#hate him. love him and desire him. but i hage him
pinkpluswhite · 1 year
seth's outfit SLAY GIRL!!!
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jayktoralldaylong · 8 months
I don't think I'm ever going to get over Connall Moonbeam. I have tried and I have kept failing. It makes it especially worse that there's such few edits of him or fanart of him. It's like he never existed, like he was never even there, Fenrys' shadow even in death.
He hated his life so much. His only desire was to be more. Then that horrid selfish desire ended up with both he and his brother trapped in hell and he had to watch as Fenrys was stripped of all the things that made him bright and shiny over and over again, and maybe hate himself. Hate himself for being the reason that Fenrys' always suffer. For being the anchor that keeps Fenrys from ever sailing away from Maeve. Cause Fenrys would rather die than serve Maeve, but he won't let himself die because that would mean abandoning Connall.
I'm never getting over wondering if Connall ever knew how much Fenrys loved him and that just completely breaks my heart. Everyone always calls Fenrys brash, reckless, wild, like he's something annoying they have to put up with, unlike levelheaded Connall. Fenrys admired all the parts that Connall hated of himself. Fenrys was so proud, he'd boast of his brother, was protective of his brother, admired that Connall could do all the things that he couldn't do. He was so proud of his brother and proud of himself, and he thought if they ever escaped Maeve they would leave together, because Fenrys still dreamed of freedom even after Maeve tore him apart again and again. Connall must hage admired Fenrys' firey drive but also worried for him so much. Worried every time Fenrys provoked Maeve and he ended up in punishment. "I told you to behave" he basically says. And with the way his hands were shaking, with how Maeve said she wanted to cleanse her court, you just KNOW Fenrys was the one ordered to be executed so Connall gave his heroic reckless brother one final gift.
My Roman empire is Maeve stealing away Connall's last words. He couldn't speak at all with the pride he actually has for his brother, the relief that Fenrys has found a queen who would love him and beg for him. He couldn't even tell his brother he loved him, instead admitting the childish hate he still stored in his heart because of course Connall hated Fenrys, in the way siblings hate each other. In the way you hate someone who's better than you in every way but still desperately want them to success. And Fenrys watching his brother hit the ground without being able to speak, to beg, to mourn, to say anything. Fenrys getting forced to service Maeve with his brother's body right beside him, defiling Connall even in death. That Fenrys has no idea what they did with his brother's body. That Fenrys thought he'd get to see that black face mirroring his own face for a long long time. Those wise eyes, that mouth that was not so quick to smile. His brother, his reason, his heart, his comfort, the only one able to understand him completely, Maeve took him away.
Now when Fenrys opens his eyes there is no Connall nearby that understands his secret messages, right down to his small barks. No one who gets what he's trying to say even when he's not saying it. No one but Aelin, and thank God for Aelin because Fenrys keeps losing the people who truly cared. It would make him feel what was the use of being amazing and brave and heroic when he can't protect the things he truly wants to protect.
Fenrys lost his second half and could say and do nothing about it. No secret messages, no secret smiles. A silence so loud every time he jerks out of a nightmare and doesn't see a black wolf nearby, or a dark Fae with his face who understands his heart. And Connall, gone like a whisper of wind. Who even stops to think of him? Who remembers him? He didn't even fight in the war, no one will sing for him. And Connall understood this, when Fenrys was the only one to return with Maeve. Understood they had found a Queen worthy of serving, and of course Fenrys had found that queen first. Fenrys' Queen, the Queen Fenrys deserved while he (Connall) was stuck with Maeve. So he died with Maeve, to set Fenrys free. So that never again would Fenrys break free of Maeve and ever look back. He accepted being a whisper, being a memory that would live only in Fenrys heart.
Nameless is Aelin's name. Erased is Connall's. Erased with barely a legacy. Erased. Erased. Erased. Fenrys' precious brother. The one he sacrificed his freedom for. The one he'd do anything for. His one Achilles heel. Erased.
I hate Maeve. Maeve erased his twin brother.
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𝐎𝐂: 𝐀𝐢𝐤𝐚 𝐓𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫
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— “All time ever does is pass and all I ever do is remember.”
— “May Death be proud to take us! Let us live, since we must die! Die with memories, not dreams!”
— Aika is currently raging in a snowy valley in Demons Run, not knowing that two children will save her life.
— In Planting Camellias, Aika is caught off guard by this Time Mage she has been searching for decades.
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Name: Aika (???) Tolliver
Alias(es): Ains, Sarkany, The Blade(she hates this one), The Forgotten, The Widow
Age(s): 34-35(in Planting Camellias), 36-37(in Demons Run)
Gender/Pronouns: Gender Fluid, she/her, he/him
Species: Half-Human, Half-Devil
Affinity: Time Magic, Necromancy
Birthday: October 15th
Zodiac: Libra
Height: 175 cm(woman), 190 cm(man)
Blood Type: AB
Family: Alicia † (Mother), Faven † (Father), Sordello † (Father), Thorfinn † (Brother), Evan/Ivan (Son), Holly (Daughter), Holly † (Ex-Wife), Arthur (Ex-Husband), Julius (Lover), Raymond (Uncle), Lydia (Aunt), Styrmir (Future Son), Anastasia (Future Daughter)
Other Relations: Morris (Ex-Lover), More To Be Revealed
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— 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬
Demons Run (NSFW)
Demons Run (SFW)
Planting Camellias
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— 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞
Pale-skinned woman with long, black, wavy hair with undertones of violet. Her eyes are lavender and has a pert nose and pink lips. She often wears black leather gloves that limit her mana, a white blouse and black, high waisted pants, both with gold buttons. Some days she wears a crimson half-cloak with a steel pauldron. From the shoulder plate, hangs an upside down cross connected by a gold thread in reference to the martyrdom of Peter the Apostle. At her waist, hangs a long sword, once wielded by her father, Sordello.
In her teens, she had a strong desire to be a man so she would be respected more. A nearly unachievable desire turned to despair and she manifested transformation magic which allowed her to turn into a male version of herself. She called herself “Ains” in this form and used male pronouns. Ains was 6 feet 3 inches and had short curly hair and wide shoulders. Aika’s strength was much more visible in the form of muscles when she was Ains.
reference 1 reference 2 reference 3
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— 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲
She is kind and reserved with those who she respects and is close with, but cold and standoffish with most other people. She will put up masks for the sake of politeness but it’s rarely ever genuine. She lies very easily to get what she wants but she finds it difficult to lie to those she likes. In battle, she is often described as a maniac when faced against many. They say that as a battle drags on, she cannot hide the sadism on her face. Even when faced against an enemy stronger or smarter than her, she is relentless and persistent to the point of recklessness to overpower her opponent.
She is known for out of box thinking and her ability to use her vast knowledge in any given situation. Her greatest asset is her ability to spot potential. Due to this, she is often motherly to those she takes under her wing. This side of her helped her build a successful company/guild that she still runs to this day.
Her love is as deep as her hatred. No matter how many times love has hurt her, she never stopped even if it’s difficult to verbally express it. As of right now in Demons Run, Aika loves her two children Evan and Holly, and her lover, Julius.
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— 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲
Aika was found by her two Fathers, Faven and Sordello in the giant demon skull in Hage, between the legs of her dead mother. She was born slightly premature from a coffin birth. They buried the woman and took her pocket watch as a keepsake for Aika to have. They named her “Aika” which means “time” because of the watch, and as a reminder that the passage of time has both ends and beginnings. They took her home to Alicia, their lover and Aika’s mom to be, and adopted her despite Alicia’s hesitation. She conducted a blood adoption ritual that made Aika their own daughter, changing her appearance from a brunette with pink eyes to dark hair with lavender eyes, her appearance taking after each of her three parents.
They raised her preciously like their own for three years and Alicia gave birth to Aika’s brother, Thorfinn. He had dark hair like her and bright blue eyes. Aika loved her brother to death. While she was barely showing signs of magic, Finn was spewing lightning magic since the day he was born, hence the reason why he was named after the god of thunder. When Finn was three and Aika was six, they were playing in the backyard and Finn accidentally struck Aika’s back with lightning. She died but was resuscitated again by a smaller zap of electricity. She has a scar on her back till this day and the only scar she hasn’t healed despite her ability to do so, as a reminder of her brother.
Throughout Aika’s childhood, everyone were confused as to what her magic was. When she was in a bad mood, plants and little animals around her died, and in a good mood, they flourished. Aika was terrified of her own magic sometimes when it killed fauna so she learned to withdraw her magic so much due an irrational fear to the point where she was slightly sick all the time because of the lack of mana coursing through her.
Instead of using magic, she focused on using her own strength and talents. Her father Sordello was a blacksmith and a swordsman. He taught her everything he knew. Her other father Faven, was an artist: a painter, musician and a writer. Her mother Alicia was the smart one. In Aika’s eyes, she seemed to know about everything. Aika wanted to be all of them and she was. They taught their children all that they needed in life and more.
Around the time when Aika was fifteen and didn’t have a grimoire yet, the whole Tolliver family was traveling through the neutral zone when a pack of bandits attacked them. Her fathers and her brother fought them but they were trapped. Alicia forced Aika to run away while they all withered away to dust by an Ash Magic User.
Aika despaired and manifested her grimoire and something else as she blacked out. When she woke up, everyone were seemingly gone. Aika assumed she somehow killed them. She gathered her family’s ashes and marched to Spade Kingdom. She couldn’t believe how life can be taken so easily, she was still in shock, so she went to the Spade Kingdom War College and proved her worth so she could study Necromancy and bring her family back.
She learned quickly that she couldn’t but she was too far into forbidden magic to stop so she didn’t. She paid her way through college by fighting in underground fighting rings using her freakish strength and studied medicine and forbidden magic. She also dated Morris, a blind boy from the Diamond Kingdom. In her final year of college, she begins to show interest in divinity so as her final project, she conducts a ritual called “Imago Dei.” Directly translated, it means “The Image of God.” In the ritual, Morris and Aika bear the Image of God. They find that God doesn’t appear in one vision, rather it’s a concept, a feeling, a reflection of oneself and everyone all at once.
They of course go insane after everything was said and done but they do recover mentally. Physically, Aika stayed blind for a year. During this time, she found out that Morris was just using her and leaves him. She went to the Heart Kingdom to study Mana Zone under the High Priestess of Undine because of her blindness. She later comes to discover that she has a weak form of clairvoyance as a residue from the ritual she performed.
After Aika recovers her sight, she leaves the Four Suits Continent Aika left the Spade kingdom after she graduated from Spade Nation War College at 21 years old and worked as a necromancer at a funeral home in a country past the Spade Kingdom! She used to help the dead move on peacefully, exorcise any poltergeists, conduct autopsies, keep company for any ghosts at the adjacent cemetery and comfort the living. It’s a job that comes with a lot of responsibilities and she certainly didn’t get paid enough for it.
She then moved on to another country to work as an independent mercenary then worked as a mercenary knight for the royal family of that country. Aika then met and fell in love with the crown princess but their love was forbidden because of the difference in status and obviously, for being homos. But they eloped because it wasn’t forbidden by law and they had a happy few months before the kingdom fell and she couldn’t protect the princess. She died. The princess’s name was Holly.
After the death of the princess, at 24 years old, Aika began to lust for power. She spent 3 years in peace, forgetting what suffering and helplessness was truly like. She couldn’t save her family because she couldn’t figure out what her magic was. And she couldn’t save the love of her life because she was complacent. Even if she was strong, someone will be stronger than her. So she raced for the peak, to be the strongest of the strong. And she also wanted to find someone who had Time Magic just like her.
She found Evan after the fall of the kingdom. Aika wasn’t sure of his species, but he had devil horns and showed signs of being experimented on so she used her own blood to stabilize his condition and took him under her wing as her adopted son. Evan Tolliver wasn’t only a protégé, but also the witness and the biographer of Aika’s life. He saw both her brutality and compassion. Her losses and victories. Life and Death. The Beginning and End of Worlds. He is definitely the person who knows and understands her the most and is content to stay in her shadow.
Because of Aika’s use and overuse of forbidden magic, she has curse where her mere presence causes people’s emotions to turn very negative, almost like insanity. Another curse of hers is that she cannot sleep. She has given up part of her humanity for better control and power of forbidden magic so while she can sleep, she will be stuck in a nightmare world for 8 hours so she simply doesn’t sleep. The only people that can be around her for long periods of time are other dark magic users, 100% non-humans and people who have affinity with her magic.
It’s implied so far in Demons Run but for the next 10 or so years of her life, she fought war after war for whomever that will take her. Revolutions and invasions. Reconnaissance and strategy. Amidst all the wars, she also grew a greater understanding of magic. She wrote a few books on her observations and discoveries.
Because people coveted Aika’s Time Magic, she made a deal with a Faerie named Arthur. In exchange for her first born, Aika’s magic would be erased from the world’s memory. Aika soon gave birth to Holly, a child between herself and Arthur while they were briefly married for contractural purposes, and the deal was sealed. Aika gets to see Holly few times a week but mostly on weekends.
Aika was infamous for her terrifying recklessness. She would continue fighting even after she had been brutalized. She fought with both her arms chopped off. She even fought after being decapitated. The enemy was too shocked at her for moving even after her head flew off so they were killed instantly at her hand. The reason why she is alive after all these fatal incidents is because her stats raise by 500% when she is near death. The perfect buff for a necromantic warrior.
While out there, she made a guild out of all the people who followed her. It was a company that dipped its toes in every industry and when she was settling into business rather than war, Aika slowly started coming back to Clover Kingdom.
There she met the Wizard King and he often commissioned her to help and advise him. Year or two later, they found that the Wizard King’s younger brother was Faven, Aika’s father. There, she had also came to find out that Julius’s magic was Time Magic. They were keeping it under wraps for tactical advantage but the Wizard King revealed it to her. From there, Julius and Aika’s story in Demons Run begins.
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anninhiliation · 4 years
Different Side
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Disclaimer: You have no right or permission to copy and paste my work somewhere else. Make your own content. Okay to reblog. Okay to like. NOT OKAY TO CLAIM MY WORK AS YOURS. 
Warnings: 18+ slight BDSM
"Te quieres portarte mal pero cuando llegue el castigó hay una problema?" Erick snarled in your ear making you whimper out
A bandana was tied around your mouth, with his belt wrapped around your wrists resting above your head. Erick kneeled between your legs, his chest hovering over yours as he tugged on the cold metal chain connecting your nipple clamps. Your back arched off the bed as your sensitive nipples stung making another whimper fall from your lips. You looked into his merciless stone-cold eyes pleading for mercy.
“No me hages esa cara ahora" He menacingly chuckled, making another whiny whimper fall from your lips
You squirmed underneath him, as you bucked your hips towards him. Nights like this were secretly your favorite. You loved seeing this side of him, his rougher, more dominant side, it riled you up. It was rare he was this stern and serious with you. But you acted out and pushed too many of his buttons for his liking. He was going rougher than usual, indicating a slim to none chance that he was going to show you mercy tonight. He let go of the chain making more whimpers fall from your lips as you felt him focus more on the mess between your legs. 
"Mierda mira esto" he grinned as the pads of his finger swiped your arousal around
You moaned, finally feeling his attention to where you needed him the most. He lifted his two fingers up to your face as he pressed his fingers together and pulled apart showing you your clear juices. His taunting and teasing was driving you crazy, making your hips buck up at him. Your clit, throbbed with excitement, as your nipples began to throb from the cold metal pinching them tightly. 
"¿Que? Quieres esto?" He smirked as without warning, he slammed right into you
You cried out at first, feeling your warm wet walls stretch out for him. Erick set a fast a rough pace rolling his hips into yours with all of his strength. You were sent into a cloud of pleasure as your walls molded around him. Your hands made a fist as you squirmed your arms trying to get free. You desired to roam your hands around his body, dying to leave your own marks on him. Your head tilted back in pleasure as your eyes rolled back. Walls clenching him as he angled his hips hitting right into your weakest spot. You were a whimpering, moaning mess, as a knot built up inside you. Erick grabbed the bandana and pulled it down. 
"Don't you dare cum without permission or you're getting the belt" he instructed as he tugged on the chain again as a warning
"Erick" you whined, as you pouted
If there was anything you hated, it was the fact that he bought you a chastity belt. Breaking any of his rules, and the consequences have been always a hundred times worse. Your knot grew tighter and tighter and he knew it.
"Papi please" you cried out as your walls fluttered around him.
Erick kept the same pace, but you felt him beginning to twitch inside you. 
"No" he growled as his hand wrapped around your neck 
You let out the most desperate whine you could manage making him grin. Your thighs began trembling around him as your body begged you to release.
“Te olvidaste?" He smirked "bad girls don't cum"
Anon:  hiiii my literal smut writing icon ✋😌 i loveeeee all of your writing so muchhh i wantedd to request a very smutty nasty- dom erick smut
A/N: I decided to end it there so your imagination can take over. Do you cum? does he cum and pull out? Does he cum inside you and edge you again and again with his cum stuffed inside you?  The world, make never know. 
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