#have we learned our lesson about gambling now darlings??
hopkei · 10 months
"Please give us your sympathy."
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musetotheworld · 6 years
Supercat- a lost ring
The tiniest decisions could have the biggest impacts.
Cat knew that, of course. She’d practically made her career off the premise. Start small. Build something solid then add a level. Reach for success in careful doses until you can gamble for the big one.
She’d also learned the lesson the hard way. One night at the office becomes two becomes ten. A few early mornings becomes a habit. Then suddenly your son is gone and you’re left with nothing but the cold company of an empty building.
Which is why she shouldn’t be surprised now. It isn’t as if she hadn’t seen something like this coming right from the start. She’d tried to tell Kara it wouldn’t work but the girl was too damn optimistic. And now here they are.
“I wasn’t flirting, dammit” she tries again for the tenth time. Hoping this time Kara will believe her. “We were discussing a potential investment deal over drinks, that does not make it a date.”
“You weren’t wearing your ring!” Kara fires right back. “And since when do you have investment meetings at Providence? That’s where you took me when you proposed, Cat. It’s not a business restaurant.”
“For God’s sake, are you even listening? I didn’t make the reservations! He did, and I wasn’t about to insist we abandon them. I like Providence. In case you missed it, I have some very fond memories of the place, particularly the moment you said ‘yes’ and knocked over two waiters in your excitement.”
Cat knows fighting back isn’t the right answer here, but staying calm hasn’t done much to help either and she’s not the type to sit back forever when someone is yelling at her. If it were anyone but Kara she’d have snapped a long time ago.
“Even if that’s the case it doesn’t explain the ring. And the way he was looking at you, do you honestly expect me to believe you left it at home? You haven’t taken it off since I put it there, Cat. Except for the one night you just happen to be meeting an investor that looks at you like you could be wife number five?” That’s the clearest accusation of the night, and Cat rears back in anger heavily mixed with hurt.
“Do you honestly think I would ever choose someone over you?” She asks coldly, anger burning so hot it feels like ice. “I have sat by your side when you’ve been beaten unconscious, I have fought by your side against every threat that comes our way. I stood before my god, your god, and our families and swore to love you through good times and bad. And I have never once backed down on that promise. So if you’re going to accuse me of something you damn well better have a reason to back it up.”
Any other day and Cat knows Kara would back down so they could actually talk about this rather than rely on screamed accusations. Their fights aren’t common but they have happened. They’re a normal part of two people living together and in the past they’ve always worked through their problems eventually.
Tonight it doesn’t seem like eventually will be happening any time soon and for the first time since Kara finally put that ring on her finger she’s afraid.
“You were a reporter. You tell me what you’d think if you saw me sitting in a fancy romantic restaurant with a guy looking a little too interested. If I was laughing and having a good time all while not wearing my ring. It’s a damning picture, Cat.”
Kara sounds like she’s already made her mind up, and Cat knows she’ll have to be completely truthful if she wants to make it out of this still married. Kara’s always said Kryptonians don’t have divorce but she doesn’t want to test that particular fun fact after this fight.
“I wasn’t wearing the ring because I lost it,” she admits, hating every word. She knows how much that ring meant to Kara and she’s been searching all day trying to find where it was.
She doesn’t remember taking it off because Kara’s right. She never takes it off. The alloys won’t rust or take damage, so there’s no reason. And it fits perfectly, not loose enough to fall off and not tight enough to restrict blood flow. There’s absolutely no reason it should be anywhere but on her finger and yet it isn’t there.
“You…you lost the ring?” Kara echoes, looking more devastated than Cat had anticipated. “The ring made from my mother’s necklace?”
“Yes, and I swear I’ve been looking, Kara. I swear. I retraced my steps all afternoon and it was nowhere. I was going to tell you when I got home, but then I got the call about a possible investment for the Tribune and I got sidetracked.” God she hates this, hates the look on her wife’s face. It’s why she never takes it off. She’s lost wedding rings before, gone through the screaming matches that followed as her ex husbands accused her of not caring about their marriage.
They’d been right, but this time was different. This time she does care and it’s killing her inside.
Kara doesn’t say another word and Cat steps hesitantly to her side. The silence is worse than the yelling and Cat wants desperately to wave her hand and fix this. Go back to whatever moment in time she took the ring off and smack some sense into her past self. She hates that she can’t even remember when it happened. She’d just looked down and it was gone.
“Kara, darling, are you okay?” Cat asks when the silence stretches on. “Talk to me, please?”
“I almost wish you had been cheating on me,” Kara says eventually, distantly. She won’t look at Cat, no matter that her words are slowly shattering a heart barely mended after years of disappointments. “My mother’s necklace, Cat. The last thing I had of her. Of my planet.”
Cat knows all this. She can remember clearly what Kara said as she slipped the ring on her finger at their wedding. “Keep it safe for me.” The same thing she’d whispered every time she handed it to Cat or Alex before a major fight. And now Cat had let her down.
“I was going to ask Winn to run a scan for the metal type,” Cat says, the words spilling from her quickly as she tries to find the magic combination that will ease Kara’s pain. She’s so bad at this part of relationships, at making things right with the people she loves. It’s so much easier to throw resources at a problem until it goes away but she knows Kara doesn’t care about that. She cares about the effort. “I don’t know where it is, Kara, but I’m going to find it.”
Kara just nods, still not looking at Cat. And there’s the sneaking suspicion at the edge of Cat’s mind that she won’t, not until the ring is found.
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lost-n-stereo · 6 years
A/N: It’s my first year being a Chuck and Blair fan on Limoversary and I wanted to write up a quick little one shot dedicated to Chuck’s limo. Enjoy!
oh darling (let’s enjoy the ride)
The first time they ride together in Chuck’s limo they are nine years old.
His dad bought them all tickets to see Seussical  the Musical on Broadway and even though he told everyone that it’s lame he’s actually excited to go. Nate and Serena have their heads bent towards each other, giggling over a comic book his best friend brought with him. Blair is next to him, hands primly sitting in her lap as they head towards the theater.
“Having fun?” He asks her, because it’s too quiet on this side of the limo and he doesn’t know what else to say.
She sort of rolls her eyes and gives him a look. “We haven’t really done anything yet so how could I be having fun?”
He knows that she’s not trying to be rude or mean, that that’s just the way Blair is. She says what’s on her mind regardless of how it may sound and he actually really likes that about her.
Not that he would ever admit that out loud.
They sit next each other in the theater and every time her arm brushes against his he can feel the soft cashmere of her sweater and it distracts him from the show.
He tucks his hands under his legs and tries not to look at her for the rest of the night.
“I love your limo,” she tells him one day when they are fourteen.
Chuck gives her a strange look. “Why? It’s just a car.”
Blair laughs, kicks out her feet into the empty space in front of her. “Yes, but it’s luxurious, Charles.  Makes me feel like an old Hollywood starlet.”
He doesn’t want to tell her that she’s more beautiful than any actress he’s ever seen but that is exactly what he’s thinking. Before he can do something stupid, like admit to himself that he’s got a crush on his best friend’s girlfriend, he changes the subject
“So, Georgie asked me to come to her house this weekend.”
Blair groans. “Chuck, didn’t you learn your lesson the first time? Georgina Sparks is the devil.”
He laughs and nudges her with his elbow. “They say the same thing about me, you know.”
His heart does this stupid flip when she looks at him with her big brown eyes.
“Well then they don’t know you like I do.”
They aren’t dating but they spend enough time hooking up in his limo that they may as well be.
“What is it with you and my limo?” He asks one day when she’s straddling him, her uniform skirt riding high on her thighs and her white lace stockings on full display. It’s not that he really cares about her fixation with moving vehicles; he just likes listening to the way her voice gets breathy and raspy when she’s turned on.
“I don’t know,” she says, her fingers making quick work of the buttons of his shirt. “Maybe it’s not the limo but the person it belongs to.”
If he was anyone else he might make a bigger deal of her admitting she has feelings for him. But he doesn’t because he’s Chuck Bass.
“Mmm,” he kisses a line from shoulder to her ear. “I didn’t realize you had a thing for my father.”
“You’re disgusting,” she says on a laugh and he grins, picks her up by her thighs and lays her down on the seats.
“Yes, but you love it.”
It’s the first time he uses that word in regards to this thing between them but it won’t be the last.
Blair decides that they all need to take a weekend trip to Atlantic City so that’s exactly what they do.
Chuck postpones all of his meetings until Monday and picks Blair up first before they head to Serena’s to get her and Nate.
“This is going to be fun,” she says, leaning across the seat to kiss his cheek when she gets in beside him. “Shopping and gambling…”
“Sex in a hotel room that doesn’t belong to me.”
She squeezes his thigh. “Yes, that.”  
Chuck reaches up and thumbs the diamond earring in her ear that he hasn’t seen since she opened the little blue box he gave her on Christmas. “You wore them. They look gorgeous, as do you.”
“Thank you.” She leans over to kiss him, places her hand on his cheek like he loves. “Nice tie.”
He laughs, smoothes his hand down the burgundy paisley tie that she gave him and doesn’t miss the way it matches her dress.
His teeth nip at her lip when he kisses her back. “Love you.”
Blair’s eyes soften like they do every time he says the words. “I love you, too.”
They kiss until the limo pulls to a stop and Serena opens the door, complains about how sickeningly sweet they are and demands a glass of champagne.
“Chuck? Can you come and get me?”
His eyes close at the sound of her voice. They haven’t been together in months, she’s engaged to someone else and he is definitely the last person she should be calling.
Still he asks, “Where are you?” because he’s Chuck and she is Blair and no matter what he’s always going to be there for her.
When he pulls up to the bar she’s standing outside, her hair is pulled up on her head in a very un-Blair like ponytail and her heels are in her hand. He gets out and opens the door for her and he can smell the liquor on her skin when she slides in.
“Thank you,” she says when the car pulls away. “I didn’t know who else to call.”
He’s this close to reminding her that she could have called a cab but she obviously knows that already.
“It’s not a problem,” he says, reaching over to grab her a bottle of water. “Drink this.”
She gives him a look. “I’m not drunk.”
“I’m serious!” She yanks the bottle out of his hand and drinks half down. “I’m just dehydrated.”
Chuck rolls his eyes but doesn’t respond. It’s no use talking to her when she’s like this, he has seen her drunk enough times in their lives to know she’s even more stubborn inebriated.
“Drink more water then,” he says instead and smiles when she downs the bottle and asks for another.
“Can you put a car seat in a limo?”
Blair giggles, one hand on her growing baby bump and the other on his arm. “No, you can’t.”
Chuck frowns, looks between her and the car. “Then, what do we do when the baby arrives?”
She looks at him as if he’s adorably clueless and it makes him scowl. “We will need another car, obviously.”
“But…you love the limo.”
Blair looks up at him, skin glowing from her pregnancy, and places her hand on his face. He can feel the cool metal of her wedding ring and he loves it even more now than he did before they were married.
“We will still have the limo, Chuck. We’ll just need a town car when we travel with the baby.”
He sighs, kisses her cheek and places a hand on the top of the limo. “See you around, old friend.”
Blair laughs and shakes her head.
“You’re an idiot.”
“Dad! Did you see how many toys fit in the back of this thing?”
Chuck laughs and picks his son up, sets him on the seat next to him and puts his arm around him. “You have to be very careful in a limo, Henry. They don’t have seatbelts like in our other car.”
“I miss Arthur,” Henry says with a frown. “I don’t get to see his face when we drive like in our car.”
Blair smiles, lowers the divider and Henry squeals in happiness.
“Hello, Mister Henry.”
Chuck looks up to see Arthur’s kind eyes smiling at his son in the rearview mirror. The man has been driving him since he was a child and he likes how full circle they have come.
“Hello, Arthur,” Henry says. “Thank you for driving us to the zoo!”
“Those are very good manners, Henry.” Blair holds out her arms and Henry looks up at Chuck as if to ask if it’s okay for him to cross the seats to get to his mother.
“Go, but quickly.”
He laughs when Henry scurries over the seats and into the waiting arms of Blair. Chuck’s heart does a familiar flip when his wife snuggles their son, and when her eyes meet his over Henry’s head he thinks about their first ride all those years ago.
A bump in the road causes Henry to giggle and it only takes a minute before Blair and Chuck are joining in.
She reaches over for Chuck’s hand, runs her thumb over his wedding ring, in a silent I love you.
So he lifts her hand, kisses her palm, and gives her a smile.
I love you, too.
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narika-a · 7 years
I Can’t Lose Her
Part 1 (It’s really not that necessary to read it to understand what’s going on); Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5
Kim Jongdae (Chen) x Reader
Summary: Your parents gave you up so you had no choice but to become his wife.
Genre: Mafia AU, angst
Word count: 4,334 I went all out with this one 😂
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Jongdae’s POV
8 years ago
“Jongdae take a look at this,” my father said handing me a file with a bunch of papers in it.
“Darling, I don’t think you should show him this yet, he’s too young,” my mother interrupted.
“He’s has to take over the family business sooner or later, besides he already knows a lot of stuff, might as well learn how to deal with the ones indebted to us.”
My mother didn’t say anything just looked at me and went out of the room. I picked up the file and opened it. It wasn’t a big case, just some husband and wife who owns my father money because of gambling in one of his casinos. I have no idea why he would give me this, it seemed boring. My father noticed that.
“They don’t owe me that much compared to some other big shots but what I really dislike about them is the fact that they tried to run away…”
I wondered what he meant before I turned the page and saw that they’re now in completely different city. What fools. Do they really think they can escape my father this easily, he has eyes everywhere and they’re just amateurs. I understood that my father probably wants to go pay them a visit and I would gladly accompany him. I turned another page to see what they look like and to my surprise they had daughters. The older one in particular caught my attention, even though her face was expressionless, her features were delicate. I took the photo out.
“What about them?” I asked him, he picked up the picture and looked at it closely.
“We can use them to our advantage. Threatening is always easier when they have family members to worry of,” my father started laughing creepily, something that even made me feel unsettling. He stood up and called one of the drivers before gesturing for me to follow him.
“Are we actually going there now?” I questioned and he nodded. I got into the back seat of the car and checked my clock. We will probably arrive there in about 4 hours. I didn’t speak to my father anything else because honestly I preferred not to know what he’s planning. The car ride there felt like it will never end but once we were there I somehow started getting nervous. It was already dark outside and as soon as my father’s men began sprinting up the stairs the nervousness was soon replace by a pure sense of adrenaline. They kicked the door to one of the apartments open and went inside, searching for inhabitants, I wanted to go help them but my father told me to stay in the back. I saw how they ushered one man and three women to the tiny living room. I wondered how could somebody live in a place like this. My father steeped out from the shadows and I could already hear the two parents whimpering.
“Please, you have got it all wrong,” the man said.
“We were planning on paying you back,” the woman continued.
“Shut up,” my father said, pushing the two girls so they were on their knees, facing their parents. Even though their backs were to me, I immediately recognized the older one. I watched her hair go down her back and as she straighten herself I had to control my urge to come up to her.
“Please enlighten me how I’m wrong,” my father continued to mock them. “Because you clearly thought you can get away with all of the money I gave you. That’s not how this works.”
They all stayed silent for a moment and I heard another sob. It wasn’t from her though. She took the younger ones hand and whispered something to her.
“So what should I do with you all?” he asked expecting me to answer.
“Scare them a little?” I replied not sure if that’s the answer he wanted.
“Great idea!” he said, setting the gun against the back of her head. And then the quiet cries started again but by the way she was still kneeling I knew none of it is from her. She just squeezed the younger ones hand more tightly and I heard her mother say that everything is going to be okay but all of us knew it won’t and I don’t know what was going on in my head at that moment, I never dared defy my father like that.
“Wait!” I shouted and he turned to me, I had to say what I wanted quickly to avoid annoying him further. “Not this one,” I finally spoke. “The other,” I said, pointing to the younger one.
“As you wish,” my father said. I saw her turn to her sister in an attempt to stop him but the shot was already fired and only the echoes of the sound resonated along the room. Everyone was dead silent as they watched the body fall to the ground.
“Let’s go,” my father said, already going to the door. My eyes met hers seemingly for a split second but I could already see how they turned from frightened to pure hatred as she went to her sister’s lifeless body. I heard her cry for the first time as she held it. I quickly turned around. I have no idea why but extreme guilt washed over me.
“Shit,” I thought to myself going out. I couldn’t get the powerful look she gave me out of my head.  I realized that at that moment I fell in love with her.
6 year, 4 months
For the next almost two years there wasn’t a day I didn’t think about her. I wanted to meet her so badly but I knew it would never be possible after what happened. I spent my days gathering all the information I could possibly get on her. Her name especially stuck with me. I remember attending her sister’s funeral and watching her from one of the trees from a distance. Even being so far away from here I could see she had no emotion on her face. I knew that this is partly my fault but I never felt more grateful that my father listened to me on that day. After a few months, I found out that she started working to help repay her parents debts. Whenever I went to the café she worked at I was always too scared to go inside, thinking she will recognize me. At this point I knew I’m becoming quite obsessed with her but I just had to see her. Get closer somehow. My father’s health got significantly worse and I had to take care of a lot of more things nowadays but I had inside eyes even in her school. I felt like trashing the office I already had when I found out that someone is actually bullying her. I had to go there myself. Luckily on that day she wasn’t even at school. I chuckled when I saw how everyone stared at me as I pulled up in an expensive car in front of the building. I went straight to the principal and him knowing my father, well promised not to interfere. I slammed the door to her classroom open and called the bullies out. They of course didn’t want to go anywhere with me but just with a snap of my fingers, my father’s men were already at them.  Their squirms of pain and asks for forgiveness were music to my ear, as I tortured them myself in one the warehouses owned by us. Every day I was getting more and more like my father. I wondered if she ever found out where they suddenly disappeared to. I couldn’t let her be in that school anymore, so after a long argument I finally won and she was supposed to get transferred by getting a scholarship to the private school I attended. I could barely contain my excitement at the thought of seeing her more often.
4 years ago
It made me quite happy to know that she’s the introverted type. Less guys approached her, less trouble for them and for me. I have heard that she needed some really persuasive convincing so she would actually go this school. Knowing her, it didn’t surprise me she found this suspicious. I stared at her from the third floor window, reading a book by one of the trees. She looked as beautiful as ever. Our uniform fit her well.
“Are you watching her again?” Baekhyun approached me. “Man, you’re so creepy.”
“Shut up, it’s none of your business.”
He raised his hands in defence.
“Relax, I’m not taking her, even though she’s a great catch but seeing how everything is going, you’re not going to get her anytime soon either,” he laughed but I quickly silenced him with a punch to his stomach. He fell down on the floor and I lifted him up by the collar.
“You dare say something like that about her again.”
“No need to get violent. Anyone would be stupid to try to do that. Do you think I want to die? You’re scary when you’re jealous,” he said swatting my hand away and standing up. “Speaking about that. I heard that some guy from her class confessed to her the other day, she rejected him though-“
But I wasn’t listening anymore. How dare someone do that. I knew who it was. I saw him trying to get all friendly with her. Luckily it was still lunch break, I went to his table and dragged him away. I saw how frightened he got by the second. I was known as quite the scary one in the school, I just hoped that rumour never reached her.
“What, what is it?” he asked me when I slammed him to the wall in one of the corners. I didn’t say anything just took his arm and began twisting. He screamed in pain.
“Did you talk to Y/N the other day?”
“Y/N? I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I twisted his arm to the opposite direction a bit more.
“Okay yes. Yes I was.”
“She’s mine,” I told him as I finally heard the bone snap. He cried out in pain and fell to the floor. “You won’t tell anyone about this unless, you have a death wish,” I said, showing him my gun.
I went to the next lesson like nothing happened. I saw Baekhyun glance at me from his table. He asked if I took care of him and I nodded. I had another worry now, my graduation is soon and she still has two years of studying left.
2 years ago
My father’s sudden passing half a year ago left me with complete control of the gang but also all the worry and trouble it came with. Before this I never knew he was associated with the other families and how closely they worked together. I needed to learn again how to cooperate and work for a common goal. The many deals and jobs my father left me with meant that I couldn’t see her as often. I sometimes wondered why she’s still not here by my side. I had so much power in this city yet, I couldn’t just go and kidnap her. At least I knew that she also graduated. I literally thought about staying an extra year in school just to be near her but my mother convinced me otherwise. It made me quite sad when I found out, she never went to pursue a higher education, when she was one of the top graduates. After all these years, her parents never learned and still gambled. Even more so, after what happened. Her heart was too kind, they didn’t deserve her. She worked two jobs just to take care of them and also pay up the debt. I wonder how she felt knowing that she’s sending the money to her sister’s killer. One day thinking about this I came up with a perfect plan to finally make her mine.
9 months ago
“You know it will never work,” Minseok said as soon as I explained to him what I was planning. “She will find out sooner or later.”
Every single one of them told me that. Why did I even bother explaining. I’m going to go through with it anyway. I have been waiting for so long as it is.
“Then I better make sure she doesn’t,” I said, putting my jacket on and going to the door.
“Jongdae don’t be stupid, she’s just a girl…”
“She’s special. You haven’t seen her on that day.”
I knew why they didn’t like this idea from the start, it was mostly because they didn’t want me to get hurt by her or get hurt while protecting her. Stupid reasons. I called my family’s lawyer and he promised to get the documents ready by the end of the month. I went back to my apartment and fell down on the bed. The room next to mine was still empty but I could already imagine her being there.
5 months ago
I picked up the papers and the photos I gathered of her throughout all these years. I wanted to burn them, get rid of them but I somehow couldn’t bring myself to do it. She looked so pretty and cute in all of them. I opened the secret drawer and put all of them in there. Today was the day. Her parents agreed to meet me as soon as I told them what I want. They welcomed me warmly and they nodded eagerly when I told them I’m willing to pay off their debt. It disgusted me how easily they accepted my offer to exchange money for their daughter, I tried not to show them this because I was also extremely happy everything is going so well. They didn’t question why I’m even doing this and that was enough for me. As I shook their hands and they signed the papers, I heard the front door of their apartment open. And there she was, almost in the same place I first met her, looking as stunning as ever in her work dress. I stood up immediately and took a few steps to her. She glanced at me then at her parents.
“Who’s this?” she asked, her voice sweet and soothing.
“Y/N this is Jongdae, you will have to come with him,” her mother explained.
“Jongdae?” she questioned and for a second, I thought she will recognize me. “Why should I go with him?”
“We just made a perfect deal and got a lot of money from him,” she was shocked by the answer.
“And you’re selling me off just like that?!” she shouted. “He could be a human trafficker for all I know, how dare you!”
I couldn’t stay here any longer, I needed to get away from her parents before I punched them in the face. I grabbed her by the arm and went to the door.
“Mother,” she cried out.
“Don’t worry Y/N! He promised to take care of you,” she shouted after her.
“Let go of me,” she said, as I took her to the car. She seemed quiet on the outside but I absolutely loved how feisty she actually is. I had no idea how to take her to the headquarters without her escaping, so I handcuffed her to one of the handles inside of the car.
“What the hell are you doing? Is this a kidnapping?” she began trashing around but abruptly stopped when she noticed my gun. I saw that she was at least a bit scared but she tried her best not to show it.
I took her to one of the rooms in the headquarters and sat her on the bed.
“Y/N I want to marry you,” I finally told her. She looked at me in disbelief.
“Are stupid or something? There was no way I’m getting married.”
And so it began. I tried to convince her multiple times and I didn’t know it was even possible but she started to annoy me to no end. Maybe this won’t be as easy as I thought it would be. I came back to the room again after a while and panicked when I couldn’t see her in it. I ran to the bathroom and saw that she’s climbing into the ventilation shaft. That was it. I dragged her out roughly and flung her over my shoulder. I left her downstairs and went to my room to calm down. I shoved everything off my table, it was easier taking it out on something. I knew I can’t show her my temper and how I actually am if I ever want to gain her trust and I needed that but most of all I needed her. I stayed away for a few hours before coming back to her. I signalled my men to leave us alone. I came up to her and saw that she’s sleeping. She looked so adorable I just wanted to pick her up and hold her close. And so I did but she woke up soon after. She stared at me with those beautiful eyes of her and her cheeks turned a cute shade of pink when I complimented her. I felt bad threatening her but she really had no more than two options. Even though I could never kill her. I watched the tears stream down her face. And here I thought I will never see that happening again. I wiped them off and after all these years of waiting, kissed her.
3 months ago
I couldn’t help but chuckle when I told her I stopped locking the door to her room days ago. I couldn’t bring myself to do it anymore. But she was even more shocked when I told her I’m taking her to party. She was gorgeous in the dress I got her that I froze to my spot. She came up to me and fixed my tie and when she looked up, she seemed so innocent, I couldn’t believe I’m lying to her. I was about to tell her everything right there on the spot, thank God one of my men saved me. I know how much she would hate me if she ever found out the truth and by now, I would probably die if she left me. I still hated the plan they come up with even though it was perfect. She was beautiful, who wouldn’t get distracted by her. I gave her a necklace with a tracker in it and prayed that she won’t get in any trouble so I wouldn’t need to use it. Unfortunately that was not going to happen. When Junmyeon came in and told me that Jimin took her to the roof I completely ignored the deal we were making and everyone in the room and ran out as fast as I can. If he as much as touched her. I don’t care if I get this war started. I kicked the door open and saw that he had her cornered. I would have killed him but somehow I was afraid to shoot someone if front of her, thinking it will trigger something. And I was right when all of it was over and she came to me that night I knew what she dreamt of.
1 month ago
I was trying to convince her to work with me for the past two months. I wanted to keep her nearby but I knew she would never accept it. She hated violence. One day she even asked me about her parents. It surprised me how much she still cared about them. As each day went by after I gave her the key to go out whenever she wanted and I saw her smile more often, it was harder to control myself. I didn’t want to push her but I loved her so much and I wanted her to know that.
Yesterday;  7 am
I woke up early because only now did I remembered that I never got her that wedding ring. What kind of a husband am I. I sat up in my bed and picked up my phone. I already had 3 missed calls. Two from Chanyeol, one from Minseok. What do they want so early in the morning? I had to go find that ring. I peeked inside her room before I went out. She looked so peaceful and cute while she slept. I could never get enough of seeing her this way.
Yesterday; 12 am
I came back after four hours and she still was asleep. I went to my office and checked my phone. 10 more missed calls. I had no plans of talking to them today, no matter how important it was. I took my cheque book and couldn’t help but take a peek at the photos I still had underneath. I still couldn’t believe I got so lucky to finally have her.
Yesterday; 10 pm
I came back as soon as I got the ring and went to the balcony with her. I knew she enjoyed the view. I didn’t know where to start, so I kept quiet for a moment, enjoying her presence.
“Jongdae, did something happen?” she asked me and I saw that she was actually worried. I turned around and practically begged her to let me put the ring on. Now she really was mine and everyone will be able to see that. I couldn’t believe she was just as happy as I am. I took her hands in mine.
 “You may have already noticed it but I’m utterly and extremely in love with you,” I told her and she began blushing. I didn’t know what to expect after that but I certainly didn’t think she would pull me in and kiss me. She kissed me. Herself. I slid my hands down her back to her waist when freaking Minseok came in and ruined the moment. As much as I didn’t want to leave her, I knew one against eleven is not a good fight. I told her not to wait up and kissed her on the forehead before going after Minseok.
Present Day; 6 am
I was so sick of this meeting and all this bullshit. I just wanted to go back home to her and hug her so tight and kiss her all over.
“Jongdae are you listening? I’m not going to repeat it for the third time,” Junmyeon said, pointing at the white board near him.
“Yeah yeah,” I told him. “So what if BTS started to move, do you seriously think we can’t beat them?”
“That’s not the point, they have allies,” he sighed before standing up. “I think we have been discussing this for too long now. The meeting is over. We will meet up later today. Don’t be late, especially you,” he said pointing at me.
I was the first one to get out of the room and was almost running to the elevator when Sehun caught up with me. I really didn’t want to speak with him right now.
“Did you hear?” he asked, stopping me.
“Strange. I thought you will be going out for blood by now.”
“Just tell me what it is. I’m in a hurry.”
“There are some rumours going on around in the black market that Jimin issued a reward for someone who will bring Y/N to him,” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
“Are you serious? I have to get back home. Fast.”
Present Day; 8 am
I kept thinking why would he want her so badly the whole drive from the headquarters. But the want to finish what we started was stronger. I unlocked the door and went inside. I didn’t see here anywhere down stairs, so maybe she was still sleeping. As I was going up I saw that my office door is slightly open.
“Y/N are you in there?” I asked, pushing them. I saw her kneeling behind the table. She looked up at me with those same eyes I saw 8 years ago that turned from frightened to pure anger and hatred.
“Fuck,” was the only thing I could think of. “I fucked up.”
“Care to explain what’s the meaning of this?” she said, coming up and throwing all the papers at me. Honestly, I didn’t know what to say. If she found this, she already knew everything. Why the hell I never got rid of them. She took hold of my shirt and tugged at me roughly.
“I only have one thing to ask you,” she said. “Were you really there when my sister was shot to death?”
She stared at me and I kept silent.
“I can’t believe this,” tears already formed in the corner of her eyes. “I can’t believe I was about to fall for a man who is responsible for my sister’s death.”
She let go of me and ran downstairs but I caught up to her.
“Y/N listen, if it wasn’t her it would have been you! I could never let that happen.”
She turned around and slapped me hard across the face. It hurt but I deserved that.
“And who gave you the right to decide?” she shouted and ripped the silver necklace off her neck before running out through the door. Shit if she doesn’t have that on, I won’t be able to find her.
“Y/N!! Baby wait!!”
I chased after her but she was unbelievably fast. I wondered how is that even possible since she was wearing heels. I ran after her for good fifteen minutes when I lost sight of her in the crowds of people. I punched the nearby wall with all my might, making my knuckles bleed.  I set my head against it’s coldness.  It can’t end this way. I can’t lose her now.
~ Part 7 ~
A/N: Dun dun duuuun, turns out Jongdae is an obsessive stalker
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harryspdf · 7 years
Hello ♡ I have been working on making a playlist for the lomls and I have finally completed it! It’s just a bunch of mushy romance songs for the most part, and not ALL of the lyrics are relevant but they reminded me of you guys in one way or another. So without further ado here are some standout lyrics from each song and why I chose it.
+link for spotify 
+link for apple music 
all my loves: @daisieslouis @rosesharry @bigsparrowharry @kiwiau @twoghostsau @iicflarrie @goldenstyles @oliviatracknine @larriesonlyangel @mistreated-hallways @lionheartlouist @larryiswhatilivefor @statuesquecurls
Florence (feat. Kwes): “keep her sweet, squeeze her deep til she giggles, starts to wriggle”
Upside Down: “I’ll share this love I find with everyone”
Dead Sea: “I don’t gamble, but if I did I would bet on us”
I’m Yours: “there’s no need to complicate, our time is short, this is our fate”
Be Like You: “I thought I'd put you to a test and say that I love you, now it seems you loved me too”
Can’t Help Falling In Love (Live At Daytrotter): “darling, so it goes some things are meant to be”
Make You Feel My Love: “no, there’s nothing that I wouldn’t do to make you feel my love”
In My Dreams: “and I knew that you were right so I called you in the morning”
Love Bug: “felt so close but you were far away”
Coming Home (Live): “the distance makes our hearts grow stronger, we’ll live longer, but i’m dying to know when are you coming home?”
Sweet Creature: “just two hearts in one home”
Venus: “you’re as beautiful as endless, you’re the universe i’m helpless”
Ordinary People: “though it’s not a fantasy I still want you to stay”
Nobody: “no one compares, could ever begin to love me like you do, I wouldn’t want them to”
Burning Bridges: “send this out to sea, send it where you want it”
This = Love: “love is this, this is love”
Sweetest Devotion: “there’s something about the way you love me that finally feels like home” 
Mess Is Mine: “this mess was yours, now you mess is mine”
Brother: “we’ve taken different paths and traveled different roads, I know we’ll always end up on the same one when we’re old”
Smile: “don’t know how I lived without you ‘cause every time that I get around you I see the best of me inside your eyes”
Still Sane: “everything feels right”
The Girl: “I think I might totally be lost”
Die Young: “oh, I don’t mind”
Heaven: “everyone they say that we don’t work but I could swear this is heaven”
Overwhelming: “when I think about you it gets overwhelming”
Shine A Light: “if I could hear your voice how sweet the sound”
Home: “but you say you feel the same, could we ever be enough? baby we could be enough”
Life Lesson: “love, break, and learn what else are you young for?”
I Love You: “I love you more than you think I do”
Something I Need: “and if we only live once, I want to live with you”
Love Don’t Die: “love don’t die no matter where we go”
Santa Barbara: “new york city is so far from santa barbara and there’s no one like you”
Safe With Me: “if you ever need me just tell me and i’ll be there”
Love Me: “i’m just with my friends online and there’s things we’d like to change/love me if that’s what you want to do”
TG4M: “you’re too good for me”
Never Be: “we’ll never be as young as we are now, it’s time to leave this old black and white town”
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fmlfpl · 7 years
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Lineup Lamentations - GW18
Our Transfers, Captains, and Starting 11s for the week.
It's time to go back to the Rom well. I'm sick of Bob. He's being rotated too much and now that he is confirmed off pens his stats don't fill me with confidence that he is worth holding. I've managed to rejigger my team a bit to afford a big upgrade to Lukaku and I think it's a good time to buy the big donkey and welcome him back into the fold. The non-celebration on his goal got me feeling good as he just looked fucking pissed off to have been so shit. He knows he's been shit and with a pretty kind run of fixtures plus Paul back soon I think he'll be a steady returner of points. He is also a pretty decent differential in the top 100k so I'll take that for however long it will remain. I do expect him to making his way into more sides over the next handful of GWs so it feels like a good time to jump back a little early. I know I have given the boy a lot of shit on the pod but as shouted he's a flat track bully and the fixture run right now is good. Welcome back my son.
Pope. Standard legend. Have been seeing a lot ruing the fact they got Courtois in over him and shit like this. Been saying it forever, and it's a little skewed now that Pope has gone up a bit, but he's just Heaton version 2.0. It took us all far too long last season to realize that Heaton was the best value keeper in the game and the same thing is happening with Pope. I don't really know why. The fixtures get a bit trickier soon with top sides incoming as well as their easy games coming away but for Pope with save points it doesn't really matter to me. If anything, it makes him over a defender that much better. I think they will keep a couple of surprise cleans against top sides and he'll keep getting points. It is also a huge boon that he is nailed on for bonus points in any clean sheet they keep. Pope fucking in.
WOWw lads. It is a proper christmas tree formation for me this week as actual day of christmas approaches. I don't think I've ever willingly started this formation in my FPL career so it's a weekend of firsts for squad walsh. The alignment of timing with the holiday so near gives me good juju. Triple Chelsea defense roll out again with Christensen, Azpil, and Moses. Will always be a tad nervous with Moses with Zappa lurking so I hope rotation doesn't get me. Obviously losing the clean against Huddy in the last fucking action of the game didn't get my dick hard but I'm still sitting here with the long term play in mind. Cleans will come, right? Fucking hope so. Southampton suck, so let's fucking go.
The God Phil of Jones is another auto start for me for the foreseeable future. Of course slightly concerned he may be rested with only a few days off but probably not because he's the only thing that keeps clean sheets for United. Everyone starting to go back to the Phil well since he's also fairly nailed on baps with every clean. He's just great. CBI monster.
Finally, I'm starting Lewis Dunk this weekend home Burnley. It was a close call between him and RLC but I'm feeling a better chance of a Brighton clean than a RLC return. Dunk also carries his share of goal threat...he's gotta get one eventually...and if that comes when I'm starting him the satisfaction would be off the charts. Burnley still not really creating loads...and while they do seem to score one goal per game we'll see. Don't feel THAT confident in a clean here but worth the gamble considering my other options.
Three friends this weekend. The two City lads Dilva and Raz are stuck in. They propelled me last GW and they've been so fucking good for me and having patience rewarded feels nice. Good friends.
Rounding out the group is Salah. Obv. Nothing to see here. Could be rested, possibly, but with pressure on for points it feels unlikely.
Kane and Rom. Couple of good guys. Kane 10 shots and 3 chances created last week sums up his season. The underlying stats are off the page but he is blanking a lot. Meh. He goes nowhere.
Lukaku. Not really close for me and a huge diff here. Seeing a lot of Hazard shouts this weekend (when will we learn?) but I don't have him so fucking fuck him. West Brom are proper shit and I kinda love Rom going back to his old familiar stomping ground where he had so much joy back in the day to do it. WBA is only a matter of time before they get completely done and I think United are a real shout for 4 goals this weekend or something around there. Wish Paul would be back but meh. Salah is a fine shout, but idk. Not feeling him for some reason. I'm not comfortable at all capping Kane against City so not really looking at him. Pretty excited about Rom this weekend so hope he bangs. If he manages to donk in a double return I'd be absolutely flying so let's fucking go. Cheeky extra day of rest for United with three days off between games also feels like a nice cherry on top of the feather in his cap.
OUT: Vert
IN: Jones
Jones out GW15 and Jones back in GW18 such is life.
He’s the by far the best value pick of any player in all of FPL. Need I say more? GW1 darling of mine. Welcome back. Feels good again to double up on United Mou cleans (double with de Gea for me) and I expect a ton of points to follow...
Vert left me with a clean, the best thing he’s done for me by far... Break-up sex in for a 6 pointer. I’m down. One last fuck IN :).
The aforementioned DDG in for the foreseeable rest of season. The stress free pick.
All of a sudden my defense is good. I addressed it with good transfers -- GW14 Christensen in, GW15 Tarkowski in, and now GW18 Jones in. And those are my three going this week.
Christensen and Chelsea what can be said. They should be keeping cleans in all of these... I got lucky with the Christensen sub last week. I’m not worried at all.
Tark sorry I benched you that one week and missed a clean I’ve learned my lesson. Go with Ginger Mourinho and the cleans will follow. Easy pick. Escaping death thus far in a very dead Burnley backline.
And Jones yeah. Best most fucked up face and best value. Check and check.
Back in a 3-4-3 almost feels weird even though I’ve spent the majority of sixish seasons of FPL on it. But here we are. Feels good to have RLC off the bench and no longer a starter.
Let’s begin with Salah since everyone has him and he’s god and there’s nothing to say. Maybe he’ll be rested who knows...
Next we have Daveeeed the cock goblin genius legend. Also kind of not much to say. What a call back in preseason by Walshy just nailing it on the head. And then props to both Daveed and Pep for adapting / changing / progressing his game. He looks a new lad. Fresh new 31 year old on the scene.
Rounding out the midfield we got two guys who I have no idea what to expect from with Son always at risk of sub 20 minutes and Richarlison coming off of fatigue/groin shit who knows -- it seems to me a good time to rest him but they also could really use some points and he’s their best player. No clue. Both are dice rolls - but dice rolls with high ceilings. So maybe I’ll get something lucky.
Up top we got Kane, Morata, Chaz Austin.
Chaz I was thiiiiis close to benching for Duffy (home Burnley) but Brighton have been fucking bad and Chaz is so good. What was I thinking about? Chaz is fucking great. And if he starts / plays a bunch of minutes (big IF) I expect him to score vs. anyone, honestly, I do.
Kane is auto.
And Morata Conte says is fine today so hopefully he’s also fine tomorrow and can properly get it in there. Just get in bro. Don’t fall over and be the bag of dicks that I know you are. Let’s go dude.
I’m on Kane for now. My gut tells me that this City defense can be got at on the counter. I see like a 2-2 or 3-2 kind of game in the cards with Spurs giving them their toughest test of the season. This could change. It’s a TBD. Maybe I keep it simple and go Salah but I’m not sure. Spurs have been titting their big matches this season so maybe it’ll continue.. But the lads in Slack are pushing for DDG captain and everyone is fucking mad at me for being slow with Lineup Lambs so here we are. Gl hf.
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