#hazardous environment combat unit
thatforestprince · 1 year
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the half life 1 HECU grunts are like insects to me
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freelancer-team-2 · 2 years
We’re not exactly sure what it is yet. But we think they’re a subset of cloud skimmers. But…they’re practically invisible in the day. They’re like stars. There at night but not in the day. Some have started calling them star rippers, but we’re still investigating. We’ll report when we have more information.
The operator: Well we should notify civilians to setup some anti air defence’s probably infrared targeting. In the meantime we should capture one for research and notify the H.E.C.U and S.E.U we’re going to need their skills
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Homebrew Mechanic: Bumpercar Combat
I'm going to keep most of my reasoning behind developing this system below the cut but I think we can all agree that D&D's combat can be painfully static. I love fight scenes but after going down a combined stage combat/ videogame boss design rabbit hole I've realized that one of the primary elements is missing from D&D's combat system, namely: Movement
From a mechanical perspective, D&D combat needs movement to break up the monotony of non-spellcater characters throwing punches at eachother until one of them drops, to introduce increased risk and randomness without damage-spike abilities.
From a narrative perspective, D&D combat needs movement to introduce tension and to help put character into day to day fighting beyond just flavor text. Likewise, fights that give different opportunities for movement will feel different from one another, making them stand out in the party's mind.
So without further ado I present my fun new system, which will have your party and their enemies bouncing around the battlefield like a demolition derby:
Press the attack: If you attack a creature and your initial attack roll is higher than their constitution score, you can force them to shift 5 ft into any of the tree squares opposite from your position. You then move to occupy the space they did.  
Back to a Wall:  Walls and other substantial barriers grant attackers the benefits of flanking as if they were a threatening creature. 
Give Ground: If you are attacked in melee and the initial roll is lower than your dexterity score you may shift into any adjacent square, forcing the opponent to move into the space you previously occupied. If you are attacked at a range, you may still shift, but the attacker loses any cover bonuses they might have till the start of their next turn rather than moving. 
Tripping Hazard: If you force an opponent into a square that could be considered rough terrain ( such as if it was occupied by a chair, or down a slippery slope) the target drops prone. 
First things first I want to say that this system is largely inspired by the dynamic combat movement rules by raventear productions, which I found over on reddit. It's a great system but the more I thought about it the more I realized that introducing extra rolls into combat was adding extra bloat to combat, and so I needed to retool the system to ensure that the party weren't having to roll any more dice than they normally would. My goal with homebrew is always to add more options, not bloat.
Also, go check out@jillbearup over on youtube, her series breaking down cinematic fights was one of the main drivers behind wanting to find a homebrew system like this in the first place.
Finally, long hours spent watching @ohnoitstbskyen 's in depth bloodborne playthough got me thinking about the design of fights, and the right combination of enemies and environment can truly elevate the player(s) experience. I'm also working on my own bloodborne game which gave me a reason to finalize this system.
Now lets get on to why I wanted to build this system in the first place: D&D combat is at risk of being painfully slow and boring, as it's aged the depths to which it can be slow and/or boring have only increased. While part of that is up to the skill of players at the table, I largely chalk it up to the fact that the base system of combat isn't much changed from the days of old tabletop wargaming....characters and monsters control like army units, clashing up against one another till one side drops or some spellcaster drops an AoE ( artillery). That rigidity is fine when one person is controling a whole army of units, but I think every melee character has been in a position where they're slugging away with the same old attack while the wizards get to do cool shit.
The system sort of worked back In the early days when characters and monsters could only take a couple of hits before dropping, but as the editions progressed and everything got more complex what might have first been a quick life or death clash turned into a slugfest. Attacks of opportunity and rigid flanking rules specifically encouraged this slowdown, and 4th edition, the only attempt outside of the battemaster to really play with positioning crashed and burned mainly due to WotC's incompetence.
So how do I use this?
If you're having trouble thinking of why this system might be fun to implement, here's a few ideas:
It makes groupfights more dangerous, encouraging tactical thinking. Getting advantage reliably is the deciding factor in most d&d combats, with the tide turning in favour of whichever side has the most bodies. If combatants are shifting around with every missed hit then that advantage is more up for grabs
It puts increased focus on hazards and terrain features. Ledges, pits, pillars, walls, furniture, dungeon-clutter. Make no mistake that if you use this system and then design your combat arenas with some kind of terrain feature, it's GOING to be used. Where previously players and enemies alike had to chose between engaging with the arena for a potential benefit or doing raw damage reliably, here they'll be able to do both.
It gives non burst-damage melee characters a new way to play. Rolling a barbarian or fighter is supposed to come with a scene of empowerment which can be undercut one folks realize their super-strong orc berserker is being outclassed for damage by the shifty guy with the knife. Telling that player "Yeah, that person gets to roll more dice, but you get to bounce badguys off the walls like pinballs" is more than a consolation, it's what they signed up to do in the first place.
It adds drama to the fight. There's only so many ways a dm can describe enemies taking non-lethal sword hits that only take up a portion of their hp, and they're liable to run out of those long before the campaign is through. Part of what sells the importance of those hits and keeps players engaged between the first and the last is the feeling that they've had SOME kind of effect. Moving folks around is a middle ground between doing nothing and dropping a foe, changing the battlefield in a myriad of small ways that can build up to something meaningful.
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theoperativeif · 7 months
New Armor New Me!
Colossus Defense Armor (Armor)
This armor is a behemoth on the battlefield, equipped with ultra-thick armor plating and energy shields. It's designed for frontline defense, capable of withstanding heavy fire and repelling assaults with its integrated weaponry.
Nightmare Combat Armor (Terror)
Intimidating and relentless, this armor is designed for psychological warfare as much as physical confrontation. It features medium armor and a menacing design with audio and visual effects to instill fear in enemies. It's also equipped with advanced combat systems for close-quarters engagements. Nearly every inch of this armor is capable of killing.
Phantom Infiltration Armor (Stealth)
Sleek and nearly invisible even when decloaked, this suit specializes in covert operations. It utilizes state-of-the-art cloaking technology, silent movement mechanisms, and a lightweight design that allows for high agility and stealth in enemy territory. Also comes with dart launchers, signal scrambling capabilities and an EMP pulse.
Thunderstrike Artillery Armor (Firepower)
This armor turns the wearer into a walking artillery unit. It's equipped with long-range, high-impact weaponry capable of precise bombardments from a distance. The suit is also reinforced to withstand the recoil and blast from its own heavy weapons. Can go toe to toe with enemy armor.
Incinerator Mk 2 (Flamethrower)
Originally designed for the infamous Flame Operative this suit is an upgrade from its predecessor, this flamethrower suit boasts enhanced flame projection capabilities, improved fuel efficiency, and heat-resistant armor. It's designed for crowd control and area denial, emitting intense flames to clear out entrenched positions.
Unlike its predecessor this armor spews out blue flames and allows even fine control over where the users flames are traveling.
Nexus Hazard Unit (Chemical)
This armor is specialized for chemical warfare. It is equipped with a sophisticated chemical dispersal system and is fully sealed to protect the wearer from toxic environments. It can deploy a variety of chemical agents, from incapacitating gases to corrosive substances. Classified as medium armor.
Mark 001 Predator Armor (Stealth+)
A more advanced version of the Phantom Infiltration Armor, the Mark 001 combines stealth capabilities with enhanced offensive systems. It features adaptive camouflage, silent movement, and is armed with advanced weaponry and sensors for tracking and neutralizing targets with precision. The second armor of its kind...
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Big-Time Bighorn Sheep
Found throughout the Rocky mountains of western North America, the bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) is one of only two sheep native to the continent. They mainly inhabit rocky alpine meadows, at elevations of 800-2500 m (5,000-8,500 ft). The subspecies Ovis canadensis nelsoni occupies lower elevations, and lives in the deserts of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico.
Bighorn sheep are named for the large, curling horns-- known as curls-- carried by the males, or rams. These horns weigh as much as all the rest of the ram’s bones put together, up to 14 kg (30.8 lbs). Males themselves weigh up to 127 kg (279.8 lbs) and stand 105 cm (41 in) tall at the shoulder. Females, or ewes, are much smaller, at 91 kg (200 lbs) and 90 cm (35 in), and their horns are shorter. Both sexes sport short, grey-brown coats with white underbellies and behinds. Their hooves are split, and well adapted to cling to rocks and steep cliffs as they forage.
O. canadensis is herbivorous, and spends most of the day searching for grasses and brush to graze on. In addition, many bighorn sheep can be found at naturally-occurring salt licks where they can acquire minerals not available in their primary diet. Despite their large size and hazardous home environment, bighorn sheep can be hunted by wolves, bears, lynx, and mountain lions. Lambs are particularly targeted, and can even become food for golden eagles which are large enough to carry them away.
Outside the mating season, males and females live in separate groups. Often times, the males will form homosexual societies, in which members of a group court and mount each other in the same way they do females. Some rams, however, chose to live with the ewes and their young, and adopt a number of female mannerisms- though they refuse to be mounted by males.
Rutting season begins in September or October, and lasts through early December. During this period, rams engage in the head-to-head combat for which they are famous in order to construct a social hierarchy. Once this structure is established, males begin courting the females; ewes will accept multiple partners while in oestrus, which lasts for about three days. They then carry their young for 150-180 days before giving birth to one or two lambs. These young are extremely precocial, and after a few weeks will form groups of their own and seldom return to their mothers. Individuals reach sexual maturity at one or two years old, and can live anywhere from 7 to 19 years in the wild.
Conservation status: The bighorn sheep’s population has been severely reduced due to overhunting, introduced diseases, and competition from livestock. Several of O. canadensis’s subspecies are endangered. However, the species as a whole is considered Least Concern by the IUCN.
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Tyler Creech
Sally Bellacqua
Diane Renkin
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operation-priority · 3 months
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SCP AMTF Nu-7 Cosplay - Hazardous Environment Level III
Depicted here is the standard loadout of a conventionally armed Nu-7 operative in a Level III rated hazardous environment. Each level, ranging from I to IV, has a typical hazardous environment protection requirement that outlines the necessary support that a task force member needs to complete their objectives within the working area. Note that Level IV Hazardous Environment protection encompasses all hazardous environment loadouts which include thaumatological or anomalous equipment intended to protect from specific anomalous entities or regions. As such a Level IV loadout may appear as any of the previous three loadouts with the aforementioned supplementary equipment.
Showcased here is an example of a Nu-7 operative working within a Level III Hazardous Environment. Required protection when working in this environment is a standalone gas mask with a filter rated for all CBRN threats and a fully sealed CBRN suit equivalent to US military MOPP (Mission Oriented Protective Posture) Level 4 standard. This standard includes a full seal gas mask, gas mask hood, gloves and overgloves, boots and overboots, and the CBRN overgarments itself. The standard issue gas mask of Nu-7 forces is the Avon Protection C50. This is a variant of the famous M50 which uses standard NATO 40 mm thread filters. In addition, the Avon C50 and M50 series gas masks are designed to be worn under a ballistic helmet. In this protective level, the Avon C50 is paired with a standard issue Avon Gas Mask Protective Hood. When secured to the wearer and worn under body armor this hood provides full seal protection around the neck and face. The standard issue overgloves and overboots are AirBoss lightweight models. The overgloves are paired with a glove liner for additional comfort. The overboots are worn over standard footwear. The Foundation supplies state of the art CBRN suits to all AMTF units which provide full protection against all threats while also providing some comfort for the wearer. This example is a GORE CPCSU-2 CBRN Jumpsuit. This suit uses advanced materials that allows for increased freedom of movement, less noise when moving, and less user fatigue over time.
The primary use case of Level III Hazardous Environment equipment is when the element is operating within an area that has a known threat of CBRN agents. To counter this threat, the operative is equipped with a CBRNCF50 (NIOSH) Filter that protects from all gaseous agents specified in the NIOSH CBRN standard. This operative carries his Avon C50 in a gas mask bag slung bandolier style over the right shoulder. The usual combat clothing will not suffice in such an environment, so the operative wears a CBRN suit over his standard uniform. The operative cannot remove this uniform until proper decontamination protocols are completed under any circumstances. This includes the good, the bad, and the ugly of sustainment in the working area. Because of this, AMTF units that work within such an environment are quickly rotated out in order to prevent total fatigue. CBRN suits quickly drain the wearer of water as the lack of airflow causes a buildup of perspiration and exertion increases body heat which in turn increases perspiration, causing a vicious cycle of losing liquid. As such water intake is extremely important when operating in a CBRN environment, and the C50 gas mask allows for the operative to safely drink water while in the working environment using the built-in drinking tube paired with a canteen with a gas mask cap. This drinking system allows for the user to safely drink water without the risk of exposing themselves to any deadly contaminants in the air.
The fully sealed nature of a gas mask means that it is difficult to speak through the faceblank and filter and still be understood in a combat environment. A Voice Projection Unit, or VPU, allows the wearer to speak through a microphone placed inside the gas mask that projects the wearer's voice through a voicebox mounted on the front of the gas mask. This allows the wearer to speak audibly without yelling to nearby peers. Should the element choose to speak solely through the radio, a separate wire is needed that connects the C50 to the communications headset. This allows for clear communication through the radio but decreases audible effectiveness towards anyone not within the radio network - a positive or negative aspect depending on the scenario.
Full Resolution Here.
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cynicalrosebud · 7 days
K9 Hybrid Gear and Civvies Guide:
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Tac Gear:
A military K9 hybrid’s gear is specifically designed to enhance both their human and canine traits, optimizing them for tactical operations while providing protection and communication tools. Here’s a breakdown of what their gear might include:
1. Tactical Vest/Body Armor:
• Material: Made from lightweight yet durable materials like Kevlar or ballistic nylon, offering flexibility and protection.
• Design: The vest is form-fitted to the hybrid’s body, allowing freedom of movement for their human torso and canine-enhanced limbs (if applicable).
• MOLLE System: Like their human counterparts, the vest has a MOLLE (Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment) system for attaching pouches, gear, or identification patches.
• Armor Plates: Some models may include armor plates over vital areas like the chest and back for protection in combat scenarios.
• Velcro Patches: Custom patches for identification (e.g., name, unit, or flag) can be attached, as well as handler-specific patches to show their bond.
2. Collar:
• Military Hybrid Collar: Resembling a communication collar, it holds an integrated microphone and speaker for direct communication between the hybrid and handler. The collar is sturdy, made with metal reinforcements to withstand rough environments.
• Customization: Some collars are personalized, such as Y/n’s, which might have a metal plate engraved with her handler’s name (Alex Keller), symbolizing their connection.
• Attachment Points: There are rings for attaching a leash or other equipment, though leashes are rarely used for hybrids, except in specific scenarios.
3. Headgear/Comms:
• Earpieces: Built-in communication systems in their collars or headsets allow the hybrid to receive commands from their handler directly.
• Headset Attachments: Some hybrids may wear lightweight helmets or headgear that accommodate their ears and protect their heads, with areas to mount night-vision goggles or cameras.
• Night Vision/Camera Gear: Headsets may include advanced technology such as cameras or night-vision gear to help hybrids navigate in low-light situations.
4. Gloves and Footwear:
• Gloves: Designed for hybrids with more animal-like claws or enhanced dexterity, gloves are reinforced to protect their hands without hindering their ability to climb, grab, or fight.
• Footwear: High-performance boots or paw protectors for hybrids ensure they can move across rough terrain while maintaining their balance and agility. Some may have specially designed soles for stealth and grip.
5. Harness:
• Load-Bearing Harness: A harness often attached to the vest, this is used when hybrids need to carry extra equipment such as first aid kits, tactical gear, or ammunition. It may also include an extraction handle, allowing their handler to pull them out of danger if necessary.
• Attachment Points: The harness has reinforced points to attach ropes, useful for rappelling or being airlifted in certain operations.
6. Goggles:
• Protective Eyewear: Tactical goggles shield the hybrid’s eyes from debris, sand, and other environmental hazards. Some might even have built-in HUDs (heads-up displays) for enhanced battlefield awareness.
7. Camo Integration:
• Fur/Armor Coloration: Depending on the environment, the hybrid’s gear will match the standard military camo. Whether it’s desert, woodland, or urban camouflage, the materials and design aim to provide additional stealth.
8. Weapon Mounts (if applicable):
• Some hybrids, particularly those with canine or feline features, may have mounts for lightweight firearms or tactical tools attached to their harness for ease of access by the handler.
9. Hydration System:
• A built-in hydration system similar to a CamelBak, allowing the hybrid to stay hydrated during extended missions without needing to stop for water breaks.
10. Tracking/Monitoring Systems:
• GPS: Built into their collar or vest, providing real-time tracking of the hybrid’s location on the battlefield.
• Vital Monitoring: Sensors that monitor the hybrid’s heart rate, body temperature, and stress levels can alert handlers to any issues in the field.
This hybrid gear is a seamless blend of practicality, protection, and comfort, ensuring that K9 hybrids can perform in dangerous environments while staying closely connected to their handlers.
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A hybrid’s “civvies” are designed for both comfort and practicality, blending the functionality required for their unique physiology with a casual style suitable for off-duty life. The clothing is made from durable, flexible materials that allow freedom of movement and accommodate their hybrid traits like tails, ears, and claws.
Top: Hybrids typically wear a simple, fitted shirt, often sleeveless or short-sleeved, allowing their shoulders and upper bodies to move freely. The material is breathable and slightly reinforced around the shoulders and upper back to prevent wear from repeated stretching and movement. The shirts often have slits or custom tailoring to accommodate tails comfortably.
Bottoms: Cargo pants or loose-fitting tactical trousers are a staple in a hybrid’s off-duty wardrobe. These pants have adjustable waistbands and are designed with reinforced stitching around the thighs and knees for extra durability when in their preferred position of kneeling and sitting. The legs taper slightly to avoid restricting movement, allowing their legs to move unhindered, especially when they need to leap, crouch, or sit. Some hybrids may opt for shorts in warmer climates, but they are always practical and rugged.
Footwear: One of the most distinctive features of a hybrid’s civilian outfit is their unique footwear. Hybrids wear foot coverings similar to trapeze boots, which are designed to protect the soles of their feet while leaving their claws free. These boots are lightweight and open at the toes, with a sturdy base that provides grip and protection from rough terrain or base flooring. The design allows hybrids to extend and retract their claws naturally, giving them agility while keeping their feet safe. The boots often feature adjustable straps or fastenings to ensure a secure fit without restricting their natural foot shape or flexibility.
Outerwear: For cooler weather, hybrids may wear jackets or hoodies that are custom-fitted to allow for their tails. These pieces often have slits or adjustable flaps at the lower back to provide space for tail movement. The jackets are usually made from tough, weather-resistant fabric, ensuring that hybrids can comfortably wear them on or off base.
Accessories: Hybrids may also wear fingerless gloves that allow their claws to remain free for precise movements while still protecting their hands. They might also carry belts with small pouches for personal items, maintaining a functional look even while off duty.
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half-life-quotes · 10 months
Hello! I (@half-or-nothing) have made a Half-Life quotes blog! I will be posting Half-Life quotes from all of the games!
I am currently just doing this on my own, but if you have a quote from one of the games that you want me to post, then send me an ask or dm me!
tag explanation under read more line
Games Tags
#half-life 1 quote: a quote from the first Half-Life game
#opposing force quote: a quote from the first expansion
#blue shift quote: a quote from the second expansion
#half-life 2 quote: a quote from the second Half-Life game
Characters Tags
#black mesa science team quote: a quote from a scientist
#black mesa security force quote: a quote from a security guard
#hecu quote: a quote from a hazardous environment combat unit person (radio, soldier, etc.)
#gman quote: a quote from Gman
#barney calhoun quote: a quote from Barney, the player character in Blue Shift and an npc in Half-Life 2
Other Tags
#25 days of half-life quotes: the first 25 quotes posted on the blog
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opposingtheforce · 10 months
it's criminal how little they prepared you for this. i feel like things could have gone way more smoothly if you knew what you'd be dealing with :0
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I mean they are allowed to do it this way. It's just that you usually prepare your team before going in.
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As I said I'm part of the Hazardous Environment Combat Unit, HECU for short. Specifically trained for close quarter combat.
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I usually enjoy knowing if there are any dangerous chemicals or gases involved in my missions. Or anything else.
You know, to prepare for it and all that
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dzthenerd490 · 2 years
File: Mimic
Code Name: Cockroach men/ The Judas Breed
Object Class: Keter Archon Keter/Archon
Special Containment Procedures: Any surviving SCP-AAN instances are to be kept at containment Site-AA. Due to the adaptive nature of SCP-AAN instances, permanent containment has deemed impossible. Instead, any and all instances captured by MTF units are to be transported to Site-AA where they will be experimented on, harvested, then neutralized. No captured SCP-AAN instance is allowed to survive for any longer than 1 year. Mobile Task Force Hera-1 "The Underground Purge" are entrusted with locating, containing, and even culling the SCP-AAN population within the sewers of the United States. 
Description: SCP-AAN is a colony of ever evolving and mutating cockroaches mixed with human, mantis, and termite DNA. SCP-AAN have grown human organs within their bodes such as lungs, these organs have allowed them to grow to human size and shape. Notably SCP-AAN instances do have a mimicry hunting mechanism where they can wrap their wings themselves to look like a human wearing a black coat. Additionally, they have a shell-like membrane on their face that can attach and un-attach at will. This shell tends to resemble an extremely bland facial structure of a human face. On most occasions it's obviously a mimicry though there have been mutants within colonies who have evolved to possess a unique and more detailed face.
Like most insect colonies, the species of SCP-AAN tend to have hierarchies based on gender thought regarding SCP-AAN it's not always consistent on which gender is dominant. Furthermore, there have been reports of SCP-AAN instances that form small nests or groups. It is believed that this is the fault SCP-AAN's rapid mutations somehow able to affect their natural behavior as well as their bodies. This has unfortunately made them harder to predict and therefore contain.
Surprisingly, SCP-AAN instances have not evolved to create workers to maintain colonies due to them being more accustomed to sewers and subways. By wandering these underground man-made environments, they have become unable to naturally build their own colonies. Unfortunately, this has also led to the effect of them constantly hunting for new man-made structures as expansions for their colonies. This means that SCP-AAN instance are not only a constant threat to civilians within the U.S. but also poses an MK Class Broken Masquerade Scenario hazard.
Thankfully no matter how much SCP-AAN instances mutate, they can be injured or killed by conventional weapons with firearms and flamethrowers having the best effect. However, like cockroaches, they can survive without their heads and even without their vital organs. The longest an SCP-AAN instance has managed to survive without either is 4 days. It is for this reason that even injured instances are considered a threat and must always be binded or dismembered by MTF units. It should be noted that its possible for a healthy SCP-AAN instance to live for 40 years, possibly longer. 
SCP-AAN was discovered in 1997, three years after the pandemic within New York City which was spread by cockroaches. To combat the pandemic a group of scientists foolishly created hybrid cockroaches dubbed the "judas breed" to mutate the cockroaches and bring them to extinction. Though it did bring an end to the pandemic, it also allowed the surviving cockroaches to mutate. Three years later, Mobile Task Force Zeta-9 "Mole Rats" was on a mission to exterminate a Sarkic Clan hiding within the sewers of New York City. They found the clan utilizing SCP-AAN as servants, this combo unfortunately led to the demise of MTF Zeta-9. Later more colonies were found to have been made throughout the sewers of the city and expanding at alarming rates. The scientists responsible were later found and apprehended by the foundation to be processed as D-Class personal, as punishment for the creation of SCP-AAN.
Initial containment of SCP-AAN was quite easy, however as time went on several instances started breeding at alarming rates. The brood they spawned ended up being stronger and smarter leading to an increase of containment breaches at Site-AA. Afterwards it was decided that any containment of SCP-AAN should be temporary and end with complete extermination. Furthermore, SCP-AAN's Object Class has been changed from Keter to Archon.
Update 2006 - SCP-AAN instances have started invading apartment complexes of New York City. Some have even started migrating to the rest of the State of New York as well as other states like Connecticut and New Jersey. MTF Hera-1 has even reported certain SCP-AAN instances that are able to skin humans and wear said skin to mimic humans with greater accuracy. MTF Hera-1 is to be reinforced with an additional 600 units, including AFA units immediately.
Update: 2018 - SCP-AAN instances have been reported in the sewer systems of every major city in the United States. How this is possible is unknown. Thought they are not as numerous as they once were, they still pose a major threat. In response, SCP-AAN's object class is to be changed to Dual Object class Keter/Archon.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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drilton · 2 years
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Operators from the 75th Ranger Regiment and HECU (Hazardous Environment Combat Unit) being deployed near ground zero. [New Mexico 200-]
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[USER: Admin]
All Hazardous. Environment. Combat. Unit. Personnel, report to Sector D immediately for Containment. Procedures.
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galgadotenderson · 1 month
The Evolution of World War 2 Soldier Outfits: A Comprehensive Guide
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World War 2 was a global conflict that reshaped history, and the uniforms worn by soldiers played a significant role in their ability to endure the rigors of battle. From the beaches of Normandy to the jungles of the Pacific, World War 2 soldier outfits were designed to meet the demands of various environments and combat situations. In this blog, we will explore the evolution of the World War 2 soldier uniform, detailing the various elements that made these outfits both functional and iconic.
The Standard World War 2 Soldier Uniform
During World War 2, the standard soldier uniform varied depending on the country. However, there were common elements across all nations that reflected the needs of the time. Typically, a World War 2 soldier outfit included:
Helmet: Designed to protect against shrapnel and other battlefield hazards, the helmet was a crucial part of the soldier’s gear. The U.S. M1 helmet, for example, became an iconic symbol of the American soldier.
Jacket and Trousers: These were usually made from durable, weather-resistant materials. For instance, the U.S. Army’s M1941 field jacket was lightweight and designed for general use, while the later M1943 jacket offered improved functionality with its water-resistant fabric and cargo pockets.
Boots: Footwear was essential for soldiers who often marched for miles. The U.S. service boots, known as "boondockers," were made from sturdy leather and provided excellent ankle support.
Web Gear: Soldiers carried essential items like ammunition, grenades, and first-aid kits in pouches attached to their web gear, which was usually made from canvas and other durable materials.
Field Cap: Often worn when the helmet was not necessary, field caps varied in style and material but were designed to provide some protection from the sun and cold.
National Variations in World War 2 Soldier Uniforms
While there were similarities, each nation developed its own unique version of the World War 2 soldier uniform:
United States: The U.S. Army uniform was designed for versatility, with soldiers wearing different layers depending on the climate. The M1943 uniform, which included the M1943 field jacket and olive drab wool trousers, became standard issue.
Germany: The German Wehrmacht uniform was known for its practicality and adaptability. The M36 tunic, with its greenish-gray color, was the standard early in the war, later replaced by the simplified M43 model. German soldiers also wore distinctive steel helmets, known as Stahlhelms, which provided excellent protection.
Soviet Union: Soviet uniforms were functional but often less refined due to the country’s focus on mass production. The standard uniform consisted of a tunic, trousers, and a greatcoat for colder climates. The Soviet "shapka-ushanka" hat became iconic for its warmth during the harsh winters.
United Kingdom: British soldiers were issued the Battledress, a woolen uniform that included a short jacket and trousers. The uniform was designed to be comfortable and practical, with large pockets for carrying essential items.
Specialized World War Two Outfits
In addition to the standard uniforms, specialized outfits were developed for specific roles and environments:
Paratroopers: Paratroopers required unique gear for their airborne missions. The U.S. Airborne units wore jump boots, a reinforced jacket, and trousers with large cargo pockets. The British paratroopers had similar specialized gear, with the famous "Denison smock" being a notable feature.
Desert Warfare: Soldiers fighting in desert environments, such as the North African campaign, needed uniforms suited to the harsh conditions. The British Army issued the "Khaki Drill" uniform, which was lightweight and breathable. The Germans had their own version, known as the "Tropical" uniform, designed to keep soldiers cool in the hot desert climate.
Winter Warfare: The Battle of the Bulge highlighted the need for effective winter uniforms. The U.S. Army issued soldiers with the M1943 field jacket, layered with a wool shirt and trousers, while the Germans provided their troops with insulated winter parkas.
Collecting and Reenacting World War 2 Outfits
Today, World War 2 soldier uniforms are highly sought after by collectors and reenactors. Authentic uniforms are valuable pieces of history, often meticulously preserved to maintain their original condition. Reenactors often go to great lengths to accurately replicate the look and feel of a World War 2 soldier outfit, ensuring that every detail, from the boots to the insignia, is historically accurate.
World War 2 soldier uniforms were more than just clothing; they were essential tools that helped soldiers survive and perform their duties in some of the most challenging conditions imaginable. From the standard issue to specialized gear, these outfits are a testament to the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the time. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a collector, or a reenactor, understanding the evolution and significance of World War 2 soldier outfits offers a fascinating glimpse into the past.
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best-testing-lab-uae · 2 months
The Role of Environmental Testing Labs in UAE’s Compliance with Global Standards
The UAE’s rapid development has brought about significant advancements in infrastructure, industry, and urbanization. However, with growth comes the responsibility of ensuring that environmental impacts are minimized and managed effectively. As a result, the UAE has committed to adhering to global environmental standards, which aim to protect both the environment and public health. Environmental testing labs in the UAE play a crucial role in helping the country meet these global standards by providing accurate data, monitoring compliance, and supporting sustainable practices. This blog will explore the role of environmental testing lab in the UAE’s compliance with international environmental standards.
Understanding Global Environmental Standards
Global environmental standards are guidelines and regulations designed to protect the environment and human health. These standards are set by international organizations, such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the United Nations, and other global bodies, and are often adopted by countries to ensure sustainable development. Key global environmental standards include:
ISO 14001: A standard for environmental management systems that helps organizations reduce their environmental impact.
World Health Organization (WHO) Air Quality Guidelines: Standards for air quality that protect human health from the adverse effects of air pollution.
Basel Convention: An international treaty that regulates the transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal.
Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement: International agreements that set targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change.
Compliance with these standards is essential for countries like the UAE, which is striving to balance rapid development with environmental sustainability.
The Role of Environmental Testing Labs in Monitoring Compliance
Environmental testing labs are integral to ensuring that the UAE complies with global environmental standards. These labs provide the data and analysis necessary to monitor environmental conditions, assess compliance, and identify areas where improvements are needed.
1. Air Quality Monitoring
Air quality is a major concern in the UAE, particularly in urban areas where industrial activities, construction, and vehicular traffic are prevalent. The UAE has adopted air quality standards based on WHO guidelines to protect public health from the harmful effects of air pollution.
Monitoring Pollutants
Environmental testing labs in the UAE monitor key air pollutants, including particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These pollutants are measured against the WHO guidelines to assess air quality and ensure that it remains within safe limits.
Supporting Regulatory Compliance
By providing accurate and real-time data on air quality, environmental testing labs help regulatory bodies enforce compliance with air quality standards. This data is used to identify pollution sources, assess the effectiveness of pollution control measures, and take corrective actions when necessary.
2. Water Quality Testing
Water resources in the UAE are limited, making their protection and sustainable management a top priority. The UAE has implemented water quality standards that align with global guidelines to ensure the safety of drinking water, protect marine environments, and manage wastewater.
Testing for Contaminants
Environmental testing labs conduct extensive testing of water samples to detect contaminants such as heavy metals, pesticides, pathogens, and industrial chemicals. These tests are crucial for ensuring that water used for drinking, agriculture, and industrial processes meets international safety standards.
Supporting Sustainable Water Management
By providing data on water quality, environmental testing labs support the UAE’s efforts to manage its water resources sustainably. This includes monitoring the impact of desalination plants, wastewater treatment facilities, and industrial discharges on local water bodies.
3. Soil and Land Contamination Assessments
Soil contamination can pose serious risks to human health and the environment, particularly in areas affected by industrial activities, waste disposal, or agricultural practices. The UAE has adopted international standards for soil quality to prevent and manage contamination.
Assessing Soil Quality
Environmental testing labs perform soil assessments to detect contaminants such as heavy metals, hydrocarbons, and persistent organic pollutants (POPs). These assessments help identify contaminated sites and guide remediation efforts to restore soil health and ensure compliance with global standards.
Supporting Land Use Planning
Data from environmental testing labs is also used in land use planning and development projects. By assessing soil quality and contamination levels, these labs help ensure that new developments are built on safe and stable land, in line with international environmental standards.
4. Hazardous Waste Management
The management of hazardous waste is a critical aspect of environmental protection, particularly in industrialized regions like the UAE. The country is a signatory to the Basel Convention, which regulates the transboundary movement of hazardous waste and promotes environmentally sound disposal practices.
Testing and Classification of Hazardous Waste
Environmental testing labs are responsible for testing and classifying hazardous waste to ensure it is handled and disposed of safely. This includes testing for toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and other hazardous substances that could pose a risk to human health and the environment.
Supporting Compliance with the Basel Convention
By providing accurate data on hazardous waste, environmental testing labs help the UAE comply with the Basel Convention’s requirements. This includes ensuring that hazardous waste is properly treated, stored, and disposed of in accordance with international standards, reducing the risk of environmental contamination.
5. Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Monitoring
Climate change is a global challenge that requires concerted efforts from all nations, including the UAE. The country has committed to reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as part of international agreements like the Paris Agreement.
Monitoring Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Environmental testing labs play a key role in monitoring GHG emissions from various sources, including industrial facilities, transportation, and energy production. By measuring emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and other GHGs, these labs provide the data needed to track the UAE’s progress towards its climate goals.
Supporting Climate Action
The data provided by environmental testing labs is essential for developing and implementing climate action plans. This includes identifying opportunities for emission reductions, assessing the effectiveness of renewable energy initiatives, and supporting the UAE’s transition to a low-carbon economy.
6. Supporting Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) are a crucial tool for ensuring that new development projects in the UAE are environmentally sustainable and comply with global standards. EIAs require comprehensive data on environmental conditions, which is provided by environmental testing labs.
Baseline Environmental Data Collection
Before any major project begins, environmental testing labs collect baseline data on air, water, soil, and biodiversity. This data is used to assess the potential environmental impacts of the project and develop mitigation measures to minimize harm.
Monitoring Post-Construction Impacts
Environmental testing labs continue to monitor environmental conditions after a project is completed to ensure that it does not have adverse effects on the environment. This ongoing monitoring helps maintain compliance with international environmental standards and supports sustainable development in the UAE.
Environmental testing labs in the UAE are vital to the country’s efforts to comply with global environmental standards. By providing accurate data and expert analysis, these labs help monitor environmental conditions, assess compliance, and support sustainable practices across various sectors. From air and water quality monitoring to hazardous waste management and climate change mitigation, environmental testing labs play a crucial role in protecting the environment and public health in the UAE.
As the UAE continues to grow and develop, the role of environmental testing labs will become even more important. By ensuring compliance with international standards, these labs help the UAE achieve its environmental goals and contribute to global efforts to protect our planet for future generations.
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pranalip · 2 months
Closed System Transfer Devices Market Detailed Analysis And Forecast 2024-2033 | Global Insight Services
“Global Insight Services offers unparalleled market intelligence and strategic consulting services to businesses worldwide. Our expertise spans across various industries, including healthcare, technology, and consumer goods, providing comprehensive analysis and actionable insights. By leveraging advanced data analytics and in-depth market research, we empower our clients to make informed decisions, identify growth opportunities, and stay ahead of the competition”.
The global closed system transfer devices market was valued at USD 914.0 Million in 2021 and it is anticipated to grow at 18.1% CAGR during the forecast period to reach up to USD 4834.1 Million by 2031.
A closed system transfer device or “CSTD” is a drug transfer device, which mechanically restricts the transfer of environmental contamination in the medical system and the escape of hazardous drug or vapor concentrations outside the system. Open versus closed systems are commonly applied in medical devices to maintain the sterility of a fluid pathway. CSTDs work by preventing- uncontrolled inflow and outflow of contaminants and drugs, preserving the quality of the solution to be infused into a patient. These devices ensure the safety of healthcare workers during the usage of hazardous drugs or chemicals. Closed system transfer device designs and models have changed at a rapid rate in recent years, resulting in the development of a number of independent testing methodologies to assess closed system transfer device performance. Currently, manufacturers in the closed system transfer devices market are focusing more on adhering to performance requirements, which largely focus on patient safety and sterile practices.
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Market Trends and Drivers
The key factors such as rising use of CSTDs to combat the harmful effect of cytotoxic and antineoplastic drugs. Antineoplastic drugs are widely used in the treatment of cancer and are considered hazardous drugs. Healthcare workers involved in the preparation, transport, distribution, administration (pre and post-administration), and disposal of these drugs are at extremely high risk. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends the use of CSTDs to eliminate the harmful effects caused by exposure to hazardous substances that escape out of the system during drug preparation and administration. CSTDs act as a barrier and prevents the entry of contaminants prevent the transfer of contaminants from the atmosphere to a sterile environment. Due to these advantages, CSTDs are increasingly being used in healthcare facilities to combat the harmful effects of hazardous drugs.
Chemotherapy, a widely adopted cancer treatment, uses one or more antineoplastic drugs, which destroy abnormal cells in patients. The use of closed system transfer devices (CSTDs) in conjunction with other safety precautions such as gloves, gowns, masks, and vented preparation hoods is an effective way to increase safety when preparing, transporting, administering, and disposing of hazardous drugs. With the increasing incidence of cancer and increasing adoption of chemotherapy treatments, the demand for CSTDs is expected to increase in the upcoming years.
Market Restraints and Challenges
The major factor hindering the market growth is the high cost of implementation of CSTDs and lack of reimbursement. The cost of a closed system transfer device is one of the major constraints limiting its adoption in healthcare facilities. The cost of a typical CSTD primarily depends upon factors like manufacturer, components used, and drug that is to be administered. Moreover, since CSTDs are meant for single-use, the cost per unit is higher than regular syringes. The median price of CSTD ranges between USD8-12 per dose. According to the regulatory guidelines, CSTDs are categorized as IV consumables. Its usage is not mandatory in European and other developing nations. Since the use of these devices is absolutely voluntary in these countries, its reimbursement is unlikely. Hence, the lack of standard guidelines further acts as a hindrance to the adoption of these devices.
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Market Segments
By Closing Mechanism
Push to Lock System
Click to Lock System
Luer Lock System
Color to Color Alignment System
By Type
Membrane to Membrane Systems
Needleless Systems
By Component
Vial Access Devices
Syringe Safety Devices
Bag/Line Access Devices
By End User
Hospitals & Clinics
Oncology Centers
Major Players in Closed System Transfer Devices Market
The key players in the closed system transfer devices market are B. Braun Holding GmbH & Co. KG, Baxter International, Becton, Dickinson and Company, Caragen Ltd, Corvida Medical, Equashield, FIMI Opportunity Funds (Simplivia Healthcare), ICU Medical, JCB Co Ltd. (JMS Co Ltd.), Yukon Medical.
COVID-19 Impact
The outbreak of COVID-19 led to a decrease in the demand for CSTDs during the first two quarters of 2020. Due to the virus containment norms and nationwide lockdowns, there were limited patient footfalls in hospitals, mostly related to COVID-19 and emergency cases. The elective medical procedures are on hold thereby causing a negative shift in the demand for CSTDs. Still, with the decline in the number of active COVID-19 cases coupled with the economic recovery in developed nations, further utilization of these devices may be expected in the near future.
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 Research Scope
Scope – Highlights, Trends, Insights. Attractiveness, Forecast
Market Sizing – Product Type, End User, Offering Type, Technology, Region, Country, Others
Market Dynamics – Market Segmentation, Demand and Supply, Bargaining Power of Buyers and Sellers, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities, Threat Analysis, Impact Analysis, Porters 5 Forces, Ansoff Analysis, Supply Chain
Business Framework – Case Studies, Regulatory Landscape, Pricing, Policies and Regulations, New Product Launches. M&As, Recent Developments
Competitive Landscape – Market Share Analysis, Market Leaders, Emerging Players, Vendor Benchmarking, Developmental Strategy Benchmarking, PESTLE Analysis, Value Chain Analysis
Company Profiles – Overview, Business Segments, Business Performance, Product Offering, Key Developmental Strategies, SWOT Analysis.
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