#he could make me wanna fuck a man with a dirty 80s mullet
The mustache is a no from me.
I mean....
I'm fine with it as long as he takes me for a ride.
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independent-thought-alarm is referring to Dylan's mustache-adjacent look in THESE photos l from the other day.
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jordanlahey · 5 years
“Wake Up.” (3)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader x Steve Harrington, Platonic!the party x reader
Summary: Y/n woke up in the middle of the road, having no idea where she is. Once she finds out where or more importantly when she is she just wants to go home or at least she did.
Warnings: language
Word Count:
A/n: bare with me and my slow ass posting I am working on a schedule! Request will be posted ASAP bare with me please!
Permanent: @doowneey , @m-a-t-91 @fuckthatfeeling , @jitterbuck , @ria132love @pvnk-bivch , @etherealmandi , @pri00r @5aftermidnight , @thisismysecrethappyplace @dtftheavengers , @straycuties9 , @lanijoyxo @fourtyninekirbygamzeegirl
WA: @ivana-franz , @helena-way07 , @asfyhcseryg 
Series Masterlist
You were awoken by the feeling of someone gently nudging you, your eyes fluttered open then you shoot up head butting the person who drew you out of your sleep. The two of you groan at the pain now growing in your heads. 
“Jesus!” Steve groaned “I’ll know next time not to wake you up.” 
“Shit I’m so sorry, are you alright?” You asked, you rubbed your forehead then looked at Steve with a sad expression. 
“Hey it’s okay, it's not that bad.” He looked at you but something told him that that wasn’t why you were sad. “You thought it was all a dream, huh?” There was a little bit of disappointment in his voice. 
“I don’t mean to sound horrible but I kind of did think I would wake up in my own bed and be in my own time with my parents and friends.” You sighed, you didn’t want to hurt his feelings. The doorbell rang snapping the two of you out of the silence, Steve got up to answer it and you were left alone feeling a bit guilty that you might have hurt his feelings. Nancy followed Steve up to his room and you hadn’t moved at all since he left. 
“Good morning Y/n, I brought you some clothes I figured you would prefer jeans.” She put the folded clothes down in front of you and you mumbled a thank you. They left you to get dressed and Steve explained to Nancy that you hoped this was all a dream. You met them downstairs and they gave you a friendly smile that you returned at you returned. “You look gorgeous Y/n, Do you wanna ride with Me and Johnathan or Steve?” Nancy had some kind of hint in her voice to make you go with Steve but that’s what you were going to do anyway. 
“I was going to go with Steve, it’s only fair.” You smile at the ground. ‘Since when did I become a giddy little school girl again?’ You thought to yourself.  “I’ll give the school a phone then what’s their number.” Nancy gave you the number for the school and you used Steve’s phone. “Hi, My daughter just recently moved to Hawkins and we’re hoping she could attend the school here? Her name is Y/n L/n she is 17… We’re hoping she could start today? Magic thank you very much.” You hung up and smiled at your new friends. “Piece of cake.” You shrugged happily and you walked out the front door, waving at Johnathan as you headed to what you assumed was Steve’s car.
Steve unlocked the car and you jumped in the passenger side, he followed not long behind. You looked out the window at some of the houses and some kinds on their way to school which brought a smile to your face, everyone knew each other.
“Are you feeling any better?” Steve’s voice pulled you out of your trance, you turned to look at him with a smile.
“I’m still confused but I don’t feel upset as I was this morning. I’m sorry if I offended you, it was not my intention.” 
“Pfft, I wasn’t offended. To be honest I would have hoped it would be a dream if I woke up in a totally different place.” He assured you. “What’s it like? In 2019 I mean.” You looked at him with a smile.
“Honestly it's a shithole and a mess.” You both broke into laughter. “I’m serious, 2019 has the shittiest music and it’s coping other decades like 80’s & 90’s mostly.” You slumped into the seat. 
“Kinda does sound like crap. All I can say is enjoy it here while you still can.” His voice got quieter as he spoke but you heard him, you nodded and looked out the window as Steve pulled up at the school. In silence the two of you climbed out of the car and headed towards the school. 
“So I’ll head to the principal's office and I’ll meet up with you, Nancy and or Johnathan.” You confirmed and Steve nodded giving you directions to the offices
You left the office with a smile then you looked down at your schedule. ‘Free first then English not so bad.’ You thought as you walk down the empty hall. You notice that the lights started flickering then the cut off and you heard it again.
“Y/n? Where are you!?” You stood still then looked around to find the person who the voice belonged to, well you know it’s Chloe’s but where is she? 
“Oi I’m talking to you.” An annoying voice cut you out and the lights were on again and the corridor was semi full. 
“Great what do you two want now.” You looked at Tommy and Carol with a bored expression, you were close to losing your patience with them. “Actually don’t answer that and let me make something clear.” You square up to the two of them. “Leave me the fuck alone or you two will be the next two missing but this time no one will fucking find you.” You threatened but they took the hint, you shoulder barged passed them and as you walked passed you wiped your nose, you hadn’t even noticed that you got a nose bleed and you hardly got those. Like you always do, you shrug it off and head to second period.  
“Class this is our new student Miss Y/n L/n, do your best to make her feel welcome.” You gave a slight awkward wave and the teacher directed you to a seat at the back of the class. Just how you liked it. You took this time to look at your surroundings: posters on the walls about English techniques and Shakespeare quotes, some students weren’t paying attention like the blue eyed mullet wearing man-whore who’s attention was on you. Billy smirked then winked at you earning him a scoff and an eye roll from you however it did make you smile a little bit but you know better than to mess around with guys like him some things never change. At the party Nancy told you about Billy and it’s not a surprise to you really, his whole demeanor screams confidence and that he can have anyone he wants. 
Before you knew it the bell rang for break and you packed your stuff and headed out the classroom as you walked out you felt weight on your shoulders literally, Billy threw his arm over your shoulders. 
“Hi, can I help you.” You turn your head to look up at him he looked down and smiled at you, not smirk smile. “Stop looking at me like that.” You mumble looking away and you heard him chuckle, as you walked you noticed all the girls giving you dirty looks and Billy still didn’t move his arm off you, you weren’t gonna lie it was kinda nice. Down the hall you saw a familiar head of hair and it made you feel a little warm inside. “Steve!” Steve turned around and his face dropped a little when he saw Billy’s arm around you. 
“H-hey Y/n.” Steve tried his best to ignore Billy but he just had to open his big ass mouth.
“Hey Pretty boy.” Billy smirked and you looked between the two of them, you felt the tension thicken and you kinda felt something was going on with these two. 
“I’m sorry I didn't realise your name was Y/n.” You had to laugh at that and that earned you a glare from Billy. 
“Sorry, that was pretty funny.” You smiled but Billy rolled his eyes and walked off down the hall. “Oh come on Billy, I was only having a laugh.” He ignored you and continued to walk away. 
“Leave him be, he’ll come back.” Steve sighed.  
“Steve you got a second? I have something I wanna talk about.” Steve nodded. “Right you know when I was at yours I swore I heard my best friend Chloe?” He nodded again. “Well it happened again but this time something different happened when I heard it again the school became empty and the lights were flickering and all I heard was my name being called.” 
“So what are you thinking?” Steve wasn’t sure of what to make of your situation.
“I don’t know I just don’t know what the heck is going on!” You sighed it was driving you mad-
“Is she stable?”
“Stable and secure, sir.” 
You looked around frantically at the two new voices you heard but these ones weren’t recognisable, you never heard these voices in your life. Steve recognised your distress.
“Do you hear her again.” You shook your head and your nose was bleeding again. 
“I never heard these people before, ever and what is up with my fucking nose it keeps bleeding.” You wipe your nose again for the second time today. 
“That is quite strange, what did they say?”
“Is she stable? Stable and Secure.” You repeat the voices to Steve and he looked at you with concern. 
“I think we need to see the party asap.”
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minniereview · 7 years
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I thought it was finally time to do another review. I promised my friend Cam that the next review I did would be on Bloodsport cause’ I’ve never seen that movie before and I think he really likes that movie. Or he thought that I would really like this movie.
Before the movie started I was a bit confused as I thought the guy from Rambo was the main character in it, but it turns out it was that guy who did those commercials where he was doing the splits in-between two trucks while the trucks were moving. I forgot what the ad was for but it was pretty good and I’m pretty sure it was real! I think his name is something Van Dam. I forgot. Anyway, he reminds me of one of my favorite wrestlers, Rob Van Dam! They both seem really similar cause’ Rob Van Dam is also really flexible like the movie star and does lots of martial arts too.
I didn’t know that the movie was set in Hong Kong. Oh! His name just came up on the screen! Jean Claude? I don’t think I’ve seen any movies with him in it. Is he like a white Jackie Chan but not as good? The training at the start where they were breaking the ice cubes and coconuts was pretty intense. I guess that’s the best way to train to fight though, cause bodies are a lot softer than coconuts and blocks of ice.
I don’t really get why he escapes the army to go fight in Hong Kong. Wouldn’t you get kicked out if you left the army like that?
I liked the part when those 3 boys rocked up to that ninja masters house and the little kid just fucked up the San Fransisco Giants kid and he was like, half the size. When San Fran started talking I was like… wtf… has his voice been overdubbed?  Wait… is this a flashback? Oh! It’s a flash back. I get it. Awh now they best friends! That’s nice. Now I get why it was overdubbed. Why didn’t they just get a kid from wherever Rob Van Dam is from because that accent was horrible and distracting.
I think they should have gone into how the son died… but I guess there wouldn’t have been time for the montage of Rob Van Dam falling down a billion times. That was pretty good.  Except when ninja master pulled the gold fish out of the pond. If that was real the fish would have been moving still. When he was strung up by the rope I noticed that he had a light blue belt on. I feel like at this point he should be a black belt. I mean, he was able to pour tea and shit blindfolded and get whacked by a kendo stick when he was meditating.
After the flashback, ninja master doesn’t look like he is dying at all. He looks the same age as what he was in the flash back. They should have fixed that.
The American fighter in this looks like The Hound from GoT but without the burny face. I’m glad Van Dam has a friend but he doesn’t seem like he is very nice to ladies. Van Dam looks like he would be nice to ladies. I wonder if this has a love story in it.
Hong Kong in the 80’s looks very sad and dangerous. Even The Hound was scared walking down that alley way. I knew cause he put his hand on Rob Van Dam’s shoulder. When they finally got to where the ring was it looked quite nice inside. I am a little confused though cause the man said you needed an invite to fight but where did they get them from? Cause’ ninja master seemed like a nice man, I didn’t think he would get caught up in something like this. I didn’t get why they asked him to break the bottom brick, surely you can’t make the brick explode like that?! Is that even a thing? And also how does that prove that ninja master trained him?
This reporter lady is a bit of a shit. Hasn’t she seen Fight Club? The first rule about Kumite is that you don’t TALK about Kumite. I feel bad about what happened to her in the bar when that the guy was trying to take her up to his room and stuff. That wouldn’t have been fun. I hope Rob Van Dam doesn’t end up with her.
For a secret fight club, this doesn’t look very secret. There’s like, hundreds of people there watching! Surely the army guys will find Rob Van Dam. If they don’t they aren’t very good army detectives.
During the fighting party I feel like they could have done a bit better with the sound effects. I don’t know that when you hit a body it sounds that dramatic. When The Hound was fighting that guy with the mullet that was pretty crazy. He just like, did the big fist like what Big Show does or Karhli and the guy was out cold. I hope he has more moves than that cause’ I don’t think that will get him very far.
Jesus Christ! The guy that has never been beaten has MASSIVE boobies! He’s so amazing. He just put that guy in a sleeper hold for like 2 seconds and he was out. I don’t think it was necessary that he hit him again. He was already out. Come on man.
I feel like it was too much of a coincidence that Rob Van Dam fought the asshole from the bar. I did really enjoy all of the fight scenes. Especially that awful 80s song came on and they did a montage of all of them. Some of these fighters are real shit though. You’d think that the calibre of fighters would be really great cause’ it’s an invite only kinda thing.
When the army guys finally caught up with Rob Van Dam it was sooo obvious he was going to get away because they played happy music with a lot of synth. It was almost like slap stick comedy in a way. I feel like they could have made it way more intense if they played something less 80’s.
NO ROB VAN DAM. DON’T GET DISTRACTED BY THIS REPORTER! SHE’S USING YOU TO GET INTO THE KUMITE! OH MY GOD THEY SHOWED HIS BUTT! I tried to make Brandon rewind it so I could see that shit again but he wouldn’t. Rob Van Dam has a butt that just won’t quit. Its rock-solid gold. He should have showered before he left. Now he’s probably got sex stank smell which is only going to get worse when he is fighting. Oh no now his girlfriend reporter is with another man. When she said “this isn’t the first time Ive had to go undercover to get a story” right in front of everyone I was like, what the fuck lady? You are the worst reporter in history. Do you even know what undercover means?! It means not telling everyone that you’re undercover. You stupid idiot.
More montages with 80s music. The guy that never loses is so broad and massive. How does he even hold up his arms. I didn’t watch the part where he broke that other guys leg cause I think I might have spewed. But then they cut back to the reporter lady and she got out her tape recorder in front of everyone. This lady is a real piece of work. Rob Van Dam is going to have to save her at some point in this movie. I can just tell.
I wish they showed more fight scenes with Rob Van Dam cause he is amazing. He’s so quick. Where is he from? They keep saying he is American but I don’t think he is. Is he where Arnie is from? Or is he where Rambo is from?
When Rob Van Dam was fighting the big guy and he punched him in the balls, I thought the crowd would turn on him cause’ that’s a bit dirty but it turns out they liked him more after that. I got real sad when the big bad guy beat The Hound and stole his headband. I think Rob Van Dam is going to get the headband back and its going to be really symbolic.
Another montage of Rob Van Dam training. He literally has 0% body fat. When they showed him on The Peak, Brandon explained that across the water was China! I didn’t realise how close China was! That’s pretty cool.
I really like how every time Rob Van Dam is in casual clothes, he’s wearing high waisted pants with a collar shirt tucked in. He pulls it off for sure. I don’t think anybody else could. Now they are all back in the arena and the army guys and that stupid reporter lady came in to watch. She seems happy when Rob Van Dam kicks kick boxers ass but its like, bitch, you just told on him cause you didn’t want him to fight. Make up your mind you stupid idiot!
Oh no! Big bad killed someone. Come on now. There’s no need for that. Surely they have to call it off and extradite him. Everyone seems so sad about it. Are they praying for the man that died? I think they are praying for him. That’s nice.
Now it’s the main event and Rob Van Dam is looking calm. But what did big bad put in his shorts? It looked like a tablet or something. I’m scared and I didn’t really wanna watch this part but Rob Van Dam opened the fight with a swift kick to the throat hole which was sick as fuck. Why did they make the ring like a skate ramp. OH IT WAS SALT THE BIG BAD PUT IN HIS EYE! Lucky he learnt how to fight and pour tea with a eye mask on. He just has to centre himself now and remember his training. Come on son. Now hes had his little freak out and flash backs he’s ready to KICK SOME FUCKING ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. GET IT! YOU’RE FUCKED NOW, BIG BAD! LOOK AT HIS WINDMILL KICKS! Can someone explain to me why there were cat sounds all through the fighting though cause that was really distracting.
This movie seems too outrageous to be based on a true story but it was! WTF!
I did really like this movie although I thought most of what was going to happened seemed pretty obvious. Like when he got The Hounds headscarf back and stuff. I think I would like to watch more Rob Van Dam movies in the future. Four stars!
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