#zeke bf5
succikko-draws · 1 year
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i swear this isnt a fixation switch fhqfhhD but we watched a kid show with friends and it was weirdly addicting
if you know and recognize this show without reading the tags you automatically get a free request from me
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Mysterious New Member-Chapter 4
Tezz suppressed a yawn as he closed down his computer's windows. The program he'd been running couldn't quite interpret what the markings meant, but the closest it had come was comparing them to Greek, though even that was a stretch based on some of them. An odd finding for symbols found etched on the walls of an alien structure. He was certain to have quite a few sleepless nights trying to figure it out. Tonight, however, would not be one of them. He exited his lab to go get some shuteye.
The following morning saw the team able to eat breakfast and go about their morning routines before a Storm Shock opened later in the afternoon. Vert, Tezz, Sherman and Spinner, Agura, and Stanford blasted through the portal to find themselves in the middle of a jungle-like Zone. They were immediately greeted by Kalus and his Vandals, who wanted a rematch from their last fight and were rather at home in the environment.
Roughly forty minutes later, with some well-played moves on BF5's part, the Vandals were once again beaten and the team rode through the Earth portal with the Key.
Vert sealed the portal and returned to the Saber, spirits high.
"Man, kicking Vandal butt sure makes a guy hungry," Stanford commented. "Who's up for dinner at Zeke's?"
"Only if it's an extra large, everything topping pizza with anchovies and pickles," Sherman replied, licking his lips.
"Come on, little bro! You can't put anchovies on pizza. I can accept everything else but that."
As the rest of his team bickered about the best choice for pizza toppings, Vert led the way back to base. After dropping off the Key and gathering the others, they headed out to Zeke's Diner.
They finished two hours later and while they were still getting out of their usual booth, a deep, uneven rumble sounded from just outside.
Stanford, having been closest to the window, parted the blinds to take a look. He gasped.
"What's wrong?" Vert asked, turning round to see the red-head's face lose some of its color.
"Isn't that our little spitfire pulling up?"
Vert and Zoom moved between the others to look. There the jet black Camaro sat, a space away from the Tangler, engine grumbling. Its paint was freshly waxed and it looked pristine as ever.
The scout was the first to speak. "What should we do? I really don't wanna get in her way again after the last time."
"Just cool it, guys. This is just a diner, there's nothing weird about us being here. Act natural, okay?" Vert backed away from the blinds before she could spot him.
"I take it that's the girl you chased down by mistake?" Agura asked, not missing the way the three boys' expressions changed to sheepish.
"We told her it was just a misunderstanding," Vert explained. "Besides, this is all just a coincidence." Was it though? The town she was headed towards was in the opposite direction of Handler's Corners. There was no logical reason for her to be all the way out here. Still, he wouldn't lose his cool. They were in their street clothes and as far as anyone was concerned, they were nothing more than a bunch of young adults with project cars. As long as they didn't seem suspicious, she'd have little reason to confront them.
He led the way out of the diner, striding out like he hadn't just been spooked. He eyed the Camaro as it idled several spots down. He pretended not to take notice and hopped into the Saber. As the others got into their cars and Zoom his bike, Vert spared another glance at the odd one out. He could tell Agura was wary as the Tangler lowered her seat, and as she sat down she gave a not-so-subtle stare at the Camaro next to her.
The tinted windows revealed nothing.
Vert backed out and hit the road, the others following shortly after. When they were no longer in sight of the diner he relaxed.
"Well, that was weird," Spinner said when the silence became too much. "I thought you said she was mad at you."
"She was," Vert answered. "Maybe she got a little frightened at the sight of all of us."
"I'm just glad she didn't get out to confront us," said Stanford.
Agura hummed. "What was she even doing there though? She lives miles away from Handler's Corners."
"We have no proof she actually lives there," Tezz piped in. "Perhaps she was visiting family and stopped by at Zeke's on the way back. We don't know anything about her. It's possible she may live in Handler's Corners and we're just unaware of it."
"Let's just try not to let it get to us," Sherman warned. "After the last time..."
Vert didn't miss the dig. "You're right, Sherm. Let's just forget about it." They sped in the direction of home.
Sometime into the evening, Sage called them down. "I have picked up another anomaly," she said, bringing up a screen. "I'm sending the location to your cars. Be careful, whatever it is, it's mobile."
The team nodded and ran to their vehicles.
"It's heading East," Agura reported, eyes on her dash.
"Now it's going South," said Sherman.
"Northwest," Tezz said seconds later. He scrutinized his screens. "That can't be right... Its output is dropping. If we do not reach it soon, it will vanish again."
"Alright, guys, full throttle!" Vert charged ahead. He steered the Saber in the direction of the anomaly, changing course whenever it did. Eventually, his sensors stopped picking it up. "Speed up," he called, slamming the accelerator. He would not let them get away again.
Sherman frowned at his dash. "I got nothing, Vert. It's gone."
"Over there!" The Tangler swerved left and raced towards a car with its lights off. A black car.
"Is that...?" Vert turned on his high beams. It was a Camaro. He grit his teeth.
"Her trajectory matches that of the anomaly's last known location," Tezz supplied.
"I knew it... After her."
The entirety of the Battle Force was after her, perhaps that was why she slowed to a stop and allowed them to catch up. She kept the engine running just in case, though they made no move to surround her this time. She watched the leader–the blonde guy from before–take determined strides towards her. She rolled her window down.
"Having another identity crisis?" she questioned his disgruntled visage. "How many jet black Camaros do you know?"
"You've got some explaining to do," he responded. "We've been getting some weird readings out here and they're coming from you."
She quirked a brow. "What's the matter? Haven't you ever been rejected before?"
"Her car is still letting off some unusual energy," came Tezz as he approached. "It's strange, the frequency doesn't fully match that of the anomaly moments ago, but it is still impossible for an ordinary car to cause such a thing." He came to a stop next to Vert. "Perhaps you are not aware, but there is something different about your Camaro in particular."
She gave him an unimpressed look. "Yeah, no kidding. Every time I drive it I get chased down by a bunch of desert weirdos. Hell if I know why."
"We aren't trying to hurt you, it's just that-" He had to step back to avoid taking the door to the abdomen while she got out.
Tezz, who had been too busy fiddling with his scanner, wasn't so lucky.
"I don't know what you call running people off the road, but where I'm from that's a pretty hostile move." Slapping Tezz's arm, she added, "Get that thing away from me and my car or else I'll put it somewhere that was better left unknown." She gave them all a wary glance. "Who are you people?"
"We're just, uh, filming for a movie," Spinner said from atop the Buster. He gulped when she narrowed her eyes at him.
"Do you really think I'm that stupid? I'll ask you again. Who are you and why. Are. You. Chasing. Me?" She looked back at Vert. "What kind of 'readings' are you even talking about?"
"And what do you mean my car's abnormal? You're the ones with project cars gone wrong. That one has a snow plow in the desert," she said, gesturing to AJ. "Just what are you freaks up to?"
Vert contemplated what to do. He couldn't keep playing the fool, they'd gotten too involved now. He glanced back to the others to find them just as lost. He sighed. "Maybe you should come with us. We can explain everything back at our base."
She laughed, the sound strained and hysterical at the same time. "Seriously? I'm not following you creeps back to your 'base.' I don't need to watch too much TV to know that's a bad idea. I'll take my chances out here, thanks." She made to get back into her car.
"There must be some reason you're out here," Tezz argued. "Aren't you looking for answers?" She gave him an odd look that he couldn't interpret.
"Depends whether or not you actually have any," she said after a pause.
"I think we will," Vert answered, "but we can't give them out here. If you come with us, we'll explain everything."
She glared at him, wary. "Diana," she said at last. "Diana Linden."
"I'm Vert Wheeler. And this is my team." He pointed out the rest of the Battle Force one by one, watching her nod after each introduction. "We're the good guys, okay?"
She pursed her lips. "Lead the way," she said as she fell back into her seat. "But if any of you tries something, I'm bolting."
He nodded and headed back to the Saber, motioning for Tezz to follow. They took off, the Camaro trailing back a few paces, and rode to the Hub.
Chapter 5: here
Chapter 3: here
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krytus · 3 years
zeke: the kids are in cahoots with aliens
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incorrectbf5quotes · 6 years
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Zeke: Hey dude. What’s up?
Zoom: Teenage rebellion.
Zeke: Fuck yeah! Stick it to the old people!
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lacependragon · 2 years
Hot Wheels: BF5: Netflix Anime AU Fanfic
Yeah I'm gonna try this. Basically, if I were to make BF5 into a Netflix Anime AU/Reboot of itself, like I posted about before. Lots of little dumb ideas.
Dunno if anything will come of it but here are my thoughts:
Morally grey Sage from get-go. She genuinely advocates for killing the Vandals, Zemerik, and Zug if they can because it's the fastest way to end the war and protect Earth and the Sentients. She remembers the reds but never says anything about them and doesn't remember how they'd be awoken anyway.
Genderqueer Stanford + Trans Spinner. I love. Trans rep.
Vert/Zoom, because I will go fucking down with this ship
Tezz/AJ, because grumpy/sunshine is the best trope and you cannot stop me
and Sherman/Agura/Stanford because polyamory is great and if you watch Cold as Ice and Mag Wheels and Blue Tide back to back you will understand why I ship it.
Grace becomes a secret keeper in season one. The gang are shitty liars and people are only so dumb. She puts together that something is going on and tells Vert to either explain it, or she's going to Johnson with her theory of "it's a fucking cult". So he shows her the basement. She gets a watch but no vehicle (until late season 2/early season 3)
Zoom ends up in a pretty entertaining situation where Sheriff Johnson likes him and no one else on the team because Zoom grew up in a monastery, and when he tells Johnson, that reminds Johnson of all the samurai and samurai-cowboy movies he loves and he gets really curious about Zoom's skills and wants to get him a cowboy hat
Krytus and the reds stay scary way longer. Like, skin of their teeth, Sage even post-fuser is scrambling for more weapons, scary.
Everybody's a little neurodivergent~ As a treat~
Spinner and Zemerik boink at one point. There's a long running consequence of that being that Zemerik goes easy on the Buster in battle zones and helps them out a lot more willingly against fellow enemies. Their eventual friendship as a result of the kidnapping and boinking is what leads Zemerik to aligning himself fully with Sage
Everybody's a little bit horny~ As a treat~ And Vert and Stanford definitely roll into bed together a few times because. They're horny dudes with no standards. And they share a bedroom wall. Easy math.
WORLDBUILDING AND LORE AND HISTORY AND LORE and the actual explanation for Stanford's ancestry, Sherman's super strength, the Blue Flame, the Crimson One, and so much more. Also a fuckton of Sentient war history.
How did Tezz survive? And shouldn't he have needed to recover? Yes to both.
War. Criminal. Sage. The gang actually has to grapple with the fact that they're actively taking orders from a war criminal and whether or not Sage was justified in what she did and if she had any other option
There's gonna be a whole arc centered on Agura's hunting ability and its importance to the team's survival in dangerous situations
Zoom almost accidentally becomes Vandal Warlord because he almost kills Kalus when he's trying to save Vert's life. Kalus becomes very invested in Zoom after this.
Which is all to say that by the end of season one, Zemerik is more interested in the brothers than Vert and Kalus is more interested in Zoom than Vert, and Vert makes a joke that he's feeling a little neglected and wishes he had the spotlight again... about an hour before we meet Krytus. Who is fucking obsessed with Vert.
Kalus has a husband. He's a black panther named Xunsu.
Zeke also has a husband. And is Jewish.
The slow spiral of grey morality, battle zone exhaustion, and fear that the war is never going to end
Oh, in season one they are in a battle zone where they encounter one of the red cryo pods but when they describe it to Sage she tells them it's nothing to worry about. Needless to say, when it gets cracked open and fucking Kyburi walks out of it in season two, they're a little P.O.'d with Sage.
Feel free to shout out ideas.
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kgirl1fromff · 3 years
One thing I really enjoyed about BF5 was how worried they were about the town finding out about their mission. Like, the one time the Vandals and Sark made it to Earth (and interacted with humans; not counting Time Out or the episode with Simon (sorry that I can’t remember what it’s called, Bronan!) in this scenario), Zeke & Sheriff Johnson immediately assumed they were actors in costumes shooting a movie. Let’s also not forget the time that Sherman and Spinner’s artifact monster attacked THE ENTIRE TOWN and no one noticed, not one person. Sorry if I’m missing an episode; this thought just dropped into my head and I’m trying to be more active in this fandom + learn how to use Tumblr :)
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irishpotato19 · 3 years
Ok, but what if someone wrote books for the BF5. Each book would be based on an episode, but add in some slice of life or something else. More lore, or back stories on the characters. Give them more depth and expand on the world's and other characters.
EX: Book 1 and book 1.5, Book 2 and book 2.5? Or one part of the book about the actual events of the episode, then the second part slice of life, or backstory.
Like what about Grace and Zeke? Or those characters that show up for a single episode, like Simon or Sol. Or even Rawkus and Krytus who are supposed to be important, but we don't really know that much about them besides the basics. If there were books, it would be easy to give these characters more life.
Don't remake the show and botch it. Have little guided books or comics (not necessarily fanfiction but similar) written. It wouldn't be hard to expand on the world's, or even continue the story through books.
Of course don't stray so far from the path, such as creating whole new characters...but idk just an idea I've been thinking about. Hope that made sense.
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bronan · 3 years
Jack Wheeler and Simon Ian Rhodes II. naturally
anon understands me
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them - jack wheeler checks every single one of my boxes except for the 'being real' box - I literally love everything about him but the catch is that a lot of the stuff I love about him I made up because he wasn't given much characterization in the show. If I had to try to explain my enormous love for this man, I'd say that I love how resourceful and spunky he is. He's so stubborn and stupid and smart. How'd he figure out how to use alien technology on his own car like that? And then he built a Mobi?? Like Jack is some kind of mechanical wizard. He strikes me as the kind of man who is used to doing things on his own, doesn't like to ask for help, and prides himself on his ability to handle things and "take care" of it/others. All stuff that was also probably expected of him as the "man of the house." basically being the provider puts a lot of pressure on a fella and he doesn’t like to ask for help at all. It’s HARD to turn that off, especially when he’s been put into survival mode for SO long. Jack is going to be looking over his shoulder for a long time. I see you jack and I sympathize with your character and I understand why you had a hard time being all chill when you finally saw your son again for the first time in probably a decade it’s okay king I love you forever
least favorite thing about them - we did NOT get enough jack wheeler and I'm just mad that we never got a proper resolution to his tracker because like... it's still in there... in them molecules... what if someone else decides to hone in on it and find earth and blow it up WHAT THEN JACK
favorite line - every word outta his mouth is my favorite line
brOTP - jack and tezz meet and get along RIGHT NOW. You guys have a lot to bond over and by bond I mean be super awkward and probably wind up working on a car together and being silently impressed with each others' ability to integrate sentient technology with earth technology which can open up the floor for an even more awkward attempt at conversation until you two vibe enough to actually want to talk to each other. Also if tezz gets with vert then jack HAS to talk to him which would be hilarious. vert forgive your father he is trying over here - jack and zeke brothers for LIFE but if you ask jack it's NOT that intense but if you ask zeke it IS that intense - not a brOTP more like I think jack would just love the shit out of zoom and see him as almost "mini vert" and want to lowkey adopt him. zoom call jack 'dad' on accident and make him wreck his car in shock challenge and GO - also not a brOTP but honorable mention is jack and sheriff johnson's never-ending rivalry/battle where johnson wants jack to pay up or spend 500 years in jail for all those speeding tickets/traffic violations and jack wants to vandalize his cop car with spray paint and flip him the bird as he speeds off to be a stupid fucking moron another day. johnson is like "jack wheeler is nothing to me" but tbh you think about that man all day long don't you johnson. It's never going to happen sheriff johnson simon will stomp you with his hooves
OTP - jacksimon and girl let me tell you.
nOTP - jack and literally anybody else I only care about jacksimon but I do like to collect sad songs for when he was with his ex-wife
random headcanon - he's divorced he's soooooo divorced it's actually canon. Also he loves to cheat at cards and is REALLY good at it, you can’t beat his sleight of hand or his poker face.
unpopular opinion - boy howdy I think me just liking and enjoying his character is or was an unpopular opinion tbh. Jack was... NOT popular in the bf5 fandom LMAO. Probably still isn't but I mean let's be real, we saw so little of him that it's hard to judge his character and a lot of what we saw was influenced by his emotionally-charged reunion with Vert in Legacy. Man is literally traumatized and confused after being in space jail for years and years and his kid shows up in some spandex suit trying to boss him around I mean what would you have done what would any of us have done. Man needs therapy and apple pie STAT. Anyway I'll die defending jack wheeler's character while simultaneously talking about what a shithead he is/can be. I love a multi-faceted man. A middle-aged babygirl, if you will. My babygirl.
song i associate with them - too many but I narrowed it down to the one that I've been really associating with him lately and that song is World Ender by Lord Huron
favorite picture of them
every single picture of jack is my favorite but I love this one it's just iconic. GOD HE'S SUCH A KING
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send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them - THE KING. I love that he's such an enormous shithead but is actually good at stuff and isn't just blowing smoke up peoples' asses. Like simon talks the talk AND walks the walk and I think that's really mature of him tbh like you have to show the people that you ARE the alpha male or whatever - okay that's obviously satire but I also kind of mean it, I just really love and embrace his stupid, competitive personality. I think he was made to be disliked and my brain was like well god I love that for him. Like on god he's hilarious. And he's really just Stanford cranked to ten so all the haters must look within when you love stan but hate simon... but honestly feel free to hate him more simon for me. Also I love his hair those bangs are serving.
least favorite thing about them - just that we got so little of him. But I love that the mention he did get was for Stanford to be like "my brother bought me some cologne" and it smelled like shit. Stanford do you honestly just trust him that much or do you have a shit sense of smell.
favorite line - "Stanford, you're such a star!" I just love how he said that he's soooooooo obnoxious and smart and valid
brOTP - simon and stan is, of course, the brOTP. People hate simon for how he treated stanford but idk about you guys but I had older brothers who were super duper obnoxious so it was like. ah yeah that makes sense. lol. I love that stan was SO excited to go back home to see simon for his birthday and bragged about the gift simon got him like they obviously love the shit out of each other deep down, they just also love to give each other a lot of shit, it's their job as siblings who probably grew up in a very competitive household where I'm sure they were pitted against each other and compared to each other all the time. I could talk about this all day let's move on before I make this post any longer than it already is gonna be - I also love the idea of Zoom growing fond of simon and kind of tagging along with him, they try to outdo each other on stunts and stuff and do increasingly stupid/dangerous stuff which drives vert CRAZY!!! god zoom can you chill out for FIVE SECONDS stanford can you come collect YOUR brother!!!! stan's like um no lol how about YOU tell your STEP FATHER to behave - not a brOTP but thinking about simon trying to navigate being vert's kind-of step-dad is hilarious... vert I am so sorry girl
OTP - jacksimon, simon looked at that old man and called him his babygirl and the rest is history
nOTP - simon with anybody else, I only have eyes for jacksimon man
random headcanon - simon went to med school until the idea of "settling down" in a career freaked him out so when he got scouted to be an actor he leapt at the chance (and it was perfect for his vanity anyway) so he's got a lot of medical knowledge and would be the team's medic fo sho. And be REALLY good at it but would also learn a lot from Sage and expand his skillset once he matures and really hunkers down and focuses. He has huge potential he just... also has a lot of maturing to do and I think him being on the team would give him the room he needs to grow and it'd be fantastic as hell tbh
unpopular opinion - ok so my kneejerk reaction is to say that I like to believe that Simon is COMPLICATED... he has grown up with massive pressure on his shoulders, huge expectations from his family, and yeah he was the golden child but he also had to perform to meet those expectations and all his life he's felt like he's had to perform and put on a show and impress everyone around him and it's gotten to the point where home boy doesn't know how to turn it off and just be himself properly. He comes off as a total stupid bimbo for it but he's just doing what he thinks everyone wants to see from him - the main focus is to be a winner, to come out on top, to be better than everybody else and to shine as the brightest star in the room at all times. (Basically he has to be universally loved and is so far up his own ass he either doesn’t notice when someone actually dislikes him or doesn’t care. either way what bliss) I think simon does tend to naturally excel at a lot of stuff but I also think he puts in a ton of work to make sure he never falls behind, people just don't see it because he keeps those parts of himself very private and filters out the "best stuff" to put forward and out there. all of that being said I also like the idea that he IS just naturally better at basically everything and it becomes a huge point of contention between himself and Stanford because maybe Simon DIDN’T ever have to work hard to excel and be amazing whereas Stanford always worked SO hard to try to succeed and failed and it’s like. Stanford’s so frustrated and feels like Simon can never understand him or relate to his struggles in life. Idk there are so many possibilities for Simon. I think it could reasonably be a mix of both tbh, but ultimately... Stanford doesn’t understand Simon, either, and doesn’t see the demons he fights or the work he puts into keeping up with his lifestyle that he refuses to give up. Their family is motivated by results and Rhodes aren't afraid to talk themselves up, but Simon HAS to deliver every single time because he just can't fathom NOT being number one. He’s seen what happens when you fail (stanford..lol) and has even taken part in ridiculing Stanford for his failures. Basically classic bully behavior that was probably learned from observing. I think he's really full of himself, really confident, but also absolutely terrified of failure when it boils down to it. (I think all Rhodes are terrified of failure tbh.) Basically my opinion is that he has more than one personality trait lmao 😩 so much of his characterization is in my head made up because we got very little of him in canon so my ideas tend to be all over the place, I just think about him nonstop and am not sure which direction I want his character to go so if this makes zero sense........forgive me
song i associate with them - A LOT but right now I've been listening to Fashion by Lady Gaga (not the one with the exclamation point the other one… why are there two… so confusing…) and thinking about Simon so let's say that one for now
favorite picture of them how am I supposed to pick one I can't. But I love when he makes this face:
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Thinking Face. he is Focusing. Real kings purse their lips and furrow their brow when in deep thought
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Thank you so much for all your work, I was wondering do you have any random headcanons of the team?
You're welcome! 😊 I have a dating head canon that I was planning to write for some time. It's about what are they like to (Y/N). How would they treat her and all that stuff. I hope you enjoy! 👍
BF5 x (Y/N) Dating Head Canons
Vert Wheeler
Flirts with you most of the time. You blushed so hard, that you looked like a tomato the entire day.
He trains you personally when both of you are free. He treats everybody equally, so there is no special treatment for you.
He's the crimson one, so you have respect from the sentients from being his partner.
Extremely protective of you. If something happens, he'll do whatever it takes to make sure you're safe.
Buys you expensive jewellery during your anniversary or your birthday.
He calls you baby, sugar or sweetheart most of the time.
Gives you a sweet kiss on your forehead or your lips whenever he's passing by.
Helps you on whatever you're stressing out on.
When you both fight, he'll make it up to you by travelling through the multiverse and spending time cuddling and making out.
He takes you out to a park or the beach during his spare time.
He'll always be by your side. Especially during the darkest of times.
Agura Ibaden
She takes you with her when she's going on a safari adventure.
Extremely protective of you, like Vert.
Teaches you how to talk back to people who mocks you.
Buys you expensive clothes on your birthday or your anniversary.
Teaches you stealth on her spare time.
You both go outside and walk around, talking about what interests you that time, when both of you are free.
Might smack your ass when she passes by.
She takes you out for dinner after you both have a fight.
Calls you babe, sweetie or Darling most of the time.
Will stay by your side most of the time.
Tickles you when you feel sad.
Zoom Takazeumi
He's a gentleman towards you. Respect's whatever your doing.
Teaches you Muay Thai when both of you are free.
Protective of you. But not extremely.
He'll pepper your face with kisses when he's passing by.
Buys you chocolates, boquet of flowers, candies, ice cream, plushies and other goodies on your birthday or your anniversary.
He'll never fight with you. If your venting, he'll listen to you, and when you finished saying what you have to say, he'll give you a long hug and a passionate kiss.
Takes you to the place where he was trained when you both are free.
He'll meditate with you when you're stressed out.
Helps you out on whatever you're doing.
Sherman Cortez
When he's making something, he'll call you in so you don't get bored doing nothing.
He'll teach you math if you're bad at it. He's a really good teacher.
He'll take you to Zeke's for sandwiches and banana split with extra pickles.
He'll let you use the buster when you're bored.
Buys you the latest tech on your birthday or your anniversary. Most of the time, he'll invent something.
Gives you a hug when he passes by.
Calls you Cariño, Príncipe/Princesa or bebé most of the time.
When you both fight, he'll make it up to you with a passionate make out session.
He'll never let you work when you're stressed.
Spinner Cortez
You both are gaming most of the time. He taught you how to play Zoit Thrashers like a pro!
You're never bored when you're with him. You both are either gaming, eating snacks or goofing around.
He'll buy pepperoni pizza with hot peppers just for both of you, and some for his brother.
Gives you a hug when he's passing by.
Calls you Hermosa, Mi Amor or Mi Sol most of the time.
Buys you the latest video games and consoles on your birthday or your anniversary.
You'll both walk around the hub after you both finished playing video games.
For making up after a fight, he'll buy you a new laptop or a computer.
Teaches you programming.
Stanford Isaac Rhodes IV
He'll treat you like a queen!
He'll say super cheesy pick up lines, which makes you blush really hard or laugh.
He'll book both of your seats to famous concerts, which is in the front row.
You both travel around the world in a private jet.
Buys you expensive makeup, jewellery, clothes and other stuff on your birthday or your anniversary.
For making up after a fight, he'll take you to one of the most expensive restaurants.
Calls you My love, My queen or Beloved most of the time.
Gives you a playful wink when he's passing by.
He'll make sure you get the best of the best.
Tezz Volitov
He's a silent guy, so he doesn't really do anything. Sometimes he'll kiss you on the cheek or give you a compliment.
Doesn't know how to say jokes or flirt. So he just looks at you and smiles.
He'll teach you math and electromagnetism when both of you are free.
He'll buy you pizza to let you know that he loves you.
Sometimes, he'll irritate you, so you tend to fight. For making up after a fight, he'll make you a special invention that took him weeks, maybe even months. He's never gotten enough sleep when he was making that. (You may or may not be still mad at him for the fight.)
Buys you chocolates and makes you something on your birthday or your anniversary.
Calls you Dear, Love or Dearest most of the time.
Gives you a kiss on the cheek when he passes by.
AJ Dalton
He's the most active out of the whole group. He'll make you happy all the time.
Takes you to Yukon for sky diving, hiking etc.
Buys you ice cream and Coke randomly.
He'll buy you candies and plushies on your birthday or your anniversary.
He'll make you laugh when you're feeling down.
For making up after a fight, he'll surprise you by a movie night with lots of snacks, just for both of you.
Calls you Honey, Sunshine or Angel most of the time.
Gives you a kiss on your forehead when he passes by.
He'll joke about the weirdest things which makes you laugh too hard.
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stormshock-factory · 3 years
Top five BF5 characters. And top five random facts you know.
BF5 Characters:
1. BF5 and RS5
2. Sol
3. Rawkus
4. Jack Wheeler
5. Zen and Master Takeyasu
Notable Mentions: Grace and Zeke
Random Facts
1. There are visible signs to knowing how good the taste of a watermelon is.
2. When a cat on top of a higher place than others and sleeps on your bed without being placed on it, it means they think they own the place and everybody else lives there rent-free.
3. Sharks babies fight in the womb.
4. There are times that films have to use cgi to make it seem that the dogs' tails aren't moving, since when they're moving it means they're happy for doing a good job on set.
5. I caught someone doing vape during in a school mass before, while the mass was still going on and none of the teachers noticed.
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lyssitalennon · 7 years
Let Me Hear You Sing (aka: a capella au!!!!)
The StoryTM
Vert Wheeler is a mechanic with the perfect name for his job. He’s a decent singer and knows a few guitar chords, but never had any notions of performing. But when the Battle Force 5, an up and coming A Capella group, need his voice for a competition, he reluctantly agrees. It also helps that the other baritone is cute. Shenanigans ensue.
The Main CastTM
Stanford Isaac Rhodes IV: BF5’s tenor/contratenor; senior Recording Arts major
Zoom Takazumi: BF5’s baritone; freshman Art major
Vert Wheeler: newest member of BF5, baritone; college dropout (college? what college?)
Sherman Cortez: BF5’s bass; junior Engineering and Computer Science major
Spinner Cortez: BF5’s beatboxer and occasional tenor; senior Computer Science major
Aidan James “AJ” Dalton: Vert’s roommate, senior Elementary Education major; tone-deaf; plays on hockey team
Tezz Volitov: junior Physics and Computer Science major; works with Stanford on sound and mixing recordings; a decent baritone
Agura Ibaden: good friends with the BF5; junior Veterinary Medicine major; alto
Viviana “Viv” Lyon: Agura’s roommate and BFF’s with Stanford; Performing Arts major with emphasis on voice, piano, and cello; soprano (aka: the oc I always forget isn’t actually canon)
Jax Mercer: senior Engineering major; works at Spectra Motors with Vert; Spinner’s adorable date mate; tenor (aka: the OC who belongs to @anipendragon but I’ve adopted them and also always forget isn’t canon)
Simon Ian Rhodes II: BF5’s former baritone; grade A asshole
Master Takeyasu and Zen: Zoom’s adoptive father and brother
Sage and Krytus: competition hosts looking for new talents for their respective companies
Leroy Jenkins: professional college student and Tezz’s roommate
Dr. Z: Dean of the College of Computer Science
Coach Kalus: hockey team’s coach; Extra™; always ready to fight the other team’s coach and referees
Mobius Royal University (thanks for the name ani I was dying trying to name this school)
Modulon 5: coffee shop near campus​
Zeke’s: retro diner that the gang hangs out at a lot
Spectra Motors: the car shop where Vert and Jax work
The Official Let Me Hear You Sing PlaylistTM
Run to You- Pentatonix
Bohemian Rhapsody- Pentatonix
Over the Rainbow- Pentatonix
White Winter Hymnal- Pentatonix
Good to Be Bad- Pentatonix
Magic Spell- Mark Hildreth
Hallelujah- Pentatonix
Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy- Pentatonix
Need You Now- Lady Antebellum
If I Knew Then- Lady Antebellum
Imagine- Pentatonix
Take On Me- Pentatonix
Can’t Help Falling in Love- Pentato
Jolene- Pentatonix/Dolly Parton
Sing- Pentatonix
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krytus · 7 years
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i know the truth! about every single one of you!
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kgirl1fromff · 2 years
HELLO KGIRL. I saw the fanfic ask meme and wanted to hear your thoughts on
A, J, Q, T and U
If possible 👁👁
Yes yes yes!
A: Of the fanfic you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?
This is a great one! A lot of my Bf5 fanfics were written early on when I was not a great writer. (This isn’t like, a compliment hunt, it’s just objectively true.) From my OG work probably Eternity because I'm proud of fleshing out Kyburi's story and giving her character more depth, but for what you could call my renaissance period, probably Wheeler's Night Out! It was a fun challenge to get just the right degree of years of pain between Vert and Jack, plus of course, the subtle Vergura 😏
J:  What’s your favorite fanfic trope?  Have you written it?
I love the Five Times trope because I love getting little scenes of character interaction! I've done it for Star Wars Rebels & I'm currently working on one for BF5! Guess what it's about? you got me it's Vergura
Q: Do you like getting prompts from your readers?
YES. A million times yes!!! i love getting new ideas sparked in my brain and they’re so often ideas that I never would have thought of but fall in love with. Send them always!!
T: Any fanfic tropes you can’t stand?
This is gonna make me sound like a capital-J jerk so thanks for making me answer it!!! I'm not a huge fan of self-inserts or OCs. I think it's awesome that people love these shows so much that they want to put themselves into them and interact with the characters, but personally, I'm watching for the characters I already love, not new people. I'm sorry!! there's nothing wrong with these works and I think they're a great form of self-expression but they're just not my cup of tea
U: Is there a pairing you would like to write, but haven’t tried yet?
Vergura really is my ride or die but I am a little intrigued by Sherman/Agura. Just like. just a little. Solely because of that one screenshot from the webisode Dropped Call where his hand is on her leg under the table at Zeke’s… but I’ve never been able to get past Vergura enough to write about them. Sigh. Vergura ‘til the end
Thanks for the ask!
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krytus · 3 years
bf5 alignments
agura, zoom, sherman, aj: lawful good
stanford: lawful stupid
spinner, tezz: chaotic good
vert: rising lawful good with a dash of chaotic dumbass and a spinkle of true good
zeke: chaotic oblivious
rawkus: true neutral rising asshole
zemerik: chaotic evil
the vandals: chaotic evil dumbass
zug: tragic neutral
the red sentients: [harrison ford pic] evil.
sage: grandma_holding_a_gun.png
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irishpotato19 · 3 years
BF5 Headcanons: April Fools Day
This is just a day for Spinner to be Spinner. He can be diabolical honestly...literally run for your life.
Spinner Cortez -
He’s the king of this day, you thought his pranks were bad before, well just wait
Has the whole Hub, garage, and even vehicles set up with pranks...nowhere is safe, and no one is safe
Is kind of scary quite honestly, even Sage isn’t safe
Any and all pranks are fair game...its not a good time for anyone but him
Agura Ibaden -
Takes the pranks for a little bit, she has brothers so whatever
Throws closest objects next to her if he happens to prank her, otherwise tears apart automatic pranks
Spinner takes it too far and she snaps, and he avoids her for the rest of the day because he’s scared of her threats
AJ Dalton -
Doesn’t understand what’s going on at first, and pretty easy going...might join in eventually
Laughs a lot at the pranks on himself, or at others. Is just having a good time.
Doesn’t really care; something could explode in his face, Spinner could turn his clothes pink, or switch out pudding with mayonnaise.
Responses include, “Dude SICK!” “Oh grody!” “Awww man!” “Haha AWESOME!” 
Sherman Cortez -
Is used to all of Spinner’s pranks by now
Depends on how harsh the pranks are, he may lose his cool or he might just ignore Spinner all day
Doesn’t protect his brother that day, he knows Spinner has it coming
Sighs and groans a lot
Stanford Issac Rhodes -
Is mad and paranoid the whole day, especially at Spinner
Hides his valuables, and anything Spinner could use to mess up his image (phones, beauty products, clothes, and Fluffy)
Might camp out in his room, or the Reverb...whichever one wasn’t majorly pranked up
Swears a lot, mostly British terms, says he’d rather be around Simon
Tezz Volitov -
Doesn't get it, and gets mad when Spinner wrecks his projects
You never thought he could yell as loud as he does
Shocked Spinner three times, and would do it again
Drives out into the salt flats, or to a safe battlezone...he doesn't want to be there until Spinner is done
Vert Wheeler -
Let's Spinner go for awhile, but eventually gets fed up
Continuously tells yells at Spinner to clean up and disarm the pranks 
Rants to Agura and Zoom...and sighs a lot, hes like an exhausted parent
Eventually threatens to take the hand sanitizer and soaps and sneeze everywhere and on everything...its childish, but it got under his skin
Zoom Takazumi - 
Takes part in a few pranks, until they start to get personal and harmful
Goes full ninja mode, and takes down as many pranks as he comes across
Spinner gets mad that he avoids most of his traps
Eventually goes to check Zeke's diner, because everywhere seems to be decked out with pranks. He wants needs a break
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lacependragon · 3 years
BF5 Fic Details:
Diverges post Sol Survivor
Vert/Zoom, Agura/Stanford/Sherman, Tezz/AJ, Spinner/NB OC, Grace/OFC
Zeke is gay and has a husband
Sage is gay and has a wife. The plot kicks off when they find her wife
There’s a non-binary red on the BF5′s side that is Sage’s wife’s twin and is also Krytus’ ex.
There is going to be a lot of entertaining jokes and innuendo.
Plot rolls through the defeat of the Reds into the taking on of the Ancient Ones as seen in the final moments of the finale.
Fuck Full Revolution.
Spinner is trans.
None of the ships are together yet.
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