#he doesn't think it is evil given the circumstances to accept her sacrifice
itsmaferart · 2 years
Every comedy stems from fear. Part 1
After the last chapter of the Spy x Family manga, a rare stir started the fandom. Where it is suggested that Eno strategically uses the comedy and love of a false family as a kind of convenient illusion to attract the audience, as a deceiver attracts a naive to fall into his trap.
Are we really so blind not to see everything that history throws at us? Or is comedy so hilarious that it makes us forget the tragedy that happens in the context of history?
From the beginning of the story we are given a brief introduction to the universe where we meet: After a war between two neighboring countries, the "apparent" peace came, however there are agents of evil working from the shadow with the desire that the war continue for their personal benefits.
This is the engine that leads Twilight, our protagonist to be assigned by WISE (the agency) to have a family.
From then on, we can see that each person is a byproduct of war in one way or another. They are the result of side effects:
Twilight lost his family, his friends, he became filled with hatred for anyone who came from the other side. Then, he understood by evil, he suffered a second loss to understand that "war and ignorance" are sins that drag many people. Twilight has had a lot of "life experience." But this has only been lived under the "I'm a spy" filter. The trauma that carries on his shoulders, added to a job whose success is achieved "not involving his emotions" have made all his bonds a farce. Twilight doesn't really know it's "family love," or "being genuinely in love." He only understands these emotions as an easy vehicle to manipulate others. (Since that's what a spy does) And they've made him unable to recognize his (obvious) feelings to his family. Therefore, in unknown situations he feels so confused and trapped. Since in such circumstances, being a spy is not "the solution." And that's when his real "me" usually comes momentarily. It's too late to notice, though.
Yor, for her part, lost her parents (In causes we still do not know, but we assume it is because of the war). The only thing left with her was her younger brother, maybe she ran with more luck in this regard. But he had to sacrifice herself completely in order to give him a happy future in the midst of a world full of dirt. We don't know how it happened yet, but Yor makes it clear to us the vulnerable situation she was in. The reason I took that job was to "keep her brother," to see that he rewarded her with enough money to meet their needs and to give little gifts of happiness to Yuri in her childhood (such as books or sweets). That is why the real reason for being a murderer was to "protect the peaceful life of your brother." Yor clearly received indoctrination from "garden" and his philosophy of work. "Cleansing the world," though, we do not yet know how true this is and what its true ends are. The way his first instinct is to "murder," and his social ineptitude are clear signs that Yor could never experience a normal life of a girl or teenager, be able to have fun and think about developing in other aspects of life. Clearly, she is very corrupted despite her noble and sweet nature.
Anya is the product of an experiment. Surely caused by war, perhaps in order to create weapons (Background history of which we do not know much yet). A child in search of love from a family. Therefore, she is so affected by the mere possibility that her parents will distance themselves or that the mission will end and Twilight will end up abandoning them. And she must experience abandonment again.
Despite having three such tragic pasts, the product of unfortunate circumstances. The series shows us that these three characters can have salvation. The love of a family "is not perfect," often you cannot premeditate, or control the actions around you, your family may be strange and peculiar. But love can accept us, with our flaws and encourage us to be better.
The union of Twilight, Yor and Anya is so perfect because the three of them accept each other (hiding their identities, of course). But at the same time they can see their virtues and their flaws, they can be themselves.
Ania knows her parents' profession: She knows how cold, calculating and hard her father can be with his high expectations in his missions. Thus, as Yor's crude mind can see with horrendous fantasies. But she loves them and accepts them like that. Because she knows that apart from that, her two parents are amazing, they are people full of love, willing to protect her and guide her along the way always.
In the same way as Yor and Twilight are an incredible couple. Both support, encourage, appreciate, recognize their strengths and understand their weaknesses. It doesn't matter if they are the best in their areas, they always manifest their insecurities in one way or another, and the other is always to listen to it and to say "you make it unbelievable, in your own way."
Unknowingly both have the same purpose, and the same desires. A world where others do not have to suffer what they suffered. And they are willing to fight for it
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incomingalbatross · 2 years
"The Librarians and the Wrath of Chaos":
Eve I trust you absolutely and unconditionally but that doesn't stop me from being Concerned.
It's just so weird watching someone try to turn her against her Library, though, because this is her FAMILY this is her HOME and her CAUSE and she would DIE for them (and has!!) without a second thought and just... she's the GUARDIAN. DOSA/Apep doesn't get that.
Jenkins has apparently permanently switched form "Miss Cillian" to "Cassandra"! I like that. :) Still holding out for him to use Ezekiel and Jacob's first names, but apparently "imminent death sentence" is what it takes for him to make that jump.
Again, I have no idea what's going on with Eve, but turning someone to stone and then saying "He's no good to me dead" is always good for a sensible chuckle.
...Still not convinced this is really all there is to it, but given the circumstances Jenkins's speech to Eve was ABSOLUTELY RIGHT AND CORRECT and I support him 100%.
"Let's move all these magic WMDs from the facility that's been keeping them secure for thousands of years into... another facility, which is completely untested and subject to the power of whoever's running American intelligence right now." YEAH. THAT MAKES SENSE.
Good set, though. "Library but cold institutional steel" is VERY disconcerting.
The Clipping Book :(
CHILDREN. This cage is a trap for YOU. It is so clearly a trap for you specifically!!
Okay good they figured that out. Also khskshksh I see we're taking the Asgard approach of "we are too smart to solve this problem, it needs someone dumber"
Evil Mentor Lady Ma'am you are SO DUMB. Honestly I was kind of assuming either she or Eve was already possessed, at this point? but NOOOO, she's just STUPID ENOUGH to disable security and open the sarcophagus now.
Love that Ezekiel does, in fact, have a secret entrance to the Library that even Jenkins didn't know existed. Very archetype-powered of him.
Eve had a plan—and it wasn't even a solo plan. Good. I'm glad. I thought that's what was going on, but even though I trust her I don't totally trust the writing.
Oh, so we're really doubling down on the Cloud City bits, I see.
Jenkins, if you were going to tell Eve about Flynn's sacrifice before he went through with it, why not tell her immediately, back when he got the Eye??
Not sure that ending made total sense, but MST3K mantra. :P It's the Librarians, rigorous plot logic is not really what we come here for.
And I think the bones of the plot were good! Although I think it really could have used two episodes just for the emotional arcs to have enough space—I'd really like to have seen more desperation from Flynn and Eve to make me buy this extreme gambit, for one thing, and more weight to the betrayal that did in fact happen. That's a lot of trust Eve just damaged, no matter how solid the reason, and... I would have liked more weight given to that.
But there's only so much you can do in a ten-episode season, to be fair. And I will take happiness over angst any day, especially when you've already built up three seasons' worth of reasons for me to love this team.
...I would also like it if the narrative didn't keep telling me that the best way for Flynn/Eve to function is for Flynn to accept that Eve Is Always Right And Has No Flaws. But that kind of thing is why I said I don't enjoy John Rogers romances.
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ggdeku · 6 years
Iron Blooded Orphans broke my heart [SPOILERS]
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I finished all of Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans last night, but the show I once loved made me feel hollow and unsatisfied.
I quickly fell in love with IBO and that feeling persisted through the whole first season. The journey of Tekkadan from Mars to Earth, and that amazing conclusion in Edmonton had marked it solidly as one of my all time favorite Gundam series ever. The strength of IBO to me was it's characters and world building. I was invested in the group of kids taking control of the private military company CGS to help fight for the betterment of their lives while forging deep family bonds. While most of the members of Tekkadan didn't get all that much screen time, I really enjoyed the personalities of the primary characters. Mikazuki and Orga's longtime, co-dependent relationship was really compelling, you could really feel the longtime emotional bonds between them. Kudelia's lofty goal of independence for Mars, combined with Tekkadan's underdog nature made it a group I was really engaged with and emotionally invested in. The antagonists weren't the most compelling, but the dynamic between McGillis, Gaelio, and Carta gave the opposing side some more depth beyond their immediate goals. You got a good sense of what each of those three Gjallarhorn officers were like as people. I also really enjoyed the political struggle of the series, the fight for independence from Earth is a common theme of Gundam, but I thought it was portrayed well here.
I deeply loved this show throughout all of the first season, but the direction taken in season 2 slowly beat me down until I could no longer pretend I was enjoying it. The last four episodes really kicked the wind out of my sails and felt cheap. IBO season 1 had one focused plotline that made sense and felt cohesive all the way through. Season 2 is a bunch of loosely connected mini-arcs with no clear focus, vision, or message. The way character death is handled in this season is one of main reason why I'm upset. It's not just because almost all of the primary characters are killed off, it's the way in which it occurs and the way the epilogue plays out. It doesn't lead to, or accomplish, anything. The ending feels stolen from the characters in a really sick way. 
Biscuit's death in the first season had a ton of build up, and we really got to know him as a person and learn about him through his relationships to Orga and the crew. His death informed the decisions and actions of Tekkadan in a meaningful way. In season 2, it felt like the writers just wanted to kill everyone to seem sad or intense, but it doesn't work. By the time Mikazuki and Akihiro are killed in the final episode, I was numb to impact of their death. I didn't feel sad because of their circumstance, I felt sad that the writers drew out this whole series of characters deaths to the point where it felt formulaic and predictable. The deaths of Naze,  Amida, and Lafter was unnecessary but drove the plot forward by having Tekkadan take revenge of Jasley Donomikols, which ultimately led to nothing.
Shino, Orga, McGillis, Hush, Akihiro, Mika. They all die losing. Tekkadan utterly loses, but is able to protect the lives of the rest of their crew.  If through their sacrifice they were able to create the positive future for their friends, that would be one thing. But they don't and Gjallarhorn wins. Julieta holds the Gundam Barbatos' head on her sword triumphantly, and Rustal Elion maintains his power and influence through successful corruption, controlling the media message on the truth of Tekkadan and McGillis.
The loss and following epilogue really made me angry as I watched. For some reason, despite being shown to be a corrupt leader who crushes everything in his path, Rustal Elion decides to dismantle the Seven Stars system of leadership in Gjallarhorn and reform it as a democratic organization (he, of course, is elected to be it's first leader). Rustal lets Kudelia becomes the chairperson of the newly independent Mars Union and works with her to abolish Human Debris (slave) trafficking. The antagonist won and through his power let the rest of Tekkadan live, all knowing that he unnecessarily killed their friends and tarnished their names as a scapegoat to punish McGillis. The only reason they still live is because of Rustal and they just have to accept it. It's embarrassing and degrading. Yet, everyone seems fine with that (with the obvious exception of Ride).
Watching the epilogue made me to realize that much of the character work throughout the series really didn't make much sense. Rustal Elion specifically. As the main antagonist of the series, we know nothing about him or his ideals. We only see him act as a mustache twirling villain throughout the whole series, but for some reason he ends up enacting McGillis' idea of reforming Gjallarhorn. We have no reason as to why he has done this. It feels really unearned and like a desperate attempt to make a comment about there not being a difference between good and evil, just different pathways for change. This explanation feels extra hollow because the whole show absolutely depicted the different factions as good and evil.
Julieta and Gaelio's ending was ridiculous as well. These two awful characters get a "Let's go eat meat! Anime! lol XD" ending after a whole season of being half-baked uninteresting grunts. Julieta in particular has no character at all. "I need to get stronger" to the ultimate cliche degree. She is a consistently annoying presence that has almost no connections to other characters and offers nothing meaningful to the story through the entire season. While Gaelio wants his revenge against McGillis, their confrontation ends in a rather anticlimactic showdown. Iok Kujan is a ridiculous cartoon clown that only exists to ruin everything. His presence actively made the show worse at every turn.
McGillis' mysterious intentions were interesting in season 1 but once he started to realize his plans, and they started to blow up in his face immediately, he showed no signs of recognizing his failure and this rapid loss of control. McGillis was a frustrating idiot to watch every time he was on screen, an incompetent Char clone. We never really knew what his plan to reform Gjallarhorn was all about outside of removing the corruption from within. But as soon as he got his hands on Gundam Bael, he demanded that the entire organization follow his every order like a dictator. He didn't use his platform to expose corruption, he used it to gain power and forgot everything that led him to that point. He had no plan to counter Rustal, who was obviously going to oppose him. The show wants to portray him has some sort of scheming puppet master, but the writing consistently fails to demonstrate this in any way. Why is Bael some sort of icon of leadership? Why does McGillis think that as soon in as he pilots it everyone will obey him somehow? 
With such a large focus on the Gjallarhorn side of things this season you would think we would get some sort of new insight as to the ideology or internal conflicts of the organization, but that doesn't happen.  Everything presented is so shallow. Also the entire character of Almiria goes absolutely nowhere. 
Tekkadan also saw some new recruits join the team this season, but they remain underdeveloped hangers-on in most cases. Hush, the most prominent of the new recruits, gets almost nothing to do and his relationship to Mika is not well developed at all. His death felt like it should have had a strong emotional impact, but because he was so underdeveloped I felt nothing. He didn't have that much interaction with the other characters this season, spending most of his screen time as Mika's assistant. He says he wants to learn from Mika, but we almost never see the two of them talk. We never get a chance to care for him or understand what he adds to the group dynamic. 
The treatment of Atra and Kudelia was awful. In season 2, they are given nothing to do aside from fawn over Mika. Because it's not anime unless every woman in the show is somehow in love with our antisocial, quiet protagonist boy. Atra and Kudelia are most often seen talking to each other, and it is always about Mika. They only ever talk about him and about loving him. This does a real disservice to the characters who had so much potential. As the Founder/President of the Admoss company Kudelia could have been playing politics to help Tekkadan through the entire season. Atra could have actually helped out with the Tekkadan crew in person and had her own independent goals. Kudelia’s love for Mika was not convincing at all to me. Atra has the benefit of knowing him for most of her life and their relationship goes back the longest outside of Mika and Orga. Their romance wasn’t too out of place. But I don’t think IBO ever made a convincing case for Kudelia’s love for Mikazuki outside of his role as the “main character.” I think Mika and Atra having a baby and Kudelia becoming the step-mom after Mika’s death is a cool idea on paper, but it’s execution in the show was brutal to watch.
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Season 2 felt like the writers did not know where to take the story so they threw everything they had on the page. It resulted in a muddled mess of themes and story lines with not enough time to give any characters their due. None of the deaths made much of an impact on the main crew at all. Everyone got over each death extremely quickly. You get one scene of brooding then you move on.
There is a part of me that's just angry about seeing characters I liked die, but it only serves to back up my opinion that death is often a lame way to create drama. The removal of a character is not interesting. You are eliminating a person from your story that (hopefully) had relationships, motivations, goals, and hopes. The interactions between your characters is what gives depth to your story and shows how they each grow individually and as a group. Removing all the characters removes possibility. You can show pain and suffering in other ways. Killing off almost every single one of the primary characters was a boring move.
And it makes me sad.
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dalyunministry · 4 years
By. Sister. Savita Manwani
Let us Pray: Lord we thank you for the very breath of life and this precious opportunity to share your living word. I pray Lord, that you guide us and teach us to hear your voice so that we may be the doers of your word and not just hearers. Glory and honor be to your Holy name. Amen.
The world represents everything that displeases God, opposes His teaching, and is under Satan’s dominion. (1 John 5:19).
Many philosophies, ideas and doctrines distort or degrade Christ and His sacrifice on the cross of Calvary. These offer a salvation not found in the Word of God, and are all manifestations of the world.
The Apostle John points out 3 aspects that mark the love of this world: The desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes and the pride of life. John 2:15- 17 says “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it, but he who does the will of God abides forever.
¶ Lust of the flesh:
These are those desires that are in us by nature and impel us to do the wrong things. They incite us, even from childhood, to yield to what the flesh desires. They can be described as the satisfaction, passion or enjoyment that is felt by doing wrong things. In doing these things, we give room to sin in our lives.
Galatians 5:17 says, “For the flesh lusts against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.” This shows the conflict found in every Christian life. The flesh wants one thing while the spirit wants another. That is why it is important to nourish our spiritual man.
Galatians 5:19 - 21 gives us a long list of the sins of the flesh. These include sexual sins, sins involving pagan religions such as witchcraft or idolatry and other sins relating to temperament and character. The fruit of the Spirit is everything that is opposite to the flesh.
• In relation to God: love, joy and peace
• In relation to others: patience, kindness and goodness
• In relation to ourselves: faith, kindness and self-control
Our goal should be that our spirit wins the battle against the flesh.>If we want to conquer the desires of the flesh, we have to pay special attention to our spirit. We must feed it and care for it in such a way that in the face of temptation, the spirit prevails.
¶ Lust of the Eyes:
The eyes can be a fountain of life, purity and inspiration, or they can be an instrument of evil, perversion, and bad desires. Dr. W. E Vine describes them as being, “the principal avenue to temptation. “The desires of the eyes” can be described as perversions, bad intentions and selfish delights that include not only the sight, but also the mind and imagination. The Bible teaches in 2 Peter 2:14 “having eyes full of adultery and that cannot cease to sin, …” And in Matthew 5:27 – 29; “You have heard
that it was said to those of old, “You shall not commit adultery. But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
The word “look” refers to the desires of the eyes, a look laden with lust, which wakens impure images and desires in our minds.
Someone once said, “the first look isn’t sinful but the second look is.” This second look aims to satisfy the mind's own desires.
Beacon's commentary says that this type of lust is “the tendency to be captivated by the exterior appearance of things without looking into its real worth.” The lust of the eyes include not only sight but also the mind and imagination. They seek to satisfy themselves through pornography or unedifying books, magazines or movies. They create an addiction that can only be quenched by giving in to the pleasures of the flesh. Generally, these desires are fed by thoughts convincing us that sin is something pleasant, pleasurable and desirable.
We justify the sinful thought as being acceptable as something harmless and insignificant. And since we haven’t actually done anything we are convinced it is not sin.
What's more, it keeps us from seeing the consequences that our behavior may bring to our lives and to those that we love.
When the mind delights itself with memories of past sexual experience, drunkenness, parties, or gambling. The enemy shows you the fun you experienced, the pleasures you felt, and how wonderful it would be to experience them again. These memories are accompanied by thoughts like, “there’s nothing wrong with that,” or, “everyone is doing it”, or, “I can’t become a fanatic.” The mind does not concentrate on the consequences that will come sooner or later, but on the desire and pleasures it wants to feel again. The influence the lust of the eye has on us is acute. They manipulate our mind and cause us to forget what Christ did for us.
That is why it is good to follow the Apostle Paul's counsel, when he exhorts us to walk in the Spirit and do not satisfy the desires of the flesh.
¶ Pride of life: This refers to the belief that the reason for life is found in the worldly appearance and worth of things, and not in how God values them. Pride is the illusion that leads people into superficiality, inflates their egos, and makes them believe that their worth is based on position, money and friends.
These vanities turn into strongholds for people who open the door to them. Vanities lead them to believe that their own ability has given them positions of importance with their peers. For this reason, some people climb over others in life, violating biblical principles and the will of God. Behind their appearances they hide their insecurity.
An example of this is when you spend more than you earn and live in debt even though it steals your peace. You don't change because you want to pretend that you are rich. You buy designer clothes, expensive mobile phone or hang out at the most popular places. You have been led to think these things win people’s respect.
God wants us to be prosperous. When we love Him, He lifts us to a better position. God, not His blessings, gives us our value.
¶ How the world affects me: The young person's world is not a secret to anyone. It is one that offers parties, vices, sinful passions and a worthless and empty life. The media, radio press and television, along with society push us towards this type of lifestyle. They trick us into believing that to have fun you must become part of their activities. If we refuse, we are labelled as boring and bitter people. These words boring and bitter are the most commonly used words by non-Christians to pressure the believer into doing what they want or say. The world may affect me when I give into its ways. It affects me when I take part in its dirty jokes and perverted comments or accept its invitation to drink and party. It affects me when these activities stop being fun and become addictive when I end up caught in circumstances that I want to be free from but cannot.
For example, an ungodly relationship ends in frustration and deception; an excess of alcohol produces sicknesses such as cirrhosis and venereal diseases are a result of a degenerate and promiscuous life.
The life the world offers us is a mirror that makes us believe that it is true and fulfilling. However, it doesn't let us see the deception and true consequences of its ways. Jesus does not want to remove us from the world he wants us to shine and be a light wherever we are. Jesus said: “I do not pray that you should take them out of the world but that you should keep them from the evil one” John 17:15
¶ How to face the world now that I am Christian?
A. Not participating in what the world has to offer.
Ephesians 5:11 says, “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them”. Right from the start you need to learn how to be radical in dealing with sin. Don't ever cloud the real issues. For example, if they offer you a drink, don't lie by saying, “No thank you, I am on medication and drinking could be harmful.” That is not true. You are not on medication. It is rather a matter of faith, but you are too embarrassed to tell the truth.
B. Be radical in your stand as a Christian.
Job 22:28 says, “You will also declare a thing. And it will be established for you; so light will shine on your ways”. Decide beforehand what things you are not going to yield to. For example, decide not to go to parties with nonbelievers or social events where drinking and other vices are predominant. By deciding ahead of time you will avoid facing temptation and prevent yourself from falling into sin. The main thing is to decide, “No matter what happens, I will not leave the path that I have chosen.” This is determination. When I do my part, God does His. He brings His light to reveal what we should say or do.
C. Avoid spending too much time with unbelievers.
They will constantly encourage you to do wrong, inciting you to turn back.
D. Look for friends that share the same purpose and goals.
Spend time with those people who challenge you and strengthen your relationship with God.
E. Strengthen your relationship with God.
Spend time with Him daily in prayer and live in such a way that you will not leave His side. When you are facing situations that you are uncertain and doubtful about, it will help to ask yourself, “What would Jesus do if He were in my place?. I will no longer talk much with you for the ruler of this world is coming and he has nothing in me. John 14:30
Allow me to end here. May God bless you all.
Let us Pray: Heavenly Father, we thank you for speaking to us today. Lord, I pray that you empower us with your spirit and enable us also to feed our spirit being so that we will be able to overcome the flesh and the world in Jesus Name. Amen.
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