#he is a Lore Heavy character for ani and im so excited to write more about him
catboythorfinn · 2 years
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made some progress on ani's backstory and a new oc came out of it... but here is Anani! i forgot to write it down but he's a human
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duckymacaroon · 4 years
A small rant/ my feelings on the new Mandalorian chapter....
[SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! START NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!] 
So I just want to say that I did overall enjoy the episode and I thought it was very well done for a season finale. I loved the tense scenes and heavy reality of the whole situation that is surrounding the world that was once ruled by the Empire but now is being controlled by the New Republic. Also I like that they are exploring the lore of Manalore and I absolutely love the darksaber. 
Now its time for my rant and feelings-cause I mean my feelings have been hit in the heart so hard. Im crying on the inside so much. 
So I knew going into this season that Din and Grogu would be separated, that was the theme of this season but I WAS NOT READY FOR THIS! I WAS NOT READY!!!!! I did not want Grogu to leave with Luke. I was actually happy to see Luke, I really was and to see how powerful he was also to show off just how powerful a trained jedi master is. But I did not like that Grogu and Din didnt get a proper goodbye.
Din gets him back after several days (or weeks-IDK how long it took to find everyone and make a plan) of not having him then to just show up on the ship, save him, save everyone and then to just have Luke walk in and “take” him away...NO....
Again, not mad about Luke showing up but Din did have the Darksaber so he could have cut through all those droids with no problem, they weren’t in immediate danger. I know din doesnt know how to “use” the saber but its not all that hard to swing it and cut things up with it. I felt like they could have made it out alive and onto another planet where Din could have a moment with Grogu to really let it all sink in, then the helmet scene (maybe even more intimate) then Luke could show up and take him. Cause I do understand that Grogu chose to reach out to Luke so he wanted to get stronger so he could probably protect Din. Which makes sense to me, if I had power to protect my parents I would want to learn how to wield them to the best of my ability.  
A problem I see happening though (not that magical hollywood writing cant fix it) is that Yoda/Grogu’s species take a while to train to a level where they excel, Yoda was like 100 years old when he was considered good at his ability to pass it on, so that leaves Grogu with 50 more years left till he is considered good to go back to Din or at least taking a vacation. Also, Yoda had many teachers around him to help, Grogu did have many teachers in the past but we can see that he is still raw in his ability but now Grogu only has Luke who only had Yoda to teach him-not that Yoda is not enough he is more than enough but Yoda was also 900 years old, he had to be tired (and slightly crazy) so I don't know how much he was able to pass on to Luke, as far as the knowledge goes. The situation is if Din dies/gets hurt/or Grogu gets hurt/dies there is a chance they could never see each other again, now since we don't really know the age of Din (we all assume he is around the age of Pedro but we can guess he is anywhere from 35-45 years of age) but 50 years later could put him at 75 or 85 years old. Din promises him that they will see each other again but given his job as a bounty hunter he could die any day. Also if he goes to help restore Mandalore that will take a LONG time considering how separate the fractions are...also I know Din doesnt want to be a part of it at all but he has to fight Bo-Katan in order for her to get the DarkSaber and that might end up badly for him. 
Also another problem...Luke never introduced himself or told Din where he was going...Now Cara might know Luke and can introduce Din to Leia and they can help find him but if Cara doesnt know and Leia refuses in anyway Din will have a hard time finding Grogu and Luke. Remember Luke hide from everyone in the Sequels for YEARS! If jedi don't want to be found its very hard to find them, they can blend in when they need to so my fear is that Din wont be able to keep that promise and Grogu will never see him again. That is why I think they needed a better goodbye, cause that goodbye felt rushed and left a hole in my heart...
I also have a feeling that since Grogu is so attached to Din now that if Din does get severally hurt or comes close to death or even dies, Grogu is going to feel it where ever he is, he is gonna feel the loss of his father or that he is in great pain. Luke showed that he could feel the pain of his sister and Han when they were in pain and Yoda was even shown holding his heart as he felt people he loved die, Ashoka felt it to when she was on board the cruiser. So my fear is that Grogu is going to panic and want to get back to Din to try and help him. Now if Luke does the Master Yoda thing where he tells him to stay I think Grogu will turn to the dark side and leave. 
So overall again I liked the episode I thought everyone was very well done, I can see they set up a large world for Din and Mandalore, also how he and Bo are gonna compete for the hand off of the Darksaber. Also the Boba Fett series looks like it will be awesome! Looking forward to that. Now while I will be SUPER sad to not see Grogu in the Mandalorian anymore (or for how ever long they plan on separating Din and Grogu for) I am excited to see what they do with Din. He is an interesting character to me and his arc is getting interesting. 
So sorry its so long thank you all!!!! Also this is just my opinion and concerns but I do trust Dave and Jon to make this good in the end, since they both love Star Wars :) 
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findingyouagain · 4 years
favorite doctor   ?   although i was super excited to have our first female doctor, i wasn’t sure how much i was gonna like jodie’s portrayal, but as you can probably guess, thirteen is by far my absolute favorite doctor ! the writing / episodes she’s in aren’t always my favorite, but her acting is phenomenal, & i love her take on the character !
favorite master   ?   previously missy, but sacha’s master just blew me out of the water this season ! 
favorite sonic   ?   thirteen’s screwdriver & twelve’s sonic sunglasses !
favorite tardis interior   ?   ooooooh.   i really love twelve’s look, but i’m also very much in love with the aesthetic of thirteen’s ! if only they could put some white lighting in there so it wouldn’t make it so hard to color when giffing !
favorite companion   ?   ugh this is such a difficult question ! i think donna & ten had the best companion x doctor dynamic, but i’m definitely biased towards clara bc of how similar her personality is to my own ... a close second would be amy & rory.
favorite story   ?   oooof. midnight is definitely one of my absolute favorites ! heaven sent is my favorite of twelve’s episodes, & i think one of the best episodes of doctor who ever made. i also really enjoy partners in crime & the witchfinders !
favorite soundtrack   ?   ugh series 10 was so so so good & 100% needs an actual release please im begging !
dream actor for next male/female doctor   ?   ngl i would love to see jameela jamil as the next doctor !
dream story   ?   oh, man, idk but i would love to see more lore expansion from what we got in the timeless children. OR OR OR another fob!watched doctor story feature our current time travelling gang !
a companion you’d like to see again   ?   honestly any new who companion except maybe rose. not that i don’t like rose, i just really wanna see more from the companions who are still in our universe. talk to me about how amy & rory visited twelve when they were living in the same time period while he was teaching at uni. or clara finally making her way back to gallifrey to see that it’s destroyed & searching out the doctor to find out what happened. jack breaking thirteen out of prison. martha & mickey calling up the doctor to help with some alien bounty hunters. donna regaining some of her memories. bill & heather showing up at some alien market just chilling like !! give previous companions casual appearances again !!
an enemy you wanna see again   ?   gosh i mean obviously the master for sure ! maybe the trickster !! he always fascinates me !
if you could set a story in any time period what would it be   ?   i’m so biased but give me something in the ancient mediterranean !! have thirteen flirting with sapho ! meet alexander the great & his boyfriend ! let’s see some aliens pretending to be some gods !
if you could travel with any doctor which would it be   ?   i would love to travel with any of them tbh but thirteen, eleven, & twelve would probably be my current preferences ( with a heavy heavy heavy lean towards thirteen ) !!
tagged by.   @fabulouspotatosister, @wonders-of-the-multiverse, & @queermoonie
tagging.   @lilaccoats, @dykecious, @queerconfusionthings, @ellacannotdance, @karolinadeaen, @tennant, & anyone who wants to !
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kingofthewilderwest · 6 years
Hello, Haddock! Now that Voltron (sadly) ended, how would you rank the seasons? Also, could you tell how many times you've rewatched them?
Hey there, friend! WAY happy to chat Voltron and all its seasons!
Unlike most fandom culture, I’m not a chronic rewatcher, and the default assumption is that I’ve only seen any show once. It’s rare for me to see shows more than once, honestly, even ones I love. I certainly will be watching VLD more times, but because of my normal watching habits, I’ve seen a large portion of the show only once. I’ve seen S1 probably about 5 times, S2 thrice, S3-4 twice, and S5+ once. I’ve seen “The Last Stand” from S7 twice.
These are rankings based somewhat upon my emotional attachments and not simply objective elements like narrative structure! XD I already know my preferences are going to be different than lots of people in the VLD fandom, haha. These rankings are also based on memory, which is pretty strong admittedly for VLD, but it leaves room to change with a rewatch.
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Let’s be clear: I don’t dislike Season 8 and there’s much I enjoy. Give it up for S8 love!!! Standout episodes to me include “Launch Date,” “The Prisoner’s Dilemma,” and “Day Forty-Seven.” The women going shopping together and Pidge dressing as 1980s Darrell Stoker made my life. Not to mention… it was fun spending time with the MFEs; they didn’t take a disproportionate amount of time, but gave us good moments to make us love them. I’m thankful for the S8 ending giving us both a sense of wrap-up for the plot conflicts, but also looking forward to what our Paladins will do to rejuvenate the galaxy. There’s much I’m thankful for with S8.
That said, S8 isn’t my jam as much as other seasons. I’m not much of a shipper and I wasn’t into the Allurance, nor did I get pulled into the magic-heavy plot conflict with Haggar and her Alteans. And while S7 does give great screen time to Allura, it felt a little less like an ensemble cast and more like a spotlight on her. Enemies’ minds changed too fast for me to feel realistic, and the magic-wonky plot didn’t feel as gripping and intense as S7. It’s the reason I’m placing S8 here: from my own preferences, I attached with other seasons more.
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For whatever reason, S5 didn’t make as much of an impression on me as other seasons. I wasn’t as invested in concepts like “Kral Zera” and “White Lion.” Given as S5 is an odd numbered season in the middle portion of Voltron, it has an innate disadvantage: it’s written in all but name as the first half of a season, which means story arc ending payoffs wouldn’t happen until S6. I also feel like S5 is where plot writing is at one of its most tangled or muddied, given as there’s lots being juggled and introduced conflict-wise and lore-wise and universe-wise and character-wise.
However, S5 - like all seasons - gives us cool stuff. We got Matt (one of my favorite characters) participating in an adventure, lots of Lotor screentime, and a callout to 1980s DOTU that I never thought they’d be able to turn into a good episode (“White Lion”). And!!! We get to meet!!! KROLIA!!!
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I have particularly fond attachment to S3. This is the season where I started getting actively involved in Voltron fandom discourse, giving my own take on Project Kuron theories. This is the season that gave us the first glimpse of the Classic Voltron formation - Keith in Black, Lance in Red, Pidge in Green, Allura in Blue, Hunk in Yellow. I felt a thrill go through me as Keith, for the first time, said “Form Voltron!” Also… Lance really stepping up to show his leadership potential??? So good. And this is the season where we meet Lotor, another long-anticipated character… and oh my goodness is his character introduction gold. So there’s lots of stuff I hold strong affinity for in S3.
The reason I have to rank Season 3 back here is because it’s more about the Paladins floundering around than anything else. It’s meant to create a new sense of chaos and instability… their leader Shiro is gone, and now there are new unexpected threats like Lotor to handle. However, at the same time, since half of the season is just the Paladins floundering around not knowing how to work together, it makes me less attached to particular episodes. None of the episodes are favorites or standouts to me on their own. There’s lots of cool moments throughout S3, but I think the only episode I notably emotionally attach to is “The Journey.” But still? Good season!
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I can’t believe I have this amazing season all the way back here. I want it to be higher, except that I do have to rank other seasons above this one. 
Season 1 is what gets everything started. It sets the stage for what Voltron’s all about, teaching us about lions and robeasts and Zarkon and the Galaxy Garrison and all that good stuff from 1980s nostalgia… all the while creating a new vibe and energy to the franchise. In retrospect, S1 feels much calmer and less high-stakes than the rest of the series (especially post S2). However, it’s a solid season with good episodes that never feel less solid and good. We get great Hunk material with him finding conviction; great Shiro and Pidge moments as they share different worries over the abduction; hilarious Keith and Lance clashes; lots and lots and lots of good things. It’s a very solid season, especially once we launch off Arus.
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If you want to know how tight my season rankings are to each other, S6 was almost listed second place.
I attach to specific episodes in particular for S6. I love the visuals in “Razor’s Edge.” I died howling with laughter in “Monsters & Mana.” I fell into so many emotional feels regarding Keith and Shiro in “The Black Paladins.” We get one of the all-time best emotional, action-oriented episodes of VLD… and one of the most amazing, hysterical filler episodes in S6. Despite being seven episodes long, S6 is an incredible ride and adventure start to end. It’s hard to believe so much occurred in that amount of time!
There’s hoards of great stuff in this season. We get the Kuron arc resolved, with lots of emotional content between Keith and Shiro. We get the Lotor arc resolved, learning whether or not he can be trusted, with great Lotor and Allura time. We get Keith returning to the Paladins. We get the introduction of Romelle, which all DOTU lovers have been waiting for forever.
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I have to put VLD S4 here because of its emotional power. There are damned AMAZING moments this season, alongside some of my favorite episodes and moments of all time. I know I and some of the other fans aren’t huge on “The Voltron Show!” But fuck it, guys, S4 gave us “Reunion” and “A New Defender”!!!
Matt is a delight this season, from his first meeting of Allura, to his tour around the Castle of Lions with Pidge, to his technological connections with his sister and Hunk, to his participation in the Rebels’ fighting forces. We also get some of the funniest moments for me in Voltron, between learning how to milk Kaltenecker and seeing HOW Pidge finally managed to rig up the video game system.
Then there’s the opposite end of the emotional spectrum. “Reunion” is the single most emotional episode in all of Voltron for me. Even though I’d seen screencaps of Matt prior to watching S4, I felt as shocked and heartbroken as Pidge to come to his gravestone. There’s so much POWER to this gravestone scene; it’s one of the moments that resonates with me the most even after I’ve finished the whole show. It might even be my Number One FAVORITE moment in the entire show. It’s not my place to analyze that scene here, but DAMN. 
Furthermore, the climax with the battle of Naxzela was INTENSE, with Keith almost sacrificing himself getting me screaming. That was such a great battle and climactic moment in VLD. This was a great culminating moment, in which the series has officially built up from a small team to a universe-wide conflict.
We get standout moments with Keith being badass with the blades, Matt taking initiative, Pidge seeking out her family, Allura helping Voltron flee the gravity field, Kuron becoming increasingly more suspicious. VLD S4 ramps everything up from the emotions to the excitement, resulting in an awesome and intense six episodes.
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It’s really hard for me to put this as second place instead of first place. I originally had it in first place. I want it to be first place. I LOVE the second half of S7 so much. This is, possibly, my favorite season from an emotional standpoint because wow.
It’s all-around outstanding. S7 showed us how far the Paladins have come as heroes; they operate with great teamwork, skill, and professionalism that is oh-so-cool to see on screen. They’re still the characters we love and cherish, but they’ve grown SO MUCH since their first days on Voltron. This is fully-fledged heroes doing fully-fledged battles and it’s GREAT.
S7 gives us standout moments to so many characters, including Hunk, Shiro, Sam, Colleen, Veronica, and Keith. We even get some good adventure time with Romelle! And as far as character interactions are concerned, we get touching moments between Keith and Lance, Keith and Hunk, and so many other combinations.
The story raises the stakes to higher levels than ever before, with an emotional and exciting conquest of Earth. There’s nothing more horrible and high-stakes to audiences than a homefront war. We feel extreme pain for Hunk with fears for his family, and Shiro for the loss of Adam. We feel the great sense of danger and desperation starting with “The Last Stand.” We feel the drama of a long and extended climax fighting for Earth’s freedom, including moments where the Paladins control the Lions outside their body (so cool), Shiro commands the ATLAS (SO cool), and the ATLAS also transforms into a fighting robot (SO FREAKING COOL!). This has some of the most exciting, badass stuff of Voltron ever. I love it.
Highlight episodes for me are “The Last Stand” (two episodes without the Paladins about Earth fighting for its freedom? this was fucking amazing), “Trial By Fire,” and “Lions’ Pride.” Essentially - all of the second half of the season.
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Season 2 is probably THE MOST solid season in all of VLD. 
Almost every episode is good, memorable, fun, lovable, enjoyable, classic. It highlights the full ensemble cast. It creates an EXTREMELY exciting, exhilarating, fun climax. It is a strong narrative season, cleanly and proudly finishing the first 26 episode long arc for VLD. This season shows VLD at its best. Since it consistently delivers, there’s nowhere else S2 belongs except the top.
We get great Shiro time, what with his arc spent learning to trust Black… leading to him being a badass unlocking the Lion’s wings and taking Zarkon’s bayard. We get great Pidge time, whether it’s her freaking out over video games or drawing deeper into the beauty of the world - technology and biology both. We get great Keith time, with him fighting for answers in the Blade of Marmora and infiltrating Zarkon’s base in an extremely dangerous mission. We get great Hunk time, between unlocking his Lion’s claws and taking initiative in the Weblum adventure. We get great Lance moments, where he shows us he truly can be a sharpshooter for the team. We get great Allura moments, especially in how she fought against Haggar in the finale. This season rocks it for EVERY Paladin.
Not only does every individual Paladin get good spotlighting, but S2 also rocks it with character interactions. How Allura handles Keith being Galra is a memorable moment of character development for both of them. How Hunk and Keith interact in “The Belly of the Weblum” is a delight. How Shiro loses his cool with Slav is hysterical. I can never complain to Lance and Hunk combinations, like in “The Depths.” And of course every episode focused on Keith and Shiro gives us good feels.
Standout episodes for S2 include “The Ark of Taujeer” (THE COLORS), “The Blade of Marmora,” “Blackout,” “Space Mall.” I cannot believe I watched an episode where the character dressed as space pirates and rode on a flying cow to escape a mall cop. That happened. It’s a delight. And S2 kept rocking it with the humor, down to Pidge creating all her Paladin buddies out of space junk and imitating them. But S2 also gives us some of the most memorable moments of VLD storytelling, what with “The Blade of Marmora.” That episode is a staple for many reasons. Not to mention… all of S2 works together cohesively for the long-term arc structure.
And then there’s the climax. So well-done. So exciting. So immersive. So intense. So cool. So badass. Great colors, great flow, great plot, great everything start to end. I was in a THRILL at the end of S2 because this climax was so unbelievably fun. In retrospect it’s got competition with S7, and S7 probably takes the cake now… but fuck it, S2′s end will always be awesome.
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Every single season in VLD gives me something to be excited about. There are things to love each step of the journey. I’m thankful for every episode from S1 to S8. 
What a ride this journey has been.
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