#he cant undo it without factory resetting him
wastelandhell · 2 years
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When Val committed to his own sobriety before the birth of Shaun he programmed Codsworth to find and toss any drinks he brings home. Now that he's less motivated to better himself this has gone from useful to annoying.
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D&D One Shot - Getting Meta
I have a one shot coming up, and I decided to do something fun. We are all reletively new to DnD 5e, and I want to push some rules barriers to do something fun or silly.
So I'm pulling from some of my favorite video games (Cuphead, Undertale, Animal Crossing (a bit) and a few others) to make a bizarre little one shot campaign.
Its a string of boss fights with a framing narrative. Here's how it goes:
Welcome to the
Land of the Dead!
Sorry about your untimely demise (inspiration to whoever has the funniest death story.)
The heroes meet two 'pixies', Mixie and Trixie, who teach them how things work. Each boss has a Soul And Vitality Exit Point (or SAVE Point) before you arrive, and you have 4... 3 lives (explained later).
Since you're already dead, if you die again you reconstitute at the last save point. If you run out of lives... you cease to exist!
Then Mixie and Trixie "show them how this world works" by making a save point and killing them all instantly and show they are evil fiends of some sort.
The heroes are saved by The Dullihan, who intervenes as he is the defender of the realm. The rules of the Land of the Dead says each person has a chance to redeem themselves if they're a true hero. With a warning to either not break the rules, or break them all the way, The Dullihan leaves.
The first boss is in a factory where they make the pieces to dungeons and have recruitment for monsters to stock them.
The head of monster resources is a man named John Lichfield, who is the local union rep. John died without his phylactery coming to the land of the dead so he is truely immortal. His boss fight is a survival round, as the players have to survive a 9-5 shift, (each round being an hour, so they have to survive 8 rounds, one of which is a lunch break.) The option comes to either support John's union plan or stage him in an idustrial accident.
After the dungeon factory is the Eternal Dance Crypt (Disco never dies). In here, Lady Dread makes sure the party never stops.
The floor is coded with colored sqares and as Lady Dread steps on respective squares, the ones on the dance floor damage any who are on them. (Players have to learn how to hold actions so they can move in responce.) Once she gets bored, Lady Dread would come down and fight directly while a lazer light show shoots down.
In the end, the players can choose to go to the after pary or leave Lady Dread alone again.
Then there is 1 and 0, two robots powered by ghosts who possess the golem bodies. One looks like Robby the Robot while the other looks like a Robot Lilliput.
Each one has an immunity for 2 of the 4: slashing, peircing, bludgeoning, spells. Every rounnd they switch immunities at random. (Symbols are displayed on their screens.) 1 has to be hit in incremental amounts every time (if is number says 1, he has to be hit once). 0 has to only be hit once a round, but his AC goes up by +1 every round.
Once that goes for 10 or so rounds, they switch their screens to numbers. One can only be hit by even rolls on attacks, and the other by odds.
1 was a stand up comedian and keeps telling bad puns and jokes as it fights. 0 was a drama actor with depression, and always seems to be quoting Hamlet. In life they were robotic but now in death they are living.
The players can either watch their 2 man show or shut them down permanently.
If at any time the players break the game rules, then they find the secret boss gL1+(H. They are reprimanded for "Breaking Rules" or "Breaking the Game" which causes a physical crack in the reality.
They have horrendiously powerful attacks and can use legendary actions to hit automatically for the rest of the round once they hit once. (Undo, Redo). They can also make physical copies of objects and let them fall on the heroes. (Ctrl + C, Ctrl +V, Ctrl + V, etc...). They can flip gravity and do a lot of other bizarre moves.
They are in bizarre suits with four floating hands with no arms. Their mouth is filled with razor shsrp teeth and the top part of their head is a constant swirl of error messages.
Then there are two boss fights depending on their choices:
The Dullihan - "Bad Ending"
If the players cause hurt and pain to the bosses, The Dullihan fights them. He legitmatly cheats, moving out of the way from attacks, deflecting ranged projectiles, making attacks that cant be dodged.
The only way to stop him is to break the area with glitch cracks, made by the players cheating as well.
The Dullihan: "You came here to be something you aren't: heroes. And only heroes get happy endings."
The Dead Angels - Mixie and Trixie "Good Ending"
The pixies reveal why they want to kill the players. If they die, and the level never ends, theres always a chance the game gets played again.
But if the heroes win, the one shot ends and everything they know is gone. Around them are the wrecks of other past games, now dying.
Their second form is the image of two angels with metal chains peircing their flesh, tying them together. They attack like angels and have a few legendary actions they can take, including resetting the players to the save point and then attacking them.
When all hope looks lost, or when the angels die and go to take the heroes with them, all the bosses they helped come in to aid them. The bosses say goodbye, with the comfort in knowing they had such a good time. And nothing lasts forever.
So, any ideas, thoughts, magic items to include?
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guidedbygunpla · 4 years
Chapter 3. Fukushima Exclusion Zone
A Large Part of the city of Fukushima had been walled off in the late 21st century, when the reactor was finally able to be sealed up, after the construction of a sea wall around it, a giant concrete and lead ball was constructed around the reactor. Where once was a shore, was now a giant black egg, great and foreboding, painted as it was in carbon black. The exclusion zone was surrounded by giant concrete walls, with black spikes surrounding it, a part of the Republic of Japans long term nuclear storage plan, so that regardless of what happened to humanity, this place would seem like something to be avoided for the next 20,000 years, something terrifying. The walls covered with stainless steel plates, carved into them warning messages in every language saying to avoid this place, that this was a construction of mans hubris, and to never, ever, try to break through the black, lead, carbon, and concrete shell around the reactor.
               They flew over Fukushima in two medea transport crafts that Canon provided them, one for Catalyst and the GM, and the other for this Brazilian pilot, and his team. She looked out the windows, a foggy afternoon by the sea. Cat had really only met a few Newtypes like herself, and few of them anywhere near as gifted as she. She was excited. The ship switched to vertical landing mode, and its great turbojets swung around causing the ship to rock back and forth in the air. They hadn’t brought too much with them, a lot less than they usually bring when they need the Medea to transport the GM, usually they bring at least a few replacement parts, like joints, a camera lense, a spare visor, and a Samson truck and crane rig to remount anything if it gets dislodged in a fight. But this was just going to be some light sparring and a few attempts to see how well she was suited for full psychic v psychic combat. So they really only had a few things like spare minovski buffers, and some computer equipment to monitor the EEG band she wore under her pilots helmet.                The Medea was bought as military surplus, back when Canon had decided to become one of the major sponsors of the mobile suit sports that started popping up after the war. Initially it was just racing at first, but eventually they too saw the money that could be made in the MSMMAA. When Catalyst had gone to the Japanese government, they reached out to Canon, suggesting they hire her as their fighter. They did, and as the year went on she acquired sponsorships from Gatorade and Yamaha as well, with a few smaller sponsorships coming on later to round out their financial bottom end. That first year she placed 1st in the Japanese regionals, and then placed 4th in the Grand Prix, and had represented the Republic of Japan the last three years, and if qualifying kept going the way it was, this would be her fourth year.
               The medea landed with a thud, near a part of the city that had been bulldozed when it was decided that in the 20,000 year long term storage plan that the reactor necessitated, wouldn’t be able to include anything that looked like dwellings around it, less they look habitable. Even after Japan tried hard to reclaim this city, people never seemed to feel safe coming back, and after Japans population bubble finally burst at the end of the 21st century, there never was really a need to get the city fully up and running again. So they decommissioned the plant and finally sealed the derelict reactor in that giant egg of a sarcophagus. A reminder.                The giant door to the mobile suit hanger rolled up and the ramp to drive the Samson carrier that the GM was strapped to rolled out. Catalyst climbed into the passenger seat, the cab sat 8 with 4 in a front seat and 4 in the back, but she only brought Tenneth, and Dyrik. Figured worse came to worse, if the GM really did get busted up,they could just go get the rest of the team and fly or drive them down here.  The second medea landed not too far away, and its doors rolled up as well. Inside an old Semi truck was tied to a jerry rigged mobile suit platform, holding a quite battered Zaku 2. It looked like the federation had used it as a training suit for new pilots. It was painted all in gray but it had clearly seen a bit of action in its day. The one striking thing about it was, all over it was covered in graffiti, like an old rail car. Just who was this man?
The two trucks stopped at a large concrete slab, it looked like it might’ve been the remains of a warehouse, or a factory, there really wasn’t a way to be sure.                Two men stepped out of the cab of the semi, one quite young, and one quite a bit older. They walked back from the cab and up onto their makeshift mobile suit platform and began undoing what looked like tie down straps that were holding it more or less in place. Her team also disembarked and began the work of disconnecting the GM from the Samson carrier. Once both suits were free the teams walked towards eachother. The younger man had a scar along his left cheek, and steely good looks. The older man had grease stains on his jacket and hands, and seemed to walk with a  bit of unease, like he had a back injury he was trying to avoid exacerbating.                “well, its nice to finally meet you Ms Takahashi, big fan of your work” the younger man said as he reached a hand out to her, she shook his hand                “the names Lucas Oliveria, I guess you guys flew us up here so you could see what it was like fighting another Newtype huh?” he said, his voice accented but smooth.                “exactly, I haven’t gotten to in the last few years in the MSMMAA, but I think there might be a few of them in the Grand Prix this year, figured it couldn’t hurt seeing what its like”                “it is quite distracting, the zeon had a few ace pilots who were expressive during the war, and dog fighting them was a chore, I’ll say that much, having someone able to read your thoughts sure makes it hard to think out a strategy”                “nuff chit chattin, didn’t come all this way to talk bout psychic pow’rs came up here to use em” the old man said shouting at them                “…Antonio, please…don’t be rude” Lucas said to the older gentleman “well….I guess he does have a point, so, what’re the rules here, just sparring, some boxing off and on, and then a few rounds of some real psychic expression?” He asked                tenneth chimed in “that is the plan, I suppose we will have both of you push your powers to the limits and see what its like, if it gets too much just switch the suit to external control and we’ll get you out of there.” Both the coaches nodded to eachother and the teams parted ways. Catalyst went into the Samson and grabbed the suitcase that had her normal suit and helmet in it. she went about pulling it up overtop of herself, and slotting the eeg headband on before pulling the pilots helmet on over top. Dyrick had gotten the GM to sit up, and set up a folding ladder so she could easily climb in the cockpit. She climbed in and began belting herself in.                “did you get any feelings off of him? Is he as strong as the report said?” Tenneth asked over her intercom                “No, I didn’t feel a thing…hope this isn’t a waste of time…I feel like if I really tried to fight him, that old zaku would just fall apart”                “you know what they say Cat, looks can be deceiving, that guys won 19 qualifying matches with it so far, it cant be that bad” Tenneth said as Cat got the suit righted and started the launch procedure checklist.                the zaku stood up off the platform with a jump, its movements seemed faster than zakus usually were. It still looked like it was mostly held together with hope and wishes, but it seemed like there might be something to it as it walked around the improvisred mobile suit carrier
               Cat began sweeping through com frequencies until the Zaku 2’s came into view.                “Lucas this is Catalsyst, can you hear me?”                “loud and clear, so what will we begin with, some sparring….your suits set for boxing and judo right?” He asked, his face showing in a small picture in picture window in the corner of her main screen
               “right and yours shows krav maga and base zeon cqc correct” she asked, pulling his reference file up on her right monitor.                “correct, only so much this suits limited mobility can cope with, but it gets the job done. So what you say? A bit of boxing and then we’ll move into the newtype stuff once we’re comfortable with eachothers styles?” he said taking a drink from a water bottle in his cockpit                “sounds fine to me, ready when you are.” Cat said closing the com channel
The suits flew at eachother, the zaku moved swiftly towards her, throwing a couple quick jabs in at her suits head. She blocked the first away and as the second came in, she threw a cross back catching the zakus snout.                “quick responses, I like it” Lucas said to her, though their comm channel was down she could hear him telepathically                the zaku switched tactics and jumped back, ducking a little, throwing itself at her, its spiked shoulder leading the charge, the Gm catching its leading arm and switching to a Seoi Nage reversal.                “I thought you said we were just boxing” she laughed aloud, knowing he could hear her even without their coms now.                “I think we have a feeling for how we’ll fight now, I see no reason to hold back.” He said as he righted the zaku and stood up. Catalyst suddenly felt like the walls were closing in on her, a sudden panic inducing claustrophobia. She gritted her teeth though, knowing this was just some type of aura push. She charged the gm towards the zaku, cycling through her techniques, reaching her hand towards the zakus face power pipes, and grabbing hold. She pulled the head down to waste height and punched the monoeye hard. Zakus have a combination rangefinder lense. It is both an actual camera as well as a lidar, using laser range finding to map a space in 3D so the suits computer can navigate it easier. Punching one hard can cause it to have to reset, making the pilot blind for about 15-20 seconds.                “clever” Lucase spoke as the zakus leg boosers fired, and it kicked off, rotating out and around the hold, so that the arm of the GM, which was trapped in the power pipe was now pulled up and around its own shoulder, the zaku landing just behind the GM. The room kept getting smaller and smaller, and Catalyst could feel herself involuntarily start to gasp for air, the panic response starting to take hold.                the Gm swing its left elbow back into the zaku, it pulling back further reflexively, and the right arm, still caught in the faces power pipe pulled hard, ripping the power pipe open, the zakus head could now no longer rotate. She spun around to face him. The zaku threw a cross punch, which the gm windmill blocked out of the way, and returned in kind with a jab at the zakus chest. The zaku then swung its leg out, in a sweep kick, dropping the Gm and placing it in a scarf hold. Catalyst gasping now, toggled through commands, and the GM began to implement a reversal, getting the Zaku in an arm bar. The room went back to normal size now, the panic stopping.  Catalyst saw that he was about to try to use his boosters to get out of this, her foresight kicking in, as he was just about to fire, she fired the GMs backpack and lifted them both into the air slightly, so that the zakus legs were aimed right back into the ground, and switching the hold into a make shift pile driver. Both suits froze as their coaches desided this was enough and switched them to external control mode at that moment.
               The zaku was a mess, its head was more or less completely destroyed, and its chest armor was broken open, exposing the frame beneath. The Gm had fared better, but Catalyst isn’t sure she was okay, that claustrophobia was something she would have never guessed was possible. She was still trying to catch her breathe. She waited until Dyrick had piloted the suit back onto the Samson and laid it down to start unbuckling from her seat. The room felt like it was spinning. She could hear Tenneth trying to talk to her, but she couldn’t make out what he was saying.                “Ten, I can hear you, but I cant make out what youre saying….I think I’m having a panic attack or something, im trying to come down from it…..I’ll explain in a bit” she slowed her breathing down, and thought of Ryu and Ohm, good thoughts, trying to cause her bodies involuntarily responses to panic to stop. ______________________________________________________________
The two pilots stood there face to face again, their teams thanking eachother for coming out.                “you fought amazingly well Ms. Takahashi” Lucas spoke after a bit, seeing she was kind of shaken                “it’s Misses takahashi, sorry…..and you did as well Mr. Oliveria. I didn’t know Newtypes had powers like that” she said back, her voice still a bit shakey.                “I haven’t met anyone else who can do it, I am sorry I didn’t reveal what exactly my powers were to you ahead of time, telepathy mostly, but theres also the sympathetic panic response….people say it feels like the walls are closing in on them and then they go into a panic usually, I used to feel it when I was in my plane when I first was learning to fly, I still feel it honestly, but I have learned not to panic. I think its really just an extension of the telepathy, its just sending that feeling out to people. I haven’t seen someone able to keep fighting coherently during it though.” He said reaching his hand out for a hand shake again. she shook it                “heres hoping we see eachother again in the Grand Prix” she said, forcing a smile they watched the medea transport take off, headed back to Brazil. They loaded the GM back onto their medea and took off                “you alright Cat, you seem really shaken up” Tenneth said as they started to take off, Dyrick guiding the Medea up and back towards their homebase.                “I am Ten, that was bizarre, there was another voice in my head sure, I have dealt with that before….but suddenly having someone elses feelings push in on me like that, I didn’t know people could do that.” She said holding her normal suit helmet still                “yea, I didn’t either, sure explains his record during the war though. Cant imagine feeling like the walls closing in on you and going into a panic attack is that conducive to piloting a plane let alone a mobile suit.
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