#he gets lysithea to put up with claude with sweets! claude in response is very excited bc he can keep teasing!
dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
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pictured: banner 69, featuring dimitri and claude, and the third wheel placed by edelgard because she was sick of third wheeling their kissing
don’t tell me they aren’t kissing, bc they were kissing here too
#DCB Comments#DimiClaude#i meant to post this earlier and forgot... like usual lol#edelgard definitely tricked lysithea into thinking she'd get sweets on this banner#but rly she was trying to get someone else to be there instead of making it a three lords banner#bc every time it's a three lords banner she has to Put Up With Them#as soon as she saw the banner number she immediately went to lysithea about it#listen me and edelgard don't just make this stuff up. intsys just leaves the evidence behind constantly#and they make no effort to cover up their tracks so it's not like we can't find the proof#also mind you unfortunately for lysithea claude is not concerned with teasing her with dimitri around#he teases her but when she gets all feisty about it dimitri calms her down very politely and kindly#and lysithea is nice to him in response. and when she's nice about it! dimitri offers to buy her sweets!#and don't tell me this isn't EXACTLY what happened all week on this banner bc dimitri tricked ash into getting sweets from him too#he gets lysithea to put up with claude with sweets! claude in response is very excited bc he can keep teasing!#edelgard got lucky that this worked out better than she expected bc she's now hoping lysithea will always#be their third wheel and put up with Their Kissing#and I KNOW they're kissing bc these are the same versions that were ~away from the castle for some time~ alone together#mind you it wasn't just some time it was QUITE some time so that was a goddamn MAKEOUT#that was a date and a makeout so i know exactly what's happening okay i know i really do know these things :)#DCB Heroes Stuff
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crackimagines · 5 years
Child!Byleth AU General Info/Trivia
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This list was made in response to the ABSOLUTELY OVERWHELMING positive reception to Child!Byleth! I was not ready for this many people to request more of this smol boi, because honestly? Part 1 was intended as a oneshot of about 3 parts, not an entire AU.
Regardless, this is just a list full of info about the small professor, it’s mostly just trivia and fun facts, both in-canon for the AU and writing facts.
Hope you enjoy!
Professionalism - Stems from being a mercenary
Cute Things - Mostly due to Jeralt getting him his stuffed bird, which he still has and loves to death.
Teamwork - Nothing cheesy like because it makes everyone bond, it’s because it’s more efficient and keeps morale for the men up. (Merc POV)
Sweets - Thanks to Mercedes and Annette. Unfortunately, this now means they baby him.
Being treated like a child - Stems from Merc days, as he’s worked hard to prove himself. Everyone in Jeralt’s merc group treats him as an equal, which he appreciates more than anything.
Selfishness - He despises anyone trying to work for nothing but fame and fortune. If he sees anyone getting anyone hurt for their own gain when it could’ve been avoided, he honestly thinks about killing them then and there.
Jeralt, Flayn, Dimitri, Edelgard, Claude, Bernadetta, Ashe, Shamir, Mercedes, Annette, Raphael, Marianne, Lysithea, Dedue, Petra, Ignatz, Felix, Ingrid, Sylvain, Catherine, The Gatekeeper, Sothis, Dorothea
Leonie, Ferdinand, Lorenz, Alois, Linhardt, Hilda, Leonie, Manuela, Rhea, Cyril, Also Catherine, LEONIE, Seteth, Jeritza, Hubert, Caspar, ALSO MERCEDES, ALSO ANNETTE, Also Sothis, Hanneman, Gilbert, DID I MENTION LEONIE
- Doesn’t swear unless he’s very VERY VERY ANGRY
- Dimitri is the only one Byleth feels comfortable saying they’re like an older sibling.
- Is positive Claude is going to kill him in some horrific pranking accident
- Likes Edelgard, but think she’s too arrogant for her own good sometimes.
- Jeralt and Byleth rarely talk about things a son and father should, but they still care for each other as family.
- The only one who’s seen Byleth’s true colors is Flayn. On that note, she is the only one who can make him blush.
- He used to dual wield daggers but switched to a sword because he had to teach the students. Otherwise, he would’ve stuck to them, but dual wielding was deemed was too complex for the academy.
- Bernadetta amuses him a lot with how afraid she apparently is of him, but he does want to actually befriend her.
- Still doesn’t know who Cyril is despite him shouting his name to Byleth everytime.
- Spends some time with Lysithea talking about how to make people not view them as children.
- Thinks Leonie’s obsession with Jeralt and telling how much better she’s going to be as Jeralt’s apprentice genuinely creepy.
- He doesn’t say it, but he’s glad to speak what’s on his mind to Sothis without being judged (mostly).
- He’s never named his stuffed bird due to still being conflicted on what to actually name it.
- He sings to himself, but the only one he’s actually had the courage to sing for a little is Flayn. Anyone else, he’d have to kill them because if there’s witnesses, everyone’s going to flock to him.
- He hates being in fancy events like balls, because it’s the most boring thing he’s ever had to do in his entire life, without exaggeration.
- For the art I use for child!Byleth, this is where I got it from.
I didn’t know what to do for a tiny Byleth until i found that, and yoinked it cause that’s EXACTLY what I had in mind for him. So, thanks to that artist for making the visual aids easier!
- Originally, I was going to plan to make child!Byleth based off of Tanya from Saga of Tanya the Evil (Or as I like to call it, My Little Nazi). 
I decided against it because that’d be TERRIBLY edgy, and considering that adult Byleth wasn’t that much of a dick, it wouldn’t make sense if the tiny one was either.
- So instead of Tanya, I then based off his personality off of three people.
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Robin from Fire Emblem Awakening: 
The personality bits I took from him was his caring nature for teammates, and a bit of their stoic-ness(Is that a word?).
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Laphicet from Tales of Berseria:
The last person I took inspiration for writing tiny Byleth is Laphicet. To put it briefly, he’s a very young boy and is quite unknown to things like emotions, but his eyes light up whenever he learns something new and well...acts like a child.
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CZ2128 Delta (Shizu) from OVERLORD:
You have DEFINITELY seen me use her for the earlier asks of before this blew up. In OVERLORD, she is a battle maid, but is basically a robot. She is almost completely emotionless, talks like a robot, and their combat prowess is of a fucking beast. (Minus the fact she uses assault rifles). I took all these from her and incorporated into a child, (Laphicet) and eventually growing out of it into quite a caring person (Robin).
The love for little Byleth’s stuffed bird was directly inspired by Shizu. She loves cute things and will completely hug the SHIT out of them, and she also gives things she likes stickers. (This is planning to be in an short fic, so keep an eye out for that!)
In part 1, where Byleth is acting super mature but also like a robot was directly inspired by Shizu. 
In short, without Shizu, there’d be no child!Byleth.
The rest of the traits come from Byleth themselves, (mainly being the brick wall for a face).
- If I had to choose a “theme song” for the AU, it’d probably be Overlord’s Second OP, ‘Go Cry Go’, the song lyrics being from Byleth’s POV
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light-of-valentia · 5 years
matchup trade with edelgoth
 @edelgoth​ here are your matchups boo!! I have never done a written matchup before, though I have done them quite a lot in my head, so I hope these are good!!! -admin belle
I did two romantic matchups, one romantic/platonic, and I left a list of potential platonic matchups to follow!
matchup under the cut because I use a lot of words and I don’t wanna eat up dashboards
#1-  Mercedes
At first I was sort of questioning on if this would be ideal, but with the more I have thought about this, the more passionate I am about this pairing
You said you wanted someone who is open-minded and genuinely caring who wants to see the world become a better place, and I would struggle to think of anyone better to do this with than Mercie!
Though I did consider Claude for this as well, I ended up choosing Mercedes for #1 because I think that she would be better at consistently giving you the validation and affection that you desire
Not that Claude would not be affectionate as well, but I think that the stronger caring aura that she has would sit better with you
Both of you are open-minded and thoughtful, and you would be able to give e/o the same level of care and attention that you give out to other people
That's positive karma baby!!! you both deserve a lot for what you do for other people, and your philanthropic personalities would be a strong force together
I feel like in a relationship, both you and Mercedes would need someone who is willing and most importantly wants to give back the same level of appreciation and effort that you/she puts in, and you both would far surpass this standard for each other
I also really like here that you each take a different approach to what you do
Mercedes deals more in the emotional side of taking care of people, whereas you take the more insightful and analytical route
This sort of “similar yet different” style of partnership works really well since you have enough in common to form a partnership, but your differing skills would compensate for what the other lacks in
You each care in different ways, but it's clear that both you and Mercie share a common goal of making the world a better place and helping people out
You would be such a sweet, caring, and cheerful couple, and even without doing any sort of philanthropic work, just your presence would be enough to potentially change people’s lives for the better
Your wit and intellect would provide a healthy contrast to Mercedes' constant benevolence and optimism, and she would be able to help you ground yourself when you are catastrophizing and anxious
To compliment that, you would be able to help her set her fear of disappointing others aside and make hard choices when she needs to
Mercedes isn't necessarily as scholarly as Annette and Linhardt (though she did enjoy her time at the Royal Academy of Magic), but she still values her education, and she would enjoy listening to you talk about the things you are interested in and she would enjoy learning from you
Both of you are very patient, and it would provide a relaxing and calm atmosphere
Though, a problem could be presented if you are both too patient- neither of you alone likes to make difficult decisions and risk hurting or disappointing others, but i think that this would be easier to do if you worked together
Magic and fantastical stories!! i could really see you both taking evening dates and telling each other stories, and she would highly appreciate your creativity and encourage your passion for what you do
If you like writing paranormal and ghost stories, she’d love it even more!! She loves spooky stories and an air of fantastical mystery
Career-wise, your interests in anthropology and sociolinguistics combined with her desire to serve and help people would make a dynamic duo
Your understanding of human history and nature would provide a wealth of foundation for her to understand where people come to her from, emotionally and culturally, and the outcome of your combined careers would be stellar!
If you guys got together, I would struggle seeing an outcome where you kept your careers separate- the chemistry you have together concerning your desires for life and the word around you are too magnetic too keep apart
Mercedes would be very welcoming and accepting of your sensitivity and anxiety; she always knows what to say if you're down, and she wouldn't have to tread carefully to avoid offending or hurting you
Awareness of people's sensitivities and how to build healthy relationships without prying at them is second nature to her
Reading people and responding to them to meet them where they are is maybe one of her favorite things to do in life, and doing this with you would bring her a good sense of worth in life
Mercedes has a few opinions of her own, but she is generally soft-spoken and passive, and would be a great listener for when you talk about your opinions
She is very open-minded, and i’d argue that she doesn’t have a single judgemental bone in her body (well, except maybe against uptight nobles cough cough LORENZ)
I wouldn’t call her an agent of chaos, but I think that Mercedes really can appreciate the craziness of life the way that you do, and that she would be great at laughing the silly little things off with you
She has a wonderful knack for appreciating and accepting the world as it is, and I think that this would bring you a lot of peace when you start to over-complicate things mentally, as she would be able to ground you
She would ADORE your curiosity and interest in learning everything that you can, and she would aspire to be this way herself
She spent so much of her life simply trying to survive, especially after fleeing the empire and regretting leaving Emile behind, and having someone around her who is trying to thrive would be invigorating for her
MBTI-wise, this would be a “golden pair”, as IXFJ and XNTP are often listed as being such, especially IXFJ and ENTP, which if I had to type you by your description to me, I’d put you as ENTP over INTP, with an Fi/Fe subtype
The creativity that comes with your Ne would be very well recieved by Mercedes’ Fe, as she would be the perfect listener for everything you have to say, and she would be super interested in it as well!
Though she does use Ti as her tool function, she would be constantly amazed by how you use it so fluently
Her Ti tertiary tool would be able to appreciate your dominant/auxiliary Ti, without encouraging it to the point where you overwhelm yourself
In conclusion, I see you and Mercedes both as a sweet and soft couple but also with the subtleties of a power couple, and I think you would enjoy a long and happy relationship with each other!
2. Claude
As previously mentioned, I still view Mercedes as a more ideal match for you, but I think that you and Claude would have good chemistry as well
He has a lot of that humanistic personality that Mercedes has, but his is far more subtle and jaded from his history
Mainly, this jaded aspect comes from how he was treated in his childhood, although he doesn’t discuss it with just anyone, as one of those effects from being bullied as a kid is him having some serious trust issues
Pre-timeskip Claude would be a struggle in a romantic relationship, as his Fe isn’t very well developed and based on your profile, I think a partner with developed Fe is something you need
Post-timeskip, however, this problem would be eliminated, as by then, his Fe has very clearly developed a lot more (though it is still flawed), as demonstrated with his love-hate relationship for humanity in his A support; he hates the way that people choose to be discriminatory and mean towards each other, but he also sees the possibility for redemption and he has a genuine desire to work harmony back into the world
Some of his interactions with characters such as Cyril and occasionally Hilda show that his Fe even post-timeskip isn’t quite fully developed, but he does value the function, thus displaying a necessary element for compatibility
xNTP-ENTP couples do work out really well, but obviously, some compromises have to be made
Mainly in regards to extraversion/making sure everyone gets to talk enough, and taking care of real-world responsibilities like housework and chores
Both of you are incredibly passionate about what you do, and this would sit well with the other
I struggle to imagine Claude in the long-run with anyone who doesn’t hold a sort of fire in their heart
Your intense curiosity and desire to learn would match his own really well, and I could see you guys doing long dates where you take the full day to sit down in the library and dissect some idea that you had
Your interest in anthropology and sociolinguistics might be one of the best parts of this match! His life goal is to create a more united world, and your wealth of knowledge about history and culture would make having you around an invaluable asset for him
Just like he does with Byleth in the game, he’ll probably pick you up at first for your usefulness, but then he’ll slowly start to actually trust you and he’ll find himself desiring a relationship with you
Both of you would be the king and queen of meme, and it’d be a wonderful sight to anyone around you
Your interactions when you’re memeing would be absolutely off the shits, and your absurdist senses of humor setting off sparks with each other would be legendary to behold
He would adore these interactions with you, and the memories he has of them would be a treasure he keeps close
He can’t stand super uptight people, and you’re fairly laid-back yourself, so this is perfect in this sense
You both have a good sense of when it’s the right time to be carefree and when it’s the right time to take note, though
Although this ratio may seem more skewed towards the laid-back aspect in the perception of people like Lorenz and Lysithea, for you two, it’d be perfect
Normally with an ExxP/ExxP couple, I worry a lot about communication, but I think you two would be better off than most in this aspect
The fact that you have an extraverted side but are also a good listener is the saving grace here
Claude is a listener as well, but more often than not, he has something running in the back of his mind, so while he would be a good listener, he may not be as attentive as you’d like
He would feel bad about this, but as hard as he tries to always listen to you, sometimes he can’t help but letting his mind float back to whatever scheme he’s been plotting
If you’re ok with this, though, the road will be less bumpy- he might even appreciate it if your own mind drifts when he’s talking to you, as he would feel less guilty that way
He would try his best to help you when you are catastrophizing, but it would be a mixed bag of skittles for him
On the positive, he overthinks a lot himself, so he fully understands how you got to where you are
On the negative, he isn’t a very emotional person himself, so he has seldom reached catastrophization himself, so he doesn’t really know the best ways to handle it
He eventually learns what works and what doesn’t, but at first, it’s gonna be the effort that counts
Both of you are giant nerds and this would work rather well
He would love roleplaying and playing games with you given the free time, and you’d always be recommending books to each other to read
As for your sensitivity, Claude may not be the best at handling that, but he certainly tries
He’s generally pretty good at reading people, but with what upsets you, you may have to tell him a bit more directly for him to really understand so that he can avoid it
Claude would, though, be a boo in that he’d make you feel like the queen of the whole damned world
Insecurity??? Nah, you’re too cute/smart/amazing for that
He just loves to shower you in teases and he’d tell you every day that he loves you
If you want a flirt and a himbo, congrats you’ve found one
One other thing that makes me less confident about this pairing than the former is that Claude is a bit more free-spirited than you
He would do his best to anchor himself to you, but it’d be difficult to satisfy his wanderlust if you dislike travel- he doesn’t want to leave you, and he hates making you feel bad
To conclude, I think this has a lot of powerful potential, but it also has a few potential holes that make it somewhat less ideal
He needs someone that can teach him to value his own emotions and not just look at what everyone else wants, and I don’t know if you’d be able to reach him on that
3. Dorothea
Both of you have a lot of opinions, but you’re both careful about sharing them
I could see her as your kickass partner in crime
I am less passionate about this pairing than I am with your matches with Mercie and Claude, but I still think this has a lot of potential as well
Yyou would be able to teach the other how to appreciate the other!!
Lots of "you're pretty/no you" style interactions
Idk how else to explain this but your vibes synergize well???? Like both of you are very humanistic, but you're a bit more open and direct in your approach with it than she is
Both of you are highly creative but in different ways and this would work well
I think she would be like a muse figure for you and vice versa!
Both of you are into classical arts, which is grounds for a lot of fun dates and fun times
I can envision a lot of museum and opera dates
 and painting dates
 Y'all would just have so much fun being creative together
You both have a preppy side, but you'd be the nerd of the two, and she would poke playful fun at you whilst harboring an interest in everything you have to say
Both of you are very thoughtful and you'd find satisfaction in having someone who reciprocates the amount of effort you put into the relationship
Both of you have an enjoyment of fashion, and i could see you both having a fun time picking each other's outfits out and doing the other's hair and makeup
She would really like to flirt with you to try and get a reaction out of you
She would HIGHLY appreciate that you try hard to be an open-minded and understanding person
She wishes she had more of those in her life before she met you
Y'all would be such meme queens like...everyone else would label you guys as goals in terms of keeping a healthy air of humor around you
She is just so doting and passionate with you and she would try so hard every day to melt away your insecurities and worries
As a couple you guys have SO much chemistry; like once you guys sit down for tea and start talking, you find yourselves talking for hours, and Dorothea would fall more in love with your intellect and wealth of knowledge each day
The reason I still put this as lower than Claude and Mercedes is because I feel like it might be more one-sided, with Dorothea more attracted to you than you might be to her
I feel like she would be able to help you with your anxiety in a different way than Mercedes
Like she has gone through a lot of similar stuff with her past in its relationship to her self-esteem, and you'd both have a lot to learn from e/o here
This would work either romantically or platonically
For friendships, I’d consider: Ashe, Annette, Hilda, Ignatz, Marianne, and Bernadetta!
Feel free ofc to respond to me with any thoughts/questions you have on this, and I hope you liked it!! Sorry to keep you waiting for so long- I wanted to ensure quality on this
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saccharineomens · 5 years
same anon. what do you think of the GD so far? claude is great, but then all lords are. i love leonie, but i dont like her avatar supports as much. lorenz is a snot but in a great way. hilda and marianne are just. WOW. and their supports together are cute. raphael is big boy supreme, which is fitting bc that sounds like a special order pizza name. u already kno i love ignatz (his supports with petra are Very Good). lysithea is small rude and i would die for her. do you mind tips on classes? ⚔️
I adore the Golden Deer so far. I’m really fond of Claude, ofc. I love that he’s got this hunger for knowledge and is really trying to figure out what’s going on, like dude I’m totally on your side, just tell me what you’re trying to do so i can help lmao.
I actually really like Lorenz so far! Like at first glance he seems like a slime ball but he’s actually a really great guy, and I think people tend to just take him at face-level. like yeah he takes the class differences a little too seriously but like, he also knows he has privilege, and that his life is different than the commonfolk. he doesn't want to date a commoner not because he thinks they're lesser or beneath him, but because he knows that if they were to get married the commoner would be thrust into noble life, which is way different, and he doesn't want to put that burden on anybody. BUT i think the problem is that he doesn't even give girls a chance to decide that for themselves, you know? so yeah he still has a bit of growing up to do, but all in all he’s like a pretty decent guy
hilda is a really great and fun character, i love her. i really wish she’d believe in herself more. she shirks out of work to shirk out of work, sure, but she also seems like she just doesn’t think she’s any good at fighting when she’s my best tank? like she constantly surprises herself during battle and i’m like yeah girl you’re amazing, go get it!! and yeah marianne’s friendships are real sweet, i love her interactions with ignatz and hilda. i don’t know as much about her yet but she seems like she’s going through a lot, so i want to help her :c 
raphael is Good Boy, he’s just so unapologetic and loving, and like i love how carefree he chooses to be. like he’s gone through a lot, but he chooses to keep being an upbeat and loving guy, and that takes a lot of strength you know? which works out great, cuz he’s jacked lol. his friendship with ignatz is so precious, i really want them to rekindle it. i have them on friendship level b rn so it seems like that’s how it’s gonna work out and that makes me really happy :3
petra and linhardt are the only two i haven’t recruited yet (and i only Just recruited ferdinand, ingrid, caspar, and ashe) so i haven’t been able to see her interactions with ignatz, but i look forward to it :o i mean ignatz is just a sweetheart, so most support convos with him are amazing lol
lysithea is a really interesting character and i like her a lot. i’m actually surprised she and cyril don’t have more interactions right now, they’re really similar in that they’ve both had to grow up really fast and take on a lot of responsibility. i’d like to know more about her; i don’t really know why she’s so convinced she’s gonna die young yet.
i really like leonie, too. i really respect her commitment to becoming a knight, and i like that she has this past with jeralt, but timeline shenanigans are weird and it’s odd we never met before. she and sylvain are my two knights on mounts, so they’re irreplaceable on the battlefield rn.
i would love to talk more about everyone else too but this is getting super long. i’ve got a few plot theories and character theories, like i’m pretty sure flayn is actually saint cethleann, which makes me wonder about seteth too, but in the meantime i’m really just enjoying the ride the game’s taking me on.
i don’t mind tips on classes at all! i already have a few ideas. right now my goals are: marianne/mercedes = holy knight, dorothea = dancer, lysithea = gremory, sylvain/ferdinand = wyvern lord, cyril/raphael/caspar = war master, hilda = great knight, leonie/ashe = bow knight, byleth = mortal savant, bernadetta/claude = sniper, felix = mortal savant/assassin, ignatz = sniper/dark bishop?, linhardt = dark bishop?, ingrid = falcon knight, annette = warlock. i don’t have one for petra since i don’t know her terribly well yet. but since i have i think two months until the time skip, i’m sure i’ll be able to recruit her and linhardt soon. also i think claude gets his own class at some point or something, since it won’t give me options to certify him one? shrug
thanks so much for the ask!
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