#haven't drawn in a month so super rusty
roseseatea · 5 months
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Ultimately, the final Shinigami design we got is the best, but the beta designs are so pretty as well
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lo-batteryy · 3 months
You're one of my favorite artists and I feel like I can ask you this question. How do you get over art block? I literally haven't drawn in 4 months and every time I get inspired or have an urge to draw, as soon as I turn on my tablet, I immediately shut it down because I no longer want to draw anymore. Do you feel as if you get more attention here on Tumblr than for example Instagram or any other social media? I'm thinking of posting art here again after many years. Do you think this is a good idea?
Oh man art block is a curse I totally feel you 😭🤝 I don’t have a surefire way because sometimes you just have to let yourself rest, but I’ll tell you what works for me most of the time.
Art Block
Usually I realize art block for me is just when somethings disrupting the way I usually draw and I just have to lean into it. Basically that means I have to not beat myself up about creating what I wanted to and letting myself create something different. I try to let my drawing brain rest but keep my creative brain going. So sometimes I’ll write a chapter of a fanfic that never leaves the notes app, I crochet personally, or sometimes all it takes is changing mediums and drawing in some shitty notebook like I used to as a kid. I really try to take the pressure of myself because when I get more upset and tense about it I’m the first to admit I’m prone to tears haha
When you start to feel better about it there is nothing wrong with easing yourself back into it either with what I call ‘crutches’ lol. One of my favorites when I’m really rusty is https://app.justsketch.me/ it’s just a simple posing website/app I find super useful. If I try to come back after struggling with art block and expect myself to be amazing at it again I find myself just going right back into art block when my first sketch looks mangled. Find what tools help you! There should NEVER be shame about using things that help you, references of any kind shouldn’t have negative connotations and hell, I learned to draw by tracing Chris Hart books of all things.
As for posting on tumblr I say go for it. I’ve tried about every social media site and enjoy this one the most. I will say when you start it feels like a ghost town but don’t be afraid to tag your stuff with a million things. Eventually things start moving. What makes me like this site over others is posts have longevity. I used to post Star Wars art over 2 years ago and those posts still circulate.
Hopefully any of that helps!
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sysig · 4 years
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I have come to the conclusion that [Purple Text] is, in fact, the worst
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magneticflower · 4 years
Just drawing practice stuff underneath, feel free to scroll by 
So, idk if you can tell who it is, but I tried to draw Beth from the s1 finale. Just as practice. This first one I messed with for a long while before I was like ‘This is trash, time to erase it and go for something different.” (ignore the nose entirely I gave up on that first lmao)
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and then since the whole reason I wanted to draw this had a lot to do with the makeup, I just went straight for drawing her lips (Christina is so pretty though i’ts like impossible for me to do her any justice with my basic drawing skills.)
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the last one is just kinda me attempting to draw the rest of her face but I’m probably gonna stop for now so if it never gets drawn that’s as far as I went haha. At least the nose looks better in this version??? Idk, none of them are super good BUT the last two are like 10x better than the first one even if they’re only have the face pfft. 
Bonus: Me messing with hair color because I can
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soylante · 7 years
jw do u still post art? i haven't seen your drawings in a long time, hope you're okay! :0 no pressure!
Tbh, you’re right, I haven’t posted any art in like a month? //: yeah.
Okay the thing is, up until a few months ago I hadn’t drawn in actual years, so obviously I was SUPER rusty and nowhere near the level I wanted to be. Being myself I pushed and went WAY too hard for those months, drawing and practicing for literal hours every single day on top of work, school, and a lot of other stuff. Basically I just…majorly burned out /: With both energy and inspiration. Was stressing SO much and wasn’t taking care of my own needs. so I took a break, but I’m still here! and still drawing!! Lots of studies and quick shitty sketches. but really just letting ideas come naturally whenever, instead of forcing them and being a slave to my tablet to post something. So.. yeah that’s about it. I just needed a break for my own mental health, but am feeling much better now!! (: This got long sor
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