#he does have to answer to norman tho
phoneybeatlemania · 5 months
Hi Phoney! Love your blog, you're so knowledgable about the boys❤ Id like to ask you if you could recommend some beatles books? There are dozens (hundreds?) of them and i have no idea which ones are worth picking up and which ones are trash. Peace and love✌😎
Hiya anon! Sorry you sent this in February and im only just answering, hopefully it pops up on your dash anyway tho
So Im pretty sure Erin Torkelson Weber said theres upwards of a 1000 books written about the Beatles, which means obviously theres a lot to get through. Honestly, having read quite a few, there are none that are going to be 100% unbiased, 100% truthful and 100% satisfactory for everyone, but heres a few that I think are worthwhile:
1. A Day In The Life: the Music and Artistry of the Beatles by Mark Hertsgaard
Personally I really enjoyed this book when I read it. Its not the most insightful book about them out there, but I think its a solid starting point for anyone new to Beatles-lore, and the way he writes about the music I found to be quite endearing.
2. And In The End by Ken McNab
As someone who is especially interested in the “breakup era”, this book is pretty useful in establishing a timeline of events for 1969. It goes through the year month-by-month, and I remember there being quite a few niche pieces of information in here, that you might not find in most other beatles books.
3. The Beatles Off The Record by Keith Badman
Theres 2 of these books and id recommend getting a copy of both if you can! They’re both effectively a transcription of quotes and interviews from the band, so it isn’t really a book that you’d sit down and read. But it is useful to keep a copy on your shelf, and you can turn to virtually any page and find something interesting to discuss.
4. Beatles ‘66: The Revolutionary Year by Steve Turner
I read this book originally to answer an ask I got about 1966, but I dont think I ever actually got round to answering it in full. Either way, I did learn a lot about them during this year, and similar to McNabs book, because its centred on a specific year it does offer a few pieces of information that might get overlooked in broader biographies.
5. John Lennon: The Life by Phillip Norman
Im going a bit against the grain here, and I know a lot of people would disagree with this recommendation, but I don’t personally believe this book is as bad as a lot of other people might. Norman definitely is someone you want to read critically, but I do also think he’s had the opportunity to speak to many beatle-adjacent people, and there are things we can learn from this biography. The problem I think is that he can be quite heavily biased, and a lot of his sourcing can be questionable. But again, just read it critically to the best of your ability, cause there are imo some relevant pieces of info in here.
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youredreamingofroo · 5 months
- - oc deep dive questionnaire
a set of 20 questions to get to know your oc! thank you @elderwisp for the tag!! 🫶🫂 (THIS IS SO LATE BUT THANK YOU AGAIN)
Roo Norman
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- under the cut -
what uncommon/common fear do they have?
[ I answered this here , but just to shoot em out: Driving (not being driven, but actually being behind the wheel), "apeirophobia"/"megalophobia" (excessive fear of infinity, eternity, and the uncountable / fear of large objects), being stared at (despite liking eye contact, we love an indecisive king)
do they have any pet peeves?
[ Motherfuckers who can't communicate LMFAO
what are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
[ His phone, clutter (IKKK its not a single item but like in general he just has a LOT of clutter), and a photo of his dad
what do they notice first in a person?
[ Their hair,,, He just can't help it, he'll always notice their hair and usually compliment them, but if he doesn't FW their hair, he doesn't say anything LMAOO
from a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
[ 3-5, pussy shit
do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
[ ~ flight ~ He's kinda like a stray cat,,,
do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
[ Roo technically comes from a big family (4 siblings, and 2 step-fathers) but didn't grow up in a big family, and I would not consider Roo a family person LMAO everyone in his family was pretty distant when he was growing up so :/
what animal represents them best?
[ idk why but Giraffe, like that just came to mind while doing this, but usually I'd say something like a cat represents him best 🤷‍♂️
what is a smell that they dislike?
[ Lavender... (me and him 🤝 hating the fuck outta lavender cuz it gives us migraines)
have they broken any bones? if so, how?
[ Nopeeee, still broken-bone free
how would a stranger likely describe them?
[ "Eccentric..." LMAO no but fr, they'd probably say He's a little weird and looks pretty reserved, but is surprisingly open
what is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
[ He does NOT like Pistachio and he absolutely loves Mango
do they have any hobbies?
[ Nope 💀💀 His pastime is obsessing over Leo as of late
boom, surprise birthday party! how do they react to surprises?
[ His ass would (jokingly) walk out, come back and then cry
do they like to wear jewelry? if so, what is their favorite piece?
[ Roo loves wearing jewelry but his sensory issues say fuck that </3 He loves to wear rings tho (when his sensory issues let him)
do they have neat or messy handwriting?
[ messy 😭
what are two emotions they feel the most?
[ Nervousness and Confusion (just like me fr)
do they have a favorite fabric?
[ No? 😭 I don't even know what my fav fabric is... I guess he likes anything that isn't microfiber?
what kind of accent do they have?
[ This has been said soo many times, but he has an english (american) accent with a swedish sort of twang
- -
Not tagging anyone cuz I'm like... a week or two late... 😭 But if you'd like to do this, feel free to do it and tag me <:P
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robinfrinjs · 10 months
since you are my go to source for anything wec
is there any truth to the rumors that seb might be joining wec with Jota i think it was?
or its just silly rumors running around
The original sources for the rumors were reliable. But no actual signing was rumored just the fact it could happen and he was approached. I don't doubt he actually was approached. But the rumors have significantly died down the past month or so. Monday WEC will release their entry list, and while there are gaps on it as teams are only required to sign up with a single driver for the initial entry list - It could give a better picture maybe.
Jota is known to have requested whether they can run only two drivers for select races and they've gotten the confirmation they can, so that's also a part in the messy thing that is their line up rumors. Because the request on clarification of the rules was definitely written with the intent to do so.
Now Jota have already lost da Costa and will likely lose Ye as well. So loosing 2/3 of your drivers while upgrading to a second car doesn't sound so well anyway.
Obviously Norman Nato did the rookie test for Jota, but his FE team, Andretti is known to dislike their drivers doing dual programs. Now he's not their previous champion so maybe they're a little more lenient on it, but I'm assuming they're not letting him skip Berlin. This could however relate to the Jota question whether running 2 drivers was allowed.
Jenson Button was also obviously rumored, and he's been announced as a fourth driver at the 24H of Daytona which means he's likely not running a full IMSA season. Which does open the door to that Jota seat for him. Then also I'm assuming Jota keeps Stevens and Harry Tincknell is apparently also a possibility for Jota.
This doesn't fill six seats tho, so I'm assuming if Vettel really wants to he'd definitely be able to join the team. Now WEC also runs on 100% renewable fuel, which maybe could influence his decision to join the championship in a positive way.
But anyway, sorry for the long answer but I'm not sure. There's definitely something going on behind the scenes between Vettel and Jota and if that ends up in a race seat for Vettel.. only time will tell.
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hollowsart · 1 year
I know this is a difficult question to answer, but wich of the mysterios are the least attractive? (Not including MCU/Jake G’s Mysterio because we already know your thoughts on him.)
Right off the top of my head and personally speaking, uhhh...
The 90s cartoon. Why is he blond. Why does he have a ponytail. Why the heck is he WHITE? That man does not look white in the source material (not to me, at least)
Another, I would say, is Marvel Action Spiderman's Mysterio. Why the heck does that man look like tssm Norman Osborn with a ponytail? Deeply cursed and uncomfortable. Keep the dome on. I mean, at least he was genuinely funny despite his appearance. He came on so strong upon his first introduction in that comic djjddvskfnsg
One more, honorable mention, whatever the heck was going on with the 60s/70s cartoon iterations. Especially the one where he's inexplicably green with red hair and glasses?? Like.. WHAT.
..Also the white suburban dad from the 2017 Marvel's Spiderman cartoon. I know at least one person likes and simps for him, and respect to you! Mad respect to you! Love what you love and enjoy that man! But he's just not for me.
Anyways, there might be a few more, but that's all I really got.
Note: I never watched any of the cartoons mentioned, and I skimmed through the action comic. I could recommend the comic, tho, the art was interesting, and the premise of the villains being teachers for the school Peter goes to is also interesting!
Also, the art in it is very reminiscent of TSSM, so that's definitely a plus!
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hermesserpent-stuff · 2 years
31 - TSSM
Thus always to tyrants: the oh hellos (on mobile)
Crimson Curse is Harry running around with gear from Quentin to try and right the wrongs of the rich and powerful in New York. Now he meets spider for the first time. Spider nephew au adjacent. A bit shorter sorry!!
Thanks for the ask tho!! (To the other person with the same number that asked later, I have a plan don't worry)
Harry is constantly being amazed by how easy it is to break into places. Yes he has good training from Quentin, but some part him had always seen a locked door as some insurmountable object. And yet here he is, the Crimson Curse, sneaking in to yet another place he knows has dirt to be dragged up. ESU's lab is directly funded by Norman Osborn and that fact alone has Harry suspicious. They had been in the news a fair few times. But it had always returned to vaguely normal for the lab. Which is worrying because he knows that something deeper has to be going on and his two best friends could get wrapped up into the trouble. Curse just needs to take a short stroll through their records, find anything he can and go about the business of making any dark deeds come to the light. He knows Kraven is attached to this place, but only has the bairest details of gossip from Sandy and Dan. He needs something more… concrete.
His flashdrive is plugged into the computer to start scanning while he flicks through paper files. A creak has him turning and he is only a little shocked to see Spider-Man.
"Aw great. Someone new. What's your gimmick? Vultures already got the bird thing and Mysterio's our local magician, so fair warning those roles are taken."
"I have no desire to fight."
Good, the voice modulator works. Maybe Spider-Man would leave him alone if he tried to explain things.
"Really? Then why are you breaking and entering if not to draw the attention of little ol' me."
"Osborn has connections with this lab. There is something going on here that has been hidden from people. It is my job to uncover the truth and show the world."
A little dramatic. So sue him. Quentin rubs off on people. Spider-Man tilts his head.
"Wait. Who are you?"
"I am the Crimson Curse. A bane to all who skulk and hide in the dark."
Curse carefully checks the face of his watch. Only fifty percent of the files have been transferred from the computer to his transmitting flash drive. And he had not yet combed through all the paper files. He needs more time. Plus he knows he cannot fight.
"You think Dr. Connors is up to no good? He's a friend. Sort of. Kind of. Look, the guy's not evil."
Spider-Man says, shifting on his feet.
"That may be true but he does not have sole responsibility over this lab. Kraven got an augmentation here from someone. That means some amount of supplies must be missing and notes of that research might exist. I am simply seeking answers, Spider-Man. I will steal nothing but the knowledge of the truth."
"Maybe I can help. Keep the good docs name clear…"
Spider-Man sounds hopeful and Curse decides to let him be. Easier to deal with an ally that is semi blind than a poison filled enemy.
"Alright. Help me with the papers. See if there is any record discrepancy when it comes to supplies. If you try to cover things up… I don't think we will be able to work together again."
"Yep. Yep. Totally understandable."
Both quietly and quickly get to work. Spider-Man speaks up a little bit later.
"I've seen some of your work. I respect it."
Curse tilts his head.
"Have you tried looking into Thompson Lincoln or Roderick Kingley?"
"They've yet to enter the perview of my spells. But I shall look into hexing them."
"Uh… right. Well if you do, be careful. It's nice to know other people see somethings up with the city. Even if it is a weird witch dude."
Curse rolls his eyes. He upped his magic talk in costume to change his pattern of speech.
"So irreverent."
He teased Spider-Man. Something about him felt familiar. Safe.
"That's me! Super irreverent!!"
And they continue digging.
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violeteyedkiller · 2 years
Name:  Stan Norman / Tanmur
Eye color: Violet 
Hair style / color: Flaxen blond, graying above the ears 
Height:  5′10 guised / 6′9 true form
Clothing style: Tan or navy suits or button downs and slacks 
Best physical feature: Most noticeable are his eyes (but dat mouth tho)
Your fears: “Becoming irrelevant.” 
Your guilty pleasure: “Eating food.” 
Your ambitions for the future: “Leaving a legacy.” 
Your first thoughts waking up: “How long was I idle?” 
What you think about most: “My family.” 
What you think about before bed: “You know..I don’t really sleep.” 
What you think your best quality is: “My experience. In many different capacities.” 
Single or group dates: “No dates.” 
To be loved or respected: "I have no desire for love without respect."
Beauty or brains: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Intelligence comes in different forms.” 
Dogs or cats: “Anything but cats.” 
Lie: “When necessary.” 
Believe in yourself: “What does that even mean.” 
Believe in love: “I don’t see why not.” 
Want someone: “I, as the kids say, partake in yearning. Yes.” 
Been on stage: “For press conferences and such.” 
Done drugs: “I swear high, I’ve never been officer.” 
Changed who you were to fit in: At this question he looks down and gestures at his human guise.
Favorite color: “I don’t know.”
Favorite animal: “I don’t know.” 
Favorite movie: “I don’t know.” 
Favorite book: “I don’t know.” 
Favorite game: “I don’t know.” 
Day your next birthday will be: “March 13th thereabouts.” 
How old will you be: “It may be cliché but I’ve lost track. Mid six thousands.” v
Age you lost your virginity: “Why does this matter.” 
Best personality: “Being able to put up with me I guess.” 
Best eye color: “This doesn’t matter.” 
Best hair color: “This also doesn’t matter.” 
Best thing to do with a partner: “Um...do you want the rated R answer or..” 
I love: “All my mates.” 
I feel: “Too much at times.” 
I hide: “A lot” 
I miss: “Her.” 
I wish: “This was over.” 
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pulse-art · 2 years
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what do you mean rancher duo are dead theyre sitting in the mesa talking about tumble towns newest buildings
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henrysfedora · 2 years
So the whole Tommy/Norman conversation happens in '35 and Norman says he's been in town 3 years which means he left Empire Bay '32, middle of the Vinci-Moretti war
Now I have more questions then answers. Did he do something wrong? Was he forcefully relocated? Was he just sick and tired of gangster war? What exactly made him move to Lost Heaven?
Also, he moved just a year before the war ended, so he didn't know from first hand who won, probably heard on the radio or old associate let him know?
And the last and most tripping thought. Did he ever met young Henry? Henry full of life and cockiness? I can imagine Henry getting pinched by Norman for something like public intoxicating and indecency (imagine Norman catching him and Bettina during lovely time in the car)
don't the intermezzo's take place in '38 though? which means he would've left two years after the moretti war ended in '33. but I mean honestly a lot of things you mentioned can still be applied to him none the less (dw just pointing that out lmao). Norman is incredibly stuck up I wonder if he ever even cared about the Vinci-Moretti war? unless he was assigned any certain cases involving them, in that case he probably would've cared a lot about the war (in the sense of doing his job, he doesn't seem to like the mafia life at all but is really decent at recalling information so he mustn't hate his job either) but he could've done something wrong, he could've fucked up a case big time and got relocated to lost heaven and by then he just didn't want anything to do with the war until one of his old mates brought it up. could be why he's so pissy when he does get to lost heaven and has a harder time making friends, because last time he made friends he fucked up so incredibly bad for maybe not seeing that their group ideas weren't satisfactory or thought through smart enough. or if we're considering more norman headcanons from earlier - someone just got so far on his bad side and pissed him off so badly he wanted to leave the whole ass city and move somewhere else where he could start anew. take on cases by himself and maybe this time have more control over his informants and partners, or at least now that hes older push them around more than he did his old buddies in lost heaven that didn't necessarily steer him wrong, but he was young and he made younger friends and now he can be more mature and in charge, not to be an asshole just to hopefully protect his friends. Imo from how norman acts in '38 (a fucking dick, a polite dick in the end tho) he was way more easy going in his younger years and after shit things happened to him and he got older and was moved into lost heaven - he just became a much more uptight person, a bastard to others, he could no longer risk getting too personal with other people. like how he falls for tommy in the end- he tries covering up his feelings so much he flat out doesn't make friends anymore because he knows that if he does he might not be able to say no to them or disagree. tommy got into norman's head pretty well in the end because he ended up getting protected by him, norman probably walked into that building ready to ruin the life of a mobster but ended up helping him because he couldn't fight that voice in his head.
also young norman meeting young henry aldjalsjdlkjdlasd. noRMAN FINDING THEM IN THE CAR ALSJDLASDJ. wrt henry's FP files maybe norman was the police officer he punched and that's why he's got records of going to prison for brutality lmao. or norman could've been given a case in researching the docks where henry was doing some suspicious shit at - another way they could've met. honestly wouldn't be surprised if norman ever ran into a drunk young henry and luca. lord I wonder if he ever ran into drunk eddie- he must've the empire bay cast are AWFUL, they would blow up a whole ass palace if they could, they aren't hard to miss.
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inkdemonapologist · 3 years
ok this is a wild thing to ask but combining two of my previous asks, do you think that souls have a part to play in determining non-newtonian ink's viscosity?
LMAO OH BOY…….. HM……. I think… the best possible source of information we have on this is actually Alice Angel. Because she has a soul, presumably – the soul of Susie Campbell – and she has been in all states: a wiggling, shapeless slug; in the dark puddles; and a Beautiful Angel; so simply having a soul is not enough to be stable. She also seems to believe that being touched by the Ink Demon would destabilise her and take her back to that puddle-form.
[taps chin thoughtfully] You could maybe sell it that way, though – that the Ink Demon siphons a bit of your soul when it grabs you, which is why any kind of contact is so lethal, and Soul is the thing keeping the Ink solid, so the only way Alice has been able to fix herself is by basically cannibalising other souls to repair her own. Which implies the butcher gang do have souls, since they’re not goopy, and that the lost ones and searchers have lost huge amounts of their own souls. Sammy and Norman are maybe??? both weird cases because they do have their own souls, but their souls are thoroughly corrupted by/tied to the Ink that makes up their bodies, so both are able to die and come back normally (tho that's awkward with Searcher Sammy theories so [wheezes helplessly]). This would unfortunately raise interesting questions about the Ink Demon, though, who has no soul of its own, but is uh….. Solid-ish???? For variables of “solid”????
It feels to me like there’s gotta be some other factor here just because the Ink Demon is chilling and not having a soul but also being way less liquid-looking than the searchers are, but I feel like you could probably make it work if you wanted to ponder the Ink Demon having already stolen soul from the folks it has munched on and just using that to maintain its shape. This gets messy with DCTL -- if the Ink Demon was originally ALSO just a miserable pile of ink, and touching Buddy is what gave it the soul it needed to run about, then that's why it genuinely needed someone's help to escape... and then that's when Sammy starts sacrificing people so it can continue to nom souls... but then like??? why would it not have eaten Buddy's soul???? Joey does say he saw Buddy in Beast Bendy's jaws, did Joey just show up after the party like WHATS IN YOUR MOUTH.... DROP IT.... DROP IT....!!! and just decide to make a boris out of this sLIGHTLY SLOBBERED ON SOUL.............
anyway im going to stop answering this ask before i lose my mind trying to actually sort all this out, but. I think you could probably get this premise to cooperate with a bit of work, but it would have implications that are big enough that at that point you are probably dancing right on the line between theorising vs making a maliciously compliant AU, LMAO
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hollowsart · 2 years
Does the story of how the Sinister Six got their powers in TSSM the same as yours?
Oohh, interesting question here!
While I do take inspiration from TSSM for some of them, it’s not quite exactly the same. I’ll go through and look up their comic book origins and stuff and see if I can’t fiddle around and come up with something of my own. A few elements may be shared between them, but they also have their own little twists.
I don’t have a full idea on how a few of them became who and what they are yet, still need to think on that, however, for the ones I do have, here’s a little summary of some of them, their little backstories:
(also the ones I still need to think on are: Electra, Shocker, Sandlady, and Rhino.. and more, I’ll be happy to take suggestions for them tho!)
Otto/Doc Ock: Crafted his actuators in private with funding that was going to the work he was supposed to be doing for Oscorp.Got found out by Norman who was furious for many reasons, mostly because money was drained and wasted as well the tech could have been something he could have benefited from money-wise. Otto got forced in and through his pitiful display of an attempt to fight back (not very well despite his strength he developed in his field of work), ended with a horrible electrical incident, fusing the harness and arms to him and doing a heck of a number on his psyche. He recovers eventually tho and is more or less back to his normal meek and mild little self. still very much a sweetheart, and he does his best to not seem scary or a threat to people. He uses his arms for good, if he is out and something bad happens he can whip out his arms to save and protect. He is!! doing!! his best!! He has his emotional support octopus, Octomedes, too, to back him up.
Adrian/Vulture: A business partner to Otto, though he doesn’t work for Oscorp, he just visits on occasion to check on Otto and see how the tech and work is going. As well, he shares ideas with Otto. When he was making the actuators he offered Adrian some advice and concepts, especially considering a long term goal he was so close to achieving being flight. Hence why Adrian’s wings and Otto’s actuators share the sort of look. he finished the tech when he set out to seek answers from Norman as to the whereabouts of Otto after Otto’s incident. He cares very much for his old friend and won’t hesitate to revoke Norman’s kneecaps for whatever he’s done. He can be a bit impatient, but he is quite friendly once you get to know him. Despite using a cane for walking, he is very much capable of kicking butt. He isn’t as old as one would think either.
Green Goblin: Gobby was a regular ole fuzz-goblin, one of many, living out his days in peace and servitude to his Goblin Queen. From a hidden away civilization on earth, he was more or less an oddball, an outcast. He was far more unruly and chaotic than the rest. Always wrecking havoc as a means of passing time and having a bit of fun during the working days. That is.. until the Queen and the others had had enough of his antics and finally banished him from the kingdom, forcing him out, but not without him stealing some supplies first. His original duty in the goblin world was as a simple soldier, a guard. Given access to shrieking bombs and a glider, special tech created by the higher minds of the goblin kind. He found his way to the human side of things and quickly discovered that his banishment was definitely not a bad thing at all!
Quentin/Mysterio: [essentially his backstory is similar and along the lines of this, as well, he definitely worked alongside Chameleon at least once or twice but can’t stand the guy, also is friends with Tinkerer, often roommates with him] Developed a fascination with me/Acedia who kicked his butt during his attempt to sabotage and now he wants to get his hands on the claws and study further how the heck I’m capable of doing what I do. He wants to replicate it with his own tech. Sometimes he’ll take payment work from others, sometimes he’ll steal money to help him fund his own plans. Getting his hands on chemicals and tools, crafting his own neat gadgets and devices. All practical. He makes sure to use stuff that is safe for inhalation and all. He isn’t as much of an idiot as people assume about him... he’s just kinda.. Like that. It’s endearing, really.
Chameleon: [linking will be easier for this guy]
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stray-tori · 3 years
TPN Vol 8 - Chapters 66-70 Thoughts
[we're already on vol 9 but I'm slow with compiling]
I know I always rag on the "cop out" deaths and it is true that no corpse no dead, and I am curious if there will be any more worldbuilding regarding Lucas' survival (hello deus ex machina person) but uh. Idk. I'm sure it has a point and it makes sense in universe (having him be the reason for the knowledge among GP kids is good) but it just feels a little. Eh. Like it feels like paddling back on a small part of geezers guilt and feelings. In part it also feels like a "reward" for choosing the heroes moral side and going to help save Emma (why ever that happened - ig bc Gilda would blow up the shelter if he doesn't so. YAY).
Obviously the development is still his, and he obviously isn't expecting to find anyone alive there, but ig i felt like he was leading up to... healing more through the kids and not one epic Emma speech and "oh your one friend is alive btw" reveal later on. It feels like a spark of hope and happiness for him that I'm not sure if was needed narratively. He already decided he wouldn't harm them.
Like maybe they handle it very differently so i might be jumping the gun here but idk. It just feels a little... weird to me. Probably in a similar way how speeches about Norman hurt but also kind of get that "well uh about that...." Air once you know. I feel for the characters and their separation but it doesn't have the same weight it could have anymore.
In theory it reminds me a bit of the whole gate reveal structure in s2. With a setup being built up or established and a reveal just going "nvm that's not what we're doing".
It makes sense, I'm just not a huge fan of what it does for me for previously established things.
But i guess writing wise it puts its cards on the table with small scale Lucas and then Norman haha.
I find it rly funny how much the arc sort of mirrors the s2 arc so far (character assumed dead is alive, new cast of demon kill children introduced, a plan to kill demons).
Ig that might be intentional, for all intents it's a good method of conveying character change. Or different specifics or how things might be judged differently with different specifics (like hunting for enjoyment vs. farming)
I'm totally jumping in on this too early but idk it's interesting to think about.
That and also our whole "There's someone I want you to meet" - "ITS NORMAN" jokes made me think, like you could probably ACTUALLY restructure some of this in a way that would allow Norman's return here instead lol. Could be a fun AU, esp since we have the seeds of a (small-scale) demon annihilation plan anyway.
I also just find it funny to think about Norman grumbling from his future self that Emma agreed to some random guy's plan so easily udkhjsd
Obviously the time is a bit of a mess -- it's only been 3 months? is Adam out bc Norman's escaped already or was Adam just shipped to GP? if he already escaped, our boy is quick - plus, why would he go to GP. the supporters in Lambda probably know it's been compromised, so aside from freeing the children, there isn't a lot of reason to go there and while that may have priority, I feel like 3 months is a bit of a short timeframe for Norman to settle in there well enough -- so it's more wonky than anything BUT IT'S FUN TO THINK ABOUT.
btw I find it so funny how Emma has that whole "intent to kill" thing going on now, considering her later moral stance - like it's fair but coming from s2 it's a bit of whiplash haha especially since she's so determined about it right from the start. (though I have no idea if she ever addressed killing demons before this, memory bad)
Though notably she said "she wants to shut down the hunting ground too", not "want to kill them too" - and it's good that she draws a line but IDK IT'S JUST INTERESTING because what bothers her is the toying / no respect for their lives, right? - "this kind of hunt", not hunting in general.
... so like, if you were hunted by a demon in the wild, who didn't toy with you, just killed and ate you, that would be fine then? Idk, it's a very fine line and I get it, but it's interesting to think about. A quick, suffer-less death is of course a valid thing to want if you will die anyway, but you're dead afterwards in both variants.
Of course maybe I'm reading it wrong and it's just her sort of realizing that between mass production farms and GP, they really did have it good, even if they died an early death, and how this is much more hate-worthy than GF's method. Which is true, I suppose, and might expand on the building blocks of her moral development down the line (as in "there's different stages of demon-badness").
Also a more funny thought but imagine if Lucas DID have the pen, would... Geezer-senpai just not find the way back? And even if he did would he even get into the bunker? That'd be one tragic ending pff. Tell the person to run away and they can't even go back inside sudhdjd
Also i thought about it and isn't it weird that none of the books or materials mentioned what goldy pond actually is? Like youd expect sth that important to be in there.
We know WM wasn't at the bunker in the last 13 years and we know that the books he supplied to GF, the newest one was 2015. What if he was discovered or had to limit his WM activity 30 years ago?
So 30 years ago, he still sent people to goldy pond.
I'm just realizing.... That totally sounds like a setup for minerva to actually be on the demons side or a demon himself sjdhjddj. Like he orchestrates escapees (who are likely to be smart) and then sends them to GP where he and his noble friends can hunt them.
But where i was actually going with this uh, what if GP 30 years ago (potentially longer depending on how long ago he was there last) wasn't actually a hunting a ground? Why would you send kids there without a warning otherwise? What if it WAS a small human community (tho that would likely have been passed around by the inhabitants) or it was at least WM supporter base like the bunker, intended for humans to live there. Not sure about mansion then but YKNOW.
If it was, i wonder if it being discovered was a huge part in WM cover being blown OR if the demons decided to keep it secret bc you know this place is rly convinient haha
I also wonder how wm even finds and builds all these underground things lol. Bc it can't have existed since before the world split i think?
Man has some big construction projects running pfff.
I'm also not sure how that underground thing works-
its tori is confused about minor things hour
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[Emma takes the axe with right hand, her right hand is still behind her as if she was winding up, but the axe is already thrown?]
like if she had the axe still in hand it'd make sense or if it was in her hand AND spinning, it'd be like "2 frames".
but this?? i am just-
im rly late with this but the glove is Lucas' memorial. the pair will only be together again when they reunite :<<
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what I want to know is HOW. like the John thing is already questionable but I guess he could have gone back again?? but with this.
he has both gloves when they part he still have one glove on when his arm is gone. but the arm Leuvis has, doesn't have a glove?? So either Leuvis took it off but i wouldn't know why, and just dropped it on the ground for geezer to come pick up ORRRR he took one off for some reason?? maybe he threw it at the demon pff something is very un-continous here and i need answers-
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the duality of man... not wanting people to know a) your age and b) your name (which you may have forgotten, who knows)
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we just assumed geezer's name is censored here but I guess it could be anything haha-
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 years
Do you have any more headcanons of the studio employees?
Just a couple of random ones so far, as I get the hang of the other characters’s personalities:
No one really knows what Joey Drew majored in. His parents wanted him to either be a doctor or a lawyer, but he wasn’t particularly taken with either career path, so he definitely didn’t major in those. The likeliest answer is either psychology or even acting;
Sammy’s hair frizzes up in humid weather like you wouldn’t believe. He used to hide in his office before his hair grew out because it was super embarrassing ;
Norman babysat a lot for his siblings and was thus the favorite of the Polk uncles for his many nieces and nephews;
Post-War Henry. He had severe PTSD on his first years back, and the physical scars were a focus of his self-loathing since they were mildly disfiguring. Linda made it her mission to tell her husband he was still the handsome man she fell in love with all those years ago. Her support is what keeps Henry relatively sane;
Wally Franks and Shawn Flynn did NOT get along, especially after Wally tried to frame Thomas for stealing Shawn’s expensive new utility belt;
Wally is a kleptomaniac. He doesn’t realize immediately that he’s stealing until it’s too late, often feeling guilty about it because his ‘ma didn’t raise no thief’. This does not apply to food however. Tastes better when it belongs to someone else;
While not in control anymore and seemingly “lost”, Buddy is still lingering at the edge of his and Boris’s shared mind. Unlike the cartoon wolf however, Buddy is aware of the cycle and knows what awaits them in Alice’s domain. He’d never abandon Henry tho;
As a Swollen Searcher Jack is non-hostile and very skittish. This changes when other Searchers or Sammy are injured in his presence. He’s instinctively protective of the music department’s lost souls;
The Projectionist is ridiculously strong as well as very heavy. He’s broken a few stairs clambering up during his chases, and quite literally shakes the ground when he (very rarely) jumps. This wouldn’t be so bad if he wasn’t also capable of sprinting very fast and if he weren’t nearly 7 feet tall;
Lacie’s soul is stuck in the Bendy animatronic as well as in a lone Fisher. She used to be a full set of Butcher Gang clones, but the Piper and Striker that had pieces of her soul died to Bertrum. Those pieces eventually found their way into the animatronic, but without the Fisher’s piece she’s virtually stuck watching from inside it. She’s got a bone to pick with Tom once her Fisher clone dies...
Bertrum disassociates a lot. Being part-machine part-vengeful inky poltergeist has its disadvantages;
Grant Cohen is in a similar situation to Lacie, where he’s mostly a Searcher but has one piece of his soul stuck inside a Striker. Said Striker instinctively follows his Searcher form around. They seem to...Get along?
The Ink Demon loathes Bendy to no end. After years of being tormented and abused by Joey, as well as being reminded of what it was meant to be, the Demon began to resent the little devil darling. It only dislikes having the cutouts destroyed because they function as its eyes, otherwise it would gladly destroy them itself.
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coraline-mel-jones · 3 years
Coraline Was Going For A Walk And Eggs Just So Happens To Spot Her, He Thought He'd Give Her A Little Scare, He See's Her Grab A Branch From The Bushes, And He See's Her Walk Through The Garden And Out The Gates Then Eggs Follows Her, She Reaches The Path With The Rocks Up Above, A Little Rock Falls Down And It Catches Coraline's Attention, She Looks Down And She Looks Up, ' Hello ? ' Coraline Yells, ' Whos There ? ' Coraline Yells Again But There Was No Answer, She Walks Away Only For Eggs Too Follow Her Again, She Senses Eggs Presents So She Rushes And She Hides, Eggs Runs Past Her And He Stops Too Look Around, Coraline Yells ' Gotcha ! ' And It Makes Eggs Jump Into A Barrel, Coraline Realizes That She Scared Eggs And She Runs To The Barrel , ' Why Were You Following Me ? ' Coraline Asks Bu Eggs Doesn't Answer Her, She Goes Too Walk Away, ' I'm Sorry Okay ! ' Coraline Sops In Her Tracks After Hearing Eggs Say That, ' I Just Wanted Too Give You A Little Scare !' Eggs Yells Feeling Guilty, ' He Notices Coraline Walk Up Too Him, ' Hey Its Okay Eggs !' Coraline Says With A Smile On Her Face, Eggs Wipes The Drawn On Moushtage Off His Face, It Leaves A Smudge On His Chin, ' Hey Eggs, You Got A Little Something On Your Chin ' Coraline Says With A Cocky Smile, Eggs Wipes The Smudge Off His Chin And Coraline Laughs, Later That Night Coraline And Eggs Were Having An Argument, Eggs Had Hugged Agatha Which Really Upset Coraline, ' It Was Just A Hug I Didn't Mean Anything By It ! ' Eggs Yells, Coraline Starts Too Get Angry, ' You Jump Too Conclusions So Many Times That Its Made It Hard For Me Too Have A Female Best Friend ! ', ' How Could You !? I Thought We Had Something ! ' Coraline Yells With A Hint Of Anger And Sadness In Her Voice, ' We Have Something......You Just Get Paranoid ' Eggs Says Under His Breath But It Was Clear For Coraline Too Hear, ' I Am Not Paranoid ! Incase You Haven't Heard Trubshaw Baby, I Haven't Been A My Best These Past Few Days !' Coraline Got Even Angrier Than Before, ' DO NOT CALL ME THAT ! ' Coraline Takes A Step Back, She Had Never Seen This Side Of Eggs Before, ' You Never Talk Too Me About Anything ! You Always Keep Secrets Too Yourself, You Make It Hard For Norman, Winnie And I Too Help You, I'm Your Boyfriend I Should Know About The Stuff You Keep Locked Inside That Head Of Yours !, Eggs Was Getting Way More Angrier, Coraline Goes Too Speak Bu Eggs Slaps Her, The Force Caused Her Too Fall Over, Eggs Realised What He Had Done,' Coraline, I'm So Sorry !' Eggs Says, He Was Worried That He Hit Her Too Hard, He Realised That He Went Too Far, Coraline Gets Up And She Looks At Him Scared, ' Coraline I-' Before Eggs Could Finish Coraline Runs Away, ' Coraline ! ' Eggs Yells But Coraline Was Too Far Away Too Hear Him, Later That Night Coraline Was Walking Up To The Attic When She Looked At The Moon, It Was Red, Coralines Eyes Widened As Her Eyes Turn From Brown Too Red And Too Brown Again, Coraline Runs Back Too Eggs, He Turns And A Shoe Flies At His Face Knocking Him Against A Wall And Making Him Unconscious, He Awakens In A Cage Chained Too The Ceiling, He Looks Down Too Find His Girlfriend Looking At Him, ' Huh, Like A Fly Caught In A Spiders Web ' Coraline Says , Eggs Looks At Her Angry, ' Keep Looking At Me Like That Honey And Your Face Will Freeze ' Coraline Says taunting Eggs, ' Coraline Stop !, Eggs Yells Now Worried, Coraline Looks At Him Not Amused, ' Please, I'm Sorry About Hitting You, I Went Too Far ! Eggs Yells, Coraline Gets Behind The Cage And He Holds Onto The Bars, ' That Hurt Me Eggs.....You Really Hurt Me ' Coraline Was Looking At Eggs With Hate In Her Eyes, Eggs Looks Down felling Hopeless And Guilty, ' You Act Like You Love Me But Deep Down, You Hate Me ' Coraline Says Making Eggs Even More Guilty Even Tho He Knew What She Was Saying Was False, ' Thats Not True ! ' Eggs Yells At he Top Of His Lungs, Coraline Looks At Him Confused, ' You Know That Is Not True ! I Would Never Hurtt You, I Love You Coraline ! ' Eggs Yells Trying Too Get Through To Her, ' Oh Spare Me The Boyfriend Act
! You Have Never Been My Boyfriend, We Don't Share That Bond ! ' Coraline Yells, ' Coraline, You Aren't You ! ' Eggs Yells Trying Too Snap Her Out Of Whatever Was Making Her Say And Do These Things, ' I'm More Me Then I've Ever Been !' Coraline Says With A Grin On Her Face, Eggs Looks Down, Coraline Leaves And Eggs Looks Down Hopeless, Coraline Walked Too Winnie, ' Coraline Are You Okay ? ' Winnie Asks, ' Yea, Why You Ask ?' Coraline Asks, ' Nothing, Anyway Have You Heard About That Amazing Knew Fashion Trend !? ' Winnie Yells In Excitment, ' Uhh Yea, I Have ' Coraline Says While She Tries To Grab A Peace Of Candy But It Was Stuck, Winnie Looks Down And She Looks Back Up At Coraline ' Ummm Coraline ' Winnie Says But Coraline Didn't Answer, She Was Too Busy Trying o Get the Candy Unstuck, Coraline Falls Off The Couch, ' You Have Too Be Kidding Me, Your Really Having Trouble With A Peace Of Candy ? Coraline Gets Up Off The Floor And She Looks At Winnie, ' Okay, Something Is Really Wrong With You ' Winnie Says Crossing Her Arms, ' Theres Nothing Wrong With Me !' Coraline Yells, ' Oh My Goodness, Coraline There Is Something Wrong !' Winnie Says, ' No There Isn't Your Just Paranoid ! ' Coraline Says In A Fit Of Rage, ' Okay, Coraline There Is Something Happening Too You Because The Normal You Would Never Get So Angry Over A Concern ! ' Winnie Says, ' There Is Nothing Wrong With Me, Why Is Everyone Saying There is !? Coraline Yells In Anger, ' Because There Is !' Winnie Was Starting Too Get Angry, ' You Aren't My Friend ! ' Coraline Yells , Winnie Just Stood There Annoyed, Coraline Throws Something At Winnie, She Screams And The Thing Knocks The Girl Unconscious, Coraline Walks Away In A Fit Of Anger, Norman Was Standing At His Window, He Walked Around His Room Thinking About Coralines Bursts, He See's The Poster He Made Of The Red Crystal That They Had Previously Found On Their Mission And He Had A Picture Of The Red Moon With Writing Asking What This Means, He Turns His Lights Off And He Was Going Too Sleep Until He Looked Up At His Wall And He Saw Coraline But With Red Eyes, ' Oh No ', He Was Looking At The Wall Until His Phone Goes Off, I Was A Text Telling Him Too Come Too The Window, He Does So Only Too See Coraline, He Yells And Falls Down, ' Hello ? ' Coraline Yells, Norman Gets Up With Annoyence On His Face, ' You Really Need Too Quit It With The Jumpscares ! ' Norman Yells, ' What Do You Mean ? ' Coraline Asks, ' You Know What I Mean Cous !' Norman Yells, Coraline's Eyes Turn Red As She Walks Towards Norman, His Expression Changed Too Fear
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Sunday 28 April 1833: SH:7/ML/E/16/0049
8 ½
12 50
- Note (per post) from Mr. Rawson ‘with respect to the waste in Whiskam lane I must decline any agreement for the present’ the 2 pieces of waste near (above) George Naylor’s house, the large (in a sketch annexed to his n°= 4213 yards or 0a.3r.19p and the smaller 968 yards or 0a.02.32p for both which having had some of his jury to examine them he ask (according to their opinion of the value) £30 which he trusts I shall think a reasonable consideration - of course, I shall not agree - as he will not make any agreement for the other waste, I would not give him 2d for that near George N-‘s would not acknowledge a right (that of sale) he does not possess – a few lines dated yesterday from Marian Market Weighton to acknowledge the safe arrival of the parcel on Friday morning – Mr. Robinson would examine the papers at home – should not see till Wednesday as she was going to Beverly on Monday (tomorrow) – hopes to write to my father on Saturday - Letter also 2 ½ pages from Mrs. Milne (Langton) for Mrs. N- whose right hand is laid up with gout - will be glad to see me on the 9th - will be at home till quite the end of the month  tho’ Mrs. M- anxious for her to be off, as change of scene and plenty of society would do her more good than anything else - Mrs. N- begs me to go for a day or two to the Duffins
so does Mrs. Milne, or she will not see me, as she must leave Langton on the 2nd or 3rd of next month CN- to accompany her - go to see little Tan (Norcliffe) at Bishopton school (near Ripon) and then stay with Mrs. Milne in York - so that I shall not see much of either of them - read my father and aunt Marian’s letter and Mr. Rawson - said I should not take the waste on those terms - mentioned the letter from Mrs. Milne and came upstairs to my desk in the library at 1 ¾ - wrote copy of short but very civil note to Mr. Rawson and wrote the above of today till 2 ½ - then wrote first ½ 1st and 2nd page and page 3 and ends to Mrs N- leaving the blank ½ sheet which filled to Mrs. Milne, and from 4 to 4 25 read the responses with my aunt in the evening prayers - came upstairs again immediately - sorry to hear Mrs. N- so laid up with gout in her right hand - shall hope to be at Langton on the 9th - why not CN- accompany Mrs. Milne and stay with her till time to go to Ripon and back and return with me on the 9th? - will write by tonight’s post to IN to ask her to be at home from Croft that Mrs. N- may not be left alone - must be one whole day in York and shall probably be 2 nights at the Black Swan - should not like to take 2 strange servants to the Duffins - not knowing even the faces of my 2 people - should not like to do that even to Mrs. N- will put off the D-s till my return - our respectable say there is much misrepresentation about the factory children - I myself no judge - would rather err in ignorance, on the side of humanity ,than from want of experience sacrifice the innocent - no politician or should hope Mrs. N- would not find that I had got any wrong-sided warp - wrote the following to Mrs. Milne - ‘Shibden hall - Sunday evening 28 April 1833 - I am glad, my dear Mrs. Milne, of any occasion which gives me the pleasure of hearing from you, tho’ gladness must sometimes be accompanied by disappointment, and pleasure is seldom very far distant form pain - I am sorry you cannot be at Langton during any part of my visit there, and the chance of the seeing so little of Charlotte is a great disappointment to me - Mrs. Norcliffe will tell you how I would make the plan, if I might - I cannot see, because I do not wish to see, any objection against our friend’s being with you till the 7th, going to Ripon on that day, spending the next there, and returning with me to Langton on the 9th - I shall probably dine about 8, and sleep at the Black swan on the 7th and remain there till the 9th for reasons given to Mrs. Norcliffe, and which, I trust, she will think good and sufficient - thank you very much for your si aimable espérance as to my visit in Micklegate - coney street will not be more distant, and it will give me great pleasure to find you at home - as you say nothing of the York invalids (your mother and Mrs. Best) I very sincerely hope both are quite recovered - Poor Charlotte! I can never believe her a willing victim to her pen - I have sent my love by Mrs. Norcliffe - may I trouble you with my condolence - Ever, my dear Mrs. Milne, very truly yours AL’ - till 6 wrote 3 pages and ends and  1 line under the seal to IN - should have written sooner but waited to say when I could be at Langton - only received her mother’s answer form the pen of Mrs. Milne this afternoon - to be there on the 9th - and probably at the Black swan 2 nights (in York) 7th and 8th - mention the plan I wish for CN- and beg IN- to be at home the 2nd or 3rd next month that Mrs. N- may not be left alone - no remorse about hurrying IN - as she said she would be returned the 3rd week this month - my Norman demoiselle to meet me in York on the 7th - my man servant to come here just in time to pack the carriage - shall be glad to make their acquaintance before taking them to the house of any friend - Love to all at the Rectory - hope all are well ‘and that my singular friend Marianne, has remembered as well as I have done her promise to give me two or 3 specimens of her consummate skill in dying plants - I have just made a place fit to put them in (behind 1 of the panels in the little sitting room) but will she keep them for me till I can receive them from her own hands? she would sometimes think whose they were and I am always glad to be remembered by my friends at the Rectory - I shall write to Mrs. Dalton, to ‘aunt Maria’, I hope, from the other side the water - my letters from here are too stupid - I am no politician, but abominate war, therefore all tumults coercions, hubbubs, East or West, go against my grain, and I neither like troubled waters in the Schedt, near the Bosphorus - (I wish it was more common to write Bosporus)’ -conclude Mrs. Best recovered as not named by Mrs. Milne - glad with all my heart IN- went over to see it - sorry I never told M- the message about the pine plants - but it would have done no good - asked a question on my own account 3 times before getting an answer - M- too pothered and busy..... Do Charlotte’s plans hinge at all on Norcliffe - I shall surely see him -yes! you told me of your unavailing inquiries after Mrs. Barlow - I have heard of her - she is in Italy - I have fixed nothing beyond Paris - sick of hope delayed, I shall take care my next schemes do not come to the birth till there is strength to deliver them - God bless you my dearest Isabella! I have always been less a change cling than some have thought, and am and shall ever be very faithfully and affectionately yours AL’ -
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inkdemonapologist · 4 years
(my laptop is off for repairs and the laptop that I am borrowing, uh, struggles to run.... tumblr..... so NOT GONNA BE ABLE TO ANSWER ALL ASKS but here’s a few! THANK U ALL FOR UR MESSAGES THO a bunch of u sent in very kind asks and I APPRECIATE THEM SO MUCH)
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Asshole Needs To Ask For Help From People He Was An Asshole To is my favourite genre
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I got this ask after the Tom pages went up and was like “???? Norman isn’t killing anyone?” until I remembered that Norman already absolutely slaughtered Sammy like three pages ago
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lmao please be gentler, anon, I am but one human who does not know how to transpose music but needed a bit of music to show up in a comic I was making for fun!! I kind of had to accept that my options were:
- just grab some random banjo sheet music and pull from that, having no idea what it is but at least I know its for banjo
- do a batim reference for funsies and have sammy writing music for piano despite having no access to a piano
- let the music be technically wrong but still include a batim ref for funsies
SO I PICKED THE LAST ONE!! anyway if it were in the correct key it would be a snippet of Build Our Machine. The important information here is just that writing is going a bit frustratingly and someone apparently chews on his pens, uh, a lot,
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Honestly Tom was hoping for something more like this; it seemed like Sammy was like…. at least trying to be thoughtful. AND…. HE IS…. SORT OF…. Sammy I promise you don’t ALWAYS have to be compulsively rude in self-defence
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angerydj · 4 years
I think the reason Norman is an asshole is because he didn't have the love and care from his parents growing up. Not that they abused him just that he was ignored a lot and they didn't hug/show affection. So he's trying his best to not be the same towards Harry, sometimes his asshole side does show towards him but he doesn't mean it, he just struggles sometimes. Norman would do anything to ensure Harry's safety and wellbeing, he just doesn't make it obvious (enemies would use that against him)
He was abused pretty badly from his dad, his dad would get drunk and take his anger out on Norman or his mom but mostly him. And shit got more out of control when amber was struggling with money.
But I feel he was neglected a lot along with a lot of abuse, mental, emotional and physically. Like his father locked him inside an old mansion over night during a thunderstorm cause Norman was afraid of the dark and Norman says how he became comfortable in the dark.
But yeah a lot of shit happened to him he can’t show affection normally or at the appropriate time’s but he does try. And does his best with Harry even tho it may seem cold sometimes but to Norman him just answering Harry and trying to help him is like ‘good’. And of he protects him. Probably as it clicks cause it was the time his mother was most affectionate and attentive to him cause he was hurt or about to be hurt so norman is able to become protective.
I even write him with Otto as Normans seems cold to otto too. He doesn’t kiss Otto often or hug him. Not because he doesn’t wnat to but because he doesn’t know how to. One of normans ways of showing love is probably with gifts, so taking Otto out on dates or buying him gifts is him language of “I appreciate you a lot thankyou for being with me.”. But Norman opens up sometimes ab his past, and Otto becomes more aware of how Norman is and becomes more understanding to him and seeing Norman speak his feelings or doing kind things it’s a really big step
So Norman does try especially when it comes to his son it’s hard but he does his best when he can’t
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