#haruki komi x reader
🎉2k Celebration Headcanons🎉
Being Fukurodani’s Manager
⭐️ Manager Glow Up Edition ⭐️
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Fukurodani x gender neutral manager
Warnings: none
A/N: This was the winning team and scenario for the 2k celebration headcanons! I apologize for taking literally 7 years to get this out but please accept my apologies 🥺
What a team to have a glow up in 😅
Honestly you do know who the teams ace is right Yn?
You wouldn’t be trying to steal Bokuto’s thunder now would you be 👀
I mean, even if you were, you’ve earned the right YN
You are the teams precious baby manager 🥹
Literally the teams pride and joy
You are a second year just like Akaashi and boy are you loved
Literally these boys and girls do anything and everything to protect their precious YN
Konoha has said several times that no one is good enough to breath the air of THEIR YN
Now you never really paid much mind to these idiots
Because, well you were busy with other things
Bokuto…. Always Bokuto 🙄
Anyways what I’m getting at is that you deserve so much YN
And thankfully I, your fairy godmother, am here to give it to you 🧚🏻‍♀️
You see, summer break is coming up and while the boys are busy practicing, you are busy doing other things 👀
You ended up taking a two week vacation to visit family, much to the contest of the team
Bokuto 👉🏻 cried like he was never going to see you again 😭
Akaashi 👉🏻 *internally screaming*
Kaori and Yukie 👉🏻 sad because now they have to deal with Bokuto for 2 whole weeks
Saru and Konoha 👉🏻 trying to figure out how to get you to stay
Washio and Komi 👉🏻 apologizing because they know you desperately need and deserve a break
Nevertheless, you manage to escape and head on your two week vacay
Bokuto texts you the entire time telling you how he misses you
Akaashi takes Bokutos phone and apologizes to you profusely for bothering you 📱
However while you are away, some things change 👀
It seems our sweet little Yn has had a massive glow up while away and boy am I excited 🤩
Now you really don’t think you’ve changed that much but trust me, you have
You changed your hair, got some new clothes, found a magic elixir to clear your skin
Heck I think you might have even grown YN 😱
Don’t come for me, I swear you kids grow like weeds when you are teens!
Whatever the case, you’ve definitely changed YN!
And oh boy I’m excited to see our favorite little owls reactions 😍
When you showed up to practice you walked in and immediately went about your business
Washio and Konoha 👉🏻😐🤨
They have no clue who you are
“Hey Akaashi did we get a new manager?”Kumi says coming up behind Akaashi
“I’ve never seen that person before. Maybe they’re lost?” Onaga adds
Akaashi studies you while Yukie and Kaori approach
“Hey do you know who that is?” Komi asks as the girls who look in your direction
Just as they look, it registers with Akaashi
Like a literal slap in the face, his brain has awoken!
Too bad he realizes too late to stop the riot that’s about to incite 🙃
“Wait is that-?” Konoha says, studying you
“Holy crap, YN???” Saru yells as you turn your head and smile at the team
“Oh hey guys,” you say 🥰👋🏻
Rip to Fukurodani, you’ve served us well 🫡
“YN?? Is that really you??” Komi questions, slowly approaching you like you might not be real
“Umm yes, I think so???” You say confused
Please they have you wondering if it’s actually you 😭
Because like why are they acting this way
“You’ve changed,” Washio says bluntly
“Oh yeah, I guess I’ve changed a little but it’s only been two weeks guys,” you say, confused and secretly planning your escape to look the mirror
“Wow YN, you look…” Yukie starts to say
But unfortunately, she didn’t get to finish because a certain someone interrupted
You see, a very important person was missing from the newly revealed YN
“HEY HEY HEY everybody! YN comes back today!!!” Bokuto screeches as he throws open the doors to the gym
Everyone just waits in silence because they all wanna see his reaction
“Hey Bo! I missed you!” You sing as Bokuto stops, studying you from head to toe
“Who are you?” He asks 🤨
You 👉🏻😐
Well now you really need to look in a mirror
“Bokuto, it’s YN,” Akaashi says coming up next to you
Bokuto rn 👉🏻😐🤨
“That’s not YN Akaashi,” Bokuto says staring at you
“It’s really Yn Bokuto,” Komi says coming up next to you
You 👉🏻🙂
Bokuto 👉🏻😐😑
“Very funny guys, great joke. I think I’d recognize my second favorite person in the entire world” Bokuto says, laughing as he walks past you
Sorry Yn, spot #1 is reserved for Akaashi 💅
You sigh, knowing exactly what to say to Bokuto
“Whose the best ace in the entire world?” You say, mentally rolling your eyes that it’s come to this
Bokuto stops and turns 👀
“Everyone knows that,” he says as you stand there, again rolling your eyes
“You’re better than Ushiwaka because you beat Tsukki like a million times in 2 on 2,” you say as Akaashi smirks
Bokuto 👉🏻😐😱
“HOLY CRAP YN??” he screams as you turn and smile
“That’s what made you realize it was Yn?” Konoha asks
“Yn you look so good!! Wait- why did you change?? YN did you get a partner??” Bokuto says, deflation eminent
Akaashi 👉🏻👀 YN choose your words carefully please I BEG
“Bo, no! I just needed a little a change. I’ll admit I didn’t think I changed that much but I guess I did!” You say, beaming as the entire team swoons over you
Literally they didn’t think you could get any cuter 🥰
However what Fukurodani fails to realize is that your glow up would affect more than just them…
You see, with the training camp coming up at Shinzen, a whole new problem arises
And you see, these dummies don’t realize how much your glow up will affect literally every other team at the camp
It actually doesnt register until they arrive at camp and get off the bus
And it actually hits Konoha first
He’s helping you unload the bus all while the other teams stand around, staring at you
Konoha rn 👉🏻😐🤨😳
Crap crap CRAP
“Akaashi! AKAASHI!” he whisper yells as Akaashi turns to look at him
“Look!” He says pointing to the gaggling bunch of guys staring at their amazing manager
Akaashi 👉🏻😐😳
Please Akaashi knows you can handle yourself but he is still so protective of you
I mean, you are literally a key to Bokuto’s success and those an irreplaceable member of the Fukurodani team
You continue to unload the bus, oblivious to the men now fuming behind you
Akashi and Konoha are GLARING at the guys staring at you
Tanaka and Noya have nothing on these two petty bbys
When you finally turn around, you sense the tension
“Hey what’s going on?” You say as Komi quickly pulls you away stating he needs help with some ridiculous task
“Wow YN really… changed?” Kuroo says smirking
“Stay away from YN, Kuroo…” Akashi growls as Konoha backs him up
Kuroo throws his hands up, smirking as he walks away 😏
As the camp progresses, you notice a lot of the boys being extremely nice and helpful
“Hey Yn let me carry that for you!” Tanaka says as you smile
“Oh thank you! You are such a sweetheart!” You say as Tanaka gushes 😍
Meanwhile, Washio is standing behind you, glaring at the bald spiker
Please these guys are all so protective of their bby yn 🥺
But it doesn’t stop there
“Watch out Yn!” Someone screams as you turn to see a ball flying at your head
You duck before the ball is immediately snatched up by Ogano, Shinzen’s captain
“Oh Ogano, thank you!” You say as he smiles at you, extending his hand to you
“You ok YN?” He asks as he pulls you up, hand lingering in yours
Akaashi, Komi and Saru instantly see you but their eyes don’t go to you oh no no no
rather to a certain owl haired boy 👀
Bokuto is watching your interaction with Ogano, confused as to why the other captain is so attentive to you
Bokuto has noticed the other teams paying extra attention to you as well
At first, he thought it was because you were so helpful but that couldn’t be it because the other managers were just as helpful
By then he notices how Ogano’s hand lingers longer in yours 😳
Akaashi, Komi and Saru rn 👉🏻👀🍿
But before anything can happen, you simply thank Ogano and walk away
Bokuto shook his head, a little confused but still thinking about your interaction with the other captain as well as the looks given by the other teams
“YN come practice with me!” Bokuto cries as you roll your eyes
“Bo, I need to help everyone else!” You say
“Actually taking Bokuto would be a big help YN,” Konoha says
“See YN- hey wait a minute?!?” Bokuto glares are Konoha
You 👉🏻😐🙄 come on Idiot
“Hey wait up!” Kuroo said, following you
You turn, seeing the giant captain running towards you as you beam at him
“Kuroo would you like to join us?” You say as Kuroo smirks
“Of course, I would never turn down the company of someone so pretty,” he says winking at you
You blush profusely as Bokuto glares at Kuroo
Please Akaashi is RUNNING 🏃‍♂️ Ukai Style 👇🏻
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“Come on Yn! I’ll help you,” he says as he pulls you two towards the 3rd gym
Leaving Bokuto to GLARE daggers into Kuroo
During your practice, Tsukishima joins again, causing Bokuto even more grief
“Akaashi, have you noticed everyone staring at YN?” He finally asks
Akaashi knew this was coming but he’s cautious about how he answers it
“I mean, Bokuto haven’t you noticed?” Akaashi asks
Bokuto 👉🏻:D noticed what???
“Oh for gods sakes Bokuto, YN got like super hot!” Kuroo shouts, finally putting it out into the world for all the hear
Akaashi 👉🏻😐🤦🏻‍♂️
Kuroo 👉🏻😏
Tsukishima 👉🏻👀
You 👉🏻👁️👄👁️
Bokuto looks from you to Kuroo and back again
Then the lightbulb finally goes on
“I mean do you really blame us Bokuto?” Kuroo asks
“WELL NO BUT STOP IT!” He shouts
“You want us to stop being nice to Yn? Sounds kind of mean Bokuto,” Kuroo says with a smirk
“YN do me a favor please?” Akaashi asks before going to tame the untamable
“Sure Akaashi,” you respond sweetly
“Don’t have a glow up again until Bokuto graduates,” he says as you just nod
You 👉🏻🫡 aye aye captain
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hinahaikyuu · 2 years
drabble. First I Love You
I almost hate myself for writing this for Komi instead of Yaku but... my job is to give all those underrated boiis all the love they deserve, and Komi is just fucking adorable ♥
Komi Haruki x Reader! / Best Friends to Lovers.
all works owned by @hinahaikyuu​— please do not plagiarize, copy or modify my works.
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“Haruki! Are you home?” You walked through the front door, slipping off your shoes and closing the door behind you. There was some rustling coming from his room, and as you made your way to his open door you set your bag on the table, aware that your roommate had come from his room to wrap his arms around your waist. “You scared me. Are you not feeling well?” 
“Sachi broke up with me.” He murmured into your back, losing his grip just enough for you to turn around in his arms and return the hug. “She said I was a worthless actor just wasting my time. Apparently she has been sleeping with Koiyuki Sarada.”
“I’m sorry Haru.” you and Haruki had been good friends for a long time, you grew up in the same neighbor as children and found each other again in High School. You went to all his games, even assisted at the training camps as a fill in manager on Nekoma’s behalf sometimes just so you could watch him grow. 
“I ordered dinner, before she called and broke my heart.” Even as an adult, he still was a child at heart sometimes. “Do you wanna eat with me instead? Should be here soon.”
“Of course. I’m off tomorrow, why don’t we have a movie night or something?” you ran your fingers through his hair, before turning and digging in your bag for your ringing cell phone. “Oh, it’s Konoha. Give me just a second Haru.” You pulled away, going and stepping into your bedroom to talk to your boyfriend while you got dressed. 
Haruki wouldn’t have said it, but he knew what he was feeling. When he started dating Sachi it was in an effort to get over you. He liked her, and he fell in love with her but what broke his heart more than the breakup, was that he was single and watching the love of his life date one of his old teammates. His dry cheeks quickly wet themselves as he stood there, looking over at the photos of you two over the years and there time in volleyball. He was to busy wiping his tears and getting the food from the front porch to hear you coming out of your room. 
“Apparently, Konoha struck out at the bar an- Haru?” You stopped in your tracks, looking at the boy with a shine on his cheeks. He wiped his tears away with his sleeve before putting the food on the counter. “Haruki...” 
“Go ahead and dish up, I’ll be-” He tried walking past you, trying to look away from your hurt expression that he was crying, until your fingers wrapped around his wrist. You two stood there for a moment, “What are you doing...?”
“D-don’t cry over her.” Ohh, you still think he’s crying over Sachi, and that was a valid though, she did just end there relationship not thirty minutes ago. “S-she’s not worth it Haru.” Komi stiffened when he felt your hands wrap around his waist and he knew you felt it too. “I’m sorry. Just give me a moment.” Where you crying now too?
“Yn, why are you crying?” He turned slightly, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “I’m the one who got dumped.”
“Because... your hurting and-” you shook, taking a breath and looking at him in his eyes, there was only a moment of silence, before you barely whispered, “I love you.”
It only took those words, and not even half a second before his hands were on your face and his lips were pressed to yours. It was almost dainty in a way, like he knows he shouldn’t but he can’t stop himself completely. “What about Konoha?”
“What about him?”
“He’s your boyfriend isn’t he?”
There was an awkward moment of silence, before you began to giggle in his arms. “Konoha is not my boyfriend. I’ve been trying to help him with another girl you moron.” He smiled at you softly, before slowly bringing your face to his again. 
“Good, because this time I don’t wanna stop.” 
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ꜰᴜᴋᴜʀᴏᴅᴀɴɪ: ᴛᴀᴛᴀʀɪᴍᴏᴋᴋᴇ ꜰʟᴏᴄᴋ | ʏᴏᴋᴀɪ!ᴀᴜ ʜᴀɪᴋʏᴜᴜ!! | ʜᴄ
Oml-- It’s been a hot second since I’ve posted any original works, but here’s the next part of the Yokai series~! I’m in the midst of getting the Johzenji Hitmen HC’s out and the next three pocket sized Nekoma 2nd years~! ;; I appreciate all the support and patience that you all have! As always, I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did with writing it~!
» » Admin Ko
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Similar to that of the Tengu clan, the Tatarimokke flock is one of the more feared Yokai throughout the region. Despite being a similar type of Yokai, there’s a vast difference from the Tengu clan and the Tatarimokke flock.
The key difference being that those of the Tatarimokke flock are the deceased children of familes who have either lost their child due to natural causes or through more...cruel ways. 
As far as it is known, all within the Fukurodani flock bare no grudge to their parents or relatives, and have continued to live their lives peacefully throughout the lands. 
Though the moment they are betrayed, those who once their allies become their enemies. Practically slaughtering their prey in the same fashion as the Tengu.
Bokuto Kotaro, the leader of the Fukurodani flock, is the one who happens to stumble upon this irregular human. He’s heard of rumors from his allies in the skies and on the land, but never has he met someone so...respectful. 
It’s in that moment that Bokuto begins his frequent visits to this human. He learns of their history and desire of a peaceful society between yokai and humans-- though he knows fully well that something like that won’t happen unless a rebellion of sorts happens. 
Slowly, but gradually they become a part of the flock. Akaashi, the right hand of the flock, takes an obvious hesitant and wary stance around them, but becomes absolutely smitten with them after a rather fateful encounter.
It occurs after they’re practically accepted as one of the flock members. An appointment gone awry as their human friend hadn’t met them as planned and an ambush was set in place instead. A thought of betrayal crosses the owls’ minds and they’re practically ready to tear through despite their weakened defenses.
Only when a bloody cloak is thrown that they realize that they haven’t been betrayed. They spot their human friend fighting valiantly against their own in order to ensure their safety.
It’s at that moment that the entire flock grow a strong affinity for the human. 
Without a doubt, any threat that’s posed to the human is neutralized almost immediately,
“Why wouldn’t we protect you? You protected us when we thought you betrayed us...you have our eternal loyalty.”
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215-luv · 3 years
Hiya! Um I saw the post for Inarizaki's manager wearing a cheerleader uniform for a bet, an I was wondering if you could do the same scenario, but for Fukurodani or Aoba Johsai?? If you want to of course, you don't have to
a/n: anything for you lovely! i hope you love this!!
all thanks to the other managers of the volleyball team
yukie was the first one who suggested you to wear the official cheer outfit and you immediately had to protest to that idea
yukie: y/n just shut up and wear the damn costume
kaori: i second that
you: (T_T)
of course, you had no choice
nothing bad would happen right??
it was for one day anyway, so you just had to get this over with quickly
you thought they’d been the kindest people on earth when they brought you to the gym with a dramatic entrance with whistles and shouts coming from them as they wall beside you
“i swear this is the end for the two of you-” “yeah yeah, y/n, you look hot right now anyway”
you snort from yukie’s response
“hey, boys!”
“hey! what’s… going… on…”
the next words came out in a distance from konoha, whom already had his eyes raking your figure shamelessly
the team came to stop with what their doing as all of you stare at each other without a word spoken
the awkward silence surrounds you and the team as you felt their heavy stares situated on you
“….” “…”
you gulp
“u-um.. guys?”, you wave your hand to catch their attention
they all tense from your voice as they snap out from their trance (or daydream)
akaashi was the first to speak up as he clears his throat, “what’s this all about?”
you swore you saw the blush on his face as bokuto slides his arm over the setters shoulders, eyes moving up and down from your face to your legs
yukie: little y/n lost a bet so she had to wear a chearleading outfit as a punishment~
you wanted to smack the smirk out of yukie at some point
“a-ah i see..” akaashi replies hesitantly before quickly looking away when you accidentally made eye contact
“so? how does she look?” yukie wiggles her eyebrows while pointing at you
“konoha.” “h-huh? what!”
washio stares at you, “you look pretty with the cheer outfit, l/n-san”
you felt your cheeks burning, “t-thank you!”
bokuto makes a sound of affirmation, “the look suits you, y/n! feel like i could perfect all my spikes today!”
“i sure do hope so, bokuto-san.” “akaashi! of course i will!”
you scratch your head, “this isn’t too much, right?”
“what do you mean?”
“the costume and all?”, you shyly look away
“of course not!” konoha and komi immediately responds with a fist pump
yamato agrees, “i think you look amazing with it, y/n. i’m sure it keeps the team motivated.”
“i-in what way?”
akaashi mutters, “that’s for you to know, y/n”
“w-what was that?”
“alright! enough chit chat! you guys could admire her the way you want anyway, no funny business tho! now get to practice!”
kaori interrupts to clap her hands in signal, indicating for them to continue practice as the rest of the team unexpectedly shouts louder in response
konoha shoots you a thumbs up while bokuto smirks in delight before going back to the court
yukie nudges your side, “oooh you got them worked up y/n~”
kaori chuckles, giving her partner a low five, “maybe you should wear the outfit everyday, don’t you think?”
the only response you gave them was an eye roll
“ugh, i’m so tir-AAAAAAAAHH!”
“what?! what happened?!”
“oikawa, i swear if it’s some dum- o-oh, y/n..”
you freeze when you’re faced with the third years on the entrance of the gym
supposedly, you were to wear your manager uniform today
but as you rummage your things in your bag you only came up with a chearleading outfit, which took you back to the bet you had with your friends last week
you sigh in dejection, ‘it’s supposed to be today?’
mattsun bends down closer to you, making you yelp at the closure, “hmmm.. this is interesting..”
“r-really?-” “oi, stop it, you’re scaring her” iwaizumi pulls the raven head by the back of his collar
oikawa chuckles, “iwa-chan! are you jealous??? hmmmmmm????”
“say that again-” “aaannndd we’re going back to practice!”
oikawa takes you by your hand while you felt makki chuckling from behind you
“i can’t believe we have our personal cheerleader now! does this mean you’ll be doing this everyday y/n-chan?”
mattsun takes his place from behind you, “ah, she’s stuttering.”
“cut it out, will you?” iwaizumi sighs
the rest of you averts your attention to a blushing yahaba whom called your name along with kindaichi having the same expression
you were completely oblivious
you made a sound of hum as you made your way to the pair. the both of them tensing as you walk closer to where they are, “what’s wrong?”
“you look nice today-” yahaba admits while kindaichi gives you a nod in affirmation
“you mean hot” mattsun adds, arms crossed on the back of his head
“really hot” makki follows with a smirk
you scrunch your nose in embarassment before looking at them dead in the eye, “stop that”
though the action seemed intimidating, it definitely fired up the boys, who thought what you just did was extremely adorable
you felt someone pull you into their chest, and you looked up to see oikawa who’s had a smirk on his face
“y/n-chan~ if only you knew you were this cute especially with that cheerleader outfit~”
too shy to say anything, you pout as you burry your face on his chest out of embarassment
ah, you’ll definitely be the death of them
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kirislut · 3 years
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fukurodani boys accidentally confessing
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a/n: i'm not sure if they all count as accidentally confessing but uhh let's just go with it! also these are quite long hcs and maybe could be considered drabbles but uhhh lets go with it!
pairings: bokuto, akaashi, konoha & komi x gn!reader
warnings: mention of blood (nose bleed)
taglist (open): @peach-pops @goopyartiste @sugas-sweetheart @mattsvn @justamultifandomfan16 @spookykiri @yee-harr @colorseeingchick @meliorist-midoriya @k0utashi @bunnythepipsqueak @sushii10 @aaakaaashii @aizawaslovebot @rousouhouuu @combat-wombatus @anikazoldeck @shinaus @killkuma @briidgee @the-sander-fander @cxssiopeiia @devilgirlcrybabiey @bruh-kill-me @seiri-ami @saikisbrat @bivmbo @bokutomessy @elianetsantana
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koutarou bokuto
recently you had been spending less time with bokuto, too busy with some assignment which made you unable to walk him to practice and even walk home together
he was starting to miss you way too much, he missed your smile and especially your laugh during your conversations home
so when he saw you talking to a guy in your class, flashing your big smile at him he couldn't help but pout, that smile only came out when you were really, really happy and here you were showing it to some guy
after some reassurance from akaashi he didn't feel as upset, he was your best friend, if you liked someone you would definitely tell him about it as you have before
after two weeks of you hanging out with your classmate, bokuto decided he couldn't take it anymore, he just wanted to talk to you again and tell you about all the fun things that had happened
bokuto stood outside of your class as the school bell rang, his foot tapping in anticipation of finally seeing you
everyone else filed out of the classroom, except you, so he peaked into the room to see you laughing the hugging the guy you had been with for the past two weeks
it was then that a realization hit him, maybe that guy wasn't just any guy, what if he was your new boyfriend?!
his heart ached at the possibility, not only would it mean that you didn't like him back, but that you didn't even care to tell him!
"bo! what are you doing here, and why the long face?" your cheery voice pulled him out of his thoughts and made him realize he was frowning
"why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?" "but he's n-" you tried to cut him off but he continued to ramble
"i didn't even get the chance to tell you about my own feelings, but if he makes you happy (y/n), i guess i'll support your relationship, but i'm still offended you didn't tell me, your best friend, about this guy"
your eyebrows raised in shock at his words, feelings? bokuto had feelings for you?? you grabbed his shoulders and raised your voice enough to interject, "bokuto! as i was trying to say, he's not my boyfriend we were just partners for our final project and we even got an a! but um, what was that you said about your own feelings?"
bokuto took a moment, blinking as he absorbed your words. relief easily washed over him, he still had a chance with you! well now he wasn't so sure since he had just outed himself
"i like you, but more than just a best friend. like in a romantic way! i wanna be the best boyfriend for you (y/n), do you like me too?"
you grinned at his confession, throwing your arms around him in glee, "yes, i like you too bokuto." the male grinned in utter joy, feeling the same rush as if he had won nationals
finally, you were back to walking with him to his practice, but this time not as just his best friend, but as his lover
keiji akaashi
akaashi was quick to realize his feelings for you, especially after bokuto teased him for blushing when you held his hand and ran with him to make sure you both didn't miss the team bus
he didn't particularly like the way his heart nearly leaped out of his chest whenever you were around, so he planned to confess soon he just wasn't sure how
he really wanted to make it perfect, maybe he should write a love letter? or maybe give you flowers? now that he thought about it he wasn't sure what your romantic tastes were, which made the decision even harder
the thoughts of his confession continued to haunt him, he would daydream about different scenarios during class and one time he even missed up a set during practice because he had the idea of giving you chocolates
his teammates began to worry about akaashi, it was strange to them to see their setter zoning out and distracted when he was the one getting on everyone else if they weren't focused during practice
but at the same time, they easily understood after he apologized for being distracted, explaining that he was planning to confess to you and wanted to make it special
you were starting to pick up on akaashi's change as well, you were one of the managers, watching the players and analyzing how they did during practice was your job
you couldn't help but wonder what was important to be distracting him so much, you figured it was about school. maybe a big test or important project? it was starting to bug you, you were just too curious
after practice ended, you decided to approach akaashi, who was sat on the bench with his eyes shut. he looked like he was in deep concentration as if he was mentally preparing for a big match
"akaashi-" "one moment, i think i finally prepared the perfect confession for (y/n)" your jaw dropped at his response, he prepared the perfect what now?
"hey akaashi, you know you're talking to (y/n) right?" his eyes snapped open, taking one look at you then immediately covering his quickly warming face with his hands
"this was not what i had planned," he muttered under his breath, currently kicking himself for being so careless especially after he spent so long thinking about what to do
you squatted down and took akaashi's hands in your own, pulling them away from his blushing face, "so you spent all this time thinking about how to tell me you liked me?" akaashi nodded meekly, embarrassed to be admitting this to you
your face warmed, you felt special now that you knew he was thinking about you all this time
"i'm glad you put so much thought into it, even if it didn't go to plan because i like you too," akaashi chuckled in relief, resting his forehead against yours, "i'm so happy"
it was nice to finally feel at peace knowing that his feelings were returned, at last, his heart could rest from the turmoil of not knowing what to do
"ok akaashi, you should probably go get changed before you get in trouble again," he nodded, getting up from the bench then giving you a helping hand as well. he gave you a quick smile then jogged off to catch up with everyone else in the changing rooms
even though akaashi wasn't able to get his perfect confession, he was determined to plan the perfect first date
akinori konoha
konoha felt no worry when it came to his feelings for you, he liked you for a while, since middle school, but wanted to make sure you liked him before he decided to make any moves
basically, he didn't want to make a fool of himself and get rejected then possibly lose you as his friend, he'd rather stick it out than risk it
recently he had heard about rumors of some guy liking you, which definitely made him a bit nervous but there were just rumors after all
until he heard one of his classmates talking about you, "i think i'm going to do it tomorrow. i'll get to (y/n)'s locker early and place the letter in there so that i'm not seen."
konoha couldn't let this happen, no way, he had a crush on you first, he basically had dibs even if no one knew about these feelings, not even his teammates
he snapped his head towards the voice, and glared at the male, he was determined to make sure this random guy wouldn't take you away from him
the next day he practically dragged you to school, telling you that he wanted to get there early because he lost his water bottle and wanted to find it as soon as possible
konoha was able to get you to the lockers just in time, his classmate was standing there in front of your locker, about to slip a letter inside
though the poor guy quickly scurried off when he saw you and konoha approaching, he was proud of himself for easily foiling that guy's plans, but unfortunately for konoha, the guy was persistent
during lunch konoha spotted the guy heading towards you, he had never run so fast in his life
"(y/n)! come on let's get lunch," konoha grabbed your hands and pulled you to the lunch line, grinning to himself as he saw his classmate turn on his heel and go the other direction
you were confused about konoha's weird behavior, but it seemed to just continue and get worse throughout the day
he suddenly pulled you into random directions during the school breaks and practically begged for you to stay and watch his practice because he felt like he wouldn't play well if you weren't there
it was starting to get on your nerves, and your arm was aching a bit from all the sudden pulling, but you were with putting up with it just because it was konoha
though at the same time you couldn't help what was up with him, you were sure that something was up
his practice came to an end which meant you could finally head home, but here he was again asking you to stand and wait outside the locker rooms when you wanted to sit on a bench
"alright konoha, what is up with you today! i've let you drag me around the whole day, i would just like to rest my feet for a bit" konoha slightly grimaced at your raised voice, you were clearly a bit angry with him
he stood there, mouth open as he weighed his options of what to do, he could tell you the truth but at the same time he was scared
you sighed, and shook your head, he was taking too long to respond, "i'm going home." "wait!"
konoha grabbed your hand again, but this time his hold was gentle and hesitant, "i'm sorry for acting stupid today but, i couldn't possibly let some guy confess to you when i'm in love with you, and i figured i'd spare you the awkwardness of having you reject him but the guy just couldn't take the hint to leave you alone."
you stood there, face covered in complete confusion as konoha casually said he was in love with you as if it was nothing! "uh (y/n)? are you alright?" "you just said you're in love with me." "oh? oh."
the realization hit konoha like a ton of bricks, he meant to tell you the truth only about the guy liking you, not about him liking you as well!
"well it's true, i'm in love with you and have been for a while. do..do you feel the same?" konoha watched you, uncertainty and worry racking over his body as he waited for your response
you quickly wiped your confused expression with a huge smile, "yes i feel the same! do you really think i would let you drag me all over the place if i didn't like like you?"
konoha laughed sheepishly at your reply, he was so glad that you felt the same and for a second he even thought that this was a dream, it just seemed too good to be true
at last, you were his and only his
the next day the poor guy still tried to confess to you, but you immediately shot him down because now you had one lovely boyfriend
haruki komi
komi isn't one to shy away from saying what's on his mind, which was how he didn't mind flirting with you to see your cute reactions
he would usually say some flirty comment to you here and there, either complimenting how you looked or if you did something he deemed cute
though since he always said those comments, it left you confused as to whether or not he really meant them or just enjoyed getting a rise out of you
you really wanted to know since you had genuine feelings for the libero and you weren't sure how much longer your heart could take all the flirty comments
you handed the water bottles to the volleyball players, quick to help them out during their break
you handed the last water bottle to komi, who grinned when you came into his view, "hey (y/n), if we win this game, you should go on a date with me."
you raised your eyebrow at the male, assuming he didn't mean an actual date since he's thrown that term around with you before whenever you guys go get snacks together
"sure why not," komi mentally cheered but played it cool outwardly, "alright, then let's meet up at the movie theater tomorrow. we can watch that new movie you've been talking about."
you tilted your head at the libero, not sure as to why he was already planning it out when they still had the last match to play in the game, "don't get ahead of yourself lover boy."
komi practically projected heart eyes at the use of that nickname, were you flirting back with him? he couldn't say for certain but now he felt like he could return any ball that was hit his way
and somehow he did, whenever a ball came near him he never let it touch the ground, it was the best you had ever seen him play
was it really because you agreed to go on a "date" with him if he won? you just felt even more confused about komi's feelings, but you were extremely happy for him and the rest of the volleyball team when they won
"i'll see you for our date tomorrow (y/n)~" you felt your cheeks warm at his confident tone and teasing wink, komi just chuckled at your expression, thinking you looked as cute as ever
that night you spent the longest time trying to fall asleep, you were very excited but so nervous, this would be your first date ever
and you still didn't even know if this was an actual date or just another komi thing, part, well most of you hoped it was a real date because komi did seem more serious about playing volleyball today than you'd ever seen him
so you were sure that had to mean something! if anything you were going to treat it like an actual date, you were certain to find out what komi's true feelings were tomorrow
the next morning you assembled your best outfit, did yourself up exactly how you liked and felt absolutely confident as you should <3
you arrived at the movie theater on time, you spotted komi inside, it seemed he got there early but you hoped he didn't wait for too long
you approached the male from behind and tapped his shoulder to get his attention, "hey komi, hope i didn't keep you waiting."
komi turned around, smiling when he saw you, but his smile fell from his jaw-dropping to the ground, you looked stunning
he could've sworn you were glowing and had angels singing behind you, he was awestruck
he always knew you were good looking, hell you rocked the school uniform but this was different, this was your style of clothing which turned the poor boy's brain to mush
"please date me," seeing your expression change into shock made him realize that he didn't say that in his head, "are you playing around with me?"
komi's expression softened, slightly concerned about your response, did you not take his flirting seriously? he thought he was completely obvious about his feelings for you
"what? no way! i've always meant everything i've said to you, and i'm serious about wanting to date you as well," you sighed in relief at komi's words, you couldn't help but feel kinda dumb for not assuming his flirting was meaningful but now you didn't have to fret about it anymore
"then, i guess i'll date you, my lover boy~" komi's face erupted bright red, blood dripping out of his nose from how flustered he got
you guys ended up missing the trailers at the start of the movie due to komi's nosebleed, but you didn't mind missing them for your boyfriend
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osakunt · 2 years
Mallemployee!Haikyuu pt.4
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Akaashi - You walk in there and he automatically thinks you’re rich. Anyone who walks in there has to have the money but not the brain to buy 50 dollar jeans
Washio - He minds his business yet ends up whirled into Ko’s mischief. He’s been chosen to become manager from how helpful he is.
Bokuto - Who needs the models when the dude who unlocked the fitting room for you, is hot. The top dog of the company has sent their agents to recruit Ko as a model. He’s declined over three times because he loves the mall atmosphere even if the store he works in is dim lit and looks bland. Plus his bestie works in Bath & Body works. There’s no need to go any where.
Sarukui - He has a charm that makes costumers want to come back. Even if he makes fun of Ko, he’s always loved by anyone who enters.
Komi - He’s shorter than anyone else in store. That don’t matter to him. He’ll chase that bag no matter what. He isn’t scared to put a rude costumer in their place. He’s been warned about it but he knows what he’s doing. Short but feisty.
Konoha - He makes fun of anyone. He’ll work the shit outta whoever crosses his line of sight. You’ll catch him snickering to himself while folding some shirts
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goldentsum · 4 years
━ thirst post with idol! reader - libero ver + yamaguchi
CHARACTERS: nishinoya yuu, yaku morisuke, komi haruki, komori motoya, and yamaguchi tadashi
GENRE: more like simp-y themes, crack
AUTHOR’S NOTE: heyyy~ i’m back! what better way to come back than posting the most awaited libero ver for idol! reader ehe~ this is a little something to forget i was even away lol UNEDITED AS ALWAYS CUS I’M FOOKIN LAZY
setter ver. | captains ver. | middleblockers ver. | wingspikers ver. | spin-off ver. | spin-off 2
━ nishinoya ♡
our rolling boy is a little enthusiastic when the subject change to you, well he changes it to you every time, that his friends just nod and goes along with it because when they tried to change the subject, noya literally growled at them--
noya would probably tour around the world to just see you again in your concerts and meet and greets- you know him because he’s the enthusiastic fanboy who just gaped at you in awe the first time he saw you face to face in your meet and greet then screamed when you shook his hand
this boy drinks his respecc wamen juice all year around but sometimes you just make it hard with your pretty lips and thighs D:< 
━ yaku ♡
rich boy yaku would buy all your merch and will buy tickets to your concerts, ALWAYS ROYALTY TICKETS!
yaku LOVE LOVE your seductive looks! he knows it’s just a concept and melts when you’re off stage and you turn into a soft cuddly baby 🥺 simp
bet that him and kuroo would fight about who knows you better-- yaku prides himself that he knew about what type of brand your charger is... detective yaku is always working hard for you
[sugarbaby(y/n)isTHEconcept]: a big F for people who haven’t seen the glowing goddess (y/n) irl-- ya’ll are missing out. the way she pouts when she talks??? i would kill anyone for her. just say it, my goddess. i will do ANYTHING for you.
━ komi ♡
sucker for pretty girls but for him, you’re the most beautiful woman that has graced the dark world of men
a big F cus he’s broke and can’t see you in your concert or meet and greets D:
SCREAMED when konoha bought tickets for your concert, though it’s gen ad seats, HE’S THANKFUL FOR IT-! When you appeared on the stage and the screen showed your pretty face, he might’ve blacked out for a second there. you were so close yet so far </3
[(y/n)mylight]: THANK YOU LORD FOR THIS GLORIOUS DAY-! I MIGHT’VE LOST MY VOICE FROM ALL THE SCREAMING BUT FOR (Y/N)? I’LL DO ANYTHING!! she still look so good even when she’s sweating i--- may i lick that off, ma’am?
━ komori ♡
soft boy #1
just loves you so much! he knows he doesn’t really know you personally but can anyone blame him when you’re so sweet and funny PLUS YOU’RE SO PRETTY D: 
he lives for the comeback when you had that black short skirt paired with black fishnets <3 he short-circuited AND COULDN’T FATHOM HOW ANYONE CAN BE SO SEXY AND CUTE AT THE SAME TIME
[softgirl(y/n)enthusiast]: i know it says soft girl (y/n) enthusiast in my username but E-GIRL (Y/N)??? SHE’S SO PRETTY, I COULD CRY RN! THIGHS FOR DAYS!! wRAP THY THIGHS ON MY HEAD LIKE A SCARF, QUEEN!
━━ yamaguchi ♡
soft boy #2 YAMA BEST SOFT BOY
just like any soft boy, he loves that you’re so soft and sweet! your soft voice when you talk, the melodic chime of your sweet giggle, and the way your eyes just show so much gentleness is making him clutch his heart-! 
you: /smirks/
yamaguchi: /chuckles nervously/ i’m in danger
[dualityof(y/n)makesmescream]: can someone please tell our queen, (y/n), to stop and slow down?? BECAUSE MY HEART CAN’T TAKE ANYMORE OF THESE THINGS-!! I JUST WANTED TO HAVE A GOOD TIME BUT NO-! (Y/N) HAVE TO BE A TEASE--!! ...the devil works hard but (y/n) works harder, i’m sure of it.
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atsuminthe · 3 years
—how they like to hug you, and how it feels; ft. fukurodani boys
previous « you are here! » next
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bear hug!
feels like the feeling of accomplishment and the satisfaction of hard work paying off
beeg beefy bebe bokuto!!! <3
haha your bones go pop
he loves squishing you as hard as he can, likes hearing you squeak
always lifts you off the ground and holds you by the hips
will kiss all over your face, no hesitation, no question, it’s just how he does things
he loves you so much, he’s a big hyperactive puppy
akaashi had to stop him from asphyxiating you a few times because his hugs are THAT tight, baby just wanted to hold you close :( (visibly deflated on the spot)
pat his back and tell him it’s ok, then give him a little kiss on his cheek and he’ll be back to his cheerful self
bokuto is the best hugger in the Haikyuu!! universe and nobody can convince otherwise
I MEAN LOOK AT THOSE ARMS, THEY’RE SO BEEFY (the embodiment of the “bro we’re gonna be so good at hugging” meme)
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back hugs!
feels like fresh laundry, old books and green tea
his hugs are so soft, it’s like an angel gracing you with his presence
will wrap his hands around your waist and squish! loves to press his chest on your back
kisses the back of your head, your shoulders, your jaw, everything he can get his lips on
massages your tummy if it hurts for whatever reason, just say the word and he’ll hug you tight as he places his big warm palms on your body
likes to read while holding you like this, will also read for you 🥺
sleepy cuddles sleepy cuddles sleepy cuddles—
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heart-to-heart hugs!
feels like the first rays of sun peeking through the curtains
he’s a romantic at heart and the closer he can be to you, the better
looks gruff but he’s actually a sweetie. don’t be fooled by his stoic face
likes to kiss you whenever, wherever
brings you treats whenever you feel bad—he somehow knows when you’re in a sour mood and those puff pastries and a kiss from him are sure to improve your disposition!
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side hugs!
feels like a summer evening when everything is still and the heat is subsiding
latches onto you like a monkey because he likes being close to you
loves it when you massage his scalp. has frequent headaches and it helps relieve them
boops your nose whenever he hugs you
sometimes drapes an arm over your shoulder and randomly flirts with you as if he doesn’t know you. gets on your nerves but it’s very cute at the same time (has different pick-up lines every single time)
you got together because akaashi got fed up with you two being lovey dovey yet being scared to admit your feelings to each other—mans literally told you to confess and he didn’t leave until you did
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straddle hugs!
feels like drinking an expensive cocktail
konoha is a jack of all trades. he can do anything—cook, clean, help with homework, play volleyball
what he cannot do, as much as he wants to, is tease you. i know i know, he looks like a teaser—but trust me, the moment you straddle his lap and he loops his arms around your waist, there’s no way in HELL he can tease you. will end up even more flustered than you
that being said, what he can do is tighten his arms around you and tickle when you let your guard down
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spinning hugs!
feels like a snowball fight with your friends
this guy loves to spin you around and hear you giggle. that’s what he lives for
has thrown you over his shoulder and successfully carried you around like that a few times
absolutely lives for the hugs you give him when you come over to practice. run to him and he WILL catch you, no buts (bokuto is the best hype man, akaashi just sighs silently)
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taglist: @nakizumie; @lovelytarou; @risjime;
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bokutoyaoya · 3 years
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Despite the fact that you were all living in Tokyo, you and your friends had different work schedules. It wasn’t everyday you could see each other, or at least, not the whole bunch of you together anytime you wanted.
You shared lunch with Akinori from time to time — the pharmacy he worked for was just a few minutes walk from the floristry, you would usually sat down in the backyard of your shop and enjoyed those thirty minutes together.
Yukie would join at least once a week along with Kaori. As for Haruki and Yamato, they were the only two you’d see probably twice a month.
High school days were far behind you.
Today was your luck (or at least you hoped so, considering the recents events from two weeks ago). The Black Jackal were playing against the Tachibana Red Falcons at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium. Naturally, because Kōtarō was one of MSBY’s players, you would always come watch his games.
“Guys, hey guys! I’m so glad you’re here!” Speaking of the devil.
Kōtarō was quick to envelop his friends in an group hug. “I can’t believe you’re all here! It’s been so long!”
“Where’s Keiji?” asked Yukie, munching on the last bites of food she’d bought on the way to the stadium.
“He’s waiting for his order, right here! Keijiiiii!” he enthusiastically waved in the direction of his friend.
You gulped non-ceremoniously.
Since the match was starting in an hour only and warm-ups for the players in no less than ten minutes, Kōtarō had met you at the entrance, right where all the food stalls were installed. Keiji was waiting in front of an onigiri food stall. The Onigiri Miya food stall.
Somehow, you forgot Kōtarō’s teammates included Miya Atsumu. Somehow, you forgot he had a twin, and that twin was the owner of Onigiri Miya, who happened to be there at most of the Black Jackals’ games.
You’ve already came to watch Kōtarō’s games, and all those past five years you didn’t recall one time when you had an encounter with your ex-boyfriend. Either he wasn’t there, busy back in Osaka with his restaurant, or you just didn’t bother coming in so early before a game.
Today was just your luck apparently.
“Y/N?” Akinori interrupted your train of thoughts, “why don’t we just go take our seats?”
“Yeah, I’ll order something for you!” Yukie then winked at you before running towards Keiji at the food station.
You sat with Akinori close to the railings, Haruki and Yamato right behind you, and Kaori was catching up with a colleague from the MSBY staff. As for Kōtarō, he had disappeared right after you left the entrance hall to begin warm-ups.
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It was a win for the Black Jackals and the stadium cheered as the players from both teams were greeting the public.
You immediately left your seat and ran to the nearest bathroom. When you came back, trying to find your group of friends, you didn’t expect to hear loud cheers coming from the crowd for the second time after the end of the match.
“He finally proposed,” a low and deep voice said behind your back.
You froze for a second, realizing you’ve been standing in the middle of the entrance hall, and finally, you found the strength to turn around, your eyes meeting silver blue ones.
“Sorry, what?”
“Rin was supposed to propose to my brother during my wedding, but plans had to be changed…” Osamu explained, scratching his neck.
“I wonder why,” was the only thing you said. “Did you talk to her? Ayame?”
It’s not like it wasn’t any of your business to know what happened between your ex and his now ex, you’ve been very clear from the beginning. But still, a part of you couldn’t handle his pitiful state, and you hoped Ayame had gotten better explanations than you and Osamu having an affair.
“No, not yet,” you huffed, but held your stare as to indicate him to continue. “I don’t think she wants to talk to me right now, I want to give her space and not pressure myself or her into having a conversation and not knowing what to tell her. She deserves proper apologies and explanation, but…”
“You’re running away, again,” you cut him off and he didn’t complain. You sighed, defeated and exasperated, what kind of day was it, you thought. “You know what, fine, you need time, because obviously, you’re confused, and lost. It seems like you guys aren’t a thing anymore, for good, but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t deserve proper apologies, you got that just right.”
You told yourself you wouldn’t help him, and you silently cursed for being too kind.
“Just don’t take too long, because you’ll start to regret things, and you’ll keep making the same mistakes, and it’ll hurt. You also need closure, in order to move forward, learn from your mistake, and do better.”
That being said, you left feeling bitter, and managed to catch up with your friends as well as Kōtarō and Keiji.
That night you went back home alone, and lonely, memories from the past escaping from their Pandora’s box, and everything was too overwhelming again.
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「 WE’RE GOOD (ARE WE?) 」 05. “life’s a mess”
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– Konoha and Yukie are best besties 😤🤚
– also, you don’t always need a proper closure when ending a relationship, sometimes it can do worse to your well-being, just do what you feel is the best for you ❤️
– Osamu won the bet btw, but since his twin and his best friend got engaged, he decided to treat them for the night (again : MIYA TWINS BEST BROTHERS)
© BOKUTOYAOYA 2021. do not repost, copy, modify or translate any of my works. do not claim any of my works as your own.
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Secret dating with Akaashi in HS
Okay, so I went with Headcanons because I felt like I could do much more with those, I hope that’s okay!! If you would prefer a oneshot, feel free to message me!! Thank you so much for requesting!
Character: Akaashi x reader
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To be completely fair, it’s not like you didn’t want anyone to know.
...you just didn’t want anyone to know...
You were the manager for the team, hence how you and Akaashi met.
You, Y/n L/n, and your boyfriend, Keiji Akaashi, have been dating for a good 4 months.
That’s 4 MONTHS no one has so much as suspected that the two of you were dating.
At first, it was to keep it low key.
You and Akaashi both loved each other and that was all that really mattered,
But when after 2 months no one had figured it out, it became almost like a little game to you and Akaashi; waiting to see who would figure it out first.
Everytime anyone showed any signs of suspicion you and akaashi made a tally.
....you also may or may not have placed some bets..
So far Washio was in the lead with 5 tallies and 20$ to his name.
Back to the story~
You and Akaashi did your best to keep it a secret.
You saved PDA for the security of your own homes or places you both knew you were alone.
You avoided having any conversations about dates out loud around team members, instead either texting about it or meeting up away from the gym.
You honestly didn’t know how long you guys were going to keep this up, but to say it was entertaining would be an understatement.
Especially because you both knew that Konoha, Komi and Bokuto shipped you both hard. 
But everytime they said anything you both played dumb, sticking with the old, ‘he/she doesn’t even like me back...’ and being all blushy and shy.
When in reality you guys would cuddle and kiss shamelessly when you were alone.
This all went on for a total of 7 months...
7 months of the team not figuring it out.
That is until one day, Konoha had had enough.
He waited until the Tokyo teams had a joint training camp, so he could recruit more members for his plan.
He waited until the practice games of the day were over, so the kids were all on their own time.
He acted like he had lost his phone, asking some people to help him.
Since he was a good friend of the both of you, you and Akaashi agreed to help him.
He sent you both into the storage room, asking if you guys could look in there.
You both went in there and turned on the lights, about to ask him where it might be when Saru and Komi closed the doors, the *click* of the lock echoing in the small room.
Yours and Akaashi’s eyes widened as he tried the door, groaning when it was indeed locked.
“Konoha, let us out.”
“nO! Not until you two idiots confess! It had been months and neither one of you have had the guys to do anything about it!!”
Akaashi grimaced, running a hand down his face in frustration while you gasped, brining a hand up to cup your mouth to stop the shocked giggles from escaping.
Giving you a weary glance Akaashi sighed.
Leaning against the door, he spoke.
“Yes Akaashi?”
“I’m not confessing.”
“Why not?”
“Because I can’t. We’re already dating.”
. . .silence. There was absolute silence from the other side before a distinct gasp (from Bokuto of course) and a ‘I told you’ from Washio.
After a minute, Konoha opened the door, eyes narrowed, “Explain.”
So, you and Akaashi explained to the team (and others who had become invested lol) that at first you had kept it under wraps for privacy, then you just wanted to see how long it would take for them to notice.
Most of them laughed it off, they knew you guys didn’t mean any harm by it.
Then there was Bokuto.
Bokuto who looked like he had been told the most shocking piece of information known to man.
...It was fun explaining that to him...
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🦉 Being Fukurodani's Manager 🦉
Manager with ADHD
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Fukurodani x GN reader
Warnings: Swearing
AN: This is part 2 of an Anon request!
🌠 Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
Hear me out for a sec ✋️
You are so good for Bokuto
It's like when you take a dog to the dog park and they get all their energy out
That's what you do for Bokuto
Having ADHD has its perks YN
It can be difficult to function in chaotic places but thankfully, you are completely use to that 😀
When you were first asked to be a manager, it was Akaashi who approached you
He knew you had ADHD because you've been vocal about your struggles
If anyone knows struggles, it's Akaashi 😬
Seriously, he might not have ADHD but dealing with Bokuto just might be worse
I adore that loveable himbo to death but tell me Bokuto wouldn't wear on someone
That's where YN comes in!
Your energy, chaoticness and sometimes lack of self control is a huge benefit to Fukurodani
I mean, they already have two other managers
So like the rest of the team is handled
As for you 👀 well you are specifically there for one Kotaro Bokuto
When Akaashi gets tired, you take over
Bokuto is pretty good at hitting most sets so even if you aren't great, he will make do
You aren't really the greatest at planning but hey, neither is Bokuto 🤗
So when he wants to stay a little later to spike more, you are more than willing to accommodate
The other managers set timers for you to help you stay on task 💅
You aren't the greatest at taking notes, so you main objective is anything physical
Ball retrieval ✔️
Blocking help ✔️
Tossing up balls ✔️
Running after Bokuto ✔️ ✔️
It's nice that your energy matches Bokutos for practice purposes
But not so much for Tournament purposes
I'm on a Nationald kick lately so here we are
🙌🏻Tokyo Nationals🙌🏻
It's almost time for your first match but of course, you have to go to the bathroom
I mean there's just something about using the bathroom in a giant stadium full of trees that resonates with me 🤗
Anyways, you tell your fellow managers you will be tight back
Unbeknownst to you, someone follows you 👀
So when you emerge from the bathroom, you find yourself in a remote part of the stadium
But you also find yourself with Bokuto
Because why not 😄
Seriously ita those bathrooms with the double doors that like lead to different hallways
Those are brutal 😫
"Hey Yn"- Bokuto 🤸‍♂️
"Bokuto what are you doing here?"- you
"I followed you incase you needed help"- Bokuto 😊
"I was going to the bathroom Bo, not running a marathon"- You
"Ok!! Well let's get back-" Bokuto, turning his head in every direction
"Ummm YN- I think we maybe lost"- Bokuto, definitely lost
"Crap"- you, also most definitely lost
Meanwhile 👀
"Ok, it's almost time to line up- wait ✋️ where are Bokuto and YN?" - Coach
Akaashi's eyes practically buldge out of his head 😳
"You cannot be serious right now"- Konoha
"YN went to the bathroom"- Yukie says
"Alone? With Bokuto?"- Washio
"Well shit- time to send out the search parties"- Saruki
Back with YN and Bokuto...
"Bokuto get off the floor, we will be fine"- You
"WEVE BEEN LOST FOR HOURS YN WHAT IF WE MISS THE MATCH?"- Bokuto literally dying on the floor
Pls you are pulling him by his ankle 🤣
"Bokuto we've been gone not even 10 minutes! Will you please get up!"- you
You don't even have time to worry about your ADHD with Bokuto around 😆
It's almost like Bokuto is a magic cure all for aliments because his emo modes trump all
Suddenly your phone rings
"Akaashi, please come help me. Bokuto is laying the floor and I can't move him"- you
"Is he ok?"- Akaashi
"He's Bokuto"- You
"Noted. Send me your location. Be there in a but"- Akaashi
Back with Akaashi
"Maybe we should shout something to find them faster"- Saru
"Ok but what"- Komi
"I got it! HEY HEY-" konoha, stopping to listen
"HEY"- a distant voice
"That was actually a good idea"- Washio
Akaashi and the gang pull up to see Bokuto sprawled on the floor and you just done
"Akaashi is that you! I thought I'd never see you again! Have you grown?"- Bokuto
"Next time I go to the bathroom, I'm bringing someone else"- You, palming your face 🤦‍♀️
"I mean, you and Bokuto are basically walking disasters so that's probably a good idea"- Konoha
Glare at him YN he deserves it 😑
Back in the gym, the game heats up
This is where you shine YN
Your ability to celebrate and get hyped up is beyond compare 🤸‍♀️
Bokuto is in top form and your celebrating is only helping!
Akaashi is so thankful for you 😍
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evermorehaikyuu · 4 years
Let’s be real here, they’re super POWERFUL with you on their team of managers
They’re already a powerhouse school with two managers on their team, but an impossibly intelligent prodigy as their third manager? 
It's over for everyone
Bokuto adores your intelligence and your skill in almost everything, he finds it so attractive
He's gone to your place so many times to ask for help; one time he barged in while you were blasting your favorite song and he was lowkey shocked that it wasn't classical music and then he realized he was trespassing; he would buy you snacks later
Akaashi and you are very close, seeing as he's the vice captain and sometimes needs you to help be the pillar of the team; you two together are an incredibly intelligent duo, it's scary to the rest of the team
Whenever he senses that you stayed up all night studying something new, he'll have an extra jacket, lunch, water bottle and snacks for you prepared, in case you forgot anything
Sarukui ADORES you, you're absolutely an angel to him and sometimes likes to ask you random questions to hear your answer
Once he asked the probability of him making a shot in pool (you were all at Konoha's place and using his brother's pool table) and you just tilted your head and started speaking quickly about the statistics of the ball hitting his designated ball
Washio thanks the heavens above you were on their team, he's the calmest one out of all of them (he and Akaashi are tied tbh) and you just bring an extra layer of calm
He does not ask much of you, but he will ask you for help on a language worksheet and is always in awe on how fast you answer things in a foreign language
Komi, my gods, Komi is both inspired and in awe of you
He asked you to teach him self defense and to his own surprise, he was great at it (what he didn't know was that he'd be able to use those skills as an actor, so future him has you to thank for teaching him)
Onaga's so sweet, he's always making sure you're okay and that you're sleeping well and never asks you for much
You offer to help him with something difficult once and he tries to say no, but he really does need help; the next day, because he feels like he bothered you, he'll buy you your favorite snack and drink
Konoha is a flirt with you, point blank period, he'll come up with some "smart" pickup lines and you'll just say something that's among that lines of "that is not correct, because according to--" and the rest of the team is either groaning internally at you or snickering at him
He will ask for you to teach him self defense and fails at it so instead, when he hears you play the violin, it's like all his worries are washed away and that's all he wants to hear now
Kaori and Yukie could not be more ecstatic with you on their team
Yukie has asked you stuff about food sometimes and you'll come up with fun facts for her; in exchange, she'll drag you out of your house to go with her and Kaori somewhere because "you can't be cooped up in your cave all day"
Kaori checks up on you frequently because she knows that Fukurodani on court is a powerhouse, but off court, they're chaos; she's the ultimate mom friend, anything you want she's got it; she's also dragged along with Yukie for random things
The whole team loves you so much, your brains have partly to do with it, but just the care you have for them and the way you treat them and your personality is enough to make them love you
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Taglist: @our-tall-slytherin-queen
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𝕱𝖚𝖐𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖆𝖓𝖎 [PART i] [PART ii] 
Alright~!! I’m back with another squad~! Finally made it to Fukurodani~! ;; so excITED! I hope you guys enjoy this one like the rest~!! Again thank you all for the support~!
» » Admin Ko
»»————- ♔ ————-««
Despite not being quite well known in their precinct, they are one of the more highly sought after group of hitmen in the Tokyo area. 
Only really well known for their unstable and psychotic boss, but really they don’t mind because it helps bring them more clients.
An unspoken fun little rivalry with Nekoma, and actually ends up collaborating with them the most if their missions happen to co-align.
T̷a̷t̷s̷u̷k̷i̷ ̷W̷a̷s̷h̷i̷o̷
The advisor of the group.
Is the strong silent type, but definitely the one that the group relies on in terms of advice and a new perspective if they can’t seem to track a target down or are having trouble with capturing the target.
He’s seen as one of the main analysts that the team can rely on if Akaashi is too busy. 
In addition to being one of the advisors, he’s also the main medic that all of them go to in any case of injury or require extra...knowledge in techniques. 
He’s skilled with practically any weapon given to him, but mainly dapples with blades and needle work to carry out his missions. 
He may not seem like it initially, but he honestly loves to do interrogation via torture. He’s quite skilled with needles and won’t hesitate to use any means necessary to get the information they need. 
A heavy sigh came from the tall male as he peered down at the individual laying out before him. Stripped bare naked and a tight bit gag between the victim’s lips the calm male in question couldn’t help but do another once over the file given to him.
“So...because you failed to cooperate in our kind methods in interrogation you’ve ended up here.” 
A wicked smirk then formed on his features as the male couldn’t help but drop the file onto the steel cart beside him before picking up a syringe. A slight tap and shake to the item before he turned to look fully at the now terrified male.
“This will only hurt a lot.”
A whole giant of a man. Very well built with lots of mass.
Despite how big he is, he has one of the steadiest hands from the entire group.
Only has one tattoo on his body.
With his S/O he’s not as affectionate as most would be. If anything, he’s super chill and hopes that his s/o understands that he’s super busy (practically all the time)
it’s basically like dating anyone who’s in the medical field who lives at the hospital because of the demand.
Y̴a̴m̴a̴t̴o̴ ̴S̴a̴r̴u̴k̴u̴i̴
One of the many assassins of the group
He’s kind and playful--- almost more mischievous when it comes to being at the base and out on the field.
Though he isn’t as bad as most coy men throughout this universe, he is one of the mood setters within the group. Though in reality his time is spent more on making sure their main close combat assassin isn’t going through another emotional bout.
His specialty lies in poisons and venom
He’s an interactive  assassin. Whereas most will either kill from a far or within one moment, he’s similar to that of a decoy where he leads the target into a false sense of security before turning on them after getting the information the group desires.
A forced smile graced his features. One that wouldn’t have been noticed as he worked through the nooks and crannies of the enemy’s ranks. It wasn’t terribly hard gaining their trust, but it was a tedious process. If anything it only brought him more joy when he gets to see the organization crumble at his fingertips. 
“Oh! Sarukui~.” 
The kind voice brought him out of his thoughts as he focused his attention on the target. The easy going smile still on his face as he responded with ease. “Yes? Was there something you needed?”
“Ah yes, it looks like we’re going to need your extra help with our electronic files. We’re trying to move them as quickly as we can before the deadline, but we’re short on people.”
The statement brought a sense of closure as he couldn’t help but mentally grin. His mission was finally going to come to a close.
“Of course I can~. Just lead the way~!”
Isn’t as tall as most of the members, but is within the average height for the group. 
He doesn’t have any piercings or tattoos, but has a good collection of scars and bruises.
Is always seen smiling similarly to a monkey, thus gaining him the nickname Saru
He tries hard to be honest with his S/O, but honestly it’s difficult because of the nature of his job
He’ll do special little things for them just so that they know that he always has them in his heart and mind.
K̷o̷t̷a̷r̷o̷ ̷B̷o̷k̷u̷t̷o̷
Best chaotic, loud, close combat boy and the chaotic boss
HEY, HEY, HEY~! Consistently.
Is told by Akaashi to please stop yelling during their rare moments of quiet time. 
He’s definitely more of the one unstable assassins in the business. 
Actually works alongside with Kuroo quite well! Though the victim doesn’t enjoy that at all.
Is literally one of the top 5 assassin’s within the country, with a large skill set ranging from long distance to close. Though he prefers close combat over all.
Enjoys the feeling of warm blood on his fists when he brings ‘justice’ down on a victim. 
More of a vigilante type than a hit man, but still does what is needed from the team.
A wicked grin formed on the male’s lips as he swung his arm back before delivering another sickening blow to the victim’s face. The rush of blood splattered on his knuckles as the tearing of flesh sang to his bruised fists.
The anguished cries of the man before him sent another wave of bliss through him as he relished in the sound of the evil he had vanquished. After reading the file he was given, the male couldn’t help but be absolutely blinded by rage at the corruption and disgust the target had done, thus leading to the situation at hand.
“Hey, hey, hey! No need to cry so much~! This is only just a sliver of the punishment you’re going to receive from me~! But don’t worry, we’ll bring you to a better place to give you a proper punishment. Right, Akaashi~?”
His golden honey eyes strike so much fear into those who happen to stare too long into them. 
Is often compared to a wild owl when he’s in predatory mode
Definitely one of the most fit members within the team. 
Has a couple of tattoos and a good chunk of battle scars.
He is completely and utterly loyal to his S/O
will literally do anything for them
Kill, maim, torture, etc if anyone tries to hurt or threaten his s/o 
Despite being psychotic, he’s very gentle and loving to his s/o (gives his teammates whiplash ngl)
A̴k̴i̴n̴o̴r̴i̴ ̴K̴o̴n̴o̴h̴a̴
Another one of the advisors / strategists within the team
Honestly, he didn’t feel as though he was significant to the team. Though is told by Komi, that his efforts and skills are not only recognized, but needed to help the team function.
Besides being the advisor, he’s also one of the main strategists of the team. 
Definitely is the one who’ll provide strategies and plans for the others if they need the extra help for their missions.
An irritated sigh came from behind a screen as the figure skimmed over the multitude of orders coming in. He was thankful that he had Akaashi as a partner to help him get through the onslaught of orders, but of course as luck would have it he was out helping Bokuto with a mission.
With another headache on it’s way, the young male couldn’t help but lean back into his seat as he briefly closed his eyes. It wouldn’t be long, just a simple break is all. Though that was quickly shut down as a rather familiar ‘Hey, Hey, Hey!!!’
Though it brought another onslaught of rowdiness, he couldn’t necessarily be mad as that meant his extra help had also returned. With baited breath, the male waited before the familiar sound of a coffee mug was placed down onto the table as he looked to see the younger male. 
“I apologize for being late. Bokuto-san had a...rather adventurous time.”
“That’s fine, as long as you’re back to help me get through all of this nonsense.”
The third shortest within the team
Unlike most, he’s not very fit. More so lean in comparison to the other members. 
Is usually dragged by Komi to spar and to frequent the gym more.
He’s actually one of the more stable members to be in a relationship.
Has the most ‘normal’ relationship out of the others
H̷a̷r̷u̷k̷i̷ ̷K̷o̷m̷i̷
An energetic fluff ball who honestly takes after Bokuto in almost every sense.
Aspires to be just as good of a hit man as Bokuto and in that sense, trains practically every day to get to that point.
If possible he takes as many lessons as he can from the other male.
Despite having a relatively large skill set range, his skills lie mainly in long range shots. 
Like most, he’s more of a sniper rather than a close combatant like Bokuto.
One thing for sure is that he definitely carries the same sort of psychotic tone Bokuto has in the sense of justice and being the one to deliver it to the evil that plagues the planet.
“I may not be as good as someone else when it comes to delivering justice in one swoop, but I can confidently say that you’ll be wishing that you were dealt a one shot blow to the head~!”
The cheerful tone that carried through the statement did anything but settle the victim’s heart as they looked up at the young grinning male. A sense or urgency coming from their gut as they desperately tried to escape the claws that had captured him. 
Though no matter what words they said or pleaded with, they’d of course knew that they were doomed to the onslaught of torture the young male was ready to provide.
The smallest member within the team
Similar to Bokuto, he has a rather strong build and is considered the 3rd most fit member within the group. 
Unlike Bokuto though, he prefers to not have any tattoos. He prefers to let his scars tell the stories he wants.
super loving to his s/o but can definitely be overbearing at times
he likes to try to call them as much as he can, but with his goals in mind it’s rather difficult to do. 
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cherryonigiri · 3 years
Konoha + Emerald green ✨ (I 💛 your blog and hope you’re doing well!)
ahhh oh my gosh thank you so much! I’m glad that you enjoy my blog (it’s so chaotic and disorganized >.<) I am doing a lot better bc I turned in some assignments :) 
✉️ playlist delivery; ask game
emerald green || k. akinori 
thinking of: fantasy/magic AU with Konoha
Since he's a pharmaceutical company employee after the time-skip, thinking he would be a wizard/warlock with a specialty in potions
He has an amazing greenhouse where he grows most of his herbal ingredients
Adventures to get rare ingredients or deliver his specialty potions to clients - imagine being able to ride giant owls to travel between kingdoms
Maybe if the reader is some kind of plant/nature witch? That would be so cool I'm sure Konoha would appreciate any kind of help you offer
You like to tease him by making the plants move and tickle him while he's working
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hii, i totally adore ur writing! may i order a slice of cake? :3
i’m an entp cancer and use she/they pronouns. i’m 5’8 and i constantly like to wear platforms so usually i’m around 5’9- 5’11 ;; i’m v pale and skinny which i use to always get made fun of for :,) i have freckles across my face but you can rly only see them when ur close to me, i also have dark brown eyes and black short hair w bangs. i’m really extroverted in public, i’m usually pretty loud and energetic but i don’t realize n a lot of people tend to shy away from me bc of it, i rly love talking to people though, when im in the right mood i could literally talk for hours :D when i’m alone i tend to be way more relaxed though. i play guitar, bass, and ukulele and i also am really into art and fashion! my style is a mix of gothic lolita/ emo!!
i never done one of these so i hope i did it right c: tysm have a great day/night!! <3
🍰 for @goth-bunni
Romantic Matchup
Bokuto Koutarō
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Everyone saw this relationship coming 🧍🏽‍♀️
You both just match each other so well!
Now if I’m being honest when your together Akaashis heart rate goes 📈
Cause you two are just so energetic and sometimes that clouds your judgment
Which tends to lead to some...problems
Yeah Akaashi was not happy to pick you up from the jail house 😶
My boy is always down for a good conversation!
But be prepared for it to last FOREVER
He loves your height!!!
Says your the perfect hugging size!
And when you wear heels he just like 😲
He also thinks your style is super cool and unique
Omg when he finds out your into fashion...
He wants a new makeover every day 😭
Like come on his outfits change more than my mood 💀
He finds the fact you play so many instruments really cool
You let him try your guitar and you know what this mf did?
“I love you bitch” *strums* “ I ain’t never gonna stop loving you...bitch” *strums again*
You absolutely died of laughter
When he wants to paint with you you have to take some precautions
Cause it’s literally like letting a 4 year old play with paint
So very very messy
However you’d be shocked on how many of his paintings turned out good 🤨
You even have one hung up in your room
He almost cried when he saw that 🥲
Good boyfriend! Definitely recommend
Friendship Matchup
Haruki Komi
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I know this mans isn’t that popular but I just don’t see WHY
Put some respect on my mans name >:((((!!!
Haha Anyways 😀
So our boy here is kinda short 5,4
He has 100% asked to wear your platforms
And he felt like a GOD
Bought his own the very next day
But he really doesn’t care that your taller than him
“Don’t get cocky cause your tall I’ll bite your ankles” -Haruki Komi when you teased him for his height
Haruki is very lout and energetic himself so he never “shys away” from you
He’s actually really glad he found someone who can match his energy
Unfortunately his attention span is like this 🤏 big
So long conversations don’t really happen
Omg he LOVES your style
Definitely has asked for a makeover multiple times
But why would he be a cute E-boy 👀
He comes to you whenever he needs to get dressed up
He trusts your fashion sense that much!
But like he’ll just show up to your house with like 25 different shirts and pants
“You know you could’ve just texted me to come over 😐”
Well...too late now 😃”
Overall he’s a super cool friend to have!
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loneveenas · 4 years
✎ᝰ┆surprising my s/o naked tiktok-trend. || fukurodani version.
the trend follows like this: a person will walk in on their s/o, naked. they say nothing. they just film their s/o. and wait for a reaction.
characters are all aged up 20+; manga spoilers up ahead. you have been warned.
included: all possible members + managers.
wc: 653
warning: implied nsfw
fukurodani || inarizaki || series mlist || mlist
✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚. members.
#02. tatsuki washio.
will be busy in a call with suna and komori speaking about their next game when you walk in.
no reaction at first.
expressionless face.
will abruptly end his call, stand up, stretch his back and go to you.
the mans is ready.
#03. yamato sarukui.
will be watching tv or something, eating daikon radish probably.
then, boom. you’re there.
mouth drops, widely grinning.
“ooh, damn, baby girl.” his eyes on sight.
“you’re looking so fine.”
can’t stop smiling.
wants to touch you asap.
if you don’t watch out you’ve got a big storm coming.
#04. bokuto koutarou.
in a call with akaashi.
you open the door and walk in on him swishing in his chair.
“akaashi… can i call you back later?”
puts the phone down without an answer from akaashi.
“hi baby,” he says, pouty face and all.
when you give him more attention he won’t let go.
will strip himself asap (just like that dude in the never have i ever netflix movie)
#05. akaashi keiji.
is studying and doing some research when you drop that towel.
he doesn’t notice you at first so you cough softly.
he doesn’t notice for the second time.
you cough again — a little louder this time.
the moment he locks his eyes on you and your naked body the pencil he was holding snaps in half.
heavy mind battle going on when he doesn’t speak to you immediately: "i need to finish this piece.”
“but why are they standing there like that?”  
“i really have to finish this. or do i?”
(hint: he won’t be studying anymore.)
#07. konoha akinora.
making some notes for his job for tomorrow.
doesn’t know what to say at first.
“aw baby, are you for real?” cue 🥺-face.
the moment you step closer to him
he just. drops all his stuff and starts taunting you.
“you think you can get me turned on like this?” and scoffs.
“really now? how pathetic.”
you both know how much it turned him on in reality, but this just gets you in the mood as well.
#10. anahori shuuichi.
shuuichi will be playing games when you walk in.
he will stare at first.
close his game very carefully and slowly
you’re just standing there.
and the moment the game and his console are closed, he jumps you.
no words spoken.
#11. komi haruki.
komi is reciting his lines for his new production for tomorrow.
the moment you walk in, he immediately notices you.
you’re his sun and you know that.
he’s into all of that in a snap of the finger.
#12. onaga wataru.
in a group call with his co-workers.
you drop that towel before entering the room.
he’s sitting right in front of you.
he swallows loudly when he notices you.
blood all come running to his cheeks. he can’t stop blushing. at all.
he closes his laptop, though.
but doesn’t react.
you have to sit on his lap to get some kind of reaction out of him.
✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚. managers.
#01. shirofuku yukie.
just got home from work and she’s super tired.
you decide to cheer her up a little.
you slowly walk in on her, she’s laying on her back, wanting to take a nap.
when she sees you, she perks up from her position and can only stare at you.
“oh my god. thank you, kami-sama!!”
she straight up jumps you.
#02. suzumeda kaori.
she’s on a phone call with her high school friends when you walk in.
she doesn’t really know how to react once you walk in on her butt-naked.
her normal smiling face disappears.
“oh my goodness, babe, you should cover up! you’ll catch a cold.”
she’s too concerned with your well-being and forgets you’re in the nude.
“you should care about the aftercare when Ii’m done with you.”
her smile tells you she’s sold
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