#he legit thought Tony got married to someone else; lol;;
mystifiicd · 2 years
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Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking.
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@ironifiicd​​ said:  💍
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Okay, so having a drinking contest with your boyfriend seemed like a bad idea. And it was. Oh, it most certainly was a terrible idea. But Tony knew that Stephen was just as ego driven at certain things just like he was and so, the most down drinks in less than 30 minutes had officially started last night. He doesn’t remember too much after that and really doesn’t care about who won or lost because he thinks that they had to stop at some point as in not to get alcohol poisoned. Perhaps that was Tony’s idea in the first place but he had a doctor for a boyfriend so that’s probably where they had drawn the line at. No one was going to go on Stephen’s watch.
The next day where they are still both alive but with Stephen sporting a giant headache thanks to all of the peer pressure from last night, he wakes up first. Quite the opposite on how this usually went since he was more of an afternoon person rather a morning one. Tony usually pestered him to wake up more times than not, which resulted usually of Stephen portaling a pillow at his boyfriend’s face, all in good jest though through sheer lovingly annoyance. Anyways, Stephen wonders if something was wrong with Tony as he usually was more ready to go back to his tower and tinker with more technology than spending it with Stephen in his room in the Sanctum. Just because they were away from the dangerous of having too much to drink, didn’t mean there was other problems. He goes over gently and reaches for Tony’s wrist to check for a pulse.
Stephen’s too focus to notice a ring on the other’s finger as he was more focused on checking Tony’s wellbeing than more frivolous things. It’s not until he releases a breath that he had held finding out that Tony was just sleeping the alcohol away from last night that he notices the very expensive piece of jewelry on his boyfriend’s finger that he panics so bad that he’s white as a sheet. But it’s replaced by a sense of calm that he notices a ring similar to Tony’s on his own hand as he was going through a heart attack. It’s a shame that no one remembers what had led to this but he hopes Tony isn’t too mad once he wakes up from this.
“Hey, ‘I love you 3000′, wakey wakey. You got some explaining to do, Tony. Love, ‘I love you in every universe’”. Really, he shouldn’t be teasing his husband now but something in his mind finds this situation very comical in a cosmic sort of way.
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