#he is lucky he didn't die
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thaliagrayce · 1 year
y'know what we don't talk about enough? Hazel died. We talk about how she grew up in the 30's and 40's and we talk about how out of place she feels in the modern world, but! She died! She was dead! She has spent more time dead than alive, and not by a close margin!
How does that effect a person??? We got some of it in the flashbacks, but once those caught up with her present timeline and she shared them, they just kind of... disappeared. And she was a regular girl with some weird past experiences. That's one way of doing it, sure!
I think it would have been a lot cooler if she was just a touch creepier. If she felt a little bit Wrong. Yeah, in general she's more approachable than her brother, she's more sociable and less closed off, but. If you actually spend any time with her, it can be difficult to tell which child of the underworld is actually more unsettling.
Hazel is bright of personality and has a dazzling smile, but sometimes she'll just... shut down. She'll go completely blank for like half an hour and nobody knows what to do with it. Sometimes she forgets she's alive. Sometimes she'll spout the grimmest shit you've ever heard like it's nothing, she won't even notice it's weird until the room goes quiet. She spent decades in Asphodel, which is designed to make people forget about themselves and wander around for eternity, only she didn't have the luxury of forgetting! Wild! After she comes back to life, sometimes she forgets that she's allowed to Do Stuff now. She can spend so long sitting and staring at nothing. Sometimes she'll start crying on cloudless days because it hits her again that she can actually feel the warmth of the sun on her skin and she can hear birdsong. Every little mundane experience is a blessing and she will make you remember that in the most foreboding way possible.
#hazel levesque#hoo#mj talks#like. i am fascinated with characters who die and come back different and it JUST hit me that there was so much potential for hazel there#the idea of how death lingers was not explored At All in heroes of olympus#of course there's the obvious part in that there were what. 3 named character deaths total? 4 if you count leo#which i very much don't because it didn't stick! there were no consequences to this gigantic war!#the first series did well with that because we had plenty of named characters who died#even though some of them were introduced only to die like six chapters later. we still knew them on some level#and more importantly percy knew them. he felt their loss in a way that made consequences seem real#heroes of olympus didn't have any of that. hazel could have been a great way to talk about it a little more!#also i just love characters who have obviously gone through death. that has to change a person! tell me how it changed you!#anyway. i think i'll make hazel creepier from now on in my writing#she deserves it <3#nico is creepy in an obvious way. he's got power over death and that clings to him like a second skin. he can't hide it#and he's learned that he doesn't have to. there is power in being othered#hazel seems lovely when you first meet her! none of the death power all of the glitter and gold and riches#and then she'll look you dead in the eye and say 'you really don't know how lucky you are to be able to breathe until you can't anymore'#and move on like it's nothing! what!#underworld siblings
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bethanydelleman · 5 months
Sir Thomas Bertram 🤝 Mr. Earnshaw
Decides to take in and raise a child on a whim, and then knowing that his heir/eldest son is unwilling or unable to take care of that child, does absolutely nothing to secure the child's future...
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essektheylyss · 2 years
One thing that gets lost in ship discourse (or its hyper-positive opposite) is that regardless of your feelings on a ship, in order to tell a story, the character relationships do and should have an impact on a character's story arc, and not all relationships are going to offer the same emotional weight throughout any given character's story.
This is particularly true of actual play, wherein each player character is running a separate story as a protagonist, and therefore you have to consider each of them as an individual thread within one larger narrative, on top of the narrative itself.
That being said, the farther you get into the story and the closer to the end you are, the ways those threads can interweave get culled, simply by circumstances. Relationships (platonic, romantic, familial, etc) change over time, and whether they are narratively compelling changes as well. In contrast, "ship" is generally used to suggest a dynamic an individual audience member finds compelling, which may or may not have anything to do with the narrative, even if the dynamic is interesting for reasons of narrative potential (that isn't ultimately explored within canon). These are distinct concepts in terms of analysis. So as a disclaimer, this post is about character relationships within the narrative as it exists—essentially, what makes the story that exists work as well as it does, in the end.
Now that we've got all that out of the way, let's talk about Caleb.
Caleb's problem for much of the campaign is one of survival and self-preservation. His goal is simply to last long enough to find a way to go back in time. Because that is a very open goal, it doesn't inherently have much to tie him to another character in a relationship sense. He is not looking for that, he does not see himself as worthy of it, and it's really not a necessary narrative question, regardless of what attraction he does have.
But over time (and, I would argue, in a way that is fairly singular among the Nein, but I won't get into that here), his priorities begin to shift. Many of his needs are now met in ways that they previously weren't, allowing him to fully consider what he wants. For instance, between the start of the war and the time they reach Xhorhas, he has changed his mind about becoming involved in this war—because he is not being forced into it by possible conscription. He has significantly more options than he did at the start.
What he ends up realizing, as he finds the opportunity to put an end to the war, is that he cannot trust his own judgment. There is near universal support to end the war—even the nations involved are there because of what they view as existential threats. That opinion is not in question. But everything else is. Caleb is a victim of manipulation and brainwashing, and this is very apparent when he starts pleading with the scourger prisoner of war to give him some kind of proof that people like him can change.
And this is not something that anyone else of the Nein can offer him. They can tell him that they think he is a good person and that they trust him, but because of his history—and because he knows how smart he is, and how far he can fall—this isn't something he can take at face value, especially given that they have not seen or known him at his worst, and have not experienced it either.
Yasha may be able to offer some guidance in that area, but she is working through similar issues at both a different pace and in different ways than he is—she isn't seeking any situation where she would make potentially world-shaping decisions or have influence over others like he would. His goals are singularly risky. Veth comes closest to this, in that she very briefly considers prolonging the war to alleviate her own suffering, but it's not a decision she's ever forced to make.
(Honestly, thinking about this, an arc in which Veth does take that deal with Isharnai is a fascinating alternative universe to consider—it would certainly give her the opportunity to relate to Caleb in this way, but it would probably take another fifty episodes before Caleb could even bring himself to consider forgiving her, given it would be in direct conflict to the one thing he's been working at for a third of the campaign up until then. Still, a fascinating consideration!)
So between Caleb attempting to sway the scourger and going to Astrid's house in secret, this is the point at which it seems like the Nein cannot help him do the rest of the work. They have done a lot to get him here and considering what else he wants! But they can't offer him what that is, which is essentially tangible corroboration of what they've already offered.
And at this point in the campaign when taken as a whole, there's only one character who can actually offer that. Because to have real emotional weight, what Caleb is looking for is someone who is as smart as he has, who has made a similarly horrific decision even in spite of that intelligence, and who has now committed to actual change.
It's the commitment to actual change that is difficult, because it requires a support structure—and in hindsight, there's not enough time left to build that up for someone like Astrid or Eadwulf, but it's already partially in place for Essek.
(We can debate all day long about what could've been different if the hiatus never happened, or the campaign had lasted longer, but this is specifically about the campaign that we have. I think there is also an argument to be made that Astrid or Eadwulf would've required a much longer and more intensive timeframe to reach that point even if the campaign had continued than the format really offered, because they have preconceived notions about Caleb that complicates their ability to take what he says at face value even if they care about him succeeding in his goals—but that's also not relevant to this point.)
But I do think this is why Essek progresses very quickly, and is largely committed to aiding them by 124—he already has been aiding them, and has expressed loyalty to them above anyone else.
This is not as much of a leap as it may appear to some, because even by 91 and 97, he had done significant introspection on his own time. This is only a continuation of how he has been characterized thus far. He's expressed doubt from a very early point, whereas Astrid does not begin to express doubt (regardless of whether she feels it, because this is about capacity for willing admittance) until after the dinner with Trent.
What ends up happening is that Essek's the one who actually calls Caleb on things. He gives him an ultimatum with the conversation about Trent when the Nein won't. He offers reason and perspective in the paper room when the rest of the Nein get impatient. He checks off all of the boxes of what Caleb is looking for (which is essentially a narrative mirror), and very early into the Nein's trip through Aeor, Caleb seems to have forgiven him, and his fears and misgivings erode from there.
Only this corroboration, because his opinion of Essek is specifically about his opinion of his own capacity for change, allows him to recognize that returning to the past would simply make him the same person he had been at 17, and finally put that plan, the person that he was, and his parents to rest. If he is not able to be anything other than that boy, then he has no reason to not remain as such, and return to the past; but if he believes himself capable of change, then the question of going back in time is one of leaving behind the person he is now in favor of the boy who made that choice. He is asked, if he believes himself capable of change, to acknowledge that he was that person once, but can now be more than that and move beyond it.
And the proof that he needs in order to affirm that when he is given the opportunity to do so is standing next to him.
Fundamentally, this is not related to Caleb's long-term relationship with Essek at all. This could have been the end of it—they could've parted ways and the story would've still been told and completed.
But I think it is important that a) Essek does get to have some happiness, and b) part of that is with Caleb (though this still doesn't have any bearing on platonic vs romantic, only that they have some kind of close mutual relationship in the long run). On a very basic level, because he is now in this position of being corroborating evidence for Caleb himself, Essek becomes a stand-in for how the narrative sees Caleb, and how Caleb views himself.
If the narrative condemns him and leaves him out to dry, it is an implicit reflection on Caleb—and directly conflicts with the narrative implication that Caleb is not solely worth condemnation. And however much it has nothing to do with romance or a relationship of that kind, Caleb's choice to care about him in the long run is an acknowledgement of being willing to care for and forgive himself.
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yardsards · 1 year
also. amber gris as a character is really important to me as an appalachian.
not just her accent or the specific type of person justin based her off of but like
the feeling of losing someone to addiction/overdose while the government does nothing to help, just criminalizes and stigmatizes and makes things worse. which obviously happens in more places than just around here, but we have one of the highest rates of overdose death in the whole country and that whole set of scenes felt like they were really informed by growing up around that
#eliot posts#taz#taz ethersea#the adventure zone#amber gris#drugs cw#death mention#i've made posts like this and deleted them cuz i never feel like i'm wording it just right but just. god.#i'm lucky enough to have never been addicted or to have a best friend or immediate family member die from it#but i've lost or nearly lost extended family to it#and it's like.#my own accent isn't that thick and neither is my immediate family's or best friends'#but i've known ppl who talked like her.#specifically a man named larry who lived with us when we were real young#for some reason especially the way amber says ''come on'' just always reminds me so strongly of larry's voice. he said that phrase a lot#he was the one who taught me to tie my shoes even after my parents lost patience with me for being 'too old' to not understand#he drank excessively like my dad did but he never got mean with us kids#he came and went a few times over the years. the final time he left was when i was in late elementary#he died of an overdose when i was in high school. i didn't feel much of anything at the time.#it had been so long since i'd seen him but also i was at a point in my life where i'd've been numb to big emotions like that anyway#so my parents got drunk about it and i did nothing. just went to school and shit as usual.#i did not expect those feelings to get dredged up by a goddamned comedy dnd podcast#but they did it well i think#even though i had to pause it to take a breather multiple times. i enjoyed it overall. cathartic i guess?
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
Do you have any headcanons on the effects of energon on human physiology? E.g. prolonged exposure (just being around it), skin contact, fumes, etc. I'm torn between the idea of making it like gasoline/petrol/bleach (with fumes and whatnot) vs making it more "safe", more like an oil (probably causes dryness/irritation/etc. in long term, but if you drop a bit on you, it won't kill you)
I feel like it varies per continuity because the properties of energon vary per continuity!
Iicr, the energon we see in Aligned is highly volatile and toxic to humans, full stop. You do NOT want to touch it. Just by observing the effects of energon in aligned I'd suggest it's closer to gasoline in properties, and iicr in rescue bots if improperly stored raw-ish energon can be corrosive. Now, I certainly don't think a drop of energon will kill you, but it's gonna start to sting rather quickly. From what I can see, however, for negative effects to occur it's contact based. Just being near energon doesn't seem to do much.
I like to imagine liquid energon smells very sharply chemical, like working with particularly strong smelling nail polish without any ventilation. The fumes can be disorienting, but they themselves won't have much consequence unless you're working with them for a long long period of time
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stormyoceans · 2 months
thinking about pirate captain sea and surgeon jimmy like
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#like sea as a fearsome pirate captain whose ship gets attacked either by another pirate crew or by the navy#they manage to win but they suffer great losses#one of which is their surgeon#and since many people on his crew ended up injured sea decides to take on a passenger ship hoping to find a doctor#or at least a medicine chest#he gets lucky and does indeed find a doctor (jimmy of course)#and like i don't have a clear plot in mind but the dynamic would be so delicious#sea kidnapping jimmy and being ready to bribe him with a share of their plunder to convince him to help his crew#but jimmy is a doctor through and through and he would never let someone die without at least trying to help them#even if that someone is a pirate#on the other hand jimmy believing that pirates are heartless but then witnessing sea being ready to do anything to save his crew#even following jimmy's orders as sea helped him with each man#and after a while jimmy notices that sea is favoring his left side and having a hard time breathing#so he realizes that sea got hurt as well but didn't say anything because for him his crew comes first#and as jimmy patches him up sea does end up offering him a share of the loot for his services but jimmy refuses because that would make him#and sea laughs because saving a pirate's life would already be enough for the world to consider jimmy a pirate himself#so sea just promises him to let him go as soon as they get to shore#and suddenly jimmy finds himself in a weird position because the crew respects him and treats him well#and it's hard to remember these men are supposed to be violent and cruel when they're just laughing and helping each other's out#WHY DID GMMTV GIVE ME A PIRATE CONCEPT NOW IM OBSESSED#m: txt
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blackerthings · 1 month
rewatching TWD and ngl... Rick and the gang kinda earned what was coming to them in that S7 E1 episode.
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kotaerukoto · 2 months
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replay notetaking going great!!! also WOW I need to get better at portraying Makoto's capacity for anger and violence because it's definitely there, specifically when he's put into pressure cooker situations like in his game where he's stressed and uncomfortable beyond belief and the people around him are dropping like flies and dying. I haven't written him in The Situations in a while though..
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shinayashipper · 2 years
About the idol Kaiba Rivalship AU
like I think after that first concert, Yugi’s becoming a fan. He thinks he’s having a crush, but others would also have celebrity crushes too right?? He thinks it’s weird having this kind of Feeling to someone who would never know or even care he existed, but he’s content with just watching Kaiba on stage, like a good fan would, he supported his works. Kaiba has become an Inspiration to him, someone he admired (also, like- he’s Hot too so hhHHH)
He MAY have Noticed how they would lock eyes- or how Kaiba would point to his direction longer than usual, maintaining his Gaze just long enough- Yugi *wonders* but he would Never Ever Dream of it- Is that Kaiba Noticing Him?? Nah, never, it’s probably the fanservice! His general direction was just the Lucky Ones! ...right? RIGHT??
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spring-lxcked · 7 months
i know this is going to end up being Headcanon Tags again but i'm thinking about william and his Famous Casserole™ again
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moooonah · 2 years
honestly it's only in this new season that I've fully acknowledged that ichigo is just a kid, and that he's witnessing some truly fucked up stuff.
that scene in the new episode where he hears all the screaming and deaths in the twelfth division really struck me as something that'd be insanely traumatic for a seventeen year old. not only that but all these people dying brutally are depending on him to come and rescue them.
throughout the whole story he's been forced to do things way above a kid's paygrade but that scene with him listening to the phone really hit different for some reason.
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piastriblogging · 2 years
im answering this first bcs im fairly certain the number of tenyang enthusiasts on tumblr is near zero considering i know nearly all of the tenyang writers on ao3. tenyang TO ME is fascinating because it has so many layers. yy is obsessed w ten. ten is obsessed w yy. they have this mutual obsession and also so much genuine CARE for each other. like... is it sexually charged??? yes. but it is also EMOTIONALLY Charged where they r so deeply RELIANT on each other it physically pains me.
my brutally honest opinion is that everybody does them Wrong when they make yangyang a character suffering from internalized homophobia and ten a character who is like a nympho sex god who has had sex with every member... I think it is so much more complex where ten is completely different w yy than he is w anyone else and i think HE's the one afraid of his feelings. yy INSISTS over and over again he is an adult and he is aware and intense and sexual and TEN is the one who wont interact with it (except when he DOES which is ......... something else entirely.)
since there are no other tenyang scholars on tumblr and none of my friends will see this i can also say that fandom ruined tenyang for me in that they just made it the same watered down thing over and over again when really there is so much THERE about queer desire and being forced together and also being forced apart... as a yangqi i can also say that no one understands yangyang like i do and i have spent hundreds of hours discussing tenyang with some of my nctzen friends who will let me go so psycho on telegram that i need to be sedated.
BASICALLY what im SAYING is that i understand tenyang and no one else does and that's so bitchy of me but also like. (I'm so sorry) when ten was in china kun and yangyang had sex and cant tell ten because he will go ballistic about it.
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firehananas · 2 years
Heyo, need some advices.
My dad discovered there is a nest of bumblebees in our garden. We aren’t sure of the specie but here what they look like:
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We don’t want to chase them off, but we would like to make sure they don’t try to make a new nest next year, and being able to identify them would be super sweet! (And I’m a little concern about the heat too not gonna lie 😔)
If you don’t know what it is, pls reblog it/share it, that would be so kind of you!
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unloneliest · 1 year
i love looking at my dnp blog and going like. wow i was having fun but i was literally so unwell. not for enjoying dnp though like i was literally so so sick and instead of my chronic health issues being treated i was on an insane amount of adhd meds PLUS caffiene bc it's the only way i was functuonal but i was still falling to pieces.
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lumitris · 1 year
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┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . 𝒥𝑜𝓊𝓇𝓃𝑒𝓎 𝑜𝒻 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝓈 ◞ 𝖒𝖊𝖒𝖊 . ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ @bitbrumal ⤸ [blood oath] diluc vows to hunt down & mutilatemaim murder those responsible for the alhaitham's bruises.
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A deep sigh passes his lips. Albeit, taking a brief moment of reflection, && allowing Diluc's anger for him to catch him by a pleasant surprise; so, maybe he did feel a bit touched by the concern. Still there wasn't a need to get heated, and with those facts already embedded in his mind, Alhaitham takes on a calmer approach as a hand 𝗙𝗟𝗜𝗖𝗞𝗦 to the side.
❝ I appreciate the concern. Mm, however extreme it might be. I can just imagine the expression on their faces if they were hunted down by someone like you. Well, I doubt their legs would work fast enough. ❞
An expressive display of violent intent. Well, it certainly amusing, and he didn't feel any sympathy for those poor souls either way. What goes around comes around, there would always be correspondence when one took action; in such a case, the cycle would just pass on and continue. He preferred to stop it before the wheel started to spin. It was better to approach all situations with a logical head.
❝ Well. They didn't manage to inflict any lasting damage. Thankfully, I imagine they didn't see much value in taking my life. Lucky me. ❞
The comparison between himself and Diluc is almost comical. Alhaitham was not the type to say things for the sole benefit of someone else's feelings; he was merely stating facts, and how he personally saw the situation. He also doubts his standpoint would give any comfort towards the man who looked ready to spill blood at a second's notice. When it came to intimidation, he mirrored and contrasted Cyno's own manner ━━━━ one, of course, kept a strong level of control.
A hand sits to rest upon Diluc's shoulder. It seemed time to deescalate the situation. Honestly, he had never seen Diluc lose his nerve like this; what other sides of him had he yet to see? Hm. That was an 𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚 thought for another time and another place.
❝ No sense in dwelling on it. They won't last long without getting themselves into deeper trouble, with or without your verdict. And me? I've said before, I'm just a feeble scholar, naturally I'd be a target. ❞
Arrogance dwells in a factual mind; he was a well-presented individual, so realistically, he'd find himself the target of thugs. Though, this encounter was unusual ━━━━ perhaps, when things calmed down, he'd share those thoughts. He wasn't the type to get hurt when push come to shove.
❝ If you wanted to make me feel better, all I need is you. If you went off to chase them down, that would be bad news for me. ❞
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