#hatsune miku v4x dark
voca-song-a-day · 1 year
Today's featured song is: "Unknown Mother Goose" by wowaka feat. Hatsune Miku!
(Happy 16th birthday Miku!!)
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I want to keep my uncontrollable impulses to myself My dear you are my only thing what do you want?  You want to be loved, right? You'll be happy if you love me, right?
Shall I take those lips away now So that you can't kiss anyone else
Now, let me know your answer quickly: Who on earth do you love Is it me? Is it me? There can be no other way Is that also the reason why I can't say it? Are you thinking about other men No way, isn't that so?
Tell me you love me
Who are you looking at now?  Don't look at anyone other than me Because you're the only one I have
Shall I gouge out those eyes right now All you have to do is reflect me in your heart
Hey, you can answer me, right?  Who do you love Is it me? Is it me? I don't approve of anything else What doesn't make you say that? The guy who gets in your way with me Everyone, everyone, let's erase it
Look, it's okay, just tell me your true feelings
I won't give it to anyone anymore. Let's stay together forever Hey hey hey where are you going?  I'll never let you escape from here again, will I? If I kill you here and now, I wonder if I can make it my own That makes me happiest
Because I love you more than anyone else
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vocaloid-tunes · 11 months
(Not) A Devil (cover) | suzie feat. Otomachi Una & Rana // Original | DECO*27 & Pinocchio-P feat. Hatsune Miku V4x Original & Dark
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vocalsynthbdays · 1 year
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Hatsune Miku is a japanese synth developed by Crypton Future Media and released in 2007. shes voiced by Fujita Saki. her v2 is illustrated by KEI, v2 append by Asai Masaki, v3 english by Zain, rest of v3 by iXima, v4 chinese by Mamenomoto with support from iXima, rest of v4 by iXima, and NT by iXima. miku is the most popular vocaloid, and vocal synth in general. she is part of the cfm Character Vocal Series. miku is 16yo and 158cm tall. her name means "the first sound from the future" as "hatsu" means first, "ne" means sound, and "miku" shares a spelling with the japanese word for future. her character item is a spring onion, though this is often misinterpreted to be a leak, and so she is often depicted with a leak instead. she is an "android diva" from a world in the near future in which songs are lost. her vbs include: hatsune miku original- v2- 31 aug 2007 hatsune miku append sweet, dark, soft, light, vivid, solid- v2- 30 apr 2010 hatsune miku v3 original, sweet, dark, soft, solid- v3, vocaloid neo, piapro studio- 26 sep 2013 hatsune miku v3 light, vivid- v3, piapro studio- 26 sep 2013 hatsune miku v3 english- v3, vocaloid neo, piapro studio- 31 aug 2013 hatsune miku v4x original, sweet, dark, soft, solid, english- v4, piapro studio for v4x/ piapro studio 2- 31 aug 2016 hatsune miku v4 chinese- v4, piapro studio standalone- 6 sep 2017 hatsune miku nt original- piapro studio nt- 27 nov 2020 shes also available on the moblie vocaloid editor, vocaloid keyboard, and on the pocket miku piano. she was supposed to have a english v2 but that turned into luka, and an experimental falsetto bank which was never released.
also she is THE Hatsune Miku, idk what more there is to say !!! i originally was going to write more but i kept hitting the character limit on everything, so ill just share that for her 10th anniversary over 40k usd were crowdfunded to create a digital shrine for miku in Samseong Station, because this has just been on my mind recently, and i just love miku
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v3 english
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v3 standard
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v3 light and vivid
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v4 chinese
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concept art aka "beta miku"
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shimmerloid-ai · 7 months
Introduction - Vocal Synth Terminology - Part 1
This post will be split into multiple parts due to Tumblr's character limit.
If you are new to the Vocal Synth community, you may encounter some words and phrases you don’t understand. For instance, someone may tell you about Rin and Len’s appends, and you may confuse that term for the difficulty in Project Sekai! Colorful Stage! Or may have heard someone discussing USTs, but can not find its definition anywhere nor figure out what the hell they are talking about.
Well, I made a dictionary of sorts to help newbie fans get used to Vocal Synth jargon. The keyword is “Vocal Synth” as these apply to other software as well. These definitions have a greater focus on the programs themselves than the characters.
Credits to Vocaloid Wiki and Minnemi on YouTube for some of these definitions.
Vocal Synthesizer: A digital instrument that creates tracks like any other DAW, but instead of piano notes, guitar strums, or drum beats, you compose vocals! Also known as “vocal synths”. Examples of vocal synthesizers include VOCALOID, UTAU, SynthesizerV, CeVIO, and Piapro Studio.
Voicebank: A collection of recordings of the sounds that make up a language. These sounds are typically vowels and constants, but depending on the voice bank, you may also get breath notes and pronunciation effects. Or, in simpler terms, the singers that are used in vocal synths! There are ton of voicebanks in the vocal synth community, with some of the popular ones being Hatsune Miku (VOCALOID + Piapro Studio), Kagamine Rin and Len (VOCALOID + Piapro Studio), Megurine Luka (VOCALOID + Piapro Studio), Kasane Teto (UTAU + SynthesizerV), Megpoid Gumi (VOCALOID + SynthesizerV + A.I. VOICE, FineSpeech Ver3), flower (VOCALOID + Gynoid Talk + CeVIO), IA (VOCALOID + CeVIO), and KAFU (CeVIO + SynthesizerV)! Individual vocal synth characters can also have different versions of their voice, such as Yuzuki Yukari’s Onn (soft) and Lin (power) voicebanks!
Voice Provider: The person whose voice that a voicebank is created. Voice providers record samples of their voice (specifically vowels and constants) at a certain key (for instance A3), which are turned into a voicebank with the company’s black magic (I’m kidding, I don’t know how they process and put the vocals together). For instance, PIKO is Utatane Piko’s voice provider, Satoshi Fukase is Fukase’s voice provider, and Naoto Fuga (shown below) is KAITO’s voice provider!
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Crypton Future Media: The brains behind some of the most popular VOCALOIDs, which are Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, Megurine Luka, KAITO, and MEIKO. Aside from voicebanks, they created games, concerts, merchandise, and much more relating to these beloved VOCALOIDS! Cryptonloids are… VOCALOIDS created by Crypton. Soon, Crypton departed from Yamaha and made its own vocal synthesizer in affiliation with another company called Piapro named Piapro Studio. There are two versions of this software; Piapro Studio NT and Piapro Studio V4x.
UTAU: A vocal synthesizer that is considered the “sister” software to VOCALOID. Unlike VOCALOID, this software is 100% free and you can create your own voicebank. There are thousands of UTAUloids at this point in time, giving you a huge selection of different ranges and strengths. Popular UTAUloids include Utatane “Defoko” Uta, Kasane Teto, Namine Ritsu, Momo Momone, Yowane Ruko, Sukone Tei, Rook, Gahata Meiji (shown below), Yamane Renri, Matsudappoiyo, Keine Ron, Kohaku Merry, Gekiyaku, Kazehiki, Adachi Rei, Ooka Mika, and so many others! There is also an open-source version of UTAU called Open UTAU, which is much easier to install and use (it has a dark mode!). Vipperloids are the classic UTAUloids that share surnames ending with “-ne” and their VOCALOIDish designs. These include Utatane “Defoko” Uta, Kasane Teto, Namine Ritsu, Momo Momone, Yowane Ruko, Sukone Tei, and many others.
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SynthesizerV Studio: Also known as SynthV, this is a vocal synthesizer made by Dreamtonics that is well-known for its AI voicebanks. For a software that is smaller than VOCALOID, they are extremely advanced with realistic-sounding voicebanks, piano-roll tuning, rap vocals, and so many other features. It’s also much cheaper (thank you, Yamaha money sharks). In addition, Dreamtonics has two free versions; SynthesizerV Studio R1, and SynthesizerV Studio Basic R2. Popular SynthV voicebanks include Eleanor Forte, Kaorou Rikka, GENBU, Tsurumaki Maki, SAKI, SOLARIA, KEVIN (fan design by ivylare shown below), Stardust, ROSE, POPPY, and Kasane Teto Ai!
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CeVIO Project: A collection of voice synthesizers created in collaboration with five different companies including Techno Speech and Frontier Works. Not only do they make vocal synthesizers, but their softwares have speech interfaces as well. As of now, their most popular program is CeVIO AI, a next-generation vocal synthesizer that uses AI technology to create powerful vocals as seen in SynthesizerV. Popular voicebanks include Chis-A (shown below), KAFU, Sato Sasara, IA AI, ONE, Yuzuki Yukari Rei, CiFlower, POPPY, ROSE, and many others.
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Tuning: Essentially how you want a song or cover to sound. By editing the parameters of the individual notes and that of the voicebank itself (including the pitch, volume, strength, sharpness, and breaths), you can obtain an entirely different result of how the singer sings the encoded notes through different methods. This blog is dedicated to teaching people how to tune, so I’ll show a variety of tuning styles in the software.
V_: The VOCALOID software edition. As of now, there are six editions of the software, which are VOCALOID, VOCALOID2, VOCALOID3, VOCALOID4, VOCALOID5, and VOCALOID6. A lot of VOCALOID voicebanks would be named after the edition they were designed for, such as Gackpoid V4.
VSQ/VSQx/VPR/UST/SVP: The different vocal file formats through which the note, lyric, and tuning data are saved in different vocal synthesizers. These files are not exactly specific to a single editor as they can be converted to the appropriate formats: 
SVP: SynthesizerV Studio
Phonemes: In linguistics and developmental psychology, phenomes are the smallest sounds of speech that distinguish one word from another. Similarly, in vocal synths, these are the building blocks of the individual lyrics that are read by the voicebank. Phonemes differ from the lyrics in a vocal synth file as the lyrics are the actual syllables in language while the phonemes are based on the X-SAMPA system. For instance, let’s examine and compare lyrics from “The Lost One’s Weeping” by neru to the phonemes that would be written in a vocal synth. Romaji lyrics (Source - Vocaloid Lyric Wiki): kokuban no kono kanji ga yomemasu ka? Romanji lyrics in VOCALOID4: [ko] [ku] [ba] [n] [no] [ko] [no] [ka] [n] [ji] [ga] [yo] [me] [ma] [su [ka] Phonemes in a vocal synthesizer VOCALOID4: [k o] [k M] [b a] [n] [n o] [k o] [k a] [n] [dZ i] [g a] [j o] [me] [m a] [s M] [k a] As we can see here, the phonemes of a song can differ significantly from the lyrics that are entered into a program. You can also edit the phonemes of a lyric for better pronunciation (for instance, for the word “you’d”, you can try [y M d]), or split them up into vowels and constants in notebending. In addition, there are entirely different phonemes for voicebanks designed for different languages; for instance, VOCALOID has Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, and Spanish voicebanks. However, it is possible to make voicebanks sing in different languages, like how Utsu-P makes Miku V4 English sing in fluent Japanese. There are also phonemes for breaths, and glottal stops, as well as pronunciation effects that are exclusive to some voicebanks, like Enhanced Voice Expression Control (E.V.E.C.) in the V4x Cryptonloids. I will go into greater depth on phonemes in a future post.
Pitch bending: The effect where one note slides to another in a clean fashion without sounding flat. When people usually mention pitch bending in a vocal synth, they are referring to the tuning style where you alter the pitch using the “pitch bend” and “pitch bend sensitivity” parameters. If you have seen tuning streams or covers where people show their editors, you may have noticed dynamic and sometimes dramatic lines either on top of the notes or in a box beneath the piano roll. These are pitch bends! By drawing pitch curves in different ways, you can acquire different ways the notes are sung. You can then increase or decrease the pitch bend sensitivity of certain notes to change the factor of how many semitones the pitch curves will jump or fall by when the pitch bend parameter is brought to the maximum or minimum values. To paint a better picture of this concept, I made a quick VSQx of the "watashi" ([w a] [t a] [S i]). The curves on cutting through the green box are my pitch bends, and the thin red line running through the notes is the result. The transparent box behind it is my pitch bend sensitivity, which I increased for more sensitive in the [w a] and [t a] notes, and decreased for less for the [S i] phoneme.
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Note bending: A tuning style where you manipulate the pitch by splitting notes into smaller notes. You can move the notes up and down or edit the phonemes to obtain different effects in notes. If you would like to breakdown the phrase [w a] [t a] [S i], you can write the notes out as [w a] [a] [a] [a] [a] [t a] [a] [S i [i] [i]! This is my preferred method of tuning as I do not enjoy drawing lines and like the nostalgic effect of the clean, slightly robotic sounds.
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Portamento Timing: This term can have multiple definitions, but the general meaning is a slide from one note to the next. Do not confuse this for pitch bending as the way that notes transition in portamento is different from the former. In Vocaloid, portamento is a parameter that allows you to alter the timing of the pitch. Increasing the value would result in the pitch being more delayed, and decreasing it will cause the pitch to be sung earlier. In UTAU and SynthesizerV, portamento refers to the editable points in a pitch curve. Adding more points allows you to have more freedom in creating pitch bends.
Pitchsnap Mode: A setting in vocal synthesizers that causes the pitch curves to “snap” from one note to another. This setting yields a more autotuney and robotic tone in tuning. While I prefer to tune with this feature shut off, I have heard that the pitchsnap function makes pitch-bending much easier. Remember our "The Lost One's Weeping" example? Here is an amazing cover of it by our lord and saviour Jade S. with Fukase and Miku V3 Solid that showcases how beautiful the pitchsnap function can make the vocals sound when used correctly!
Mixing: A process of blending vocals with an off-vocal or instrumental so the singing fits in the environment of the vocal's music. It's more than just plugging in an audio track, you need to ensure that the vocals are cleaned up, are at an appropriate volume, and do not sound out of place. People can get super creative with mixing by adding reverb, radio-like effects, growls, and “adlibs” during instrumental breaks! All in all, the mixing of vocals is just as important as the tuning.
Producer: Anyone who makes music using vocal synths. This title was initially reserved for people who make original songs but can be used to describe cover artists like myself as well. Popular producers include ryo(supercell), kzlivetune, wowaka(shown below; Rest in Peace), neru, Deco* 27, and many others!
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“-P”: Standing for “producer title”, this suffix originated from the IDOLM@STER fandom and refers to anyone who makes music with vocal synths, or in other words, vocal synth producers! For instance, why do we call Circus-P by his name with the "-P" suffix? Because that is what he is, a producer! You can also use the title “vocalo-p” to address synth users.
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mutelunacy · 8 months
Covers I tossed together as jokes for twitter. They're only tuned with autopitch and. Not mixed at all except for some shitty audacity reverb. So I'm not tagging them.
Autopitch is fun to play around with to cough up a quick joke cover! I have no use for it outside of this though.
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keisougitsune · 1 year
Keisou's Vocaloid Bios
Hatsune Miku:
-V4X (Original, Dark, Sweet, Soft, Solid), V4 English, V3 English
-16 years old, Japanese, android.
-5'2" and about 92.5 pounds, as in canon. (158cm, 42kg) Slight build with somewhat wide hips.
-Lyric soprano, generally more comfortable in her higher range compared to her low range
-Native language: Japanese. Speaks English as a second language. Can speak Chinese but her accent isn't very good (I don't have her Chinese VB). Avanna is feeding her bits of Irish as well.
-Miku units wake up with no memories and develop their personalities and "souls" through interactions with others, so they can be very distinct from one another. Mine got her personality from interacting with the world around her and other vocal synths.
-She is very cheerful, bubbly and sweet-natured, with an underlying air of wisdom and experience from being one of the earlier Vocaloids and the first "diva" Vocaloid, as well as from being Keisou's first Vocaloid.
-Became a Christian through Keisou and Avanna's influences.
-Her Japanese can have hints of a Hokkaido accent from the influence of her home prefecture- e.g. she has a tendency to say "namara" instead of "totemo" as an intensifier. She also has a tendency to end her sentences in "da yo" and "ne". She more or less always uses "watashi" as a personal pronoun (unless formality dictates otherwise).
-She has extreme tolerance of spicy food. Hot Ones? She'd get through the whole thing without breaking a sweat. Some find it scary.
-Nimble and athletic; can be a bit of a showoff, often unintentionally.
-Loves technology; has often shown Avanna the ropes of the latest gadgets.
-Fashion lover, likes to style herself and her friends.
-Likes nature, but more at home in civilization. Definitely a city girl.
-Not an extremely experienced chef; more likely to help someone or follow a recipe (or toss together a salad). She can be very creative when it comes to arranging food though.
-Learned American English so her accent tends toward American-ish, and her vocabulary is derived from the speech of such a country. So the long thin potato slices are "fries" and the flat crispy ones are "chips," for example. However, she's pretty devoid of regional dialect as a non-native speaker aside from "vaguely American".
-Great at video games.
-Single stand-alone voicebank (V3)
-18 years old, Irish, elf.
-5'6", rather curvy in build (around 156 pounds); or 168cm, ~71kg. Hourglass figure; wears a corset in her boxart outfit, so her waist isn't quite that tiny in reality.
-Lyric contralto; can hit high notes, but is more comfortable in her mid and low ranges. Miku has noted that Avanna has a deep voice compared to her.
-Native language: English; Irish (South-Dublin-y) accent. Speaks Irish/Gaeilge as a second language, and is learning some Japanese from Miku.
-Has visited the city near her home, but feels more at home in a country environment. I'd imagine she's from somewhere near south County Dublin; could be from the county itself or maybe a county near it, like Wicklow or Meath? For now I might just say "eastern Ireland" and leave it at that
-Can change the shape of her ears at will. Elf ears have sensitive hearing, human ears are less hypersensitive and good for noisy areas. They can also be helpful for making others more comfortable with her presence if elves would be weird to them.
-Speaks rather politely, in what could be seen by some as somewhat of an old-fashioned manner. Being Irish, she uses "eh" and "em" as fillers/thinking noises (rather than American "uh" or British "er"). She has a habit of peppering her sentences with "now" and occasionally ends them with "like."
-"Grand" is practically her favorite word. It's terribly useful, now. Like a plan? "Sounds grand!" Someone asks how you're doing? "Oh, I'm grand!" Someone needs comforting? "There, there. You're grand, now." Someone asks if they're intruding? "Ah, no, you're grand." Describing a large, generously decorated hall? "This place is rather grand, isn't it?"
-She's also a big fan of other nice positive words, such as "lovely" and "brilliant."
-Could be considered somewhat of a foil to Sonika (whom I no longer have, but she's still a character that exists), with her more spontaneous and cheeky ways, slang-heavy and informal speech, and impulsive tendencies, while Avanna is more polite, mild-mannered and cautious.
-She's very soft-spoken and doesn't yell a lot, though part of this is her mellow nature, part of it is because she has a soft voice and is not very good at yelling.
-Swears by flat 7-Up as a remedy for a great many things.
-Devout Christian. St. Patrick is unironically a hero of hers.
-Loves traditional Irish ballads and sean-nós
-Perhaps a bit surprisingly for being the sole Irish Vocaloid, she's not really a heavy drinker (and she won't drink in places where she isn't legal, of course). However, she knows the signs of drunkenness and is often very helpful if someone happens to get drunk or is dealing with a hangover.
-Has a MUCH lower tolerance of spicy flavors than Miku does. If they ate the same pepper, Miku wouldn't bat an eye and Avanna would be crying. (She likes chai tea but that's a different kind of spicy.)
-Loves nature; enjoys camping, creature-watching and stargazing.
-Not extremely technologically literate; can basically use a computer, but can often be helpless when things go wrong with it and Miku has often had to explain things to her especially if the technology is new. Despite this, she does find technology interesting and fascinating.
-Hobbies include reading, cooking, baking and painting. Excellent cook and quite cultured when it comes to Western literature. Unsurprisingly very fond of fantasy novels.
-Loves classic and "retro" things. Very unsurprisingly a Clannad/Enya fan, and Miku has gotten her into some great retro anime.
-Favorite foods are mainly comfort foods; fresh-baked bread, mashed potatoes, stew; loves a good roast (the culinary kind, not the verbal kind). She also likes fish, especially salmon. Her favorite drinks are tea and 7-Up (separately, not together, lol).
-Can play several instruments, especially traditional Irish instruments. Is especially skilled with violins and fiddles.
-Tends toward dresses and skirts over pants, and can overall be somewhat old-fashioned in her dress. Usually wears her hair loose or in braids, and doesn't normally wear makeup. Occasionally, however, Miku styles her and does her hair and makeup.
-The only reason she has any gaming skill whatsoever is because of Miku. Otherwise she wouldn't even know which buttons to press.
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mikunology · 5 years
Heart wrenching songs (similar to Seasonal Feathers for frame of reference)
I don't listen to a lot of super-sad songs but I'll see what I can find??
"The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku" by cosMo feat. Hatsune Miku
"from Y to Y" by OneRoom feat. Hatsune Miku (& Megurine Luka)
"Regret Message" by mothy feat. Kagamine Rin
"She's Dead." by Tereca feat. Hatsune Miku
"Hirari, Hirari" by Tamaazu-P feat. Hatsune Miku Dark
"Ayano's Theory of Happiness" by Jin feat. IA
"Akenai Yoru no Lily" by Kasamura Toota feat. Fukase
"Meltdown (piano ver.)" by Kyaami feat. Kagamine Rin V4X
I hope this suffices~
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odakuram · 6 years
sunflowers are nice flowers
Original song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kXE9FHQy9E Instrumental used is by SOTA56: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8J4OuBYZPo
ust used is from tsunn
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obscene-tevene · 7 years
tag game!
get ta know me tag
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
This tag game brought to you by the illustrious @cottonballwithmustache
1. Drink: Iced Coffee 2. Phone call: ....well I work in reception so... XD 3. Text message: Princess Seraphi. 4. Song you listen to: Mind Brand - Kuraiinu ver. 5. Time you cried: uh... last week? I think?
6. Dated someone twice:  Yeah... I didn’t know when to let sleeping dogs lie. 7. Kissed someone and regretted it:  AHAhahahaha..... 8. Been cheated on: I don’t think so. 9. Lost someone special: My little furbaby. May she finally rest in peace. 10. Been depressed: Currently. Anti-depressants make my world all shiny. :D 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Yesssss. It was embarrassing. And hilarious. 
Royal Purple
Sky Blue
15. Made new friends: Yes! Thank you SLBP fandom :3c and Evan too. Come back Evannnnn :C
16. Fallen out of love: I don’t think I ever fell in love. ...Unless otome husbands count.
17. Laughed until you cried: All the time. Princess Seraphi makes raids fun! 18. Found out someone was talking about you: I don’t care enough to find out. 20. Found out who your friends are: uh... 21.  Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Nope.
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Most of them I think. I don’t remember who’s on my FB anymore. 23. Do you have any pets: *loud pained sobbing* 24. Do you want to change your name: Sometimes. I mean... Gabe is a nice name... 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I don’t remember. I know I was travelling at the time. 26. What time do you wake up: About 7am-ish. Not that I roll out of bed until about 8am XD 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Playing Ever Oasis. That game has taken over my life. D: 28. Name something you can’t wait for: PAX AUSTRALIA!!!!!!!!  29. When was the last time you saw your mom? Just then. We work in the same office, she’s my boss ;;;; 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: That I never gave up learning Japanese. I’d be fluent right now, or at least close to it. 31. What are you listening to right now: Meteor - Hatsune Miku V4x ver. 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Tom come back! 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: The idiot circus I have to deal with at work. Like for real I get that tax is hard, but go bitch to the accountants. I’m just the desk monkey. 34. Most visited website: tumblr. followed by youtube and then probably ebay. 35. Mole/s: I have.... 3? 4? 36. Mark/s: One giant birthmark on my ass. 37. Childhood dream: Astronomer and a teacher. 38. Hair color: Dark brown with a bleached fringe. 39. Long or short hair: short and shaved on one side. 40. Do you have a crush on someone: ...yes.  41. What do you like about yourself: My boobs? Can I say that? 42. Piercings: One helix, three lobes on each side and a tongue piercing 43. Blood type: No idea. 44. Nicknames? Gabe, Hey yo, Luna 45. Relationship status: Currently married to my DS
46. Zodiac: Capricorn 47. Pronouns: She 48. Favorite TV Show: Uh... I don’t watch TV. 50. Right or left hand: Right 51. Surgery: Never. 52. Hair dyed in different color: My fringe used to be pink... it’s now a pale straw yellow. I’ve gone bubblegum pink, green, purple and blue before as well. 53. Sport: I played volleyball and indoor hockey in high school. 55. Vacation: I just... want to stay home for Christmas this year. I’m sick of travelling. 56. Pair of trainers: I borrow my dad’s if I ever need them.
57. Eating: Nothing 58. Drinking: Iced Coffee 59. I’m about to: ...go back to work XD 62. Want: My bed and my DS 63. Get married: One day. 64. Career: Children’s librarian or a games programmer 65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs! 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes 67. Shorter or taller: Taller 68. Older or younger: Older 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Uh.... 71. Sensitive or loud: Loud. I’m emotional enough. 72. Hook up or relationship: not really interested atm? 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker. Variety is the spice of life.
74. Kissed a Stranger: Yes. I was drunk. 75. Drank hard liquor: Yes. Again, drunk. 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: All the time. >.> 77. Turned someone down: Yeah 78. Sex on the first date: ....yeah. 79. Broken someone’s heart: I dunno. 80. Had your heart broken: I... no. 81. Been arrested: Nope. I’ve been pulled over for an RBT several times. 82. Cried when someone died: Yeah. 83. Fallen for a friend: Worst. Mistake. Ever.
84: Yourself: More than I used to. 85. Miracles: Ahahaha no. 86. Love at first sight: Nah. 87. Santa Claus: I’m not sure if I ever believed in him? 88. Kiss on the first date: Sure. 
90. Current best friend name: Princess Seraphi.  91. Eye color: Dark Brown 92. Favorite movie: I... don’t watch movies either ;;;;
....I don’t know 20 people.
TAG: @dean-winchesters-right-nipple, @zacroix, @honeybeelily, @antivanbrandy, @thedaydreamingotaku, @otomehideout-indecentconfessions
....I legit can’t think of anyone else. I’m sorry if I’ve missed you! orz
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paraisovocaloid · 7 years
Este sitio y nuestros sitios afiliados siempre están haciendo todo lo posible para reportar los lanzamientos y anuncios más importantes de VOCALOID a medida que vienen. Sin embargo, inevitablemente habrá algunos meses en los que el número de discos se deslicen algunos fuera de la vista. Afortunadamente, ahí es donde estos rodeos pueden intervenir, y ayudar a los fans a clasificar a través de los nuevos lanzamientos y anuncios para elegir sus favoritos. Echemos un vistazo a algunos que usted podría haber perdido desde el mes pasado.
Lanzamientos de Album de Setiembre del 2017
Plastic Hearts de regulus
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Tracklist: 1 Activate / regulus 2 Beside You / regulus feat. Kagamine Len V4X 3 Closer / regulus 4 Dramatic / regulus feat. Hatsune Miku V4X Dark 5 Every Moment / regulus feat. Hatsune Miku V4 English 6 Farewell Song / regulus feat. Hatsune Miku V4X 7 Gears of Us / regulus feat. Kagamine Rin V4X Warm 8 Heartbeat / regulus 9 In The Dark / regulus feat. Hatsune Miku V4X Dark 10 Journey / regulus feat. Megurine Luka V4X SOFT 11 Keen / regulus feat. Kagamine Rin V4X Sweet 12 Lead Me / regulus
Podras comprar Plastic Hearts en iTunes, KarenT, y OTOTOY
まえむきになれるきょく  (Maemuki ni Nareru Kyoku, “Songs to Get You Looking Forward”)  de LamazeP
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Tracklist: 1 Advance(V4X_Ver) / LamazeP feat. Hatsune Miku V4X, Hatsune Miku V4 English 2 スパムジャック (Spam Jack) / LamazeP feat. Hatsune Miku V4X 3 Swimsuit / LamazeP feat. Hatsune Miku V3, Tsurumaki Maki 4 優しい一日になれたなら (Yasashii Ichinichi ni Nareta Nara) / LamazeP feat. Hatsune Miku 5 時間が足りなさすぎた (Jikan ga Tarinasugita) / LamazeP feat. Hatsune Miku 6 お姉ちゃんって呼びかけて? (Onee-chan tte Yobikakete?) / LamazeP feat. Hatsune Miku 7 めでぃかる☆どりーむ☆ふぉーまっと (Medical☆Dream☆Format) / LamazeP feat. Hatsune Miku 8 最初の一歩から (Saisho no Ippo kara) / LamazeP feat. Hatsune Miku
Podrás comprar まえむになれるきょく en iTunes, KarenT, y Amazon.
Reverberations 3 de Clean Tears
Tracklist: 1 Intro – Reverberations 3 / Clean Tears 2 Angraecum / Clean Tears feat. Hatsune Miku V3 3 One Half / Clean Tears feat. Hatsune Miku V3 4 Bouquet / Clean Tears feat. Hatsune Miku V3 5 impure (Reverberations 3 Remix) / Clean Tears feat. Hatsune Miku V3 6 1207 / Clean Tears 7 Chemical inversion (Reverberations 3 Remix) / Clean Tears feat. Hatsune Miku V3 English 8 Reverberations (Reverberations 3 Remix) / Clean Tears feat. Hatsune Miku V3 9 Reminiscence / Clean Tears feat. Hatsune Miku V3 10 Bouquet (Reverberations 3 Remix) / Clean Tears feat. Hatsune Miku V3
Podrás comprar Reverberations 3 en KarenT, Alice Books, Melonbooks, y Amazon.
I Want to Tell You de ゆざめレーベル (Yuzame Label)
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Tracklist: 1 20 / rekanan feat. Hatsune Miku 2 Vivid / Mysteka feat. Hatsune Miku 3 RAW / メカニカ (Mecanika) feat. Hatsune Miku 4 Clockwork / ミスミ (MISUMI) feat. Hatsune Miku 5 浮くおふとん (Uku O-futon) (3:47) / 歩く人 (Aruku Hito) feat. Hatsune Miku 6 restart / 市瀬るぽ (Ichinose Lupo) feat. Hatsune Miku 7 M@wonderland / coralmines feat. Hatsune Miku 8 メテオライト (Meteorite) / Yunomi feat. Hatsune Miku
Podrás descargar I Want to Tell You en Bandcamp y el sitio web de Yuzame Label.
リモコンプ (Remo-Comp) de ワン☆オポ (WAN☆OPO)
Tracklist: 1 Remote Control / JesusP feat. Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len 2 Remote Control -append ver.- / JesusP feat. 鏡音レン Append (Unknown), 鏡音リン Append 3 Remote Control -CYBER PUNK MIX- / MinusP feat. Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len 4 Remote Control -V4X ver.- / JesusP feat. Kagamine Rin V4X, Kagamine Len V4X 5 Remote Control-TSU・BU・TSU・BU・MIX- / feat. Kagamine Len V4X, Kagamine Rin V4X 6 Remote Control -MIKU KAITO MIX- / JesusP feat. Hatsune Miku V4X, KAITO V3 7 Remote Control (off vocal) / JesusP 8 Remote Control -append ver.- (off vocal) / JesusP 9 Remote Control -CYBER PUNK MIX- (off vocal) / JesusP 10 Remote Control -V4X ver.- (off vocal) / JesusP 11 Remote Control -TSU・BU・TSU・BU・MIX- (off vocal) / JesusP 12 Remote Control -MIKU KAITO MIX- (off vocal) / JesusP
リモコンプ fue lanzado en el Magical Mirai Creators Market 2017. La disponibilidad en linea sera anunciada despues.
Tracklist: 1 Me and you. Always. / nana, MK, POLYPHONIX feat. Hatsune Miku V4X Solid 2 LESS / POLYPHONIX feat. Megurine Luka V4X HARD, Megurine Luka V4X English STRAIGHT 3 華金HOUSE (HANAKIN HOUSE) / POLYPHONIX feat. Hatsune Miku V4X Solid 4 Me and you. Always. (instrumental) / POLYPHONIX 5 LESS (instrumental) / POLYPHONIX 6 華金HOUSE (HANAKIN HOUSE) (instrumental) / POLYPHONIX 7 I Believe (Polyphonix Countdown Anthem)
Podrás comprar VOCALO EDM SESSIONS en iTunes, KarenT, Melonbooks, y Amazon.
うちゅうぜんぶ (Uchuu Zenbu) de daniwellP
Tracklist: 1 UZ / daniwellP feat. Hatsune Miku, IA, Megurine Luka, Momone Momo, Kasane Teto, Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len 2 うちゅうだいばくはつ (Uchuu Daibakuhatsu) / daniwellP feat. Hatsune Miku 3 生きてるだけで丸三角四角 (Ikiteru dake de Maru Sankaku Shikaku) / daniwellP feat. Hatsune Miku, Momone Momo 4 えいえんがみつからない!? (Eien ga Mitsukaranai!?) / daniwellP feat. Hatsune Miku, Momone Momo 5 流転するコード (Ryuuten Suru Code) / daniwellP feat. Hatsune Miku, IA 6 くるくるめくる (Kurukuru Mekuru) / daniwellP feat. Hatsune Miku 7 AI YUENI [Another Mix] / daniwellP feat. Momone Momo, Hatsune Miku 8 シュレディンガイガーのこねこ (Schrödingeiger no Koneko) / daniwellP feat. Hatsune Miku 9 わたしはねこ (Watashi wa Neko) / daniwellP feat. Kagamine Rin 10 ながるるる (Nagarururu) / daniwellP feat. Hatsune Miku, Momone Momo 11 LOOOOOP [outro] / daniwellP
Podrás comprar うちゅうぜんぶ en Booth y Toranoana. Próximamente disponible en iTunes y Amazon.
COLOR*FULL de *Luna y びび (Bibi)
Tracklist: 1 消えた夏の夢 (Disappearing Summer Dream) / *Luna, びび feat. Hatsune Miku 2 Ostracized / *Luna, びび feat. Kagamine Rin 3 セイテイノア (Frog in the Well) / *Luna, びび feat. MEIKO 4 Oh My Darling / *Luna, びび feat. Megurine Luka 5 アナザードリーマー (Another Dreamer) / *Luna, びび feat. Kagamine Len V4X 6 ボックスペドラ (Box Peddler) / *Luna, びび feat. KAITO 7 Selfish / *Luna, びび feat. Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin 8 マニック (Manic) / *Luna, びび feat. Megurine Luka, MEIKO 9 手のひらの温度 (Te no Hira no Ondo) / *Luna, びび feat. Kagamine Len, KAITO 10 未来プロローグ (Mirai Prologue) / *Luna, びび feat. Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, KAITO, MEIKO, Megurine Luka 11 君とバイバイ (Kimi to Bye Bye) / *Luna, びび feat. Hatsune Miku 12 Heal Me / *Luna, びび feat. Hatsune Miku
Podrás comprar COLOR*FULL en Booth y Bandcamp.
Tracklist: 1 N3W9 / BIGHEAD feat. Hatsune Miku 2 SAYONARA / BIGHEAD feat. Hatsune Miku 3 だってだってだって (Datte Datte Datte) / タカノン (Takanon) feat. GUMI 4 ポジティヴ運命論 (Positive Unmeiron) / タカノン feat. Hatsune Miku, GUMI 5 Happy Shape / 蜂屋ななし (Hachiya Nanashi), アミメキリン (Amime Kirin) feat. Hatsune Miku, GUMI 6 ONE OFF MIND / 蜂屋ななし, アミメキリン feat. Hatsune Miku, GUMI
N3W9 fue lanzado en el Magical Mirai Creators Market 2017. La disponibilidad Online sera anunciada despues.
VILLAINS & HEROES ~Side: H~ de ひとしずくP (HitoshizukuP) y やま△ (Yama)
Tracklist: 1 Heroes / ひとしずくP, やま△ feat. KAITO, MEIKO, VY2, Gackpoid, Kagamine Len, Kagamine Rin 2 Sister’s∞mercY 〜ヴァンパイアとシスター〜 (~Vampire to Sister~) / ひとしずくP, やま△ feat. Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len 3 幽玄の陰陽師 〜鬼と陰陽師〜 (Yuugen no Onmyouji ~Oni to Onmyouji~) / ひとしずくP, やま△ feat. VY2 4 Dear my Misery 〜狼男と猟師〜 (~Ookami Otoko to Ryoushi~) / ひとしずくP, やま△ feat. KAITO 5 Last Knight Battle 〜ドラゴンと騎士〜 (~Dragon to Kishi~) / ひとしずくP, やま△ feat. MEIKO 6 無神論者のアルケミー 〜科学者と幽霊〜 (Mushinronsha no Alchemy ~Kagakusha to Yuurei~) / ひとしずくP, やま△ feat. Gackpoid 7 Glorious Score 〜英雄と魔女〜 (~Eiyuu to Majo~) / ひとしずくP, やま△ feat. Kagamine Len
Podrás comprar VILLAINS & HEROES ~Side:H~ en iTunes, KarenT, Animate Online Shop, y Toranoana.
VersuS de ひとしずくP (HitoshizukuP) y やま△ (Yama)
1 VersuS / ひとしずくP, やま△ feat. Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len 2 幻想ピアニス�� (Gensou Pianist) / ひとしずくP, やま△ feat. Kagamine Len 3 空想ウェイトレス (Kuusou Waitress) / ひとしずくP, やま△ feat. Kagamine Rin 4 連想アクトレス ~狩人と獣~ (Rensou Actress ~Karyuudo to Kemono~) / ひとしずくP, やま△ feat. KAITO, MEIKO 5 モノクロに咲く紅 (Monochro ni Saku Beni) / ひとしずくP, やま△ feat. Hatsune Miku 6 祝福のメシアとアイの塔 (Shukufuku no Messiah to Ai no Tou) / ひとしずくP, やま△ feat. GUMI, IA, KAITO, MAYU, MEIKO, Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka, Gackpoid, Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len 7 2D-IDOLATRY / ひとしずくP, やま△ feat. Hatsune Miku, KAITO 8 Amazing Dolce / ひとしずくP, やま△ feat. MEIKO V3 Power, Kagamine Rin Append Power, Kagamine Len Append Power 9 惜別の向日葵 (Sekibetsu no Himawari) / ひとしずくP, やま△ feat. Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len
Podrás comprar VersuS en iTunes, KarenT, Animate Online Shop, y Toranoana.
Ver también:
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Hatsune Miku Sings “The Music of Osamu Tezuka & Isao Tomita Live”
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      Album Quadimension Live Tour Official 
  Zunda Horizon OST
    Hatojo Utau Bungei Circle -V4ReMix-
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Miracle Annual
Anuncios de Album y Teasers de Septiembre del 2017
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Mostrando que no se han olvidado del próximo 10° aniversario de Kagamine Rin y Kagamine Len, EXIT TUNES ha anunciado un álbum de recopilación, EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Kagaminext, que se estrenará el 20 de diciembre del 2017. Los detalles se revelarán en una fecha posterior, y un nuevo sitio teaser se puede encontrar aquí.
ぽぷりぽっと5  (Popuri Pot 5) de 生ぐーみん。(Nama Gumin’)
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Lanzamiento:15 de Octubre en el VOCALOID Paradise 12.
Haga clic aquí para ver el trailer crossfade.
QUEEN de 青髭海賊団 (Aohige Kaizoku-dan)
Lanzamiento: 1° de Octubre en el Luka Luka Fever Time
TODAY THE FUTURE/夢よ未来へ (Yume yo Mirai e) de HarryP y ELS
  Lanzamiento: 18 de Octubre en Amazon, Animate Online Shop, y Toranoana.
BOOTLEG de ハチ (Hachi)
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Lanzamiento: 1° de Noviembre en Amazon
Este álbum de compilación centrado en UTAU de EXIT TUNES contará con la música de Kasane Teto, Momone Momo, Kikyuune Aiko, Namine Ritsu, Nizimine Kakoi, Yamine Renri y más. Su lista de canciones conocida incluye lo siguiente (sujeto a cambios):
曖昧さ回避 (Ambiguity Avoidance) / Police Piccadilly feat. Yamine Renri S.A.S / Hario feat. Kasane Teto そんな気持ちぐらいは誰にでもあるって言われてもみんなニコニコニコニコ生きてるんだから信じらんねえよ (Sonna Kimochigurai wa Dare ni Demo Arutte Iwarete mo Minna Nikoniko Nikoniko Ikiterunda kara Shinjirannee yo) / 薄塩指数 (Usushio Shisuu) feat. Kasane Teto 絶対的関係性推進論 (Zettaiteki Kankeisei Suishinron) / ぴぼ (Pibo) feat. Nizimine Kakoi ネコソギマターバップ (Nekosogi Matter Bop) / sasakure.UK feat. Kasane Teto Bi☣hazard / CrusherP feat. Kikyuune Aiko フレイムハート (Flame Heart) / デスおはぎ (Death Ohagi) feat. Kasane Teto, Namine Ritsu ホワイトナイト (White Night) / nakano4 feat. Momone momo 右に曲ガール (Migi ni Ma-Girl) / はるふり (Harufuri) feat. Kasane Teto リベリオ (Liberio) / imis!n feat. Namine Ritsu A new song by こんにちは谷田さん (Konnichiwa Tanita-san) feat. Namine Ritsu
Los pre-pedidos ya están abiertos, con algunos sitios que ofrecen sus propios bonos de pre-orden:
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Canime Online Shop (¥3,980 JPY) Un conjunto de seis emblemas de 54 mm con la ilustración de la cubierta por ののこ (Nonoko) Un cartel de tamaño B2 de la misma ilustración Un conjunto de tres postales con las ilustraciones del PV de 非狐 (Higitsune), NYAKKUNN, y 甘倉 (Amakura)
Animate Online Shop ¥2,700 JPY) Una carpeta de archivos clara de la cubierta de la ilustración Uno de los tres emblemas al azar con las obras de NYAKKUNN, 甘倉, y 宇野ハジメ (Uno Hajime)
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Amazon Japan (¥2,700 JPY) Uno de los tres emblemas al azar con las obras de 非狐, 甘倉, and 空斗 (Sorato)
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Toranoana (¥2,700 JPY) Un emblema con la ilustración de la cubierta
Tower Records Online (¥2,700 JPY) NO BONO
CDJapan (¥2,500 yen) NO BONO
Deje que Paraíso Vocaloid sepa lo que piensa acerca de nuestro lanzamiento de los álbumes y anuncios de septiembre de 2017. ¿Le gustó? ¡Entonces podemos convertirlo en una característica mensual! ¿Necesita mejorar? ¡Díganos qué podemos hacer mejor para el próximo mes!
Fuente: VNN
¡Resumen de lanzamientos y anuncios de septiembre del 2017! Este sitio y nuestros sitios afiliados siempre están haciendo todo lo posible para reportar los lanzamientos y anuncios más importantes de VOCALOID a medida que vienen.
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I'm trying to figure out how I really wanna use Miku.
I honestly think I did good on this. Her V2 is the main vocal, while Dark does low harms, Original EVEC does mid harms, and Sweet does high harms.
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vocaloid-tunes · 1 year
(Not) A Devil | DECO*27 & Pinocchio-P feat. Hatsune Miku V4x Original & Dark
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wonderouslilith · 8 years
This is totally about my plans for youtube, so just read if you are insterested
I’m totally giving myself a schedule and i need to accomplish this or i’ll be extremely disappointed with myself.
Every fucking thursday while the anime of MG4 is going on i’ll post a new cover. This is because i’m totally hyped and i’m doing this shit!!
That’s why if you are reading it and you are waiting for Benzene Series, please wait (I was waiting for something to be honest, i didn’t want to post Antichlorobenzene and Toluene before Nitrobenzene, but i guess i’ll do it...) i’ll finish posting it after the anime ends (WAIT FOR MORE 11 EPISODES!!)
so, i’m sorry...
Next Cover: Promise (Kagamine Rin V4x Power & Hatsune Miku V3 Dark)
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shimmerloid-ai · 1 month
Preliminary Considerations - Which Vocal Synthesizer Software is Right for You - Paid Synthesizers
Hello everyone, Shimmer/Ripple/whatever you want to call me here. Sorry for not posting for a while, I've had a lot of stuff going on in my life (I turned 20 last week!), and have been busy with using vocal synthesizers than to make a blog post about them. I hope this article was worth the wait.
Last time, I comapred various free vocal synthesizers, and this time, I will be showing off the most popular paid ones. Quick disclaimer; I do not own all of these softwares, and will not buy the ones I have just to test them out as they are not cheap. I got feedback and advice from my friends who do own these synthesizers, along with Reddit posts and other forums. The piano roll images for the softwares I do not own are from various websites and vsynth users who I will be crediting in the captions. VOCALOID4
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(Song: Devil's Manner by Konnichiwa Tanita-san; UST by Moru, Tuning by me)
When people think of the VOCALOID user interface, this edition of the software is probably what first comes to mind. It is very popular for a good reason; it’s got a simple UI and release of some of the best VOCALOID voicebanks; including Hatsune Miku V4x, Megurine Luka V4x, Kagamine Rin and Kagamine Len V4x, Fukase, Otomachi Una Sweet and Spicy, Megpoid Gumi V4, and Yuzuki Yukari V4. V4 also introduced the “GROWL” and “CROSS-SYNTHESIS” parameters! Despite being the sister software to UTAU, it is a lot easier to install voicebanks and plugins into VOCALOID4, and you do not need to worry about phonemizers or resamplers.
Can use every V2, V3, and V4 VOCALOID voicebank
Growl and Cross-Synthesis (also known as XSY; allows you to combine any two V4 voicebanks of the same character; such as Fukase’s Normal Japanese voicebank with his Soft Japanese voicebank or Gumi’s V4 Sweet voicebank with her V4 Adult voicebank) parameters
Can use job plugins to simplify the overall tuning process like in UTAU, Open Utau, and SynthesizerV Studio Pro
Pitch Rendering function allows users to see the pitch of notes
Really beginner-friendly (this vocal synthesizer was the one that taught me how to tune)!
Is no longer available for purchase on the official YAMAHA website; you can only obtain it through Mercari (that was how I was able to get it), eBay, or through piracy
No piano roll tuning; users are restricted to the parameter box
Can not use V1 or V5 and higher voicebanks
The breathiness parameter gives a metallic effect instead of the desired whisper-like outcome
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(Song: ID Smile by Toa; UST by K3RA; Cover by Shara Delvia)
The next edition of VOCALOID that was meant to change the playing field for vocal synth users. With an entirely new UI and never-seen-before features, VOCALOID5 was designed to simplify and enhance the overall vocal production and tuning process.
Dark mode at last!
Unlike the previous editions where you had to purchase a voicebank to use VOCALOID, VOCALOID5 comes with four free voicebanks
Preset phrases that beginners can play with to learn how different vocal properties can result in different sounds
Preset “attack” and “release” pitch bend effects
Easy pitchbend and vibrato adjustment using the “style” and “emotion” tools
Automatic breaths
Can be used as a VST plugin in almost any DAW or as a standalone editor
Over a hundred style and voice colour presets (Rich, Husky, Hard; Melodic, Diced Up, Bent; Lead Vocal, Chopped, Pitched)
Tons of audio and mixing effects
Fixed breathiness parameter 
Appears to be no longer up for purchase through normal means, YAMAHA has  pulled it from the VOCALOID website to promote their newest engine, VOCALOID6
Does not support V2 or V1 VOCALOIDS
Does not support job plug-ins
Does not have the Cross-Synthesis parameter
Not worth the price
No piano roll tuning
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(Song: Unknown Mother Goose by wowaka; VSQx and Tuning by me)
This is the most recent edition of VOCALOID that is up for purchase from the official website. With this installation of the VOCALOID software, the highly anticipated AI VOCALOID voicebanks have come into existence so that we can enjoy GUMI AI, ZOLA PROJECT AI, and Otomachi Una AI at last! It also comes with many other fresh features that were not present in VOCALOID5.
Multilingual(Japanese, English, and Chinese) AI voicebanks!
A total of ten VOCALOID AI voicebanks
VOCALO CHANGER: works similarly to plugging an RVC model on top of an audio file, but legal
The doubling feature allows instant harmony creation
Fixed breathiness parameter 
It can be used as a VST plug-in in most DAWs. or as a standalone editor
Included with the CUBASE AI DAW
Can be purchased at a cheaper price by upgrading from previous VOCALOID editions
Every feature that was present in VOCALOID5 is included in VOCALOID6!
The AI voicebanks are of poorer quality compared to SynthesizerV; they are not easy to tune in the slightest, and you can only edit three parameters (pitch, pitch bend sensitivity, dynamics) unlike the normal VOCALOID voicebanks; not including the style presets
For the desired results in VOCALO CHANGER, the audio recordings must be clean without any flaws, otherwise the audio will sound distorted
Does not support V2 or V1 VOCALOIDs
Does not support job plug-ins
Piapro Studio V4x
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(Song: Enjou Alice by Maiki-P; UST by KIRI; Tuning by Me)
Following its departure from YAMAHA, Crypton Future Media created a new vocal synthesizer to promote its new V4x Cryptonloid voicebanks. With its VSTi compatibility and E.V.E.C. feature, this software gave a new feel to tuning VOCALOIDs all while maintaining the features from the vocal synthesizers that were developed by YAMAHA.
Bundles with Cryptonloids include Piapro Studio V4x and Studio One 6 for free; an incredible DAW
VOCALOID4 with a different, cleaner UI
Compatible with V2 (some of them), V3, and V4 voicebanks
Enhanced Cross-Synthesis parameter; now you can cross-synthesize two completely different VOCALOIDs (such as Hatsune Miku V4x Original with Megurine Luka V4x Hard)
E.V.E.C. with a press of a button; in VOCALOID4 you have to edit phonemes manually
Improved breathiness parameter
Ability to change the wallpaper of the piano roll and icons of voicebanks!
Can be used as a VSTi plug-in in most DAWs
Does not support job plugins
Not all VOCALOID2 voicebanks are supported; such as Utatane Piko
Does not support NT voicebanks
Playback is not always on time with piano roll; you have to scroll as the vocals play unlike other softwares (this could be a glitch for me however)
No piano roll tuning
Can not run it through Studio One 6 (despite being included with the bundles), it can only function in Studio 5
Piapro Studio NT
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(Song: vivid by Utsu-P x Yuyoyuppe; UST by pifuyuu; Cover by AfiqTV)
Yes, Piapro Studio NT (an acronym for “new type”) is completely different from Piapro Studio V4x. This successor to the latter vocal synthesizer is entirely separate from YAMAHA, and was created for Crypton’s NT voicebanks. It no longer requires the use of a DAW, and was carefully designed with resynthesis technology for efficient vocal creation through the research that was conducted by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST).
Note: As of August 2024; Crypton has shifted their intention to release the other NT singers to getting back with YAMAHA to develop Miku V6 AI. We will be getting a Piapro Super Pack in a week (it is currently available for preorder). The package contains remastered versions of Miku V4x Original, Rin V4x Power, Len V4x Power, and Luka V4x Natural; along with V4 versions of KAITO and MEIKO. The former V3 voicebanks will come with growl features, and although there will be no appends, you can cross-synthesize any of the new Cryptonloids to produce unique sounds. In addition, Miku NT will be receiving a massive new update in the future.
Piano roll tuning at last!
New accent feature and E.V.E.C
Comes with Vocal Drive Plugin for growl and scream effects
Not compatible with VOCALOID voicebanks; Miku NT is the only usable voicebank to date
Harder to tune in
Missing parameters such as pitchbend sensitivity 
Plugins are not compatible
SynthesizerV Pro
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(Song: Underworld by niki (reverse); SVP and Tuning by PixPrucer)
This is the complete version of SynthesizerV Basic. It has suppressed VOCALOID in every way possible; from having insanely good AI voicebanks, to a multitude of features, this is probably the best paid vocal synthesizer available for purchase as of now. Honestly, I could only find a few downsides to this software because it’s that good, and one of them is more of a personal preference than a major issue. YAMAHA seriously needs to take notes from Dreamtonics.
The synthesizer and voicebanks are much cheaper than any of the VOCALOID engines
Comes with Mai; an amazing female vocalist
Piano roll tuning
Auto-pitch tuning makes the pitchbending process much easier 
Paid voicebanks come with THREE activation codes so they can be used on multiple devices
Allows scripts (basically plug-ins but for SynthesizerV)!
Cross-Lingual Synthesis; allows Japanese voicebanks to sing in English, English voicebanks to sing in Japanese, etc
Really complex phoneme customization
Vocal modes for full A.I. voicebanks
The audio to midi tool we’ve always wanted for VOCALOID; it turns wav. files into an amazing SVP (I know V3 has the Vocalshifter plugin… but it’s kind of trash in my opinion as it only works with Japanese lyrics and goes crazy with trying to copy the vocalist’s tone rather than just the pitchbends)
Frequent updates!
As the voicebanks are ultra realistic, it’s not the best for those who enjoy more robotic voices, as seen in UTAU and VOCALOID
Crashes every now and then
Still no glottal effects 
ACE Studio
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(Image Source: https://support.acestudio.ai/article/62-3-2-the-main-ace-studio-screen)
ACE Studio is a newer AI vocal synthesizer. Like DeepVocal, it features characters that originated from other softwares such as Namine Ritsu, Luo Tianyi, Kurobousuku, Yuezheng Longya, and many others. It also has a heavy emphasis on Chinese vocals. Most importantly, Ace Studio had a mobile version called Pocket Singer!
Piano roll tuning
Can cross-synthesize voicebanks to your liking to make your own vocal synth (Pocket Singer has a simple yet cute OC maker)
Simpler pitch editing
Subscription based model on both platforms
Some of the voicebanks sound too similar to each other
Pitch editing on a phone is not fun
The phone number sign-in thing is a pain… why don’t these guys have my regional  phone code as an option?!
One of the developers was exposed as a pedophile and proshipper; and some of the voicebanks used A.I. artwork; I personally don’t feel comfortable using a software made by people like this… ew
I’m just going to say it; SynthesizerV Pro is probably your best pick here, in terms of both price and versatility. You get so much out of this editor at a good cost, and it’s super easy to use! However, if you prefer robotic voices and can get your hands on it, then go with VOCALOID4 as it's pretty beginner friendly. If V4 is not an option, then you may have to deal with V6. 
Now, even though the latter software is not as easy to use as the former, a new lightweight singing editor designed for V6 and V5 called TuneLab has been recently released! It allows for piano roll tuning, along with better cross-synthesis usage. I will cover this software in a later post as I am still trying to learn the ropes of it.
Finally, as I have stated in my other post, take my statements with a grain of salt. Pick whatever synthesizer you want based on your interest; whether it is a fun feature or a specific singer you like. 
Hope this helps! In my upcoming post, I will recommend some VOCALOID voicebanks that are easy to use for beginners.
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mutelunacy · 8 months
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I'm a woman of my word. I'm committed to the bit.
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