#have you considered audacity is free and doesn't make a mess and I don't have to clean anything up
arrowpunk · 2 years
Teaching myself audio editing for reasons and I am enjoying it way more than I thought I would. It's like kind of relaxing and meditative tbh...
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oh-shtars · 3 months
Hey Flicker! I have a little question about Sueño, if you are uncomfortable answering it I totally understand and you can not answer it if you want:
Has Sueño ever had self-destructive thoughts? I mean ……. thoughts of wanting to do something to no longer exist (I don't know if you understand me but I really don't know if it's correct to use THAT word 😅).
I mean Sueño has been kidnapped at 12 years old? that's a long time to stay in one place and develop clustrophobia and there's also the fact that he couldn't go home, and seeing how Magnifico is in your Au…..idk I only see it as something probable.
As I said before, I hope the question doesn't make you uncomfortable, you are free to answer it or not, your Au is very interesting and I couldn't think of another question to ask (Bo is certainly better than me at asking interesting questions, really what's your secret Bo?)
It’s fine, Aled! I’m okay with answering this question but first, I just want to say:
You don’t have to go under the cut if you get uncomfortable with this kind of topic.
It’s nothing graphic or detailed, don’t worry. It’s more of another peek into Sueño’s character for those who are starving for angst content.
And when I say angst, I mean angst. Like. REALLY. MEAN. ANGST.
Btw, @signed-sapphire. Aled has a really good question for you <3
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Sueño doesn’t start off with those thoughts. For the decade that he was held captive, he’s just really, really, really homesick and afraid of what’s to come, but he’s never considered it. All he wants is to go back home, go back to how it was in the Astral Realm, and never come down again for a millenia.
If anything, he mostly thinks about what his fellow stars are doing right now. They must be looking for him, right? He still has a life up there to look forward to once he does escape.
He’s always had that hope that he will leave soon. Someday. Somehow. Even if it takes a while. After all, he’s always been taught as a starling that hope is one of the strongest things there is.
*coughs* ‘Hopes and Dreams- *cough cough* Sueño being a very hopeful character that teaches Asha to do the same while she helps him see the light in others- *COUGHS*
But I have this idea for my plot that Sueño thought his magic is being exploited by humans in general. That since Mag has access to using Wish Magic, the kingdom’s citizens are being spoiled with all the things they could dream of. Which is why if you remember in my old comic down here, he gets all upset and offended that these guys still have the audacity to ask for more when they literally have a wish-granting king for a decade.
“These humans are just never satisfied with all their begging, do they? What more could they want? They have everything!!“
And it’s true, in Rosas, there seems to be multiple citizens gifted with a talent that allows them to automatically create what they want without much effort or mistakes. A complete utopia.
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However, as he follows Asha along the story, Sueño comes to understand humans more than he did back when he was 12. Not all wishes are self-centred. Some were even desperate and selfless. Like wishing good for someone else or wanting to see a lost friend/family again. Some even came to Rosas despite the long boat journey to start new after their homeland outcasted them.
And it’s shocking to find out that these people don’t even remember what they wished for in the first place. Sueño really thought they had it all. That they simply just wished for something and it’ll just be given in a snap. But he comes to find that these people are held captive in a terrible cycle of waiting, fearing, and longing just like he was.
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He really had no idea it was like this the whole time this past decade. And in a way, he felt responsible. After all, it was HIS magic that got them into this mess, right? It was because of HIM that this ‘cycle of feeling empty’ started. It’s HIS fault that people are hanging on to a very thin thread of hope, most dependent on one king that promised them a chance to get their desires granted.
And gosh, will that realisation break him. Sueño wonders if the other stars would even want him back in the Astral Realm after what happened. Heck, people, even Asha, could hate him if they realised this. He wouldn’t belong anywhere. He doesn’t have anyone else to go to. And dammit, maybe none of this would have happened if he wasn’t so unlucky enough to be captured and taken advantage of.
If he never existed…..
(There’s obviously more to that backstory buuuuuut, that’s kinda spoilers 🤐)
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Also, holy fawk. This post helped made me realise I could do ‘Hopes and Dreams’ in reverse in the 2nd half of the plot. Sueño could be the one who lost all hope of finding somewhere to belong this time while Asha, having been betrayed by the Royal Couple, saw the very terrible darkness in some people and now they get to help each other relearn lessons-
*G A S P*
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halfetirosie · 3 months
°˖❀ Gather around, children! Time to talk about Responsible Drug Use and Consent! ❀˖°
(Elysium 06-07 React-os!)
1) Eiden over here getting his line of thinking corrupted by Kuya 😂
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Idk if "boring" is the right term, but yeah, that sort of thing doesn't really fit his style.
Although, if asked directly I wouldn't put it past Kuya to claim it's "too boring," but I don't think that's his actual reason. I suspect that there really are some lines he won't cross, even if he won't admit it.... But hey, who knows!
2) Always remember: if something seems too good to be true, it probably is! There's always a catch!
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Good on you, Olivine! Good job on not being naiive!
I think this section may be hinting at my theory about "freebies?" As in, Elysium gets you hooked by saying you only have to pay a fee to get into the club but they give the drug away for free, but then once you're addicted you have to pay for each individual pill too? Or something like that? 🤔
That's how they get you. They provide it for free/reduced prices until you develop dependence, then you have to start paying more; by the time you realize you're addicted, it's too late!
Addiction is scary, ya'll.
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3) Eiden, what the hell???
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It wasn't that long ago that you said the way this drug is being distributed wasn't Kuya's style! What happened???
Come on, bro. Sometime I really hate Kuya, but give hime a little benefit of the doubt! Damn...
4) YOOOO WTF?!?!?!?!?!
( ⊙ ᗣ ⊙ )
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This is so scary and sad... These people are so obsessed with this drug, they'll act like literal starving animals just get it.... And in HELLA unsafe ways.
Kids, whenever taking drugs (recreational or otherwise), ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS follow the dosage instructions...
5) Yeah, this is a fairly apt description of the Vampire Bitch...
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Although, I think calling him "somewhat sickly" is a HUGE understatement. Look at how fucked up and weird his fingertips are! And the GRAY skin!!!! He's "youthful" but also three steps away from death, dude....Hence, I have declared him Vampire Bitch.
But seeing how Eiden considers him "youthful," does that mean Reverie actually does make people live forever? Or at least slow down the aging process or something? 🤔 Very confused on how all that works...
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I still cannot believe Vampire Bitch has the AUDACITY to try pimping Olivine out. 🤬🤬🤬
Olivine has a helluva lot of admirers, but story-wise, I think this is the first time an actual FUCKING CREEP targeted him specifically, you know? In a criminal/non-consensual way. Unless there's something like that in intimacy rooms that I don't know about?
Idk if Olivine has just been lucky, or if others are too scared of his strength to target him like this, or what....
Well, this whole situation just makes me SICK....
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Did I already know the devs would make Kuya show up to save Eiden? Yes.
8) The heroic return of the Super-Super-Rare
★ Responsible Kuya ★ !!!!!!!
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Dude, you KNOW something is FUCKED UP with you if KUYA is more decent in comparison...
Real talk, It's honestly REFRESHING AS FUCK seeing Kuya act like this.
Like, yeah, he can be a real asshole and a menace sometimes, but that's typically on a very small scale; making jokes in bad taste or messing with people one-on-one.
It seems that, when it comes to larger-scale issues---in this case, the operation of a club and distribution of drugs---he might still have a bad attitude, but he's at least reasonable. Just like in Forest Carnival; they were holding a party to help improve human/yokai relations, and though Kuya did act like a dick, he didn't sabotage things.
Current Kuya is a menace, but he really isn't a danger to the public; not like Past Kuya, who had no issues raising absolute HELL in Saia.
9) Signing off on a confusing not, here---
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Is "don't actually fall asleep" in reference to how Kuya wants Eiden to act after swallowing the [fake] pill???? Like, I assume it's a fake pill since the text after this says that the drug doesn't have an effect on Eiden---so is Kuya hinting for Eiden to pretend like he's high, but to not literally pretend to fall asleep? Or is this a hint for something else?
....Or am I just an idiot? Tune in next time to find out!
🦋 End of report! 🦋
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shelby-love · 4 years
Hatred and fatherly love.
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Requested: yes
Prompts: none
Warning(s): none
Author's note: I had a lot of fun with this one. I'm still thinking about whether or not I should just keep the ending as it is or make a part two where (as requested) they fall for each other. But if I'm being honest I kind of dig feisty Y/N that stands her ground.
PART // 2 //
"Justin what you did was wrong," You fumed, handing him the last of your boxes to load into the truck. He took them without saying a word, letting you take out your frustration on him. "I can't believe dad would do that."
"Oh come on," Your older brother groaned. "Now you're acting like Erin."
"Damn right I am," You agreed. "Unlike dad, Erin and I want you to learn from your mistakes. Obviously, that's not gonna happen if dad keeps babying you."
"So what?" His words came out immaturely, making you punch his shoulder. "Ow! What was that for?"
"For being an asshole! That little boy is paralysed from the waist down because of you!"
"You're overreacting."
"You know what, I give up." Your hands curled around the car doors before they released when you shut the door closed. Anger took permanent residence in your chest.
You shot your brother a glare before jumping into your car. "Thanks for helping me pack."
And with that you sped off to your new home.
The apartment complex you moved to was considered to be a jackpot. With that being said, if there was one thing that you liked about having Hank Voight as your father, it was the very comfortable lifestyle you could afford with just your name.
Of course, you were mad at your father right now. What he did to get your immature brother out of trouble was all kinds of wrong, and you didn't support it at all.
"Do you need help with that?" A cool voice told you in passing. You had your hands filled with boxes, and you could barely register what was in front of you.
Before you could say anything hands were already easing the weight in your arms. You smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of your neck shyly.
"Thanks. I just moved here," You explained quickly before looking at the man who offered his help to you. He held the two boxes in his one hand, the other one free for you to take in a greet. "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you."
"Matt Casey. You can call me Matt."
Inside, you were panicking. The firefighter who currently hated your father and brother with a passion was standing in front of you.
You smiled shakily before a voice called out. "Miss Voight. There are some papers you need to sign."
The way Matt's eyes narrowed at you looked sinister, almost as if he was ready to swallow you up in flames or maybe even leave you in a burning building to die if it ever came down to it.
You didn't know what to say, only mumbling apologies to him before scurrying over to sign some papers.
And when you came back to where Matt once stood, you found your two boxes down on the floor.
Great. My new neighbour hates my guts.
Over the next few days Matt and you had managed to establish a routine. You'd both see each other in the hallways very frequently but never actually greet each other. By Tuesday, you were already used to the icy glares and the feeling of being the most hated woman on earth.
You even managed to make a game out of it. What does he think I do for living, it was called. Your number one guess was that he thought you were a dirty cop. Like your father obviously.
But then again, you swore you could see his eyes linger on your legs in passing every time you wore a skirt or a dress. So yet again, another one of your guesses was that he thought you were a stripper.
As fun as it was to make games out of your non-existent relationship it hurt you to be treated in a way you didn't deserve.
The truth was - you worked as a nurse, specifically working with little children. Every day you saw their parents take down stars in order to make their little ones happy and as messed up as it sounded you saw yourself categorizing your own father with them. The only difference between them and your own father was the fact that your father did what he did to protect you in a way that some people didn't seem to find fit.
People like Matt for instance.
And while you understood both sides, you leaned toward Matt. What Justin did was awful and your mind was set in stone - he deserved time. He had to sit in a cell and feel what is like to be at the bottom before he could even begin thinking about changing for the better.
Sadly that's not what happened.
As you walked back to your new apartment the bags under your eyes became more evident. You had lost a patient today. A little baby girl lost to cancer in a battle called life. It left a mark at your heart, and her smiling face was still misty in your mind.
Your eyes spotted Matt who strode down the hallway dressed in a simple button up and jeans, looking extremely handsome.
You couldn't really blame yourself for ogling him. No matter what you told yourself, Matt Casey was still the type of man that had you on your knees.
His eyes returned to his usual glare and while normally you weren't affected by that, today his eyes were the last straw.
Your lip started to tremble, while your eyes were filling with moisture and hands were aggressively stuffed in your purse in a frantic search for your keys.
Matt's face immediately softened but before he could reach you, you had jumped inside and locked the door behind you.
Exhausted by life, you slowly slid down the door until your bottom had hit the dark laminate. You sobbed in a matter you thought was quiet.
But it wasn't.
Matt had pressed his ear against your door and listened closely. Your whimpers entered his ears and he felt everlasting guilt consume him. Did he do this?
He decided then and there that he was going to let go of his prejudice and make things right between you two.
Once the sun came out you realized that you were obligated to wake up and start your new date. Just like every time, you pretended to turn over a clean sheet and start your day as your best self.
Your morning routine passed rather quickly. Pretty soon you were sat in your new colorful armchair with tea in your hand and a magazine in the other.
You, just like many others, learnt how to leave your days work in your uniform. Last night being an exception. Once you put that blue uniform back on you were sure to welcome back the dark feelings, but until then, you enjoyed the feeling your silky pyjamas provided.
Your phone rang, and you reached out to answer it. One look at the phone had your face scrunched in distaste, "Yes Justin? How may I be of help today?"
If your brother noticed the sarcasm then he sure did a good job concealing it. Monotonously he greeted you back, "Can't I just call my favourite sister to see how she's doing?"
Rolling your eyes you trekked to your room to change, "Make it quick. I have to go to work."
"Dad's in jail."
"What?" You stopped in your tracks, hardly believing what's happening.
"You know dad." He said, "Don't worry sis. He'll be out in no time."
"This isn't funny Justin," You scolded, throwing a dark purple shirt over your head while your phone sat on your vanity, Justin on full volume speaker.
"Well... I thought you should know."
And with that he hung up.
Annoyed beyond words you grabbed the phone and threw it on your bed. It landed on your creamy sheets safely as you wrestled your jeans.
After that spectacle you grabbed your bag and stormed outside only to clash into something strong.
"Shoot I'm sorry-" You hastily apologized. Your hair was all over the place and you barely had enough time to collect your strands of hair behind your ear before looking at the person you had assaulted with your clumsiness not even twenty seconds earlier.
Matt Casey.
Oh how the stars aligned for you two.
"You." You spit.
He raised a blonde eyebrow at you as if saying that you had no audacity to say anything remotely accusing to him.
"Yes you!" You stomped your heeled boot like a child. "My dad's in jail because of you!"
It was like a switch was turned in his head. Matt took a menacing step closer. "Because of me? He did that to himself when he sent someone to kill me!"
"K-kill you?" You whispered, almost inaudible for him to hear. Suddenly your own words worked against you.
"Just because I wouldn't pull back my report." He explained to you. "And I'm glad I didn't. Your bastard of a brother deserves it for what he did."
You fully agreed with him but the emotions that bubbled inside you came to a boiling point. You could no longer hold back, and so you took a deep breath and spoke. "You think I support him? He got that little boy paralysed and you have the audacity to think I would support someone like that? He may be my older brother but that doesn't mean he has my love and support. I'm the first one in line when it comes to saying he needs to do time."
Your words were getting through to him, you could see it. "And as for my dad... He has his own issues, I admit. But there's one thing you need to know about him: he would do anything for his kids. And I mean it. He might be a dirty cop to you, but he's my father. Justin's too. Don't blame him for thinking that his son is able to change, because I'm damn sure you would do the same if you were in his shoes."
And with that you stormed off to see your father and give him a piece of your mind too.
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