#have the attention span to read or watch stuff without multitasking
doebt · 4 years
ik why i stay up so late like this man its bc i just want to feel something SO bad. so i will stay up reading or whatever except its not even really reading its just skimming random stuff on ao3 to see if anything hits me in my feelings hard enough for it to matter. and it turns into this thing of me looking up progressively more messed up stuff until i can find something dark enough to make me feel anyhting and even THEN theres usually like nothing. and if i DO find something that makes me feel something then i get so worked up about it i have to keep looking for more bc im like addicted to feeling emotions
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muffinrecord · 4 years
Sorry if this ends up sounding confrontational, but I get the feeling that you’re not interested in Arc 2? I can understand reluctance from how NA ended, but I wanted to ask to know if you feel uncomfortable being asked about your opinions on such stuff,
Not confrontational! You can ask me questions and stuff about it, but I may not always know what’s going on.
Disinterest, hmmm.... I think I’d categorize more as it being overwhelming? I don’t even know where to start with it. I know that there are some fan translations out there, but I don’t think there are fan translations out as soon as the event is out? Which means I’d have to use machine translating, which isn’t the best.
I’ve skimmed some of the descriptions for past events, and they seem interesting (Crimson Resolve), so I have a very loose understanding of what is happening. 
One issue I have is that I’ve got ADHD and one way it manifests is that I have a very poor attention span for “watching” things. I don’t watch movies, tv shows, netflix, ect because I can’t sit down and physically make myself pay attention longer than three minutes (if that). Sometimes I can watch stuff, but only in the background and only if I’m multitasking, so sort of like a podcast? (The funniest thing here is that I’m recording all of these videos and I will never watch ANY of them).
The nice thing about Magia Record is that you would get these bite-sized chunks of scenes, and you are in complete control of how fast you read through them. I read faster than the auto button, so I could go through it quickly with tapping, and that did a lot to help keep my attention involved enough without losing focus. It’s short and interactive so it’s perfect for me.
But the fan translations are either in video format or they’re written in plain text. Video format doesn’t work for me-- but the text one has its own issues too. Like, a big part of the game is character stuff, right? And a big part of that, in my opinion, is all of the character animations. Even if they’re simple or generic, but you still get a good sense of the characters and what they’re like, and that’s kind of missing from the textual translation... I dunno, it’s something small that really bothers me. I really like the addition of the visual medium in with the textual one.
So right now I’m kind of waiting on the app/program translation project and I’m hoping that it will be what works for me! I know I come off as stupidly picky here in how I consume my media, but... yeah. 
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janperezblr · 5 years
Nov. 6 Rumination
This weeks’ chapter covered quite a few subjects. Mostly focused on the future of media theory, and media in general. It goes over the older generation struggling to keep up with innovations and changes in media, as well as how the current generation struggles with their attention span and with internet addiction, along with various other sub-topics. I’m going to focus mostly on internet addiction throughout this post, which is obviously a huge phenomenon around the world. Video games are a huge culprit here, they are able to help you escape the real world and bring you peace and tranquility and make you forget all your troubles. Gee, you could make a case that that description could fit a drug or 2. Too much of a good thing always leads to trouble. We saw in class how video game addiction was going on in Korea, with those affected spending 20 to 24-hour days playing games nonstop, without eating or taking any breaks. Yes, extreme on all levels, but just because you aren’t on that level doesn’t mean you aren’t addicted. 
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You spend 4-6 hours a day playing games or scrolling through twitter and social media? Have a look in the mirror, you have to work some stuff out. The fact that technology has advanced so quickly, and continues to just improve year by year, makes it harder and harder to resist. Especially for the younger generation. Look at the whole Fortnite trend the past 3 years, every kid from the age of 6 all the way to adults over the age of 30 were hooked on that game, and would spend hours a day playing it, or watching streamers (Ninja) play it on Twitch for hours on end. It’s calmed down quite a bit recently, but it feels like we’re just waiting for the next new game to trend and have everyone jump on the bandwagon again. Which leads me to talk about FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). Everything is in the palm of our hands, we have the world, all of its history and information with the push of a button. We could be at one place, but thanks to social media, be in multiple places at the same time. We receive breaking news before it even makes it so TV news stations. Take all of that away, take it way for 4 days, most of us will go crazy and won’t know what to do. We’ll eventually adjust, but that shock value will be tremendous. But it’s not the end of the world, we survived just fine before any of this was even dreamt of. We need to learn that moderation is key and find a balance. 
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We need to work on improving our focus, being able to actually multitask, not just say we can multitask when in reality we are just texting and half listening to someone actually speak to us. We need to make sure we can read a whole book, stay interested in it rather than give up after the first 3 paragraphs of the first chapter. Technology continues to advance and this is the greatest time to be alive, but lets take all the positives that we can gain from these advancements, without losing everything we learned about when we didn’t have these technologies at hand. Combine the best of both worlds, don’t go over board on either one, like I previously said, find the balance. It’ll be worth it.
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