wildbeimwild · 11 months
Hobby-Jäger vor Gefängnisstrafe: Der schockierende Fall von Mara, dem Schlittenhund
Der Hobby-Jäger namens Hermann D., 77 Jahre alt, steht in Hassfurt, Bayern, vor Anklage, weil er angeblich einen Schlittenhund namens Mara erschossen hat. Der Vorfall ereignete sich, während Mara’s Besitzerin, Birgit Brunner, eine Touristin aus Österreich, am 18. Juni 2022 auf einem Fluss paddelte. Sie hörte einen Schuss und fand Mara in qualvollen Schmerzen. Ein Geschoss vom Kaliber .22 hatte…
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blackdevourers · 8 months
2 youth bikers from Bad Neustadt & Hassfurt in Bayern. Nürburgring September 9. 2016 (4) by Ole Poulsen II
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goalhofer · 5 months
2024 IIHF Worlds Germany Roster
#19 Wojciech Stachowiak (E.R.C. Ingolstadt/Gdańsk, Poland)
#26 Lukas Reichel (Chicago Blackhawks/Nürnberg)
#40 Alexander Ehl (Düsseldorfer E.G./Landshut)
#42 Yasin Ehliz (Eishockeyklubb Red Bull München/Bad Tölz)
#62 Parker Tuomie (Kölner Haie/Hassfurt)
#65 Marc Michaelis (Adler Mannheim/Mannheim)
#72 Dominik Kahun (S.C. Bern/Mannheim)
#77 Daniel Fischbuch (Adler Mannheim/Bad Friedrichshall)
#83 Leonhard Pföderl (Eisbären Berlin/Bad Tölz)
#17 Tobias Eder (Eisbären Berlin/Tegernsee)
#33 John-Jason Peterka (Buffalo Sabres/Munich)
#78 Nico Sturm (San José Sharks/Augsburg)
#95 Frederik Tiffels (Eisbären Berlin/Cologne)
#5 Tobias Fohrler (C.D.H. Ambrì-Piotta/Troisdorf)
#6 Kai Wissmann (Eisbären Berlin/Villingen-Schwenningen)
#27 Maksymilian Szuber (Tucson Roadrunners/Opole, Poland)
#38 Fabio Wagner (E.R.C. Ingolstadt/Lundshut)
#41 Jonas Müller (Eisbären Berlin/Berlin)
#49 Lukas Kälble (Adler Mannheim/Mannheim)
#91 Moritz Müller (Kölner Haie/Frankfurt Am Main)
#30 Philipp Grubauer (Seattle Kraken/Rosenheim)
#35 Mathias Niederberger (Red Bull München/Düsseldorf)
#45 Tobias Ančička (Kölner Haie/Heilbronn)
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mainkurvebayreuth · 9 months
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Eine stark dezimierte Mannschaft blieb bei der Niederlage daheim gegen Hassfurt chancenlos.
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That shine ! 🔥
Reposted @sabrinanachtrieb_haardesign
Danke liebe @jennifer.bathon hat wie immer Spaß gemacht 🧡
Thank you dear @jennifer.bathon it was fun as always 🧡
#shinehair #blackhaircolor #blackhair #straighthair #straighthairstyles #wella #wellahair #wellanordic #ghd #ghdplatinumplus #goodhairday #schweinfurt #würzburg #hassfurt #bamberg #badneustadt #badkissingen #kitzingen
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Monday 9th September 2024, Hassfurt, 1.10pm.
#181,278 — A common thief breaks into the house of a professional dominatrix and begins to help her ‘train’ her clients. One is in prison, the other is a social worker.
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domingo 30º junio 2024, Hassfurt, 8.27am.
#80.621 — Una guerra santa es proclamada, y todos los ciudadanos de una cierta etnia son masacrados y mutilados, los niños son arrojados a los perros, las mujeres violadas y asesinadas. Cuando uno de sus hijos desaparece, ella se verá obligada a aliarse con ese padre al que tanto creyó odiar.
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filmap · 3 years
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Im Lauf der Zeit / Kings of the Road Wim Wenders. 1976
Village Centstraße 1, 97437 Haßfurt, Germany See in map
See in imdb
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vilsstadtcrew · 5 years
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Magischer Abend in Hassfurt! Immer weiter!
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easyrider64 · 5 years
Day 1
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Greetings friends and welcome to my third Cycling adventure blog. Some preamble and history:  my brother in law Steve - owner of “Off the Rail” brewing invited me to celebrate his 60th birthday with a “bucket list” ride through Bavaria during Oktoberfest. Full disclosure - he had me at “beer and biking” the concept of cycling through the beer capital of the world (at its peak there were over 3,000 breweries in Bavaria) wasn’t a hard sell and as an added bonus my son Alessandro decided to join us.  Ok - so why the “Psyclepath” reference in the title. Well for those of you not familiar with Off the Rail Brewing, one of their signature brews(and personal favourite) is their ‘Psyclepath Lager" (Off the Rail is located on the Adanac bicycle path in Vancouver)  Leaving Vancouver on Friday the 13th, we flew to London and make a quick visit to my parents in Cambridge where we were surprised by my brother Lawrence visiting from Brussels and my sister Louise who flew in from San Francisco. My other sister Anne came to visit from Leamington Spa. What a great and unexpected reunion! It took us a while to figure out that the last time we had been together was for Lawrence’s wedding in 2003! After and all too short reunion we got up very early Monday to catch a Lufthansa flight to Frankfurt and then a 3 hour train ride to Bamberg - a stunning historic town that would serve as the for our adventure.  So - if you have read my previous blogs you will know that my work colleague and multi day adventure “mentor-guru” Rob has a mantra: Rule # 1: “no   epic journey truly starts until something goes wrong”. we arrived in Bamberg late and immediately headed into the old Town for a meal and a sample of the local community “ rauchbier” (Smokey flavoured dark beer) To northamericans used to strict public drinking laws we were a bit shocked (and not unimpressed) when we saw well behaved but equally well lubricated patrons walking through the old city with pint glasses in hand having a very good time.  Apparently there are no restrictions on public drinking in Germany as long as you bring your empty pint glasses back for the deposit refund (!).   We didn’t have long to prove that yet again Rob was right. Sitting at an outside table sampling some of the local schnitzel specially we struck up a conversation with our table neighbours. One was a former professional cyclist who was interested in our trip and proceeded to let us know that we were being way too ambitious with our daily cycling objectives.   Problem: accommodations had already been booked in the destination cities.   Feeling a sense of unease we headed back to the hotel.  The next day (Tuesday) was dedicated to getting the bikes and equipment ready for the ride. We went to the “business” through which we had rented the bikes and equipment only to discover that it was just a car garage which was locked and no signs of the owner.  Feeling an increasing sense of unease we decided to visit the local tourist information center  Rule # 2 for epic journeys: “when things look bleakest, a solution always presents itself”.  We started talking to one of the information center employees - and told him our story and asked if there were other bicycle rental companies he informed us that the owner of the company we had been to actually worked at the information center and rented bikes in his spare time after work.  He then proceeded to go in the back of the office and bring out “ Uri” the bike guy.  We spent then next half our (re) planning our daily rides and in no time we had it figured out. Later that day we met up with Uri and he provided us with excellent bikes and all the equipment we required as well as additional advice on our trip. 
 So we set off today _ officially day 1 of our trip.  Heading out west from Bamberg along the south bank of the Main river we were immiately struck by the fact that almost the entire route was on dedicated bicycle only trails (see pictures)  we made our way through stunning countryside, winding our way through numerous villages that all seemed to have one or more breweries. Being able to ride side by side is a rare luxury on long rides and I was. Blessed by being able to engage in a long conversation with Alessandro as we passed through increasingly breathtaking countryside (this stretch of bike trail is known as “the romantic way” in Germany and for obvious reasons) Stopping for a quick lunch break in a gorgeous medieval town called Hassfurt, we continued on hugging the bank of the Main river.  At one point we stumbled across the 200 year old Lamm brewery and we felt the urge to stop in.  Rule # 3 for epic journeys - be open and “ in the moment” and amazing things will happen.  The brewery is no longer in operation but it operates as a hotel and distribution center for a larger brewery.  We pulled up on our bikes and a gentlemen was in the office and opened his window.   Not one to be shy when it comes to beer steve blurted out “do you have any beer?”. The man muttered some inaudible words in german then closed the window.   Steve and I looked at each other quizzically ….but shortly thereafter the gentlemen came out with three beer bottles and proceeded to open them.  I have to presume he had been sampling some of his ownproduct because for the next 30 mins we proceeded to have a conversation using my very rusty German and yet he seemed to understand everything I said.  He - Theo- the owner lamented the fact that none of his children wanted to take over the brewery and it eventually ceased producing beer.  He then showed us around the old factory and them promptly left to make a delivery and told us to help ourselves to any beer while he was gone (which we did not - instead leaving a few euros for the beer he gave us).  It’s one of those surreal moments that always seems to happen on these trips.  Leaving the brewery we continued west eventually arriving in schweinfurt (which suffered terrible bombings during the war).  Already 70 kms completed on heavy bikes and with almost 60 more to go to our final destination of Wurzberg we opted to take a train eventually arriving in wurzberg around 4pm where we cycles a short distance to our accomodation.   All in all an amazing first day. 
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Table neighbours!
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Uri the bike guy!
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wildbeimwild · 2 years
Hobby-Jäger beginnen das neue Jagd standesgemäss
Hobby-Jäger beginnen das neue Jagd standesgemäss
Die selbsternannten Tier- und Naturschützer sind auch im neuen Jahr in den Medien ein grosser Spaltenfüller. Ein paar Schlagzeilen aus der ersten Januarwoche, dokumentieren klar, dass die Hobby-Jagd nicht funktioniert. Hobby-Jäger haben weder eine gute Ausbildung noch sind sie ethisch und geistig auf der Höhe und schlampig im Waffengebrauch. Hobby-Jäger bei Hassfurt hat den Hund eines…
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blackdevourers · 8 months
2 youth bikers from Bad Neustadt & Hassfurt in Bayern. Nürburgring September 9. 2016 (7)
2 youth bikers from Bad Neustadt & Hassfurt in Bayern. Nürburgring September 9. 2016 (7) by Ole Poulsen II
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wasserstoffh2-de · 5 years
Hassfurt: Mit dem Wasserstoffbus nach Haßfurt zum Einkaufen?
Zitat: "Anfang September durfte sich Bürgermeister Günther Werner freuen. Die Stadt Haßfurt bekam vom Bundesinnenministerium eine Zusage für Fördergelder im Rahmen des Modellprojektes "Smart City". Ein Zuschuss in Höhe von 11,362 Millionen Euro tut jeder Kommune gut. So kann die Kreisstadt ihre Modell-Vorhaben mit 65 Prozent Förderung umsetzen. Um sich für das Projekt „Smart Cities“ zu bewerben, hatte die Kreisstadt ein Strategiepapier vorgelegt und darin als Alleinstellungsmerkmal das Ziel einer „Smart Green City“ ausgegeben, da sie sich bereits auf dem besten Weg dahin befindet. Im Jahre 2018 hat das Stadtwerk Haßfurt bereits 87 Millionen Kilowatt an grünem Strom aus Windkraft, Photovoltaik, mit der Biogasanlage und durch Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungen erzeugt. Außerdem läuft das Wasserstoff-Blockheizkraftwerk. " Artikel vom 06.01.2020 auf Mainpost.de lesen... Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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mainkurvebayreuth · 10 months
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Knappe Niederlage beim Aufstiegsfavoriten aus Hassfurt trotz starker Mannschaftsleistung - weiter so Jungs. Ein Dank geht an unsere Schweizer Freunde vom FC Baden!
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Friday 30th August 2024, Hassfurt, 5.43am.
#180,396 — A little girls keeps showing pictures of a Hollywood couple to the other girls at school, saying that those are her parents, constantly travelling from one movie location to the next. But when their plane crashes in the middle of nowhere, a strong mind game erupts between the jealous husband and the younger photographer as they try to get back to civilisation.
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domingo 26º mayo 2024, Hassfurt, 2.17pm.
#79.372 — Le clavaron algo metálico en la parte superior de la cabeza. Él confiesa ser el autor del crimen y haber actuado para “lavar el honor familiar, mancillado por el comportamiento de su hermana”, que llevaba un estilo de vida occidental y se relacionaba con no musulmanes.
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