#and we literally spend a couple weeks preparing for today
destinationtoast · 2 years
Places my cats hid during the vet visit
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"Under" my coat... except Tico couldn't successfully burrow under, in part because he was too busy keeping an eye on us to look at what he was doing. So he ended up on top of it. (Winter was still in her carrier at this point.)
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On the vet's foot, for some reason?? She was surprised.
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Attempting to meld with my torso, while also pancaking down against the exam table as much as possible. They spent most of the hour this way.
(Not pictured: an unknown spot in my house, where crafty Bennet managed to successfully stay hidden the whole time.)
We've been home a few hours now, and both patients are considerably more chill.
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(Bennet has yet to emerge.)
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neoarchipelago · 2 years
And they were Roommates (part 6)
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A/n: ok here's a little warning. First from now on i'll take a bit longer to publish because ... work. It's also slightly shorter than usual
second i've realised that i had completely forgotten that Keller is the last name of the character Alex. So i do want to underline that it is not in fact alex Keller.
third, thank you so much for the love you have given to this story, it warms my heart. I hadn't written in a long time and i was afraid to post anything. I'm really happy that you guys like it.
Fourth, thank you so much for the little ideas you send me, they're very helpful. I apologise if I fon't translate the full idea into the story but i try to add any little thing you send my way.
fifth, you are entirely allowed to fucking hate me.
Warnings: as usual, cursing, violence, mentions of death.
You smirked.
"Yes?" You questioned, glancing back as you sat at the counter in the kitchen. 
"What time is it?" He asked from the couch. 
"It's 7pm" you answered. 
You smiled down at your computer. (Y/N). You had heard him say your name more than a couple dozen times today. Since you both told each other your real names, he had seemed to chant it non-stop. At any little question or situation. 
You rolled your eyes. 
"Yes Simon?" You chanted sweetly. 
A few seconds ticked before he answered. 
"I have to tell you something." He answered, tone serious. 
You paused your current activity to turn in your seat towards him. He was looking back at you. 
"I have a Mission scheduled." He warned. 
"Oh. Alright." You answered cautiously. 
"I won't be here for a while." He announced. 
"For… a while?" You frowned. "How long?" 
"Around 2 months." 
You swallowed, looking away. You didn't exactly know how to react. Obviously he had missions. You found yourself in a mix of sadness, worry and frustration. 
You looked up at him. By the look in his eyes, you felt like he was going to ask if you were ok. And you didn't want to answer that. 
"Why do you keep calling my name?" You asked. 
He remained silent. You stood up walking to the couch letting yourself fall next to him. He closed the file on his lap, red letters stamped on it. 
"Simon ?" You pushed. 
"I don't." He defended. 
"Simon." You scolded kindly. 
He groaned, looking away. 
"How will you know if I'm addressing myself to you?" He debated. 
"We literally are the only two people here." You chuckled. He ignored it. 
You sighed, shrugging. You turned to the TV letting yourself enjoy the time you could spend with him. The tv played with whatever show was on as you started to think about something to order for dinner, too tired to cook. 
"I like it." 
You blinked. 
"Hm?" You questioned, turning to him. 
He raised his hand, turning your head so you looked at the tv instead. 
"I said. I like your name." 
"Oh. Really? It's nothing extraordinary though." You said blushing a bit. 
"I was curious. After a few weeks. About your name." 
You tried turning your head to him but he repeated his move, groaning annoyingly.
"It's… delicate…" he praised. 
You felt your heart rate quicken. He.. liked your name. 
"So… you like how it sounds?" You asked. 
"Pretty much." He said matter of factly. 
"Alright." You nodded. 
"I like… that it's your name."
You turned your attention back to the TV, your mind unable to process anything after what he had just told you. 
"I.." you started after a long minute. 
"I like when you say it…" you said in a low voice. 
The rest of the evening was spent very calmly. As per contrast to the rest of the week. 
You sighed, grabbing your things to head out. Simon had been spending more and more time at the base. He had been preparing with the squad, preparing gear, tactics and training harder.
You could feel it. He had progressively grown colder. The ghost taking its rightful place, ready to hunt its target. You could feel him being careful around you, his mood had a drastic change and it seemed he tried to keep you away. 
You tried to give him the space he needed. But you grew more and more worried and sad as the days passed. 
You walked out of the door, walking down the apartment complex. 
You stopped and cursed as soon as you walked outside. 
"Hey Sparrow! Ready?" 
"Soap. What are you doing here?" You asked, obviously already aware of the answer. 
"Price asked me to come pick you up on the way to the base." The sergeant answered with a smile. 
You rolled your eyes. Walking to him he opened the passenger seat for you. You thanked him, sitting and buckling your seatbelt. You watched the man skip to his side and get in. As you started driving to the base you asked. 
"How is he this morning?" You asked. 
"Well. Murderous." He smirked. "He's been training with some recruits coming along on the mission this morning and I think he's making them regret ever enlisting." He laughed. 
You sighed. His mood had been becoming more and more sour. Not necessarily because he didn't want this mission, but mostly because he was entirely focusing on his target. The thought made a shiver down your spine. 
"I don't think I'll be of help this time." You said. 
Price had been asking you to come by the training sessions or after meetings to try and soothe his moods, but the closer the day of departure arrived the harder it became. 
"Ah, don't worry. We're used to it. He's not entirely bad. As soon as he'll be in the field, he'll be the LT we're used to." He said. "We, the squad. I don't think you've seen him like that. But not sure… he wants you to." He said with a smile your way. 
You bit your lip. Did you want to see him like that? A part of you did want. Another felt anxious at the thought. 
The rest of the ride was spent in small talk. The closer you got to the base the more you could feel your body fall into a stressful state. 
When soap parked in front of the training grounds, you walked out before entering the warehouse, the first thing you heard was the sound of people talking. The place had been rearranged as a training ground. Various dummies, people sparing at each other on mattresses. 
Soap dragged you towards the rest of the squad a bit further from the rest. 
"Here's our little bird." Price smiled. 
You sighed but threw him a weak smile. You turned your head to the closest training mat. A breath caught in your throat. He saw fighting. With a man that surprisingly was a bit taller than him, also wearing a mask, though much looser. You watched the punches and kicks being thrown. They weren't holding back. Suddenly Ghost body slammed his opponent to the ground, the sound echoing. You flinched. That must have hurt. 
"Don't worry, sparrow. They're used to it." Price tried to reassure you. 
"Sure… if you say so. He seems to be fully into it." You commented. 
"He is." 
"I don't understand captain. Soap said it's usual for him to behave like this before a mission. Why do you want me to show up everyday?" You asked, turning to him. 
He put a hand on your shoulder, walking you a few steps away from the rest of the squad. 
"This time is a bit different. He seems. Frustrated." 
"I don't think my presence helps." 
"It does a bit. Though I know it's getting harder for you to deal with his mood. Today especially. The departures date was moved. We leave in 48h." He said with a sorry look. 
You took a moment to process the information.
"It's not hard to deal with it. I'm just sensing it's being more and more useless. He's getting frustrated at me." You answered honestly. 
"I don't want you two to fight. You don't have to go see him." 
"I'll try. One last time." You replied with a soft smile. 
He nodded. You turned back to Ghost. The fight was over, his opponent walked away, slightly limping and rubbing the back of his neck. You walked towards him. 
"You ok?" You asked lowly. 
"Ah, ja, I'm ok!" He answered the taint of accent on his words. 
You smiled, continuing your path towards the man readjusting his gloves. 
He stiffened, looking back at you. 
"Why are you here?" 
Ouch. You smirked at him. 
"Price asked me to come check something for your mission." You lied. 
He nodded. His chest heaved, his breath had quickened from the physical exercise though he didn't seem out of breath.
"Will you be home for dinner?" You asked. 
"I don't know." He answered in a cold tone. 
You could hear, Price started to walk up to you too very slowly. 
"I can keep a plate for you if-" 
"Sparrow. I'M BUSY." He barked, the sound echoing. A dreadful silence stood in the whole place. Everyone had stopped talking.
You flinched. Not enough for the others to see but he had noticed. The sound of small talk started again, probably under Price's glare.
"I'm sorry Ghost." You tried. Standing your ground hands behind your back. 
"Lieutenant." He corrected coldly. 
Price had finally reached the both of you. 
"Fine." You spat back, the staring match now showing off both of your frustrations. 
"Do you need anymore help captain?" You asked, not dropping your gaze from Ghost. 
"No sparrow. Thank you and I apologize for-" 
"It's fine. If lieutenant Riley wants to be a dickhead that's on him." You said, visibly angry and visibly taunting the man. 
You turned around walking to the rest of the squad. 
"You good?" Gaz asked.
"I'm perfect. I'll see you guys another time." You said with a smile towards them before exiting the perimeter. You took a deep breath outside. Fuck. What was wrong with him? The behavior had changed so drastically. A week ago, he was chanting your name in every sentence. Now he refused to even say it. He was cold. It was hard to hide the fact it was hurting. You were trying to see his point of view too, but you missed his old self. 
You closed your eyes for a second. You had work to get to. So you did. 
You had stalled. A lot. It was very late. You didn't need to be at the base. You could have spent the day working from home. Fuck you had finished all your work. Yet it was 9pm. And you were only turning the key in the lock to the apartment now. 
You didn't want to fight again. You didn't want to fight before he left. You dropped your things on the ground and fell face first on the couch. The house was silent. Dark. It felt odd. You turned, grabbing a pillow and hugging it. You closed your eyes. Several minutes passed by before you heard his door open. You sat up as he walked into the living room. 
You shared a look. He seemed annoyed. His new signature mood.
"What?" You spat. 
"Don't." He warned. 
"Don't what?" You replied in the same tone. 
"Don't be a brat." He said. 
You laughed coldly. 
"I'm not the one being a brat Simon." 
"Lieutenant." He corrected it once more. 
You rolled your eyes. 
"Why did you pass by the training grounds again?" He asked. 
"Because Price asked me to." You answered honestly. 
You stood up walking to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. He stopped you halfway, grasping your arm. It wasn't soft but he was still careful not to hurt you. 
"Sparrow. Don't come insult me in front of my men." He said in a serious tone. 
"I didn't. I came to ask you something. You fucking yelled at me." You answered. 
"I have other things to do other than giving you attention." He scolded. 
"I didn't ask for attention." You replied, taking your arm back and crossing them over your chest. Fury growing in you.
"Oh, we're back on a name to name basis?" You asked sarcastically. 
He frowned. You were pushing his buttons. Unfortunately for both of you, he was too. 
"Sparrow. You and I are not-" 
"What? We're not friends?" You asked, interrupting him. 
He stood there, silent. 
"Is that what you're going to say?" You started now letting your anger finally out. 
"Are you going to push me away again? And then leave without saying a word?" You continued your tone slowly rising. 
"Are we going to fight until you leave and then you'll come back as if nothing happened? Fuck Simon! It looks like you're doing this on purpose!!" You ended. 
And suddenly it hit you. Like a shit ton of bricks.
"You are…" you said in a whisper. 
He turned away. 
"You are! You're doing it on purpose. You're making us hate each other before you leave on missions." You said, incredulous. 
"Y/N stop." He warned in a tone that promised repercussions. 
"Why? Why are you doing this?" You asked, stepping closer. 
He seemed to think for a minute. 
"I'm a soldier. I go out there. I kill and I very possibly… get killed." He explained. 
You frowned in confusion. He groaned in annoyance. 
"I might not come back." He said abruptly. 
"I know that. So what? You think making me hate you is what…? Going to make it… feel ok?" You asked. 
He looked straight at you. 
"My death isn't something that deserves mourning." 
You blinked. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Anger spoke volumes. Actually it moved fast too. You didn't exactly know how you grabbed the pillow from the couch and started hitting him with it. 
"SIMON, FUCKING RILEY, DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT AGAIN." You punctuated every word with a hit. 
He groaned. You were really hitting his last nerves. 
"I care! I fucking care! It's not up to you to decide if I should or not!" You said, this time tears prickling at your eyes. 
He noticed. You hit him harder trying to hide it from him. He grabbed the pillow, snatching it from your grip and throwing it somewhere in the room. He grabbed your wrists making you back up against the wall. 
"Calm down." He tried, his voice slightly calmer. 
"No! Fuck Simon!" You scolded. 
You stared at each other. 
"Lieutenant Simon ghost Riley, you better come back to me." You whispered. 
He didn't say anything. He leant forward, letting the top of his skull mask rest on your forehead and hissed a fuck. Your breaths mixing together. 
"If we hate each other. We have nothing to lose in this situation. We shouldn't have…been friends in the first place." He explained in a whisper.
"Do you hate me?" You asked in a whisper too.
His grip on your wrists tightened. He didn't answer. 
"If I don't come back. You're going to have to deal with it." He answered coldly. 
He let go of your arms, stepping back as you looked at him, eyes wide in shock. He simply turned around. And walked out of the apartment.
You bit your lip closing your eyes. God. He was stubborn. You were hurt once more. Even if you knew he didn't mean it. In his stupid attempt to spare you from being hurt, he ironically hurt you. 
You took a deep breath. You wanted to sleep, forget this whole discussion. You wanted to roll into your blankets. So you did, and you let sleep take you. 
That morning, you had gotten up with very little motivation. You had realized quite quickly he had not slept home. You tried to go about your day but your mind kept running back to him. Was he really going to leave with saying goodbye? 
The hours ticked and the more the realization settled in. He wasn't coming back. You decided to go to the base in the afternoon to drop a report. You had met with the squad, avoiding talking about their lieutenant. You told them goodbye, threatening to go find them if they don't come back. They had announced they were leaving late in the night, the departure being changed again. 
You were going to miss them. You had started to get used to their presence. To enjoy their company. They had grown on you. 
You walked home pretty late. Feeling devastated by your roommate's behavior. You wanted to see him. Talk to him. Hug him before he left. But it wouldn't happen. The thought making you want to cry. 
You walked into your apartment. The silence felt horrible. You dropped your coat over the couch, slowly walking to his bedroom. A shy knock on his door was heard. It was the only thing heard. Nothing. Your hand reached for the doorknob slowly. Turning it, you opened his door. Empty. He wasn't there. 
You turned around, feeling the need to go back to your bed. You froze. Your door was open. You frowned, slowly walking into your room. You noticed a bag on your bed. You approached, sitting next to it. You opened it, taking out the soft object inside. 
You stared at it. Tears rushing down your cheeks. It was a squish-able round plush. Of the grim reaper. It was black, with a cute skull for a face. You hugged it. 
Knock knock knock. 
You looked up. Holding the plush, you stood, walking to the door. You opened it. 
"Hi! I'm… Sergeant Hansen… I'm your new neighbor… are you ok?" 
You stared at the man in front of you.
He wasn't going to say goodbye.
@lemontails @cabreezer0117 @tomhardy411 @brxghtixghtz @shuttlelauncher81 @pinkdazelight @sirenbunnylol @snortangeldust @novausstuff @gasstationfifacard @emotion-not-hot-yes-hotel-trivago @simpforavillain @minimisthios @catied32 @poohkie90 @watermaylon-writes @thereealink @meimhem @sorryi-mtrash @gaymistakeboii @bittersw33t-lotus @gh0stm3g @freckledmuffin @itsasecrets-things @xback1021 @connierk690 @feedthefandoms995 @friendlyneighboorhoodgothicpagan @dead-noodles @friendly-reject @critter-mylo @honeymariee @badame0224 @kitty-satan1 @all-good-things-have-an-ending @tianotfound @thriving-n-jiving @hailstrum18 @kiruoris @thats-s0-ravenn @orcasarebigbabies @makastaco @abajointrossyearl @kaylynninice24 @cated18 @swg141 @ghost-2513 @whore4dilfs @yggrid @jaehyacinths @juneitoo @popevickysmainbitch @topgirl17 @mildlyhopeless @feyredarling92 @thegirlintheshadows101-blog  @badbittywitty @yourmom3-5 @tapioca-marzipan @xoprincesslea @here4thespice @goldyghoul @wolfyland07 @chingaderastillidie @d4z01 @stokcholm @khjssss @julesclues @hopefuloperaangelnerd
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dearabby1990 · 4 months
Chapter 20: Prom preparations
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You & Eddie had an amazing morning together you made him your stuffed French toast with fresh berries & bacon he told you he’s starting to feel spoiled eating all the homemade food you’ve been feeding him. You’re just glad to have someone other then yourself and occasionally robin & Steve for movie nights enjoy your food. In fact your so good at cooking both robin & Steve have you making them something at least once a week. Eddie found out the theme of the prom midnight masquerade now you both need to hope you can find the appropriate accessories for your outfits. Eddie heads home because he has a short shift at the shop covering for another worker & you & Robin decided you’re going to head out on the town to try to find the perfect masquerade masks. Falling upon a costume store mostly known for renting character suits for children’s birthday parties window shopping throughout the whole place robin finds the perfect mask for herself white with emerald gems around the cat eye shaped eye holes you see a phantom of the opera mask knowing damn well it’s literally screaming for you to get it for Eddie so you do not finding one for yourself you start to get nervous until Robin comes running through the aisle stumbling over her feet & trying to catch her breath “think-I-found-something” taking a breath between each word you follow her to the glass case in the front inside is an arrangement of costume jewelry brooches & you then see it a black lace mask with littered with rubys the same rubys that are on the tie clip you got for Eddie 2 satin ribbons attached to the sides your eyes light up in excitement especially when you see a few accessory pieces to add with it. On the ride back you both pull in the McDonald’s drive thru for a quick lunch before heading back to your house to check out everything you bought. Robin eyes your haul “that headband is cute!! I have no idea how to do hair or makeup so I’m gonna need your help jame OHHH I love that necklace!! We should definitely put some extra gems on your headband well looks more like a crown but still it’d make it pop more” she’s talking a mile a minute & you love that she feels comfortable enough to ramble away when she’s with you. You both are wondering how you’re all getting there beings robin & Steve are going as friends & you & Eddie are going as a new couple so Robin decided to talk Steve & Eddie both into leaving as a group hoping you all didn’t have to pile in the van in such nice clothes although you love hanging in the van with Eddie it’s certainly not the kind of vehicle to take 4 people out in dress attire. You & Robin dig through all your makeup & hair accessories pulling the perfect pieces for robin to set aside & yourself you’re quite proud of yourself with all you’ve accomplished today. Everything’s set to go with just a day and a half left until the big night. You just hope it’s the magical night you’ve always dreamed of & not the hellish nightmare you experienced at your own but knowing you’ll be with someone who wants to be with you as much as you want to be with them keeps your heart content. If you could control the way things went you’d have Eddie forever & hope he wants to have a forever with you. He’s been calling you almost on a schedule morning hellos and goodnights & sweet dreams you couldn’t ask for anything better. He even invited you to band practice next week & to the Hideout for his next show with his band you’d be lying if you said you weren’t excited you were buzzing with energy lately not wanting this feeling to ever go away. You & Robin decided it’s best to have a girls night tomorrow so you both could spend the whole day getting ready. You gave Eddie the mask you found for him he was elated eyes popping out of his head “princess it’s PERFECT!” You hug him nestling your face into his shirt “you know me so well this is exactly what I was gonna go out & try to find to go with everything I just hope Wayne’s here to help me with my tie I’m used to clip ons” you giggle & you both spend the day watching horror movies together snuggled on the sofa.
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fitgothgirl · 2 months
I've been scheduling more sporadically with my therapist since she changed practices and the new place doesn't take my insurance - I'd been seeing her since February 2023 so a few months ago when this happened she offered to keep seeing me on the side wherever she could fit me in, and was having me Venmo her just whatever my copay was ($40). I haven't seen her in over two months now and a couple weeks ago we had scheduled for 7/17, but the time came and went and she didn't text me the zoom link. I'm thinking I just slipped off the radar since I'm not *official* haha. My feelings would be hurt a small amount (and only that much because I know she doesn't mean anything by it and she seems to actually enjoy our time together - don't think she'd see me on the side if not lol), but I was meaning to get more prepared for the appointment and hadn't done so yet, so it kind of worked out for the best. We have better sessions when I'm ready like that (not surprising of course). So I'm going to organize some thoughts here!...
Things are not bad but not good. I'm in an odd happy-sad place lately. On the one hand, everyday, multiple times a day, I'm so overwhelmed with gratitude for how my life is right now. I have to remind myself that nothing is permanent because I do so badly wish things could be like this forever. I love my partner, I love our home, I love our families, I love our amazing circle of super supportive friends, I love our cat, I love the lake house, I love the weather of the Bay Area, I love the stuff to do/cool places in the Bay & California, I love the relative wealth of human rights in my country, I love my health and my mundane physical abilities, etc... I don't have kids and I work from home for a unstressful job and so I have an amazing work-life-balance; literally everyday I get to be like "hmmm what do I wanna to do today?" I've also witnessed very little death & illness in terms of important people in my life. I'm so privileged in so many ways and I'm constantly cognizant of all these things and overflowing with gratitude and reveling in the moment as much as I can.
On the other hand... I just feel like since Costa Rica in late January/early February, I've been faltering in all the progress I've made over the last 2 years. I haven't been able to get my weed smoking back under control. It's been a while since I've been able to make more fitness progress despite trying a few times to reset (I will give it up for myself that working out is just part of my identity now and I still go to the gym, which is a huge win overall, but I'm struggling to do the minimum maintain right now). I'm back to spending way too much money (outside of the tattoo that was saved for) and putting things on my credit card that's creeping towards its limit. I haven't been able to get myself to keep up with my bujo anymore (which has its own repercussions) despite trying to go back to super simple/basic spreads of just black ink and no designs. Reading has stopped again. I feel like my executive function has deteriorated. I'm eating too much and feeling less in control in that area. I'm also drinking too much and it's becoming problematic; I don't get drunk all the time, but having at least a couple drinks each night is becoming a difficult thing to talk myself out of once evening hits. And I do get drunk sometimes - maybe twice a week. Not like I'm hammered, but nonetheless. Alcohol is quite a different beast from weed so I'm uneasy and need to deal with it.
There was a big build up to Costa Rica because it was a deadline I was being held to, where if I was unsuccessful in tapering down my smoking, I was going to be extremely uncomfortable both physically and mentally for the entirely of the trip (a trip of a lifetime no less); the alternative being not going on the trip, which would be ridiculous to do over weed lol. Withdrawal fucking sucks for me since I'm such a heavy user so I knew it was crucial to cut back. And around this time I was also at the peak of my consistency with the gym/fitness progress - not only because it felt great but knowing that getting as fit as (healthfully) possible by CR would only help me during travel and the activities there, as well as helping my confidence while in swimsuits & in many pictures. But in retrospect, tapering down my weed was a bigger mental boost than I really realized, and was helping out every area of my life in indirect ways. Even before starting to incorporate weedless days, when I was just relegating daily smoking to nighttime, I was in a much stronger place mentally. It's not like I didn't know it was going to be beneficial to cut back, but it was so gradual I didn't really fully grasp the progress until looking at things in hindsight.
But then after the big build up to CR and coming home, things fell apart in the decompression... I didn't have that assured, impending deadline where I'd be suffering if I failed my goal (I feel like the positive punishment aspect was a big factor). Without that fire under my ass, I just haven't been able to stay consistent with sticking to a schedule and using my kSafe to lock up my weed. And I feel like knowing I need to restart the tapering process (i.e. locking it up for just 2 hours a day for a couple weeks and then progressing to 4 hours, 8 hours, etc., as well eliminating smoking in the AM), is actually a bit of a detriment, because it's easy to think it's not a big deal to miss a day since it's "just 2 hours" and I can even inadvertently do that just by being busy. And knowing I had done so much more in the past makes just a couple hours seem so trivial. But the main point of starting off like that was to just get in the habit of using the kSafe in the first place, and to turn up the hours like boiling a frog. I know I can't just jump to "no smoking until 9pm" or something, even though at first I felt like I could just since I had the confidence from it doing before, but my therapist says trying to cut to that is not a good idea (which I did try to do unbeknownst to her but she was proven right lol).
So yeah I'm basically blaming the multiple aspects of this rut/depression on the excessive smoking its ripple effects... Not a surprise though lol. Local Girl Realizes Being Huge Stoner Not Healthy.... (I'd known this long ago lol just joshin)
I miss me. Before, my progress was me getting to physical and mental states I had never been at before. Now that I know what I'm capable of, there's a me to "get back to." In a way it's comforting to know from experience that I can successfully work on myself and I can just follow my own example again. But in another way it makes me sad any backtracking was done. I actually kinda thought I had passed some threshold of mental progress or something (silly in hindsight ig), and am so frustrated with how easily things fell apart just by removing the CR deadline; it made me feel really weak. But my therapist would tell me to not focus on mistakes or setbacks and to not feel guilty, so I'm trying to keep that in mind as I write this. I know I'm looking through the rose-colored glasses of memory too; I know I had struggles in November/basically when DST ended and through the winter until CR, plus other little setbacks. And the fact that I was indeed successful in cutting back smoking enough to not feel like shit on the trip is something to be proud of.
"This thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down" (Mary Pickford)
(Again another good quote that I learned from Parks and Rec lol)
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masonjarsmoments · 4 months
Top 5 tennis players
Top 5 animals
Top 5 memories
Top 5 Tennis Players:
There are some new faces on this list but they just robbed my hart in storm
1. Casper Ruud - home boy (when I got into Tennis for the first time in 2017/18 I scrolled down in the rankings until I found the first Norwegian and said you are coming home with me when I found Casper somewhere in the 140s and he was my favourite ever since) only player I've seen playing live and talked to so far
2. Andrea Petković - home girl and I don't care that she isn't active anymore because for me she is Tennis and the main reason I fell in love with this sport - she is an icon, one of the prettiest women I've ever seen and her way with words is everything. I love her both want to be her and be with her
3. Daniil Medvedev - definitely wouldn't have thought that when I first started watching tennis because I was a Stefanos girl back then and kinda disliked Daniil ?? Crazy I know. I love how different he is in so many ways his tennis persona is so unique smart and extraordinary and then he is just a nerdy dude that might look a but boring sometimes off court the perfect mix.
4. Aryna Sabalenka- I just want her to give me hug with her strong arms, smile at me and tell me that everything will be fine.
5. Andrey Rublev - I just want to hug him with my not strong arms smile at him and tell him that everything will be fine. He is sunshine and rain in one and even though I am a rainy day autumn girly myself for him i hope there's more sunshine than rain.
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Top 5 animals:
1. Elephants - my first stuffy that i had and still cuddle today is an Elephant called Elefanti
2. Cats - I grew up with cats and they are just the best - really don't trust people who dont like cats
3. Kuhs (cows) - its a group chat thing but they are also just cute
4. Sheep/lambs - kinda random but look st them ?? Also I spend so much time at the north see there's no way around them (literally we were in the middle of a horde once and had to wait for an hour )
5. Penguins - just loyal and there was this gay penguin couple in our zoo and they were everything to me
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Top 5 Memories (this was such a hard one)
1. My first ballet production I've danced in when I was 8 years old - it was just amazing (besides the costume I was a shellfish and was wearing a weird thing on my head) mostly because of the time that we spend together before and after our part (I was on stage for a total of 10 min) because we just were in one of the classrooms watching barbie movies and playing sing star.
2. First time I went to Lillehammer and saw Lysgårdsbakkene Hoppanlegg because she is beauty she is grace and Lily is home. Also every other time i went there especially Raw Air 2020 with my wonderful friends, Pero winning, Stephan podium, a wild Fannis that nearly killed us with his stares, inside jokes it was just a great time.
3. All the group chat road trips because I can't choose but here are some highlights: Ruhpolding, the cheesecake in Berchtesgaden, playing UNO in the car while waiting for the rain to stop, Picknicks in the sunset, cross country skiing, our raod trip Playlists, Ireland, watching les mis together in London from the first row.
4. Our school trip to Poland in 10th grade it was a tough one because it was all about remembering the Holocaust and we had to prepare presentations and there was a survivor who told us their story and we spent a whole week in Oświęcim working on a project and spend a lot of time in both camps for research. We learnt so much and it shaped us all it was a really impressive time and i am still so grateful that we got the chance to do this.
5. Spending time with my Aupair friends in Norway especially all the Sunday afternoons in espresso house, Kristiansand in winter (not to recommend but we made the best out of it) skiing together, our the voice evenings, evenings at the German Church, tacco kveld, 17.Mai and so on
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copiaslilrat · 5 months
Riding In The Shadows Behind You: Chapter 3
Sibling Eros is tasked with helping Copia prepare for Black Mass. Eros meets Secondo for the first time under mortifying circumstances.
See the master post for links to the other chapters. Read on AO3 here.
Content: Copia/Dracopia x Original NB Character, fluff and smut (18+), vampires, watch two awkward idiots slowly fall in love and fuck about it, literally nothing bad happens /gen, no plot all vibes
When Eros reports to Papa Terzo’s office the following morning, they are surprised to see Copia sitting in the chair opposite his desk. It’s not unusual at all for a Cardinal to be meeting with the Papa, but just the fact that it happens for be Copia is enough to make them stutter. They note that the thick curtains are drawn despite the beautiful day outside and wonders briefly if that is because Copia cannot be exposed to sunlight. Is that even a thing? I should ask, sometime. Maybe think about getting some thicker curtains...
“Buongiorno, bello ,” Terzo greets with a wolfish smile. He gestures to Copia. “You have met Cardinal Copia before, sí?”
Eros hopes that the dim lighting of his office is enough to hide the blush on their face. “A couple of times, yes.”
“Bene, bene ,” Terzo says. His expression is unreadable, which Eros has learned that means he is in the mood to create mischief and that they should probably be nervous for whatever is about to happen next. “So. Mio fratello requires your assistance today.”
Ah. There it is. “Why not one of the other Siblings? I thought I was doing research this week.”
“Eh." He shrugs. "This is more important, and I trust you more than the others. This is not something I would typically ask of a Sibling, but the Cardinal and I think that you can manage.”
Eros offers a small, polite nod in Copia’s direction, trying not to get flustered at the way his mismatched eyes are presently full of adoration as he looks at them. “What can I help you with?”
“We are planning a rather large ritual for next week’s Black Mass and I require an extra set of hands with gathering ingredients and setting everything up."
Ritual prep is an unusual task to assign to a Sibling, but there's no way Eros was going to decline an offer to spend more time with Copia. “Alright. Lead the way, Cardinal.”
They are alone again in the chapel. Unless there is a service or one of the Papas comes to pray, the building typically remains vacant. Occasionally, a Sibling will wander in for a moment of quiet respite, but that is an uncommon occurance. Eros and Copia are digging through the storage room behind the altar for the necessary ingredients. The space is small, and occasionally they brush against or bump into each other, which causes a flustered exchange of apologies.
During the latest occurance, Copia gently takes their forearms in their hands before they can turn away. “Eros, I want to apologize for the way that we parted last night. I was nervous and so I panicked and felt that I was very terse with my goodbye.” He sighs as if a great weight was lifted from his chest. “I just want you to know that I am not embarrassed to be seen with you.”
Eros flushes at his sincerity. How has nobody scooped up this absolute sweetheart for themselves yet? “Oh, Copia, it’s quite alright, but I appreciate you saying so.”
Copia smiles and leans in to give them a sweet, albeit quick kiss. “To make up for what I did not do last night.”
They grin at the gesture. “Such a gentleman.”
It’s his turn to be flustered. He laughs nervously. “I…eh…grazie.”
They return to their work. When all of the ingredients are gathered, Copia pulls out several small, metal bowls and instructs Eros on what should go in each one. He explains that the measurements need to be exact or it could cause issues during the ritual.
“What kind of issues?” Eros asks as they extract a few rose petals from a jar.
“Do you remember what happened to Secondo a few years ago? With the…eh…” Copia gestures vaguely towards his crotch.
Eros does remember. “Oh, shit.”
“Sí . So let’s make sure everything is perfetto for Terzo, hm? If he has to go more than a day without being able to stick his dick in someone or something, I fear that we will all be worse off for it.”
Eros stifles a laugh with the back of their hand. “I think I have to agree with you there.”
Copia is absolutely delighted to have made them laugh. He then thinks that he would very much like to make them laugh again. “Eh...caro?”
They look up from placing a sprig of sage into the bowl with the rose petals. “Yeah?”
“I was wondering—“
The doors to the chapel swing open. They hadn’t even been touching—not that it would matter if they had been—but they still jump apart from each other like two teenagers caught kissing in a coat closet.
“Fratello!” A loud voice booms jovially, echoing off the vacuous walls.
Former Papa Secondo strides into the chapel as if he owns the place. The man is practically dripping with suave confidence at any given point. Eros had never much been into large, muscular men, but they can understand how Secondo is a big hit with their Siblings.
His mismatched eyes fall on Eros. “Eh? Why is a Sibling helping with ritual prep?”
“I needed the extra help,” Copia says, although as the day wears on, Eros suspects this was a very adorable excuse to spend more time with them. “Sibling Eros is Terzo’s assistant.”
Secondo nods. He strides further into the chapel and comes to a stop before them, wearing a tight-fitting white button-down and black trousers. He gently takes Eros’ hand in his exceedingly large one and presses a kiss to their knuckles. “Charmed. Terzo has spoken of you, but I do not believe we have actually met before.”
“We have not, your Eminence. It’s a pleasure to meet you as well.” Eros offers a polite head nod.
“What can we help you with, fratello?” Copia asks.
“I was wondering if you would like to grab some lunch with myself and Primo.”
Copia’s expression brightens. Eros wonders if he does not frequently get to spend time with the other Papas, despite their sibling-esque relationship. He catches Eros’ glance for a moment before nodding at Secondo. “I would love to. I just need a few minutes to finish up here and I will be ready.”
“Va bene. You know how Primo likes to take his time getting ready, anyway.”
"Do not pretend like you are not the same, Secondo,” Copia teases.
He rolls his mismatched eyes. The skull face paint that he wears makes him look perpetually pissed off, but he’s clearly smiling and there’s a playful glint in his expression. “Just hurry up. I’m starving.”
Copia nods, and with that, Secondo exits the chapel and they are alone again. He exhales deeply, as if he had been holding his breath. “I know that I am to be Papa myself one day, but I have never felt that I fit in with mio fratelli. I only hope that I can do as good of a job as they have, when the time comes.”
Eros smiles softly and gently rests their hand on top of his. “You’re going to be a great Papa. I just know it.”
Relief washes over his face at their reassurance. “Grazie, Eros. You are too kind.”
They give his hand a gentle squeeze, and Copia’s body gravitates a little closer to theirs. “You are deserving of kindness, Copia.”
He almost looks as if he’s about to start crying, but instead he pulls Eros into a passionate kiss. They reciprocate his energy, suddenly filled with an aching need for him. Copia presses them back against the altar, his hands sliding to the buttons on the front of their cassock and lingering there. “I need you, caro. Desperately. Do you feel this too?”
Eros nods enthusiastically, to which Copia responds by drawing them into another bout of kissing. After a moment, he pulls back slightly to ask permission to undress them, to which Eros nods with even more enthusiasm.
“Not here, though. I would hate to ruin our hard work.” Copia looks at the altar—which is, to Eros' disappointment—covered in bowls and ritual ingredients. He looks around the chapel until his eyes land on one of the confessionals.
Eros follows his stare. “Isn’t that sacrilegious or something?”
Copia scoffs playfully. “We work for the Satanic Ministry. I think that our Lord Below would be rather pleased at the idea of someone sinning in a confessional.”
They shrug. “Fair enough."
Copia grins and pulls them over to the confessional. There is a velvet chair in the booth and not much else, but at least there would be some semblance of privacy here. They hardly make it inside before their mouths crash together again. Copia stumbles backward and Eros very conveniently lands in his lap, the kiss unbroken even as they giggle about it.
Copia tilts his head to kiss their neck as his hands return to the tiny buttons on their cassock, and for a moment, Eros wonders if he’s going to feed from them. They feel the brush of his fangs against their neck and tense slightly, but Copia shakes his head. “I will not feed from you right now. I have a different kind of hunger that needs sated."
Eros sighs as he finally gets their cassock unbuttoned and their cincture discarded to the floor. His hands make faster work of their belt and trousers, eagerly pushing them down to join the rest of their clothes. In the next breath, Copia kneels before them and parts their legs. The raise their leg by propping it up on the chair, shuddering at the feel of his hot breath on their sex.
Copia kisses their inner thighs, those fantastic fucking fangs just barely grazing the skin, and their hands lace through his hair as they whimper softly, their legs shaking in anticipation. It’s been awhile since they’ve been with anyone so intimately, and the sight of Copia on his knees before them ignites something deep within them. He licks a thick stripe through their folds, growling softly as he tastes them. Eros is already soaking and has been for the past few moments, so Copia easily slides two gloved fingers inside of them and starts to pump as his tongue eagerly works their clit, alternating between licking and nipping at the sensitive bud.
“Oh, fuck, Copia. Fuck ,” they groan as their release quickly builds. Their head drops back against the wall of the confessional. “Don’t stop. Please. Fuuuck…”
They feel Copia smiles against their cunt at their excitement, a soft chuckle passing his lips. The brief vibration of his laughter is almost enough to push them over the edge on its own, but then he curls his fingers inside of them and begins to stroke in a "come hither" motion. Eros had been suppressing their noises of pleasure until now for discretion’s sake, but their orgasm sneaks up on them suddenly and powerfully, and they cry out as they come. Copia finger fucks them through their orgasm and then stands and kisses them deeply, his mouth smeared with their slick and his black lipstick smudged across his face.
“How is it that every part of you tastes so divine?” Copia murmurs against their lips as he runs his hand through their hair.
Eros flushes at the strangely sweet compliment, and then grins playfully. “I want to know how you taste, Copia.”
His lips part softly at the offer, his pupils dilating further as he watches Eros sink to their own knees before him and begin to work on unbuttoning his cassock. “You do not have to do this if you do not want to..."
The way his already-hard cock twitches when Eros’ hands brush against it as they work to pull down his pants seems to disagree with his words. “But I do want to.” They look up at him as their hands hesitate on the waistline of his underwear. “Is this okay?”
Copia’s voice is breathy. “It is more than okay, caro .” His head drops back against the wall as Eros gently takes his cock into their hands and begin to stroke. “I have never wished for a bed more than I do right now.” He hisses in pleasure as Eros slides their tongue along his slit, which is already leaking precum. “I want to bury myself deep inside of you and fuck you until forget everything but my name. Cazzo, Eros, sei una strego, così fottutamente perfetto.”
Eros has no idea what he said, but the low, primal growl that he makes as they take him into their mouth makes them blank on everything else but the desire to continue pleasuring him. Copia’s hands come to rest on the back of their head, knotting into their short hair as they work his shaft, running their tongue along his sizable length. He’s too big for Eros to take in entirely, so they use their hand to compensate for what won’t fit in their mouth.
His breathing is deep, but quick as his arousal builds. He had gotten off so much on pleasuring Eros that he was mostly there already. Copia does a much better job of staying quiet than Eros could ever manage, but his frequent subdued whimpers and groans indicated that he would be very noisy in bed if given the privacy. Copia’s hips start to move in tandem with their mouth and hand as he chases his own pleasure, and Eros is perfectly contented to let him fuck their mouth in whatever way he needs to.
“Ah, Sathanas , I’m so close…” he mutters, his head still leaned back in ecstasy, his eyes closed. “Can I come in your beautiful mouth, caro ? Per favore…”
Unable to speak with a mouthful of cock, Eros nods their consent. They use a bit of extra tongue around the head to further stimulate him, and in just a few more strokes, his hips kick forward as he half groans, half growls as his warm release spills down Eros’s throat. They moan around his cock at the taste of him, using their hand to squeeze out every last drop before removing their mouth from him. Eros laughs inwardly as their jaw is slightly sore from sucking him off.
“Bene?” Copia asks softly as he looks deep into Eros’ eyes.
“Molto bene,” Eros replies in very broken and rusty Italian.
He grins at their attempt and kisses them deeply. “You are incredible. I am so glad it was you that I ran into that first night.”
Eros’ lips part in surprise before offering a smile of their own. “I am so glad it was you, too.”
They pull each other into a soft embrace, their bodies swaying slightly. Copia occasionally kisses their forehead softly. They savor the quiet moment of peace together—until they hear the doors to the chapel open again. The pair quickly dress, but between their mussed hair, heavy breathing, flushed skin, and Copia's ruined makeup, it is abundantly clear what had been happening.
“Ah, yes. Terzo said that this may have been the case between you two.” Secondo says with a smug grin as he watches them emerge from the confessional.
Eros tenses for a moment, thinking they might be in trouble, but then they remember who it is that discovered them. Stupid fucking inherent Catholic guilt.
Secondo gives Copia a prideful clap on the back, and then ruffles Eros’ hair. “Good for you two!” He looks at Copia. “I was coming to check on how things were going, but it looks like you have everything handled here, eh?”
Eros had almost forgotten they were supposed to be working. “Oh! The ritual prep. I am so sorry, I—“
Copia and Secondo both turn to shush them, but the latter is the one who speaks. “Truly do not worry about it. We will finish the preparations after our lunch.”
They breathe out a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Papa.”
“No worries. I’m just happy that the Cardinal finally found someone to warm his cock, eh?”
Copia tsks playfully. “That’s crude, fratello.”
Secondo grins wolfishly. Eros could see why so many Siblings were interested in him. “Were you expecting me to be anything but?” He eyes them with curiousity. “Does this mean they know about the…?” He dangles his index fingers down in front of his upper lip and wiggles them in a vague approximation of fangs.
“Sí, they do,” Copia admits. He leans over and gives Eros a soft, chaste kiss on the corner of their mouth. “Will I see you later?”
They flush at the sweetness of the gesture. “Y-yeah. Of course.”
“I’m sure I will be seeing you around as well, piccolino,” Second says with a gruff laugh before wrapping an arm around Copia’s shoulders and guiding him out of the chapel. Eros can’t help but notice that man is nearly two heads taller than him; the size difference is almost comical.
When they’re gone, they sigh and straighten out their cassock. They look at the altar that's covered in their unfinished work. They think that they could probably finish it themself, but they don’t want to be personally responsible for any maladies that would fall upon Terzo’s dick. They stride out of the chapel with a newfound bounce in their step as the doors close softly behind them.
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The 20’s loneliness and the feeling that everyone is leaving and growing up and you are stuck
Today I am feeling a little reflexive, I don’t know if it is because I’m getting my period in a couple of days, so I wanted to write somethings down.
This year I’m turning 21, and everything feels wrong. I am at my 3rd year of law school, I just finished my first internship of 10 months, even though it seems like I’ll have a very promising future I just can’t wrap around my head that I’ll ever be happy living like this, working at a law firm. I failed 2 classes, so this semester I’ll have 10 classes instead of 8, won’t be able to work again, won’t be making any money, and without my job I’ll just be very much alone most of the time.
Being alone is something that it really bothers me, it’s just something that I can’t be comfortable, I don’t know if it is because in high school, I used to have a huge friend group, and we would all live super close to each other and go out every single day, my mom even used to say that I had “wheels on my feet”. At high school I also had a relationship with a guy that was on and off for the past 4 years, but back then we used to see each other every day or a least once a week and now we are literally neighbors, and we don’t even speak to each other anymore.
My best friends from high school all found boyfriends now, so let’s talk a little bit about that, and specially, about my best best best friend, let’s call her D- that I have a matching tattoo with - that started dating last year. She changed SO MUCH, we barely speak to each other anymore, she spends every second with her boyfriend and, I think this is the hardest part, I feel like, because we were each other’s person, we would do anyfuckingthing you could imagine for each other, and it seems/feels like she just tossed me out, and now I’m useless and so fucking replaceable. My other best friend from high school also started dating last year, and it was totally different, she has her boyfriend, sees him almost every day but literally nothing changed in our friendship because it’s our friendship. For her, I’m not something she can use when it suits, and it is convenient and then throw it away, everything is the same.  I guess me and D didn’t survive the great war.
So now I’m left alone, no boyfriend, no best friend that lives around, no nothing, just myself. And it fucking sucks.
I think the idea that I must be with myself forever it’s just unbearable to me, I don’t love myself, I don’t like the way I look, but I don’t have the energy to change it. I can’t do anything unless I feel pretty - that’s means straight hair, pounds of makeup, tight clothes - and I am the worst person, super negative.
I really wish that I would be the type that sees the good in everything, is super happy and bubbly, and positive about every situation, but I am not. Since I was very young, my dad used to make all these promises and dream super big, and my mom would come and give me a reality check and say that I was crazy if I believed what my father says. I think that made me double that anything good could ever be true and happen. So, I would think that “hope is for dumb people who aren’t prepared for the future”, and now I’m this logical machine that can’t even express feelings towards people. It makes a lot of sense to why I am at law school now.
And the worst part is that I hate it. I hate that I can’t react or recreate/express my emotions. I really really wish I could show how much I love people, but I’m just so scared all the time of showing things and then getting attached and being left alone again, it is just so fucking hard to trust someone, and by being this way I end up hurting a lot of people who just wanted to give me love, and I couldn’t accept it, it’s literally just as Taylor described “I broke his heart because he was nice. He was sunshine, I was midnight rain, he wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain”, and, as Tate described “Feel back when you got closer, after I just put you right through hell, you couldn’t hate me more than I hate myself. I’d always act so selfish, at shit I hadn’t dealt with, so off I go to hurt you again”.
I think that I’m just scared that I’ll never be able to open to someone and I swear that I’m trying so hard to be positive, and trust people, and it just seems that it doesn’t matter what I do, it’s just never enough. If even my fucking best friend, the person I trusted the most, and who used to be my safe place where I felt at home, can just dump me and trade me for someone, why would anyone else stay?
I just really miss my old life, my friends from school, even miss the years that covid took from my “college experience”. Everything is moving so fucking fast and everyone is growing and moving forward, and it feels like I’m stuck, standing still while my world is falling apart and everyone else is the best. They are working, dating, going out, travelling, and I just stay here.  
After all of this vent, I just think that I miss having a person, over these past few years I lost a lot of friends that were so important for me duo something so dumb and literally stupid, and I really miss them. I wish I could go back and change so many things, it’s like a pledge of loyalty to someone who doesn’t even care about me anyone and because of that I lost so many people that were so important to me and I think would be by my side till this day. It’s just very shitty to see how this little things and decisions can change and affect so much of the future.
I think everyone has a point in their life where they feel so lost, and alone, and it doesn’t matter what they do, it’ll never enough and this weird feeling won’t go away. My life till the pandemic was so good, and now I think I’m living my rock bottom, this sounds so dramatic, and it is, but I’ve got a whole future and adult life knocking on my door, and I feel like I’m drowning and can’t catch a break.
I just need everything to stop moving so fast.
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onlyjaeyun · 8 months
i will actually beat the shit out of fuma i thought he was decent?????? but at the end of the day he’s still a man so i should’ve known🥲 WHAT A WAY TO START OFF THIS ASK LMAO HI ZADIE BABY 🎀💫!!!!
no cause i totally see where riki is coming from and although he crossed the line by beating the guy up, he’s still young and literally JUST had that encounter with his mom so he’s got a lot of pent up anger, my poor baby :((( he deserves a happy story the way ch!sunghoon and ch!yn do too🥺🥺 currently preparing myself for this next angst wave bc omg is fuma finally leaving the picture which means more character development for hoon & yn???👀👀👀
anyway baby i’m feeling much better today!! slept a bit more throughout the day so hoping for a full recovery soon🤞🏻💞 my cousin and i got an email back from the apartment complex we applied to, and we got approved!!!!! our move in date is this weekend, but i’m going to spend a couple more days to rest and hopefully start packing and moving things slowly next week!!
also im sorry your cake didn’t turn out the way you wanted to :(( baking is hard!! but i’m sure the next time your results will be even better than the previous one! take care of yourself my love!!! ilysm mwah💋✨💞
- 💌
hi my sweetest love 🥺 firstly i'm really happy to hear that you're feeling better and have decided to rest a little more, you really do deserve and need this so pls make sure to get whatever your body needs!🥺💗 and congratulations on the new apartment, so so so excited for you to start this new chapter!🥺💗
onto CH: i'm honestly so glsd we all understood how and why riki reacted the way he did and why he said that bc i was lowkey scared y'all would hate him too much 😭 don't worry tho, i will have him make up for this very soon! and dont worry!!!! fuma's not a bad guy at all, there's just been a bit of backstabbing and exaggerating from that freshman's side to annoy riki!!!! he's a good guy but this was needed for the upcoming plot!💗🤪
thank you so much for this, honestly i'm so tired and have just noticed how mentally exhausted i am bc pf work and uni and all of that, can't wait for exam season to be over tbh 😭
sending you the biggest kiss baby, i love you 🥺💗🎀
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prolifeproliberty · 2 years
Reminder that the U.S. public education system was intentionally built to produce compliant factory workers, not to educate citizens.
There is no “reforming” the system without completely rebuilding it from the ground up.
The Founding Fathers wanted publicly available education so that the citizenry would be educated, literate, and critical thinkers. This is not what we gave today.
Children are shuffled through an assembly line in batches based on age, not ability or achievement. They are taught to respond to bells telling them when to start, when to stop, when to take a break, when to eat, and when to go home.
Fixing this system would mean reimagining it. There’s no way of doing that on a large scale, and even local examples of schools trying “innovative” things seem to still be fresh paint on a house with a rotten foundation.
To start with, children should be moving at their own pace in each subject. A 10-year-old child could be further ahead in math and further behind in reading, and that’s okay. They would work with students of their same ability level for each subject.
If a child is spending too long at one level of one subject, they may need more one-on-one support from a teacher who specializes in that area. They definitely should not be just passed through for the sake of graduating “on time.”
You might say “aren’t schools already doing this?” Not really. You might see schools with accelerated or remedial math classes, maybe even reading. But those are half-measures, and kids are still pushed forward without being ready - because they “need to graduate.” Not to mention the kids that are held back because “we don’t have a program past x level.”
The trouble begins in Kindergarten. Kids are expected to meet certain standards before moving on - a level of proficiency with letters, numbers, and some basic reading skills. Kids who are “a little behind” are pushed forward - after all, kids learn at their own pace, right?
Then in first grade, the kid who was “a little behind” is not ready for the first lessons, and gets frustrated and confused. Imagine trying to learn addition when you don’t really know your numbers. So now the kid who was a little behind is now quite a bit behind, but likely not far enough to ring alarm bells for intervention.
Now in second grade that same kid is a whole grade level behind - but that’s within tolerance levels for our current system. Maybe there will be an intervention teacher popping in a couple times a week - which helps when she’s there, and doesn’t help when she’s not. She would come every day, but she’s busy with the 4th graders preparing them for the state test.
Then in third grade - because the kid has to move on with his peers to avoid “social problems” - he is now 1.5-2 years behind his classmates. Now the teacher is concerned - remember, it’s new teacher every year who spends the first couple months getting to know the kids and getting beginning of the year data on their academic levels. The teacher is told to provide intervention or accommodation for some period - in my experience, 6-8 weeks - before any further steps can be taken. The teacher also has 10 other students with needs in different areas, and the chances of her keeping up with 6-8 weeks of intervention for one kid, taking usable data, and keeping track of that data - is low.
So the kid goes on to 4th grade. Now we have standardized testing (this of course varies by state - my state actually begins this in 3rd grade). The beginning of the year assessment scores are alarming - NOW the kid gets intervention. Maybe testing. He’s diagnosed with a learning disability. Maybe he has dyslexia, maybe it’s an “unspecified” learning disability - and now he should get services.
But now he’s 2-3 years behind. And worse, he has given up. He spent the last 3-4 years knowing he was “behind” - he feels dumb. His peers are smarter then him, he thinks. No matter how hard he works, they’re ahead - some of them seemingly without even trying. School is easy for them. So the interventionist pulls him out of class 3 times a week to work on things his classmates learned 2 years ago. He does what’s required - maybe his intervention teacher offers incentives like stickers or tickets for prizes. But he has no desire to work on this beyond what he has to do. His classmates ask why he keeps getting pulled out.
All of this comes from a failure to address the small delay in Kindergarten, and from the lack of a system to address his individual needs and support his teachers who are overwhelmed by other similar stories.
What you end up with is kids getting to my history class in 7th grade, reading at a 2nd or 3rd grade level. Worse, you get kids graduating from high school reading below an 8th grade level - but they get pushed through anyway.
A better system would look something like this:
Before starting school, kids would take a pre-test to determine where they are in reading and math already - some kids come to kindergarten already knowing how to read basic words, others are still learning their alphabet.
Kids would be placed in groups or classes based on their current ability for each subject. They would move ahead to the next level only when they had passed their current level - not when the “school year” ends.
Kids would graduate when they were ready - maybe “early,” maybe “late,” but always with the actual knowledge and skills they’re supposed to have.
Here’s the challenge: this method is harder. It’s hard to manage on a large scale. It’s more complex.
You know where it works?
In a small community school or homeschool.
We keep wanting to “fix” our bloated, massive, national public school system. Even on a state level, no agency can really manage the education of millions of students.
Even thousands of students is too many for one single system.
The ideal situation would be neighborhood schools, a couple hundred students max, each operating in the way that makes sense for their students and the families they serve. Funded and supported by the families that send their kids there - and decisions made by that community.
Guess what - you don’t have to wait for this to magically happen on its own. You also don’t have to “vote the right people into office.”
Creating this system starts with families, and it’s already happening - they might be called micro schools or homeschool co-ops, but they’re popping up all over, more so now in response to how public schools mismanaged the COVID situation.
Some parents are homeschooling entirely. Others are doing most learning at home, and signing kids up for “a la carte” classes in certain subjects. Others have their kids entirely in a micro school, “learning pod”, or other private school that meets their needs.
As far as voting goes, is there a policy that would help?
Yes. It’s called School Choice. Tax credits that allow parents to spend their kids’ education dollars where they make sense.
Bottom line: get your kids out of public school, and take a good long look at what your individual child needs. Then find the school, co-op, or homeschool curriculum that meets those needs. It might be your kid’s own personal blend of available options. It won’t be the same for your neighbor’s kid, or even for your other children.
Your job as parent is to make those decisions for your children. Stop giving your parental authority to the state.
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jirolcvr · 3 years
Had an idea, what if you’re really good friends with cc!Dream and cc!Sapnap has this possessive crush on you and Dream knows about it so Dream asks you to come over knowing that you will and when you go to the house Sapnap makes sure that you can’t leave and Dream is like 🤗 surprise
Dream being a wingman for Sapnap but ultimately betraying your trust
Zip Tied
(Yandere) CC!Sapnap x GN!Reader (Platonic CC!Dream x GN!Reader)
Warnings: Kidnapping, yandere, being tied-up, forced solitude, sensory deprivation (sight and speaking)
Notes: Sorry it’s been so long since my last post, but I finally sat down and wrote this! Enjoy!
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You had been good friends with Clay for years, ever since you were in middle school. And since you knew Clay, you obviously met Sapnap and George. You enjoyed spending time with all three boys, whether it was playing Minecraft or talking in a call for six hours, you enjoyed it regardless.
Little did you know the secret that Sapnap had been holding back ever since he met you; he was in love with you. He was infatuated with you. Every word you spoke, ever move you made, every breath you took, he noticed and took note of it.
You and George didn’t notice his obsession, but Clay sure did. It was fairly obvious to him that Sapnap was obsessed with you, he saw his literal heart eyes whenever he talked about you.
Clay eventually talked to Sapnap about it, and that was when things were really set in stone. Sapnap had ranted for an hour about how much he loved how, how much he needed you. That was when Clay suggested something, something that would give Sapnap what he wanted.
Since Sapnap was moving to Florida that week, Clay suggested that he invite you over so Sapnap could finally get you after years of unbearable waiting and longing.
When Sapnap and Clay both left the call, Clay pulled out his phone to text you.
hey y/n, u wanna come over tmrw?
sure, any reason why tho?
oh yeah, sapnaps moving in and i thought we could all do a stream together
sounds fun :) see ya tomorrow
oh we will :]
You went to bed that night not knowing it would be the last night you spent in your own home. The next day you quickly got ready, dressed in a simple sweater and jeans. You decided to walk to Clay's house, it wasn't far and it really was a nice day out.
Once you arrived at Clay's house, you knocked on the door and it was quickly answered by Clay himself. You gave him a smile.
"Glad you could make it." Clay said as you stepped inside. He shut and locked the door behind you.
"Why'd you lock the door?" You asked curiously.
"Oh you know Florida, anyone could come in whenever they wanted if you don't lock the door." Clay explained. It made... some sense, but you didn't question it further.
Looking around, you saw a bunch of what seemed to be Sapnap's things, but no Sapnap. "Hey, where's Sapnap? I thought he was coming today too."
Clay chuckled. "Geez, you are full of questions today. He brought all his stuff early this morning, he's just in the bathroom."
That was a lie. Sapnap was actually preparing the last few details of him and Clay's plan. Well, it wasn't a difficult plan. A small thing like you against two pretty tall men? You stood no chance. The plan was for Clay to hold you down while Sapnap tied your hands behind your back with zip ties, what Clay said was the most inescapable thing, and then Sapnap could keep you in the guest bedroom forever. Like I said, it wasn't a difficult plan to execute.
A couple minutes later, you saw Sapnap come down the stairs. You greeted him with a smile, but he didn't say anything. You looked at Clay, who was looking at Sapnap. He did a slight nod of the head and you felt him grab you by the back of your collar and hold you down against the table.
"Clay, what the fuck are you doing?!" You exclaimed. Clay didn't say anything, but you did feel another pair of hands grab your arms and put them behind your back. "Sapnap! Tell Clay to let me go!"
"Don't answer them, Sapnap, just do what I told you." Clay said, addressing Sapnap firmly. You assumed Sapnap had nodded as you felt your wrists be tied tightly into zip ties. They dug into your skin uncomfortably, especially when you tried to move them.
"Please, why are you doing this?!" You cried out as Sapnap pulled you off the table and dragged you upstairs. What was he doing? And why did Clay help him?
Sapnap opened a door and you saw exactly what he was doing. In the center of the bare room, was a chair and nothing else. He sat you down in the chair and zip tied your ankles to the legs of the chair. Your arms went behind the back of the chair, giving you very little room for resistance.
"What is this?! What the hell are you doing?!" You yelled. Sapnap didn't say anything, until he knelt down to your level and smiled sheepishly.
"You know, you're a whole lot more pretty/handsome in person." Sapnap said as he caressed your cheek, ignoring your question. "If only you had noticed how I felt about you, maybe then you wouldn't be here."
Oh. So this is what it was? Some possessive crush he had over you? "Sapnap, you don't have to do this. You can let me go and we can be together like normal, not like this."
"Tch, please." You heard Clay's voice in the doorway. Your head looked up to him. Shit. "We both know you'd run to Timbuktu if he let you go now."
You let out a sob, which caused Sapnap to gasp and caress your cheek again. "Don't cry, we can be together now, we can be happy!"
You continued to cry, which caused Sapnap to panic. "Clay, what do I do?" He asked his older friend.
"Leave them there, let them cry." Clay said as Sapnap stood up, "It takes time for them to break, they'll break for you eventually and then you can have what you want."
Sapnap nodded. "Don't forget the precautions." Sapnap nodded again and picked up a blindfold and a roll of duct tape. He covered your eyes and taped over your mouth, which caused you to cry more.
Sapnap laid a kiss to the top of your head. "Don't cry, baby, I'll be back soon."
You almost couldn’t believe what had happened. You had both been kidnapped by your best friend and betrayed by your childhood and current best friend. But it most definitely was happening, and there seemed to be no escape in sight for you.
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httpdabi · 3 years
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Word count: 6,5k
Genre: Smut, romance, no quirk lol
Warnings: 18+, a little bit of choking, a little bit of daddy kink, rough sex, dom!dabi , jealousy kinda, unprotected sex, alcohol
Credit to the owner of the pic!!
✨Friends to lovers fic✨
Throwing your phone across the room, deep breath coming out of your mouth. The fact that he was coming back today made the time pass so slow it was painful. You were glancing at your phone every now and then checking what time it is, knowing he should arrive around 17PM. Rolling down on your old bed, you took a good look of your room.
Pastel pink walls, white bed, small working table in the left corner of the room. Beside your bed were photos taped on the wall. All those photos woke a memory in you. Some of the photos were of you and your friends, but most of them were of you and Dabi.
Your childhood best friend. You will never forget the day you first met him. Shy little Touya not wanting to play with your dolls. I’M A MAN. He screamed back then, throwing the doll away, making you cry loudly. You will never forget how scared he got in the moment you started screaming around, trying to hush you down somehow. He did everything he could hoping his parents won’t hear.
Yours and Touya’s parents were literally best friends, visiting each other almost every day. Having to face him so often, you two almost had no choice then to become friends. At the beginning none of you were impressed by each others company. But how both of you grew up, you were becoming closer and closer. At some point, you two became inseparable.
When Touya started getting piercings, you were so jealous. You wanted to get that Certilage piercing just like him, but your parents were so strict even the thought of it made their hair get up. Of course Touya being Touya, he didn’t give a two shits about their decision. Picking you up one day after school and brining you to his friend that did his piercings too. That night both families were fighting. His parents lecturing him how he is such a bad influence to you, and your parents screaming on you how you’ll never get married with piercing like that. Saying it’s not ladylike.
,, If no one marries her, I will’’ Touya said, making your heart flutter, and everyone else in the room laughed loudly, finding it cute how he was protecting you.
Of course, growing up both of you went different directions in your life. Moving out of your parents place was best thing that happened to you. Having that freedom you never had before, you were appreciating even little things.
Dabi moved out in another city, saying he never wanted to live in his hometown anyway. Of course, there wasn’t a day that he didn’t contact you. But having him so far away made things much harder for you. The only positive thing about him moving to another city was the fact that your huge crush on him would melt down, at least you hoped so.
You were so in love with him. How could you not be ? Having him around so much, such a handsome and good guy, you simply had to develop feelings toward him.
Walking downstairs, you heard Enji laughing loudly at something your father said. You visiting your parents home again, while Todoroki’s were also there, all of you waiting for Dabi to return. It made your heart warm up again, missing moments when all of you were spending time together so often.
Making your way toward kitchen, you opened the fridge looking for something to eat. Not that you were hungry, you were simply bored and something had to kill that boredom.
Taking the milk pudding, you opened it and took one spoon. You tried to multitask somehow, with one hand you were eating the pudding, while with other hand just scrolling your instagram feed.
Suddenly, a head placed on your shoulder, trying to see what you were looking at. Your parents always did that. They had to know why you were always holding that damn phone in your hands.
,, Dad, this is private, I’m not a child anymore’’ you whined, pushing your fathers head away. You hated when he does that, privacy is privacy and it has to be respected.
,, I didn’t know you were into daddy kink’’ a familiar voice whispered, making you flinch in surprise. Turning around you immediately jumped on the person standing behind you. Dabi laughed, placing his hand around your waist hugging you strongly, before he pulled you up in the air.
,, You little piece of shit, I missed you so much’’ you said hugging him back, not paying any attention to your parents in the background.
The rest of the day was all about Touya. How he was, what did he do, does he have a girlfriend and so on. Of course he liked to be the center of the attention, talking about everything. Not that you were complaining, you were sinking in every word that came out of his mouth, admiring him as always.
At the end of the day, your parents made plans that this week all of you should meet and have a super cool bbq like in the old times. Which meant one big ass sleep over, with Todoroki’s. Those nights were always amazing, so much food, so much sweets and of course so much alcohol for grown ups. That was the reason why Rei and Enji slept over after all. All of them would simply get wasted.
Dabi decided he will sleep at your place, since he never saw your new apartment, all of them agreeing, knowing that there’s a lot he probably wanted to tell you.
First both of you went to his old home, placing his suitcase and taking just few stuff to bring over. He didn’t want to waste any time, since his parents were still at your place, and he really wanted to finally see your new apartment.
Placing his bag in his hallway, he immediately went inside your living room, looking around, commenting what doesn’t look good and how he would decorate it much better. He opened the fridge, feeling like home and took one ice cream out of the freezer. Making his way toward your couch.
,, So, where’s that piece of shit called Kai’’ he asked, biting the chocolate on the ice cream. You were confused a bit, since you broke up with Kai long time ago.
,, Didn’t I already tell you? It’s been six months since we broke up’’ you laughed out. How can it be possible that you left your dear Touya uninformed about your love life.
,, Oh, that breaks my heart.’’ He said sarcastically. ,, What happened?’’ he added licking the ice cream.
,, Well, he cheated on me’’ you lied, sitting down beside him. Well, technically he did cheat on you, but the reason behind it was because he found out about your feelings about Dabi. He found out that he was only being used to forget your one sided love. Not that you didn’t like Kai, you did find him attractive, but you couldn’t force yourself to do with him stuff every couple did. Which made him cheat on you, hoping he will make you step further. But at his surprise you did something every normal person would do, broke up with him.
You did feel disappointed that you two had to part your ways like that, but you also understood him and with that you couldn’t force yourself to hate him or be that much hurt.
,, He didn’t deserve you anyway. I have no idea what did you see in him. Dude looks like he fed a whole Village in Africa, no offense ‘’ he said, making you laugh.
,, Anyway, we are invited to Mina’s birthday this Saturday’’ you said placing both of your legs on the table.
,, Aren’t we having a bbq that day?’’ Dabi asked as he placed the stick of his ice cream on the table.
,, Yeah, but we can still go tho. They’ll be really happy to see you again, I told everyone that you are back’’ you said, as he placed his head on your lap. You smiled, knowing how much he loves when you play with his hair.
,, Sure, we can do both. I am glad I’ll see them all again’’ he said making your stomach twist out of jealousy. You knew how much Yua and Akari liked Dabi. Of course you were friends, but the fact that all these two had their eyes on him made your blood boil. Even Mina was into him, until she found a boyfriend recently. They didn’t know that you liked him, but you knew very well that they weren’t happy that you had him by your side all the time.
After telling you about the city and all his experience, you two decided to go to sleep since it was already 2AM. You went to the bathroom to change into your silk pajama, coming back only to find Dabi in your bed wearing only shorts.
,, I really wanna get some tattoos too’’ you said looking the tattoos over his chest and arms, wanting to touch every single one of them.
,, Do it’’ he simply said, placing his arms under his head. You just rolled your eyes on him, he knew very well that you weren’t that brave.
,,You can sleep here, I’ll crash on the couch’’ you said ready to stand up. He was a guest after all, and for him you would sleep on the floor if he asked you to.
,, Of course you’re not’’ he said grabbing your arm and pulling you in the bed beside him. Wrapping his one arm around you.
,, Don’t get all cold with me suddenly’’ he laughed while covering both of you with your covers. Of course, you two slept together in one bed before, it wasn’t something unusual. But knowing how you feel about him, you knew that with every move like this, your feelings will grow back even stronger then they were before.
,, Touya, we aren’t children anymore’’ you said, trying to wiggle out of his grip.
,, That’s exactly what I was thinking about. Might as well do stuff adults do’’ he said jokingly, making you push him even harder. Making sure you are smiling he just held you stronger repeating that he was joking.
Once you realized that he won’t really give up, you just gave in, preparing yourself for one sleepless night with him.
Dabi placed your leg over him, slowly caressing your tight while telling you about some nonsense like he did before until you would fall asleep. Once he thought that you fall asleep, you felt his long arms around you and his lips on your head.
Having him so close to you, he didn’t know what effect he had on you. For him it was just one normal night, while for you it was something you won’t be able to keep out of your mind next upcoming weeks.
The next days it was like before. Dabi was spending more time at your place as he did home. You two would spend time together, playing games, going grocery shopping together, visiting cafes and so on. You even saw Akari in one café, and of course she was all over Dabi. You couldn’t watch it, she was touching his arm so recklessly, and the fact that he wasn’t doing anything about it didn’t’ help either.
Excusing yourself, you said that you felt sick. Dabi wanted to follow you home, but Akari was insisting how he should stay, since they didn’t see each other for such a long time. Not wanting to make any scene, you just told him to stay, not to worry and left them.
On your way home, you felt terrible. It wasn’t anything big, but yet you overacted there and had to leave. But you simply couldn’t watch or hear anything more. You were the one that was supposed to touch him like that. You wanted to touch all those tattoos, and even tho you were his best friend you couldn’t find the courage to do it. Yet, stupid Akari did it without a problem.
Knowing that Dabi will probably just come back to your place, you made your way toward your parents house, not ready to face him somehow. In that moment you wished you didn’t gave him your spare keys. You didn’t want to wait for him and think about what they were doing.
Of course your parents were more then happy to welcome you home. Since you moved out you didn’t sleep at their place that often. But they knew something was wrong, not wanting to bother you, they just let you be.
Once again the night was sleepless for you. Dabi did contact you, asking if you are ok and if he should bring something to you, but once you saw that Akari posted him on her Instagram story, you couldn’t even force yourself to text him back.
You knew that It was so childish of you, he didn’t even know how you feel about him, yet that something small would upset you so much. But your feelings were getting better of you. The whole night you were rolling around in your bed, thinking if he’s home yet, if they are fucking somewhere. You were thinking what would have happened if you just stayed. If you did, he would probably just leave home with you.
Waking up next morning, you wanted to kill yourself. The soreness in your eyes didn’t help either. You saw few messages from Dabi, asking where you are, yada yada. Seeing that it was sent around 4am, you tossed your phone across the bed. Did he stay that long with her ?
You slowly stood up and made your way toward the bathroom, brushing your teeth before leaving home. Your parents were insisting that you should stay, and spend the rest of the day with them. It was Saturday anyway, so you’ll be here later anyway.
But you didn’t want, you had to clean your apartment a bit together with your thoughts. Also it was Minas birthday today, so you had to get ready before you leave for the bbq and her birthday.
Opening the door of your apartment, you saw Dabi’s shoes placed beside yours. Slowly tip toeing, you found him in your bedroom asleep. You slowly closed the door, and started cleaning quietly, making sure not to wake him up.
You wanted to lay down beside him, and simply cuddle yourself close to his body, but because of the thought of the last night, you also wanted to grab his hair and force him out of your apartment.
Of course, once he woke up, you couldn’t be mad at him anymore. You had to act it up, and just ignore what happened, after all how could you explain to him why were you even mad ? Dabi left your place around 16PM, leaving you all alone with your thoughts once again. You whished you could tell him how you felt, you wished he would understand.
When the time came, you wore your light purple spaghetti strap dress. Since the evenings were still kidna cold, you decided to wear your oversized black cardigan that was the same length as your dress. Covering just enough.
After doing your make up and straightening your hair, you placed your small bag over your shoulder and wore your overknee lace up boots before you left. The cardigan was bothering you a bit, since you knew how hot it usually gets when you’re in club, but once the wind brushed your naked tight, you didn’t mind it anymore.
Once you got at your parents place, you helped them with all the preparing. Your mom didn’t let you prepare the food, being scared you’ll ruin your dress. But you still helped with plates and all the alcohol. Placing everything on the table outside.
When they arrived Enji and your dad immediately started with the bbq. Rei and your mom were simply enjoying the evening and sipping on their wine, waiting for their food. While both of you and Dabi were simply on your phones. Once again you were upset, all of them complimented your looks, everyone but him. Piece of shit like he looked any better, whit his simple white shirt and jeans.
He looked so beautiful without any effort, the tattoos on his arm totally visible.
You took the wine from the table filling your glass, drinking it fast down. Just the thought of Akari and other girls being all over him was driving you crazy. You had to prepare yourself.
,, Slow down doll, I don’t want to spend the rest of my night holding your hair in the toilet’’ Dabi said taking the now empty glass away from you and laughing a bit.
,,Don’t worry about me, I’m capable of taking care of myself on my own’’ you said taking the glass back and filling it with wine again. Who does he think he is ?
When the meat was done, both of you ate and drank a bit before leaving. Dabi didn’t want to drive since he also had plans to drink. Enji was insisting on giving you a ride, but you two didn’t want to break his fun, after all the club wasn’t that far away.
,,So, who will be there tonight?’’ Dabi asked you, taking the box of cigarettes out of his pocket and lighting one cigarette.
,, Mina of course, Yua, Himari, Ryohei, Hiro, Akari and Kai’’ you said, placing your hands in the pockets of your cardigan.
,, We should make your little Kai jealous, what do you think?’’ He said, placing his arm around your shoulders.
,, Nah, no need’’ you said looking down on the floor.
When you arrived the club was already full of people. Thankfully Mina waited for you two in front of the club, not wanting for you two to waste your time looking for them. You gave her the present that you and Dabi bought few days ago and graduated her. Knowing that Mina is in relationship with Hiro, so the hug she gave Dabi didn’t bother you so much.
Once you got inside, you greeted everyone and ordered your drinks. Of course Akari was giving all of her attention to Dabi, trying to get as close as possible to him.
None of you wanted to wait, so all of you ordered your drinks. You ordered Malibu with cherry juice, you were up for something sweet. Since the sweet drinks kick in much faster and that’s exactly what you needed. Dabi ordered whisky, while Kai, Hiro and Ryohei ordered pure Vodka. Rest of the girls ordered Wine.
,, Hey’’ you heard very familiar voice close to your ear. You turned around sipping on your drink, welcoming Kai with a small smile and nodding your head.
,, How are youu?’’ he asked loud enough for you to hear. Body too close to your own in your opinion.
,, I am good and you?’’ you simply answered finishing your drink, asking yourself why is he starting this random boring chat. Realizing that your friends were eyeing you and your ex down, you smirked to yourself. If they only knew, how little shit you gave about him.
,, Let’s go get another round of drinks’’ you said, and made your way toward the bar, while Kai was following every step you made.
,, You look beautiful tonight’’ Kai pointed after you ordered what everyone was drinking. Well, at least someone appreciates your effort tonight, you thought to yourself.
,, Thank you, you look cool yourself’’ you said already trying your drink, while giving the money with your right hand to the bartender. He didn’t look bad at all, wearing black button up shirt, one part of it tucked in his jeans. His typical black convers shoes. He looked good.
Once you two got back, placing all the drinks on the table, you could feel Dabi’s eyes on you. You weren’t sure if he wanted to tell you something, so you took his Whisky and went to him.
,, What is it ?’’ you asked giving him his drink.
,, Nothing at all’’ he replied eying you down. He was about to say something more, but Akari interrupted him, saying some nonsense. Not wanting to watch them together, you just left them, making your way toward Ryohei, Himari and Kai on the dancefloor.
All of you were dancing. Jumping around and waving your body to the sound of the music. You realized that Kai was trying real hard to get you to himself, but sadly your drinks didn’t hit you that much yet. Still the only person that was on your mind was Dabi. You wanted to look at him, and see what’s he doing, but you were afraid once you turn around you’ll find Akari all over him again, or even worse making out with him. It would definitely ruin your night.
After few more drinks, you finally started getting tipsy. While Mother Mother was playing, you and Himari were jumping around, making your way back toward the table to get your other drink that was already there, you two were screaming at each other ,, My daddy’s got a gun, My daddy’s got a gun, My daddy’s got a gun, you better run’’ moving your body crazily just as the music was.
,, Cheers’’ Himari screamed, once both of you placed a bit salt on your hand. Licking the salt of your hand, both of you drank the tequila fast before sucking the lemon. Making the weird face, both of you laughed preparing another shot.
Making your way back to the others, both of you were going crazy to the beat of the song you loved. With a new drink in your hand, you didn’t think about the consequences. After all the music was just so good, you simply had to drink.
Dancing around, you felt a body pressed against your. Tilting your head to the side, you realized it’s Kai standing behind you, trying to get as much of you as he could. At that moment you didn’t give a fuck anymore, just giving in and dancing with him. You saw Himari and Mina laughing at you, thinking you two will get together.
,, I’ll go smoke one fast, wanna come?’’ Kai asked. You simply shook your head giving him a sign that you'll simply wait and found yourself once again dancing with Himari. You were glad Himari was there, since without her you wouldn’t have much fun as you had now.
,, You are fast’’ you said, feeling Kai’s body behind you again. Slow down by Chase Atlantic started playing, no better song for grinding your body against someone else. Moving your body slowly, you felt his hands holding your hips firmly.
,, Are you sure you aren‘t into daddy kink doll?“raspy and deep voice made you twitch in shock. ,, What’s wrong? Didn’t expect me ?’’ he added, holding your hips stronger, not giving you any chance to move away from him.
You felt like there was no need to answer him, since Mina bought you another drink you were already busy sipping on your drink . After all, all you wanted to do was drink and get wasted in that moment anyway. So you moved your body from the side to the side, enjoying how close his body was to yours.
Realizing that you drank your drink, Dabi took it form your hand and gave it to the bartender that was passing by anyway. Turning you around to face him, he took your arms and placed them around his neck, while his own arms found their way to your waist.
,, Wasn’t the plan to make Kai jealous?’’ he asked. You could feel his hot breath on your ear. Tilting your head a bit to the left, you closed your eyes and gave him a small nod with the biggest grin ever.
The grin was long gone once you felt his hands over your ass, squeezing it tightly. ,, Then why am I at the end the jealous one ?’’ He asked giving you one more squeeze. Drunk like that you forgot about your friends and what might they think.
,, Is this how you treat your daddy?’’ he added, not giving you a chance to even progress the last question he gave you. You were never into daddy kink, but coming from his lips, you were ready to call him daddy as much as he wanted.
,, I want.. drink.. haha’’ you said laughing, hoping he will get you another one, since you weren’t capable to do it on your own anymore.
,, We are going home’’ he said. He was already tipsy on his own, but nowhere drunk as you were. He told everyone that you two are leaving, not giving you much time to greet them. Seeing disappointed look on Akari’s face made your night. IN YOUR FACE YOU BITCH ASS HOE
Dabi helped you wear your cardigan, and placed your bag over your shoulders, before he placed his hand around your waist helping you walk a bit. Well, you could walk, but with his grip around you, it was much easier.
,, I thought you could take care of yourself’’ he said once you two were outside. He placed you on the nearest bench, just to light up his cigarette before he pulled you up once again. You placed your arm around his shoulders, bragging about how you can walk perfectly fine.
,, Stop pissing me off doll, you’re hard to hold’’ he said as his grip was getting stronger.
,,Or what ?’’ You laughed, taking the cigarette from him and placing it between your lips. You don’t smoke usually, but alcohol took over you. Dabi laughed surprised, not used at the sight of you smoking.
,, My little Touya, you weren’t even born when I started smoking’’ you managed to say, while he was just laughing at the nonsense you were telling him.
Dabi didn’t know what he should do first, hold you firmly or pull your dress down, scared it was to high up for everyone else to see what’s under it.
,,Now, behave yourself, we are almost home’’ he said pulling your dress down a little, and throwing the almost done cigarette from your lips on the floor.
At his and your surprise both of your parents were still outside enjoying their time. You threw your arm up in the air ready to greet them, but Dabi stopped you fast enough. It’s not like your parents have anything against you drinking. But he wasn’t in a mood to talk with them about anything tonight. And he knew very well that drunk like that you were more then ready for a chat with them.
,, Already home?’’ Enji screamed once he saw you two. You were ready to brag about how you wanted to party a bit longer, but Dabi once again stopped you, telling them how you didn’t feel good that much.
,,What’s your problem man ?’’ You hissed at the party breaker that was pulling you upstairs to your room. Looking how your parents prepared your room made you grin. There was a mattress beside your bed prepared for Dabi.
,, They really think you’ll sleep down there’’ you grinned.
,, Obviously’’ Dabi said, placing you slowly on your bed.
,, Now, change into your pajama while I’m brushing my teeth’’ he said slowly, making sure you understand every word.
With alcohol in your system, you just lain down to rest a bit, before getting all the power and will you had to change.
Pulling your dress over your head, you started looking for your pajamas. Seeing Dabi’s shirt on the floor, you felt satisfied and just wore it. Standing there in the room, you thought if it’s his shirt he wore today, or just the one he got himself for bed. You would rather sleep naked than in a shirt he just wore in the club. Even the thought of the smell of all the smoke and alcohol made you feel dizzy.
Taking the part of his shirt, you pulled it close enough for you to sniff it making sure it’s not his shirt from clubbing.
,,What are you doing doll? ‘’ You froze. Looking to the side, you saw him leaning on the doorframe while smirk was formed on his lips. Luckily there was enough alcohol in your system to feel embarrassed in that very moment, since the view of you sniffing his shirt was weird as fuck.
,, Can’t get enough of me ?’’ he added getting closer to you. ,, You have to wear some shorts, or I’ll really be forced sleep on the mattress tonight’’ he added looking you up and down, while you just stood there speechless.
,, Come here, let’s take off your make up’’ he said, placing his hand on your back, leading the way to the bathroom.
Once you were in the bathroom, Dabi pulled you up, making you sit on the washing machine. Slowly helping you wash your teeth. Swinging your legs playfully, Dabi almost poured the water he prepared for you on the floor. Placing the glass to the side, he took your legs and wrapped them around his waist. Even tho you weren’t sober, you could completely understand the position you were in. Taking the wet wipes he started cleaning your make up carefully. You just closed your eyes enjoying his touch on your face, while he was giving his best to do it gentle as possible.
Sudden feel of a skin brushing over your nose made you open your eyes. Seeing his face not even inches from yours, made you froze. His nose brushing against your own, before you felt his soft lips against your own.
,, You are driving me crazy’’ he said, placing his forehead against yours. Not thinking twice you placed your hands on his cheeks and pulled him in for another kiss. At first you knew that he was surprised since he just stood there, but after a short second you felt him smile into the kiss, leaning in and wanting more.
With his hands under your, or better to say his own shirt, he was moving them up and down slowly. The touch of his hands rubbing your naked skin softly made you want more of him. Pulling him closer with your legs, you placed your hands on his chest , wanting to feel everything you could.
Pulling your head back breaking the kiss, you attacked his neck, leaving wet kisses all over it. Touya pulled your body up, placing his hands on your ass, making his way toward your room. Making small breaks while pushing your body against the wall trying to kissing you like his life depended on it.
Once he placed you on the bad, he didn’t waste any time, hovering over you and kissing your neck. Wanting everyone to know to who you belong to. He wanted to make sure the next time you see Kai, he will know that Dabi is the one that’s dicking you down.
,, I know you couldn’t stand the sight of me and Akari, but grinding on Kai like a little whore, making me all jealous was really unnecessary’’ he gasped between kisses. Pulling the shirt over your head he threw it over the room, leaving you only in your panties. ,, especially in that little dress of yours” he added, as he looked over your half naked body.
,, Fuck you, what did you expect of me, I was mad’’ you moaned out once you felt his lips on your breast, sucking and biting it.
,, Well.. guess what’’ he said, still sucking your boob, while squeezing the other one.
,,What?’’ you breathed out, eyes closed while enjoying his lips on your body.
,, Daddy will punish his little naughty girl’’ he said, once again leaving wet love marks all over your chest.
,,Touya, I’m really not into daddy kink’’ you said, your hands deep inside his hair.
,, But I am’’ he said, his head in front of your, making eye contact with you. ,, And tonight I want everyone to know who your real daddy is. I want everyone to know who you belong to’’ he said, wrapping his hand around your throat. ,, Do you understand me ?’’ he added.
,,Yes’’ you whispered, not breakig the eye contact.
,,Yes what?’’ he asked as his hand started to apply pressure to your throat. Not being used to choking, you couldn’t really manage to give him the right answer. It wasn’t the kind of choking where you felt like passing out because of the lack of oxygen, but you were still new to it.
,,Yes daddy’’ you managed to say somehow. Satisfied with your answer, Dabi moved his hand away from your throat, leaving small kisses over the same spot where his hand left small marks.
,, Such a good girl’’ he said, pulling your panties down. Licking his lips, as you were exposed to him. The fact that you were so valuable to him, and knowing how much power he had over you was turning Touya even more on.
Not wasting any time, he spread your thighs further apart, his head leaning down to run his tongue through your folds. Feeling his tongue piercing on your clit, something you always wanted to feel, made you throw you head back into the pillow, while grabbing Dabi’s head pulling him closer to yourself.
Licking you around your opening, the warm and hot feeling of his tongue, mixed with cold feeling of his piercing was making you shiver. You could feel him smirk against your core as he saw how much effect he has on you. You moan as his lips and tongue move against your folds, eating you out like it’s his last meal.
,,Touya please’’ you moan out, as he sucks roughly on your bundle of nerves, causing your body to jolt up, as your fingers grab his messy hair.
Flicking his tongue roughly and tugging your clit, his hands were holding your thighs firmly, as his light blue eyes were focused on you. It doesn’t take him long to make you cum all over his mouth, his name falling from your lips shamelessly. Climbing over you, he kissed you passionately, making you taste yourself on his lips.
Pulling away from the kiss, you started kissing his tattoos, something you wanted to do long time ago. Especially since he came back. Dabi breathed heavily, his head hanging low, while you were under him kissing every little line that covered his body.
He gave you the time you needed, exploring his body as much as you wanted. But once he felt your small hands pulling down his shorts together with his boxers, and licking the tip of his already erected dick, he had to stop you. At your surprise, even his dick was pierced.
,, Another time doll’’ he said, pulling you up. ,, I’ve been dying to fuck you since forever’’ he added, slowly rubbing the tip of his dick around your core. Without any warning his slammed his whole length inside making your scream both in pleasure and pain. Wiggling a little, trying to move just a bit away from him, hoping the pain will go away. But Touya couldn’t let that happened, now when he finally had his dick deep inside you.
,,Just relax baby’’ he said not moving, letting you adjust to his size. Placing soft kisses all over your jaw, then slowly moving out of you, only for him to slide back in, so slow that you could feel every vain of his dick move, together with his piercing rubbing your walls.
Dabi was moving so slow, grinding his hips against yours, as his fingers were rubbing your clit gently. Sliding out of you only until the edge of his head remains, before moving slowly again in, repeating the same move all over again. Only God knew how much he wanted to break you.
,, Touya’’ you moan out once he wraps his fingers with yours, placing your left arm above your head, while his right fingers were still rubbing your clit in circles. Your legs shake as you wrap them around him, another orgasm hitting you hard.
Dabi moans with you, as you squeeze his dick while riding of your orgasm. With you having your second orgasm, he couldn’t hold himself any longer. Your warm walls around him coated in juices were driving him crazy. All the soft and slow moves were forgotten, making his motions now much deeper and intense. Pulling out till the end and slamming recklessly into you again. Groaning in pleasure, he was slamming into you with a speed you could only imagine.
,, Touya, slow down’’ you moaned, closing your eyes, still sensitive from your second orgasm. ,, I don’t think I can take it’’ you added, trying to catch your breath.
,,Of course you can take it. Look at you, you’re taking it right now doll’’ he groaned, holding your hips in one place while fucking you hard like no one ever has before. You were a moaning mess, with every move your moans were louder.
,, Oh God, Touya’’ you moaned, fingers still connected to his. Grabbing his back with your left hand and digging your fingers inside his skin.
,, You’re takng it so well love’’ he said, groaning as he felt the pressure of your nails digging into his back. ,, Go ahead, scratch my back as much as you want’’ he added kissing you sloppily.
Once he started rubbing your clit again, you found yourself digging your nails into his back like a wild cat, finding comfort in it. ,, Touya’’ you moaned his name out as both of you were coming closer to your highs. You could feel his dick twitching inside of you, his moves becoming more deeper and jankier. His eyes were shut, while your body started shaking once again. Once again you felt your orgasm pulsing through your stomach, and there you were again squeezing his dick not being able to control yourself as you moaned his name over and over again. Dabi continued fucking you , his groans getting louder and louder, feeling your walls getting tighter and tighter while you were milking his dick down, he released. Emptying his seeds deep into you.
Both of you stayed in the same position, trying to breath normally. His thumb gently rubbing your hand, as he placed kisses all over your bruised neck.
,, You have no idea how much I wanted to be with you’’ he said between the kisses. ,,I’m so in love with you doll’’ he breathed out, making you feel butterfly’s inside your stomach.
,, Are you?’’ you asked, tilting your head just enough to look at him.
,, Don’t act like you didn’t know already’’ he said smiling, while brushing his nose against your cheek. Of course you didn’t know.
,,Fuck you, I was dying here for you, thinking my love is just one sided’’ you said hitting his chest lightly. ,, I even dated Kai hoping I’ll forget you somehow’’ you added hitting him once again, making him laugh a bit.
,, Don’t mention his name. That’s the past. You belong to me now, only me’’ he said, grabbing your jaw and kissing you. You were always his anyway.
,, All yours, Touya’’ you said, kissing him back-
,, Are you kids awake ? ´´ Enji’s head peeked inside your room, finding his eldest son naked on top of his best friends daughter. Making him choke on the air and forgetting the actual reason he was looking for you two.
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nobarangel · 4 years
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valentines day confessions
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characters: jjk (gojo, itadori, fushiguro, kugisaki, maki, inumaki, sukuna, nanami) x gn!reader
warnings: grammar errors, i wrote this while i was half asleep and i didn’t proofread so yea 😋😋
valentines day week masterlist <3
➥ day 2 ( febr 11 )
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-as usual, he’s been teasing you all day
-you grew used to his playful nature so you didn’t really play attention to his flirting teasing
-“hey, y/n~ do you know why am i trying to get your attention this hard today?” he asked bending down to your eye-level with a smirk
-before you could even open your mouth, he answered himself “because it’s valentines day so get ready, we’re going out~~!! there’s a really cute café nearby, they serve the absolute best drinks!”
-he was so confident, that he forgot to ask if you like him anyways-🧍
-but ofc you did as he said cuz he’s gojo satoru.. sigh you could never resist his charms 😞😞
-he’s been following you around like a lost puppy all day
-he didn’t say a word and when you asked him if he needs anything he just stared at you and went ‘🥺’
-you were getting tired of it because he was fucking cute aND HHHHH but n e ways!!
-you decided to continue what you were doing until he stuttered out an “it’s valentines day,, i’m following you around cuz i wanna spend today with you”
-you were like ‘.. are you confessing to me rn?’ and he just nodded
-listen, he was so anxious!! but when you smiled and told him that you return his feeling, relief washed over yuuji so he wrapped you in a bone crashing hug
-pls love this precious boy ok :(
-it takes a while for him to confess
-he wasn’t even sure that it was a good idea at first place,, but hey it’s valentines day!! he knew he wouldn’t do it any other time so he decided to go for it
-he has never done anything like this before so he just stood there and said “i like you”
-his expression didn’t change but the tip of his ears turned red (!!!!)
-you two were like “🧍‍♂️💬 🧍❓” for a few seconds
-he’s awkward asf but still best boy <333
-takes you out on a date before even confessing💀💀
-you two were shopping together and when you were returning home she said “this was pretty good for a first date”
-you were like ????
-“oh, yeah you didn’t even know this was a date,, well if you’re comfortable with the idea then we could be like.. a couple instead of friends” she glanced over at you
-nobara wouldn’t say ‘i love you’, she saves it for when you two are already dating for a while <3
-she already tried to confess!! she dropped hints and made it way too obvious,, yet you didn’t seem to notice
-maki was sure that you just played dumb cuz you didn’t wanna outright reject her, but panda and inumaki convinced her to talk to you about her feelings
-and valentines day was the perfect opportunity!! she didn’t make a big deal out of it cuz as i said, she was prepared for a rejection
-she asked you to take a walk with her after training to which you happily agreed
-the first few minutes was spent in silence until she spoke up
-“you know it’s valentines day. uh,, i tried to tell you this for a while but i guess you didn’t take my hints so now i’m gonna say it” she looked at you with a serious expression “i like-,, love you.. i guess..”
-please save her, she became rly flustered but she tried to stay cool in front of you <33
-omg poor boy didn’t know what to do at first
-since his vocabulary is limited, he decided to write you a little note instead!!
-his handwriting is rly neat and pretty.. and he put small :)’s and hearts on the end of the sentences
-“y/n! how are you today, on the 14 febr, valenties day? :) .. that wasn’t as smooth as i thought it would be, but nevermind!! i wanted to ask if you maybe want to hang out with me after training? if so, meet me in the hall <3 -inumaki ”
-he thought out a new onigiri ingredient and wrote it down on a small piece of paper, then he wrote it’s meaning next to it: ‘i love you’
-when you met him later he gave you the paper and babbled out the ingredients name blushingly
-stfu inumaki best boy 😞👍
-“what? a day for lovers? that’s bullshit” he laughed
-he thought it’s so fucking dumb,, this is why he was confused when he saw you being all excited for valentines day
-but as the 14th february came, no one dared to ask you out since you literally ‘befriended’ the king of curses..?
-and to prevent you from the sorrow of not being asked out, sukuna thought he’ll be your knight in shining armor and save the day!
-he can’t let his human be sad about a bullshit like this!!
-“hey brat, you’re dating me from now on, happy valentines day”
-yea,, sukuna didn’t rly get the concept of ‘being romantic’ </3
-tbh he doesn’t give a damn about valentines day
-probably didn’t even know that it was celebrated that day, he just saw nice flowers on his way to have lunch with you, so he decided to buy them for you
-and if he brings you flowers he might as well tell you how he feels because it would be obvious anyways y’know?
-so he approaches the table you were sitting at and sits across from you, handing over the flowers
-“i bought them for you ‘cause they were pretty”
-he stares at you, watching your every movement and reaction, trying to decide whether or not it’s a good idea to confess
-“i’m not quite sure about my feelings for you, but i certainly know that i don’t see you as just a friend” he says casually as he takes off his glasses to clean them
-but ofc he was just trying to distract himself because he was a little embarrassed <33
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taglist: opened!
@nachotrash @lovinnoya
send an ask to be added <3
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fuck-customers · 2 years
This is a long one, and a fuck customers, fuck coworkers, fuck managers, and fuck me aaaall wrapped into one hellish situation.
First week back at classes in college. I've worked for this place for a couple years now, and am now part of student management (assistant manager) at the university's food court. We have one really, constantly slammed unit that does burgers, wraps, salads, that sort of thing. And naturally in the middle of the lunch rush my fellow assistant manager, who decided she would just sit on her ass in the office giving orientations to new workers instead of spending some time on the floor like I do (and I constantly tell her to leave some to me but that doesn't seem to be happening), gives me a new student to train on REGISTERS for this super slammed unit. No matter how many times I show her all the buttons, she is in panic mode already seeing the line, so I'm also taking in that panic, I have a unit manager who won't go away and keeps giving me new information which I really needed to not be told at the moment in time. And the training on all the register options and combos is just patchy and sporadic and not covering the amount of material I wanted to because the line is getting so long.
While I'm getting that, I am preparing food orders, expiditing them to students who aren't listening for their number to be called no matter how loud I yell, while also constantly having to correct the student mistakes on the register because I haven't been able to actually pay enough attention to her, and then one of the full timers (not students, this is just their job) is talking over me to a student who's order I'm trying to prepare correctly and show the student how to ring up correctly at the same time. Asking him if he wants pesto and or extra pesto and shit. An order was missed somewhere along the way a few times. The full-timer didn't even need to be involved! She is doing wraps and salads! The dude wanted chicken tenders with buffalo sauce which is the grill side of things!
I try very hard to say "hey I need some space; there are four people talking at me" and she isn't listening and the student is getting freaked. So I finally had enough and told her "I need everyone (customer has moved on at this point down to wait for his food so not directed at him...i would never say that to a customer) to STOP talking" and frantically motioned with my hands for her to get away. I have a lot of problems processing repetative or constant noise and have had some uncontrollable outbursts when I was younger, resulting in broken belongings so I am trying so hard to regulate myself since it's been a long time since it was a problem but she Keeps. On. Talking at me. And NOW, she is saying I'm being rude and that it was so unnecessary. When literally the only thing that got her away from me was being rude! No one listens when I'm nice! They just assume I'm optional to listen to unless I'm an ass.
And really the new student was the victim in all this chaos. I feel like I failed her, and I DID fail her. She deserved better than I gave her today and I even sent out an email apologizing and asking how I can better support her in the future...but it's never going to erase what happened today.
And I am really normally great at my job. The chefs and other staff and managers usually get noticeably more at ease when I'm there, so today just has made me go to a really dark place knowing I was the total opposite today. And with my new managerial duties, i have yet to actually be trained or shown where to find documents, i dont have access to things like fuckin printers or online files, there are about 50 oddball half-formed docs and sheets floating around online that nobody actually ever shows me how to find, requiring about 50 tabs to be juggled with only about 10 minutes to find everything needed, there are no protocals or procedures or any sort of master list/sheet/file to help keep track of everything. And none of the other student managers will help me because they have so much on their plate already.
On top of all this, I have another job on weekends (that is also driving me up a wall), student teaching, four classes, and then this job. So I work 7 days a week, and the earliest I get home during the week is 11:30 p.m. (weekends is more like 6:30 p.m.) and the latest I get to sleep in is 7 a.m. But I so badly need the money. I'm really worried this is just how it's going to be and I'm just going to continue to get worse.
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omiscurls · 3 years
I love your writing and how much you’re able to bring out the true personalities of each character!! I was wondering if you could do Kaeya, Xiao, Diluc, Zhongli, and Childe celebrating y/n’s bday. (My birthday was a couple of days ago but I didn’t receive any greetings from my genshin team for some reason... 😔)
happy birthday
a/n: SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! as for your problem, have you tried looking in character>voiceover>voicelines? the wishes should appear there, i dont know what happened if they don't
plot: celebrating the reader's birthday
contains: kaeya, diluc, tartaglia, xiao, zhongli
warnings: brief mentions of alcohol, otherwise pure fluff
a surprise party
to be completely honest, kaeya barely cares about his own birthday enough to even remember the date
and obviously he does remember yours, how could he not, but- he's just not used to celebrating, you know?
so watch him know very well your birthday is coming up, with a mindset like: "okay, you've got time, you'll figure something great out, it's gonna be amazing"
and the day or two before he realizes, he indeed wants to do something great and amazing, but he completely ran out of time
fortunately, who cares about reservations when your brother's a bar owner, right?
he figures out that if he waits till sunset with the party he still has an entire day he can spend of preparing everything he needs
so as you sleep peacefully, he sneaks out of the room at the break of dawn, ready to work his ass off
he doesn't want you feeling bad, after all, right?
the thing is, you do start to feel a bit bad, as an entire morning goes by, and not only is kaeya nowhere in sight, literally nobody is! you walk through the streets of mondstadt, looking for any familiar face to spend the time with, but the city seems awfully empty of your friends. you end up having fun at diona's cat's tail, her complaining about everyone, and you, surprisingly, joining in, but it still doesn't replace the companion of your friends.
you go over your day as per usual, and decide to bake yourself a cake, since you think that'll cheer you up. you run out of flour, though, so it's necessary to go over to the store and stock up on some. right as you cross the city's main square, you run into diluc.
"oh, sorry, haven't seen you" you say, not even lifting up your face to look at who's chest did you bump on, until he grabs your wrist, stopping you in your tracks.
"someone looks dejected" he says, and you almost want to punch him for not realizing why. instead of doing that, however pleasing it sounds, you just shrug your shoulders. "come on, you look like you could use a special drink of mine"
and with that, he pulls you towards angel's share, letting you complain about your day, though you don't explicitly say it's your birthday, still mad he didn't remember that on his own.
"so he completely ditched you without a word?" he acts surprised and offended "that's so awful-" he continues, opening the door before you.
just as he opens it, and you hear the word "awful" you see the bar as if for the first time. flowery garlands are up beneath the ceiling, the tables are arranged differently and covered with colorful, pastel table cloths, music is playing. the backdoor is opened and you see the outside of the building decorated in a similar manner, candles and fairy lights spread all over the place.
the sun is slowly setting over the buildings visible through the back door, and the atmosphere inside borders on magical, but to top that all off-
"happy birthday!" you hear a lot of voices shout, and your eyes widen at the sight of all those who you hold dear present. you can't help but smile, seeing all of them cheer, grinning from ear to ear.
"i-" you look over at diluc "how'd you pull this off?"
you swear you saw him crack a soft smile before admitting that he in fact, didn't. you're about to ask who did, then, but you're interrupted by a silvery voice, coming from behind you.
"i did" the voice says, a hand moving to cover your eyes "wanna guess who?" you hear a whisper inches away from your ear, shaking from surprise.
affection swells in your chest as you quietly say "kaeya", your smile growing fondler, knowing that aside from all your friends, he's here too, and as a mastermind, at that.
"hope you don't hold leaving you by yourself for a couple of hours against me" he continues, arms sneaking around your waist, chin rested on your shoulder "d'ya like it?"
emotion gets the better of you, and you don't know what to say, so choose only to nod eagerly.
"a lot" you finally whisper, much to kaeya's satisfaction.
"happy birthday, then" he says, suddenly pulling away from you, as to exclaim loudly "attention everyone!!" he takes a fork to ring on his glass "i hereby declare, that the next round's on me!"
cheers fill the room, along with one "yea right" and another "like we'd believe that" before the owner of the bar speaks up as well.
"as much as i'd like to see that" diluc settles "today's drinks are on the house."
a magical evening
so he’s a fan of planning
not a diehard fan, but a fan nonetheless 
it’s just, he would rather have things planned ahead than wake up a day before and not know what to do (like a kaeya) like an idiot.
so you bet he has already calculated how much time he has left the moment you told him the date of your birthday.
unlike kaeya, he prefers to be working alone, but also likes to keep his plans a surprise. he himself hates surprises, but has to admit, doing one for someone else is quite the fun 
he stays quiet about your birthday coming up until the very last moment, and if you want to ask him if he wants to do anything with you that day, he says he already has something in mind, you know, nonchalantly. as if he hadn’t been thinking about it for archons know how long 
he’ll wake up before you just to wish you a happy birthday the moment you wake up, and he might be unusually affectionate for a bit, but don’t even bother asking what he has planned out - he won’t tell, not even if you beg. 
diluc wanted to kick you out of the house all day. “oh, there’s shopping to be done” “oh, this lady wanted to talk to you”, or “you know, come to think of it, didn’t jean say she had something she’d wanted to show you for your birthday?” every lame excuse in the book, he has used it. 
you decide to finally grant him what he so obviously wanted, and leave, choosing to walk all around the city, and even outside the gates, you make it quite a trip, not knowing when to come back. 
you smile upon thinking about how secretive he tried to be, but how even he, the mighty descendant of one of the noble families of mondstadt, a man as collected and stoic as can be, couldn’t contain his excitement. you saw all his little side smiles and the way he bit his lip a little after settling today’s rough plans with you, he was so happy, you’re satisfied just by seeing that, sometimes forgetting the real reason for why he was actively plotting something. 
you walk and walk, and then walk some more, but your legs start to hurt, and you’re growing hungry, so you decide to finally get back home. 
when you approach the winery, you can see the lights in the ballroom are lit up from a mile away. your heart can’t help but flip with excitement, since diluc hates using the room, hates throwing parties, and would much rather just forget it exists. 
it’s a beautiful venue though, looks like something out of a fairytale, and you always tell him how much you love it. it’s no surprised he decided to use it, but you can’t wait to see it anyway. 
as you get closer to the building, it becomes more and more apparent that the ballroom isn’t the only place that got upgraded to a five star level for one night and one night only. the building looks amazing, and the gates are open all the way, as if there was a party to be thrown and guests to arrive any time soon. 
but as you’re welcomed into the mansion, there’s no one else in the hall, other than a dressed up diluc, his hair in a high pony, just how you always said you liked it, wearing a suit you hadn’t seen on him since... well, you don’t even recall. 
“well, if it isn’t my honorary guest” he announces with an official tone, almost making you a bit flustered. 
“what’s all this? am i not, i don’t know, underdressed?” you giggle nervously, and he approaches you, a tiny little black box in his hand. 
“you could wear a potato sack and shine brighter than all the stars together” he says softly, showing you the little box. “and as tradition orders, happy birthday.”
you carefully open the box, a simple, silver necklace resting on the little cushion inside. you take it out, and watch the ornament, but can’t for the life of you figure out what it is. 
“you see” diluc provides an explanation “it’s a common thing to do to gift someone jewellery as a gift, and almost as common to have necklaces with your star constellation. that is, the allignment the stars were in the moment you were born. but i decided, that i wanted to give you one with the alignment that shone on the sky on the happiest day of my life. well, according to mona it did.” 
you stay silent for a second, astonished with the present, before asking 
“and that is?”
“the day we met.”
how to surprise your lover 101
when i tell you this boy knew EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS DOING from the moment he first thought of it
now. he loves celebrating, anything, really, the atmosphere of a party is almost magnetic to him
he grew up thinking every person deserves to have an amazing day once a year, only about themselves, so it’s very obvious to him that he IS doing something, and it needs to be huge
now, in a family as big as his, it was hard to keep things a secret, so he developed a whole plan on how to avoid having you finding out what he was planning
and that is: by having you know
it’s really getting annoying, how everybody keeps walking up to you, for a good week now, and asking if you’re excited for the big party childe’s throwing. the first time you hear it, you almost immediately run to confront him about it, since you explicitly said that a party, a big one, at that, is the last thing you want.
he obviously says that it’s nothing, and you needn’t worry about that. not that you trust his words, obviously, but you let it go, partly because you know how attached he is to the idea of a huge celebration, and partly because arguing with someone as stubborn can really be tiring.
so you settle, and fake a smile for every conversation with the alleged “guests” for your alleged party, thinking you’ll just suffer through it and then just do something with your childe the next day, having yourself plan it.
the wait is stressful, and when you finally see tartaglia walk through your bedroom door, dressed up really nicely, with a soft ribbon to tie on your eyes, so you wouldn’t see anything before it’s “time”, you almost want to ditch him, but that would be too rude.
complying begrudgingly, you let him guide you through the city, feeling the cold evening air hit your skin, wondering where did he set up this party of his, since you don’t hear anything.
oh god, is everyone gonna jump out of hiding yelling “happy birthday”? please, not that, at least not that.
when he finally unties the material covering your eyes, you see nothing but a wooden platform at the end of the harbor, with a blanket set up, some really nice-smelling food and what appears to be champagne laying on it. the sun is setting slowly behind the mountains in the distance, the only sound you hear being waves crushing on the rocks.
you can’t help but gasp.
“but” you turn around to face childe with a questioning look “what about the party?”
“what party?” he looks surprised “i never said anything about any party” he adds with a knowing smirk.
as you analyze your surroundings, he watches you with a soft smile.
“come on, don’t be so shocked now” he finally says “i know you better than to plan you something you’d hate. i’m not THAT much of an asshole”
his giggle sounds almost too good in the beautiful scenery around you, and you can’t help but let your eyes water for a little while, before rapidly blinking the tears back.
“is this more similar to what you’ve dreamed of?” he asks.
“yeah” you whisper “yes, it is”
“well, that’s the only thing that matters. shall we?” his hand points to the blanket, and you nod, smiling.
this may or may not be inspired by that one episode of Brooklyn 9-9
trying something new
birthdays? what’s that
you mean to tell him he has lived two thousand years of his life without realizing the day it was brought to him should be celebrated?
yup, no, you can explain it all you want, he still doesn’t get the idea. he just finds it to be way too trivial, okay?
what gets to him, though, is that there’s a custom of doing something meaningful for the person celebrating their birthday, to make them feel important
well, you should’ve led with that, that he can do!
he would never just go and straight up ask for help if he needed any. so don’t be surprised if you hear yet more new stories about the yaksha that allegedly lives near wangshu inn sneaking into the kitchen, or watching through the glass.
he spends HOURS waiting for the chef to finally prepare the dish he hopes for, and once he does, he follows every step very carefully. and then again. and again. and one more time, up until he feels he can do it himself.
when he finally gets to enter said kitchen, it’s already way past midnight, and everything is dark, barely visible. he manages to find his way around, though, preparing all the ingredients, and starting to mix them the same way the chef did.
turns out it’s not as easy as it looks, for example, he didn’t measure how long this thing is supposed to be cooked, or on what temperature, so the process gets a little messy at one point. he might even have to start over. like, twice, tops.
it’s already nearing dusk when he finishes, taking the fruit of his works with him.
as per usual, you wait for him on the roof, and as per usual you don’t realize he’s right behind you until he speaks up.
“happy birthday” he says out of the blue, causing you to jump up in shock.
“oh my, xiao, you scared me! again!” you laugh.
“it’s today, isn’t it?” he continues, as if he didn’t hear you. when he sees you nod, he awkwardly shows you the package he held behind his back, watching closely as you open it with a questioning look.
inside, there’s a carefully wrapped serving of almond tofu, it could use a little bit of touch ups, but it still looks and smells delicious nonetheless.
“did you do this yourself?” you turn around to face him, smiling in disbelief
“mhm” he gets a little flustered, and decides not to tell you about his little kitchen adventure. “is it… is it good?” he asks, and you smile even more fondly.
“why don’t you come over here and taste it with me?”
one can never go wrong with a classic
zhongli knows every single tradition there is to know.
so you don’t have to even tell him anything - he knows. he might not know what to do with his knowledge, but he does know what would make you happy
this man is a gentleman who believes that some moves to make someone swoon never get old
he even got a free day from work just for the occasion, or he may just think he told hu tao that he wants it? either way, he’s not there. not like his boss isn’t used to it.
right as the clock strikes 5 pm, you hear a knocking on your door. checking how you look one last time, you smile to the reflection in the mirror, and walk over to answer.
as you open said door, you find yourself dumbfounded at the sight of a completely soaked zhongli, rain pouring heavily behind his back. his hair sticks to his face, and all the layers of his suit seem drenched to their very core, but a smile you see so rarely paints his face, as he presents you with a bouquet of flowers.
and my oh my, just how huge is it! he barely even manages to hold it in hand, and the flower crowns hide his entire chest and half his face when he places them in front of you.
“i believe this is for you” he says gently “are you ready to go?”
you can’t even find the right words, as you size the bouquet up, taking it from him with a quiet “thank you so much” before taking it back to the house, already in search of the right vase to put them in.
“may i come in and dry myself up a bit?” he asks, still from the doorstep, and you laugh before granting him the permission.
when the both of you are ready to go, you meet in the hallway, both smiling softly at the other, a bit awkwardly, as the beginning of every meeting is.
“you look even better than usually” he finally says, pride rising in his chest at how your grin widens.
“same goes for you, mr zhongli” you answer just as cheekily, waiting for what he’s gonna say next.
“well, thank you, but i don’t think today’s about me now, is it?” he counters with a bit of a side eye. “shall we go?” he points to the open door, and the both of you leave, you grabbing his arm to fit under one umbrella.
“may i ask where’re we going?”
you can’t miss the way his smile turns prideful and confident as he says:
“i” he accentuates “am taking you out to dinner”
he might feel a bit offended by how sarcastically you gasp at the revelation, but it’s okay. as long as he gets to see you laugh, it’s okay.
daily reminder that requests are open [here]
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getlostsquidward · 3 years
The gaps in your hearts (Part 2)
Lou Miller x fem!reader
A/N: You asked for part 2, and I shall deliver. I hope it's worth your wait!!
Summary: After your departure, an unexpected circumstance had you arriving back at the loft, back at Lou. Will the gaps in your hearts only become wider or will they be finally filled?
Part one
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“Oh, bugger. Baby? I’m home.”
“Nice place.”
“Try heating it.”
“There’s a room for you upstairs. Your stuff’s upstairs too.”
Lou called your name a couple of times but she got no answer. Maybe you went out and got something from the store. She furrowed her eyebrows at the notion that you didn’t let her know you’ll go out like you usually does.
She can’t wait for you to meet Debbie.
The sun has set down and you weren’t at home yet. Lou was growing worried each minute that passes. She’d left you text messages, she tried to call you several times, but all of it went to voicemail. Where did you go?
Debbie had returned from her closure meeting with Claude. She had bought takeout for dinner but Lou wasn’t in any mood to eat. She was antsy but keeping it down so her friend won’t notice. Maybe you were called in at work? Maybe you went out with a friend and forgot to send her a text. The blonde knows you can perfectly take care of yourself but she can’t help but be worried.
“Where’s your girl?” Debbie asked, reminded of Lou calling someone ‘baby’ when they arrived earlier.
Lou just shrugged her shoulders, not really knowing what to answer.
“Maybe she hit her head and woke up from the truth,” the brunette joked.
Lou glared at her friend. “Not funny.”
“Tell me about her.”
The blonde started to tell her friend everything. From how you met, the ups and downs of your relationship, and how loving and wonderful you are. You were patient and understanding; you were perfect in every way and she hated how she’d managed to hurt the one person that did nothing but love her.
The day you moved out of the loft was the most devastating day of her life. It was way much worse than when Debbie left before.
She knew that you were checking in on her through Matt, and she was wracked with guilt. Even after what she’d done, you still care for her. Lou unconsciously checks her phone to see if you left a message but to no avail. You really honoured your word that you’d give her time, and she was thankful for that.
In your two-month break, she really had thought about it all. She used the time to sort out her feelings. Hell, she even opened up to some of her other friends for help, something she rarely does even with those who know her. Unearthing her feelings.
Lou had feelings for Debbie. She didn’t know if it was romantic or if it was just a deep affection. She didn’t really think much of it. Debbie was one of the few of the persons she knows she could trust with her life and in the conworld, such a person was like a rare gem. It was hard to find, and if you do, you’ve got to treasure it. And so she did.
“Maybe you’d mistaken the concept of love and affection. You told me you really didn’t think anything about it and that explains it. The moment you felt that that person was dear to you, you immediately equated it to romantic love.”
The words mentioned had hit Lou, hard. Once she realized that, she promptly had to find you. She called you, but you didn’t answer. She didn’t know where you were staying so she asked your friends, and that’s how Lou found you drowning in liquor in some alley.
“You’re an idiot, you know that?” Debbie berated, feeling rather guilty about how she was probably the reason you left for the second time around.
“I do. No need to remind me.”
“I’m gonna tell you to go find her, but I also need you to focus on the job. Can you do both?”
“Of course,” Lou sighed. She won’t know what she would do if she were to lose you for real this time.
You were feeling rueful for leaving Lou without a word. You knew she’d be worried sick, but it was the best for the two of you. Once again, you fell into your routine. It was incredibly helpful that an event was coming and you can spend all of your time at work. Though this time, the constant drinking was out of your to-do list.
Your mind often wandered to Lou. She said something about a job, maybe that’s what they’re doing right now. Has she been thinking of you too?
The messages and missed calls Lou had sent you were not in your knowledge as you’d let your best friend hide your phone, and bought a new one for you. At first, you thought that it would be ridiculous and childlike of you but maybe she had a point. The worst-case scenario would be Lou filing for a missing person’s case, but you knew she wouldn’t dare cross paths with the police.
“Oh my god, you guys. This party is nuts. I’m not kidding! If your dress is ugly, you can’t wear it, no shit! They will bower your wardrobe!” Tammy rambled and rushed to get into the loft where she got everyone’s attention.
“I love that!” Lou quipped.
“Oh I gotta pee,” Tammy continued to ramble. “Every table cost a quarter-million dollars that if they allow you to buy one! I mean not just any $250,000 check will be approved, I mean they literally have to tell you whether or not they’ll take your money, it’s crazy!”
Everyone was standing outside the bathroom, still listening to Tammy rant about the Met.
“And then you can’t bring anyone, that you clearly go by yourself. They spend a hundred grand on food and apparently no one eats, it’s really crazy,” the blonde finished as she went out, kind of out of breath from the continuous rambling.
“Did you get the seating chart?” asked Debbie.
“The what?”
“The seating chart.” Tammy handed the special glasses she was wearing to Debbie.
“If I haven’t said it, it’s really crazy. This one person that I’m working with maybe is the only saving grace of that place. Thank goodness for Y/N,” the blonde sighed, capturing the attention of Lou.
She shared looks with Debbie, hoping that it was you their friend was talking about.
After discussing the seating chart, they approached Tammy and straightforwardly asked about you, if you were the same person she’d mentioned. Apparently, you quit your last job and had started few weeks prior to Tammy. Lou asked if you’re doing well, and almost cried when she nodded. When Tammy asked why they are curious, Debbie answered. “Lou’s girl. Left because of this dumbass right here.”
The blonde had a surprised expression on her face, a bit amazed at how small the world is. The person they’ve been looking for was only at their reach this whole time.
“She’s sweet. If you’re planning to get her back, which I know you would, you better not mess up.”
Since that day, Lou was itching to contact you but inhibited herself. She’d finish the job first, then she would have you back. If she was lucky enough to be given a second chance, which she wouldn’t fucking waste, she can finally go to California riding with you on her new bike like you always wanted to do.
Finally, it was the first Monday in May. Lou was still in the van with Nineball, preparing food for her. She remembered you telling her she would look good in a chef’s uniform. She wasn’t actually a chef right now, but she still owes you a hundred bucks.
What if you weren’t gone? Maybe you would be in on the heist too, and you would be the most beautiful woman in her eyes, everyone else in the Met is damned. She knew you would have loved and drooled over the green jumpsuit she was wearing.
The heist was successful, and the ladies were lounging at the loft. Their dillydally was halted when an unexpected guest has stormed the loft. Daphne Kluger.
“You guys are fucked,” the actress huffed. “Wow, nice place.”
“Excuse me, you are trespassing-”
“No, we asked her to come,” Lou cut Tammy’s accusation.
Debbie started to explain how Daphne might have gotten a sense of what they were doing, so they roped the brunette in. Daphne then asserted how she was the one who was saving everyone from insurance fraud. Another revelation had caused panic to those who didn’t know, scared that they might be busted and imprisoned.
“We will not be the prime suspect.”
“Then who will be the prime suspect?”
Lou listed several people like the security guys and the busboy. Their attention was focused on Daphne that they didn’t notice another person coming in. You quietly opened the door in purpose, glancing at each of the women inside. You’d heard the last bit of their conversation and captured their attention by announcing your presence.
“The shady guy who put Debbie away,” you casually commented, walking towards everyone.
“Wow,” Daphne chuckled. “The boyfriend.”
Everyone but Debbie and Daphne was shocked, for the third time around. They didn’t really expect guests today. Lou looked like she had seen a ghost but didn’t take her eyes off you.
“Yup. If they were gonna be looking for somebody, just had to make sure it wasn’t one of us.”
You whispered a “Hi, Tam” to your coworker, and took a sit in the middle of her and Daphne. “The precision, right?” the actress turned to you. “The attention to detail, a little grace note that really makes something sing.”
While she was blubbering about how well-thought the job was, she scooted closer to you and put a hand on your thigh. Lou raised an eyebrow at the action, jealousy bubbling in her chest.
“Why are you doing this?” Tammy asked, referring to Daphne. “And Y/N? You were in too? How?”
You let the brunette answer first and when she finished, Debbie had answered for you.
“She was our other mole in the Met, aside from you and Nine.”
“Oh, you were an angel, Y/N. She made sure I was okay after hurling my guts out. Much much better company than my date,” Daphne preached, leaning her head on your shoulder. You rest your head on hers in return.
Lou’s jaw was gritted, it was too much for her and she couldn’t look any longer. She looked at Debbie and gave her a perplexed look, asking for further explanation.
The brunette just shrugged her shoulder, knowing it was up to you to talk to Lou. After all, it was the reason she approached you. At first, she had only talked to you about Lou, but later called to ask if you were willing to join in the job. You’d said yes right away.
That night, you saw Lou sitting near the shore. She was staring straight ahead as you sat next to her.
“You know, I planned to talk to you after we got the money. But you got to me first,” she whispered.
“You have to thank Debs for that.”
Lou chuckled, “Debs? What, you’re on a nickname basis now? She doesn’t even let me call her that.”
“She told me everything. And, I- I’m sorry, Lou. I shouldn’t have left like that, left you worried though you had a job to focus on-”
Lou cut you off as she pulled you in for a hug. “No, Y/N. I should be the one apologizing.”
Her hand was running up and down your back, the touch soothing all of your troubles. You can finally feel at peace. There was no snarling voice at the back of your head, no heavy feeling. You feel like a sailor in the middle of a calm sea.
“I’ll make it up to you, for real, this time,” Lou pulled back, giving you a smile. You nodded in return.
“Although you may have to explain first what was that earlier,” her smile faded, and glared at you playfully.
You were about to ask what she was referring to when you suddenly remembered. You told her how you may or may not have told Daphne that you were on a rough patch and she volunteered to help make Lou jealous. Both of you shared a laugh as she commented on how effective it was that she had to restrain herself from tearing you apart from the actress.
There was no time to waste, you thought as you pressed your lips against Lou’s. The kiss was slow and passionate, the both of you pouring all your feelings out. Her hand entangled itself on the base of your skull as she deepened the kiss, tongue swiping on your bottom lip asking for entrance. You let her dominate you, a soft moan coaxed out of your mouth.
The only thing you could focus on was the feeling of Lou’s lips; your hammering heart and the waves lapping gently at the shore.
“I love you, baby,” Lou murmured, both of you breathless.
“I know, Lou. I love you too.”
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Dream SMP Recap (April 18/2021) - Skeppy and the Egg
With only a week left to prepare for the Red Banquet, Bad takes a trip down to the Egg and ends up in a tense confrontation with Skeppy.
A brief summary of the week’s total events can be found at the end of the post.
Captain Puffy
- HBomb hosts Niki, Puffy and Hannah’s episode of L’Cast!
- Bad rows to shore in a boat. He gets out near Fundy’s base.
- He examines the server, remarking on how the Blood Vines are gone. It’s all in preparation. One week from today will be the Red Banquet.
- Quackity has been causing nothing but problems. Meanwhile, the Egg Room has been renovated with Nether brick walls. The plants have been growing nicely, and a dance floor has been prepared.
- Bad looks at the dining area. There are many chairs, but Bad isn’t sure if there will be enough seats for everyone.
- The Egg whispers to him.
“I will give you your heart’s desire. I will give you what you want.”
Bad: “I know. You don’t have to say it anymore, I know!” 
- Bad walks over to the Egg and notices Skeppy there. Skeppy tells him that he wants to be near the Egg. Bad says he worries about him, but Skeppy says he’s fine and to leave him alone.
- Bad tries to convince him to go on a walk. Skeppy tells him that there’s nothing he can say to change his mind. He’s staying with the Egg.
Bad: “I mean I...All of this, all of this is for him...and it’s so frustrating. I just -- I know that Egg, it’s not evil, and everybody’s just misunderstanding it, and I know -- at the Banquet, we’re gonna show them! We’re gonna show everybody exactly what the Egg is all about, and exactly what the Egg wants, they’re gonna see it for themselves. Everybody’s gonna see it...but I just don’t like how much time he spends by it now. He literally just hangs out by it. I mean -- if it wasn’t for Skeppy, it probably wouldn’t have even survived that explosion...Oh my goodness...he was able to repair it.”
- As Bad talks, he watches Skeppy fiddling with the Egg’s surface. The Egg whispers again.
“I will give you your heart’s desire. I will give you what you want.”
- Skeppy asks why Bad is still talking to him. Bad reluctantly leaves to look at the decorations again. Skeppy tells him that no one has entered or left the premises.
- Bad reminds Skeppy of the statues he built for him. Bad says he thinks it looked a little better before...Skeppy asks what it’ll take to get Bad to stop talking to him.
- Bad tells Skeppy he found something wrong on the perimeter. Skeppy says nothing could possibly be wrong, but Bad insists they do one last walk around. He says if they go for a walk, he’ll stop bothering Skeppy.
- The Egg starts to whisper, but Bad tells it to stop and the Egg goes quiet before it can say anything.
- They start walking. Bad says that no dancing is actually going to take place, it’s just for show. He shows Skeppy the table too, but Skeppy gets impatient.
Skeppy: “What’s the mistake? I feel like you’re manipulating and lying to me right now.”
- He shows Skeppy a wall. Skeppy says the wall is “crisp and perfect,” and nothing is wrong with it. He goes back to the Egg.
- Skeppy says he invites Bad to get on the Egg. He gets Bad to stand on it. Skeppy asks if Bad feels good. Bad says he does, but Skeppy insists.
- The Egg starts talking and Bad tells it to shut up again. 
Bad: “Quiet! You muffinhead.”
- Skeppy asks why he keeps doing that. Bad snaps and says he doesn’t like how Skeppy’s been acting lately. 
Bad: “It’s not about power! It’s not about control! I’m your FRIEND, Skeppy!”
Skeppy: “I mean...you can think that.”
Bad: “...What do you mean?”
Skeppy: “I mean, what do you want?”
Bad: “No, what did you just say? You said ‘you can think that,’ what do you mean?!”
Skeppy: “You can think whatever you want in your silly little mind, okay? It doesn’t matter to me.”
Bad: “No, we’re friends, right?”
Skeppy: “Sure.”
Bad: “Sure?! That’s it?”
Skeppy: “You can call it whatever you want, alright? In your head, we can be best friends, okay? We can be friends for life. Just leave. Me. Alone.” 
Skeppy: “It’s up to you, ultimately, because I can’t change your mind. So stop trying to change mine.”
- Bad is furious. Is the Egg Skeppy’s friend now, the only thing he hangs out with?
Skeppy: "The Egg is more than just a friend. The Egg is life itself.”
- Skeppy tells him he doesn’t expect Bad to understand the feeling within. 
Bad: “I...I have done so much, because I did for...for you! For our friendship! And now you’re trying to tell me that we’re not friends anymore?”
Skeppy: “Did I say that?”
Bad:  “No, but you’re saying you’d rather spend time with this Egg!”
Skeppy: “I’m not saying it, I’ve been proving it.”
- Bad and Skeppy start arguing and yelling at each other.  Bad says he’s done so much, sacrificed so much to protect Skeppy from the other people on the server.
Skeppy: “You left me for a long, long, long time before you even checked up on me, okay? And now, all of a sudden, you care about me? All of a sudden we’re best friends and all you have is my best interest? I don’t think so!”
Skeppy: “The past doesn’t matter. It’s only about the future and the present. And right now, I know what I want.”
- Skeppy goes back to the Egg. 
Bad: “Skeppy...I just wanted us to hang out like we used to.”
Skeppy: “Yeah, well...Times change. So do people. So get used to it.”
Bad: “I just -- I did this all for you and I didn’t want the Egg to take that away.”
Skeppy: “Do you hear how selfish that is? You are trying to take away what I enjoy, and what I like, for your own benefit? Do you realize how selfish that is of you? you don’t actually care about me! Stop hitting me! That is the definition of selfish!”
Bad: “YOU TAKE THAT BACK. Skeppy, if you have any idea of what I have done, and you calling it selfish?!”
Bad: “I...I want an apology. I don’t want you to call ALL the sacrifices that I made for you selfish! Take that back, right now! Apologize!”
Skeppy: “They were ALL selfish, and they were all for your own benefit! You didn’t even consider letting me spend a little bit! Just a little bit of time with the Egg! That was completely cut out!”
Bad starts shaking. 
- He pushes Skeppy into the lava and Skeppy dies. Bad screams, horrified.
Bad: “Skeppy, wait! No! I’m sorry! Skeppy no! ...What happened? What did I do?”
The screen goes black.
--- ---
Cause: Pushed into lava by Badboyhalo
--- ---
Skeppy: “Bad? Bad? Bad...Bad, answer me!”
- Skeppy is blue. He’s standing in a wooden house, calling for Bad.
- The view pans around. Skeppy is standing in front of a white bed. He quietly asks for Bad to answer him.
- The view zooms out, exiting through the door marked as Bones and Skeppy’s house.
It’s Big Daddy Island.
The screen cuts to black again.
- Bad visits Puffy at the mansion.
- Bad asks if Puffy’s excited for the Banquet. He sounds saddened. Bad tells her Skeppy died, though. He fell into lava. “Gravity killed him.”
- Puffy asks if Skeppy was shoved.
- They argue about whether gravity would be the killer if Puffy pushes Bad off a roof. Puffy does so and then tridents, accidentally falling to her death.
- Bad talks to Puffy about how he and Skeppy got into an argument because Skeppy kept doing nothing but sitting on an Egg despite all that Bad did for him. Then Skeppy slipped and fell into lava.
- Puffy asks if this means the Egg that Bad loves so much killed Skeppy.
- No matter what, the Banquet has to happen. Bad says he’ll cover the lava up. Puffy will still attend, but the gravity of the situation has changed.
Puffy: “There’s going to be no accidental deaths?”
Bad: “No...”
Puffy: “There was hesitation there.”
Bad: “No accidental deaths.”
- Puffy writes the death report.
Puffy: “Friends aren’t forever but that dump truck sure is.”
- They switch out of canon as Skeppy comes over to hang out.
- Puffy suggests that Bad and Skeppy get a room. To play chess in. They go inside of the Rat statue to play chess. They play Battleship? And then chess but with their minds.
- There’s a lot of interesting talk in the Rat statue.
- After a lot more banter, Skeppy logs off with Mr. Pointy. Puffy says she should start charging for couple’s therapy.
- Skeppy logs on and they get into a chase. He falls and dies and Puffy retrieves Mr. Pointy.
- Bad and Skeppy start bargaining for it from Puffy.
- Bad, Skeppy, Puffy and Sam all hang out together
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Upcoming Events:
- Ranboo’s lore stream (April 23rd)
- The Red Banquet (April 24th)
- Dream SMP one-year anniversary (April 24th/25th)
- Tales From the SMP: “Space Race”
- Dream’s lore video
4/12 - Quackity recounts the events leading up to his visit with Dream
4/13 - Nothing much happens.
4/14 - Foolish hires HBomb to be his maid.
4/15 - Nothing much happens.
4/16 - Nothing much happens.
4/17 - Hannah goes sleepwalking
4/18 - Bad and Skeppy fight, Bad kills Skeppy
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