#he didnt look ness enough so i added ness hair
kruinka · 1 year
you’ve heard of pigeon kaiser. but what about OCTOPUS NESS????
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ask and you shall receive (?
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ickle-ronniekins · 4 years
it was all yellow
request from nonnie!!! “hi love, wanted to throw out this request before camping ;u; only if you're up for it, for either of the twins: i'd love something fluffy inspired by one of my favorite text posts on this site: she guessed my favorite color first try.. but between me and u.. i didnt even have a favorite color until she yelled out yellow! she was hella excited n smiling like a little kid, so i told her she was right and i havent seen yellow the same since, its in everything. i could probably live in it now. 🌻”
pairing: fred x hufflepuff!reader
word count: 3k
A/N: love me a good cheeky fred. also this prompt was FUCKING adorable and i did try to incorporate the actual quote into my writing but some of it didn’t flow.. so i hope it’s still as good as you’d imagined?? also def listened to coldplay’s “yellow” whilst writing this x
tag list: @mintlibri @seppys-return-to-madness @how-do-life-does @fopdoodledane @fredd-weasley @iprobablyshipit91 @semmelsemi @cottageoflove @laneygthememequeen @snakesonaplane-7 @lupinsx @keoghans @helloallthethingsilove @waschbiber @dreamer821 @the-hufflepuff-of-221b @62442-am @wtfweasleyy @obsessedwithrandomthings @thoseofgreatambition @harrysweasleys @sleep-i-ness @shadowsinger11 @shadychaoticcollection @haphazardhufflepuff @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @hood-and-horan @letsfightsomeorcs @theweasleysredhair @purpleskiesstorm @hxfflxpxffs @wand3ringr0s3 @finecole @angelinathebook @highly-acidic | message me to be added, loves!
“Mr. Weasley!”
Umbridge’s voice is shrill, and it immediately pulls Fred out of his daydream-like state, but not quickly enough for him to turn his attention toward his professor and avoid making incredibly embarrassing eye contact with you. The entire class, much to his dismay, turns to glance at him -- you included. It’s unlike him to feel so insecure, so embarrassed, but alas -- here he is.
“Yes, Professor?”
“Is there a reason,” Umbridge hisses, the edges of her lips curling into a rather evil smirk, “that you’ve chosen to completely ignore me during the lesson?”
Fred considers this for a moment. He could take this opportunity to explain to his professor that yes, now that you mention is, there is a reason. A huge reason. He could then proceed to tell you about all of the overwhelming feelings that have seemed to take over him the last few weeks. It could be a grand gesture, couldn’t it? Scooping you up into his arms, sliding a hand around the back of your neck, telling you just exactly what keeps him up at night -- that adorable smile of yours, and the pineapple scent in your hair. It’d be all the castle would be able to talk about, wouldn’t it? Plus, to be able to ignore Umbridge even more and do something so utterly abysmal in the middle of her lesson and have the rest of the students cheer him on, well -- it’s something Fred’s always dreamt of.
“I’d love to see the look on Umbridge’s face if I ever chose to cause mayhem in the middle of one of her lessons,”
“Easy there, Freddie. Don’t want to go getting any more detentions, do we?”
“Darling, mischief is my middle name. I need to prank. My life depends on it.”
“That’s a bit dramatic, isn’t it? Just trying to look out for you, is all.”
“You’ve really got that Hufflepuff stereotype of ‘loyal’ down -- you know that, right?”
He supposes, when he thinks about it now, that you were right. You’re always right. He reckons it wouldn’t be such a good thing to cause such an uproar, especially since Umbridge is nearly always on his tail, and is one step closer to knocking Dumbledore out of his post as Headmaster. Fred doesn’t want to give her any more of an edge, does he?
Next to him, George brings Fred back, yet again, from another daydream with a quick kick to his knee. He grips the desk tightly and hopes that his face isn’t flushing bright red. Umbridge’s smirk grows even deeper, and Fred, ignoring his instincts to grab you and run out of the lesson right this instant, merely clears his throat. “No. There isn’t.”
“Good,” Umbridge hisses again, turning her attention back toward the board. “Now, to continue..” Fred relaxes a bit and slumps in his seat, feeling rather grumpy, but his spirits lift almost immediately, and his insides seemingly twist into a tight knot when you send him a soft smile from across the room.
-- -
Fred is shaken awake, only to be face to face with a very cheeky looking George, who then proceeds to throw a notebook straight into Fred’s cheek.
“Oi!” Fred shouts, coming to, bringing his hand to his jaw. “What the bloody hell was that for?”
“You do realize it’s the middle of the day and you’ve fallen asleep directly in the middle of the courtyard, yes?”
Fred kicks the younger twin with his foot, and George and Lee begin to laugh. Fred had been having quite a lovely sleep, thank you very much, and is now annoyed that his brother and friend had chosen to wake him. As he sits up from the bench, adjusting his loose tie and rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Lee offers, “You talk a hell of a lot in your sleep, mate.”
Much to his horror, Fred freezes. This whole talking-in-his-sleep thing is relatively new -- he’d never, ever done that before. It seemed to have happened to him a couple of weeks ago, when he began repeating the days’ events -- ones that included you -- over and over in his mind before falling into a peaceful, and rather deep, slumber. It seemed to have happened when he started to look at you in a new light.
“And what exactly was I saying?” Fred asks, trying to shrug off his nervousness.
George and Lee both suppress a laugh and share a cheeky exchange, and Fred feels his heart leap into his throat. “Oh, you know.. mumbling on about lessons, and things. Bits of parchment you need to finish. Normal musings.”
Fred sighs rather dramatically before relaxing again. He hates this whole being-on-edge thing that comes with having a massive, over-the-top crush on you. “Oh,” George continues, his grin only growing larger, “and something about Y/N being the colour of sunshine, or something?”
As Fred’s eyes widen with embarrassment, George and Lee’s laughter only seems to grow louder and it echoes across the courtyard. This grabs your attention from across the way, and you smirk at Fred. You seem to be working on a bit of homework -- you’re leant against a large tree with your bag and robe next to you on the ground. Your hair is pulled back and you’ve got the end of your quill in your mouth, as if you had been pondering something right before you met Fred’s gaze.
“Thank Merlin she wasn’t over here, or you would’ve scared the poor girl away,” Lee says in a mocking sort of voice, which only seems to intensify Fred’s nerves.
Fred can’t help but fall into a bit of laughter with his friends too, even though the mere fact that he’d been talking in his sleep, about you, in the middle of the courtyard, makes his entire body hurt. ‘Thank Merlin’ is right.
-- -
The colour of sunshine. Ugh. How could he have been so painfully cheesy? Fred thinks about this all day long -- through every lesson, through every stroll down the corridors, through every bite of the evening feast. He can’t simply believe he’s said this out loud, even though it’s true. The truest words that have ever come out of his mouth, even. You are the colour of sunshine.
Simply bright and beamingly so -- the most beautiful of yellows.
You, he reckons, are pure warmth -- enough to soothe him on even the coldest of days.
“You know,” your voice, now closer than it seems, makes Fred jump and snap out of his own thoughts, much to George’s amusement, “this whole not-being-able-to-eat-with-your-mates-from-other-houses thing is simply stupid.”
“Why don’t you go and give Umbridge a piece of your mind, eh?” George asks you.
Your grin deepens, but you shake your head and begin to shovel dessert onto your plate. “It’s her own fault if she doesn’t notice a Hufflepuff amongst a group of Gryffindors. She’s supposed to be the Hogwarts High Inquisitor,” you say a bit stuffily, as if to imitate the woman in question, “is she not?”
“Brilliant,” Fred replies as he finds his voice. “An uncanny impersonation.”
You flip your hair over your shoulder and Fred notices a dimple appear on your cheek. He finds himself lost in your eyes as you peer at him softly over the top of your teacup, which you’ve brought slowly to your lips.
Fred’s happy to hear when you bring his all time favorite thing about the magical world into conversation and does his very best to hide his ever-obvious feelings. “Rumor has it McGonagall and Dumbledore have been pleading with Umbridge to let Gryffindor play Quidditch this year,” you tell the twins.
They peer at you with confusion. “What?” they ask together. Fred continues, “Why? What’s she going to do -- ban all teams except Slytherin? Then they’ve got nobody to verse,” he lets a laugh escape his lips.
George huffs a bit before sipping his tea. “She’s such a bloody idiot. No, I will say it louder, Ron,” George shoots his younger brother a look as Ron closes in on himself a bit, “she’s a power-hungry, egotistical toad who has no business running a bloody school.”
“The truest statement,” you point at him and then bite into your cauldron cake, “but no worry -- she’s apparently agreed to the whole Quidditch thing. Now you two’ve just got to smack the bludgers straight at Crabbe and Goyle’s heads. They’re certainly large enough -- should be easy targets.”
Fred cannot help the enormous laugh that escapes him due to your joke; in fact, he’s sort of surprised it’s only gotten the attention of half of the Great Hall, because it seems to have echoed throughout the entirety of the large room, reverberating off of the walls. Unfortunately, though, Umbridge notices and makes a beeline right toward the Gryffindor table. You turn to Fred and George, shrug your shoulders a bit and proceed to roll your eyes at the very pompous “hem-hem” that is too disturbingly sweet and high-pitched in your ears. “Miss Y/L/N,” she says in her most mocking tone of voice, “please correct me if I am mistaken but I’ve assumed by the yellow color on your robes that you are a Hufflepuff and not, in fact, a Gryffindor, as you’ve so decidedly claimed yourself.”
You turn toward her, a very large grin painted across your face, and simply reply, “No need for corrections here, ma’am.”
“Good,” Umbridge says curtly before turning on her heel. “Best return to your house table, then, before we slip you lot into detention, yes? I do hope it was worth the embarrassment, Miss.”
Embarrassment? Please. You stand up from your seat and chug the rest of your tea and pop the rest of your cauldron cake back into your mouth. You lean against the table, reaching across to the other end to grab yourself another pastry, and get as close to Fred as you possibly can. He notices a bit of a twinkle in your eye, something that’s suddenly driving him absolutely mad, when you say to him and only him, “Definitely worth it.”
A very cozy feeling sweeps itself through Fred’s bones.
-- -
The Gryffindors are lucky to have such two stealthy beaters on their team, because Fred and George know the ins and outs of the castle like nobody else. This comes in handy after a playful, late night match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, when the twins are able to sneak the entire Hufflepuff team, and even a few spectators, into the Gryffindor Common Room.
And as if he isn’t excited enough already at the pure theatrics of this entire thing, Fred finds himself smiling even more so at the sight of you, nestled in a corner with a few others, a Butterbeer clutched tightly in your hands, your cheeks rosy and flushed.
He’s reminded of a few weeks ago when he snuck into the Hufflepuff Common Room with you -- very late at night --
“Don’t you trust me?” you’d asked, taking his hand in yours.
His heart had skipped a few beats, if he was being honest.
“Merlin, it’s bright in here!” Fred had exclaimed when you’d both entered. The inviting colours had swirled around him. “How you people get any work done is beyond me. I’d never be able to focus --”
You’d laughed and shoved him. “Fred, you can’t focus, regardless.”
He’d just shrugged and sat down next to you near the fire. The entire room was empty except for the two of you. “I’ll give you that one. It’s just -- it’s so much different from our common room.”
“Well, it’s bright yellow. Plus, it feeds to all of the ‘Puffs' personalities. What did you expect, silly?”
He’d smiled at you, nestling himself comfortably against the edge of the couch. I haven’t seen yellow the same since, he’d wanted to tell you, especially because of the golden colour of your hair. “Nothing more, nothing less. Besides, I’ve got to say -- I’m rather fond of it, actually.”
His heart had nearly constricted at the feeling of you placing your head onto his shoulder. He’d been happy you couldn’t see the shock rising on his face in that of a crimson red colour, since you’d been so focused on staring into the flames. He’d suddenly felt warm -- incredibly warm. He’d willed himself to believe it was the fire, and not the feeling of your soft hair brushing against his neck. “Oh yeah? Yellow your favourite colour, and all?”
I could get lost in it, actually. Fred had to force himself to swallow over his own nerves a few times before he’d been able to say, “You could say that.”
Now, in the Gryffindor Common Room, he darts past a very confused looking Neville and plops himself down next to you, completely ignoring the fact that he’s interrupting your conversation with the others. “Hey,”
“Well hi,” you say, turning your attention toward him. He can smell the pineapple scent of your shampoo and is nearly sent into a dizzying overdrive, but he does his best to focus on the feeling of the cold glass in his fingers. “Great match.”
“Even if we did beat you guys?”
“Yeah,” you reply tersely, “Hufflepuff’s saving their strength for your actual match so they can kick your arses.”
Fred laughs haughtily and scoots a little closer to you on the steps as the others around you both disperse and head off in their respective directions. He can hear the steady pounding of his own heartbeat in his ears and decides to take a leap of faith. “Maybe. Although I will say -- you’ve got to be more careful with your leering, love.”
“Pretty sure you didn’t take your eyes off of me the entire time. You were full-on staring.”
Fred notices the pink on your cheeks seemingly deepen a bit, but you don’t let on to any embarrassment. He grins at you. “Perhaps I was. And if you’ve noticed, it means you were watching me back,”
His smile only grows at your mock voice. He replies with the same tone, “Perhaps I was.”
“You can’t do that during an actual match though, sir,” you tell him, bringing your goblet to your lips and sipping significantly, “otherwise you’re going to be distracted and I reckon you’ll be hit with a bludger, don’t you?”
Fred twirls his goblet in his hands, desperately trying to read your face and your tone. He’s having a hard time deciphering. “You do make a good point.”
“Besides,” you continue, a small smirk making the edges of your lips curl, “we can’t have you getting distracted. Although, I understand how difficult it can be -- considering I’m the colour of sunshine, and all.”
It takes a moment and a laugh before Fred’s registered what you’ve said, and you glance back down at your goblet, giggling into it a bit, and he shakes his head before turning to look at George and Lee, who seemingly have been watching you two this entire time, because they immediately glance away and immerse themselves in conversation with others around them.
“And we know how brilliantly blinding sunshine can be, don’t we, Fred?”
Someone’s playing very loud music and Fred wonders how Umbridge hasn’t caught you all yet. Or perhaps, he thinks, maybe the booming just sounds louder in his own ears.
“Almost as blinding as love, d’you reckon?”
Fred feels that warm, homely feeling take him over yet again -- but this time, he knows it’s not from the butterbeer, or the raging fire. He doesn’t even try to pretend. It’s all from you.
“Yeah, yeah -- tease all you want,” he says as confidence engulfs him. He reaches out and tucks a piece of hair behind your ear.
You place your goblet down on the step next to you. “I wasn’t teasing,” you say very matter of factly, “so much as I was trying to get you to kiss me, actually.”
He purses his mouth into a very smug smirk and watches as your eyes dart down to his lips, and you bite down on your own. He leans in, the rest of the music and chatter surrounding you both seemingly drowned out by the steady pounding of his own heart, when --
“Oi, Freddie! C’mere, mate!”
Clearly Ron’s incapable of seeing that we’re in the middle of something, Fred wants to tell you. Instead, he pulls away slightly and whispers to you. “Want to sneak up to the Astronomy tower?”
“So late at night? How very scandalous of you.”
“Well it’s why you fancy me in the first place, isn’t it?”
He grabs your hand as you paint a very mischievous look on your face, and is about to stand up before you tug on the collar of his shirt with your free hand, pulling him back to you and pressing your lips to his in an electrified climax.
You try to part, but he pulls you closer to him and slides his hand down your leg. A soft moan emits your lips, and Fred wonders if he’d be able to sneak a Hufflepuff girl up to his own dormitory this evening. “Sorry,” you reply, biting down on your lip again, sending him into a complete tizzy. You whisper cheekily, “Just couldn’t wait.”
He smirks at you, hoping his giddiness isn’t blatantly evident in his exuberance, and pulls you to your feet. “Actually..” you say, playing again with his collar, “instead of the Astronomy tower, how about we head to the Room of Requirement?”
“No? Don’t want to look up at the stars, be all mushy, fall asleep in my arms?”
You actually snort through your laughter, rolling your eyes at him. “Yes, yes, of course I do, you sap. But I reckon we should save that for an actual date. Right now, I’d kind of just like to snog you for a few hours, if you don’t mind.”
He shakes his head at you with admiration. “What has gotten into you?”
Another hair flip from you sends warmth through Fred’s veins. “C’mon, Weasley,” you say, tugging his hand, the yellow fire reflecting in the light of your eyes, “don’t you trust me?”
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I did it. Now I dont write, I draw so this is not gonna be so good. Its been through many revisions and I realized I spelt "Yuseke" as "Yueske the entire time so forgive me ill fix that next chapter. My Kuwabara x oc story:
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It was finally cold again. Miyoko was overjoyed, she had never liked summer. Sure there was no school and she had more time with friends, but she couldn't stand the heat. She detested those sweaty nights, or how the bugs always bothered her, actually she didnt care for any part of summer.
Miyoko had dropped so many hints over the years and yet somehow, Kuwabara still had no clue. His air-headed-ness was cute, but it made things difficult for the shy girl Miyoko was. She just couldn't work up the nerve to say something, and when she did, something would always interrupt her. However, today she planned to change that! Miyoko got dressed up as cozy as she could, ready for what her and her friends had planned and with a gleam of excitement in her eyes, she headed out the door. 
 That was apart from going to see her crush, Kazuma Kuwabara's baseball games, he would play every summer. When they were younger, he played in an official team wearing his "Mötor Head" jersey and smoking every opposing team he played against. Miyoko never missed a single game! Every home run, every strike, and every fight that broke out because of a bad call, she was there. When they got older, she would be there to watch him play against his friends, still wearing that jersey. She was always supportive of him, she was madly in love with him, and had been for awhile.
"Urameshi!! Where do you think you're going?? I was talking to you!" Kuwabara's feet hit the sidewalk with force as he sprinted after Yueske, who had walked only a few feet, forcing Kuwabara to stop abruptly frantically trying to steady himself without falling. After regaining balance, Kuwabara grabed a fists full of his friend's jacket to pull him close aggressively. 
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"D-Dont tell anyone! Or I'll break your mouth, so you cant tell anyone nothin' ever again!!" Kuwabara's face was as red as the setting sun. Unfazed, Yuseke stared at Kuwabara blankly for a short second before sighing and shrugging the big flustered fool off of him. 
"Listen man, I wont say anything. But this is getting really annoying. Ive told you before that you should just go through with it. Whats your problem with admitting to her anyways?" Yuseke looked to the helpless man and immediately regretted asking. Kuwabara looked off dramatically twords the orange and red sky. His shoulders slouched, slumping over, and fiddling with his hands. 
"I....Shes really pretty, ya know? And...Im well...ya know?" His voice trailed off, as if wanting reassurance he was being foolish. When there was no reply, Kuwabara peeked up with a quivering bottom lip. 
Yueske stood with his hands in his pocket saying nothing, only wearing a furrowed brow and tight lips. Suddenly, he burst into laughter. Causing Kuwabara to stand up straight and look at him even more embarrassed, and ready to punch him.
"I never thought I'd hear the great Kuwabara, warrior of love, admit to being ugly!!" Mocked Yueske. He bent over shaking his head and slapping his leg, resting his other elbow on his knee and laughing loudly. He straightened and wiped a fake tear from his eye. Kuwabara gasped in shock. 
"What?? Ugly??" Again Kuwabara grabbed at his friend, this time missing and falling. He quickly got up and held up a threatening fists. 
"Im not ugly!! Im just not a romantic type!!" He rubbed his fists on his chest. 
"I am a warrior of love, so I know how to treat a lady and how to talks to girls, I just....." He paused, his mouth moving like hes trying to remember how talking works. "She's different!!" He finaly blurted out. "She reads them girly romance books that Kurama likes!!" With a frustrated grunt, Kuwabara rubbed his neck nervously and spoke in a much more serious tone.
"Ive known her a real long time, and I cant tell her yet cuz I'm kinda worried she only thinks of me like how Shizuru thinks of me." Yueske picked up on the seriousness of the situation and scoffed trying to lighten things up again. 
"Well you are ugly, but I think she likes you anyway. Besides man, why asks me? You think I read them werid books?" Yueske pat Kuwabara awkwardly on the shoulder. 
"No way. I asked cuz you have a girlfriend!!" Kuwabara turned to look at Yueske who was moving his arm away. 
"So? Doesnt mean I know what im doing, just asks Keiko." The boys laugh, seeming to have calmed down a great deal. Before much more could be said, four familiar and approaching voices could be heard chatting playfully. 
"Oh dear, you didnt actually take me seriously did you, Miyoko?" Botan said in a teasing tone. 
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"I did!! I'm gullible, you cant just tell me anything about spirit world.I will believe it!! Everytime!" The two girls laughed. 
"I've noticed," Interjected Kurama. "You have managed to retained alot of attributes from your childhood haven't you? I find that interesting." Kurama continud, wrapping an arm around Botan. 
"Alot of people say that...is that a bad thing? I'm not immature am I?" Miyoko felt nervous now. Maybe that was the why Kuwabara never seemed to return her feelings, perhaps she wasn't mature enough for a relationship.
Keiko quickly spouted, "No no! I don't think he meant it like that, I think it's cute!" Keiko put a reassuring arm around Miyoko and smiled a friendly smile. 
"Ofcourse! Its an admirable trait." Kurama said as Botan giggled. 
Botan wagged her finger and pointed it at Miyoko with a knowing smile "Im on to you! You shouldn't feel so insecure!" Botan pulled her arm back and used it to hug Kurama's arm. "Don't be so hard on yourself, I know you're simply nervous, so you're being extra critical of yourself, but you'll do fine!" Botan hummed encouragingly. "And, we all look fantastic!" Botan added as they all rounded the corner.
Keiko stopped dead in her tracks, and started tapping her foot. "Well, most of us are...Yueske! I thought I told you to dress up!!" Keiko pouted, walking over to her boyfriend's side. 
Yueske was the most casually dressed out of all of them. Just wearing his usual faded blue jeans, black converse shoes, plain yellow shirt and favorite green and yellow windbreaker jacket. He looked even more underdressed standing next to Keiko. She was wearing a lovely pale pink turtleneck, a plum purple suspender skirt reaching to her knees, long white socks, and loafers to match her skirt. Despite their contrasting attire, they somehow matched perfectly. 
Yueske wrapped his arm around Keiko's shoulder and smirked."Kuwabara isnt dressed up." He looked over to Kuwabara and nodded his way while jutting his thumb twords his friend. 
"What!! I am too!! This is the nicest thing I got!! Other than like...a tux or something!!" Kuwabara wore a blue Letterman jacket, a red sweater with dark blue jeans, and brown dress boots laced in black, he was indeed dressed up quite nicely. Miyoko blushed at the sight of his clothing, he cleaned up nicely as always. She couldn't help but smile at him, it was always a slight surprise to see him out of his school uniform. Kuwabara had a simular reaction to Miyoko's choice of clothing. She dawned a wine red A-line dress, knitted black leggins, and shin high beige lace up boots. She wasn't one to dress up like this, but she wanted to tonight, it was a special night after all. 
Trying to redirect the situation and prevent Yueske and Kuwabara from fighting, Botan chimed in. "Well, I never have to worry about Kurama when it comesto presentation! Unless ofcourse, he's overdressed and making me look a fool!" Kurama and Botan giggled to eachother looking the most put together, like they were the parents of the group. Tonight, everyone was going their part to help Miyoko's odds, evident by Botan, who was wearing something much different from her usual choice of clothing.
She modelled a white turtle neck dress, form fitting reaching just above her knees with a small slit on the right side, with sleeves that reached slightly past her palms, she wore her wedding ring, hoop earings, beige velvet tights, and blue slip on flats to top off the look. To match her, Kurama dressed just as nice. Wearing a white button up tucked neatly into his dark brown pants, red suspenders with red suede shoes laced in black, and a matching wool trench coat to top complete it all. Now everyone felt underdressed. 
"So what are we doing anyway?" Yueske asked scratching his cheek. Keiko shook her head "Are you serious? You've been waiting around this long, and you dont even know why??" Yueske simpled shrugged "I guess?" 
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Botan sighed looking tired, Yueske was a handful for everyone. "Dont you remember, Yueske? I told you this morning! We're all having dinner!" 
Botan motioned to the brick building everyone was standing next to. "You've been standing right next to the restaurant! Where I told you we would be meeting up, seriously! You didn't connect the dots?" Botan tilted her head with a hopeless look. Yueske gritted his teeth and roughly pulled Keiko by her hip to his, talking through his teeth. "Whatever!!" He sighed and let go of Keiko fixed his hair flustered, he brought his fists down onto his palm talking loudly. "So now that we're all here, can we go?? Im starving and you guys took all damn evening to get here!"
Keiko lightly kicked his shoe pouting up at him. "Hush!! Its not our fault you dont listen, besides you didnt even try to dress nice! So I dont feel sorry for you." Yuseke quickly stepped aside and raised his voice a bit "Hey! Didnt ya hear me?? I didn't know what was going on!!" Keiko roughly poked her boyfriend's chest, "Again, not our problem! Listen and you wouldn't have to worry!!" 
Kurama was the first to put a stop to the bickering. He took a wide step twords the brick building and grabbed the glass doors handle, he opened the door and motioned for everyone fallow him inside.
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So theres that. I'll write more soon. I hope its as fun to read as it was fun to write.
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penny4yourthot · 6 years
Unforgettable truth- Part 3
unforgettable-truth part one / unforgettable-truth-part-2
Thanks to @ithoughtofthisusername for editing
Summary - Ez has been dating Vanessa (OC) for a little over a year. She has finally agreed for him to meet her father. What happens when Ez recognizes her dad Happy Lowman from his past? Contains spoilers for season finale of Mayans.
EZ x OC 
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Nessa felt the familiar feeling of her anxiety creeping through her body as they pulled up to the TM Lot. Her heart was pounding so loud and fast, she could hear it in her ears after Angel shut his bike off. The tight feeling in her stomach and the overwhelming wave a nausea that overcame her as she saw EZ walk into the clubhouse was enough to make her breath hitch. She quickly followed Angel into the building and the sight she saw made her anxiety worse.
EZ was rushing towards Happy in a drunken state. Happy was sitting at the bar with a drink and was caught completely off guard when his head was slammed down on the hard bar top. Happy then felt the feeling of a gun held to his head.
Nessa started to shake as she saw all of the members of SAMCRO pull their guns out and point them at EZ. The Mayans quickly pulled their guns out as well, aiming at various members of the other club.
“What in the hell is the matter with you boy?” Happy asked, turning his head slightly so he could make eye contact with the man holding the gun to his head.
“Shut up! Why did you do it?” EZ managed to slur out, his head started to spin a bit as the alcohol spread through his body like fire.
“EZ please stop!” Nessa yelled, walking closer to him. He turned his head and saw the pleading look in her eyes. It broke his heart to see her so hurt by his actions. The tears streaming down her face made him almost rethink what he was doing. Almost. He quickly turned his attention back to Happy.
“You Ki-killed my mom! Why did you do it? Did someone hire you to do it?” EZ screamed directly in Happys ear.
“I have no clue what you are talking about,” Happy gruffed out, his usual gravelly voice had a hint of worry in it. This was something Nessa had never heard before.
Tig moved a few feet forward slowly trying to gain some ground on EZ. Angels gun was aimed at Tig the whole time making sure he wouldn't attempt to shot his brother.This was the first time in years that the clubs had their guns pointed at each other and no one liked the feeling of it.
“Don't play dumb!” EZ yelled as his head began to spin more.
Nessa managed to grab a handgun out of Angels pocket, She held the gun directly on EZ’s head.
“Put the gun down,” she yelled, “Babe, I love you so much, but I swear to God, if you don't put the gun down, I will kill you!” she said as calm as she could. Her voice shaky with tears.
“Wow, I guess you're just like your father, w-willing to kill someone,” he mumbled as he sent a burning look directly into Nessa’s eyes. Happy took this moment of distraction to grab EZ’s arm and twist it so the gun would fall out of his hands. He then got off the bar stool and held EZ by the back of his neck so his head was on the bar. You could hear the sighs that escaped almost everyone's mouths as they all lowered their guns.
“You killed my mom! It was 8 years ago at the meat shop my family owns,” EZ started. “I saw a car out-outside the shop and then one night I saw you get into the same car,” he said his voice filled with anger, “I know y-you are a contract killer, who the fuck hired you?!”
“You know how many car’s I have stolen? Probably more than 30!” Happy yelled into EZ’s ear.
“Don't even try to lie to me! I know it was you, wh-who hired you?” EZ asked, his words starting to slur worse than before. Nessa turned around and looked at everyone staring intently at Happy.
“EZ, he wouldn't do it! He would never kill a women,” Nessa shouted as she gently pushed her dads hands off of EZ’s neck. She then stood him up and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Please babe just listen to me,” she started. EZ saw the look in her eyes but couldn't help the anger that was still rushing through his body.
“He is a contract killer Ness! He will kill anyone for money,” EZ spat right in her face. In reality she wasn't sure if her dad would kill a women. She wasn't sure just how far he would go for his club. He was such a good father to her, but she knew the other side of him as well. He was probably sent to kill someone else, but their mother got in the way. There must be some explanation for this.
Nessa's thoughts were quickly interrupted when she felt EZ slightly shove her out of his way. This caused Happy to yank EZ back and punch him in the face, hard. EZ’s reaction time was slower then usual, so when he went to return a punch, Happy grabbed his arm and twisted it.
“Tha’s enough!” Chibs yelled. Everyone was silent trying to see what was going to happen next. Happy let go of EZ and backed up, grabbing his daughter and pulling her next to him.
“Don't you ever put hands on my baby girl again!” He shouted.
“Dad he didn't mean to, he is just drunk. I promise he is a good guy,” Nessa said. She couldn't help the tears that, once again, began to stream down her face. Her eyes were sore from all the crying. She walked back up to EZ and hugged him once more.
“Babe, please look at me,” she started, EZ looked her in her eyes. “I'm sorry about your mom, I know it is hard for you. But if my dad said he didn't do it then he didn't,” she continued as she placed a kiss to his cheek.
“I can't do this Ness, I'll always look at you and see you as the d-daughter of the man who killed my mom. He was in that car that was there th-that day. I'm sorry, I have to go,” He replied as he gently unwrapped her arms from around him. He started to stumble towards the door. Nessa quickly grabbed his arm.
“EZ please! Don't leave, I love you more than anything in this world.. We have been best friends for years. Please baby, don't go. I need you in my life. You are everything to me!” she cried out, more tears spilling out of her eyes.
“I can't do this, I'm sorry,” he said, then walked out of the clubhouse. Happy wrapped his arms around his daughter as she sobbed into his chest. Nessa could never be angry at her dad, she knew it wasn't his fault this was all happening. She hated this feeling. The feeling of not being able to control a situation combined with the empty ache of her stomach that she felt every time she cried. Her eyes were burning from all the tears. She knew EZ was stubborn and would never let this go.
By the time she could catch her breath and the tears stopped, all the Mayans were gone. She had heard the sound of the bikes earlier but didnt think the whole club left. The main room of the clubhouse was empty except for her and her dad, who was still holding her. Happy rubbed his hand gently up and down her back as he looked down at her, placing a kiss on the top of her head.
“I'm so sorry baby,” He whispered into her hair.
“S’okay dad,” she said as she pulled away. Her heart literally hurt. She could feel each beat like it was a shock that was sent through her entire body.
She was in a state of shock. She couldn't believe that EZ would just walk out on her like that. He was her best friend. Even though he was drunk, she knew he would never come back to her. She knew he was gone for good. She also knew that he took half her heart with him when he left.
A/N: I was thinking of adding one more part that takes place in the future. Comment and let me know if you would like that please and as always thanks for reading!
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hellomisterriddle · 6 years
Questions About Creating Your OCs
‘Cause sometimes the stories of how OCs come to be are just as interesting as the OCs, themselves. Tell me how your virtual kids came into the world.
(from that ask meme i just reblogged; here are all my answers)
I’m using HotSpot/Hester Heights for this
What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)?
His looks! The first thing i remember wanting was to make sure he looked like a fuckboi
Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind?
Sorta not really??? Like I only knew what a hand full of characters looked like in Neoapolis at the time, so mostly I worked on making him look like a foil to my other OC, Regal.
How did you choose their name?
HotSpot was an easy enough name to think of. I wanted something kinda dudebro-y and it basically chose itself lmao Hester Heights on the other hand... I’m pretty sure I was thinking of literature and just combined withering heights with that girl from....that one book.... crucible??? scarlet letter??? cant remember sklgjskfljjs
Also fun fact i didnt know hester was a girl name until i googled it way later agdjfkfk
In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts?
Definitely the Reputation levels and Celebritism that runs in the veins of Neoapolis. I knew HotSpot needed to be molded by that system and manipulated into thinking that all that mattered was being rich and famous
Is there any significance behind their hair color?
Long and Blond made me think of surfer dudes and fuckbois
Is there any significance behind their eye color?
Yes!! So his eyes aren’t one specific color--I call them “molten” so the’re basically like a lava lamp of fiery colors. My favorite to use is gold (think idris elba as heimdall) 
Is there any significance behind their height?
Nyeheheh yes--I just wanted him to be shorter than most, adds some fire to him if he’s ever teased about it
What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story?
Tumblr media
Are they based off of you, in some way?
Tumblr media
(we’re basically the same person tbh--he’s just more vocal) 
If they have an LI, how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person?
ZERO LMAO when i first made him i had no idea he’d have the bae he eventually has
however--its a different story.........later on...............
Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation?
Nope! I didn’t know a lot about him when i made him tbh--I just needed a foil to my other character. i didn’t expect to get so invested in this asshole. Although i always used to imagine him surrounded by hordes of women before i eventually decided on making him pan
What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)?
Writing. Writing HotSpot is so fucking hard. He’s so fucking unpredictable, I have to constantly double, triple checked with myself to make sure ‘hey is this in character??’ its damn near impossible
How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all?
so HotSpot is an OC in an rp group...an rp group that hasn't started yet sfjghfjgdf LOL;;;; sooooo while me and my gf figure out the logistics of this group, we just went ahead and started rping shit that wouldn’t necessarily require others’ characters yet! our rps themselves have only gone 2-6 years in the future, but we have like... ideas and aus that go up to like 10yrs in the future sdfjgkfg
If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
His recklessness/temper and his complicated feeling for his bae (at first winkwonk)
What is something about your OC can make you laugh?
his fuckboi-ness lmaooo
What is something about your OC can make you cry?
oh man--and this has happened before, i’ve cried rping about this--but how much he ruined his own life with his unchecked emotions
Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
Kinda wish I hadn’t killed his sister for the manpain fgkldjflhk i mean to be fair it only effected him subconsciously, but still... wish she still lived :(
What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC?
im constantly discovering all sorts of things with HotSpot/Hester thanks to how little i thought about him when i first made him. The most recent one thoooo...
OH!! LOL it was from our most recent RP!! I discovered that while Hester doesn’t mind waking up early, he very much minds it when he’s woken up earlier than he has to be fjgdlfjhd 
What is your favorite fact about your OC?
like...fact fact, as in a random fact or like... fact as in anything about who he is in general??? immm...gonna take it as the latter...
my favorite thing about hotspot/hester is how he gets better. its something im proud of in him, and something i want to do too. 
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draconicroyalty · 7 years
A Squad Isn’t a Squad Without a ChatRoom
My excuse for this is that I love chat room fanfics. Also, huge crossover and massive oc x canon.-
Fandoms: DMC, Bayonetta, Inuyasha
Genre: Crack, with a side of romance
Chapter One - Furries, Monster Fuckers and Dinner
                                     [BALDER created Group Chat]
[BALDER changed the name Group Chat to Fucking Insomnia]
[Balder added DANIYAL]
DANIYAL: who tf is creating group chats at 4am BALDER: me, dipshit, i can't sleep DANIYAL: well boo hoo, suck it up and bang your head against somethin BALDER: why are u so cranky DANIYAL: it's 4am and my first class tomorrow is maths do you really wanna ask me why tf i'm mad BALDER: fair enough BALDER: is sparda awake DANIYAL: nah DANIYAL: has been snoring for a good 5 hours BALDER: wait, he snores?? DANIYAL: ya BALDER: omg DANIYAL: what about dog boy BALDER: playing dating simulators DANIYAL: you're kidding BALDER: i wish i was DANIYAL: YO DOG BOY WTF TOUGA: TF U WANT DANIYAL: STOP TRYING TO GET INTO A BISHIE'S PANTS U WEEB, GO TO SLEEP FFS TOUGA: why are u awake BALDER: yeah nice question DANIYAL: um DANIYAL: studying? TOUGA: bullshit BALDER: bet you're playing lol again and mad cuz of the trolls DANIYAL: IT'S 4AM, TROLLS AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE HERE, WHY DO I ONLY GET YASUOS IN MY TEAM BALDER: there there, baby, there there SPARDA: Dafuck is all this noise DANIYAL: u r awake??? SPARDA: yah, someone mutters what they type a bit too loud DANIYAL: srry bae SPARDA: np bby TOUGA: stop DANIYAL: why BALDER: you're reminding him he's single DANIYAL: that's cuz he's a furry SPARDA: LOOOOOL DANIYAL: before anyone asks spar actually laughed while typing that TOUGA: ASHFKDSKGHKSJAHL BALDER: touga, words. not keysmashes. TOUGA: IMF NSOT A FURRTY DANIYAL: what??? SPARDA: i think the poor furry is trying to type he ain't a furry
[DANIYAL changed the name Fucking Insomnia to FURRY CONFIRMED]
BALDER: lol BALDER: dan u r aware that he will try to kill you tomorrow DANIYAL: np i got a spray bottle TOUGA: KLHAFDSHGKGH FUCK U DANIYAL: MY PARTNERS DO THAT BALDER: sometimes i forget our boy's poly DANIYAL: i love all my boyfriends, girlfriends and significant others equally and if anyone hurts them i'll pull their guts out and eat them TOUGA: ew BALDER: scary SPARDA: i say him throwing a guy that was harassing one of his classmates into the trash once DANIYAL: i was practicing slam dunks and he looked like a basketball TOUGA: how does a guy look like a basketball DANIYAl: he was wearing orange and black BALDER: fair enough SPARDA: like this is fun but SPARDA: it's 4:22 am SPARDA: we should sleep TOUGA: alright mom BALDER: goodnight mom SPARDA: mom?? pretty sure i didn't conceive such ugly children DANIYAl: OH SNAP BALDER: SPARDA WE'RE LITERALLY TWINS?? SPARDA: LOOK AT ME, I'M THE PRETTY ONE BALDER: BEAUTY MARKS DON'T AUTOMATICALLY MAKE U THE PRETTY ONE TOUGA: aaaand there they go DANIYAL: babe stop angrily typing SPARDA: he started BALDER: NO I DIDNT??? DANIYAL: i know babe i know BALDER: HE LITERALLY STARTED THIS??? TOUGA: give up bal it's better BALDER: jsfslghjhg im going to bed TOUGA: nighty night BALDER: stop playing dream daddy and go to sleep too TOUGA: make me DANIYAL: WAIT U PLAY DREAM DADDY??? TOUGA: YA DANIYAL: favorite dad? TOUGA: brian DANIYAL: ....your fave's the bear. u furry. TOUGA: shUT UP TOUGA: who's your fave?? DANIYAL: matt TOUGA: why am i not surprised DANIYAL: he's a cINNAMON ROLL AND I WILL PROTECT HIM WITH MY LIFE SPARDA: babe log off lol DANIYAL: but babe...the IP.... SPARDA: tomorrow, babe, tomorrow DANIYAL: fine...night, u furry TOUGA: aadlkfjsghAHJSGHSKJ NOT A FURRY BALDER: furry [BALDER is OFFLINE]
TOUGA: fuck y'all [TOUGA is OFFLINE]
EVA: baby! DANIYAL: babe! AMASIS: what tf is this DANIYAL: balder couldn't sleep and created a group chat DANIYAL: so since i liked the idea and was super supportive when he created it i thought about adding more people AMASIS: oh JUURAH: LMAO IS THE NAME OF THE GROUP CHAT ABOUT TOUGA DANIYAL: scroll up bro JUURAH: omg that furry MAALIK: why tf were you all awake at 4am DANIYAL: balder had insomnia, i was playing league, touga was seducing daddies and i woke up spar MAALIK: that game's not good for u, i'm tellin ya DANIYAL: too bad i don't give a fuck MAALIK: ow DANIYAL: where's my baby boy? NATHANIEL: for the last time i'm 2 MINUTES YOUNGER THAN U DANIYAL: baby boy <3 EVA: (*^_^*) thats cute DANIYAL: you're cute
SPARDA: you're both cute AMASIS: sparda is summoned as soon as eva and dan start being cute, wow SPARDA: you do it too AMASIS: not with eva AMASIS: no offense darling EVA: it's ok (*´∀`*) DANIYAL: so pure MAALIK: if we're talkin about being cute and stuff MAALIK: i have some baby dan pics DANIYAL: *softly* dont MAALIK: don't try to meme your way out of this LUKAH: give them to us EVA: Lukah, you're here! (*^.^*) LUKAH: ...pure maiden LUKAH: i mean hi love LUKAH: anyways SPARDA: pics now AMASIS: i demand pics DANIYAL: pls no [MAALIK sent chubbycheeks.png] EVA: AWWWWWWWWWWW JUURAH: omg is that his old bib??? that thing was so cute SPARDA: brb dying cuz of cute AMASIS: i'm saving that and nobody can stop me LUKAH: !!! LUKAH: baby freckles LUKAH: omg
TOUGA: i'm saving it as future blackmail potential DANIYAL: fuck u SPARDA: dog boy don't lie SPARDA: u also think he was cute af TOUGA: nah TOUGA: maybe a little TOUGA: ok look he has really chubby cheeks and he's hugging a dog plushie, I AM WEAK EVA: Daniyal never lost his cuteness over the years ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ DANIYAL: aghgihrhgrih that'snottrue SPARDA: oh he's blushing AMASIS: you're his roommate, pinch his cheeks for me LUKAH: and for me EVA: for me too!! ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ JUURAH: why do you like those emojis so much eva EVA: they're adorable DANIYAL: ow ow ow SPARDA MY CHEEKS SPARDA: they're so soft omg AMASIS: now kiss them better SPARDA: done AMASIS: u know what i'm going there EVA: count me in! LUKAH: im on my way rn
BALDER: y'all really love him don't you SPARDA: balder. brother. good friend of mine. he's literally a ray of sunshine that covers anything that's evil and putrid in this world AMASIS: he's the personification of a cool breeze in a warm summer day EVA: he's huggable like a teddy! LUKAH: ... LUKAH: thicc. LUKAH: jk, he's literally a mix of everything that's good and sweet DANIYAL: ASFJKGSHG STOP IM CRYING I LOVE U ALL SO MUCH TOUGA: SOME OF US ARE STILL SINGLE DANIYAL: that's cuz you're a furry TOUGA: stop DANIYAL: i saw your internet browser history bruh TOUGA: I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT A FURRY WAS DANIYAL: SO U RESEARCH IT ON TUMBLR 2 TIMES A DAY?? DANIYAL: yeah right bro TOUGA: im pulling out the receipts Dan DANIYAL: do not TOUGA: i may be a furry, but have you seen the amount of times you're in the terato tag?? TOUGA: u monster fucker
[Touga changed the name FURRY CONFIRMED to DAN WANTS MONSTER D]
DANIYAL: hOW DARE SPARDA: tbh, unsurprised AMASIS: like, he blushes when there's big creepy monsters in movies EVA: i heard him saying a monster lady could break him in half and he'd thank her LUKAH: ya dan's always been a monster fucker JUURAH: i can confirm that MAALIK: wait so all those trips to find big foot were due to Dan's horny ass NATHANIEL: nah that was me NATHANIEL: he's more of a loch ness monster guy DANIYAL: Nessie is a beautiful independent lady and also gay af so we're just besties MAALIK: i'm kinkshaming DANIYAL: u can't kinkshame if kinksame MAALIK: what DANIYAL: one word. actually, one cryptid DANIYAL: mothman MAALIK: ASDFGHJKL SHUT UP BALDER: honestly BALDER: i think being a furry is worse TOUGA: thanks for the damn support bro, wait til i kill you while u sleep SPARDA: did u just confirm you're a furry TOUGA: fUCK JUURAH: i always knew it NATHANIEL: i mean why would he nickname himself dog boy BALDER: lmao do u have a fursona touga?? TOUGA: fuck off TOUGA: why not tease Dan for being a monster fucker?? AMASIS: if u dated him you'd know he's into even kinkier stuff SPARDA: yah EVA: yah LUKAH: yah TOUGA: wait what DANIYAL: qwertyuiioponfds save m BALDER: what is going on over there AMASIS: we're drowning him in affection and i think he broke LUKAH: bara machine broke BALDER: tf's a bara TOUGA: urban dictionary says it's a person (usually male) with a large, somewhat muscular, and fairly hairy body type NATHANIEL: lol JUURAH: if there's something Dan ain't, it's hairy EVA: tru SPARDA: never caught him shaving tbh DANIYAL: i'll never reveal my secrets TOUGA: late bloomer DANIYAL: iM NOT DANIYAL: i simply dislike body hair on me TOUGA: what about other people DANIYAL: it's their body and they can do whatever they want and honestly?? cute. BALDER: why not apply that concept to yourself DANIYAL: never MAALIK: i know we are all having fun chatting and stuff MAALIK: but like MAALIK: it's almost dinner time MAALIK: so go get somethin to eat DANIYAL: but daaaad MAALIK: im not dad. dad is straight. NATHANIEL: lmao, right JUURAH: our family is so gay i sometimes forget that DANIYAL: mom's bi af tho JUURAH: i took after her DANIYAL: anyway if u don't mind im getting my lovely gfs and bfs something to eat AMASIS: we could eat u AMASIS: out DANIYAL: thank god u said out cuz if not i would kick u DANIYAL: this is a vore free chat SPARDA: vore is strictly banned TOUGA: kinkshamers BALDER: ... DANIYAL: touga wtf
BALDER: tbh?? he deserves this EVA: what's vore LUKAH: such a pure innocent soul SPARDA: don't tell her DANIYAL: guys. eva's anything but a pure innocent soul. DANIYAL: at least when it comes to stuff LUKAH: ok, tru SPARDA: u woke the femdom monster in her DANIYAL: and you're grateful for that SPARDA: can't say i'm not AMASIS: can we go eat now DANIYAL: actual dinner or ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) BALDER: is your lenny face winking MAALIK: that is extremely concerning NATHANIEL: welp, people, im outtie JUURAH: same, wanna eat MAALIK: im escaping before this gets anymore sexual
BALDER: im going to find touga and kinkshame him
AMASIS: so SPARDA: hm EVA: mcdonalds or subway? (´∀`) LUKAH: i'm in the mood for mcdonalds DANIYAL: yeah same SPARDA: can we watch a movie too?? since we're going to the mall AMASIS: sounds like fun DANIYAL: im paying LUKAH: no ur not wtf DANIYAL: I PAY
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waywardmarauder · 8 years
Of Pirates and Storms
Yet another short story for a Cannith NPC. This time featuring Captain Cela Vance as her and her crew of would-be pirates steal their prized ship.(I did not have time to proof read so there might be some typos here and there)
The night air was calm on the shores of the Urden port city of Takmeth. A city famed for many things throughout the empire but nothing more than for its masterful shipwrights. A tradition of near perfection reaching back to the earliest records of the empire Takmethian dry docks were things of beauty, commonly catching the eyes of General's and merchants alike; as well as the occasional thief.
The tale of this calm night is that of one such aspiring thief. A small woman by the name Cela Vance struggling to find a suitable place in the world for herself and those that have for whatever reason decided to follow her down into one of Takmeth's central dry docks that night. She dressed herself in common enough garb; loosely fitted pants that's legs flowed a bit with each step, a shirt ripped at the bottom she's grown too fond of to replace, a thin red leather vest left unbuttoned and allowed to hang freely on shoulders and a bandana tied around her forehead to keep a wild tussle of hair at bay. The grand scheme that had drawn the attention of these men and women to her back? Steal what was meant to be the new pride of the local General's fleet, a Frigate crafted by some of Takmeth's finest hands that had just touched the salt of the ocean a mere few hours ago.
Among those at Cela's back that night was the massive and masculine figure of the Dragonborn known to Cela as Krenik. His scaled skin gleaming a dull copper whenever a faint lamp light touched it, a long and stiff drape of scaled tendril like horn laid flat over Krenik's back. His attire was similar to  Cela's, loose pants and a worn red leather vest, a bandana of similar color to her's was tied about his bare forearm and he didnt bother himself with any sort of shirt. The pair of Krenik and Cela moved ahead of their would-be crew mates in the dark. Moving between crates and other supplies left to the side of the dock by the builders. Hiding from the light and vigilant eyes of the small force of guard patrolling the area.
As they neared Krenik placed a hand on Cela's shoulder halting her step. He pointed past her to a single guard standing still by the only visible ramp leading to the new ships deck. His colors were of dull blacks and yellow, indicating him of a low ranking Urden Trooper. “Its now or never Captain.” Krenik's rough voice whispered behind her head.
Cela's eyes closed with a bit of a grimace. “It's too late to change the plan isn't it?” A low grumble from Krenik was her answer. “Can't I just stab him or something? I'm awful at this sort of thing...” Krenik's clawed hand pressed against her back giving her a gentle shove forward. Cela spun to slap his hand away. “Alright alright...just...I don't know...look away or something.” She sighed as the large Dragonborn rolled his eyes and turned awkwardly in the tight space between the crates. Cela pulled her vest closed, leaving the top exposed and pulling her shirt down to leave as much of her chest visible as she could. With a downward tug on her pants to show more of her hip line she took a deep breath and struck a confident sashay into the light.
“Hey, excuse me sir?” She called to the guard in a softer voice than she normally felt comfortable with. “I seem to be lost. I was supposed to meet my friends but I can't seem to find them anywhere.”
“That's a shame miss.” The guard said after noticeably swallowing a lump in his throat. “Perhaps I could uh...” His voice trailed off when Cela's thumbs hooked into the line of her pants, pulling their edge down ever so slightly. “I could maybe flag down one of the patrols to help you?”
“Oh but I was hoping that you...” While not paying attention to where her feet where Cela's foot caught a stray line of rope left out on the group causing her to stumble. “That uh...maybe you could help? Maybe?” She began to lose composure as the moment she dreaded came closer. “Your...uh...Big strong...man....ness.” She watched as the guard became less aroused and more confused the more she talked.
“Um...Maybe you should go home miss.” He said slowly, trying to figure out what exactly was going on.
Cela stopped within a few steps of him eyes closed, head slowly tilting downward. “Oh screw it. I'm never doing this again.” She said reaching a hand into a pouch on her waist. Before the guard could even question what she said she pulled a fist full of powder up and blew it into his face. Instantly the man began to stumble in place sputtering half formed words before Cela gripped him by the head and pulled him down to bash his forehead against a nearby lamp post.
As the guard crumpled to the ground the heavy steps of Krenik came up behind Cela. “Big strong manness huh?” He said dryly.
Cela had already knelt down to tie the guards hands to the post. “Shut it. I told you I'm not good at that.”
“Seemed to be doing fine until you opened your mouth.” Krenik added with a teasing smirk.
“Keep yours shut and go get the others. We're already behind schedule.” At that the Dragonborn left wordlessly back into the dark to signal the rest waiting for them. Within a few short moments a group of just over twenty people all wearing similar red leather vests boarded the deck of the ship.
Over the next few minutes they scoured the ship, giving it a quick once over of supplies before several of the crew reported to Cela that most of the ships cargo had indeed already been loaded in anticipation of the Urden General's arrive meant for the next day. There they waited in silence for the next few hours. Each hiding in their new posts, Cela and Krenik laying near the helm, watching the starry skies above slowly fill with dense clouds. A thin, wiry smile tugged at the edges of her mouth when the first drops of rain hit her face. She slapped Krenik's leg to get his attention and the Dragonborn jumped to his feet. He began ringing a warning bell and with it each and every crew member got to their feet and set to getting the ship set to sail. The plank to the deck splashed into the water just before a patrol of guard were able to rush up it. The sail fell into place and mooring ropes were cut free.
With a groan the new ship caught the growing wind and pulled out of its dock. Warning bells began to ring through the docks, soldiers both of full dress and those that seemed to have just rolled out of a bunk rushed to posts. Other ships began to gather their muster in an attempt to give chase. “Krenik!” Cela called from the helm. “Its not picking up fast enough! Do your thing!” Without a word Krenik ran to stand at the back of sail. Standing firm on the deck he took a deep breath and held both arms out to sides. Visible currents of wind quickly formed around his wrists and palms until he thrust arms up toward the sail, hurling a powerful, sustained gust of wind into the sails.
With this short boost their ship was able to gain considerable distance from the port before any other ship was able to give chase. Cela aimed the ship directly into the building storm around them, the storm she knew was coming. For hours they sailed, until they lost sight of any pursuit.
Once the storm showed signs of clearing and the crew relaxed they turned to cheer up at their new Captain, shouting her praises and congratulating her and themselves on their theft. Among all the cheering a question was finally asked. “What shall we call her ma'am?”
To which Cela quickly replied. “The Lonely of Crimson. And with her help we're gonna show Urden that they can't push us around any more! That little folks like us have got one hell of a voice! And more importantly! We've got cannons now!” The crew erupted in wild cheering. Breaking open casks of whatever wine and rums the intended captain of this vessel had stored aboard and settled into a celebration.
After her short speech Krenik approached Cela, giving the edge of his vest a tug in an attempt to draw attention to it. “Is that why you got everyone these?” Cela only gave him a shrug and grin before hoping the rail down onto the deck to join in with the rest of the crew.
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