#he might have diabetes and he has a heart murmur too apparently
destinationtoast · 2 years
Places my cats hid during the vet visit
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"Under" my coat... except Tico couldn't successfully burrow under, in part because he was too busy keeping an eye on us to look at what he was doing. So he ended up on top of it. (Winter was still in her carrier at this point.)
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On the vet's foot, for some reason?? She was surprised.
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Attempting to meld with my torso, while also pancaking down against the exam table as much as possible. They spent most of the hour this way.
(Not pictured: an unknown spot in my house, where crafty Bennet managed to successfully stay hidden the whole time.)
We've been home a few hours now, and both patients are considerably more chill.
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(Bennet has yet to emerge.)
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sanguinesixx · 4 years
cat and mouse - seven
The game ends.
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six
tag list!: @raversam @miamc2282008 @perxxxveka @fandomshit6000 @ohsososophisticatedd @anxious-diabetic @wheresmyvodkabitch @princesadeltoro
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I’M BACKKKKKKK!!!!! Also, I love angst, sorry!  Also I know that what she says about drugs at the end is kind of a problematic mindset and it doesn’t reflect my views on addiction at all, I was just trying to portray an argument. People say bad things when they’re angry y’know? Enjoy!!!
The sun slants through the windows and cuts into your eyes. You blink the sleep out of your vision and roll over groggily, only to hit a wall of warm skin and muscle. Your nose registers his scent before your eyes see who’s next to you.
You don’t remember much from the night before aside from bits and pieces before you got too high. The only things that stick out from the green induced blur of last night is the prickly feeling in your lungs and the way Nikki looked asleep next to you.
Climbing out of bed as gently as you can so not to wake the beautiful, sleeping man in your bed, you sneak out of the room and into the kitchen. Danielle is in the kitchen pouring herself a cup of coffee.
“Good morning.” You say groggily.
She looks up and grins at you. “Morning. You want a cup?”
You nod, and she makes you your own cup exactly how you like it. The mug is hot when she hands it to you, so you pull your sleeves down around your palms to keep your hands from being burned.
The two of you stand in silence and sip your respective coffees until Danielle, in true untactful Lee fashion, says, “So why is Nikki Sixx in your bed?”
You turn bright red. “W—he’s not—um,” you splutter. “I can explain.”
“Explain what?” Nikki says from behind you, leaning against the door frame. “All the dirty, nasty, passionate sex we had last night?”
Your cheeks feel like they’re on fire. “The what?”
Nikki sidles up behind you and snakes an arm around your waist to pull you to his side dramatically. He’s schooled his expression into one of total seriousness, but the corners of his lips twitch with the effort to not smile. “Have you forgotten already? You wound my fragile heart.”
Danielle snorts, burying her face in her coffee mug. Your face is so hot you aren’t convinced it’s not actually on fire. “Did we really?”
Nikki still doesn’t break character. “Yeah, you were so loud, God, I’m surprised the whole apartment didn’t wake up.”
Magically, your blush deepens.
“Oh, knock it off, Sixx, she’s gonna have an aneurysm,” Danielle looks like she’s trying not to smile, too. “You put too much faith in your sexual prowess, anyway.”
He flips her off and lets go of your waist. Relief sweeps over you, and for good measure, you punch his shoulder. Danielle makes an effort to slap him as hard as she can on the same shoulder, snickering, as she leaves the kitchen. He scowls.
“For fuck’s sake.” He mutters, then turns to you.
There’s suddenly look in his eyes like warm honey, one you have never seen before, and it makes you feel as if molasses is settling into your bones. Like everything is suddenly in slow motion. You’re locked in his gaze immediately,
“We have a show tonight. Come.” Nikki hesitates, and then says, “There’s a party after. At a hotel.”
You tear your gaze away from the sugary sweet expression on his face. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Nikki.”
“Why not?”
“You know how I feel about you,” it feels like you’re drowning in the strange, molasses-y feeling. “And seeing you on stage...you just look so unattainable.”
A peek at his face reveals a look of confusion painted across his features. You continue, “Like—ugh—all the girls that want you, and the lights, and...your confidence when you go on stage is nothing like the confidence you have when you’re down here with the rest of us. When you’re not being a god.” Your voice drops to a murmur. “Watching you perform is the only time I feel like I want you so bad I might die.”
Nikki’s breath hitches audibly. When you look at him, his eyes are squeezed shut for the briefest of moments before he opens them and exhales steadily. “Okay.”
“You don’t have to come to the show. At least come to the after party?”
You agree. Nikki steps away from you like he’s moving through the same thickness that captured you when he looked at you with that look in his eyes. You can’t quite place it.
You’re alone in the kitchen, drowning, until Danielle comes in, sees your untouched mug of coffee and promptly bitches at you about wasting things.
Danielle is thrilled that you asked her to style you. She goes with red power shoulders and high waisted jeans for herself. For you, she decides on a belted, over-sized leather jacket.
She agrees to skip the show with you after hours of trying to convince you, just so you don’t have to walk to the hotel alone. She doesn’t understand why you won’t go—”He’s so hot on stage, and you know it! What’s not to want to see?”—but lets up when she realizes you aren’t giving in.
The hotel lobby is quiet, surprisingly enough. Apparently, the boys got a couple floors’ worth of rooms to throw a party somewhere that wasn’t their house. Danielle says they got tired of having to replace things that got broken.
The elevator is full of pretty girls and guys with entire cans’ worth of hairspray in their hair. Everyone is buzzing with excitement when the doors open on the third floor, and music fills the air.
You’re immediately dragged into the smoky atmosphere and found by Tommy. He hands you a beer and a shot of clear liquor that you take immediately. You’re going to need to be drunk to let loose tonight.
The music is loud. It’s a huge surprise you couldn’t hear it from the lobby. Danielle hands you another shot and a joint, and before you even realize it, you’re dancing with Danielle in the thickest of the writhing crowd.
The lights are colorful, like you’re at a concert. You realize after some time has passed that you don’t know where you are. A hotel? A hotel room, the hallway, the lobby? No, you feel the wind, like you’re on the roof, and it’s cold.
Hands belonging to someone faceless from the throng of people grab your waist and you keep dancing against them, looking back occasionally to reassess whether you knew him, as if it mattered. Your senses are overloaded: you smell vodka and beer and whiskey and the city and sweat, and you can’t stop dancing, and Danielle is right in front of you and looks like she’s glowing and she’s a goddess, and you’re throwing back another shot, and there are hands all over you, and you’re laughing and yelling along with everyone else and being handed a cigarette and put it in your mouth the wrong way and burn your tongue and suddenly your whole body is on fire and it’s fucking delicious—
You’re on the ground. You feel the jarring impact some time after you hit the concrete. Everything is spinning like you’re on a fair ride. When your vision reorients itself, you see Nikki on top of the guy that had his hands on your waist. He’s throwing punches like he wants to kill this guy. The music is too loud for him to hear you screaming at him to stop. There’s blood on the concrete and on Nikki’s face and hands.
Before you can even produce a rational thought, you’re pulling at Nikki’s arms and yelling his name. He stops and stares at you like he’s looking into the sun. On the next tug, he stumbles and lets you drag him away.
You take him into the nearest stairwell and scream at everyone to get the fuck out. They all give you looks like you’re insane, but leave anyway once they see Nikki.
It’s quiet. You take a moment to clear your head, feeling like you’re trying to think through mud. Nikki is jittery and trembling, no doubt from cocaine. You have seen him coked out thousands of times by now, and even if you hadn’t, his pupils areba dead giveaway.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You finally ask, miraculously keeping your voice level.
“He was touching you.” He says simply.
Your anger bubbles up in your chest and explodes. “So was Danielle! Are you going to hit her? Are you going to fucking attack everyone that touches me? Are you fucking crazy?”
Nikki opens his mouth to say something, but you barrel on, “We aren’t even together, and you think you can lay claim on me like that? Like you’re allowed to decide who gets to put their fucking hands on me?
“And what happened to getting sober? You’re high as a fucking kite right now, Nikki! And you attacked some random guy like a psycho! Have you lost your goddamn mind? Are you even listening to me right now?”
He runs a hand down his face. “I don’t know.”
“You don’t know? You don’t fucking know what? If you’re listening to me?”
“I don’t know why I got high, or why I did that, or what’s wrong with me.”
You make a foreign noise somewhere between a scoff and a high pitched, shrieking laugh. “What game are you playing with me, Nikki Sixx?”
“I’m not—”
“Then what are you doing?” You shout. Your voice echoes off the walls. “You try to seduce me for a bet, and then embarrass me on purpose, and then when I finally forgive you after months, you assault some poor fucking man neither of us even know just for dancing with me!”
“God, I’m sorry, the drugs...they bring out the worst in me.” He looks helpless. You feel a flash of pity before it’s drowned out by disdain.
You turn on your heel to get Danielle and leave. “Maybe it is the drugs that make you act like a piece of shit, but you choose to keep doing them, so what does that say about you?”
“Y/N, stop, I’m sorry—” Nikki calls after you. “I’ll go to rehab! Anything! I’m sorry, please. Don’t leave.”
You’re already gone.
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