#he knows kyle has control unlike other hybrids
meowpupp · 7 months
Owner!Price coming home to see his two puppy’s curled up in his bed cuddling as they nap. Pup!reader having her shirt missing as Pup!Kyle sucks on her pretty breasts in his sleep. 🥰😳😭
I can’t get it out of my head-
pup!readers tits covered in drool, nipples flush and pebbled. you're passed out, shirt pushed all the way up, giving kyle free reign. price doesn't even get mad, knowing your little cuddling sessions with kyle regularly end up like this. he just sighs, leaving the pup to do as he pleases.
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bloodline-rpg · 4 years
BLOODLINE, A RECAP brought to your admins
BLOODLINE’S POLITICAL STORY is headlined by three major witch covens. The Devereauxs, the Blacks, and Thierry’s Immortal Coven You should give each of their original coven leaders biographies a read to orient you in the politics of the world:
Celestina Black
Brigid Devereaux
Thierry Astor
Celestina Black has three children, two of which are active participants int he games current politics; Aemilia and Aurora. Aemilia was the well disciplined child, the Black who took leadership seriously and wanted to prove her value as a woman in their patriarchal family. Aurora was the baby, the free spirit who always felt rejected by their father. 
Brigid Devereaux has only one daughter. Victoria. Victoria was trained heavily under her mother’s thumb, in a fairly intense and abusive upbringing. She’s incredibly physical and dedicated but unlike her mother, much more compassionate and levelheaded (something that took some time and getting out from under Brigid’s thumb to find out.)
Thierry’s Magic was adapted with the help of a partner, a very smart, inventive holistic witch Lucio Lontoc. HOWEVER to this day no one knows of Lucio’s involvement. Thierry has never told anyone who helped her create immortal magic. 
During the early part of the game, the wolf pack hailing from the Devereaux Compound in Massachusetts was lead by Alpha Derrick Falco (you do not need to read Derrick’s bio.) Derrick’s beta was Elias Irving, the son of the previous Alpha who Derrick had appointed to honor the older Alpha’s legacy. 
The wolf pack as it originally stod in the game was made almost entirely of new wolves. Stragglers that had been picked up along the way, and the freshly turned. This included Ana who remains with the pack still and several other characters who have since left the game. Pre-existing members of the Devereaux pack didn’t really arrive until a bit later. 
At the start of the game, Victoria Devereaux and Aurora Black were entered per their mother’s orders into an arranged marriage with the goal of demonstrating the political alliance between their families. At first they DID NOT get along. But they quickly realized that they were each holding back a lot of trauma, pressure, and insecurity that brought them closer. 
Aurora was also hiding a secret; her penchant for clairvoyant dark magic. Since the game began, Aurora’s power has slowly been growing and more people are aware that she can do it. She can visit memories and astral project. Her sister Ameilia can visit people’s minds and witness their fears. 
Here are some important conflicts and plot points as relatively in order as I can get them that have happened since the game started that have directed effected the politics or dynamics: 
Aurora Black and Thierry Astor slept together, something the Black family and Victoria did not react kindly to. 
It was discovered that a wolf named Charlie was actually secretly a human. She was imprisoned. Victoria, seeing that the pack cared for Charlie was afraid that executing her would create a lack of trust between the pack and her family’s leadership so she went over her mother’s head to convince the council to spare and turn Charlie instead. In order for Charlie to be turned, they needed a bonded wolf to do it safely. Derrick and Victoria (who had always bene close allies) decided to bond to one another so that he could safely turn Charlie and because they both cared deeply about the survival of the pack and saw eye to eye. (Charlie is no longer in the game but Derrick and Victoria’s alliance was a massive political shift as well as Victoria’s decision to involve Aurora in going above their parents head to get the council votes. It was the first instance of the younger generation of leaders working against their parents and deeply frustrated Aemilia Black. 
Ericka an immortal witch who had previously been tortured and held captive by wolves years ago, accused Presley a super innocent pop start turned wolf who wouldn’t hurt a fly of attacking her. Presley was jailed until an answer was found but it was ultimately proven by Aurora Black’s magic that Erick had been having an intense ptsd related episode and had not in fact been attacked, thus revealing Aurora’s Black magic on a more public scale and absolving Presley. 
Aemilia locked Aurora in her room under the guise that it was for protection as a method of controlling her. 
Victoria and Ana often struggled to see eye to eye regarding witches and wolves relationships. 
Aemilia and Thierry stayed in a constant state of rivalry after Thierry slept with Aurora but all of Thierry’s theatrics were intended to be distractions to keep the other witch families from realizing that she was trying to continue enhancing immortal magic. 
Brigid arrived and resumed her intense and violent training with Victoria. This started one night in the rain where she brutalized her and Aurora found out and ended when she tried to use Aurora as a means of teaching Victoria emotional control. Instead, Victoria snapped and nearly killed her mother, stopped by Derrick. BUT the attack lead to the Blacks and Aurora beginning to attempt to overthrow Brigid. It also solidified Victoria and Aurora’s deep care for one another on a public scale. 
A group of Devereaux wolves arrived including Beta Elias and his gang of friends: Eden, Kyle, and Ronan. All of them were pretty anti-witch and secretly plotting to overthrow the pack leadership and the Devereauxs. Notorious for antagonizing new wolves and wolves they deemed weaker than them they even started small “fight club” in the woods. Their primary target was Presley (you should read Presley’s bio for more background on the stones and the Devereaux Compound attack). Eventually Eden came to care about Presley, they bonded over their shared trauma and the loss of their families at the attack on the Devereaux Compound and became an item, thus starting Eden on the path of no longer wanting to support Elias. 
Elisa eventually called for a new alpha vote and LOST. As such, Derrick was re-appointed Alpha and given the chance to appoint a new Beta. He chose Presley.
Around the same time, the Pack had arrivals from the Washington Branch of the Devereaux Compound. [ You should read Reed Jackson, Noah Niccolai and Ellery Jackson’s bios in that order for important backstory regarding the Jacksons, the Devereauxs, and other soon to be relevant drama. Noah and Reed were not among those arrivals. Lucas Jackson and Ellery were.]
Pissed about the Alpha vote, Elias and Kyle acted on their over throw pla. They Started a fire in the wolf quarters, burning them and the barn to the ground. As the fire was blazing, they used it as a distraction to murder Derrick. Victoria felt Derrick die and knew something was wrong but before she could interfere, she was attacked by Elias. Being that she’s one of the strongest original witches of all time, Elias didn’t stand a chance. Victoria killed him quickly and without holding back. She then ran to her mother to tell Brigid about what had happened but Brigid LOST IT. Because Brigid knew that killing someone would trigger victoria’s secret werewolf gene. Brigid lost it, dragged Victoria away, beat her within an inch of her life and nearly killed her. As soon as Ellery found out what had happened, she grabbed Aurora and ran to Victoria’s rescue just in time. She was stopped only seconds before murdering Brigid by Aemilia Black. 
The Blacks finally fully overthrew Brigid as coven leader, locking her up in the cells and replacing her with Victoria. Celestina was NOT thrilled about letting a hybrid witch/wolf be coven leader but lost the vote. She did however try to call off the wedding between Victoria and Aurora. But when Aurora insisted on still marrying Victoria, Celestina kicked her out of the Black coven for good. (Additionaly, Ellery finally filled Victoria in on EVERYTHING and who her real father was and the fact that they were siblings.) In essence Victoria went from heir of the Devereauxs to A wolf, coven leader, and inheriting a whole family all in one day.
The pack rallied together to vote Victoira in as the Alpha to replace Derrick. She appointed Eden as her Beta, seeing Eden as someone who understood what the pack needed and wanted and who could offer her other perspectives as someone from a powerful wolf family. 
Around that time, Aemilia Black had slowly begun to come around to Presley. She saw Presley as dutiful, dedicated, and useful and after they got closer she asked Presley to bond with her. 
One night about a month later, a body showed up at the door of the Compound. The body was a very sick and mangled Noah Niccolai. They quickly realized Noah had not in fact been killed but held captive by the government this whole time, having had her bond to Ellery severed. 
Meanwhile, while grieving the loss of Derrick, Presley and Eden were abducted on sentry duty. The Manor went into uproar trying to figure out how or where they had went. Aemilia Black could feel Presley being tortured and that was all they had to go on. 
Victoria planned a rescue mission that was voluntary. All wolves participated. They went together and found Eden and Presley being held by some back woods hunters where Presley had been brutally tortured to try and get Eden to give information on the witches. Neither of them had cracked. 
During the rescue mission the wolves found a wolf in wolf form chained in a cage by the hunters, stuck in wolf form. They brought the wolf back with him and when the drug keeping him stuck that way wore off, they learned it was Cash Stone, Presley’s brother who everyone thought was dead. 
Victoria and Aurora were married in a small, quiet private ceremony but thrown a surprise reception by their loved ones when the rest of the manor found out about it. Once they were married, Victoria bonded to Aurora. The bond and Victoria’s hybrid nature make her the most powerful person in the manor. 
During the rescue mission for Presley and Eden, Aemilia went to Noah and Ellery. She wanted to try and restore Noah’s lost magic so that Ellery and Noah could restore their bond and help with the rescue. They were unsuccessful. 
What aemilia did not know is that she caught a magical virus from Noah. later, when she performed Victoria and Aurora’s marriage ceremony, she gave said virus to Aurora. After the wedding in a strange enemies to lovers flirty banter way, thierry and Aemilia slept together. When Aemilia woke terribly sick, she accused Thierry of trying to kill her and locked Thierry in a cell. It was revealed a few days later that Thierry was also sick and thus not the culprit. 
All of the witches slowly fell sick to a magic virus that they later figured out was being spread through performing magic. (wildly enough we planned this pre-covid lmao) Any time a host did magic with someone else without realizing they were carrying the poison they gave it to them. All of the witches fell sick and eventually it was discovered by Peyton and Ericka who just happened to be getting freaky that wolf blood was the cure. The wolves quickly came together and cured the witches. 
HOWEVER the witch virus killed Augustin Crow (the holistic coven leader), Devon Vaus, and Mika Iwata. (Mika was actually killed by Thierry but Aemilia helped her cover it up). 
The witches all realized that this whole thing had been a set up. Noah arriving at their door as a biological attack. She had been the catalyst for the virus. She was cured and her magic returned. She and Ellery are now bonded again. Making them the current third bonded pair in the game. (Not including Victoria and Derrick cuz he’s dead).
LASTLY, very recently Eden went missing on sentry and was later found dead, drained of blood. (This wasn’t in the plan but the player left so here we are). Everyone is grieving currently as she was very close to the pack, Especially Presley. Victoria secretly appointed Ellery as Beta in the interim but no one knows that yet. Victoria proposed putting the entire manor on permanent lockdown, no one in or out until they get the answer. The residents of the manor will soon find out that it was the vampires who are arriving soon. When the vampires arrive, the lockdown spell will be broken and that’s when new characters will be free to arrive. 
Other characters you should know about
Ana: Reluctant solider but a good fighter, has been here since day one and has SEEN SOME SHIT and lost some people.  Lucas: Ellery’s and Victoria’s brother, Reed’s adopted son. A foster kid with some anger issues who accidentally killed his brother at the ripe age of 8 triggering his wolf curse super young. Isa: Derrick’s sister who was once part of Bran’s pack in WA, however left with Bran’s permission about 5 years ago to become a hired gun for witches to kill hunters and government agents and dispose of their bodies silently. She became a trained assassin, but accidentally killed a family of witches in an explosion and has come to the compound to find atonement.  Lou and Theo: Human best friends who have been in the cells since the game started. 100% Theo is secretly in love with Lou.  Haven: Chaos baby immortal witch who has since had quite a dark night of the soul and change of heart. She’s starting to turn her shit around and be a better person.  Minni: a new holistic witch who only came across her powers recently. But they had been blocked by her father. When she realized Noah’s powers were also being blocked by something they figured out it was the same thing. Now, Minni’s grabbing life by the horns and embracing magic and opportunity.  Ronan: The last survivor of Elias’s crew. He was not involved in the plot to kill Derrick and the Devereauxs. But he’s still really sad his friends are dead. Kyle was executed after the fact. He keeps to himself but is a bit of an ass hole. He recently had one (1) moment of vulnerability. Puck: new kid on the block. Holistic witch son of Original witches close to the Deverauxs. He’s fascinated by wolves and wants to develop a cure for lycanthropy. Even if people don’t want that.  Alex and Peyton: also fairly new, Best friends who grew up in foster care together. Alex is a vet student and knew exactly what to do to help Peyton when she was bitten and turned by a werewolf. She brought her to Carden but now Peyton’s in gen pop and Alex is part of the human blood supply.
Other important changes of note:
The wolves have recently been given uniforms. When we add you to the GC you’ll see pictures. But they’re fancy and cool.
The wolves now live in the manor with everyone else since the wolf quarters burned down. However they rebuilt a barn to chain up on full moons. 
The humans have recently been moved out of the cells and into a bedroom. 
THAT SHOULD BE EVERYTHING! If you’re a current player and feel something substantial is missing hit me up. If you’re a new player, thanks for reading this giant post. Obviously we don’t expect you to know EVERYTHING but this will help you understand where things are at now. Everyone is beginning to work together as a unit, there’ a significant amoutn more respect among leaders. The big power players in regard to leadership are Victoria, Aemilia, Thierry, Ellery, and Aurora. Anywaaysss I def didn’t link to everyone’s bios here becuase I didn’t want to overwhelm you so don’t feel obligated. But it def wouldn’t hurt to give some of the ones not linked here a read when you have time. 
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pondlilies00 · 5 years
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Yokai Ikerev
Original post / Red Army / Black Army / Neutral Faction / Alice
For those who don’t know the yokai, I’ve included links to each of them
Lancelot - Kirin or at least he was suppose to be but he ended up looking like some dragon rose hybrid thing
Leader of the anti-human party
He believes it would be best to completely seal the spirit world away from the human world to minimize conflict between both world
Is currently under the thumb of Amon, who makes it look like Lancelot’s goals are less of lets stay away from humans to more of, lets enslave and eat all humans
He doesn’t eat humans unlike the other yokai and hides this fact
He’s actually a vegetarian (this is suppose to be a nod at how Kirin are said never harm other creatures)
The roses growing on his horns are actually part of a curse that Amon put on him, Lancelot pretends they’re a fashion choice
He’s hoping he can captue Alice, pretend to eat her, and then send her home as soon as possible
Jonah - Male version of a Yuki Onna
He has better control over his powers than Luka so he doesn't have to wear gloves
He goes back to his family’s mountain peak during the summer
He sends Luka magic crystals when it gets warm so his little brother can use them to maintain a cool environment
Looks down on human pretty hard
Edgar - Tanuki
Great at shapeshifting
He tricks Alice into believing he’s also a human to gain her trust
The gourd he carries around is actually full of jelly beans
I didn't draw it in but he has a tanuki tail
Kyle - Uwabami
He wants to cut back on drinking after his cousin Orochi got killed but him wanting doesn't mean he will
He’s very disappointed that Edgar’s gourd isn't filled with alcohol
I also didn't draw in the fact that Kyle has a big stake tail instead of legs
Smaller yokai like to ride on his tail
Due to his cold blood, he doesn’t stay around Jonah for too long
Zero - Inugami
He has mixed feelings for humans, they were the ones who tortured him to death but at the same time, his beloved owner was a human
He’s one of the few yokai who cares about the fact that he already died
His head can detach so he has to have it sewed back on, he has Edgar redo the stitches every month
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