#hawkeye AU
setworldspawn · 8 months
pairing: grian/scar
chapters: 11/?
words: 88.8k/?
tags: superhero’s/superpowers, slowburn, enemies to friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, realistic minecraft, secret identity, morally ambiguous character, angst with a happy ending
Scar’s never known the avian to be anything but confident, calm, and calculated. But now he’s frightened, swinging a sword around haphazardly as a last-ditch attempt to stay alive, and all it will take is one wrong move or one perfect shot from a pillager, and he’ll die.
And in a way, Scar is terrified too, because he’s never been able to land a shot on the avian before, or get close enough to do any damage, but whatever got to him first did much more than just a little prick from an arrow. Pillagers are scary in their own right, but Scar has a feeling that it wasn’t just pillagers or ravagers that did this.
Something is very wrong.
or, Scar saves the city’s most dangerous criminal, makes him his roommate, falls in love with him, and then also saves the world with him. In that order, with various setbacks along the way.
link (🔗): https://archiveofourown.org/works/51385081/chapters/129849976
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unholyhelbig · 2 years
absolutely loving your kate x reader stories more please!!
[A/N: It's been so long since I've had the pleasure of writing Kate x Reader and am intending to wrap up on a few of the stories that I've started previously. Here is the much-requested Part Two of "Once Bitten, Twice the Idiot"]
Request Prompts | Kate Bishop Masterlist | Read on Ao3
Once Bitten, Twice the Idiot Pt.2 | Kate Bishop x Reader
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The door was cold against the small of your back, rising goosebumps across your arms, and your neck. The bite on your shoulder throbbed in tandem with the sound of your heart which was nearly deafening. You’d never heard it this loud before. Your nails curled into the palm of your hand as you tried, and failed, to still your breathing.
The girl hadn’t followed you when you took off down the street, hadn’t even attempted to. You counted it as a small blessing- being allowed to return to your apartment with little interference. The cold seeped into your skin as your shoes slapped the pavement. You weren’t going to cry, not in front of the stranger.
A werewolf. Ha.
That was utterly ridiculous. Though you had had your Twilight phase in middle school along with everyone else it was nothing but ebbed fiction. You could argue over Edward or Jacob until you were blue in the face, but you would never admit validity to any of the myths.
You’d sooner believe an escape from the zoo. Of course- it hadn’t been on any of the headlines. You spent your whole first period scrolling through the local news and nothing about an escaped wolf graced your screen.
“That would be insane.” You paced the length of your living room, toying with the sinched gold belt around your waist. “Fucking werewolves.”
Except, was it entirely crazy? The strange girl did share the striking blue gaze as the animal. She described everything you were feeling with innate accuracy before mumbling the truth bluntly. This, however, was the last thing you needed.
You had calmed down a good amount by the time MJ and America stumbled through the door, throwing their car keys into the small bowl next to yours. America’s stare darkened almost immediately with relief.
“Where did you run off to?” she asked.
“Run? I took an uber. I couldn’t run back here. I forgot a quiz due at midnight.”
“Right. Well, we got our asses kicked at beer pong. Those frat boys only have good aim where it counts.” MJ flopped down onto the sofa face first, the rest of her words muffled by the stuffing in the pillow.
You let out a forced chuckle and watched America carefully. She was watching you back, a narrow edge to her stare. It made your stomach hurt. Maybe it was the cold pasta you had eaten earlier, the way that America could read you like a book. Or it could be the girl who claimed to be a werewolf.
There was an alcohol haze to the color of her eyes. That meant you were off the hook until at least morning. You didn't know if you would make it that long, truly, without succumbing to the anxiety of it all.
You excused yourself, giving them a meek wave before MJ went back into the criticism of her own terrible trajectory. Her words were muffled by a throw pillow. You closed your bedroom door and breathed in the scent of your surroundings. Is this really what you smelt like?
It wasn’t bad but it was distinct. There was a sourness under your bed that led you to an expired banana, brown and dripping. You grimaced, wondering where that had gone before you unlatched your window and tossed it into the bushes down below with a preemptive shiver. Gross.
Also, not what you had to worry about right now, but it helped you focus up. Werewolves weren’t real. But then again, you couldn’t deny the animal chasing you, its speed, it’s tracking ability. A house pet couldn’t do that. Or at least you hoped it couldn’t. And maybe the girl in the middle of the street had something going for her, other than that soft, half-animal gaze.
You had fallen into a deep, exhaustion-fueled sleep in the same sheet that you had taken from your bed and fashioned around your waist earlier. Your own half-tonal scent mixed deliciously with the grease of bacon, and the simmering of eggs.
It was a tradition that pained you to miss out on. You went to the parties with America and MJ, you suffered through terrible frats and vapid small talk, and as an award, MJ would fix up the biggest Sunday morning breakfast. It usually came with leftovers to be devoured that night with shitty reality television playing in front of you.
You pulled on the closest sweatshirt that didn’t smell too overwhelming, a pair of jeans, and the softest shoes you could muster. Because at some point during the night, you became determined to do what you did best, research.
Going through the front door wasn’t an option.
The third-degree had burned you too much these last 48 hours, and though you were on the second floor of your apartment building, you figured that you could get down there with no problem. A drain ran horizontally along the building and worse comes to worst, you could just fall into the bushes with the musty banana. Your plan was flawless.
The cold air burned your hands as they gripped the side of the brick sill. So- maybe this was easier in your head and maybe it was a further drop than you intended. With a deep breath, you hoisted yourself up and over the side of the window, back facing the small courtyard behind you.
You took it slow, inching to the metal pipe. The second your fingertips hit the metal you relaxed a bit. Never in a million years would you see yourself doing this. You inched down the edge of the gutter, hooking your hands on the small bolts until you shimmied halfway to the ground below.
Right when the confidence rose in your chest, your left foot slipped, the rubber of your shoe not enough to grip the small hold on the brick. You felt your knees scrape the rough material; cheek pushed against the earthy brick. You clenched your eyes shut. “Shit, shit, shit.”
“Just let go!” A voice called up.
In shock, you nearly released your grip, eyes flashing to anger as you looked down. The girl that had followed you from the party stood in the greying grass below. She had a shit-eating grin on her face that made your stomach do flips. That, or the fact that you were up a lot higher than you thought. You hadn’t made headway at all- too far from the window and even further from the ground.
“How are you here right now?”
“I took the bus,”
“You know what I mean!” You grunted, arms burning. “How did you find me?”
She rolled her eyes “Just drop, I promise nothing will happen to you.”
You gritted your teeth. The wind was starting to sting against your skin. What happened to being so confident that you could drop if you need to? You must have left that sentiment up there in the room. Though, you didn’t want to trust a stranger who had maybe bitten you.
“What? You’re going to catch me?”
“No, you’re going to catch yourself.” You turned and glared at her again. She was awful at talking you down. Her jacket was a cobalt blue, calming against the drab scenery around you both. Her hands were in her pockets, perfectly sculpted eyebrows raised.  “You can’t stay up there forever. But I can’t say I don’t enjoy the view.”
You wrapped your left hand tighter around the gutter, using the right to flip her off. You went to readjust yourself instead, but your other foot took a nosedive from the movement, and you were suddenly falling.
The breath was knocked from your lungs as you hit the ground, your legs finding solace in the hedges while the rest of you sprawled on your back on the open grass. You groaned out the rest of the air in your lungs, the sun blocked by the silhouette of the girl.
“Yeah, I really thought your natural instincts were going to jump in.”
“You’re the worst.”
She reached down a hand to help you up, but you batted it away before hoisting yourself easily to a standing position, crawling from the bushes in something that couldn't look at all flattering. Your lower back throbbed in protest, heart beating fast a few times before everything faded and the screaming in your muscles stopped.
You let out a huff and straightened yourself before stomping away from her. The library wasn’t a far walk, and you refused to be cornered on the bus with her. There were worse fates, but that one was high up there. Pretty or not, she was clearly missing a few screws. Werewolves. Ha.
“Listen, we need to talk,” She trotted along, matching your pace. “I know you don’t necessarily want to hear what I have to say. I’m sure you’re really confused or whatever, but Clint will literally murder me if I don’t bring you back to the compound.”
Stopping short of the curb you turned and glared at her. “The what? Actually, you know what, I don’t care! I’m not going anywhere with you, much less something called the compound. You’re crazy if you think I would listen to anything you say at all after you… you bit me.”
“So, you believe me, then?”
You shook your head clear of the smirk on her lips and continued your walk along the fallen palette of yellows, oranges, and reds. She followed close behind, but you refused to indulge in it. Just keep your eyes steady, she’ll leave eventually.
“You have to listen to me,”
No, no you didn't. You wished you had grabbed your headphones so you could at least attempt to drown her out. But then she was in front of you, her hands on both of your shoulders with an iron grip and a newfound look of seriousness.
“If you don’t, you’ll end up hurting someone you love.” She gritted, “I know you think that you can handle whatever life throws at you, really, it’s admirable, but not this. Trust me. Things are overwhelming right now, and confusing but I know you feel that anger. I know you’re swallowing it down.”
It was more like an incessant buzzing at the back of your mind, not there, not prevalent in the slightest until it was called into attention. But she was right, it was red-hot and rushed through your veins like a poison spreading from the very oozing bite on your shoulder. Your eyes softened, mouth dry and sour.
There was a softness to her gaze that seemed to thaw whatever was in the pit of your stomach. You found yourself wanting to collapse into her, wanting to let all that raw emotion out. It was fear, and pain, and your body wanted to give out.
“I wanted to find you to say that I’m sorry.” Her voice was low, quiet, gravelly. “But more than anything I want you to be okay, a stranger who I don’t know.”
You sniffed, your resolve cracking in tiny hairline fractures “Y/n.”
“Y/n, I’m Kate. And I’m going to get you help, okay? No libraries for research, or random freakouts that land you in a holding cell in Westchester because you broke into a restaurant and ate all of the raw meat in the freezer.”
“That’s a little too specific.”
You weren’t resounding to the fact that you were a werewolf just yet. Part of you believed that it wouldn't sink in all the way until you had four paws and a tail. But the answer settled around your mind like a heavy fog. Something that you had known all along- and here was the girl who had done it to you, someone you should hate, but rationally couldn’t.
Despite your better judgment, you did end up getting on the city bus with Kate. A mix of ice and rain had begun to fall while you waited silently in the small alcove for situations like these. There was a man asleep against an ad for a sandwich shop, curled into himself even as the overhead fluorescent flickered on. It left you with Kate and the mute driver who barely flashed acknowledged two college students.
You crossed your arms over your chest and watched as the stone maze of buildings on campus became scattered. The bus made three stops in town, the man exiting on the second. Soon it had pulled away from civilization entirely. The rain was coming down harder now, blurring the hills and the trees, as the homes became scattered into nothing.
Kate’s heat beside you was overwhelming. It radiated from her skin as she kept her palms flat against the bar in front of you both, obstructing the view. She had an unearthly beauty to her that made your mouth dry, incredibly so.
Here was a girl that confessed to digging her canine teeth deep into your shoulder, grounding your bones to dust and your blood to jelly. Yet, you felt no fear around her. If anything, it was a comfort that writhed hungrily under your ribcage, like a heart.
“So… Westchester?” You filled the silence.
Kate’s rocky eyes lit up. This was you trying your best to make light of the situation with small talk. It wasn’t an olive branch but a small spout of green that needed to be tended to. She chuckled and you liked the sound. “Yeah, an Olive Garden of all places. I guess I was craving Italian.”
“That is hardly Italian. There is a place in Brooklyn that has the best red sauce.”
You bite your tongue before you could say more. You’d have to take her there someday. That wasn’t appropriate to say. She just watched you fall to your near death and did nothing but smirk up at you charmingly.
Kate seemed to understand your reservations. She didn’t push, just smiled wider as the bus finally slowed to a stop. The brake released in a long whine of discontent at the wetness of the day. You didn’t recognize the world around you, the green and the scent of freshly mowed grass drenched with rain. The dense forest surrounding the small sign that was carved out for a station, a bench long overgrown with ivy.
Yeah, you were definitely about to be murdered. It didn't look like anyone lived within miles of this place. Kate disembarked and you followed, rather taking your chances with the girl than the bus driver who smelled sharply of Juicy fruit and cigarette smoke.
“Just through here,” Kate said, again, sensing your discomfort. She pulled back a large oak branch and something that resembled a gravel pathway came into view. It was worn over time by travel. The sun streamed through the gaps in the trees, catching the blanket of fallen leaves. Rain sprinkled as you walked, your hands cold.
“I have to warn you about a few things.”
You swallowed hard, dragging out the word. “Okay”
She slowed her pace, edging in the same direction as the muddy rocks and underbrush. “Everyone you’re about to meet is very… How do I explain this? They tend to be a lot sometimes. They’re good people just guarded. And mad. At me.”
“How many people are we meeting exactly?”
You weren’t the greatest in any social situation. This was one of your worst nightmares- a place in the dead center of the woods in Albany County, no less, that housed irritable strangers. You had barely begun to trust (also not the word) Kate. But yet, you wanted to cling to her like a safety blanket.
Before she answered, the house came into view. It was large and stuck out against the oak trees that surrounded the property, shading it from the rest of the world. Floor-to-ceiling windows reflected the environment, and large white paneling bordered the glass. It was far from inconspicuous, a flex of wealth that you had only seen in the city. Never this far away from civilization.
“Holy shit,” You breathed out “This is a secret government lab. You’ve taken me to a secret government lab to get experimented on and I’m going to hit myself over the head with a rock immediately.”  
“It’s not as scary as it looks, promise. You can trust me.”
“I barely know you.”
She shrugged her shoulders at the remark and trudged on toward the house. You watched her for a few moments before jogging to catch up. Retreating to the comfort of the university had long since passed. Most likely, you wouldn’t be able to figure out which way was up out here, despite the scents from the forest filling your lungs and prickling against your skin.
Kate was the only option.
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macaronisour · 1 year
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the impulsive spider-hawk!
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theknightlywolfe · 1 month
With Vera Farmiga playing a clairvoyant dealing with hauntings in the Conjuring series, and Florence Pugh playing a clairvoyant dealing with hauntings in Malevolent, there is a lot of potential for a Hawkeye demon possession/hauntings AU.
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bioplast-hero · 2 years
If the world (wasn’t) ending
9k • explicit • sheith
Shiro wants to know what Keith is like when they're not saving the world, he really does. But what changes if he lets someone into his life? Will that put Keith in danger?
It doesn’t matter; Keith lets himself in these days.
Superhero AU in the vein of Matt Fraction’s Hawkeye run, but make Shiro the burnt-out hero and Keith the younger protege that he’s kind of obsessed with (really, truly obsessed with).
Have a little hurt/comfort heroes for the holiday season:
[Read the fic on AO3]
(I also wrote a little bit about the AU for an ask, if you like that kind of thing.)
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orphetoon · 4 months
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if its any indication of who my favorites are, it took me two minutes to draw riza and half an hour to give up on roy
part one / part two
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courtmartialme · 2 months
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transmasc riza sketches ^__^ i think a lot about riza being scared about coming out and changing his relationship with roy while roy is just so happy riza wants something for himself. and also roy learning chest binding safety because his captain is stubborn
dont tag as gndrbnd thankyu
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madootles · 2 years
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happy october third!
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loomontoia · 6 months
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My family
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reineydraws · 6 months
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who's that guy smiling so nice and polite? cant be the hawkeyes mihawk, can it?! (it's not. 😂)
realized i can post the sketch dump in two different posts lol here's the first few of the cont'd mishanks body swap doods ✌️
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mihawk would probably scold shanks for not grooming the beard correctly and insist on doing it himself haha. shanks would have a crisis from the proximity. mihawk would just be annoyed to find it's more difficult to shave from the third person.
part 2 of this sketch dump!
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extrashortshorts · 7 months
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Colorful chickens again
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t00thpasteface · 4 months
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c'mon, do the circulation! it starts with your heart— what a great sensation!
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hyolks · 1 year
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references!! subject to change bc character design is my death sentence. also some sillies bc is it really fma if ed doesnt get called short/kid at least once
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fredbydawn · 1 year
What if M*A*S*H was a late 80’s corporate workplace comedy?
(This cover of the main theme is by Mal Waldron btw)
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bioplast-hero · 2 years
For the fanfiction asks, for " If the world (wasn’t) ending": 1, 5, 11 please! :)
Omg, Hawkeye Sheith!!!
1: Inspired by grem's truly inspired prompt, it was that simple! They wanted sheith with the same energy as the Hawkeye comics by Matt Fraction, which I had not read at all but the ask was so deliciously specific that I was intrigued. Also I love a good mashup, I love superheroes, so I was pretty sure I was game.
What I found blew me away, honestly. Way exceeded expectations! I don't want to spoil in case someone sees this and wanted to check out the series but there's some really innovative stuff in there! Whole issues told from unique POVs, HoH rep, really stunning storytelling, and a deeply relatable flawed hero having ordinary life problems (on top of superhero problems).
I decided to reference as many bits as I could. I especially wanted to get sheith into a specific scenario from the comics, one where Shiro comes crawling into his window late at night and Keith is sitting there in the dark 😒 waiting to read him the riot act.
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( source: hawkeye fraction's run )
5: The hardest was the opening action sequence. For context, each issue starts with the same words: "So, this looks bad." 😅
I wanted that same chaotic, fast-paced feeling where everything's already in motion before any of it is explained, but damn that's hard to pull off when writing is your medium! I do like how it turned out, but I rewrote that action sequence many times and workshopped it with several people so it was not easy to get there.
Shiro's great escape, falling from a building while still lashed to a chair? That's another Clint Barton classic:
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( source: hawkeye fraction's run )
11: My favorite thing about the fic is that Shiro is such a Keith simp in his head. And it wasn't hard at all to do that Hawkeye-style because, lo and behold, Clint is one hell of a simp, too. I read this page screaming at the way our hero introduces us to his younger protege by waxing poetic about how deadly she is.
Romance is not dead, people:
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( source: hawkeye fraction's run )
Did I ever tell you why I love Kate Bishop? I'm mean, look at her. She's perfect.
Heard you loud and clear, buddy. 😂
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ace-bucket · 2 months
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Cap quartet (plus Clint) but it’s the cat quartet
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