#havent even seen la la land i just think the soundtrack is gorgeous
not-equippedforthis · 5 months
one am and im thinking what if i wrote a fic premise where kirk and spock are at this dance/buffet diplomatic event but then their pursuers enter the building and theyre trying to be discreet about trying to locate the two of them and for some reason or another they cant afford to give away their location so kirk and spock are trying to mingle with the crowd but theyre going to be found and kirk is murmuring ill try and locate a backdoor mr spock but in case prepare for- matters going south very quickly but then spock's oh so logical brain says why dont they blend in until they pass so he takes kirk by the elbow and starts leading him to where the couples are dancing to a fast and upbeat song because hes the son of an ambassador and dance is a way of connecting the mind and body of course amidst his vulcan upbringing he was taught how to dance so he takes kirk and begins to lead them at a fast pace and kirk's eyes are twinkling with amusement and surprise and surpressed nerves thrumming like a songbird like a new strategy, mr spock? and spock goes indeed, captain, odds indicate they will not look for us here and he loops them round and round but kirk is a charmer of course he knows how to dance and they spin round and round like two binary stars long after the spies have gone and kirk is following the rhythm he employs to win over any flirt but most of all hes losing himself in the easy spin and air of dancing with spock to the tune of the words unspoken between them forever implied and the light is hitting him like a nebula and kirk's intuition is his downfall tonight because he pitches spock in a perfect low dip and their eyes meet and he realises and-
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