#hazbindergarten au
the-maddened-hatter · 9 months
No problem. Also, speaking of Adam, what's he like in this AU? Is he like a teacher who'd try to one up Charlie and Vaggie in your Hazbindergarten AU?
Short answer, yes Adam and Lute are teacher and  teacher's aide respectively, and definitely butt heads with Charlie and Vaggie!
I don't think he'd be overtly malicious, but Charlie and Adam do initially have a sort of rivalry, because even though Adam deals largely with high-income & gifted students, he still doesn’t receive much support from principal Luci (Charlie’s father) or any other higher-ups above him and he unfairly believes Charlie is going to end up with some high salaried low responsibility job through nepotism despite his seniority, and this embitterment admittedly gets the best of him and doesn’t really turn down the chance to make her job harder when it presents itself. Because of this, Charlie understandably finds him to be condescending, unhelpful, and unduly combative; but she also unfairly misjudges him as a jaded and apathetic after he refers Alastor to her class at the start of the series because she thinks he’s unwilling to put in effort with more difficult students.
They’re both forced to confront these beliefs when Striker has to be transferred to her class in the middle of the season after developing alarming seizure-linked behavioral issues.
She sees that he’s genuinely doing the best he can to keep his classroom engaging and supportive despite only having a shoe-string budget to work with and that he's documented trying numerous different strategies to be able to keep from having to transfer Striker.
Upon their meeting to discuss the transfer Adam is frustrated and distraught, feeling as though he’s failed another one of his students once again, but after he realizes he’s very much underestimated Charlie’s skill, dedication, and compassion to her students' educations and care after they go over his class documentations and her proposed strategies for integrating and regulating Striker in her classroom together. 
I think once they get to know one another well enough they could become at the very least cordial with one another, maybe even eventually friends after enough time passes.
Bonus trivia: Adam and Lute would be absolute ride-or-die besties, he’s nonbinary and aroace (he uses he/him pronouns), and she’s asexual and they’re in a QPR together and at some point in the series end up getting married for tax purposes.
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hi!! if you're still doing the hazbindergarten au, I assume since you've done moxxie you also take helluva boss requests? if so, can we get hcs for fizzarolli and/or stolas?? ty!! this au is very fun jaja
Hi! Yes, I am still taking requests for the hazbindergarten au! (I just kind of forgot about it, but I still love it lol)
(btw you also get a bonus addition of Blitz and Millie because I had written up hcs for them and forgot to post them)
Blitz: Severe dyslexia & ADHD, he struggles badly with reading and writing, which is later found to be profoundly exacerbated by untreated strabismus that has made him blind in his right eye. His father is hinted throughout the series to be involved in several illegal business dealings and that the environment at home is far from safe. His favorite times of class are P.E,  free play, and art (his art always relates to horses and/or pirates in some way, regardless of the assignment). Blitz has a remarkable ability to cause chaos, even without particularly trying to (though he honestly very often is). He has vitiligo, and is a little bit older than his other classmates, turning 6 early on in the school year. 
Stolas: Born to an extremely rich and secretive family, he was initially enrolled in prestigious private schools, but repeatedly had to be discreetly disenrolled from them when he suffered “disgraceful” ongoing incidents of panic attacks and sensory meltdowns. Once he received diagnoses of autism, anxiety,  his father decided it may be “best to put him somewhere he’ll be out of the way” and enrolled him at the first special education classroom he found (which happened to be Charlie’s). Despite all of this, it does end up being a beneficial decision, with Stolas befriending Blitz almost immediately, and, feeling safe when he’s around him, becoming very relaxed and sociable. He mostly communicates through infodumping and scripting from all of the ridiculously advanced science and astronomy books he totes around with him at all times. His favorite time of the day is storytime and whenever the class takes a field trip to the school library he happy-stims the whole way there. Although he gets embarrassed that he doesn’t know as much “book stuff” as Stolas, Blitz enjoys being classroom buddies with him, with Stolas reading to him, and complimenting all of his artwork.
Millie: ADHD with severe hyperactivity & is profoundly hard of hearing. She has numerous rowdy siblings both older and younger than her, which can make managing some of her behavior in class rather difficult since being fast and loud is often advantageous at home. As the semester progresses she befriends Moxxie and helps draw him out of his shell, and she calms down somewhat around him. Her favorite parts of the day are P.E. and free play.
Fizzarolli: Afflicted with a profound connective tissue disorder that sometimes causes him severe pain. He wears complex orthopedic braces and sometimes requires the use of a wheelchair* when his pain is severe. His family works for, lives on the property of, and is implied to be indebted to Blitz’s father, with the majority of his benefit money his family receives for his medical care going towards their dues to him. He is very cheerful and sweet-natured, but if not engaged he will become restless and attempt to perform contortionist tricks for his classmates, not understanding that it will worsen his joint pain. His favorite parts of class are storytime and P.E. (where he gets to do P.T. exercise games with Pentious**)
*Pentious hates his P.T. exercise games, so Fizzarolli always does his best to make him feel better and have a good (or at least a better) time
**It’s very much a cobbled together DIY wheelchair, made from a plastic deck chair, some bicycle & big wheel tires, and a dismantled shopping cart. Everyone pretends it doesn’t violate 5 different school safety guidelines so Fizzarolli can enter the building when he's using it.
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What're Loona, Striker, and Stella like in the Kindergarten AU?
Thank you for the ask @welcome-to-hotel-california !
 it makes me really happy to see people are still interested in the Hazbindergarten AU even after I kinda let it go dormant for so long!
Second up I’m really glad you asked about Stella & Striker, because that lets me bring up an idea I’d been thinking of for a while! (that’s why it’s so long and why it took me so long to reply, I had a lot of ideas but it took a while to get them typed up):
So I was trying to think of a way to incorporate Adam and Lute and I thought maybe they could be the teachers of a different classroom within the school, maybe one that doesn’t deal with “problem” students like the ones Charlie and Vaggie oversee, and that would include characters who wouldn’t fit in as well/don’t have a major enough role to fit into the Hazbindergarten setting while still letting them have a role or cameo in the series. 
Stella I think would be in Adam’s classroom, but she would know Stolas from her parents and his parents doing a lot of business together and they have “playdates” outside of school (heavily implied to be build-up for an arranged marriage. She initially has a crush on him, but the more she’s pushed into their courtship the more their dynamic warps into a controlling, bullying dynamic on her part. She frequently tries to force Stolas to play house with her, and to go around with her on the playground at school recess, and he understandably absolutely hates it. For a long time Stella is the only kid Stolas ever really gets to be around outside of his much older siblings who barely tolerate him, but once Stolas joins Charlie’s class and is able to interact with Blitz he becomes more able to stand up to her behavior. For a while she bribes Striker with some of her lunch to make Stolas play with her instead of Blitz, but her teachers eventually put a stop to it when they catch Striker and Blitz fighting because of it. Unlike in the actual show, I think Stella could have her behaviors addressed and go on to develop some genuine friendships with other characters (maybe even eventually Stolas) once she’s able to understand that it’s wrong for almost most of the adults in her life to be so insistent that she form a connection with this other young child who doesn’t seem to want to be around her and for her to be punished when she “fails” at that. She still needs to amend her behavior, but she doesn’t have that same degree of calculated cognition canon Stella has. 
Since Loona is Blitz’s kid in the real show I initially wasn’t planning on incorporating her or Vee, but picturing Blitz & Stolas playing house together I thought it could be cute if they always have a wolf and an owl plush that they pretend are their kids, and later on in the last episode of the series is a time jump that shows Blitz and Stolas dropping off their kids on the first day of school and it’s two daughters that are very obviously versions of Loona and Vee.
Striker would be one of Adam’s students at first, but eventually has to be transferred to Charlie’s class. He’s one of Adam’s few lower income students and he clearly has some at-home issues, such as often “forgetting” his lunch or periodically missing school for a few days with little explanation given. He lives in a rural part of town with his great uncle, the local sheriff’s brother, because he was supposedly the result of an affair one of his parents had.  After one of the aforementioned absences he begins to develop severe mood swings, swearing, paranoia, and seemingly random severe behavioral episodes (which are later revealed to be frontal lobe seizures). The closest thing to an explanation of what happened Charlie or Adam ever get is that there was an accident of some sort out on the farm and that the sheriff “handled things” afterwards.  Striker has a lot of trouble adjusting to Charlie’s classroom at first, behaving aggressively and stirring up the other students, but he does eventually settle in as he comes to appreciate the fact that on the whole he can relate to his new classmates’ more than he could with the kids in the first classroom, that he can still play with Stella at recess, and that he isn’t having to struggle as hard to keep up when he misses school. He warms up to Vaggie much faster than to Charlie since he thinks that she’s cool for having so much military knowledge and she’s able to use this to curb some of his initial behavioral issues. His favorite parts of the day are music time, P.E, and snack time because now snacks are being provided in-class instead of only those packed from home. 
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the-maddened-hatter · 9 months
Is Lute like an assistant to Adam in your Hazbindergarten AU or is she a teacher like Adam?
Lute is his assistant, basically kind of a Vaggie counterpart within Adam’s classroom.
  She’s stricter than he is, but is still very supportive of the students and encourages them to be enthusiastic about their own progress.  Despite easily taking charge in the classroom, outside of that setting she’s actually rather withdrawn and finds social interactions with people she isn’t close with to be very draining.
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the-maddened-hatter · 9 months
Thanks! Now i'm wondering what Ozzie is like in the Hazbindergarten AU since Fizz is in this AU.
Hello! Sorry this took so very very long! My brain didn’t want to work correctly for a stretch and then I got approved for and recovered from surgery but I am back to Hazbindergarten and here is Ozzie! Ozzie would be one of the kids in Adam’s classroom, he’d be from a wealthy family and would be incredibly sweet, and creative, with a booming & dramatic personality! He and Fizzarolli would get to know one another on a field trip when Fizzarolli can’t use the stairs and is afraid to use the building’s elevator after Pent told him an over dramatized story about getting stuck in one, and Ozzie tells him all about riding in the elevators at the fancy luxury hotel his parents own and is able to offset his anxiety, particularly after they ride up together. They quickly become friends after this, having many playdates throughout the year. Eventually in a holiday episode we get to see that Ozzie has numerous parents who are all in a polyamorous relationship with one another, and while the teachers are all initially very surprised it becomes very evident that they are all lovely people who care very deeply for Ozzie and are supportive of his friendship with Fizzarolli. Ozzie’s family begins paying for Fizzarolli’s medical care, and assists his family in finding a better housing situation by paying off their debt to Blitz’s father Cash. Arrangements are also made for him and Ozzie to transfer into a standard class together the following semester as it’s evident that once his health concerns are addressed he won’t need the same degree of intervention in his education. Blitz is initially very upset with Fizzarolli feeling betrayed that they won’t stay neighbors and classmates and believes that it means they won’t be able to be friends anymore, but Charlie and Vaggie eventually help him to see that this is something that will be very good for his friend’s well-being and that their friendship can be more authentic once Fizzarolli’s family isn’t continually in debt to Blitz’s father. It does take some time for them to get over their fight, but eventually Ozzie, Stolas, Blitz, and Fizzarolli are able to reconcile and have playdates together.
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the-maddened-hatter · 9 months
Y'all please feel free to send in asks & requests about the Hazbindergarten AU!
I know I say this kinda frequently, but I think my brain is unfucked for the time being!
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How would Charlie if a living human was dating a demon who happens to be Striker? This is an au with canon Striker being an antihero.
Ok so like no Hazbindergarten. Ok sorry I was kinda confused before lol.
She'd probably think it was cool, probably want to ensure the human is at least safe-ish in hell and would give them a place to stay and resources, try and help them get home if they were stuck or figure out a safe means of accessing mortal & demonic planes if that was an issue, and maybe try to work with them to see what issues mortals have that could be causing carry-over issues in people once they become sinner demons. She'd probably like seeing Striker happy, but want to make sure he doesn't cause problems in the mortal realm or get himself put into too much danger if he goes there or gets into fights with other demons protecting the living human
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What would au Striker be like if you tone down the evilness and make him an antihero?
Are you asking about my Hazbindergarten AU version of Striker? I don't really think he's evil in it, he's just a kid having to learn how to make better choices (and I think he would eventually!)
For a more canon-typical au version of Striker I could see antihero working very well for his character! Personally I already like him, so I'd totally watch/read a version where he gets to act that way
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the-maddened-hatter · 2 years
Hazbin Hotel AU idea: Hazbindergarten!
Hazbindergarten, a human AU where Charlie is a kindergarten teacher for students with disabilities & behavioral problems.  
Charlie: Fresh-faced and somewhat naive, she was given the most challenging class in the school to work with for her first year on the job, but she’s determined to make a difference in their education and their lives!
Vaggie: A former military assistant who’s been working at the school for many years. She was assigned to help Charlie manage her class since she was the only one tough enough sufficiently trained to be able to handle things. Lost an eye while working in the military and now wears an eye patch. Very no-nonsense, but has a good heart. She and Charlie would fall in love throughout the course of the series.
Students (Part 1):
Angel [Dust]: Family is likely involved in organized crime, but there’s currently no proof. Skilled at gymnastics. Rather attention seeking, and prone to misbehavior. Knows far too many swear words. Has a little plush piggie that he’s incredibly attached to. Behavioral problems are likely from prenatal drug exposure (hyperactivity, kleptomania, low impulse control).
Alastor: Raised by his technophobic great-great grandmother in near isolation. Public school was “suggested” for him after his grandmother suffered a fall and a social worker was assigned to the two of them. So under socialized that he was unable to function in a standard class and suffered sensory meltdowns (likely autistic) and remarkably violent outbursts. After working with him for a while Charlie comes to realize that he’s effectively blind and has been masking it to avoid causing trouble for his granny.  Overly proper, but usually remarkably well behaved outside of outbursts. Loves story time & music time. Able to write very well due to playing with antique raised-letter blocks and memorizing the patterns.
Nifty: A combination of severe Hyperactivity, OCD, and an Anxiety Disorder that keeps her constantly in motion. She’s extremely  helpful to Charlie & Vaggie and classroom helper has become a fixed position for her (lest she attempt to sabotage anyone who takes her place). She enjoys snack time, cleanup time, and art time. 
Husk: 7 years old and held back. He is massive compared to the other children height and weight wise, but he does very little with these advantages unless sufficiently provoked. He sleeps as long and as often as he can, and if he can’t get away with that will opt for a quieter activity. Likely comes from a negligent household, as he wears the same dingy, smelly, fuzzy coat everyday. He loves nap time, and snack time (juice boxes are his favorite)
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the-maddened-hatter · 2 years
Hazbindergarten AU (part 2)
Hazbindergarten, a human AU where Charlie is a kindergarten teacher for students with disabilities & behavioral problems. (Part 2, more students).
Vox: Autistic with limited verbal abilities. His parents keep him from bothering them by letting him remain transfixed & stimming to television & tablet games (age appropriate or not, whatever shuts him up). Most of the speech he does have is parroted from ads or programs, and he will not engage in tasks unless he has some sort of device in hand (even a fake/nonfunctional one is apparently fine). Enjoys math & art time (always draws whatever program(s) he watched the night before), and the class’s occasional trips to the computer lab. Sometimes has facial injuries from an older boy that lives in his apartment complex.
Velvet: Just turned 4 years old and was supposed to be attending the daycare down the street. She and Vox live in the same apartment building and bonded with one another to the point that one or both of them kept making escape attempts from their respective facilities to see one another, so she was placed into Charlie’s class as an “advanced educational exposure”. She’s extremely hyperactive, has wild mood swings & meltdowns, and profoundly limited understanding of personal space (even for her age). Her favorite parts of the day are storytime & free play.
[Sir] Pentious: In a motorized wheelchair due to paralysis of his legs. Had relatively low academic success until the school qualified for a junior STEM program, then he almost immediately began improving.  He  also enjoys building with legos & tinker toys during free play. Despite being unable to walk he is able to army crawl extremely fast when not in his chair (Charlie only caught him because he made a wrong turn and ended up stuck in a stairwell). He very much wants to be liked by his classmates, but for the most part they don’t want to play with him because of his clingy behavior
Cherri [Bomb]: Pyromania and severely destructive behavior. She will dismantle electronics, furniture, windows, and toys if left unsupervised for more than a few minutes. Both of her parents have been in and out of prison several times, and are quite frankly unbothered by her behavioral problems (they may even by encouraging it). She enjoys the junior STEM projects, but must be constantly monitored lest she cobble together something dangerous. Her other favorite parts of the day are P.E. and music time.
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the-maddened-hatter · 2 years
Could you do Baxter for Hazbin Kindergarten
Baxter: Autistic and prone to sensory overload, prompting him to wear long, dark, thick clothing to limit tactile input, and dark glasses to block out bright light. He is also rather paranoid about people touching or damaging his things (though given the behavior of his classmates, this may not be particularly unwarranted). His favorite times of day are math time & free play (where he talks to no one and performs “experiments” that he refuses to explain). When people are too close to him for too long he begins to become fidgety before devolving into a chant/growl of “bitebitebitebite!” and attempting to do so until he has been granted what he deems to be sufficient space. He had several permanent teeth come in early and crooked, so he wears large, intimidating metal braces that usually help to scare off his potential targets.
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the-maddened-hatter · 2 years
Hazbindergarten Requests
I'm still figuring out some of the posting system, so just to make sure the Hazbindergarten requests have posted I'm posting this:
For @firecrackerhh who requested Mimsy:
Mimzy: Frequently enrolled in child beauty pageants by her family for prize money. She struggles with depressive episodes, very violent & destructive tantrums, and a disturbing array of attention-seeking behaviors.  She’s desperate for the approval of her peers, but for the most part she drives them away with her behavior every time she manages to somewhat endear herself to them. Her favorite parts of the day are music time & art time, and whenever it’s show-and-tell day she simply has to be first.
She does have some friends though, Nifty adores her since she’s such a people-pleaser, and she and Alastor usually have fun together during music time. She has a non-reciprocated crush on Alastor, and she handles his (very polite) rejections about as well as you’d expect.
And for @george-does-a-thing who requested Angel Dust & Moxxie
I wrote Angel before, but here he is again:
Angel [Dust]: Family is likely involved in organized crime, but there’s currently no proof. Skilled at gymnastics. Rather attention seeking, and prone to misbehavior. Knows far too many swear words. Has a little plush piggie that he’s incredibly attached to. Behavioral problems are likely from prenatal drug exposure (hyperactivity, kleptomania, low impulse control).
And here’s Moxxie:
Moxxie: Gifted, but severely anxious to the point of selective mutism, and is profoundly uncoordinated due to dyspraxia. He loves music time and dreads P.E. He often hides in the reading corner to avoid the more rambunctious students, and will make himself little “forts” out of books & blocks for more privacy. He’s usually very well behaved, but if he’s sufficiently angry at another student he’ll launch projectiles at them from the safety of his “fort”.
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