#he doesnt ever talk about his time at evermore we dont know how much of it was physical
foxstens · 4 months
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you can make an argument that kevin is a coward if you really want to. but that goes until they get backstage on kathy's show. after that his growth starts, and reducing his entire character to his supposed cowardice ignores his character arc and everything else we know about him as a person
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jaskier’s breakup album
alright full disclosure i probably went into way more detail than i needed to. but jaskiers a dramatic little shit and therefore so am i. but this album slowly became my baby and I've been listening to it for the last 2 weeks while I've been doing homework and its a good sad bop. these are just my opinions, but i think it would be cool to see what other people think (esp because im fairly new to this fandom). also this post is really long. sorry about that. 
so. we all know jaskier is a bard. he traipses around writing songs about whatever fling he's having or about his witcher. netflix canon makes it pretty clear that geralt is one of jaskiers muses (and probably one of his more reliable ones given what we know about jaskiers dating history). jaskier is also very, very dramatic (as I'm sure everyone knows cause he's the damn comic relief that show desperately needs). in particular though the scene at the beginning of 1x05 where geralt is djinn hunting and jaskier stumbles upon him, drunk, singing off key, and rambles about how "the countess de stael, my muse and beauty of this world, has left me. again. rather coldly and unexpectedly, i might add. i fear i shall die a broken hearted man” and jaskier is clearly half muttering some sad attempt at a breakup song he's trying to write at the beginning of the episode so the question is, wouldn't he do the same thing post mountain scream down with geralt?
the answer is of course, yes he would because jaskier is nothing if not a dramatic little shit. and i am proposing that he writes not only one but an entire album (or set if this is canon era, but if this is canon i think he would keep a great many of these songs to himself, only playing a few select ones with the hopes that someday geralt will hear one and realize how badly he fucked up) of break songs and lamentations about geralt, because say all you want about what their relationship is, but one does not simply go traipsing around the entire continent with someone for 20 years and not grow close to them in some way shape or form (and the show makes it clear that geralt is at least one of jaskiers close friends so). now what is on this breakup album? well I'm glad you asked.
i peg jaskiers music (modern or canon honestly) for this album as being a combination of taylor swift’s folklore/evermore albums and james arthur and ill explain why. 
taylor swifts folklore/evermore albums have this almost ethereal, floaty, reminiscent, indie vibes. there are many metaphors, recurring themes and its overall kinda dramatic at points which i feel is exactly what jaskier would be doing right now (it also just kinda gives me canon era vibes, idk). but james arthurs music is much more emotionally intense which i think is definitely in character for jaskier at this point because he strikes me as someone who copes with things through his music. both artists do the sings through story telling in an almost monologue manner which goes along with that kinda bardic music and all that. i also think that jaskier would want geralt to know that these songs are about him because hes dramatic like that (kinda like how taylor swift writes her stuff). anyway here's what i think would be on his breakup album: 
heres a link to the playlist
1. the lakes - taylor swift 2. from me to you i hate everybody - james arthur 3. maybe - james arthur 4. sad eyes - james arthur 5. hoax - taylor swift 6. naked - james arthur 7. right where you left me - taylor swift 8. all too well - taylor swift 9. impossible - james arthur 10. exile - taylor swift 11. illicit affairs -taylor swift 12. safe inside - james arthur 13. quite miss home -james arthur 14. my tears ricochet  -taylor swift 15. phoenix - james arthur 16. this is me trying - taylor swift  17. happiness - taylor swift 18. death by a thousand cuts - taylor swift 19. empty space - james arthur 20. coney island - taylor swift 21. new years day - taylor swift 22. the 1 -taylow swift
so theres 22 songs which im sure jaskier would do on purpose cause hes a dramatic little shit ( “one song for every year i wasted on you” or something of that sort). jaskier being a dramatic little shit is going to be a recurring theme. some of them work better for modern era than canon era but as a whole this can be interpreted as either romantic or platonic. anyway lets unpack. 
1. the lakes by taylor swift (more canon era interpretation)
this song is the bonus and final track off of folklore. the song is actually about how she wants to go live in seclusion with her boyfriend out of the public eye but that is not what it means in this interpretation. i think that this song is about how jaskier feels as though his career as a bard is tainted now because he spent so many years singing geralts praises and there is no way he will be able to escape that part of his life because undoubtedly hes going to get requests for toss a coin and others he wrote about geralt and people will probably know him as “the witchers bard”. so this song is him talking about how he wants to run away and live out his life in seclusion because geralt took from him one of the only happinesses in his life. 
Take me to the lakes, where all the poets went to die I don't belong, and my beloved, neither do you Those Windermere peaks look like a perfect place to cry I'm settin' off, but not without my muse 
the line “i dont belong and my beloved neither do you” references the fact that jaskier feels like an outcast now that he’s spent years traveling around with a witcher, notoriously outcasts from society, so he feels that he doesnt belong anymore either.
I want auroras and sad prose I want to watch wisteria grow Right over my bare feet 'Cause I haven't moved in years And I want you right here
the second stanza references his idealization of living out his life in solitude, with nature, where no one can judge him (and geralt cant yell at him). 
jasper would have started this album with that song because it states his intentions: he feels as though he’s done with singing. it could also refer to him leaving the public eye (in modern era) to write this album.
2. from me to you i hate everybody by james arthur (more canon era interpretation) 
songs 2-4 on jaskiers album are ones that he wrote at various points while he and geralt were still together/best friends/etc. these three songs establish what the relationship was like before everything went downhill, but they are kind of melancholy, like looking back on a past love (which is what jaskier is doing). this one jaskier wrote about when they met. geralt would have heard him play it before and he would have known that this song was about him (he probably also secretly liked it and jaskier putting it on his album would have been like a slap in the face because it wasn't one that he had shared with other people, thinking it to be too personal). if this album had been released in modern era, jaskier would have released this song as a single to get geralts attention. he would have definitely wanted geralt to know that this album was about him. 
I used to come here on my own and drink So I didn't have to think or hear the whispering I stand with people telling lies again In suits and ties again and I just need a friend
they meet in the tavern and its clear that jaskier is Not having a good time and really just needs a friend, hence why he decides to go talk to geralt.
You walked into the room and cut the atmosphere like a knife, alright Sobering mind 'cause up to now, I've just been wasting my time, ooh yeah
the “wasting my time” part is of particular interest because it clearly articulates that jaskier feels as though adventuring around with geralt was the best part of his life and before that he'd just been a bard with debatable songs. the song as a whole makes it sound like geralt was jaskiers lifeline.
3. maybe by james arthur (modern or canon era works)
this song, while geralt would know immediately it was about him, was not one jaskier ever shared with geralt. it would have been written a few years after he and geralt had met initially. the reason that jaskier never shared it was because it talks about destiny and geralt made it Very Clear that he does not want to fuck with destiny.
I don't know what's going on Where you came from and why you took so long All I know is that I feel it Like it's the realest thing, I mean it Something changed when I saw you Oh, my eyes can't lie You said, "They're so damn blue And I love how you're so forward Is it too soon to say I'm falling?"
this would have been what young jaskier felt over the course of a few years after traveling around (or befriending if this is modern). There was probably a slip up somewhere, or jaskier just thought that he got really good at interpreting geralts grunts and the line about the eyes is what he hoped/imagined/thought geralt was saying to him in return. 
So maybe Maybe we were always meant to meet Like this was somehow destiny Like you already know Your heart will never be broken by me So is it crazy For you to tell your friends to go on home? So we can be here all alone Fall in love tonight And spend the rest of our lives as one
jaskier probably thinks that destiny is some wildly romantic thing hence why he compares them meeting to destiny. the line about heart break would have also hit especially hard after the mountain scene. also i think its pretty clear that jaskier wants to spend as much of his life traipsing around with geralt in the show (modern era wouldn't have been any different), hence wanting to spend the rest of his life with geralt. 
Oh, is it too crazy For you to tell your brothers about me? They told me they'll protect you But I'll look them in the eye Tell them you and I will be as one
this is the part that sells it for me. i think that geralt lambert and eskel would all be very close (admittedly i havent read the books but i kinda get that vibe from the fandom so). this part about geralt telling his bothers about jaskier and then jaskier probably meeting them would have been an Important Moment. 
4. sad eyes by james arthur (modern or canon works) 
aright so im not sure if geralt has heard this one before. i can see it going both ways. its a possibility that jaskier wrote it at some point and then would kinda sing it softly when hes patching geralt up after a particularly rough hunt so its one of those where like geralts not quite sure what the song is but then he hears it on this album (cause say this was modern era and jaskier actually did release this album geralt would totally buy it after a few weeks and then realize how badly he'd actually fucked up) and is like shit thats what he was singing all along?? but anyway this one is essentially about how jaskier thinks geralt puts too much pressure on himself and all that stuff
You wear the burden World on your shoulders, babe So let me hold the weight I know you're hurting Deep as the coldest pain But this is the order sayin'
essentially jaskier can see through geralts bs and hes calling him out on it and wants him to just take care of himself for once (see: the scene in 1x05 when geralt says he cant sleep) 
5. hoax by taylor swift (canon or modern works)
so this song begins the plethora of break up songs that jaskier wrote about geralt. this one would have been written some time after the incident, after jaskier has some time to reflect on the whole thing. i know that taylor wrote this  song about enduring a toxic relationship, which kind of works if you think about the way that geralts treated jaskier and how jaskier interpreted it (but im not implying that their relationship was toxic or abusive or anything) 
My best laid plan Your sleight of hand My barren land I am ash from your fire
jaskiers plan was to reinvent geralts image and geralt did not think that it was worth it. jaskier is just sorta his side kick (who gets him into trouble, as geralt points out) and geralt kicks him aside like he doesnt mean anything to him (like ash from a fire
Stood on the cliffside Screaming "Give me a reason" Your faithless love's the only hoax I believe in Don't want no other shade of blue But you No other sadness in the world would do
this is a little more literal with the screaming on the cliffside. jaskier wanted a reason to stay and geralt didnt want him to. jaskier knows that witchers dont feel emotions (or at least not like humans do) so hes been tricking himself into believing that geralt actually liked having him around, knowing that it was probably going to blow up in his face at some point. but he doesnt quite regret it, and doesnt want to be sad over anyone else.
6. naked by james arthur (modern or canon works)
this kind of goes along with hoax, jaskier probably wrote them around the same time. he’s admitting in this song that he would be willing to try to work it out with geralt, but geralt needs to change first (needs to actually communicate and let him in and all that stuff). 
'Cause here I am, I'm givin' all I can But all you ever do is mess it up Yeah, I'm right here, I'm tryin' to make it clear That getting half of you just ain't enough
hes quoting geralts words back at him here ( “all you ever do is mess it up” is pretty similar to the line about shoveling shit), saying that all hes ever tried to do is be good and kind to geralt, but geralt hasn't really done the same in return and while jaskier may have dragged him into some things, geralt also needs to take responsibility for what hes done as well. 
7. right where you left me (modern or canon works)
this starts the Real Sad Boy Hours songs. this would refer to how he felt pretty much right after, not knowing what to do because geralt had been so much a part of his life for so long: 
Help, I'm still at the restaurant Still sitting in a corner I haunt Cross-legged in the dim light They say, "What a sad sight" I, I swear you could hear a hair pin drop Right when I felt the moment stop Glass shattered on the white cloth Everybody moved on, I, I stayed there Dust collected on my pinned-up hair They expected me to find somewhere Some perspective, but I sat and stared
this is kind of the processing of the event. and also the moment on the album where the audience would realize that this relationship that he's been telling about until now definitely ended. this song isn't super super emotional, its more a jumble of thoughts cause he didnt know what to feel after the breakup happened. although he didnt write it right after the break up, it was written much after as a looking back.
8. all too well by taylor swift (modern or canon era works)
(the link to this one is from a live performance because i like the emotion in this one better) so this song is not off of folklore (its off of red) but its such a powerful, painful breakup song that i had to include it in the lineup because it seems like something that jaskier would have written very very soon after the incident. the memories especially that she touches on in the song (driving upstate, dancing in the fridge light, looking at the photo album, etc) are all very powerful and real and i can see jaskier doing the same thing. again, if this were modern era i think that he might release this one as a single. theres so much to unpack in this song, this ones gonna be a little longer oops.
Maybe we got lost in translation, maybe I asked for too much But maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up Running scared, I was there, I remember it all too well
this clearly references the mountain scene. they were a pretty good duo until geralt blamed him for all his problems. and jaskier was effectively stuck on the top of a very dangerous mountain that he would have had to navigate down by himself. 
Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it I'd like to be my old self again, but I'm still trying to find it After plaid shirt days and nights when you made me your own Now you mail back my things and I walk home alone
jaskier spent half of his life following geralt around, its likely that he doesnt know what to do with himself or his life now that he doesnt have geralt to follow around on adventures. he doesnt know what to do anymore (see the first song).
But you keep my old scarf from that very first week 'Cause it reminds you of innocence and it smells like me You can't get rid of it, 'cause you remember it all too well, yeah
this is more of a hope that jaskier has. he hopes that geralts held onto something of his that he left behind. maybe he left a shirt in one of roaches saddle bags (canon) or a notebook in their apartment (modern) that geralt just cant seem to get rid of. he would like to think that he had an impact on geralts life and that it wasn't just all for nothing. in the beginning, he wants geralt to be just as hurt as he is.
'Cause there we are again, when I loved you so Back before you lost the one real thing you've ever known It was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well
this is a dig at geralt. he'd never had someone to follow him around on adventures before, much less a human. as far as we know it seems like jaskiers the first human that has even given him the time of day. this is jaskiers way of throwing it back in geralts face
9. impossible by james arthur (canon or modern works) 
this would have also been written very soon after the incident. it is more jaskier being mad at himself for not seeing the signs than him being mad at geralt. it is almost like his admittance of the event and like hes finally accepting what happened.
I remember years ago Someone told me I should take Caution when it comes to love, I did And you were strong and I was not My illusion, my mistake I was careless, I forgot, I did
jaskier is someone who clearly falls in love (or at least screws around with people) easily so its likely that someone would have given him some advice along these lines once. but when he met geralt its likely that this caution went to the wind. 
When all is done, there is nothing to say And if you're done with embarrassing me On your own you can go ahead, tell them
Tell them all I know now Shout it from the rooftops Write it on the skyline All we had is gone now Tell them I was happy And my heart is broken All my scars are open Tell them what I hoped would be impossible
this hints at the first song on the album. jaskier has no stomach for singing for audiences asking to hear about the adventures of geralt of rivia. this is his way of telling geralt that, almost as his punishment, he should have to deal with the people who ask why hes not traveling with his bard anymore, because jaskier has no intention of doing so. this is pretty brutal because (as we know) geralt doesnt really enjoy talking about feelings, or talking at all in general.
10. exile by taylor swift (modern or canon era works)
this is a fictitious conversation that jaskier wrote as occurring between him and geralt. it can be looked at either way but i think it makes more sense if bon iver is jaskier and taylor is geralt. 
I think I've seen this film before And I didn't like the ending You're not my homeland anymore So what am I defendin' now? You were my town Now I'm in exile seein' you out I think I've seen this film before
this first chorus is from jaskiers perspective. note the use of “homeland,” as home becomes a theme on jaskiers album. in geralts version of the chorus the line instead is “youre not my problem anymore” which is probably what jaskier took the whole mountain thing to mean. 
All this time We always walked a very thin line You didn't even hear me out (you didn't even hear me out) You never gave a warning sign (I gave so many signs) All this time I never learned to read your mind (never learned to read my mind) I couldn't turn things around (you never turned things around) 'Cause you never gave a warning sign (I gave so many signs)
(the () in this are geralt) this is jaskiers lamentations about how he didnt notice geralts abject discomfort in their relationship and also his regrets in not being able to remedy the situation. 
11. illicit affairs by taylor swift (modern or canon works) 
so this song is clearly and obviously about an affair. however, i have seen interpretations of the song where people view it as being in a relationship that is  so intense and well hidden that in a sense it is almost like an affair, like in the aftermath you’re not even sure if it was real or you deemed it because there isnt really a trace of this other person anymore, and that is the way i think jaskier would have written this song. 
And you wanna scream Don't call me kid Don't call me baby Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me You showed me colors you know I can't see with anyone else
the dont call me kid, dont call me baby part would reference jaskiers humanity, he has a normal human lifespan at least in canon (very much unlike geralt) so geralt might brush him off as being young and stupid. jaskier would have made this album to show geralt that hes not being young and stupid, that this did screw him up, and hes suffering cause of it. kind of like a reality check or a slap in the face.
Don't call me kid Don't call me baby Look at this idiotic fool that you made me You taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else And you know damn well For you I would ruin myself A million little times
the secret language would of course refer to geralt himself. hes a hard man to understand (especially cause half his vocabulary is grunts) and hes also a witcher. so jasper had to learn to understand him and now he has no use for that anymore. and the ending line about ruining myself. that would be jaskiers admittance that he would do it again, he'd do it all again, which comes back up in later songs.
12. safe inside by james arthur (canon era interpretation)
this is one that jaskier would have written maybe a week or so after the incident. the song itself deals with distance and coping with not being in someones life anymore, and i think that that is something that jaskier would struggle to cope with because hes not sure he wants geralt to be alone. this song is more for jaskier than for geralt. 
Everyone has to find their own way And I'm sure things will work out okay I wish that was the truth All we know is the sun will rise Thank your lucky stars that you're alive It's a beautiful life
obviously geralt can take care of himself, but its kinda clear that he doesnt much like his life as a witcher (the part where he talks about them getting slow and killed). so this is kind of jaskiers way of almost reminding geralt that his life on the path is still beautiful and important now that he back by himself. 
Oh, will you call me to tell me you're alright? 'Cause I worry about you the whole night Don't repeat my mistakes, I won't sleep 'til you're safe inside If you're home I just hope that you're sober Is it time to let go now you're older? Don't leave me this way, I won't sleep 'til you're safe inside
this is more jaskier worrying about geralt being by himself. he hopes that hes okay in the aftermath of this this and that hes taking care of himself still. because of course jaskier would write a whole breakup album but still write one song about how he hopes the person is doing well.
13. quite miss home by james arthur (modern era interpretation)
this song. oh my god. its so amazing. if you dont listen to any of these, at least listen to this one (actually im pretty sure no ones read to this point so if you have thanks). this song is kind of more along the same vein as the previous one, how jaskier misses geralt but its more for him than geralt. he would have probably written it at like 3am in a fit of tears and weakness, and debated long and hard about whether or not to put it on the album, but done it anyway because what does he have to lose? theres a lot to unpack here tho so this is going to be a longer one. (sorry)
I'm in the kitchen while you smoke outside You're careful not to let the smoke inside I always tell you it's poison But I know it helps you take the edge off the day We get a drink before it's closing time The one on high street with the blinking sign All these memories feel poignant I won't be there to see the snow melt away
this is a very very clear picture of an event that seems to have happened a great many times, so much so that it seems like second nature. its like a little glimpse into what their life was before this incident. its intimate, but it still is melancholy.
Whoa I'm in another city I got nobody with me And it just really hit me
this is where jaskier is now, it provides some opposition. its like a culture shock almost, like hes so used to this intimate lifestyle with another person that its jarring to be by himself.
That I quite miss home And I miss you telling me To leave my shoes at the door 'Cause you just swept the floor And the dirt drives you crazy Yeah, I quite miss home 'Cause it feels like poetry When the rain falls down on the window While you're in my arms And we're watching the TV Yeah, I quite miss home
the key here is what jaskier is referring to as “home.” it's not the place, its geralt himself. all these memories center around him, not an establishment. (calling geralt “home” comes back in later songs.) again, this mosh of memories is like theres so many of them that its almost overwhelming but its stemming from jaskiers need to feel something other than lonely and hes craving this reality that hes lost.
14. my tears ricochet by taylor swift (modern or canon era works)
this is a song that really emphasizes jaskiers dramatic little shit tendencies. this is something that he wrote, trying to predict what geralts reaction would be if he found out that jaskier died. this is really just jaskier fantasizing that geralt didnt actually mean any of what he said and does still care about him. theres many lines in here that are jabs at geralt (if I'm dead to you why are you at the wake? and Even on my worst day Did I deserve, babe All the hell you gave me?), but i think this is the most important one:
And I can go anywhere I want Anywhere I want Just not home And you can aim for my heart, go for blood But you would still miss me in your bones And I still talk to you When I'm screaming at the sky And when you can't sleep at night You hear my stolen lullabies
this is again, jaskier referring to geralt as home. as seen in the last song, he clearly wants to go there, but he cant. this could also refer to where he grew up, which he cant go to either because his parents still view him as a disappointment (as seen in finally). jaskier saying he still talks to geralt is completely in character, he probably still curses him and the whole thing. but the part about geralt not being able to sleep at night and hearing his stolen lullabies is really hard hitting. jaskier likes to think that geralt wouldn't be able to sleep without his banter or his lute playing or something of that nature. over all its a very powerful song.
15. phoenix by james arthur (modern or canon works) 
this is a fictitious apology that jaskier wrote from geralts pov, kind of what he wished that geralt would say, but knows that he won't. 
Let me, let me begin Let me begin, with an I.O.U Who I owe everything to Lately, lately my friend Lately, you think I'm ignoring you But I've been trying to pull through All of the pain, I know you're looking down, down on me I could have been someone I hurt everyone Pushed away everyone who got near
in this “geralt” outlines what he did wrong, and that he didnt mea what he said at all. again, this is more for jaskiers benefit because he knows that even if geralt were to apologize to him, it wouldn't be to this extent.
16. this is me trying by taylor swift (modern or canon works)
this is jaskier trying to articulate the fact that hes trying to pick himself back up after everything, his way of showing his “healing process” and that he can do it, he doesnt need geralt (as the song shows, its not going very well)
And it's hard to be at a party When I feel like an open wound It's hard to be anywhere these days When all I want is you You're a flashback in a film reel On the one screen in my town And I just wanted you to know That this is me trying (maybe I don't quite know what to say) I just wanted you to know That this is me trying
its showing that jaskier is having trouble enjoying things that he once did (like parties) because hes still so distraught over what happened with geralt, but at the same time he also wants to show geralt that he doesnt need him. it has a very i dont care kind of attitude, but jaskier at the same time is having a hard time showing geralt that hes doing okay, hence the “maybe i dont quite know what to say” which is out of character for the very talkative bard
17. happiness by taylor swift (modern or canon works)
this is more him convincing himself that things will be okay. he's clearly trying at this point to move on, but its proving difficult because geralt was his happiness for so long:
There'll be happiness after you But there was happiness because of you Both of these things can be true There is happiness
he also repeats the line “havent me the new me yet” a few times, which i think is again him trying to convince himself that its going to get better and he will move on from it. but this line is the one that i think hurts the most:
No one teaches you what to do When a good man hurts you And you know you hurt him too
this implies that 1. he still thinks geralts a good man (not a monster) and 2. that he knows he hurt him to and doesn't know how to fix either of them. this is also kind of him giving up on how to fix it, but him recognizing they were both at fault is important for the arc of the story.
18. death by a thousand cuts by taylor swift (modern or canon works)
this is another song that is not off of folklore (its from lover), but i wanted to include it because it think it has a little bit of anger to it (especially in this live acoustic version that i linked) which i think that jaskier would feel a few weeks post incident in a fit of rage, like why am i still feeling this way? why did you think that this was okay?? and its right after happiness, which shows that his healing really isn't linear. there's many lines in this song that pertain to geralt and jaskier and i could talk about the whole thing but im not going to
But if the story's over, why am I still writing pages?
this i think is very jaskier. its so raw and like, i know this is over, why am i still writing about it? why am i making an album about this? why should this still matter to me? its very angry and again, like many of the songs, like a slap.
My heart, my hips, my body, my love Tryna find a part of me that you didn't touch Gave up on me like I was a bad drug Now I'm searching for signs in a haunted club Our songs, our films, united, we stand Our country, guess it was a lawless land Quiet my fears with the touch of your hand Paper cut stings from our paper-thin plans My time, my wine, my spirit, my trust Tryna find a part of me you didn't take up Gave you so much, but it wasn't enough But I'll be alright, it's just a thousand cuts
this part, especially if you listen to her sing it, (which i would HIGHLY RECOMMEND BTW) is very passive aggressive and the the last line is like quite sarcastic and downplays it, like, yes you put me through all of this, but i guess its *just* a thousand cuts. this really shows that in many ways geralt was a part of jaskiers life, and his sudden removal from it would have stung in many ways, and thats not something that you can get over quickly. 
19. empty space by james arthur (modern or canon era works)
this song starts the beginning of jaskier getting over geralt. these last 4 songs would have been written much after the incident, after hes had time to think, but there's still this nagging in the back of his head thats like, well what if im being stupid and he is the one and im supposed to go back?
I don't see you You're not in every window I look through And I don't miss you You're not in every single thing I do I don't think we're meant to be And you are not the missing piece I won't hear it Whenever anybody says your name And I won't feel it Even when I'm burstin' into flames I don't regret the day I left I don't believe that I was blessed I'm probably lyin' to myself again
this is more what jaskier wants to be, not what he actually is. he thinks that hes over geralt, but hes not (the chorus gets into it more but im not going to talk about it here, but it essentially says “only you can fill this empty space”) clearly jaskier is further along in his healing process, but hes still having second thoughts. he wants to be over him, but he knows hes lying to himself, very deep down. 
20. coney island by taylor swift (more modern era interpretation)
this is the true moving on song. it’s still laced with memories and speculation, but it puts clear distance between the two of them, much more so than empty space does because it lacks the longing. it just shows things for what they are. 
And I'm sitting on a bench in Coney Island Wondering where did my baby go? The fast times, the bright lights, the merry go Sorry for not making you my centerfold
its apologetic, but nothing more than that. it dwells more on what could have been rather than what he wants it to still be. 
The question pounds my head What's a lifetime of achievement If I pushed you to the edge? But you were too polite to leave me And do you miss the rogue Who coaxed you into paradise and left you there? Will you forgive my soul When you're too wise to trust me and too old to care?
this is interesting because it addresses their immortality and how they've been together for years and also the way in which they left things (paradise). but it also implies that things were on the downfall. and the last two lines about forgiveness is interesting because it then calls geralt “too wise to trust me and too old to care” meaning its more a wish of jaskiers rather than something he knows geralt will do.
Were you waiting at our old spot In the tree line By the gold clock Did I leave you hanging every single day? Were you standing in the hallway With a big cake, happy birthday Did I paint your bluest skies the darkest grey? A universe away And when I got into the accident The sight that flashed before me was your face But when I walked up to the podium, I think that I forgot to say your name
these are all very specific, very intimate moments that would clearly mean something to geralt. and it further implies that jaskier is uncertain if he actually made geralt feel appreciated when they were together. but again, its more what could have been rather than what jaskier wanted it to be, which is a nice segway into the last two songs. 
21. new years day by taylor swift (modern era interpretation)
this is another one not from folklore, this song is the closing track on reputation, but i like the nostalgia of it so i decided to include it (and it also has good parallels to the last song). initially jaskier intended for this to be the last song on the album, but decided to add another one last minute (and we will get into why). this song is more jaskiers muted longing to still be with geralt, albeit in the far future. 
There's glitter on the floor after the party Girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby Candle wax and Polaroids on the hardwood floor You and me from the night before but Don't read the last page But I stay when you're lost and I'm scared and you're turning away I want your midnights But I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day
this interpretation is very much like the actual songs interpretation: the desire to stay with someone through the unexciting parts of life, like cleaning up after a party on new years day. additionally, wanting to start something new with someone (being there with them past the midnight kiss and actually starting the first day of the year with them). additionally though, there is the line of “dont read the last page” which refers to the last song on the album, which we will get to. 
Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you And I will hold on to you Please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere
this is more jaskiers reality. hes torn between holding onto these memories and hopes and actually facing reality. he wants to hold on to geralt, but he also kinda wants to move on. and the last line about the laugh, thats more jaskiers own hope, he hopes that he will come across geralt again and things will work themselves out.
22. the 1 by taylor swift (modern era interpretation)
the decision to make this song the last one on the album was a very last minute decision, and it was written significantly after the rest of the songs. the reason for this was without this last song, the album ends on a note of hope “Please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere” but this last song is more of a reality check and acknowledgment that what's done is done and that it will never be again. 
I'm doing good, I'm on some new shit Been saying "Yes" instead of "No" I thought I saw you at the bus stop, I didn't though
this refers to the fact that its been some time since the whole thing and jaskiers kind of changed a little bit. he claims hes doing good, and maybe is going to try out a new career (since the first song references wanting to put music down for awhile). seeing geralt at the bus stop is a reference to cardigan where he says “chasing shadows in the grocery line” where hes not actively looking for geralt anymore and it doesnt upset him that he didnt see him.
I guess you never know, never know And if you wanted me, you really should've showed And if you never bleed, you're never gonna grow And it's alright now
this is jaskier saying that hes almost glad that it happened because it gave him a new perspective and it was a learning experience. he also says that its alright, which is the second time that hes said hes okay, which probably means he isnt completely, but hes much closer than he was on the rest of the album because hes not still looking for geralt at every turn
I have this dream you're doing cool shit Having adventures on your own You meet some woman on the Internet and take her home We never painted by the numbers, baby But we were making it count You know the greatest loves of all time are over now I guess you never know, never know And it's another day, waking up alone
this is jaskier acknowledging the fact that geralt has probably long since moved on with his life, either with other romantic people or with his life entirely (the first time he does this on the album). he says that while their love or friendship was unconventional it still was definitely something (implying that it may have been one of the greatest loves of his life). and the waking up alone part references quite miss home and being by himself, but it isnt sad, its just a fact at this point.
But we were something, don't you think so? Roaring twenties, tossing pennies in the pool And if my wishes came true It would've been you In my defense, I have none For never leaving well enough alone But it would've been fun If you would've been the one
this is the part where we see that jaskier has grown. hes recognized that his wanting to be with geralt was never anything more than a fleeting wish or a moment that couldn't last. but he knows that it had potential and it could have worked but it didnt and thats okay. in the last chorus the pennies line is “rosé flowing with your chosen family” which implies that he and geralt were close enough to know each others family (chosen or real), meaning that it meant something. and he wouldn't have minded a long term relationship with geralt, but its not what happened.
in new years day jaskier says “dont read the last page” this song is that last page. part of him still doesnt want geralt to know that hes put aside the hope of it working because he wants to still keep himself open for geralt, but knows that  its not healthy and ultimately he needs to move on. hes essentially giving geralt the choice: remember jaskier as wanting to get back with him (since the last line of the album would have been “please dont ever become a stranger who's laugh i could recognize anywhere” or let him have the knowledge that jaskier is done with him (since the official last line of the album is “but it would have been fun if you would've been the one”)
anyway thats jaskiers breakup album. i put way too much effort into this. and if you actually read through the whole thing, thank you and please let me know what you think!! if you use this for fics or have your own interpretations please please tag me, id love to see!!
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valentinaacas · 4 years
taylor swift - hope you see this
i’ve heard of taylor swift being completely active on tumblr for all the years that i’ve been a fan. i will say i noticed her first when she came out with love story(just re-released!)(blasting it right now) and white horse. but i didn’t completely become a fan until speak now. i remember sitting on the floor i was 19 years old (i think - i’m now 29) looking for music that i can relate to, because 19 year old me was going through it. i’ve always been connected to lyrically beautiful songs and still till this day always looking for new music. discovering taylor swift is a moment i will never forget and hold close and dear to my heart. i would say i am a huge fan. i always buy her albums to support her even though i do not own a cd player anymore. when 1989 came out i used my last 100$ to buy the taylor swift bundle to enter a chance to win tickets to her concerts. i got a bag, guitar pics, pictures and bunch of other things.  i bought her cardigan sweater this year along with the grey reputation pullover sweater with all her look what you made me do video characters on it. i treasure that thing. ii requested the repuation sweater with the zippers on the elbows for christmas that year and got it. i just finally recently got my cowboy like me sweatshirt. wearing it this weekend when i go upstate. fits the scenery for sure.i never won those win free tickets but i didn’t care. my first concert i ever attended was red. it was one of the best concert i’ve ever been too. thats when she introduced ed-sheeran to me. It was at the prudential center in new jersey. i live in new york. i travelled all the way to PA for her reputation tour because when she was playing near new york i was already attending a foo fighters concert that weekend in boston, so my boyfriend drove me all the way to Pennsylvania just so i could see her. she has gotten me through so many heart breaks. i jam out to all her music almost everyday. i dont think ill ever get sick of it. when lover came out, i had just recently lost my dad october 2018. He died from non hodgkins lymphoma.. taylor swift has never moved me the way she did on that album. Soon you’ll get better. i wasn’t expecting to hear a song like that going through each song, and all of a sudden i heard “you like the nicer nurses” and i was in a pool of tears. holy orange bottles .. really broke me in half. my dad always like the nicer nurses, and he always did make a joke out of the whole situation. he didnt really come to terms with dying until a month before his death. we played the rolling stones next to his ear as he passed. if he loved anything other than his family it was the rolling stones. i needed that song. i was very much still grieving (still am). i could go on and on about all the songs taylor swift wrote that felt like she wrote it just for me. “all too well” - i mean who hasnt broken out in tears with that one? i wasn’t even heartbroken yet before i could really relate to my favorite song she has ever written. “clean” was something everyone needs in their life. white horse was my go to when my high school boyfriend kept cheating on me, and begging for me back. i used to watch the video almost everyday. every song taylor has written, has touched my soul. i could go on and on but basically i just wrote this hoping my favorite person on earth sees this and knows how much i appreciate her and her music, and because me being 29 years old, i feel like i always want to express it but i’m just not brave enough for all the people that follow me see the kid in me every time i talk about taylor swift. let me just say everyone who knows me or doesnt know me - know that i am a huge freaking fan. i love you taylor swift.. thank you for the two new albums this year and now FEARLESS remastered. freaking love you
#taylorswift #swifty #red #folklore #fearless #lover #evermore #1989 #repuation
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legion1993 · 4 years
We Are What????
Tumblr media
Title: we are what????
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Fluff sq: long lost sibling
Tags: tabooo, long lost brother and long lost sister loosing virginity to eachother, long lost brother and long lost sister married in vegas, long lost siblings learning the truth after its too late, long lost sibling sex
rating: 18+
summery: not telling
created for @spnfluffbingo​
fluff 2020 masterlist
it had been the best vacation, it had been the best vacation you had taken to date. the events went as follows: 
you were on vacation this was well deserved, this was your 3 weeks away from the busy of running your own business.
 your co ceo thought you deserved a vacation after you worked your ass off for almost 3 years to get your company to where it is today.
 you were in Vegas, you were gonna dance, gamble, and drink and just enjoy yourself. You were now 5 days into your vacation and sitting at one of the blackjack tables you meet a very interesting opponent.
 YN: “do you come here often?”
 jensen: “nope I can only come here when my brother is home to watch the place. I’m Jensen by the way but everyone calls me Jay.”
 YN: “YN it’s nice to meet you. Do you normally play blackjack?”
 Jensen could only laugh as he played his turn.
Jensen: “no normally I play poker but I figured I’d switch it up. I’ll stand. So YN what brings you to Vegas other than obviously to get your butt kicked at blackjack.”
 YN: “I’ll stand as well. My Co ceo of my company thought I could use a vacation after 3 years of building the company non stop. So she sent me here to have the time of my life for 3 weeks with possibility of extension.” 
the dealer: “reveal your hands one at a time.”
jensen reveals a hand of 19. You smile darkly.
YN: “I hope your not too disappointed with this.” 
You say as you reveal your hand to be 21.
YN: “blackjack. I win!”
the dealer: “congratulations to YN our winner for the 5th night in a row. Do you want to cash out or do you want to bank for more play time later?”
yN: “I’ll bank I owe my opponent an apology drink!”
that was your first mistake. After several drinks you both were hammered. Walking back to the hotel cause through the drinking you both discovered that you were staying in the same hotel. 
you stopped at the wedding chapel. You both went to get ready and graciously paid the people for their service.
officiant: “Jensen and YN you have come here tonight to be joined in the eyes of God and the church. You may say your vows when your ready.”
Jensen takes your ring and slides it on your finger. 
Jensen: "YN I've only known you a few short moments but it feels like a lifetime. It feels like destiny. I promise to evermore love, honor. Cherish and protect thee now and evermore!" 
you took Jensen's ring and placed it on his finger.
yN: "Jensen, I feel the exact same way and I know that right now we are probably doing something that when morrow light breaks through will seem like a bad idea but I now and ever more will love honor cherish and protect thee forever with all my being!"
officiant: "then I hear by pronounce you husband and wife. Jensen you may kiss your bride!"
Jensen dipped you as he kissed you. Then you both signed some papers and were led to where both your bags were on a trolley and being taken to the honeymoon suite. 
graciously tipping the bellboy who loaded the bags into the doorway for you both and then left. Jensen picked you up bridal style and tis is how you lost your virginity.
Jensen and you tore each other's clothes off then while he had you pinned against the wall, he slid his cock into your pussy.
pounding you against the wall, in the shower, in the kitchenette, on the table, on the couch, on the floor and finally on the bed. Yes you both christened that honeymoon suite. 
for the next morning at yonder Light breaks through the window. you both woke to an array of feathers everywhere you both were snuggled together and then it sunk in. Both of you sitting straight up and looking around the room.
jensen: "what happened last night?" 
yN: "I remember the blackjack game and nothing after."
that's when you looked at your finger... Holding it up for Jensen to see.
yN: "clearly something else happened last night. Cause I don't remember getting married."
jensen: "let's think rationally now. Is it really so bad honestly come on let's at least see what we can be as a couple before we jump to any conclusions. How bout this I'll go hone with you once we are done in Vegas and we will figure us out."
yN: "sounds good to me plus you are hot I'm not surprised either way that I married you." 
Jensen could only laugh as he ushered for you to come back to the bed.  You went back to the bed, Jensen's strong embrace wrapping around you immediately. You sat on his lap his hands roaming cross your skin. 
Jensen: "now let's enjoy our honeymoon and make some magic of our own."
YN: "shouldn't we eat?"
 Jensen: "we will order room service after we finish waking up. I say we clean up the place a bit and take a shower then call room service."
YN: "clean a bit first, then shower cause it makes no sense to shower then clean. Oh I should warn you thaw t my place is new and needs a bit of reno work…"
Jensen could only laugh. 
Jensen: "that's okay it will be an amazing starter home for us or at least till we figure us out."
You went to your phone and connected to the Bluetooth speaker in the room. You played your Playlist as you and Jensen got to work. Cleaning, dancing, singing. Taking a shower you went in first Jensen called room service then joined you. 
Things starting to slowly feel normal. Throughout the rest of the vacation you both spent time at the casino, doing shopping, both of you taking full honeymoon advantage.
 The flight home was alot more enjoyable with someone to spend it with, you slept on his shoulder and he used your head as a rest spot as well his arm was around your shoulder.
 It was the most comfortable ride of your life. The arrival back on your home soil was a relief to see that it was still busy beyond compare. You went and picked up your car (black 2019 Dodge Challenger) from the parking valet. 
Jensen: "she is a beauty." 
YN: "the GPS is already programed to take us home. Do you want to drive?" 
Jensen perked up when he got back to you after having taken a lap round the car. He smiled. 
Jensen: "I would love to but I have to ask how the hell did you afford this?" 
YN: "Perk of having my own business and on top of that perk of being the world's best selling brand of sunglasses. Now get in and start her up!" 
Jensen and you both got into the car and jensen took a breath as he started the engine. Jensen ran his fingers over the steering wheel and just completely fell in love with your baby.
 Jensen: "damn YN she is a beauty. Now let's hear her purr."
 Jensen sticks your car in drive and slowly brings you both out of the parade. Once the speed sign showed that he could go 60 he stuck you baby in gear and took off. he knew to obey the rules of the road but he still had fun with it.
 Along the way your Playlist silently played in the background as you and Jensen played 20 questions. The more you both talked and the questions answered the more you both felt like you could actually pull this off, but of course you weren't gonna say anything. 
Jensen: "this neighborhood is beautiful. How much further to your place?" 
YN: "3 more blocks then it will be number 344 on your left."
 Jensen slowly drove down the blocks he smiled to himself the thought that he was married and to a woman who makes the most amazing sunglasses. His hand remained in the wheel and the shifter but your hand floated to rest in his hand.
 Arriving at your house in a matter of moments you noticed another car in the driveway that was not familiar to you. 
YN: "that car doesnt belong to me.. someone unexpected is here."
Jensen: "relax YN lets grab the bags and walk to the door im sure its nothing to worry about."
Grabbing the bags you both went up to the front door, you saw it was open a crack… You both slowly walked inside.
 YN: "hello, whoever is in here this house is owned…" 
Steps came from the basement and down the kitchen floor standing now in the doorway to your kitchen was your mom.
 Sheila: "surprise!" 
You dropped your bags and ran into the embrace of the person who had sat there with you while you cried about your loveless life. 
Yn: "I thought you weren't coming for a few weeks." 
Sheila: "yes well when we last spoke you said you wanted to do some renovations on the house. But that you were gonna do that on your own after you got back from your trip. So i decided that i would be here when you got back to surprise you… dad thought you could use the help and if he wasnt busy running the store back home he would be here too…"
You and your mom oulled back when Jensen cleared his throat clearly wanting to get your attention. You pulldd back from your mom and went back to jensen. Who now extended his hand towards your mom.
 Jensen: "ma'am my name is Jensen i am your daughters husband well kinda we…"
Yn: "twas a drunken wedding in vegas and one thing led to a really amazing vacation plus he is a loyal customer for my sunglasses. So i brought him home so we could see if we want to remain married or divorce. I gues thats my surprise as well… im really glad your here mom."
Sheila shoke jensens hand and then smiled as she heard a timer go off. 
Sheila: "go on take your stuff to your room dears. ill do it all for you both not to worry. Now go upstairs and make sure only your laundry comes down to the laundry room.. lunch will be ready soon!"
You and jensen with your bags go upstairs to your room. Your king bed and furniture exactly how you left it. 
Jensen: "renovations huh?"
Yn: "ya some painting and replacing carpet with laminate type thing. Paint every room in this house a different color depending on what the room is. Laminate to match each room. Im ambitious. Also restain the deck leading to the pool in the back. The pool cleaner and the lawn tendants should have been by and if not yet they will be by later. Running my own company comes with perks. Sorry im ramblin."
Jensen: "its alright i think its kinda cute. Now when do we get started on these renovations?"
You smile as you  go to grab your laundry basket for yours and jensens clothes.
YN: "soon as i go pick up the paint i picked out what colors i wanted for each room before i left but now that im back i can get them and start painting and shifting stuff around and and and."
You now put your hands on the bed as you just stood there. 
You were way passed overwhelmed, this made way for Jensen who had just finished getting settled in throwing his dirty clothes in the basket before coming up behind you wraping his arms around you like it was normal. 
Jensen: “dont get worked up as part of seeing all we can be ill help you renovate the house. Tomorrow we will pick up the paint and whatever else we think we will need and we will be fine. For now lets get this laundry pile put together and taken down to your mom. Then you can show me kinda what needs to be moved and where it needs to be moved to for each room to be set up so it can be painted and then we will get the floors done once everything is painted. Room by room. This house will be prestige when we are done. It will reflect the woman you are. And i look forward to renovating this home with you.”
You smiled. As you threw several more things into the basket, then you came across the wedding attire that you both realized might need to be dry cleaned instead. 
You put them off to the side and decided that you would hand them to your assistant the next time you would see her. You were not okay still, you had a lurking strange feeling in your stomach that something was terribly wrong. 
Jensen was hot, sure neither of you rememebred anything except for what you all were told by the staff. You were now sure that something was wrong. It was something in Jensen’s eyes and nature that made your mind question what was happening right then.
 But you ignored it, you felt happier than you had in ages. 
YN: “ya i guess your right. Now lets go down to mom before she decides to think degenerates of us.”
Jensen: “technically we are married degenerates. But your right as well. Lets go.”
Jensen carried the basket following you as you both walked back downstairs. You showed him where to place the laundry basket then both of you went into the living room. 
Your eyes floated to the table to the stack of coupons and various packages and other mail items on the coffee table in the living room. 
Jensen: “damn girl are you always that popular?”
YN: “yep every day… but this is from the passed month excluding todays cause it doesnt come for another hour. This will be fun. Would you like to help me open this massive pile of whatever is in here?”
Jensen: “do you have a letter opener?”
You go over to the kitchen to your junk drawer and come back with your personalized black canary letter opener… you handed it to Jensen who marveled it for a few moments before kneeling down beside you as you proceeded to organize the mail into piles.
 Jensen: “i hope one day soon to be moved in here permenantly with you. Honestly i feel so happy and we are probably gonna be expecting before we know it with how much we did not leave the bed during our time in Vegas…”
You smiled at that thought. You a mother how much of a quaint little idea that was. Damn your babies would be lookers. Jensen started with the parcels he opened them one at a time then you would go into the parcel and pull out whatever was inside.
Jensen: “i know you are thinking, you make this face when your focused or thinking i noticed it first when you were answering your emails and such while we were in vegas. Are you okay?”
YN: “hmm… yeah im okay just doing some planning in my head. Usually how i open my mail. Im sorry ive been so quiet.”
Jensen put his arm around your shoulder before you had finished speaking.
Jensen: “its all good i know you have alot on your plate. Just dont be afraid to talk to me if you ever want to.”
YN: "thank you. Now let's finish going through the mail and then I need to conference call with my assistant to make sure our week is on track."
Jensen smiled he could not believe that you were the one who made such amazing sun glasses! They were literally his favorite pair. You were the embodiment of grace and beauty,  from Jensen's point of view you were an angel.You spent the rest of the day showing jensen how your life works. 
Your mom ordered chinese for dinner with extra for left overs for the next few days. That was fine. Renovations went amazing! The next month was about getting settled in, sure the renos took longer but that was perfectly fine.
 A room a week, the flooring would be done later.. once everything was painted. Jensen and you sat in on a few confrence calls from the house during the renos and then you decided to show jensen the company and how it works make him your temp secretary while you gave your current one the month off.
 You woke up however one morning feeling off. You went to the bathroom and went through your morning work routine, shower, do your hair, make out with jensen. But this one morning you felt all bloated and gross.
 You got into the shower and thats when it happened you got that nauseous feeling. The words "oh shit" went through your head as just as you knelt down beneath the waters flow you threw up instantly.
 It was 5 minutes later that you were finally able to speak enough.
YN: "jensen…"
Footsteps were heard, jensen knew your routine, this was unusual. He came into the bathroom and opened the shower curtain to reveal you knelt down and a small pile of slowly washing awake puke. He shut off the shower head but kept the water flowing.
 Jensen: "what happened?"
YN: "i was feeling off, but i didnt think i would vomit, can you call xavier and tell him that he has to handle everything today im not going in."
Jensen: "let me get you out of there after i help you clean all the vomit off and wash your hair, then ill clean the bathtub and then ill spend the entire day waiting on my girl!"
This was the first time that Jensen had used a pet name for you or referred to you as something other than YN. This was a good sign meant he was getting used to the idea but so were you for you were putty in Jensen's arms not cause of the nausea but cause of how he made you feel. 
You watched as he cleaned the bathtub, wiped up the water off the ground, sprayed febreeze in the bathroom. You were not okay but you felt something new. 
Another month would pass before this would ever occur again. Sure enough it did this time at work. Jensen against your pleading took you to the hospital. You were pleading that you were okay and didn't need it but you kept being shot down.
 The doctors took blood work, had you peee in a cup, hooked you to a iv drip. They were doing everything they could think of. Till the doctor came in the room with a nurse with an ultrasound machine.
 Doctor: "we are just gonna make sure everything is good with your abdomen. Don't worry bout a thing. It's painless. I'm just gonna unzip your jeans a bit and then lift your shirt a bit so I can put the jelly on."
 You and Jensen complied never expecting this as a possible outcome. Never suspecting that this would be the moment you would be within the grasp of several doctors all of whom have looked after you since you were a child. 
Doc: "ok lets see what this shows. And if anything else i would like to run dna matches on both of you. Just a precautionary measure. Nothing to… oh well this is definately the source… tell me YN when was your last period?"
You had to think about that cause you last had it during the vegas trip. Good thing showers exist… but anyway you were sure you knew the answer but you complied anyway.
YN: "I think it was during my Vegas trip but doc please tell me what is going on…"
Doctor turns the monitor to face you and Jensen whose face along with yours goes pale white. 
Doctor: "congratulations your pregnant! But I want to run a blood sample on both of you to find out why there was an abnormality in your blood work."
Jensen and you get blood drawn while the fact that you were expecting a child while not even sure yet if your marriage would last. 
Jensen: "what abnormality could be in your blood work?" 
YN: "that's what you choose to discuss, not the fact that we are pregnant?" 
Jensen: "I'm shocked probably as much as you but right now I want to address that I am thrilled about this baby. Even if we haven't figured us out we are parents to a brand new life we created in this short period together. I could not think of a better way to spend the rest of my life than with you and this child."
That of course is when the doctor returned. 
Doctor: "so you both are the correct parents of this child but the abnormality in both your blood works showed several similar strands of DNA. You are siblings more specifically twins."
This made Jensen and you drop your Jaws, neither of you were expecting the news about the baby, but now finding out your siblings well that made you both shocked as fuck.
Doctor: "judging the reactions crossing both your features I am gonna gather that you both knew not of this."
Jensen: "are we done here can we go home now?"
 Doctor: "of course just be sure to come back in 4 months for another check up for the baby. And congratulations as well as I'm sorry."
 The doctor left, you and Jensen took all the stuff, now in the car with the papers of both results had to now find a way to break both news to your mother. Never thinking that anyone else would be at the house when your arrival home came round. 
You pulled into the driveway, both of you holding the file with both sets of results. Walked inside to see not only your mom but your best friend and your father as well, your best friend ran straight for you as you did her, then you let her go and was immediately embraced by your father.
 YN: "can everyone sit down and jensen will grab you all something strong to drink while we tell you something we just found out."
Jensen goes and pours some drinks for your father, mother and best friend as you both sit in front of them and begin the confrontation of a lifetime.Jensen: "for those who don't know me that I am meeting for the first time I'm Jensen YN is my wife. YN got a little sick at work so we just got back from the hospital. We found out 2 things while there."
Yn: "mom dad was there another child that you guys had along side me… Like am I a twin?" 
Sheila: "yes you are, I am ashamed that you are just finding this out now. I never thought you would. We had to make a choice when you and your brother were born money was a luxury we didn't have a lot of. We could only afford to keep one of you so we made sure your brother got adopted into a good family who would give him the life he deserved. We kept you cause we always wanted a girl. Why do you ask?"
You pull out the DNA match results between you and Jensen and hand it to your parents. They look at the paper and immediately look at Jensen they begin to shed tears of joy toasting to Jensen the prodigal son!
 But you both still had to tell them the other news. You were gonna let Jensen take this one cause you were still shocked to say the other set of news…
 Frank: "what's your other set of news? Also what happens to your marriage now with this news as I assume you both have done the deed together…?"
 Jensen: "dad, mom cause we did the deed and this entire marriage thing, consequences flurished before we found out about us being twins. We have to say we are still in shock but we are willing to make things work if you guys agree to help us…"
Jensen hands them the second set of results. You feel your hand drop to your belly Jensen's on top of yous as they look at those results. Your best friend doesn't look at the results cause she could tell from the moment she saw you.. 
Talia: "I'm gonna be an aunt yippee!!!" 
Sheila: "Talia can you please give us a few moments to speak with our children alone."
Talia: "of course."
 Talia leaves the room not straying too far so she can hear everything.
 Sheila: "Jensen we are so happy you have found your way back into our lives. We hope you come to accept us as your parents and not as those that gave you up…" 
Frank: "we understand the lure that you both had to eachother I mean you both look like supermodels good looks and all. Though we don't entirely approve of the way you came back into our lives son. We are proud of the strong people you both have become. YN my daughter we are honored to be your parents and now the grandparents to this grand baby that will grace this world soon!"
Sheila: "we are a family again!"
Jensen and you hug it out with your parents as you leave their embrace to go and sit on the steps with your best friend.
 Talia: "so you married your long lost twin brother?"
 YN: "drunk married my long lost twin yes but in our defense we were plastered. Neither of us were thinking straight and we didn't know we were siblings."
Talia: "how long till I get to meet my niece or nephew?" 
YN: "7 months but in my defense neither me nor Jensen nor anyone else  get to find out the gender for another 4 months. But how would closer to the due date you like to become a hired live in nanny type person just to help out around here once the baby is born what do you say sis?"
Talia just hugs you both of you just sitting there perfect harmony while Jensen is with your parents in the living room filling them in on his upbringing and stuff like that. 
You were sitting there with your best friend reminiscing on a time when things were simpler..You both were called back into the room at that moment. Re-entering the room you go to stand beside your husband/twin brother.
Frank: “after so long we are a whole family again. Now our family is expanding and we are so grateful to have the opportunity to be with you all. Jensen, YN though the circumstances under which you met were not ideal, you both are not shunned, not disregarded in any way shape or form. You both did right in the eyes of god and the church. It is only fit that we offer to help you both in any way we possibly can with the preparations for the arrival of the baby. To Yn and Jensen may the odds be ever in your favor…”
This was now the time when you regretted showing your father the hunger games! But the toasts flew in and chinese was ordered, everyone except you drank. What happened after that is you and your twin brother husband person thing lived happily ever after.
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
Tumblr media
Title: we are what????
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Fluff sq: long lost sibling
H&H sq: reverse!verse
Tags: tabooo, long lost brother and long lost sister loosing virginity to eachother, long lost brother and long lost sister married in vegas, long lost siblings learning the truth after its too late, long lost sibling sex
rating: 18+
summery: not telling
created for @spnfluffbingo​ @heavenandhellbingo​
fluff 2020 masterlist   heaven and hell 2020
it had been the best vacation, it had been the best vacation you had taken to date. the events went as follows: 
you were on vacation this was well deserved, this was your 3 weeks away from the busy of running your own business.
 your co ceo thought you deserved a vacation after you worked your ass off for almost 3 years to get your company to where it is today.
 you were in Vegas, you were gonna dance, gamble, and drink and just enjoy yourself. You were now 5 days into your vacation and sitting at one of the blackjack tables you meet a very interesting opponent.
 YN: “do you come here often?”
 jensen: “nope I can only come here when my brother is home to watch the place. I’m Jensen by the way but everyone calls me Jay.”
 YN: “YN it’s nice to meet you. Do you normally play blackjack?”
 Jensen could only laugh as he played his turn.
Jensen: “no normally I play poker but I figured I’d switch it up. I’ll stand. So YN what brings you to Vegas other than obviously to get your butt kicked at blackjack.”
 YN: “I’ll stand as well. My Co ceo of my company thought I could use a vacation after 3 years of building the company non stop. So she sent me here to have the time of my life for 3 weeks with possibility of extension.” 
the dealer: “reveal your hands one at a time.”
jensen reveals a hand of 19. You smile darkly.
YN: “I hope your not too disappointed with this.” 
You say as you reveal your hand to be 21.
YN: “blackjack. I win!”
the dealer: “congratulations to YN our winner for the 5th night in a row. Do you want to cash out or do you want to bank for more play time later?”
yN: “I’ll bank I owe my opponent an apology drink!”
that was your first mistake. After several drinks you both were hammered. Walking back to the hotel cause through the drinking you both discovered that you were staying in the same hotel. 
you stopped at the wedding chapel. You both went to get ready and graciously paid the people for their service.
officiant: “Jensen and YN you have come here tonight to be joined in the eyes of God and the church. You may say your vows when your ready.”
Jensen takes your ring and slides it on your finger. 
Jensen: "YN I've only known you a few short moments but it feels like a lifetime. It feels like destiny. I promise to evermore love, honor. Cherish and protect thee now and evermore!" 
you took Jensen's ring and placed it on his finger.
yN: "Jensen, I feel the exact same way and I know that right now we are probably doing something that when morrow light breaks through will seem like a bad idea but I now and ever more will love honor cherish and protect thee forever with all my being!"
officiant: "then I hear by pronounce you husband and wife. Jensen you may kiss your bride!"
Jensen dipped you as he kissed you. Then you both signed some papers and were led to where both your bags were on a trolley and being taken to the honeymoon suite. 
graciously tipping the bellboy who loaded the bags into the doorway for you both and then left. Jensen picked you up bridal style and tis is how you lost your virginity.
Jensen and you tore each other's clothes off then while he had you pinned against the wall, he slid his cock into your pussy.
pounding you against the wall, in the shower, in the kitchenette, on the table, on the couch, on the floor and finally on the bed. Yes you both christened that honeymoon suite. 
for the next morning at yonder Light breaks through the window. you both woke to an array of feathers everywhere you both were snuggled together and then it sunk in. Both of you sitting straight up and looking around the room.
jensen: "what happened last night?" 
yN: "I remember the blackjack game and nothing after."
that's when you looked at your finger... Holding it up for Jensen to see.
yN: "clearly something else happened last night. Cause I don't remember getting married."
jensen: "let's think rationally now. Is it really so bad honestly come on let's at least see what we can be as a couple before we jump to any conclusions. How bout this I'll go hone with you once we are done in Vegas and we will figure us out."
yN: "sounds good to me plus you are hot I'm not surprised either way that I married you." 
Jensen could only laugh as he ushered for you to come back to the bed.  You went back to the bed, Jensen's strong embrace wrapping around you immediately. You sat on his lap his hands roaming cross your skin. 
Jensen: "now let's enjoy our honeymoon and make some magic of our own."
YN: "shouldn't we eat?"
 Jensen: "we will order room service after we finish waking up. I say we clean up the place a bit and take a shower then call room service."
YN: "clean a bit first, then shower cause it makes no sense to shower then clean. Oh I should warn you thaw t my place is new and needs a bit of reno work…"
Jensen could only laugh. 
Jensen: "that's okay it will be an amazing starter home for us or at least till we figure us out."
You went to your phone and connected to the Bluetooth speaker in the room. You played your Playlist as you and Jensen got to work. Cleaning, dancing, singing. Taking a shower you went in first Jensen called room service then joined you. 
Things starting to slowly feel normal. Throughout the rest of the vacation you both spent time at the casino, doing shopping, both of you taking full honeymoon advantage.
 The flight home was alot more enjoyable with someone to spend it with, you slept on his shoulder and he used your head as a rest spot as well his arm was around your shoulder.
 It was the most comfortable ride of your life. The arrival back on your home soil was a relief to see that it was still busy beyond compare. You went and picked up your car (black 2019 Dodge Challenger) from the parking valet. 
Jensen: "she is a beauty." 
YN: "the GPS is already programed to take us home. Do you want to drive?" 
Jensen perked up when he got back to you after having taken a lap round the car. He smiled. 
Jensen: "I would love to but I have to ask how the hell did you afford this?" 
YN: "Perk of having my own business and on top of that perk of being the world's best selling brand of sunglasses. Now get in and start her up!" 
Jensen and you both got into the car and jensen took a breath as he started the engine. Jensen ran his fingers over the steering wheel and just completely fell in love with your baby.
 Jensen: "damn YN she is a beauty. Now let's hear her purr."
 Jensen sticks your car in drive and slowly brings you both out of the parade. Once the speed sign showed that he could go 60 he stuck you baby in gear and took off. he knew to obey the rules of the road but he still had fun with it.
 Along the way your Playlist silently played in the background as you and Jensen played 20 questions. The more you both talked and the questions answered the more you both felt like you could actually pull this off, but of course you weren't gonna say anything. 
Jensen: "this neighborhood is beautiful. How much further to your place?" 
YN: "3 more blocks then it will be number 344 on your left."
 Jensen slowly drove down the blocks he smiled to himself the thought that he was married and to a woman who makes the most amazing sunglasses. His hand remained in the wheel and the shifter but your hand floated to rest in his hand.
 Arriving at your house in a matter of moments you noticed another car in the driveway that was not familiar to you. 
YN: "that car doesnt belong to me.. someone unexpected is here."
Jensen: "relax YN lets grab the bags and walk to the door im sure its nothing to worry about."
Grabbing the bags you both went up to the front door, you saw it was open a crack… You both slowly walked inside.
 YN: "hello, whoever is in here this house is owned…" 
Steps came from the basement and down the kitchen floor standing now in the doorway to your kitchen was your mom.
 Sheila: "surprise!" 
You dropped your bags and ran into the embrace of the person who had sat there with you while you cried about your loveless life. 
Yn: "I thought you weren't coming for a few weeks." 
Sheila: "yes well when we last spoke you said you wanted to do some renovations on the house. But that you were gonna do that on your own after you got back from your trip. So i decided that i would be here when you got back to surprise you… dad thought you could use the help and if he wasnt busy running the store back home he would be here too…"
You and your mom oulled back when Jensen cleared his throat clearly wanting to get your attention. You pulldd back from your mom and went back to jensen. Who now extended his hand towards your mom.
 Jensen: "ma'am my name is Jensen i am your daughters husband well kinda we…"
Yn: "twas a drunken wedding in vegas and one thing led to a really amazing vacation plus he is a loyal customer for my sunglasses. So i brought him home so we could see if we want to remain married or divorce. I gues thats my surprise as well… im really glad your here mom."
Sheila shoke jensens hand and then smiled as she heard a timer go off. 
Sheila: "go on take your stuff to your room dears. ill do it all for you both not to worry. Now go upstairs and make sure only your laundry comes down to the laundry room.. lunch will be ready soon!"
You and jensen with your bags go upstairs to your room. Your king bed and furniture exactly how you left it. 
Jensen: "renovations huh?"
Yn: "ya some painting and replacing carpet with laminate type thing. Paint every room in this house a different color depending on what the room is. Laminate to match each room. Im ambitious. Also restain the deck leading to the pool in the back. The pool cleaner and the lawn tendants should have been by and if not yet they will be by later. Running my own company comes with perks. Sorry im ramblin."
Jensen: "its alright i think its kinda cute. Now when do we get started on these renovations?"
You smile as you  go to grab your laundry basket for yours and jensens clothes.
YN: "soon as i go pick up the paint i picked out what colors i wanted for each room before i left but now that im back i can get them and start painting and shifting stuff around and and and."
You now put your hands on the bed as you just stood there. 
You were way passed overwhelmed, this made way for Jensen who had just finished getting settled in throwing his dirty clothes in the basket before coming up behind you wraping his arms around you like it was normal. 
Jensen: “dont get worked up as part of seeing all we can be ill help you renovate the house. Tomorrow we will pick up the paint and whatever else we think we will need and we will be fine. For now lets get this laundry pile put together and taken down to your mom. Then you can show me kinda what needs to be moved and where it needs to be moved to for each room to be set up so it can be painted and then we will get the floors done once everything is painted. Room by room. This house will be prestige when we are done. It will reflect the woman you are. And i look forward to renovating this home with you.”
You smiled. As you threw several more things into the basket, then you came across the wedding attire that you both realized might need to be dry cleaned instead. 
You put them off to the side and decided that you would hand them to your assistant the next time you would see her. You were not okay still, you had a lurking strange feeling in your stomach that something was terribly wrong. 
Jensen was hot, sure neither of you rememebred anything except for what you all were told by the staff. You were now sure that something was wrong. It was something in Jensen’s eyes and nature that made your mind question what was happening right then.
 But you ignored it, you felt happier than you had in ages. 
YN: “ya i guess your right. Now lets go down to mom before she decides to think degenerates of us.”
Jensen: “technically we are married degenerates. But your right as well. Lets go.”
Jensen carried the basket following you as you both walked back downstairs. You showed him where to place the laundry basket then both of you went into the living room. 
Your eyes floated to the table to the stack of coupons and various packages and other mail items on the coffee table in the living room. 
Jensen: “damn girl are you always that popular?”
YN: “yep every day… but this is from the passed month excluding todays cause it doesnt come for another hour. This will be fun. Would you like to help me open this massive pile of whatever is in here?”
Jensen: “do you have a letter opener?”
You go over to the kitchen to your junk drawer and come back with your personalized black canary letter opener… you handed it to Jensen who marveled it for a few moments before kneeling down beside you as you proceeded to organize the mail into piles.
 Jensen: “i hope one day soon to be moved in here permenantly with you. Honestly i feel so happy and we are probably gonna be expecting before we know it with how much we did not leave the bed during our time in Vegas…”
You smiled at that thought. You a mother how much of a quaint little idea that was. Damn your babies would be lookers. Jensen started with the parcels he opened them one at a time then you would go into the parcel and pull out whatever was inside.
Jensen: “i know you are thinking, you make this face when your focused or thinking i noticed it first when you were answering your emails and such while we were in vegas. Are you okay?”
YN: “hmm… yeah im okay just doing some planning in my head. Usually how i open my mail. Im sorry ive been so quiet.”
Jensen put his arm around your shoulder before you had finished speaking.
Jensen: “its all good i know you have alot on your plate. Just dont be afraid to talk to me if you ever want to.”
YN: "thank you. Now let's finish going through the mail and then I need to conference call with my assistant to make sure our week is on track."
Jensen smiled he could not believe that you were the one who made such amazing sun glasses! They were literally his favorite pair. You were the embodiment of grace and beauty,  from Jensen's point of view you were an angel.You spent the rest of the day showing jensen how your life works. 
Your mom ordered chinese for dinner with extra for left overs for the next few days. That was fine. Renovations went amazing! The next month was about getting settled in, sure the renos took longer but that was perfectly fine.
 A room a week, the flooring would be done later.. once everything was painted. Jensen and you sat in on a few confrence calls from the house during the renos and then you decided to show jensen the company and how it works make him your temp secretary while you gave your current one the month off.
 You woke up however one morning feeling off. You went to the bathroom and went through your morning work routine, shower, do your hair, make out with jensen. But this one morning you felt all bloated and gross.
 You got into the shower and thats when it happened you got that nauseous feeling. The words "oh shit" went through your head as just as you knelt down beneath the waters flow you threw up instantly.
 It was 5 minutes later that you were finally able to speak enough.
YN: "jensen…"
Footsteps were heard, jensen knew your routine, this was unusual. He came into the bathroom and opened the shower curtain to reveal you knelt down and a small pile of slowly washing awake puke. He shut off the shower head but kept the water flowing.
 Jensen: "what happened?"
YN: "i was feeling off, but i didnt think i would vomit, can you call xavier and tell him that he has to handle everything today im not going in."
Jensen: "let me get you out of there after i help you clean all the vomit off and wash your hair, then ill clean the bathtub and then ill spend the entire day waiting on my girl!"
This was the first time that Jensen had used a pet name for you or referred to you as something other than YN. This was a good sign meant he was getting used to the idea but so were you for you were putty in Jensen's arms not cause of the nausea but cause of how he made you feel. 
You watched as he cleaned the bathtub, wiped up the water off the ground, sprayed febreeze in the bathroom. You were not okay but you felt something new. 
Another month would pass before this would ever occur again. Sure enough it did this time at work. Jensen against your pleading took you to the hospital. You were pleading that you were okay and didn't need it but you kept being shot down.
 The doctors took blood work, had you peee in a cup, hooked you to a iv drip. They were doing everything they could think of. Till the doctor came in the room with a nurse with an ultrasound machine.
 Doctor: "we are just gonna make sure everything is good with your abdomen. Don't worry bout a thing. It's painless. I'm just gonna unzip your jeans a bit and then lift your shirt a bit so I can put the jelly on."
 You and Jensen complied never expecting this as a possible outcome. Never suspecting that this would be the moment you would be within the grasp of several doctors all of whom have looked after you since you were a child. 
Doc: "ok lets see what this shows. And if anything else i would like to run dna matches on both of you. Just a precautionary measure. Nothing to… oh well this is definately the source… tell me YN when was your last period?"
You had to think about that cause you last had it during the vegas trip. Good thing showers exist… but anyway you were sure you knew the answer but you complied anyway.
YN: "I think it was during my Vegas trip but doc please tell me what is going on…"
Doctor turns the monitor to face you and Jensen whose face along with yours goes pale white. 
Doctor: "congratulations your pregnant! But I want to run a blood sample on both of you to find out why there was an abnormality in your blood work."
Jensen and you get blood drawn while the fact that you were expecting a child while not even sure yet if your marriage would last. 
Jensen: "what abnormality could be in your blood work?" 
YN: "that's what you choose to discuss, not the fact that we are pregnant?" 
Jensen: "I'm shocked probably as much as you but right now I want to address that I am thrilled about this baby. Even if we haven't figured us out we are parents to a brand new life we created in this short period together. I could not think of a better way to spend the rest of my life than with you and this child."
That of course is when the doctor returned. 
Doctor: "so you both are the correct parents of this child but the abnormality in both your blood works showed several similar strands of DNA. You are siblings more specifically twins."
This made Jensen and you drop your Jaws, neither of you were expecting the news about the baby, but now finding out your siblings well that made you both shocked as fuck.
Doctor: "judging the reactions crossing both your features I am gonna gather that you both knew not of this."
Jensen: "are we done here can we go home now?"
 Doctor: "of course just be sure to come back in 4 months for another check up for the baby. And congratulations as well as I'm sorry."
 The doctor left, you and Jensen took all the stuff, now in the car with the papers of both results had to now find a way to break both news to your mother. Never thinking that anyone else would be at the house when your arrival home came round. 
You pulled into the driveway, both of you holding the file with both sets of results. Walked inside to see not only your mom but your best friend and your father as well, your best friend ran straight for you as you did her, then you let her go and was immediately embraced by your father.
 YN: "can everyone sit down and jensen will grab you all something strong to drink while we tell you something we just found out."
Jensen goes and pours some drinks for your father, mother and best friend as you both sit in front of them and begin the confrontation of a lifetime.Jensen: "for those who don't know me that I am meeting for the first time I'm Jensen YN is my wife. YN got a little sick at work so we just got back from the hospital. We found out 2 things while there."
Yn: "mom dad was there another child that you guys had along side me… Like am I a twin?" 
Sheila: "yes you are, I am ashamed that you are just finding this out now. I never thought you would. We had to make a choice when you and your brother were born money was a luxury we didn't have a lot of. We could only afford to keep one of you so we made sure your brother got adopted into a good family who would give him the life he deserved. We kept you cause we always wanted a girl. Why do you ask?"
You pull out the DNA match results between you and Jensen and hand it to your parents. They look at the paper and immediately look at Jensen they begin to shed tears of joy toasting to Jensen the prodigal son!
 But you both still had to tell them the other news. You were gonna let Jensen take this one cause you were still shocked to say the other set of news…
 Frank: "what's your other set of news? Also what happens to your marriage now with this news as I assume you both have done the deed together…?"
 Jensen: "dad, mom cause we did the deed and this entire marriage thing, consequences flurished before we found out about us being twins. We have to say we are still in shock but we are willing to make things work if you guys agree to help us…"
Jensen hands them the second set of results. You feel your hand drop to your belly Jensen's on top of yous as they look at those results. Your best friend doesn't look at the results cause she could tell from the moment she saw you.. 
Talia: "I'm gonna be an aunt yippee!!!" 
Sheila: "Talia can you please give us a few moments to speak with our children alone."
Talia: "of course."
 Talia leaves the room not straying too far so she can hear everything.
 Sheila: "Jensen we are so happy you have found your way back into our lives. We hope you come to accept us as your parents and not as those that gave you up…" 
Frank: "we understand the lure that you both had to eachother I mean you both look like supermodels good looks and all. Though we don't entirely approve of the way you came back into our lives son. We are proud of the strong people you both have become. YN my daughter we are honored to be your parents and now the grandparents to this grand baby that will grace this world soon!"
Sheila: "we are a family again!"
Jensen and you hug it out with your parents as you leave their embrace to go and sit on the steps with your best friend.
 Talia: "so you married your long lost twin brother?"
 YN: "drunk married my long lost twin yes but in our defense we were plastered. Neither of us were thinking straight and we didn't know we were siblings."
Talia: "how long till I get to meet my niece or nephew?" 
YN: "7 months but in my defense neither me nor Jensen nor anyone else  get to find out the gender for another 4 months. But how would closer to the due date you like to become a hired live in nanny type person just to help out around here once the baby is born what do you say sis?"
Talia just hugs you both of you just sitting there perfect harmony while Jensen is with your parents in the living room filling them in on his upbringing and stuff like that. 
You were sitting there with your best friend reminiscing on a time when things were simpler..You both were called back into the room at that moment. Re-entering the room you go to stand beside your husband/twin brother.
Frank: “after so long we are a whole family again. Now our family is expanding and we are so grateful to have the opportunity to be with you all. Jensen, YN though the circumstances under which you met were not ideal, you both are not shunned, not disregarded in any way shape or form. You both did right in the eyes of god and the church. It is only fit that we offer to help you both in any way we possibly can with the preparations for the arrival of the baby. To Yn and Jensen may the odds be ever in your favor…”
This was now the time when you regretted showing your father the hunger games! But the toasts flew in and chinese was ordered, everyone except you drank. What happened after that is you and your twin brother husband person thing lived happily ever after.
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deadmanzp · 4 years
aftg asks; questions by triquetrine
these are so interesting so i did all of them.. i want to come back after a year and see if id still answer the same! 
op is the post before this or also tagged “misc” 
neil josten: favorite/most iconic line?
first one that comes to mind I’m not sure is a favorite or iconic line? but it’s a line i think about a lot and it always hurts to read. it’s when they're at the cabin in TKM. 
“He didn’t care how much it hurt so long as he could pull Andrew closer, and he let Andrew take him apart until he couldn’t think anymore.”
that comes at the very end of Chapter 14 and gosh just the paragraph that line comes from and the paragraph before…. the fact neil thinks andrew doesnt care about him the way he cares/feels about andrew is like….. CMON MAN but also i just love the pining angst of it. i like this line especially because the line right before it mentions neil working his “bandaged fingers into Andrew’s hair”. so the “he didnt care how much it hurt” to me always carried a double meaning of 1. the physical pain he felt bc of his injuries but also 2. the pain of unfamiliarity abt his feelings towards andrew and thinking it was unreciprocal AND THAT HED HAVE TO “WARN” ANDREW like the implication.. of neil thinking abt their “relationship” possibly ending bc andrew doesnt feel the same and maybe wouldnt want to be entangled in whatever neil was feeling …… IM LIKE neil knows andrew so well and him being so sure abt this but hes like …. WRONG …. e
nathaniel wesninski: one thing you would change about the books? (plot, characters, etc)
there is very little id change about the books if at all. mainly bc while i know there are upsetting things that happen/the charas do, i think all of those things make the series really interesting to analyze and talk about. i will say a moment i hated was when neil touches andrews scars when andrew makes it clear he doesn't want neil to pry about them. i know neil offers his scars in turn when he's trying to convince andrew to let neil look over kevin but that was controlled. he let andrew touch them and find out about them of his own volition. neil touches something directly related to the trauma andrew had just experienced again when he had 0 permission to do so. while i always get mad at neil for this when i read it i still dont think id change it or get rid of it. im not really sure how id change it anyways and i think andrews relationship with his scars (and himself in general) is probably what allows him to brush it off(?)/never bring this up (plus maybe neil offering his scars was enough for andrew) but i havent thought too hard about this. but ya i remember i got rlly angry w neil the first time i read this scene and i still get mad abt it when i reread.
andrew minyard: if you could be friends with one of the characters, who would you pick?
i mean realistically i wouldnt be friends w jocks ILL BE REAL LOL and i think as much as i love the monsters, theres no way id be friends w them haha uhm but prob dan would be most realistic! maybe even katelyn tbh.. 
kevin day: if you played exy, what would your position be?
oh i think dealer! in sports i liked being able to do both defense and offense bc it made me feel i had more control over the field, like i could always do something if there were any holes
dan wilds: favorite moment/scene?
definitely the hotel reunion scene. theres so much to it; it drives me nuts!!!!! but honestly there are probably a lot of really good moments im forgetting. to me the whole series is really enjoyable and every scene has something i could say about it haha
matt boyd: song you would love to see in a live-action adaptation?
Oggghh this is so hard… esp since it takes place in 2007???? Idk.. iconic artists then i suppose ghfgkjhf BUT i think general vibes i think itd be so cool if paramore (time relevant), ptv (also time relevant), and mitski were on the soundtrack……. Ya…….. 
nicky hemmick: which made you more emotional, neil at evermore or neil in baltimore?
neil in baltimore for sure… neil at evermore i can't remember what i felt the first time i read it (maybe pain LOL bc he was doing it for andrew and i felt like riko wouldnt keep his promise) but in my latest reread i was unimpressed by it (mostly bc i think riko is boring and unimpressive). i think i mightve said evermore in the past though….. maybe... neil in baltimore is like … GOD neils emotions are so strong during all of that its really juicy haha. i think like him being angry bc he was on the cusp of having everything he couldve ever dreamed of; the desperation of wanting to fight back and get away; even just the fear of being in the same room as his father for the first time in so long... all really juicy 
aaron minyard: a character you will defend to your death?
defend…. im not sure is the word i would use and i dont think i really believe in defending any of these charas “to death” bc of how flawed and complex they are; id like to acknowledge when they did wrong. i think id “defend” any of the characters if i saw anyone misinterpreting or misunderstanding them.. theyre all really interesting even if they didnt get too much spotlight. except maybe riko. hes incredibly boring to me. and also nathan ig and any of his crew just bc there is Nothing abt them rlly...
katelyn: which minor character do you wish you could see more of?
uhhhmmmmmmmm hmmmmmm….. idk maybe… jeremy…. gjfjgkdngmdghs just bc him and kevin r so funny.. i was thinking maybe jean too but…… idk a diff kind of kevin relationship lol (yikes) (pain) but really im satisfied w jeans screen time. i think ichirou is interesting but again i think he didn't rlly need more. maybe erik actually. im interested to know what nicky is like with him :0
allison reynolds: favorite headcanon about the foxes?
actually something i recently thought abt was neil and photography. iirc? andrew gives neil a camera in the ec and i also imagine kevin eventually gets another camera too (i loved that detail when we saw his room at the nest) so i thought abt neil and kevin sharing/trading pics they take of (mainly) scenery. i imagine neil takes pics of anything he wants to remember/keep while kevin is more prone to taking pics of subjects related to some nerd history stuff (lol) so thats why they trade scenery pics mainly. but i like this small connection bc i want more to their relationship than their exy obsession and i imagine they have room for more now that riko is gone and i just like this other commonality btwn them. i think maybe they mail the developed pics to each other maybe w small descripts/notes but thats it. and i also imagine it kind of just is something that started happening.. neil and andrew r on a roadtrip and some building reminds neil of kevin so he snaps a pic and eventually sends it to kevin w some note. kevin replies 1. either a text being like that is nothing. > neil: shrugs brushes it off but figures he is welcome to send more when kevin sends his own picture back or 2. kevin simply replies back similarly w his own photo. i dont know.. maybe this goes beyond what their actual relationship would be like but i do like the idea of them just bein like… dude friends u know so i want them to have more than just exy and a traumatizing experience between them. 
as for common headcanons within the fanbase…. i do like the allison + neil haircuts thing.. although im not sure if i imagine it the same as most haha i feel neil would know how to cut his own hair from his life on the run (though theyre not Good or bad just like ok u know like passable generic w/e) i think hed definitely be tense the first couple times but he has experience w allison being close from needing to be covered up w make up after winter break so i think she would be allowed. 
renee walker: favorite non-canonical ship? (renison, jerejean, etc)
uhmm to be honest none really… im way too attached to canon to be able to dismiss any established relationships. i think kevemy (??? is that the name) is rlly amusing but i dont want them together necessarily haha i used to rlly like renison mainly bc im a lesbian and i want “main” chara wlw relationships lol but i recently read something abt how bi allison doesnt rlly sit well w some bc she outs andrew and neil during the hotel scene.. i also agree this is kinda :/ if she was bi Mainly bc i feel a lot of ppl (or at least this is what i gather from renison stuff ive seen) portray allison already being established bi? if this makes sense. i think if renison/allison realizing shes bi is a later development id feel better abt it but usually renison is already established so ya her outing them does bother me…. BUT aside from this, thinking about them as characters and what their partners (would) look like… im not sure if theyd rlly choose each other.. but i still enjoy seeing them together in art and in fic bc in the end…. im a sucker for women lol….
seth gordon: most underrated dynamic? (matt & neil, wymack & andrew, etc)
my first thought was wymack and andrew bc i rlllllyy like their dynamic especially after reading their ec stuff. i loved their first meeting (andrews terrible sandwich??!?fhdhfjd) and when andrew breaks into wymacks apartment BUT i think ppl mention them enough its not underrated. i Actually think renee and andrews dynamic/friendship is rlly underrated/overlooked!!! especially after reading the son nefes ec i love their dynamic a lot… 
some son nefes moments of them i liked:  tw // rape
renee convincing andrew to go with her to see matt after his trip to edens
how many knives do u carry / one more than u IS SO FUNNY and just andrews persistence abt fighting renee is also rlly funny to me
tw // rape : the moment when andrew asks renee if she killed her rapist/abuser that whole convo was good… 
their convo in the rain w their tea
i cant remember when this happens or rlly exaclty what was said but renee offers andrew something (some help??) and he says i dont need (w/e it was) and she says something along the lines of  i know but it wouldnt do any harm or SOMETHING like that.. i like this bc she acknowledges their abilities while showing shed still like to offer some help. im p sure she does this another time too (w neil???? or someone i cant remember maybe it was andrew again) and i remember liking it too. she has a way w words and talking (also seen in her convincing andrew to see matt)
BUT regardless of ec stuff i think their relationship/dynamic seen in the books is rlly good too. theres def enough to be intrigued by them and i always have been? so i'm reeeaallly happy son nefes exists i loved reading it..
david wymack: which ncaa team would you play for?
oh to be honest i dont rlly remember many of them but of the Three (ravens, foxes, trojans) prob trojans. i remember i even got them in a uquiz once… 
abby winfield: which character was the most realistically written?
first that came to mind was aaron actually.. i remember before when i didnt rlly like him or care abt him it was actually bc he was too “boring” to me. i always thought he had the most realistic reactions to things which is what made him boring to me amidst the ridiculousness of, well, everything in aftg lol… i still think he is really realistically written but now i dont think hes boring haha
besty dobson: how many times have you read the series?
fully i think…. only 3 times… i wish this were a higher count but i actually feel guilty everytime i try to reread it.
riko moriyama: coolest exy moment? (kevin’s last-minute point against the ravens, andrew shutting down the goal, etc)
uhhmm uhmm i def think kevin during the final game against the ravens…. hes so cool haha but i KNOW there were a lot of game moments that i thought were really cool so i cant rlly say…. oh also i love neil being defense in that game too rlly juicy wish i could pull up obscure moments bc i know i rlly enjoyed reading the games but terrible memory...
jeremy knox: which do you like reading more, domestic!foxes or chaotic!foxes?
uh i guess chaotic? not rlly sure exactly what that could entail but i do like… their chaos.. when they have fights and squabbles and stuff… this includes the high tension moments. ALTHOUGH i do like the tiny lines in the books when we see the monsters just doing like random basic everyday life stuff like playing video games or whatever. i like…. imagining them... fhdjfjshfjs… as for fic def chaos. i feel domestic is usually too softened….. 
jean moreau: favorite friendship?
oh i think this goes back to andrew and renee. but other than them… i do like neil and matts friendship.. though probably not the same as its typically portrayed 
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