#hashtag nike just do it lmao
demenior · 5 months
questions I think would be fun to be asked: 12, 15, and/or 33 🫶
12. what’s some good advice you want to share?
Do it scared.
15. what do you think of when you hear the word “home”?
Somewhere where I don't want to spend my free time in my room. Also, Edmonton.
33. any hobbies?
god i wish. I pick up and drop hobbies on whims. I'll probably return to them at some point, but the list would include (I'm countng things I went and bought specific items to Do said "hobby" for or have a half-completed project for):
video games, embroidery, sewng (of my own clothes), painting, baking (bread and/or desserts), crocheting, digital art, making graphic novels, writing, podcasting, soccer, kyaking, playing dnd, guitar, beer tasting, ukulele, editing (for creative writing), wine tasting and manicures (ie gel polish).
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midnightspunisher · 7 years
1, 4-11, 17, 26-30, 37-39, 60-75, 77, 87, 89, 92 (i feel like i just wrote out problems to do for math hw)
you are.....the best:
1. would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? definitely not lmao
4. is trust a big issue for you? uhhh yeah 
5. did you hang out with the person you like recently? i don’t like ANYONE 
6. what are you excited for? nothing really comes to mind. i’m excited for reputation coming out nov 10, thanksgiving break so i can see all my friends, and i’m goin to breakfast with my friend amanda tomorrow so i’m excited for that too
7. what happened tonight? i saw a special preview of the new thor movie and it’s SO good! and i hung out with friendos i haven’t seen in a while and that was lots of fun!
8. do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? not really lmao be your own person 
9. is confidence cute? 100% yes! be confident it’s good
10. what is the last beverage you had? water :) hashtag hydration! 
11. how many people of the opposite sex do you truly trust? this is a weird question but i guess like two? three sometimes? i don’t really hang out with lots of males 
17. who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? i have a few close friends who i tell lots to! it’s really hard for me to be 100% honest about everything with a lot of people but there’s a few people who i can be really deep with and i love them a little extra because of it
26. is your current hair color your natural hair color? uhhhhhhhh technically? i have blonde highlights and my natural color is brown
27. would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? absolutely not i cherish humor 
28. what was the last thing that made you laugh? the new thor movie made me laugh lots!
29. do you really, truly miss someone right now? absolutely 
30. does everyone deserve a second chance? depends on the crime but i think everyone should have the chance to prove themselves or someone else wrong and if they don’t, it was a bad call
37.  do you believe in love at first sight? i think there’s infatuation at first sight but to fall in love with someone can’t just be dependent on their looks
38. who did you last call? my mom haha
39. who was the last person you danced with? i? can’t really remember? that’s kinda sad haha
60. wear slippers? i would if i had a pair
61. wear a bathrobe? no
62. what do you wear to bed? pj pants and usually an old tour t shirt or band t shirt or something 
63. first concert? kelly clarkson!!!!!!!!!!! i love that bitch
64. wal-mart, target, or k-mart? uhhhhhhhh none of the above tbh i hate department stores? but i guess target is the cleanest out of all of them? 
65. nike or addidas? i don’t really have an opinion 
66. cheetos or fritos? cheetos i think
67. peanuts or sunflower seeds? peanuts
68. favorite taylor swift song? i love so many but holy ground is my all time fave
69. ever take dance lessons? so many dance lessons
70. is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? uhhhhhh doctor? lawyer? i know i’m extra 
71. can you curl your tongue? hehe yeah
72. ever win a spelling bee? you bet your ass i have never competed in one
73. have you ever cried because you were so happy? yes many times
74. what is your favorite book? ever heard of a series called.............twilight? 
75. do you study better with or without music? without probably but i have studied with music so i guess it depends on the mood
77. ever been in love? do elementary school crushes count? 
87. ever won a contest? i’ve won a few basket raffles but nothin serious 
89. which are better green or black olives? fuck olives they’re nasty 
92. do you want to get married? with all my heart 
good god thank you so much for all of these questions
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