#he does the bare minimum to make sure they don't get out of hand. neither *likes* this arrangement but they're content with it by now
an-eldritch-peredhel · 4 months
#dang it do i have a new oc now
Sounds like!! I'd love to hear more if you've got it!
(referring to my tags on this post)
You will meet a stranger, sometimes, if you make a habit to frequent taverns, inns, halls for game, or even the one tree where the young Bracegirdle cousins sneak off to play marbles. Well, you will like as not meet many strangers, except in the last case, but this one will be different. Or perhaps you get lucky, and don't frequent such places, but find yourself in one unexpectedly, and meet them regardless.
Everyone in Gondor knows someone who knows someone who met Lady Luck, no one has met her themself. If you do, starry-eyed romantics say, you'll be blessed with good fortune for all your days. The pragmatists tell you you'll be blessed with the good sense to discern a scam.
He may smirk at you after winning a bet, some dark-haired man, using his earnings to buy a round for the bar. It's always a different man, but it always goes to Alwed's tab. It keeps the crowd from getting too rowdy, even if the more superstitious get on edge.
No one remembers meeting them the first time, but dwarves with common sense avoid Audr's shell games and silver-toothed smile- you always win, but it's never worth it.
A woman with greying-gold hair and stiff fingers might call herself Eadrun, and challenge you to a game of dice. Few decline, and far fewer win.
For as few elves remain in Middle Earth, the one who calls himself Herendil and laughs as though his name is a joke should be recognizable. He seems young and lighthearted in a way most have lost, but he will play you cards, win just as much as he loses, and disappear, never recognized.
A hobbit-lass may giggle, red curls gleaming in the sun, and introduce herself as Peony Sandheaver, her family is visiting from Bree, and she wants to see how Shire-hobbits play Jacks.
Sometimes an orc prays over a set of knucklebones, knowing that at least one god will hear one prayer. Orcs have little luck in battle, but uncanny luck with dice.
There are countless stories, just as many true as not. Countless names, far more unnamed figures, always just out of place enough wherever they are to be interesting and promise new tales, never enough to provoke suspicion, not at first.
Even those in the Blessed Realm may find this dark-eyed stranger. Always dark-eyed, like bottles of dark glass. They stop by Aulë's workshop on occasion, to learn and suggest and play new games. They never win the first round, but most have the sense not to bet anything they aren't willing to lose on the second.
Oromë's people call them Umbarnica with a laugh and a toast in welcome. They thrive in the drunken revels after a successful hunt, sharp as ever as they dance from game to game, cackling at ill-advised propositions offered as collateral for or against a bet. Usually this means them winning to avoid it, a frequent enough occurrence as-is, but every now and then they'll decide to let someone get lucky. The bragging rights are the real reward.
And there are no guarantees with this stranger. No way to ensure their favor, though many ways to get their attention, few good. They like irony, take pleasure in hubris reaching its fall. They love superstition, even if they don't always honor it, and they love stories. There are gods that can be mistaken for kind, they are not one of them, created to serve the king the Dark Lord could have been. Their favorites are fickle, their grudges subtle but long-held. They love cheaters, unless they're at the end of the attempt. They will always catch you, and you will always regret it. They slink through candle-shadows and pipe-smoke, grinning, dance in town squares turned to faire grounds, curl up on comfy chairs indoors on rainy days.
But sometimes, in these days, you won't meet a stranger at all. Sometimes your storyteller will get a bright-dark glint in their eyes, and some dice will roll strangely high and some dice will roll strangely low and either way the story will be better for it. And if the next time the group meets you need to take a moment to remind the storyteller exactly what happened last session, well. That's why you take notes.
So pray to the dice-god, card-master, quick-sighted. It might do you no good, but they love superstition, and they love stories. And when you play a dark-eyed stranger, don't cheat at cards.
#ask#cuarthol#umbarnica#my writing#my ocs#they play favorites with the orcs because they feel like they have bad enough luck as is so they throw them some bones#and they like the Narrative of it all#i had fun writing this#they're very amoral not in the sense of being Evil and Bad they just. don't have morals.#they're kinda like a trickster god i think. and they like underdogs but not as much as people think#in my headcanon a lot of powerful maiar were intended to serve melkor before he went all evil but not all of them also went evil#and that leaves a very interesting crack for them to fall through because they just don't really. fit. anywhere#my arien is also a case of this (sibling of the balrogs)#and ultimately the deciding factor in turning evil is mostly if they are able to find support and a purpose with people who care about them#even if they still don't quite fit in#so umbarnica is also a case of this but instead of arien who found her niche by following the formula as closely as possible#(find a vala- take a role under her doing something directly related- oh whoops Fate called so i'm going to be a good maia and do my duty)#(if i don't do everything right i'm going to go insane and then go evil. please for the love of eru let me just do my valar-damned job)#umbarnica went 'yeah you can't tell me what to do. if you try to keep me stuck here in aman i will go insane and then go evil.'#'is that what you want? no? then let me cause nice low level chaos and fun wherever i want and i'll stay out of your hair'#i think they like dnd a lot for the sheer novelty of it#a lot of their domain is gambling or adjacent so to have a game of chance that seeks to tell stories and build community is intriguing#namo is probably the one who has official jurisdiction over them? but mostly in the sense that fate and luck are tied up#he does the bare minimum to make sure they don't get out of hand. neither *likes* this arrangement but they're content with it by now#but yes i'm gonna be calling them umbarnica#is that their name? sure as much as anything can be.#i just thought that 'little doom' would be a really funny euphamism tbh
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partypoisonzz · 2 years
clean me off (i'm so dirty, babe) (frank iero x reader)
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Kinktober Day 9: Period Sex/Shower Sex
Reader Pronouns: She/Her
Era: Revenge (2005)
- Implied pre-poly (Frank/Reader/Gerard)
- Some vague details regarding menstruation/cramps (not graphic though... but the point of the oneshot is that y'all get it on during shark week)
- You cuddle with Gerard and then Frank rails you a few hours later! Aah!
Word Count: 3,743
Disclaimer: This explicit story was written by an adult for consumption by other adults only. If you are under 18, please do not read or interact in any way.
You fucking hate this.
If you could opt out of your period, you absolutely would. In fact, you tried to do just that.
Your doctor told you that you could skip your placebo pills to put it off until next month. You figured there was no harm in trying it out during the tour. You were going to be on the road with the band for four weeks. How convenient would it be if you didn't bleed during any of them?
It would have been extremely convenient, if that was the way that it turned out.
Much to your chagrin, you get your period anyway, — right on schedule, in fact. It isn't pulling any punches this time, either.
Not that it ever does.
You're extremely pissed off by the way this whole thing has played out. Not only are you bleeding, but you have to spend most of your time stuck on a bus or backstage at venues with a bunch of guys. A bunch of loud, sweaty, obnoxious, annoying guys. You love them all to death, you really do. But their energy levels and your hormonal state do not play nicely together.
Luckily, you've pretty much hit the lottery for tonight. You'll be able to end your day in a hotel room with just one of those loud, sweaty, obnoxious, annoying guys, — the one that just so happens to be your boyfriend.
You and Frank will have an entire bed to stretch out in, rather than being crammed into his bunk like sardines in a can. Better yet, you'll be able to get an actual shower. The mere thought of such a luxury makes you want to cry with relief. 
Of course, you will only be able to reap this reward if you survive until after the show tonight. By the way that your day is going, you aren't quite sure that will be happening.
Right now, you're curled up on a couch backstage, feeling like you're moments away from death. As per usual, the guys are all over the place, grabbing snacks and taking smoke breaks and talking endlessly about what-the-fuck-ever. You just want your painkillers to kick in or to fall into a deep, peaceful sleep. Whichever comes first.
Alas, neither of those things seem to be coming to fruition. Evidently, you can't even have the couch to yourself.
Gerard settles into the spot next to you without so much as acknowledging your presence. He's throughly distracted, — a Starbucks cold brew in one hand, the latest volume of some comic in the other. You pull your knees into your chest, grumbling to yourself as you listen to him flipping pages and slurping from the straw. You sort of want to scream at him for no particular reason other than existing in your general vicinity, but... 
He glances over at you, pulling back from his drink. "So," he starts. "What's up with you?"
"Nothing," you respond curtly. "Why?"
He frowns. "Just wondering if you're okay, s'all. You don't seem like you're feeling too great."
You don't know why your eyes are welling up all of the sudden. He just showed you a bit of concern, — the bare minimum, really, — and yet, in your current mess of a state, the sentiment is deeply moving.
Unfortunately, your overly-emotional response only serves to worry him even more.
"Hey." He places his hand on your arm so delicately, like he's worried you're going to fucking explode or something. "Tell me what's going on, for real."
"I'm fine." You chuckle awkwardly, reaching up to wipe your eyes. "Just... having a bit of a rough time right now." You turn to meet his concerned gaze, smiling sheepishly before quietly offering your explanation. "You know. Girl stuff."
The realization seems to dawn on him instantly. "Oh." He nods. "Yeah, yeah. I've gotcha."
Silence settles between the two of you. Instead of bringing peace like you hoped it would, it's just awkward.
Finally, Gerard speaks again. "Do you want me to, like... hug you, or..."
You laugh despite yourself. "You're stupid," you mutter, scooting closer to him.
He wraps his arms around you, pulling you into his side. You bury your face in his shoulder. As per usual, he smells like a mixture of sweat, coffee, and cigarettes, but you don't even mind. He's warm, and he seems to actually give a shit about what you're going through, and he's just... So fucking good. You couldn't ask for a better friend... Or whatever the fuck he is when you consider the excessively blurry lines between you, him, and Frank.
He rubs your shoulder, so gentle that you could cry all over again. "I'm sorry, sugar," he says. "If it would make you feel any better, I could get Brian to let you into the bus and you could go lay down in there. Can't believe that Frank didn't try and get you to stay back, if you were feeling bad..."
You shake your head, not bothering to look up. "Didn't tell Frank," you mutter into his jacket.
"You didn't tell Frank?" he echoes. "Why not? You told me, for God's sake..."
You sigh, shifting against him in an attempt to find a more comfortable position. "You could tell something was wrong," you point out. "If I try to keep something from you, you figure it out, anyway. Frank's not like that. He's less of a mindreader and more of a... Lovable, excited puppy?" You chuckle at your own metaphor. "He can't tell what's happening right in front of him sometimes."
You pause, allowing your mind to wander. Of course, given your predicament and the current topic of conversation, it winds up in some not-so-pleasant places.
"Oh, well," you continue with a sigh. "Guess he'll figure it out tonight, anyway."
"What do you... Oh." You look up at him, only to find that his face has gone bright red. Just as you expected. "Jesus."
You nudge him lightly, grinning. "What? Talking about my period isn't too much for you, but thinking about me and Frank having sex is?"
He shakes his head. "No, no, it's not that it's too much," he says. "It's just... I'm thinking..."
You giggle, shifting until your head is resting in his lap. "Knowing you, I'm not sure I even want to know what you're thinking." You look up at him, smiling slyly. "Don't get excited, Gee. We probably won't even end up doing anything."
"Oh." God. You wonder if he can turn any redder than he already is. "Have you ever tried it, though?"
You laugh, swatting idly at his thigh. "What business is that of yours, pervert?"
"I'm not trying to be perverted, I swear!" He holds his hands up in surrender. "It's just... I've heard that it helps..."
"From who?" you press.
He stays silent, fixing you with that deer in the headlights look.
"Oh my God," you say. "You have firsthand experience, don't you?"
He turns a darker shade of red. And there it is.
You clutch your stomach as you burst into hysterics. "Holy shit," you manage between howls. "I should alert the media. Hell, I should bring it to the fucking fan forums! Let everybody know that Gerard Way has his red wings..."
"Shh!" Your eyes go wide as he claps his hand over your mouth. "It's not like I want everybody to know. I just thought..."
You push his hand away, still laughing. "If this is some kind of proposition, then no way," you tell him. "We might be closer than most, but I don't know you like that."
He shakes his head fervently. "It's not," he insists. "I just thought it might be good for you to know..."
You snort. "Thank you for your service to womankind, Gerard," you say. "I owe my life to your empathetic ass."
"What gift has he given to humanity now?" You look up to see Frank grinning down at the two of you.
If you were any other three people, your current position might result in obvious jealousy from your boyfriend. Yet, this is just how it is with the three of you.
Still, Frank can never resist a teasing remark. He raises his eyebrows, nudging Gerard's leg with his foot. "Any particular reason why my girl's head is in your lap, Gee?" he asks. "I wasn't about to miss a show, was I?"
"Absolutely not." You sit up, detaching yourself from Gerard, who is still blushing like a fucking virgin despite the fact that he just shared some of the gorier details of his sex life with you.
"Gerard was just telling me a really funny story." You shoot Gerard a sly grin before meeting Frank's eyes with a sweet smile. "You should ask him about it later. It's an absolute riot."
"I'll get around to it." Frank leans down to press a kiss against your lips before pushing a warm cup of coffee into your hand. He pulls back and smiles at you. "Just figured I'd bring you that. You seem like you could use a little extra pick-me-up."
"That's sweet of you, babe. Thank you." You take a sip of coffee as Frank settles in the open space between you and Gerard.
Despite the fact that you have absolutely zero personal space, you feel ten times more alive now than you did an hour ago, thanks in equal measure to the caffeine entering your bloodstream and the men that you're sharing the couch with.
By the time that the show ends that night, you feel like you've been dragged to hell and back.
You're fucking exhausted, though you know you aren't the only one. The guys are all disheveled and half-dead-looking, in their usual states of post-show disarray.
Ray spends the entire ride back showing everyone his newly acquired finger injury.
"Look at this shit!" he exclaims. "There was blood spurting all over the place during "Venom." Thought I was gonna pass out for a second."
"Meh." Frank shrugs, wearing his usual shit-eating grin. "I've seen worse."
"Inflicted worse is more like it," Mikey chimes in.
"Yeah, Frankie." Gerard elbows him in the side playfully. "You're just bitter because you weren't the cause of tonight's biggest injury. Hurts your pride."
"There's still time, you know," Frank shoots back, reciprocating his shove.
You roll your eyes as the four of them carry on, laughing and pushing each other around until Brian calls for them to knock it off.
For the love of God, you think to yourself. Please get me off of this bus with these boys.
Mercifully, you get your wish soon enough. The bus stops outside of the hotel, allowing the group of you to pile into the lobby to collect your keys.
As soon as you drop your bag onto the pull-out couch next to the bed in your hotel room, you heave a sigh of relief. You unzip the bag, collecting your pajamas and a maxi pad. "I'm going to take a shower," you inform Frank as he flops down onto the bed face-first.
He rolls over, looking up at you. Despite his obvious exhaustion, there's a familiar spark of mischief in his eyes.
No. More than mischief. He looks... Hungry.
"Can I join you?"
You sigh. "I mean, yeah, you can, but..." You turn around and head for the bathroom. "Don't get your hopes up, okay? I'm fucking tired. And let me get the water warmed up and stuff before you come barging in."
"Whatever you say, baby," he calls after you.
You hear the static of him flipping through the TV channels as you strip and turn off the faucet.
This is ridiculous, you think. He's totally gonna notice that you're bleeding if you shower together. He'll probably be even more grossed out if you don't tell him beforehand. Maybe you should have vetoed the shower suggestion to begin with. The more you think about it, the worse of an idea it seems to be.
Of course, it's too late for that by the time that he pulls the glass shower door aside and steps in with you a few minutes later.
As soon as his arms snake around your waist, you decide to just come out with it.
"I've got my period," you blurt out.
Frank just chuckles, seeming wholly unphased. "Okay?"
You blink, face burning. "Does that not, like... freak you out at all?"
"Why would it?" he asks. "We've been together for almost a year, babe. It's not like I didn't know it happened."
"I just thought, y'know... Since you wanted to join me in the shower, that you might want to..." You look down at the white tile floor. "Screw around or something."
"Well, not if you don't want to, of course," he replies easily. "But, in the off chance that you did want to... This would be the place."
You blink at this suggestion. "In a hotel shower?"
"Easy to wash away all the evidence." He leans down, pressing a kiss against your neck. You shiver slightly at the feeling of his lip ring pressing against your skin.
In all honesty, you aren't opposed to the idea at all, even less so as he continues to mouth at your neck. It's just that... Well, you hadn't expected this.
"Promise me you won't get super weird about it if it turns out... Well, gross?" you ask, just to be sure.
"I swear," Frank replies. "Not much freaks me out, babe."
"Alright," you reply. "So, how's this gonna work? Like... From a technical standpoint."
"I was thinking..." You let out a yelp of surprise as Frank pushes you back against the shower wall. "Like this?"
You hesitate with a frown. "This seems... Slippery," you say. "The last thing I want is to fall over going heels to Jesus in the shower."
"You won't," Frank assures you. "Just... Wrap your legs around my waist."
You blink at him. "Frank Anthony," you start. "If I end up knocking myself out, I am going to personally kick your ass as soon as I wake up."
"You won't," he repeats. He wraps his arms around your waist, holding you against the wall with a surprising amount of stability as you instinctively wrap your legs around him.
You swallow hard, feeling your heart beginning to speed up as you shift against the wall, getting reasonably comfortable. "Yeah," you mutter quietly. "Okay."
He gives you a soft smile, reaching out to gently tuck a lock of wet hair behind your ear. "Don't be nervous, babe," he tells you. "I've got you, see?"
As soon as the words leave his mouth, you feel his hand brushing against your inner thigh. "Frank." His name breaks up from your throat, edged with much more desperation than you expected. "Please..."
His lips brush lightly against yours before he pulls back again, his eyes boring into yours with that spark of intensity that drives you wild every time. "You want it, angel?" he asks. "Want to fuck yourself on my fingers?"
You nod, feeling the cold tile pressing against your skin. "Yeah," you say. "Yeah, I do."
"Thought so."
Your head falls against his shoulder as he shoves one finger inside of you, immediately going all the way up to the knuckle without any resistance.
You let out a soft whimper as he thrusts his finger in and out of you, setting a quick rhythm. "So easy," he says. "All wet and open for me..."
You wrap your arms tighter around his shoulders. "More," you manage weakly.
"You need more, huh? Need to be stretched out?" He adds another finger, keeping the pace he set before. "How's that?"
It's all you can do not to throw your head back against the wall. "Feels so good, Frankie. Fuck..." Your eyes fall closed as he continues to thrust his fingers into you.
You're so much more sensitive than usual. The feeling seems... Magnified, somehow, albeit being edged with a dull ache that isn't usually there. Despite the fact that your cramps are usually the absolute bane of your existence, you don't actually hate it. In fact, it's almost pleasant.
You gasp as his fingers press against a spot deep inside of you, causing your legs to tighten around him. "Right there, Frankie, oh my God..."
"So needy," he comments, repeating the action all over again. "My pretty girl, begging to come all over my fingers." He leans it to kiss you again, — long and deep this time, with teeth and tongue.
He's moving his hand even faster now, fingers hooking against just the right place, occasionally grinding the heel of his hand against your clit. It's all so overwhelming and so fucking dirty. Your head spins as his name breaks up from your throat, broken. "Frank..."
"Fucking do it." He presses his fingers up into you and holds them there, causing you to tense around him. "There we go... That's my girl..."
You clench around him, muffling your moan into his neck as you come apart. Your thighs tremble violently. You aren't sure if it's because of the position that you're in, or just the fact that everything feels so much more intense than usual, but it feels like it takes forever for you to stop shaking and come back down to earth.
You whine as Frank pulls his fingers out of you. Despite the fact that you just had one of the most intense orgasms in... Well, maybe ever, that burning ache is still there, heavy in the pit of your stomach.
You want more.
No. You need more.
You wrap your legs tighter around Frank's waist, gripping him like your life depends on it. "Need you to fuck me."
"Oh, yeah?" He meets your gaze, eyes flashing. "Tell me how bad you want it, baby."
If he wants you to beg, that won't be a problem. Not at all.
"Need it," you whine, gripping him tighter. "Need you to make me come again. Need to have you inside of me."
He groans. "Oh, Jesus," he mutters before lifting you up the slightest bit higher and pushing inside of you.
You let out a shrill, desperate sound as he fills you up, already clawing at his back. "Do it hard," you plead. "Please, Frankie."
He keeps his arms around you as he bucks up into you, crushing you against his chest so as to keep you from hitting your head on the wall.
"My fucking dirty girl," he says. "Wanted this so bad, but couldn't even ask for it."
"Didn't... didn't think you would... Oh, fuck..." Your attempts to explain yourself are cut off by your desperate whimpers as he fucks you at a bruising pace.
At this point, your belly isn't cramping so much anymore, but the angle ensures that your legs and back do. You can't even bring yourself to mind, however, as Frank fucks you. He's hitting all the right places, and it feels like every nerve ending in your body is awake and buzzing,
"Didn't think I'd what?" Frank asks. "Didn't think I'd want to touch you, just because you're bleeding? Fuck, baby... I couldn't care less." He looks down at your face, smiling slyly.
"Wish you could see yourself right now," he continues. "All blissed out and desperate. You're so..." His mouth moves down your neck as he drives into you, even harder. "Fucking... Beautiful..."
"Frank." You turn your head to the side, feeling your face burn as he continues mouthing along your neck, surely leaving behind a pattern of angry red marks. "Gonna come again..."
"No, no, angel. You gotta look at me."
Slowly, you turn back towards him, meeting his eyes again. That just makes it all the more intense and... Fuck.
You come around him with a high-pitched moan, digging your fingernails hard into his shoulder.
"So fucking pretty. Fuck, baby." Frank throws his head back as he follows you over the edge, coming inside you with a deep groan.
You stay pressed against the shower wall for a while, weak-kneed and lightheaded.
"Hold still," Frank tells you.
You let out a sigh as he slowly pulls out of you. You're afraid to look down and see the mess that you've made, but you can't stop yourself.
You cringe. It's just as bad as you expected. "Sorry about... That," you manage weakly.
Frank shakes his head. "We're in the shower for a reason, right?" he asks. "C'mere. Let me help you get cleaned up."
You slide down against the wall, forcing yourself to stand on shaking legs.
Once you're under the shower's spray, you realize that the water's gone cold. Still, you close your eyes, giving a shaky but contented sigh as Frank washes your back with the hotel soap.
"Can't believe you did that," you mutter as he passes the bar soap over to you so you can return the favor.
He chuckles. "Does it really surprise you that much?"
"Honestly, yeah." You put the bar of soap down and move on to the shampoo bottle, lathering the suds into his hair. "I mean, I wouldn't be so surprised if Gerard did it, but..."
"Hey, now," Frank cuts you off. "Are you really talking about Gerard after I gave you not one, but two mind-blowing, cramp-relieving orgasms?"
You laugh. "Don't even act like you haven't immediately started talking about Gerard after sex, too," you say. "He's constantly there, in the back of our minds. We can't get rid of him."
"I guess so." Frank leans back into your touch like an affectionate puppy before speaking up again. "You wanna know something?"
"Gee was the one who actually, uh... Put the idea in my head."
You stop massaging the shampoo into his scalp, feeling your face burning. "Please tell me you're kidding."
"I wish I could," he replies solemnly. "He told me you were laying all over him because you had cramps. Said that you deserved, uh... A chance at natural relief, or something like that?" He shakes his head. "I dunno. More and more lately, I get the feeling that he must be into some weird shit."
You laugh. "Well, that weird shit helped," you say. "I guess I really am indebted to him now."
"Yeah," Frank agrees. "Might as well give him a big ol' kiss next time you see him as a thank you."
A smile spreads across your face. "I will, if you don't beat me to it."
Taglist (Ask to be included!):
@mysunfishpeedinmyroom @xocasper @clichedlovers @yachiiko @enchantinghouseofwh0res @dangerouslittlefairy
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hetagrammy · 7 months
Your fan kiddos are interesting :0 (maybe it's because I also like making fan children lmao)
I would love for you to elaborate more on them
Aw thank you! <3 Not sure what to elaborate on, so I'll elaborate a little more on their personalities and relationships with each other (feat. some relatively old art) under the cut. Warning for my word vomit haha
So first of all, there's the age differences. The kids are sort of grouped together in two halves with the oldest four and the younger three. Sebastiano and Caterina are twins, Felice is two years younger than them, and Una is a year younger than Felice. Saoirse is a little less than four years younger than Una, Brigid is three years younger than her, and Maria is three years younger than Brigid. Therefore, there's a roughly 14 year gap between the twins and Maria.
Sebastiano and Caterina were the first to really come into being, Sebastiano especially because he'd originally just been Seborga. Sebastiano being the only boy came from this ongoing joke about him sort of being the James Maguire of the family, and it got boosted by Lovino just sort of having girl dad energy. Sebastiano kind of got the best of both his parents: he got all of Molly's amiability and Lovino's charm, but neither of their tempers. He's a bit of a lady's man like his dad was, albeit a lot less subtle with how he goes about it. He 100% uses his younger sisters to get girls to like him because he's doing the bare minimum by taking care of his baby sister (don't be fooled though, he would do anything for Brigid and Maria):
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He also tends to act with his heart before his head a lot of the time, so he doesn't come off as the sharpest tool in the shed.
Caterina got the brain cells Sebastiano didn't, and her personality tends to be a bit bigger. She's very blunt and exacting when she needs to be with people, but she's more patient than she seems. She'll get annoyed and she'll show it, but it takes a lot for her to blow up. She's the first to take charge, she has a strong sense of herself and her authority as an older sibling. She's a lot like Lovino in the sense that she cares a lot about the people she's close to, she just doesn't know how to express that in a typical way. She's also got an interest in things like the occult on the down low that a lot of people don't expect out of her, which can be kind of funny. She's superstitious like her Ma.
Felice is the quintessential middle child. She got Molly's mischievous streak and Lovino's penchant for dodging work, all of which comes from a sense of play. She jokes on people and roasts them, but it's rarely meanspirited, even if it can go too far sometimes. She and Caterina tend to snipe at each other, because Felice is really clownish while Cat is more reserved and responsible. At the end of the day they both have things they are jealous of and admire in the other (Cat's drive and Felice's sociability). Felice and Sebastiano on the other hand have a very ride-or-die attitude with each other and get up to shenanigans a lot.
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Una is the most mellow of her siblings, but she's still got a lot to her. Though quiet, she's spacey and eccentric rather than shy. When she does speak, she doesn’t have a filter, so she tends to ask or state things that are socially inappropriate. She also often takes things literally and is slow to pick up on sarcasm. Only thing shielding her from being a target is that she roasts people without even meaning to. However, she’s also much smarter than people perceive her to be in an academic sense. She's also rarely judgmental of others even if she's blunt about them. Caterina is actually very close with her because Una ironically tends to misconstrue her the least.
Saoirse has some of the bigger age gaps within the siblings, and for a while people thought she was going to be the last child. As a result, she tends to act with so much youngest sibling energy even if she isn't. She's very dramatic and reactive, and she will snitch if pressured or incentivized because she is her father's daughter through and through. She's also good at measuring risk, and she is very attentive and loving and bubbly when she's in a good mood. She just has a lot of emotions and a lot of anxiety, and is still learning how to manage that. She starts to channel that into gardening when she gets older though, she and Lovino run that garden like it's the damn navy.
Brigid is perceptive and precocious, and very book smart. She's like Molly was at that age but if you replaced the mischief with sarcasm. She's the most introverted, and she's really content to stay out of the spotlight rather than compete with six other strong personalities for it. She likes to help Lovino cook, which she seems to have a talent for. She and Maria are two peas in a pod. Saoirse also loves Brigid, they had that deal where Saoirse hated the idea of a younger sibling until she was actually born and then was just sold. Asking to carry her around, dragging her everywhere, talking to her all the time. Brigid is used to it.
Maria is very much so the tagalong kid type. She looks up to Caterina so so much and they have a very Lilo and Nani sort of dynamic. Surefire way to tell them apart when I draw them as young children (aside from Maria's freckles) is that little Caterina wears two bows on either side, Maria wears one bow at the back of her head because she's trying to imitate Caterina (who started wearing that style as she got older). She's more sheltered and she's also very nosy, she wants to be in everyone's business. She's always underfoot with one of her siblings, if not one of her parents. They're all also very protective of her, but she's like Molly in the sense that she cares a lot about being self-sufficient and playing an active role in things. Essentially, she's the baby who's getting it figured out.
But yeah, that's the kids and how some of their dynamics are!
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awkwardkindatries · 3 years
Kinktober Day 3: Uniform
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Have I ever said how much I genuinely love Celebrimbor? best boy.
Elves in Eregion didn't really have uniforms outside of military forces, they did however, have a standard of dress for their meetings in court. This dress code typically consists of a high collar shirt, a button down tunic, full length trousers followed by high polished black boots. One's hair must always be done and braided back and most jewelry is kept to the minimum at a circlet and possibly a ring. All fabrics are embellished in elaborate embroidery and buttons polished to a lovely shine, not a hair or stitch to be out of place.
These court sessions aren't exactly frequent so within your time there you hadn't had the pleasure of catching him in his authoritative garb until today. You caught sight of him walking back to his quarters, his shoulders weren't square they were dropped in exhaustion, his eyes were tired and his brow furrowed in stress. You couldn't help but to follow him a few paces as he walked past you before grabbing ahold of his cuff, softly calling his name.
He whips around to stare at you allowing you to take full advantage of your close proximity. He's tall and broad as he towers above you, his clothing makes him look sharp and important, as if he could command a room of people and they listen without hesitation.
In contrast, his disposition was soft, worn down by politics and stress bearing down on him with the weight of Arda. Though you couldn't relieve him fully of this weight you could at least make the load seem lighter.
You offer him company on the rest of the walk back to his chambers, the halls oddly empty as the hour was not yet late. You suppose this was for the better as the added traffic would only have exasperated his condition. Chatter was relatively light between the two of you, and though you two had grown close you didn't want to wear him down further with topics of importance.
When you had made it to his door, he hesitated frna moment before allowing you to follow him into his room. It wasn't something new to you however, it was deemed inappropriate by the court for an unmarried individual such as yourself to follow a member of said court into privacy, let alone while he was still in his professional attire. He opens the door and before you enter you glance to both sides once more and follow him on, lightly shifting the door behind you. You turn in search of him and find that he has fallen backward in a large splayed-out lump on top of his bed, legs draped over the side and head inches from the wall.
His arms rest bent over his head, hands atop his eyes as he lets out a deep sigh, letting the stress of the day leave his body as well as he could on his own. You couldn't help the light snort that left you as you took him in, yes he was tired, stressed, more than likely overworked but he was an up and coming leader and you understand that there's an adjustment period to these things that your partner might still be adjusting to.
While he mulls about with his head in his hands and thoughts elsewhere you take the moment to look around his room. It's neat, like normal but there are still things out of place that feel like disarray in the normally spotless, “not a hair out of order” Feanorians room. Books are pulled from their spots and left about on the table in the center of the room, discarded after reading. A half-empty cup of tea remains beside it. The towel he had used earlier in the day has not made its way back to the bathing chamber and sits in a little pool on the floor at his footboard. And lastly, the circlet he had been wearing earlier now rested on the floor, more than likely having been aimed for the table and not bothering to pick it up after hearing it drop to the carpet below. Odd, it was his fathers. He only ever wore it for formal occasions and typically treated it with more care.
You make your way in front of him before bending down to pluck it from the carpet, setting it in its intended place. Once finished, you turn to him.
His arms and hands slide from his face before his eyes reopen and he stares you down.
“Thank you, though you could have left it. I'd have gotten it eventually.”
You give a kind smile in return
“I couldn't possibly leave something so important to you.”
The smile he gives in return is tired and barrel there but it exists and you cherish every moment. Reaching out your hand you offer help, and say “if we hurry then we might still be able to catch supper, I heard they're serving stew tonight.”
It is his favorite after all.
He grabs your hand and attempts to stand before his knees give a weak wobble and he plummets back to the mattress. His body was obviously much closer to shutting down than the two of you had originally suspected.
He drags you down with him as he reconnects with the bed, you landing on top of his broad chest, subconsciously to the expensive fabric beneath your fingers, eyes shutting in anticipation of impact.
When it comes, the impact isn't too bad. The Ellon beneath you is as firm and solid as a wall below, opening your eyes you look up into his and you're surprised. His face is flushed a soft pink as he stares down at you, mouth suddenly filled with cotton neither really capable of speech. You're just about to get up and awkwardly excuse yourself to the hallway in order to take your embarrassment elsewhere when you feel it.
You're resting on something that grows hard against your stomach and as a result, are probably much redder than you were a few seconds prior. Since your eye contact stopped the next few moments would almost be comical as he realized the very moment you figured this situation out. You in turn realize you'd been found out and look away is embarrassment, not entirely sure what your next move should be.
He sits up, slightly shaking as anxiety begins to rack his body.
“I-im so sorry!” he quick to apologize
As you still rest in his lap, fingers tightly holding his velvet tunic you begin to consider a few things. How tired he has been lately, his body probably reacting in many ways due to this. How hard he has been working to do better for the people, his constant commute back and forth from the dwarvish colonies to improve relations, how on top of all of his duties he still manages to do the bare minimum to take care of himself and still sacrificing what little personal time he had for you.
You wonder when he gets time for care, he spends so much of his time caring for others, he does he receive any back.
Perhaps you could do this for him.
Taking the chance, you brace yourself against him and push back, grinding against him. His hands shoot to your hips holding you fast, looking all the more like a deer in sight.
“What are you doing?” he asks
You clear your throat and attempt the best steady voice that you're capable of at the moment.
“ Could I- if it's okay, uh. Help with that?” you ask, gesturing slightly down with your head.
You broke him, you're convinced of it, he hasn't blinked or moved in possibly a whole minute and at this point you're certain that you've just embarrassed yourself enough for the rest of your lifetime, you've ruined all of the time you put into forming this bond with Celebrimbor. You make to get off but his grip on your hips holds firm and he speaks, it's low and soft, barely there at all.
“I couldn't possibly ask..”
Immediately you perk up and backtrack your last thought process.
“You aren't!” you insist “I'm offering, I’d really like to help”.
Another moment passes and he nods in approval turning his head away, possibly embarrassed himself “Alright, if you so wish it..”
After receiving his permission you suddenly feel much more authoritative as you have this powerful looking Ellon below you, wanting your touch.your hands glide up from the fabric of his tunic to his neck stopping at his jaws, forcing his face in your direction his eyes meet yours.
“Can I kiss you?”
The question is simple but his reaction is almost like it was more intimate a request than touching anything below the belt. The answer isn’t as firm as the last one but he consents. Leaning in you apply soft pressure taking your time to make this count, to make him feel loved, appreciated. This cycle repeats until you slide your tongue along the seam of his mouth, asking for further permission. He shakes a tad but relents and squeezes your hips harder as you suck his tongue into your mouth and give a firm suck, the grunt that leaves him is intoxicating. Pulling away he already looks slightly out of breath and frankly you’re impressed with yourself.
You gently pull his fingers away from your body and move to kneel on the floor in front of him.
His hands now clench onto the fabric of his bedsheets as you take your time dragging up and down the sides of his thighs hoping to bring him more comfort. With a little more confidence your fingers trail over the fabric above his crotch, receiving a sharp inhale in return. Moving to the laces, unlacing them is quick then you make for the hem of his trousers. Looking up, he then understands and lifts up his waist allowing you to pull them further down to his thighs.
He's full and standing at attention, you glance up to him and you don't think you've ever seen his face any redder as he bites his lip in anticipation.
Taking him in hand you give a light kiss to the underside, his head falling back as a gasp leaves him. Continuing to watch his face, you grasped him tighter and began to stroke him up and down, a shudder leaving him at the motion.
In no time you've collected a fair amount of saliva and put it to use, giving a firm lick to the length of him. His breath chokes up for a second as he experiences this for the first Time. You repeat this a few times before taking a breath and wrapping your lips around his head. You hear the sheets stretch on either side of you as you work. Sucking in your cheeks as tightly as you could you swirl your tongue around the head, every so often flicking against the slit across the top.
Now that his noises have worked up to breathy sighs you take this as a sign to kick it up a notch. Bracing your hands on either thigh you push yourself up a little to give yourself a better angle. Tightening your hold on the bottom of his cock you took as much of him in your mouth as you could, barely making it to the top of your hand. Continuing your work and pace with determination you had barely noticed his hips following your pace chasing after the heat of your mouth.
His head is still tossed back as he breathes deeply occasionally gifting you with a groan and now you've given yourself a new goal. You want to make a mess of this man.
Removing your hand from his base you take a much deeper breath and begin to bob your hands as shallowly swallowing with every other bob. His hands shoot to your hair as a moan forces its way out of his throat. You have to try your hardest not to gag as tears prick your eyes and your jaw begins to ache at the size of your task. But you can do better, grinding the head of his cock against the back of your throat you begin to hum, alternating between bobbing and grinding your head in his lap occasionally scraping the tip of your nose against his pelvis.
You can feel his hands trembling in your hair as he doubles over above you, groans and moans trickling freely from his throat as he tries to contain himself from thrusting into your mouth and causing you harm. His feet can't seem to keep still as they slide against the floorboards below and his toes curl tightly under the polished black of his formal boots. The heat in his gut begins to bubble, ready to boil over as he gives a weak effort to warn you of his untimely end
“D-darling I *groan* I don't have much l-longer..”
Doubling down your efforts, you're determined to make his world crumble around him in rapture. Mere moments pass and relief washes over you and your jaw as his body locks, keeping your lips pressed firmly against his pelvis as he throbs out his finish down the length of your throat, a deep moan choking it's way from his depths .
Letting out a shuddered breath he lets go of your body before dropping back to his sheet, trying his damndest to regain his breath. His body feels like jelly and his head empty of all of his previous troubles as he basks in his euphoric high.
Pulling yourself from him you lick your lips in satisfaction as your loved one pants across from you. You make to grab his trousers hoping to help remake his decent before his hands gently cradle and hold onto yours. Sitting up a soft blush has resurfaced to his skin and he looks deeply into your eyes, you can't help but to feel warm as your arousal shoots back up.
“So then is it my turn?”
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otome--fantasy · 5 years
Of Demons and Dragons
Ikemen Sengoku Imagine: Being able to turn into a dragon
Warnings: Swearing,detailed descriptions of panic/anxiety, I tried to follow the prologue as closely as possible, but obviously some things are different - some dialogue has changed, and some isn't there at all. Dragon shenanigans were kept to a minimum....sort of, can't have everyone finding out in the first part now can we? If this turns into a series it will probably be an amalgamation of all the routes put together and some of my own imagination.
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You awake in the Sengoku period, confused as to how you had gone from standing infront of a monument to laying in a burning building. Had someone drugged you? Was it that weird science guy? It would have had to be, he was the only one there with you. All you remember was standing infront of the monument and then- nothing. You attempt to sit up with a light groan at the sudden headache you apparently have, and look around to take in your surroundings. A gasp is caught in your throat when you realize you're in a burning building.
"Oh!" You can barely hear your own shocked voice over the sound of crackling flames, there's a man with a sword is standing over one who appears to be asleep. The confusion, the fear, the shock, and now the anger, it all becomes too much for you when the figure raises the sword above his head. Before you know it, your line of sight becomes elevated, the sound of fabric tearing to pieces fills your ears, and an absolutely ghastly growl rumbles through your throat and escapes your snarling maw. The man who was standing whips around. It's night and the dancing flames appear to make his face warp constantly in the darkness, had you not just turned you would have found his face frightening, but in your dragon form you felt safer. The reflection of the inferno dances in your eyes, making them appear as if they are glowing, "Demon...!"
That's all the mystery man needs to flee the scene of the crime before another growl leaves your throat. You huffed, snorting as you watched the black figure disappear through the flames, before the warmth around you appears to grow more intense. You glance around and realize the flames are quickly closing in around you, and without hesitation you jump for the man, grab him and the blanket covering him, and take off a safe distance above the flames before diving to the secure ground below. With a quick assessment, you're able to verify that there is no one around to see you, before you close your eyes, take a deep breath in, calm your mind -you feel the elevation of your head lowering- deep breath out, and you open your eyes to find you are smaller now, back to being a human, and bare. You wrap the large blanket around you, before you look down at the man you just saved who is surprisingly still asleep.
You hear faint voices to your general left, though they are so far you can't quite make out what they're saying. Slowly you bend down and begin to shake the man and when his eyes shoot open, you're once again surprised though now that you think about it all that must have jostled him from his deep sleep, at least a bit. His piercing mahogany eyes turn to look at you, and for a moment he seems to be scrutinizing you for waking him up, "Who are you?"
His gaze shifted to the building burning to the ground behind you, "Ah," you must have somehow managed to drag him to safety.
"Someone-" he cut you of before you could get more than a word out.
"Someone tried to do away with me while I slept?" You were honestly surprised he came to such a conclusion instead of assuming the fire was an accident, or perhaps he had been fighting the man with the sword and was knocked unconscious by him? You nodded, "Yes."
"Audacious, but foolish." Well you wouldn't have called it foolish seeing as, if you hadn't been there, he would have been dead, "You there, woman, let go of me."
"Oh sorry," You hadn't realized you were still holding on to him till he said something and pulled your hands back. The strange man sat up and you stood, taking a couple steps back to give him some space, "You saved me, yes?" All you could do was nod as he looked you over. You hadn't sustained any burns, and you clung to that blanket rather tightly- telling him you may not have much underneath.
"You may be some girl the monks snuck in for amusement," excuse you? "But I owe you my thanks."
You resisted the urge to bite his head off, "Sorry, I must have missed all the amused monks while I dragged your unconscious body out of a burning building, but your welcome anyways." You asshole.
"Besides," you looked back to the building before returning your gaze to him, "I don't even know how I got in there." Though you had your suspicions. You took in what he was wearing. He wasn't wearing the normal night attire one would assume someone who was sleeping would wear. He looked like a samurai from a movie that takes place in the old days, but it was easy to tell his clothes weren't replicas, and the sword at his side was definitely real. You could dismiss the lack of night attire due to the fact that he may have been fighting that other man before being knocked unconscious, but that didn't make his garb any less odd.
"What are you staring at? Surely you know who I am?" You didn't hold back your deadpan expression this time, he didn't look like any famous actor or star you cared about, so why would you recognize him, "No, actually, I don't."
"You saved me without knowing who I am? Not expecting reward or favor?" He glared back at you, suspicion creeping into his mind. Should you not have been a decent person? "So be it." He smirked in an amused manner that was really starting to grate your nerves, "I am the man who will rule all under the sun-"
"Actually, I dont want to know," he was cocky and full of him self, and after experiencing it and his rudeness, you were just about done with him.
"What? You're a curious one, woman. No one has ever spoken so impudently to me before-"
"I honestly don't care." You could hear the voices from before getting louder or maybe closer, and deduced that you should probably take your leave. You were about to do just that when the man before you let out a laugh, "You intrigue me, which is almost as worthy of praise as saving my life."
Does this guy ever stop monologue-ing?
"I am the lord of Azuchi Castle and Daimyo of Owari, Nobunaga Oda."
You bristled at this, and turned towards the building to study its appearance more closely. The words "Hono-ji" engeraved on the pillars assured you that this was the famous temple you had read about, "What year is it?" You asked sternly, no longer in the mood for any of this guys goading.
"It's 1582, why?"
You didn't answer, just shook your head disbelievingly before you took a couple more steps back, "No."
You refused to believe it, this had to be some kind of social experiment prank or something. Just as you were about to storm off a man dressed in white and purple on horseback appeared.
"Who is that?" You still wore a bit of a hostile look on your face, and that combined with you standing over Nobunaga -who was still sitting on the ground- was a pretty damning sight.
The man in question quickly hopped off his horse and swiftly drew is sword to point it at you.
"What are you doing here?"
You could feel your teeth sharpening behind your pursed lips, your vision seemed to become enhanced, and a low growl that neither of the men seemed to hear bubbled in the back of your throat, but you didn't shift.
"And where is Hideyoshi?"
"Lord Hideyoshi sent me ahead," Mitsunari went to help Nobunaga up with his sword still pointed at you, "He should be here shortly." Once his leader was up, he backed away, pulling the raven hard man with him before using himself to shield him from you, "We recieved information about an assasination attempt," he looked to the burning temple behind you before his accusing eyes snapped back to you, "It appears to have been true."
Nobunaga was quick to squash what Mitsunari was suspecting with a strong and commanding voice, "This is not my would-be assassin, Mitsunari, this woman has saved me."
The man with the drawn sword studied you before turning back to his lord, as if to ask for clarification. Nobunaga sighed, "She dragged me out of the burning building."
"All by herself?" He seemed to not believe that a woman could pull a grown man from the upper floors, down the stairs, and out of a burning building. And technically he would be correct in terms of that's not how you did it, but these men didn't need to know that.
With a nod from the raven haired man, Mitsunari put his sword away, "Thank you miss...?" He once again looked to Nobunaga who had now moved to stand beside his vassal, "She has yet to introduce herself to me."
You stood your ground, not so much as giving a polite bow when you gave them your name. Mitsunari seemed a bit in awe - having never met a woman with so much confidence, and Nobunaga nearly smirked at your tenacity before he decided it was time to remind you of a womans place in this world, "You cheeky woman, you do not even bow to the lord of this land?"
No, you don't bow to anyone. Your abilities were a wonderful confidence booster in that -if you wanted to, you could kick their asses right here, right now, "You haven't given me reason to bow to you, you might be 'Lord' of this land, but you hold no rank over me- I. Am. Not. One of your subordinates."
His amused expression turned sharp and he glared at you. Had looks been able to kill, surely his eyes would have pierced you like knives- but they couldn't kill, and you weren't just your everyday meek woman that a man like him must have been used to seeing. So you glared right back.
"Please this is on me," Mitsunari was now playing referee as he held his hands out between the two if you, "It was rude of me not to introduce myself first." He looked towards you, placing the hand directed at you over his chest while the other remained extended towards Nobunaga, "My name is Mitsunari Ishida." He bowed slightly to you in the form of a head nod, "I serve at the side if Lord Hideyoshi, Lord Nobunaga's right-hand man."
Your glare faded and you could feel your teeth receding back to normal and your body language relaxed, though you remained vigilant, "Nice to meet you," you gave a polite nod back.
"I cannot thank you enough for protecting our lord's life."
"It's fine," you broke eye contact with Mitsunari to glance at Nobunaga, who's stance had also relaxed, before returning them to the silver-haired man, "though he is kinda' making me regret it."
"Please, do not take it to heart!" He smiled gently at you, "And pardon me, " his voice turned a bit unsure, "but you do not appear to be a nun, and your uh," he looked at the blanket questioningly, "dress is unusual. Are you from abroad?"
"You could say that." Perhaps now was not the best time to tell them you were from a different time period. You were sassy, smart mouthed, fearless or stupid -whatever they chose to see your brashness as- and you showed animosity upon introduction. They might think you're crazy if they didn't already.
"Perhaps we should take you to get cleaned up?" Mitsunari began to lead the both of you back to their camp and it wasn't till then you relized that your skin was covered in ashes and soot, "I would appreciate that."
Mitsunari reached for the saddle bag as they walked and pulled out an extra set of robes that would undoubtedly fit you a few sizes too big. You took them anyways with a polite smile, "Thank you," and before you knew it, the three of you were at camp. Nobunaga's men crowded he and Mitsunari, happy to see they were okay. Luckily for you, you were able to squeeze past and sneak into a vacant tent to quickly change your attire.
Once you stepped out, the group had dispersed and Mitsunari once again approached you to guide you to the center of camp where a warm camp fire and some sitting logs waited for you, "Wait right here," he urged you to sit, "I'll bring you a warm cup of good, clean was water to clear your throat."
The fire and smoke honestly hadn't bothered you, I mean you were a dragon. You watched Mitsunari walk off, staring into space till a familiar voice snapped you out of your thoughts, "You clean up well."
You snorted and turned to look at Nobunaga, the glare from earlier returning to your face as you did not appreciate the way he was eyeing you, "Tch," you propped your elbows on your knees, looked back in the general direction Mitsunari had disappeared, and used your hands to support your head as you hunched over in defeat at once again having to share space with this man, "Gee, you sure do know how to compliment a lady."
"My lord." You perked up when someone parted the curtain and entered the camp, but you quickly deflated again as it wasn't Mitsunari. Great, another new face, "I see you are well."
"Mitsuhide?" Nobunaga's attention was no longer on you, but you quickly followed his gaze at the mention of yet another name you had heard about. You watched him like a hawk, surely he wouldn't do anything stupid in the middle if a camp full of soldiers loyal to the man you were currently sitting next to, but it didn't hurt to people watch.
"I hurried when I heard about the attack, but it seems there was nothing for me to worry about."
"You worry?" Nobunaga chuckled at that, "I have never even seen you break a sweat."
You rolled your eyes, about to drown out their banter before another person emerged from behind the curtain, "Lord Nobunaga! Are you injured?"
You raised a brow at this mother hen.
"Hideyoshi. The only injury I suffered is to my pride in letting my assailant escape."
And zoning out again.
"And what of her?" You looked at Hideyoshi in time to see him motion to you, "Leave her be," Nobunaga waved you off, as he told his right hand your name, "Oh and she saved my life."
"You saved Nobunaga's life...?" Mitsuhide sounded as if he didn't believe the tale, "And you're such a slender thing. But it appears your courage makes up for it."
You glared at the white-haired man, and were about to stand when Nobunaga grabbed you by the back of your robes and pulled you back down to sit, "Yes, she is a bit of a fireball."
"Mitsuhide, what are you doing here?"
You huffed and zoned out again. You didn't have time for any of this, you had to figure out how to get back home. If you could get back home. You ended up back in time, surely there had to be a way back to the present.
"Stop being evasive," you zoned back in when Hideyoshi raised his voice, "Confess!" And saw him grip his sword, "If I find out you played any part in this attack on our lord, Mitsuhide, I'll show you no mercy."
"It wasn't him," you piped up from your seat next to the man in charge. The bickering men turned to look at you questioningly, "Sure, let's not ask the person who was there if they saw anything," you leaned back, propping your hands up on the edge of the log you were sitting on to keep upright, "Let's instead just point fingers and make false accusations."
You shrugged, "I caught a glimpse of the man who attacked Nobu- your Lord Nobunaga," more like you stared him down and put the fear of god in him but again, they don't need to know that, "and Mitsuhide's silhouette is all wrong."
"Stay out if this," Hideyoshi scolded you like you were the one behaving like a child, "We'll settle things with you later, and learn why you've schemed to get so close to Lord Nobunaga."
"Excuse you!" You shot up off your seat this time and stormed up to the both of them before Nobunaga had the chance to grab you again, "I am not scheming to get close to him! If I wanted him dead I could have just left him to die in that fire," you felt your canines poking your lip and huffed, before forcing yourself to calm down by crossing your arms and turning away from them, "Your boss sleeps like the dead anyways."
"Enough, all of you," Nobunaga stood up this time, "Reguardless of what brings Mitsuhide here, I am alive and well."
Hideyoshi's attention left you and Mitsuhide to look at Nobunaga as he addressed the three of you, "My apologies, Lord Nobunaga," Hideyoshi released his grip on his sword and relaxed a bit.
"Hideyoshi, Mitsuhide, leave us. I have something to discuss with our newest acquaintance." The raven haird war lord waved off the other two causing them to step aside as he approached you, "Your sharp tongue and brash nature aside, you saved my life."
You raised a brow and held back a small growl.
"I'm intrigued by you. You're a woman who carries fortunes favor, of that I am certain."
You resisted rolling your eyes at this, luck had nothing to do with you both making it out of that burning temple, "To be fair, I would argue that-"
Nobunaga didn't allow you to finish as he quickly grasped your arm, pulled you towards him, and then slid a hand around your waist to draw you even closer, "How would you like to rule at my side?"
Your head whipped back, your brows furrowed, and the rest of your face scrunched up slightly like you smelled something awful, "What?" You grabbed the hand that was still around your waist and pulled it off to give yourself enough space to rip out of his grasp, "Hell no!" You dropped his hand and took a couple more steps back till your were comfortable with the distance between the two of you.
"What?" Nobunaga seemed a bit perplexed as to why your would turn down such an offer.
You looked around you and noticed everyone's eyes were on you and you shook your head, exclaming, "You all are crazy," before you made a break for it. You found yourself once again scared, confused, and overwhelmed with the situation at hand. Your heart was pounding both from you running out of the small camp and from adrenaline that was now coursing through you veins. Your chest felt tight, and you had to fight to keep control of yourself.
As you entered the woods your vision shifted, and suddenly things were a lot clearer - as opposed to everything being dark, blury, and dimly lit by the moonlight, everything looked bright, vibrant and crisp. It was like someone put a photo editing filter over your eyes and turned up the brightness, saturation, and clarity, but that's just what happenes when the dragon in you was trying to take hold of the steering wheel. The sudden shift only served to make you more disoriented. Everything seemed like it was popping out at you, and you had no choice but to stop once you reached a clearing.
'Calm down, calm down.' You took a deep breath and paced yourself to a slow walk around the forest clearing as your thoughts attempted to calm you, 'You're fine, you're fine.'
Though you paused in the center when your breath was stolen from you and you felt your teeth poke the inside of your mouth, 'No,' deep breath in, close your eyes- the cold chill of the air seemed to no longer nip at your skin, 'Not now, not now- we're fine,' deep breath out, the chill returned, you opened your eyes. Everything looked much more dull. You didn't hear the soft chime of bells in the wind or the quiet sound of dried leaves crunching under someone's feet, you were too busy fighting the change. Normally the transition happened smoothly, and when you wanted it to happen or let it happen, you could hardly notice a change, but when you were fighting it as hard as you were, the shift could be a bit traumatic.
"Young lady."
Damn it, can't you ever catch a break?!
"What are you doing out in the woods this late at night?"
A low growl bubbled at the back of your throat as you whipped around to see who had been following you, 'A monk?' You were thrown off enough for your small fit of anger to disappear.
"I am called Kennyo, and I am a traveling monk. Perhaps I can be of assistance to you?"
"No thanks," you replied sharply. He was giving you the heebie jeebies. The look in his eyes didn't seem right, and the scar across his face told you he was a survivor, but of what, and at what cost? He took a long stride towards you and you had only been able to take a couple small steps back, before he placed a hand on your shoulder, "You should return home quickly, Demons lurk in these woods at night."
Fuck that, fuck him, fuck this place, and fuck who/whatever brought you here! You wordlessly slapped his hand away before darting into the woods again. Your frantic run triggering yet another flare up, one that you were unaware of as iridescent scales seemed to coat your skin and protect you from any scrapes and cuts you would have otherwise recieved from the foliage around you. You looked back for a split second to see if you were being followed, and the slight break in attention at where you were headed was all that was needed to hinder you unable to see the quickly approaching cliff - till a sixth sense told you to stop.
"Watch out!" Your body jerked to an abrupt halt and your feet kicked up a large cloud of dust, however, just as you stopped the ground came loose from underneath you. "Woah, hey!"
Had your reflexes not been fast enough you would have surely fallen to your death, but luckily, you managed to whip your body around fast enough to grab hold of the sturdier ground. Another man, who looked vaguely familiar, came to your aid and swiftly grabbed your hand before pulling you up, "I was trying to tell you there was a cliff, what are you deaf?!"
You aided him and pulled yourself up the rest of the way before quickly snapping at him, "Sorry, I was busy running for my life!"
He attempted to help you stand, but you were determined to do so on your own. You sighed as you got to your feet and dusted yourself, before this stranger leaded you away from the edge.
"Besides, I would have been fine," you sighed.
"Yeah, you certainly looked fine, dangling from the side of a cliff and holding on for dear life."
You couldn't argue with that standpoint, less you wished to raise suspicion, so you merely pouted, "Thanks, I guess..."
Deciding to brush off the attitude, he merely shook his head and continued to lead you away from the cliff, "It's fine."
"What's this Yuki?"
Your head snapped up in the direction of another voice as a taller silhouette walked out from the bushes, "We've been here ten minutes and you've already found yourself a girl?"
"Dont tease me, Lord Shingen. She almost plummeted to her death."
You 'humfed' at how they seemed to make light of your situation and stubbornly turned your head away from them, till 'Yuki' got your attention again, "What even were you doing running around the forest this late at night?" You didn't respond and merely eyed him.
"Hmm. Smoke from Honno-ji, and a woman all alone at night." You looked towards Shingen as he spoke, "Perhaps you're a ghost?" You scoffed. "Though you're the most beautiful ghost I have ever seen."
Close by like a hair, "No." With your senses on high alert, you looked towards the foliage where two other men were about to emerge from, "Your ability to spew-up cheap pickup lines never ceases to amaze me."
"I just call it like I see it, Kenshin."
"You there," the man next to Kenshin called your attention, "Could you step into the light? Thank you."
"What?" You gave him an odd look before he grabbed you with a slender hand and drew you out into the moonlight. You audibly hissed at being touched without your permission and just missed slapping his hand when he released you.
"What a fine piece of work." Your glare only deepened. You would rather face the war lords you just left to these flirty travelers, "Sorry," Shingen interjected, "I laid eyes on this angelic treasure first."
"We can share," the unnamed stranger argued, "Art is to be loved and shared by all-"
You promptly shoved past the both of them, causing them to be caught off guard by your physical strength as you actually managed to make them both stumble slightly, "Excuse you!"
The more dainty of the two gently clasped your hand, "Would you be interested in exchanging the kimono you're wearing with one from my collection?"
"For the last time Yoshimoto-" Ah, so he does have a name, "Women are not pieces of art, so get your hands off her would you?!" You aided Yuki in snatching your kimono away from Yoshimoto and huffed, before walking to stand behind Yuki to put some kind of barrier between you and them.
"My lords," you bristled and whipped around at the sound of another new voice, "I've returned. Nobunaga's forces have extinguished the fires at Honno-ji."
You eyed him quizzically, this one looked and sounded familiar though it was hard to tell with the black mask covering half his face. "Thank goodness they did." Yoshimoto was the first to respond, "That temple houses many treasures. I fear for the fire damage."
He was dressed in tight fitted layers of clothing with interchanging patterns of camouflage, and solid black and dark greens, but it was the glasses that made you suspicious. "Thank you for your investigation," Kenshin nodded in approval, "So I presume Nobunaga is alive then?"
"He's got the devil's luck," Shingen crossed his arms and shook his head disbelievingly.
"Or he is the Devil," Yuki jested.
You had been studying the ninja the entire time - his hidden facial structure, the shape of his body, his eyes, his smell, but it wasn't till you swiftly moved towards him and walked around him much like a predator would circle its prey, that he looked towards you. A look of recognition passed his face, "You-!"
You stopped in your motions, eyes so sharp they could kill a man, "I know you," it was more a statement than a question.
"We happened to run into her here," Kenshin informed his vassel as he watched the exchange, "Do you indeed know this woman?"
"No," the ninja tried to quickly take back his words, "She must be mistaken. Though I spotted a village on the way here. She must be from there. I'll escort her home."
He gave you little to no time to argue as he walked behind you, placed his hands on your shoulders and steered you back into the forest.
"Moving quick, aren't you, Sasuke? You and Yoshimoto both. Give the rest of us a chance, will you?" Sasuke paused to look back at the others, "Lord Shingen please, you and the others should return to the city," he left no more room for commentary as he continued to push you into the woods.
Once you were deep enough, you went off, "You!" You whipped around and pointed a finger in his face, "Did you have something to do with this?!"
"What?" He was caught off guard.
"This!" You motioned to the world around you, giving him your back for a split second before turning back around with different colored eyes contracted into slits, and snarled, "All of this!"
He backed off, his ears catching the creature-like noise you just made. He thought that hiss he heard earlier was just from some animal in the woods, but now there was no mistaking it, it had come from you, "Did you bring me here on purpose?!"
"W-what?" You stormed toward him, and he backed up till he hit a tree when his eyes caught the sight of your teeth sharpening into points. He was a well trained ninja, but his training had not prepared him for seeing someone morph into a monster before his very eyes- at least not into the kind you were.
"I said."
There was a loud, low pitched thump from behind you, and for a brief moment Sasuke tore his eyes away to look, only to be met with the sight of a long, pearlescent, scaly tail.
"Did you." He looked back at you, but your face was no longer that of a human woman, it was instead a scaled beast with an elongated muzzle, and horns that may have better been described as antlers.
"Bring me here." He had to crane his head upwards to keep eye contact with you as your head raised up into the sky due to your neck having grown in length. He looked down for a split second to examine the rest of your body. The kimono, being a more loose fitting garb, seemed to have untied and merely slid off your body. You were indeed no longer human, but were instead a long serpent-like creature on four legs with a long voluminous mane running down your spine. A dragon.
"On purpose!" You roared to forcibly call his attention back to your face, and he did so without hesitation.
"You recognize me?" He lowered his mask and you hissed, "You can hide your face but not your smell."
How are you talking without moving your mouth?!
"You're that scientist I met at the monument," your head lulled from side to side, only causing Sasuke to want to disappear into the tree bark behind him, "How did we get here, in the past, and why are you dressed like a ninja?"
"Please could you just," he boldly placed a hand on the bridge of your snout and lightly pushed you back, "I need space."
You growled but did so, backing off a bit so Sasuke could pull himself off from against the tree and walk to the side of you by a couple steps, "It's best if I start from the beginning- My name is Sasuke. And just like you I come from the present- or future, rather." You snarled, wanting him to get to the point.
"Right, right sorry-" he fumbled with his words, to give you an explanation in layman's terms, "Basically, that lightning strike that almost hit us caused a spacetime warp and sent us into the past." You merely stared at him for a second, and he caught on to what you wanted when you appeared to be studying his clothing and intensified your glare. He backed up a couple steps, "W-we entered the wormhole at the same time. However, for reasons unknown, I arrived 4 years prior to you, and in that time I've equipped myself with the skills necessary to make myself a viable asset- both for my safety and employment."
With that you huffed and backed off him, giving the ninja some breathing room, "You believe me?" Of course it was the truth, but there was no way of knowing if the travel had somehow warped your way of thinking.
"You just watched me turn into a dragon before your eyes, and you're going to ask me if I think time travel is possible?"
"Fair point," he wasn't going to bother correcting you on the smaller details, less he wish to get bit, scratched, or barbecued- whatever it was you were able to do in this form. Sasuke flinched as you let out a long deep breath, before shifting back to normal human. Your dragon scales stood up on end, much like a dogs fur would if it had its hackles raised, before they simply just dispersed in a puff and floated up into the air like a hoard of migrating butterflies, only to disappear into a dust that reflected the moonlight. He looked back down at you as your scales disappeared into the night, and immediately regretted his decision. You were completely nude.
"I'm so sorry!" He covering his eyes, causing his glasses to push up higher against his face before he turned around and gave you his back. You simply blinked and picked up the robes that had been gifted to you by Mitsunari and redressed, "You can look now."
Sasuke peaked slightly through his hands and feigned a cough when he saw you were indeed completely dressed again, "Yes well...I have devised a way to predict when these wormholes will appear, it is why I was at the monument that night- to see if my hypothesis was correct."
"Sounds great, so when's our next ticket home?" You didn't bother pretending to be excited. You felt like he got you into this mess, so he should get you out of it.
"That I do not know-"
You growled.
"Yet!" He raised his hands up in a reflexive effort to calm you, "I was only able to predict the wormhole that got us here three months in advance and I have yet to find any evidence of another one appearing anytime soon."
You calmed as he gave you an explanation. Sounded reasonable enough.
You perked when you heard your name being called, and your gave a sharp look in the direction it had come from, before pushing Sasuke into the foliage in the opposite direction, "Keep in touch," you stated simply before turning your back to him and returning to the center of the small clearing.
"Where are you? Come out!" You recognized Hideyoshi's voice. You heard a simple rustle of leaves before silence, and you assumed that, just like that, Sasuke had disappeared into the night.
You remained in the clearing till the sound of galloping horses got closer, "There you are!" You looked first at Hideyoshi, then to the person who had accompanied him, before looking back at the chestnut-haired warlord, "I searched the whole forest for you."
You tilted your head innocently though your voice still showed your distrust of them, "How sweet-"
"Hiding yourself from Lord Nobunaga for no reason what so ever," he began to berate you, "How insolent can you get?"
"I wasn't hiding," you corrected, "I was running, and I didn't ask for you to come find me."
The man on the other horse laughed at this, gaining your attention. He was another raven haired man, dressed in blues, blacks, and gold, with an eye patch over his right eye, "What a stalwart lass indeed. I have no doubt you are the woman who defied Lord Nobunaga."
"Oh, you're making me blush," you said sarcastically, "Are you someone else I'm supposed to recognize?"
The one eyed man snickered and extended a hand to reach for you, "I'd be pleased if you did, but now's not the best time to talk."
You stepped back out of his reach, only to bump into Hideyoshi's horse. The animal did not move but you whipped around see what it was you bumped into and the answer made you back up again towards the strange pirate man.
"Hey!" He grabbed a hold of your arm and pulled you up, "let me go!" You bared your teeth at him as he tucked you snugly against his chest so you sat sideways between him and the horses neck.
"Oh put the fangs away, I'm Masamune Date. Remember it, lass."
You subconsciously raised your hand to feel your teeth, worried for a moment that your fangs were indeed showing before your attention went to Hideyoshi as he spoke, "Masamune is head if the noble Date family of Oshu. He's also allied with Lord Nobunaga, so show some respect."
You rolled your eyes, "It's a pleasure, can you put me down now?"
"Settle down, you'll spook the horse," you captor smirked down at you. Oh you were going to do a lot more than spook the horse if he didn't let you go. Your brief moment of silence is all he needed to urge the horse to go forward with a snap of the reins and a shout.
"Hey wait!" Horseback riding was not something you were accustomed to, normally if you wanted to get around you either walked or flew, you didn't even like taxis or buses - too small and they made you claustrophobic.
"Dont loose her, Masamune!"
"I won't," he adjusted you so you were tucked more tightly against him, "Hold on tight," as the horses speed picked up, you didn't need to be told twice to hold on and you clung to the one eyed warlord like a frightened cat.
You all rode through the night and after some time you grew bored of clinging for dear life, so you adjusted your sitting position and held on to the horses mane. You enjoyed the wind that blew past you, and if you closed your eyes you could almost pretend you were flying- almost, had riding a galloping horse not been so rough.
When you arrived at your destination you were in awe of the structure before you- it was like a fortress, a city, and a castle all rolled into one.
"We're here," Masamune announced, "Azuchi Castle, home of the Oda forces." You looked around in awe. This place looked like you had jumped right into a movie set. "Don't show yourself to Lord Nobunaga like that, you look like a gaping frog."
Stupid Hideyoshi. You promptly snapped your mouth shut in favor of gritting your teeth and shooting him a glare. "So your a morning person," Masamune speaking into your ear sent a surprised shock down you spine, "I'll be sure to keep that in mind."
"Oh buzz off!" You had completely forgotten he was still holding you, but you took the opportunity to slap him in the chest.
"Oh? But I quite like where you are right now."
"Masamune-" Hideyoshi reprimanded his fellow warlord, "Nobunaga has taken an interest in her, so keep your hands off."
"Listen you two-" you were cut off by the sound of squealing women.
"Hideyoshi! Welcome back!"
"Over here Hideyoshi!"
"Oh Masamune, you're dashing as ever! Who's your friend?"
You growled slightly at being noticed and subconsciously hid your face in Masamune's chest. Surely you hadn't thought you could hide in plain view, but you really didn't want this interaction to happen - you were tired, agitated, and not in the mood for having to deal with so many people at once.
"Oh! Is she shy?!" One of them gushed and brought her hands to her chest.
"More like antisocial," Hideyoshi took a quiet jab at you with a small chuckle before dismounting his horse and walking towards the crowd of women. Masamune laughed at your behest, and you peaked your head out slightly to watch, before sticking your tongue out at Hidayoshi for a brief moment. You half hoped the group was as viscous as the girls back in your time could get, and that he would simply just disappear into the crowd, but of course we can't all get what we want.
"I've told you there's no need to come all the way to the gate for me. What about your work?" Hideyoshi's tone with then was vastly different compared to the way he addressed you.
"I finished early so I could see you when you come back," one of the women replied. You groaned and rolled your eyes in an exhausted manor before burrowing your face back in Masamune's chest - an action that was met by another laugh, "Jealous, lass?"
You scoffed, "Annoyed," you crossed your arms, which looked a bit silly with you hiding your face so determinedly, "Don't like large group interactions."
"Welcome back, Lord Hideyoshi, Lord Masamune," you visibly perked up at the sound if Mitsunari's voice.
'Sweet angel from up above, get me out of here!'
"Even Ieyasu came out to say hi. That's rare." You hadn't noticed the man standing a bit behind Mitsunari in the shadows, "Ieyasu?"
"Right there," Masamune wrapped a hand around your shoulder as he pointed at the man with his other hand, he was fair skinned, and blond, with green eyes, and wore clothes in varying hues of yellow and orange, "That sourpuss next to Mitsunari. You should take this chance to say hi." Masamune then released you and dismounted the horse, before offering a hand to help you down. You examined him for a moment, deciding that he may be flirty, but he's not so bad before you took his hand and allowed him to aid you. Besides, you can't stay prickly for long if you're going to be staying here for an indefinite amount of time. Masamune took your hand and stepped forward, giving you the opportunity to place your hands on his shoulders before his made their way to your waist to pick you up and place you firmly on the ground.
"Thank you." You gave a polite nod to him before making your way towards Mitsunari and Ieyasu. Masamune merely nodded in response, not quite sure how to handle your rapid changes in demeanor. First you had the temper of the Devil, then you acted all shy and timid around that group of girls, and now you seemed so polite and regal as you passed he and Hideyoshi.
You held your head high, back straight, arms held together infront of you so your hands were hidden under the long loose sleeves, and walked heel-toe, making it seem as though you were gliding as opposed to walking. You gave Mitsunari a small soft smile, aside from that small hiccup during your first encounter, he had been the only one who was nice to you.
"Mitsunari," you greeted.
"I have been expecting your arrival, Milady." He greeted you back with a smile of his own. You opened you mouth to speak when Ieyasu interrupted.
"She looks pitiful," he spoke over you with a disapproving frown, as if whatever it was you were about to say wasn't important.
You looked at him through the corner of your eye and your sass reared its prickly little head again, "You should watch your nasty attitude, or it'll rot whatever beauty you have left," you turned up your nose at him, "However little that may be." Surely with an attitude like that his beauty was only superficial. Granted, you hadn't been the nicest since you got here, but you think you deserved a free pass having been ripped away from your life and thrown into the Sengoku period by a random wormhole.
"Both of you!" Hideyoshi came up from behind you to reprimand you both, "That is no way to greet someone, can't you at least give eachother a smile?"
"Can he?" Masamune followed close behind, "I'm not sure I've seen him do it." You huffed, "Well I was being nice, and giving them both a smile- he started it."
"How mature-" Ieyasu attempted to jab back till he snapped his mouth shut to bite back a fit of laughs, "S-stop it!" Hideyoshi and Masamune were attempting to tickle the blond, and it worked till he managed to wiggle out of their grasp, "You're both just annoying me!"
You tilted you head curiously at the display before you, till Mitsunari came around behind you and spoke to you in a low voice, "Like Lord Masamune and Lord Hideyoshi, Lord Ieyasu is allied with Lord Nobunaga." You turned to look at him, "Like the others, he came as soon as he heard there was an assasination attempt." That explained a lot.
"Everyone!" Mitsunari broke away from you to stand in the middle of the small group you and the other warlords had formed, "Shall we save the happy reunion until after our new arrivals get some rest?"
"Save yourself, Mitsunari. I'm not remotely happy about any of this." Well at least you could agree with Ieyasu about one thing.
"Oh. My apologies," the confused silver haired warlord attempted to clarify, "Then lets simply not stand around and talk outside," Mitsunari turned around to look at you, "Milady, the room you will be staying in is already prepared." Wonderful, "Please get some rest."
Mitsunari was kind enough to lead you through Azuchi Castle to your room, while the others broke off to take care of business. You were surprised when he opened a pair of sliding doors to bring your room into view- it was small, yet spacious, though that probably had to do with the fact that the furniture was not as large or clunky as some of the furnishings from your time could get. Everything was simple in shape, held a classic antique look, and was still extravagant, reminding you once more that this was the Castle of a very successful warlord.
"This room is yours to use as you like," Mitsunari gestured for you to walk in and have a look around, which you so gladly did, "I hope it's enough for you."
You blinked in amazement as you took in the finer details, slowly spinning around as you studied the room in its entirety. The lavish artistry that covered the more solid walls and the cieling, the care that went into the placement of everything, "It's more than I could've asked for." You turned to look at Mitsunari an excited smile on your face, "And you don't have to address me so formally."
"But you are a Lady, and Lord Nobunaga's savior. I couldn't possibly-" you cut him off with a wave of your hand, "Fancy titles mean nothing to me, just a means of establishing hierarchy. Which I also don't care for."
"Then I agree, on the condition that you stay as familiar with me, is that all right?" He gave a friendly smile, one that you returned, "A wonderful idea," he made you feel so happy. Must be his calm and upbeat aura.
"Thank you," he nodded gratefully, "Now take your leisure. Someone will come fetch you soon." Mitsunari gave one last smile before turning to exit the room, and close the sliding doors behind him.
You briefly wondered when you would receive word from Sasuke about a way home. What would the signs be that a new wormhole was approaching? How would he get in touch with you? With a sigh, you decided it best not to spoil your moment of piece by stressing yourself out. It was then that you noticed two other large sliding doors towards the back of your room, opposite to the entrance. Another room? You made your way over to the doors and slowly opened them. A balcony? You smiled widely, happy you would have quick access to the outside world incase you wished to take a midnight flight. Again you paused in thought, wondering how long it would take for someone to come get you, perhaps you could shift and stretch yourself out to relax. Was this room even big enough? You closed the balcony doors and glanced around your quarters, taking a mental note of how big you thought it was. The cieling seemed pretty high, and the parameter of the room itself seemed wide enough - save for the furniture, which again, didn't take up much space anyways.
You sat down on the sleeping mat in the center of your room, crossing your legs before loosening the ties on your kimono, closing your eyes, and breathing deeply. The shift was quick and effortless, no struggle or pain, with the only sign of it being a small thump on the wall from your body hitting it. You opened your eyes and looked around, the room seemed a lot smaller now, with the sound of your horns scraping the cieling reaching your ears. You glanced up and huffed - your antler-like horns would scuff and scratch the cieling, leaveing grooves if you moved in almost any direction, and that was with your head tucked firmly against you as you rested it in your back. Your long body seemed to wrap around the room at least three times, and you were a bit snug to say the least, and you couldn't see the floor at all beneath you. Your form practically took up the entire room. The tip of your tail flicked up and down, much like the tail of a cat in contemplation and a deep guttural rumble came from your throat, 'So much for stretching out...'
Your thoughts were interrupted by a small knock on one of the cieling panels and you looked up wide-eyed, worried that this was the moment you would be found out. Thankfully, you were only met face to snout with Sasuke, "Excuse me-" he froze, looking at you wide-eyed, "You seem packed in here like a sardine," he jested, earning a small grumble from you.
You attempted to shift and get into a more comfortable position to look at him, but your horns thumped against the cieling tiles and startled you with the volume of noise it made. Sasuke also momentarily freaked out, trying to move out of the way so's not to get impaled and nearly fell backwards deeper into the cieling, "Shh! No don't move!" He spoke as quietly as possible while also trying to be sure you would hear him. You promptly froze at his words.
"Why don't you just turn back?"
You looked up at him with a subtle glare and he remembered what happened back in the forest, "R-right, sorry."
"Did you follow me here?" You were quick to change the subject for his own comfort. "Yes," his demeanor effortlessly shifted back to professional, "I hid myself when those men arrived and followed your trail."
"Glad you did," your tail thumped once, "I had been wondering how you would get in contact with me."
He nodded, "Yes, I've also pieced together much of what's happened to you since you got here by watching you. You've gotten yourself into some trouble."
You scoffed, "Its nothing I can't handle, I assure you." What problem couldn't be solved by setting it on fire? Probably a lot of them, but if anyone tried to hurt you it wasn't exactly like your were the helpless dame the Oda forces believed you to be, "Besides, I'm sure you've been through your fair share of trouble," you chuckled. There was a moment of silence, "Sorry," Sasuke exhaled stiffly, "I'm still trying to come to terms with..." he looked at your body spread all around the room before his gaze went back to look you in the eyes, "all this."
You chuffed, "It's fine. Any news about our way home?" He shook his head dejectedly, "Not yet, I just wanted to be sure you would be alright here though," he placed a hand over his chest, "Sould you ever feel unsafe, please, just let me know and I will see what I can do to get you out of here."
"Oh please," you stubbornly looked away, "these men are many things- rude, bold, and flirty, but a threat I think not."
"Please don't forget," Sasuke warned you, "these are warlords miss, and while I don't question whatever power you may have, they shouldn't be taken lightly either."
"Duly noted-" your conversation was cut short by the sound of steps just outside your door.
"I'll be in touch," Sasuke quickly stated before closing the panel he had been speaking through. There was a knock at your door, to which you quickly responded, "I'm not decent!"
You wiggled your tail and cracked open the balcony doors before shifting back into a human, with your dragon form disintegrating into a horde of fluttering scales again, just as it had done in the forest, and they flowed out the open door to follow the wind before disappearing into a cloud of glittery dust. You hastily threw on the kimono you were wearing earlier before rushing to the door with a hand keeping the robe-like garb shut, "Can I help you-" you opened the sliding door out into the hall, "Mitsuhide?"
"I see you weren't able to get away from Nobunaga after all." You stared at him blankly, "He's calling for you," the white haired man continued, "Nobunaga that is. He wants to see you."
You nodded in response, "Give me a moment to better dress myself then," you shut the door without giving him a chance to respond, before walking over to the discarded pile of clothes in the center of the room. It took little time for you to get redressed, though to be honest you probably hadn't put everything on perfectly, but you didn't care. "Okay," you opened the door once again to follow Mitsuhide out and allowed him to lead you to wherever Nobunaga was.
You took this time to examine the interior of the building, making sure to try and memorize anything special that may better help you learn your way around, "You'll damage them if you continue to hold them so tightly."
You raised a brow inquisitively at him till he reached for your hand and pulled it up. You hadn't noticed you were squeezing them so tightly. Probably a nervous tick of some sort from your mind being cluttered with so many thoughts. Your mind went blank when he pulled your hand up and kissed the back of it,'Excuse me?'
"Trying to calm you down," he looked at you through his lashes and smiled mischievously before gently releasing you hand. Okay, but there were many other ways to do it that weren't that, "Well it didn't work, if anything you made it worse."
"Forgive me."
'Fuck you.' The two of you continued down the many halls and corridors, till you reached a pair of giant sliding doors. Mitsuhide didn't waste time opening the doors, "You kept me waiting," you recognized Nobunaga's voice from the otherside of the room. However, he was not the one to catch your attention first. The first thing your eyes were drawn to was the two rows that were formed to either side of him by the other warlords. Seems like they were having a meeting, "Dont just stand there," Nobunaga interrupted your thoughts, "Approach me."
You looked at Nobunaga with sharp eyes before walking towards him. There was a sitting mat a few feet in front of him, but you didn't sit, even when the raven haired man gestured for you to do so. He merely chuckled at your resilience and raised a hand when Hideyoshi moved to use force, "You are a stubborn one."
"Thank you," you crossed your arms, "Even at home, I bowed to no man." Nobunaga waved off your explanation, "You will reside in this castle," his statement was final, "and while you do so, you will give your service to me."
"I think you misunderstand, my shows of rejection, I'm not playing hard to get, I'm giving you a clear 'No'."
"Details, details, none of that matters to me. All you meed to say is 'Yes'," he didn't seem like he was budging, and for a second you thought about what would happen if you were to run again. I mean- theoretically speaking, they probably wouldn't be able to catch you. But you didn't want to spend your indefinite amount of time here on the constant run or being hunted. And if you ran and kept up your appearance as a normal human, what would he do then? Lock you in a dungeon? You sighed in an agitated manor, and you could have sworn you saw a smile begin to tug at the corners of Nobunaga's mouth as you begrudgingly took your seat on the mat infront of him, "Fine, but just for the sake of knowing what I'm getting into, how exactly am I supposed to serve you?"
"Your only duty," he grabbed your wrist before you could even register what was happening and pulled you closer to him, "is to stay nearby. That is what I need of you. You will be my lucky charm as I unify this nation and all that lies beyond." Ah yes, this again.
"You want me around because you think I'm lucky," you tried not to snicker. "Yes," he didn't seem to be joking, infact he was comically serious, "And don't fear. You shall be known as a princess from afar and will be treated as such. Spend your days on makeup, or cards and games if it suits you." Well now that couldn't be so bad. You would never admit it outloud, but dragons could be overwhelmingly vein creatures and it would help if you had someone to help tend to you. Of course, you wouldn't tell them about your....affliction, but the knowledge of having someone at your beck and call was nice it would help out a lot. You glance around the council room to gauge everyone's reactions, before returning your gaze to Nobunaga, "I have a few demands."
"Name them," Nobunaga seemed pleased, though the look disappeared from his face for a fraction of a second when you managed to easily yank your hand away - nearly making him fall forward in the process. "I am to have free roam of the castle, and the city," from the corner of your eye, Hideyoshi looked like he was about to protest, "But if we are to go along with the guise of you as a princess," Nobunaga interjected, "You will need a guard, and a curfew." Of course this guard probably served as more of a spy than anything else, and the curfew could be easily worked around... Fair and easy to deal with, "Fine, I'll accept the guard and the curfew. I assume this castle has a garden?" The raven haired leader nodded, "I can go there at anytime I please, even at night."
"Ridiculous!" Hideyoshi didn't like the idea of you sneaking around the castle at night, you merely shrugged, "Assign two guards, a day shift and a night shift one- I'll even accept only being able to go from my room to the garden and back if I must," you remained relaxed in your seat. Nobunaga nodded, "Then those will be your restrictions as far as that goes, and you shall come whenever I call."
You held back a growl, "Fair enough," you held your hand out for a shake, and Nobunaga looked at it like it was an odd gesture. He was aware of what it was, but was perplexed as to why you were doing it, "Where I'm from, a hand shake is both a friendly gesture, and a means of symbolizing a mutual agreement between two parties- think of it as a pinky promise, but for adults." Nobunaga chuckled and nodded, you certainly didn't handle yourself like the women of his time but it only made you more intriguing to him. He extended a hand out and shook your hand before you both pulled them back to your lap.
Masamune was holding back a fit of giggles the entire time as he leaned over to Hideyoshi, "I can't believe she just bargained with Lord Nobunaga. Though her requests seem trivial I'm sure that they aren't as simple as she made them seem." Hideyoshi hands balled into fists, he was sure Masamune hadn't ment it to sound the way it did, but it got him thinking, "Lord Nobunaga, I would like to volunteer as her Guard during her outings around town." You glanced at him through the corner if your eye, damn, had it been someone who wasn't in this room they might have been easy to loose or scare off. Nobunaga glanced at him with a raised brow, "Hideyoshi?" Before Nobunaga could object to having his right hand reduced to princess babysitter, you interjected while staring the brunette in the eye, "It doesn't matter who the guard is, if Hideyoshi wants to do it, then let him," you turned your gaze back to the warlord infront of you.
"So she's just going to live here and do nothing," Ieyasu tsked, "How could this waif possibly be of any use?" You opened you mouth to retort before you were cut off by Hideyoshi, "It's Lord Nobunaga's decision, Ieyasu. Hold your tongue," finally! Some traction! "Though," Hideyoshi continued, "only time will tell if we can trust her." That was fair enough, you already figured that was the reason why Hideyoshi volunteered to be your guard- or why they bothered giving you a guard at all. So someone could keep tabs on you.
While you were lost in thought, Nobunaga had taken the liberty of taking a hold of your chin between his index finger and thumb and lifted it slightly, making you look at him in the eye. You were caught off guard to say the least, manners were going to be something you were determined to teach this man, "I plan on taking very good care of you, my princess." Your eyes flickered for a split second at his declaration - changing from their normal round pupils and ordinary iris coloration to the thin slits and vibrant hues of your dragon form, before reverting back to normal. He thought it had been a trick of the light, "You can look" you smacked his hand away, "but don't touch."
Nobunaga chuckled at your response, but Hideyoshi wasn't laughing, "You!" He called out before lunging at you, "how dare you be so rude to Lord Nobunaga!" You quickly shifted from sitting to a crouching position, but luckily for the both of you, Masamune and Mitsunari held Hideyoshi back, "Now you've done it, lass! Best apologize to Hideyoshi!" You watched the three men struggle and huffed, stubbornly looking away, "I thought being offended for other people was a trait exclusive to my generation."
"That's enough," Nobunaga's voice cut through the commotion. Hideyoshi lowered his fighting stance on command, and Masamune and Mitsunari returned to their seats as soon as they were sure Hideyoshi's threat had passed, "The next time you raise a hand towards Lord Nobunaga-" Hideyoshi warned.
"You'll what?!" You snarled at him with a snap of your teeth. "I will cut you down where you stand," Hideyoshi threateningly got in your face, but you stood your ground, "I'd like to see you try."
"I said enough," Nobunaga's words once again cut through the commotion and silenced the both of you, "My apologies, my Lord," Hideyoshi submissively bowed to him, an action you did not follow and only responded with a simple, "Sorry." This was going to be a long stay....
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rynliadon · 5 years
notes I took during my second viewing of tros (on my phone in the theater because I'm that asshole)
Warning: many a spoiler for the rise of skywalker ahead. if you haven't seen it this post will ruin the whole movie
kylo ren is a nasty ass emo boy with gross hair but adam driver's voice? god tier
what are they doing with Palpatine in this why wouldn't they just leave him dead
goddammit my dad figured out the big twist in the first five minutes
cannot emphasize enough that kylo ren is gross
"I'm just... not feeling myself." -rey skywalker, 2020
okay is it nighttime or daytime make up your fucking mind
hold up the sith have their own goddamn LANGUAGE
wait who tf is rose. didn't she die last movie
my assholery is really showing as I spoil the movie for my family
leia: "never be afraid of who you are." rey: does the exact goddamn opposite
okay darth vader wannabe
the festival scene was actually really cool
rey you're too good for ben, he's a freaking douchebag. don't take his hand blergh
a thought: polyamorous rey x finn x poe
way to make an entrance lando
they fly now? seriously?
yep. star wars would definitely kill all the important people a third of the way into the movie /s
I know they did their best because Carrie Fisher died, but all of her scenes fall flat. she barely talks and when she does it's ridiculously vague.
are the sith a nation? do they have their own planet? lore? are they ALL bad?
yes I just healed the snake thing with my magic, what about it
now we know what the baby yoda healy thing is ig
is Finn force sensitive? could he become another jedi?
just the IDEA of facing ren is giving rey a panic attack but sure reylos they're meant to be
how the fuck is kylo even ALIVE what the FUCK
they both be vibrating doe
[leaves to refill popcorn]
what is a spice runner? why is that significant?
zory's alright but I just HATE that they gave pie a hetero love interest
they gotta stop killing characters just to bring them back
jj abrams is still a lil bitch
how did they remember what 3PO said? I IMMEDIATELY forgot
ngl poe damaron is kinda hot. my inner bi is showing
oh what your girlfriend never tried to kill you before?
oh what your boyfriend never tried to control you by making him your only option?
oh what your girlfriend never stabbed you in the gut?
oh what your boyfriend never pinned you down and almost murdered you?
I miss han solo
okay tbh, Ben had potential for a redemption arc. there just wasn't enough of it there, and too much violence against his supposed love interest and everyone else.
the sith robe people don't seem real. neither does palpatine tbh. they just feel like ghosts.
why can't we explore the jedi and the sith as valid, opposite parts of the force. just like mistborn and avatar the last airbender. they're both necessary for balance.
yessss finnpoe the cogeneral boyfriends
tbh the lesbian kiss at the end pissed me off. I'm glad they know at this point that representation is important and including the gays gets them a wider audience of people who don't hate them but it pisses me off that they'll do the bare fucking minimum and praise themselves for it. a 2 second lesbian kiss, one unnamed gay man, both cut out for international audiences.
the sith audience served zero freaking purpose. they were just. there.
oh so the sith formed a choir huh. between the murdering and the evil they practice ominous harmonies
ow I ate too much popcorn
that lightning shot looks really cool
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can't really see it but it's super badass
I'd be mad if they did kill someone I care about but I'm also mad they didn't. where are the stakes
They're blurry but I got a pic of the lesbians
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I hate that reylo kissed but GOD the look he gave her when they pulled away.... watch me start to cry. adam driver you're incredible
I'll take this as confirmation that my rey x finn x poe ship is sailing
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oh shit is it illegal to take pictures? woops
what happened to tatooine though? it's completely empty
"rey who?" *TEN HOURS LATER* "rey skywalker."
why the fuck does rey have a gold lightsaber? when did she even have time to make it?
jj abrams is still a lil bitch
You're welcome that was my commentary
I liked the glimpse into Poe's past, but if I were in charge I would have made Zory an ex-boyfriend, and instead of Poe asking "can I kiss you?" it's Zory, and Poe says something angsty about being in love with Finn. I enjoyed the continuation of Finn pining after Rey, but I wish that he'd realized there was no hope and started to move on a bit. (with poe obviously.)
This is a bit of a we'll-never-be-happy-with-anything commentary, but I wish that an important character died without warning. they kept killing but bringing back characters (chewie and 3PO) and magically getting characters out of ridiculously dangerous situations (skimmer on water, climbing around the death star, about to fall off the star destroyer). I'd be mad if a character died, but I'm mad none of them did, if that makes sense.
I think that the Rey and Ben force diad thing whatever and their entire relationship had tons of potential, but they executed it terribly. They made kylo ren an unlikable character when he killed han solo for one, and the fact that they kept trying to kill each other made it impossible for me to root for them as a ship. However, I loved the ending they had, standing together against Palpatine. (side note- making Rey a Palpatine was GENIUS. big fan.) also adam driver and daisy ridley are incredible actors.
Main takeaway-- it could have been better, but I'm really happy with it. Overall I enjoyed watching it, which is the #1 priority for any movie, the twists and character arcs landed well to me, it had a satisfying ending to the trilogy. I'd watch it a third time. jj abrams is still a coward bitch but I can look past it.
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