#hdm x oc
Northern Navigators
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To say that Lyra was excited for the Gyptian’s arrival in Trollesund would be the understatement of the century. They were getting closer and closer to the north with each passing day! And also getting closer to finding Rodger! Lyra was overjoyed! The town beyond Maggie’s boat held any number of surprises and she and Pan were bursting to find it out.
“You’ve already looked at it from that direction.” the daemon said, attempting to move the paper in his human’s hands a different direction.
“Alright! Hey!” the woman said, moving the large piece out of the way.
The two of them made a strange pair, sort of. The woman had a large backpack strapped to her back, seemingly loaded down with all manners of previsions. She might as well have worn a sign that said, ‘I am not from here.’ That, and the fact that her daemon was probably one of the largest most of the people in Trollesund were used to seeing. A reindeer, regardless of proximity to the north, was going to stand out. Neither of them really seemed to mind though, focused more on the map in the woman’s hands. 
“I’m not deliberately taking a long time, you know that right?” the woman asked, “I’m trying to get my bearings here.”
“And you’ve been doing that for about ten minutes.”
“It would be a lot easier if the map was labeled.”
“Sure” the reindeer chuckled.
“Hush you” the woman chuckled back. Then she went back to cross referencing.
It was then, that a little girl walked near them. “What are you doing?” she asked.
The woman with curly brown hair pulled the map down away from her face. She had a brown coat wrapped around her waist, no doubt to be worn when it got colder (not that it was really warm at all now). She had sensible brown trousers and sturdy looking boots along with an evergreen button shirt with the sleeves rolled up past her elbows and a pair of brown suspenders. She looked every inch an adventurer. 
“Well,” the woman said, answer the short haired blonde girl, “I’m supposed to be reading this map.”
The reindeer beside her made a snorting sound, she looked over and smirked at him momentarily.
“But,” she said back to the girl, “It doesn’t have any words on it.”
“That’s silly” the girl responded.
“A little, but it just takes a bit of time. You just have to know what you’re looking for.”
The reindeer daemon nudged her shoulder with his snout, carefully avoiding her with his antlers. Fine, the gesture said, I’ll concede, you win. 
“If you don’t mind me asking, darling. What are you doing all the way out here by yourself?” the woman asked.
“I’m not alone,” she said, pointing to two men talking quietly to themselves beyond her, “I’m traveling with some Gyptians. We’re searching for their missing children.”
“Well,” the woman said, frowning, “I sure hope you find them... what’s your name?”
“Lyra, and this is Pan.” Lyra gestured down to wear a small white ermine wiggling his nose at her. 
“Pleasure to meet you Lyra. Pan.”
“What’s your name?” Lyra asked.
“Libby. Libby Lancaster. And this is Elliot.”
The reindeer smiled as best as he could, bowing his head to Lyra and Pan. 
“He’s the biggest daemon I’ve ever seen. I didn’t know they settled as animals that big” Lyra said.
“He always liked animals about this size growing up,” Libby mused, “I suppose that says something about me, doesn’t it?”
Libby folded up the map and crouched a little, getting eye level with Lyra. “You know,” she whispered, “My mum always told me that it was because I have a bigger personality. I’ve come to believe that’s true. If Pan settles like Elliot here did, Lyra, people are going to have some things to say about you. I’m telling you, don’t listen to word any of them say. You should never feel ashamed for you who you are. If they want you to be less, that’s their problem.”
The two ladies shared a smile before Lyra’s name was called. The men she was with motioned for her to join them and Lyra nodded, quickly turning to Libby.
“Good luck with your map, maybe we’ll see you on our journey!” she said.
“Maybe! Good luck finding your friends, hopefully we do see you around. You could introduce us.”
With that, Lyra ran off to join her adults, leaving Libby and Elliot smiling after her. Libby leaned back, resting herself on Elliot as she looked up at his face.
“What a nice little girl” she said.
“I hope we do see her again, she seems like fun” Elliot agreed. Libby smiled with a laugh, before unfolding the map again.
“Now where were we?”
Little did the two navigators know, they would be seeing Lyra again very soon. 
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Anyone who writes Lee Scoresby fanfiction is fully respected by me and I need that person to live. Thank you all. Hope there will be more of you, because I'm starving and re-reading old ones
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hi everyone! me again! so i’m here today to appeal for an rp of one of the following fandoms!! i prefer to double up with oc x canon pairings [i.e. i play your love interest and my oc, you play my love interest and your oc], so unless you’re super keen to only play my love interest for some reason, that’s what i’d like to do! my love interest will be listed after the fandom!
-criminal minds [preferred romantic interest is david rossi. i am all caught up and will play anyone as your love interest besides any unsubs!]
-the x files [romantic interest is either skinner or byers from the lone gunmen, depending on who you’d prefer to play, although a love triangle or poly dynamic are also welcome if you have multiple love interests too! i have seen all episodes of the show and both films so i can really play anyone for you!]
-his dark materials [the hbo/bbc television adaptation. preferred romantic interest is lee scoresby. all caught up on the show and have read the books. am willing to play an oc love interest for you for this fandom as i know there’s not a ton of good options. will not play lyra or will romantically bc they’re meant to be minors]
in terms of rules, all i ask is that you’re descriptive, you’re friendly but not weird, and that you like to plot and discuss headcanons!! also please don’t ghost me. please. also please don’t reach out if you’re under eighteen, as i’m twenty-three! i’m fine with nsfw content, just discuss that stuff with me first so we both know what we’re comfortable with!
think that’s everything! thank you for your time! if you’re interested or have any questions, please send an im to this account and i’ll get back to you!! <3
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insanityxofxmuses · 1 year
12 Years Ago || His Dark Materials || Asriel x Jupiter
A/N: aaww i get to do one back then? or wait... i got an idea. hehe
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Jupiter was looking over a paper Asriel had been writing, something to do with his research on dust. she was leaning back on the edge of the table and noticed he had gone quiet. had he left the room?
she lowered the pages, to look around the room for him, and startled when she found him looking dead at her. his piercing blue eyes, peering into her soul is what it felt like to her.
her lips part in a small gasp, and she almost loses the pages in her grip. she looked down, fumbling with catching the papers, and he comes up closer to her. his hand catching hers and taking the pages and putting them down on the table. his face getting close to hers.
Jupiter was frozen stiff with how close he was to her. her heart was racing, and she knew her cheeks were bright red. her eyes glanced quickly to find the door to his study closed, which was something new.
"A-Asriel?" she stuttered out and he chuckled. he hadn't let go of her hand and he brought it up to his face, moving her fingers out of the way to kiss her palm softly. she gasped. she was quite confused.
his woman was just in the other room, swelled with their child, and he was here, making advances on Jupiter? he moved to put her hand on his smooth cheek, and put his own fists on the table on either side of her, and pressed against her.
to say Jupiter felt faint, was an understatement. her breathe left her lungs as she felt him press against her and his lips kissed the nook of her neck under her ear.
"shh it's ok" he whispered in a deep and husky tone, right by her ear and she felt weak in the knees, the only thing holding her up was the fact that he was pressed against her. "i have been noticing how you act around me, and when i am not with you."
Jupiter's eye lids flutter closed and a small noise escapes her throat. he smirked at her reaction and kissed up her jaw, and felt the woman grip at the front of his shirt. he paused with his lips brushing hers. "do you want me, Jupiter?" he questioned, his lips barely grazing her lips and it made her lose it.
"Please?" she breathed and tugged weakly at his shirt. he pulled back only a little, to admire the sight of the Gyptian woman seemingly begging for him.
"we can't today, but soon." he finally said, his tone more primal, and he dipped his head down to finally kiss her lips. this earned a moan from the Gyptian and he felt her squirm, her hands finding their way under his shirt.
the feeling of her nails dragging on his chest, made him moan into her mouth, and his hands moved to her hips and lifted her up to sit her on the edge of the table, nestling himself between her legs. her skirt was short, and road up her thighs. he moved a hand to her hair and gripped tightly, tugging it enough to make her open her mouth wide in a surprised gasping moan.
Jupiter couldn't help it, her thighs squeezed around his waist, and her back arched to press herself against him more.
Jupiter woke up and found herself laying on a bedroll next to Lyra and sighed. it was only a dream, memory of 12 years ago. the first time Asriel showed romantic interest in her.
she sat up and licked her lips, wondering why in the world would she dream up that particular memory?
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polinsquinn · 3 months
idea from: https://x.com/cowboy_bebop___/status/1773918378094202973?s=46
look at this! the tweet was so Dorcel coded so I have to do something @lordeasriel
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geneticcatalyst · 30 days
oh no for all the aus ive stuck my ocs in i never thought about daemon/hdm universe until just now and it sounds basic but i think this is a crow x pitbull mutt situation and then i thought of pup daemon very carefully carrying crow and now ive died forever.
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silcntsinners · 11 months
Narcissa x John (oc)
Mary x John Alden (I need to rewatch but I used to write him)
Regina x Jim halpert
Marisa x my HDM muses
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pffft, no I didn’t start watching His Dark Materials and then immediately after start looking into animal symbolism for character creation purposes
That’s silly, who would do that?
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insanityxofxmuses · 1 year
Prompt: "I've missed you" || His Dark Materials || Jopari x Jupiter
A/N: hmm.... let me see what i can do ..
Jupiter stood leaning against the wall, allowing Will to see and talk with his father. she watched the two, and smiled at how Jopari cared so much about his child. unlike Asriel, who abandoned his own.
she was looking at the floor and spaced out, not noticing when Will had said his goodbyes, and left. she gasped at the feeling of a hand caressing her cheek.
"hey you." his voice instantly soothed her as she bit her lip and looked up at his face.
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"Hey, I've missed you." she whispered, trying to hold back tears.
"shh, i know, Jupe." he says, wrapping his arms around her to try and soothe her.
it was a weird feeling, knowing he was dead but she felt him holding her. she gripped the front of his shirt tightly. "but i had to join Lyra, when he said she was going to the land of the dead. i just needed to see you again."
"sh sh, I know." Jopari nuzzles into the nook of her neck and holds her tightly.
"I never let Will and Lyra out of my sight, and if i'm not with them, Artemis is." she started to ramble.
"Listen to me, i know. it is alright. i am ok. i need you to be strong, and help Will." he stands up straight, looking down at her and smiles. "can you do that for me?"
"of course, John, anything for you." Jupiter said quickly, nodding and putting her hands on either side of his face, moving to play with his hair. this caused Jopari to actually close his eyes and hum.
"Jupiter, stop worrying about me, Love. I will be free of this place soon." he smiles, and dips down to kiss her forehead. "i promise, you will be alright. Even with him. you will find a way to tame him."
"but, i don't want to. i want you." she pouts.
Jopari chuckles and cups her cheek. "Darling, you are the only other woman i have ever loved as deeply as i did with Will's mother. but you need to move on from me, i can't go back with you, it will upset the balance." he told her. his voice was calming as he explained a few more things she needed to remember. when he was done, he dipped down to kiss her on the lips one last time before they had to separate for good. "i love you, Jupiter. now go."
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insanityxofxmuses · 1 year
Prompt: "I know you still love me.." || His Dark Materials || Asriel x Jupiter
A/N: fuck.. I know this will cause a huge mess.. but I'll do it... Spoiler Jopari is alive in my fic.. so here I go..
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Asriel watched, as a familiar looking woman came in. her booted feet, and baggy clothes gave the impression she was definitely the gyptian woman from his past that he hadn't seen since leaving that world.
"well if it isn't the Gyptian woman, who use to love coming into my office or lab to learn?" he smirked as he slowly looked up to her face. she didn't look happy.
"Hello again, Asriel." she said, her tone was low, he smirked at that fact he still had an effect on the woman. there were only specific people who didn't call him 'Lord Asriel'. that would be Marisa Coulter, Marisa's sister, and this Gyptian woman named Jupiter. Jupiter was Ma costa's younger sister. "destroy anymore children lately?"
"now, wait a minute, that was one time..." he said, "i have found a new way of doing things."
"sure." she simply said and that was when he realized there was another person in the room with them.
"Who is this?" he asked, finally taking a look at the guy he just realized was holding hands with His Jupiter. Asriel's jaw tightened.
"Oh? you mean Jopari? i mean John Parry? he is my boyfriend, Asriel." she moved closer to Jopari and leaned into him, wrapping an arm around him and leaning up to kiss him. the sight of her with another man started to piss Asriel off.
Jopari smiled down at jupiter and glanced over at Asriel. he couldnt help the smirk that formed on his lips.
"I didn't realize you had any relation to Lord Asriel, Jupe, Darling." Jopari said.
"Our relationship has always been.... complicated." Jupiter said, looking back up at Jopari. "may i have a minute alone with him. to catch up?"
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Jopari kept his arm around her, glancing over at Asriel again. "you sure?" he asked and looked back at Jupiter.
"yes, love, I'll be right back out in a few moments. go check on Lyra and Will." she told him, and he nodded slowly, dipping his head down to purposely kiss her deeper, his fingers entangling in her hair and tugging, resulting in a small moan escaping her. Asriel's hands form fists, and Stelmaria rubs against his leg to calm him down.
Jopari then leaves, a bit of a smirk on his lips as he saw the reaction he got from Asriel at how Jupe responded to him. he could tell Asriel was jealous.
"Oh Asriel, you can't be acting like that now. you treated me with disrespect, i was just a way of getting your frustrations out. you never loved me, i know that now." Jupiter says. "and i never can forgive the crap you are pulling."
Asriel moved around the workbench and towards the Gyptian woman, she stepped back but could not go far, she was pressing her back against the wall now. Asriel tower over her and her breathe was shaky now.
"I know you still love me." he said in a husky low tone, with his head dipped down by her ear. Jupiter closed her eyes and gulped. it had been too long since she had seen this man now towering over her, she had forgotten just how much he effected her.
"maybe so, but you never claimed me, when you could have so many times. you could have shown me real love. but you never did." Jupiter tried to stay calm and stand her ground, but when she spoke those words, his hand shot out quicker than she ever expected and she let out a small noise that was a mix of a choke and a moan. her eyes rolled back and her hands gripped at his wrist.
"you are so easily effected by my touch, Jupe." he growled and used the nickname the other man had used for her. "you can't tell me I'm lying about that. just look at you, woman." he chuckled and let her throat go.
"you are mad, you have completely lost yourself." she said through the gasping. she knelt down to swing her leg around and trip him to make him land on his back. which he did. "i did love you, at one point. my body may react to you now still, but that doesn't mean you own me. Jopari makes me feel loved when he touches me. you? use to make me feel loved, but now i realize it was just lust. you never loved me." she stood from a kneeling position and looked down at Asriel. "goodbye asriel."
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insanityxofxmuses · 1 year
"What are you working on?" || His Dark Materials || Asriel x Jupiter
A/N: hmmm...... let me think here..
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Jupiter was sitting with her legs propped up on another chair, crossed over each other. she had been drawing in her sketch journal and didn't hear the man enter the room.
"What are you working on?" Asriel's voice breaks the gyptian woman's concentration and suddenly there is a dark line across the paper, right across the drawing itself. she had no time to hide it, or put it away. he snatched the book from her and gave it a once over.
"Asriel, must you always ruin things?" she blurted out, and watched in horror as the man actually started to really look at her drawing of his face.
"you really are obsessed with me still, huh?" she heard him say smugly under his breathe. she blushed, her eyes now looking down at the floor. "you know you shouldn't be in this room." he said, tossing the journal into another chair, away from her. Stelmaria and Nox nuzzling in the corner of the room.
"no one knows i am here, except you now." she muttered and stood up, she went to grab her book, and was stopped. the arm wrapped around her waist deftly, freezing her in her tracks.
"Where are you going, Jupiter?" he asked, bringing her close to himself.
"you said i wasn't suppose to be in here, so i was going to take my book and leave." she said, trying to stay calm with how close he was to her, after all these years of him not being around. she gulped, and heard him chuckle, as he moved his arm up to cross over her chest and hold her by the shoulder. the other hand on her hip.
"no one will be here for a bit, why not stay?" he almost cooed into her ear, before dipping his head into the crook of her neck and shoulder to leave a wet kiss there. she let out a sigh and then grit her teeth.
"i must go, Asriel." she breathed and he gripped her tightly. resulting in a squeak to escape her throat, and she could her his breathing get heavy.
"how many drawings how you done of me, Jupiter?" he asked, his tone darker, and she couldn't tell what he was wanting to gain from this interaction.
"why should i tell you?" she managed to spit out and she heard him grunt, or was it a growl? his hand across her chest, moved so it wrapped around her throat in a sweet way, that made her eyes role back.
"because you always seem to tell me exactly what i want you to." he growled into her ear, and a sigh left her. his grip tightened on her throat ever so slightly, and she let out a small moan, her hands moving quickly to grip at his wrist.
there was movement from the corridor and he quickly lets Jupiter go, she quickly reaches for her book and leaps out the window and sits on the outside sil, back against the wall. Nox follows suit and lays down on the sil.
"are you alright?" Nox's voice makes its way to Jupiter's ears, as she lays her head back and rubs at her neck. the feeling of Asriel's hand still fresh.
"fuck!" they heard Asriel swear under his breathe, he had just realized she made it out of the room. Jupiter grinned at his expense.
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