#he did everything mapic asked him to
silli-illi · 5 months
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“I’m sorry…”
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zylian · 2 months
So many thoughts of the after effects of zam and mapic having their s4 dynamic in s6 cause it’s gonna mess with the new members so badly if they get in between
Literally the members who keep saying zams scared of mapic rn and have chosen to help zam out when he gets hurt, don’t understand how messed up they both are and how not one sided it is
Mapes acknowledged how easy it is to be the villain for everyone cause he’s done it before but no one ever listened to him about how zam is worse than him
castle arc started cause nobody was willing to help zam, he betrayed his team and almost everyone at the time said zam deserved what came to him from how angry mapic was and to this day it is proven how loyalty matters to mapic
Zam was full of paranoia but than again he stayed at that castle fully knowing what was to come and continuously fought himself cause no matter how much he hated mapic, he never truly hated him, he hated himself instead cause he was fully aware of his own actions
Just like s3, zams messed up, sure castle arc he was afraid but at the end of s3 he smiled as he asked Spoke to kill him even blinding himself to trust spoke knowing it resulted in him repeatedly dying to clown in every base he made for a whole week prior
Zam let s4 castle arc happen, just like the end of s3 and he knows it, zam doesn’t really hate Spoke or Mapic, he was and is afraid of them yet he’s insanely enough devoted to them
He knows what they’re capable of at their lowest and highest and at the end he always feels sorry for them, like when zam told clown that mapic killed him for spoke despite spoke dying to wemmbu, both zam and clown immediately was focused on how unlike spoke that was rather than the deaths itself
It’s bittersweet
The second zam found out about the exploits in s4 he flipped and did everything to divert Mapics attention while simultaneously trying to stop any exploit harm coming to him (unless it was Spoke)
He did that after castle arc and the only exception between the both of them was and has always been Spoke, it’s so eerie knowing that Spoke knew zam would be fine during castle arc cause mapic wasn’t there for what he did to him in s3
Their history goes even further for when zam was banned off and mapic still carried out his demands he left behind beyond death
There’s a reason why mapic goes back to zam and a reason why zam lets mapic, both of them have a LONG history and the ones who know about it won’t intervene (aka mainly spoke)
Zams BEEN messed up and anyone s5 onwards hasn’t seen it, being swept up in his pacifism to see that anyone’s anger towards him has never been caused by killing but his actions driven from what morals he’s on
It’s so much worse especially with mapic suggesting zam to have a full defence kit, if mapic kills zam he gets a target on his back but he can’t just not crit the guy whenever he’s near him for a little bit longer than a greeting
Mapic feared zam leaving forever, almost like zam taking actual precautions to disappear which he is completely capable of, zam can leave but stays in places knowing mapic would find him and it’s an odd way zam has to reassure mapic
When zam completely covers his tracks and doesn’t involve himself at all somehow someway mapic shows up to involve him and when that happens zam lets it happen, completely entertaining the idea just cause
It takes two to tango and they are both trying so hard to not acknowledge any of it
ANYWAYS!!!! Anything these guys say, do, or bring up will mess the absolute hell up of any members that joined after s4
Like can you imagine going through absolute hell where both sides wanted nothing to do with each other after yet by the end they were standing on the same side against everyone
So really anything to happen in s6 and anything anyone says or drags zam to, it won’t stop him from somehow going near mapic and vice versa
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okay eclipse thoughts here we go
first of all: subz
bitch is soooo soldier coded it's not even funny anymore. his inventory is always too full of fighting materials for him to take his armor off during discussions. he stands around silently until directly spoken to and even then he usually turns the conversation to someone else. when i picture purple duo in my head i get subz standing just in front of vitalasy in full armor with a sword. after vitalasy was killed on the prison subz immediately took off after the assailant saying 'this shit doesnt slide'. his first thought was 'no way zam betrayed' no way the man he swore to protect would turn on him. no way. he didnt stop to question whether mapic and ro were in on it, they were there and attacking him and he wanted a fight. this man is a bodyguard and solider and knows nothing except build pretty base fight fight protect grind fight protect fight. he trusts zam still. he isn't sure about vitalasy. he pushed vi towards being the villain. villain arc was his original plan. his morals are a grey area molded into whatever shape is convenient for whoever hes attached himself to. im not sure he'll be able to hurt zam when the time comes. im not sure he'll be able to leave vitalasy.
next on the chopping block: vitalasy
what a fucking conman. knows his way around words and USES it. hes not very good at talking on the spot and kinda works himself in circles but he knows how to press buttons and get people either on his side or secure an enemy he wants to have. he'll tell you hes not the leader he has no power over people but his power is more subtle than a crown on his head. when things got heated in the zam discussion he rose to the challenge, yelling right alongside zam and bringing up all the ways zam had fucked up to get him to see reason. when it didnt work he switched to victim coding himself until jaron killed him and he realized zam had betrayed. the acceptance (defeat) in his voice when he asked if zam had done that haunts me. he didnt want revenge like subz. he didnt immediately go for the attack. he just wanted to talk. after he died he kept swearing. he said fuck live on twitch.tv multiple times because of the emphasis it would give to his anger. he typed it in in-game chat to show zam how angry he was. hes stuck unable to stand up for himself against zam because of the tyrant label hes surrounded himself in. he used subz's gum under their shoes metaphor at the end to loop in back around and told him they were gonna be great villains. terrible, awful, amazing villains. what do you mean he was supposed to be good? this was the point all along. all roads led here. trust him.
and lastly: princezam
this motherfucker makes me so angry right now i swear. mans is so traumatized it blinds him. he sees so much bad in all people he hides the good from himself. everything is black and white with him. these people are bad, these people are good, these things are bad, these things are good. he didnt have to betray. he couldve just left and things would've ended differently. but thats not right. thats not the princezam way. if he doesnt want to be on their team they must be evil. and doesnt evil deserve to be killed? after the betrayal he was joking with 3ht. he was laughing and joking and had already moved on from eclipse. the attachment ended when he decided they were evil. there was no more love. no more care. black and white. good and evil. imagine a man who is so so traumatized and scared of being alone that also has to always be so so morally correct. are any of his decisions going to be logical? are his conclusions going to make sense? he said himself that he wants to push vitalasy and see if he reacts. if he reacts hes obviously been evil all along and zam was right. he still trusts subz. he thinks vitalasy has been lying and manipulating him the whole time. he did exactly what mapic said he would do because mapic knows zams betrayals. how long until 3ht do something he deems wrong. will he be willing to go on alone?
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sol-rambles · 1 year
I love how mapic and zam were messaging eachother about most decisions during the finale and and the like 2 days leading up to it (aka whenever they teamed up).
(examples under readmore)
Any worries? They either messaged eachother it or got in a vc and talked about it till they were both happy about an outcome.
Like when zam was after vcing with parrot and afterwards spoke wasn't there so zam instead of waiting and saying while spoke was there he immediately told mapic everything and they both came to a conclusion to confront spoke (with the help of mapic I will not lie). So mapic started the confrontation and asked spoke about it then zam told everything that happened while in the call and asked if parrot was lying.
Then when they were nervous about Spoke betraying they sat in a call and talked about it and while we're both equally as worried by the end of it, had decided that Spoke had no reason to betray them.
Then when they won and afterwards they spoke again after spoke was "banned" saying how they were disappointed that even after everything they did for him, he still chose to trust vi and Ash more than them.
Any decisions? Mapic usually started it but they like always were dming eachother to see if they had an agreement.
Like they came to the agreement to not ban themselves after considering to do so when spoke did. Like they both decided, "we want to make sure everyone else is gone first."
The jumping into the holes, mapic dmed zam about doing so and zam at first didn't understand. But when he did they both waited for spoke to finish, then mapic began speaking and everyone else began panicking about what they were doing. But they did it anyways.
If they needed help? They helped eachother.
Specifically when zam was needing help (going to die) he immediately looked for mapic who did come to his aid and made sure he was okay. Even when he did so still coming over to zam to see him and making sure zam saw him too.
Backing eachother up?
Zam getting a message from mapic saying about shitting on vi's speech as he immediately decided it was going to be a load of nothing. So when vi was done his whole friendship is magic speel, mapic began just fucking tearing into him while zam got everyone to shut up and listen to him.
Accomplishing their mission?
Mapic immediately asking zam if "that counts" when everyone got banned off of ls, and zam saying I think so..
I definitely forgot something but oh well, in summary... I love the princezam mapic team up as they are just such good teammates.
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cogmented · 2 years
hiiii i saw ur tags on my post!! i know nothing about breaking mc but i understand ur excitement completely!! i have no idea what they did but im so excited to find out!! this team is so cool they have cool abilities AND cool lore AND cool dynamics AND a cool aesthetic!! thwy make me INSANE. hope u dont mind me dropping this in ur ask box i just need to ramble about them somewhere
YOU R SO OKAY !!!! i loveeee what is going on rn
ermmm spoilers and wht not!
like WHAT !?!!? there is so much more of a crazy element to breaking da game than im used to, especially when used in the context of a pvp heavy turned lore (more so circumstance and event) based server like it ACTUALLY COMES INTO CONFLICT RAHH we r usually just a bunch of gamers sitting around in little test servers (i was more so an in-game code guy rather than an exploit guy, im basing all my inner technical knowledge on what my friends r thinking from the context ive shown them)
im SOOO interested in how the characters play out here, like with the tyrant groupchat and some of the key players in there (pangi, reddoons, planet, SPEPTICLE !?) and how THEY were the ones supposedly getting big power
i think planet knows a lot more about what's going on than what vitalasy thinks (i have a theory that planet's trust barrier was given by spoke, maybe it couldve been given by vitalasy to more so keep him quiet? but ive been brain rotting over a planet and spoke team up so im mad biased) and spoke is much more of a leaker than i thought! he is definitely one of the least secretive members about all dis and whatnot, but his ideals are geared towards fun fun for every1 (himself)
also vi is showing phase 2 rn this is going to be FUCKING INSANE ! im soo sosoooososososo exited omhgg kicking my legs laying on my stomach twirling my hair and drawing hearts and stars around the word exploit in glitter gel pen and giggling
this has been SUCH an interesting season im still stunned by stream viewers who say s3 was the best but maybe im a nerd whatavar whatavar ....
i am going to rant and you are going to listen to me >_( hahahahaha muahhahaha but s4 has been so new and interesting from the START. those two main groups forming at the village and the outpost and their outliers was the domino effect of extremes. im on red's side here when he said that that was the main catalyst for WHY duality duo went to the lengths they did, and how THAT, the moment subz stepped into the end to see the main island completely wiped was SUCH a crucial moment to the rest of s4 development
that was the known start. that's what, to everyone else, was the beginning of consequence
but now, there's the added factor of the plan before s4, but these extremes were needed to make a reason to use these exploits in an interesting way. yeah okay, leviathan is not a threat anymore. TO US THOUGH!!!! ONLY TO US!!! because we know everything, we know what's going on and leviathan has NO IDEA what they're in for, but what does terrain, leo, ANYONE ELSE think about them? Are they scared? probably !
but seeing this as a viewer.... a watcher haha of everything we KNOW a FRACTION of how much danger everyone is in. we dont know to WHAT EXTENT !!!!! HOLY MYSTERY !!!!! im so so so excited to see how they use this
we saw how jepex and mapic and spoke used it in jepex's latest video, but they have MORE INFORMATION SINCE THEN !!! AND INFORMATION THEY DIDNT REVEAL !!!! vitalasy is SO FUCKIGN AWESOME. SOOO COOL.
it has gotten so intertwined and complicated and layered i shouldve taken notes because im sure my memory has been warped and whatavar but WOW. RAHHHH. it's not JUST exploits. it's been zam's paranoia and terrain's frog plotline and anguish and medusa and the prison and and and no end and then no end^2 and all the teams and the betrayal and hate and the flowers and dandelions and the sun moon and stars and chaos and destruction and meaning and trust and love and care and and and
i go crazy on a friday evening i dont know i love lifesteal lots and lots
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sol-rambles · 1 year
Au where lifesteal go to genesis.
-Long ramble ahead-
First off I like the idea that Spoke and zam both can server hop whereas most people cannot without help of an admin. So there is only one of them but there is also, 2 woogies, 2 pangis, 2 reds, 2 ashs and 2 terrains.
So Spoke and zam have to come up with an elaborate lie to everyone about how they don't know what lifesteal is and act all confused about it. They let ratrick in on their little secret (mainly zam let ratrick in after some convincing spoke) and the three of them would go hide in the corner of the world border at bedrock giggling about how confused the lifestealers were about where 'their' zam and spoke were.
After getting bored they decided to ask ratrick to cover for them being gone to do some stuff in the nether if anyone were to ask. So then they get into their lifesteal outfits and appear at the spawn via help of ratrick's puppet. They just act very confused about where they are.
The first lifestealer to find them is mapic who is surprised to see zam and spoke show up after a week without them. He was honestly relieved, most of his entertainment came from the two of them, and while this server zam and spoke were quite similar to his ones, spoke seemed more of a chaotic silly guy, killing mapic or the genesis zam at any given chance. Mapic was so grateful for not losing any hearts on this server.
Zam and spoke both just looked at eachother rather excitedly as mapic approached them. They both knew they couldn't afford to give away their secret but zam, being a shapeshifter just looked at spoke, smiled and grew a tiny goat's tail as mapic came over.
They all said hi and highfived eachother before mapic offered to explain everything he knew about this server so far. They both agreed to listen to mapic about the server as spoke stiffled a giggle. Mapic explained everything from everyone on this server having weird powers which they called origins. To which the admin within zam sighed about mapic not knowing how the origins stuff worked, eventhough he knew it was not his fault that he didn't know about it. Anyways, mapic also mentioned how a couple people had doubles on the server, including them!
Zam then had the funny idea to ask mapic if he and spoke could meet their doubles. Mapic decided to lead them over to zam and ratricks base, where ratrick was (ofcourse alone). Zam caught ratrick's eye and did a little cheeky smile before turning back away to mapic.
The three of them went over to ratrick and asked about their doubles, while ratrick, zam and spoke were very poorly stiffling laughter. Ratrick told mapic the nether story before turning away and silently laughing. Mapic was very confused by the other three's actions and once they left ratrick asked spoke and zam what the fuck happened in there.
This for some reason made zam ask for a minute and the two of them left mapic alone thinking about whatever just happened as he saw the zam and spoke run away and leave.
Zam and spoke meanwhile went behind the mountain of the princeratrick base and dug in before running over to ratrick. They didn't need to discuss with him but ratrick being their cover story, they went to him anyway.
In the end they decided that they would tell mapic and come up with a new, better lie. Which was since zam was this server's admin he had taken spoke on an offworld trip with him.
In the end zam and spoke snuck up behind mapic and proceeded to grab him before dragging him to one of the corners of the border. Zam then slightly expanded the border and reshrunk it so they were ever so slightly outside the border. This obviously confused mapic since, how did zam do that, he's not the server admin.
The two forced mapic to sit down and told him they had alot to explain. before both running in opposite directions and spoke changed his form (I never mentioned before but spoke is basically a humanoid shaped pile of gas) and zam shape-shifting back into their orgins forms before reappearing.
They then told mapic how there was only one of the both of them and zam proceeded to rapidly change animal to show he was a shapeshifter. Spoke also was just unforming and reforming himself from gas.
Zam then pulled out the admin panel and asked mapic if he wanted to have an origin before showing him a list of free origins. Zam also mentioned he couldn't show anyone besides him, spoke and ratrick the origin if he took one. So he decided against it, what was the point if he couldn't boast to ro.
Then zam told mapic the new lie as the two changed back into their lifesteal forms. Then they went over to the princeratrick base to tell ratrick that he didn't need to lie to mapic about them. To which mapic realised that ratrick knew before he did, so he jokingly yelled at zam and spoke.
might add more on later done for now though!
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