kaysha2201 · 3 months
Kaysha, Alfonzo Hunter, Hasheem, Deja Vu x Les Bains Douches, Paris, 1995
Kaysha, Alfonzo Hunter, Hasheem, Deja Vu, DJ LBR, David Guetta x Les Bains Douches, Paris, 1995 In the summer of 1995, a night of musical magic unfolded at Paris’s legendary nightclub, Les Bains Douches. This iconic venue, a beacon of the city’s vibrant nightlife, set the stage for an impromptu freestyle session that would become the stuff of legend. The gathering of talents that night included…
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kofieyeboah · 1 year
Why did the Memphis Grizzlies draft Hasheem Thabeet?! 
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mashriqiyyah · 1 year
apne dekhe hai koe drame phir? Konse?
Jeee...4 almost!
Alif...because at that time, it's novel wasn't available in India.
Parizaad... because Hasheem Nadeem makes superb stories and for the first time in history, I'm glad they changed the end.
Yakeen ka Safar... And I don't remember crying as much as at any other drama than YKS 🥹🥺 Asfi n Zubi were literally love.
Sang E Mah... because the name intrigued me and also because I wear a moonstone like Hilmand 🤣😂 wasn't disappointed apart from the fact of using Haram death at the end. But maybe some stories are beautiful only when they're heartwrenchingly tragic.
Someone recently told me to watch sadaqay tumharay...but I didn't find it interesting enough. All about hopeless romanticism. Apart from Shano's beauty...I didn't like anything else 😂 and now I need to stop warna iss dramay ki roasting hojani idhar....Khalil Ur Rahman Qamar kahin chhat se na kood jaaye sunkr 🤣
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3tastic · 2 years
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Full-color Hasheem fig Pre-order NOW!! U can jump from my stories. ストーリーズから飛べます♪ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjz_PaxPLsN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rwhague · 2 years
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Sienna Frost’s Obsidian: The Awakening--A Book Review
Two nations. Two cultures. One trapped in the narrow alleys and quarters of their tightly packed city; the other trapped in ancient feuds and traditions. Both are determined to exist. Frost’s novel holds no punches and is as sharp as the rock from which it is named. In Frost’s own words, each of her characters are like obsidian–sharper and harder because they have been broken. The story opens with a captured woman facing the man that slaughtered her people, the Vilarhiti of the White Desert. He demands information from her–information that would lead to the demise of her culture as she knows it. But this Bhavari woman is strong and refuses to speak even under penalty of death. So her captor chooses life as her punishment–she will live as his prisoner, his wife, and be forced to watch any children born to her be raised by her enemy and transformed into the next conqueror of her people. Next we meet Hasheem, a former male prostitute turned assassin who now flees the city that used up his youth for its pleasures. Hasheem, too, is one of these sharp-edged people, and this flight to freedom drives him into the White Desert where his ability to survive in the dark alleys of the city will be of no help. Little does he or either nation know that his escape will signal the resurgence of conflict, shaking both peoples to their very core. Obsidian is a dark tale of political intrigue, secrets, depravity, and love. Each of the characters flow with passion–hatred, desire, ambition. Each character wants something and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. They are broken. They are survivors. They are dangerous. They are Obsidian itself. This story is not for the faint of heart. Frost takes off the rose-colored sheen of the world and explores deeply the dark, hidden places of human existence. With beautiful prose, exceptional story-telling, and captivating visuals, she brings the reader along on a journey that keeps them turning pages, drinking in more. Her characters worm their way into your heart and mind, and you find yourself thinking about them hours after the book has been closed. If you are up for the soul challenge, I recommend this book for you.
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keybuzznet · 9 months
PnB Rock Girlfriend, Net Worth, Daughter, and Age
PnB Rock was an American rapper and R&B artist who rose to fame with his hit single “Selfish” in 2016. Born Rakim Hasheem Allen in 1991, PnB overcame a difficult childhood and time in prison to launch his music career.
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diarioelpepazo · 10 months
Alexis se fue de jeta en vísperas del Día de Chiquinquirá, tremenda caída de considerables consecuencias. Fueron 20 puntos nada mas, gran trabajo médico al tratar la herida. Afortunadamente, y gracias a Dios y a La Chinita, ya todo está bajo control. El maestro de las artes y el periodismo, condecorado recientemente con la Orden Francisco de Miranda, se recupera de este golpe artero de la vida. [caption id="attachment_94731" align="aligncenter" width="385"] Gran trabjo de sutura y atención médica. Foto Alexis Blanco.[/caption] Alexis Blanco ¡Ups! Desde la infinita gracia de estar vivo todavía y convencido, hoy más que siempre, que Dios habita en mi frente recién cosida, tendré a bien supurar esta noticia kafkiana de la cual soy único puto protagonista. Y para dar gracias a HaSheem, El Eterno, tengo a bien improvisar unas líneas de reflexión acerca de esa caída abrupta que, desde la noche del viernes pasado, trastocó mi vida de modo harto significativo: de venir cabalgando las dulces mieles de las nubes de mi patria Esequibo he terminado mordiendo el polvo submarino de mi propio karma. Dedicaré este texto a mis nobles colegas de Noticia Al Día. Mis deudos por naturaleza. God bless us. Tropecé de nuevo, pero no con esa bendita piedra de sol poética, sino con una mísera rejilla de plástico que me lanzó en clavado frontal al mísero piso del porche de la casa de mis hermanos bienamados, los Colina Velásquez, en la ya no tan populosa (el luto por Ayita será insuperable para los Faría y su vecindario) calle San Luis, en Santa Lucía. Embocar es un verbo que incluye el diccionario Oxford, pero cuya acepción, escrita en lenguaje coloquial maracucho significaría “irse de jeta”. Encajé mí para ese momento muy condecorada testa en el suelo verde del antiguo hogar de Celina y Efraín, de manera tan karmática como simbólica. Íbamos saliendo, mis inseparables Dylan y Jiole, junto con Marisol, cuando de pronto no sentí sino ese coñazo devastador, los puños con púas envenenadas de ese ángel caído que me convertían el cráneo en patilla fresca, aquel torrente de sangre de mi sangre de mi sangre roja rojita. Y, en tormenta, los truenos de angustia de mi Dylan (quien cumple meses, hoy, día 21, 72 horas después del vergajazo de marras) y de mis sendas novias de la vida, la primera y la última. Sentirlos tan apremiados por verme ahí, hueso frontal al aire, vértigo hemorrágico y coñodelamadreetcétera, sí que me indujo a pensar y sentir qué hay canciones póstumas y definitivas. ¡Joder! Pensé en (¿cuando no, Serrat) mi juglar preferido cantando conmigo “Si la muerte, pisa mi huerto, quien firmará que he muerto, de muerte natural, ídem etcétera…”. [caption id="attachment_94733" align="aligncenter" width="285"] Tortazo noble. El hermano ya luce recuperado. Foto Alexis Blanco[/caption] Temprano, en Palmarejo, ese viernes, Gabriel Torres Ferrari, junto con su Evil Blues, Mauro Pérez y Juan Ordóñez, brindaron una nueva extraordinaria sesión de esta increíble música que nuestro héroe común, John Lennon, intentó explicar: “El blues es una silla, no un diseño para una silla o una silla mejor... es la primera silla. Se trata de una silla para sentarse, no para mirar. Te sientas en esa música.”. Estuvimos sentados en la silla de Dios esa noche, en el histórico bar de Érika y Rafa, porque hasta allá nos llevaron nuestros ángeles bluesistas (y verga) durante una hora. Estoy convencido que, esa energía sonora que en mi estaba reconcentrada luego del toque de nuestros EB, fue lo que habilitó el milagro de no terminarme de joder con aquel monumental coñazo contra el piso verde. Gracias, absolutas e infinitas, mis panas del alma, tan temprano… Marisol y Jiolexy poseen el don y la sabiduría necesarios para brindar con eficacia primeros auxilios. Lavaron de veloz las dos heridas en forma de v invertida. Espolvorearon unos antibióticos triturados y crearon un maravilloso emplasto de sábila con orégano morado, para, luego de parar la hemorragia de marras (me encanta como
suena esa verga: hemorragia de marras), proceder a vendar también con improvisados recursos. Total, nadie espera en su casa, mucho menos en la víspera de La Chinita, a un ueón que se va a ir de jeta y te va a cambiar la fiesta por angustia y verguero, jejeje. Mi pobre bienamada Marisol (nos empatamos bailando esa legendaria Since I've Been Loving You, de Led Zeppelin, unas cuatro décadas y pico atrás y ahora somos cómplices eternos) se prodigó en ese amor que la hace una verdadera gran maestra pedagoga. Gracias, bienamado ser de luz brillante y bonita. Transcurrida la primera fase de la angustia hubo espacio para la prudencia. Decidimos esperar al sol para acudir prestos hasta la emergencia del Hospital Central “Dr Urquinaona” de Maracaibo. Desayunamos las arepas más deliciosas de toda mi vida. Dios me brindó ese chance de comerme la mía. Es Día de La Chinita. La tarde anterior estuvimos en la eucaristía de las seis de la tarde en la Basílica y me encantó saludar a mi hermano, abogado y cuidador de La Santa Patrona, el mejor tercera base con quien haya jugado pelota caimanera, también luciteño, Lassister Pérez. Ese día, 17, mi santísima madre, María Augusta, cumplía cuatro meses de haber tomado la barca de Caronte. Improvisé algunas imágenes y oré por todos. En especial por estos amigos y hermanos fotógrafos con quienes he tenido la dicha de compartir trabajando y con cuyas experiencias retratando a La Chinita yo bien podría escribir un libro para regalar a los aficionados a la gran fotografía. Este templo es una joya preciosa. Esa luz que pareciera juguetear todo el tiempo entre los arcos y arquitrabes. Esa solemne devoción con la que todos los parroquianos encienden sus coreadas oraciones y liturgias. Estaba muy feliz, agradeciendo a Dios y a La Virgen por ese grato presente de la Orden Francisco de Miranda en grado de Generalísimo. Asiento de Primera Clase que por mis 50 Años de vida profesional me ha extendido la Compañía Nacional de Teatro (cuanto amo y agradezco a esta gente que acompaña a mi maese Carlos Arroyo en sus oficios de belleza y paz), refrendada por otro noble colega y amigo, Ernesto Villegas, ministro de Cultura, quien hasta me cedió el micrófono para que yo recordara mis principios éticos como hombre de teatro y periodismo. Después paseamos, cantando “Familita Familita Familita, de papá” y grabándonos caminando por nuestros émulos Elíseos de las calles Ciencias y Venezuela, hasta las esquinas de Colón y Carabobo. Renazco ahora cada día, con mis ganas de intentar ser aún más bueno, pensando, ayudando, haciendo. Celebración de mi mismo y de los míos en el mejor rigor y sentido del poema de Walt Whitman, el anciano renacido después de una caída peluda y maluca que ahora cede paso al humor urbano: bien podrían llamarme “cabeza e’ rache” o “testa tejida” o cualquier otra vaina que me hará reír hasta el hartazgo. Gracias a un artista (el joven cirujano César Choto, de guardia ese sábado matutino en el Central no sabe que es un tejedor de Soles de Maracaibo) mi frente abierta pronto fue cerrada, con precisión de Hipócrates, Celso y Galeno estudiando juntos en el saloncito donde transcurrió la pequeña cirugía de unos veinte puntos de sutura con la que selló este capítulo sangriento de una historia que, mientras viva, jamás cesará. El eficiente doctor Choto me prescribió antibiótico, analgésico y un protector gástrico. Cada ocho horas estoy ingiriendo este cóctel de fármacos con los que, primeramente Dios, estaré pronto recuperado y listo para seguir haciendo teatro, Zona de Riesgo, la obra escrita y dirigida por Leonardo Isea que con sumo placer y orgullo estaré estrenando el mes próximo. Será una forma muy especial de agradecer. José Saramago reaparece con Las intermitencias de la muerte y susurra: “La vida es una orquesta que siempre está tocando, afinada, desafinada, un titanic que siempre se hunde y siempre regresa a la superficie.”. Otro cómplice, John Donne, llega más allá e increpa: “Muerte, no te enorgullezcas,
aunque algunos te hayan llamado
poderosa y terrible, no lo eres;
porque aquellos a quienes crees poder derribar
no mueren, pobre Muerte; y tampoco puedes matarme a mí.
El reposo y el sueño, que podrían ser casi tu imagen,
brindan placer, y mayor placer debe provenir de ti,
y nuestros mejores hombres se van pronto contigo,
¡descanso de sus huesos y liberación de sus almas!
Eres esclava del destino, del azar, de los reyes y de los desesperados,
y moras con el veneno, la guerra y la enfermedad;
y la amapola o los hechizos pueden adormecernos tan bien
como tu golpe y mejor aún. ¿Por qué te muestras tan engreída, entonces?
Después de un breve sueño, despertaremos eternamente
y la Muerte ya no existirá. ¡Muerte, tú morirás!”. Los abrazo a todos. Los bendigo a todos. Vivo.. ¡Salud! [caption id="attachment_94732" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] María y La Chinita siemopre intercediendo por sus hijos. Foto Alexis Blanco[/caption] Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo
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biogab · 2 years
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conandaily2022 · 2 years
Nelson Chia, Hasheem Bason arrested in Oakland, California dentist Lili Xu's fatal shooting
Nelson Chia, Hasheem Bason arrested in Oakland, California dentist Lili Xu’s fatal shooting
Dr. Lili Xu, 60, of Oakland, Alameda County, California, United States was with her boyfriend Nelson Peter Chia, 73, of Oakland when she was fatally shot in Little Saigon, Oakland on August 21, 2022. She was a dentist who practiced in Oakland and Castro Valley, Alameda County.
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9jacompass · 2 years
Rapper PnB Rock’s girlfriend Breaks Silence After Witnessing His Murder
Rapper PnB Rock’s girlfriend Breaks Silence After Witnessing His Murder
Rapper PnB Rock’s girlfriend, Stephanie Sibounheuang, is speaking out one month after he was shot and killed at Roscoe’s Chicken & ; Waffles restaurant in Los Angeles. PnB Rock — real name Rakim Hasheem Allen — was fatally shot while eating lunch with his girlfriend Stephanie Sibounheuang at Roscoe’s House of Chicken ‘N Waffles. He was 30. Now, Sibounheuang — who shares a 2-year-old daughter…
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myraana1 · 2 years
Rapper PnB Rock was shot and killed at an L.A. restaurant
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Rapper PnB rock, 30, passed away after being shot during a robbery at a Los Angeles Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles. After demanding stuff from the rapper and brandishing a gun, the suspect fled the eatery after shooting him. Rock, whose actual name is Rakim Hasheem Allen, was taken to a nearby hospital where doctors eventually declared him dead.
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tickernewsng · 2 years
The 30-year-old, whose true name was Rakim Hasheem Allen, was shot and killed inside a Waffle House in Los Angeles while dining with Stephanie Sibounheuang.  She said in a post on Instagram that the artist had saved her life by hurling her beneath a table during the attack on September 12.  The rapper was shot multiple times in an LA waffle house and was pronounced dead about forty-five minutes later. His girlfriend who received many backlashes from the media broke her silence for the first time since his death. "I'm not supposed to be here but [because] of him. I am," "I can't even handle this. To witness what I saw and to keep seeing it in my head”, Stephanie wrote. Stephanie reveals how the rapper was faithful, the mother of the late rapper's 2-year-old daughter, Xuri said. She explains how everything felt right and flawless in their family. "I felt this time in my relationship everything was finally perfect for our family." she wrote. "I feel so empty. My world is dark now. My heart is broken for the kids." Stephanie wrote. A father and son are been accused to have allegedly taken the life of the 30-year-old rapper.  He  gained popularity after the release of his hit 2016 single Selfish and has worked with several musicians, including Ed Sheeran. 
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letsjanukhan · 2 years
PnB Rock's girlfriend Stephanie Sibounheuang breaks silence about his murder, says rapper 'saved my life'
PnB Rock’s girlfriend Stephanie Sibounheuang breaks silence about his murder, says rapper ‘saved my life’
The devastated girlfriend of late rapper PnB Rock broke her silence Thursday following his horrific murder that took place in front of her. Stephanie Sibounheuang was having lunch with the Philadelphia native, whose real name is Rakim Hasheem Allen, when a robber shot him at Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles in Los Angeles on Sept. 12. The “Selfish” hitmaker, 30, was rushed to a nearby hospital where…
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academyguide · 2 years
Raken Allen popularly known by his stage name PnB Rock was shot dead during a robbery at a restaurant in south Los Angeles.Los Angeles: On September 12, 2022, the gunman who killed rapper PnB Rock demanded jewellery and other valuable items before getting into an argument with the rapper and opening fire at Roscoe’s House of Chicken & Waffles restaurant.The Rapper was with his girlfriend named Stephanie Sibounheuang. She and rapper had two children’s.Rapper Cardi B defended Stephanie Sibounheuang as she was trolled for sharing and posting her food and location all contributed to her boyfriend’s death. But later it was noted that the murder has been planned way before they entered the restaurant.Cardi stated, “Y’all must not know how the hood moves. Y’all owe that girl a apology for the s— y’all put her through knowing that she saw her baby dad die in her face…. Social media investigators YALL SUCK!!!!”Freddie Trone dropped his son near the restaurant. His son was armed with a handgun and his face was covered with a mask.He was shot at back and chest several times during the robbery took place. After he was shot dead PnB killers took necklaces, watches and rings from the rapper’s body. And also demanded the rapper’s girlfriend’s watch.On September 28, 2022, Los Angeles Police Department said that a 17-year-old son and a 32-year-old woman named Shauntel Trone were arrested for accessory to murder.On September 29, 2022, the third suspect was arrested named Freddie Trone. The father-son duo was charged with one count of murder two counts of second-degree robbery and one count of conspiracy to commit robbery.According to the sources, the shooter was identified as a 17-year-old son and the driver was identified as the father in front of the court.Who was PnB Rock?Rakim Hasheem Allen well known as PnB Rock was born on December 9, 1991, to a Muslim family in Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.He was brought up listening to artists such as rapper 2Pac and R&B. He gained fame with his best-known single Selfish(2016) which was ranked 51 on billboard hot 100. He also released two more albums Catch These Vibes (2017) and TrapStar Turnt PopStar (2019)These two albums again toped the billboard hot 100 hitting number 5.Over the years he collaborated with many well-known artists such as Young Thug, 2 Chainz, Wiz Khalifa, Kodak Black, and Chance the Rapper “He was gentle and kind with me, a newcomer and stranger. “Rest in peace man”Chika tweeted with a broken-heart emoji. “He was such a pleasure to work with” Nicki Minaj wrote in part. “Condolences to his mom & family”After Pop Smoke there’s no way we as rappers or our loved ones are still posting locations to our whereabouts. To show waffles & some fried chicken????! He was such a pleasure to work with. Condolences to his mom & family. This makes me feel so sick. Jesus. #SIP #PnbRock 🕊— Nicki Minaj (@NICKIMINAJ) September 13, 2022Also read: Gangsta Paradise Rapper Coolio Dies at Age 59 Post Views: 75 [ Source link
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3tastic · 2 years
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Glow in the dark Hasheem fig Pre-order now Jump from my stories @sofvips 予約受付中 【商品名】SOFVIPS ハシーム 蓄光 【発売日】2022年12月 6,600円(税込) 【JANコード】4580652051941 【サイズ】全高約175mm 【材 質】ソフトビニール 【商品説明】「SOFVIPS」にコミックやアニメ、映画など世界的な人気を博した 「TOKYO TRIBE2」シリーズが登場! 今まで何度か立体化されてきた人気キャラクター「ハシーム」が 作者の井上三太氏による徹底監修のもと、新解釈アレンジで立体化! クリア、ブラックに続き暗闇でぼんやり光る蓄光バージョンが登場! 【製造国】日本製 【版権表記】(C) SANTASTIC! https://www.instagram.com/p/CjHcYeUPFiA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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couple-o-commanders · 6 years
Each Commander and their “Canon Mount”? (Saw it in the tags! ^^)
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Name: Hasheem
Gender: Male
Personality: For the general populace, unpleasant. A stubborn, nigh-untrained Raptor with a preference to toss or crush his riders under his massive form, it takes a special kind of handler to ride this beast. For those 'special kinds', however, Hasheem is a brave, loyal creature, willing to fling himself into danger if it means protecting this strange pack of his.
Fun Fact: Hasheem is the only animal in Huela's care that doesn't have a food name. Unlike Toast the Smokescale, Cornbread the Ley-Line Scavenger, Alfredo (or Alfred) the Marsh Frog, and, as of late, Tater Tot the Warclaw, Hasheem came with a name when he was given to the Commander as a gift for halting the Herald's attack on Seeker's Village. Hasheem means 'to crush', given to the heavy raptor due to his penchant for laying on his side when mounted, crushing (and even breaking) the rider's leg beneath his weight. When this tactic failed to stop Huela during the firefighting emergency (as she simply popped off her false leg, cursed at the reptile, and used her bow as a cane to get around and do work), Hasheem was impressed enough to allow Huela (and with some work, some other members of Dragon's Watch) to ride him safely.
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Name: Flapjack, or Jack for short 
Gender: Male 
Personality: Very curious and excitable.  Loves pets and attention A LOT, to the point of knocking people over because a belly rub was being offered.  Gets jealous of Cookie and attempts to be a Lap Pet™ when he thinks he can get away with it.  Doesn't steal food, but would rather play with prey than actually bother to catch it, so he's a bit lazy about getting his own dinner. 
Fun Fact: He looks like a normal skimmer, but Ancaire uses Mesmer illusions to make him all sparkly and spacey like that.
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