#he gives a little bit of a fuck. but its nt much dude
kodzuskook · 5 years
proposal | scott lang
description: scott asks you to marry him in the craziest way possible. (followed by:) tony, rhodey and happy fight over who gets to walk you down the aisle.
requested?: yes; [anonymous “Scott Lang and reader wedding? Or proposal? Whichever you’d like. And I love the idea of like Tony and Rhodey and Happy and Fury all fighting about who gets to walk her down the isle and she ends up picking Pepper and they’re all like 😦. I love Scott soooo much xxx”]
author’s note: as you can tell, i chose to write about the proposal itself, i hope you enjoy it!
“honey, i’m home!” scott’s voice rang through the quiet house, a laugh following his words, “i’ve always wanted to say that.”
you made your way down the stairs of your new house to greet scott. your eyes raised in slight fear as he accidentally hit the glass vase while trying to take off his shoes. you let out a little giggle as scott flipped around, reaching his hands out and juggling the vase until it was safely in his arms. the two of you had just finished moving in about two days prior and scott was still getting used to the layout of the house.
“hey, dumbass.” you smiled as he made a face.
“don’t call me a dumbass.” scott frowned.
you shrugged, “i’ve sworn an oath to never lie. courtesy of cap.”
you turned around and walked towards the kitchen causing you to miss scott making a face and mocking your words behind your back.
“tony called,” you told scott over your shoulder, “said something about making sure to remind you of the party later tonight.”
scott’s eyes widened, “oh, goodie.”
you cocked your head at the man who had walked into the kitchen just seconds after you, “what party was he talking about?”
“dunno” scott shrugged, picking up a berry from the fruit bowl and plopping it into his mouth, “we’ll head over there soon?”
you shrugged, “okay.”
nearly an hour later, you and an oddly nervous scott set out to the avengers tower. you decided to blast some music to calm scott down from whatever he was going through.
“you okay?” you raised an eyebrow at scott as you turned into a main street.
the man nodded, “yeah, just can’t wait to get to the party. my first stark party.”
“you’ll be fine, scott.” you slowly nodded, just now noticing the song playing, “hey! it’s our song!”
the soft music of vampire weekend’s mansard roof made its way through the car. scott’s hand found its way to yours, hovering over the side console. you smiled at the memories that this song brought back.
the day you met scott. your first dance with scott. the day you two heard it in the cafe of your third date. the day you two decided to declare the song yours.
scott shifted, pulling his hand away from yours, “pull over.”
“what? scott, i-i’m on the highway, i can’t pull over.” you sputtered out, absolutely puzzled.
“pull over, y/n!” scott turned in his seat, his fingers making their way to the car door’s lock.
you noticed his movements, instantly pushing your finger down on the lock button, pressing down every time scott unlocked his door manually.
“lang, what the fuck are you doing?! we’re on the fucking highway!”
“pull! over!” scott looked over at you, turning back around and instantly pushing his door open slightly.
you shrieked, “scott, are you fucking crazy?! what the fuck?! scott!!”
the wind blew through the car while scott yelled over it, “pull the damn car over, y/n!”
you let out an exasperated huff, “i can’t! i’m on the highway!”
“pull over or i’ll jump!” the man pushed his door slightly more, the sound of honks coming from the cars behind theirs.
“you are fucking insane!” you sped up a little, switching in and out of lanes until you reached an on-route gas station. you slowed into a stop, letting out an exasperated breath before facing scott, “are you fucking insane? like seriously, are you mentally deranged?”
scott looked at you with furrowed eyebrows, “y/-”
“have you ever been socialized? that was a basic function of society and life!” like other times when you’d lecture scott on his actions, your knowledge in psychology and sociology shined through, “a basic rule, scott. don’t jump out of  a moving car, you’d kill yourself. and i don’t know about you, but usually, dying means not living. therefore, no scott lang.”
“y/n, will you let me be spontaneous once in a while?” scott whined.
you glared at him, “no.”
scott stuck his tongue out “i think we deserve some sponataneousness in our relationship.”
“there would be no relationship if you died.” you emphasized the last bit.
“we also wouldn’t be engaged, and planning to get married.”
you froze, “what?”
scott smiled, dropping to one knee, “marry me?”
“i...wh-...scott...scott, what?” you didn’t know what to say.
“y/n, ever since i met you, i knew i liked you. and i would go into a long, long list and speech into why i fell in love with you but, i’m not gonna because hopefully, you’ll say yes and then i would have to make vows but i’m nt good at putting things into words so i’d just be repeating what i’d say right now an-”
“scott, shut up.” you gave the guy a watery smile, “you sound like luis.”
“no, you gotta listen to—did you just say i’m like luis?!—anyway, y/n, i liked you then, i like you now. in fact, i love you now, but it won’t fit with what i have to say, but you know, as beyonce once said, ‘if you like it, then you shoulda put a ring on it.’” scott sang the lyrics before going back into his speech, “and i like you, so, i’m kinda hopin’ i can put a ring on it.”
he pulled out a ring from his pocket, accidentally dropping the ring onto the dusty road before pulling it back up and presenting it to you, “will you give up your single lady title once more and go from girlfriend to wife?” he worded his sentence like he did when asking you to be his girlfriend.
you smiled, nodding before dropping down to your knees and holding your hand out, “i would love to be your wife, mr. lang.”
“did he do it?” was the first thing you heard once you entered the avengers facility. it came from wanda, who was peeking her head out from behind couch.
at the sound of her voice, nearly every other avenger in the room stopped and twisted their head to the hopefully newly-engaged couple.
tony sat up from the couch, pointing at scott, “you. did you...?”
scott turned to you, “please welcome the new mrs. lang to this humble little facility. mrs. lang, meet the avengers. avengers, meet my future wife.”
the room burst into cheers, you instantly being tackled in hugs from natasha, wanda, and pepper, while scott got pats on his back by the men. 
sam tilted his head, “who’s walkin’ y/n down the aisle?”
you thought about his question, thinking of your father who had passed away a few years prior to today’s events.
“me, duh.” tony’s bored voice sounded through the room.
“what, are you kidding? no! it’s me!” rhodey swatted tony’s head, “i’m clearly more fit.”
happy frowned, “hey, no.” he looked over at you, “you gotta pick me, y/n. i’ve known you the longest.”
tony shook his head, “no, happy, shut up. i get to walk down the aisle, mr. l/n would’ve wanted me to take his place.” he referred to your father.
“tony, you don’t even like kids.” happy sighed exasperatedly, “i’m walking her down the aisle.”
tony frowned, “i’m a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. i have every right to walk y/n down the aisle.”
“man, shut your face. he would not want his daughter to be walked down the aisle by a so-called ‘genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist’ dude who’s got his head up his ass.” rhodey shook his head, “mr. l/n wouldn’t stand for it.”
instantly, tony and rhodey started arguing, happy throwing in his two cents every few seconds. steve turned to look at you for help, you shrugged.
“uhm, ms. l/n, it would be well appreciated if you mediated the situation at hand instantly.” vision murmurred.
you sighed, “uh, guys?”
the three stopped and looked at you expectantly. “y/n’ll choose.” tony stated.
you laughed awkwardly, your hand instantly gripped scott’s and you squeezed it, “listen, i really do appreciate you guys uhm, fighting...? over who gets to walk me down the aisle. and honestly, i wouldn’t be able to decide between you three.”
you watched their expressions change slightly, “so what does that mean?” happy asked.
you scratched the back of your head with your vacant hand, “pepper.”
“that’s absurd!”
“she’s not even a man!”
you looked over at pepper who looked shocked at your statement, but recovered enough to join you in rolling your eyes at tony’s last statement.
you shrugged, letting go of scott’s hand and walking towards pepper. you wrapped your arms around her shoulders, snuggling into her while smiling at the three exasperated men, “you guys know i don’t follow tradition, and seeing as pepper is neither my father, nor another father figure. she fits the criteria.”
you paused, “that is if she’d like to?”
pepper smiled, “i’d love to walk you down the aisle.”
you laughed while the three men acted like little babies, frowning and crossing their arms while stomping their feet in anger.
scott came behind you, wrapping his arms around your body, “thank you saying yes, mrs. lang.”
“it was my pleasure.”
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mangakx · 5 years
i want angst.
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sebastianejw-blog · 5 years
Peaky blinders
No offence to anyone that liked it
I got to the kinda middle of ep 3 & decided I would rather shot myself than watch it, it's just boring, the story isn't explained all that well & I only caught interest in Thomas, I really want his hair cut xD I found him really interesting I thought he might be a kinda emotionaledd character & I find those intresting & with breif info we get of his part & views early on I thought of two things that would keep me as a viewer him going around being a shelbg not being influenced by anyone cause of him being emotionallees & maybe seeing how he deals with a woman or anyone truongno get in his pants & the first interaction with grace was great he didn't nt care he was rude to her, it was a string character especially during the time period for a guy to be too broken that he's completely just shut down is believable.
I looked more on social media & just out of context it seemed like Thomas was gay I kinda sat back & was like yeah I kinda get that, it was an intresting thing so I was like alright i'll watch him get dung bumy this girl who did some reason just really rubbed me the wrong way I just did not like her at all het character is something I've seen before & idk I just really git pissed off by her.
But then I just couldn't watch anymore so I went to watch more stuff on Thomas & cilian & I see a thing about Thomas & grace & I'm hoping it's not what I think it'll be & gueds what if filuck8ng is & they end up together & urs bullshit I keep watching shows that portray their characters in a way to begin with that the starting theorys are normally he's not gonna be faxed by anything or he's closeted & in a tone where its not acceptable, intresting theorys & plot ideas & the look like they're gonna run with it but already not even really 3 eps in & they've just done a U turn.
I have my preferenced now a days I don'tind stuff about the olden days Dunkirk was fucking amazing but they had good actor the relationship between the boys was nice it was just an intresting thing to watch & the nice ending where my personal favourite characters live was like the best
& yes I do find films that havea little bit of lgbt stuff I it, when their isn't much out there I find those stories a lot more fucking interesting & again Dunkirk the two surviveing gus their sexuality is kinda in the air but the close bond the have us kinda gay lol xD & is just really wholesome
Idk just a war series is a bit off putting to begin with but I judge a lot of series off like the first ep & at a stretch the 2nd. & this was just god owful, the beginning concept, what I thought it was. Was interesting & it was shot nicely the actors are all decent
(the girl that's gets married to freddy is in merlin lol)
But non of the other storied really gripped me I didn't really get why the whole relationship between the girl & freddy was a big no no cause it wasn't really explained appart from some politics stuff that is never gonna interest me. Idk it was just bland, the filming was good & Im definitely gonna see where Cillian goes cause he's a nice looking dude & a good enough actor for me to give even episode 3 a chance
I sound like I'm making myself to be above this series, obviously I'm not. i could probably not do what they do in it, but it's like my view of dbh, their were other paths they could've done & they shouldve just fucking done it
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topicprinter · 6 years
No particular order. Hope it helps.YouTube is where it's at for videos. End of. Get your channel sorted and optimised and connected to everything. Noone is searching for videos on Facebook and IGTV is utter dogshit. Everyone uses the world's second largest search engine, and that's YouTube.LinkedIn always was, and is and will continue to be utter shiite for the majority of you. Use it for finding out info on the right people and use tools like CrystalKnows etc to get a more detailed view on those people. Sure, use Sales Navigator to build your contact lists and reach out, but then use the phone to call them. Yes, a phone. If you're posting organic content on LinkedIn hoping to get any traction at all - then unless you have tits and arse or you're a young incredibly good-looking bloke or bird that's made the 3 comma club? Yeah, you're wasting your time. You can't even create a custom audience based on post interaction. It's shit. It's buggy as FUCK. (OH MY GOD THE BUGS). It's expensive. Avoid until Microsoft fixes their LinkedIn ad platform. You know how good Microsoft are - because you use Bing as your search engine amirite?Phone calling people on their mobile in 2019 will require you to treat your opening line to them like an optimised rich snippet / email header hook etc. Eh? Because the Google Attendant will be rolled out to all android devices and Apple with respond too, so a call recipient can see in real time your talk to text transcription to see if they want to pick up. See why you need to optimise your opening line now? Yeah, you do.PR never went out of fashion. Everything old is new again or something? Basically, networks of people that trust a Connector person, are your new preferred way of getting exposure and conversions. Pay through the nose for that as long as you can measure and test everything to make sure you're getting bang for buck. Old mate Suzie Parkus in the UK is my trusted go to chick for this. Find her on Facebook. Who's the American and Straya counterparts? Dunno. Find yours. Let us all know.Data is a fucking liability. "My database is my joy, mate - what drugs you smoking?" None. Sadly. My point is that GDPR will continue to fuck with your marketing plans time and time again - and you now are officially on notice if you're an American, that the California Consumer Privacy Act is coming for you January 2020. That's the Seppo version of GDPR. Now try running two marketing stacks to cater for the rest of Murica and California. Actually, 3 if you market/sell anywhere in Europe. I talked this year at length about GDPR and it's eye-glazingly dull shit - but important shit. I have a solution to all this for SME business owners, whereas even Facebook and Google and MailChimp etc tell you to go fuck yourself with little to NO tools for helping you become GDPR-compliant with your cross-product marketing stack data. This privacy issue will continue to evolve and deffo continue to give you a headache as most growthhacks and marketing automations require you to process User data with few / zero fucks given to privacy. Just make sure it's easy for Users to remove themselves for your marketing efforts across ALL your marketing products in your stack cough talk to me coughEmail will continue to be a "best effort" technology. Setup your DNS records for all the CNAME and TXT entries under the sun to ensure mail deliverability? Good, because you've got one over on your competitors.. but you're still fucked by increasingly good AI that's filtering out your emails so they're never seen by Recipients. Nothing can be done about that. Just know it. If you're using MailChimp for example though - they're using AI in there to let you know the best time to send your email based on a multitude of factors and signals. If you haven't tried it yet, take a squizz.Videos in emails will suck. But then become better. Email and email protocols are as old as the hills, and we keep trying to add new shit on top of that email layer. Video is the latest wheeze. The current tools absolutely suck dick, but they're the best we got right now (looking at you, BombBomb but hate your retarded price structure). MailChimp and Wistia for example can be a way of sending EMBEDDED PLAYABLE videos from the email (without the user device opening YouTube etc - it actually plays in the email!). But as usual, there's no standards for this, and iphones don't play with androids and it's all still a bit of a cluster fuck. Know it's doable. Try it out. It will get betterAmazon ads will continue to get hot as balls. Yes, even if you aren't selling products in its platform. They're complicated and spread across various parts of Amazon, but they will continue to be streamlined into a single AdWords like interface. Who's my Amazon as rockstar(s)? Make yourself known in the comments. We should talk. Amazon ramping up their video ad offerings too, so get ready to repurpose your YouTube and Facebook landscape product sales videos.AI will continue to eat the lunch of the marketing industry. Yup. AI is at the point where it can already create images that can fool everyone: With actual faces of humans created from just a few seed human face images, it has now learnt how to create images that are so realistic, that you won't be able to tell the difference. So if AI can do that, it will be able to create images of your products and your ad copy (Google already creating the ad copy but they recommend a human check over the copy - but it's so good, those checks aren't really needed I hear). So if you have automatic image creation, ad copy creation tailored to the person reading it based on all the open graph data the social network/ad platform has on you COUPLED with its targeting options that are the best in he history of humanity? Yeah, the digital marketing agency industry is on notice. Make hay now.VR and AR tools still largely suck balls for mere mortals to use, although my mate Cathy Hackl (again, Facebook is where you'll find her) has all the stories on this and lets me know that those tools are getting way better. Do a Google search for Kabaq, if you're in the restaurant biz for example - that lead came in from Cathy. Follow her. She's lush and has the knawledge.Instagram messaging spun off into a separate app called Instagram Direct. And the bots will be there waiting for when Facebook make their commitment to an actual public supported API set. Start thinking how you can take your manychat bot over to the realms of Instagram. That will happen.Paid instagram traffic will shit over woocommerce / Shopify site organic/paid traffic in terms of sales performance. I can't be fucked with IG myself - it's full of c*nts with #LivingMyBestLife levels of vanilla tepidness. I post whatever makes me giggle on my @australiawow channel, but that's about it. But if I was selling physical products? Like fashion? I'd be moving my PPC budget into my Instagram ads to get as much exposure for my channel as possible. Those Instagram shoppable tags coupled with an instant payment solution = pure gold and literal piles of money. The ever-lush TabithaWebb.co.uk is ramping her efforts up on there, and I love the relative simplicity of setting it up for her. It's straightforward and I suggest you get stuck in too, connecting your WooCommerce and Facebook Business Manager Catalogues and your Instagram accounts. You will have a smile as huge as my pink bits when you get it working. Promise.A few more? Sure, but I'm in the Gili Islands here in Indonesia at the moment, so let me know what you think so far good or bad (and if bad, just be able to articulate why instead of Nelson-levels of digital pointing going HA HAA)PLUR my dudes.
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