#he seems like a swing kinda guy if yk what i mean /silly
niqhtmeep · 1 year
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hes so rococo core /silly
FOOL BELOVED idk i couldn't wait to get home and digitize it so.. im just gonna post this now LOL
(i probably will digitize it tho)
ANYWAYS idk what compelled me to make this but i have like 5 more fool/gitm drawings in my brain rn i kid you not
beloved boy belongs to @venomous-qwille 🫶🫶🫶
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mukuberry · 3 days
muku... he decapitated her.
but anyways uh silly facts about akuji!
he keeps his girlfriend's head in a bag when he's going out
he worked as a fashion designer! his favorite thing to design was wedding outfits <3
he pretends his favorite food is steak but it's actually just instant ramen and boiled eggs. (he's such a freak)
idk how to describe it but he has some kind of mental condition that makes him hyper obsessed with the person he's in love with.
acts like a charming gentleman ladies women but he's actually a very social awkward reclusive guy
"aha... why's my sink full of dirty dishes? oh, i just haven't had time!" *has had time but just doesn't do it.*
probably would get along (if not try to date) with mahiru as yk... love <3
probably one of the more mentally weak prisoners in my ocgram
anyways um... have some more cheese
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HE HUH?? HE DID WHAT. HE TAKES WHAT IN HIS BAG. HUHH. UHM. UH. UHM.............. yknow mayyybe he has a totally valid and reasonable explanation for that!!!!! ^_^ i shouldn't judge him so harshly when i just met him... aha..... .... i mean clearly he has some issues but thats okay thats fine nobody is perfect ♡ lets just maybe keep him far far away from mahiru for the time being :)
Him being a fashion designer is cute!! I'm sure he's very good at making the prettiest bags for his girlfriend to rest in.... maybe he and mikoto can bond over being designers? If that doesn't make Arata too jealous :> and just like he designs clothes, it seems he designs his entire personality to seem charming and perfect for others..... boy u have so many issues
mental condition that makes him hyper obsessed with the person he's in love with..... my first thoughts are either borderline personality disorder or obsessive love disorder (but that one is kinda controversial)... BPD can include an intense attachment to someone which is called the favourite person... hang on lmk find a good definition
"a BPD favorite person is someone who holds significance for an individual with BPD and is often relied on heavily for emotional support and validation. This intense reliance can eventually lead to relationship challenges and emotional distress. Specifically, those with BPD may fall into a cycle of idealization and devaluation with their favorite person. At first, an individual may view their favorite person as flawless. However, if the favorite person doesn’t meet expectations or isn’t available, someone with BPD might swiftly shift to intense negativity toward them. These shifts between idealization and devaluation can occur rapidly and frequently, leading to instability in the relationship."
Obviously BPD is a disorder thats more than just FPs (you can have BPD without having them) so you'd have to see if he fits the criteria for it... other symptoms include an extreme fear of abandonment, identity disturbance, black & white thinking, intense emotions, fast mood swings ect ect....
As for OLD, it's kinda up for debate on if its an actual disorder or not, it's not in the DSM or ICD or anything but there is research on it, and it's usually linked with OCD, erotomania or BPD again;; here's a good article on it cause this response is getting long lol
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nishiisenpai · 4 years
somebody to someone - tsukishima kei x reader
REQUEST: “ Id love to request a Tsuki x Reader!! Maybe just a angsty fluff of sorts where there has been a lot of drama within their relationship? Like Tsuki’s friend (Could be yams or some1 else) kinda always had a crush on the reader, and maybe at one point one of the readers friends also had a crush on Tsuki, but it’s pretty obvious that they like each other instead. Maybe at the end Tsuki got hurt in a practice match or whatever, and the reader gets super worried- so she goes down to the nurses office to check on Tsuki and like seeing him even the slightest bit hurt causes her to just poor out all her feelings and tell him that she loves him? And happy ending pls where he reciprocates? Tysm 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️✨✨ - @i-smoke-chapstick “
A/N: it has come to my attention that majority of the people visiting my page are here for tsukishima angst. honestly i vibe with that. so i hope i didn’t disappoint in this request, and let’s start shall we? ;)
oh and side note, i didn’t really know how to add in drama without it being cliche, yk? i am trying not to be cliche with my work, but if it happens, it happens.
also i had to rewatch the third season where tsukishima got hurt, so that it would be my reference. (hurt me deadass.)
lastly- i apologize this took so long to be made, school (my science teacher) has been really affecting my mental health badly for the past week so i wasn’t able to create this to the best of my abilities, but i hope that you share and love this as much as you do with my previous works!
WARNING: Angst but with a fluff ending! Also crack cause why not?
WHO: Tsukishima Kei x Reader
ADDITIONAL INFO: F/N means friend’s name.
You’ve always been close with Tsukishima. Quite literally, you both were neighbours. Yamaguchi joined in later after Tsukki stood up for him against those childhood bullies. Plus you on the side intimidating them getting ready to beat the shizzles out of them though Tsukishima dragged your ass back home.
“Earth to Y/N?” Tsukishima’s hand waved in front of your dazed face.
“Tsukki, she’s not breathing,” Yamaguchi had exclaimed. Tsukishima looked at you before bonking you on the head.
“Ow, you lil bitch.” you tsked rubbing your head.
“Yamaguchi got worried, idiot.” Tsukishima replied back and you looked at Yamaguchi who sighed.
“Aww, my pretty baby, were you worried about me~” You wrapped an arm around the back of his neck to bring him down, squishing your cheeks with his and rubbing his hair.
“You’re gonna make him combust.” Tsukishima said with an irritated voice.
“I-it’s fine, Tsukki.” Yams waved him off and Tsukishima rolled his eyes.
“I was just complimenting him...” you said with a pout before fixing Yamaguchi’s hair and giving him a small smile.
“Oh hey guys!” your friend’s head popped out of the classroom.
“Hey,” you waved at them.
“Oh, hey F/N,” Tsukishima said.
“Hey, Tsukishima! ” your friend said giving him a small smile. You noticed them placing a hand on his upper arm as you awkwardly stood there with Yamaguchi.
Your friend and Tsukishima continued talking in the hallway, discussing with each other. You watched them as they continued talking and ignored both you and Yamaguchi. It hurt your heart a little knowing that he wasn’t going to be paying you the same amount of attention that he does for them.
“Do you wanna leave to head to class first?” you tugged at Yamaguchi’s sleeve to whisper in his ear.
“Sure,” he nodded.
“Sorry to interrupt you two, but Yamaguchi and I are going to leave first,” you indicated.
“I’ll see you later Tsukki.” Yams said waving at him and Tsukishima sent a nod of approval before his focus was back onto your friend.
“Do you have practice after school?” you asked Yamaguchi while walking to class.
“Yeah, why are you asking?”
“Oh, I was just wondering if you, and Tsukki wanted to hang out later today.”
“I should be free after practice. I’ll ask Tsukki about it later.”
“Okie dokie! I should head in now, thanks for walking me to class, Yamaguchi.” you said giving him a smile and a small little wave.
“B-bye, Y/N! See you later!” he waved back with a shy smile.
“Hey, Y/N, do you like anyone at the moment?” your friend asked as she touched up her lip tint in front of the mirror.
“Uh, no- how about you?” you lied as a way to cover up your hidden feelings for him.
“Oh really, who is it?”
“Tsukishima.” you expression blanked. You zoned out but snapped to reality when your friend waved her hand in front of you.
“A-ah I see. What do you like about him?”
“Well for pointers, he’s tall, he’s also smart, calm and overall he’s very intriguing. He’s also cute and handsome.”
“Woah, that’s... a lot?”
“Right! So can you help me out?”
“You’re like good friends with Tsukishima right? How do I make him go on a date with me?”
“Say what?”
“You know, a date.”
“Oh, uhm... Just ask him to help you study some material from class..? I’m pretty sure he has volleyball after school, but I’m sure he’ll help you out..”
“Thank you so much!” she side hugged you before leaving the bathroom.
Ha...Ha... I hope it goes well for her, then...
“TSUKISHIMAAAA!” you ran towards his direction to jump onto his back.
“Get off of me woman!” Tsukishima said carrying you.
“Never!” you giggled hanging onto him for dear life. 
“Hey guys- oh, nevermind...” Yamaguchi came in with a smile plastered on his face but slowly turned into a flat line.
“Oi, Yamaguchi, pull her off me will you?” Tsukishima said grunting.
“WAIT- DON’T DO IT- I’ll get off after you answer my question.”
“What is it?”
“Are you free after practice?”
“No I am not. I have to help F/N with studying her material.” 
“Oh yeahhh.” you said getting off of Tsukishima and standing there to face him.
“I was planning on hanging out with Yamaguchi, and you like the good old times, though it seems that both of you have a little study date.” you cheekily said nudging him. thump, thump
“Shut up.”
“We all know it’s true giraffe.” you rolled your eyes smirking. thump, thump
“Whatever you baked bean.”
“A baked be- a BAKED BEAN?” you jumped bonking him on the head causing him to wince in pain.
“Bake bean that, bAKE BEAN THAT.” you landed in front of him staring at Tsukishima with a fiery look. He smirked while scoffing looking into your eyes. 
Something had caused Tsukishima to look away faster than ever as he looked to his side quickly.
“Anyways, I guess I’ll just hang out with Yamaguchi, right?” you turn to him and his body shot up with a smile and pink plastered across his face.
“Y-Yeah!” he gave a smile and you smiled back before clapping.
“Alrighty then! Yams, I’ll be at the park closest to our neighbourhood. See you later!” you said waving at him before turning around. “Oh, and good luck on your date Tsukishima!”
Damn it, Y/N. Why does your heart have to beat every time you look at him. You need to stop crushing on him. He doesn’t even like you and is probably interested in F/N. She’s prettier than you, more entertaining and is better than you in general. Just stop this silly crush...
He’ll never like somebody like you.
“AHHH!” You laughed seeing Yamaguchi’s expression.
“Sorry, Yamaguchi~” you said before sitting next to him on the swings.
“It’s okay, Y/N.. So where do you plan to go?”
“Oh, right! Let’s go to the cafe nearby!”
“Sure! Lead the way.” You grabbed ahold of Yamaguchi’s hand before dragging him to the cafe. His face sparked with pink and it made him turn quiet.
“It shouldn’t be far away so we should be there before it closes.” as you turn the corner you recognize the sign and immediately speed up. You both enter the shop examining the place.
“What would you like? I’ll buy it for you.” you smiled looking up to him.
“Are you sure? I can just purchase it for myself.”
“No need to! Take this as a repayment to hanging out with me even though I know you have to study for an upcoming test.”
“H-How did you know?”
“You mentioned it to me a few days ago, so I thought this would help be a breather for you.” 
“Thank you.”
“Now tell me what you would like, so I can order it for you.”
“A vanilla milkshake, please and thank you.”
“Alright! Go find us a seat, I’ll find you later.” before parting ways with Yamaguchi to the register.
“Hi there, what would you like today?”
“May I please get a vanilla shake and your smile cookie?”
“That will be $3.15″ you handed the cashier the money, “Thank you.”
Yamaguchi��s drink soon was made alongside your cookie served on the side. You searched the seats and found Yamaguchi sitting by a window seat near the back.
“One vanilla shake for Mr. Yamaguchi.” you jokingly placed a weird accent.
“Pfttttt, that was so stupid,” Yamaguchi laughed at your horrible accent.
“Oh be quiet.” You sat down munching on your cookie. “How’s volleyball? I heard you guys have a match with Shiratorizawa in two days.” 
“Volleyball has been good. I managed to get my jump floats over the net, and yeah, we got finals against Shiratorizawa.”
“Looks like your practice is paying off. I’m really proud of you, Yamaguchi.” 
“T-Thank you, but I wouldn’t be able to do it without the help of Mr. Makoto.” The small chime at the door rung alerting that someone came in. You glimpsed upwards and saw Tsukishima with F/N. shit.
“I-is something wrong?” Yamaguchi asked wanting to turn his head but you shook your head aggressively.
“Nothing is wrong, not at all.” you smiled keeping your eyes slightly on Tsukishima.
“Hey look it’s Yamaguchi and Y/N!” your friend pointed towards you guys.
“Oh hey guys, what are you doing here?” Yamaguchi said.
“Studying.” Tsukishima plainly spoke.
“We should get seats close by to them right, Tsukishima-kun? So we’ll see you soon, yeah?” your friend touched Tsukishima’s arm dragging him to a table close by.
“Hey, Y/N are you good?” Yamaguchi dragged your attention back to him.
“Uhm, sorry, as I was previously saying, I just know you’re doing really well. It’s a shame I can’t see you in action in person.” you said to Yamaguchi continuing the conversation that was paused.
“P-Please do come!” Yamaguchi exclaimed and you looked confused.
“You know, Tsukishima doesn’t want me at the matches. He says I would be too loud...” you quietly spoke to Yamaguchi.
“Please, Y/N, do this for me? It’s finals and it would be a shame if I didn’t see you in the stands cheering on for us.” Yamaguchi’s bold move of holding hands caught you off guard. They were warm and big. Very welcoming. 
Tsukishima’s eyes trailed over to your hands being held by Yamaguchi - which caused him to clutch onto his pencil a little harder than he should have.
“Because you asked so nicely and cause you’re adorable, I’ll come. But if I don’t see you on the court playing, I would be devastated.” you dramatically spoke before giggling and continuing to chat with Yamaguchi.
It soon turned darker outside, meaning the cafe was closing soon too. Hanging out with Yamaguchi was fun today even though Tsukishima was helping F/N study. thump, thump
“Thank you again, Y/N. It was very nice of you to do this for me.”
“Ahhh stopppp, you needed this. Besides, I am glad you invited me to come watch. I’m very excited and look forward to it!” you said.
“It’s getting pretty late and dark, do you want me to walk you home?” Yamaguchi offered and you looked surprised before smiling and nodding. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Tsukishima and F/N.”
“Yeah, see you guys tomorrow! Make sure to walk her home, Tsukishima! You don’t want her to walk alone, do you?” you announced teasing him before exiting the building and turning your smile upside down.
thump. thump.
“Shit I’m late- I can already hear them play.” you sped up on walking up the stairs to Karasuno’s stand. You found a spot in the stands near the back. You watched as both teams played and saw Yamaguchi serving but no Tsukishima. You just figured he was in the corner with his other teammates because your vision couldn’t find him from that far.
“GO YAMAGUCHI!!!!!!” you cheered as he served perfectly to the other side of the team. 
“Hey lady, can you quiet down?” a boy with glasses asked. You stared at him in confusion.
“Apologies, but I’m cheering on for my friends and their team. Also, aren’t you supposed to cheer for them too?” you questioned, crossing your arms.
“We aren’t from Karasuno or here to really cheer for either teams.” the boy with glasses spoke.
“Then why are you here...?”
“We’re observing them.”
“D-don’t tell me you’re spying on them.”
“Why yes I am, miss lady.” 
“Oikawa, cut it out.” a boy with a deeper voice beside him said hitting the boy in the glasses.
“Iwa-chan~” Oikawa spoke holding his hurt spot.
“My apologies, he can be troublesome.” Iwa said apologising.
“It’s alright...Uhm, if you don’t mind... Can you tell me where Tsukishima Kei is?”
“Can you describe him?” Iwa asked.
“He’s tall, has glasses, blonde and a real b- I mean butt.” you smiled covering up your slip.
“Oh his hand got injured and he was bleeding-” 
“Okay thanks,” that was all it took for you to go down the stairs before turning to the exit and dashing down the stairs to the infirmary.
“Damn it, Tsukishima.” you ran trying to find the infirmary. That’s when you saw Yachi stand outside talking with Akiteru.
“Yachi! Akiteru!” you spoke up and they turned around.
“Oh hey, Y/N. How are you-” they both spoke but you cut them off.
“Where’s Tsukishima?” you asked in a panic.
“He’s inside being treated.”
“What happened?”
“He went for a block against one of the players and got his hand injured.”
“Is it alright for me to go inside to check up on him?” you asked desperately.
“Sure. I think he needs you right now.”
“Thank you.” As you knocked on the door and heard a small “come in”.
“Oh hey, Y/N-”
“I’m so sorry I’m late, but are you okay? I heard your hand got treated, but still-” you cupped his face wearing a worried expression looking deeply into his eyes.
“I-I’m fine, Y/N...”
“No you’re not. Look at your hand,”
“I said I’m fine, Y/N.”
“Fine?!?!? Tsukishima! Your hand was bleeding- are you kidding me? You can’t just say you’re fine after your hand was bleeding! Kei, I am so worried for you and it hurts my heart to see you like this. I just- I can’t seem to see you hurt, cause then I want to cry and there’s nothing I can do about it. Like fuck- is this what feelings do to you? I just love you so much and it pains me seeing you down- oh no...” you rumbled on and gasped covering your mouth quickly realizing what came out of your mouth.
“W-wait what?” Tsukishima’s eyes widened hearing that.
“I-it’s nothing, you didn’t hear anything.”
“No. I heard something.” He stood up towering over you. 
“No, you did not.”
“Something about having feelings for me?” he smirked looking down at you. Your face flushed pink.
“O-okay, maybe I do! So what? It’s not like you have feelings for me! I know they’re all for F/N and not me! I mean come on! I’m only your friend, and there is nothing I can do about it! F/N is so much more confident, lively, bubbly, pretty and an overall good if not amazing person! Of course you would have fallen for her! She’s in your league and I’m not! I just wanted to be somebody to someone already! And that someone is you, but I’m here looking like a complete-” the feeling of Tsukishima’s lips pressed against your forehead caused you to stop your sentence to look up at him.
“A complete unique individual that I somehow managed to fall for not only because of their looks or how they act, but for what they do and dedicate their time and effort to. Yes I have fallen for someone but that someone isn’t F/N. It’s you, Y/N.” Tsukishima said looking down at you with soft eyes that were filled with stars. His expression was soft and caring. You noticed how close your faces were when you saw how clear his honey like eyes shined under the bright lights.
“You are insanely beautiful, and someone I treasure so much. You’ve been with me since day one and I can not thank you enough for being there with me. I appreciate you so much but I don’t know how to physically show you all these emotions I pent up and hidden from you. Y/N, you should never look down on yourself like that. Besides, what’s so fun of having something in my league when I can go for something bigger?” Tsukishima wrapped his free arm around your waist to pull you in closer to him. Bodies pressed together and absorbing his heat.
“You’re not playing with me... Are you?” you asked in concern.
Tsukishima took his fragile hand to place it behind your head to press against his chest where his heart was. You heard the fast pace rhythm of his heart beating loudly against his ribcage. Tears slowly slid down your cheeks out of happiness.
“Now do you believe me?” he asked with a small smile. You nodded your head and hugged him to hide your blushing face and dried up tears.
“I-I hate you.”
“Mhm, sure you do.”
“D-Don’t you have a match to attend back to???”
“You’re right,” He gave you a quick kiss on the lips before heading towards the door, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” you sent a smile to him before he smiled back and left the infirmary with a whole different mindset.
The mindset where his thoughts were no longer clouded with jealousy or doubt, but with the burning passion for volleyball, a plan to defeat Shiratorizawa and now you.
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