#his dark materials oc
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Rae Writes!
Indeed she does! She writes on Tumblr, she writes on AO3, she takes requests on occasion! And here she'll link you to all of the fics she's done, with accompanying hashtags and playlists where applicable!
This will be updated as time goes on, but for now I'll be starting with my bigger fics <3
Banner by @late2000shistoricalreenactment i love youuuu
The Mandalorian [Star Wars]
His Dark Materials
Baldur's Gate 3
👤Original Character Fic
📄One Shot
📑One Shot Compilation
📚 Multi-Chapter
🪐Alternate Universe
Alexandra's Evolution 👤📚
Alex Hart just wants to pass her exams. That's all she wants. To pass her exams and [eventually] get her doctorate. And she should have some advantage in that, given that her uncle is her professor’s partner. But then Connor Temple turns up with a suspicious newspaper and convinces Nick Cutter and Stephen Hart to follow him to the Forest of Dean, where a government official called Oliver Leek is waiting for them. Him, a dinosaur, and a portal to the past.
- Tumblr Links (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-?) - AO3 Link - #alex hart - General Playlist - Linear Playlist
The Anomaly Detection Device 📑
Collection of short works written with the help of a random generator I made!
- AO3 Link - Random Generator Link
His Dark Materials
Sanchez & Scoresby 👤📚
A hot-air balloon is on its way North, to Trollesund. Far below them, on the sea, a Gyptian boat sails in the same direction. On the boat is a girl who will change the world and in the sky are two adults who will guide her to her destiny. Their paths haven’t crossed yet, but they soon will, and once they have they’ll never diverge.
- Tumblr Links (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-?) - AO3 Link - #kit sanchez - Playlist
Opus Number One 📄
Just. Soft, chill times with Will and Lyra. Also me being a music nerd and a big fan of Will knowing how to play the piano
- AO3 Link
The Mandalorian
Second Star 👤📚
The Mandalorian finds himself in need of help. Shortly after finding the Child, he realises he isn't exactly cut out for care-taking, but he needs to keep the Child alive until he can deliver him. Luckily for him, he's found an ally in Kuiil the Ugnaught, who knows someone that might be able to help.
- Tumblr Links (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-?) - AO3 Link - #okan the unknown - Playlist
Baldur's Gate 3
Greensleeves 👤📚
Xaph has come crashing to earth with a mind flayer tadpole embedded in her skull. She must find allies, forge friendships and brave the wilds to find a cure for the parasite, a journey which will prove even more perilous than initially expected
- Tumblr Links (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-?) - AO3 Link - #xaph [tav] - Playlist
The Yawning Grave 👤📄
On the sixth anniversary of the defeat of the Absolute, the party - minus one - gathers in Baldur's Gate to celebrate. Xaph [Tav] introduces her firstborn child to Karlach
- AO3 Link
Necromancin' Dancin' 👤📄
Dana can't sleep, and finds Wyll dancing by the campfire. He invites her to join him and inadvertently sparks memories of Dana's love-life pre-tadpole
- AO3 Link
It Will Come Back 👤📚
Gortash has a safehouse in the Outer City where he conducted most of his business before he began to slide up the scale of Baldurian aristocracy. A window on the second floor can no longer be locked because acid had melted the latch away to nothing years ago. He refuses to fix it. It's how Dana likes to let herself in
- Tumblr Links (1-2-3-4-5) - AO3 Link - #dana [durge] - Playlist
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pffft, no I didn’t start watching His Dark Materials and then immediately after start looking into animal symbolism for character creation purposes
That’s silly, who would do that?
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chardysstuff · 2 months
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The Hobbit/His Dark Material Crossover
I rewatched His Dark Materials and thought, why not do a little crossover ??
So here’s some of Thorin’s company + my oc with their daemons!
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dt75artblog · 1 month
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his dark materials au... her name is maisy.... hop hop...
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oakthcrn · 4 months
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A woman like me has a sword for a tongue, night in the heart, and room in the body for only the mysterious--the impossible, unfathomable things.
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thatonecrookedsmile · 4 months
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From the depths of the studio - where darkness prevails and the voices of the puddles grow louder - a message is echoed to the rest of the world. A promise filled with hatred and,at the same time,with conviction. Words coming from someone who was more than confident that their blasphemy would come true.
A message that is directed to one creature,and one creature only...
"I will become the very being You never could be"
----- "A Promise Sent from Below" - Return to the Studio AU.
Oh hey, I have an AU, I forgot about that (lie)
I've had a similar idea in my head for a month now. It wasn't possible to do it last month, but no problem. May would make more sense. I did something with this little guy for 414 last year, and I wanted to do something with him again. April 14th of this year would not be possible, but May 14th or 15th? Oh yes. These dates are better because it was between these two (actually it was the 14th I think, but I consider both dates) days that I created this guy above! Consider this drawing a celebration made for…well, me. Of course, he wasn't created with the design above in mind. His original, main design is quite different from this alternative (and less original) iteration. The drawing above shows his current situation in the "current" moments of the RTTS AU.
His creation, which dates back to 2020, was the result of some Bendy-related thoughts of mine intersecting on the day. These being about new things in canon lore that came out at the time (plus speculation about this new information), a theory that at the time I started to understand better (which maybe based on the drawing, you probably know which theory I'm talking about ) and a funny bug found in one of the games (do you remember Ghost Bendy by any chance?) And then,boom. I created Atlas. I remember at the time I was thinking of other names for him because Atlas was just a codename that I had in mind to refer to him while I thought of a definitive name for the guy. But the codename ended up sticking. Plus, Atlas is a cool name and I wanted to give an OC that name.
Even though some details changed over time, I think I eventually managed to solidify his place in the AU. Not that his story is 100% thought out and completed. Hell, my AUs that I have are still not 100% thought out either, so what to expect from their characters. But I think that, currently, I have at least decided on the general idea of his place and purpose in RTTS, and I am happy with what I have come up with.
I don't know when the next time will be that I will show him again. In general, showing things from my AUs is not and probably will never be my strong point lol. But I'd like to draw him again eventually. So uhhhhhhhhhhh, one day. When that "one day" will be, it's up to you to decide
Happy Birthday Atlas. You and your other 2 alternative versions are cool to think about. Here's to another 4 years of chaos for you. 🙌
I can't believe it's been 4 years now, damn.
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recklessmoss · 2 years
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still big wips but i have nothing new of note to show so, rough sketches of Lyra and local dad bear
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theokusgallery · 10 months
okay okay i need to learn about arsenic lore what is that
Funny you'd ask, Toaster, I was wondering whether to make a post or a side blog or just start posting about him in more detail. Anyway, here's some elements of his story as I'm currently picturing it :
Arsenic's story is a deeply unhinged one, and is heavily linked to his (unhealthy) relationship with his Sunny, who doesn't really have a name besides Sunny.
Nick is a dark character. He's not a nice guy, he doesn't try to be, in fact the basis of his character is that he's an obsessive, controlling, manipulative asshole.
He is 18 when he meets Sunny through mutual friends. Friends is a big word, actually -- let's say he's 18 when Sunny hangs out with his friends, who happen to know Nick, and awkwardly introduce Sunny to him.
Now, Sunny's a nice guy, if a bit shy. This Basil guy is weird and kinda creepy, sure, but Sunny's been called weird and creepy for being autistic several times, so he decides that maybe Nick just needs a friend ! Sunny's totally not attracted to people who intimidate or scare him, no sir-ee, he's just a nice dude who happens to have attachement issues and oh would you look at that, Nick has successfully manipulated Sunny into being emotionally dependent on him. And Sunny is fully aware of it. But he's still undeniably emotionally dependent on Nick. Oops.
And so the story of their unhealthy codependent toxic sludge of a relationship begins.
(As for what happens to their eyes-- I want to make it a comic. But they both have two perfectly healthy eyes when they meet.)
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littlegalerion · 1 year
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When you change up your look to impress/match your Bhaalspawn girlfriend-
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Sanchez & Scoresby Chapter Thirteen: Resurrection
Fandom: His Dark Materials Warnings: Discussion of death, blood, injuries [not super detailed] Wordcount: 4.7k
Kit convinces Will to postpone the search for Lyra until Lee wakes up, and then aids her friends in recovery while they form a plan
Read on AO3
Will wakes to the sound of singing. A soft, two-part harmony accompanied by a rhythmic hammering sound. It takes him a while to understand that that is what the sound is, a while to remember all that’s happened and where he is. In a tent, in a canyon in a world that isn’t his own. Lyra’s gone, but he’s found two…aeronauts, one half dead and the other an explosive enigma. Who is. Singing, it seems. Will shuffles out of the tent, trying not to make too much noise. The sky is blue above the rocks, he must have been asleep for a good long while. The singing is clearer now he’s out of the tent, and it’s quite obvious that it’s a working song even though he doesn’t understand the language it’s being sung in.
Kit’s been awake for hours already. Eli’s on guard for Lee while Kit strips branches of their leaves and smaller sprouts. She’s made a perimeter fence to their sanctuary out of branches and stones. Her rekindled fire crackles under their deepest pot, a batch of eggs she’d found bobbing in water just beginning to boil. Slices of bread are speared on either end of the stick holding the pot up, kept warm and slowly being toasted by the nearby flames. Will can see the fire but not Kit until she walks past the tent with something small and grey in one hand and another pot of water in the other. She kneels next to Lee and sets to cleaning his wounds, her song slowing as she works until it’s more like she’s talking to him than anything else.
“Good morning, Parry,” the lynx drawls as he stretches, “Or rather, afternoon. How’s the hand?”
“Leave him be, E. He’ll have needed the sleep,” Kit speaks to him but doesn’t turn from Lee, “The eggs need a couple more minutes, but take as much bread as you want, it’ll need eating before it moulds.”
“Thanks,” Will replies, “Can I…help with anything?”
“I’ve got it handled. I’m good at this,” Kit sits back on her heels and gestures vaguely at the clearing, “But I’m not so good at this,” she waves her hand between herself and Will, “so I ask your forgiveness for that. Lee’s a lot better at…people.”
“Why the fence?”
“It’ll keep grounded predators out. Snakes and so on. I’ve set a couple tripwires, too, so watch your step if you go out.”
“You’re prepared.”
“I’m almost outta bullets is what I am. I’ve lost one kid, I ain’t taking chances with you. Or him.” With this Kit returns to her patient. Her daemon mumbles to her in Spanish and she replies to him in kind. Will pulls his shoes on and wraps his father’s coat around his shoulders before leaving the tent altogether, zipping it closed after himself. He moves slowly towards Kit and the sleeping Lee, not wanting to startle her out of her conversational mood. “Go eat your breakfast, Will.”
Their day passes in slow silence. Kit is indeed well prepared and well practiced in the act of survival, as preoccupied as she is with Lee. She doesn’t talk much, and when she does it’s in Spanish mumblings to her daemon or her friend, it makes Will feel like he’s an intruder. He doesn’t know these people. All he knows is that Lyra trusts them, and that’s just going to have to be enough for him until Lee wakes up. If he wakes up. Will’s not sure what will happen if he doesn’t. The only times Kit stops moving are the long stretches when she sits with Lee, and that’s when Eli takes up a patrol. Otherwise she has spent her day fortifying the barrier between their party and the rest of the gorge, constructing a shelter for Lee in case of rain and a pit for a fire nearby. Will had caught snatches of a conversation with Eli about not wanting to move him, not knowing enough of what she can do. Shortly afterwards she’d spoken to him for the first time since the morning to ask if she might tend to his hand. She’s trying to keep herself busy. Will can understand that, so he lets her pull his remaining fingers almost out of joint again and rewrap his arm. This she does methodically with her tub of bloodmoss ointment, pan of clean water and bottle of something clear that smells like it’s strong enough to peel paint but she drinks from it when it comes up in the cleaning rotation. 
“I can show you how to use a knife. If you want.” Kit offers after several minutes of silence. Will’s eyes are pulled to the missing fingers on the hand working on his wound. Kit doesn’t acknowledge this, instead choosing to add, “You should at least learn how to parry…Parry.”
“Very funny.”
“I’m trying my best here, kiddo,” Kit wags a finger at him, “But I can help. I’ve gotten pretty good at tying shoelaces with half a hand,” she gestures at the boots that have remained untied all day. Lyra had been doing them for him, “I had to rely a lot on Lee when I lost the first two. By the third I’d adjusted.”
“What happened?” Will asks. He knows it’s a mistake in a second. Eli’s ears go back like Moxie’s would when she’d decided Will’s hand was the enemy. “Sorry.”
“It’s alright. You can ask questions, just don’t expect answers to all of ‘em.”
“I…Lyra said you had…something to do with the witches?”
“I’m a witch’s daughter. Unfortunately. Witches have been havin’ kids with humans for centuries. They carry ‘em and then leave ‘em with the human parent to raise. If it’s a boy, that’s how he stays. Human. But if it’s a girl? The witch is supposed to come and collect her when she’s old enough for the clan to unlock her magic. My ma don’t like picking up her trash.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Quit apologisin’ kid. ‘S ancient history. Nothin’ you could change,” this is said softly, as she tucks in the end of Will’s bandage. Kit sits back and restarts the whole process on her own left arm, “This one I lost to a Tartar when we were tryna spring Lyra from the Gobblers. She tell you about that?” Will nods, “They use axes an’ Lee was outta bullets. They’d have split ‘is head in two-” Kit remembers then who she’s talking to, “Shit, I’m sorry, you’re a kid, I shouldn’t…how old are you?”
“Old enough,” Will replies, “Lyra said as much about the Tartars. Your world sounds a lot more casually violent than mine. Or maybe it’s just Lyra’s friends.”
“You’re her friend.”
“I was going to attack you when I met you.”
“I attacked you first.”
There’s the heavy silence of things unsaid while Kit checks on the stump of her left ring finger. She’s doing her best, really she is, because Lyra did choose this boy and Kit needs his help to find her, and she’s certainly improved on socialisation and interacting with children since she met Lyra but she’s damn near her limit and her injuries are aching again. She’d collected edible herbs and fungi that had seemed familiar from her world, but she doesn’t know what she’s going to do with them. If she was honest with herself she was hoping she could recreate Serafina’s painkiller, but Kit has no idea what she put into that. There’s no bloodmoss here, no saltmint and no opop flowers. Those are the natural painkillers Kit knows best. She doesn’t want to risk wasting the last of their Babylonian medicine on anyone but Lee, though she’s held herself back from trying to treat him with anything but the halodrops thus far.
Will watches as Kit’s gaze drifts from her hand to her friend, her entire being softening as she shifts focus. Her fingers flex and relax and her shoulders sink instinctively. Eli is curled up in a ball at Lee’s side, the very tip of his tail twitching back and forth. The hare that is Lee’s daemon is still lying on his chest, rising and falling with his breaths. At least she’s stopped shedding Dust. He’d seen a few of the sparkling particles rising ever so slowly from her body yesterday. The setting sun burns bright in Kit’s eyes, picks out strands of hair that shine almost gold in the light. Another gold glint catches his attention. A ring, plain and solid, on the middle finger of Kit’s left hand. Undoubtedly a wedding ring. Lyra hadn’t mentioned that. Will pushes himself up onto his feet with his right hand, pulling Kit’s focus from Lee to him.
“Tomorrow’s your last day. If you’re coming with me to find Lyra, we have to move on tomorrow.”
Kit just nods.
They’re running out of time. They can’t sit here forever, Kit knows that. She’d promised Will, and every hour they sit here Lyra could be getting further and further away. Worlds away, even. Kit doesn’t want to have to pick a direction to run in. Both are equally intimidating. Either one could lead to life without Lee and that is not something she can allow. She’s sitting beside him now, gnawing on jackfruit jerky. The last of their food from India, Eli had found it at the very back of one of their cupboards. It’s disgusting but it’s got to be eaten. She’d given Will more of last night’s quail. He’s asleep. Will, that is. He’d crawled into the tent once he’d eaten, Kit isn’t sure if he was tired or if he just didn’t want to sit in silence with her any longer. Maybe there’s a book in his pack. Eli had been circling the tent for a while but now he’s settled somewhere behind it. Everything is quiet now, the sun almost entirely gone. She should really light a fire but she doesn’t want to get up. A few nocturnal creatures have begun to emerge, she’s heard some owls. Kit watches the sun set the trees ablaze with her hand resting on Lee’s head, repeating the same motion over and over again to smooth his hair. He’d never let her do this if he was awake, he likes his hair looking as windswept as possible at all times. Thinks it makes him more interesting. Kit’s forever trying to flatten it. Hester’s ear twitches and Kit’s breath hitches, but nothing else happens.
She’s thinking about Jopari. She doesn’t see much of him in Will, but maybe she will in time. He hasn’t taken his father’s coat off yet. She’s pretty sure he sleeps in it. She doesn’t blame him. The man was a legend to Will. As mythological as he was to Kit and Lee, probably, but from a different angle. Magic doesn’t even exist in Will’s world. Kit had adjusted to feeling the prickly breeze that accompanied Jopari’s magic. Everything feels so still down here. She’s lived in the clouds and wind patterns for so long. At least she can hear the leaves rustling. But Jopari, he’d created a different kind of wind around the balloon. As cryptic as he’d been. Downright creepy, that last night. Like he was reading her mind. She hadn’t liked it, and now she’ll never know how he knew exactly what she wanted. Or how much of the events of that night had been caused by him, and how much by that other witch. Or who the other witch is. Or if she even really existed. There are just far too many questions for her to answer on her own and Jopari can’t answer them for her now. Not that he’d give any answers that would make any sense. Just more waffle about luck and potential and heritage and-
Kit sneezes. The twigs in Lee’s fire pit burst into flames.
“Well shit.”
Kit wakes up in a cocoon. Rather confused, as a matter of fact. The cocoon is very dark and very warm and very soft. It takes her a while to identify it as her coat, pulled up over her head. She doesn’t want to leave it, but she has to know what’s going on outside. She should have been keeping watch. She can’t remember exactly what had happened the night before. There had been a strange dream, and another, and then now. In the cocoon. Kit pulls the coat off her face to see a high sun made patchy by scattered cloud cover. Neither she nor Will have seen it rain in this world yet. A pile of ash sits in the nearby fire pit instead of wood. Eli’s forehead is pressed to hers.
There’s an arm. Tight around Kit’s middle, the hand shoved up under her side between layers of clothes. A leg is lined up perfectly with hers, knee pressed to knee. She can almost feel a pulse beating at her back she’s being held so tightly. They’re breathing together in those moments while Kit processes and catalogues.
Kit wriggles and rolls until she finds a face. Lee’s face. Lee’s face. Quite without thinking, she slaps him. 
“Cheese ‘n motherfuckin’ crackers, let a man sleep.”
“You’re not dead, you’re not dead, you’re not dead-” Kit’s voice squeaks and she isn’t ashamed of it, not even when she flings herself at her friend like a toddler. Hardly a second later she shrinks back, cursing, realising she has no idea how extensive the healing process had been and about to ask a million questions. Lee just pulls her in and tells her to shut up. Kit can’t quite tell if he’s just hugging all the breath out of her or if she’s crying until Lee pushes away and starts dabbing at her face with his gloves.
“Hey. Hey. I’m okay. I’m okay. Okay.” Lee repeats versions of these statements over and over again to try and get through to Kit, who finds her hands at either side of his face, squeezing just to feel his jaw moving as he speaks. He’s moving. She hadn’t really expected him to wake up, she realises now. She hadn’t accepted the odds, but she’d certainly calculated them. But he is awake. He’s alive. And asking where he can wash, “All this dried blood’s a might uncomfortable.”
A task. That, Kit can handle.
“Can you stand?”
“Kit, I feel fine.”
“Fiddlesticks.” Kit sets her arm under Lee’s, seizing his hand in a vice grip and taking on as much of his weight as he’ll allow. Hester has nestled herself in the crook of his other arm, the loudest sign of his weakened state. “There’s a stream not far from here. Eli, watch the kid.” The lynx had made a point of not touching Hester or her human, not wanting to overwhelm the situation, but he bumps his head into Kit’s knee before taking up a post outside the tent.
“Kid? Who’ve we adopted now?” Lee asks. Kit grimaces.
She won’t tell him anything until they’re at the stream. The trip takes longer than usual. Lee isn’t as steady as he’s putting on and Kit’s taking extra care, but eventually they’re settled. Sitting in the stream in their underthings, like they used to do in the creek back home after school in the summer, Lee’s clothes pinned under rocks on the bank to dry. There is a wound on his chest where the bullet had hit, but it’s not as scary as it should be. It’s not completely healed, but it’s not infected either. It needs a good clean and a few stitches just to make sure the skin knits back together as it should.
“You’re lucky folks like a good scar, Scoresby, ‘cause this is a hack job.”
“I’m sure you’re takin’ care to make it my most attractive feature.”
“Of course.” There’s no mark on his back and no way to tell what internal damage has been caused bar Lee’s descriptions of discomfort and pain, which he is of course hugely downplaying. Hester’s curled up on the bank, eyes closed and ears upright.
“Kit? What happened? Who’s the kid? Where’s Lyra? I mean, how am I still alive, too? I want to know that.” Lee tries to keep the questions soft but they inevitably tumble out. Kit sits back and shakes soil out of her hair, trying to order her thoughts.
“Serafina came for us. Took us to that clearing. Fixed up my arm. I…some weird shit has been happenin’ Lee. Shit I don’ really understand. She hadn’t touched you. Left you to die, an’ I wouldn’t let her, so she. She tried a spell, and she asked me to help.”
“Help ‘er do magic?”
“It worked,” Kit makes a routine of dipping her hand into the stream and wetting a curl of hair to twist around her fingers, “I dunno how much help I was-”
“You cain’t do magic.”
Kit crawls across the stream to pull something out of her jacket pocket. She returns to Lee and holds the flattened bullet out to him, 
“All I know is that Serafina was sure you would die, and then she asked for my help and this…appeared in my hand.”
“Shit, that it?” Lee picks it up out of her palm, “You…you magicked this outta me?”
“Serafina certainly seemed mighty surprised the spell worked.”
“Didn’t Jopari help? Can’t he explain it?”
“He’s dead.”
“He’s what?” These are the first words Hester’s said, and Kit’s not sure if it’s a sign of shock or of recovery.
“He’s dead,” Kit repeats, “He got shot the same night we did. He wasn’t as fortunate as us.”
“He…are you sure, have you-”
“I’ve seen him. He’s about a mile that way.”
“Fuck me.” She knows that he’s thinking the same thing she thought when she’d heard. They’d both risked their lives for him and come so close to death themselves. But at least, at least,
“He found the bearer.”
“Well, that’s something, where is ‘e?”
“Back at camp. In the tent.”
“If the bearer’s in the tent then where’s Lyra?” Lee asks. Kit plucks the bullet from Lee’s hand,  stands and wades back towards the edge of the stream to put it back in her jacket pocket. Mostly to stall. But Hester’s sitting on the bank, doing that thing where she sits stone still and stares straight through her victims. Even the twitching nose can’t alleviate the instant guilt that overcomes her targets, regardless of whatever crime they may or may not have committed in her eyes.
“Kit. We came all this way. Jopari is dead, we almost died. Where’s Lyra?”
Silence yawns as Kit gathers herself, unable to look her friend or his daemon in the eye when she eventually admits,
“I don’t know. But I couldn’t leave you to go find her.”
“I couldn’t, Lee. I couldn’t,” There’s a loud slosh of water as Lee stands, but Kit steps out of the stream entirely to avoid his judgement, “She’s gone. She was here, and now she’s gone again. I couldn’t get to her in time.”
“This ain’t your fault, Kit,” Hester’s voice is as soft as feather down, “You had to make an impossible choice and you…you stayed with us. You believed we would come back. Now you know she was here, and we can find her together. With the bearer. You found him.”
“He found me. Thought we were Magesterium,” Kit tells them. Lee’s quiet, processing. She understands that. He’s letting her explain everything so he can react to all of it instead of bit by bit, but there’s just so much to try and understand and she’s not sure she’s creating a very coherent timeline of catastrophic events. Who knew so much could happen in three days. She cringes, remembering one more thing, “There’s something else.”
“Hit me,” Lee tells her, “I don’t think it’s possible to shock me anymore.”
“The bearer’s name is Will Parry.”
It’s hours after lunch before everyone’s on the same page. Now, Lee’s leaning against the wall of rock he had previously been lying beside, keeping to low-energy tasks as per Kit’s orders while the other two sit closer to the fire. Will had found a notebook in the depths of his pack and has been scribbling in it while Kit’s been trying to string together the events of the last three days, matching her experiences to his. He’s managed to construct a solid timeline of his time in this world. Lyra, Kit, his father. These people knew his father. He’s figured by now that Kit doesn’t like being poked by questions, but Lee’s more open to it. They can’t tell him much. They hadn’t known him long. Only long enough to find Will himself. The cord that inexplicably ties all of them together is as thick as his wrist and each of them can only see a few yards of it at a time. Will had taken note of the prophecy he’d had Kit repeat for him in exchange for telling her about his dream of the angels, which she just nods and hums at.
“So we’re all agreed we’re goin’ after Lyra, right?” Lee asks.
“We’re all agreed Asriel can go fuck himself.” Kit says, poking the fire with a stray branch to stir up sparks. Will grunts in agreement.
“Right, so our only real question is where we’re gonna go. Is Lyra in this world or another one, because if she’s in another one we’ve gotta find the door, yeah?”
“Can your knife find the doorways or only make ‘em?” Kit asks Will, nudging him with an elbow.
“I’m not sure, I only know how to open and close windows,” Will answers, “But if someone has taken Lyra into another word, there won’t be many options. I can only access a few certain worlds. From here I can get to my world, and yours, maybe a few others. I don’t think someone would have taken her to my world though. No one knows about her there but people from your world.”
“It’ll be too unpredictable with daemons anyway, you don’t have them.” Lee points out. Will nudges Kit back,
“Also, Kit would get arrested for carrying a lynx around if we tried going there. I was surprised Lyra didn’t get caught with Pan…” he hesitates, his gaze catching on the bootlaces Kit had triple-knotted for him earlier, “But I don’t know who took her.” Uneasy glances pass between the Texans. They know. Kit’s known, but she’s kept it to herself out of selfishness.
“It ain’t the Magesterium. We stopped them. Asriel doesn’t give a shit, we were only meant to be here for the knife.” Kit breaks down the suspects while her daemon meanders back towards the group, pausing to check on Hester on his way.
“It’s her mother. Not to make light but I’d put ten bucks on it.” Lee cuts to the chase.
“You don’t have ten bucks.” Eli tells him. 
“Not the point,” Hester interjects before the cat-daemon can pick a fight, “Did Lyra tell you about her mother, Will? About Mrs Coulter?”
“I met her.” Will answers.
“My condolences.” Eli mutters.
“She’s not good people, Will.” Hester says softly. Will nods, thinking. During this pause, Kit flips the fish she had been cooking over the embers of the fire. Kit had caught them before leaving the river, and Lee had prepped them for cooking. Held together by sticks, fish none of the three humans could identify are almost ready to eat.
“So we go to your world. Don’t we? We look for a window, or I cut through, and we start asking.”
“Yes, yes, yes, no,” Lee’s head tilts from one side to another with each answer, “Askin’ around’s as good as painting a target on our backs. Magesterium and Asriel have eyes everywhere. The former wants Lyra’s blood and Asriel will put his own experiments before Lyra. And apparently there are fuckin’ angels lookin’ for us too.” Lee pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Is he that heartless? Asriel?” Will asks, looking up from his hand to meet Kit’s eyes.
“Yes.” Both aeronauts answer at once.
“Couldn’t we go through the doorway Asriel made to get back to your world? Maybe that’s where Lyra’s mother took her.”
“That door takes us to Svalbard, and we don’t have no way off that hell, balloon’s gone.” Lee tells him.
“If Mrs Coulter’s split from the Magesterium, she’s not going to get far with Lyra on her own,” Kit reasons, “But I cain’t guess what her plan would be.”
“We should move further away from the city. Away from the Spectres. That’s the direction the witches were taking you in anyway, maybe they knew of an open doorway.” Kit doesn’t like to admit that the witches might have had a feasible plan, but she agrees with Lee, knowing that with their foresight they usually have safeguards in place should said plans fall apart.
“But I can just open a door.” Will points out.
“Yeah, kid, you can, Mrs Coulter cain’t, she’ll be relyin’ on the tears that already exist. She knows our world best but she’s damned smart, she’ll be able to adapt to other places. Like your world.” Lee explains. Kit pushes herself up onto her knees and carefully removes the fish from above the embers, passing Will and Lee a stick each.
“Eat.” She says. Will opens his mouth and starts to say something. “Eat, Parry. No use to Lyra hungry.”
They had talked circles for so long that it’s dark by the time fishbones and sticks are smoking in the dying fire pit, the strange new constellations embroidering the night sky. Will, at the end of the day still a child despite everything, is denying exhaustion even while his head nods and his eyes close. Hester and Eli manage to coax him into his tent, Eli rearing up on his hind legs to catch the zip in his mouth to close it behind the boy. Kit’s resisting sleep too. The adrenaline and stress she had been running on has abated now that she has confirmation Lee’s alive, can reach out and touch him. She hasn’t stopped doing that, patting his arm or his leg or his chest like she expects her hand to just phase through him. Eli’s been doing something similar with Hester, batting her with a paw when he walks past her in a way he hasn’t done since they were children. The four of them sit together now, against the rocks that had sheltered Lee for the last few days.
“He’s Jopari’s, huh? Can’t say I see much of him in the boy.” Lee mumbles once Will’s gone to bed.
“He’s just as fucking stubborn, I’ll tell you that.” Kit replies.
“I think he’s more than met his match with us then.” Lee’s taking advantage of Kit wanting to be in contact, sitting with an arm around her and rubbing her bad shoulder with a loose fist. It’s a good pain. He watches the stars and Kit watches Hester’s breathing.
“I can’t sleep,” Over an hour passes before Kit whispers these words. She repeats herself. Lee’s hand moves to her hair and her head tips so she can see his face, “If I sleep this might be a dream-”
“It’s not.”
“-and you might be dead-”
“I won’t be.”
“-and when you’re going to hell you’re taking me with you, damn it.”
“We’re going to hell?”
“I don’t think we’re in the Authority’s good books, Lee.” This makes Lee laugh, but Kit sniffs. She’s crying again. He hasn’t seen her cry this much since her sixteenth birthday.
“Hey. Hey. Hey, turn over, come this way,” Lee slides further down the rock, manoeuvres Kit so she’s using his chest as a pillow, “Hear that? Hear that heartbeat?” he draws his knees up to keep Kit in place, pulls at his coat to cover her as well as him, “You listen to that.”
“I love you, Lee, but you don’t half sound stupid sometimes.”
“Just do what I tell you, just this once.” She does. Slowly, slowly letting herself relax. For a few minutes her fingers are twitchy, until they find hems and cuffs of clothes to hold. Her legs stretch, like a cat’s does when it finds a warm spot. Lee takes his hat off, sets it on the ground. Kisses the top of Kit’s head. Eli rolls to mirror his human. “Sleep, Kit. I’ll take first watch.”
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Northern Navigators
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To say that Lyra was excited for the Gyptian’s arrival in Trollesund would be the understatement of the century. They were getting closer and closer to the north with each passing day! And also getting closer to finding Rodger! Lyra was overjoyed! The town beyond Maggie’s boat held any number of surprises and she and Pan were bursting to find it out.
“You’ve already looked at it from that direction.” the daemon said, attempting to move the paper in his human’s hands a different direction.
“Alright! Hey!” the woman said, moving the large piece out of the way.
The two of them made a strange pair, sort of. The woman had a large backpack strapped to her back, seemingly loaded down with all manners of previsions. She might as well have worn a sign that said, ‘I am not from here.’ That, and the fact that her daemon was probably one of the largest most of the people in Trollesund were used to seeing. A reindeer, regardless of proximity to the north, was going to stand out. Neither of them really seemed to mind though, focused more on the map in the woman’s hands. 
“I’m not deliberately taking a long time, you know that right?” the woman asked, “I’m trying to get my bearings here.”
“And you’ve been doing that for about ten minutes.”
“It would be a lot easier if the map was labeled.”
“Sure” the reindeer chuckled.
“Hush you” the woman chuckled back. Then she went back to cross referencing.
It was then, that a little girl walked near them. “What are you doing?” she asked.
The woman with curly brown hair pulled the map down away from her face. She had a brown coat wrapped around her waist, no doubt to be worn when it got colder (not that it was really warm at all now). She had sensible brown trousers and sturdy looking boots along with an evergreen button shirt with the sleeves rolled up past her elbows and a pair of brown suspenders. She looked every inch an adventurer. 
“Well,” the woman said, answer the short haired blonde girl, “I’m supposed to be reading this map.”
The reindeer beside her made a snorting sound, she looked over and smirked at him momentarily.
“But,” she said back to the girl, “It doesn’t have any words on it.”
“That’s silly” the girl responded.
“A little, but it just takes a bit of time. You just have to know what you’re looking for.”
The reindeer daemon nudged her shoulder with his snout, carefully avoiding her with his antlers. Fine, the gesture said, I’ll concede, you win. 
“If you don’t mind me asking, darling. What are you doing all the way out here by yourself?” the woman asked.
“I’m not alone,” she said, pointing to two men talking quietly to themselves beyond her, “I’m traveling with some Gyptians. We’re searching for their missing children.”
“Well,” the woman said, frowning, “I sure hope you find them... what’s your name?”
“Lyra, and this is Pan.” Lyra gestured down to wear a small white ermine wiggling his nose at her. 
“Pleasure to meet you Lyra. Pan.”
“What’s your name?” Lyra asked.
“Libby. Libby Lancaster. And this is Elliot.”
The reindeer smiled as best as he could, bowing his head to Lyra and Pan. 
“He’s the biggest daemon I’ve ever seen. I didn’t know they settled as animals that big” Lyra said.
“He always liked animals about this size growing up,” Libby mused, “I suppose that says something about me, doesn’t it?”
Libby folded up the map and crouched a little, getting eye level with Lyra. “You know,” she whispered, “My mum always told me that it was because I have a bigger personality. I’ve come to believe that’s true. If Pan settles like Elliot here did, Lyra, people are going to have some things to say about you. I’m telling you, don’t listen to word any of them say. You should never feel ashamed for you who you are. If they want you to be less, that’s their problem.”
The two ladies shared a smile before Lyra’s name was called. The men she was with motioned for her to join them and Lyra nodded, quickly turning to Libby.
“Good luck with your map, maybe we’ll see you on our journey!” she said.
“Maybe! Good luck finding your friends, hopefully we do see you around. You could introduce us.”
With that, Lyra ran off to join her adults, leaving Libby and Elliot smiling after her. Libby leaned back, resting herself on Elliot as she looked up at his face.
“What a nice little girl” she said.
“I hope we do see her again, she seems like fun” Elliot agreed. Libby smiled with a laugh, before unfolding the map again.
“Now where were we?”
Little did the two navigators know, they would be seeing Lyra again very soon. 
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archesa · 10 months
New ask game!
What would your OC's daemon be?
(For those unfamiliar with His Dark Materials, the book series by Philip Pullman, a daemon is a living projection of a person's soul, in the shape of an animal. The daemon and their human are bound, in life and death, and apart for very few exceptions cannot be physically away from one another further than a few meters or so)
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roleplayfinder · 1 year
Hi! I’m 26F looking for an RP partner across different fandoms. If any of the fandoms/pairings below interest you, please like this post and I’ll reach out. (The character in red is who I would prefer to write as). I have a few plots in mind but I’m also happy to brainstorm a plot too!
1. Captain Swan (Once Upon A Time) - Killian Jones x Emma Swan
2. Moon Knight x OC/Canon Marvel Character
3. His Dark Materials (TV show) - Lee Scorseby x Serafina Pekkala/OC/Canon Character
4. Merlin (BBC) - Merlin x Arthur
5. You - Joe Goldberg x OC/Canon
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Anyone who writes Lee Scoresby fanfiction is fully respected by me and I need that person to live. Thank you all. Hope there will be more of you, because I'm starving and re-reading old ones
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ask-ciaphas-cain · 1 year
Open discussion:
If Warhammer 40k had daemons in the His Dark Materials/The Golden Compass sense, i.e. representations of a person's soul in animal form, what would corruption by Chaos look like?
As it's implied that heretics that haven't fully apotheosed to full daemonhood are still in possession of their soul, just that it's owned by their respective patron god, I'm of the opinion that the soul animal daemons mutate the further their person falls to Chaos. They probably have the mark of their god or of Chaos Undivided grow more prominent on their bodies in some way, and apotheosis involves the merging of the person and the soul animal daemon into one singular entity.
There's also the idea that the god would just eat the person's daemon outright, but I don't think that's what happens as in HDM/TGC this kills the man or leaves them as a husk of a person. Maybe that's what Slaanesh did to the Eldar though.
Additional question: What would established characters'/your OCs daemons be?
Cain's would be a hare named Jezebel, who travels in his sash, on his shoulder, or buttoned up in his coat.
Jurgen's daemon would be a very large, very sad looking mutt dog who is far more canny and dangerous than their mangy appearance implies.
Amberley Vail would have a cat or a fox, I'm not sure which.
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wearelondonhq · 5 months
(Lou, 24, she/her) welcome to london, ASRIEL BELACQUA. Did anyone ever tell you that you look just like JAMES MCAVOY? well, no matter, we hear that you are 40 and working as a TEACHER. we also hear that you currently HAVE your memories from HIS DARK MATERIALS and have a tendency to be AMBITIOUS as well as QUICK TO ANGER.
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— WELCOME TO LONDON, asriel belacqua! you look very familiar, do we know you from somewhere? anyways, take your time settling in because whether you want to or not, it looks like you’re going to be living here for awhile! // welcome lou, please be sure to follow our checklist here!
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