#he pushed me off our swingset one time and i almost broke my arm
headphone emoji. i cannot be arsed finding it.
im gonna shuffle my playlist for a fic im writing so bear with me
you got Brother by Madds Buckley
yes i am aware this is a mha fan song
no i dont care
no i dont watch mha
fav lyrics are
"and i left you alone/in a house not a home/and i watched the burning grow as my hair filled with gray"
i really love this song because my brother is leaving for college either this fall or early spring, and i havent thought of my house as home in years because of my parents and my brother and him bein the favorite.
so it feels like from the pov of an older sibling leaving their younger siblings in an abusive house, an if that aint my brother n i, i dunno what is.
#eel gets asks!#it makes me cry every time i listen to it#because my brother and i were super super close when we were little#and when we moved when i was a kid it like#changed somethin in him#and he hated me.#and i dont even mean like 'oh youre my sibling and i hate you but i still love you because we're siblings'#i mean he despised me for the next three or four years.#he would hit me and leave his belts purposely on the bathroom floor so i would step on the buckle and get hurt#if i tried anything back it was always straight to ma with a '[redacted] hit me!!!! moooooom!!!!'#i couldnt even defend myself without getting hurt even worse next time.#he pushed me off our swingset one time and i almost broke my arm#couldnt move it for a week after#but one day he just. acted like we were brothers again.#like everything was fine and he never beat me#he pretended that it wasn't his fault i still flinch when someone moves too quickly near me.#and i guess we've gotten close again#but there is so. so much i dont know about him.#and he's my brother. i would do anything for him.#but i will never forget what he did when we were kids and how he treated me.#my dad despises his brother#apparently he did something reeeeeally bad to my dad when they were kids#i dunno he only talks abt it when hes drunk and i hate bein around him when hes drunk#but im so scared that's what me n elliot are gonna be like.#because he always talks abt his future and what he's gonna do when he 'finally gets out of this dump'#but i am gonna miss him so.#so.#much. and i will never fully forgive him for those years.#but i also won't forget the years when we were happy.#when we would play with our stuffed animals together and hide in the cabinets in the nursery and play shadow puppets
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nine-prcnt · 6 years
convince me
request ー heyy, can you maybe pls do a yanjun scenario / imagine where you’re his roommate? a roommate to lovers imagine basically. tyy!!
requested by ; @yancjuns
word count ; 2214
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Yanjun stood at the side of the room, watching you in the middle of the crowd. He occasionally took a sip from his drink but kept his eyes trained on you.
You were in the middle of the party, dancing to the thumping music that blared from the speakers. It was the first time in a while that he had seen you smile like that or even mildly enjoy something. A month ago your constant brightness dropped off the map. 
Yanjun hadn’t made you tell him anything but after a week of you leaving the house for nothing but classes and grocery shopping, he knew. You and your boyfriend had split up, over what he didn’t know and he wasn’t going to pry but he knew that he needed to see you happy again. 
At first he thought if he left you alone, that maybe the time away from people would help but he soon realised that wasn’t going to help so he managed to convince you to come to a party at his friend Ziyi’s place. 
You knew Ziyi from one or two of your classes and you had hung out with him a few times when Yanjun would bring you out with him so you accepted the offer. A party couldn’t hurt, especially after the confusing past month you had had.
Ziyi’s place wasn’t far and on the way you and Yanjun grabbed some food since you planned to get at least somewhat drunk. It was one of Ziyi’s parties after all, which were infamous at your university for everybody in attendance getting some form of inebriated. 
Once the two of you arrived Ziyi greeted you and quickly left but not before sending a wink towards Yanjun. You went straight for the bar and ordered three shots of vodka which you proceeded to slam down one after another.
‘Whoa Y/N calm down!’ 
You turned and Yanjun stood there and you didn’t know if it was the lighting of the room or what your ex had said but he looked almost ethereal. There was a white glow trying to escape his clothes, contrasting the black of his outfit and the scene around him. 
‘Don’t worry.’ You pressed your lips to his ear. ‘This is just to warm me up. I won’t drink much later.’
 You backed away, slowly consumed by the group of people dancing. 
‘Come on Junie, you know me.’ You winked at him before turning into the crowd. 
Yanjun had always loved watching you dance, whether the two of you were goofing off at home or you were on a night out but now there was something new and he couldn’t put his finger on it. His drink hadn’t even touched his lips but he was drunk off something. 
It was only when he noticed someone making their way through the crowd to you that he tore his eyes away from you properly to see that it was your ex. He left his perch at the bar and rushed over to you. You gladly accepted his company dancing with you when he came over. He kept you facing towards him and sent glares to your ex who had come close enough to realise that you had Yanjun with you and he sure as hell wasn’t letting him anywhere near you. 
Your ex retreated but not before a bittersweet smile overcame his lips which didn’t manage to hide from Yanjun’s eyes. A wash of confusion, or maybe it was someone’s drink, hit him and he looked at you. If he was going to be honest with himself, your ex wasn’t a bad guy. Yanjun even liked him as your boyfriend which is not something that he ever thought he would be able to think or say aloud. 
These thoughts were pushed to the back as you tugged on his shirt. 
‘I’m going to get a drink, do you want anything?’
The way he looked at you, you laughed. 
‘I’m just having water! You, however haven’t drank anything?’
Yanjun shook his head and you told him that you would be back before fighting your way through the writhing and grinding people to the kitchen. 
There were less people in the kitchen and somehow the music didn’t invade the clean bright space. Amongst the few faces you easily picked out your ex’s who sat coincidentally by the fridge you had to access. 
A heavy atmostphere fell on the two of you, causing every movement to be awkward. 
‘So, how’ve you been?’
You glanced at him, almost unsure if he had the actual audacity to talk to you and to your annoyance he did. You wanted to be nonchalant about this encounter but you couldn’t bring yourself to actually go through with that. You thought that he should know how much his words that day messed with your head. 
‘Oh, I don’t know. Maybe I’ve been hurting for about the past month over some guy who thought that he knew what I want which apparently isn’t him and boy, was that news to me.’
He opened his mouth speak and you could almost see a new gleam of tears on his eyes but perhaps you imagined it. 
‘Or it’s the fact that he, somehow at the same time as breaking up with me, fucked with my head?
‘Is that enough of a hint at how I have been?’
You tried to turn on your heel and rejoin Yanjun but a hand on your arm stopped you. 
‘Look Linong, I’m not in the mood.’
‘Just hear me out?’ 
There it was, that guilty look and even as upset and frustrated as you were with him, you couldn’t deny. 
‘I’m sorry. I really am and if you don’t accept my apology, that’s fine. Maybe I wasn’t in my right mind when we broke up but I still would have done it. It’s been on my mind of every hour of everyday since then and I think I didn’t phrase things the right way or express everything to you so that you could understand. 
‘I saw you earlier.’
This was supposed to be an explanantion, a clarification that would set you at ease but it was doing anything but that. Your mind raced, with thoughts of when did he see you and what were you doing.
‘I saw you with Yanjun.’
‘We were just dancing-’
‘I saw the way you looked at him, and if I could do anything Y/N, to get you to look at me like that then I would. I spent the entirety of our relationship, trying to see you have the same spark in your eyes when I was in front of you.’
You were speechless. He hadn’t made much sense before and you had just thought that he was jealous of how close you were with Yanjun and the way you knew each other’s thoughts without saying a word, the intimacy expressed in a single glance. 
‘Take my advice, please? You won’t regret it and I’m always here because I do love you but you don’t love me, at least not in the same way and that’s not your fault.’
And he gave you that beautiful smile. The one that took your breath away the first you saw it when he slid into the seat next to you in class. Even now, it had the same effect as if pointing you in the right direction. He kissed the top of your head and left you in the kitchen, standing in stunned silence with your drink in hand. 
Two or three from the crowd had approached Yanjun but he had declined their slovenly advances. You were taking a while for just a glass of water. He thought it a good idea to check the kitchen for you. From the door he could hear your voice and then was suprised to hear Linong’s voice. 
‘I saw you with Yanjun.’
‘We were just dancing-’
‘I saw the way you looked at him, and if I could do anything Y/N, to get you to look at me like that then I would. I spent the entirety of our relationship, trying to see you have the same spark in your eyes when I was in front of you.
‘Take my advice, please? You won’t regret it and I’m always here because I do love you but you don’t love me, at least not in the same way and that’s not your fault.’
A bomb was dropped on Yanjun unintentionally but it was only on the way out that he realise Linong had seen him. 
He placed a hand on his shoulder. 
‘Take care of her.’
He waited a moment before coming up to you. 
‘Hey, you were taking a while.’
Then he saw the expression on your face. 
‘Y/N are you okay?’
‘Yeah, I just think that this party is a bit much for me right now.’
And the two of you left. The walk to back home was slow and cold with only the treading of tires on the roads to keep you two company.There was an almost eerie weight in the air from the desolate streets of a Saturday night. It was then in the moment where you had descended into the furthest depths of your mind that Yanjun pulled on your arm to cross the empty street.
‘Come on.’
‘Where are we going?’
‘To that bakery you like.’
‘At this time of night?’ 
You couldn’t hide the incredulity of your voice but sure enough, there was the light from the shop window, casting a square on the green shrubbery and pavement outside. 
‘Did you forget it’s 24/7?’
Yanjun pinched your cheek and gave you sly smile. 
‘We can get something to eat at home and maybe some boba if they are still making it.’
When you two stepped inside, Yanjun took note of the boy behind the till. He looked around your age and Yanjun’s instinct took over, with him slinging his arm over your shoulders. He came to rest his head on yours and his arm draped over the front of you, going from shoulder to shoulder. 
He didn’t really let go, even after you left the bakery.
‘Come on!’ You pointed to a swingset in a park up ahead. Rushing towards it, you grabbed ahold of Yanjun’s hand and dragged him along with you. He sat on a wall to one side of you while you took one of the swings.
The both of you started on your food and occasional sips in the mutual silence. It was no longer awkward or stiff but instead the content sort of quiet that the two of you had developed in your time as friends and roommates on those late nights. 
You had noticed Yanjun’s sudden possessiveness and the way he acted wary of the good looking boy who was serving. It wasn’t until you left the store with your confectionaries and tea in hand that you said anything.
‘You’re so lucky that I love you,’ you let it escape from under your breath. 
‘Aw, you love me?’
You rolled your eyes. 
‘Maybe,’ you grumbled. 
You stood up, stretching. 
‘Only maybe.I heard that you do and you can’t even hide it.’
The playful mocking tone seeped through his voice and coated those last few words. 
‘I never said anyhting.’
‘Oh but clearly it must be something, and besides, you just said that you love me.’
‘No, I said I might love you. Big difference you doorknob.’
‘Well then, how do I make you sure that you do?’
Yanjun stood up, illuminated by the streetlamp that shone over head. His blond hair now taking on a halo and it was the second time that night the thought of his angelic being captured your mind. He walked closer, each step almost shouting at you the intent of his movement. 
Now he was standing, his face above ours but so close. 
If this had been any other time before, you would have thought him joking or messing around but there was a steadiness to his jaw and eyes that told you otherwise. 
The past month had been spent avoiding him and everyone else, to give yourself time to think about Linong’s words when he ended it. The thought that you were unknowingly in love with your roommate Yanjun had seemed preposterous to you at the time, but it took tonight for you to realise. The way he had danced earlier with his eyes on you and only you, the kindness and gentle nature he had when it came to your emotions, and lastly the now distiguishable flips of your stomach when he held you earlier in the bakery. 
‘I don’t know, how will you?’
Your voice came out as a whisper and he stood, still hovering.
‘I love you.’
He sighed, unmoving. 
Eventually you grew impatient. 
‘Just kiss me you doo-’
And he did. It was intense and passionate, as if you were to slip through his fingers like fine sand unless he told you to stay, made you stay. Soon it let up and he pressed his lips against yours over and over like brief encounters with clouds. 
Everytime he would pull back just enough for the same sentence to slip from his lips. 
‘I love you.’
this ending took me so long~ i do think it was worth it tho in the end! todaywas the fanmeet in shanghai and omg, they look so good in the pictures! yanjun’s new hair colour is breathtaking c: 
but anyway here this is! i’m actually glad i got to try out a ‘blank to lovers’ bcos i love them myself. im praying that this was good enough!
masterlist // rules
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wallas-dinston · 6 years
Hello! So this is another excerpt from the fanfic I wrote a while ago. For context, the POV is from Sunshine Curtis, middle child of the Curtis siblings, who had a relationship with Johnny Cade. This is the end of the story as she is working through her emotions. Please let me know if you like it!
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I passed Darry as he walked through the door, stepping outside for fresh air. The sun was setting. The intricate swirls of orange and pink seemed to set a golden blanket across the town. It was beautiful. I wished I could stay that way forever. I cried silently, until Pony saw me and stopped me. He sat down next to me silently, but had an expectant look on his face. I didn't know how to put how I was feeling into words. It was almost too much for me alone.
“It's over. They're gone. But I can't stop fighting it! I'm tired. I'm tired of letting all the emotions overtake me. But I don't know how to stop. I can never just stop. I always have to push everything.” I wailed. I was frustrated and desperate and dejected. Pony grabbed me by the shoulders and looked me straight in the eyes, calming me.
“Sunshine Curtis, It is not over. Things will get better in the end. If they aren't better, it isn't the end. Don't beat yourself up. They wouldn't want to see you like that. Now smile. You look better that way.” I grinned at him and wiped my eyes. He was right. Things would change, and things will crush me and burn me and bring me down, but I had to fight through it. There was a light at the end of the tunnel. And I might not be able to see it right now, there might be fog hindering the glow, but the storm will calm and I would make it there. I hugged him strongly, smiling.
“Thank you.” I whispered, walking away. I stepped back inside of the house, reaching my bedroom. I put on the jacket, Johnny’s jacket, and began to exit the house. I knew where I was headed. I walked down the sidewalk, remembering Johnny, his smile, the auburn strands that mixed in with his hair, the way he smelled like earth after rain. His face glinting in the moonlight, the way his eyes sparked when he looked at me. I remembered the feeling I got every time I talked to him, the way his arms felt along my shoulders, the feeling of the grass tickling our feet as we danced under the stars. I remembered the faint golden freckles that dotted his face. I passed the house he cursed and cared for, the house that trapped him, and formed him into who he was. I passed Bucks house, the temporary home of Dallas Winston, a role model, a hoodlum, a friend. A breeze blew past me, circling me. The wind whispered in my ear, filling my head with the sound of Johnny’s laugh, Dally’s quick remarks. Even the officers would miss seeing Dallas. He weaved his way into your life, making it interesting. I walked by the Nightly-Double, feeling the soft denim of Johnny’s jean jacket lying upon my shoulders, the warmth of Johnny’s loving and cute remarks. The gum wrapper notes I stuck in his pocket. I recalled the sound our shoes made as we raced down the pavement, and the way you could hear the smile in his voice when he was happy. That was the way I would remember Johnny, because I was the only one that could get him to open up and talk. Other people would remember him as I saw him in the hospital, as timid, skittish and weak. They would see a puppy that had been kicked too many times. But he was so much more than that. I wanted to remember the side of him that was almost exclusively saved for me. The one that laughed wildly, and was sweet and kind. I passed the empty lot, where our friendship had begun so many years ago.
Me and Darry walked onto the gravel strewn grass of the empty lot. We used it as a shortcut to get home from school sometimes. I passed through the area, noticing a kid, he looked around my age, five, and he was badly injured. I took Darry’s hand, who was responsible for walking me home, and lead him over to the boy. He was slumped up against a tree, with a black eye and multiple other bruises on his body.
“Are you okay?” I asked sympathetically. He looked up at me with large puppy dog eyes, tears lining them. He shook his head no, and I rushed over to him. I looked up at Darry expectantly.
“Im Sunshine. What's your name?” I asked lightheartedly.
“Johnny Cade.” He mumbled.
“Johnnycakes? That's a funny name. I have brothers with funny names too. Sodapop and Ponyboy.” I laughed. He laughed too.
“No. Johnny CADE.” He pronounced. I flushed red from my error. Darry looked concerned, and he was pondering something.
“Maybe you should come home with us. My parents can fix you up.” Darry offered. Johnny looked hesitant, but accepted the offer. He smiled at me and I smiled back as we started down the road towards my house, also known as the Curtis’s.
I smiled from the memory. I looked up from the ground and realized I had reached my final destination. I sat down on the swings we had shared so many talks on. We stated our worries to each other, and always left laughing. The sunset was the richest I had ever seen it, the colors popping from the sky. It felt like Johnny was sending a message, saying hello. A single tear rolled down my cheek, as I held myself. I looked up at the sky, watching the clouds swirl and mix. My heart flooded, and I saw him and all he was in that sunset.
“I love you too, Johnny Cade.” I whispered to the sky, the breeze carrying my words away and through the town, down the roads I knew so well. And as soon as they were spoken they had disappeared, taken away and gone with the wind.
When I was younger I would always try to escape the world; close my eyes and create a dream world, a fantasy. I was caught up in my bedtime stories. Nobody was ever hurt. Nobody left you. It was unrealistic, but I didn't mind. Life was simpler. The whole world seemed to be one block wide and our problems were so small. Goodbye only meant, ‘See you tomorrow!’ And we lived our lives without a worry in the world. I grew up with dirt on my knees and cuts on my elbows. We thought we were cool, smoking and sitting on the curb, trying our best to act tuff. We were full of youthful vigor. We felt invincible. And I liked it that way. It was blissful inside my ignorant mind. I felt so sure of myself. And I never wanted to grow up anyhow. I was sacred to.
Well, I’ve made it to ‘older’ and I understand. Life is unfair, and it hurts you, but you have to take the good with the bad. I have lost people, but gained so many things. Friends, knowledge, a better understanding of who I am. Life is one big lesson, one big chance to learn and grow. But sometimes it catches up to you. Time is less expendable than it is thought to be. I know the real meaning of tough now, too. Dallas strived to reach it his whole life, but he was far off. He was looking in all the wrong places. Being tough was living through hard things and not letting it break you, but letting it make you stronger. Dally broke. He had lost. But I hadnt, and I never would. I used to be scared of the dark and the things that lurked in it, but now I find comfort in the night. It reminds me of the people I lost along the way, and the stars of how they lit up my life. Johnny still lives in the quiet black, and the wild and free things of the night bring Dally along with them. My parents live within the love and wonder of the cool air. And they aren't really gone, they never will be. Their words formed me into the person I am today, and continue to shape me and affect me. I don't force things anymore. Whatever happens happens. Deep down I am still a child, but I know more now.
A sudden feeling of closure overtook me, and I knew it would all be okay. My whole being felt lighter as I stood up from the swingset, taking one last look at the sky before heading on my way. I was ready. Not to move on, but to move forward. I knew I would never move on. Nobody would. But that was alright. I walked back through the town, retracing my steps. I kicked stones on the sidewalk, smiling to myself when I spotted the dandelion growing from a small crack in the pavement. I bent down and snapped the stem, picking up the flower gently. The oncoming fall had turned the once yellow petals to small puffy skeletons of their former beauty. My mom used to laugh when I picked them. “They are weeds, Sunshine.” She would say. And I would always reply, “Beautiful weeds.” I suppose that some saw a weed while others saw a wish. I took a moment to blow on the fragile flower, my conscience speaking a small wish as I did. I disregarded the green twig from my now sticky fingers and continued walking again. The emotion I was feeling was so oddly unexplainable. It was almost . . . light orange. I passed my house as well as the Shepard household, where the grass doesn't seem to grow. I passed the small drugstore in the center, and the DX gas station. I walked and walked, dreaming the whole way, until the road seemed to slowly get smoother and the houses larger. Reading the street signs carefully, I realized how even they sounded more extravagant. Seminole Street, Birmingham Ave, Grand View, Fostoria Street. I had to catch my mind from drifting off again, making sure I didn't miss the one I was looking out for. I turned onto the street once I found it and read all the house numbers. 367, 398, 405, 426. And then I was there. 431 Cedar Street. I knocked on the door, which after a moment slowly opened to reveal a familiar face. A pair of green eyes greeted me.
“Hey.” I smiled. “Are you still up for that movie?”
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saintflandus · 7 years
Day is Gone Part 4 - Competition
Ship: Reader and Daryl (eventually)
Synopsis: You’re going out on a run and you run in to two old friends. Daryl doesn’t seem to trust them and is jealous of one of them.
Rating: M 
Word Count: 3,848 words
A/N: Sorry it’s been a while since I last posted. I’ve been busy at work. Here’s part 4! This part is a little longer, because I wanted to introduce two new characters. Please let me know what you think so far!
Your POV
You didn't bother telling anyone your morning plans until the growl of a motorcycle raced up your driveway. Your father and brother stood outside and saw the bike slowly pull up to the house. You walked outside when you heard him shut it off. You slung your bag over your shoulder and walked down the stairs on your porch. You had a gun on your hip and two knives strapped to your sides. You threw your leg over the back of Daryl’s bike and wrapped your arms around his waist. “I’ll be back by noon,” you said to your father.
Daryl started his bike back up and it lurched underneath you as he turned to leave. Once you hit the open road, Daryl gassed it a little. The wind whipped through your hair as you raced down the back roads towards the town to the north of your farm. There was a small strip mall just outside of town that you checked first. You walked by the chained door of an abandoned family drug store and peered into the window. The dirt covered glass was too dingy to see through and it was dark inside. You banged on the door to see if anything would come forward at the sound, and nothing. Daryl stood behind you, crossbow shouldered, ready to fend off anything attacking from behind you. You broke the lock and let the doors swing open. The smell of rot and dead flesh filled the air as you carefully walked in, knife in hand. There was no familiar gurgling or movement. You shined your flashlight at the back counter and noticed a message painted on the wall: ABANDON ALL HOPE YE WHO ENTER HERE.
Dante, you thought, how cliche. You shook your head at the message and continued deeper into the pharmacy. You started pulling things off the shelves into your bag that you thought would be of use: bandages, isopropyl alcohol, vitamins. Finally you made your way to the back counter and felt your stomach drop as you gazed upon the massacre behind the counter. The remains of what looked to be a woman, her two children, her husband, and at least four other grown adults were spread across the floor. It was hard to tell what had happened, but no matter what it was, the end result was there in front of you. Daryl walked up behind you to peer over the counter. Blood had stained the entire floor and their rotting stench filled the room. He walked over to the door leading to the back and kicked it open. Bullet casings and shotgun shells covered the floor. Two of the bodies had been shot in the head, while the others had stab wounds. Daryl flipped the bodies over looking for their weapons and he found two knives and two guns. He tossed the smaller handgun to you to put into your bag and slung the shotgun over his shoulder. He started tossing the prescription medicines to you before exiting and closing the door behind him.
Both of you froze as you heard shelves fall in the front of the store. You looked at Daryl who was focusing his attention on the source of the noise. He shouldered his crossbow and slowly walked forward. You followed behind him before diverting down another aisle. You saw it. It’s skin falling off it’s face and rib bones protruding through the stomach. The growling was loud and echoed in the empty store. You aimed your knife at it. Taking in a deep breath, you threw the knife. It hit the walker in the temple, dropping it quickly. You looked over at Daryl, who tried to hide the impressed look on his face.
You walked over to retrieve your knife when you saw three more walkers just outside the store. You motioned for Daryl to come over, but he had already seen them and took his aim. He dropped one, quickly reloaded and dropped the other. You grabbed your knife and stabbed it through the side of the head as it turned to enter the store.
Daryl’s POV
“I guess we are even now,” she laughed.
Daryl looked at her.
“You’ve killed two, and now I’ve killed two.”
He turned to grumpily say to her that this wasn’t a competition, but her light-hearted smile changed his mind. “It won’t stay that way for long,” he said.
“You’re probably right, seeing as I’m a better shot.”
He raised an eyebrow at her before walking out of the store. He saw a truck parked down the street that was still running. He grabbed his two bolts and shouldered his weapon again. She ran out after him, but he quickly grabbed her and forced him to stay behind him. They slid against the walls as they moved closer to the truck. Soon, they heard voices coming from store down the complex. She pulled the handgun out of her bag as she crouched behind Daryl. “Grab the cans off the back shelf,” one of the voices ordered.
“What the fuck do you think I’m doing?” another replied.
“I figured you’d made your way to the magazine section for some happy hand time.”
“Fuck you, Dave.”
She straightened up at the name and quickly walked past Daryl. “Dave? Mitch?’ she said before entering the store.
One of them stepped out of the store and smiled. “Hey, Mitch. Put it away. You’re not going to believe who I just found.”
A tall, muscular man with shaggy brown hair ran to the front of the store. “Y/N!” He ran up to her and gave her a big hug.
Daryl felt his heart race at the sight and felt a growl form deep in his chest. He stayed back as he watched her with these two men she clearly knew.
“We heard that they weren’t letting flights back into the country, so we figured you were stranded, wherever you were.”
She laughed. It was a laugh Daryl hadn’t heard. More high pitched and feminine. “I guess my flight was one of the last to get through.”
“Sad to hear that. I thought we were rid of you once and for all,” Dave said.
Daryl knit his eyebrows together. Whether that was a joke or not, he didn’t like it.
“You can’t get rid of me that easily, Dave.”
He smiled and shook his head. “Who’s your friend?” he asked.
Daryl stood stiff with his crossbow still tight in his grasp. She turned absentmindedly to Daryl as if she had almost forgotten he was there. “This is Daryl. He’s part of another group of survivors that I ran into. We are sort of helping each other right now.”
Mitch glared at Daryl and threw his arm around her shoulders. Daryl could feel the redness appearing in his cheeks as he glared at Mitch’s arm. “Why don’t you help Dave with the store? We’ll split it with you 50/50. I need to talk to Y/N.”
Daryl started to walk by but he stopped and looked at her. “Go on, Daryl. I’ll be right in.” She handed him her bag.
He didn’t like leaving her out there with him, a man he didn’t know. He had quickly grown fond of this woman who saved his life, and if anything happened under his watch, he’d never forgive himself. Daryl was looking at the pair as they walked away when he heard Dave clear his throat. “This store isn’t going to raid itself.”
Daryl glared at him and walked to the shelves with canned food. They counted the amount and divided it in half just as Mitch had promised. Daryl continued walking around the store when he found a brand new women’s button down shirt, just like the one Y/N used as a tourniquet for him. He picked it up and looked at the shirt and then in her direction. “A gift?” Dave asked, “I’m sure a shirt is the exact romantic gesture she’s looking for.”
Daryl’s grip on the shirt tightened. “I owe her one,” he said through his teeth. Feeling the need to establish his dominance, he added, “I’m the reason her old one is ripped to shreds.”
Dave raised his eyebrows and smiled. Throwing his hand up to give Daryl a high five he said, “In that case, you should grab a few extra things, just in case.”
Your POV
You followed Mitch away from the strip mall to a small park just on the other side of the complex. He was part of your past you were trying to get away from when you left the country ten months ago for South America. However, you couldn’t help but do what he asked of you now, after you thought he was dead. “Mom told me town was overrun. I went to look for you, but you were gone.”
“Those of us that survived got out as soon as we could. Dave and I were some of the lucky one to be accepted into this settlement we found, Woodbury. We are part of the scavenging crew, which is why we are out today.”
“What’s Woodbury?”
“It’s great, Y/N. It’s like a civilization in the middle of all this. It’s cut off from all the Biters. They have houses for everyone, and there’s even a doctor.”
You leaned against a tall oak tree next to the swingset. “A doctor?”
“It has everything you’d need.” He leaned closer to you, with both hands on either side of your face. “We could have our own house there,” he whispered.
You smiled and put your arms around his neck. “Sounds nice.” You could feel yourself falling back into the same old pre-apocaplytpic routine.
“I’m glad you’re home,” he whispered right before kissing you.
You were too engrossed in his smell and the taste of him on your lips that you didn’t hear the Walker coming up from behind you. It wasn’t until you heard someone yell your name and the whizz of a crossbow bolt fly past you both did you notice Daryl standing not 50 feet away from both of you, looking pissed. You pushed Mitch away from you and wiped your mouth. “Thanks, Daryl.”
He grumbled something under his breath while retrieving the arrow out of the Walker. You tried to cheer him up by saying, “I guess you’re winning now. 3-2.”
He glared at you and said, “It’s not a competition.”
You felt taken aback by his response as he stormed away. “Let’s go,” he called over his shoulder.
Mitch grabbed your arm and stopped you. “Why don’t you stay with us? We can take you home after our run. Anyway, I’d like to see your folks.”
Daryl stopped and turned around. The look on his face was deadly. If he could kill someone with one look, Mitch would be dead. But then he looked at you, the glare faded a little, but he was still clearly upset.
You patted Mitch’s hand on your arm and said, “No. I promised to help Daryl today, but you should stop by anyway. Say, dinner?”
He smiled. “Dinner sounds perfect.” He kissed your cheek and glided past Daryl.
You were too busy smiling to yourself to notice him stop and say to Daryl, “If anything happens to her, I’ll kill you.”
Daryl turned and looked him in the eyes. “The same goes for you, Mitch.”
You saw Mitch step back from Daryl before turning to wave to you. He quickly jogged back to Dave, who was waiting for him by the truck. You hopped over to Daryl and smiled. “Thanks for killing that Walker.”
He turned on his heel and stormed back to his bike. You chased after him, waved to Dave and Mitch, and stopped him before he reached his bike. You waited for their truck to pull away before you shouted, “What the hell is your problem?”
Daryl stood tall and addressed you. “I don’t trust ‘em.”
You shook your head. “I do. I’ve known both of them my whole life. Besides, Mitch invited me to live at this sanctuary he’s found so I can stay safe. What’s not to trust…”
“Then go live with them. Either way, don’t drag me into it.”
“Drag you into what?”
He hopped on his bike and started it up. “Time to go,” he said.
You sighed and threw your leg behind Daryl and wrapped your arms around his waist. You felt how tense he was under his thin checkered shirt. The sleeves were frayed from where he must have ripped them off. You felt the need to make him pull over so you could apologize to him, but you weren’t entirely sure what you’d be apologizing for.
You hit up a few more stores before you both and the bike were bogged down with supplies. He managed to have you back home before noon. He helped you unload the supplies, but after the last bag, he began storming back to his bike. You grabbed his arm and forced him to turn around and look at you. “Where are you going?”
“To look for Sophia.”
You grabbed his hand and forced him to follow you to the barn. “Not yet, you’re not.”
Your horses were in their stalls eating when you grabbed two halters. You tossed one to Daryl and opened the door. “This one you’re riding.”
He looked at you. “Y/N, I’m going alone.”
You spun around and walked straight to Daryl, your noses touching. “I don’t know what your deal is, but get over it. I promised I’d help you, and so that’s what I’m going to do. Now, saddle the horse, and let’s go while we still have daylight.”
You lingered there for a brief moment, glancing from his eyes to his lips, before you stepped back. Both of you let out the breath you were holding as you stared at each other. Daryl picked up the halter and walked to the horse you assigned him.
You smiled over your small victory. Soon both horses were saddled and you led him through the woods of your farm. You passed the ravine you found him in and went west. You had ridden a ways ahead of him when you jumped off your horse because you had found a ripped piece of jean jacket and small foot prints. “Daryl!”
He was there within seconds and off his horse before he was at a complete stop. He bent down and looked at the material and the footprints. “It has to be her.”
You grabbed your horse’s reins and started following the footprints. You followed them to the edge of a creek bed where you looked over and saw the footprints disappear into the creek. You were too busy investigating to notice the edge you were standing on began to give way. The dirt slid out from under your feet, causing you to fall down the side and into the water. “Dammit,” you said under your breath as you tried to wring your shirt out. Your pants were soaked through and covered in mud. You sighed and attempted to climb back up the hill. The side was too slick now, so you looked for something to help you up it. You jumped up and grabbed a tree root that was sticking out of the dirt. It started to crack so you hurried to get up the hill. A hand reached out and grabbed your arm and pulled you to safety before you had the chance to move.
“Thanks, Daryl,” you said.
He handed you his bag. “There’s a shirt in there you can change into. I found it at the store, and thought I owed it to you since you used your last one to stop my bleeding.”
You smiled and grabbed his bag. You walked to a pile of brush to change shirts. You opened the bag to find it rolled neatly on top of a crumpled box. You pulled it out and a punch of small square plastic packages fell out. You changed shirts and began picking them up before you realized what they were. You blushed and closed his bag before returning to where he was.
Daryl’s POV
He was looking across the creek to see if there were any footprints leading out of the water, but there weren’t. He figured she must have gone downstream. Y/N walked back up to him blushing. “Thanks, Daryl,” she said still holding her wet shirt.
He grabbed it from her. “There’s nothing else in here, so I’ll just toss it in my bag.”
She didn’t say anything as she walked to her horse. He knelt down to open his bag and put her shirt in it. When he opened his bag he saw little square plastic packages littering the inside. Condoms. Immediately he cursed Dave who had to have put them in there when he wasn’t looking. He then turned and looked at her, panicked. “What’s wrong?” she asked.
“I didn’t--uh--these aren’t--.”
She laughed. “Daryl, it’s fine. I was just surprised to find them wrapped up in this shirt.”
“Dave--he’s the one who--these aren’t for you.” He hung his head. That was not what he meant to say at all. He wanted to smack himself in the head, because he never gets flustered.
She smiled. “I didn’t think they were.”
He sighed. “Look, Dave must have put them in my bag when I grabbed that shirt for you. I don’t want or need them.”
“Why would he have done that?”
“I’m sure he thinks we…”
Daryl shrugged. She shook her head and mounted her horse. “It looks like she went downstream, because I didn’t see any footprints on the other side of the bank.”
She looked at the sky. “It looks like we don’t have much sunlight left, and we have at least a two hour ride back to the house.”
“We can ride down stream and then head to the Greene’s,” he said.
They rode for about another mile down stream, before they came across another set of footsteps that were headed back east. “Maybe she found the farm,” she said.
Daryl forced his horse to pick up pace as they rode towards the farm. It wasn’t long before they were on the outskirts of the land, and he heard yelling. He kicked his horse to lope all the way to the farmhouse. He arrived just in time to see Shane unlock Hershel’s barn and unleash an enormous horde. He jumped off the horse and ran forward to help Rick and Shane take them out. One by one they took out each Walker. Once the horde was gone, everyone stood in silence staring at the massacre. There was a soft growling coming from the barn. As soon as he saw the small shoes peek out from behind the barn door, he knew it was Sophia -- dead...undead.
Carol screaming no instinctively ran forward towards her daughter, only to be stopped by Daryl. He held her in his arms as the group watched Rick calmly and carefully kill the reanimated Sophia. Daryl let go of Carol as she rushed to her daughter. He turned to see Y/N standing behind the group. She took one step toward him before he stormed off to his tent.
Your POV
You had left shortly after they killed Sophia. You decided to give them time together alone to grieve. You left your horse for Daryl to return it whenever he could. When you arrived home, Mitch was there waiting for you. He was sitting on the porch stairs with Lucas when you rode up. “Where’s Daryl?” Lucas asked.
“He’s at the Greene’s. He said he’d bring the horse back later.”
You rode into the barn to unsaddle. Mitch walked in as you were brushing your mare. “I don’t trust that man,” he said.
“Daryl? He’s harmless.”
“I think you should come back with me. To Woodbury. All four of you will be safer there, at least until this is over.”
“You can’t expect us to leave all of this behind.”
“Y/N, now that I know you’re alive, I want to keep you safe.”
You glared at him. “You want to keep me safe. Since when I was important enough for you to care about?”
“What? I’ve always cared…”
“Oh bullshit, Mitch, for years you strung me along, never making a commitment. Now all of the sudden you care?”
He dropped his head. “I’m sorry. I’m trying to make up for everything right now.”
You turned, because you heard hooves pounding the ground and quickly approaching. Daryl rode straight into the barn with your horse. You put your horse in its stall and grabbed the reins as he hopped off and began unsaddling. He wasn’t saying anything, and you were sure he didn’t even  notice Mitch was there.
“Daryl,” you said softly.
He didn’t respond or even look at you.
“Daryl,” you said again. This time you grabbed his arm and forced him to look at you. “It’s not your fault.”
He looked up at her; anger swelling in his eyes. “If I would have found her sooner, she’d still be here.”
“I heard Hershel say she’d been in there for days, and they had no idea she was Carol’s daughter.” You grabbed his face and made him look at you. “Do not blame yourself, Dixon.”
You hugged him and whispered in his ear. “You did everything you could.” You handed him the dried Cherokee Rose you found in your room.
He put it in his pocket and turned to leave. That’s when he saw Mitch. You saw him straighten his posture. “Dave told me what you said earlier today,” he said.
“Oh yeah. What about it?”
Mitch walked up to him. “Stay away from her. I don’t trust you with her, and neither does her family.”
“Mitch, go inside,” You said.
He turned on his heel and walked away. You looked at Daryl, who appeared defeated. “You’re welcome to stay for dinner, but I don’t think you’d want to be around that asshole.”
“Why do you want to be around him?”
You smiled. “It’s complicated. I’ll see you in the morning, yeah?”
“What for?”
“I don’t know. I just figure we shouldn’t break our new routine.”
“Is Mitch coming?” He asked, without looking at you.
“No. I’m sending him packing after dinner.”
He shrugged. “I can come by and see if your brother and dad need help with anything. I don’t want to be reminded of Sophia right now.”
You grabbed his hand and squeezed it. “See you tomorrow, Daryl.”
He walked towards his bike, but you stopped him. “Hey, Dixon! We may be a pain in each other’s ass all the time, but I think we make a great pair.”
“It’s still 3-2. You’re falling behind.” He started his bike and drove off.
Mitch was waiting for you on the porch. He grabbed your hand and held it as the pair of you walked into the kitchen for dinner.
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