#he shows more knowledge about that teleporting machine than his own weapons of choice apparently
claire-starsword · 1 year
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#shining force#ressurection of the dark dragon#sfrodd mawlock#shining series#long post#sfrodd hq dialogue#man this one is such a disappointment#way too bland for mawlock's fun fourth wall breaking shtick and also kind of nonsense#why pretend mage is a fake word for scientist when you'll acknowledge the existence of mages later on#magic exists in this setting bro what the hell are you talking about#also do the cards capture the soul itself or some sorta impression of it? the latter makes more sense#given that we collect cards of living people with powers based on them but not exact clones#either way did the girl consent to any of this as well? i know the writers don't care lol#also mawlock telling the story like a long lost myth kinda annoys me#because he's otherwise the guy that knows the truth behind a lot of ancient stuff#like okay sure a man can't know everything but still. disappointing vibe wise#he shows more knowledge about that teleporting machine than his own weapons of choice apparently#weird#using soul stuff though while being similar to a thing called the soul eater... hmmm#i know he's not too similar to the soul eater but. i still feel it in my heart okay. i'm connecting the dots#oh again i forgot to make more fun of him#'it must be fate that brought us together' my brother in christ you shoved yourself in the narrative on purpose#you busted through the wall like 'this is a remake i'm here to bring the extra content'#and the extra content was narsha so thanks but also shut up
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draven-imani · 3 years
Journal 8
I met the Queen of Mendev. Which somehow managed to still be impressive even after meeting the Inheritor a few days ago, which speaks pretty highly to her. Aaaaaand the Queen kind of sort of knighted me and gave me a promotion to commander of own legion and I don’t know what to do and I’m freaking out a little.
Right. Right—let’s just take it from the top.
Our little group had met up at Defender’s Heart when we got word from Commander Spriggans that there was an attack on the horizon. We made our way outside and saw an enormous force approaching. There were a number of those colossal Ulkreth demons that Hiskaria had seen demolishing buildings during the first attack, as well as a full army of lesser demons. They were marching on us rather than teleporting straight in—we figured specifically to show off their might to lower our morale.
Then, before the army could reach us, a second army from the East came charging into battle. Above them great metal machines flew overhead, and they dropped into the middle of the demon army these huge metal scorpions, which landed and began shooting the demons with beams from their tails. A person with green hair and glowing lines down their body gave a battle cry as they grabbed onto one of those giant metal scorpions and caused it to shoot that appeared to be an empowered disintegrate out of its tail into one of the Ulkreths.
The United Mendev-Numeria Alliance had joined the battle, just in the nick of time. With the use of their ‘Annihilator robots’, those big scorpions, and ‘laser guns’, and all sorts of other weapons I’d never even dream up they cleared out the demons. Even Hiskaria was about speechless. I think her words were something like “I thought Kevoth-Kul didn’t have that many of those”.
We were all incredibly pleased with how that went, and everyone was heading to Defender’s Heart for a victory ‘we didn’t get crushed by demons for another day’ drink, when a messenger came to get the four of us. Apparently Queen Galfrey had come to Kenabres herself. And apparently she’d been told about what we’d done the day before. And apparently she wanted to meet with us personally. She gave us the option of meeting at her personal war tent or at a place of our choosing. We decided it seemed most polite to meet at her tent. Melody and I decided to go dressed in the fine clothes we’d gotten from the kind shop keeper who had given us the free incredibly nice clothing for saving his wares the other day. Hiskaria and Luna…did not. It turned out it didn’t really matter. I will compared Queen Galfrey to the Inheritor in one way—she is a warrior as much as anything else.
When we arrived to the Mendev-Numeria encampment, we were met by the green haired person, Coremagon—an android, the first I’ve ever met. They had a particular quirk, in that they were not particularly good with emotions, and kept blowing up in anger. It also turns out they are Cassandalee’s herald. I would say I bet that was pretty cool for Hiskaria, but honestly considering her goddess talks in her head, maybe it was kind of mundane compared to how utterly in awe I would have been in her place.
I admit, I may have gotten Coremagone riled up a little. I wasn’t necessarily trying to. I was actually trying to help. Legitimately. I’m not exactly the best with emotions myself. I figured, it’s more pleasant to focus on trying to feel the good ones than the bad ones, right? That’s what I do, at least. Smile.
Well, apparently telling the herald of the god that they should smile is a bad idea.
I got thrown into the air by a whirlwind and landed on my ass.
They got told off by the queen though, so I got a little vindication.
We went into Queen Galfrey’s war tent and met the Queen herself. She was an incredibly striking figure. Definitely more warrior than bureaucrat. She waved a hand over her war table, and an enchantment in the table went off that caused a feast to appear, and she invited us to sit and eat while we spoke of recent events. We confirmed the reports she’d received of what had happened at the Grey Garrison, and she told us some of what has been happening at the borders. The Stormlord’s forces have been attacking at the borders of Mendev since the fall of Kenabres, and without the Wardstone’s barrier it is now only the armies of the crusaders standing between them and the rest of the world.
She said that while some people understand the gravity of the choice we made, and the lives we saved in doing so, others are calling us traitors for destroying the final shred of the barrier and the last hope of renewing it.
Queen Galfrey had a new task for us. As a member of the Crusades I am, of course, obligated to see this through to the end, but she offered to the others that if they wanted to help to clear their names and to do something to strike a blow against the demon hordes, she had a mission for us.
Her Majesty asked that we travel with a legion of her men to Drezen, to take back the captured fortress, and to retrieve the Sword of Valor, the very banner once held aloft by Iomedae herself, which if hung in the town again would expel the demonic forces. Currently the bulk of the forces from Drezen were with the Stormlord on the border, and the Queen intended to take her army to keep their attention there while a smaller strike force went in and took Citadel Drezen. I mentioned that we’d discovered that Stauton Vhagn was involved in the attack on Kenabres, and that he was holed up in Drezen as well. The Queen felt this was all the more reason to strike while the iron was hot and take Drezen back from him.
Luna said she would be willing to help, but she had no desire to lead an army. Queen Galfrey agreed that Luna and Melody were not members of the crusades, and therefore the choice was theirs to not take such a role. She also asked Hiskaria for her paperwork, and signed off on her release papers, before sending them off to be returned to Kevoth-Kul via some sort of magic portal. She said that technically Hiskaria was free to go now, as she had done more than enough to warrant her release in good faith. However the Queen had a feeling that Hiskaria would see this through to the end, and Hiskaria agreed that she wanted to do so as well.
With that said, Queen Galfrey declared that she was going to have each of us knighted and titled for our services. Should we survive this, apparently we’d each have land back in Mendev should we want it. That’s. A lot. That’s more than I ever expected to get out of all this. I didn’t come here to get anything, except maybe a little justice for those who died, and the ability to stop as many people from being made victims as possible. Actual physical rewards never really crossed my mind.
Actually surviving to the end of all this never really crossed my mind if we’re going to be brutally honest.
Melody was titled Lady-Lady Melody Legro, Lady of Grace
Luna was titled Luna, Lady of the Crescent Moon
Hiskaria was simply titled Lady Hope—Hope being her last name and something meaningful given her story.
And I guess now I am Sir Draven, the One-Eyed Knight.
I guess it’s a good thing I decided to quit being so self-deprecating about my scars after last night, or I might have felt a bit of a sting about the big thing that held me back all these years and kept me wallowing in the Raven Corps being what she decided to highlight in my title.
Okay. There might still be a little bitterness there. But—I’m working on it.
With this done, we were given a timeframe to expect to go—we will be leaving in three days time. Then we were dismissed, except for Luna who asked to remain to ask the Queen something in private. The rest of us gave her privacy and remained outside while she talked to the Queen about…whatever that was about.
Then we headed back to Defender’s Heart for a little revelry and to meet three new allies who the Queen had brought to our attention would be joining us with the legion. Aron Kir, a master spy with a strong knowledge base in siege warfare. His boyfriend and an old friend of Melody’s, Sosiel Vaenic, a Shelynite cleric and tactician with a vast knowledge of demons who didn’t really understand Melody’s desire to keep her heritage on the down low. And last, smallest, but certainly not least, Nurah Dendiwhar, a halfling bard who kept the sangrias coming throughout the night from a seemingly never ending box on her back. The three were extremely colorful and enjoyable characters who I was feeling very optimistic about working with.
Then while we were chatting, Commander Spriggans flagged me down. We shared a drink, and he handed me new orders from Queen Galfrey. Hiskaria was officially no longer part of the Raven Corps. And neither was I, since I would be leaving the city and therefore the Corps behind.
Instead, as I alluded to earlier, I had gotten a promotion. Commander of my own legion. I have a couple of days to think of a name and to get everything in order. Commander Tirabade—I guess I should be on first name basis with her now like everyone else? Irabeth is coming as well, as neither of us have field experience outside of Kenabres, but she has longer experience as a commander and is meant to be an advisor of sorts.
Inheritor help me that might be the strangest sentence I’ve written in this journal so far, Irabeth Tirabade is supposed to be my advisor on being commander of my own legion. It has been a few hours and this is still surreal to me. Aravashnial is coming along to lend his magic expertise as well, and Anevia wouldn’t be caught dead being left behind with Irabeth going.
Oh! I had forgotten in the middle of everything else, Queen Galfrey had some of her personal clerics see to Aravashnial and Anevia, so their injuries from the attack are no more. It is a relief, especially in regards to Aravashnial’s eyes. Queen Galfrey offered to do the same for my own eye, but I declined. I explained that I’d already learned how to fight with one eye, and I’d have to readjust if she healed me now. Which is very true, although perhaps not my only reason after the other day. It’s a good reminder, too.
More surprisingly, Horgus is coming as well. He’s going to be managing the army’s funds, field supplies, basically all around making sure the numbers are in order and we don’t run out of what we need when we need it, or get overzealous and overstock on something we don’t need. Which is all well and good with me, I don’t have a head for numbers myself. Hiskaria’s volunteered to help him and I’m more than happy to let her. She’s proven with her magic and assisting Aravashnial that she’s good enough at bookkeeping.
As for me…I’m a bit at a loss. I talked to Leto, of course. Asked him how he does it. Plays off being the cool confident leader like he does. Well—obviously it’s because he is. His answer basically boiled down to fake it until you make it, which is so not the answer I wanted to hear. There’s no way he’s been faking that confidence all this time. I’ve seen him, that easy charisma that just draws people to him. He’s in a league of his own.
I guess I’ll just keep pushing on forward like I always do. It seems to somehow work out, although I’ll probably have to hit a few stumbling blocks along the way. ‘Just act like you have confidence’, hm? I hate him sometimes. He’s infuriating. I don’t think he even knows how he looks to everyone else.
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femmereddie · 4 years
strong as the steel we carry (we rise like the sun) [4/6]
pairing: adora/catra fandom: she-ra and the princesses of power rating: general summary: A collection of drabbles from canon moments over the course of She-Ra, Catra/Adora related. This post contains all my drabbles from 5x01 through 5x06. read on ao3
S05E01 Horde Prime
“Neat trick, with all the footage of her friends in danger. These princesses are so predictable with their feelings.”
“As were you.”
Catra stared as Horde Prime towered over her. Her heart pounded. “What?”
“Elevated heart rate. Dilated pupils. Adora means something to you.”
Okay, keep it cool, Catra. You may have scratched your nails on the dinner table, but Prime doesn’t know anything. He can’t. “No, she doesn’t. She chose her side; I chose mine. She means nothing to me.”
But Prime didn’t believe her. “You Etherians are all alike. Such strong connections to one another. It’s what makes you weak.”
Prime removed his finger from her chin, and Catra felt like she was going to throw up, but she refused to let her feelings show. At least, more than she already had. “What are you going to do with me?”
“Now that I know about She-Ra and the weapon, what purpose do I have for you? Your little ploy of passing out information like a bargaining chip was never going to last long out here. I see all. I know all.”
Catra had been on Horde Prime’s ship for weeks, and she can’t believe someone had already outsmarted her. She was done for.
She jumped back, startled when Prime continued talking. “But fear not. I have great plans for you. Every part of the machine is of value. Even you, little sister.”
Catra’s eyes widened. For the first time in a while, she didn’t have the upper hand, which terrified her. If she wasn’t in control of the situation, then how would she even survive? Catra always figured out a way, but with Prime knowing her weakness, she wasn’t sure anymore.
Horde Prime was far more calculated than she ever dreamed he could be. Catra was expecting him to be smarter than Hordak, but she barely had a real conversation with Prime, and he had already deduced what was in her heart. Then again, this man ripped planets to shreds without even thinking twice. Discovering someone’s weakness was probably a midmorning snack for him.
God, how could she fall for a pathetic trick like that? Catra meant it when she said that princesses were expected to fall for these emotional traps, not her. How could she be so stupid as to show even a glimpse of what she was feeling inside?
It’s all because of my stupid feelings, Catra thought bitterly. Just because she accepted that her feelings for Adora never really went away, it didn’t mean that she was okay with them. Catra hadn’t worked through those emotions yet. They all came rushing back to her so fast, and then Horde Prime captured her, so there wasn’t even time to process her feelings. And honestly, even if Catra did have the time, why would she? She was far beyond redemption. Catra was hopeless. A lost cause. Why would Adora want to be friends with her after everything she had done, let alone anything more? Catra had long ago passed the point of no return. Adora was the living definition of a saint, and Catra was, well… Catra (and that was being generous). Catra had accepted reality, but it didn’t mean she could easily shut off her emotions. Not anymore. A dam broke inside of her, and she couldn’t build a new one.
Catra knew her own worth, and it wasn’t a lot. But apparently, she was still useful to Horde Prime. She only wished she could matter to the person that mattered more than anything to her.
S05E03 Corridors
Why’d you do it?
Catra could still hear Adora’s voice echo in her ears. She watched as a planet burned outside Horde Prime's ship.
She leaped down from the window and began walking, trying to stop her tears from falling. Catra wasn’t sure what to think anymore. She had always thought the best way to survive was not to trust anyone and look out for yourself. That’s what the memory playing on repeat in her head reminded her. But the longer Catra stood around like a useless duck, the more time she had to think. And boy, there was a lot to think about.
Mostly, Catra couldn’t stop thinking about Adora, not that it was surprising or anything. Thinking of Adora allowed Catra to wander through time to the days where they were training under the Horde. Those memories kept inching their way back into Catra’s mind. She couldn’t help but think about how Adora always seemed to look out for Catra, but when it came down to it, Adora chose the other side. Catra used to believe that Adora wasn’t loyal, but the more she thought about it now, the more she realized Adora wasn’t a bad friend—Adora had just recognized Catra’s worthlessness. Why should Adora want to defend Catra if there was a long list of other people who were worthier than she was?
She kept thinking about that particular memory. Maybe it was because she still heard Adora asking her why she chose to hit Lonnie. Nowadays, Catra kept asking herself about every choice she ever made. Sure, she wanted to get back at Adora, but in the end, that didn’t even happen. So was it worth it?
Truthfully, Catra knew she would never be enough for Adora. Still, maybe she should try making different choices for once, and not necessarily so Adora would see her as a better person (because that would never happen). But maybe Catra could look at herself in a mirror and not hate the person she saw so much.
Although there were not many choices to make with Prime breathing down her neck, she could still try.
* * *
“So, what would you be doing if you were back on Etheria right now and not, you know, a prisoner on an alien ship?” Catra asked Glimmer. She finally decided to stop being such a baby and seek company from someone, even if that person happened to be Sparkles.
“I guess maybe… maybe I’d go teleporting all around Etheria, visiting the other princesses in their kingdoms. If it were a really perfect day, Bow, Adora, and I would be having a sleepover. We’d raid Bright Moon’s kitchen for cake, and then we’d eat it with our hands right off the platter.”
As Glimmer rambled on about her perfect day, Catra bowed her head, wishing she had a close-knit friendship the way Adora, Glimmer, and Bow did. She remembered the days she used to be jealous of their friendship. Now Catra knew why—Adora, Bow, and Glimmer could always count on each other when it mattered the most. Catra had Scorpia and Entrapta, but she treated them like they were the scum of the earth. Ironic, considering that was what Catra felt like at the moment. Besides, Catra was far past jealousy. She was too exhausted to conjure any emotion after raging with anger envy for almost three years.
“We used to have those.”
“Sleepovers. Me and Adora. When we were cadets in the Horde. We’d play tricks on Kyle, stay up all night whispering about… you know, whatever.”
“Did Adora still thrash around all night and like, sleep fight? What was that about?”
Catra laughed, and her heart lifted. Not that she would ever admit it out loud, but she was appreciative of Glimmer attempting to have a decent conversation with her. “She always did that. Adora can’t even relax when she’s asleep.”
“I miss them. I was so awful to them the last time we saw each other. I’d do anything to go back and make it right.”
Glimmer’s words struck Catra’s heart. Lately, that was all she ever thought about. What if she could go back in time and undo some of her mistakes? Catra wouldn’t have followed Adora to Bright Moon, but maybe she wouldn’t have hurt so many people she cared about, either. Back then, Catra thought if she inflicted pain on those who betrayed her, then she would be happy, but it did nothing for her. So now what?
“What about you? What would you be doing if you were back on Etheria?”
“I… uh, nothing. There’s nothing for me on Etheria.” And that was the truth. The idea that Catra had messed up was the understatement of the century. She was responsible for destroying the lives of innocent civilians. She treated all of her friends like expendable objects. She went through extreme lengths to get things done, lengths that no one else would dare cross. And while Catra did regret some of it now, it didn’t change the fact that Adora would have never chosen her. Even if Catra followed her to Bright Moon back when she had the chance, Adora would have become best friends with Glimmer and Bow, leaving Catra alone in a frilly princess town. And to be honest, even if Catra initially held the decision against Adora, looking at it now, Catra wouldn’t have blamed her at all.
Catra stood up and walked away from Glimmer’s cell, without looking back.
* * *
“Sister, thank you for joining us. I have been scouring, searching for She-Ra, but what I seek is not yet to be found. My drones recorded a ship leaving the planet, a ship of such ancient design that it is not detectable by my instruments. How can this be?”
Catra looked away. “I don’t know.”
Prime didn’t believe her. “Hmm…”
“I don’t. Me and Adora, we’re not friends; I don’t know anything about her plans.” Catra sputtered. She may not know what Adora was planning, but she knew her well, probably better than anyone. Catra would bet everything that Adora was on that undetectable ship right now.
“And yet you seek to protect her.”
Catra didn’t know how to respond to that, because she was starting to think that maybe Prime wasn’t wrong. Despite everything, some part of her couldn’t let Adora go, and she hated herself for that. As much as she wished she could, Catra could never look Prime in the eye and deny that statement. But after a few beats, Catra looked at him anyway.
“You have been speaking to our guest, Queen Glimmer, against my command. Have you not, sister?” Of course, Catra couldn’t deny that either. “You have pity for her. You will speak to her, and learn what you can; she must have some knowledge of this… mysterious ship.”
Catra looked down, feeling nauseated at the prospect. “That won’t work. She doesn’t trust me; she’s not going to give me anything. Believe me, if I could tell you where Adora is, I would. She’s my enemy! I want her gone.” Despite that part of Catra that wanted to protect Adora, another part of her did mean what she said. It would be easier for Catra if Adora was gone than to face all the pain. Even just the thought of bearing more hurt if she confronted Adora made Catra sick to her stomach. Everything would be easier for Catra if Adora fell off the face of the earth right about now.
“Oh, look at you, poor sister. Your Adora causes you nothing but suffering. Don’t you want to be free of it?”
Catra gasped, horrified to realize that she would endure even more pain for Adora.
“There is another way. Let me show you.” Prime looked behind Catra and motioned. “Step forward.”
Before she knew it, Catra witnessed a brutal memory wipe forced on Hordak, and it was all because she recognized him. How is it that even when she wasn’t doing anything, she was still causing others pain?
All beings must suffer to become pure.
Once the process was over, and the other Horde soldiers cheered, Prime looked down at Catra. His scrutiny made her feel like she was physically shrinking. “Do what I ask of you.”
Prime didn’t say anything else, but Catra wasn’t stupid. She knew the same thing would happen to her if she dared to disobey him. Once again, Catra had another impossible decision to make.
* * *
“Here. It’s the dumb food you wanted.” Catra couldn’t bear to look at Glimmer. “You know, from your perfect day, or whatever.”
“I remember, I just… thanks.”
“Don’t go thinking I actually care about you; I’m supposed to talk to you, so… eat the stupid cake and then answer my questions.” Catra turned and saw the Horde soldier spying on the girls through the prison door. Catra knew there wasn’t much she could say or do without Prime knowing, but she didn’t even know what she was going to do if anything at all.
“What’s going on?”
“Don’t say anything. Just look at me.” Catra forced Glimmer to sit. Once Glimmer sat down, Catra crouched and leaned in to whisper. “An old First Ones ship left Etheria’s atmosphere a few days ago. Prime cannot track it. What do you know about it?”
Glimmer gasped and dropped the cake.
Catra’s heart sank, knowing what that meant. “Adora’s on that ship, isn’t she?”
She got ready to leave the cell, but before Catra could, Glimmer Glimmer grabbed her arm in desperation. “You can’t tell him; you know what he’ll do to her if he catches her!”
“Adora’s on her way here, she’s coming for you. I don’t have to do anything; I just have to let it happen.”
“And you think Prime will reward you? As soon as you’re no longer useful to him, he’ll get rid of you in a second!”
“I always find a way out!”
Glimmer pushed Catra back, refusing to let her leave. “So you’ll just run away? T-t-to what? If Prime captures Adora, he can use the Heart of Etheria to wipe out the whole universe! Is that what you want?”
Catra remained speechless as Glimmer began backing into her space. “Please, Catra! Do one good thing in your life!”
Catra was about to concede. She really was. But then she remembered that Adora didn’t care about her, even though she still cared about Adora. So why should Catra do anything? She was always spectacular at making bad choices, and this time would not be any different.
Catra yanked herself out of Glimmer’s grasp. “Don’t talk to me like you know me! You don’t know anything about me!” Catra began banging on the cell door. “Hey, let me out!”
So, for the millionth time in her life, Catra ran.
* * *
Catra walked down the hall, feeling ashamed that she told Prime everything she knew. She couldn’t stop replaying his words in her mind. You have done well, little sister. Soon, She-Ra will be mine, and with her, Etheria. Catra’s insides were not warming up to the prospect of Prime winning control over Etheria.
Catra thought about the day that she hit Lonnie, and how Adora didn’t give up on her, even after Catra scratched her face. Catra remembered the raging jealousy that seeped through her veins. Adora definitely knew how flawed Catra was, but she came back, anyway. Even back then, Adora tried to help Catra make good choices. But Catra was never that person, no matter how much Adora wanted her to be. That was why she vowed never to apologize to anyone. But looking back, Catra never dreamed one day that statement would apply to Adora. Now, Catra questioned everything she ever knew, or said, or did.
Soon, She-Ra will be mine, and with her, Etheria. All because of you.
As much as Catra tried to avoid it, guilt crawled under her skin. She betrayed Etheria again because she couldn’t make the right decision. But could she live with the fact that Prime would obliterate Etheria because of her? Even if Etheria didn’t always feel like home, it was the only home Catra ever had.
You made the right choice.
Did she? Did she really? Prime may have said that, and maybe Catra a year ago would have believed it, but at that moment, she didn’t feel like it was the right decision. She doesn’t even know why she chose to tattle to Prime. The only excuse Catra could conjure was that doing terrible things was muscle memory. An instinct. She never had to think twice about it before, but things were different now.
Suddenly, Catra heard a giggle in the distance. She turned to find herself immersed in the same memory, at the end when she and Adora made up and began playfully tackling one another. Catra gasped, having forgotten about that part.
Catra’s eyes widened when Adora looked in her direction. Young Adora was part of the memory, but somehow, she wasn’t looking through Catra—she was looking right at her.
“I’m always going to be your friend,” Adora echoed excitedly, thinking she was looking into her future. The prospect of letting a younger version of Adora down, a version where they were best friends, just didn’t sit well with Catra.
There comes a point in everyone’s lives where they must make impossible choices. Catra figured she had already endured them all, but there was another one, staring at her in the face. She did not have many options left, and her time frame was limited. She didn’t even have a plan for heaven’s sake. Catra already established that it was her nature to make bad choices and that she couldn’t change. But if that was the case, then why did opportunities keep throwing themselves at her? Why did Adora never give up on her? Catra may be crazy, but this could also be her last shot. She had to make it a good one.
You will be exalted, raised up above the other wretched creatures of your home world. Is that not what you wanted?
As Catra sprinted toward Glimmer’s cell, she knew what she wanted. She thinks she always did; she was just too stubborn to admit it. It was never what Prime offered, but rather, the future Young Adora saw. A future where they could be friends. Catra didn’t think it would ever happen, and she still didn’t. She wasn’t naive, but she had to be a friend to Adora in the end. She couldn’t let her down. It was all Catra had left.
When Catra made it to Glimmer’s cell, she hovered behind the clone delivering Glimmer her food. Once she had the perfect opportunity, Catra jumped on the clone’s back, wrestling with them until she knocked them out.
“It’s nothing personal, Hordak.” Catra lifted him and used his hand to open the cell. “I’m coming in!”
Once the barrier was down, Glimmer stared at Catra, utterly confused. “What are you doing?”
“I wanna do that one good thing in my life. Like you said. So… come with me,” Catra explained, holding out her hand.
Catra led Glimmer to the launch deck, but before they got there, Horde soldiers ambushed them. Catra and Glimmer took them down and were relieved once it seemed like the coast was clear. Unfortunately, an alarm started blaring, and that made Catra realize they were running out of time.
“Let’s go.”
Catra ran, and Glimmer followed her to the deck. Once they made it, Catra shoved Glimmer onto the launch pad and prepared to send her away.
“What are you doing?”
“What does it look like? I’m getting you out of here.” The doors slid shut. “Good, that should hold them.”
“Wait, are you… are you saving me?”
Catra realized that she was saving Glimmer, but Sparkles was not the reason she was doing it. “Not you, Adora. Even if I sent her a message to stay away, she would still come for you, that’s just how she is.”
Clones began clawing the door open, and Catra’s heart rate picked up its pace.
“What about you?”
Catra was taken aback at the question. It was the first time she considered the consequences that she would endure once Glimmer was gone. “Me? All I do is hurt people. There’s no one left in the entire universe who cares about me.”
* * *
The last thing Adora expected to hear when she patched the call through was Catra’s panicked voice. “Adora?!”
Adora’s eyes widened in shock. “Catra?”
“You don’t sound so happy to hear me. I’m sending Glimmer to you. I don’t know your exact location, but I can get her to your quadrant. You have to be there to catch her.”
Adora was nowhere near caught up with everything Catra was saying. It was too much for her to process. “Wait, wait, wait, what? What’s going on? Glimmer is—is with you?”
On Catra’s end, clones began piling their way into the room. She had to fight them off. “We don’t have time. You need to get to these coordinates now. Don’t come here, no matter what. Horde Prime is ready for you!”
“Catra, I don’t understand, what is—”
Catra shrieked. She didn’t have enough time to say everything she wanted to, but she had to try. As a couple of soldiers grabbed her and pinned her to the wall, Catra fought them off with tears streaming down her face. “Just listen! Adora, I’m sorry. For everything!”
Adora could not believe her ears, but she had to snap out of it because if there was even the slightest chance she could get Catra back, there was no way in hell she would let her go. But there was only one last thing Catra had to do to ensure Adora’s safety. She pushed her way back to the launch machine, slid her fingers up, and within moments, Glimmer was gone.
The communication line went static. “No. No, no, no! Catra, come back!” Adora wailed, tears welling in her eyes.
The communication channel has been closed.
Adora couldn’t believe what happened. Catra saved Glimmer at her own expense. Maybe Catra was on their side after all, and Adora could have gotten her best friend back. But since the communication line cut and Horde Prime still had Catra, the one thing Adora wanted ever since she left the Horde slipped right through her fingers. And the worst part was, she almost had it. Catra dangled in her grasp, and Adora felt it.
But in the end, none of that mattered, because Adora still lost Catra. Again.
S05E04 Stranded
“So, let me make sure I get this right. Catra saved you from Horde Prime? Like, Catra, Catra? Why would she do that? It doesn’t make any sense,” Adora stammered, still reeling in shock from everything that happened.
“She said she wanted to do one good thing in her life. She said she was doing it for you.”
Adora always thought Catra as her sworn enemy was the worst thing possible, but boy, was she wrong. Catra sought redemption only to remain Horde Prime’s prisoner was far worse. Her sacrifice made Adora’s heart lurch in a way that it never did before.
Just a few minutes before, there was a chance that Adora and Catra could fight side by like they always should have, but now, it was too late.
Adora sighed and slid against the wall, exhausted from defeat. Ever since she left the Horde, part of her felt responsible for Catra, although Adora knew that she was not accountable for Catra’s bad decisions. However, that did not change how Adora secretly hoped Catra would become a better person. Adora knew she could; she just witnessed it. Of course, Catra caught Adora off guard, but only because Adora did not expect to hear from Catra, not because Adora thought Catra was beyond redemption. Nevertheless, it did not matter how much Adora agonized over what happened because Catra still sacrificed herself to save them, and based on the chaos Adora heard, she knew why Catra sacrificed herself.
Catra saved Glimmer because she thought she would never see Adora or Etheria again. Catra had finally reached her limit, and she felt like there was only one thing left to do. So, Catra gave up her life for Glimmer so that Adora could save Etheria. However, by the time Adora defeated Prime, Catra would be long gone, and everyone would owe their lives to Catra because she finally recognized what Adora always knew—there was good inside of her.
Adora only wished that she could have saved Catra instead of letting her down again.
* * *
“Horde Prime always wins. He’s unstoppable.”
Adora would never accept that. Maybe Catra has, and the majority of the universe probably has, but Adora could not. Accepting defeat meant she would never get Catra back.
“And you’re just one girl with a stick, what could you possibly do?”
Nothing hurt more than another reminder that without She-Ra, the chances of seeing Catra again were even slimmer. “Well, I used to be… stronger. But that doesn’t matter. If everyone works together, I know we can take him down. He has to pay for what he did, and he… he has someone on his ship. Someone I…” Adora could not think about what Catra meant to her at the moment. “We’re stopping him. Period.”
“If your friend is with Prime, it’s already too late.”
“Oh, no, Catra is not my friend. I mean, she’s… used to be, but that was a long time ago, and she’s tried to kill me a bunch of times since then. But then she saved Glimmer, and maybe that means there’s still good in her, and now, I don’t know, it’s… it’s complicated.” Adora rambled nervously.
“Everything seems really complicated with you,” Tallstar said dryly.
“Whatever she is, friend or not, she’s gone. There’s no point in going back for her. No one stands up to Prime and survives, I’m sorry.”
Adora wished she could just dismiss Jewelstar’s comments as negativity, but she knew better. Although she was a positive person, Adora knew Catra’s future was hazy, and hearing it from somebody else only confirmed her worst fears.
But Adora being, well, Adora, Jewelstar’s observations only made her more determined to get Catra back.
* * *
Adora smiled as she watched Bow and Glimmer make up. Then, she turned to look at the endless universe in front of her, littered in stars. Adora realized that Catra was somewhere out there and that there was a possibility Horde Prime was torturing her. Catra risked everything for her. Adora could not look at Etherian skies again while knowing she did not rescue Catra.
Adora knew what she had to do.
“Adora? Are you okay?” Glimmer asked, approaching her side.
“Yeah, I just… Look, I know this is going to sound crazy and dangerous, and I know Catra was our enemy, and she’s done a lot of bad things and hurt a lot of people, but—”
“You wanna go back for her.” Glimmer interrupted as she put her hands on Adora’s shoulders.
Adora sighed and nodded, dangerously close to sobbing. “I can’t just leave her there. I have to try.”
“Catra sacrificed herself to save me. Whatever you need to do, I’m with you.”
Adora smiled at Glimmer, and Bow approached them. “Then let’s do this. Best Friends Squad style.” He said, pulling them in for a group hug.
For the first time since Adora left Etheria, a spark of hope ignited her heart. Her friends were always there for her, and they always knew how to make her feel better. Even if they did not want to go back for Catra, they would still go for Adora.
Adora only hoped that they were not too late.
S05E05 Save the Cat
“This is how it’s going to go. We’re gonna make a deal. You’re gonna give me Catra, and then you’re gonna let me leave again, free and clear. I have something you want, a weapon that only She-Ra can activate. The Heart of Etheria. And if you don’t do as I say, then I’ll use it, and destroy you and your empire for good.”
Horde Prime laughed.
Adora was genuinely confused by his reaction. She cleared her throat. “Is… is something funny?”
“You are not going to use the weapon, or you would have already done so. You would never risk the safety of your Catra.” He said her name as if he knew of Adora’s well and buried feelings, feelings that even she could not admit to herself.
But Adora didn’t falter. “You don’t know me, and you don’t know what I’m capable of.”
“Oh, but I do. I am old, far older than you can imagine. My brothers lend me their life force, and when one vessel fails me, I simply elect another. Thus, Prime has reigned eternal through the centuries. There is something so familiar about you, Adora. A face I have not seen in a thousand years. Not since I faced your ancestors, and crushed their once-mighty empire beneath my heel. You call them the First Ones. And you are one of them, are you not, Adora?”
Adora’s eyes widened. This mission was more difficult than she initially thought, but she couldn’t give up. Adora refused to leave Horde Prime’s ship without finding what she came here for.
* * *
“I don’t fight for the First Ones. I fight for my home, for myself, and for my friends. Now for the last time, where is Catra?”
Adora perked up when she heard Catra. “Catra? Where are you?”
“Of course, your Catra. She hoped you would come for her, poor thing. So all I had to do was wait. As she would have said, ‘you are so very predictable.’ Come here, child.”
Adora thought Prime was talking to her, but he looked past her. She turned and saw two Horde soldiers bring in a cloaked figure. Adora had an inkling of who it was before they even revealed themselves.
Her suspicions were confirmed when Catra took off the hood, but Adora was still shocked to see Catra’s normally cyan-yellow eyes flash neon-green. “Hello, Adora.”
Adora stared for a few moments as her heart sank. This was not the Catra that she knew. Adora never thought she would miss fighting Catra, but at that moment, she did. Adora would give anything just to see the real Catra.
Adora’s shock wore off and transitioned into a fiery rage. She jumped forward to get to Catra, but Horde soldiers reached Adora first. “What did you do to her?!” She shouted.
Adora could only watch, helpless and horrified, as Catra bowed before Prime.
“I have made her anew. I saw her mind, so ensnared in rage, and grief, and pain… and I brought her to the light. Isn’t that right, little sister?”
Adora refused to accept it. “Catra, you have to fight it!”
“My place is with Horde Prime, Adora. I don’t want to leave.”
“Tell her what I’ve done for you.”
Catra walked toward Adora. “Prime has given me peace, something you could never do.” Catra tenderly placed a hand on Adora’s cheek. Her touch sent chills down Adora’s spine. “You broke my heart, but he has made it whole again. Don’t you see? This is for the best. I’m happy here. You could be happy, too.”
Adora’s heart broke as Catra spilled brainwashed nonsense from her mouth. A few tears slipped down Adora’s cheeks. She had no idea how broken Catra was before Horde Prime indoctrinated her. Adora wished she was there for her friend.
Well, Adora was not going to give up on Catra now. “Let her go.”
Horde Prime placed his hand on Catra’s neck. “Shall we make a deal, Adora? I will give her to you if you want her. But first, you must do something for me. You will give me She-Ra.”
“Very well.”
Horde Prime snapped his fingers, and suddenly, a high-pitched screech wailed in Adora’s ears.
“You miscalculated. I see all. I know all. You thought yourself worthy to challenge me, but you are nothing but a false hero, the last of the First Ones to fall at my hands. You have led your friends to destruction.”
Adora still reeled from the noise when she noticed that Prime unintentionally pressed the back of Catra’s neck. For a moment, she swore she saw Catra’s real eyes crush Prime’s hold, but in a blink, it was gone.
Horde Prime squeezed Catra’s neck. “Go on, fulfill your purpose. Bring out She-Ra and strike me down.”
Adora did not know how to respond, especially since her plan just went out the window.
So, Prime continued talking. “Ah… but you two must have a lot of catching up to do. I will leave you to it. Let me know when you’re ready to make a deal.”
Horde Prime and his clones left the room, leaving Adora and Catra alone. Adora stood and looked at Catra cautiously. Maybe she could save her friend; perhaps it was not too late.
But then, Catra whipped out her claws, and Adora’s heart sank.
* * *
Adora did not see it coming, but Catra punched her. The only thing Adora could do was fight back. When it was clear that Catra would not stop, Adora realized she had to get through to Catra before it was too late.
“Catra, listen to me. I know you’re still in there. I’m not leaving without you.” Adora’s emotions bested her as tears fell from her eyes again. “It’s gonna be okay.”
Suddenly, Catra wiggled her way out of Adora’s grasp. She gained the upper hand and captured Adora in a loose chokehold. “Everything is already okay. We are with Prime now. There is no need for you to suffer, Adora. Come into the light with me.”
Adora knew that it was not really Catra talking. She was so furious that she grabbed Catra’s shirt from behind and threw her as hard as possible.
Once Catra was on the ground, Adora walked toward her. “Snap out of it, Catra! I don’t wanna hurt you.”
Catra sat where she landed, unable to stop laughing. “But you have already hurt me. Prime has set me free of that pain. The pain that you caused. He will set us all free, forever. A world of peace without end.”
Catra walked up the steps to Prime’s throne. Each word she uttered shot a bullet through Adora’s heart. Adora wished she had tried harder to save her friend.
Catra leaped from Prime’s throne to fight Adora again. Then, Adora pushed Catra so hard that she teetered off the edge of the room. Adora quickly realized that it was not just an edge, but a bottomless, black pit that led to nowhere. Infinity space, maybe.
“Catra!” Adora exclaimed, terrified that she was about to lose her.
Catra looked down at the bottomless pit. When her eyes met Adora’s, she laughed. Then, Catra pushed herself off the edge.
Time moved in slow motion, but Adora would not allow anything to stop her from saving Catra. She lunged forward and grabbed her, safely pulling her back. Instinctively, Adora embraced Catra and cried tears of relief.
But Catra took advantage of the opportunity and scratched Adora’s back. Hard. “Oh, Adora. How long will you drag this out? You will destroy the ones you love in the process.”
Adora was stunned that Prime channeled Catra’s body to speak to her. Before she could do anything, Prime Catra dragged Adora, ready to push her into the pit.
Catra dangled Adora over the edge as she continued talking. “She was afraid, in the end, and she suffered. Perhaps I will make her my new vessel, though she would not last me long. What do you think, Adora?”
Adora raged at Prime’s words. She regained her balance and slammed Catra into the glass wall. Electricity crackled at the back of Catra’s neck.
Catra laughed. When she looked at Adora, her eyes flickered between the cyan-yellow Adora knew and loved, and Horde Prime’s magnetic neon-green glow.
The room shook a little, but that did not phase Adora. She was closer to getting Catra back than ever. “I am not giving up on you, Catra.”
“Then you’re a fool. You cannot stop Horde Prime. He will reign triumphant over all the universe. It is destiny.”
The room was not stable at all. Electricity sparked around them and zapped Catra’s neck again. She screamed in agony.
“No!” Adora cried. She held onto Catra tightly and backed them away from the wall.
Everything was eerily silent for a moment, and then, the walls exploded.
* * *
Catra blinked. Adora looked down and found a chip planted in her skin. She stared as the real Catra gained control over herself. “Adora, you should have stayed away. Why did you come back? We both know I don’t matter.”
Adora’s heart broke all over again when Catra said that. Even when they fought on opposite sides, Catra was still important to her. Catra would always matter. Adora tenderly placed a hand on Catra’s face. “You matter to me!”
Tears brimmed in Catra’s eyes. She tried to will them away as she gazed at Adora in awe. She just woke up from Prime’s control, and she could not piece together one coherent thought because Adora was looking at her as if there was nothing else in the world. It was everything she ever wanted.
But then, Catra’s eyes glowed green again. Back under Prime’s spell, Catra punched Adora, stood up, and walked toward the edge. However, the chip crackled again, and she stumbled.
“Come on, Catra! You’ve never listened to anyone in your life! Are you really going to start now?”
Catra felt like she was drowning. She had trouble holding onto her autonomy; it felt like she was riding an underwater rollercoaster. Catra clawed for the surface, desperate to find a way out. Whenever Prime regained control, he trapped her in a catatonic limbo, but fighting for herself was not that much better because Catra used every ounce of strength just to earn a few moments back. Then, she became Prime’s pawn all over again.
Catra regained control for a few moments, long enough to look at Adora with a dopey smile and say, “You’re such an idiot.”
Adora started crying again. “Yeah, I know!”
Catra giggled, but Adora was not worried. She knew that this was the real Catra. Hearing her laugh was the most beautiful sound Adora ever heard. Catra’s authenticity restored a new kind of perseverance deep inside Adora. “I’m going to take you home,” Adora fiercely proclaimed.
As Catra struggled once again, she reminded herself to stay awake because Adora came back for her. Catra never thought this would happen, not in a thousand years. Adora’s presence ignited a vulnerable and painful longing inside Catra. “Promise?”
Adora held out her hand. There was no hesitation this time. “I promise.”
The hope inside Catra expanded as she reached out for her friend. Maybe she could escape Horde Prime. “Adora…” But then, a horrible cracking sound forced Catra to pull away, and her mind went dark.
* * *
Disappointing. Some creatures are destined only for destruction.
Prime’s words rang in Adora’s ears as she watched Catra fall off the edge. “No!” Adora screamed, but it was too late. Catra fell into the abyss, and Adora did not catch her in time.
But they were so close. Adora could not give up on Catra now. For a split second, she was back on Darla, when the communication line went static and Catra was gone. Adora remembered the mind-numbing anguish hang over her, and how she never wanted to feel that despair again. She refused to leave Catra behind.
So, Adora did the only logical thing she could—she jumped.
* * *
Darkness engulfed Adora to the point that she believed she went blind. She knew she was alive because her head throbbed in pain, but her vision was pitch black.
Adora opened her eyes. Once her vision cleared, she gasped, noticing Catra’s lifeless body several feet away. Adora tried to stand, but she lost her balance, so she wiggled her way across the floor on her stomach instead.
When Adora reached Catra, she propped herself on her knees. “Catra? Catra? It’s okay. I’m here.”
Catra struggled to breathe. Initially, Adora was relieved because Catra showed signs of life, but Adora realized that Catra was breathing like she was about to die. Adora refused to accept that. She embraced Catra and buried her head in her neck, tears filling her eyes.
Adora heard movement in the background, but she did not acknowledge anything. She barely paid attention until she heard Prime’s voice, goosebumps forming on her arms. “I am sorry for the needless waste, Adora. It did not have to be like this. Are you ready to cooperate?”
Adora could not take Prime’s manipulative, phony sympathy. He killed the person she cared for most in the world, and now he dared to give her fake condolences? Adora was not going to let him get away with it.
Something deep inside her stirred. She could not pinpoint the exact feeling, but it was all too familiar as if she pieced the last part of a puzzle together. Her puzzle. That was when it hit Adora—it was magic. Magic breathed through her body and flowed through her veins. This was She-Ra.
Adora opened her eyes as She-Ra enveloped them. Magic lifted Adora and Catra into the air, supported by She-Ra’s power. Once they floated, Adora knew what she had to do.
“For the honor of Grayskull!”
Adora transformed into She-Ra countless times, and every single one of them gave her a powerful rush, but there was something about this particular transformation that was different from the others. This change was She-Ra’s rebirth, but the magic felt different because the sword no longer supported She-Ra. This time, new, mighty energy carried She-Ra—something so pure that Adora did not even recognize it at first. She never experienced an essence as strong as this, but looking back, Adora realized there was only one entity strong enough to sustain She-Ra’s magic.
So, with love as She-Ra’s newfound strength, Adora rescued Catra from Horde Prime.
* * *
Once Darla blasted them out of Horde Prime’s atmosphere, Adora rushed to Catra’s side. Bow and Glimmer knelt by Catra’s head. When Adora crouched to their level, she immediately swooped Catra in her arms.
“Come on, Catra. You’re not done. Not yet.” Adora pulled Catra closer as a few tears slipped down her cheeks. “We’re going home.”
Adora felt one last rush of She-Ra’s power flow through her, almost like she channeled her magic through Catra. After a few moments, Adora released her power and changed back into herself.
Remnants of She-Ra sprinkled a brilliant gold as Catra slowly woke up. She coughed, opened her eyes, and smiled softly. “Hey, Adora.”
Adora was so happy that she cried harder as she held Catra close. She felt like if she didn’t, Catra would slip through her grasp again. However, Catra did not move, and after a few moments, she returned the embrace, clutching Adora with just as much passion.
There was so much they needed to talk about, and neither of them knew where to start. But Adora and Catra had time; they had all the time in the world. So, they basked in each other’s presence as a silent understanding passed between them, knowing that they had a lot of tension to resolve later.
But for now, Adora and Catra focused on the serenity they reached because they were in each other’s arms again.
S05E06 Taking Control
Little Sister.
Catra shrieked when she woke up, frightened by the endless nightmares of Horde Prime taunting her.
She was still piecing her thoughts together when the doors slid open. Fearing the worst, Catra screamed.
But it was just Adora. “Hey. Hey, it’s just me.”
Catra huffed and rolled onto her side. Once the high from Adora and Catra’s reunion wore off, Catra placed an invisible blockade around herself. Until she figured out what she wanted to do, Catra could not handle people hovering over her, or worse—treating her with fragility because they were afraid she would break. And by people, Catra meant Adora.
Meanwhile, Adora walked on eggshells around Catra. She wanted to give her friend all the space and time she needed, but the longer Catra shut her out, the more conflicted Adora became. Adora tentatively reached out to comfort Catra, but in the end, she dropped her hand, fearing that her touch would upset Catra. Adora just got her back, and she didn’t even know if she had her. “Are you… still getting the flashes?”
“Yes, I keep having this horrible vision of a blonde girl, who thinks she’s better than everyone, barging into my room all day. Oh, wait.” Catra looked up and glared at Adora to emphasize her point before she flopped back down.
Catra’s words stung, but Adora tried not to let them get to her. She sighed. “We’ll find a way to get the chip off. If you’d just let Entrapta take a look at it, I bet she could—”
As soon as Adora mentioned Entrapta, Catra panicked. Catra did not want to seem weak, especially since she already portrayed weakness when she was emotionally intimate with Adora after she rescued her. So, as usual, Catra threw a pillow over her face and deflected. “I don’t wanna see anyone, okay? Not you, not Arrow Boy, or Sparkles, and definitely not Entrapta.”
Adora pulled the pillow away. “So you’re just gonna hide in here forever? You’ll have to face them sometime.”
“No, I don’t. Just drop me off on the closest planet, I’ll make my own way.”
Adora was frustrated. She knew Catra was stubborn, but she expected more because of the intimate reunion they had. Adora did not want things to revert, but so far, their relationship was an absolute train wreck that Catra refused to acknowledge. “What, so Horde Prime can capture you again?”
“I can take care of myself!”
Since Catra is acting as if nothing changed, I should do the same thing, Adora thought bitterly. In a fury, she threw Catra and her mattress onto the floor. “I promised I’d take you home, and that’s exactly what I’m gonna do. Why are you acting like this?! We saved your life!”
“I told you not to come back! But you just love feeling like a hero, don’t you?”
“You’d rather I left you there to die?”
“WHAT DO YOU CARE? I know you all hate me!”
Adora’s heart shattered. As much as she wanted to pretend that they were still rivals, it was impossible. Adora could not bear Catra thinking she hated her. Yes, they were sworn enemies, but Adora had always hoped that Catra would realize she belonged with her. Adora was not sure she would ever recover if Catra left now. “I never hated you!”
Catra’s eyes widened in shock, and she was at a loss for words. After everything she did, how could Adora not hate her? So, Catra did one good thing, but it did not change the fact that she hated the person she saw in the mirror. Even Catra knew that she was a horrible person. Did Adora not see the same thing? “Then you’re even dumber than I thought. Just… leave me alone.”
Adora realized that if Catra did not acknowledge what she said, then Catra would not acknowledge anything. “I’m such an idiot. I thought things would be different this time, but clearly, nothing has changed!” Adora said as she stormed out of the room.
Once Adora’s footsteps faded, Catra turned and looked at the naked doorway. She never thought a door could look so bare, but when Adora left, her larger-than-life presence went with her. Strangely, Catra somehow related to the doorway—she too had never felt so exposed and so small. However, it was entirely her fault—she pushed Adora away, even when Adora tried to be a good friend (and Adora didn’t even owe her anything). However, Catra was stubborn; it was just in her nature. She always messed things up, no matter what she did. So, why didn’t Adora just give up already?
After all, Catra already had.
* * *
Catra tried to sleep, but a new slew of flashes came on, and they wouldn’t go away. Just as she forced another vision out of her mind, Adora walked into the room. Catra froze, unsure how to react, but then, Adora pulled Entrapta inside, which freaked out Catra. “What is she doing in here?! I told you I want to be alone.”
“Entrapta’s going to remove your chip.”
Catra backed herself into a corner, her heart racing wildly. “You’re going to let her operate on me?! She’ll kill me!”
“Me? Why would I wanna hurt you?” Entrapta paused. “Oh, you mean because you sent me to Beast Island, stole my work, and used it to rip a hole in the fabric of space and time, I get it. Hold still!”
Entrapta’s words made Catra squirm, and once Entrapta moved to extract the chip, Catra panicked again. “STAY AWAY FROM ME!”
“Catra, Horde Prime is tracking that chip. He’s coming for us right now. So grow up, and let us remove it, or we’re all dead.” Adora said heatedly.
Catra prepared to claw at Adora, but Adora grabbed her wrist and pushed her against the wall before she could.
Catra sunk to the ground in fear, but that did not faze Adora. “We’re doing this. Then if you think hiding from the people you hurt will make you feel better, we’ll drop you off, and you’ll never have to see us again.” Adora paused and inhaled deeply. She looked down solemnly before she spoke. “You’ll never have to see me again.”
Catra was not thinking correctly, because if she were, she would have let Adora go. But the thought of never seeing her again? Any rational thought Catra disappeared out the window as she reached for Adora’s arm. “Adora, wait.” Once Adora stilled, Catra slid her hand into Adora’s. She was definitely not thinking straight if she sought such an intimate touch. “Please… stay.”
Adora nodded, heat flooding her veins from Catra’s hands. She was relieved that Catra asked for her because Adora could finally prove that she was there for her friend unconditionally, even if Catra left after the chip’s removal.
Once Adora got Catra back on the bed, Entrapta approached. “Experiment number 982: removal of embedded Horde chip. Let’s begin!”
Catra felt pressure at the back of her neck, and her skin prickled. She braced herself for the extraction, but suddenly, another wave of flashes swept through her. Catra gasped. “Wait. Not yet.”
“Catra, we don’t have time!”
“I can help you, okay?” Catra shouted to get Adora’s attention. Once she had it, Catra realized that she would have to be honest with Adora, and in this scenario, being honest meant vulnerable. Catra looked down, knowing that she could only confide in Adora if she looked away. “When Horde Prime was… using me, I felt… it’s like, uh, it’s like all his clones are connected to some kind of hive mind, and I was part of it.”
Adora’s face softened, and she put a comforting hand on Catra’s shoulder. Her heart ached. She knew the flashes were terrible, but she had no idea that Catra suffered that intensely. Catra’s trauma made Adora more determined to take care of her in the best way possible. “Those flashes you’re getting?”
“It’s him. He’s still in there. He can… he can see me,” Catra’s voice shook, but she was persistent in finishing her thought. She gripped the back of her neck and steadied her voice. “But maybe I can see him, too. I can find out what he’s planning.”
“No, you can’t risk letting him back into your head.”
But Catra wouldn’t listen. She did not realize it at the time, but looking back, this was the second instance where Catra risked everything to ensure Adora’s safety because Adora was everything to her. In this case, Adora was especially critical to the rest of the world, but the only thing Catra truly cared about was Adora. Maybe Catra always felt this way, even when they were enemies. “Adora, you have to let me try. Otherwise, you’re gonna do something stupid and get yourself killed. Just…” Catra squeezed Adora’s hand. “Just stay with me while I do it, okay?”
Adora smiled softly and nodded at Entrapta, who backed off. Catra closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and focused. “I can feel him. He’s… he’s angry.” Connecting to Horde Prime hurt Catra, but she refused to acknowledge any pain until Adora gasped. Catra opened her eyes to show that she was alright, and then she concentrated on the chip again. “He wants revenge. He wants to make you hurt, he’s… attacking Etheria. No. No, no, no, not attacking. Something new is happening. There’s so much noise. He’s…” Catra’s hands shook, but Adora held on tightly. As a result, warmth flooded Catra’s body, fuelling her to persevere until the finish line, no matter how much pain she endured. “He’s chipping them. He’s going to chip them all!” Catra opened her eyes and gasped. Sweat trickled down her face. “Horde Prime is taking control of Etheria!”
“No, he… he can’t.”
“It’s already happening. You gotta stop him!”
Suddenly, Darla violently shook. Catra and Adora clutched each other as if they were magnets attracted to the same field. Everything else around them became a blur. Catra focused on the heat of Adora’s embrace and how safe she felt, and Adora shielded Catra, determined to protect her from harm.
Eventually, the ship settled, but Darla’s booming voice had everyone on edge. “The hull has sustained multiple fractures. We will be unable to withstand another full-on strike.”
Adora loosened her grip, but Catra still felt the warmth on her skin and the solace of Adora’s presence. Catra realized that she did not want Adora to drop her off at the next planet unless Adora stayed with her. For Catra, home was never Etheria, not really. She could be stranded in outer space for the rest of her life if Adora was by her side. Catra thought that maybe she could face her demons if Adora was there. Adora was all that mattered, anyway. Adora was home, and if she was determined to go back to Etheria, then so was Catra.
Catra looked at Adora with an earnest, pleading gaze. “Adora, please. I… I want to go home.”
Adora, still holding onto Catra’s shoulder, smiled as determination spread across her eyes. “We will.” She hugged Catra. “I’m getting us out of here. Etheria needs us.” Adora pulled away, knowing what she had to do. “And I won’t let him hurt anyone else.”
“Where are you going?” Catra asked as her heart raced.
“To send Horde Prime a message.” Adora did not force her transformation because She-Ra breathed to life naturally, her energy vibrating under her skin. It felt similar to how Adora’s pure, raw love for Catra surged through her veins.
“For the honor of Grayskull!”
Catra was mesmerized as Adora transformed into She-Ra, gaping in awe. Once Adora finished, she left Catra’s room to send Horde Prime her message. Catra stared at the door for a while after Adora left with only one thought in her mind.
God, I’m so screwed.
* * *
Catra was beyond relieved that the chip was finally gone. She was eternally grateful to Entrapta for removing it, especially since she didn’t owe Catra anything.
Catra’s gut welled in shame. Her initial thought was to push the feeling away, but she thought of Adora’s unwavering belief in Catra. Adora knew that Catra had a full heart capable of love, redemption, and friendship. If Adora thought all those things, then maybe Catra was not a lost cause after all. Besides, now that they were going home together, Catra could not bear to let Adora down. She had to try, at least. “Entrapta, wait.”
Entrapta turned around, and Catra took a deep breath. Tears welled in her eyes, but she knew that things would gradually become better if she apologized, and her path to redemption would become easier with every step she took. “Thank you. And… I’m sorry.”
Of course, Entrapta forgave Catra by patting her on the head with her own hair. Catra’s emotions overwhelmed her at the moment, but in any other circumstance, she would have snorted in amusement. It was such a sweet and dorky thing for Entrapta to do, and Catra didn’t expect anything less from her.
One down, infinity to go. But if Entrapta forgave her, then maybe she was becoming a better person already.
* * *
Catra was hungry.
She knew she could not avoid seeing the others forever. Her stomach’s growls were a painful reminder, and the longer she waited, the more she overthought. What if they don’t want me there? It was one thing to tolerate Catra’s presence, and maybe even forgive her, but it was another thing entirely to be friends with her.
Before Catra lost her nerve, she decided to get some food. Even if she took a small portion, dashed back to her room, and spent the next couple of days sulking, at least she could say that she tried.
The closer Catra got to the main deck, the more twisted her insides became. Catra stood up to Shadow Weaver, Hordak, and even Horde Prime, but somehow, this was scarier than any of that had ever been. Defying her superiors was a piece of cake, but the thought of failing to fit in made Catra want to throw up.
But soon enough, Catra made it to the main deck, and she pushed the button, waiting for the door to open.
Once the doors slid open, everyone stopped talking and turned to her. Catra stood still to see how they would react. When none of them moved, Catra tentatively approached the group, but instead of infiltrating the circle, she stopped a few feet away and sat down. If they were going to reject her, it would be far less humiliating if she distanced herself.
The next few moments stretched on forever. The longer everyone stayed silent, the more Catra’s heart sank. She was sure they were just going to give her food and send her away. It was only a matter of seconds.
But then, Glimmer and Bow moved to make space, inviting Catra to sit with them. Glimmer smiled, handing her a dinner roll, and Catra accepted the food. Catra’s heart lifted as she dared to look at Adora, her eyes shining with hope. Of course, Adora beamed, encouraging Catra to eat. Catra smiled back as serenity settled in her heart. She took a bite of the roll.
Soon after that, everyone resumed chatting. Catra did not butt into their conversations, but it was not because she felt out of place—it was quite the opposite. For once in her life, Catra was at peace; she felt confident enough to sit with her new friends without feeling pressured to keep up with them. For the first time, she floated in her current headspace, liberated by the lack of anxiety weighing down her soul.
So, Catra basked in the glow of her friends without a single burden in her heart.
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