#harry styles oneshit
perksofhs · 6 years
‘I just need to see you’
Warnings: mature content towards the end.
Masterlist: here 
He’d been on tour for three months and usually you’d have snuck in a few visits here or there but work was hectic and you couldn’t get enough days off to fly across the world just for a day or two. Being newly married you were both still in the honeymoon phase which made the distance even harder to accept, you constantly craved each others presence and as the days went by it got harder and harder to resist the urge to jump on a plane just for a few hours of being next to each other. 
Your phone buzzed in your pocket, Harry’s face lighting up the screen as you answered the FaceTime call. “Hey baby, how’s New York? I miss you” you put on the best smile you could muster up, but he could see straight through it. Harry frowned a little “I miss you too baby, I miss you so much it’s tearing me apart” even he was less chipper than usual. “New York is good though, playing MSG again is going to be amazing, wish you could be here for it though” you sighed “I know H, works just so crazy, its coming to the end of the financial year and there are so many loose ends that still need tying up, it’s a bit of a mess if I’m honest but we’re getting there.” Harry nodded, forcing a little smile, but it was obvious he was tired and not in a great mood. “Only two more week though H until we see each other, thats not far now” you tried to bring the mood up but two week was still way to long for both of you and you knew it. “I know, I just really miss you that’s all. I want to not fall asleep in an empty bed again, it’s weird, theres too much space and I don’t like it. And I want to kiss you, god I want to kiss you so much, I just miss you being here.” he started tearing up a little and so did you. You could tell he was exhausted, the dark circles under his eyes a little more prominent than usual, and it broke your heart seeing him this way. “H don’t get upset, I know its hard but it’s not to long now, just get some sleep and you’ll feel better in the morning, I promise baby, everything will be fine” a tear slid down your cheek, even you didn’t believe the words you were speaking. “I just... I just need to see you, I miss you so much it hurts” the tears were rolling down his cheeks by this point and you couldn’t take it any longer. “Fuck it, I’m buying a plane ticket right now I can’t handle this anymore” you said, opening your laptop. Harry’s face lit up “But baby what about work?” he asked, still hopeful you’d buy the ticket still. You paused, thinking it over for a moment, “Rachel can do what needs to be done in the office and I can work from my laptop while I’m in the air and when you’re doing press. Plus I have 2 months of leave built up so i may as well take some. I can’t handle being so far from you anymore, I need to see you too H, so badly.” you smiled, finalising the payment for the flight that would be departing in 3 hours. “Fuck I love you so much, I’m so gla dI married you” Harry was beaming, the tears gone from his eyes, the dampness on his cheeks the only indicator that he’d ever been upset. “I love you too husband, god I still love saying that” you smiled “Ok I need to pack, I’ll call you on my way to the airport ok baby?” he nodded “Love you H” you blew a quick kiss “Love you too beautiful” Harry said before you ended the call, throwing your phone down on the bed. 
You’d rushed around grabbing all of the things you needed, sending a quick text to Rachel to let her know what was happening and that you’d be gone for two weeks but would be contactable and working while you’re gone, although you knew that when Harry was around he was incredibly irresistible and the worst, most persistent distraction, but you secretly loved it and would almost always give in. You called an Uber before doing a quick check of all of the things you’d haphazardly stuffed into one of your suitcases. Most of the time you’d just grab one of Harry’s shirts or hoodie anyway with a simple pair of jeans so although you’d pack plenty of outfits they were barely worn most of the time. You grabbed your passport and your carry on before heading downstairs and out to the waiting car. 
45 minutes into the drive you pulled out your phone, calling Harry back as promised “Hey baby you on your way to the airport?” he chimed, his mood completely lifted from the previous call “Yep in the car, packed and ready to fly to you. I’m so excited H, I’m practically buzzing” you beamed, and it was true, you were entirely overjoyed by the thought of seeing him in just under 9 hours. “I can’t wait to hold you” he said, the thought of you in his arms filling him with warmth. “I’m sure the crew are excited too, mostly because I’ve been a bit mopey the last couple days and its annoying them” you giggled “Oh yeah Clare messaged me about 10 minutes ago thanking me for saving them” you teased. “They also just love you, but not as much as I love you, I hope” he joked “Hmm I don’t know, Sarah and Clare are pretty smitten with me I reckon” you responded, laughing a little. “Heyyy you’re mine, they can’t have you” he whined, you could practically see the smile on his face. “Ok well i’m at the airport, I’ll let you know when I take off ok? Love you H” you said as the car starting pulling up to international departures. “Travel safe baby, I can’t wait to see you, love you too” he said before hanging up just as the car came to a halt.
Within an hour you had boarded and gotten comfy before sending a quick text to Harry to let him know you were about to depart. 20 minutes later the plane was in the air and you were on your way to New York, more importantly you were on your way to him. 
-8 and a bit hours later-
The flight was relatively smooth, you’d slept a majority of it thankfully. You’d left Heathrow at 2am so sleeping wasn’t at all difficult. You’d been woken up by the air hostess just as the plane began its descent into JFK. You watched as the ground grew closer, the skyline of NY coming into view, it was one of your favourite cities, and his too, you just loved the atmosphere of the city, it was always buzzing, things always happening, never failing to live up to its ‘city that never sleeps’ reputation.
The moment the wheels hit the ground you opened your phone, sending a text to Harry to say you’d landed before grabbing your things and disembarking the plane as fast as you could. You’d found you’d found your luggage in record time, almost sprinting to a waiting taxi and 30 minutes later you were outside the hotel. 
Thankfully with it being so early there weren’t any waiting fans around, not that you minded them, you just didn’t want to stop, you just needed to find him. You walked in to find one of Harry security waiting, “How are you Mrs Styles? How was the flight?” He asked, grabbing your fairly hefty carry on from your shoulder. “I’m great thank you and the flight was easy thank goodness, not too much of a fan of turbulence I must say.” You smiled, walking towards the lifts “He’s so excited to see you, I haven’t seen him this happy in weeks” he laughed making you smile even wider. “Believe me I’m just as excited”. The lift doors opened onto the 34th floor “He’s in 34B, just here” security said, handing back your bag “Thank you, have a good night” you smiled giving a little wave as he walked towards his room. You turned back to the door, knocking ever so gently on the wood. The door swung open, your husband standing there in only a pair of boxers an open white robe. No words were exchanged, instead his lips were on yours before he engulfed you in the warmest hug “Hi baby” he rasped, god how you missed his morning voice “I missed you so much” you said, leaning back to place your lips back on his softly before deepening it. You pulled away, nuzzling your head into his chest once again, his harms wrapped tightly around you, holding you impossibly close as he finally got what he’d been craving since he left. “It’s 5 am, did you sleep at all tonight?” you whispered “Couldn’t I was too excited to see you” he replied, kissing the top of your head. You pulled away, grabbing his hand and leading him towards the bed before stripping off and pulling on one of Harrys shirt’s that was strewn across the room. 
Although he was definitely exhausted, Harry couldn’t help but watch as you got undressed, seeing your body for the first time in 3 months set off something and he wasn’t tired anymore. “God I missed you, so fucking much” and with that his lips were on yours again, this time hungrier and more passionate and you knew where this was going and you liked it. HIs hands were working their way down your body, stopping at the hem of your shirt before he practically ripped it from your body in one swift movement, his fingers began kneading the soft skin of your chest, his lips starting to trail sloppy kisses down your chin, then to your neck, nipping at the skin tenderly every now and then, nothing too painful but you knew there would be a mark. A soft moan escaped your lips as his lips continued to trail down your torso, his hands now making their way agonisingly slowly across your hips. He was such a tease and you loved it. He kissed below your navel, going lower and lower until he was almost where you needed him, hooking his fingers around the elastic of your underwear he slowly pulled them down your legs before discarding them somewhere behind him. “Baby please” you moaned, arching your back at his touch, hoping the begging would get him to just do it but he simply smirked and started kissing your inner thighs, only pulling away momentarily to remove his boxers. “Ready baby?” he whispered in your ear, a moan and a nod the only response you could give before his lips were back on yours as he began to thrust inside of you, quickening the pace as you both melted into each others touch. A string of moans escaped your lips, heavy breathing hitching with one particularly deep thrust. Your arms were above your head, his arms stretched on top of yours, fingers intertwined as he took full control of your body. You both started to reach your limits, the peak getting closer and closer with each movement, sweat glistening on your bodies from the pure hot passion engulfing you both. You signalled you were getting closer as you wrapped your legs around his waist, begging for him to get you there allowing him to go deeper, hitting that spot you really needed him to get. “Fuck I love you” he said as his eyes closed letting the euphoria overtake him “Harry I’m gonn-” he shushed you by putting his lips back on yours “Let go baby, I’m there too” his whispered breathlessly and with that you let go, reaching your peak, instinctively digging your nails into the taunt skin below his shoulder blades, no doubt leaving visible nail marks. He too hit his final peak, a low moan leaving his parted lips, the final thrusts becoming sloppy as you both came down from the high. His body become heavy on yours before he rolled onto his back, his hands on your waist ending with you laying on top of him. It was his favourite way to end up, he loved the post-sex glow that you had, your chest still rising and falling fairly rapidly still cooling down. You were chest to chest, legs intertwined as he pressed soft kisses to your temple, his arms wrapping themselves around your back once again holding you impossibly close. “I love you H” you whispered, lifting your head up to look into his tired yet stunningly beautiful eyes “I love you too, so much. I’m so happy you’re here” he replied, placing another kiss to your now reddened swollen lips, bringing his hand up to your cheek brushing his thumb across your soft skin as you melted into his touch once again. You shifted yourself to lay beside him, he was sleepy now, eye lids growing heavier with every blink, you just admired him for a moment, thinking about how lucky you were to be with him, Harry also doing the same, mentally pinching himself just to make sure this was in fact his life. You watched him slowly drift off to sleep, gently running your fingers through his hair, something you knew always put him to sleep, your fingers rubbing soothing circles into his scalp. 
He looked so soft, warm and relaxed, and that made your heart burst. From seeing the tears roll down his cheeks just over 12 hours ago to seeing him in this moment you knew you’d made the right decision to drop everything and get on a plane. You needed it just as much as he did. You’d missed him just as much and now, in this moment, your heart was full and warm because everything was how it should be once again, you next to him, cozy, warm and happy.
Hi lovelies! Oh gosh I loved writing this one, so warm and fuzzy, I was kind of inspired a little bit by Shawn Mendes’ song Lost in Japan, which i’ve been slightly obsessed with, but I just loved the concept of going ‘fuck it’ and jumping on a plane. Also I hope you enjoyed the naughty bit, I’m not great at writing it so I hope its ok! As always let me know if there is anything you want me to write specifically! There is a link to my masterlist at the beginning! Hope you enjoy xxx 
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