#he looks so at peaceeee
sedonalace · 6 years
I can’t let you go, there’s just no way
(2/2) basically simbar version of after 03x60. peaceeee.
He has waited way too long, spent so many sleepless nights praying to make her his, drifted off countless times during work with clouded thoughts of her. Now Simon has her. He gets to have all of her, and she gets to have all of him. Every inch of their bodies to one another. Finally and at last. So Simon finds it extremely impossible to take his hands off of his girlfriend Ambar, even in the most inappropriate moments, he just can't seem to keep to himself.
After the party, The two of them walked into the house together hand in hand along with their friends. The both of them end up chatting with Ramiro and Yam for a good while before Monica invites everyone else for leftover cake in the kitchen. And even then Simon would still be holding on to her wrist or trying to feed her cake, just being impossible to leave her side. Even Matteo and Luna would constantly tease them for being, even more, lovey-dovey than they are. But he didn't care either way. He only cared about Ambar by his side.
After everybody had gone home, Monica and Miguel enjoying the rest of the afternoon on a walk, and Luna and Matteo probably hanging out in her bedroom, the blonde, and brunet chilled at the bottom of the grand staircase in the mansion, with him playing with her hands and fingers, kissing every knuckle, with her heart pouring out into a puddle.
"Will you be sad? If Luna leaves?" he asks of her gently, still entangling his fingers with hers. She looks down at them admirably, the sparkle in her eyes never leaving. "Of course I would. She's my cousin and I love her after all. But we don't know for sure if she's leaving yet. She could stay here. But yes, I would definitely miss her" she explains to him. He nods his head understandingly with a slight grin. He is the happiest with how much she has changed and her entire outlook of his best friend from enemies to a family. It warms his heart to no end.  
Simon looks around the house and at its emptiness. "As much as we'd loved to stay here, I think me and the guys will have to move out soon enough. I don't think Monica and Miguel would appreciate a teenage couple living under the same roof for much longer," he jokes. Which earns him a playful shove on the shoulder and a hybrid of a chuckle and whine.
"Hey, I could convince them like a charm. I can sweet talk them as their second daughter if I wanted," she tries to persuade lightly but knew he had a reason. "But really, I don't want you to go, can't you just stay here longer?"
Simon just shakes his head, bringing her hand right above his heart. "You know, I'd love to. But I think we've overstayed our time. And think about it, if I get my own place, we could be together more, right?" she smiles and nods her head but quickly frowns at the wording. "Wait, your place? What about the guys?" Simon shrugs his shoulders. "Well, Pedro told me he wanted to get a place with Delfi soon, and Matteo told me not too long ago that he might move wherever Luna goes so-" "Wait, wait, wait. Matteo's moving in with Luna? Does she even know about this?"
He stops her worrying with a calming gesture. "No not like that. Well like you said if she moves or not. But even if she does, not in the same place, At least not until later or something I'm not really sure. But yeah. That just leaves me all alone." Ambar looked at him a bit sympathetically with kind eyes. "Not true because I would be over every day to personally invade your space" she laughs and so does he.
With Ambar in charge of the new Jam and Roller, and with the departure of many of her friends, she will have to recruit new people with Juliana into the new Roller team, which is both frightening and exciting. Sad and liberating to have fresh new faces into the environment. It might never be the same again, but she gets to do what she loves and that's all that matters.
With Matteo and Pedro leaving for love, with Simon all alone, the Roller Band might be gone for good. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Music would never leave his soul, and for that he could try going solo for a while, testing the waters. It wouldn't be the same as having his best friends to rock out with every day, but it would give him the opportunity to grow as a musician and songwriter. Which is his ultimate goal after all?
"What if I told you, you didn't have to come over every day?" he goes into slowly. Her eyebrows raise a bit at his. "What do you mean?" "I mean, what if you just.... lived there? he offered. She froze in place in disbelief of his words. Her paralyzed state immediately sent him into panic mode. "Or I mean if you want to only of course, because if you don't I completely underst-" "Simon," she stops him. He lets out an exhausted sigh, trying to regain breath. "I would love to more than anything. But I think that I should stay here and stand my ground for a bit. I mean I just got new parents basically, and I want to be with them here for a bit and spend time with them" she explains.
He nods his head understandingly letting her hand go. "Yeah, of course, I get it. It's too soon after all," sounding defeated. It seemed too much of a rational thing to ask for, so luckily she stopped him in his tracks.
"Hey," she grabs his jaw in her hand to make him look at her crystal blue eyes. "It doesn't necessarily mean I wouldn't want to. I'm just saying that I want it to happen someday. Just not right now," He nods his head a bit, unable to break away from her trance, he was so enamored. "And I'll be waiting for that day,"
And with that, she closes the gap with her lips on his and her arms around his neck holding tightly as possible, and his arms around her waist holding her onto his lap nearly. \
Simon might get a lot of crap for being whipped as hell, but secretly Ambar is just as in love as he is with her, just sans the amount of attention he gets for it. But he wouldn't have it any other way.
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sunset-tapestry · 8 years
Going to be a short post because I don’t feel like rambling too much! Ended 2016 with the best Japan trip ever, partially because it was incredibly long such that living in Japan felt like second nature. I could go on holiday all my life. Japan’s food is absolutely amazing, the freshness and flavour is to die for. And of course living out my anime dreams! Visiting the temples and parks was great as well, I love spiritual things and the Shinto religion feels closer to me than Christianity and churches because my family is Buddhist. 
Coming back and I was plunged into hectic and tiring rehearsals for Hall XI Prod 2017 Game Over! Ended show on 7 Jan and must I say it was a heck of a ride. Acting is something I wanted to try and now I’ve done it, got to say it was a pretty boomz way to start the year! Though my attitude and willingness was questionable and kind of lacking, I sincerely hope I will improve when it comes to things I’ve not tried before and might not necessarily be good at. Be daring to show more weakness and be daring to show the effort you want to put in to reach a desirable standard. Also learnt how bad my walking, posture and stiffness is so point of improvement for this year!
Resolve to be more involved in NAF (scrounge up motivation to start sending emails again), Sichuan (honestly no idea what is going on here), CAC Pubs (Artstage VIP!!!! WOW EGGCITED), WSC Pubs (if not i’m going to be kicked out) and omg Markethink (had the horriblest ?? surprise when I found out I’m going to be PO for workshop, honestly SIBEI UNPREPARED but hey I’ve already acted in a play at NLB no less what is a workshop?!!) but Semester 2 here I come! Here’s to being less irritable, whiny and more kind to everyone. Peaceeee
Also in the midst of watching Goblin and I am increasingly obsessed with Gong Yoo and Lee Dong Wook someone help me. Kim Minjae looks like Yeo Jingoo’s twin and he is cute!!!!
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