datesoma · 4 years
Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile! 💖🌹🌸
Thank you so much, this is so sweet!! ❤️
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How about 1, 2, & 5 for the voice ask meme if you’re still doing it?
omg hello riven!!! thank you for sending this in
1. i’ll say my own url and where it came from2. i’ll talk about my favorite foods5. i’ll talk about what i did today
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vicisse · 5 years
♪ ♫ ✮
♪ - favorite genre of music
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♫ - favorite artist or group
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✮ - favorite food
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send me an emoji!
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rurouni-jay · 4 years
send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. keep the game going, make someone smile! 💖🌹🌸
Awww thank you Riven this made my day much better ;w;!
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mistergrass · 5 years
You have like... Haru energy, but with more brain cells.
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“brain cells moon” is the fucking funniest shit I’ve ever read and tbh I think you might be right 
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pokemonruby · 5 years
Pokédex & exp share!
Pokédex: Your perfect/favorite team
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^ this is what i would consider to be my “dream team”, since it’s made up of all my favorite ‘mons! it’s extremely close to the one i used in alpha sapphire, though - just replace ninetales with its alolan variant and whimsicott with swampert. 
moreover, as for teams i’ve actually used in-game and excluding the one i just mentioned, i’m paritcularly fond of my x team! consisting of greninja, sylveon, hawlucha, goodra, aegislash, and gourgeist. one of my strongest teams by far, without a doubt. well, to be honest, i love each and every team i’ve ever used over the span of my long history with the franchise. 
Exp. Share: Your first Pokémon game & when you played it
it was by the time gen 3 came around that i truly became invested in the franchise, so i believe the first game i ever played through was sapphire. i think i was... seven or eight at the time maybe? i can’t remember since it’s been such a long time, but that’s why hoenn is so dear to my heart - it’s what got me into pokemon originally, and i don’t know where i would be without it, honestly. 
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naoamaya · 5 years
hatorisouma replied to your post “going on a little break!”
Best of luck!
thank you! ^^
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aworldalonemp3 · 5 years
Witch vibes!
oh interesting!! i’ll take it lol
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datesoma · 4 years
I don’t go here, but 2 & 11 for the Black Clover asks ✨
Black Clover Ask Game
2.Manga, Anime or both?
Definitely the manga! I’ve been disappointed with the anime version for a long time now and, while it’s started to pick up in the 90s, it’s still not as great as the manga version! Sure, there are some episodes that rival or might even best their manga chapters counterparts (e.g: episode 100) but all in all? The anime doesn’t hold a candle to the manga’s art, pace and obv lack of filler, imo!
11.Which squad would you join?
Mmm this is actually a hard question ASGHJDKSJ in the beginning & for a good while after, I thought I’d join the Golden Dawn if I was a BC chara; but thinking about it now? I probably wouldn’t like the entire Full Professionalism side of the squad, so I thought about joining the Black Bulls, which might be a good idea but they’re... SO rowdy I’d get headaches constantly lmAO, from the other remaining squads? I could maybe see myself in Azure Deer or Coral Peacock, but we don’t know much about either of them, so it’s really up to when Tabata decides to tell us more; but the main ‘fight’ is between Azure Deer, Coral Peacock & Black Bulls!
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Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile! 💖🌹🌸
ooohh i’m sorry for the late response but thank you so much for this love!!!
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vicisse · 5 years
Ooo I love your new mobile theme!
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mightful · 5 years
You know it is twelve o'clock in Soho, baby
Talking like we used to do
Moon river, wider than a mile
If you could, if you could return
Ask me why my heart's inside my throat
(songs: nobody - hozier, mess is mine - vance joy, moon river - audrey hepurn, linger - the cranberries, this side of paradise - coyote theory)
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rurouni-jay · 5 years
Frost & Harvest for the ask game?
frost - if you could give some advice to your younger self, what would you say?
Money truly isn’t everything. Don’t pursue something in hopes of just making good money from it. You truly have to enjoy what you’re doing; that’s worth the most for the sake of your mental health. 
Take care of yourself. Go to your doctor’s appointments. 
Make sure you prioritize yourself. Don’t let other’s run you over. 
Be comfortable with being uncomfortable it’s the best way to grow.
Don’t let the opinions of others dictate what you want do. Especially strangers. You don’t owe anyone anything, do what you want to do. 
If you make a wrong decision so what? It’s the best way to grow. Making mistakes is perfectly okay. 
I think one of my favorite quotes is “If you want to be reborn do it while you’re still alive”. 
harvest - what fictional character do you most identify with? Why?
I really identify with either Natsume from Natsume Yuujinchou or Rei from 3-Gatsu No Lion. All I can remember from age 12 and up is being depressed and lonely. Wishing so badly to have a group of friends that would being will to accept me for who I was and to go on adventures with and what not. Watching those shows and seeing Natsume find a loving home and amazing friends and seeing Rei do the same fills my heart with joy. 
This is the first time I’ve ever gotten an actual ask from an ask game thank you so much! You’re awesome :3
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mistergrass · 5 years
I already wished you happy birthday at midnight your time BUT happy birthday again ILY BITCH 🎉✨💞💫💕
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pokemonruby · 5 years
cinccino or weavile?
not my favorite │ average │ cute │ adorable │ best │ ultimate fave
not my favorite │ average │ cute │ adorable │ best │ ultimate fave
these are some of my favorite pokemon actually!!! 
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junipeach · 5 years
Happy birthday, Sommer!! 💞✨
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