#hatch bf5
succikko-draws · 1 year
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i swear this isnt a fixation switch fhqfhhD but we watched a kid show with friends and it was weirdly addicting
if you know and recognize this show without reading the tags you automatically get a free request from me
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spiffyvonsnazz · 2 years
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I'm trying to learn to draw more Vandals :) hatch is my favorite Vandal so I started with a quick side profile of his funny head.
I changed his mouth to look more like it does on the Scarib box art instead of the weird hole in the show lol, lmk what yall think
anyway VANDAL FANS WHERE U AT?? rise up
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irishpotato19 · 3 years
Okay this is kinda three part question, so feel free to only answer part of it if you want. How do the BF5 member react to their SO getting kidnapped by the Vandals, the Sark, and finally the Reds?
Kinda long post, I’m really sorry for the delay and hope this is close to what you asked for...or at least makes sense :)
BF5 Headcanons: Reacting to/what they’d do if their SO was kidnapped (Vandals, Sark, Reds)
-Their SO came along to watch the team train, and somehow their SO was kidnapped.
Agura Ibaden -
Isn’t too worried, since she has managed to trap them all at once
Is still mad, and makes sure to trap them for longer this time
The Vandals won’t be getting out anytime soon, and Hatch is definitely going to be paranoid for a while
Is worried, she knows how easy it could be for Zemerick to keep her SO locked away, or harm her SO
Makes a plan with the others, and tries to keep her cool
Doesn’t want to waste anytime, and can be a little reckless...but Vert and Stanford calm her down
Is absolutely livid, especially when she finds out Kyburi took her SO
Doesn’t tell the others, and gets a battle key...and immediately regrets it
She can take Kyburi, but they are evenly matched, and she lets her anger cloud her judgement
She goes back for help, and she eventually wins, of course with the team’s help
She starts crying because she is so happy her SO is safe and back with her again
AJ Dalton -
He wasn’t really worried about the Vandals...or at least he didn’t show it
They were big, but it wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle...it would be sort of like football practice and pushing around practice dummies
He was obviously still worried about his SO, but he knew he would be able to keep them safe
He was a little more worried, but the Sark were nothing the GearSlammer couldn’t take out...if he took Vert with they would be fine
He would definitely scoop up his SO, and punch Zemerick (kind of like that scene in Hercules)
As soon as he got to his SO he made sure they were unharmed, and might teach them some self defense, especially if he wasn’t around...it help him feel better
You know how AJ is usually happy and bubbly...well he’s not...and it’s honestly terrifying...this dude is smart and cunning when need be
He wouldn’t even think of telling anyone, not even Vert, and would race off to find his SO...if there was even a bump on his SO, there was no telling what would happen. Krytus would probably nervously laugh whenever he saw AJ again
Lots of snuggling and hugging his SO, and probably wouldn’t let them out of his sight for awhile...he hates worrying and just wants his SO to be safe and happy
Sherman Cortez -
Not too worried. He’s seen them up close, and dealt with them...been one of them
They’re just big animals, and honestly not very smart. This would be an easy rescue mission...Dude can lift a tank...he could and would punch their lights out to get his SO back
Would just make sure his SO is safe and unharmed, maybe give them tips on how to deal with the Vandals on their own
So remember the time the Sark took Spinner? Yeah, he’d react like that...but worse 
Can’t focus on anything and is really angry. He might get -a little- a lot reckless and the team will often have to hold him back...which takes a lot
He just wants to get his SO back, and can’t stand to lose anyone he cares about...lots of hugging and would probably set up some kind of panic button
I would start running, because this softie is literally about to burn something down...think the Gladiators episode where he was about to run over Zoom
Angry crying, no thinking, and all action, and usually Spinner can talk some sense into him but not this time...the Buster would be completely banged up and the Reds would be a bit nervous around him
Eventually gets his SO back and breaks down crying, doesn’t let his SO out of his arms for a while and just wants to make sure his SO knows he will always protect them
Spinner Cortez -
Quite honestly, for once he wouldn’t freak out and would go in with a clear head
The Vandals aren’t that bright and he would set a lot of traps...getting his SO back would be more like a game
The Vandals would be a little freaked out
Worries a lot, and is paranoid...he just doesn’t want his SO to be hurt
But, he knows he’ll be able to coax Zugg into handing his SO over...maybe
If all else fails he can easily hack into their mainframe, he’s not an amature in the slightest, and nothing is too much for his SO
Would probably freak out a lot and then drag Sherman along with him, he just wants to make sure he can be there for his SO in every way possible
Will hack anything and everything so he has an advantage over the Reds, he’s paranoid and cautious and would take every advantage he can get
Lots of crying and hugging once his SO is back in his arms, might program something into their phone like a panic button 
Stanford Issac Rhodes -
He absolutely hates Vandal, but he would do absolutely anything to get his SO back...even go to vandal, that's how much he cares for his SO
Would have the Reverb completely set up and would try to be as quick and efficient as possible...lot’s of screaming if a bug comes near him
As soon as his SO is safely at the hub he’d make sure they are unharmed before he checks himself for anything
First tries to reason with Zugg to give his SO back, but if that doesn’t work he’d definitely go in with the Reverb ready to go
There’d be a lot of Damage to the Sark and the Reverb, the job was messy but he got his SO back...just barely
Checks his SO for any marks, scratches, scrapes, or bumps...would hug them and tell them to be more careful, but that he’ll always be there for his SO
Remember when Simon stole his car, or when Simon was around in general? Yeah he has that energy but amplified...this Brit is absolutely livid, and there is a lot of screaming and creative swears
Would probably steal the Splitwire honestly, he needs as much fire power as possible, and he is not taking any chances on his SO’s safety...the Red’s are horrible, but not scared, more so shocked
As soon as his SO is back at the hub safely there’d be a lot of hugging and aftercare, he’d make his SO as comfortable as possible and assure them he’d do absolutely anything for them...but that they should be more careful
Tezz Volitov -
Isn’t worried at all
Easily gets his SO back from the Vandals, and doesn’t really show mercy
Tells his SO to be more careful and aware when they come on missions
He’s obviously worried, but doesn’t show it or tell the others...would definitely speed off without a word
Would have an advantage over the Sark and didn’t come in without a plan...there’s definitely a wake of damage and no mercy for any of the Sark
Would probably put up a perimeter of security around the hub, that way he can keep his SO safe as well as the others...he may not show it but he really does care
He is absolutely furious, like his glove is no longer set to stun...if Krytus has his SO he will not go down without permanently destroying Krytus
Has a plan to destroy the Reds for good...again there is no mercy from him and quite honestly it’s enough to stun Krytus (if Krytus stops to actually think you know this emo boy really left his mark)
Makes sure his SO is safe and unharmed, he’s usually not big on touch, but he will hug and maybe hold his SO’s hands for a while...he just needs to know they are safe and he’ll be there always
Vert Wheeler -
Like always Vert is worried about his SO, but he doesn’t show it
He easily comes up with a plan...it’s the Vandals who took his SO, it won’t be tough to get them back
He’s cool and collected, and would obviously make sure his SO is okay, before telling them to be careful
A little weary and isn’t sure why Zemerick would want his SO, but he has to get them back
A little more worried than with the Vandals, but will keep his cool...as long as he has a plan he can get his SO back, but the Sark will have to wait a couple months before their next attack
Makes sure his SO is unharmed and might give them a small dagger similar to his sword...he wants them to be safe
If the Reds are ever involved he definitely loses his cool, especially since they took his SO...all hell breaks loose and Vert would stop at nothing...he’d fight Krytus after every respawn
I imagine the others would come with, and Sage would give them a boost...no matter what the Reds would definitely have to replan their strategies
Vert would probably be very clinging, and want to make sure his SO is safe and unharmed...would probably give them lessons for self defense or have them stay at the hub (at least until he figures out how to keep his SO safe)
Zoom Takazumi -
He isn’t too worried, but he is mad
Fists of fury...he’d do anything to get his SO back...and the Vandals are going to feel it the next day
Would hug his SO a lot and make sure they didn’t get hurt...much like Vert would probably offer to give them self defense lessons
He keeps his cool and would either bring Vert or Spinner with him, he knows he can get his SO back with a plan
The Sark definitely are surprised and will need repairs...please don’t make Zoom mad, he may look cute but he’s strong and is dangerous
Lots of hugs and snuggles for his SO, even if they insist they are ok
Kytren...buddy...bad idea
Zoom would be absolutely livid and there is no mercy for any of the Reds...they would be rattled and would definitely rethink what they thought about Zoom...he’s definitely dangerous
He’d make sure his SO was safe, and if they had any cuts or bruises he’d immediately take care of them...he would still be angry a few days later but eventually he would calm down
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blankrslate07 · 5 years
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Oho, you have read my mind, anon!
( I was supposed to post this yesterday, but Tumblr was being uncooperative as usual.)
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Avel Wheeler
Human/Red Sentient Hybrid
Asexual, Biromantic
Vert Wheeler (Biological Father)
Krytus (Biological Father)
Sage (Aunt)
Jack Wheeler (Grandfather)
Vert's Mother (Grandmother)
Mostly similar to his father, Vert. Having pale skin, and blue (kind of greenish) eyes. His hair is short, curly, and slightly pale blonde, with two strands on the sides of his head that are hard as a rock and unbendable, the roots coloured red as well.
His body is on the slim side, but still lean. The only parts that of a Red Sentient are his hands and knees down to the feet.
Avel wears a white turtleneck sweater with black stripes, collar and hems. A red vest that has gold trims and buttons. Three straps of brown leather on his wrists, and black, durable, leather gloves. His pants is made out of the same material as his gloves and tucked into a pair of boots with metal tips and soles.
Underneath all of these clothings, is a necklace with a silver moth pendant with rubies inlaid into the eyes and garnet on the wings.
How he was conceived?:
Before anyone asks, NO he wasn't a product of Mpreg.
Avel was born in a battlezone that held a machine that could mix any two species into a hybrid that would reside in an egg until it will hatch into a healthy baby.
The device has been inactive for eons now, until Battle Force 5 and the Reds arrived and started driving around the curved "Roads" around it. The kinetic energy of the cars soon powered the device one last time, tendrils came out and sucked some of the blood of BF5 and energy from the Reds.
The Reds' shells were shattered while BF5 had to retreat.
What was left in the machine, were five eggs in the size of an ostrich's egg. All of them floating in tubes filled with liquid.
Eventually, the eggs are taken by BF5 when Sage gets a energy signature that resembles that of a Sentient. After two weeks, it was discovered that the eggs had energy signature similar to that of the Red Sentients, and the BF5. It was decided that the best course of action is to put them in cyrostasis since most of the BF5 aren't exactly ready to become parents yet.
Unfortunately, the eggs were hatched sooner than thought.
Three Years later, during the fight against the Ancient Ones, the Hub was nearly destroyed and the eggs were later being transported to the Red Sentient Planet by BF5 and RS5 (Who were released from being frozen due to their help being wanted.)
Along the way, the eggs were starting to hatch with no way of stopping. By the time both teams already in the planet, all of the eggs have already hatched. Cries of six hybrid babies filed the air as their stunned parents look upon them.
Afterwards, when the Ancient Ones havr been defeated, both teams, Sage, and Jack Wheeler come discuss what should be done about the children. The suggestion of putting them in an orphanage was out, be it in Earth or in the Sentient Planets (Kyburi especially was against it).
While it was reluctant, it was decided that the both parents shall be present to raise their child. With Krytus and his team gaining the chance to redeem themselves while in parole. Both parents will get half of each each human month to spend time with their children.
Avel can be rather passionate about his feelings. His emotions clear on his face, especially when he's feeling happy, sad, or angry. Eyes shining through with his emotions, nearly lighting up even.
He is also very determined to complete any tasks or goals he has been given. There few things that would make him back down from doing them, and usually its his dads that stop him from doing something stupid and dangerous.
Also a good strategist. Often taking note of the terrain around him, how it will affect ones movement, the visible weaknesses of his opponents and what visible weaknesses he has to cover up.
However, he would be a better strategist if he wasn't so arrogant. Avel brags about his achievements a lot to his fellow hybrids, along with trying to prove himself to others by doing dangerous stunts.
He is also quite the lone wolf. Often going off on his own during mission, thinking that he can handle it himself and that his team can just relax and watch him. This has led him into getting in a lot of trouble, yet he still does it.
Avel can be rather paranoid at times. Usually having a lot of knives on his body and even hair. The four posts of his bed even have retractable swords in them incase of an attack.
He has some insecurity about his abilities and not being able to create a vehicle compared to other pure Sentients. His attempts to impress everyone and prove himself stemmed from this insecurity.
Avel absolutely adores and looks up to both his fathers. Thinking that they're one of the greatest beings in the Multiverse. He has a positive relationship with both of them, spending enough time with both of them. Krytus is more of the stricter parent, usually telling Avel hunting and survival tips along with telling him a few tales during the Red's Youth. While Vert is more the relaxed parent, helping Avel with his vehicle and teaching him being a leader should be.
He wants to make them proud of him someday. Avel sometime feels like he isn't living up to standards, with both of his dads being famous in the Multiverse. Vert Wheeler, the hero of the Multiverse, and despite Krytus' infamous status, it's still well known how strategic he is, especially during the battle of the Ancient Ones.
Fire Manipulation: Capable of setting parts of his body on fire and controlling it. Avel can create waves, concentrated blast, and even melt thick steel if he can concentrate hard enough. But he cannot use this for too long, his body would start to heat up and make him tired before inevitable causing him to faint from exhaustion.
Claws: His fingers can turn into sharp knives if needed.
Heat Resistance: Avel can stand the heat, even if it is in extreme conditions.
Sword Combat: With both of his dads skilled at the swords, it was obvious that Avel would be taught how to handle it and how to fight with it. His sword can split into two, thinner ones for greater range and can be set on fire as well.
Flexibility: Avel was born rather flexible, and has been honing it for a long time.
The Acrotract:
A vehicle that has two modes. One mode is a rather simple looking, red and black, skateboard. The skateboard is used for missions that require stealth. The second mode is a long, slender, vehicle, shaped like a sleeping pod and a pair of scissors were mixed together. It can fire sharp missiles in rapid succession, let out oil slick from the back, can be driven upside down (much like the Saber), and can seperate into three, connected segments that could trap opponents, or make tall objects fall onto them.
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