#have like a purple and gold curtain and some larger bits. but then no smaller things like belts or scarves or shoes to match it with.
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I have a tiny group of orange & teal items around, but never enough to make a full outfit out of. There are a lot of situations like that, where I have a handful of multiple small items that all match each other really well, but just not any larger article of clothing to tie them all together lol.  I think I still don’t have enough for it to be cohesive, but this is a work in progress attempt at least?? ..
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k05h3k · 2 years
When Koshek wakes up again, the library has changed;
The previously light wood of the floor has been replaced with dark oak wood, the orange paint stains and a few scratch marks from Catshek disappearing in the process. The shelves have changed, too, though to a lighter color with a few leaves and colorful flowers painted on the sides to function as a contrast. One of the sides stands out, however, being of a dark grey color with a slightly rough texture. A box of different colors of blackboard chalk stands next to it on the ground, indicating the wall's purpose as a blackboard for Koshek to draw on.
At the far back of the library, meanwhile, what used to be just another wall of books is now a wide, open window front matching the style of Site-01 - and, right in the middle, an open gate leads straight out into the field, where the sun is rising in shades of pink and gold behind the apple tree in the distance and countless blooms of baby's breath.
Another story has been added to the library as well, with a few ladders leading up to the walkway about five metres off the ground that makes the higher bookshelves accessible. There is a second balcony as well, separated from the rest of the walkway but on the same level, with an open spiral staircase leading up to it. The view to what is actually up there is obscured by a curtain made of a heavy, royal purple fabric; when pushed aside, however, the curtain reveals a small, but cozy bedroom with a double bed and a night stand on each side. The bed is neatly made with sheets matching the color of the curtain, though both the blanket and the pillows have a loose, white rose print on it. Above the bed, let a bit into the wall, is a mostly empty pinboard, though there is a light blue post-it note pinned to it already - one reading "I love you" in Hebrew, written in Zayin's somewhat messy handwriting.
Returning downstairs, the table, too, has changed - though, not exactly changed rather than having been decorated. In the middle of the table stands a large bouquet of flowers, featuring different blooms; and, placed around it in a carefully arranged circle, are seventeen smaller bouquets, each made up of one of the flowers from the larger one, with a small card attached to them to show who they are from;
Light purple lilacs from Zayin, standing for young love,
Pink carnations from Seven, symbolizing a mother's love,
Pink gladiolus flowers from Eight, wishing Koshek strength,
Red camellias from Four, for admiration,
Veronica flowers from Five, sending its best wishes,
Peonies from Ten, standing for bravery,
Marigolds from Eleven, a promise of protection,
White lilies from Agnes, meaning childhood innocence,
Periwinkle flowers from Three, together with a cat drawn on the card as a reminder of their early friendship,
Wax flowers from Alexei, a wish for lasting love,
Pink chrysanthemums from Una, standing for joy,
Clematis from Sixten, a compliment to Koshek's cleverness,
Hepaticas from Cairo, wishing Koshek confidence,
Pink tulips from London, sending well-wishes of her own,
Pink hyacinths from Hel, commenting on Koshek's playful attitude,
Tweedias from Jane, symbolizing peace,
And hortensias from Two and his husband, for good luck.
Each of the bouquets is also accompanied by a gift from the corresponding person, some larger, some smaller, like a combined gift of two sketchbooks and a large set of colored pencils from Five and Ten, various sweets from the staff members, a book of short stories in Hebrew from Four and food from Agnes, including a birthday cake.
Presented in an almost innocent manner is also a black box containing Zayin's gift, decorated with a green bow. The box itself is flat and relatively large, like one uses for jewelry; and, when opened up, that's exactly what it is for, revealing six handmade enamel pins - two napping cats cuddled up together, another cat infront of a night sky with stars, a bee, a red and white koi fish, a mimikyu, and a dark red anatomical heart with six flowers in the colors of the rainbow flag behind it - as well as, on the right side next to the pins, a promise ring made of hammered silver. A small heart is engraved on the inside of the ring.
The two other gifts in the front, only behind the box from Zayin, look a bit different, though;
the larger one being a carefully folded sweater, crochet in a simple pattern from green yarn that slowly fades from light to dark green up to a solid black over the sleeves. The sleeves themselves feature an intricate design of embroidered, white cherry blossom branches with nine flowers on each side. The sewed-in tag at the back of the neck spells, in embroidered letters, "Love, mom". The sweater smells vaguely of Seven's flower perfume.
The second gift is a matching set of ceramic mugs from Eight, made of a light beige ground material, with the upper side of the mugs having been dipped in color to create a slow gradient from almost-black to a much more intense color close to the bottom. The inside of the mugs, too, is dark, and perfectly smooth to the touch; one of them has a purple to bright pink fade, the other goes from dark blue to an almost electric color.
Both of these gifts look... almost too real to be computer-generated, from the color flow of the sweater and the clearly handmade embroidery down to the not perfectly even edge and noticeable layers of the color dip on the mugs and the vaguely rough texture of their exterior. All three items seem too handmade to have been created by the AIs, or even Agnes, for that matter.
Amongst the presents is also a card, showing a cat napping in the midst of a flower field with a butterfly on its nose. When opened, the left side of the card is written on in an unfamiliar, somewhat old-fashioned handwriting, reading
"Happy Birthday from your friends in IT",
signed by Alexei, Three (as Jamie, notably), Una, Sixten and even Agnes. The other side features a note in Seven's handwriting, congratulating him on his birthday and wishing him the best for the following year, this one being signed by Seven herself (as mom, with a smiley face) and Eight.
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moonwaterart · 5 years
Here’s a silly little fnaf x reader fic I finished at 3:30AM this morning. I really hope y’all enjoy it.
Pizza Casanova (Chubby!Reader x Rockstar Bonnie)
This was supposed to be an amazing night. You’d just gotten back into the dating scene after years and years of putting it off due to how disastrous your last relationship was. You’d moved cities and just made a small life for yourself after your breakup four years ago and now you wanted to try again. You’d made an account on Tinder and matched with a pretty nice guy named Anthony. Nice on the eyes, dirty blond hair, hazel eyes and a tan from spending his summer on beaches.
You, on the other hand had no tan. You were on the bigger side -a size 18- but that didn’t stop you from wanting to really wow this guy. You two seemed to hit it off. You weren’t looking for a one-night sort of thing, just a casual date. You had both agreed to meet at a fancy restaurant around 5pm on that Thursday and you spent the week figuring out what to wear to impress this guy.
When the day came you got ready early. You found the prettiest dress online and it came relatively quickly and thankfully was just as advertised. It was a nice silky lavender sundress without sleeves and a fake diamond and silver clasped belt around the waist. Not to mention, it had pockets. You absolutely loved it and it matched so well with the white high heels, leggings and shawl you picked out from your closet. You wore some small silver earrings and a diamond necklace to match and actually did your makeup. Nothing over the top, just a simple eyeliner and lip gloss on foundation. You curled your hair and got it nice and once it was time to leave, you did, tossing a pair of ballet flats into your car just incase you needed them.
You got to the restaurant around 4:55pm and messaged Anthony.
(Y/N): Hey! I’m here at (fancy restaurant)! Do you want me to get us a table or should I just wait until you get here?
You slid your phone into one of the dress pockets and waited.
Five minutes.
Ten minutes…
You pull your phone back out and message him again.
(Y/N): you almost here?
More time passes and soon you’d been waiting for almost half an hour. You were cold, your feet were starting to hurt and you were hungry. As you’re about to send yet another text, you get a message from Anthony.
Anthony: Hey, sorry, I can’t make it tonight. We can always shoot for another time. I’m out with my buds and I totally spaced.
Your face felt hot with embarrassment and anger. You’ve been waiting for this guy to get here so you two could go on a date and he does this?!
(Y/N): will there be a ‘next time’ or are you just saying that to make me feel better? I’ve been waiting for you for half an hour to get here and you tell me you can’t make it?!
Anthony: yeah, sorry. My bros needed me.
(Y/N): Then screw this. There won’t be a next time.
You unmatch with the jerk then and there and delete the app immediately after. You were upset and embarrassed. You got all dolled up just to be stood-up! To be ghosted! Bump this! You slowly walk back to your car and get in. Your stomach growled and dammit, you were hungry, but not for this place. Not anymore. You needed to calm down and distress and dammit, you needed a pizza. Pizza sounded fantastic. You started driving and passed a few places you knew with good pizza until you saw a sign next to the mall parking lot:
‘Freddy’s Rockstar Family Fun Center’
Huh… you haven’t been to a fun center since you were in high school. It could be a good place to unwind. You turn into the buildings parking lot and find somewhere to park among the small sea of cars already there. You ditch your heels for the black flats your thankfully remembered to throw in and ditched your shawl as well. Were you a bit to dolled up for this sort of place? Yes. Did you care at this point? Not one bit.
Stepping through the doors was almost magical seeing as how your night had gone so far. The bright and colorful decor, the ambient sounds of parents and children chatting and screaming happily, and the smell of fresh greasy food. Oh yes. You needed this.
You make your way to the front counter where a teenage boy perked up at your presence.
“Welcome to Freddy’s! Aren’t you a bit dolled up to be coming here?” He asked in a playful manner.
You chuckle. “Yeah, but after the evening I’ve had, I need it. Do I need to check in or what? This is my first time coming here.”
“Really? That’s great! Well will you be dining with us tonight?” He asked, pulling out a menu from behind the counter. “We also have an arcade and laser tag if your interested.”
“That all sounds good. Hell yeah I'm dining in.”
“Awesome! Then I’d recommend the ‘Funtime Experience’. Not only would you get to have a full meal and desert, but the table is reserved for you until you leave. Not only that, but you get a card with like, fifty plays to spend at the arcade plus access to the laser tag arena. Also the wrist band is really cool.” While he was talking, he pulled out a small card and wristband each were white with colorful polka dots on it with the words ‘Funtime’ written in gold bubbly letters.
“I’ll take it then. Momma’s got some steam to blow off.” You pay for the package and the teen puts the wristband on you and hands you your arcade card before calling over a waitress to take you to your table.
As you weave through the crowd, you step through an archway and down a few steps into a closed off dining room made to look like a concert hall. With two floors for people dining in. The floor seemed to be for larger parties save for a few spots made for parties of one or two.
“Would you like to sit by the stage tonight. Freddy and his friends will be performing their last show for the day in a few minutes.” The waitress said in a chipper tone.
You shrugged. “Why not? Could be fun.”
“It totally is! Our boss made sure these models were state of the art with full body movement and AI that learns as it grows! Plus the band knows hundreds of popular songs and has a few of their own songs! They even do skits with their caretaker. It’s a sight to behold!” She led you to one of the smaller tables near the left side of the stage where she set your menu down. “Here you go! I’ll give you a minute to look over the menu and be right back! Can I get you a drink?”
“Can I get a soda?”
“What kind?”
“Surprise me.”
She let out a laugh and nodded. “You got it chief! I’ll be right back!”
She turned on her heel and left through a side entrance with a curtain and you sat to look at the menu. There was standard stuff any pizzeria would have along with burgers, fries, a whole panel of deserts and a ‘custom pizza’ option. Though that all sounded good, you were in the mood for just a slice of pepperoni some fries and a milkshake. Your stomach growled once more as you thought about how good that all sounded.
You made up your mind and set the menu aside before pulling out your phone to browse the web you checked all your usual sites and sighed. Looks like your best friend got engaged today. That’s nice… your mom was posting a new recipe she found and your dad sent you a meme he found funny over text which made you chuckle sadly. Everyone seemed to be having a great time and here you were; at a kids restaurant waiting on a soda looking like at least a hundred dollars in your opinion. You felt the embarrassment creep up on you again and you felt a few tears threatening to fall. You grabbed a napkin from the dispenser on your table and patted them away. You were NOT crying in a family setting, no sir! Not you! You could cry on your way home like anyone else would!
Once the waitress came back and took your order after giving you a glass of Grape Fanta and left just as a woman dressed in a white blouse and black pants walked on stage. She wore a red vest with the logo of the company on it just over her clothes and she quickly fixed her chocolate colored hair, her mossy colored eyes scanning the crowd as the lights dimmed and focused on her.
“How’s everyone doing tonight? I hope you’ve had a fun day here at Freddy’s!” A few people in the crowd cheered and you could have sworn you heard a few kids happily yelled ‘Yeah’s at the woman. She chuckled.
“Awesome! Well, as you know, it's about time for us to wind down here, but not before we go out with a bang! Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls!! Give it up for Freddy and his rockin’ band!” The curtains behind her drew back and their on stage were four larger than life mascots. A tan bear, a yellow bird, a red fox, and a purple bunny. The woman ran offstage and the band started their little concert. 
You watched in awe as the band played and sang in perfect harmony, their motions were so fluid, they put the animatronics at Universal and Disneyland to shame. Did you see one just fix their stance? You had to give it to this place, it seemed like every young kids dream. A little paradise away from reality. Your paradise away from reality.
After the first song, your food came out and you thanked your waitress before she left once again to tend to other tables. The band did a small skit where they talked about a funny thing that happened to one of them and the other poked fun. Although it was funny, your mind began to wander back to earlier that night and your smile dropped. You went back to eating, but you could have sworn you were being watched.
The woman in the front row was dressed oddly for being here. As Bonnie played his guitar and sang with his friends, he couldn’t help but let his eyes wander to the dolled-up woman in the beautiful lavender dress. The lights made it hard to see anything passed the stage, but if he really focused, he could see her. 
To put it into words, the periwinkle bunny was enamored by her. He was sure of it. Though, he found it odd that she was here alone. Why was she here of all places looking like she just stepped out of a photo shoot? Wait… did he see her lip quiver? A note wrote itself into his routine; ‘Cheer up ‘Doll’’. That’s what he was meant to do, right? Cheer others up? He was able to cheer people up on a daily basis! Surely this would be the same…
Only, it didn’t feel the same. Looking at her made him think, which made him fumble in his notes. A few chuckles and ‘ooh’s go through the crowd as the band stopped and looked at the bunny.
“Now that’s something you don’t do everyday.” Freddy teased.
“Yer not one t’ mess up, lad.” Foxy quipped. Bonnie felt his mechanical parts heat up in embarrassment. He was a perfectionist when he played. What was the deal?!
“Heh. Finger slip.” He retorted, rubbing the back of his head. He needed to think of something. A lie. A little white lie to further this excuse. Oh he wasn’t good with lies. “You know how it goes. Got too into the music that I didn’t notice.”
“Don’t fret Bon! Coulda happened to anyone.” Chica piped up.
The band share a laugh and their performance continues, Bonnie couldn’t help but notice the girl was now watching with a look of curiosity and wonder on her face.
The show went on without another screw-up and the band bid the small crowd goodnight before the curtains closed again. The group let out a sigh of relief as they each felt their audio receptors return to their default mode before speaking to one another again.
“Was it just a slip-up, Bonnibel? Ye never slip-up.” Foxy inquired. Bonnie nodded quickly and set his guitar on its stand.
“It was. Like I said, I just got too into the music and wasn’t paying any mind to what I was doing, Foxy.” He fixed his bow tie and looked to the band, flashing a smile. “I’m going to ask Miss Lindsay if I can wonder the fun center until closing.”
“You know that’s a tossup, Bonnie. Just because Lindsay would let us, doesn’t mean the boss-man would.” Freddy tried to reason.
“Then there’s no harm in asking or even just doing it.” He shrugged. “If anything happens, it’ll be my fault, so I’ll see you fellows later.” With a wink and a small bow, he slipped out from behind the curtains and off the stage. He had a goal in mind, the note coming back to the front of his to-do list; Cheer up ‘Doll’.
You had made your way to the arcade after the performance. Even though it was pretty fun to watch and listen to as you ate, your mind continued to wonder to earlier that night. Maybe Anthony really did forget? Maybe you got the date wrong? Did you jump off the rails by deleting that app? Hundreds of things were running through your mind and your lip quivered yet again. Dammit. You told yourself you wouldn’t cry in public. It makes you feel like a child. Bathroom. Gotta find the bathroom and breath…
“You seem like you have a lot on your mind, Miss.” That low toned voice…
You looked over to the voice and see that periwinkle bunny from the band… Bonnie was his name, right?
“I...I guess you could say that… yeah.” You mutter. You notice as his ears twitch at your response. “S-sorry… I’m just having a weird night.”
“You seem like you need someone to vent to.”
“I guess it couldn’t hurt…”
He stuck his hand out to you and you took it. He rose it to his muzzle and pressed the back of your hand to where his lips were as if to kiss it. “Then let us walk and talk… shall we, Miss?”
You felt heat on your face and you nod. He hooked his arm with yours and you two started walking around. You seemed dainty and small compared to the animatronic, but you felt… safe. It seemed like the world melted around you and it was just the two of you. Bonnie lead you to a quiet part of the fun center before talking.
“I couldn’t help but notice that you looked quite upset from time to time during my performance tonight.” he started, looking down at you. “I know it must be a cliche thing to ask, but what’s a beautiful woman all dolled up like you are doing in a place like this?”
"It been just a stupid night..." You reply. "I thought I would have a good night. Meet a new guy, have some dinner together.... But he didn't bother showing up." You felt tears prick your eyes and this time, you just let them fall.
"I got all dressed nicely... I-I actually tried to look nice! I thought...I-I th-thought I would be given a chance... b-but look at me! I'm at a fun center in a dress among a sea of families and kids looking so out of place! I-I just wanna go home and cry and binge a-and-"
Bonnie pulled you into a hug and let you cry, slowly letting the two of you sit on the floor. Well… he was sitting on the floor, you sat on his lap and cried into his furry chest. He honestly didn’t know what to do other then hold you and let you cry. He looked at you and pat your back, whispering words of comfort. After a few minutes, you pulled away and he wiped your tears. Although it smears your make-up, he looks at you with a soft expression.
“Well I don’t think this person knows what he’s missing. You’re a beautiful woman and the night isn’t over yet!” He stood the two of you back up and took your hand again. “Why don’t you and I go to the arcade. I know a few tips and tricks that we could use to get a few jackpots.”
You look at him, wiping a few more stray tears away. “You… you mean you know how to cheat the machines?”
“I wouldn’t call it cheating… I would call it finding loopholes.” He gave you a wink and you let out a small laugh.
“Then lead the way Bonnie.”
The arcade was fun and Bonnie was right; he did know a few ‘tips and tricks’ and by tricks, he meant he knew how to bypass the settings each machine had and set it to their default settings making it easier to win the big jackpots. His antics with sidestepping questions from the employees made you laugh. He was so suave until he was asked to explain what he was doing. This turned him into a babbling buffoon trying to come up with excuses which would turn into him scooping you up and booking it in the other direction. This would make you laugh as he would find places for the two of you to hide from the arcade employees.
You’d only come out of hiding once he said it was okay and not even a minute later he was bypassing the settings of arcade machines. Rinse and repeat. You only stopped once Bonnie was told that his ‘manager’ would be called since she’d been looking for him for a good hour by now and it was ‘passed his bedtime’. He lead you to the prize counter and helped you pick out a prize. Given he helped you cheat the system, you had enough points on your card for some of the major prizes. You decided on plushies of the band and you’d pocket the rest of the points for when you’d come back another day. Saying those words made Bonnie’s ears perk even more than they already were. 
You’d be back? You wanted to come back? He smiled brightly. He felt genuinely happy at her words. They meant he’d be able to see you more. As you two left the prize corner with your new plushies and made your way to the front entrance, you heard a woman’s voice call out towards you.
“Bonnibel! There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” You two turned around and you saw the same woman that introduced the band when you were eating. She marched over and looked up at Bonnie, a stern motherly look on her face. “You were supposed to be in the back an hour ago!”
“I know Miss Lindsay. I honestly do, but I had something I had to do.”
“And that would be…?” He gestured to you and that’s when the woman finally noticed you, a look of surprise crossing her features. “Oh! I’m sorry ma’am! I’ve just been really worried about him. If he and the others don’t get their recharge, they won’t last the full day tomorrow.”
“It’s okay miss.” You reply. “He’s actually been keeping me company. I should be the one to apologize. If I’d known he needed his rest, I wouldn’t have-”
“You don’t need to apologize for you being upset, Miss.” Bonnie reassured you. He looked to his manager. “I know tomorrow will be rough for me, Miss Lindsay, but could I please walk her out before I go to the back? I would like to say goodnight to her.”
She looked between the two of you and something in her mind clicked. She gave you a small smile and nodded. “Of course Bon…” She looked to you. “I hope you’re feeling better ma’am and that you had a wonderful time here.”
“I did… Bonnie here made it the best first visit I could have asked for. I honestly can’t wait to come back.” You stated. The woman’s smile brightened.
“That’s great! Everyone’s experiences here should be magical. In fact, no two visits are alike! Anything could happen here. Trust me. It’s been an adventure working here.” She looked back to Bonnie. “I’ll be waiting in the back with your recharger.”
“Thank you, Miss Lindsay.”
The brunette nodded walked off, leaving you two alone again as parents, children, and some employees were leaving for the night around you. You looked at one another and yet again, the world around you faded as he lead you to the front doors and stopped.
“This is as far as I can go, Miss.” The bunny told you. “I wish I could escort you further, but it’s against the rules.”
“It’s okay, Bonnie.” You reassure him, rearranging the toys in your arms so you could carry them without dropping them on the asphalt outside. “I enjoyed our time together. I honestly haven’t had this much fun in a while.”
“Well I’m glad I could give you that tonight, Miss…”
“It’s (Y/N). My name is (Y/N).”
“A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.” He crouched slightly to be eye-level with you. “And don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise.”
“I think after tonight, I’ll have a pretty high standard for my dates thanks to you, Bonnie.”
“You flatter me, Miss (Y/N). I’ll be counting the days until you come back.”
You let out a small laugh and kiss his muzzle. “And I’ll be back soon, don’t worry your little bunny head, Bonnie.”
He felt his machinery heat up once more and he let out a laugh as he stood back up. “I’ll hold you to that. You have my word if I have yours.”
“And you do.” You turn to leave and stop, looking back to him. “Thank you, Bonnie. I hope you have an amazing night.”
“And the same to you, Miss (Y/N). Drive safely and have pleasant dreams.”
Leaving the fun center that night left you gitty for the next time you would make an appearance at the building. Your night had gone from bad to amazing. If you were to go back in time, you wouldn’t change a thing. You just hoped next time would be just as amazing and you had a feeling it would be.
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