#he looks like a Disney princess :3c
rubixcuby · 7 months
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just-patchy · 6 months
C for the alphabet soup ask ? :)
Thanks for the ask! :3c for my sanity sake I’ll be sticking with my twst ocs, though I’ve also included my wip babies (and breaking my own rules of reserving my wna girls for my wna blog bc i don’t talk about them enough www)
Cetus Larimar
3rd year in Octavinelle and I made him only bc i wanted a whale shark merfolk oc. He’s a big boi and a little pookie. I’m not sure if I ever posted his UM but he does have one according to my drafts, it’s just nameless bc I couldn’t think of a name yet.
Shi Canlong
3rd year of my WIP fandorm Qilin, was the former dorm head until Yanque (2nd year, current dorm head) fought him for the position and won. He’s adopted and raised in a strict family so he’s actually pretty hard-working, he’s just also an arrogant lil shit (lol). I like to think of him as a bit of an honest guy
Calla Megrez
2nd year in Monarchia WNA (Az’s fanschool). I ended up developing her quite a bit in terms of trivia because it was really fun to do a “wild child” character. I also did a Black Clover AU for her because of it (the “wild child” aspect) since hierarchy and social class is a major theme in Black Clover, I thought it would be interesting to see how someone who’s generally rather removed from such social classes (due to being a bit of a societal outcast) would function.
Celestia Vikare
1st year WIP in Kriegskald and based off of Icarus! She’s a child genius who got into WNA early (13) and is basically a lil shit www a very typical ore-sama type character who gets super defensive when criticised but if you praise her it’ll go straight to her head (lol). She just does whatever she wants so she’s always getting in trouble
Clair Moreau
Vice dorm head of Lyrania (my fanschool WOA) and based off of the violin princess from Music Land. He’s canonically shipped with Lula (dorm head and based off of the alto saxophone prince) and is gnc. He’s generally pretty reserved but also a bit of a violin/strings instrument freak (specifically the actual strings. He likes pressing on those). I think I named him after the Clair de Lune?
Calixto Fynderne
2nd year based off of Narcissus, originally for Key’s fanschool PSU but like idk what to do with him lol, he’s neighbours with Lauren (WNA girl based off of Echo) and was her first crush but didn’t work out. Since most of his parasocial fans are girls his age, he’s not very good with women. His favourite food is also not disclosed for related reasons. He’s an awkward kid who loves himself much more than others, but you just need a lot of patience and maybe a bit of masochism to get him to open up www
Cosmo Dorado
1st year for Lizz’s fanschool DIE and based off of the Grizzly Gulch in HK Disneyland. He’s a very happy-go-lucky (emphasis on lucky) kid and honestly I almost had Komaeda in mind while I was making him because his talent is luck (except he doesn’t have the luck cycle that Komaeda does, he’s more like Naegi, though I also based him off of Uno from Nanbaka and unintentionally Orias from Iruma). Another problematic kid that does whatever tf he wants, but he looks up to the dorm head :3c
Claude Avenant
Music teacher and residential manipulative hag of NRC based off of Maestro Forte. Formerly a bigshot in classical music but retired and currently teaching as a bit of a hobby. I think I gave him a cane because Maestro Forte as an organ is bolted to the wall, so a human twisted from him would probably have mobility issues? It probably would have made more sense to make him paralysed to some extent but Maestro Forte is basically part of the room he was in because of all the stuff that’s connected so like???? The only thing that moves is his face and keys???? I don’t know man
Callista Lebeau
Librarian/Teacher at WNA and based off of Belle/Beauty (both Disney and original version). I think I had something I wanted to plan between her and Vargas due to their inspos but it’s been so long I forgor. According to age-old discord messages her sisters are like, guest teachers at WNA from time to time because ✨plot devices✨
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jazz-kitty · 2 years
was too lazy to draw all of them so have what i think some reborn characters wore for halloween in one big post. not spoilers i just dont like having a wall of text with no warning
victoria’s hatsune miku, cain’s going as fern, fern’s kokichi ouma, cal is papyrus, blake is sans, florinia’s a mad scientist [julia bought her the costume and she didnt want her to waste her money], and julia is frankenstein. already drew those getting those out of the way
ame is a headless horseman &’s got a jackolantern for a head on this very spooky evening
protagonist is conveniently a sheet ghost that covers their entire body and face so you can’t tell which protagonist it is
shelly is technically going as a bee but everyone was so worried she was gonna catch a cold she’s bundeled up in a thick jacket and scarf and hat and gloves so you can’t really tell what she’s wearing to begin with. its the thought that counts though
shade is going as an anime boy. he’s wearing one of those shitty plastic masks with the big anime eyes on them and nothing else
aya and hardy are matching in lycanroc onesies- aya’s midnight and hardy’s dusk
serra was going as a playboy bunny but fuck is it cold in spinel town. she’s wearing sweatpants and a jacket over her costume and also staying home and also not handing out candy to any kids. she’s just serving cunt on her couch in her freezer of a home
anna is going as a mawile with a home made costume that she spent way too long on
noel is wearing orange pajama pants instead of his normal black pants and called it a costume. anna gave him a cheap halloween themed headband to go along with it. he won halloween
samson is dressed as alistasia, alistasia is dressed like ciel, ciel is dressed like terra, and SOMEONE didn’t get the memo. not naming names. terra is a stilt spirit
adrienn is going as a fairy :-) simple but like cmon. tell me xe wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to wear pink mesh wings
titania’s a cowboy. man i dont even have a reason. but she’s a cowboy
amaria is a pirate. i have a little bit more justification for this one with her whole water deal going on. but mostly just because the universe needs her to be a pirate
laura’s a kanto raichu and worked long and hard on making a fitting dress and make up for it. saphira’s just wearing a pikachu headband with red cheeks laura painted on. charlotte is in a pichu onesie and also inexplicably covered in fake blood
bennet is an alolan raichu :3c he made his costume with laura
zero isn’t dressed up because he gets too uncomfortable in halloween costumes, but he put his umbreon in a spider costume and carries her around to show off his specialist shining star the whole day
taka is just wearing a skeleton tshirt. underneath his sweater. so no one can see it. ace tried to get full matching costumes for the two but he flopped over on the carpet like a cat and wouldn’t get up
ace couldn’t get taka to wear a costume but still wanted to match, so now they’re going as taka. if taka had killer eyeliner
no one’s really sure what heather is supposed to be, but she keeps biting into fake blood packets and got a 7 dollar plastic battle axe from party city she hits everyone unapollegetically with.
elias puts on cat ears. solaris tells him to take them off. elias does not take them off
arclight is a classic vampire- victorian era looking suit, fake teeth, the whole nine yards. this vampire in specific is also wearing neon pink shutter shades and glowsticks
lumi is dressed as a miscellaneous disney princess- albeit one that is also wearing a jacket. no way is she getting away with short sleeves in ametrine. 
eve is wearing a headband with antenna on them and says she’s an alien.
correction: lumi is an alien disney princess. she wanted to match with eve
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kelpiemomma · 2 years
I am back with more sims arceus au thoughts! Bc yes, raising a god fragment child takes a village, and that village is... (looks at hand) 1 human dad, ten noble aunt/uncle pokemon, and 3? god pokemon siblings???? YES i AM saying that giratina and dialga and palkia are older siblings to god fragment akarei, and YES i think that makes giratina the edgy older brother who casually breaks the law, and YES I may be imagining human!giratina on a motorcycle with a leather jacket bc WHY NOT.
Also if giratina steals akarei, ingo will tear his way into the distortion world with his bare hands (Sneasler would be so proud!) giratina vs ingo! Fight!
And you know takes more than one village, since with dad ingo, you’ve for sure got pearl clan and like at LEAST the wardens (barring Melli, maybe? I think that man might take one look at akarei and decide on the flip of a coin between immense dislike and believing that akarei NEEDS the blessing of his presence, but idk) of diamond clan and jubilife barring kamado! You know laventon sees akarei and sets up a time share with ingo, zisu probably teaches them how to punch and cyllene … idk she has a sword, so she gives off knife aunt vibes. Is giving akarei a blade a good idea? Who knows! Give that child a knife! And also there are probably so many Pokémon. So. Many. Pokémon. (I might be Disney Princessing akarei, but arceus gave them so much anxiety, I feel like it would mess around with the sliders to make them a Pokémon magnet. Hopefully not literally, but *pats akarei’s head* this baby can fit so much anxiety and stress!)
Maybe some exceptions. Kamado didn't mind Akarei too much when he thought they were just some random kid who got lost and somehow fell from the rift. Sure, he gave them the boot when the sky got fucked, but after they calm Dialga and Palkia who inadvertently reveal Akarei's true godling nature... well, some people continue treating them as they did before (Ingo, Laventon, Cyllene, Zisu...) and some people start treating them like an armed bomb (Kamado, Beni, Calaba to an extent).
Giratina is ABSOLUTELY the edgy older brother. He wears black leather, chains, and spikes. He was used to being the youngest of the three - and the forgotten youngest, not the babied youngest - but OH LOOK AT THAT. THERE'S A NEW BABY. And.... hm, dad loves them a lot. Time to be maybe a wee bit of a bad influence? :3c
Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina ARE the god fragment's older siblings tho! They are actually fragments of Arceus as well who also gained their own sentience, and so they consider themselves siblings and Arceus their parent/father. Giratina was off throwing a fit when Akarei was 'broken off' essentially, so they knew that Arceus had done something but not EXACTLY what they'd done. Dialga and Palkia both tried to convince Arceus to NOT fragment themselves to explore the human world but oops. They weren't listened to! Arceus was like "nah, nah, this is gonna be good! i figured it out!" except no, they didn't. They treated Akarei both like they were playing the sims but also like they were playing Virtual Villagers and left them alone and then was surprised that they'd developed a sense of self while Arceus was gone.
Giratina didn't even think about "oh hey, sibling's probably got a family out here!" they just were like "oh shit, this is where you've been! hey, we gotta go check in with the older siblings and dad to let them know you're okay :)" They DID intend on returning their sibling once everyone had a chance to have a talk. they did NOT expect Ingo and Laventon to start tracking down the other legendaries so they could use the space-time rifts to get INTO ARCEUS' SPACE-TIME AREA???
It's a very awkward family meeting. Sneasler is along for the ride because she thinks it's funny. Ingo, Laventon, and Arceus discuss child-care and who gets Akarei when.
Ingo and Laventon are 110% dads. Anthe and Marie are aunts. Cyllene and Zisu are moms. Akari and Rei (who are twins, and jokingly tried to convince Akarei to take the other's name when they first arrived until Akarei went "why not both" and put them together) are their siblings, along with Irida and Adaman. Melli is like your brother's best friend who is cool for a minute until you hang around him long enough that you see how much of a fuckin dork he is and then he becomes another brother. Akarei and Melli bitch at each other constantly but they will also braid each other's hair and whine about their family.
The pokemon are somewhat iffy on the fragment! They've got their team, but the wild pokemon are highly ill-at-ease with this power that keeps wandering around. Some of them prefer to run away from it, some of them want to investigate, and some of them are so ill-at-ease that they decide to try and fight it. When injured the Arceus fragment bleeds shiny golden blood and literal light. The Nobles, once they're calmed, all take a liking to the godling and decide to protect them, but they're more intelligent than the standard wild pokemon anyway. Their children also like the godling because they're weird and interesting!
All of the people taking care of them and looking out for them are part of the reason Akarei ends up gaining a sense of self. They operated a bit like a sim in the beginning, not really talking or interacting much and just doing what Arceus told them to, but once everyone starts interacting with them and showing them new things, introducing them to new foods and experiences, they kind of 'open their eyes' and find a new love for the world.
They're extremely upset to know that Ingo has been taken from his proper time :) Akarei wants him to go home, but they don't have the power (yet) and their siblings are dubious on what that might do to not only the timeline but also to Ingo's mind.
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I stand by saying that the movies made by John Musker and Ron Clements include some of my very most favorite characters ever!
I mean, really!
The Great Mouse Detective: Fidget
Since I was very young, I was under the belief that every bat character was automatically awesome and adorable... and I still do! That’s what growing up with a love for Anastasia and Ferngully does to you! ^^
Anyway, I love Fidget! He may have a peg leg, a raspy voice and sharp teeth, but, when he’s not busy making jumpscares, he’s surprisingly lovable! That’s why I’m glad that comic starring him and Olivia solving a mystery together makes me glad that he managed to make it ok!
Look at him: isn’t he adorable?
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*Tee hee hee* Yeeees... >:3c
The Little Mermaid: Sebastian
Didn’t watch this movie too much, when I was younger (you can blame Triton’s scary temper for that: thanks, man, you gave me nightmares! ��_é).
But still, “Under the Sea” has always been a bop! And Sebastian’s love for music most likely inspired me to persue a musical hobby myself! I like how such a seemingly stiff character like him can quite the life of the party! And he has a good sense of snarky humor too! Best crab ever... almost! ;D
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Aladdin: Genie
One of the most colorful movies from Disney, especially in terms of characters, but he pretty much steals the whole palette!
Genie is such an awesome character in every sense of the word: round and soft character design, Robin Williams’ outworldly performance and so much lively comedy in every scene he’s in! But he still manages to be someone you feel sympathy for: his desire to be free is very understandable and, while it is great when he finally gets his wish, I can’t help but feel a bit of sadness (indeed: when I was younger I had a hard time looking at how Genie hugs Aladdin while crying... ç_ç).
So, yeah, Genie is truly one of a kind Disney Character, and no one can top him in terms of scene stealing abilities! ^_^
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Hercules: Hades
Hercules is kinda divisive in how it depicted the greek gods, but one thing for sure...
Whether you like the movie or not, Hades is easily the most fun character!
Can you believe he was going to be a cold, calculating villain before James Woods came to voice him? Me neither! And that was for the better: Hades’ best appeal is just how snarky and hot-headed he is, while still remaining a skilled manipulator (also kinda ironic that, despite his outbursts, he manages to keep his sanity up to the whole movie, unlike Ursula and Jafar who kinda lose it the more their movies progress).
Tv Tropes says “Everybody Hates Hades”? I say “Everybody LOVES Hades”! ^^
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Treasure Planet: B.E.N./Delbert Doppler
One of the most unfairly ignored movies ever, and that’s a shame: the animation, the story, the characters... It’s just too good! Disney, look at this masterpiece, please!
Anyway, here I have 2 characters I enjoy in equal measure!
B.E.N. is either loved or hated, and I fall in the first category: I love how eager he is to please, and just how energetic he can be; sure, he can get on someone’s nerves, but I can’t help but admire his honest desire to be of help; also, he’s made in 3D, and that’s pretty neat!
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There’s also Delbert Doppler: he definitely has the funniest lines in the movie; he’s so polite and awkward around people, and his relationship with Amelia is just so precious! ^_^
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The Princess and the Frog: Ray
*sigh* This one needs so much more love... A sequel, a TV Series, anything...
Anyway, Ray... Uhm, pretty much anyone who knows me most likely has an idea of how much I adore this character. When at first I heard of the movie, I was sure that I would’ve loved Louis (a reptile who plays the trumpet: nice!), but I came to love him instead. How come, you may ask?
Well, I admire just how.. devoted he is as a character: he’s incredibly cheerful and kind, which makes him appear very lovable despite his missing teeth. And his love for Evangeline is honestly so pure that it gives me a warm feeling everytime it’s displayed. Add in the speculations that she’s actually Ray’s dead girlfriend, and that he’s waiting to finally reach her one day, and you’ve got a character that probably went through a lot in life and, despite how much his love is making him suffer, he goes on with a smile on his face.
So admirable. That’s why I kinda take inspiration from him: I want to have as much cheer towards others as he does. I actually ended up being more comfortable around fictional romance thanks to him!
Ikindahavealittlecrushonhimbutyourenotsupposedtoknowthat! ‘_’
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Moana: Tamatoa
Can this movie become a TV Series? It deserve it!
For someone who got less than 6 minutes of screentime in the movie, Tamatoa RULES in the one scene he got: self-centered, eccentric, cruel but ever so fun, he graced us with a wonderful Villain Song, so rare to find nowadays.
He may lack in quantity, but he shines in quality, with an awesome personality and a great dynamic with Maui worth exploring!
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lifeiszestyy · 6 years
*i didn’t know what to do with myself yesterday while i was moping so i ended up watching the new jwittz video. he mentioned subnautica which piqued my interest so i went to find a let’s play of it and y’know, the first playlist is jacksepticeye who i only know in passing. but that’s fine, i watched the first vid and he is a very energetic young man and i guess i just needed to listen to energetic....energies so i listened to that while trying to rouse myself to play pokemon again dkdkd
*i guess i wanted to try catching the fleeing legendaries in heartgold for some reason but my main team is not good for that, so i decided to level up my dugtrio named rita since she has arena trap... but my 3ds died since i haven’t charged it since the other day ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
*tempest trials started in feh. i don’t know much about genealogy of the holy war but it looks really interesting to me, and i’m excited to see what they do for the remake of that game
*i’ve been spending too much money on love nikki lately because i’ve been sadder than usual lately... oops. i knew from the beginning that if i ever bought the game, i’d get sucked into it more than any other mobile game and i was fucking right. don’t give a girl who was obsessed with dressing paper dolls as a child a fucking dress up game, it doesn’t end well.
*i had this really cool set of disney princess paper dolls that came with a shit ton of outfits. my dUDE I WOULD SPEND A LONG TIME ON THAT SHIT mixing and matching different fashions and all that. omg. it’s probably in a box somewhere in the spider filled basement
*i had this weird dream that we were moving? and i was in a hotel. i remember my dad telling me... something. and i was distressed because a bunch of my stuff got wet. i actually took out a large cd case and cleaned each cd with a towel while sitting on the floor crying. i was told by someone to go into the hotel spa and treat myself but i felt uncomfortable because there was a lot of people there
*it’s earlier in the morning than when i usually get up and since my sleep schedule is a wreck, i’m gonna get freakishly tired in like an hour or so. i feel slightly better than yesterday, but only because i haven’t interacted with anyone. depression has gotten me extremely paranoid about talking to people including my friends so i’m going out of my mind, but this isn’t the worst i’ve felt ever, just the worst i’ve felt in a while
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