there. Years ago, we went to a tattoo shop together. It was after the x-factor days, that much I remembered, but I wasn’t sure just how old we were. We were both so nervous, but we both desperately wanted to get inked up. After careful planning, we both decided to get laurel’s tattooed in the same spot on our hips. It was nice to have a reminder that Harry would always be in my life, inked into my skin. Even if we weren’t together, we were still best friends. 
We were still soulmates. 
“Fuck, Harry.” I gasped as he sucked into the skin where my tattoo rested, a smirk gracing his lips as I slipped my fingers into his silky hair, tugging gently at the roots. “I need you to do something, Harry. Just please...fuck me.” 
“Don’t remember you being so brash, love.” He snorted, kissing over the skin that rested just above my panty line. I tossed my head back when he started to trail his fingers up my inner thigh, a shiver ripping down my spine. “I remember you being so shy and quiet…”
“I was not.” I whined again, bucking my hips up again. “Remember telling you exactly how you felt between my thighs. Remember telling you how to fuck me right.” 
“My sweet-” A soft kiss placed just over my clit through my soaking panties. “Opinionated-” another kiss placed below my belly button as he pulled my panties down. “Girl.” 
Seconds later, Harry was licking into me like I was his last meal. A moan tore from my throat as the tip of his tongue brushed over my clit. He made the same motion a few times before finally sucking at the small bundle of nerves that was craving his touch. He had definitely gotten better at this. The first time he did it was awkward and there were a few flaws. Now, there were none and I was genuinely worried that I was going to pull his hair out with how hard I was tugging at the roots. He started to moan into me as his fingers trailed up my right thigh. Seconds later, those same fingers were slipping into my entrance with ease. 
“Harry.”  His name tumbled off my tongue before I could catch it and I dropped my head back to the bedroom door, raising my hand up to cover my mouth. “Fuck, fuck.” 
“Pull your hand away,” Harry pulled his mouth from where I needed it most, curling his fingers up into my slick walls. “I need to hear you, Bristol. Need to hear you say my name.” 
“Arrogant son of bitch,” I rolled my head forward, dropping my hand from my mouth. “You’ve gotten much better at this, you know?” 
“Had some practice.” He smirked before slipping the flat of his tongue back over my clit. 
I bit my lip, my eyes fluttering shut as my hand slipped back into his hair. I was bucking my hips up into his mouth and I knew that it was over then. He kept his fingers steady, curling up every so often to brush against that spongy spot inside me until my walls were clenching around him. He popped off of my clit with a gasp, his eyes watching as I contracted around his fingers. He milked me through my orgasm, my legs shaking and my lips parted. When I finally came back down, my body was aching to be filled with his cock, he slipped his fingers out slowly before putting them into his mouth. He stood up, suckling softly at his own fingers as I looked up at him. I watched him in awe as he pulled them out, giving me a soft hum before kissing my lips. 
“Still taste good,” He pressed his lips to mine a few times more, his hands dropping down to my hips. “Wanna fuck you now.” 
“Please.” I whispered, tossing my arms around his neck. 
“Jump.” He nodded, tapping my hip. I did as he asked, swinging my legs around his hips with a loud laugh. He let me get situated, laughing along with me before he walked us back over to his bed. “Bristol, you have gotten so beautiful. Can’t fucking believe it.” 
“Me?” I snorted, rolling my eyes as I looked between us. “Your tits are bigger than mine, H. I actually can’t believe it.” 
“I don’t have tits,” He ducked his head down, a soft double chin creasing his neck. “What are you on about?” 
He dropped me onto the bed, his eyes still trained on his pecs. I rolled my eyes, lifting my foot to push my toes into the muscle on his pecs. He grabbed my ankle, glancing back at me with a mischievous grin. I narrowed my eyes as he leaned down, pressing a kiss to my ankle. I giggled as he made his way up to my kneecap. He sucked into the skin of my thigh next before biting down playfully. I let out a squeal, pushing my foot against his chest gently to push him off of me. He laughed, stumbling back as I slid up towards the middle of the bed. His eyes stayed on mine as he reached behind himself to strip off his own shirt. He tossed it aside before he started working at the button of his pants. I let my hand slip down between my legs, toying with my clit as I watched him move slowly. He licked over his bottom lip, shaking his head as I let out a moan. 
“Fucking unbelievable.” He muttered. “Can’t believe I ever let you go, Bristol.” 
“Me either.” I giggled as he kneeled on the bed, crawling between my legs. It didn’t take him long to reattach his lips to mine, his fingers curling around my wrist to tear it away from my clit. 
“Tonight, I’m the only one that’s gonna make you cum.” He whispered, the lust burning in his eyes sparking a fire deep in my belly. “I’m gonna fuck you so good that you’ll forget every other man that tried to take my place.” 
I gasped as he slipped into me, the stretch of his cock one that left a warm burning feeling in my walls. I missed this. I missed him. He was nothing like the Harry I used to know. I didn’t mind the difference as he pulled out of me before fucking back in with a whimper falling off his lips. He closed his eyes, ducking his head down as he started to really give it to me. His hips were moving so fast that our skin was slapping together, mixing in with the slick sounds of my wetness. It felt like heaven and I was almost positive that I could feel him in my tummy. My hands flew up to his back, clawing at his skin as I closed my eyes. He sat up, his hands lifting my thighs up before leaning back over me. He pressed his hands into the pit of my knees as he looked down, watching his cock fuck into me with no mercy. My hands flew out, searching for something to hold onto as he pushed me closer and closer to my release. I settled on the sheets, my fingers gripping tight to the linen as I tossed my head back with a loud moan of Harry’s name. 
He dropped one hand from my leg, letting it fall past his body as he reached down to play with my clit. He knew just how I liked it, gentle circles with pressure applied. Without fail, my walls started to clench around him as his cock nudged at that spongy spot in my walls. I let out a noise I didn’t even know I could make as he grunted, lifting his hips up to fuck into my harder. When it finally hit me, it was like a blinding white light flashed behind my eyelids, my brain going completely blank as I clenched around him. He dropped my second leg, lowering his torso over mine as he gave me a few more hard thrusts before cumming in me. I was glad I was on the pill because we were far too caught up in each other to even think about a condom. He whined into my neck, slipping his arms around my body to hold me close to his chest as we tried to come down. 
“That was...so fucking good.” He panted, his hot breath hitting the clammy skin of my neck. I let out a giggle, finally letting go of the duvet before tossing my arms around him lazily. “Did you get tighter?” 
“No,” I rolled my eyes. “I do kegels now! Trying to strengthen my pelvic floor.” 
“Oh my god.” Harry pulled back, pressing his lips against mine in a sloppy kiss. “Are you going to stay with me tonight, Bristol?”
“Of course.” I pressed my palm to his cheek, sure that I had my own double chin now. “You’re crazy if you think I would skip out on cuddles with my favorite man.” 
He looked relieved at my words, turning his head to kiss my palm. 
“Wanna take a shower?” He whispered. “Maybe go for a second round.” 
“As long as you do all the work,” I teased with an eye roll. “I’m knackered.” 
Harry tossed his head back, barking out a laugh. 
It was going to be so hard to leave him tomorrow. 
When I woke up the next morning, Harry wasn’t in bed.
I would have been sad if it was any other guy, but I knew that Harry didn’t go too far. He wouldn’t leave me all alone in bed without good reason. I reached over for my -his- Pink Floyd shirt, slipping it over my head before I walked towards his walk in closet. After searching for a few minutes, trying to avoid thinking about the amount of money in his closet, I found a drawer with his boxers. I found a black pair, slipping them over my thighs and settling the band over my tummy. 
They were tight, but comfortable. 
I pranced down the hall towards the stairs, trying to remember where his kitchen was exactly. Never in my wildest dreams did I think he would be in a house this huge and this fancy. He had really done well for himself and I was proud.  When I finally made my way through the living area, I heard him talking in the kitchen. I didn’t hesitate to walk in anyways. We weren’t big on secrets, so he wouldn’t mind if I heard bits of his conversation. He would just tell me later. 
“Listen, Rachel-” Harry stopped speaking, his eyes meeting mine as I walked in. “Good morning, Bristol.” 
“Morning, H.” I said softly, stopping by the kitchen island. I looked over to the girl who I assumed was Rachel. I shifted, hoping that my bottom half was covered by the island. “Hello.” 
“Who is she?” Rachel looked at Harry, snapping out her question. 
My eyes grew wide, looking down at my hands pressed against the countertop. Harry let out a frustrated sigh and that’s when I realized exactly who Rachel was. It was his ex-girlfriend. The ex that broke up with him when he admitted his love for her. I looked back up, my eyes catching his before I gave Rachel a sickeningly sweet smile. I moved around the island, stepping closer to her. She was taller than me by...well, a lot. Her legs were extremely long and I was a little jealous, but I didn’t give a flying fuck about her long legs when she was standing in my Harry’s kitchen after I spent the night in his bed. 
He clearly didn’t want her there and neither did I. 
“Silly, he just said my name is Bristol.” I stuck my hand out for a handshake, but I knew she wouldn’t shake it. “I’m his first girlfriend from back at home. I stopped by to see his show last night and well, you know how it can be with Harry. Couldn’t resist his charm and now here we are, standing in his kitchen... waiting for you to go so we can enjoy a very late breakfast after a very long night.” 
“I’ll call you later, Harry.” Rachel looked down at my hand in disgust before glancing behind me to look at Harry. “Call me when she’s gone.” 
“I’ll never be gone, Rachel.” I hummed out, waving at her as she walked away. “I’m here for life, babe!” 
“Oh dear god.” I heard Harry snort out a laugh behind me and I turned around with my arms crossed over my chest to see him leaning down, his elbows pressing into the countertop and his chin in his palm. “What was that?” 
“I’m hungry, I wanted her gone.” I shrugged. “This is my Harry time, not hers. You know I hate sharing...especially you.” 
“Oh, I remember.” He smirked. “Come over here and give me a kiss?” 
“Have you brushed your teeth?” I scrunched up my nose playfully, dragging my feet along the floor of his kitchen. 
“Have you?” He stood up straight, his hands curling around my arms before pulling me into him. He ducked his head down, kissing me a few times before pulling back with a smile. “Good morning, Bristol.” 
“Good morning, Harry.” I sighed. “What’re we having?” 
“French toast.” I slipped my arms around his body with a satisfied hum, kissing over his collarbones. “Can we talk about last night, Bristol?” 
I pulled away, looking up at him with furrowed brows. “What do you mean?” 
“I mean that we had amazing sex last night and...it meant something to me.” He said softly. “It’s been so long since we’ve been together, but last night felt so fucking right. I… I don’t want to let you go again.” 
“Harry,” I pulled my arms from around him and I could see the hurt in his eyes. “We live such different lives right now. Hell, we live on different continents.”
“I’ll move back to London.” He said. “If that’s what it takes, I’ll do it.” 
“Your life is here, H.” I said softly. “What happens when you go back on tour again? Will we break up again so you can focus on your music?” 
“No, Bristol.” He shook his head. “We’re not kids anymore, I know how to juggle my career and my personal life now.”
“We’re not, you’re right.” I agreed, my throat growing thick as I looked down at my feet, crossing my arms over my chest to shield myself. “I have to tell you something.” 
“Anything, Bristol.” He said softly. “You know you can always talk to me.” 
“I’m trying to have a baby, Harry.” I looked back up at him, my eyes watering. I knew that would be a deal breaker. He wasn’t in a spot in his life where he was ready to have kids. “I’ve been talking with my doctor and I’ve been looking into options for a while now. We’re going to start treatment and testing around Christmas time.” 
Harry didn’t say anything, his face falling as a few tears fell down my cheek. 
It was uncomfortably quiet and with every second that passed, my heart was breaking. I needed him to say something to me. I shifted on my feet as he cleared his throat. I couldn’t look at him anymore. I knew I shouldn’t have said anything to him about it. It was something extremely important to me and I had spent a year going over it with myself. I wanted a baby and now was the time. I was going to have one even if I didn’t have a boyfriend or a husband to do it with me. 
“I don’t know what to say.” His voice cracked and I looked up quickly to see his green eyes glassy with red rims. “You can’t wait…I mean I could-” 
“No.” I shook my head. “I...I’ve put a lot into this Harry. I’ve done my traveling, I have a nice flat and a good job, I’m ready to be a mom.” 
“Oh god.” He reached up to wipe under his eyes. “Bristol I always thought it would be us doing this together. I thought that-” 
“I would wait for you until you were done living your life?” I let out a scoff. “Harry, we were supposed to get back together after X-Factor, remember? We had a long talk about it and we both decided that it was a good idea and then you started seeing someone else and that hurt but I understood. And so I did my waiting. I waited for eight years Harry!  The only reason last night even happened is because I came to you!” 
“Why did you?” He sniffled, shaking his head as his lower lip quivered. “Why did you come here and have sex with me if you weren’t going to be with me.” 
“I don’t know, Harry!” I cried out. “I love you more than anyone else in the world. I’ve never truly gotten over you and I just...I needed to see you. I needed to see where you are in your life because I wanted to know if it would be possible for us to get back together.” 
“And?” He asked. “What do you think? Am I good enough for you, Bristol?” 
“It has nothing to do with that.” I snapped, spinning on my heel before walking out of his kitchen at a quick pace. “Fuck you for thinking that low of me.”
“Fuck you for coming here just to get fucked by Harry Styles!” He snapped back. “Was it everything you wanted, Bristol?” 
“I hate you!” I shouted, stomping up the stairs to his bedroom. 
Tears fell down my cheeks as I searched for my pants on his bedroom floor. It didn’t take me long to find them and slip them back over my legs. This was not how I wanted the conversation to go. As I was buttoning my jeans, I heard Harry walk in behind me with a heavy sigh.
“I didn’t mean that, Bristol.” He said quickly. “Don’t go.” 
“What did it mean, then?” I turned around, my eyes wide. “Are you telling me you didn’t just call me a groupie? Because that’s what it fucking sounded like.” 
“I didn’t mean it like that, I just…” He brushed his palms over his face. “I’m used to girls fucking me and disappearing because they wanted a story to tell their friends. It sucks that I even brought it up, but it’s what I know now. I haven’t had a proper girlfriend since you, Bristol and I’m a little rusty.” 
“Well next time, set your fucking ego aside and use your words.” I sighed. “I didn’t come here just to fuck you. I actually didn’t plan on doing it all. I planned on going to your show and maybe having brunch with you to catch up because the last time I saw you was Christmas and I missed my friend.” 
“I’m sorry.” He whispered. “Just...don’t go, okay? Let’s go eat breakfast and talk some more. Maybe we can figure something out?” 
“What is there to figure out?” I sniffled. “I want a baby, you’re not ready. It’s never going to be the right time for us, Harry. Can’t you see that?”  
“Yes, it will.” He moved forward, slipping his palms over my face. “Bristol, please-” 
“I can’t, Harry. I can’t do this to you and I can’t do this to me.” I whispered, tears spilling over my cheeks as he shook his head. “Goodbye, Harry.” 
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