#he oozes hot energy just by the way he plays volleyball
koutawoo · 4 years
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been there, done that ✅
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come-on-shitty-boys · 4 years
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//the second spring.  miya atsumu//
Warnings: there’s two little sex jokes
Word Count: 1.4K
Notes: atsumu is so cute b y e 
The poor boy was completely and utterly miserable.  He had been couch ridden for days, shuffling around his tiny apartment in sweatpants, a redness reminiscent of Rudolph from the amount of times he had blown his nose in a tissue.  His voice was nasally and his words were interrupted by chains of sneezes as he battled through the one thing that made early spring unbearable: flu season.
You had seen the setter taken down a peg or two during your time together over the past year.  You had watched the defeat sink into his eyes everytime he lost an argument with his brother or with Sakusa.  You knew that sulking posture that accompanied him whenever a serve didn’t go how he planned.  But, never had you seen him like this.  
His 4 a.m. text message simply asking you to come over was met with teasing remarks, telling him that if he wanted to get off so bad, he just had to say so.  Yet, when you arrived, rather than being greeted with hungry kisses, your boyfriend opened the door looking like the human incarnation of death itself.  A woeful expression that had his mouth tugging down into a deeply set frown and tissue bunched up in his hand that he used to wipe the snot running from his nose every few seconds pulled together his entire ensemble.  
Atsumu really did try to hug you upon your arrival, but a string of coughs washed over him, leaving him to just whine in misery as he laid his head against your shoulder, taking comfort in the way that your hands rubbed soothing circles against his back.  “I don’t feel good,” he mumbled, lacing his arms around your waist.
You laugh lightly, letting one of your hands reach up into his hair.  “I can tell, ‘mu.  Why aren’t you in bed?”
“Can’t sleep.”
You hum, gently pulling his away from you so you can lay your hand against his forehead, feeling the heat radiate from his skin.  “Come on, why don’t we go lay down?  You’re pretty hot.”
He scoffs, letting you pull him back down the hallway towards his bedroom.  “If you wanted to get off that bad, all you had to do was ask,” he teases, using your previous words against you.  Even overcome with a fever, he still had the energy to put on that gentle smirk that carried that tiny glint of mischief up into his eyes, but whatever suave sense of seduction he thought he was oozing was completely ruined as a second round of coughs took hold of him. 
Atsumu let you help him slowly shuffle the rest of the way to his bed, gingerly laying down on top of the sheets.   You pull one of his blankets up around his body, leaning over him to brush your thumb across his cheek, a gentle kiss being placed on his forehead.  “Do you need anything or do you just want to try and get some sleep?”
He just looked up at you tired brown eyes, reaching out towards your body to pull you into his arms.  “Will you just stay here?” He muttered, pushing a piece of hair from your face.
“Of course, ‘mu.  I can stay as long as you need me to, but you need to try to sleep.  You’re going to feel better if you rest.”
“What if you never left,” he continued, his arms tightening their hold around you, scared that his questions might scare you away, because, in truth, a 4 a.m. text message that begged you to come over and help him feel less miserable was not the start to this conversation that he had ever anticipated. But, you’re light teasing that had only been followed with a, “i’ll see you in 10 mu” had made his chest swell and all of the tension seemed to leave his body at the affirmation that you were coming, that you were going to be there for him all because he asked you to be.  He wasn’t sure why it had taken him by such surprise or why it had made him so happy to know that you were going to be right by his side in only a matter of short minutes, but there was no denying the tiny smile that pulled at his mouth.  
You had been there through everything with him over the last year, from the first spring to the second, you had been right by his side, his number one fan in the stands, his biggest supporter on and off the court.  The one person who could bring a smile to his face over the silliest things and the one who could have him clutching his sides in laughter during late night conversations where the only light illuminating you was the television playing reruns of some sitcom that you both had seen too many times.  Miya Atsumu was completely and hopelessly in love with you.  He might’ve been sick and he might not have been thinking perfectly clearly, but there was one thing that he knew and one thing that he was never going to forget.  “I love you and I don’t want you to leave ever again,” Atsumu stated simply, staring into your face, barely visible in the darkness of the night.  
“Baby, I already told you that I would stay as long as you needed me to, okay?  I’m not going anywhere.”
“That’s not what I mean.” He took a deep breath, pausing only to release a few heavy coughs into his arm.  “What if you lived here?  With me?”
You smiled down at him, pushing his hair away from his forehead that had started to bead with little droplets of sweat as his fever continued to set in.  “Atsumu, I think your fever is getting to you.  You’re not thinking straight right now.”
His brows furrowed together and a cute pout settled onto his lips.  “You don’t want to live with me?”
“No, that’s not it, ‘mu.  I do want to live with you but-”
“Then do it.  Come live with me.”  His voice was hoarse, worn and sore from all of his never-ending coughing fits.  “And when you get sick, you won’t have to text me to come over, because I’ll already be here.”
You hum a little, cupping his face in your hands.  “Atsumu, I just don’t want you to ask something that you’re going to regret, but if you really want me to move in then I-”
“I really want you to move in.  Please, Y/N.  I’ve never been more sure of anything.  The fact that you’re here right now, in the middle of the night, is the only reassurance I could need.”
And it was true too.  Atsumu had been in relationships before, but none of them had this same level of careful and attentive energy being passed between two people.  It was you coming over in the middle of the night to check on him.  It was him leaving volleyball practice early because you called him panicking because there was a massive spider crawling around your kitchen.  It was you knowing that he always does his laundry on Thursdays and bringing him some post-laundry snacks.  It was him remembering your drink of choice at the coffee shop downtown.  Everything that you did for him and everything that  he did for you made it so painfully obvious that this was something that he wanted to pursue further.  He wanted to take one step further into the madness that came with being in love.  
Springs come with first kisses and they come with warm embraces as a young couple finally takes the plunge into a new chapter of their relationship.  It’s accompanied by coughing and runny noses, bodies aching and chills being too much to ignore.  There are soft kisses shared in the darkness of bedrooms, moonlight barely casting glows on a pair of flames that flickered beautifully on their own, but are now burning more intensely as they merge together, lips pressed into one other, not even bothering to worry about the germs and the now unavoidable flu.  All because of one simple answer that was whispered so beautifully and tantalizingly in his ear. 
{Taglist: @nicka-nell​ @moncymonce​ @cherryonigiri​ (since you like my atsumu pieces ;-;}
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dreaminpeaches · 3 years
Humble Pie Concept: Hereau Timeline
Okay so its 4am when I came up with this concept it was too hot for me to sleep so forgive me, if it's sound too weird.
Okay, so what if Beau never met Beau (walk with me to this pier before you throw me off), but instead Beau met Hera...
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Hera is character from my other blog , but she exists in Humble Pie, as a famous all star athlete. She's not only know for being a talented athlete but also a beautiful athlete as well. Beau knows of Hera and is a semi fan of hers, her poster was one of the only ones he didn't take down when he was redoing his room. Anyways, Hera is also known be to a very cool and spicy athlete often called the Mona Lisa of sports because she never smiles in pictures and she has a very cool girl, competitive and cocky persona in public. But in actuality, Hera is a nervous wreck whose real dream is to break from her cool girl persona and become a cutesy idol girl.
Where as Bonnie and Beau are interesting as couple for how different they are, Hera and Beau are interesting for how similar they are, both trying to break from personas, that they made for themselves out of protect and want to be a more honest verison of themselves, and I could see them help each other through it.
Beau and Hera's relationship is more mellow than Beau's and Bonnie's chaotic relationship, like for example, Bonnie won't really have the patience to go fishing with Beau--like just watching him fish, but Hera wouldn't be really mind it, she would actually find it really calming, and would enjoy watching Beau along with playing with the cats near by.
Beau is less snarky with Hera and more gentle because Hera can be really hard on herself when she makes the slightest mistakes, and tends to fall into stress loops.
While in Beau and Bonnie's relationship, Bonnie is the one usually to make Beau laugh and cheer him up, in Hera and Beau's relationship, Beau is the one to make Hera laugh and is more goofy with her. Mostly because Hera doesn't rub it in like Bonnie does, like when Beau acts goofy around Beau too much for too long , Bonnie is basically like "You like Krabby Patties don't you, Squidward?" If you know what mean, but Hera is more is more like "Thanks, I need that" and doesn't mention again in mocking or teasing way.
Beau and Hera also have a few more things in common, they both like sports (duh) and they both grew up with fathers who weren't the best dads outside of sports. Hera's father wasn't nearly as physically abusive as Beau's dad, he was more neglectful and ignored Hera anytime she wasn't talking about or practicing some type of sport, Hera's dad secretly wanted a son and kind of was depressed when he found out Hera was a girl, and ever since she could walk he always pushed her to more masculine interest than feminine, he would completely ignore her if she wanted to show her dad and new song and dance she made up in her favorite Ariel dress but she would have his undivided attention if she finally prefected her volleyball serve. Bonnie never knew her father because everytime she would ask her mom what he was like she would say "He was a useless p@#$ who couldn't handle my energy, so I got rid of him", Bonnie's mom would as end the conversation there never really elaborating any further.
How Beau and Hera meet is basically the same how Bonnie and Beau met, but with Hera the meeting has a more 90/80s sitcom feel like "All Star Athlete, Hera Grace? What are you doing here?" But less sitcom y because Hera as a nervous breakdown at the same time her car broke down. So, not only is Beau trying to help fix her car, but is also trying to comfort Hera, while at the same time trying figure out what is All Star Athlete, Hera Grace doing in his small town driving a beat up car.
At first, Hera tells Beau that's she just in town for vacation...
Beau: "So, out of all the places you could go as All Star Athlete, Hera Grace, you chose a small southern town?"
Hera: "I guess I just like the humble aesthetic... heh heh.."
Beau:" Okay.."
Beau (internally): Grandma was right, famous people are weird..
Beau and Hera continue to meet to work on Hera's car, and people don't recognize Hera because (a. Small town folk wouldn't really believe some one THAT famous would just plop into town (b. Using superman logic, Hera wears sunglasses so nobody can recognize her. So yes, Beau and Hera are sunglasses stunting couple 😎😎
Anyways, Beau and Hera start spending more time together and get closer, there is that scene where Hera walks in on Beau playing and being goofy with his siblings, but since Hera isnt as teasing as Bonnie, Beau doesn't feel as embarrassed about it.
There is a moment where Beau walks in on Hera doing a Disney number in one of her cute idol dress, she has another breakdown when she realizes Beau is watching, Beau comforts her again, and that's when Hera reveals that she actually made a deal with her father that if she can at least start her idol career in a year, then she could quit her athlete career and become an idol full time. The reason why she came to Beau's town because all the big city entertainment and music companies literally shut the door in Hera's face, Hera suspect that her dad was behind it and was purposely making harder for her since he wasn't going to help out at all with her idol career, which is why he gave her the best up car, there's a small but ambitious entertainment company in Beau's town looking to start an idol group and since it's not connected to a big company Hera felt like she actually had a chance. Hera begs Beau to keep this a secret and she isn't ready to go public with it.
Hera: "Please, keep this a secret, if-if anyone finds out, I'll--ill--"
Beau: "Hey! hey! It's okay, I know what it's like to keep a secret, but at least yours is actually really cute.."
Hera:" (Blush) heh...heh.. thank you, that really means alot to me, Beau"
While Bonnie's hyperfixation is mascots, Hera are idols, idol culture, Idol anime shows/games, and Disney. She often info dumps about Idol stuff while helping Beau work on the car.
Hera: "Oh! Oh, there's this another idol group I like called Arashi, they're were the first idol group I ever seen, and they have this one song that oozes sparkle energy, and they're still really cute and fun despite being kind of old for idols, and --oh, I'm sorry, rambling again.."
Beau: "No, no, it's fine, you smile for real when you talk about that stuff, I like it.."
Hera: "(blushes) UMMMM!..okay, so where was I-- oh, yeah.."
For money, Hera works at a cat cafe, she was gonna work at the same maid cafe Bonnie did but Hera was still shy about preforming in front others on the spot like that, so she picked the cat cafe that was two stores down, she also coaches softball at the local rec center.
Hera is no where near as flirtatious as Bonnie, since Hera spent most of her life practicing sports, and trying to literally win her dad's affection, she didn't really think about boys in a romantic sense, although she is comfortable around guys platonically, Beau was the first guy to treat Hera like a normal girl, not one of the guys or a sports goddess, just a normal girl, Hera is used to being call Beautiful or Sexy, but when Beau calls her Cute, she considers that flirting.
Since Hera is so used to holding masculine energy and qualities and being praised and recognized for it, it's nice to allow herself to be more feminine and being recognized and complimented for it.
While Beau is more sparing but loving with his kisses with Bonnie . With, Hera he uses his kisses to comfort her and/or to stop her from falling into stress/aniexty loop, usually holding her or hugging her or at least holding her hand and say "It's Okay", "I'm here", "Don't worry about it"
Okay, that's about all I have to say for this timeline/AU, I still love both Beaunnie and Hereau equally, I like Beaunnie for it's chaotic energy, I like Hereau for it's neutral good energy, I like both Bonnie and Hera, we can stan multiple queens in this household thank you very much...
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