#he gets the honeymoon suite because he thinks it's funny and cute and romantic
softquietsteadylove · 10 months
Gil surprised her with a matching look? She has a white nice dress and he shows up in a white suit? Would be a cool partner look =)
Thena offered a tight smile as she picked up a glass of champagne off of a passing tray. "Merci."
She hadn't really wanted to come all the way here for this function, but it was insisted upon not only by her French diamond contact, but the entirety of his diamond house family. It was to seal their business, as well as act as a gesture of good will for future deals.
Karun told her she had to go, and Kingo doubled down, even telling her that she should 'lead him on a little more' for the sake of business. She attempted to ignore that.
She was an engaged woman.
She had told Gil she had to attend a meeting in France. But she knew that he was no fan of the monsieur with whom she had conducted business. In all fairness, she supposed she wouldn't be thrilled if he had to conduct business with the Little Heiress again. But she was here for tonight and then she could return home.
"Madame Glasse?"
She smiled as her business associate sat down adjacent to her. At least if she was seated or holding something, he didn't feel the need to kiss her hand. "It's a lovely soiree."
"You seem very," the gentleman looked around the sparkling ballroom, "isolated."
Thena inhaled, looking down at her don perignon. "Forgive me, monsieur, I have never been the life of the party."
"Ah," he offered a smile, adjusting the gold button of his beautiful blue suit. "You accepted my offer, but I think perhaps your heart is not here with us."
Her heart was in a penthouse apartment with a certain Tyrant King, who had probably fallen asleep on the couch in front of the Food Network. She should have just asked him to come with her, risk that he would start a fight be damned.
"Madame, would you grant me the privilege of speaking my mind with you?"
She gave him the faintest expression of surprise before nodding. Perhaps he wasn't as much of a dumb blonde - the irony of which did not escape her - as she had suspected.
"I admit I am quite taken with you," he expressed openly, leaning on the arm of his chair that was closer to her. He did have that sad, puppy-love expression on, too. "Positively enchante, truly."
Thena merely waited for him to go on.
"But as much as you did not tell me," his eyes drifted down, and to her hands, safely folded over her crossed legs. "You do not withhold your heart from me out of modesty, non?"
Thena adjusted her lace around her arms and in the crooks of her elbows. She didn't bother taking her ring off for the night. "Would that affect our business if I told you that you're right?"
He chuckled, although she could already see his disappointment. "But of course not. I am a gentleman, Madame Glasse, and I will honour our business just as you have. And I do have some brain under these looks."
Thena resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She knew it was in good humour, but few men were allowed to get away with cocky humour like that with her. One man in particular.
"I realise I am pursuing a woman who has already made her match," he sighed, leaning back again. His eyes flicked down, "it's a beautiful ring, cheri. They are small, but I can tell the quality of them is impeccable."
Thena smiled. The little diamonds in her ring, creating joints where the bands could meet in their weave, were indeed perfect in every way. "But of course; I am the diamond queen, after all."
"Indeed," her associate agreed, also plucking a glass of champagne for himself. He gave her a smile, "I am grateful that you came. But if you wish to leave, I will not hold it against you."
Oh, how she ached to be at home, in the arms of her Tyrant. But even with a private plane, the journey home was no quick hop across the pond.
"She should stay for a dance, at least."
"Hey Princess," he greeted gently, despite her insistence that he not call her that in public. He bent over the arm of the chair, capturing her hand smoothly and pulling it up to his lips. "Miss me?"
He was like a knight in shining armour, and while she had never seen him in a white suit before, she didn't dislike it on him. She raised a brow, "new?"
"Like it?" he grinned as he pulled her to her feet, leading her closer to the dance floor. "I had my tailor whip it up just to surprise you."
Thena shook her head at him, her feet moving automatically as he led her until they could sway together, his hands holding hers and at her back. "When did you get here?"
"Not long ago, actually," he made a more sheepish face. "I got on a place a few hours after yours, after I picked up this number."
She smiled, running her hand over the lapel. "Did you want to match me so badly?"
"Well," he smiled as well, his eyes soft and reflecting the chandelier above them. "Can't let my wife show up to a fancy ball unaccompanied, can I?"
She refused to let him know how much she liked it when he called her his wife. "I did, though, didn't I?"
"Okay, so I was a little late," he huffed, rolling his eyes in good nature. He spun her around before pulling her closer, "I wasn't invited."
Thena stole a glance to the edge of the room, where her associate was excusing himself from the room entirely. "Last I checked, he was not in your good graces."
Gil shrugged, and her hand moved with the bounce of his massive shoulder as he did. "Just don't laugh at his jokes, Ice. Then we've got no problem."
She did not believe that. But perhaps she was too intoxicated by the warmth of him and the champagne she'd had. He pulled her nearly flush with him and she resisted the urge to lay her head on his chest.
"Sorry I'm late, baby," he whispered, sneaking a kiss to her temple while they were able to go unobserved. Or at least, unremarked upon, as far as this branch of society was concerned. They weren't exactly law abiding citizens, but this territory of Thena's was more about business than about brutality.
"You're forgiven," she sighed as she let him numb her overstimulated senses, "this time."
"This time?" he chuckled, and his chest bounced against hers from it.
"Just this time," she purred, running her hands over the front of his fine, white suit. "And this?"
Gil didn't even glance down as she tapped at the royal blue pocket square that screamed against the colour of the rest of his outfit. "Maybe a little bit of a challenge to French-y."
"So territorial," she murmured. She had to be careful not to sound like she enjoyed his territorial side; it would only encourage him.
Gilgamesh pulled her hand up his chest until he could kiss her fingertips, tapping against her ring as he did. "I think I have a right to be territorial about my own wife."
"We are not married."
"Yet," he nearly cut her off to insert. He smiled at her, still swaying them loosely to the beat of the band, "not yet. Anytime, any place, Ice."
"Hm," she sighed, the exhaustion of the business and the travel and the whole of the last few weeks weighing on her. She leaned against him heavier and he allowed it, holding her as much as she liked. "Not tonight."
"Fine," he chuckled, kissing her cheek this time. He stayed close, his nose dangerously near 'nuzzling' territory. "Wanna go home?"
"You just got here," she nearly groaned at the thought.
"Okay, so we get a room, spend a little time here before we go back?" he suggested. "We can take a long weekend in Paris, what do you think?"
She did not care what they did, so long as she didn't have to let go of him.
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servants-hall · 2 years
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TV Insider: ‘All Creatures Great and Small’ Star Takes Us Inside James & Helen’s Season 3 Wedding
Get them to the church on time! The wedding of Yorkshire Dales veterinarian James Herriot (Nicholas Ralph) and farmer’s daughter Helen Alderson (Rachel Shenton) opens Season 3 of the delightfully poignant PBS drama All Creatures Great and Small, adapted from the popular books and now set in 1939. Before the “I dos,” though, there are cows to test for tuberculosis, nerves to overcome and a wedding ring to locate. “I was reading the script and smiling cheek to cheek,” Ralph says. “It was touching, romantic. There was drama, but it was also very funny.”
James and Helen’s nuptials kick off another seven-episode season of the Masterpiece favorite, which was filmed on location in Yorkshire, England, from March to July of 2022. The wedding, Ralph reports, was shot at two separate churches — one for the interior, another for the exterior — and a pair of special guests were on set for the occasion: the children of the real-life James Herriot (aka Yorkshire vet and author Alf Wight), Jim and Rosie, who work closely with the show. “Rosie always starts off by saying to me, ‘Hello, Dad,’” Ralph says, “and then she’s like, ‘Sorry, Nick,’ I just had to say it one time.”
Ralph and Shenton are among those in the cast who welcome Jim’s and Rosie’s stories about the real-life people behind the characters. “Rachel is in contact with Rosie quite a bit,” the actor says. “She’ll ask one or two questions, and then Rosie will give her this massive email back.”
So If you see James and Helen kissing before James goes out on a call, credit Rosie for providing that tidbit. “I asked Rach to ask if they had pet names for one another,” Ralph says. “Rosie said they didn’t, but whenever James was leaving to go out on call, they would always kiss before he left. So we can use this. It just helps for authenticity.”
As the rest of the season unfolds, James and Helen return from their honeymoon and squeeze into tight living accommodations at Skeldale House, where James is now a partner in the practice. But Britain is on the cusp of war with Germany, and he has to weigh his responsibilities to his wife, his colleagues, and his country. “He starts to see boys years younger than he is signing up, so there’s a bit of shame and guilt there,” Ralph notes. “It’s a challenge for him to figure out how to proceed.”
Other episodes offer moving looks at Siegfried’s (Samuel West) past as an army veterinarian during World War I and housekeeper Mrs. Hall’s (Anna Madeley) difficult reunion with her son. On a lighter note, Tristan (Callum Woodhouse), now a valid vet, finds a new love interest, while Siegfried acquires a pet rat (don’t worry, it’s cute), a favorite animal of actor West. “Sam used to have pet rats when he was younger,” Ralph says. “He’s been saying for a while, ‘I think there should be a rat in the show.’ So he finally got his way.”
And some things haven’t changed. The Skeldale House gang will still be congregating around the kitchen table for breakfast — scenes that Ralph enjoys shooting and that include real food for the sometimes hungry cast. “We had one of those midway through the afternoon and we were all kind of peckish by that point,” Ralph relates. “The scene finished and they were like, ‘You guys can shove off to your trailers, we’ve got a bit of a break.’ And we all just sat and had the breakfast. We’re like, ‘No, no, we’re fine.’”
Once again, a holiday special (airing in February) caps the season. Since it was filmed during a June heatwave, snow cannons were used to create the wintry atmosphere. “We were in three-piece suits, with jackets, hats, and scarves,” Ralph recalls. “You know you’re in trouble when you’re on set and they’re handing out ice packs just because it’s so hot.”
This time it’s a cross-cultural Christmas-Hanukkah affair when, with World War II now underway, a Jewish girl named Eva is evacuated from the city of Manchester to Darrowby. “We learn about each other’s traditions,” Ralph previews. “Everyone makes her very welcome, but James and Helen take a particular interest in her — maybe foreshadowing things to come.”
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italian-pastry · 4 years
Bnha Marriage Headcanons
- KiriBaku got married first no I will not change my mind
-Baku wanted to get it done right after they graduated so 1, they can be married before they really get into hero work and risk death and 2, they can focus on their work since they married already
-the thing is; they had no celebration
-they just went to a courthouse one day and signed the papers and boom they're done
-(jirou and shinsou were the witnesses since they can keep secrets)
-and no-one really said anything about it
-Bakugou just said to Kiri after a date (while they were still third-years) and was like
- "Let's get married"
-and Kiri was so shocked he was just like "oh ok sure"
-bakugou did not appreciate that
-they were married for 12+ years before they had a ceremony
-it was pretty epic ngl
-lots of red and gold and dragon-esque imagery because that stuff is rad
-wedding armour? I say yes
-bakugou threw the bouquet straight into Deku's face
-Eijirou and Katsuki hyphenated their last names (when they signed the papers after they graduated)
- Mr. And Mr. Bakugou-Kirishima
-Their kids got to be involved! It was great
-they actually waited a bit after they graduated and got their careers in order to get married (like responsible adults)
-they waited a year or two
-Izuku proposed (Shouto cried)
-the wedding was suprisingly extra for an anxious broccoli and bitchy peppermint
-lots of silver and stars
-Inko would've gotten into a fist-fight with Shouto if he didn't let her help pay for anything
-and said fight almost happened
-they ended up compromising and she helped pay for Izuku's suit
-All Might mostly happy-cried the entire time (he was Izuku's best man)
-endeavor? Whose he? We don't know him. He don't get to show. This is an Emdeavor-free zone
-Shouto started crying during the vows, and his best man (Bakugou) had to read them for him
-it was funny
-since the #1 pro hero was getting married, it was a huge deal for the media
-think the royal wedding levels of huge
-the wedding was just for family and friends tho
-so the paparazzi can suck it
-Shouto took Izuku's last name (because SCREW Endeavor)
- Tsu proposed a week or two after the TodoDeku wedding
-She'd been planning it for months her friends' wedding just so happen to have occured beforehand
-they were very efficient about planning the wedding tho so they were only engaged for like a few months (3-4)
-the wedding was magical
-nature Flowers FROGS
-you can bet your ass it was Princess and the Frog themed
-"they put chemicals in the water that turned the freaking frogs gay"
-they decided to not take each others' last names they just vibed with their own
-Urarake was DEFINITELY a bridezilla
-but like
-a badass bridezilla
-but she turned into a marshmallow during the actual ceremony
-she did better than Shouto tho
-she was able to actually say her vows
-the whole thing was super sweet
-the reception tho
-the reception was lit
-they totally had a preplanned first dance as wives
-and it was awesome
-Momo caught the bouquet
-Lesbian Luck if I may
-it was the ultimate Gal Pal ceremony
-it was an amazing mess from the beginning
-Sero proposed to his boyfs on their dating anneversary
-but it turns out
-Shinsou had the same exact idea
-(Kami hadn't really thought of it)
-so that was pretty fun for Kami, being proposed to by both of his boyfriends that day
-They got married before TodoDeku, but they weren't the first (not counting Kiribaku)
-Sero was just happy to be getting married, so he wasn't much help during planning
-Kaminari was the control-freak, surprisingly
-he just really wanted to have an amazing wedding don't judge this poor hopeless romantic
-shinsou just asked questions like "so when the priest guy says 'you may now kiss the grooms' how are we gonna kiss? There's three of us"
-Shinsou also almost forgot to get a suit
-he only got his suit like 2 weeks before the wedding date
-dont tell Kami, but the wedding was low-key kinda basic
-(oh except for the fireworks)
-but it was still amazing
-Eri was the flower girl and ring bearer
-I know she's like 11 at this point but hush she deserves this
-there were little pikachu cookies at the reception
-they were a hit
-since this is a poly wedding there were some complications
-there were 3 first dances as husbands
-3 sets of groomsmen (do they even have that many friends among the 3 of them?)
-there were some roadbumps
-but did they care?
-they all joined the Sero club and were just happy to be married
-they decided to be ~unique~ and they made an amalgamation of their last names
- Shin-ar-o (Shin from Hitoshi, Ar from Denki, O from Hanta)
-So they all have the last name Shinaro now
-their first kid was born 9 months after their honeymoon
-sooooo 👀
-Second to be married with a ceremony (Mina was almost disappointed)
-Mina proposed since Aoyama is mr. No balls
-he did buy her a ring that matched his engagement ring
-the wedding itself was very extra
-mina almost got cancelled because "her dress was sparklier than her husband"
-theme? No. Just sparkle
-Aoyama had really long vows that was generously seasoned with healthy doses of French
-Mina expected this and so her vows were pretty short
-Their reception was wild
-no children allowed
-it was an epic rave and they had a pretty fantastic time
-Mina and Aoyama actually spent a crap load of time planning the wedding
-they were fiances for almost 8 months
-since Aoyama is a low-key attention slut, the media was allowed to be involved
-(mostly everyone else with their weddings didn't really want the media to be involved)
-so they did a lot of interviews about the planning process and who they were hiring and who was involved and the whole shebang
-they legit had fun with it
-legally, Mina took Yuuga's last name, but everyone still uses Ashido (she wanted them to)
-Yuuga got drunk at the reception and proceeded to cry the rest of the night and ramble about how happy he was
-(Mina also got drunk but instead she danced on a table then proceed to pass out)
-they were the first to be married with a ceremony
-Ojirou proposed a few months after they graduated
-there were many botched proposal attempts before that
-but it worked out in the end
-Hagakure's dress made her look like a cupcake it was pretty fantastic
-Ojirou said 'Naw' to a black suit so he really rolled up in a baby blue suit
-slay king
-there was tons of cloud/sky imagery since that sounds super cute
-since Hagakure's dress was so poofy, she had a black swan moment during the reception and changed into a black dress more suited for dancing and general partying
-although they were the first wedding, they still had the biggest cake, to this day
-surprisingly, neither of them cried during the vows
-Ojirou did get pretty misty-eyed tho
-Hagakure will say she didn't cry but it's not like anyone can prove her wrong
-Tooru took Mashirao's last name
-Tooru Ojirou <3
-(Tooru was already pregnant when they got engaged but shhhhh don't tell nobody)
-they were one of the last to get married in the first group (like, there was a large group of people who all got engaged at once, and Momojirou was one of the last ones)
-Momo proposed but you know what that means
-the most extra engagement ring ever
-it was black and purple and amazing
-Jirou was a tad overwhelmed by it (but she still loves it)
-She has a plainer ring she wears out and about, she only wears the super fancy one during events
-it was also space themed and super pretty
-not nearly the most extra wedding, but certainly quite extra
-Jirou cried a lot
-Momo did a lot of pleased smiling
-it was real sweet
-their reception was elegant and amazing
-their first dance was AMAZING and heartwarming and just real sweet
-Momo just wanted to keep becoming more extra and more extra and even MORE extra
-Jirou had to reign her in a lot
-the venue and catering and all that stuff was lovely and expensive
-(which almost gave Jirou a stroke)
-Momo just wanted the best for her gal pal
-btw the gal pal joke was carried through the whole wedding
-it even said it on the invite
-"You have been formally invited to the Gal Pal wedding of Kyouka Jirou and Momo Yaoyarozu"
-Jirou took on the Yaoyarozu last name because idk she felt like it
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slasherscream · 5 years
just to add onto this with some highlights of being domestic/growing older with the boys-
Billy starting to grow his facial hair and you helping him to keep it neat. 
Picture it. Sitting on the bathroom counter, Billy standing between your legs as you slowly and gently help him shave.
He doesn’t care how long you take as you try to do it right. Doesn’t even care if you mess up the first few times you do it. He likes the intimacy of it. He saw it in a movie once and thought it was Prime Time™ romantic. It’s the perfect mix of being domestic and danger. You have a knife to his face and throat, after-all. What’s more romantic than the trust a killer has to have in you, to allow you to be so close with something so dangerous? There’s no better way to start the day in his opinion. 
Billy prefers you to do it and not Stu. Why, you ask? Because Stu will nick him playfully and now they’re having sex and now you walked in and now you’re all having sex. Now everyone is late for everything.
So --- you’re the one allowed to help Billy shave in the morning. Stu pouts but he likes to just watch this part of the routine as much as Billy likes having it done to him. It makes him feel soft. 
You’ve all learned you just fucking can’t be trusted to shower together in the morning so that’s also a Big No. 
If you wake either of them up with kisses in the morning they’ll wake up with a grin on their face. They love stupid, cute stuff like that. Doesn’t matter how long you’re together. The honeymoon phase hit y’all and never left. Fear of morning breath is for wimps. 
At some point Billy, goes through a health kick and drinks the nastiest green smoothies in the morning, packed with even nastier vitamins. You and Stu try your best to love him through this phase of acting out.
Watching Stu take over his family’s business is so damn funny. He goes to work in like...suits and shit. You and Billy always tease him even though he looks damn good. He’s business casual anyway. 
They kill a lot less as they get older and their lives get more full. They have school. Later than that they have jobs. They have you. Maybe you three even have a few little rascals. 
If you do have kids and you have them later in life? They stop cold turkey. Billy is the one who decides it (like he decides most things in the relationship, honestly). He’d never want any kid(s) of yours to go through life missing their Dads. Family is everything to him. He’d do anything to preserve the family that you all have together. 
Stu can see the logic in this and goes along with it easily. He’d never want to leave you (or you + a kid) alone to live and go through life without them. He thinks you all need each other desperately. He’s probably right. 
Y’all aren’t ready for this tea but here it goes anyway --- Billy would be a stay at home Dad. I refuse to elaborate. 
Without a kid they still will just naturally slow down. Eventually they’ll just stop. It’s no big deal and for no particular reason. They may even do it again one day. When asked Billy says, “We’re getting too old for this shit.” You appreciate the honesty.
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bunnywrites · 3 years
AHHH OMG WHAT A CUTE ASK MEME I'M ALREADY SCREAMING💍 - adrian x dove 💍 sophie x milo 💍 liam x grace 💍 madison x wyatt
don't feel like you have to answer everything for all of them but ah!!! ILY
ILYSM ur the real mvp for always sending these <3
💍 adrian x dove
where they get married: 
they’re totally having a beach wedding, for sure!!
when they get married ( ie what time of day, what month and season etc. ):
Ok, hear me out. A summer wedding on the beach at sunset. Maybe in June/July 
what their wedding cake looks like:
they def wouldn’t have like a hug wedding cake, i feel like they would keep it pretty simply tbh!! maybe they even decorate it themselves (with the help of baby annie too!!)
….who smashes cake into whose face:
adrian totally would and dove would smash her piece of cake into his smug face right after and they would probably let annie smash cake in both of their faces too
who proposed to who first:
i think adrian !!!
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar
baby annie walks down as a flower girl and then waits next to her dad who’s at the altar and then comes dove look like a rl angel 
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like
since it’s a beach wedding, i imagine them in v casual clothing?? like nothing super fancy at all.
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. )
i’m crying just thinking about them sharing their vows wow. i imagine since dove kinda write out her feelings in her journals that she maybe wrote a poem about him in there somewhere and she would share with him during their ceremony. and then probably just go into more depth over how much she adores him and AAAH my heart 
who cries first during the ceremony
oof, this one is a hard one!! but i think maybe adrian?? when he sees dove walking down the aisle?? and then she sees him crying and it causes her to start tearing up lmao 
where they go for their honeymoon
IF i remember correctly i think adrian asked her where she wanted to go once and she said italy and so i feel like he would totally make that happen for their honeymoon !!
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle
since her mom will have passed away already dove would probably be given away by her aunt !
💍 sophie x milo
where they get married:
i totally see these two lovebird randomly deciding to get married right in the moment. they would totally be the kind to go to vegas and get married!
what their wedding cake looks like:
honestly since it’s all last minute they would probably have ice cream cake that they bought from a local grocery store or something LOL 
….who smashes cake into whose face:
since it’s ice cream cake i don’t think they would smash it into each other’s face, but they would probably slide it down each other’s backs or something lmao 
who proposed to who first:
oof man ok i think tbh at one point milo will be the one to say “fuck our family who cares what they think lets get married rn” cause he would probably be so sick of trying to continuously prove to them that he’s right for their daughter when he knows he is!! 
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar:
milo totally waits at the alter with his new best bro liam by his side and grace walks down the aisle too before getting on the bride’s side of the alter and then GORGEOUS BABY SOPHIE COMES DOWN 
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like:
so painfully casual it hurts. honestly i could see milo getting married in an mf tuxedo shirt LOLOL 
what their vows are:
super improvised for sure but completely from the heart!! 
who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other:
their new besties!! grace is soph’s maid of honor probs and liam would totally be milo’s best man 
who gives speeches at the reception:
i feel like liam would def give a speech if he was drunk enough lmao and it would be very sweet and funny tbh. milo would def give a speech about how much he loves soph and he would probably try to make it super funny but then he becomes a total sap at the end!
what their wedding photos are like:
the silliest ever! a bunch of selfies on their phones and polaroids. i imagine grace filming all of it too on a camera and editing the footage to make milo and soph their very own wedding video! 
what sort of food they have at the reception:
they would literally all just go out for burgers probably lmao
how wild their reception gets ( who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc. ):
they would probably go out to some club to celebrate afterwards! milo is def dancing all kinds of weird from how wasted he is, but he’s having the time of his life. sophie is living for it, of course, and is even getting pretty rowdy herself, which we love to see. i feel like liam would be the one to keep buying drinks and making everybody take shots with him, especially milo lmao. grace would probably be sitting at the bar with her drink and smoking a joint before liam pulls her to the dance floor and forces her to dance with him
what their rings are like:
they would probably get the cheapest rings they could for the moment, but milo would def surprise with a diamond ring after he saves up enough money. 
where they go for their honeymoon:
i feel like since they got married in vegas they would just honeymoon there too!! 
who officiates the ceremony:
an elvis impersonator DUH 
💍 liam x grace
where they get married:
ok so!! i totally see liam wanting to make this one of the most special days ever for grace cause that’s just the kinda guy he is. and so maybe one of her favorite movie theaters is going out of business or something. so, before they demolish it, he rents the entire thing out and decorates it with twinkle lights and makes it all beautiful to have their ceremony there. 
when they get married:
CHRISTMAS TIME since their first interaction was at a christmas party
what their wedding cake looks like:
i see them having just a bunch of cupcakes made to look like a cake as a wedding cake, that way anyone can just grab one as a snack before they go watch their movie 
….who smashes cake into whose face:
grace would totally smash her cupcake in liam’s face and laugh so hard while doing it and i totally see liam just stuff his in her mouth to shut her up lmfaoo 
who proposed to who first: 
oh god i totally see liam proposing one day!! and just v casually too!! no big gesture or anything just like “i think i wanna marry you” lmao idk he seems like the type
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar:
liam totally waits for her and grace walks down to her favorite romantic film score 
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like:
i think they def would dress up! but still nothing majorly fancy!! i can see liam in a casual suit and tie while grace wears a really simple white dress and maybe a flower crown to accessorize!
what their wedding colour scheme is and what sort of decor they have:
i feel like they would have a black and white color scheme tbh!! 
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. ):
grace would probably have a movie already set up that she would play on the big screen and it would be all about their relationship and new life that they started together and basically it’s just a collection of moments that made her fall in love with him !!
what sort of food they have at the reception:
all the movie snacks you can choose from, plus some take out that they would probably order in lmaooo 
who officiates the ceremony:
i feel like milo would totally offer to officiate their wedding and be so excited over it too lmao 
what song their first dance is to:
def the first song that liam ever wrote about grace !! maybe he starts off by performing it and then someone takes over so they can dance together i crY
💍 madison x wyatt
where they get married:
i def see their wedding to be more classic/traditional. i dont think they would get married in a church, but they would probably go to a beautiful garden or something. after everything wyatt put this girl thru he is going to make sure she has the wedding of her dreams lmao 
when they get married:
probably during the spring!! it’s a metaphor!! it’s a fresh start !! a new beginning!! 
what their wedding cake looks like:
probs v big and fancy with a cute little wedding topper on the top ofc 
who proposed to who first:
dude i feel like maddie would be too scared to even consider proposing LOLOL after all the pain he caused her!!! so i def think wyatt would be the one 
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar:
wyatt waits at the alter with madison’s brother by his side and maddie walks down the aisle arm-in-arm with her father and it is the most beautiful thing EVER
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like:
we FANCY!!!!! this is probably the best wyatt is ever going to dress tbh 
what flowers are in the bouquet:
probably some white roses to match her pretty white dress 
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. ):
i think v traditional. wyatt would def have to write them down because he would not be able to formulate words since he will be dumbfounded by madison’s beauty!! 
if anyone’s late to the wedding:
maybe wyatt’s running late because of SOMETHING (we can plan later heheheh) and that causes madison to start freaking out and thinking that he’s leaving her at the alter but in reality he’s doing all he can to get there on time! 
who gives speeches at the reception:
maddie’s brother most def! and maybe her dad!! his will probably be nice, short and wholesome tho 
what their wedding photos are like:
i feel like they would have a mix of everything! they’d have an actual photographer taking pictures and then a photobooth set up to take random/silly pictures with props and ofc they will probably be taking all kinds of pictures on their phones 
who cries first during the ceremony:
tbh wyatt would have to look away from madison at first when she’s walking down the aisle cause he starts getting teary-eyed 
where they go for their honeymoon:
wyatt would probably take her to the place she find most romantic, a part of me wants to say paris but i also dont know if thats just because of emily in paris lmaooo 
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle:
madison’s dad gives her away and he probably looks so happy and full of nothing but love for his daughter !
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susieskinner93 · 5 years
Prompt thingy. Fluff & love. They are in their 50s having wedding anniversary dinner . They talk & dance.❤
oh yeah I left out the old age thing, not my favorite but this ask is cute so I make an exception
“Are you ready?” - asked Robert as he looked Aaron up and down. They were both dressed up for a night out to celebrate their anniversary, but in the last minute, they decided to stay in. Alright, maybe it was because the weather was shit and Aaron complained too much about not wanting to go outside.
“I can’t believe you’re making me wear this in the house”. - he scoffed as he looked at his suit. True enough Robert made him. He said that’s the least they could do after they had to cancel the reservation... which wasn’t cheap. 
“I told you, Aaron...”
“I know.” - he said rolling his eyes. - “Not that I was keen on that poncy restaurant.”
“Come on you love their steak.” - said Robert and he was right. They went there for their 10th anniversary, and then after Seb got engaged last year. The whole family loved the place. 
“I love your cooking better.” - he blushed. 
“Is that right?” - smirked Robert as he walked past him to open a bottle of champagne.
“Champagne?” - asked Aaron surprised.
“Yeah, but what kind of champagne?” 
“Well I don’t know, I’m not an expert.” - he laughed.
“From our honeymoon.” - he grinned.
“Which one?” - it was a fair question.
“Second wedding.”
“We really have a bottle?” - he asked as he went there to take a look at it.
“I have my secret stash”. - said Robert proudly.
“Alright, you can open it then you can get some food as well because I’m starving.”
“How romantic.” - he said with a laugh as he opened the bottle then got started on dinner.
An hour and a half later they were seated with food on the table, a drink in their hands and all they did was look into each other's eyes. It went on long enough before Robert licked his lips, and started talking.
“Do you remember when we proposed to each other at the same time?”
“Course I do, what brought this on?” 
“Nothing, it just came to my mind.” 
“Well, I think we had enough of weddings don’t you think? I can hardly keep on with these anniversaries as it is.” - smiled Aaron, sipping on his champagne, before a text interrupted them.
“It’s Seb.” - said Robert as he read it. - “He wishes us a happy anniversary.” - he laughed.
“Why’s that funny?”
“Because he said he might forget every one of them because there are so many. 
“That’s what I said.” 
“You two are basically the same person.” - scoffed Robert.
“Yeah with my attitude and your looks... he’s a winner.”
“Dance with me.” - said Robert out of the blue as he stood up.
“What? No.”
“Come on, why not? We’re alone. I know you secretly love it.” 
“No, I don’t.” - he said but he let Robert pull him on his feet anyway.
“I knew it.”  - he whispered to him as they started swaying.
“There’s no music.” - complained Aaron.
“Doesn’t matter.” - said Robert tightening his grip.
“We did that after you came back.” - he said. They rarely mentioned prison, but this memory was a good one. 
“You held me all night.” - remembered Robert.
“I’d do it tonight as well if that’s what you want.”
“Sounds good to me.” 
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selfship-loving · 5 years
💍 with Jiro!!
Usa and Jiro would probably get married in Kitayama Geihinkan in Kyoto or an indoor venue similar to that. 
They’d get married probably in the late afternoon, in Spring. Maybe in June before it gets too hot. 
Jiro and Usa don’t strike me as the type to do too many traditional things but they would include stuff like “jumping the broom” and the Unity Candle at their wedding. 
The wedding cake would be a cute combination of their main colors (pink and blue) but pastel. Maybe a simple white and light blue tiered cake with some pastel pink flowers decorating it. 
Neither would smash the cake in each others face. Usa wouldn’t because she’d feel bad and Jiro wouldn’t because he thinks she’s too pretty and would feel very bad if she ended up getting embarrassed or upset. 
They’d probably propose at the same time. Usa tends to be the more forward one in the relationship but by the time they’re ready to get married, Jiro is a little more forward so they both plan a special dinner date together and oop, they’re both on one knee.
Usa would want to walk down the aisle and Jiro would wait at the altar. 
Usa would want a princess looking wedding dress. With pink accents. Maybe pink flowers. Jiros suit would wear a light/navy blue double-breasted suit with a white or light pink flower. 
Their wedding color scheme would be all light colors. Light blue, light pink, white. Stuff like that. They’d definitely have lots of ribbon and flowers as decor.  
Light pink astilbes, maybe light pink roses, white roses, and some light blue tinted baby’s breath in the bouquet.
Usa and Jiros vows would be raps. Usa isn’t a very confident rapper but she’d try to turn her vows into a rap for Jiro, which would make it more special. 
Jiro would probably be so clumsy and nervous beforehand, he’d end up being late to his own wedding (not really but it’d be funny)
Usa’s family, Hare and Riko would be part of the bridal party. Saburo and Ichiro would be the groomsmen (maybe Samatoki is Usa did enough begging)
The bridal party is wearing blush pink, long, sleeveless dresses. The groomsmen would be wearing navy suits with light blue ties.
Usa’s sisters, Jakurai, Hitoya, Ichiro, and Saburo say some speeches. Usa’s sisters talk about how stressed she was all of the time getting ready for their studying sessions and basically tease her for always being so nervous around him when they were younger. Jakurai and Hitoya probably get all sappy and talk about how happy they are to see Usa grow up and live a happy life. And how glad they are to be a part of this special day (Like the fathers they are). Samatoki acts all tsundere but eventually says he’s glad she was finally able to find happiness, even if he is a Yamada. Ichiro cries and talks about how happy he is that one of his little brothers is finally becoming a man and getting married. And finally, Saburo, who just brings up an embarrassing story but it does end in him saying he’s happy for Jiro. 
Usa’s older sister (or aunt. Idk her relationship with Usa yet. I just know they’re related) would catch the bouquet. 
Their wedding photos would be a combination of romantic (staring into each other’s eyes and being all cute+in love) and some goofy pictures of them having fun. Usa trying to dance in her big ol dress (and failing) and Ichiro giving Jiro a noogie.
The food would be a combination of Japanese and Colombian food (Usa’s home country) along with anything else that tastes good. Nothing specific. There’s a wide selection (i’m not saying this just because I can’t think of anything specific)
Jiro cries first. When he sees Usa walking down the aisle looking all pretty, he probably gets all teary and then when she’s saying her vows, he starts crying. Ichiro would also cry because his little brother is finally becoming a man. 
The reception would end in some people getting drunk and trying to battle each other with their hypnosis mics (probably Samatoki and Ichiro).
Having a mini gift box filled with microphone shaped candies would be cute as hell for favors. 
They would spend a few weeks traveling around Japan as a honeymoon.
The most memorable thing that happens at their wedding would be Jiro tripping on Usa’s dress and falling, which in turn causes Usa to fall on him. They all get a lot of laughs and Jiro just picks Usa up princess style afterwards.
The most memorable thing that happens at their wedding would be Jiro tripping on Usa’s dress and falling, which in turn causes Usa to fall on him. They all get a lot of laughs and Jiro just picks Usa up princess style afterwards. 
I’d like to imagine Kuuko from Bad Ass Temple officiating the wedding. It would be one hell of a wedding ceremony if that happened. 
Their first dance is to “You’re my best friend” by Queen. 
Hitoya or Jakurai would “give her away” or maybe both. 
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ussjellyfish · 6 years
Gee...I don't know your opinion on these guys, but how about Dragon Queen? ;)
what? me??
Okay, so if they get married after the finale, these are the big, royal wedding headcanons. 
where they get married:
The big central castle where Regina was crowned queen. It’s a state function, which provides her all kinds of unpleasant reminders of marrying Leopold, and she and Snow have long conversations about it. You don’t have to get married like this, we can come up with something different. Regina ends up concluding that last time she got married because she had to, this time, she wants to. She can put up with a little pomp and circumstance. 
when they get married ( ie what time of day, what month and season etc. )
The Ceremony is just about sunset, so they can have fire afterwards, time’s more relative in the merged realms. It’s an autumn wedding, full of harvest symbolism (there are many apples). 
what traditions they include ( do they get married under a chuppah and crush a glass, garter toss, ‘something borrowed, something blue,’ etc. )
We don’t know much about what the traditions of the old world are, which means…I can make them up. 
Maleficent arrives in dragon form, because it’s far more impressive than a carriage. Lily flies with her as an honor guard (bridesmaid sort of thing). They land in the courtyard and turn to human form. (it’s very impressive). 
Regina has a borrowed garter (Emma thinks it’s hilarious and necessary), her wedding ring is ancient (something Mal’s horded for centuries), Snow lends her a pretty blue handkerchief because she’s going to cry. (Regina jokes that she’s not, but she’s almost crying saying it and hugging Snow, so yes, it’s a good idea). Regina doesn’t really have anything new, and Snow says that of course she does. She’s in love, and happy, and full of hope. That’s the newest thing she could have. 
There’s a garter toss, Mulan catches it. 
what their wedding cake looks like
It’s ostentatious, several layers, several flat cakes because it is a HUGE wedding. It’s very nicely ostentatious but it’s intense. There are sugar dragons and fancy apples. 
….who smashes cake into whose face
They’re very polite abut it at first, but Regina gives in and Mal smashes it back, laughing. It’s very cute. 
who proposed to who first
Regina, like the good nerd she is, researched dragon mating customers and proposed with some outrageous gemstones that she went on a quest to find. (with Henry, Ella and Lucy, it was a family thing and Lucy really wanted to go on a quest). 
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar ( or neither )
Regina’s the queen so she waits at the middle. Not quite an altar, but the dais, where she was crowned, etc. 
Mal jokes about poofing in or flying up as a dragon (the hall’s not really big enough for that) in the end she walks up with Lily. Alice and Robin walk up before them, so does Lucy because she really wanted to get to throw flowers. Little Neal gets to carry rings. 
Henry waits with Regina at the top. (both Henrys? All Three Henrys?), Zelena’s up there too. 
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like
Mal wears red, or purple, she looks killer in those tones. Something with a train, it’s very met gala old school fantasy wedding. covered in gemstones so it sparkles, she really likes sparkles. 
Regina wears blue (she wore white last time and hated it). Her’s is more subtle but no less fancy, gorgeous and kind of old school, It is the royal wedding, after all. She has something simpler for later. 
what their wedding colour scheme is and what sort of decor they have
It’s autumn, so it’s red and gold and black, which could be kind of villainous, but isn’t. Mal refuses to have pastels. It’s tasteful. The leaves are turning around the castle, the apples are ripe, it’s an excellent time for a wedding.
There are huge bonfires to light after the ceremony. 
what flowers are in the bouquet ( if applicable. bonus: what do the flowers mean? )
Snapgragons, just for giggles. Orchids, because they’re fun and purple and delicate and tropical, but enduring. Maybe Iris? I’m rather terrible at choosing flowers. Robin and Alice pick nice ones. Globe amaranth, because they’re immortal love and that’s really them. Also purple! 
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. )
Traditional dragon wedding vows are VERY serious. (they live forever after all). Probably something about sharing your fire or binding your fire together, because fire is eternal and the source of all life. So that part probably involves fireballs being wound together, and dragon magic. It’s very pretty. 
It’s also not really officiated by anyone (dragons are terrible at recognizing an authority greater than themselves, so it’s led by the pair. Your flame, my flame, and together we’re flame everlasting.
It tingles, makes their eyes glow for a bit. I could have fun with the special effects budget. 
Also very different from Regina’s last wedding, but she’s okay with that. 
if anyone’s late to the wedding
Hilariously, Regina, almost. She’s talking to Snow and it’s very intimate and..they’re not watching the clock. Luckily, she teleports. Still, it’s funny. 
who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other
Mal has Lily, and since she’d be alone otherwise, she also gets Alice, Robin, Lucy and little Neal to walk up the aisle before she does. 
Regina has Henry, and Henry, and Henry? (grown up, wish realm and original author Henry?), Zelena, Snow and David. 
what their bridal party / groomsmen / other are wearing
Mal’s side is red, and has dragon scale motifs, or metallic little scales in the details. 
Regina’s side has more purple and gold, and is more regal, with her insignia as the Good Queen on their capes and stuff. 
who gives speeches at the reception ( bonus: what do they say? recount a sweet memory or two between them? tell an embarrassing story? )
Formerly of HH Henry and Henry the from Storybrooke give a speech together, and it’s very positive and sweet. They talk about how they only had a mom until they were ten, and they didn’t think that was enough, they didn’t know how much their mom loved them, and now, they have a mom, brothers, in a way, another mom, a step-father, a little sister, and now they’re gaining a big sister who happens to be a dragon, which is pretty cool, and Maleficent, whom they are very much looking forward to knowing better. 
Snow gives a very touching speech about love and forgiveness, and how ost of all you need patience when you’re married, and taking as long as they did to get together is really a nice thing for them both. 
who catches the bouquet( s )
what their wedding photos are like
Their wedding photos are mostly candids, they don’t pose much, maybe for a few, but neither of them really considered it that important. Henry gets a really nice illustration for the book, but neither of them are that concerned with documenting it. 
There are a few sneaky really sappy ones of them dancing and holding hands. No one admits taking them. (it was Robin, she has a good eye) 
what sort of food they have at the reception
It’s a great and glorious feast of epic proportions that includes some fun things from the new world as well as the old (yes, there are beignets) and grilled cheese, no onions rings though, those tempt fate too much. 
who cries first during the ceremony
Mal, she’s a really easy happy crier. 
how wild their reception gets ( who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc. )
The reception has fireworks, and fire throwers, and fire breathing acrobats. There are some enchanted flames safe enough for kids to play with so there’s some running and laughing with enchanted torches and a lot of chaos. It’s at night outside, and the stars are high and there’s a huge bonfire. 
As it’s a royal affair, there is a very impressive amount of drink. There’s quite a bit of tipsiness and giggling, Snow gets drunk enough to argue with some Vikings who have known Maleficent for a very long time, so that’s pretty funny. 
Younger Henry has his first champagne (it’s not bad, but kind of bitter) and beer (why does anyone like this?) wine’s okay, but really, it’s cocktails he end sup liking, but he’s careful about it.
Most of the very drunken behaviour is the guests, which is fine. There are many enchantments around to prevent the fires spreading anywhere and plenty of room in the castle and on the grounds. (there are perks to having a castle).
Lots of tents. 
what their rings are like
Regina’s is a little subtle and Mal’s is much more ostentatious and has a ruby. 
what sort of favours they have ( heart shaped sparklers, mini champagne bottles, personalised candy etc. )
Pet flames! Well, little bits of the great flame that are harmless, but will provide light forever. They burn in these cute little lanterns and there are plenty for everyone. 
where they go for their honeymoon
Traveling! There are parts of the realms Regina hasn’t seen, and it’s pretty quick to travel with a dragon. Mal also has a thing for elephants and strange creatures so it’s almost a nature safari. They disappear for a few weeks and come back full of stories with gifts from far away. 
something memorable that happens during the party / ceremony 
It’s the first big party since Regina’s coronation, and despite EVERYONE waiting for something bad to happen, it’s very calm. 
Regina and Mal fly off together at the end. It’s very romantic. 
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lachlantrash · 6 years
"Oh my god, I can't believe we agreed to this." You laugh, sitting in an office chair, Lachlan in one to your left and Jerome to your right. There's a camera that's facing the three of you, ready to record a video for Jerome's channel.
"C'mon, you two have been together three years, everything I ask you guys will probably be things you've already talked about."Jerome says, trying to ease you.
"Plus, if we don't like where he takes it, then we can always walk out." Lachlan offers, taking your hand in his.
"I don't think it'll come to that. Anyways, are you two ready to record?" Jerome asks, waiting for you both to say 'yes' before he presses the button on his camera. "Hey guys, it's Jerome and today, I have the pack power couple, Lachlan and (Y/N) with me. Their three year anniversary today, and I convinced them to record a Q&A with me before they drive out to the hotel they're staying at for the night." He laughs, winking at the camera. "Before we begin, say hi." Jerome says, motioning for you and Lachlan to greet the video.
"Hey guys, before you think too deeply into why we're staying at a hotel, it's because our dinner reservations are far from Jerome and Mitch's place, so we didn't want to have to drive back late at night." You say, waving at the camera.
"And, because we're probably going to have sex and Jerome complained about hearing us when he stayed at our place, so we thought it'd be nice to cut him a break at his." Lachlan adds with a laugh.
"Oh my god, Lachlan! I can't believe you just said that." You say, holding back your own laugh and covering your mouth.
"That's staying in, I'll make this a second channel upload." Jerome says. "Are you two ready for the questions?" He adds.
"As ready as I'll ever be." You sigh, running your free hand through your hair.
"Alright, so Lachlan... When are you going to pop the question? It's been three years, she must have started to nag you on it." Jerome asks, making you smile as you look over at Lachlan.
"Yeah, I like this question. When are you going to pop the question?" You ask, playing with his hand you're still holding.
"Well um... Shit Jerome, way to put me on the spot." Lachlan laughs. "When it feels right, I guess. I know she's the one for me, so there's no point in waiting too many more years for it, but I also don't want to rush it. I can guarantee I'll ask her to marry me within the next two years." Lachlan says, eyes on the back of your hand as his thumb runs over it.
"So I have at least a year to get a date for it, noted..." Jerome says, pretending to write it down on his sheet of questions. "Alright, have you two ever had sex at my house?" He asks, making a blush rise to your face.
"Um, about that..." You trail off. "Maybe a few times, but nothing crazy." You add, moving hair out of your face.
"More than a few times, some of our wildest adventures took place here." Lachlan says, laughing when you mock punch him in the shoulder. "I'm kidding, we're pretty tame here." Lachlan says, taking it back.
"Either way, you guys are sick. I would never get it on at your place." Jerome sighs, scanning his question sheet. "Alright, well will (Y/N) ever get another cat?"
"No more cats, Lachlan said I've reached the maximum amount of cats he'll deal with." You fake sigh.
"Oh c'mon, you have four cats." Lachlan says, making you roll your eyes.
"Right, but I could have five." You say in a matter of fact tone.
"No fighting here, I don't want to ruin your anniversary. What's the hardest part of living together?" Jerome asks.
"I'd say for me, it's the fact that he leaves things around. He picks them up eventually, but at night he'll just throw the shirt he was wearing across the room and call it a night, it bothers me." You confess, looking up at Lachlan.
"For me it's the fact that she gives her pets so much attention. After working sometimes I just want to cuddle and go to bed but she's always doing something involving the cats or the ferrets or the fish." Lachlan says, making eye contact with you.
"Both of those things could be annoying, I see." Jerome says, pretending to take notes again. "So both of you, who is your favorite member of the pack? And before you ask (Y/N), you can't say Lachlan." Jerome says.
"I'll go first so you can think, babe." Lachlan laughs. "My favorite would probably be Preston. I'm sorry Jerome, I really am, but Preston and I vibe out really well whenever I see him in Texas, and he doesn't try to steal my girl from me when he's drunk like you've done before." Lachlan says, making you laugh as you remember the event. "Plus, him and (Y/N) really get along, even when they team up to bully me." Lachlan adds.
"My favorite besides this hunk of an Australian next to me would have to be Mitch, just because I've known him the longest. I was friends with him before I even began dating Lachlan, and he's the reason Lachlan and I got together in the first place." You say, shrugging afterwards.
"I'm actually so offended you two, I'm neither of your favorites!? Whatever, moving on... Obviously you two aren't even engaged yet, but any ideas on where to go for your honeymoon?" Jerome asks, making both you and Lachlan laugh.
"Well, we've had talks about it, but we have mixed feelings. I want to go somewhere warm, like the Bahamas or something. She wants to go somewhere cold." Lachlan says.
"Well if we go somewhere cold we can stay cuddled by a fire, and during the day we can snowboard and stuff, it's cute." You argue.
"If we go somewhere warm, I can see you in your bathing suit." Lachlan counters.
"If we go somewhere that's cold and has a hot tub, you can see me in my bathing suit and less." You wink at him, making him let out a little laugh.
"Alright, you've convinced me." He says jokingly, leaning in to plant a kiss on your lips. "Shit, I forgot about the camera." He says when he pulls away, noticing Jerome just staring at the two of you.
"I don't know what I just watched, but I'm going to move on... How many kids do you want to have? And let's say you had one boy and one girl, what do you guys want to name them?" Jerome reads from his paper.
"Well, I want three but he wants four. If I got to name one boy and one girl, I'd name a boy Bentley and the girl Allison." You say, looking to Lachlan. You two have never discussed names before.
"I like Bentley, but I always pictured having a little girl named Farrah." Lachlan says.
"I can deal with Farrah." You tell him, squeezing his hand.
"Good, that was an easy agreement. (Y/N), do you like the sidemen or the pack better?" Jerome asks.
"That ones easy, obviously the pack. I'm kind of dating a group member from there, so it'd be kind of unjust for me to say I like the sidemen better. Even though they're all ultra cool guys and I totally think Harry's cute, I'm going to have to say the pack because Lachlans just a smidge cuter." You say, laughing as Lachlan gives you a dirty look.
"Harry's not even close to being on my level." Lachlan huffs, jealousy clear in his tone.
"Oh c'mon babe, all I did was call him cute. Obviously I'm not interested in him when I have all of you to myself." You defend yourself, making Jerome gag.
"No lovey dovey talk please, I know this is a couple Q&A but save the love eyes and speeches for later. Let's move on, do you two like being the longest standing pack couple?" Jerome asks, scanning his sheet.
"I love it, all of the boys go to (Y/N) for relationship advice on how to treat their girlfriends if they have one. And then they'll go to me to see if I have any secret tips on how to keep a girl happy and interested. I feel respected when it comes to it. What about you, babe?" Lachlan asks, curiously looking at you.
"I love it too, especially because the fans call us mom and dad. I think it's funny, when I get tweets saying 'mom, tell dad to upload' or if I scroll through your YouTube comments on videos of us and people will be like 'mom and dad are so cute together'." You laugh. "At first I was wary about getting romantically involved without a youtuber, because fans can be brutal. But for the most part, yours have been nothing but nice to me." You add, looking at Lachlan appreciatively.
"I think that's because they knew who you were before we were dating. They've seen you in in Mitch's videos before I even knew who you were, and then you moved it to Australia and at first they didn't know we were dating, but we told them we were friends and they immediately wanted us to date. I think a lot of them are just satisfied that they were correct about us having a thing." Lachlan laughs, looking at you after he finishes speaking.
"Please don't forget I'm here, guys." Jerome chimes in, drawing both your attention and Lachlan's. "So, can I be the best man at the wedding, whenever it does happen?" Jerome asks, looking hopefully to Lachlan.
"Sorry mate, but I've already promised Mitch that if (Y/N) and I get married, he's the best man for introducing us." Lachlan says, making Jerome gasp.
"I'm actually offended, first I'm not the favorite and now I can't be the best man? Fine, what about the maid of honor?" Jerome asks teasingly. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. But, can I at least be a groomsmen?" Jerome sighs out.
"I don't know, we'll see." Lachlan answers, making a laugh escape your lips.
"Wow, savage level answers here." You laugh. "If he tells you no Jerome, you can be a bridesmaid."
"Thanks (Y/N), all the years I've known Lachlan and he won't even let me be a groomsmen at his wedding. I can't believe this." Jerome sighs out.
"Oh I was only kidding, of course you can be a groomsmen." Lachlan says, making a smile appear on Jeromes face.
"I knew the pity party would work." Jerome cheers. "Well uh, that's all the questions I had... Are you guys excited for your date?" Jerome asks.
"Yeah, yeah we are." You laugh, the awkwardness clear in Jerome's voice.
"Well that's all then guys, I hope you enjoyed the inside information from the power couple themselves." Jerome says, finishing off his outro before turning the camera off. "Alright you two, you have permission to go on your date now." Jerome says.
"Oh why thanks, I didn't realize I needed permission to take my girlfriend of three years out to dinner." Lachlan laughs, letting go of your hand so he can stand.
"Yes, you still need permission to take her out. And have her home by ten!" Jerome says sternly, making you laugh as you stretch, standing after and hugging Lachlan.
"Are you ready to go?" You ask, taking your head off his chest to look him in his face.
"I'm always ready to go somewhere with you. Are you eager to get to the hotel?" He asks a smirk on his face making you roll your eyes.
"Actually I am, but I think we're excited for different reasons. I'm excited to get ready for our dinner date." You say, playing with the bottom of Lachlans t-shirt.
"I'm more excited for what's going to happen after dinner." Lachlan says, the smirk on his face lasting a second longer before he leans down and places a kiss on your lips.
"Alright you two, that's where I draw the line. Go, get on out of here." Jerome says, making you pull out of the kiss to laugh.
"Okay, lets go." You laugh, pulling out of the hug and instead grabbing hold of Lachlans hand.
"Whatever you say, babe." Lachlan says, making your heart flutter at the man you've fallen in love with.
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sethkate · 6 years
💍 for any ship!!
macy & andre 
where they get married
somewhere outside of chicago, smaller venues that are a bit cozy?? prob outdoors like (x) with the reception looking like (x)
when they get married ( ie what time of day, what month and season etc. )
sometime in the spring, probably late april or early to mid may? sometime in the late afternoon! 
what traditions they include ( do they get married under a chuppah and crush a glass, garter toss, ‘something borrowed, something blue,’ etc. )
jfc they definitely do the garter toss per andre’s insistent request!! and then the bouquet toss too.  
what their wedding cake looks like
like this (x) and then (x) with this on top bye (x)
who smashes cake into whose face
they smash it in each other’s face and then give each other a nice big smooch while laughing and being stupidly in love!!!
who proposed to who first
andre proposed to macy
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar ( or neither )
macy walks down the aisle with andre waiting for her at the end
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like
macy’s dress (x) & andre’s suit (x)
what their wedding color scheme is and what sort of decor they have
blush, navy, burgundy
what flowers are in the bouquet ( if applicable. bonus: what do the flowers mean? )
macy’s bouquet is here (x) & bridal party (x)
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. )
they wrote their own. although i think andre would be more likely to have taken time to write his out formally (because he doesn’t want to forget anything) and macy would just speak from her heart
if anyone’s late to the wedding
selah and sergio are ALMOST late… but they end up making it on time. they’re just a bit….disheveled. 
who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other
kaley is the maid of honor and selah is a bridesmaid and sergio is the best man
what their bridal party / groomsmen / other are wearing
bridal party (x) & groomsmen (x)
who gives speeches at the reception ( bonus: what do they say? recount a sweet memory or two between them? tell an embarrassing story? )
kaley will give a really heartfelt speech about how special macy is and how she couldn’t have been given a better big sister and how she wouldn’t be where she is today without macy’s help. and sergio will probably start with a funny story of andre because there’s like 7 trillion of them. and then he will 100% get mushy….because andre is the brother he never had and everyone in the world knows he basically loves andre more than he loves life itself so
who catches the bouquet(s)
SELAH OF COURSE and afterward gives sergio him a look like *eye emoji*
what their wedding photos are like ( are they sweet, with the couple holding hands or kissing or ~gazing into each others eyes~? are they silly, with a snapshot of the ‘cake-smash’ moment? or are they artistic, with one of them facing the sunset or holding their bouquets? )
i think they have a healthy mixture of all of them??? some that are super forced and out of character just for the ~aesthetic~ and then ones immediately after where they are crackin the fuck up because they can’t believe how ridiculous some of this is
what sort of food they have at the reception
a mix of stuff… lobster, filet mignon, spaghetti, salads, oysters, roasted veggies, the works basically.
who cries first during the ceremony
dre will tear up when he sees macy in white… walking down the aisle. macy will cry when she and dre are reciting their vows
how wild their reception gets ( who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc. )
i don’t think their reception is gonna get super wild because it will be a sober wedding!!! no drinking allowed. i think they’re all gonna be….drunk on happiness tho which sounds cheesy af but it’s true??? because they usually have a lot of dark shit going on so to be able to enjoy one night together will be really special to them
what their rings are like
macy’s (x) & andre’s (x)
what sort of favors they have ( heart shaped sparklers, mini champagne bottles, personalized candy etc. )
things like (x) (x)
where they go for their honeymoon
many places in europe!!! macy wants to see….all the dumb touristy things in the big cities then they’ll eventually end up somewhere on the coast like saint tropez or monaco 
something memorable that happens during the party / ceremony ( do they run out of ice and someone goes to get it in full formal wear on foot, does anyone fall asleep in the middle of the party, etc. )
i’ve decided the night is going to be super uneventful because i want them to have one nice thing that isn’t tarnished by anything so they can blissfully remember it for the rest of their lives kbye 
who officiates the ceremony
idk some guy they probably googled honestly lmao will their marriage even be legal? who knows???
what song their first dance is to
speechless by dan + shay (x)
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle
kaley gives macy away!!! bc who else would tbh
selah & sergio
where they get married
downtown chicago… here (x) for the ceremony & here (x) for the reception…can you say Extra
when they get married ( ie what time of day, what month and season etc. )
fall time!!! probably late september or early october. early evening time. 
what traditions they include ( do they get married under a chuppah and crush a glass, garter toss, ‘something borrowed, something blue,’ etc. )
selah’s mom probably wants her to do the something borrowed, something blue nonsense shit even tho selah is like ‘yea right ok lady’. they’re obvs gonna do the garter/bouquet toss too for…..reasons 
what their wedding cake looks like
this (x) 
who smashes cake into whose face
i think they agreed that neither of them would smash cake into their faces??? bc selah’s like ‘lol if u wreck this snatched face we’re getting a divorce’ djlsdkl so they just feed it to each other real cute instead!!
who proposed to who first
sergio proposed to selah ofc even though selah was prob getting impatient enough that she was ready to do it herself :/
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar ( or neither )
selah walks down the aisle with serge waiting for her at the end
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like
selah’s dress (x) & sergio’s suit (x) 
what their wedding color scheme is and what sort of decor they have
champagne, ivory, rose gold
what flowers are in the bouquet ( if applicable. bonus: what do the flowers mean? )
selah’s bouquet (x) & bridal party (x)
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. )
i think they’ll probably stick with the generic, non-religious vows and then they’ll add their own little bit in to follow so they can make it more personalized
if anyone’s late to the wedding
no because selah would…..hire markus to come shoot them
who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other
selah has macy, ximena and one or two girls from school in her bridal party and sergio has andre (obviously), seth, maybe a cousin or close security pal to even out the numbers because there’s no way bridezilla selah is gonna stand for odd numbers
what their bridal party / groomsmen / other are wearing
bridal party (x) & groomsmen, the same as sergio (x)
who gives speeches at the reception ( bonus: what do they say? recount a sweet memory or two between them? tell an embarrassing story? )
macy probably gives a really short and sweet one about selah bc you know…they haven’t known each other THAT long. but still long enough to have established a pretty good friendship, especially considering the fact that they’re pretty much gonna be bonded together forever because of the boys. and andre is gonna give one of those funny speeches where he’s got everyone in the crowd laughing (sometimes genuinely, sometimes uncomfortably) and basically flatter the fuck out of serge and also embarrass him a bit too? but it will all be super meaningful and out of love 
who catches the bouquet(s)
ximena. and selah and serge both look @ each other like THANK GOD bc home girl needs some good dick in her life lmao
what their wedding photos are like ( are they sweet, with the couple holding hands or kissing or ~gazing into each others eyes~? are they silly, with a snapshot of the ‘cake-smash’ moment? or are they artistic, with one of them facing the sunset or holding their bouquets? )
selah makes them take a lot of cute, romantic ones so she can enlarge them and you know…..hang them over the mantle?? but she also probably has like a small squadron of photographers to capture every single moment because she wants to remember every bit of it for the rest of her life
what sort of food they have at the reception
serge’s family prob took care of all the food so… his fave empanadas, tamales, chilaquiles, a taco bar, enchiladas, etc. 
who cries first during the ceremony
selah will cry before she even leaves the dressing room probably omg 
how wild their reception gets ( who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc. )
LISTEN if you don’t think that selah makes the squad learn a choreographed dance for this shindig you are WRONG. they’re gonna tear up the dance floor and everyone is gonna wanna join them bye
what their rings are like
selah’s (x) & sergio’s (x)
what sort of favors they have ( heart shaped sparklers, mini champagne bottles, personalized candy etc. )
stuffs like this (x) (x)
where they go for their honeymoon
ooo somewhere beachy and warm. st. lucia, fiji, maldives, etc. 
something memorable that happens during the party / ceremony ( do they run out of ice and someone goes to get it in full formal wear on foot, does anyone fall asleep in the middle of the party, etc. )
they prob have something super extra planned like… have a firework display outside at the end of the night that spells out their initials or some nonsense… i can’t even
who officiates the ceremony
probably someone close to the aguilar family that’s been doing it forever??
what song their first dance is to
can’t help falling in love – kina grannis (x)
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle
selah’s dad will give her away!! even if he’s still :| about the whole thing tbh 
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awkward-snake-girl · 6 years
Mattie and Todd
send me 💍 + A SHIP and i’ll tell you—
Where they get married: Since Mattie loves the forest so much, I think they’d decide to marry in a little clearing in the forest they go to when they go on walks together.
When they get married (ie what time of day, what month and season etc.): Im not sure what month it would be, but they would definitely get married in either the spring or summer since they both dislike the cold and it’s bad for their mutations. They would get married in the early afternoon so they could sleep in a little XD
What traditions would they include: Aside from the bouquet toss, I feel like they would both be rather clueless about wedding traditions, so that would probably be about it.
What their wedding cake looks like:
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Who smashes cake into whose face: Todd definitely smashes it into Mattie’s face. And then she does it right back to him. XD
Who proposed first: Todd again, because Mattie is super shy. Though she would bring up the idea of getting married in the first place.
Who walks down the aisle and who waits at the alter: Mattie walks down the aisle and Todd waits at the alter, totally nervous and with a goofy smile on his face as he watches her walk down the aisle.
What their wedding dresses/ suits looks like: Here’s Mattie’s dress:
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And here’s Todd’s suit:
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What is their wedding color scheme is and what kind of decor they have: Lots of earth tones, dark greens, browns, etc. And lots of floral decorations and paper lanterns.
What flowers are in the bouquet and if applicable what are their meanings: Magnolias (Love of nature), Dahlias ( Commitment and a bond that lasts forever), Roses (Love), and Lily of the Valley (Happiness)
What their vows are: They both write their own vows and they’re both very emotional, expressing how happy that they are that they found each other, how much they love the other, and how thankful they are for how accepting they are and so on.
If anyone is late to the wedding: Todd nearly is because he ends up getting nervous about Mattie having second thoughts, but after some reassurance/ tough love from his friends he makes it just in time.
Who’s in their bridal party, groomsmen, etc: Mattie’s bridesmaids are Kitty Pryde, Tabitha Smith, Rogue, and her maid of honor is Wanda Maximoff. (I headcanon that they end up becoming fairly close in spite of Todd’s old crush on her) Todd’s groomsmen are definitely the guys from the Brotherhood and Kurt is his best man.
What’s their bridal party and groomsmen wearing: This
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And this
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Who gives speeches at the reception: Well of course Todd’s friends from the Brotherhood and Kurt gives them, Lance and Pietro’s speeches are mostly embarrassing stories about Todd that Mattie finds funny and cute. Fred and Kurt’s speeches are more heartfelt, and Wanda gives a short, but really kind speech wishing them both the best.
Who catches the bouquet: Rouge does! And she has to drop it almost immediately. XD
What are their wedding photos like: They’re a mix of silly and sweet. There’s lots of them hugging, slow dancing, kissing, and there’s a photo them smashing cake into each other’s faces, laughing, and making silly faces into the camera.
What sort of food they have during the reception: Lots of fun foods with a fancy spin on them, burgers, fries, pizza, that kind of stuff.
Who cries first during the ceremony: Mattie does, because she’s so happy.
How wild is their reception? Who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc: It gets pretty crazy after a while. Lance is the first to get drunk, who is followed by Kurt who ends up jumping out of a tree. Though somehow it doesn’t effect his dancing skills.
What their rings are like:
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Todd wear’s his around his neck because of his webbing.
What sort of favors they have: Tiny snake and frog plushies that Mattie made. ^^
Where they go for their honeymoon: They stay in nice little hotel in a seaside town and go to the beach. It’s very romantic, and they’re not a ton of people for them to worry about.
Something memorable that happens during the party: Mattie’s dad shows up uninvited! And things get awkward/ a little tense. Though thankfully he’s there to try and make amends for everything that happened when she was younger.
Who officiates the ceremony: Someone Kurt knows, they don’t really know him but he does a good job and doesn’t judge them because of their mutations.
What song do they dance to: Can’t help Falling in love, kind of an old song but a classic.
Who gives who away at the ceremony:No one. Because Mattie’s dad doesn’t only show up univited, but late too. @toadlingscentral
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atopearth · 6 years
Shall we Date? Guard me, Sherlock! Part 7 - Mycroft Holmes Route
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OMG, when the heroine went on the blind date, I didn’t really think it’d actually be Mycroft and he’s even thinking about marriage already?! Danggg! I can’t believe he actually suggested this blind date to her parents though, he’s sure forward and proactive..
Lolol at Sherlock freezing up when she announced her marriage with Mycroft😂 that was so cute~ Mycroft is so cool though, I love him~ especially when he protected her from that annoying guy that persistently kept trying to court her just because his dad has power in the entertainment industry. Good that Sherlock made him back off. It’s a fake marriage but I’m sure it’ll be real by the end of all this🤣 it was so funny when both their parents ended up having dinner together and it even went so smoothly. So cute that Mycroft’s parents are looking forward to grandchildren and great grandchildren already lolol. But dangg, they’re bonding so well over taking wedding photos haha. Mycroft did look good in his suit, I wanna see how the heroine looks in her wedding dress! His boss sounds like a very cute but nosy guy haha, guess he must really like Mycroft as the heroine said.
I have to agree with Mycroft’s way of thinking in terms of relationships. The costs of love definitely outweigh the benefits and considering that he is satisfied with living by himself, there is no reason for him to actively pursue a partner. As he says, it is hard to see a relationship giving him something beyond what he already has and needs. So really, until the heroine shows him that and until I can find someone that makes me think that the trouble that comes with a relationship is worth it, it’s hard for such a mindset to change. Too bad falling in love makes us all extremely emotional. Omg though, sleepy Mycroft is soo cuteee! I want one!! LOL Seeing him put ketchup in his coffee would be the highlight of my day lmao. He has such a sweet tooth that it’s hilarious hahahah. Who puts 5 cubes of sugar into their coffee and says they’re already cutting back on the sugar hahahah.
I love how Mycroft tells her that she shouldn’t need to worry and that they’re just going to a small private party, and then it turns out that it’s at Buckingham Palace lmao. Yep, that sounds totally small. Lmao that Mycroft’s cooking caused John to faint hahahaha, I’m so curious about it now. I was so surprised when Mycroft suddenly kissed her to prove to Sherlock that they’re really a couple omg! It sounded like a great kiss lmao. I’m glad she’s realised her feelings though because dangg I love Mycroft too hahaha. It was so funny when Sherlock froze after seeing them kiss though hahahahah.
Pulling her into the bed because he’s drunk is cheating~~~ that was so cuteeee! I can understand why the heroine wants to leave since she’s realised her feelings and doesn’t think Mycroft returns those feelings of hers since this is only a contractual marriage. But I was still mad! However, that all dissipated when Mycroft very honestly and boldly said he didn’t want her to leave. Yesss! That’s it, Mycroft! Honest communication wins the heart of every person, whether it’s romantic or not! He’s the coolest! Too bad this misunderstanding with M will make it more problematic than it should be hahaahh, but I guess it’ll be cute for him to see her jealous and now we’ll see more emotions from Mycroft. It was really nice of him to go and ask her what’s wrong and try to resolve the problem, really shows how much he cares.
Considering the danger of being a body double, I’m really surprised they actually let the heroine do it. That’s way too dangerous. She could lose her life. Seeing how everything was going, it was obvious that she’d get kidnapped. It was so cool of Mycroft to come empty handed and sacrifice himself. Although it had to be under shitty circumstances of a burning house about to kill them, I’m glad they finally told each other their true feelings and accepted each other as their respective partners. It was heartwarming. Very happy that they all already knew this would happen and were prepared, they just didn’t think the heroine would be crazy enough to risk her life to go back into a building caught on fire trying to save Mycroft. All’s well ends well though haha. Especially now that they can go on a real honeymoon and have a real and proper wedding this time!
Omgg James is relentless hahaha, he’ll never give up on the heroine even if she’s married lmao. I find it rather cute that Mycroft removed the blue rose that James put in her hair and put his own white rose instead even though he was unaware of James doing that lol. A man’s instinct? Hahaha. But omgggg the CG!! The heroine looks so beautiful in a wedding dress, well that one anyway! Not a fan of the veil but dangg she’s beautiful~ no wonder her manager thought she was stunning, she truly is! Ooh yeah, I didn’t realise the ’M’ and boss of Mycroft was the Queen! I really should have known from the other routes but I totally forgot hahaha! So cute that he does voicemails with her lmao. Crazy that Mycroft wants so many kids like danggg, no way LOL 10-20?! He better not be serious hahaha! 4 is probably a nightmare already! Anyway, it was a really sweet ending. I’m satisfied. Although I would have preferred more romance since I love Mycroft but oh well, maybe we’ll get a season 2 one day. Although, considering the status of things currently, we’ll be lucky to even get another route from this game lol. Oh well, just have to keep hoping I guess (EDIT: and our wishes came true! Now if only they stop splitting routes with Sherlock zzz).
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Sex And The City: 10 Miranda Hobbes Quotes That Are Still Hilarious Today
As a comedy, Sex and the City doesn't get the credit it deserves. Though very much a product of its time, its sense of humor was at the very least progressive. Brusque, candid, and sardonic, the show made even the most hardened viewers laugh. Every one of the four main characters had their own unique sense of humor. Carrie loved her comical observations and puns; Samantha was blunt; Charlotte made everyone laugh with her clueless WASPiness. Then there's Miranda, the red-headed embodiment of self-deprecating wit. Check out these reminders of how funny (and insightful) Miranda can be.
RELATED: 5 Reasons Sex and the City Has Aged Poorly (& 5 It’s Timeless)
10 "The least he could do is wait to get to know me before he rejects me."
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In Season 3's "Frenemies," Miranda calls Carrie after her date stands her up. She's audibly upset, "eating out of plastic." Like so many of us, Miranda has a tendency to put herself down before anyone else can. And now she's doubting her own dating instincts. Later, Miranda learns her date didn't stand her up —  he died. At the funeral, Miranda ends up finding herself another date. Not the best timing or remotely appropriate, but you only live once, right? The guy turns out to be Carrie's ex, someone whom she claims to be a total. Miranda learns the hard way that Carrie's right.
9 "Your good friend, Miranda Hobbes, has just taken a piece of cake out of the garbage and eaten it."
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Miranda is abstaining from sex. And she needs something to distract her in the meantime. So, in Season 4's "What's Sex Got to Do With It?," Miranda eats her feelings. Specifically, chocolate becomes her substitute for sex. Her emotional crutch is a problem, though, when she realizes she can't stop thinking about sex...or chocolate. When she actually eats some cake she's thrown away, Miranda has a rude awakening about her situation. Her confession on Carrie's answering machine is the kind of self-awareness we all strive for.
8 "I'm a 34-year-old woman with braces, and I'm on a liquid diet. Pain doesn't begin to cover it."
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Miranda has been having headaches so severe she needs to see a doctor. To her surprise, the problem stems from her teeth. Apparently, she's a "tongue thruster" who must now wear braces for a year. That is until she can't bear the embarrassment any longer. After a humiliating moment at her job in Season 3's "Hot Child in the City," she has the braces removed. Miranda always makes a pointed joke at her own expense when life doesn't go her way. And while some adults are totally comfortable wearing braces, Miranda Hobbes is not one of them.
RELATED: Sex and the City: 5 Best & 5 Worst Relationships, Ranked
7 "That better be brand new."
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Miranda was the first one in the group to have a kid. In Season 5's "Critical Condition," she's struggling to take care of her newborn Brady, and it shows in a frank conversation with the others. Charlotte and Carrie are supportive, but Samantha is not following suit — at all. To make things up to Miranda, Samantha offers her services and time. As Miranda takes her hair appointment, Samantha watches over Brady. The vibrating chair that calms Brady, however, breaks just as Miranda leaves. Samantha remedies the situation by using her "personal massager" to soothe Brady. Miranda's response to Samantha's resourcefulness is priceless.
6 "We're just choosy."
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In Season 2's "The Freak Show,". Samantha's bad date invites one of Miranda's scathing critiques of the opposite sex. She points out there has to be something wrong with a man if he's both single and over thirty, to which Carrie asks about single women in their thirties — namely them. Miranda simply answers, "We're just choosy." This is Miranda's way of trying to understand the dynamics between men and women, and how to survive without harm in the confusing dating world.
5 "I can't have sex with a sandwich...can I?"
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Miranda always asks the burning question on everyone's minds. No, but really, in Season 3's "Running with Scissors," Miranda becomes obsessed with a guy who wears a goofy sandwich costume as part of his job. With his costume providing anonymity, the guy "propositions" Miranda with a culinary, risqué double entendre. Miranda is at first offended by the sandwich harasser ⁠— then smitten. To say Miranda is having a rough patch is an understatement. She finally gives in and asks the sandwich guy to show her his face. He ends up being pretty cute, but the fantasy is over. She walks away smiling.
RELATED: 10 Sex & The City Storylines That Were Never Resolved
4 "Who is this, and what is she doing in my bedroom?"
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In Season 3's "Attack of the 5'10" Woman," Miranda's devout housekeeper Magda takes it upon herself to replace her client's vibrator with a statue of the Virgin Mary. Magda believe that no man will want to marry Miranda if he sees she has a sex toy; he would think she doesn't need him. Miranda is irritated by Magda's prying, and she confronts her like only she can ("I drink coffee, and have sex, and buy pies, and enjoy battery-operated devices"). It may seem like she's overreacting, but Miranda is constantly judged for being single at her age. Let Miranda live, Magda.
3 "I'm on Valium; everything's okay."
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When Miranda has her eyes operated on iin Season 3's "Where There's Smoke..," she needs someone to help her get home. Steve personally offers his help; Miranda says she'll ask Carrie. This understandably throws Steve for a loop. Later, Carrie sends Steve in her place. Miranda is reluctant to accept his help, but she's also high on Valium. Her refusal to let a man "rescue" her is challenged by Steve's earnest brand of kindness. Especially when Miranda's not always the nicest person to him. Nevertheless, Miranda wakes up the next morning with Steve lying next to her, seeing things clearly for the first time.
RELATED: Sex And The City: 6 Ways Big Was The Best (& 4 He Was The Worst)
2 "We didn't work out; you need to not exist."
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Things come to a head for Carrie in Season 2's finale, "Ex and the City." She has a "Big" decision to make. Of course Miranda shares her own refreshing take on how she handles breakups realistically versus ideally. Her straightforward insight isn't easy to hear — especially for Carrie — and it may even make viewers feel sorry for Miranda. But rather than pity her, they should be proud. Miranda's statement is empowering. Not because she's acting like she's above graciously parting ways. No, she's being honest about how she can't break up without resentment. Miranda's humor is her greatest truth.
1 "He was looking into my eyes, I was looking for the remote."
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In the final season's "Catch-38," Miranda is no longer single. And after holding out on marrying Steve, they finally tie the knot. Miranda sounds so relieved to hear from Carrie during her honeymoon, claiming she can't be sarcastic on a romantic getaway. For years, sarcasm was Miranda's defense mechanism. She needed it to keep her stable, and to help her stay emotionally safe when the world was unfair. It might seem like something she would give up now that she has a child and she's married, but Miranda isn't going to ever stop being funny. At first, it's how she survived. Now, it's just who she is.
NEXT: Sex And The City: 10 Quotes About Dating That Are Still Relevant Today
source https://screenrant.com/sex-and-the-city-miranda-hobbes-quotes-funniest-quotes/
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funface2 · 5 years
Sex And The City: 10 Miranda Hobbes Quotes That Are Still Hilarious Today – Screen Rant
As a comedy, Sex and the City doesn’t get the credit it deserves. Though very much a product of its time, its sense of humor was at the very least progressive. Brusque, candid, and sardonic, the show made even the most hardened viewers laugh. Every one of the four main characters had their own unique sense of humor. Carrie loved her comical observations and puns; Samantha was blunt; Charlotte made everyone laugh with her clueless WASPiness. Then there’s Miranda, the red-headed embodiment of self-deprecating wit. Check out these reminders of how funny (and insightful) Miranda can be.
RELATED: 5 Reasons Sex and the City Has Aged Poorly (& 5 It’s Timeless)
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10 “The least he could do is wait to get to know me before he rejects me.”
In Season 3’s “Frenemies,” Miranda calls Carrie after her date stands her up. She’s audibly upset, “eating out of plastic.” Like so many of us, Miranda has a tendency to put herself down before anyone else can. And now she’s doubting her own dating instincts. Later, Miranda learns her date didn’t stand her up —  he died. At the funeral, Miranda ends up finding herself another date. Not the best timing or remotely appropriate, but you only live once, right? The guy turns out to be Carrie’s ex, someone whom she claims to be a total. Miranda learns the hard way that Carrie’s right.
9 “Your good friend, Miranda Hobbes, has just taken a piece of cake out of the garbage and eaten it.”
Miranda is abstaining from sex. And she needs something to distract her in the meantime. So, in Season 4’s “What’s Sex Got to Do With It?,” Miranda eats her feelings. Specifically, chocolate becomes her substitute for sex. Her emotional crutch is a problem, though, when she realizes she can’t stop thinking about sex…or chocolate. When she actually eats some cake she’s thrown away, Miranda has a rude awakening about her situation. Her confession on Carrie’s answering machine is the kind of self-awareness we all strive for.
8 “I’m a 34-year-old woman with braces, and I’m on a liquid diet. Pain doesn’t begin to cover it.”
Miranda has been having headaches so severe she needs to see a doctor. To her surprise, the problem stems from her teeth. Apparently, she’s a “tongue thruster” who must now wear braces for a year. That is until she can’t bear the embarrassment any longer. After a humiliating moment at her job in Season 3’s “Hot Child in the City,” she has the braces removed. Miranda always makes a pointed joke at her own expense when life doesn’t go her way. And while some adults are totally comfortable wearing braces, Miranda Hobbes is not one of them.
RELATED: Sex and the City: 5 Best & 5 Worst Relationships, Ranked
7 “That better be brand new.”
Miranda was the first one in the group to have a kid. In Season 5’s “Critical Condition,” she’s struggling to take care of her newborn Brady, and it shows in a frank conversation with the others. Charlotte and Carrie are supportive, but Samantha is not following suit — at all. To make things up to Miranda, Samantha offers her services and time. As Miranda takes her hair appointment, Samantha watches over Brady. The vibrating chair that calms Brady, however, breaks just as Miranda leaves. Samantha remedies the situation by using her “personal massager” to soothe Brady. Miranda’s response to Samantha’s resourcefulness is priceless.
6 “We’re just choosy.”
In Season 2’s “The Freak Show,”. Samantha’s bad date invites one of Miranda’s scathing critiques of the opposite sex. She points out there has to be something wrong with a man if he’s both single and over thirty, to which Carrie asks about single women in their thirties — namely them. Miranda simply answers, “We’re just choosy.” This is Miranda’s way of trying to understand the dynamics between men and women, and how to survive without harm in the confusing dating world.
5 “I can’t have sex with a sandwich…can I?”
Miranda always asks the burning question on everyone’s minds. No, but really, in Season 3’s “Running with Scissors,” Miranda becomes obsessed with a guy who wears a goofy sandwich costume as part of his job. With his costume providing anonymity, the guy “propositions” Miranda with a culinary, risqué double entendre. Miranda is at first offended by the sandwich harasser ⁠— then smitten. To say Miranda is having a rough patch is an understatement. She finally gives in and asks the sandwich guy to show her his face. He ends up being pretty cute, but the fantasy is over. She walks away smiling.
RELATED: 10 Sex & The City Storylines That Were Never Resolved
4 “Who is this, and what is she doing in my bedroom?”
In Season 3’s “Attack of the 5’10” Woman,” Miranda’s devout housekeeper Magda takes it upon herself to replace her client’s vibrator with a statue of the Virgin Mary. Magda believe that no man will want to marry Miranda if he sees she has a sex toy; he would think she doesn’t need him. Miranda is irritated by Magda’s prying, and she confronts her like only she can (“I drink coffee, and have sex, and buy pies, and enjoy battery-operated devices”). It may seem like she’s overreacting, but Miranda is constantly judged for being single at her age. Let Miranda live, Magda.
3 “I’m on Valium; everything’s okay.”
When Miranda has her eyes operated on iin Season 3’s “Where There’s Smoke..,” she needs someone to help her get home. Steve personally offers his help; Miranda says she’ll ask Carrie. This understandably throws Steve for a loop. Later, Carrie sends Steve in her place. Miranda is reluctant to accept his help, but she’s also high on Valium. Her refusal to let a man “rescue” her is challenged by Steve’s earnest brand of kindness. Especially when Miranda’s not always the nicest person to him. Nevertheless, Miranda wakes up the next morning with Steve lying next to her, seeing things clearly for the first time.
RELATED: Sex And The City: 6 Ways Big Was The Best (& 4 He Was The Worst)
2 “We didn’t work out; you need to not exist.”
Things come to a head for Carrie in Season 2’s finale, “Ex and the City.” She has a “Big” decision to make. Of course Miranda shares her own refreshing take on how she handles breakups realistically versus ideally. Her straightforward insight isn’t easy to hear — especially for Carrie — and it may even make viewers feel sorry for Miranda. But rather than pity her, they should be proud. Miranda’s statement is empowering. Not because she’s acting like she’s above graciously parting ways. No, she’s being honest about how she can’t break up without resentment. Miranda’s humor is her greatest truth.
1 “He was looking into my eyes, I was looking for the remote.”
In the final season’s “Catch-38,” Miranda is no longer single. And after holding out on marrying Steve, they finally tie the knot. Miranda sounds so relieved to hear from Carrie during her honeymoon, claiming she can’t be sarcastic on a romantic getaway. For years, sarcasm was Miranda’s defense mechanism. She needed it to keep her stable, and to help her stay emotionally safe when the world was unfair. It might seem like something she would give up now that she has a child and she’s married, but Miranda isn’t going to ever stop being funny. At first, it’s how she survived. Now, it’s just who she is.
NEXT: Sex And The City: 10 Quotes About Dating That Are Still Relevant Today
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kevinmoyer · 7 years
Intimate Daytime Wedding in New York City :: Christine & David
Whenever a couple chooses to marry in a way that is exactly right for them, it shows in the pictures. Christine & David look so giddy in just about every shot! I really love that they chose a wedding that would have been considered the norm in the ’50s – midweek, ten guests, and an intimate luncheon with champagne toasts. (And PS: any bride who orders a cheeseburger for her wedding meal has a very special place in my heart!)
Christine decided to get ready with her bridesmaid, and not to see David before the wedding. She told us “I know we didn’t have a super traditional wedding, but I still felt strongly about spending the night before the wedding apart and not seeing each other until I ‘walked down the aisle’ — or in our case, stepped into the law library.”
What inspired you when you were planning your wedding? To be honest, I was mostly inspired by the simple post-World War II wedding of my grandparents. They had a very fuss-free ceremony and weren’t worried about any of the so-called requirements of weddings in 2017: nothing needed to be Pinterest-worthy! I just wanted to have a wedding that celebrated us and didn’t unnecessarily stress me out. And since it was a semi-elopement in New York City, I also wanted things to be city chic  – I wanted a short dress with pockets, shoes that I could walk in, and the backdrop of Manhattan.
The Ceremony
Why did you choose this location for your ceremony? Although we originally planned on a City Hall elopement, a family friend who is a federal judge offered to married us in the law library at the United States Court of International Trade. It’s located right across the street from City Hall, so in a way we had the simple, straightforward, non-religious ceremony we wanted — but with the added benefit of a slightly more personal ceremony and a scheduled time. And as a bibliophile, I was thrilled to get married in a library!
Your ceremony in three words. Simple, semi-elopement, city chic.
Who officiated your ceremony? How did you choose him/her? A family friend who was a federal judge officiated our ceremony. When David’s dad mentioned to him that we were getting married at City Hall, he kindly offered to marry us instead. He was great about keeping City Hall elements that we wanted, but also infused the ceremony with more of our personal history.
How did you go about planning your ceremony? We had an initial meeting with the judge where we talked about our relationship and what was important to us in a ceremony. Although we wanted to keep things simple and we weren’t interested in writing our own vows (“if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” was my general attitude), we did have a couple of readings we wanted included. The judge sent us two the transcripts of two ceremonies he had officiated before, and we mixed and matched until we got something that felt right to us. Having a template or a past example to refer to was very helpful!
You can see Christine & David’s full ceremony script right here!
What were your ceremony readings? I’m not an overly sentimental or romantic person, so I didn’t want anything too sappy! One was i carry your heart, a lovely poem by e.e. cummings., and another was Union, a reading that I found ages ago and summed up what I thought a wedding should be: less about the wedding day, and more about the foundation of the relationship and the marriage ahead.
What were your vows like? Our vows were straightforward and non-religious. Neither of us had any interest in writing our own vows: as a writer, I felt like it would be too much pressure and add a lot of stress leading up to the day. David felt like he would get too overwhelmed with emotion if he had to read anything more personal. And if it ain’t broke, why fix it! Although I’ve heard wonderful personal vows at my friends’ weddings, I’m really glad we stuck to the script.
What was your favorite thing about your wedding ceremony? It was very intimate: just us, our parents, David’s sister and her now-husband, my best friend and David’s best friend. I didn’t feel any pressure to make it Pinterest-worthy or an “event”, which freed me to just enjoy the moment and the day. One funny memory is that Chris, David’s best friend and one of our witnesses, actually dropped the rings during the ceremony: it made everyone laugh and brought a bit of levity to the day! David says that he’s grateful for it because he was on the brink of (happy) tears, and this lightened things up and helped keep his emotions in check.
Is there anything else that you’d like to share about your wedding ceremony? It felt really joyful! We were both really happy to be there, and I think it showed.
Did you include any traditions in your ceremony? We had a “City Hall” wedding, so we didn’t have many traditions from bigger weddings. We did have my stepdad walk me into the room and give me away, which was something important to my parents. And we had a champagne toast in the judge’s chambers immediately following the ceremony as we signed all of the official paperwork!
What was the best advice you received as a bride? I’m very grateful that none of our family pressured us to have a wedding different than the one we wanted. We had so many older friends and family who applauded our decision to have a smaller wedding, and in doing so save more money for a down payment (or a honeymoon!) My best advice would be to do what feels right for you, not because that’s what a blog or Pinterest or a well-meaning aunt says a wedding must be.
What advice do you have for other couples in the midst of planning a wedding? Don’t be afraid to do something small! Semi-eloping can be a fantastic way to keep the focus on the two of you and eliminate a lot of the stress and cost of wedding planning.
Please tell us about any other special details or moments from your day. We took portraits on the streets of New York City on our way from the ceremony to the reception. Our pug puppy named Gertrude joined us, which was my favorite part of the day! The best part about a New York City ceremony: the energy of the city is just incredible, and the hospitality of strangers really pours out for newlyweds!
If you had it to do over again, is there anything you would do differently? We only told our immediate family and witnesses that we were getting married, so it was a surprise elopement to the rest of our family and friends! We had a few friends over to our hotel suite later that evening to celebrate with drinks, but I would have loved to have been able to include more of our close city friends. It’s tough to balance the surprise element of an elopement with not wanting to offend good friends!
Christine told us “we did portraits in a few locations near City Hall between our ceremony and our luncheon, and I especially love the candid outtakes as our little crew made our way around the city.”
The Reception
How would you describe your reception? After our ceremony, we had a lovely and intimate lunch at Tiny’s and the Bar Upstairs in Tribeca. We only had ten guests (plus our wedding photographer, Mat Rick, who is a close friend of ours!) for a long lunch with plenty of champagne toasts.
Why did you choose this location for your reception? We wanted something close to the courthouse that would be easily for our families to walk to. I love the cocktails at Tiny’s, and it’s such a cute little pink façade in the middle of all the gray skyscrapers in the city. When I found out they had a private upstairs room, I knew it would be perfect for our group!
Did you have a signature cocktail? We served champagne, Old Fashioneds and West 12ths (a refreshing mix of vodka, mint and lemon).
What was your favorite moment or part of the reception? It’s hard to pick a favorite moment – it was just so wonderful to be with our most important people in the same room. My husband’s parents, his sister, and both of our witnesses all made such moving toasts, the champagne was flowing, the food was delicious, and we were married!
What was your wedding menu? Tiny’s and the Bar Upstairs features family-style starters, and then everyone was able to choose their own main. Without a doubt, I think everyone loved the burrata the most! I had a cheeseburger, which felt surprisingly decadent and like a really fun wedding day choice.
Is there anything else that helps tell the story of your wedding? We opted to semi-elope on our fourth anniversary, even though it fell on a Wednesday in March! I always had dreams of eloping, but we did want our parents and best friends present. This was a nice compromise, and I love that we will always have the one anniversary.
What type of cake or dessert did you serve? We had a carrot cake! It’s David’s favorite type of cake, and we had it simply done with all-white icing. It was delicious and easy – his sister and her husband pick it up from the bakery on the way from the ceremony to the luncheon – and it only cost $45.
Do you have any budget tips for other brides? We ended up spending about $5K on the day. The main things we spent on: our attire, the photographer and the luncheon. Even without buying much that was specifically ‘bridal’, we still spent a decent amount on what we wore. David invested in a custom-fitted suit (that he’s since worn several times) and I bought a new dress, a pair of nude heels and veil for the occasion (which altogether cost less than $1000). One of our good friends photographed our proposal (as a complete surprise!), and we were thrilled to hire him to photograph our wedding day. Even though he offered us a generous friends and family discount, it was still a major portion of our budget but definitely money well-spent. He did a wonderful job of capturing candid moments and plenty of portraits of us, along with our friends and family. Lunch at Tiny’s & the Bar Upstairs was in a warm and cozy wood-paneled private room. Although they don’t charge any venue fees, there is a $1000 minimum spend, and the set menu was $40 per person (not including drinks).
The post Intimate Daytime Wedding in New York City :: Christine & David appeared first on Snippet & Ink.
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