#he said did i get friend zoned? izzy goes you friend zoned HER she wants to jump your pipe
bi-brother · 9 months
cory to izzy- how do women work?
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cityandking · 1 year
8, 23, 52, and 69! for dai bran and niko!
ty!!! // sixty-nine questions for your ttrpg characters
8. what songs remind you of them? if there are specific lyrics or movements, list ‘em!
DAI — dai has a playlist, and off it royal empress by greg laswell is 100% His Song (fun fact—it's the first song I ever put on his playlist. now that's irony.)
I thought everyone was gonna make it out alive And everyone was gonna make it out alive
BRAN — answered!
ENIKO — eniko's playlist slaps. he has so many good songs, but special honor goes to heirloom by sleeping at last (you try your hardest to leave the past alone / this crooked posture is all you've ever known) and bullet by the ballroom thieves
Well, I'll leave this so-called So cold home The burden of its memories Weighs heavy on my bones I dare you all to keep me With the things I never said I need this like a bullet to the head Yeah, I need this like a bullet to the head
23. in what moment did they consider themselves to be “grown up”?
DAI — really really early on. probably around the end of the war/rebellion, so he would have been like. 10-13ish? I'm not sure about my timelines. but he was a kid in a war zone and then he was taking care of his dad afterwards and he just. he's always felt grown up, and everyone's always treated him like he's a grown up ("mature for his age")
BRAN — answered!
ENIKO — oh fuck. yeah also horribly young. probably around 14/15ish. what's funny is, it wasn't the first time he killed someone—it was the first time he saw someone he cared about dying, and was told it was his fault, and understood consequence was always going to be synonymous with punishment.
25. who is their best friend?
DAI — a year ago, he'd have said he'd never had a best friend. three months ago, he would have said izzy. when he died, he would have said he didn't have one, but at least he'd gotten to experience it for a while.
BRAN — canon, it's gotta be haskon and the crew. I think she'd get along with iö especially well as a mischief maker. any au, it's enikö, with sabine as an incredibly close second. bran's the sort of person whose partner is her best friend
ENIKO — canon, nobody, but he was starting to get super close to vola when the campaign stopped and I honestly think they'd have been bffs if we'd played any longer. au, bran. no contest.
69. what’s one secret they don’t want getting out?
DAI — right when he and zaref were figuring things out (i.e. when they had kissed once, not DTR'd at all, and then spent a week in a 20ft hut with 8 other people) he didn't want anything about their relationship getting out, since he didn't even know what it was. even after they talked about it, he wanted to keep it private for a while—he found it nice to have something that was his and private in the mess of Asdor and everything. obviously that ended horribly, but he still doesn't regret the glimmering joy of having that specific kind of secret.
BRAN — she keeps her own fears and anxieties so close to the chest. great daring legendary pirate captains don't have anxiety or doubt or fear. she's got to be better than that.
ENIKO — all of them. anything. if you know anything about him no you don't. bastard is absolutely paralyzed by the fear that someone might learn some truth and use it against him. unhealthy coping mechanisms mcgee over here.
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I'm ignoring my responsibilities in favor of watching the All Malec Moments video compilation so get ready for a livewatch no one asked for
Hodge is so incredibly wrong about everything he says about Magnus and it's kind of impressive because all he says is heavily supported by the Clave's files, which. Is proof of how great Magnus is at manipulating them and having them think exactly what he wants them to, tbh. Especially considering that as much as Magnus closes off emotionally, he was always very caring and kind to all other downworlders and warlocks, like, they all know they can trust him, he was named HWoB, he has a thousand kids, he took them all into hiding, etc. But the Clave and circle members are still 100% sure he's a super greedy lothario who's good for nothing but partying, and like. Obviously it's because they racist but they have an intelligence system and a file full of pictures and information and it all seems to support what Hodge is saying about him. So like Magnus was quite literally living a double life, with a whole personality he put up for shadowhunters and enemies, and another for his allies and friends, and even that one isnt 100% him because he was still trying to protect himself by closing himself off from relationships. and thats fucking impressive like my man is so smart i love him
Their first official talk is so funny magnus literally goes "I'm magnus" and Alec goes "Alec" and then he smiles and then he just goes. "Oh yeah right we should uh we should go to the hmm youhavebeautifuleyes what's it called hm" and its hilarious because they exchanged three (3) words and Alec is already all lost because Magnus is just That Beautiful. also all Magnus has to do is introduce himself and Alec smiles for the first time in 4 episodes like bro. bro. seriously. help him
he's SO frustrated when Alec doesn't get the "i love a dirty lair" flirt like he does that little eyebrow raise and hes just like "what the hell i thought that was GOOD" but Alec's head is legit playing wii music
Magnus pays izzy for "defending the warlocks" i had forgotten about that and it makes me so soft ;-;
Magnus and Izzy were just vibing with magnus asking her what presents Alec likes and clary immediately interrupts to ask about the memory demon like homophobic from day one i guess
Magnus is positively impressed by the way Clary goes "I'll do anything to save my mother" you can see how much he values loyalty right then have i mentioned that i love him
we talk about the "I'm talking to you" part a lot but we never mention how Magnus just throws that one and yeets off with clary not even waiting for a reaction he's just like that's RIGHT bitch you have beautiful hazel eyes too! do with that what you will i am now summoning a demon goodbye forever
the second him and Clary are away from the rest he tells her not to trust anyone and to be careful, like... ugh he cares so much it's unreal and again very deliberate, flirt a little, give izzy a necklace, throw in some innuendos, make it seem like it's all very innocuous so no one bothers to follow them or listen in when he goes away with Clary alone, and then immediately warn her about the clave when he gets away from the others. like he cares so much and he's so good at keeping that visible only for those he wants to it's astounding, my man is so talented and i hate that he had to learn to do that to survive but god i admire him and how committed he is to helping others too. like he could say "welp who cares it's dangerous imma go fuck off" like ragnor did but not only did he stay but he had a huge vulnerability with all his generosity and he never gave that up not for a second, even as he closed himself off from having any close friends or family or lovers, he never was anything if not generous and kind
the way he deliberately calls Jace shadowhunter in the most uninterested and even lowkey condescending way after the "pretty boy" incident idndjdndi we stan a king
the way Alec and magnus hold hands to summon the demon and even Magnus seems a bit shocked at the intensity of the sound and the bond that they make like. obviously they have their little staring contest and Alec is doing the Lightwood Intensity™ thing but like you can see Magnus frown just slightly and be a little confused because it was so strong right off the bat. even the sound of when they hold hands is louder than when the others do, like you can just feel their connection and the way magnus' magic flows so freely through Alec like god the soulmate energy tbh
Alec has a full body jerk when they hold hands too and he's the only one like damn we get it u 2 r vibin get a room
Izzy going "you ppl are pathetic" straight to the hets is so funny especially after Alec reacted to holding magnus' hand like he had gotten a 1000W electric shock or something. but i get the feel maybe she did that deliberately so they wouldnt pay as much attention to Alec's reaction too
the special effects were truly so bad like we all knew this but damn
Jace is such an asshole like Alec made it to kill the demon because it was you know about to seriously hurt them all and Magnus had just said that he couldn't contain the demon for longer (and like we know that Alec is the only one who ever cared if Magnus overexerted himself out of the shadowhunters but like bro this affects you) and Jace just???? shoved him??????? against the wall???? like a fucking piece of shit??? they should have let valak kill him tbh
the first time magnus calls him Alexander is when he calls Alec to see if he wants a drink and it's just like very clearly a thing that's supposed to be between them two? like he never did it when there were others nearby and i dig that
the fact that when asking Alec out he said "it was nice getting to know you, you seem sympathetic" like he could have gone with a lot of better more flirty adjectives but for a second the truth slipped out and he said what he thought - that while Alec was objectively you know tall and strong and all what really attracted him was the way Alec clearly gave a fuck whether or not Magnus was struggling with his magic to keep the damn demon at bay. and that was before the magic sharing shit too when Alec proved him right by cleaning up his things and saying that he had exerted himself enough for one day. like so many ppl see Magnus as the All Powerful Son Of Asmodeus Who's Also There To Service Shadowhunters and Alec just shows the faintest signs of caring about his wellbeing and he's immediately drawn to him like damn Im sad
also maybe this might be why he asked Alec to come so he could draw from his strength specifically, like he knew from the little hand holding thing that Alec was open and receptive to his magic (which probably adds to the "sympathetic" stuff like the fact that Alec had such an intense reaction to his magic and yet didnt try to push it back or draw away from it basically shows that he's open to Magnus if that makes sense? not only because magic is a part of warlocks but also because shadowhunters are all taught that magic is like, dirty and evil, so it would be instinctive for Alec to be resistant to demonic magic in his body, but he wasn't, he accepted it so readily and intensely it was a shock to the both of them) and also that he cared enough to support him. he kinda had Magnus' back from the beginning, first killing that circle member in the club before Magnus even saw him, then helping Magnus kill the other, then immediately making it to kill the demon when Magnus said he couldn't hold him back for long. like im aware I'm reading too much into this but s1 malec was very kept to the between-the-lines and its very interesting to me to think what Magnus was thinking, even if obviously on a subconscious level. Alec was showing himself to be open, reliable and caring, and magnus values that, and hes attracted to him and he hasnt had that in a while, because he wouldnt allow himself, but now he's healing and the pull he feels when he finally gets that while being emotionally available enough to accept these little gestures of caring is really strong. love that for him tbh
i go FERAL over everything about the magic sharing shit okay i always have. the way alec shows up and Magnus is kind of falling over, exhausted from trying to hold onto luke, and Alec immediately runs to support his weight and make sure hes okay? and magnus even as he was about to fall over never had his magic falter, my man couldn't keep his balance but still wouldnt come close to stumbling and risking luke's life further for even a second. so when Alec gets there he's just quite literally having his back, supporting his weight, when even Magnus didnt care about that (which like. unhealthy) and was focused on luke? and like Magnus can focus on luke because Alec is there to give him his support and make sure he's fine and how long's it been since he last had someone to do that?? and it's clearly alec's first instinct and like we know Jace or even Clary wouldnt fucking react like that. and then they have this ridiculous fucking staring contest again like we get it alec you're gay panicking at Magnus' beautiful eyes but like pls? and then we get to the most important part which is TAKE WHAT YOU NEED
his reaction is just SO intense and immediate he's just like "take what you need" he just offers himself fully to help Magnus just like that, no hesitation, and like Magnus is literally drawing from Alec's strength/life force, there should be some kind of resistance, even from a regular person or a friend, like its a very natural instinct. but Alec just grabs his hand and goes take what you need and he doesn't resist he just lets him do it and lets Magnus take his strength, because he genuinely worries about his wellbeing and safety just because he does, he believes in protecting others and being there for them, same as Magnus, and to Alec it's the most natural thing in the world but to Magnus it's shocking because he's always been self reliant, he has to be, he's been alone too many times and he's been used too many times and he's scared of what he'll let people take from him if he opens himself up because he always gives and gives, and he hasnt even let anyone be there for him to have his back and give him support when he needed in these last few centuries, not fully, not since Camille. but Alec shows up and just immediately cares for him in both small (like later when he refuses to let Magnus clean his couch magically because he knows he's tired and does it himself) and huge (like literally not hesitating before letting Magnus use a super intimate and presumably draining spell on him without putting any kind of limit, so Magnus can not overexert himself like he always does) ways and it means so much to him? and hes just so drawn and attracted to him and suddenly he realizes he's catching feelings that he had forgotten how to, because of course he had been healing and opening up, but he still kept people at some kind of length that didnt allow them to take care of him even if they wanted to, but Alec got that opening and he dived right in, and Magnus realizes how starved he's been for this kind of care and support that he's been denying himself and he decides to chase this, take it seriously, and i just aaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
and like again Alec doesn't even think twice about it, because he's always been the protector and the support anyway, and he doesn't want to let anyone struggle and also most of that is just him being a Decent Human Being, but just like he got that opening that no one else did before, he met Magnus at the right time and he was sympathetic and caring and that sparked so much in Magnus, made him realize just how much he's been craving affection and care and close contact with people, and being vulnerable emotionally, and all of that that he's been denying himself. obviously magnus is romantically attracted to him but right then Alec is unlocking honesty with himself inside of magnus, he's unlocking vulnerability and not using it against him but really making a good thing out of it, and magnus' forgotten it could feel like this, safe and nice instead of hurting and scary. and again it's such a simple gesture but fuck my boy's been starved!! for so long!!! okay! and he can't help but want to desperately clutch to that feeling because against all odds he trusts alec to see his vulnerability right then (and he deliberately lets him see it further when he gives Alec that drink, tells him he's been closed off, that alec's unlocked something in him. you can see all the sadness and hope and vulnerability in his eyes right then, pretty much for the first time in the show, hes just so open and vulnerable and that's deliberate! first time was a fluke but second time he's choosing to because he wants to see where this goes, and if the magic sharing scene is the spark, the drinking scene is the fire, because they're not in a life or death situation anymore, Magnus is choosing to give Alec a chance by showing him a glimpse of his insecurities and Alec answers in kind, letting Magnus see his own confusion and want, and also again shows his caring and doesn't betray or use magnus' vulnerability and fuck!!! Magnus falls in love right then because this boy stays with him all night and talks, and he sees Magnus look at him with shiny eyes and admit that he's been scared of relationships, and he tells magnus not to overexert himself, and they click and Alec is open to his magic and hes funny and hes compassionate and also passionate about what he believes in, and they have so much in common with the way they hide and care so deeply and protect others always and are so loyal and i just. udndjdndidjdjxnxjxnskxndk SOULMATES god)
I need to lie down actually this was a bad idea I'm not strong enough I'm too feral
Might continue this later who knows. I'll be tagging malec livewatch and also long post as always if you want to filter this nonsense out
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emitheduck · 5 years
Single (pt 2)
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"Daddy!" Isabella yelled as she ran out of the classroom; right into Luke's arms open arms. "I had such a fun day today! We painted, and then we read a story, and we did math! For snack I had animal crackers!"
Luke smiled, gently resting her on his hip as he went inside the room, grabbing her lunchbox from her cubby. "It sounds like you had an awesome day peanut." He laughed, kissing her cheek causing her to squirm in his arms.
When he was about to leave, as Izzy was still talking his ear off, Miss (Y/n) quickly walked over to them. "You forgot this." She smiled, holding up Izzy's bright pink backpack. "You don't want to forget it here."
He sighed softly, knowing it was just his luck to forget something. "Thank you so much. I honestly can't be the first person to forget something today." She nodded, smiling as she quickly said goodbye to a child who was leaving the room with their mother. "Are you coming to the open house tonight? Just looking for a head count."
Luke nodded, looking down at Izzy in his arms who was distracted playing with the necklace Luke was wearing. He couldn't lie if he thought that (Y/n) was asking him specifically to come tonight. "I can swing by tonight."
"It's six to eight. They'll be some coffee and some snacks, and some of the other parents can get to know each other while we go over what the curriculum for the year will be. Lots of good stuff to cover!" She smiled, walking back into her classroom to take care of the rest of the children.
Once she was gone, Luke sighed while he walked back to the car. He buckled Izzy in her car seat and quickly got in the drivers side. "What do you want for dinner tonight?" He asked her as he started to drive, peeking at her from the rear mirror.
"I want chicken!" She yelled from the back seat, excitedly kicking the back of his seat. "And peas!"
"Chicken and peas it is then. I should find out who can watch you tonight while I go to the open house." Luke sighed, using his bluetooth and calling Ashton. Ashton was his best bet to watch Izzy, and the person he trusted the most.
"Hello?" He asked after it rang a few times.
"Hey Ashton. I wanted to know if you were free to watch Izzy tonight?" He asked as he pulled into the parking lot for the apartment complex. "Her class is having an open house, parent thing and I can't miss it."
The other line was silent for a moment before he sighed, then answered. "Yeah, I can come over tonight. See you soon." Ashton told him before he hung up the phone.
Luke helped Izzy out of her carseat and grabbed her lunch box and backpack before going into the apartment. "Do you want a snack?" He asked as he opened the door, watching her run inside the house.
"Yes please!" She smiled as she went over to the couch and sat down, already turning on the TV. It was still the same crap that was on the TV from the night before, something that Luke had just zoned out to the sound of. Kid shows sometimes were just all shit.
He put down her backpack, going into the kitchen and setting the lunch box down on the counter and going into the cabinet and grabbing a bag of goldfish, putting a small handful of goldfish in a plastic bowl and walked back into the living room and handed it to Izzy. "Uncle Ashton is going to come watch you tonight."
"What about Uncle Mikey?" She asked him as she shoved her snack into his mouth. "I like it when he comes over."
"You only like him because he gives you things that he shouldn't." Luke chuckled, gently rustling her hair before the buzzer rang. He sighed and went over, opening the door. "Hey Cal."
Calum walked in, smiling. "There's my favorite girl!" He said, walking right over to Izzy and lifting her into his arms. "You know I love it when I get to see you!"
Luke shut the door and looked at his friend. "Not that I really care, but are you here for a reason?"
He shrugged, sitting down on the couch with the Izzy on his lap. "Ash said he was helping tonight and we heard and wanted to come over."
The front door opened, Luke only then remembered that he didn't lock the door, and Michael walked in. "Sorry I'm late everyone, I had to give this one a lift." He smiled as he walked in with Ashton behind him.
"Now it's a party, everyone's here." Luke rolled his eyes as he started to clean up around the living room, starting to put Izzy's various toys away.
"Luke, I want to come to that open house thing tonight." Michael told him, coming back from the kitchen with a bottle of water; the rule of Luke's house being that no drinking beer in front of Izzy.
Luke shook his head, glaring at his friend. "You are the last person, that I would want to come with me." He said, knowing that he would also think that (Y/n) was beautiful, and the idea of competition was the last thing he wanted.
"You two should get going if you want to make it there for six. I have dinner covered, and we'll make sure she goes to bed at 8:30." Ashton smiled, already starting to push the two out of the door.
"Bye Daddy!" Izzy yelled from where she was sitting on the floor with Calum, playing with one of her dolls; abandoning the TV completely so it was now background noise that skyrocketed Luke's electric bill.
"Bye peanut! Be good, I love you!" Luke yelled to her. "No scary movies, no ice cream, and she needs a bath." He said to Ashton.
Ashton sighed. "We can try to get her in the tub, but I don't think I can make any promises." He said, shutting the door on Luke.
"So tell me, why did you want to come to this tonight?" Luke asked Michael as they got into the car.
Michael looked at him, shrugging. "Maybe I really care about her school, and want to make sure that she's getting a really good education."
Luke raised a brow, clearly knowing that he was lying. "What's the real reason?"
"Honestly, I wanted something to do tonight but didn't want to stay home and babysit. Also maybe there will be free food." Michael smirked as they pulled into the school parking lot.
"When we get in there, you better not act up or I swear I'm going to kill you." Luke said, looking at Michael before they got out of the car.
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hielorei · 6 years
Digimon Shared Universe.
I just put all the digimon seasons in one universe, with a timeline and how the characters grow with some relationships. if you want to read it go ahead, but then again, i merged 8/9 seasons, a few movies and mangas and I kept track of +70 characters. Infinity War the most ambitious crossover event in history? bitch please,
you can allways ask me about this, and/or give me ideas and suggestions
the events of each series stay the same but some thing change,,,
Takuya (11), Kouji (11), Kouichi (11), Zoe/Izumi (11), Junpei (12), Tommy/Tomoki (8)
> +1 year
Tai (11), Matt (11), Sora (11), Izzy (10), Mimi (10), Joe (12), TK (8), Kari (8)
Takuya and Joe are classmates, while the adventure kids were in the Digital World, he got his D-Scanner back (he was in the same summer camp), thanks to the distortion. He knew something was up. Once he go back to the city contacted the other Frontier Kids, and all had their D-Scanners back. They decide to meet where everything started, Shibuya. When Myotismon attacked they protected the civilians. Then they watched how the Adventure Kids fought the Dark Masters.
> +3 years – Our War Game happens here-
Davis (11), Yolei (12), Cody (9), Ken (11), Willis (11)
TK (11), Kari (11)
Tai (14), Matt (14), Sora (14), Izzy (13), Mimi (13), Joe (15)
Takuya, Koiji, Kouichi and Zoe (15) – JP (16) – Tommy (12)
Zoe Move back to Italy. Tommy is Yolei’s classmate.
Hurricane Touchdown (not Digimon movie dub, but japanese version) happens after the Digimon Kaiser Arc.
Everything is the same up until the world Tour arc. In France TK and Tai are helped by Zoe. In Hong Kong, Izzy and Kari are helped by Kouji and Kouichi, Kouchi was in a vacation with his brother for the first time. Takuya was in Australia so he helped Cody and Joe, Joe was surprised that his old classmate was a digidestined. Cody was in Russia and Helped Yolei and Sora, but he trolled them and pretended to not know japanese. JP was in Mexico (he was there for a girl he starting dating online) and helped Matt and Ken. The american team is the same (Davis, Mimi and Micheal) but Willis is also there. The Frontier Kids cant go back to Japan, because their families. But are there in the final episode.
> +3 Years
Tai, Matt, Sora (17) – Mimi, Izzy (16) – TK, Kari (14) – Joe (18)
Meiko (16), Daigo (30), Maki (30)
Joe started dating Zoe, Zoe is Joe’s mysterious girlfriend. Also, Tommy is dating Yolei. The Frontier kids were in the Dark Ocean while the Events of Tri happened. Figthing Daemon? Who knows-
> +2 Years.
Takato (12/13), Jenrya (13), Ruki (13), Ryo (14), Juri (13), Kazu (13), Kenta (13), Alice (13), Suzie (7), Makoto & Ai (4)
Yamaki (32), Riley (26), Tally (23)
The Secret Agency, after loosing Daigo and Maki took a new aproach for Digimon, and name themselves Hypnos. Yamaki was Daigo’s best friend and he wants revange.
JP, adressing the memory loss, decide to find a way for digimon to be always in the people’s mind, but keep it a secret, so he created a card game. The TCG was an instant success.
The wonderswan games are canon. After Ryo felt so betrayed by the adventure kids, he decides to start a new life and erase all memories of himself (even he forgot) and live in simulation made by the homeostasis. But after the reboot from Tri (he is 11 in Tri), he was back in the digital world and without memories whatsoever, he didnt age while in the simulation. So Gennai decides to disguise himself as his father. Even without memories, his connections to the digital world still there, what mades him really good at the TCG, getting the title of the Digimon King. A year before the events of Tamers he goes to the digital world with a girl name Alice, but there she dies and like Wizardmon, her spirit still alive (because she didnt die in her own world)
Cody is Ryo classmate. Yolei and Tommy break up but still friends.
This Digital world isnt the same as the Adventure/Frontier one. This is the digital world created by Yggdrassill after the old one is full (X Evolution Movie). This is why it looks so empty and unstable and why Digimon are never born again, its a mecanism to prevent the digital world from getting full (like your phones). The Holy Beast are based on data from old Digidestined Partners (Daigo and the others). And because we are talking about another digital world, the adventure/frontier kids arent very efective against the devas and the D-Reapper.
>+2 years
Masaru (14), Thomas (14), Yoshino (19), Ikuto (10)
Sampson (34), Miki (21), Megumi (21), Chika (10)
Nanami (14), Kouki (14), Ivan (19)
Takato, Henry, Ruki, Kazu, Kenta, Juri (15), Ryo (16), Suzie (9), Makoto, Ai (6)
Tai, Matt, Sora (21) – Izzy, Mimi, Meiko (20) - Yolei, Tommy (19) – Tk, Kari, Davis, Ken, Willis (18) – Joe, Zoe, Takuya, Kouji, Kouichi (22), JP (23), Yamaki, Maki (34), Riley (28), Tally (25)
Hypnos changes names to DATs, after realizing that battling digimon isnt the answer, and they start to invetigate them and controling them in order to protect the Human World. The Tamers Digital World closed for being to unstable after the Tamers kid got their partners back, but before the portal closed Gatomon felt Wizardmon in that digitalworld, and Kari encouraged her to go find her friend, and she did. And now the Human world is connected to the Adventure/Frontier Digital World again.
Izzy and Yolei joined DATs as data analizers joining Riley and Tally. Yamaki is in charge of the investigation side of DATs, While Sampson is in charge of the protection of the human world. And surprise! Sampson was a digidestined and was part of Daigo and Maki’s group. And Daigo-Maki-Sampson where a triangle like the fandom likes to think of Tai-Sora-Matt.
Takuya, Davis, Ruki and Kazu joins DATs under Sampson, and are the Savers kids tutors. The Sexual Tension between Rika and Thomas is real (but isnt sexual really becase they are 14 and 15 and thats fucking creepy, but it was the best way to describe it), Kazu became really good at the TGC, because he trained with Rika (I will use my dub version were Kazu did respect and admire Rika because she is the Digimon Queen and the sexist was Kenta, Kazu always called him out on his BS), also Kazu is dating Ryo (my AU, my OTP, my Canon.) but the relationship is secret, Kazu isnt ready to be out and Ryo is okay.
Matt is busy with rockstar stuff. Tai and Joe are busy with university. JP is busy running a company at only 23 and TK is the main writer of Digimon Stories, TK is in a polyamorous relationship with Kari and Willis (who moved to Japan). Sora started her first cloth collection with designs based on the digital world, and Mimi and Zoe are the main models. Mimi also started a movie career.
> +1 year
DATs couldnt take care of all digimon related dangers so create various teams around the world.
DATs America: Willis, Sampson, TK, Kari, Ryo, Kazu, Izzy, Mimi, Tally
DATs Europe: Matt, Sora, Zoe, Joe, Tommy, Yolei, Thomas, Ivan, Miki, Tai
DATs Japan: Yamaki, Riley, Masaru, Ikuto, Yoshino, Ken, Davis, Ruki, Megumi
The Digital World start glitching and Ryo recovers his memories, and he is angry, especially at Tai and Davis. Ryo thinks that the Adventure group cant be trusted, on top of that, he discovers the story of DATs, and how it was called Hypnos, and what the organization did when was under control of Maki, whom is Back, and maybe its the cause of why the digital world is glitching. Who gave the right to a small group of humans to decide what is best for the digital world? The digidestined have to choose a side, Ryo Side, who think humans should leave the digital world alone and it population. Davis Side who after the Events of Tri, Tamers and Savers thinks Humans should protect the human world from the digimon (and maybe build a firewall around it and make the digimon pay for it). Both sides started fighting, until Tai took charge, and decide that diplomacy is the best choice, a middle ground.
DATs collapsed after that but didnt end. And the Door to the Digital world closed.  
> 2 years
Taiki (13), Akari (12/13), Zenjirou (12/13), Kiriha (14), Nene (14), Yuu (11)
The Fusion kids are called to the Tamers Digital World once it bacame stable, it was divided in zones and all this time without being in danger allowed a new way of evolution.
In this AU, Akari Friendship and Zenjirou Courage made them worthy of their 
xrosloaders, with a little help of an Omegamon and never went back to the human world (because I cant be the one who connected what Omega said to Taiki about Akari’s friendship and Zenjirou’s courage with the their crosloaders colors, I mean, Akari got a light blue xrossloader and Zenjirou a orange one! Come one! It was a callback to the crests!)
Also, a Gatomon and a Wizardmon joined the Xros-Heart Army. And like the manga, Wizardmon also dies here and Gatomon jump to another digital world to find her best friend/lover.
> +1 year
Taguiru (12), Yuu (12), Taiki, Zanjirou, Akari (14), Kiriha, Nene (15)
Ryouma (13), Ren (12), Airu (12), Hideaki (13), Kiichi (12), Mizuki (14)
KenX (12), Haruki (13), Noboru (13)
Makoto, Ai (10) – Suzie, Alice (13) – Ikuto, Chika (14) - Masaru, Thomas, Kouki, Nanami (18) – Takato, Henry, Rika, Kazu, Kenta, Juri (19) – Ryo, Cody (20) – TK, Kari, Willis, Davis, Ken (22) – Yolei, Tommy, Yoshino, Ivan (23) – Izzy, Mimi, Meiko (24) – Tai, Matt, Sora, Miki, Megumi (25) – Joe, Zoe, Takuya, Kouji, Kouchi (26) – JP (27) – Tally (30) – Riley (32) – Yamaki, Maki, Sampson (38)
Akari is classmate of Ikuto and Chika, whom may or may not have feelings for each other. Suzie is classmate with Ryouma. JP and Tally started dating. After Joe graduated got married with Zoe. Davis moved to the USA. Yolei and Ken are dating. Yamaki finally proposed to Riley. Without Daigo, Maki and Sampson started having a thing. Yoshino and Tommy are fuck buddies. Kazu is out and all his friends supported him and is happy with Ryo. Nanami dated Henry, but it didnt end well. Henry dated Takato, but they decided to stay as friends, and they still best friends (with benefits...), in fact, it was Henry who pushed Takato to ask Jeri out. And Jeri may or may not have had a one night stand with Rika (all the Tamers kids are at least bisexual, fight me, again, my AU, my canon). Takuya is dating Megumi. Matt and Sora Break up, and Sora is dating Kouichi. There are rumours in DATs that Thomas and Ruki are banging in “secret”, they are, but are horrible at keeping it a secret, and everyone pretends to not know about them.
A new thing called DigiQuartz is a plane similar to the Digital World in small scale, and it has characteristics of the DW-FAS (Digital World Frontier/Adventure/Savers) and DW-TX (Digital World Tamers/XrosWars) . DATs decide to investigate this and the leader of it is Izzy, helped by Yolei, Riley and Maki. They discover that the Digiquartz hold the data of creatures who died in other worlds. So they can recover Alice, Wizardmon, Meicoomon and Leomon (adventure). Gatomon was in the DigiQuartz looking for Wizardmon. Once the data recovered, Juri’s D-Arc linked with Leomon (because basically its the same digimon, but not “her leomon”), and Alice D-Arc linked with Wizardmon.
With the DigiQuartz Izzy could create new technologies and society advance really fast. Izzy also started working with a old professor on a AI, Code Name: Minerva.
> +4 years
Haru (13), Eri (14), Astra (11), Rei (14), Yuujin (13), Ai-U (13), Hajime (8) Knight (?)
Makoto, Ai (14) – Taguiru, Yuu, Ren, Airu, Kiichi, Ken-X (16) – Suzie, Alice, Ryouma, Hideaki, Haruki, Noboru (17) – Ikuto, Chika, Taiki, Zanjirou, Akari, Mizuki (18) – Kiriha, Nene (19) -  Masaru, Thomas, Kouki, Nanami (22) – Takato, Henry, Rika, Kazu, Kenta, Juri (23) – Ryo, Cody (24) – TK, Kari, Willis, Davis, Ken (26) – Yolei, Tommy, Yoshino, Ivan (27) – Izzy, Mimi, Meiko (28) – Tai, Matt, Sora, Miki, Megumi (29) – Joe, Zoe, Takuya, Kouji, Kouchi (30) – JP (31) – Tally (34) – Riley (36) – Yamaki, Maki, Sampson (42)
JP’s Digimon company was absorbed by the L-Corp and cancelled the Digimon Franchise, But Haru has some memories of the games. Ryouma is dating Suzie and Henry doesnt like it at all. Matt dated Nene and it was scandalous since they both are well known musicians and have a 10 years diference… but it didnt worked at all, they still good friends tho, and collaborate from time to time. After that, Matt and Sora starting dating again, and he proposed to her. Taguiru is dating Hideaki, Airu is dating Alice. Davis and Takato opened a restaurant and Hideaki work part time there, and hopes to get an intership in L-Corp. Cody is in Law School. Yoshino and Ken enter the police. Kari graduated and is a teacher now.  A Hollywood studio got the rights of TK books. Takato is also in Art School.  
The DigiQuartz evolve into the AR-Fields, and in the space between the DW-FAS and DW-TX, the data there created a sub species knows as Appmons.
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adorealeclightwood · 6 years
SH Live Review, 3x05: Stronger Than Heaven.
Hey there! If you’re new to the blog, allow me to explain what this is. 
All I’m doing is reviewing the episode as it’s playing. Keep in mind, I try SUPER hard to avoid any spoilers (aside from the usual promos/clips posted by cast members, or the official SH accounts), and I haven’t read any of the books. I may pause to refer back to previous episodes, or go into a bit of detail about certain events. 
A breakdown of Alec’s emotions and thoughts in the episode will be posted afterwards. Once that goes up, I’ll be answering all your burning questions. 
Let’s begin! 
Wait, was that Matthew saying “previously on Shadowhunters?” 
Can Lilith stay the hell away from Magnus please.
Okay, I’m pausing already. Magnus is the son of Asmodeus. Wouldn’t that mean he’s able to sense that Lilith is a demon and not a warlock? Pressing play.
A sliver of the soul? That would explain why Lilith was ordering a demon to get Clary’s in the promo. Oh shit.
 See, now I’m mad. Magnus is so helpful and pure. He doesn’t deserve to be manipulated like this. Lilith has to know that he’s dating Jace’s parabatai. 
Jace going to the City of Bones? FUCK.
I understand Clary’s feelings towards the situation, but Jace is tired, scared, and sick of feeling this way. I’m glad he’s willing to take the necessary steps towards getting the help he needs. 
“What are you gonna do, text him?” There’s the sarcastic Jace I know and love! 
What’s in the box? I see feathers and jewelry. 
Magnus, you’re a bad liar. 
Alec’s little smile. My son is so cute. 
Magnus is so dramatic trying to conjure up one of Alec’s shirts lol.
Magnus’ reasoning is legit. It’s easy to forget they haven’t been together very long. 
Alec still looks upset though. 
Jace taking a personal day? Since when?
Is it weird that I wouldn’t mind a Jace + Simon ( Jimon? Sace? I don’t know.) brotp? They’re funny!
I like the fact that Jace tries to cover up his interest in Simon’s situation by saying Clary is the one that cares. 
Izzy, you don’t need any of Clary’s clothes. Have you seen your wardrobe? You always look hot. 
FINALLY, Clary tells someone! (Should’ve been Alec, but I digress.)
Luke doesn’t seem very surprised. It’s like he can totally believe she did it, he just didn’t think she would, you know? 
When did Lilith get a sidekick? Who is that guy, and why isn’t she using him instead of Jace? So many questions. 
“Friend of a friend.” Oh Jace, you snarky bitch. 
I have to say, Jace walking around touching everything reminds me of season 1. 
Alexander Lightwood, what are you doing? 
Do not open that box, young man. Put it back right now. 
Luke has a farm? I didn’t see this coming. 
She bypassed her brother to hug Clary? Oh. Well then.
As annoying as Jace can be, he has a point, Simon. There are way too many coincidences for this to be written off as “luck”.  
Poor Simon just wants to have a normal life with a normal roommate. 
I feel like they’re about to get caught going through Kyle’s things. 
Well, what do you know! They got caught.  
The seraph blade is glowing??????????????
He looks attractive with his eyes glowing like that though. 
So THAT’S what the Praetor is. 
Ohhh, so they’re protecting Simon. 
“I’m not a job!” I felt that!
Telling the truth would solve 99% of the issues on this show. 
That was intense. 
Aw, this is so sweet! 
Alec, you inspirational little Shadowhunter you. 
He looked away when he said “trusting”. HMMMM. 
Wait, doesn’t Clary have angel blood? Can’t she contact the angels herself? 
Ah, okay, she said it. 
Luke looks worried. I trust papa Luke! 
The premed in me is in love with Charlie. 
Izzy is so adorable. It’s good to see her out enjoying herself. 
Oh damn it. There’s a demon nearby. 
That’s the same one that’s supposed to be after Clary! 
Now there’s two of them???
Lilith, you could’ve saved yourself the trouble and done it yourself in the first place, ma’am. 
Charlie’s back! 
No, she needs to use her healing rune, not the E.R. The struggle of interacting with mundanes. 
Wait a minute, the last time a Shadowhunter got involved with that stone, they almost died. I don’t know how to feel about this. 
Leave her? HELL no. Watch her from the trees or something.
Something bad is going to happen in these woods, I can already tell. 
Jace is so damn PETTY lol.
Why don’t you take your own advice Jace? Hmm? 
Alec has been working on his apologies! I’m so proud. 
Gin? Since when does Alec drink? 
That box is full of things from past lovers. This is so sad. 
Alec ):
Magnus yelling? Oh shit.
The way he looked down. My chest hurts. 
He’s obviously still upset. 
Izzy has no idea how a hospital works. Perks of being a Shadowhunter! 
Charlie is such a good guy. I really want this to work out. 
Papa Luke is right, he can definitely keep and eye on her from a distance. 
Girl, a dog and an angel are completely different. He’s right to be worried. 
Hey, didn’t we see him in 2x20? I don’t know how to spell his name. 
That was a lot to take in. 
Oh look, Kyle and Simon are arguing again. 
Yes, Simon! Own your life boo. 
Alec is always putting other people first. He should be the one venting right now. 
I do find it interesting how it’s been proven time and time again that they can see right through each other’s bullshit, yet they continue trying to bullshit one another. 
Silent City? Did the City of Bones get a name change? 
Alec refusing to let Jace go alone? Be still, my beating heart. 
THAT HUG WAS MUCH NEEDED. (For me, anyway.)
Of all the times for Clary to not answer her phone. 
That shoutout was funny. Do your thing Simon! 
I’m so sick of Lilith always popping up. 
I like the stark contrast between the real Jace, and the Jace that Lilith is controlling. He just zones out and you can see that he isn’t himself. 
Shit is about to get real.     
All done! This episode was...a lot. It felt rushed at times, but I realize that they’re still setting up for what’s coming. I’m sure we’ll be seeing the aftermath of these actions in future episodes. Thanks for reading (or watching?) along! I’ll be doing this again next week. 
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mbtizone · 7 years
Kara Danvers (Supergirl): ESFJ
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Dominant Extroverted Feeling [Fe]: All of Kara’s decisions are based on her feelings. She cares so much about everyone and all she wants to do is help. She’s warm, affirming, supportive, selfless, affectionate, and kind. Kara is sensitive to the feelings of others and takes care of other people emotionally. She is extremely encouraging and always knows how to make people feel better about themselves. Kara often lets her emotions control her, and she can become consumed by them. She always tries to see the good in other people. She is forgiving and willing to give second chances. Kara always goes above and beyond the call of duty, especially when it comes to helping her friends and family. Kara enjoys teamwork and she enjoys being part of a group that’s working towards a common goal. Although Kara engages in fights with villains on a regular basis, she doesn’t particularly like confrontation in her personal life, and although she favors harmonious environments, she can become very hot-tempered when she feels attacked, or when other people are being threatened. She’s very empathetic and good at relating to other people, even her adversaries. Kara needs validation and is very sensitive to other people’s opinions of her. She gets very upset when Supergirl is attacked in the media, often becoming defensive or filled with self-doubt. It’s difficult for Kara to take criticism, but she does want to improve herself and be the best possible version of herself. She likes to do things for other people, whether it’s something big, like saving them from a plane crash, or small, like flying all the way to Chicago just to get Alex some food from that truck she likes.
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Auxiliary Introverted Sensing [Si]: Kara bases her judgments on her experience. When she’s presented with evidence contradicting her stance, she’s likely to dismiss it because of her own subjective history with someone or something. When everyone is trying to convince her that Lena Luthor is a member of Cadmus, Kara vehemently disagrees. She stands by Lena, because her experiences and history with Lena are what matters. When everyone else turns against Lena, Kara refuses to lose faith in her. She also initially refuses to accept that Jeremiah may not be the man she remembers (though she later comes around) and gets angry with Mon-El for even implying that something about him might be off. Kara enjoys traditions, like holidays and game night. Although Kara loves being Supergirl, her day job is very important to her. She likes her routine at CatCo and enjoys learning and growing within the company and she doesn’t mind performing the same repetitive tasks each day. She needs it to keep her grounded. Kara’s past is important to her and she likes to reflect on it, as well as use it to help her make decisions in the present.
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Tertiary Extroverted Intuition [Ne]: Kara is an optimist and likes speculating about favorable outcomes. Though she enjoys her familiar routine, every now and then, Kara likes to step outside of her comfort zone. Ideas and possibilities are stimulating to her and she likes to try new things. The unknown doesn’t typically frighten her – it excites her. She wants to have new experiences and doesn’t allow herself to get hung up on what might go wrong.
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Inferior Introverted Thinking [Ti]: It’s nearly impossible for Kara to put her emotions aside or be detached in any situation. Sometimes, when Kara is presented with facts and evidence she disagrees with, she has trouble making logical arguments. She just feels that she’s right and her opponents are wrong. Because Kara is so concerned with getting things done, she rarely stops to think critically about the predicaments she finds herself in. When Winn pinpoints Alex’s location after she’s been kidnapped, Kara wants to go and get her right then and there. Maggie tries to convince her to stop and think. Rick doesn’t look concerned. Maybe we should take a minute here, Kara. But nope, Kara’s already flying off with a rescue in mind. When she arrives, she finds that her sister isn’t there and the time that they have to find her has been cut down to four hours and Kara watches as Alex’s cage begins to fill with water. Kara doesn’t like when people try to make her (or Supergirl) out to be inadequate in any way. Sometimes, she can become quite stubborn if she feels that she knows the best solution to a problem, and can shut out other people’s opinions.
Enneagram: 2w1 So/Sx (Tritype: 216, possibly 217)
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Alex: [cleaning James’ wounds] You’re lucky you didn’t take a direct hit. Kara: Very lucky. James: I had my shield. I love that shield. [Kara gives him a pointed look] James: And I know what I’m doing, Kara. Kara: Even if Metallo is weakening though, he’s still a fanatic follower of Lillian Luthor. We have to find out where he’s taking Lena and how to help her. James: What is it gonna take for you to realize that Lena is a criminal? She’s not the victim. She got the kryptonite. He broke her out of prison. Kara: Lena’s not a member of Cadmus! She’s not! She stopped the gang with alien weapons. She saved Alex’s life when Corben tried to kill her. James: She shot Corben and then her crazy mom turned Corben into Metallo, so that could’ve been the plan the entire time. J’onn J’onzz: We have to start treating Lena Luthor like a hostile. The evidence is too overwhelming. Kara: Winn? If you watch that video, I know you’ll find something. Winn: I did, it’s… it’s clean. Kara: Then find something to prove her innocent. J’onn J’onzz: Everything we’ve seen so far says the exact opposite. Kara: Well, she’s my friend and I believe in her. [leaves room] James: [follows Kara out the room] I’m your friend. Which is why I don’t understand why it’s so hard for you to believe me. People don’t remember this, Kara, but Clark and Lex Luthor used to be best friends. For years and Clark believed in Lex for the longest time, no matter what people said, no matter what kind of proof he saw with his own eyes. No, Lex was his friend. But Clark was wrong. Kara: Lena is not Lex. James: But they grew up in the same house, Kara. I don’t understand why you keep defending her. And you have so much faith in her, but none in me as Guardian. Kara: That’s entirely different. I am trying to protect you. James: I do not need your protection. I need your trust. You have mine. I don’t understand why it’s so hard for me to get yours.
Lena: [putting down Kara’s article about her] It’s a good article. You flatter me. Kara: I only wrote the truth. I’m learning to keep digging, even when all the evidence points one way. There’s always another side. Lena: Even when it’s hard to find. Kara: Especially when it’s hard to find. [pause] Kara: So my office is overflowing with flowers… Lena: Really? Kara: Yeah. [both smile] Kara: You didn’t have to do that. Lena: Yeah, I did. Supergirl told me that it was you who sent her. I don’t know how to thank you. Kara: Well, that’s what friends are for. Lena: Yeah, never had friends like you before. Come to think of it, I’ve never had family like you. No one’s ever stood up for me like that. Kara: Now you have someone who will stand up for you, always. Lena: Well, Supergirl may have saved me, but Kara Danvers, you are my hero.
Kara: I stopped by that food truck you like. Alex: The one in Chicago? You are my favorite person.
J’onn J’onzz: You know, I wouldn’t have minded you coming to work for the DEO full-time. Kara: I can’t leave this place. It’s not just a secret identity to me. I almost did something today that I would have regretted the rest of my life. J’onn J’onzz:: What stopped you? Kara: My friends. The DEO keeps you human. They do that for me.
Kara: Either of you have saved the world before? Barry: Mm-hmm. Oliver: Last year. Barry Allen: It sure beats screwing up the world. Kara: Hey, you are too hard on yourself. Oliver: That’s what people usually tell me. Kara: And for good reason, I’m sure. But, back on my Earth, it’s just me and my cousin. Between the two of us, we’re more powerful than… Barry Allen: Yeah, everybody in this room combined. Kara: No, no. That’s the point. That’s what you’ve all proven her. Meta-humans or not, superpowers or not, you are Earth’s mightiest heroes.
Kara: I know you said you don’t get unnerved. Oliver: Well… Kara: But if you did, I think hardship is what makes us stronger. That’s probably why these people look to you as their rock.
Snapper Carr: Teenage runaways are not news. They are clichés. You have more important stories to cover. Kara: More important? What’s more important than a mother finding her daughter? Snapper Carr: My coffee, my Danish, and the five minutes of peace and quiet you stole from me.
Kara: [seeing the inter-dimensional portal] Go back to the DEO. Tell Alex what happened. Make sure a strike team follows me. Mon-El: [as she changes, she tosses her civilian clothes to him] Right. Kara: I’m going in there. Mon-El: Uh… we don’t know what’s on the other side. Kara: Izzy’s on the other side. And that’s all that matters.
Snapper Carr: Slaver’s Moon? Very catchy. Kara: All those runaways? They were being sold as alien slave labor. That’s a big story. 8,000 words, personal accounts from the cells, from the auction house, from the daughter, Izzy, whose disappearance you didn’t want me looking into. Snapper Carr: You want a medal? Submit yourself for Pulitzer. Kara: I know that you want me to follow my head, but I would rather be wrong about a dozen leads than not follow the ones I believe in. That’s the kind of reporter I want to be. I’m always going to follow my heart.
Kara: James, part of being your own man is knowing when to ask for help.
Alex: You’ve been weird ever since I told you. Kara: I don’t mean to be. Alex: Kara, I know when you’re sad, or when you’re disappointed. I don’t know what I would do if you were disappointed in me. Kara: I would never be disappointed in you, but you said you didn’t want to talk about it anymore. Alex: Well, I do. If… if you’re not okay with it… Kara: I’m SO okay with it! Sit down. Alex, come and talk with me. [Alex sits] Kara: I think I owe you an apology. Alex: For what? Kara: For not creating an environment where you felt that you could talk about this with me. All those years we spent together growing up, the endless nights talking and sharing, now I realize that they were all about me and my secret. There’s never been room for you, and that’s my fault. And I’m so sorry. Alex: You didn’t do anything wrong. Kara: And I know… I know that this is not the same at all, but I do know how it feels to keep a part of yourself shut off, to keep it inside. And I know how lonely that can make you feel. But Alex, you are not alone. Alex: I can’t do this without you. Kara: You don’t have to. So what about Maggie? What’s she like? Alex: I… I just like her so much. You know, she’s smart and she’s tough and she’s just beautiful. She’s so beautiful. Kara: So are you.
James: [shows his signal watch] Kara, he gave me this a long time ago. If I ever got in trouble, I could contact him. Kara: But you weren’t in trouble. When did you even call him? The second I left? James: Kara, I made a promise to your cousin. If anything ever happened to you… Kara: My cousin doesn’t get a “get out of a jam card” when he first started. Neither should I.
Kara Danvers (Supergirl): ESFJ was originally published on MBTI Zone
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