#because my brother and i were super super close when we were little
headphone emoji. i cannot be arsed finding it.
im gonna shuffle my playlist for a fic im writing so bear with me
you got Brother by Madds Buckley
yes i am aware this is a mha fan song
no i dont care
no i dont watch mha
fav lyrics are
"and i left you alone/in a house not a home/and i watched the burning grow as my hair filled with gray"
i really love this song because my brother is leaving for college either this fall or early spring, and i havent thought of my house as home in years because of my parents and my brother and him bein the favorite.
so it feels like from the pov of an older sibling leaving their younger siblings in an abusive house, an if that aint my brother n i, i dunno what is.
#eel gets asks!#it makes me cry every time i listen to it#because my brother and i were super super close when we were little#and when we moved when i was a kid it like#changed somethin in him#and he hated me.#and i dont even mean like 'oh youre my sibling and i hate you but i still love you because we're siblings'#i mean he despised me for the next three or four years.#he would hit me and leave his belts purposely on the bathroom floor so i would step on the buckle and get hurt#if i tried anything back it was always straight to ma with a '[redacted] hit me!!!! moooooom!!!!'#i couldnt even defend myself without getting hurt even worse next time.#he pushed me off our swingset one time and i almost broke my arm#couldnt move it for a week after#but one day he just. acted like we were brothers again.#like everything was fine and he never beat me#he pretended that it wasn't his fault i still flinch when someone moves too quickly near me.#and i guess we've gotten close again#but there is so. so much i dont know about him.#and he's my brother. i would do anything for him.#but i will never forget what he did when we were kids and how he treated me.#my dad despises his brother#apparently he did something reeeeeally bad to my dad when they were kids#i dunno he only talks abt it when hes drunk and i hate bein around him when hes drunk#but im so scared that's what me n elliot are gonna be like.#because he always talks abt his future and what he's gonna do when he 'finally gets out of this dump'#but i am gonna miss him so.#so.#much. and i will never fully forgive him for those years.#but i also won't forget the years when we were happy.#when we would play with our stuffed animals together and hide in the cabinets in the nursery and play shadow puppets
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gregorygerwitz · 5 months
AITA for coming out at my sister's wedding?
I (32M) recently realized I'm bisexual and I have my first bf (45M), he's a rescue helicopter pilot (this will be relevant later). I'm out to my sister (41F) and my coworkers, including her husband, who I have worked with for years, but not to my parents or most of the other guests. Everyone has joked that I'm a little too close to my best friend (32M), and we might as well get married, but he's straight and has a gf. They're not relevant to this story, but to give context to how much my sexuality probably shouldn't be a surprise, even if it took me by surprise.
I told my sister and her husband I was bringing a plus one, and they both knew my bf, they were supportive of it because he makes me really happy.
Everything kind of started at the bachelor party. It was just me, my brother-in-law, and my best friend, and we did the usual stuff. We stayed a night in a hotel, went out to get drunk, sang some karaoke at our usual spot. It should have been a super chill night. Until my best friend and I lost the groom??? But it way more stressful than The Hangover makes it look.
He'd been taken by these guys who tried to kill him (no, I don't know why) and we didn't realize he was missing until less than an hour before the wedding. My mom kind of threw a fit about us being late, and then blamed me for losing the groom, which is kind of a normal reaction from her. My dad didn't yell as much but again, this is a normal reaction, I'm kind of the disappointment child. Basically, we had to find my brother-in-law because he still needed to marry my sister.
Before anyone worries: they did get married. He's fine. The hospital says they're discharging him tomorrow to go home. They're gonna reschedule their honeymoon so he's well enough to enjoy it.
Long story short, it turned into a rescue mission, and driving would have taken too long, and my best friend suggested we ask my bf to borrow his helicopter again (long story, but we had to borrow him for something a few months ago, it's how we met!) so I asked him for the favor. My mom asked who he was, since my best friend just used his name, and I told her he's my boyfriend, and she freaked out about it.
When we go to the hospital with my brother-in-law, my parents both yelled at and scolded me for taking attention away from the biggest day of my sister's life by pulling some "stunt" with my bf (to SAVE my brother-in-law from being violently murdered), and I think my dad somehow grounded me?
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minisugakoobies · 5 months
It's You - Choi San | 3 AM
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Pairing: San x Reader Genre: smut, crack, fluff, angst, roommates to lovers, BFF��s Lil Bro!AU Series Rating: M (18+) Drabble Warnings: sneaking around, sloppy making out, lots of cuddling and kissing, honestly this is super soft, drunk San is a whole different type of menace, a little angst on OC's part, pet names deployed as weapons (baby) Word Count: 2.1k Disclaimers: SFW, obviously I don’t own ATZ - they just inspire me
Summary: He was only supposed to be a temporary roommate. Your best friend’s little brother, crashing on your couch for a few weeks. That’s it. How did this happen?
A/N: This started with talking about drunk San with @minttangerines and @kiestrokes, and then @moni-logues made me miss this couple, so boom! New vignette! I should warn you that I wrote this over the course of 2 days, entirely between the hours of midnight and 5 am because I've been staying up wayyyy too late to watch the Coachella livestreams (can we talk about Chellateez?! because holy shit!), so it's probably a mess and it's unbeta'd, so… blame any typos or incoherency on my fucked up sleep schedule! 🥱
Lyrics are from "Moondance" by Van Morrison, inspired by that one toktoq of San singing that song, which absolutely killed me.
Taglist is open! Reblog, comment, or send me an ask to be added! You can also send me any ideas/thoughts you might have for a future scenario - who knows, it might end up in a drabble! 💕
It’s You Masterlist 🐈‍⬛ ATZ Masterlist 🐈‍⬛ Main Masterlist
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It’s three in the morning, and you’re wide awake, at your desk, working frantically on an article whose deadline is mere hours away. For not the first time tonight, you curse your natural inclination towards procrastination and scrub your hand down your face, wishing you’d chosen a different career. 
There’s some noise outside your door and you realize San must be home. He’d been down at the Blue Bird with Hongjoong, drinking and hanging out with Wooyoung as he bartended. From the way San’s shuffling around, it sounds like Woo had been his typical kind self and given San more generous pours than he should have. A loud “oof” resonates, and you hear the armchair scrape the floor a bit, as if he were setting it back in its place. You wince, hoping he didn’t wake his sister, who has an early shift and needs to be up at dawn.
“Noona. Nooooooona.” Tap tap tappity tap. “Are you up? I can see - I can see your light.” 
San raps on your door, calling out to you in a voice that’s hushed but maybe not quite as quiet as he thinks it is. From his spot on your bed, Nero lifts his head off his paws at the sound, then blinks at you with his bright green eyes. 
“I know. He’s loud as fuck, isn’t he?” With a cluck of your tongue, you quickly hop up and open the door. San must’ve been leaning against it, because suddenly you’ve got a mountain on top of you, a loose-limbed one at that, eagerly but clumsily wrapping its arms around you. “San!” 
“Hiiiii,” San coos into your shoulder, where he’s buried his face. You shudder slightly as his breath tickles your skin exposed by the tank top you wear, and stagger away from the door enough to close it quietly as you can, not an easy task to do given the giant mass of man hanging his dead weight on you. 
“You know, your sister is sleeping just on the other side of this wall,” you remind him, but he doesn’t respond, too busy lathering the column of your neck with tiny kisses. “San. Come on, sit down.” 
With some stumbling from San and a not insignificant effort on your part, the two of you make it over to your bed. Your attempt at coaxing San into a sitting position fails miserably as he promptly splays on his back, pulling you on top of him. Nero hops off the bed in a huff. 
You go down like a sack of flour, not a gram of gracefulness in your fall, but San appears not to notice when your chin bounces off his sternum or your knee rams his thigh. He sighs contentedly, wrapping his arms around your back, tucking you against him.
“Mmmm. So nice,” he murmurs, resting his cheek against the top of your head. 
It’s three in the morning, and you need to finish this damn article. Except that right now, your body is telling you that what you really need is to stay exactly where you are. Because the minute the warmth of San’s embrace surrounded you, your stress melted away. The steady rise and fall of his chest calms you, makes your own breathing slow. You close your eyes, nestling closer to him, sliding your own arms around his waist. You could so easily fall asleep like this. 
But he can’t sleep here. 
“San. San, are you awake?” 
“I’m awake,” he replies, but with closed eyes, which doesn’t really give you a lot of confidence in his response. “I am,” he insists when you shake him, rolling his head away, but he still doesn’t look at you.
“Don’t fall asleep,” you warn him sternly. “I mean it!” 
San smiles, the one that tells you that he knows you’re going to give in to him, which is the smile you tend to see him flash the most often, because you’re weak for him and always giving in. But this isn’t one of those times when you can indulge him. No matter how much you want to. 
“Wish you’d come to the bar tonight. Wanted you there.” 
You knew that. He’d told you as much when he’d texted earlier. Unfortunately, you had to turn him down for the sake of remaining gainfully employed. He’d tried to convince you otherwise at first but finally said he understood. And then sent you a series of sad selfies, each one more pathetic than the last, lips puffing to an extreme. Because he understands the power that pout holds over you.
It’s embarrassing how bad you’re down for this man.
San’s fingers dance idly down your spine, and you sigh, eyes slipping shut again as you speak. “Believe me, I would’ve rather been there with you.” 
He hums, fingertips quickening their light minuet. He mumbles something into your hair, low and unintelligible from the way his lips are smushed against your head, so it takes you a few seconds to realize he’s not talking, he’s singing. 
“... marvelous night for a moondance, with the stars up above in your eyes…” 
“San,” you begin, but before you can warn him not to get any louder, he does so anyway, raising his beautiful voice a little, starting to get into it. 
“A fantabulous night to make romance, 'neath the cover of October skies…”
“Shhh!” Your shushing is cut short by your giggling, as you clap a hand over San’s mouth. “Oh my god, now is not the time for this!” 
This is one of San’s more notable habits - when a song gets stuck in his head, you’ll hear him singing it for days, just walking around the apartment humming the melody or, if he has an audience, belting out the lines. He knows how much you love his sweet tenor. Another fact about you he’s filed away to devastate you with at the most opportune times.
Like when you need to kick him out of your bed. 
He continues singing despite your hand pressing on his lips, slurring the words directly into your palm. His eyebrows are working overtime, top half of his face playfully conveying whatever lyrics are being smothered against your skin. He’s so ridiculous, so over-the-top, even at three in the morning when anyone else would be exhausted, like you felt before he walked into your room, since his energy is infectious and perked you up better than the multiple cups of coffee you downed in your desperate attempt to stay awake. That’s San for you - he’s always giving you something when you need it - his time, his help, his energy. 
So you decide to give him something back, and replace your hand with your mouth, drawing him into a tender kiss, imbuing it with all those things you feel but never say. His muffled singing becomes a hum becomes a moan, at first surprised, then pleased. One of his hands drops to your thigh and with a bit of urgent tugging, he maneuvers you on top of him, chest pressed to chest.
His kissing is only the slightest bit sloppier when he’s been drinking, wetter from his tongue caressing yours with somewhat less skill than usual, but it’s never bothered you. You like seeing this side of him, looser with his inhibitions, with whatever holds him in place - or holds him back. One day you’ll ask him to show you more, when you’re both sober. 
And when things are different. Less… ambiguous between the two of you. 
If you reach that point. 
“Noona.” San whispers, thankfully pulling you from the heavier thoughts threatening to sink you right out of the moment. You open your eyes to look at him as he pecks your cheeks.  “I like kissing you.” 
You grin, letting your forehead knock against his. “Yeah, I kinda noticed.” 
“Aren’t you going to say it back?” The look he gives you would melt the hardest of hearts. This is why you’re not afraid to be needy with San. There’s no reason to be, not when he’s just the same. 
“I like kissing you too,” you declare, kissing the tip of his nose, laughing at the way his eyes cross as he follows your lips. “But now’s not the time for that, either.” 
“Then what time is it?”
Laughing, you gently guide him into a sitting position, keeping your arms looped over his shoulders. His lust is morphing into sleepiness, eyelids drooping as he gazes at you, and your heart goes so soft at the sight of him. 
“It’s time for you to go to bed.” 
“Okay,” he chirps, immediately flopping onto his back again. 
“Ohhhh no, not here. You gotta go. I still have to finish my work, and you…” The words stick in your throat. You can’t be here. You don’t want to say them. You want him to be here. Tonight, and tomorrow, and on and on. 
But that’s a conversation for another time. Not three in the morning.
“You have to go,” you groan, sliding off the bed and grabbing his arms, less gentle and more insistent this time. “Come on, get up!” 
San lets out a whine of protest. “But baby, why can’t I stay here?” 
Oh, he would drop a ‘baby’ now, slipping it in so casually, so naturally, like there’s nothing unusual about him calling you that. As if it’s not something new he only started doing the other day, happening maybe a handful of times since. 
Since the two of you have been doing this undefined thing, there’s really only been one unspoken rule. You sleep in your bed, and he sleeps on the couch. Even on the nights when Haneul’s working the late shift, or she’s over at Jongho’s. You never know if she’ll come home early, so you don’t risk it. It’s just easier this way.
Doesn’t mean you like it, though. 
“Because. If Haneul catches you coming out of here - “
The sound of a door opening makes you freeze right down to your tongue, leaving your sentence unfinished. Your head swivels towards your own door. A pair of feet pad down the hall, getting closer, then fading away, until you hear another door being closed. The bathroom. 
You turn to find a sober-looking San staring at you. He reaches out, hands settling on your hips, holding on to you as you stand between his legs. Clinging again. 
“She’s in early today, right?” 
The two of you probably know Haneul’s schedule better than she does. You nod.
“Then I’ll just stay in here. She’ll think I never came home.” 
He makes it sound so simple. So reasonable. He’ll stay here until she leaves. Why didn’t you think of that? Is it because you don’t like thinking of San with someone else, even if said person is an imaginary person who exists solely to provide an excuse that will allow you to get what you want? And if you get what you want now, it’s only going to hurt more when you can’t have it anymore?
Yeah, that’s probably it. 
“I don’t know…” you bite your lip.
“Come on,” he wheedles, drawing you into his lap again, cupping your face with both hands. “Let me stay with you. Don’t you want me?” 
And there it goes, the last remaining bit of your resistance. 
San seems a little shocked, face lighting up in delight, and you wonder if it’s at how quickly you agreed, or that you agreed at all. Maybe both.
“But we have to be quiet. So, you know…” You trail off, gesturing wordlessly. 
“No moondancing?” He emphasizes the word heavily, lifting a brow, and you roll your eyes but grin as well.
“Right, none of that.”
“Just cuddles?” 
As if he needs to ask. You nod. “But I’m not coming to bed until I finish my work.” You reclaim your seat at your desk, folding your arms over the back of it, trying to give the appearance of someone with a solid backbone, since yours is apparently made of pudding. 
“That’s okay,” San says, already tugging his shirt off, then his pants, until he’s only in his boxer briefs. He peels back your comforter, sliding into the soft sheets, and again the action is so natural, so normal, like he does this every night, that something in your chest constricts. “I’ll just wait for you.” 
Your first thought is that you should inform him that he’s going to be waiting a while, but then again, maybe he won’t. 
You’re feeling suddenly inspired. 
(It’s three in the morning, and you’re falling in love.)
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Taglist: @sweetnspicy-noona @krystal-a @jennylychee @hiefisch
© 2023-24 by minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost. I do not allow translations of my work.
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weeknd-ogoc · 11 months
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summary: in which charles tries to teach his girlfriend how to drive on her twenty second birthday. face claim: claudia tihan contains: some fluff, oral receiving (male), spoiled!reader, public and unprotected sex. authors note: i'm currently 21 and still don't have my license just because i have anxiety✨ so anyways i thought this would be fun to do & it's the king's 26th birthday today! 🎈
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ⓘ this user is charles leclerc's passenger princess!
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(italics are conversations in the past and the smaller words are the english translation!)
having a father, brother, and a boyfriend who were professional drivers meant you were basically driven wherever you wanted when you were with them. in the small chance you weren't with them, you had a chauffeur that was hired by your father to drive you wherever you needed to go.
"papa te va matar cuando te vea." your older brother told you as he turned to look at to see the dress you had picked out to wear for your birthday dinner. (dad's going to kill you when he sees you.)
you fixed your lipgloss through the mirror and shook your head no. "please you know he won't and you want to know why..."
he began parking the car and shook his head since he already knew what you were about to say, the same thing you've been saying since you were a little girl.
"porque yo soy su hija favorita." (because i'm his favorite daughter)
carlos knew you were right since you were basically the baby of the family so he just smiled. "well i think you look hermosa as always." (beautiful)
the both of you looked outside the car and saw there was paparazzi already waiting outside the restaurant. your father and brother's career truly opened up a whole bunch of opportunities for you.
"a model?" your father asked as he looked over the photos you had taken for a brand a week before. "why not just continue your studies mija?"
after a bit convincing your father gave you permission to pursue a modeling career so at the age of eighteen your face was on multiple magazines, you did your best to make a name for yourself instead of being known as carlos sainz's daughter or carlos sainz jr's younger sister.
a knock on the window pulled the both of you out of thought, it had been your boyfriend of a year.
he opened the door for you and instantly hugged you once you got out of the car. "happy birthday my love..." he said as he gave you a squeeze. "you look beautiful!"
your brother had formally introduced you to charles when he had joined ferrari, of coarse you had already knew him since he was your brothers competition and he had also seen you around but never introduced himself to you.
before you could let out a thank you, your brother looked down to his outfit. "why thank you, i really tried dressing up my best just for you." he joked which earned a laugh from the both of you.
before asking you out almost two years ago — the two of you were fuck buddies for a few months. let's just say charles had fell hard for you within three months of seeing you, he was certain there was just a little more to your relationship on his side when he had overhead lance tell your brother he wanted to ask you out during a party after a race in italy.
"i can't answer for her but i mean go for it." he heard your brother tell lance. "i know you're a good gu-"
so after hearing part of that conversation he quickly looked for you and when he finally did he saw lando offering you a drink with his charming smile.
“we can rain check that date.” he heard you tell him.
"really..." he mumbled out before walking over and excusing the both of you. "yeah i'm going to borrow her for a bit."
charles knew that lando and you had been super close since you guys were almost close in age. he also knew that before him, you and lando had a little fling going on.
he took you to a restroom close by, where he roughly pressed his lips onto yours and pulled up your dress from the bottom. "of course you don't have any panties on."
"quick access for you." you had told him as you undid his belt and pulled down his pants.
“for me or for lando?”
he saw as you smirked “oh don’t tell me you’re jealous…” you slowly licked the pre-cum coming out of his tip. “big boy.”
he groaned as he lifted you up. "nope, just wanted to remind you who you really belong to belle." (beautiful)
you had helped him slip it in and he began fucking you up against the wall — this wasn't the first time you guys hadn't used protection but he always managed to pull out on time since you weren't on any birth control.
"c'mon my love, make a mess on my cock..." he mumbled out as he fastened his pace, cock still hitting your g-spot. "you're so fucking wet.”
"ch- charles..." he hears you moan as you began digging your nails into his shoulders. “i’m so close.”
if the music outside wasn’t so loud everyone in the club would be able to hear your moans.
“that’s not even a dress…” your mother argued with you “carlo-“
your father quickly hugged you and handed you a gift bag. “mi niña bonita, feliz cumpleaños!” (my pretty girl, happy birthday.)
your mother let out a sigh since your father had yet to see the outfit you had on. growing up, your parents made it their mission to make sure your siblings and you dressed appropriately at all times. so once you moved out a few months after you turned eighteen, you decided to dress the way you wanted to.
charles loved that your family was so supportive of you and he really loved it when they welcomed him with open arms. before they had welcomed him into the family, he had made sure it was okay with your brother to be with you and when he had his permission he made sure to go all out on this.
"flowers?" you asked him confused since he had never bought you any.
"these past few months with you, have been the greatest an-"
anyways after that your dad took a bit convincing since you were his baby but it all worked in the end.
"i'm telling you i've tried!" your brother carlos told your boyfriend. "she stayed in parking the entire time."
you rolled your eyes as they both laughed you. "carlos let it go, it was seven years ago! plus you were yelling at me..."
you brother rolled his eyes and mumbled out an "no i was not, dramática." (dramatic)
"it was making me nervous!"
you remembered a few years back when your father had sent your brother to teach you how to drive since he couldn't do it himself. at first carlos really didn't want to but everyone knew your brother had a huge soft spot for you.
"dad was yelling at me!" you complained to your brother. "i can't work under pressure, if i'm truly your favorite sister you will help me."
he groaned and finally nodded. "ay pues te ayudaré, pero no tengo ningún favorito así que cierra el pico." (i'll help you but i don't have any favorites so shut your beak.)
the pair continued making fun of you and you huffed at them but before you could shoot back an embarrassing story of them your cake had arrived and everyone began singing to you.
twenty two!
after the dinner charles had driven you to an empty parking lot. you squinted your eyes at him and gave him a smile as your hand started sliding down towards his pants. "are we doing it?"
"tempting but no i'm teaching you how to drive, now switch seats."
you tensed up as he got out the car and walked around to your side. he helped you out of the car and walked you to the other side.
"babe i don’t want to do this!" you nervously told him as you got in the drivers seat. “are you really trusting me with your ferrari?”
he didn't respond and closed the door, walking over to passenger side.
“i’m telling you the only driving i should be doing is driving you crazy.”
he chuckled at your nervousness. “i’m telling you it’s easy.”
you began to remember the time your father was trying to teach you and you reversed into a tree — this little memory caused your palms to begin sweating.
he sat back in the passenger seat and clapped his hands. "alright what do you do first?"
you groaned as you put your seatbelt on. "have my lovely boyfriend drive us back home so we can go have sex."
he gave you a little look and you groaned again. "alright fine, you check the mirror." you pulled down the sun visor and did a little smile. "and boom you see i still look beautiful."
he let out a chuckle and helped you close the sun visor. "you always look beautiful..." he began leaning in and you smashed your lips onto his but before you could undo your seatbelt he backed away. "c'mon the faster we finish, the faster you can drive us home and have really good sex."
you let out a little whine and put your hands on the wheel. "how the hell do you even start this? shouldn't we have started with a normal car?"
"i'm helping you, don't worry."
charles was a bit excited for this moment and had high hopes he was definitely getting his fifty dollars from carlos.
"im telling you, she won't get out of parking and you'll just be driving her back to your house..."
after two minutes of watching you with your hands on the wheel, he sighed. "if you want i can help you t-"
you swatted his hand before he could reach for anything. "no! i can do it, stop pressuring me."
he sat back down and waited a bit longer.
finally you had the car moving super slow, and you squealed. "thats it, i'm going to get my license and start driving us everywhere from now on."
which earned you a "huh?" from charles, he didn't expect you saying that since he loved driving you wherever but overall he was happy to see you this excited, you conitunued driving at a slow pace and finally decided it was time to speed it up just a little more.
"watch the bu-" before he could finish his sentence you had already hit the parking bumper.
"oops." you quietly let out. "sorry..."
for a second charles panicked and looked at you as he grabbed your hand to scan you. "are you alright?"
if anything were to happen to you while being with him, he knew your brother and father would most definitely murder him — not only that but he would never be able to forgive himself for letting you get hurt.
"i'm fine, are you?" you asked and he nodded before going outside to check the damage.
after a few minutes he sighed and opened your side of the door. "just a scratch, i can have it fixed tomorrow."
"did you like it? was that fun?" you lightly joked.
"umm yes..." he helped you out the car and wrapped an arm around your waist. "as much as i enjoyed being your passenger princess this time..." he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. "you failed this test my love."
you sighed before kissing him. "i guess you're stuck driving me wherever we need to go."
he kissed you once more before deepening the kiss and you placed your hand onto his growing bulge. "and i guess the only driving you should continue doing is driving me crazy."
before you could lead him to the backseat he shook his head and carried you up onto the hood of his car. "here?"
he nodded before kissing you again and lifted up your dress from the bottom just a bit. "here."
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thank you guys for reading, my requests are open!
last imagine: luna, sol y mar | cs55
© weeknd-ogoc, 2023
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seeingivy · 1 year
satoru gojo x f!reader 
satoru’s suddenly more appreciative of scars 
content warning: MANGA SPOILERS, canon divergence bc im not gege and they all deserve to be happy, reader described as pregnant, giving birth/c-section, hospitals, pain (kinda), big brother megumi + tsumiki, lil corny family, 
an: happy fathers day to our fav dad :DDD reader is described as having dark hair in comparison to satoru but tbh every hair color is dark compared to white unless you have white hair them im sorry
“Hi baby.” 
“What do you want, Satoru?” 
“I wasn’t talking to you.” 
You take your eyes off from the screen to find Satoru lying across the couch, his head very close to your stomach. His blindfold is hanging around his neck, his shiny, blue eyes staring right at the bump. 
“He doesn’t have ears yet.” 
“You don’t know that. We have father-daughter telepathy. She can hear me.” 
“If anyone was going to have telepathy with him, because he is most definitely a boy, it’s going to be me.” 
He rolls his eyes, lying his head against your stomach as he continues staring down - his eyes focused. You reach down, pressing your hand in his hair as you start carding through his white locks. 
“What were you like as a baby, Toru?” 
“Horrible. Came out super late, cried all the time, total sweet tooth.” 
“I asked about you as a baby. Not now.” 
He rolls his eyes, sitting up to ruffle your hair. You shrug him off before leaning your head against his shoulder, his hand placed directly on your stomach, which he does almost every time he’s near you. You can hear his stupid voice in your head. She has to know I’m here too, not just you mama. 
“Shut up. Stop bad mouthing me in front of our child. That’s not a healthy parenting model.” 
“You screamed my head off for throwing out your precious kikufuku in front of Megumi last week. Healthy parenting model, my ass.” 
“Well some things are just unforgivable, sweetheart. And he’s a big boy now.” 
He leans over and presses a kiss to the top of your head, before pressing his cheek against your hair. “What was my baby like as a baby?” 
“I came out super early. I think they had to stay in the hospital for a few days because I was too weak. But after that, I think it was okay.” 
He leans over, pressing himself harder into your frame as he squeezes. You place your hands in his hair again, running through as you wait for him to talk. He’s thinking - too hard. 
You understood that a baby, a real one - not grown up and super self sufficient like Tsumiki and Megumi were - was anxiety inducing. But ever since you had told him, Satoru was stressed out, more than usual. Shoulders always tensed up, freaking out over painting the room or assembling a crib, or picking a godfather. 
“Yes, Satoru?” 
“Do you think…the baby will be scared of me?” 
“Because you’re the strongest? Of course, not. Megumi and Tsumiki always thought it was so cool when they were little, smacking their tiny little hands against it while laughing.” 
“No, no. Not because of that.” 
You push your palms against his cheeks, pulling his face out of the crook of your neck. He looks into your eyes, the look shy. His eyes waver down to his arms, littered in scars, before looking back up. And now you get it. He’s talking about his scars. 
They’ve faded over the years, from back when Megumi was still possessed by Sukuna. You remember when they were angry, red and fresh, when he came home, and nearly made your heart drop out of your chest. 
And when it was well and over, you had kissed them hundreds and hundreds of times over until Satoru knew, with full confidence, that you love him. And Megumi had apologized, millions of times before he understood that none of it was his fault. You love Satoru. Scars and all. And you love Megumi. Possession and all. 
“Satoru. You know that we all-” 
He shrugs you off, the look exasperated. 
“I know you guys love me. But I’m talking about the baby. There’s just so many of them and they’ve faded a good amount but-” 
You lean over and press your lips to his, kissing him softly before you let go. You can feel him deflate at the sensation, giving you the smallest of smiles when you pull apart. 
“You guys have father-daughter telepathy. She could never be scared of you.” 
You see the smile spread across his face as he rolls his eyes at you, shaking you at the shoulders. 
“So you agree? She’s a girl.” 
“No. He is most definitely a boy. But I’ll let you have it for tonight.” 
“You’re so generous.” 
“I know Satoru, it’s one of the best things about me.” 
You feel him cup his hands around your face as he presses a light kiss to your nose. 
“Yes. It is.” 
“I was being sarcastic.” 
“I know that, love. But I wasn’t.” 
Unlike Satoru and much more like you, your baby is born early. What you thought was a routine ultrasound turned into an emergency c-section and your little baby coming a little earlier than you had planned. 
That was hours ago. Satoru has been watching you, your chest heaving up and down as you sleep, since they moved to this room. Your daughter, because Satoru was right, was down the hall in the NICU, in a tiny little plastic incubator. With Megumi and Tsumiki. 
This day had already been too hard for Satoru. And it wasn’t even over yet. Watching you get pushed onto a table, your baby coming out and not crying, finding out it was a girl but you weren’t even conscious enough for him to stick it to you, having to pick who to spend his time with. 
He picked you. Because Megumi promised that he’d watch her there, make sure she wasn’t alone. He knows how much it meant to the two of you to get to meet her together so he’ll wait. I mean, that is his little sister and all, he doesn’t mind watching her. After Satoru agreed, he couldn’t help but smile at Megumi, literally sprinting down the hall to meet her where Tsumiki was waiting. 
He watches you shuffle in your sleep, your eyes fluttering open. He nearly knocks the table as he stands up, placing his hands on your arms as you wake up. 
“Love, oh my god, I was waiting for you. To wake up, I mean. Are-are you okay? Does anything hurt? Do you want me to get anything?” 
He watches your eyes pinch shut as you raise your hand, clamping it right across his mouth. Your little raspy voice breaks out and he can feel the tears streaming down his eyes at the sound of it. 
“Do you ever shut the fuck up?” 
He can’t help but laugh, the tears still streaming down. God, he loves you. Bedridden and still giving him fucking attitude. You’re okay and sassing him around and he loves you. 
He watches the smile spread across your face as you keep your hand there, now wiping his tears off. You look around the room, the crib still neatly made. 
“Wait, where’s-” 
“Down the hall. Megumi’s there with her.” 
“Her? It’s a girl?” 
You can feel the pride bustling in your chest, the tears now filling in your eyes. She’s a girl. Your tiny little baby that you were carrying for the past months was a girl. You can buy her little dresses and teach Satoru how to braid her hair and-
“Told you so.” 
“Shut the fuck up. I know you’re not sticking it to me while I’m literally in a hospital bed. Need I remind you, that you did this to me.” 
“How did I do this to you?” 
“You knocked me up!” 
You both laugh as Satoru helps you up into the wheelchair, pushing you both down the hallway to where she was. 
“You see her yet? Is she cute?”
“No, it’s only been a few hours. I wanted to see her together.” 
He swings the door open, pushing you to the front into the room. You can see Megumi seated right next to the little box, his hand inside with Tsumiki watching from the other side, her eyes focused on the crib. 
But you don’t take notice of your baby first. What you notice first is the shirts Megumi and Tsumiki are wearing, matching pink that say “big brother” and “big sister.” 
“Satoru. Don’t tell me you guilt tripped them into wearing the shirts.” 
They both run over at the sound of your voice, pressing you into a hug. You reach forward, resting both of your hands in their hair as they help you up, holding you steady in the air and running their eyes over you to make sure you’re okay. 
Satoru had bought the five of you matching shirts to wear when the baby was going to be discharged. And they were corny as fuck. With dad, mom, big sister, big brother, and baby written on them. Megumi said he was going to burn his in a fire. You and Tsumiki hid yours somewhere in the basement, pretending you lost them. Satoru found them in five minutes. But here they are, wearing them. 
“You don’t have to wear those. I’m sure he pulled the whole, my wife is dying, my baby is sick but-” 
“I didn’t ask them to wear those. At least not today.” 
You look over to find Satoru smirking, worst than he ever as before, at Megumi especially, as he starts ruffling his hair, cooing over how cute he was. 
“Just, shut up about it. I thought it would make your depressed ass laugh.” 
“Toru, quit bugging him.” 
You press a kiss to Megumi’s cheek before Satoru crushes him in a hug. He’s always been your sweet boy. 
You and Satoru slowly shuffle over to the little box, sticking your hands in to hold hers. Her eyes are pinched shut, a tuft of dark hair at the top of her head. You can feel the tears rising in your eyes, quickly glancing over to see Satoru crying too. Megumi and Tsumiki are on the other side, directly across, sweet smiles pressed on their faces.   
“Dark hair, Toru.” 
“Just like her mom.” 
You both can’t help but stare at her, rustling around in the little crib. But what catches your eye is the dark patch of red on her left eye, instinctively reaching over to touch it. 
“Megumi. What happened?” 
“We think it might be a scar or something. The doctors said she’s okay though, it doesn’t hurt her or anything.” 
You immediately crane her head over to Satoru, whose switched spots with you and is now softly pressing his fingers over the skin. You lean over, whispering in his ear as you both watch her. 
“Think she looks scary with her scar, Satoru?” 
“What the hell are you talking about? She’s perfect.” 
“You guys match. A scar for her and a scar for you.” 
He looks over and you watch the realization spread across his face as he understands what you’re getting at. He gives you a sweet look before pressing one the softest kisses to the top of your hair. He’s crying even harder now, his entire frame shaking. Fucking sap. 
She curls her hands into Satoru’s, squeezing his pinkie finger. 
“What the hell, Toru? She didn’t do that for me.” 
“It’s father-daughter telepathy, love. You wouldn’t get it.” 
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chiquititaosita · 9 months
⁺ 𓂋 𓈒 ♡ daycare/ girl dad! gojo hcs ⁺ 𓂋 𓈒 ♡
taglist @imissyuuji @honeybleed @roronoaswifey @eloteg1rl @abbyslev @hangespublicist @zorosdimples @mommypieck @bratphilia @cookiepie111 @ginger4sugar @sanjisblackasswife @noritopia @c0pkiller // also please comment to be in taglists :)
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- send help for this man immediately
-he’s super fucking attached that his baby is going to daycare
-he cried taking her there and waited in the parking lot crying for two hours.
-you and him are nervous but are super excited about it
- y’all even have baby girl in the most adorable outfits!
- always checking on the online documentation on the infant teachers. And asking about incident reports “which baby did it?!”
- the minute she plays with the other babies that are girls she always sharing, however if it’s a boy she pushes them out of the way.
- during missions sometimes he takes babygirl out with them. and literally says to his students. “Yep, I made this pet sperm.”
-“correction she is the boss, not me. She’s my twin..”
-holds her in the baby carrier. “sorry we got dance class!- Megumi you’re in charge.” runs off speeding with babygirl in arms
- one day he brought babygirl into daycare with a uncoordinated outfit and messy pig tails because she was not having it. Even having a diaper on backwards “sorry ladies I’m really color blind.” He fucking lied.
-he’s also happy for milestones
- pick up time he always gets her before closing. 2:30 to be the earliest. The latest 4:00 “Hi my love bug!!” He’ll exclaim and there your daughter will be having the biggest smile on her face. The baby HATES being there till closing.
- he’s super happy now that he gets art from his little princess. “My baby is an artist.” He lets out a fake tear.
- when he gets baby girls clothes that are from outfit changes he gags. Yet he kills curses for a living. How is thiS GROSSING HIM OUT.
- always takes his time for the baby.
-when you come home from work. And you see the baby girl. You’re so eager to hug your baby. But baby girl is already saying. “Dada!!” And you just feel jealous but happy she’s saying words and babbling
- then picks up the baby. And dances with her. “Cha cha cha - cha!” Oh little girl laughs like an angel
-spitting image of gojo with your personality
- cried the first time when you took the baby to the newborn class. because his paternity leave was over.
-always gags at diaper changes even though he kills curses for a living.
- “why is her poop black?”
-“ because she was just born.” His eyes are in shock. he even grabs the baby on the stroller, and is actually good at doing hair.
- always loves seeing pictures and videos of his baby. Even some with his two only girls in his life.
-“mama dada.” Were her first two words
- babysitting with the students jujustu tech, it’s hilarious.
-“what does she want?!” Yuji will scream panicking and crying with the baby, because the baby is screaming for a nap.
“Bottle?” Nobara will be trying to make a bottle of formula, and then scream beginning to bite the two of them. Even when diaper changes.
-“check her diaper.” So Megumi bring the good big brother he is finds out it’s a diaper rash.
“WE DIDNT KNOW!!” Actually Megumi knew he just wanted to watch his friends suffer. Never will you let them babysit only under nanami’s supervision. Y/n will sigh. “It’s alright, she’ll be okay.” You hug your baby girl.
Meanwhile in the toddler stage… that’s for part two
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ddejavvu · 7 months
I saw a video on tiktok the other day of a man on his wedding day getting down to the level of his new stepdaughter and reading out vows to her about how he'll always love and care for her and I bawled my eyes out. Now all I can think about is Hotch and single!mom reader on their wedding day getting down and reading vows to each others children. I dont know if you write single! Parent reader, but if you do could you write something with this premise? Thank you lovely if you can
Your daughter is mildly confused when Aaron beckons her over during the ceremony, but at four years old, she's mostly obedient to her parents. Well- to Aaron. To you, she protests and screams and giggles maniacally, but you suppose you're the one that gave it to her, so you can't complain without sounding like a hypocrite.
You set a hand on Jack's shoulder, ushering the older boy into your own grip.
"You look so handsome," You gush, eyes teeming with tears that threaten to ruin your mascara, "Jack, I- I won't embarrass you by calling you a mushy nickname like CrackerJack, or JackAttack, or Jackers-"
"You're using them all right now-!" The teenager protests, but he doesn't shrug your hand off of his shoulder; his protests are for show.
"Sorry! Sorry," You sniffle, and you let the fifteen year old wipe a tear away from your eye before it ruins your makeup.
"Jack," You repeat, steeling yourself, "I- I just want you to know that I love you. It's not because I love your dad, it's not because we live together, it's not because you woke me up with breakfast in bed on my birthday. It's- it's because of you, sweetheart. I know you're getting older, and- and you might be going away to college soon," You poorly withhold a sob, thinking of an empty bed in the room down the hall, "-but I just- I need you to know that it's you that I love, just the same as I love June. Your mom was an amazing woman, and she made an amazing son, and I'm so honored that you've given me permission to be your stepmom. I love you- Jackers."
Perhaps its awkward for the teen to face such strong emotion head-on, but you won't tattle to his schoolfriends about the tears that well up in his eyes, or the red tint to his nose as he bites them back.
"Love you too," He supplies weakly, surging forwards to wrap his arms around your waist- but it's all you need. One of your photographers makes to readjust your veil where it's been momentarily crumpled beneath his arm, but damn the veil, your stepson is more important.
"They're gushy," Aaron accuses, holding little June in his arms and pointing at you, "Are we gonna be gushy, Junie B Jones?"
Her eyes are mystified as she stares at her mama and her brother, but she shakes her head dutifully at Aaron.
"Oh, go, you're sappier than I am," You tease Aaron, and it rouses a light chuckle from your guests.
"Loony-Junie," Aaron starts, and the girl in his grasp giggles at the name. Encouraged by her delight, he employs her favorite moniker; her most desired snack, "My little pickle. Thank you, for letting me marry your mama. And for giving her the ring, even if it fell in the eggs instead of the fully-baked cake."
The little girl roars with a squeal of laughter at the memory, and- now you know why the Lysol wipes were on the counter the night of Aaron's proposal.
"You were a super big helper to me and your brother," He continues, holding her close, "And I'm so happy I get to be your stepdad now. I know you're a big girl, and you can do pretty much everything by yourself now," He lets her pipe up, falling silent as her tiny voice rings out.
"-I can even put my own shoes on the right feet!"
Not every audience member manages to stifle their giggle, but the little girl doesn't look abashed for it. Aaron nods with a fond grin on his face, and Jack leans into your side where you've pinned him in a hug.
"She can not. I had to switch her mary janes before the ceremony."
"Stop," You pinch him in the side, snorting with laughter and concealing it in the warmth of his shoulder, "Do not make me turn into an evil stepmother, Jack. Let her have this." He concedes- oh, such a good brother.
"I know!" Aaron exclaims, one of his large palms spread wide across her belly as he holds her in his arms, "I'm super proud of you, baby. But. If you ever need help with your shoes, or with your hair, or with your friends, or with your teachers, or with your brother," He shoots a suspicious glance at Jack who sticks his tongue out at his father, "Or with anything at all, pickle, you come tell me. Okay? Even if it's a problem that I'm part of."
"Okay," She agrees easily, unaware of the dozens of painfully-swollen hearts watching the display, "Thanks, dada."
"Oh, pickle," He bites back a shallow, raw twinge to his voice as he hugs her and you hiss, 'Gushy.'
"I love you too," He promises June, "Forever, and always, and even longer after that."
"Infinity?" Her eyes shine; it's a concept her pre-k class came upon in a library comic book and she's fascinated with it.
"For infinity." Aaron confirms, and her teeth show in a grin as brilliantly white and gleaming as the beads sewn into your outfit.
Her response is two tiny, chubby arms slung around his neck, and a delicate face buried in his shoulder. Despite your no-photography request, you're fairly certain a camera shutter goes off that doesn't belong to the photographer you hired.
Oh, well.
"Alright you saps," You manage to blubber, your voice barely clear of the sobs creeping up your throat, "Let's get married before I cry and ruin my makeup. I paid so much for the stylist."
Jovial laughter rings through the tent you've set up, and Aaron sets June down, though she follows at his heels the same way Jack does at yours. They stand together, brother and sister, just as you do with Hotch, soon-to-be husband and wife.
"Don't cry." You command, "Or I'll cry."
"Don't cry," He repeats with a sheepish grin and a thick voice, blinking rapidly, as your babies join hands, "Or I'll cry."
"I'm crying," A faint voice from the audience rings out, but you can't manage to find any annoyance towards Garcia's repeated disruptions.
Aaron laughs, squeezing his eyes shut and letting a tear slip despite his best efforts. He presses his forehead to yours, and you do the same, feeling his breath fan over your face as he reels himself in.
"Come on, Hotchner," You urge, your voice wobbly, as your heart races in anticipation, the officiant stepping towards you, "Get it together, big guy. I'm not leaving this tent without your last name."
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rose-pearls · 7 months
hi idk if your still doing requests but can I request ( this is super angsty btw!) a Clarisse fanfic where the reader is the daughter of Poseidon and there like absolutely in love with eachother like soulmates but then the reader dies during the war and clarisse can’t handle it and dies too like Romeo and Juliet
Hi! Thank you so much for your request!! Hopefully you like it :)) My requests are also still open for every fandom I write for!
Main Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187, @nyx2021, @thestarspangledcaptain, @kmc1989
Percy Jackson Taglist: @niktwazny303
Clarisse La Rue Taglist: @peanutbelley, @abbersreads
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Clarisse loved you and you loved her, it had always been as simple as that. It was a known fact around camp, that the only person that could calm Clarisse down or make her smile brighter than the sun was you, the daughter of Poseidon.
Being demigods was a challenge in itself, but when the war started it became even trickier, filled with losses. By the second week of the war there were more flowers surrounding camp half-blood then students in it, to honor the lost ones. Because even if they were forgettable in the eyes of the Gods, they weren’t in the eyes of their fellow half-bloods. 
It had been tough for Clarisse and you, juggling the war, your friends, your siblings and yourselves but you had gotten through it. Clarisse had been your rock during everything, and you couldn’t imagine a world without her, it would be like everything was wrong. 
“We need to be careful,” Clarisse whispers in the early sunshine of the morning, running her fingers along your skin.
“We will, it will all be alright Clar,” you tell her, hoping to reassure the Ares girl, she had lost one of her half-siblings the day before and it had taken a toll on her. 
“Let’s hope our fathers will protect us,” she whispers, like a child scared of saying something, as if saying it out loud would jinx it. 
“They will, just like the Gods will try to help us if they can,” you whisper back, even if deep down you know that it isn’t true, that the Gods will turn a blind eye on everything that happened and on every child that lost their lives in their feud.
You don’t know how long the both of you stay there, lying in each other’s arms and whispering sweet nothings but you enjoy it, basking in the love that surrounds you.
“I’m sorry to interrupt but we need to go,” you suddenly hear Percy say, and you turn around to find your little brother looking at you with a sad smile. He looked so much older already then when you first met him two years ago, a part of you feels sad that he already had to go through so much at a young age. But he had his mother, Sally Jackson, who had seen you as her daughter from the moment she met you. 
“We’ll be there in five minutes,” Clarisse tells him, and he nods in agreement before softly closing the door and letting you change.
You do your usual routine, helping each other getting ready while exchanging kisses through it all and before you know it you need to leave to help the others.
The battlefield is a mess, people screaming left and right, monsters running after children who are far too young to be here. You don’t have time to take out your sword before Clarisse kisses you softly on the mouth.
“I’ll see you later?”, she whispers, and you nod in agreement, a loving smile on your lips.
“See you later,” you tell her before kissing her back and whispering a soft I love you. 
You see Percy in the distance but before you are able to go towards him a minotaur steps into your vision and you get ready to kill some more monsters, hoping desperately that these will be your last ones. It’s a long time before you get a minute to breathe, trying to ignore the ringing in your ears and looking around for someone you know. 
Percy looks tired, and there is a panicked look as he helps Annabeth to a safe place, the girl seemed to have gotten her leg cut. You start walking away, hoping that maybe Clarisse could be somewhere close but before you can turn around you see a Chimera starting to walk towards the pair, who still looked too busy with each other to notice anything else. 
You don’t think about it, you just start to run towards them, hoping desperately that you will get there in time and just as the Chimera gets ready to open her mouth to breath out fire you slice your sword into her leg, getting her attention towards you.
It wails in pain before turning her eyes towards you with a sick determination, you try to get your breathing right, but you hear Percy scream your name.
“Get Annabeth to safety, I’ll be alright!”, you tell him, and the boy looks unsure for a moment before giving into your pleading eyes and helping Annabeth to get to the other side of the road.
The Chimera doesn’t give you any time to think your decision through before it charges towards you. You manage to escape it a few times, burning a car or two and bruising your skin as you roll away from her attacks. But as you try to get another hit at her she hits you with her paw, making you land ten feet away, your back hitting an abandoned car. 
You try to breathe again, your back hurting from the hit but just as you try to reach for your sword a couple of feet away the Chimera is already in front of you. You try to move away, willing your body to move but you can’t move anymore and the only thing you can do is pray to your father. 
But even as fire hydrants explode around you, trying to scare off the creature, her paw lifts up and slashes right through your stomach making you scream in pain for the first time in your life. You wonder for a moment if this is it, before the Chimera disappears in front of your eyes, a heaving Percy looking at you with wide eyes. 
“Percy,” you whisper and your brother rushes to your side, blue eyes flickering between your wound and your face.
“We need to find you water, we need to heal you,” he whispers as he starts looking around the streets like a madman and as he tries to get up to go and find some sort of water you take his hand to stop him.
“It won’t help,” you tell him, but Percy shakes his head, always the hero, trying to work things out.
“We can find something, alright, we need to!”, he says, his voice wavering over the words and his blue eyes gets darker with the tears that are welling up.
“Percy, it’s okay,” you tell him, just like when he used to apologize for climbing into your bed after a nightmare. A tear rolls down his cheek and you take his hand in yours, only managing it after the second try.
“What about Clarisse? What about everything we had planned this summer?”, Percy says, and you feel pained at the sight of his tears, his pain. He had been through too much and you never wanted to be another pain that he had to bear, another loss.
“I’ll be there, somehow, with you. You won’t get rid of me that easily,” you tell him, and a sob leaves his lips, breaking your heart.
“How?”, he whispers as he holds onto your hand for dear life.
“Through the rain pouring down on New York, through the countless rivers and oceans surrounding you, through the blue food that you will see. I’m not leaving you Percy, I’ll always be there somewhere, cheering you on,” tears are streaming down your face, but you still try to reassure your brother.
“I love you,” he says and your heart breaks as you realize that this really is the last time you will hear that from him.
“I love you too little brother,” you tell him with a soft smile, squeezing his hand three time.
Before you can say anything else you hear your name being screamed, Clarisse. 
“What happened?”, she asks as she arrives, her hair all over the place after having fought some monsters.
“A Chimera,” Percy says, and she looks determined, but her hands are shaking, telling you that she is scared.
“Well, we can find some water, right? Fix you up,” she says, looking all over the place as if she is hoping that an ocean of water will appear, but you shake your head slowly.
“It’s too late,” you whisper and for a moment she says nothing, simply looking into your eyes.
“No, no, no, no, you promised me you would be alright, that you would be safe,” she says, her voice filled with desperation as she looks over you and you smile sadly.
“I’m sorry, I tried to beat it, but I couldn’t,” you whisper, and she shakes her head again, tears forming into her brown eyes.
“Don’t say that. It wasn’t your fault,” she says, and you smile softly before taking her hand into your other one.
“It’s going to be okay,” you tell her, but she shakes her head, a tear rolling down her cheek.
“It won’t, I can’t live without you,” she whispers, and you feel tears falling down your cheeks at her words.
“I love you so much,” you whisper, and she closes her eyes, looking pained at the words.
“I love you too princess, never forget that” she tells you and you smile at the words.
“Never, I’ll always remember,” you whisper, and she nods quickly.
“Good, now focus on Percy and I,” you nearly tell her that she has never called your brother Percy but you don’t, you can’t as you start seeing dark spots before your eyes.
“I think it’s time,” you tell them, and you just feel them squeeze your hand, Percy mumbling words you can’t hear but a kiss on your forehead makes you smile, you always used to do it to him.
“Clarisse?”, you whisper, and the girl kisses your forehead too, staining your forehead with her tears. 
“I’m right here princess,” you hear her say, her voice breaking over the words.
“I’m scared,” you whisper, and you hear a sob leaving Percy’s mouth, and a couple of tears fall down your forehead.
“It will all be alright, I’ll be right by your side,” she tells you and you let out a sigh at her words.
You want to say something else, but the darkness takes over, taking you with her as you hear comforting words being whispered, hands holding yours. 
Clarisse can’t stop crying as she feels her girlfriend’s pulse die down against her hand, the hand that was holding on to her so tightly is now laying limp into hers. Percy is sobbing into his hands, cursing his father through the sobs and Clarisse wants to do the same but the only thing she can do is sob louder.
She didn’t know how she was going to survive without you, she just couldn’t imagine a life without you. You had been her everything for the past five years and all of the sudden she was supposed to live without you, she couldn’t. Deep down she knew that she would never be able to live a life without you.
As more tears roll down her cheeks, she remembers the small drink that had been given to them before the war, making sure that if someone was to be captured, they could drink it and die to avoid getting tortured.
She takes it, her hands shaking as she opens it and for a moment, she sees Percy looking at her, a moment of realization at the sight of the bottle.
“Clarisse,” he whispers, he looks unsure, sad even as he understands what she wants to do but she shakes her head. 
“I can’t live without her; it wouldn’t be living. You know what I mean,” she says, and he nods slowly, she knows he understands what she means, he would do the same thing if he lost Annabeth. 
“Take care of her?”, he whispers, a stray tear falling down his cheek and she nods.
“I will,” she whispers before bringing the bottle to her lips and drinks it in one go.
She looks at you as the liquid goes down her throat and for a moment, she thinks that it won’t work and that she will have to live without you, but her eyes start to flutter shut and. Before she knows it, she is falling against you, her head on your stomach as her last breath leaves her lips. 
Rain starts pouring down on him and he knows it’s his father, trying to console him and the sadness that comes with losing a child. He stays there until Annabeth forces him to leave, trying to hold back her own tears as she watches the couple lying against each other. The monsters are gone in an instance, as if seeing two girls giving up their lives for each other was enough for the Gods to decide the war could finally be over.
He never forgets his sister, seeing her in the waterlilies blooming along the water on her birthdays, in the playlist she always used to blast in the Poseidon Cabin, in his father’s eyes. But the moment he sees her, and Clarisse again is at the last scene of Romeo and Juliet at the theater, seeing Romeo sacrifice himself to be with Juliet. The two of you flashes before his eyes as Annabeth holds his hand with a tight grip even as everyone leaves the theater, and they stay watching the closed curtain. As if it was symbolizing the end of your life too.
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pepsiboyy · 2 months
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(best friends to lovers) pairing: chris sturniolo x reader summary: when everyone has fallen asleep on your camping trip, you and chris stay up and watch the stars with one another. warnings: fluff, talks about insecurities, slight angst a/n: HIIII i haven't posted an actual story in SO long. love you guys, genuinely. please love and enjoy this for the time being!! xoxo, apollo
⚜ masterlist ⚜
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"are we almost there?"
chris's vocal complaints were finally coming to an end when we reached our stop.
"this seems good!" nick stated in a proud tone as he plopped the duffel bag he had been carrying into the grass beneath him.
"i still don't know why we're doing this," matt murmered to me, causing me to chuckle.
nick had insisted we go on a one-night camping trip to "get away from everything" for a little while. it was something he saw on tiktok. the triplets invited madi and i to tag along. i had become friends with the boys in high school, and i was close with all of them, but chris and i seemed to gravitate towards one another significantly more.
"i heard that!" nick huffed as he went through their belongings in the duffel bag.
chris slumped beside me, his body immediately making contact with the grass as he took a deep breath. "finally, we can relax." he chuckled as he turned to me.
"i think they um.. might need help with the tent." i giggled as i pointed towards his brothers, who were already struggling with putting it together.
chris huffed and sat up to go help them while madi sat beside me. we made fun of them along the way.
about 6pm rolled around, and nick went through the cooler bag for food.
"alright guys, chris was really excited for this, but he made us all sandwiches." nick stated with a smile as he took each one out, each covered in cling wrap with a name written onto it.
chris clasped his hands together excitedly as he crawled towards them and began to go through them.
"alright... nick, madi... matt, and.. last but not least!" he cheerfully handed me a sandwich with my name written on the plastic. "here ya go."
"what about you, chris?" i asked, cocking an eyebrow.
chris's face dropped.
"no way you forgot to make yourself one." matt mumbled.
"it's okay, i'll share mine with you. i'm not super hungry anyway." i reassured him with a smile, and chris nodded softly.
"right, okay. sorry." he mumbled as he sat beside you.
once everyone had finished eating, we all started to get ready for bed. it wasn't late, but a day of hiking was truly tiring.
it was a summer night, so there wasn't much need for jackets or sweaters. i brought a pair of sweats and a simple black tee. no need for anything more, right?
everyone had fallen asleep, and chris and i were both sitting in silence. but i could tell he wasn't asleep because he wouldn't stop moving.
but then his voice pierced the silence between us.
"you wanna go to the top of the hill?" he questioned, pointing upwards.
there was a small hill beside our setup, and it seemed to be one of the highest things nearby. i nodded softly. "yeah, sure. sounds fun."
we slipped on our shoes and walked up, giggling as we tried our hardest to stay quiet.
"look at that," chris gawked at the view of the city, his eyes widening as he shifted to take a seat.
i gently sat beside him and pulled my knees to my chest.
it was truly gorgeous. the way the lights flickered and the cars passing by looked like ants... it was so bright in contrast to where they were. was that really what they lived in every night?
i turned to chris and felt my cheeks heat up upon realization that his eyes were on me.
"sorry," he quickly murmered as he turned back to the lights in the city.
i chuckled at him and shook my head. "if you think that's pretty.." i whispered before leaning back to lay down against the soft blades of grass. "you should look up."
chris watched me shift and gave the city one last glance before he laid beside me and crossed his arms behind his head.
"wow," he whispered, smiling softly.
i looked at the stars above us... each individually twinkling and providing a sense of warmth.
we sat in silence for a few minutes before chris cleared his throat slightly. "i feel like i'm in a difficult position."
i turned my head towards chris and blinked a few times as my cheeks grew pink.
no, he wasn't looking at me this time. instead he was staring up at the sky. but the moonlight along with the light that the stars provided perfectly outlined his jaw, his cheekbone and the bridge of his nose.
he looked stunning.
"what do you mean by that?" i asked softly, my eyes not leaving him now.
chris seemed to ponder for a moment before he sighed. "i just genuinely have no idea what to do." i stared at him and let him think before he sat up and propped himself up on his arm. "i'm so afraid but i'm so certain." he whispered, but his words came out firm - like he was positive about what he was talking about.
"what do you mean?" i asked, smiling softly at him.
chris didn't smile back. he seemed to really be battling his thoughts. "i have a hard time committing," he stated blankly before continuing, "i feel like i'm useless with things like this, but... i genuinely think i have finally received that push to let that go."
i watched him as he spoke, and finally, his eyes met with mine.
"it's hard, because i can feel myself slipping every single day.. further and further." he sat up and turned to look down at me. "i'm falling in love with someone who had seem me at my best and worst, and i'm afraid of ruining what i have with the person who knows me as well as i do." he whispered.
i felt my heart drop and my eyes widen as i sat up. "chris?" i questioned.
"but it hurts me more than anything that i have to go every single day pretending she's just my friend." he whispered. "but i'm so afraid," his voice cracked.
i listened closely to him. he needed to get his feelings off his chest.
"do you know how hard it is to watch your best friend grow up beside you into the most beautiful and amazing person you've ever seen?" he whispered.
i bit my lip as i nodded and sat up, scooting towards him. i gently reached to grab his hands and hold them in mine. my eyes never once left his. "i understand. because i do the same thing. every single day." i smiled, and chris's expression lit up. "i watch my best friend go every single day, fighting his personal battles and winning every single one of them. every day he's a better person and i admire that."
chris bit his lip as his eyes danced between either of mine. he laughed softly and dropped his head to look down, his bangs covering his eyes. "i just want things to work."
"they will." i whispered, causing chris's eyes to interlock with mine. "because she feels the same way."
chris's fingers gently locked with mine, and he bit his lip as he sniffed. he then pulled me into a tight hug, his nose burying into the crook of my neck.
i chuckled and held him tightly, my fingers gently caressing his hair.
"i can't believe i confessed to you in the middle of fucking nowhere," he mumbled against the skin of my shoulder, giggling softly.
i couldn't see him, but i could tell his face was red with embarrassment.
"better now than later." i whispered as i smiled at him.
chris pulled away and looked into my eyes, his bright blue ones looking even more light with the stars.
"can i kiss you?" he whispered.
i felt my face flush, but i nodded quickly and smiled.
and with that, chris leaned in and pressed his lips to mine, his eyes fluttering shut. he held my hand tightly in one hand while the other rose to rest against my cheek.
the stars glimmered a little brighter from that day onward.
every time i looked up at the night sky, i would think of the night my best friend confessed to me and started a journey we both desperately required, but had no idea was reciprocated.
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⚜ masterlist ⚜
taglist;; @sturnsxplr-25 @vampiree-555 @wh0resstuff @jetaimevous @sturnioloshacker @lovesturni0l0s
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hxxsxxng · 2 months
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「synopsis」 : sunghoon as your older brother, as well as him finding out that you are dating jungwon
「word count」 : 1k
「authors note」 : thank you for this ask! i love doing little things like these <3
olderbrother!sunghoon is the boy who would always make fun of you in school but would kick someone’s ass if they tried to tease you
olderbrother!sunghoon would be super overprotective, keeping note of everybody around and who interacts with you
olderbrother!sunghoon doesn’t want you to grow too up fast just like he had to
olderbrother!sunghoon always invites you to hang out with his friends, since you don’t seem to ever leave your room
olderbrother!sunghoon who pounds it into his friends heads that his younger sister is off limits
typically you, sunghoon, and all of his friends would sit in the garage taking turns on the xbox, laughing and just hanging out. “come on come on come on!” sunghoon exclaimed, frustrated at trying to beat the boss in whatever game the group was playing this time.
“you have to go for his weak spot” jake explained while the respawn screen was displayed. “okay you try then” sunghoon handed the controller to jake.
you observe from your bean-bag in the corner of the room as jake tries and tries to beat the boss, ending up with the same result as sunghoon. “they’re never going to beat it at this rate” jungwon whispers in your ear giggling.
jungwons laughs caught sunghoons attention a he turns around to see you and him cuddled up with eachother, with you laying you head in jungwons lap. he doesn’t comprehend it at first, then did a double take.
“what are you two doing?” he questions, sitting up from the couch. you immediately pull your head off of jungwon. “sunghoon, what do you want?” you ask, rolling your eyes.
“i want to know why you two were cuddling like that” sunghoon crosses his arms over his chest looking at you both. jungwons face turns bright pink, trying to find the words to say. you don’t even need to speak though because jungwon knows that he can’t lie and he will definitely be killed if sunghoon finds out. “just tell him, wonnie” you say, giving jungwons shoulder an encouraging squeeze.
he takes in a breath and looks at you. “the thing is, we uh” jungwon pauses, not wanting to get into detail with every one in the room now watching him closely. “we kind of” jungwon takes another deep breath in and lets it out. “we kind of have feelings for each other” he says with conviction in his voice.
a shocked silence falls across the room except for the noise of the pause screen of the game. “how long has this been happening?” sunghoon asks quietly. everyone’s eyes turn to jungwon, who looks down shamefully. “ever since my birthday party” he mutters, rubbing the back of his neck uncomfortably.
“so… what? you guys are dating” sunghoon asks awkwardly, glancing around the room. “it hasn’t really been official but yes” jungwon confirms, shifting in his seat to face sunghoon better. “but we haven’t told anyone about this yet” he continues nervously. “are you okay with it?” jungwons adds, biting his lip anxiously.
“i don’t know how to feel man, i wish you could have trusted me enough to come to me about it when it first happened” sunghoon confesses after a while. there was nothing more you could have done. jungwon and him have had told each other everything, even since highschool. “but i am happy for you” sunghoon smiles.
jungwon lets out a sigh of relief while you are to the side of him speechless. sunghoon comes around the couch and takes both of you into a hug, tears almost forming in jungwons eyes from being so scared of disapproval. “this is going to be weird to get used to” sunghoon laughs.
taglist : @jakeflvrz
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kushnovice · 7 months
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Spinning My World
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Stark! Reader
Synopsis: Reader tends to the avengers wounds constantly and when Tony opens an emotional wound in the reader, Bucky is there to help.
wc: 2.4k
Warnings: my first bucky fic, medical, wounds, tending to wounds, sibling rivalry, mention of dead parents, fluffy love, slow-burn
AN: Female reader, fluffy, lots of mistakes, self indulgent (Pictures are not mine nor are any characters part of this)
What makes the earth go round? to most people it's money, to others it's family. To me, it's love.
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I grew up with Tony Stark, my older brother. He was never that big on affection which was something he picked up from our parents and because of that, Tony and I aren't as close as we once were before our parents died. I spend most of my time making sure the house is always put together and cooking food for Tony and Pepper. I always feel a little guilty as I haven't achieved as much as my older brother and living with him and all of his fancy things just rubs it in. I also spend a lot of time studying. Since we have the money, I am attending an Ivy League school online. Unlike Tony, I don't like robots and technology, I prefer to help people. I am majoring in Medical Science as well as minoring in Psychology, which the amount of work is unbearable.
I sigh as I close one of my textbooks, my notebook, and my laptop, leaving them on the desk in my room. I make my through the long winding halls and into the kitchen, the tiles on the floor leaving my feet cold as I walk. I flick on the light as I walk in and take a deep breath, finally feeling at peace. The kitchen was always my safe space since Tony never cooked for himself, neither did any of the avengers. It was my own tiny world of peace.
I smile softly to myself as I make my way to the sink, I start to wash my hands while humming a song. "Friday, can you play (song name)?" As the song starts playing, I feel more comfortable as I start pulling what I would need from the fridge and the cabinets. I then fill up a pot of water and put it on the stove to boil and preheat the oven before I start separating and seasoning the chicken. I then start to cut up some veggies before checking on the pasta that I am making. After everything is cooking, I take the time to dance in the kitchen, just enjoying the music and how it flows through my body. That was until I heard the door open. I jerk my head to see who it is, only to be stunned by the sight in front of me. There he was, the most beautiful creature this world had ever created, but he was drenched in blood. Without thinking, I walk right up to him and start to examine him from what I can see. "Oh buck, what happened this time?" I ask as I eye him up and down for injuries, feeling better after not finding any serious ones. Bucky sighed deeply, "The mission was hijacked. I'm not the only Injured one." I sigh deeply as I take the food out of the oven and put the veggies and sauce into the pasta. Then, without a second thought, i make my way to the medical clinic, which I pretty much run.
I put my coat on and wash my hands again before putting on gloves. I make my way into the emergency room that we have to see Tony laying on a gurney. I immediately start to cut his shirt and pants off as I examine his body, the deep wounds showing no mercy as they continue to bleed. I sterilize the wound and start stitching him up and taking my time to make sure it's perfect.
After a few hours, I was done with making sure Tony was alright and had checked out all of the other team members. I look at the clock and sigh deeply when I realize that it is close to 1 in the morning. I make my way through the winding hallways again and I stand outside of Buckys room. "Hey Buck, are you awake?" I ask softly knowing his super human hearing can pick up my voice, and sure enough because the door unlocks and slides open revealing that he had just got out of the shower. I blush slightly as i try not to stare at his bare chest, "oh um...sorry I was just coming to give you a quick check up..." I shuffle awkwardly at his door but he nods softly and lets me in his room.
The smell of Axe Body spray and Midsummers Night circle the room. I sit Bucky down as I start to stitch up a few of his wounds. It stays mostly silent, neither of us knowing what to talk about until Bucky speaks up, "aren't you tired?" I furrow my eyebrows, "why would I be tired?" Bucky sighs deeply, "we go on these missions almost daily and you're the only one who gives us medical help, isn't it tiring?" I look up from his stitches to smile softly at Bucky, "No, it's not tiring. If anything, it gives me a purpose and makes me a hero like you guys." I giggle to myself at how corny that sounded before going back to stich bucky up.
After I am done, I make sure I didn't miss any dry blood before I stand up, "make sure you eat dinner, I don't know if the others did yet but you need to eat." I smile at him to which he gives me a small smile at the end of his lips. "I did eat already, it was delicious." I smile at him as I watch him put his shirt back on, "good good, I tried a new recipe today so I'm glad it is good." I smile to myself thinking about how Bucky enjoyed my food. "Did you eat yet?" Bucky asks with a furrowed eyebrow and I'm left shocked, normally i'm the one asking that question. "I was about too, then all of that happened," I smile at Bucky but his facial expressions don't change this time. "You really should eat." I nod my head and start to make my way into the kitchen to see a huge mess of plates and bowls and forks all over the place and all of the food gone. "at least they liked it" I smile to myself as I shrug off my coat and take off my gloves, "Friday, some music please" I speak as I start to pick up the plates and bowls and utensil's and place them in the sink. I then pick up all the trash and wipe down the counter while dancing around the kitchen. I spend a few hours cleaning, until it is spotless before I turn off the music and realize I wasn't alone. As I go to grab my coat and turn off the light, I hear a voice, "Aren't you going to eat?" I whip my head around, looking for where the voice came from until I can see Bucky, just outside the door. "there was no more left, i'm glad everyone enjoyed it." I smile at him but he doesn't smile back, he makes his way into the kitchen and starts grabbing stuff. "woah woah woah what are you doing?" I ask as I watch him start up the stove. "You need to eat. More than any of us." Buckys voice is stern and emotionless but I can tell that he cares. "I'm alright, I'll be up in a few hours to cook breakfast anyways." I look at the time and then at Bucky who then turns to me with furrowed eyes again his eyes studying me and trying to figure me out as he looks me up and down. "Why do you cook for everyone? Why do you go out of your way for everyone? I don't get how that benefits you." I sigh deeply, "I don't do it for me, I do it for you guys. You guys are heros and are saving the world every day. the least I can do is cook you guys a warm meal and make sure you guys don't get too hurt." "But why?" Bucky asks as he cracks open an egg and starts to cook it. "You guys deserve it, you deserve the best." I smile at him softly, watching his movements while I think. "Why do you save the world?" I ask while watching his movements. He seems relaxed and calm "Because if I can help save the world then there's hope to save myself." He speaks in a quiet whisper, "why do you save us? why are you so interested in medicine?" He asks with seriousness, trying to understand me better. "I was never taught self defense so I save the world in the only way I know, medicine." Bucky turns to look at me, "you don't give yourself enough credit, no one does." I can hear how he sighs softly. I let myself smile, knowing this was his way of showing he cared. Bucky finished cooking the food and he made two plates, setting one in front of me while he sat across the table from me. He immediately downs his food within seconds leaving me to take awhile to finish my food. When I'm finished eating, I grab our plates and put them in the dishwasher. When i make my way back into the dining room, Bucky is watching me as soon as I enter the room. "What? Is there food on my face?" I jokingly ask, with a smirk on my face as I make my way back to sit down. Bucky snorts softly at my comment, "No, I just don't get how someone could look so pretty after working for so many hours." Buckys voice is soft but his eyes are full of emotion as his hands fold on the table. I feel myself melt under his gaze as my cheeks start to burn, "Oh, uhm...thanks..." I giggle lightly, "You aren't too bad looking for someone who just got stitched up." I reply causing bucky to be taken aback.
"Why are you two up at 2 in the morning?" Tony asks as he walks into the dining room in his black robe that is barely covering his bare chest and his blazers. Tony somehow still has his shades on as well as his slippers on as he sets down some coffee and a sandwich at the table and sits down. "I was just making sure your sister ate after giving everyone medical exams." Bucky replied as he stared blankly at tony as he ate. "Interesting." Tony replied quickly as he started to eat. "I'm glad that your mission didn't go to badly, not many people were injured." I smiled at Tony as I recall the injuries that everyone had got. Tony sighed as he swallowed the food in his mouth, "Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?" I roll my eyes at how immature Tony still is after all of these years. "Somebody's cranky." I snort to myself, Tony glares daggers at me. "Somebody needs to shut up." I smile at Tony, now enjoying fucking with him. "I don't have enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel." I smirk at Tony, thinking I got the better up. "Frankly, I don't care. Just like how he never cared about Mom and Dad. You know who killed them right?" Tony asks as he glares between Bucky and I. "If you're insinuating that Bucky killed our parents then fuck you!" I yell in Tony's face, not able to control my anger as I get up and storm off. Bucky looks at Tony as Tony finishes his sandwich, not purposefully glaring but staring deeply at him causing Tony to get uncomfortable and scramble out of the room.
Bucky sighs deeply as he makes his way to my room, thinking of the right words to say as he ends up right outside of my door. "Hey...I know Tony's words really hurt but I'd like to tell you my story, not what you've heard from files but my life the way I lived it, when I had control of my life." Bucky expected no response honestly, who would want to talk to their parents murderer? Surprisingly the door swung open as Bucky looked in at my small trembling figure on the floor, a pang in his heart caused him to lose his breath seeing her in such pain.
I lift my head to meet Buckys soft eyes as he moves to sit on the bed next to me. His voice was kind but also firm as he told me all about his life, from his time in Brooklyn with Steve all the way through Hydra, he spoke about my parents last almost as if to save me the pain. "Your parents...they were a mission I had to carry out while apart of Hydra, or else I would have died as well as them...I wish I never had too..." Bucky sighs deeply as he looks at the ground. "You don't have to be my friend or even be nice to me, but I just wanted you to know that I never wanted to hurt anyone." Bucky softly got up, expecting to be kicked out before he felt my hands wrapped around his human arm. "I want to be your friend. It hurts knowing that you did that to my parents and I don't think that hurt will ever go away, but I do know that it wasn't you, that you didn't do it on your own will. I forgive you, Buck." I speak softly as I wrap my arms around Bucky's human hand, taking his warmth from him as it comforts my shaking body as I am able to relax into my bed and into Bucky, feeling safe and comfortable for once. I don't remember what happened after that other than my eyes forcing themselves closed as Bucky's mechanical arm softly strokes my hair.
I wake up to the sun shining brightly in my eyes causing me to instantly rub my eyes. I stretch with a small groan, wishing to be asleep still as I reach my arms above my head. I hear a rough chuckle beside me and open my eyes to see Bucky smirking down at me, "Morning, Doll." I feel my face go red at the nickname. I roll over to face him in the bed, "I'm sorry that I kept you here all night." I apologize softly as I yawn the sleepy feeling away. He smiled softly down at me, the golden sun reflecting off of his eyes making it look like tigers eye. "You have nothing to apologize for, darling." He used his fingers to swoop the stray strands of hair out of my face. "It was the best sleep I have gotten in awhile." He confessed as he pulled me a little closer, his body heat keeping me warm as he smiled down at me cheekily. "Don't smile at me like that, you know it drives me crazy..." I giggle at him softly as I place my hand on his face before leaning in. Bucky closed the gap as he took my lips in his, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me in closer as he chuckles into the kiss.
"How else would I make your world spin?"
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raphaelsrightarm · 8 months
Your work is absolutely amazing and I was hoping you could do a nsfw scenario for the bayverse boys, their s/o is super needy and desperate to be loved on but the boys are on the phone with someone (anyone of your choosing), they get tired of waiting and pull their mans pant down to blow him. It would be nice to see how long the boys last on the phone call.
I chose Donnie for this one just because as I read this he immediately popped into my head let's also pretend Donnie's desk is behind a door in a secluded lab and not in their actual living room cause otherwise this would be awkward haha
Words: 1769
Warnings: Smut, 18+
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It had been two weeks since he had last fucked you. 
Two weeks of him either being glued to his desk or being dragged to his bed by one of his brothers whenever they had enough.
He had taken on new responsibilities with the NYPD, mostly in an attempt to ease the collective anxiety most of them had felt ever since their fight with Krang. He had been looking for ways to prepare themselves for a return, if there ever was one. Finally, he found a way. He’d spent never ending days creating devices that could pick up on any ripple that could allude to his reappearance. 
They were beautiful, and with each one he created your pride for him swelled more and more. There was another desk chair in his lab he had just for you, which is where you’ve been for nearly every day since he began working on his newest endeavor. 
You didn’t mind it. It was nice to watch him work. He always seemed to know what to do and how to complete it. You were sure that there wouldn’t ever be a day when he didn’t impress you. 
But you couldn’t deny that you missed him. Most days he would be at his desk, but still being able to leave it for a little while. Then there were times when he would get so swept up in his work that he would fixate on his project until he was completely sure he was happy with it. 
That’s what led to him being glued here for days. 
That’s what led to the need that’s been left to engulf you. 
“You’re quiet today.”
Donnie proved to have a certain talent to be vigilant of what was happening around him even while immersed in his screens. There had been days when you would be telling him stories as his fingers flew across the keys and he would hear every single word. 
“Sorry,” you watched as he pulled away from his notes and drawings and flexed his fingers. “Just distracted.”
“Do you want to watch a movie tonight?” You knew the answer by the way his eyes guiltily flicked quickly to his work then back to you. He was trying to figure out how much time these machines would take. He had finished ten, and wanted to create more so that there was enough to cover the city. 
He hated the way your face fell, hated even more that it was because of him. “I’m sorry, dove. It won’t be long before I finish all of this, then we can do whatever you want. I promise.”
“You don’t want to take a break?”
“I took a break the other day.” He said defensively. 
“You mean when Raph forced you to go to bed?”
He feigned offense. “I lost a lot of valuable time, then.” He was trying to make you smile, and the gesture alone brought a small one to your face. 
He leaned back in his chair, his eyes staying focused on you. 
“Come here,” He placed his elbows on the arm rests of his chair, opening his arms. Part of you wanted to be spiteful, to stay planted in your seat. But that part was much smaller than the temptation of being close to him. 
You curled up in his lap the way you had so many times before. His arms felt so familiar to you as they encased you. You laid your chin on his shoulder as his hands moved around your back. 
“I’m sorry,” He whispered as his fingers combed through your hair. “I know I can get caught up.” 
The guilt you felt washed away the rest of your anger, which flooded out with a sigh against his skin. “It’s ok. I know it isn’t your fault.”
He pressed a kiss to your shoulder before pulling you up so he could look at you. “How about we watch a movie in here? I could pull it up on one of my monitors.” 
You felt yourself fill with warmth at how much he wanted to see you happy. The effort he always made to make sure you didn’t feel neglected. 
“That would be nice.” His heart swelled at the sight of you smiling. He pressed a kiss to your lips, one that was supposed to be quick, innocent. Then he did it again. And again. Then his hand cupped the back of your head, fingers tangling in your hair. 
It was almost embarrassing how much desire rolled through you from something so simple. You knew he could tell as he inhaled deeply through his nose, inviting your scent in eagerly. 
His hands slid to your hips as he savored the feeling of your lips on his, basking in the heat of your body. You felt him harden underneath you as his grip tightened. 
Slowly, you rolled your hips against his bulge. His whole body stiffened as he took in a sharp breath. He began guiding your hips to move at the speed he wanted, which unfortunately, was slow.
Even then, the friction was making your limbs numb, the only important part of you being the one touching him. His small moans would fold against your lips as he moved you faster. His hand slid up the back of your shirt, moving up your skin until he found the clasps of your bra, and you felt your heart race.
It was then his phone started ringing. And your heart dropped to the floor. 
Part of you hoped he would ignore it completely, and you deflated even more when he pulled away to check who was calling. He looked at you apologetically.
“It’s Vincent.” You pressed your forehead to his shoulder in defeat. His sigh had a hint of amusement in it. “Give me just one second. Just to make sure everything’s okay.”
You nodded as you climbed off his lap, returning to your seat. 
He answered and began speaking, you could tell he was trying to rush. He listened to her concern, then shut his eyes and let out a breath, once again looking guilty.
“She wants to ask about the placements of the devices.” He explained. After a moment, you realized he was asking you if you were alright with him answering her. You felt the sting of annoyance about the timing, but you nodded, waving him on with a flick of your hand. 
He reached out and squeezed your knee before turning his eyes to the monitor that had a map of New York, littered with purple dots indicating where he wanted to install his systems. He began listing off street names to her as you watched his lips move. 
Your eyes slid down his chest, guided by the strain of his straps, coming to a stop of his hard cock still pressing against his pants. Slowly, you rolled your chair toward him. He spared a brief glance to you before listing off more places on his map. He paused in between each one, making you think she must be writing them down.
Your hands slowly reached for him, your palms flattening on his knees. He looked at you, confused, until he saw the smirk on your face and your body moving to the edge of your chair. He pieced it together quickly after that.
He watched with a look that was a mix of disbelief and challenge as you slid to your knees in front of him. You didn’t look away from his eyes throughout any of your movements. He didn’t have to say anything for you to know the look meant, Don’t you dare. 
He then seemed to remember he was supposed to be responding, jolting a little. “What’s that?” He cleared his throat to try and mask that his voice had gotten high. “Yes, I’m planning on placing them the same distance from one another.” His hand squeezed his phone while the other was gripping the arm rest. You reached for the hem of his pants, undoing his belt and zipper before he became exposed to you. 
You slowly wrapped your hand around him, not yet moving, only applying the pressure. It was enough to have him breathing heavily, taking the lower half of the phone further away from his face to muffle it. 
His ability to divide his focus suddenly disappeared as he asked Vincent to repeat her question, giving her an answer you weren’t paying attention to. Your hand began a steady pace, his hips twitching slightly toward you.
There was a new fire lit in his eyes. He watched as you leaned forward to press kisses along the base. You ran your tongue up his shaft, stopping to swirl it around the head.
He bit his fist keeping his noise down as he glared at you. The spark in his eyes never dimmed though, he had been missing this just as much as you have. He missed the feeling of your hands on him. He missed the way your warm mouth felt wrapped around him. He missed being able to watch your eyes tear up as you took him as far back in your throat as you could manage. 
You took the head of his cock in your mouth, sucking gently on it before releasing. You kept your eyes on him, knowing that by now you’re on the way to driving him insane. 
You took him in again, pushing down further this time, as far as you could go. Your hand stroked the rest of him as your head began bobbing along his length. 
His head pressed the back of his chair as he began answering anything with one word sentences or with simple ‘mhm’s. 
Heat was traveling through you at the sight, spreading through every vessel in your body. His eyes clenched shut for a moment as he concentrated on staying silent. 
Finally, they began saying their goodbyes. 
“I’ll be able to finish them up soon,” His eyes full of lust as he looked at you, “I have something I need to deal with first.” His voice flowed against you like water as a new surge of excitement ran through you. 
You released him with a pop as he hung the phone up, still stroking him with a small grin on your face. He dropped his phone on his desk and ran his fingers through your hair. 
“That needy, huh? Do you need it that badly?” His hand moved to cup your chin. You began to stand, but he placed a hand on your shoulder. “Finish me off, then I’ll give you what you want.”
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alocon · 8 months
Still Irresistible [2] - Lando Norris
Lando Norris x Fem!Reader
written by alocon
Summary: Despite all hope, Lando never lost his feelings for his best friend's twin sister. However, he still hadn't acted on it. Well, that was until the party, which led you two into a long-term secret relationship
Warnings and Tropes: Fluff, part 2 to the story released the other day.
[Part One Here] [Part Three Here] [Part Four Here] [Masterlist]
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Irresistible - LN⁴ x Fem!Reader
"Lando Norris"
You two had never broken apart as quickly as you did just then. The pair of you had been in your kitchen, cooking together for the arrival of P and Max. You had forgotten that he had a key. He quickly placed another kiss on your lips before stepping back, sitting on the counter beside you just in time for your brother to walk in.
"Hello, beautiful," P said, walking over to you to place a kiss on your cheek. You greeted her back, returning the gesture.
You and Lando had, expertly, invited the pair for dinner. They didn't know that you and Lando were together. I mean, God. Max would surely kill you for it. Which is exactly why this wasn't a double date. It was simply two roommates, one roommates brother and the brother's girlfriend having dinner.
It wouldn't be the first double date that you two had. You had also had some with Alex and Lily, as those two had witnessed your first kiss at the club 8 months prior and had a few with Oscar and Lily, who had only found out about you because Lando accidentally slipped up when he was speaking. Other than that, though, no one knew. You travelled to a lot of his races with him, so, of course, there were rumours about the two of you. However, Max was not suspicious as that had happened since he started driving in Formula One. It was how the sport went. Racing on Friday-Sunday, Rumours from Monday-Wednesday, Answering those rumours on Thursday. It was just part of the sport.
The group of you began to discuss how you had been, how things had been going. You all stood in the kitchen talking so that you could cook and still be involved. "What about you, Lan? Have you found someone yet, mate?"
Almost as if it was rehearsed (it was), Lando began to use his excuse. You both had agreed that, had this question came up, you would say you weren't, and he could choose on the day. "There's someone I'm interested in. She's great. We've talked, but I haven't taken her out on a proper date yet." You smiled as you stirred the pot of pasta. Smart, you thought. Technically, it's not a lie. He hadn't taken you out on an official date, just you two, but you had been on double dates, and you had also had many dates in the house. And when you went out in public together, it wasn't considered an official date, so no one was suspicious. Didn't mean you both didn't consider them dates.
"That's great, mate. It's about time you got yourself out there. I swear, since we were little, it was always 'yeah there's someone I like but we can't be together', I had started thinking that you might love my sister." Max let out a chuckle as you thanked God that you were facing away from him as you listened in, more intrigued. You decided to start teasing Lando.
"Awwe. Used to have a little crush on me, did you?"
Lando picked up on the usual jokey-flirting and decided to hit back. "Nope. Can't stand you."
"Yeah, yeah, that's why you used to get super nervous talking to me when we were 13." You turned to him, watching as his face flushed slightly red out of being called out. He was only able to mumble a 'shut up' in response, making you and Max laugh.
"Doesn't surprise me, I was amazing and very funny and beautiful growing up."
"Still are. Except for the beautiful part," He quickly added the last part onto his sentence as he spoke too quickly for that to be considered friendly. Max eyed him before turning away. You began to plate up the pasta and sent Max off to go set the table, P opting to follow him. "That was close," Lando whispered to you, causing you to wack him gently.
"God, Lan. Watch what you say," you responded, placing your hand on his face to pull him in for a quick kiss. That kiss turned into a longer one, though, as he clearly didn't want to break away from it.
"Right. Make yourself useful." You said, pulling away before they could get caught. You passed him two plates. "Go take these out please. This one is P's, this one is Max's."
"Yes ma'am. Do I get paid with another kiss?"
You rolled your eyes, placing another peck to his lips before he grinned, heading out of the room with the plates.
You grabbed the other two, following suit and placing them on the table. "Right, I'll be back in a second, I'm going to run some food over to Martine."
"Alright, tell her I say hi," Lando responded as you went to the kitchen.
A look of confusion appeared on Max's face. "Who's Martine?"
"Our neighbour. She's 60, and she's been struggling a lot recently because her husband passed last month, so we've been taking her food and inviting her over for dinner so she isn't lonely."
"Aw, that's lovely!" P said, smiling as the door shut.
You stepped across the hallway, knocking the door of your neighbour opposite. After a few minutes, she answered. "Hi. How are you?"
"I'm good, how are you doing? We have some extra food, so I wanted to bring it over for you." You passed her the tub of food, and she smiled gratefully.
"Oh, thank you, dear. I'm feeling a little better than yesterday. It's getting easier day by day, you know?"
You nodded in response, accepting the hug she offered you. "Would you like to come over for dinner again on Friday? Like we have been doing the past few weeks?"
"Are you sure it wouldn't be too much bother?"
"Not at all. I would've invited you over today, but my brother and his girlfriend are over for dinner, and I remember you saying that big groups got a little overwhelming for you."
"Ah right, having a double date, are you?"
You shook your head. "No, my brother doesn't know about Lando and I. Lando says hi by the way."
"Oh, do tell him I say hi back. How come your brother doesn't know? Haven't you been together for 8 months now?"
You grinned cheekily in response to her question. She was such an angel. You absolutely loved Martine. She was hands down the sweetest neighbour you had. "Lando was Max's best friend before he was my boyfriend, so Max would be a little upset if he found out."
"Oh, right. Well, you can't decide who you fall in love with, darling." You heard a door open behind you. "Love is something you can't really control. If you feel like someone is really, really right for you, he probably is, you know?"
You froze when you heard a voice behind you. "Uh. Sorry, who are you in love with?"
Martine turned to your brother. "Oh, hello, you must be the brother. I've heard a lot about you. Don't mind our conversation, dear. I was just telling her about my daughter and her new boyfriend. I'm Martine."
'Martine, you legend,' you thought as she smiled sweetly and innocently.
"Oh right, I'm Max." He shook her hand before looking at you. "Where's the red wine?" You turned to see Lando poking his head around the door too, shooting you a wink.
"Top cupboard, right at the back. I had to put it back there because someone..." You paused to dramatically look at Lando. "Smashed up the last bottle we had."
"It was an accident."
"Yep. And now I have to Lando-proof everything." You turned to Martine. "Right, Martine. I'll leave you, your daughter and her boyfriend, be. Do tell them I say hi."
"Of course, dear. It was lovely to see you, as always. See you Friday."
You three headed back inside, Max heading to grab the wine.
Sitting at the table, you and P waited patiently for the return of Max and Lando. You made friendly conversation, as always. You two always got along quite well. P looked around for any signs of the boys before leaning towards you. "So... Anyone you're interested in?"
You looked at the woman. She knew something. You sighed, shrugging. "There is someone I am interested in. Please don't tell Max though, we both know he'll get all protective twin about this."
She nodded. "Do I get to know who? Because I could take a few guesses."
You shook your head. "Maybe some other time when people can't listen in."
She understood, luckily, and it was only a few moments until the boys reappeared, laughing away as they carried the wine glasses in. Lando sat beside you, gently giving your hand a quick squeeze under the table.
Dinner went normally, you all talked and messed about, the usual. You then all retreated to the living room to play some games.
"Oh fuck you!" Max wasn't happy as you crossed the line once again to take first place, having barely overtaken him just before the end due to an ability you had saved. "You cheated!"
"You can't cheat in Mario Kart, Max. Stop bitching because I'm better."
"Right," Lando spoke up before they could continue arguing. "Bed time, I think. What do you think?" The other 3 of you nodded in agreement. Max and P would be staying over so Lando had given up his room, stating that he was more than happy to sleep on the pull out sofa bed in your room.
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You were laid down on your bed as Lando locked the door, Max and P having already retreated to Lando's room and P having already fallen asleep. Lando was the last to come to bed. He took his shirt off, placing it on your chair before removing his jeans so he was only in boxers. He slid into bed beside you, his arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you into him. He let out a soft, content noise as you cuddled up closer to him. "I've missed doing this."
"Lan, it's only been a few hours," you noted as one of his hands ran up to play with your hair.
"A few hours too long, being away from you sucks so bad."
"What are you going to do when you go off to races, then?"
"I don't know." He looked down at you, placing a kiss on your forehead. "You could always come with me."
You looked up to meet his eyes. "To which ones?"
"All of them." He paused, taking some time to admire your face, to watch the way to smiled softly. "Every. Single. One." He placed kisses to your lips between each word before placing his forehead against yours, looking into your eyes.
"Okay? You will come to more races with me?" His eyes lit up as he thought of all the time you could spend cuddling after his races.
"Lando." You stopped speaking a second, your hand moving to the side of his face, thumb gently moving over his cheek. "I would go anywhere that you asked me to."
He pulled you into another hug, his head on top of yours, squeezing you tight, not wanting to let go. He whispered a few I love you's to you, placing kisses all over your face as he spoke. He then placed another to your lips, a longer one than previous. One full of love, adoration. One that made you feel that you two were the only people in the world. One that made you feel like nothing else ever mattered. One that showed you that, no matter what Max thinks when he finds out about your relationship, it really doesn't matter. As long as he had you, everything was perfect and how it should be. You balanced him, you showed him the love that he always dreamt of being shown. You showed him what adoring someone truly felt like. And he found you irresistible. He would always find you irresistible.
-The End-
[Word Count - 2,012]
Hi All,
Another part to the Lando Norris "Irresistible" story because I thought the first part could do with a part two. Hope you are all well, as always, have a lovely day x
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t-lostinworlds · 10 months
Treasure Be Damned | Nathan Drake
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》 PAIRING: movie!nathan drake x female!reader
》 TROPE/GENRE: childhood best friends to lovers; angst; fluff
》 SUMMARY: Nathan wished it didn't take something drastic to happen for him to finally realize what he felt for you. And no matter how much that gold was worth, you will always be his greatest treasure.
》 WARNINGS: both are orphans (mentioned), tech genius!reader, protective!nathan, switch pov halfway thru, kinda canon divergent (a.k.a. i made slight changes to some scenes from the movie), pining, jealousy jealousy, idiots in love, some angst, kidnapping, canon level violence, injuries, love confessions and a cute fluffy ending.
》 WORD COUNT: 5.4k+
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A/N: hello! me again with another fic. this may seem super random but this was commissioned by the lovely @theslayerofthevampires ! thank u so so much hun <3 my first ever commission btw. trying to stick to a certain word count was actually quite interesting to me alskalsk but this was fun to write and i hope i did it justice!
+ also i couldn't think of a better title and the summary is kinda cheesy but we love cheese in this house so alksalkslaks
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⊱ ─────.⋅♚ *。・゚.★. *。・゚✫*.
You and Nathan had been best friends for as long as you could remember.
When he punched a guy twice his size all because they made you cry on your first day at the orphanage, he quickly gained your trust and loyalty. It was reciprocated when you dumped all your lunch on a kid when they poked fun about why his brother left him.
You two had been inseparable ever since.
Nathan was protective of you, and you were protective of him.
As years passed, that protectiveness only grew tenfold. With it came the care and affection that went from strictly platonic to something warmer, sweeter.
For you, at least.
You couldn't pinpoint when it started, all you knew was that everything Nathan did for you suddenly felt special—like it was solely for you.
The change wasn't outright. It was a slow realization, when the little things he did made your heart grow warmer and beat faster all the same.
At first, you thought it was a simple crush—a silly phase, that with time, it would fade.
But no.
As months moved to years, it went from something that lingered to something you couldn't escape from.
The moment you truly figured that what you felt about him wasn't as simple as an adoration for your best friend was on your eighteenth birthday.
Nathan had spent all the money he saved from working odd—and honest, he made sure to make that known—jobs on a silver necklace.
Maybe you watched way too many romcoms, maybe it was all in your rose-tinted head, but there was an underlying romance in the way he stood behind you, so close and warm, as he put the necklace on for you.
With bated breath, you let him, trying your best not to melt over his simple touch. His fingertips brushed against your skin so delicately but felt electric in all the right ways.
You only regained your breathing when he finally stepped back. Yet he took it away a moment later when he gently tapped the charm—shaped like a compass—sitting between your collarbone, a fond smile on his lips when he said,
"So you'll always find your way back to me."
How could you not fall in love?
What a cliché.
Falling in love with your childhood best friend.
It would've been cute if it was reciprocated.
But whatever he saw you as was strictly platonic.
You were constantly reminded of how unrequited your love was with the hook-ups he brought back to the apartment.
You had agreed to be his roommate to help lessen the expenses. Even though you had only recently moved in together, you were starting to doubt if it was a good idea—for your heart's sake, anyway.
It didn't even stop there.
Because here you were once again, sporting an ache in your chest as you watched him flirt with a blonde girl at the bar.
As much as you enjoyed visiting him at work, seeing him flirt with the pretty customers regularly will always leave a bad taste in your mouth.
A feeling you shouldn't be entertaining in the first place. You were just a best friend. You had no right to go all green-eyed whenever you saw him with another girl.
Nathan Drake wasn't yours.
You didn't even realize that you were too deep into your thoughts until a familiar voice brought you out of it.
"You okay?"
You blinked, looking up to see Nathan regarding you with brows furrowed in concern.
"You've been glaring at that thing for a good minute now," he explained, nodding at the personalized cocktail he made for you.
He always did that whenever you stopped by, experimenting with new mixes he thought you'd enjoy solely based on how well he knew you. You give him your honest feedback in return. It was your own little game.
"Is it bad?"
"No, no, no," you said, taking a sip before smiling. "I liked it."
"Just 'like', damn. I need to step up my game," he sighed in feigned disappointment. When you didn't react as much, he added, "What's wrong?"
Nathan looked at you for a moment, lips pursed as he shook his head.
"You're such a bad liar."
"I'm not," you scoffed, playfully rolling your eyes. "You just know me so well."
"I do," he hummed, grin turning proud. "I also know when something's bothering you so, what's up?"
"Girl things." You shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant. You could tell it confused him, because he was never uncomfortable to talk about those topics with you. But before he could even question it, you quickly added, "I think I'm going to head home first. You didn't forget your keys, right?"
"That was one time," he grumbled, eyeing you for a moment because he obviously didn't buy your excuse. A second later, he sighed, "Yeah, I got my keys."
"Okay, See you later," you said, gathering up your things before walking towards the door.
"Let me know if you get home safe," he called out.
You only threw him a salute in response.
It was the harsh light from the huge window in the living room that woke you up.
You must have fallen asleep on the couch in the middle of watching your comfort movie—a poor attempt at trying to distract yourself from your lovelorn predicament.
Who knew dealing with feelings could be so exhausting?
It was the smell of bacon that coaxed you out of your cocoon, though. 
"Good morning, sleepyhead," Nathan greeted as soon as you stepped into the kitchen. He threw you a warm smile over his shoulder before he continued making breakfast—shirtless, might you add. "There are painkillers beside your water in case your neck is killing you. I would've carried you back to your bed but you kick in your sleep and I've learned my lesson so…"
It did happen once.
He was trying to coax you off the couch and back into the comfort of your bed. But as he got closer, your leg having a mind of its own when you were deeply asleep, you kicked him straight in his jewels—his words, not yours.
The loud thud of him falling on the floor didn't even shake you awake, not even when he was groaning in pain. 
You couldn't even remember any of it.
"How many times do I have to apologize for you to let that go?" you chuckled, settling at your usual seat at the small dining table you had.
"Not enough," he snorted. "I still feel the phantom of the kick, you know."
"You're so dramatic." You rolled your eyes, glancing around only to catch a glimpse of that old yet familiar green trunk. It was then you noticed some of his old stuff littered around, trinkets and memorabilia he hadn't looked at in a while. Just as you were about to question him about it, you saw the excited look on his face. You narrowed your eyes, asking, "Did I miss something?"
"Quite a lot, actually," he chuckled, sauntering over to you with your breakfast for the day. Putting the full plate in front of you, Nathan leaned down and quickly kissed your forehead. "Eat. I'll tell you all about it."
You ignored the phantom of his lips on your skin.
A treasure hunt.
Nathan dragged you into a treasure hunt.
You didn't trust this Victor Sullivan guy, but Nate seemed to be adamant about finding this gold in hopes of finding Sam too. And you trust your best friend's judgment so that made Sully a friend of your best friend, much to your dismay.
"Do I look okay?" you asked, straightening out your long, black evening gown as you emerged out of the makeshift changing room.
When you didn't hear an answer, you looked up to see Nathan staring at you with a certain look in his eyes.
Your face warmed. "What?"
"Okay?" he scoffed, shaking his head as if he was offended by the word you used. With a gentle smile, he gestured at you with both hands. "You look beautiful."
"Thanks. You don't look bad yourself," you responded with a shy smile, unable to hold his gaze for much longer. You fixed your entangled necklace, instead.
"Here, let me," he said, quickly walking over to you to straighten it out, his touch featherlight against your skin. "It's a gorgeous necklace. The guy who gave this to you has good taste."
"If good taste means licking his own ass, then, it's a bit questionable."
"Okay, gross," he playfully grimaced. "All I'm saying is that I picked the right one for you."
"You did." You smiled fondly. 
"Perfect," he hummed with a smile, his gaze slowly trailing from your necklace up to your eyes, his next words barely even a whisper. "You're perfect."
You didn't know if it was even meant for your ears but you could only stand there, staring into his brown eyes that seemed to shift from one emotion to another.
Nathan was about to say something when Sully came out of nowhere with that grumpy look on his face.
"Why are we bringing her again?" he asked as if you weren't standing in front of him.
"She's a genius with computers," Nathan said, a bite in his tone. "She's going to help us get through any security tech easy breezy."
Sully narrowed his eyes between you two before shrugging.
"Fine," he grumbled, looking you up and down before walking away. "We leave in ten minutes."
"I don't think he likes me very much," you sighed once the door shut.
"I don't think he likes anyone," Nathan said, smiling at you reassuringly. "Don't take it personally."
And you didn't. Truly.
But when you got to the auction house, it definitely felt more personal when the old man wouldn't tell you anything.
No communication. No updates. No information. Nothing.
Only when you ask Nathan directly were you able to get a grasp of what was going on or when to proceed to the next step—if he wasn't distracted.
With the countless pretty ladies dressed to the nines, you best believe he wasn't anywhere near focused.
You were angry because this was a dire situation. One wrong move could get you guys caught. You were too goddamn young for prison.
You definitely weren't bitter over something else.
"Do you always feel the need to flirt with anything that walks?" you spat when he finally reached the door you'd been trying so hard to keep open without getting caught. It took him three minutes more since he was busy chatting up some random trust fund girl.
"I wasn't—Jesus," he grunted, the door hitting him on the way as you walked past it.
You couldn't be bothered to wait anymore. You didn't look back and simply sped walk towards the power switch.
"You're upset," Nathan said once he caught up with you.
"I'm not upset," you grumbled. "I'm annoyed."
"It's the same thing."
"It's fucking not."
"Okay, geez," he conceded, pouting, "What'd I do?"
"What aren't you doing?" you asked sarcastically, harshly tapping on your phone as you tried to decode the security lock on the main switch. "Oh right, focusing on your job!"
"Christ, do you two always bicker like an old married couple?"
"Shut up!" you and Nathan barked synchronously.
Shaking your head, you calmed yourself, punching in the security code.
"Look, I'm sorry, alright? I was just trying to scope potential—"
You glared at him.
"I'm shutting up."
"Just do your thing. I want this over and done with," you grumbled, stepping aside once the circuit box finally opened.
"You're a genius," he praised with a smile, placing a quick kiss on your forehead. "Thank you."
You wished you could say everything went smooth sailing from there, but when did it ever?
Everything happened so fast.
One minute you two were walking out of the control room, the next you were being chased down but huge men.
Running in heels was not fun.
And then it was a blur, someone grabbing your arm in a way that made you scream in pain to Nathan tackling the guy to the ground, landing blow after blow to his face until blood started to splatter on the suit he was wearing.
"Touch her again and I'll kill you."
You'd never seen him so angry before.
But that anger quickly disappeared when he fussed over you, hands soft against your cheeks yet the panic and worry were evident in his eyes.
It took several 'I'm fine's and a couple more reassurances that you weren't badly hurt to get him to fully calm down and help you up so you could get out of this place.
Unbeknownst to you, there were curious eyes watching everything closely with a knowing yet wicked smile on her lips.
You thought the feeling of being outcasted was only a small blip at the auction house.
But you were so wrong.
"What happened to you?" you asked when he finally met up with you at the church in Barcelona, soaking wet from head to toe.
"Long story."
"So you brought your girlfriend with you" A girl—Chloe, you later learned—suddenly appeared.
"She's not my girlfriend," Nathan quickly corrected.
Yes, it was true.
But the way he shut it down so quickly as if the thought made him hurl made the sting harsher.
It didn't take long for you to notice how Nathan seemed to be following Chloe around a lot.
So much so that you were becoming more of an afterthought.
They were always conspiring amongst themselves. It was in their line of expertise, you supposed, and you were just the tech girl. But it wasn't like you were clueless about it. Nate has told you enough stories for you to get the gist of what was going on.
It was getting pathetic, trailing behind them like some puppy, wanting to feel included.
When Nathan argued with Sully that you were not leaving his side when it was time to split up, you could only laugh at it now.
What was the point when you were immediately alone when you got into the tunnels?
Even more as you stood by yourself at the club, watching him dance with Chloe, so close, in the guise of blending in.
Maybe if you weren't distracted you would've noticed the man sneaking up behind you. You would've been able to run before he could grab you from behind, hand over your mouth as he started dragging you backward. And maybe you were quite good at kicking someone's jewels when you hit the jackpot the first time, enabling you to escape and scream for help.
You were yelling Nathan's name, but it was the loud gunshot that caught his attention.
It was heartbreaking to think that it took you getting shot in the leg for him to fully acknowledge you.
You were overwhelmed with too many emotions that you became numb, simply letting them take you back to the safe house in silence.
"I'm sorry," he whispered as he sat by your temporary bed, carefully wrapping the bandage on your thigh after he cleaned it. Thankfully, the bullet was only meant to slow you down, not kill. "I'm supposed to be looking out for you."
"It's fine," you sighed. You knew he was being sincere. He looked thoroughly distraught when he saw you drop to the ground. You knew it wasn't his fault, and you knew he was already blaming himself enough. But with the pain and bitterness—both physically and emotionally—you couldn't stop it. "You were busy. I get it."
He frowned. "What's with that tone?" 
"There's no tone," you grumbled, avoiding his gaze.
"You're annoyed."
You shook your head. "I'm not annoyed.'
"So…you're upset," he hummed, reaching for your hands. You pulled away, carefully getting comfortable on the bed.
"I'm going to sleep," you sighed, pulling the covers over you.
Nathan got the hint, standing from his seat with a sigh, "Okay, goodnight, just…call me if you need anything."
So when you woke up in the middle of the night when a sudden sting went up your leg, you quickly yet carefully got out of bed to look for him.
You wish you hadn't bothered.
The last thing you wanted to see was him and Chloe getting cozy on the balcony, a bottle of wine between them.
You figured you weren't important enough to interrupt their moment. Besides, the ache in your leg couldn't compare to the absolute pain in your heart. It only intensified when they started leaning toward each other.
So you quickly went back to bed, tainting the pillowcase with salted tears.
"Here." Nathan kneeled in front of the foot of the bed, tying your shoelaces for you. "So, I've been thinking…"
"Uh oh," you joked.
"Maybe you should sit this one out."
Your smile quickly got wiped off your face.
Nathan glanced at the door. You followed his gaze, catching a glimpse of Chloe before she hurriedly walked away.
You pressed your lips, nodding in understanding.
"It's not what you think it is," Nathan placated.
"Sure it's not," you scoffed.
"Look, you're injured and—"
You stood up, abruptly cutting him off. You grabbed your bag, limping around the room as you gathered your stuff.
"Woah careful, your wound is still fresh," Nathan followed you around, arms out in case you stumbled. "What are you doing?"
"Leaving. That's what you wanted, right?"
"What? No!" he rushed, hands on your shoulder, stopping you. "What I meant was, you need to recover first."
"Right," you scoffed, shrugging him off before you continued packing. "Because  it's going to be dangerous and you're looking out for me, trying to protect me and all that bullshit."
"It's not bullshit!"
"You know, after all we've been through, I thought I could count on you to at least be honest with me," you said bitterly.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means," you pressed, harshly zipping up your bag. "If you wanted me out of the picture, you could've just said so."
Shaking his head, he argued, "That's not it."
"Maybe," you said, looking him straight in the eyes. "But fewer people, more gold to go around, right?"
That rendered him silent.
"You've known me your whole life," he started, hurt flickering in his irises. "You really think I'd do that to you?"
"I don't know anymore, Nate." You threw your hands up exasperatedly. "Because ever since you met them, I barely recognize you anymore. You've been wanting their approval so bad you're getting desperate for it. 
"And I always thought that when we get the chance to find this treasure, we'll do it together, side by side like we always do. But all I've done this whole time is be a third wheel to whatever this is." You gestured at him and the door, laughing sarcastically. "Fourth, if you include Sully."
"That's not true," he argued weakly, realization dawning on his face.
"You whisper among yourselves, nobody tells me a fucking thing, you don't even tell me anything anymore! I'm always left chasing after you because you couldn't be bothered waiting for me to catch up. Fine, I might not know everything about this treasure but it'd be nice to get filled in every once in a while instead of leaving me clueless! Hell, you're starting to forget you brought your best friend with you—"
"I didn't forget about you—"
"You didn't even notice I was getting dragged away until I was shot!"
Nathan looked away.
"All of you are always excluding me and it sucks," your voice cracked, blinking away unshed tears. "And don't think I didn't see you conspiring with Chloe last night."
He looked confused. "Last night?"
"When I came looking for my best friend for help because my leg was hurting like a bitch but I didn't want to be a cockblock so, you're welcome."
"You're not—" Nathan cleared his throat, shoulders slumping, looking at you apologetically. "Y/N…"
You shook your head, harshly wiping at your eyes, putting your jacket on. "The more it goes on, the more I think that you just brought me along because it was convenient for you. Now that I'm considered a liability, gotta leave the extra baggage right?"
"That's not fucking true!" he gritted, pulling his hair frustratedly. "You're part of this as much as I am!"
"Right. Where are we going next?"
Nathan blubbered like a fish out of water.
"That's what I thought," you scoffed, slipping your backpack on.
"Wait, dammit," he cursed when you walked past him, chasing after you into the living room. Frustrated, he called out, "All I'm asking is for you to sit this part out because you're hurt."
You stopped, slowly facing him.
"I never thought that the loneliest I'd ever feel is when I'm supporting you to chase this dream you'd been wanting ever since you were a kid," you admitted, chest tightening as you stared into his troubled brown eyes. "So, I'm not sitting this one out, Nate, I'm done." 
You shoved the cross right on his chest.
"Have fun on your honeymoon," you said, bumping his shoulder as you walked out the door.
You never looked back.
Nathan was smart in a lot of different aspects. But emotions and feelings?
Oh he was stupid as fuck.
He wished it didn't take something drastic to happen for him to accept what he truly felt for you.
Part of him was relieved because at least you weren't there when the plane fiasco happened, especially with your injury. He was appeasing his guilt by telling himself that you were safer this way.
Nathan wouldn't know what to do with himself if something worse happened to you.
But as he was decoding the postcards Sam sent—a difficult task to focus on when he couldn't stop worrying about you so much—Chloe suddenly came in with a package.
"It has your name on it."
He opened it confused, but nothing could prepare him for what was inside.
The dread and fear started to creep up his spine when he held the silver necklace he gave you.
You never took this off.
As he emptied the box in a rush, photos upon photos of you tied up and gagged, beaten and bruised with blood tainting your delicate skin, Nathan felt like his entire heart was taken from him.
'The map or her. Choose wisely.'
It came in flashes, moments where you'd been there for each other, the joy and heartbreak, success and failures—you were always there, his one constant.
Then came the moments where he dreamed about you and him, doing things best friends shouldn't be doing.
He always knew what he felt about you but he shoved it down in fear of ruining the friendship you'd built over the years. But now? Denying it seemed insignificant. Now there was a chance he wouldn't be able to tell you at all.
Nathan was losing the love of his life.
"That didn't take long," Braddock laughed sardonically, standing up from a large rock nestled on the beach somewhere in the Philippines.
"Where is she," Nathan growled, the tube map holder slung on his back.
Braddock nodded at one of her men, Nathan's heart sinking to his stomach when they dragged you in, your yelp piercing his chest when they shoved you on the sand.
Nathan instinctively tried to run for you.
"Not so fast," Braddock hummed, clicking her gun before pressing it on the back of your head. "How do I know this isn't a trick?"
"I think you already figured out I don't play games when it comes to her."
"Well, let's see," she challenged. "On your knees, Drake."
"N-Nate," you whimpered, adamantly shaking your head. Even in your state, you were still trying to protect him.
"It's okay," he reassured with a smile, hands up as he did as told.
Braddock grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled you closer to where he was.
He stifled his anger. But best believe he'd already plotted so many ways to make Braddock suffer for what she did to you.
But one wrong move could cost your life.
"Hand it over."
"Untie her."
Braddock rolled her eyes but did so anyway.
"Hey, hey, look at me," Nathan whispered, your tear-filled eyes meeting his. He lifted his chin once, gaze flickering behind you. "I got you, okay? You're going to be okay."
"Enough with this sappy bullshit. Hand over the map or she dies."
Nathan slowly grabbed the map, only to throw it away as far as possible.
On cue, a huge explosion distracted Braddock enough for you to abruptly stand on your feet, hitting her under the chin with your head.
"You bitch!" she yelled, dropping the gun.
Nathan quickly pulled you aside and grabbed the weapon. With no remorse, he shot Braddock on both thighs, once more on the arm to be petty.
He'd do much worse if you weren't on borrowed time.
Nathan grabbed your hand and made a run for it.
The silence was tense.
But Nathan was focused on taking care of you first.
He was busy enough trying not to cry whenever he'd discover a new cut and bruise on you that he couldn't even dwell on the fact that you were showering together. You were both in your underwear, but still.
It was when he had you sitting on the counter as he patched you up when you spoke.
"You didn't have to do all that for me."
"You know, it hurts me so much that you think I wouldn't take a bullet for you," he sighed, finishing up a bandage before meeting your glossy eyes. "You're more important to me than you think you are."
"No, I know it's just—" You bit your bruised lip. Nathan quickly pulled it away with his thumb, not wanting you to worsen your injury. You leaned into his touch as you continued, "You've been dreaming of this since you were a kid and I feel like I've ruined it for you."
"You didn't ruin anything."
"But you should be out there looking for the gold," you said. "Instead you're stuck here with me."
"Listen to me, if I had to choose between that gold and—" He took a breath, holding your face in both hands as he stared at you longingly. "The woman I'm hopelessly in love with then…"
Nathan breathed out with a smile, "Fuck that gold."
You stared at him in a way that made him believe that he'd done it.
He'd finally ruined your friendship to a point of no return.
That until you broke out into the sweetest, brightest smile that made his heart grow and his knees weak all the same.
"It's not as hopeless as you think it is."
Nathan felt like his heart was about to burst.
"Yeah?" He grinned, giddy and warm, gently parting your legs and stepping a little closer.
You let him into your space. But suddenly your brows furrowed, frowning. "What about you and Chloe?"
"So you were jealous."
"There's no me and Chloe," he reassured, gently taking your hands, kissing the insides of your wrists before placing them on his shoulders. "Maybe I got the incredibly stupid idea to make you jealous—I know, baby, I'm an idiot—but she shot that down real quick."
"Those times you've seen me with her, all I kept talking about was you," he admitted, blushing. "I'm sure she'd grown sick of me being lovesick."
Nathan probably talked her ear out about how hopelessly in love he was with you, seeking advice on what to do because it was the one thing he couldn't go to you about.
She had been really helpful, pushing him to confess because it was better you know before it's too late, and that in this line of work, you'd never know when that would be.
If only he hadn't let his cowardness win.
"She argued with me that leaving you behind was a bad idea, and if I listened to her I—" He pressed his forehead against yours with a shaky breath. "I'm sorry."
"I know you like to take all the blame but this isn't your fault," you hummed, fingers combing the straggles of hair on the nape of his neck.
"It kind of is," he pressed, eyes watering as he thought about what he dragged you into.
He couldn't stop thinking about the pain you'd gone through all because he was being reckless. For as long as he could remember, he made a vow to himself to always keep you safe no matter what. Yet here he was, failing at that—failing you.
"I'm sorry for being such a shitty best friend this past week," he said, caressing the apples of your cheeks.
"You were pretty shitty," you teased, though he could see the way your body relaxed a little. He could tell that you appreciated hearing his apology. It must've been weighing on you since you left.
It made his heart ache.
"I was and I'm sorry," he said regretfully. "I guess I just got so caught up in this whole treasure-hunting thing that I lost sight of what's truly important to me. But still, it's no excuse. I was the one who dragged you into this, I should've been attentive enough."
You turned your head and kissed his palm, a silent way of saying it was okay. He felt like he was about to melt.
"And I'm sorry for taking so goddamn long to tell you how I feel," Nathan admitted.
"Yeah well," you hummed, smiling at him sweetly. "We're both at fault on that one,"
"Still, I'm sorry," he whispered, brushing the tip of his nose against yours. "For everything."
You nodded, a smile on your lips. "I can't say I forgive yet—"
"But hey," you hummed, leaning closer. "You have plenty of time to grovel and make up for it."
Nathan chuckled, brushing his lips against yours with a whisper, "Can I start with a kiss?"
You nodded with that cute giggle of yours, one that still echoed as he finally closed the distance.
So many things filled him up at once—soft, sweet, warm. So many emotions rattling his heart as your lips molded into one—relief, passion, love.
It was gratifying, a kiss he'd been dreaming of for as long as he could remember. But, with your fingers in his hair and his hands on your waist, your warm body flushed to his with no space in between, nothing could ever compare to the real thing.
And yes, it was going to take some time to repair the cracks that were made in your relationship. But he was willing to wait and do whatever it takes to gain your full trust back.
Nathan didn't care how long or how much work it would take, as long as at the end of every day, you came back home to him—it was more than worth it.
"Kid, are you even listening to me?"
"Sorry, Sully," Nathan said unapologetically. "But whatever the wife says, goes and her plan is usually better than yours."
"I'm technically not your wife yet," you giggled, your engagement ring glinting as you continued bypassing the security cameras using your phone.
"Technically, yes," he agreed, shrugging. "But in my head, you've been my wife ever since you put that ring on."
"Always thinking ahead, huh?" You finished up the job, slipping your phone into your pocket before turning to him with a raised brow.
"Oh yeah," he hummed, pulling you closer by the waist. "And once we get married, in my head, we already have three kids."
"Three?" you choked out a laugh.
"Let's start with one and see where that goes."
"We should definitely practice later."
"Do I always have to remind you two that this is an open line?"
"Oh we know," Nathan hummed, kissing you with a loud smack which earned an annoyed groan. He then gestured at the door with a bow. "After you, Mrs. Drake."
"Still up for debate."
"I'd take your last name any day."
"I was thinking hyphenated."
"Not a bad shout."
"Get moving you two!"
"Sully, you're getting so close to getting your wedding invite revoked."
You laughed at that.
Nathan couldn't resist kissing you once more.
"Let's go," you giggled against his lips. "We still have treasure to find."
"I'm in no rush," he shrugged, brushing his nose against yours. He was sure his eyes were glowing with pure adoration. "Already got the best one right here."
You groaned and called him cheesy but you still kissed him anyway.
Treasure be damned, with you by his side, Nathan was the richest man alive.
✫*゚・゚。.★.*。・゚♛ *.
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hockybish · 4 months
I Didn't Want This Either
l Luke Hughes l masterlist l part 1 l * warning: death *
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"Can we talk?" Jack knocked on the window of Luke's car. He didn't like what he was going to ask Luke, but he needed to get the conversation over with.
"What's up?" Luke watched as Jack fiddled with the sleeve of his jacket.
Jack took a deep breath in, counted to five, before let out the inhaled air.
"I know this is never probably going to happen, but I just want to be prepared just in case. because you never know what could happen. and Addie agrees with me, for once, I know it's crazy.
"Jack spit it out."
"Now that I have two kids. I've been thinking more about what happens to them if something happens to us. And I think I want you to raise them if we can't." The older brother asked of the younger one.
"Jack, I don't know." Luke contemplated what he was being asked, which was really nothing, but he knew. "Isn't there anyone better for the job? Mom? Quinn?"
"No, Luke. Quinn and Liv have enough going on and Mom and Dad don't need to raising two little kids after the raised us." Jack explained. "Plus you're great with them and they love you so much. Please Lukey."
"Great! I'll add you to daycare pick up." Jack reached over to give his brother an awkward hug before they went on with their separate ways.
"You're pretty." Jack chanced a glanced over at his beautiful wife. They had just dropped the kids off at daycare and were on their way to the rock.
"You're not too bad yourself Mr. Hughes" Addie said scrunching her nose at the man next to her.
"I'll talk to Luke or Nico today, maybe one of them can take the kids and we can have tonight." He kept looking back and forth from the road to his wife.
"Jack watch the road please." She clenched her jaw. There was traffic all around them, making her feel a bit nervous.
"What Ads? It's fine." Jack's eyes left the road again to look at his wife.
Jack never saw the car until it was too late.
"Shit. Shit. Shit." Luke jumped out of bed. He scrambled to get ready for practice when the brain fog cleared and he saw it was after 10 am already.
He was so late. His alarms must not have gone off or something, because he was never late for practice. And here he was going to be late for the first time in forever.
Luke chose to forgo his usual morning routine and caffeinated beverage, thinking it might give a chance to get to the practice facility faster.
He was almost there when the traffic started to picked up. There must have been an accident. All sorts of emergency vehicles were surrounding the area.
As Luke got closer to the heart of the situation he noticed a two crumpled up cars. A silver one and a very familiar looking green one.
Luke got a good long look at the wreck as he passed it. Two white sheets littered the ground, the car accident must have been that bad that people died.
That's why there was so much commotion.
He felt bad for the family that was going learn the news that they lost people they loved. Little did he know his phone was blowing up at the moment, messages and phone calls from his parents and brother, family members, teammates, and close friends with that specific news.
The now super late hockey player got to his destination only an hour later than he was supposed to be there. He thought it was a bit odd how the normally packed parking garage was near empty. Where was everyone?
"Luke what are you doing here?" Nico frowned at the defensemen who was trying to get ice ready as fast as he could.
"I know I'm late. I didn't set my alarm and then there was some big accident. I'll do extra of whatever you want. I'm sorry." Luke finishing up lacing his skates up. If he had been looking at Nico eye's went wide at the mention of the accident.
"Practice was cancelled a couple of hours ago."
"Why would they do that we have a game tomorrow?"
"The league is thinking of postponing it"
"Why?" he stopped what he was doing to look up at his captain. There was a feeling in the room, there was something seriously wrong.
Luke finally glanced around the empty locker room, it held the same odd feeling that the lot had.
"Um. Have you looked at your phone lately?" The older man scratched the back of his head nervously.
Luke furrowed his brows at the question. No, he hadn't looked at his phone, he had been a little busy trying to get there as quickly as he could, the action didn't feel necessary at the time.
But now a bad sinking feeling was telling him that maybe he should.
He had a total of 19 missed calls from him Mom, Dad, and Quinn alone. Not to mention the other various voicemails that completely filled the digital voicemail box was completely filled. On top of that there were over a hundred txt messages from a variety of people.
There was even a message from Jack, a simple heart emoji followed by an 'i luv ya bro,' that was timestamped hours before everything else.
"Nico, what's going on?" His voice hitched after he read a txt from Trevor that read 'i just heard about j. i'm so sorry.' When Luke looked up from the device he took note that Nico was now accompanied by their new coach and a few devils' personal.
"Luke you should call your parents back" The captain picked at the skin around his fingers.
"No just tell me. What's going on?" He thumbed through his device trying to decipher the
"Let's take this somewhere a little more private. Yeah?" The group of higher ups attempted to usher then to a different room a little more quiet and appropriate to have this conversation. Luke shook them off, wanting them to just spit it out.
"Say it Nico" Luke shook them off. He wanted Nico to just spit it out. He was tired of this go around and the hesitation
Nico sighed heavily. He didn't want to be the one to tell his friend the news, it would be better if it were coming from a family member, but they were all on there way to New Jersey at moment. So he had to do his best.
"There was an accident" Nico began to say. Luke felt his heart beat faster, and a pit forming in his stomach as he realized what Nico was telling him. Maybe this would have been better coming from his mom or dad, hell even Quinn.
"Jack and Addie were in the car-" Nico continued. That green car that look familiar. Jack had a green car.
"No no no no no no no." He covered his ears in an attempted to block out what Nico was telling him. This wasn't happening.
"they didn't make it." Nico finished. He put his hand on Luke's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. The kind gesture didn't help anyeay as Luke grabbed the nearest garbage pail and emptied the contents of his stomach in it.
It was true. It couldn't be true. Jack wasn't dead. This was all just some sort of prank, a sick joke. Jack was going to walk around the corner and say sike.
He need to get out of there. Anywhere but there. He had this pain in chest, and it was hard to breath anytime he thought of his brother.
He got in his car and drove without a destination in mind. He drove and drove until he found himself in a deserted mall parking lot, not another car or person in sight.
Luke sat in his perfectly fine car and screamed. There wasn't anyone around, so no one would be able to judge him. Not that he cared. He needed to get his emotions out.
Why Jack? Why couldn't have been him? If only he had been on time today, maybe it would have been him in that accident and Jack would still be alive.
He had been receiving texts all day. Luke ignored all of them. A few people called, he ignored those too. Ellen had been calling him at least once every hour, but he still refused to talk to her.
There was one number that had been persistently calling him, even more than his mother had. Maybe she had gotten a hold of another phone and was calling from that. He didn't know, but he finally decided to answer the call.
"Hey Luke, this is Y/N calling this Happy Times Nursery, how are you?" The very peppy and friendly lady ask.
"I'm um, I could be better. What is this pertaining to?" He mumbled his reply confirming it was him.
"I'm sorry to hear that. Well we've been trying to reach Jack and Addie for a couple of hours now seeing that it is well past pick up time for Lucy and Felix. We were just wondering if someone was on their way to retrieve them. They are our last kids for the night and we would like to go home."
Shit, the kids
Let me know what you guys think!
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brattyfork · 10 months
i haven’t
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summary: matt feels insecure still being a virgin, his best friend helps him out
warnings: sex obviously, matt being kind of a sub, nothing super crazy, very long tho sorry
i havent 💚3
matt and i have been best friends since high school, he was always more of the shy one in our friendship. this resulted in us having two very different high school experiences, i had the very stereotypical “ideal” experience, parties, drinking, sex, all the lame school dances, football games, you name it, i probably did it. matt, however, had almost the complete opposite, unfortunately his anxiety usually got the best of him and he ended up hanging out with a few close friends (including me) and his brothers, which was still super fun but he stayed in his comfort zone. i convinced matt, with chris’ help, to come to a few parties but aside from getting high once he didn’t really participate in them. all of this to say, i was pretty experienced while matt was a sober virgin. i know that sounds harsh but it never bothered me or him as far as i knew. i obviously wanted to have fun with my best friend but it never distanced us, it was his choice and i respected it.
this brings us to now, i’m 20 and living with matt and his two triplet brothers. matt had come out of his shell a considerable amount but still never felt the need to do anything crazy.
we were sitting in our living room bored out of our minds when nick suggested we play a game. i suggested truth or dare but none of us wanted to get up so chris said we should play never have i ever. nick made fun of him for picking something so middle school but no one had any better ideas so we went with it.
it started out pretty tame, “nhie pooped my pants” “nhie cried at school” “nhie fallen down the stairs” before chris raised the stakes. “nhie kissed someone” i was confused why he asked this because we all had and we all knew that. i put my finger down, turning to matt who was red in the face and realized why chris asked.
senior year, matt was feeling really bad about not having had his first kiss before he graduated high school. he was complaining and moping so much that i finally suggested i could be his first kiss. he turned beet red and began asking me a dozen questions.
“won’t it be weird?”
“not if we don’t make it weird”
“what if i’m bad?”
“you can’t really be bad at it, plus if you were i wouldn’t care”
“are you sure about this?”
“yeah if it’ll make you stop sulking in self pity”
he rolled his eyes at me, “you’re not gonna make fun of me are you?”
i tilted my head at him, “matt, have i ever genuinely made fun of you?” he shook his head.
“just close your eyes, i’ll take the lead”
he took a deep breath before closing his eyes. i leaned over, a little nervous myself, took his face in my hands and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. he kissed back for a moment before i pulled away, him subconsciously chasing my lips. it was actually one of the nicest kisses i’ve ever had, his lips were soft and he was gentle, most guys just tried to eat my face. once we had both pulled back and opened our eyes we started giggling which turned into stomach-churning laughter. we just couldn’t help it, it was funny. we didn’t talk about it anymore after that, other than him updating his brothers on what had happened.
chris could be a dick sometimes, giving his brothers a hard time and unfortunately, matt was an easy target. i kicked chris’ leg, giving him a stern look.
“ow! what the hell dude?”
“don’t be a dick”
we moved on, more questions about embarrassing things and a few rounds later it was chris’ turn again.
“nhie had sex” chris giggled
chris and i put a finger down, while nick and matt’s stayed up.
“did someone slip asshole pills into your pepsi?”
they all chuckled at my comment, but it wasn’t really a joke.
“i think we should quit while we’re ahead, are you guys hungry?” they all nodded. nick and chris began bickering about where we should eat while we were all getting our shoes on.
“do you wanna drive or do you want me to?” i asked matt
“i don’t care” he didn’t sound angry, more defeated
“okay, i can drive” i gave him a soft smile.
we loaded into the car, nick taking his usual spot in the back. chris tried to sit up front, he normally sat there when matt drove and sometimes when i did. i shot him a glare, him letting out a sigh and scooting in next to nick. matt took his seat in the front, sometimes he would ask for aux but he just went on his phone and said nothing. chris chimed in from the back.
“can i…?” he asked referring to the music, i nodded my head at him, seeing as i didn’t wanna pick anything and matt was occupied.
we decided on a coney island, wanting to sit down opposed to getting fast food. we got a booth, chris and nick sitting across from matt and i. matt was particularly quiet tonight and i could tell something was wrong. i noticed he was twiddling his thumbs in his lap and quickly grabbed his hand, interlacing our fingers and resting our hands on his thigh. this was normal for us, we held hands sometimes when one of us noticed the other was stressed. he looked up from his lap and gave me a small smile before slowly joining the conversation. matt seemed to be acting like his normal self again but i could tell something was still bothering him.
we finished our food and made our way back to the house, chris and nick decided to retire to bed while matt and i weren’t super tired yet. we grabbed a few snacks before heading to my room, which was on the first floor while the boys’ were on the second, mainly so we didn’t have to worry about waking up nick and chris.
we turned on adventure time and matt rested his head on my lap while we both scrolled aimlessly through our phones. after about two episodes, matt put his phone down and just stared at the ceiling.
“are you good?” i asked, concerned about his strange behavior.
“when did you lose your virginity?”
i was taken a back by his question but answered nonetheless.
“uhh summer after sophomore year i think”
he didn’t say anything.
“why do you ask?”
“do you think it’s weird i’m still a virgin?”
“no matt, not at all”
“i think it’s weird”
“do you think it’s weird that nick is a virgin?”
“no but he’s at least done stuff, all i’ve done is kissed you, no offense”
i giggled, “none taken matty, the time just hasn’t been right yet. you’ll meet a girl and hit it off, you’ll know.”
“yeah…” he trailed off, like he had more to say.
“you know you can tell or ask me anything right?”
“if you don’t want to, you can tell me to fuck off and we can forget this ever happened…” he paused for a moment “w-would you have sex with me?”
“are you sure you want to? we don’t have to do anything you don’t want”
“yes i want to, i’m sick of being a 20 year old virgin” he chuckled. i let out a few giggles too before our laughter died down.
when i looked at him now, his eyes were dark with need and desperation. i took his face in my hands and pulled him into a deep kiss. i hadn’t had a kiss like matt’s since senior year, i tried to push it out of my head but it was hard. it was like fireworks were going off inside my head when our lips touched, i had never felt that with anyone else.
the kiss got more heated, i wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself onto his lap, causing him to whimper at the pressure. i smiled into the kiss, his noises giving me more confidence as i ground my hips into his lap. he almost completely pulled away from the kiss as a desperate whine escaped his lips. i smiled at him before making my way to his neck, placing wet kisses along it up to his ear.
“i love the noises you make” i whispered before sucking a purple mark into his neck, more beautiful sounds leaving his lips while his hands trailed down to my ass, pulling me into him.
i came back to his face kissing him again before bringing my hands to the hem of his shirt and pulling it over his head. i then took off my shirt and bra so he wouldn’t feel so exposed. his eyes bore into my chest, his mouth hung open as if he wanted to say something.
“you gotta use your words to get what you want matty..” i teased him.
“c-can i touch you?” he asked, moving his hands up towards my boobs.
“of course you can, such a polite boy”
he blushed before placing his cold hands over my breasts, causing me to shiver. i kissed him while he played with my boobs, gaining more confidence and playing with my nipples. i let out a moan that was swallowed into the kiss before i pushed him onto the bed, leaving me on top of him.
i quickly got up off of him before taking off my leggings and moving to pull down his pants. he protested slightly, causing me to pull away before he spoke.
“can i make you feel good?”
“you will baby, i’m gonna take care of you right now tho, just relax” he let out a deep breath, giving into my instructions. i crawled up to his lap, palming him over his boxers before placing kisses up his shaft over the fabric. he began squirming under me when i decided to take his boxers off. he wasn’t huge but a decent size: proportional in length and width. i licked my lips, excited to have him inside me before taking him in my hand and licking a strip up the underside of his dick. he jumped a bit at the new feeling before letting out a loud groan from my warm tongue on his cock. i licked up the side of him before finally taking him into my mouth, sucking on the tip lightly causing him to buck his hips into me. he shot me an apologetic look while i took the rest of him in my mouth, the tip of his dick hitting the back of my throat. he gasped, all the air leaving his lungs as i began to bob up and down on him.
“holy fucking shit” he whimpered. i couldn’t help but giggle around him, the vibration causing him to buck up again. i continued sucking him, swirling my tongue around his dick until i felt him twitch in my mouth. i pulled off, followed by a loud whine of protest coming from him.
“mmm i was close” he pouted.
“don’t you wanna cum inside me?” his eyes lit up at the suggestion before nodding his head. i climbed up him, planning to ride him before he stopped me.
“um, can i do something to you?”
“you wanna finger me sweet boy?” he quickly nodded his head making me chuckle again at his eagerness. i grabbed his hand, pulling his pointer and middle finger out before taking them in my mouth, running my tongue all along them while keeping eye contact with the boy under me. i could feel his dick twitching under me, causing me to moan around his fingers. i pulled his fingers out of my mouth before moving them down to my pussy. he moved his fingers around, just getting a feeling for the area before stating “you’re so wet” i kissed him as he continued to feel me, rubbing his wet fingers on my clit making me moan into the kiss. he found his way to my entrance, pushing just at the beginning before stopping. i opened my eyes, realizing he was waiting for my consent. i nodded my head and he pushed one of his slender fingers into me, in turn pulling moans out of me. i moved to his ear. “you can put the other one in too” i whispered to him. he pushed the other in before i kissed him, pushing my tongue into his mouth and quickly dominating. he slowly got his footing, picking up his pace, my noises egging him on to repeat his actions. i felt myself nearing the edge, now grinding down onto his fingers. i pulled away from the kiss.
“fuck matty, you’re making me feel so good. please don’t stop” he said nothing but continued his motions until i fell into my orgasm, my legs shaking on his lap, still moving his fingers in and out of me. i had to grab his wrist for him to stop, not realizing he was overstimulating me.
“sorry” he murmured.
“you dont have to be sorry goof. you want me to ride you now?”
“yes please”
i spit on my hand, stroking him up and down a few times before lining him up at my entrance. i looked at him for approval, him nodding his head for me to slowly sink down. the noise he made when i pushed him into me is something i wish i could have on replay in my head for the rest of my life. like i said, he wasn’t huge but he filled me up in all the right places.
“fuck matt you feel so good”
“you’re so fucking tight holy god” i chuckled at his response, sitting there for a minute longer to let us both get used to the sensation.
“ready?” i looked to him, he nodded. i lifted myself up on my knees before sinking back down onto him. he placed his hands on my hipbones, helping guide me up and down while i bounced on his cock.
“hnng holy shit i think i’m close”
“me too baby, let go whenever you’re ready, i’ve got you” i reassured him, picking up my pace a bit, his whines getting more and more broken with every movement. before i knew it i could feel his hot cum coating my insides, sending me over the edge, fucking us both through our highs. once we both stopped twitching, i laid down on him, getting comfortable while he caught his breath.
“god i could stay here forever”
“we could sleep like this you know”
“are you sure?? is that sanitary?” i laughed at him.
“yes it’s fine matt, just go to sleep, i know you’re tired”
“as long as you’re comfortable, okay. goodnight, thank you for that”
“of course matty, goodnight” i said wrapping my arms around his neck and falling asleep with him inside me.
a/n: hi hope yall enjoyed :3 sorry the end is kinda rushed i didn’t rly know how to end it.
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