#he doesnt even have to be anything to Stolas he can just be another shitty Goetia but I'd be so happy to see him bcuz he looks so fun
mintaikk · 7 months
Remember when someone commented about Stolas getting a boyfriend that isn't Blitzø and Vivzie just commented "🤭"?
I saw someone (teathekook on Twitter, their art is amazing) theorize that this bird Overlord we saw in the pilot might be Stolas's boyfriend.
Look, I'm not a fan of love triangles bcuz I think it adds unnecessary drama and one character always gets fucked over, BUT this guy looks cool and I would be very happy to see more of him.
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teeth-cable · 6 months
Why Lucifer being a good person is fucking stupid:
So in the show canon Lucifer and Lilith were kicked out because they were dreamers and gave Eve the fruit of knowledge. Based off the lore of Helluva Boss Lucifer 99% is the sin of Pride. In the show Lucifer is just a quirky theatre major who just wants to reconnect with his daughter...
Ok so lets analyze why this does not make sense in the worldbuilding. Lucifer is the King of Hell, a.k.a. a place full of homicidal maniacs and various other people. And since angelic weapons can harm angels (which is stupid btw) and sinners have been stealing weapons left behind by angels... Lucifer logistically cannot be a good person because these people could just decide to try to murder him if he was too weak. He needs the sinners and populace to fear him or respect him. Since Helluva takes place in the same setting Lucifer must have put in the social hierarchy of hell, approved it or doesn't do anything about it. Which means he plays some part in Stolas and Stella being forced to wed and the imps plus hellhounds being treated like garbage.
Then we get into story construction problems. Like if Charlie and Lucifer have a good relationship instantly then almost all the problems in the show can be solved at a snap of a finger because of Lucifer's power level. Its a similar problem with Alastor but worse because Lucifer is stronger. Like Alastor tho is implied to be weakened and forced to do this so there is intrigue storywise and limits on his personality and power. Lucifer is angel and can just like idk zap the Vees. Theres no threat, risk or anything now.
Also this Lucifer may have slept with Eve which either implies he cheated on Lilith or Adam was cheated on twice and Lucifer also agreed with genocide
And what wouldve been better is Lucifer being a shitty dad or person WHICH WE HAD IN THE PILOT. Like Lucifer being awful is actually better for the previous reasons and Charlie's own character. Like Charlie is supposed to be an underdog despite being princess and has an impossible task and if her father doesnt believe in her theres another personal level to then and maybe some of the audience could connect with her. And if Charlie's dad hates her or something you could easily write in and make Charlie struggle more by having him cut off her resources. Heck if her dad is awful then you can write in how Charlie feels about being so morally different. Then slowly build up to when we see Lucifer for the first time and actually have it feel special
This just makes me missed the pilot even more. While it did have it's own problems with the worldbuilding and characters, a majority of its ideas were still believable.
A better angle for Lucifer would be if he was a morally grey character. He can still be a decent father but a terrible ruler. Of course, that angle wouldn't work because everything in this show has to be black and white, where it literally tells you in a song, "Cause the rules are black and white" despite the same show critiquing its Heaven for the same black and white thinking.
I'm not against the idea of Lucifer being a decent father because there are still other ways the show can create conflict between him and Charlie. For example, he does get her the meeting into Heaven but it's at a cost. If she's unable to convinced Heaven, she has to abandon the hotel. Or maybe he is skeptical of Charlie's idea so he makes her overcome the hotel's problems, like the Vees, alone, to prove how strong and passionate she is. Of course, if they hurt Charlie, he can easily kill them, but it can serve as a great character moment for the both of them. Charlie learning Hell is brutal, Lucifer now hating the hotel because it will hurt Charlie, and create a new conflict where Charlie and Lucifer are against each other. Or the fact Lucifer was the one who allowed the exterminations to happened and Charlie has to undo her father's actions.
I'm only focusing on Lucifer being a "good" person through parenting because almost everything else, he's a bad guy. Not only was this the same man who allowed the yearly genocide of the sinners but also he created the classist, racist social hierarchy and system in Hell, and let the pride ring become so awful, the overlords, a group of powerful sinners, are taking advantage of regular sinners daily.
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fizzbot · 5 months
1, 2 (you know who this is about), 3, 6, 7, 8, 16, 19, 23, 25 for the voiolence ask game :333
17 (Strinker), 23, 24 (Vox), and 25 (Stolas) for the other fandom ask game :333
YAYYYYYY I LOVE ANSWERING THINGS!!!!!!! :DDDDDD thanks babe ily!!!!!!!!! <33333333
violence ask game og post here!
1. the character everyone gets wrong i suffer from a disease called "im the only one with correct opinions about every character ever" so i kind of feel this way about everyone all the time HJKLSDFHJKL.......but maybe its just bc im so Him For Real, but i feel it a lot with blitzo????? i feel like hes the character where i see the most takes about him that i fundamentally disagree with. it doesnt help that his character writing is so shitty tho.
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom I DO KNOW EXACTLY WHO ITS ABOUT. BLITZO. sjhkdfhjksdf kind of ties into the thing i said above and not EXACLTY what the question is asking but. that man is a SUB. i am being so so serious when i say that everyone who thinks he is/writes him as a dom and/or top doesnt understand him as a character. its partially bc stolitz's writing is so godawful, but like. its not even. subtext??? that this man is a sub/bottom??? its just text. its so obvious that they basically say it. YES he ACTS like a dom thats the FUCKING POINT. HES LYING. hes putting on an act and YOU ALL FELL FOR IT. this man is not emotionally vulnerable enough to let himself indulge in the side of kink/sex that he wants, so he never does. especially since stolas only wants him when hes acting like a top/dom. blitz rolls his eyes and drags his feet in sex because hes not getting anything out of it. again it doesnt help that he doesnt LIKE stolas but he would LIKE HIM MORE if they were on the same page in bed. AND LIKE??? the reason i say its not even subtext is because this is a preference blitz obviously has since SEASON ONE (see: STRIKER), but as stolitz develops romantically in canon, we can see stolas indulging him more. the only time blitz has EVER been aroused on screen is when stolas (and striker) is taking control. the one other time you could argue is at the end of truth seekers where AGAIN they practically STATE that hes not by showing that blitz is only acting this way in the bedroom for stolas. hsjkdfhjksdf if i keep talking about this im gonna start foaming at the mouth I HAVE TO MOVE ON
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr LMAO SJKDFLHJKSDFL there are too many. some of my (least) favorites include takes such as "stolas is introduced as a good father", "blitzker is more toxic than stolitz", and "husk is in the wrong during loser, baby". you are all so fucking stupid. i hope you get well soon
6. which ship fans are the most annoying? RADIOAPPLE. they are SO FUCKING ANNOYING. I HATE THEM. its one thing to have the worst shipping take ever but then theyre always the loudest and most un-based motherfuckers in the world. nothing quite makes me seethe with rage the way seeing that fuckass ship appear in EVERY TAG does. go on try it. look in any hellaverse tag right now and scroll 3 times. i guarantee radioapple will come up. i know because i HAVE THE TAG BLOCKED.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because of how the fandom acts about them? alastor :( i mean i knew it was coming. i LOVE LOVE LOVE our rewrite/""yarnsnake"" alastor so much but canon and ESPECIALLY fanon alastor is so fucking boring. they took out any intimidation from his character at all and made him just another guy who swears every 3 seconds and that only exists to be o.p and give cringey quips. and the fandom LOVES that for some reason?? as if the SHOW hasnt toned him down enough, all the fans either turn him into this weirdly sexualized dom character or this cutesy villain with a secret soft side and UUGHHHHJKSDFHJK SHUT THE FUCK UP. he would not fucking say that!!!!!!!!!
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about OOOHHH this is a good one. umm......kind of ties into the above answer, but i genuinely keep seeing people saying that they think alastor is gonna get a redemption arc/saying that he has a secret "good" side and loves the people at the hotel. yall. youre being manipulated HJKLSDFHJKLHJK. i see a lot of "lute was in love with adam" and vise versa too which. idk. its fine. im sure itll probably be canon. but im too obsessed with them being close friends with benefits that play cod together and otherwise have no attachments LMAOSHDJKFLHSDJKL. there are for sure more but im blanking, might revisit this later
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc) ANOTHER REALLY GOOD ONE. stolitz instantly came to mind HJKSDLFHJKL just the whole ship. specifically the arc in the show. also huskerdust? not the ship itself but the characterization. its the same flavor of evil that stolitz is just without the power imbalance. vivzie wants sexual assault in all of her leading ships soooo badddd. i hate the fandom take (loosely based on canon) of husk being ""into it"" the whole time angel was harassing him. makes me fuckin GAG.
19. youre mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like... STOLITZ BEING CHILDHOOD FRIENDS. omg critics usually HATTTTEEEE this shit!!!!!! and i totally see where theyre coming from. ""the circus"" was OBVIOUSLY just meant to humanize stolas/shift the ""blame"" onto blitz instead by making it seem like he initiated it/made stolas think he wanted this (which doesnt make it right but wtever). and the childhood friends (if you can even call them friends) IS so nothing......but im such a sucker for this trope. i actually think its really cute. IDKKKK i think it ties into how i genuinely think that stolitz couldve been good if they had lead with this. since he started off as a villain and had a very rocky transition into being """not a villain""" despite still being horrifically evil, the show is stuck in this weird place of trying to TELL us that stolas is good and worthy of redemption while SHOWING us that hes not. if he was a villain at the start, they shouldve stuck to their guns and kept him that way. if they wanted him and blitz to have a romance, then they shoudlnt have fucking started the show like this. its too late to go back and fix it and the circus is a very clear showing of them trying and failing to do so.....AND YET. i still think its sweet. it makes me yearn for a show where they remeet as adults and start reforming a FRIENDSHIP instead of a weird sex deal. it wouldve actually been cute and compelling to see them observe how the world has hardened and changed the other and finding out that they still love each other despite it. how they both were so deply hurt by the circumstances and yet still managed to grow in a way that left room for the other. AUGHHHHHH. << ripping my hair out
23. ship that youve unwillingly come around to sighhh. stolitz and huskerdust. <///////3 but ONLY our very specific rewrites of them. also honeymoon??? i was really NOT convinced about them at first just cause i didnt like bee but idk, ive changed my tune a little <3333 honestly ive kinda willingly come around for everyship JSDJHKF like chaggie/fallenstar??? CUTE. exceedingly boring in canon but cute.
25. common fandom complaint that youre sick of hearing i guess i dont really get that sick of fandom complaints......at least i cant think of many off the top of my head......this kind of goes for all fandoms but im very sick of hearing "UGH can everyone stop saying (insane take) 🙄" and the take is just something that no one has ever said. like one person has a sort of lukewarm opinion and 300+ people have to make a post bitching about it like its a real problem that exists. it doesnt. calm down.
fandom ask game og post here!
17. What's a book, movie, or show you think [Striker] would like? OOOHHHHH...........damn this is hard......i cant get into his head as easily as you (presumably) can.......shkdjfhjksdf he kinda strikes me as someone who would be a little snobby about literature tbh. he likes the classics <333 maybe especially classic horror <333 phantom of the opera came to mind which i think is fitting cause weve also established hes a musical theater guy <33333
23. Has your favorite character/ship changed over time? OH yea. i remember back in the Early Hazbin Days my fave was angel dust and my favorite ship was radiodust. i was thirteen so im gonna give myself a little slack here but i still shudder when i think about it JHKHSFJKHJK. now my fave hazbin character is probably vox or rosie <3 and my favorite ship is polyvees!!!! they are so evil polycule. to me. as for helluva, back in the day when i genuinely like the show it was only just starting out. i think my favorite character was robofizz? which is so funny now that ive got a user based on him JHKSDFHJKHJKSDF he is so nothing now </////3 i DID like stolitz but TO BE FAIR. that was in its crackship era. like when we were all like "imagine if they started getting serious about this LOL wouldnt that be hilarious". (it was not hilarious). now my favorite character is STRIKER by a MILEEEE. and my fave ship is blitzker/rewritten stolitz!! <333
24. What's your favorite thing about [Vox]? well. he gets Christian Borle points. we only hatewatched this show in the first place for His Voice. but i do also just really like his general little mannerisms :3 i like how he glitches when he gets flustered/overwhelmed, and how his smile raises and falls depending on who hes with/around. i actually think his body language is really interesting and fun to analyze!!! manipulative little shit. i hope he overheats and explodes
25. What's your least favourite thing [Stolas] said or did? where do i fucking start. there are so many things about this fucker i cant stand. the one that always comes to mind is the interaction at the beginning of LooLooLand. TWO things he says are SO YUCKY GROSS SLIMEY. these lines:
i hate that blitz had to ask. it makes me feel so gross. i know this was still stolas' villain era but it genuinely icks me out SO MUCH seeing how MISERABLE blitz is early on in their relationship. he is so desperate for this job that he would put up with being sexually assaulted/humiliated in public. im so sorry blitzy, one day soon youll find a cowboy who treats you right :///// the other one (from the same scene) that i HATTTEEE is this interaction with via he has right before
Stolas: I'll pay you.~
Blitzo: ...Pay me what?
Stolas: Money.~
WHY. WOULD YOU SAY THAT. TO YOUR UNDERAGE DAUGHTER. and hes so confused when she doesnt like him?? :/// this isnt even mentioning that he openly, sexually flirts with blitz in front of her both on the phone immediately afterwards and all day at the park. i think he should die for real actually. a few honorable mentions include the infamous murder family phone call, assaulting his imp butler, neglecting his daughter, and (intentionally or not) implying that he only wants blitz for sex post-ozzies.
Stolas: They want our money and our bodies.
Octavia: Our money, maybe...
Stolas: Speak for yourself, princess.
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