#hc / tbd probs.
abyssmalice · 5 months
(my drafts are a fucking mess i have no idea what some of my drafts in here even MEAN)
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zealctry · 1 year
“would you still love me if I was a worm” - no. the answer’s always no. ( good news though, he doesn’t hold the same values and perceptions as society generally does. )
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hirudou · 1 year
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ohhh but
something ive been meaning to talk about: the harbingers, and the fact the top three are absolutely no joke. pie/rre, dot/tore, and colum/bina are the most powerful of the fa/tui. with power that is said to rival the gods. and with dotto especially, it's all the more frightening-- considering how much we've already been shown. like ok, clones are really impressive. his in depth understanding of technology too, the fact he can reverse engineer just about anything you hand him??? COOL. but like...we dont know what else he can do. let alone pie/rre and colum/bina. we dont actually know what any of them can do when forced to actually use everything they have.
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oschvank · 2 years
nelliel and lamentation.
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vairuler · 3 years
thinking abt the headcanon that flowers may rot & wilt at gallilea’s touch or presence ,,,
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theharellan · 5 years
As I played through the prologue yesterday, waiting for Varric to ask whether Thora was in the Carta, Solas remarked that they should hurry because his magic could only keep the Mark at bay for so long. Those weren’t his exact words, but they did imply that he was at least helping it not spread further (that, and I think closing Breaches helped it stabilise).
I don’t think Solas had full control over the Mark, he couldn’t take it from you at that point if he wanted to, and I would honestly argue that at this point any mage who excelled with Veil magic could have done something similar. But one thing I wish was woven more throughout Inquisition was Solas’ role in helping manage the Anchor, the related abilities as well as the pain.
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livestrust · 4 years
i was this old when i concluded hilary is,  uhhhhhhhh,  pronounced ee-lah-ree and fuck you all this is why none of you know it bc you never fuckin say it right.  i am you,  i am one of you.  god i’m so ignorant
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lastwished-a · 5 years
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i’m not funny enough to do that twitter ask meme so i made this
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spigl · 7 years
i’m pretty sure they don’t really celebrate christmas? at least the bebop people don’t (THO! i know there’s art of them celebrating) BUT ANYWAYS... i don’t think they’re that festive - maybe faye because of her connection to the past if anything or ed cause maybe some people still celebrated it on earth. but jet would probably mention it or they’d all grab a bite in a restaurant if they’re making a stop (nothing too pricey bc LETS BE REAL). anyways invite the bebop crew to ur pad it’ll be a blast; they’ll eat and probs end up making a mess of a bounty head is around 👀
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strideofpride · 3 years
S, love, you’ve probs already talked about this elsewhere but what do YOU think TBD Hart-Kinsella’s name actually became?
Also if you have any further HoD kids hcs I would love to hear them.
Oh there is no doubt in my mind that they named that baby Jack after Wade's mother, I refuse to accept anything else lol. And of course I do lol!
I put this in my fic, but George and AB accidentally have four kids in very quick succession, three boys and a girl, Will, Henry, Simon, and Jane (Jane for Jane Austen, the boys' names because they are both British in origin - let's not forget AB is a canon anglophile! - and basic enough for George lol)
Also I said this before, but Jane grows up to be a lesbian firefighter like Jaysene lmaooo
Lemon and Lavon have two kids, a boy and a girl, the girl named after a flower of course
I go back and forth on whether or not Zoe and Wade ever have more kids tbh, so I don't have a definitive headcanon on that but I do really love the idea of Zoe, Wade, and Jack being this tight cute little family trio living in the carriage house forever lol
And I sent those to you already, but I am obsessed with the headcanons another blog came up with about Wade having a feminine son and Lemon having a butch daughter, and them helping the other deal with that, it's just *chef's kiss* I love to think of the characters still being challenged post canon
I don't think Crickett and Jaysense would have kids tbh (Crickett was married to Stanley for 10 years, if she really wanted kids she probably already would've had them) but you just know that they are the favorite aunties of all those kids cause they spoil them rotten lol
(Also let's not forget that Tom and Wanda's baby is only a couple months older than Jack - Wade and Tom are TOTALLY dad friends lol and one year Zoe and Wanda compete to the death to be room mom rip)
The kids all grow up really close in age - Jack, the oldest, and Jane, the youngest are only 8 years apart with the rest of the kids somewhere in the middle there (I think with previous headcanons I have Lemon & Lavon's first kid being born about two years after Jack, and then AB & George's first kid being born about 6 months after that kid lol)
But anyway so lots of family brunches and events and holidays spent together as well as one awful group vacay lol. Pictures before school dances, picking each other's kids up from school, Jack and Lemon & Lavon's kids basically growing up in the same house together...yeah. It's about the found family!
On the one hand, they would be practically raised like sisters, but on the other...imagine Lemon & AB's daughters dating...Blairena energy (okay wait also Derena energy tho rip)
distract me from me
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zealctry · 1 year
Hidan’s exactly the type of guy who will trash his whole apartment in a fit of rage. . . . then curse himself repeatedly as he tidies everything up, because it’s a small hellhole and he has to live there so he doesn’t have a choice. ( and he never learns, he’d do it again. )
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fragilemxnds · 4 years
Was that [SOFIA BUSH]? Oh no no, that was just [HELA], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [THOR / MARVEL ]. They are [1700+ / 33 ] years old and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
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How long has your character been here?
a few days. fresh af bby.
What is your character’s job?
none yet, will probs buy a funeral home and only throw cool fun funerals.
Where has your character been pulled from in their fandom?
i’ll be basing her story off of the mcu version, but pulling in details from the comics ... but she was pulled after her defeat on asgard in ragnarok.
Has any magic affected your character?
nah, hela knows alllll bby.
And any other information you might find useful for us and the other members to know:
like her brother, she is an agent of chaos. she is 100p that person in among us that just shouts a random color and gets them kicked.
doesn’t know why she is here but after her defeat is just trying to have fun. she isn’t stuck in hel anymore and is living it up
she do be a flirt tho, so watch yo mans and womans.
her morals aren’t that great ... dont trust a ho
kind of bitchy, kind of witchy, but a whole lot of fun.
will brag to anyone that will listen that thanos has a crush on her. 
likes powerful people and will try to surround herself with them. ( kind of a wc: just a group of like... not so great ppl that sometimes hang lol )
more tbd. i’ll probs make a hc list at some point.
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fus-ro-nah · 5 years
Genderfluid s/o HCs with the Konoha Founders + Izuna
Okay, so there's nothing I can find out there for these boys being with a genderfluid s/o, which is kind of disappointing. I know genderfluidity is pretty damn uncommon, but I am genderfluid, so who better to word vomit this stuff?
Also, they all have happy endings, because I like happy endings.
Probably SHOULD have edited them first, but ehhhhh...
First, Hashirama.
When they first tell him, he has no idea what it is.
After they explain it to him, he's like "Oh. Okay." It doesn't really matter to him, because his s/o is still his s/o, right?
He's not sure why it was a big deal for them to tell him? Like, he still loves them. That's not going to change with a few words.
Still respects the fact that it took a lot of courage and trust for his s/o to tell him.
He's really considerate about it. He asks his s/o what their specific pronouns are every day over their morning tea/coffee. He never forgets a day.
Very supportive, encourages his s/o to not be ashamed of their non-assigned genders. Funds separate wardrobes for each of his s/o's genders. Not enough room for them? No worries, he'll use his Mokuton to expand the house! Probably gifts his s/o with walk-in closets for each gender. Literally whatever puts a smile on their face. All his exuberant support is probably a bit much for his s/o to take at first, honestly.
Totally unashamed to walk around with them dressed ambiguously or as different genders. Very protective.
After a while, he really starts getting excited about it. It's so cool to him that his s/o has multiple genders. Who else can say that? He thinks he has bragging rights.
Low-key excited to try out sex with the different genders;)
All in all, he is really accepting and just thinks of it as another thing that makes his s/o unique.
Next is Tobirama.
Does not compute.
What? How? Since when?
Thought there were only two genders. Thinks sex and gender are the same thing.
At first, he thinks his s/o is telling him their junk is retractile.
*Confused snow leopard noises*
Doesn't like not understanding, and it makes him very grumpy.
The man's going to need a break from the s/o to rationalize the development in their relationship.
The s/o will begin to worry that he will not come back, because he takes so long to think things over.
He eventually reaches a point where he still doesn't know what to do about it, but is really frustrated with himself for his mind being in a gridlock for so long. He will eventually just realize that he misses them. A lot.
Honestly, his s/o will probably have to approach him to get an answer if he will continue the relationship. The man's too prideful to go back to them himself, and he would never stoop to "crawling back" or do anything remotely like admitting that he overreacted.
He still doesn't have an idea of what to do about it (doesn't realize he doesn't have to do anything). He assigns his s/o they/them pronouns and moves on with his day.
Honestly, the man is a bit of a prude already, so sex is gonna have to wait for a while. T minus tbd on the next frolic between the sheets.
Now Madara.
Thinks they're joking at first.
He realizes they're not and honestly doesn't know how to react. Definitely needs some time to digest what his s/o told him.
His fallback emotion is anger. Like, why didn't he know that about them already? Why would they wait so long to tell him? Did they not trust him? His own thoughts probably just make him angrier. He honestly is just really hurt by his own thoughts...? At least for a while.
He'll probably outwardly blame his s/o for his pain and anger. Not verbally, he just avoids them for a good while. It only makes him miserable and lonely on top of everything else, but he's too stubborn to admit it.
With his irritability on the rise, avoiding his s/o, and a lack of sleep due to his detrimental thoughts, someone else will have to reason with him. It's probs Hashirama.
Balks at the idea of "assistance" from Hashirama, so it might take another few days to hear his friend out. Immediately denies anything Hashirama says to him, but later thinks things over by himself. He'll realize that his s/o telling him when they did was a sign of trust, not a lack of it. He'll understand he's overreacting and misses them.
Once he decides that he's had enough of the situation, he'll visit his s/o. He'll probably bring a gift to buy his way into some time to talk to them. Some food or a new weapon. Something practical, but not too flashy so he doesn't look desperate for their companionship.
They will work things out, but they will probably both have to reaffirm the other’s trust again. He's just glad he didn't lose them. He's low-key terrified of that.
Honestly, he's not too keen on keeping up with their pronouns, so he will just call them they/them unless his s/o tells him otherwise that day.
Will incinerate anyone who gives his s/o a dirty look while they are a non-assigned gender in public. They're his s/o, not the stranger's, so don't even look at them. He doesn't tolerate it.
He'll be a bit wary of sex for a while tbh. But he likes to give as good as he gets, so after the two of them begin exploring sexual intimacy again, he'll find that he enjoys all of his s/o's genders in bed;)
Finally Izuna.
Knows exactly what you mean when you tell him. Even though he didn't know for sure, this sly little bugger already figured something of the sort. He's observant and intuitive like that.
Really appreciates that you told him. Doesn't really mind, but is a little awkward at first.
Tries to accommodate the s/o. Not very good at it, and often just refers to them by their assigned gender, but he tries.
At first, he's a little wary of them being a non-assigned gender in public. But after he gets used to being around them as a non-assigned gender, don't mess with his s/o. He'll eviscerate anyone with a smile on his face for them.
After he gets over his awkward stage, he does lots of little things to support his s/o, like picking up random articles of clothing (for different genders) at the market for them and splitting the house chores evenly.
Very good at supporting them without being suffocating. Respects their space, but definitely there 110% to listen if they are having any issues, socially or otherwise.
Honestly, he's probably kinky af, so he's low-key excited to spice things up in the sheets with his s/o's different genders;)
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chantillystained · 8 years
sometimes  i  sit  here  &  think  about  all  of  the  headcanons  i  have  regarding  carter  &  polly  cooper  &  sob  . 
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perpetualxfire · 6 years
 (... i need to draw a chart of my hc for carolina’s hair in different verses tbqh)
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stainlesstetsu-a · 7 years
★;, Nyello just watched T.hor rag.narok and tomorrow I will have time to finish the blog before archiving this one! Hopefully
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