#he takes on the role in the kingdom of science and adapts his skills but he can’t really go back to the entertainment industry
caifanes · 1 month
like obviously because the series centers around young people, parents are either going to be completely irrelevant or a second thought but it’s important to note that several characters DO have parents and it’s more important that we look at what the characters lack. a significant portion have been ostracized in some way, kohaku willingly acts out because of how it pertains to her sisters role in the village and her illness, chrome literally lives outside of the village bc of his eclectic “sorcery,” kaseki is one of the older folks as is respected as one of the main craftspeople but as far as the audience knows he doesn’t have any direct family, suika feels that her poor eyesight makes her useless to the village and displays an immense sense of self sufficiency that’s odd for a child as young as her. as for the modern people, tsukasa explicitly isolates himself due to trauma and prioritizing his sister, nikki feels misunderstood by her peers and finds solace in music, taiju’s parents are diseased pre-petrification and has senku as his closest friend, who himself was adopted by his bio father’s friend. in so many ways, these kids founded a new sense of belonging amongst each other.
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usafphantom2 · 7 months
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United Kingdom wants to accelerate the development of the future Tempest fighter
UK scientists, engineers and innovators collaborate to accelerate the future air power capacity of combat aircraft
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 01/12/2023 - 11:00am in Military
The UK's leading combat airlines and the Ministry of Defense conducted research with leading scientists in machine learning, artificial intelligence, data science and computing to support software development for a next-generation jet fighter.
Tempest will be part of the UK's future combat air system (FCAS) and was designed to be a supersonic poaching equipped with pioneering technologies, including integrated state-of-the-art detection and protection capabilities. These capabilities will be provided, in part, by millions of lines of code in aircraft, with many more lines of code also present in ground systems. This means that Tempest's software needs to be more robust and resilient than that of its potential opponents.
The collaboration provided valuable information about the software requirements, design, delivery, operation, speed of updates and maintenance for both the fighter and the training systems that pilots and maintainers will use to operate and support the aircraft.
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Outsmart Insight, a deep technology intelligence company, and Oxford Creativity, a group that offers a systematic approach to innovation and creative problem solving, have conducted targeted research with scientists, engineers and academics. The research addressed the most challenging problems faced by software development over the several decades of expected life of the program: flexible ways to manage computational resources; the role of reliable artificial intelligence; software reuse; and increasing software reliability.
Air Commodore Martin Lowe, Director of the FCAS Program for the UK Ministry of Defense, said: “Software is critical to Tempest because the future operating environment requires adaptability, including frequent software updates. But the software also poses a great risk of delivery. Recent history shows the dangers that arise when software is poorly done and the advantages of doing it well. The advantages are so significant that, in terms of operational capacity, the people who provide the software are as important as the people who maintain the aircraft or the pilots who fly them.
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"It's great to see the enthusiasm and optimism that Outsmart Insight and Oxford Creativity brought to this study. This gives us greater confidence that we can take advantage of the opportunities offered by software-based advances in the program. This project also showed the value of collaborating in research with important organizations and individuals, both in academia and in industry."
Based on the findings, Team Tempest partners commissioned follow-up research aimed at the UK academy, which aims to support more robust software development, which can be hosted in a more resilient way. This work supports the program's vision for a modern, efficient, safe and constantly improving software delivery ecosystem.
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Tempest should be in service by 2035. The program will provide significant economic benefits to the UK, helping to sustain and develop critical skills and ensure that the technical and industrial knowledge of hundreds of organizations across the UK remains at the forefront of advanced air combat systems for future generations.
Tags: Military AviationFCAS - Future Combat Air System/Future Air Combat SystemGCAP - Global Combat Air Program
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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yeonchi · 4 years
Kisekae Insights #7: Chapman Works (Fifi and Roary)
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Believe it or not, the Kisekae Project was never just about combining Asian culture with Western culture. As such, anime isn’t the only thing that forms part of my project.
Fifi and the Flowertots is one of the earliest things that I adapted in my personal project, even before Doctor Who. When I was in my Dynasty Warriors phase, assigning warrior names to my friends and classmates, the characters of this series were some of the first fictional characters to be assigned warrior names or implemented in my stories. They had a heavy impact on Hiroki’s story before he came onto Doctor Who.
During the many times this series aired over 2005-2015, I never really got to watch it a lot, either because it never aired at the right time for me to be able to watch it, or because my parents would be watching their Chinese TV shows (I may have missed out on some parts of my childhood because of it). Therefore, watching this series became a bit of a guilty pleasure, especially considering that I was growing out of its target demographic. Luckily, thanks to the internet, that doesn’t matter anymore.
Its sister series, Roary the Racing Car, was also one of the first series to be implemented. Only the human characters were given officer names (because how can cars fight, just saying), but in Gokaiger, the cars were given an important role as well. A couple of characters also became Kamen Riders.
Here’s another thing that may surprise you; Fifi Forget-me-not was Hiroki Ichigo’s wife before Akari. In other words, Fifi was my first waifu. Let’s jump into the explanation.
A Flower out of the Garden: Fifi in the Parallax War
Fifi was the first of the Flowertots to end up in this world before the rest of them came in the Dimensional Merge. Their story differs between the two timelines, but out of the Flowertots, only Fifi lived through and remembered both timelines. During the first timeline, Fifi acted as the counterpart of Rose Tyler from BBC Doctor Who. The timeline splits in January 2007.
In August 2006, Fifi fell into a portal that looked like a puddle and ended up on Earth. Hiroki, who happened to be in the area, finds her and offers to help her get back home. On the way home, Hiroki and Fifi also encounter another girl from his province who fell asleep on the train back home and ended up where they were. Hiroki takes Fifi and the girl, who we’ll call Narutaki (it’ll be important when I cover Decade), back to his city. When they get back, however, Narutaki can’t get back home because her prefecture is being invaded. So, Fifi and Narutaki became Hiroki and Parker’s roommates. Hiroki and Fifi eventually fell in love and became a couple.
In the first timeline, where Hiroki and Fifi left Parker in the second timeline, Fifi met the Third Doctor when the department store she was working was infiltrated by Autons. Things went from there and the three were swept into the Parallax War. Fifi reunited with her friends as well. At one point, Fifi disappeared and the Doctor, with help from Hiroki, Buttercup, Daisy and Flutterby, managed to find her.
At some point, Fifi discovered that her great-grandparents were named Billy Alkanet and Jackie Fiddleneck. While Billy is dead in this universe, he was alive in a parallel one, namely Billy’s World. After the first couple of episodes of the Fourth Doctor’s first series, Narutaki went back home and her role was replaced by Jackie. At the end of that series, Hiroki, Fifi and Jackie were forced to go to Billy’s World because of “Void stuff”.
The Doctor had fallen in love with Fifi during their travels and so did she, to the point where Hiroki started to feel neglected. But after being sent to Billy’s World, Hiroki and Fifi rebuilt their relationship as they managed to leave that world and fight in the Parallax War. They would later get married as well.
At some point, they reunite with Narutaki and the Doctor. After the final battle, Hiroki, Fifi and Narutaki were de-aged a few years due to a gift from the gods or time paradoxes stabilising or something like that. As a result, the three were sent back in time to where the timeline split in order to live the years they missed. Narutaki went back home, leaving Hiroki and Fifi with Parker.
End of Innocence: Flowertots in the Time War
Now, Hiroki and Fifi are living in the second timeline. From Parker’s point of view, he is unaware that they had even gone anywhere. Hiroki and Fifi decide to keep their marriage a secret from everyone else in this timeline until they have a second wedding ceremony with them.
Soon after, the Flowertots come to Earth in the Dimensional Merge and Parker, Hiroki and Fifi go to visit them to the north of their city. Bumble sees Hiroki with Fifi and tries to fight him, but Parker and Fifi stop him. When the Flowertots are attacked by Parker and Hiroki’s comrades, they get scared and the three have to fend them off. Parker, Hiroki and Fifi decide to teach the Flowertots how to fight, eventually recruiting them in their army. Violet becomes enamoured with Parker and they eventually begin a relationship. Like Hiroki and Fifi before them, they get married as well.
On Christmas 2008, Fifi and Violet gift their husbands the swords that would signify their presence on the battlefield. In another universe, the swords were known as the Twin Moon Swords and they had three modes they could switch into by channelling the power of light or darkness into them. I realise that there are negative connotations with gifting swords, but given what happens next, you can say that it could be foreshadowing something as a result of the bad luck associated with it.
A couple of years later, a rebellion forced Parker’s army (and its parent army, their primary school army) to split, just as they were transitioning to secondary school. Parker had been planning to move his army to another province so they could still be together. When Parker and Hiroki were separated during their escape, Hiroki was found by the Flowertots, but they were defeated with only Hiroki managing to escape. They later made their way to where Parker intended to move his army, with their commander seemingly nowhere to be found.
Later, Hiroki officially joined his secondary school’s army while working with Parker to rebuild his army. Hiroki fell in love with Akari and at one point, Fifi saw them together and became heartbroken. When Parker’s army heads to assimilate the Flowertots with help from Hiroki’s new army, Fifi eventually confronts Akari with Parker, Hiroki and Narutaki and goes to fight her, but they stop when they get into a Mexican standoff. The Flowertots surrender and Hiroki and Parker reconcile with Fifi and Violet. However, following Parker’s death in October 2011, the Flowertots decide to go back to Flowertot Garden, at which point they were assimilated by the fairies of Never Land. Hiroki and Fifi never applied for a divorce and Hiroki would later begin a relationship with Akari.
So how do I explain Buttercup, Daisy and Flutterby? Well back then, the birth of new Flowertots was rare and it happened once every four years. Towards the end of Soulbound Series 1 (which I wrote in 2019), it would be revealed that Buttercup and Daisy were growing under the ground (in October 2007) and Flutterby offered to be their guardian. They were born the year after, but they fell through time and space and they didn’t show up in the second timeline until 2010 (before that, they were involved in the first timeline in 2009). Buttercup would idolise Hiroki for his heroism and skill.
Ever After: The Flowertots in Never Land
Some storylines in this section were inspired by two of EmmaKoeni’s crossover stories with the Tinker Bell movies, namely 2 Worlds, 2 Different people, 1 Mind and Bethany. Sadly, the latter one seems to have been abandoned, but I got enough out of it to write about what happened to the Flowertots after they went back.
There weren’t a lot of Flowertots in Flowertot Garden before they were assimilated by Never Land. Since then, Flowertot Garden prospered thanks to the help of the fairies. New Flowertots would arrive on babies’ first laughs at the pollen tree, their counterpart of the pixie dust tree. A Flowertot named Lillyana became the Queen of the Flowertots, but when she was exterminated by the Daleks, Daisy (yes, the same Daisy from the show) became Queen.
In August 2012, the Flowertots became aware of Antoni’s plan to detonate the Reality Bomb and Fifi was sent to find the Doctor and help him stop it. The science-talent fairies gave her a prototype Soul Talisman, similar to the item of the same name in Kingdom of Paradise, that would resurrect her if she were to be killed. However, because it was a prototype, the process would be similar to Time Lord regeneration. Another account I wrote, before the Never Land storyline came to be, was that Fifi got the Soul Talisman from the Torchwood Institute while hopping universes. While she did find the Doctor, however, she was shot by a Dalek and proceeded to regenerate, thanks to the power of that Soul Talisman.
However, Fifi’s use of the Soul Talisman did have a side effect. By October 2015, Fifi was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, but Fifi being Fifi, she forgot that name at some point. She was gifted a sonic screwdriver from someone who was revealed to be one of Hiroki’s echoes. Fifi met the Doctor and Hiroki for the last time, with the latter staying the night before she died. In my story, I had a plot where the fairies and Flowertots were segregated by a barrier at the border between Pixie Hollow and Flowertot Garden, which Hiroki destroys together with Fifi using their sonic screwdrivers.
Before Hiroki goes home, he realises why his future self gave Fifi a sonic screwdriver; because he saved her consciousness in a neural relay that he installed. With this, he rushes to Dewey’s library in the Winter Woods and uploads Fifi’s consciousness into a supercomputer, with an artificial version of himself and a male child to be with. Sure enough, an echo of Hiroki gives Fifi a sonic screwdriver.
As a result of his deeds during the Time War, Hiroki was revered as a legendary figure throughout Never Land. Soon after Fifi was uploaded to the supercomputer, she and Hiroki were revered as their gods. Hiroki stated that he would never come back to Never Land once he left, but little did he know that things would bring him back there in the future.
In the Series 9 finale, Violet led the Autons and the Never Land Army to Sekigahara, but they were held up by the Sanada Army, led by Ms Mimi, at Ueda Castle. As shown in The Pilot, they were forced to retreat when the Daleks attacked and exterminated their troops.
Protecting Smiles: Flowertots in the Moushouden Series
In Decade, Narutaki was on a mission to defeat Kamen Rider Decade, Hiroki, as she believed him to be “the destroyer of worlds”. She went to Never Land and gave Firerose, a male rose Flowertot, the Arcle with the intent to have him defeat Decade as Kamen Rider Kuuga. Later on, he joined Hiroki and his other companion on their travels.
They would also encounter a male lilac Flowertot, Lilimuro, who had left Never Land to explore the Mainland, but didn’t come back because he discovered a family being targeted by monsters with the father being incapacitated due to a condition. His appearance would be copied by Roidmude 006, who became the Blazer Roidmude and played a part in Narutaki’s plot to trigger the Global Freeze. His confrontation with Firerose would lead to his defeat when the latter unlocked his Ultimate Form and defeated him with the Ultimate Kick.
Violet would also leave Never Land to travel Earth because she got tired of Flowertot Garden no longer being the quiet place she knew before the Time War. She worked as a mechanic at Silverhatch Racetrack in Big Chris’ absence before joining the Kougami Foundation and becoming Kamen Rider Bravo. Later, thanks to her links with the Kougami Foundation, she established an army of Kurokage Troopers on Never Land as the fairies and Flowertots join Hiroki in ransacking the Citadel of Hirokis.
Roary the Racing Car
No, we didn’t forget those guys. It’s just that they didn’t have as much prominence in my project compared to the Flowertots.
During the Time War, Big Chris and the other human/animal characters were all part of Parker’s army. They and the Flowertots were usually grouped together in battles. When the armies were forced to disband by the government in July 2012, Big Chris and the others went back to Silverhatch Racetrack.
The characters wouldn’t be prominent again until the Moushouden Series. In Decade, Flash became Kamen Rider Drive thanks to Narutaki, who had used Gold Drive’s power to steal the Tridoron, the Shift Cars and Drive Driver from Shinnosuke Tomari. Mr Carburettor, Flash’s arch-nemesis, becomes Mashin Chaser and attempts to return the Drive Driver to its former owner. Later, when Narutaki has no further use for Flash, she takes the Drive Driver and throws it away, but luckily, Shinnosuke catches it. Seeing Flash’s repentance and wish to become a hero, he is given the means to become Kamen Rider Chaser by Shinnosuke, Hiroki and Mr Carburettor before he joins the other Riders in defeating Narutaki as Gold Drive.
Soon after, in Gokaiger, the Go-Ongers and Gekirangers work to create the former’s Megazord Power, the Turbo Falcon Zord, using the data of the cars. When they attempt to power up the Engine Cast, however, a system overload causes the cars’ consciousnesses to be sent into the Cell Chip loaded in it, leading to them all fighting for dominance in a pocket dimension. When the Gokaigers tame the Zord, Roary comes out as the dominant mind while the other cars decide to act as support.
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specialloading99 · 3 years
Hero Of Might And Magic 6 For Mac
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Might and Magic
The logo commonly used by New World Computing and The 3DO Company
Genre(s)Role-playingDeveloper(s)New World Computing (1984-2003) Arkane Studios (for Dark Messiah) Limbic Entertainment (for Might & Magic X)Publisher(s)New World Computing (1984-1996) The 3DO Company (1996-2003) Ubisoft (2003-)Creator(s)Jon Van CaneghemPlatform(s)Amiga, Apple II, C64, Macintosh, MS-DOS, MSX, NEC PC-9801, NES, PlayStation 2, Sega Genesis, SNES, TurboGrafx-16, WindowsFirst releaseMight and Magic Book One: The Secret of the Inner Sanctum 1986Latest releaseMight & Magic X: Legacy 23 January 2014Spin-offsHeroes of Might and Magic List of spinoffs
Download Heroes of Might and Magic II for Mac. Game: Heroes of Might and Magic II: Size: 159.76 Mb: Runs On: Mac: Available Platform: DOS. Heroes of Might. Heroes of might and magic iii mac free download. Pocket Heroes Pocket Heroes is a new life for Heroes of Might and Magic game remake, but for handheld devices, suc.
Heroes of Might and Magic III is one of (if not) the best fantastic/medieval strategy game for Mac and PC featuring orchestral soundtracks and marvellous soothing animated graphics. This third release is probably also the best in all the 3DO related releases from mid 1990's to mid 2000's. Welcome to the Heroes of Might and Magic 3 page. This page contains information + tools how to port Heroes of Might & Magic 3 in a few simple steps (that even a noob can understand) so you can play it on your Mac just like a normal application using Crossover.So if you haven’t Crossover yet, then sign up here and buy the program or if you want to test it first, for the 14 days trial. Heroes Of Might & Magic V DVD takes turn-based strategy games one step further with next-generation 3D visuals, groundbreaking strategic combat, innovative multiplayer features, and addictive RPG elements. Discover the perilous world of Ashan and ultimately lead your armies and Heroes to victory.
Release timeline19861: The Secret of the Inner Sanctum198719882: Gates to Another World1989199019913: Isles of Terra19924: Clouds of Xeen19935: Darkside of Xeen1994World of Xeen19951996199719986: The Mandate of Heaven19997: For Blood and Honor20008: Day of the Destroyer200120029: Writ of Fate20032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201410: Legacy
Might and Magic is a series of role-playing video games from New World Computing, which in 1996 became a subsidiary of The 3DO Company. The original Might and Magic series ended with the closure of the 3DO Company. The rights to the Might and Magic name were purchased for US$1.3 million by Ubisoft,(1) who 'rebooted' the franchise with a new series with no apparent connection to the previous continuity, starting with the games Heroes of Might and Magic V and Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.
Main series(edit)
Might and Magic Book One: The Secret of the Inner Sanctum (1986; Apple II, Mac, MS-DOS, Commodore 64, NES, MSX, PC-Engine)
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World (1988; Apple II, Amiga, MS-DOS, Commodore 64, Mac, Sega Genesis, SNES (Europe only), Super Famicom (Japan-only, different from the European SNES version), MSX, PC-Engine)
Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra (1991; MS-DOS, Mac, Amiga, SNES, Sega Genesis (beta), Sega CD, PC-Engine)
Might and Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen (1992; MS-DOS, Mac)
Might and Magic V: Darkside of Xeen (1993; MS-DOS, Mac)
Might and Magic: World of Xeen (1994; MS-DOS, Mac)
Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven (1998; Windows)
Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor (1999; Windows)
Might and Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer (2000; Windows)
Might and Magic IX: Writ of Fate (2002; Windows; )
Might & Magic X: Legacy (2014; Windows, OS X)
There have been several spin-offs from the main series, including the long-running Heroes of Might and Magic series, Crusaders of Might and Magic, Warriors of Might and Magic, Legends of Might and Magic, Might and Magic: Heroes Kingdoms, and the fan-made Swords of Xeen.
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In August 2003, Ubisoft acquired the rights to the Might and Magic franchise for US$1.3 million after 3DO filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.(1) Ubisoft has since released multiple new projects using the Might and Magic brand, including a fifth installment of the Heroes series developed by Nival, an action-style game Dark Messiah of Might and Magic developed by Arkane Studios, a puzzle RPG Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes developed by Capybara Games, and the mobile strategy RPG titled Might & Magic: Elemental Guardians.
Heroes Of Might And Magic 6 Wiki
The majority of the gameplay takes place in a medieval fantasy setting, while later sections of the games are often based on science fiction tropes, the transition often serving as a plot twist. The player controls a party of player characters, which can consist of members of various character classes. The game world is presented to the player in first person perspective. In the earlier games the interface is very similar to that of Bard's Tale, but from Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven onward, the interface features a three-dimensional environment. Combat is turn-based, though the later games allowed the player to choose to conduct combat in real time.
The game worlds in all of the Might and Magic games are quite large, and a player can expect each game to provide several dozen hours of gameplay. It is usually quite combat-intensive and often involves large groups of enemy creatures. Monsters and situations encountered throughout the series tend to be well-known fantasy staples such as giant rats, werewolf curses, dragon flights and zombie hordes, rather than original creations. Isles of Terra and the Xeen games featured a more distinct environment, blending fantasy and science fiction elements in a unique way.
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The Might and Magic games have some replay value as the player can choose their party composition, develop different skills, choose sides, do quests in a different order, hunt for hidden secrets and easter eggs, and/or change difficulty level.
Although most of the gameplay reflects a distinctly fantasy genre, the overarching plot of the first nine games has something of a science fiction background. The series is set in a fictional galaxy as part of an alternative universe, where planets are overseen by a powerful race of space travelers known as Ancients. In each of the games, a party of characters fights monsters and completes quests on one of these planets, until they eventually become involved in the affairs of the Ancients. Might and Magic could as such be considered an example of science fantasy.
The producer of the series was Jon Van Caneghem.(2) Van Caneghem has stated in interview(3) that the Might and Magic setting is inspired by his love for both science fiction and fantasy. He cites The Twilight Zone and the Star Trek episode For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky as having inspired Might and Magic lore.
The first five games in the series concern the renegade guardian of the planet Terra, named Sheltem, who becomes irrevocably corrupted, developing a penchant for throwing planets into their suns. Sheltem establishes himself on a series of flat worlds known as nacelles (which are implied to be giant spaceships) and Corak, a second guardian and creation of the Ancients, with the assistance of the player characters, pursues him across the Void. Eventually both Corak and Sheltem are destroyed in a climactic battle on the nacelle of Xeen.
The sixth, seventh and eighth games take place on Enroth, a single planet partially ruled by the Ironfist dynasty, and chronicle the events and aftermath of an invasion by the Kreegan (colloquially referred to as Devils), the demonlike arch-enemies of the Ancients. It is also revealed that the destruction wrought by the Ancients' wars with the Kreegan is the reason why the worlds of Might & Magic exist as medieval fantasy settings despite once being seeded with futuristic technology – the worlds have been 'cut off' from the Ancients and descended into barbarism. The first through third games in the Heroes of Might and Magic series traces the fortunes of the Ironfists in more detail. None of the science fiction elements appear in the Heroes series besides the appearance of Kreegan characters in Heroes of Might and Magic III and IV.
The Ubisoft release Might & Magic X: Legacy departs from this continuity and is set in the world of Ashan.(4) Ashan is a high fantasy setting with no science fiction elements in its lore.(5)Flv player for mac os.
Might and Magic is considered one of the defining examples of early role-playing video games, along with The Bard's Tale, Ultima and Wizardry series.(6) By March 1994, combined sales of the Might and Magic series totaled 1 million units.(7) The number rose to 2.5 million sales by November 1996.(8) and 4 million by March 1999.(9)
^ ab'Namco, Ubisoft and MS carve up 3DO assets'. 18 August 2003. Retrieved 12 April 2019.
^'CGW's Hall of Fame'. Computer Gaming World. Archived from the original on 14 June 2016. Retrieved 12 April 2019.
^'RPG Codex Retrospective Interview: Jon Van Caneghem on Might and Magic'. RPGCodex. 18 August 2012. Retrieved 12 April 2019.
^'RPG Codex Interview: Might and Magic X - Legacy'. RPGCodex. 5 April 2013. Retrieved 12 April 2019.
^'Discover World of Ashan'. Ubisoft. Retrieved 12 April 2019.
^Barton, Matt (23 February 2007). 'The History of Computer Role-Playing Games Part 2: The Golden Age (1985-1993)'. Gamasutra. Retrieved 12 April 2019.
^'READ.ME: NTN Networks With New World'(PDF). Computer Gaming World. No. 116. March 1994. p. 14. Retrieved 12 April 2019.
^'Power Play Magazine (November 1996)'. Archive.org. 1 November 1996. Retrieved 18 April 2019.
^'3DO Ships Might and Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer'. Business Wire. Berkshire Hathaway. 2 March 1999. Archived from the original on 12 April 2000. Retrieved 17 June 2019 – via Yahoo.com.
Heroes Of Might And Magic 6 Walkthrough
External links(edit)
Might And Magic 6 Download
Might and Magic series at MobyGames
Heroes Of Might And Magic Free
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Might_and_Magic&oldid=961675496'
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kayawagner · 6 years
Cthulhu Live [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
This special 60% off bundle contains everything needed to play Cthulhu Live, the licensed live-action version of the popular Call of Cthulhu tabeltop RPG! These include the core rulebook, 10 self-standing adventure scripts, and a companion suite with more scenarios and numerous other resources to support play. 
Arcanum Imperii: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $5.99 Bundle price: $2.39 Format: PDF TOGA! TOGA! TOGA! But life in ancient Rome isn’t just one big party. The Second Triumvirate has been shattered and Rome is embroiled in civil war once again. Octavian has declared Marc Antony and his Egyptian queen, Cleopatra, enemies of Rome and the legions march south toward Alexandria. The situation seems dire for Marc Antony following destruction of his fleet at the Battle of Actium, but in the dusty hills of Macedonia a dark secret of the empire is waiting to be unveiled.  Governor Publius Artorius Stabo thought he was comfortably distant from the war. He was happy taking bribes and tribute from the local Macedonian nobles, indulging himself with slave girls, and avoiding his shrew of a wife. Then, a ragged band of survivors from  Actium washed up on his s... Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition (LARP) Regular price: $9.99 Bundle price: $3.99 Format: PDF This book is a completely revised, expanded, and updated version of the acclaimed live-action roleplaying (LARP) game based on the horror tales of H.P. Lovecraft.  This newest and best edition of Cthulhu Live includes a richly detailed and uniquely playable rules system that incorporates more than 12 years of best practices and refinements from hundreds of gamers worldwide. Features of this self-contained game include: All-new rules for skills, combat, Sanity, Magic, and Psychic powers. Extensive information on organizing events, stagecraft and special effects. Guidelines on role-playing Outsiders tainted by the touch of the Mythos. New and improved photographs, graphics, and other images, including works by renowned Cthulhu Mythos artist Richard Alan Poppe. A screen-fri... Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Companion Suite Regular price: $9.99 Bundle price: $3.99 Format: ZIP File The stars are right for the eagerly anticipated release of the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Companion Suite! This collection of computer applications and support materials was created specifically for the thoroughly revised, expanded, and improved 3rd Edition of the Cthulhu Live live-action role-playing game (LARP). Skirmisher partnered with Mantra Design Studio to produce this collection of resources (which were originally released as a Companion CD-ROM). With a stunning graphic interface and a soundtrack by Midnight Syndicate, this is a fantastic tool resource for Keepers and Players alike that is compatible with PC, Mac, and Linux platforms. This suite of resources includes: * Advanced character creation program. * Character Card Creator. * Government ID Badg... Der Leere Blick: Ein Skript für das Cthulhu Live Rollenspiel 3. Edition (Sight Unseen: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition) Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $1.99 Format: Watermarked PDF Der Leere Blick is a German-language version of the Sight Unseen script for the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition live-action role-playing game and designed for use with the rules for it. This script can also be easily adapted for use with other horror and Mythos-oriented games, such as Call of Cthulhu. It ideal for a LARP party with friends or as a convention event and offers hours of fun, intrigue, and horror.  Can we trust our senses? How do we know that what we see is real? Are our eyes inherently deceptive and prone to misdirection? If so, then such flawed organs must be removed, for only in blindness can one perceive the truth: that all the world is horror.  Der Leere Blick/Sight Unseen is an unnerving multi-media LARP experience like no ... House of Pain: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $6.99 Bundle price: $2.79 Format: PDF Welcome to the New World Order. It’s the autumn of 1991, and the world isn’t what it used to be. Saddam Hussein’s army lies in smoldering ruins. The Soviet Union is suffering its death throes. Germany has been reunified. Africa is aflame with small bush wars. Across the world, the balance of power is shifting. Old powers are dying out and the playing field of the future will be a chaos of warlords and rogue states. In this full-length adventure for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition, the players are power-brokers who have been invited to a private summit to help form the geopolitical landscape of the next century. But while they plot their moves and hide their secrets, they may find that they themselves are pawns in a much larger, more ancient game. This adventure incl... Muerte al Chupacabras!: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $6.99 Bundle price: $2.79 Format: PDF For three decades, Hobbsbad, New Mexico, has lived in fear of El Chupacabra, an unseen monster that comes in the night and feeds on blood. Every few years, the attacks become more frequent, and then stop just as quickly and mysteriously as they began. Nothing has been able to stop this malevolent creature. Now, one man has done the impossible and captured El Chupacabra alive, and tonight, he plans to reveal his prize to the world - or at least the highest bidder. Hobbsbad has been thrown into chaos, as crackpots, cryptozoologists, reporters, and ranchers swarm into it! Muerte al Chupacabras! is a scenario inspired by B-movies and pseudoscience that is designed to be played with 15 or more players and two to four staff members. Although it is meant to stand on its own, this script... Old Man of Damascus: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $1.99 Format: PDF The Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1190 is in dire peril. Saladin’s army has retaken Jerusalem. The crusader army is in tatters. The once-mighty Christian kingdoms of Palestine are crumbling. In the easternmost provinces of the Christian kingdoms, the fortress of Li Vaux Moise has been under siege for three months. The defenders have tried to hold out, but the fortress is clearly about to fall, and the commander of the Muslim army has requested a meeting to discuss terms of the garrison’s surrender. But there are dark forces at work here far greater than any mortal army. Ancient evils from the wind-swept deserts stalk the stone walls, hungry for blood and power. Terrible, mind-shattering secrets from beyond the stars lie ripe to be exposed. Horrors beyond the comprehension of both... Sight Unseen: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $1.99 Format: PDF Can we trust our senses? How do we know that what we see is real? Are our eyes inherently deceptive and prone to misdirection? If so, then such flawed organs must be removed, for only in blindness can one perceive the truth: that all the world is horror. Sight Unseen is a LARP experience like no other. When an assortment of Arkham citizens check into the local hospital for surgery, they find themselves blinded by a madman and forced to confront the unearthly terror he has unleashed upon the world. Sight Unseen is a game script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition and requires the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition game rules. The text contains the game overview and timeline; detailed guidelines for simulating blindness in LARP, including safety precautions; prop, special effec... The Ageless (Cthulhu Live) Regular price: $1.99 Bundle price: $0.89 Format: PDF Around this time every year, just as the leaves begun to change, Sir Arthur Westfield holds a grand salon at his manor of West End. The gathering always attracts a healthy mix of dilettantes, eccentrics, and academics. Often little more than a pretense for Westfield to show off his new acquisitions and oddities, it is also a chance for deals to be made. A renowned patron of the arts and sciences, many a man has worked long into the night, maneuvering the old man into some business arrangement or endowment. It remains to be seen what deals tonight may bring ... “The Ageless” is a Gold bestselling live-action role-playing game script designed for 10-15 participants and a medium-sized staff. It is stat'ed for the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition system but is rules light and so ... The Green Fairy: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $6.99 Bundle price: $2.79 Format: PDF Paris at the end of the 19th century: a city of lights, music, excitement at the approach of the new century and aflame with the creative spirit of the Bohemian revolution. But for months the city has been locked in a state of fear as the brutal murderer known as the Raptor stalks the steep streets and narrow alleyways of the north-end hill neighborhood of Montmartre. Many refuse to leave their homes by night. Others frequent establishments such as “The Green Fairy,” an absinthe bar and popular meeting place for artists, actors, whores, criminals, and the well-to-do seeking to taste the thrills and pleasures of Montmartre. This evening, the patrons of “The Green Fairy” will be joined by a visitor beyond their darkest nightmares.  The Green Fairy... The Island: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $1.99 Format: PDF When their ship is sunk by a freak storm. the survivors swim to the nearest land, a small island off the New England coast. Safe on land they feel that their troubles are over ... but they are wrong. The Island is a Cthulhu Live live-action role-playing (LARP) game scenario for up to 13 players. It is set in 1947 and brings the characters face-to-face with their own twisted lineages and the madness carried in their very souls. The text contains the game overview and timeline; prop, special effects, and stagecraft tips, including instructions for creating an elaborate working Moon Clock prop; and detailed character sheets and backgrounds for the player characters. Ideal as an event for a Live Action Role-Playing (LARP) party with friends or as a convention event, it offers hours ... The Return of Cyris Crane (Cthulhu Live) Regular price: $1.99 Bundle price: $0.79 Format: PDF Last autumn, Cyris Crane, brilliant businessman, loving father, world traveler, and one of the wealthiest and most respected men in Arkham, ventured into the Arkham hill country and disappeared in a sudden blizzard. Now, he has returned, much to the joy of his friends and family, and he has summoned them to his home to make a pronouncement to them ... "The Return of Cyris Crane" is a LARP scenario designed to be played with minimal staff and a small number of players. The only staff required are the Keeper and, if possible, a Stage Manager. It is stat'ed for the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition system but can easily be adapted for use with other LARP or tabletop games.  Cthulhu Live is a live-action roleplaying game (LARP) version of the popular horror r... WitchFinder: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $3.99 Bundle price: $1.59 Format: PDF Set in Yugoslavia in 1943, during the height of World War II, this tense and exciting scenario focuses on the struggle between Allied and Axis special operations teams to seize control of information critical to control of the Balkans. Players can assume roles as military or civilian operatives in one of four opposing factions, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the SS Ahnenerbe occult operations division, the Communist partisans, or the Chetnik royalist freedom fighters. Little by little, however, the characters will begin to realize that their war is not the first to have left its mark on the region in which they are battling for supremacy - and that their actions are uncovering a powerful and dangerous evil that is beyond anything they ever expected to face. WitchFinder...
Total value: $74.87 Special bundle price: $29.97 Savings of: $44.90 (60%)
Price: $74.87 Cthulhu Live [BUNDLE] published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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A God From Passion Would not Send out Good Individuals To Heck.
Our team will all of simply cringe over our white colored cooking areas and also presume, exactly what were we presuming"? Carry out the same thing friend of a friends as well as booze provided for me. I don't possess any kind of hesitation that I will be actually carrying out so via whatever digital sorting system was actually available to me if I was dating today. I have a solitary friend that does not and I need to admit that it frustrates me. However, it is actually not my complication. Yet treatment and also other therapies can be quite effective at aiding folks create adapting skill-sets as well as methods to sustain sobriety. Our company kept in the space for a long time talking in whispers, offering squeezes, passing around cells. To me, having a best buddy as well as hanging out with him is well worth any kind of viewed, passing aggravation. After taking a $5 communication training course on ice lotion production, they opened their store in a worn out gasoline stations. Sadly, some verdicts (or even concepts) can not be verified by means of any known testing, like the grow older from the earth. Creating buddies in the adult years has ended up being much more hard than my adolescent personal would have envisioned. The support Trump dropped on Carson is actually that Carson is a wonderful guy." Journalism selected this up and can't stop repetitiving it. Rep is partiality. So our company struck. up a chat, and also I will currently consider him and also his spouse to be buddies from ours. Your server techniques as well as asks if you want to get cocktails ... Yet you are actually hearing a tale concerning how your good friend merely obtained an advertising and also everyone else is actually mocking a video clip your pal located of a piglet dancing. Available in the Wine red presented here, a lighter brown chestnut", or dark (where they intelligently exchanged out the gold-tone buckle for silver). Graphic in an invader concerned earth and also performed not recognize exactly how human beings grow in time. Sometimes, there are disputes that you must acknowledge on in order to spare your own self, your good friend and the relationship you have actually built with each other. Yet many people will favor to slam why somebody requires a pricey watch. Once you fulfill the moms and dads, look them in the eye, smile, and also provide an organization handshake to both parents. Having the ability to look individuals in the eye and store their stare can easily assist you better connect with others, land a work, toss a tip, flirt speech, charm the women, as well as daunt your enemies. Our company intend to create innovation that gives people as much selection as possible, and also our gadget will definitely be actually really flexible because way," he stated. I appreciate fashion trend and just what this carries out for ones peace of mind, as well as mentions one thing about their character, however I do not delight in when individuals have factors into standpoint which may induce all of them to turn nose up at others. No. Once in a while, contact with close friends simply to state hi. The net provides to that. Look At This could create the day to a sad close friend. Just what items does your pal with the headpiece damage to keep her hair thus voluminous- that looks great!! Actually, thanksgiving is just one of the best essential features of satisfied individuals. Those political elections could possess been actually made a decision through vote-rigging - state some people - although we can't recognize without a doubt. Put it on an orange strap, wore it with some additional downplayed colours (grey blue and dark) and it popped nicely without being excessive. These 2 acids are your best buddies in the fight for excellent skin, so constantly try to find them on elements panels. Our ideas of inappropriate vs. best are actually locked up in one thing that should be actually or even ought certainly not to be. For that idea to earn any feeling, you really require an ought"! Grab a few handouts while in the workplace and teach your own self on how the health condition affects people. This's possibly because away from Walmart, an aircraft is actually where people have the tendency to clothe their complete worst. You could possibly satisfy an individual or even lady and also they might be as literally beautiful to you as your optimal imagination HUNK/ HUNKESS, but if they start opening their mouth as well as it is actually all permit's discuss ME ~ ME ~ ME ~ after that they could also be actually as ugly Shrek, given that very soon you're about to be burnt out and totally shut off. However the truth stays that the more folks know about you, the a lot less they have the ability to observe you in a qualified lighting. They knew that that was a deal-breaker, but they did what people at the moment are actually doing, which is actually, they claimed, Yet! It's additionally time to establish brand new pals; grow brand new connections with folks who are mature like you. Thy kingdom happened, thy will certainly be actually done on earth as that remains in paradise." Therefore as the dust settles on this certain election cycle, permit's continuously wish that. Heartbreaking events like these constantly induce worthwhile individuals to begin pointing to psychological wellness charitable organizations for responses. Our experts can easily possess dozens Facebook friends and yet unknown the labels from individuals that physically live ideal close to us. That must alter. Every single time period strongly believes that the technique they look at the world as well as presume is essentially the technique folks have actually consistently accomplished this. However as you familiarize on your own with intellectual background, you will certainly view significant modifications in the theories and also guidelines that assisted cultures in each age.
They take place to find some individuals in institution, at work, at various tasks, they interact as a result of the circumstance and at some point, they get made use of to each various other and end up being close friends. However, individuals that are without positive self-image commonly wreck their job effectiveness along with subconscious habits and also actions that create all of them less likely in order to get observed or advancement in their job. Scroll via the quotes for the kind of understanding got off terrific personal struggle, as well as recognize that you're not the exception. Traveling to one of these talking interactions is a great method to find that person. They which made England, Italy, or even Greece age-old in the imagination accomplished this by adhering swiftly where they were actually, like a center of the earth. I merely stated that science is something individuals care about. That is actually the meaning from faith, to care about one thing. Bunches of folks take times to gigs, yet depending on the action, many pick good friends or even colleagues. In this particular role, he is actually the one that doesn't let you fail to remember the rate of interests as well as pals you possessed before you got married. Providing your buddy the area to definitely talk while you listen to them is very vital when healing a companionship. Delivered within 5 days with an ONE HUNDRED night risk free of charge trial, Leesa cushions are actually made to satisfy the necessities from every sizes and shape body, if you don't like that, simply organize to have it reduced.. Mike went to the other secondary school, earned good qualities without much initiative, match without being actually cliquish, and also had good friends and also-- unbelievable for me-- girlfriends. While blogging about my latest journey snow skiing in France and tweeting about our even more latest jaunt to Brighton, everybody that answered stated places they are actually interested to go or programs they will create. There may be methods you could protect and shelter your close friend by establishing your own self up as the marked aspect person - the one who delivers relevant information to the outside world, or even manages benefactors. Because of the good folks at Zalando for gifting me these, also a lot better that I in fact reached decide on. Just present them to whom they're sitting through or even those folks which enter right into a conversation with the two from you if you bring your attendee to a large party.
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extraupdate-blog · 7 years
The Future of Public Education According to The Pragmatic Thinker
New Post has been published on https://extraupdate.com/the-future-of-public-education-according-to-the-pragmatic-thinker/
The Future of Public Education According to The Pragmatic Thinker
For years there has been a public outcry to “restore” the PUBLIC instructional gadget of the US. First of all, this could be impossible, because “restore” cannot be described.
Education According
Some say that “restore” means to have higher and extra present day buildings. Some say to “repair” imply to pay instructors more. Some say to “fix” means to have our college students bypass development exams. Some say to “repair” way that allows you to have our college students more correctly compete in the world arena of science and enterprise. Some say to “restoration’ way provide our college students a better training within the fundamentals of studying, writing, and math. Some say to “restore” way to give our students a more progressive, liberal schooling that will stay fuller and more complete lives. Some say we want to “repair” the academic gadget so students can pick what “they” want to do in lifestyles sooner and enter university with route and cognizance. And the motives for “solving” the “damaged” PUBLIC academic device pass on and on.
News Universities
I think the PUBLIC instructional device is damaged and can not be fixed. The machine is so bogged down in political bureaucracy, purple tape, unique pastimes, union politics, under investment, misuse of funds, misdirection, non-focus, status quo thinking, social rhetoric, unfunded applications, broken political promises, and under staffed, beneath qualified, and below paid directors and instructors that the PUBLIC educational device can in no way be fixed. It is an impossible project.
It isn’t any surprise that PRIVATE schools, alternative mastering packages, domestic training, and on line curriculums have become more and more famous with the “affluent” of our population. If you could have the funds for an amazing education on your pupil, mother and father are pulling their college students out of PUBLIC colleges and enrolling them increasingly in private applications of training.
It is my opinion and the opinion of many worried citizens that from primary college to college, our tutorial system, at its satisfactory, often drives the natural love of getting to know out of our youngsters and replaces it with such “abilities” as following regulations, preserving nevertheless and quiet, doing what is anticipated, dishonest or procrastinating. And that is why, in maximum colleges, being on time and sitting quietly is more crucial than crucial thinking and innovative manufacturing. To prosper in this economic system, college students want to expand and grasp one of a kind competencies – lifeskills consisting of resourcefulness, curiosity, innovation, in addition to logical and verbal skill ability.
Most progressive educational specialists could trust Bill Gates who instructed our kingdom’s governors ultimate yr that the traditional city excessive school is obsolete.
The reality of training is that the gadget for the maximum element is previous, too expensive, and useless. Many educationally innovative countries offer PUBLIC investment for schooling from Kindergarten via University, wherein as inside the United States most states do not offer Kindergarten lessons, and all Public Education stops at the stop of High School.
The number one reason we ship our kids to highschool is to permit them to select the career in their preference, earn a great residing and enjoy all that life has to offer. We all need to present our kids the opportunity to prosper and provide properly for their households.
Education Forbes
I have to laugh once I think of the times I watched the television program, “Flash Gordon,” as he put thru outer space in his make-consider space deliver, speak me on his make-agree with wi-fi radio, and dressed in his make-consider space fit. Well, I’m not giggling anymore. Today we’ve got shuttled astronauts into outer area, have guys dwelling in a Space Station, have area suites that take your temperature and gauge your heart fee, and wireless communication gadgets that send photos to Planet Earth. Far fetched from reality? Not anymore. As we speak, the future is starring us in the face, waiting to look how we can promote her inside the next 5-10 years.
How did science-fiction emerge as reality over the last 50 years? Let’s do not forget one thing of innovation: the studying environment – publish secondary education. Why publish secondary education, you can ask? As put up secondary schooling population increases, applications to deal with college students will turn into a curriculum that offers students the liberty to create and layout systems they toy with on an each day foundation. Are there risks concerned on this adaptation technique? There are risks involved when trade takes place, and management should be privy to the way to diplomatically confront the risk areas that could sluggish down progress. Some of the dangers that would be encountered because of alternate being.
Before the five (5) key trends are defined, there needs to be an acknowledgement of the way the traits can be supported and regulated thru a converting surroundings. According to de Kluyver, and Pearce, II, having the right structures and procedures/subsystems complements organizational effectiveness and enables coping with exchange. Misaligned structures and processes may be a effective drag on an agency’s capability to evolve. Therefore, take a look at what impact, if any, contemporary systems and tactics are probably to have a agency’s capacity to enforce a specific strategy is well cautioned. Support structures which include a agency’s planning, budgeting, accounting, data and praise and incentive structures may be important to a success strategy implementation. Although they do not by using themselves outline a sustainable competitive advantage, superior assist systems assist a corporation adapt extra speedy and efficiently to converting requirements. A properly-designed planning device guarantees that making plans is an orderly manner, receives the proper quantity of interest via the right executives, and has a balanced outside and internal recognition. Budgeting and accounting structures are precious in offering correct historic statistics, setting benchmarks and objectives, and defining measures of performance. A contemporary statistics gadget helps all other company systems, and it facilitates evaluation as well as internal and outside communications. Finally, a nicely designed praise and incentive device is fundamental to creating energy through motivation and dedication. A method (or subsystem) is a scientific way of doing matters. Processes may be formal or casual; they define company roles and relationships, and they are able to facilitate or impede exchange. Some strategies or subsystems appearance past instantaneous troubles of implementation to an explicit attention on growing a more potent capability for adapting to change. Processes/subsystems geared toward developing a learning company and at fostering continuous improvement are excellent examples. As an instance, techniques or subsystems are practical and preserve the operation of the gadget; the machine may be Student Services and the subsystem may be the Financial Aid workplace or Admissions. Subsystems may be more extensive in terms of office operations, which includes worker positions and their subculture; financial advisors, instructional advisors, steerage counselors. These operations are features performed on the human level and will have a fine or negative impact on the improvement of key tendencies. If employees are valued and rewarded for their determination and carrier, the outcome will be responsible, committed personnel for the fulfillment in their subsystem.
Hughes and Beatty relate drivers as Strategic drivers; those exceedingly few determinants of sustainable competitive advantage for a specific company in a particular enterprise or competitive surroundings (additionally called factors of aggressive fulfillment, key achievement factors, key cost propositions). The cause for figuring out a tremendously small variety of strategic drivers for an agency is, on the whole, to make sure that people emerge as focused approximately what pattern of inherently limited investments will provide the finest strategic leverage and competitive gain. Drivers can exchange through the years, or the relative emphasis on the one’s drivers can exchange, as an employer satisfies its key driving force. In the case of put up secondary schooling, drivers assist degree success rates inside the area of route crowning glory ratio, pupil retention, and transfer acceptance right into a university and/or the hit employment of students. Because change is so rampant in training, it is smart for leadership to expect exchange and develop a spirit of foresight to keep up with worldwide tendencies.
According thesaurus
It is also defined in Oxford that education is the understanding, talents, and the improvement of individual and mental powers which are resulted from highbrow, ethical, and physical training. So, it could be said that someone who already was given education will have additional know-how, talents and alternate in person and mental power.
Education encompasses coaching and learning precise abilities, and also some thing less tangible however greater profound: the presenting of knowledge, nice judgment, and properly-developed awareness. Education has as certainly one of its essential aspects the presenting of tradition from generation to technology (see socialization). Education approach ‘to draw out’, facilitating the realization of self-capability and latent abilities of a person. It is a utility of pedagogy, a body of theoretical and implemented research regarding teaching and learning and attracts on many disciplines consisting of psychology, philosophy, pc science, linguistics, neuro-technological know-how, sociology, and anthropology.
From the quotation above, it’s miles assumed that schooling does no longer merely switch understanding or ability, however greater especially it trains human beings to have advantageous judgment and properly-advanced information, better characters and intellectual powers. Through education, a person might be able to seek through their herbal talent and self-ability, empower them and eventually will result in gaining their self-esteem and a better life.
The history of training according to Dieter Lenzen, president of the Freie Universität Berlin 1994 “started out both millions of years in the past or on the give up of 1770”. Education as a technological know-how can not be separated from the educational traditions that existed before. Education turned into the natural response of early civilizations to the battle of surviving and thriving as a culture. Adults trained the younger of their society in the information and capabilities they could want to grasp and subsequently pass on.
The schooling of an individual human starts for the reason that he becomes born and continues at some stage in his existence. Even, a few people trust that training starts off evolved even before birth, as evidenced by a few dad and mom’ gambling song or analyzing to the toddler within the womb to pray it’ll have an effect on the kid’s improvement. For a few, the struggles and triumphs of everyday existence provide far greater training than doing formally. Family individuals might also have a profound educational effect – frequently extra profound than they recognize – though the circle of relatives teaching may also function very informally.
Education: the motive, feature and in exercise
Theorists have made a distinction between the cause of schooling and the capabilities of schooling. A motive is the essential purpose of the procedure-an quit to be done, at the same time as Functions are other consequences that may occur as a natural result of the technique- byproducts or effects of training. To intricate these phrases, it can be seen in fact that some instructors trust that the switch of expertise from teacher to students is the primary purpose of education, while the transfer of know-how from school to the real world or the utility of what has been transferred is something that occurs evidently as a consequence of owning that understanding; it is referred to as a function of education.
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Conditioning Young Horses
New Post has been published on http://lovehorses.net/conditioning-young-horses/
Conditioning Young Horses
Photo: Anne M. Eberhardt/The Horse
Research shows that appropriate amounts of exercise during the first three years of a horse's life can benefit the musculoskeletal system
Before your equine athlete begins full-scale training, he can benefit greatly from preparatory physical conditioning. Yes, it's true that he's still growing, that sensitive structures such as his joints and tendons are still developing, and that, generally speaking, he's immature. But veterinary researchers agree: A fair amount of exercise will do him a significant amount of good, not only now but for his entire life. So, it's important to get your youngster out of the stall and into shape.
Muscles, Tendons, and Bones The first three years of a horse's life—particularly the first two—are a time of great change and development in his locomotor system, particularly the muscles, tendons, and bones (including joints). These structures are the ones you keep in mind most as your prospect matures.
Researchers note that growing muscles adapt to the discipline for which the horse is preparing. That’s especially true for how these structures metabolize energy, meaning how they store oxygen and use fat as an energy source. So developing equine muscles properly via exercise is primordial in preparing the young athlete.
Tendons accumulate collagen during growth, which plays a role in their stretchiness and resistance, so safeguarding these structures is critical as well.
As bones grow, they not only increase in length and width but also in density. The mix of minerals in the bones changes, and the bones' inner and outer membranes and outer shells thicken. All these parameters affect bone strength, so, once again, promoting optimal bone growth is essential.
While providing a young horse with suitable nourishment plays a major role in the development of each of these structures, equally important in successfully "growing" an equine athlete is the kind of exercise he receives during these critical first three years.
Preparing for their Future Results of numerous studies on equine exercise over the past decade show a common trend: Appropriate levels of exercise in young horses have no negative effects on their musculoskeletal system. Exercise might even be beneficial for their futures, as it seems to build slightly stronger bone and more resistant tendon tissue.
"This goes against what people have often thought," says Roger Smith, MA, VetMB, PhD, DEO, Dipl. ECVS, MRCVS, professor of Equine Orthopaedics at the Royal Veterinary College, in the United Kingdom. "People worry about exercising and racing 2-year-olds and are afraid it could be damaging."
But now researchers recognize these early months and years offer certain windows of opportunity—when exercise can have a lasting, positive effect on these tissues while they are what scientists call "responsive."
"Different tissues 'respond' at different times," says Smith. "Tendons tend to be responsive early on in life, joints and bones a little bit later. Certainly we know that bones are especially responsive when (horses) start training as yearlings and 2-year-olds."
Hilary M. Clayton, BVMS, PhD, Dipl. ACVSMR, MRCVS, professor and McPhail Dressage Chair Emerita at Michigan State University and president of Sport Horse Science, in Mason, Michigan, agrees that horses benefit from exercise as youngsters. She says it gets the horse's muscles—including his heart and lungs—eady for a lifetime of athletic performance, adding that “conditioning prepares all the body systems to produce a maximal performance and also, very importantly, to withstand that maximal performance."
Getting a Head Start How young is too young for training and conditioning? According to researchers, conditioning can never start too early. "The introduction of low-level exercise, as early on as possible, even as a foal, appears to be protective," says Smith. "Most of the epidemiological data indicates that animals that start their careers (this) early are more resistant to tendon injuries, at least."
Physical conditioning on the ground, without training under saddle, can and probably should begin at birth, notes Johanna Lepeule, MS, PhD, research fellow in the department of environmental health at Harvard University, in Boston, Massachusetts. Lepeule studied bone growth and osteochondrosis in young foals while working on her veterinary epidemiology doctorate in France. Osteochondrosis in horses is a disease that occurs when young bone tissue does not mature correctly. Her research showed that foals (particularly younger than 2 months) exercised freely in a moderately sized pasture every day had developed significantly fewer osteochondral lesions by 6 months, based on radiograph examination, than foals kept in stalls. "They have to get outside and moving," she says, to prevent these problems.
The Right Program Conditioning young horses requires careful planning. When building a program keep in mind the difference between conditioning and training. Clayton explains that conditioning is physiologic preparation, whereas training is teaching technical skills. You’ll want to work on training too, but that's a separate issue. First focus on your initial goals of improving physical fitness.
"In the early stages, conditioning is fairly generic (for all disciplines)," Clayton says. "Work on building aerobic fitness and strengthening the tissues. Build up the aerobic component of work in the early stages while allowing time for the musculoskeletal tissues to respond."
Once your horse is ready to go under saddle, trainers should focus on "slow, easy work" that will allow the horse to get used to having a rider's weight on his back and to round his back under that weight (by strengthening the thoracic and pectoral muscles)," says Clayton.
Later, the rider/trainer can adapt conditioning to match the discipline. "The exercises will be more similar to what will be required in competition," she says.
While we're planning for ultimate physical fitness for our athletes, Clayton says we also need to keep in mind their mental fitness. An unhappy horse isn’t going to perform well, regardless of his physical condition.
"Souring," which means the horse seems to hate working, can happen in youngsters, but it's fairly rare and would require extensive regular exercise, according to Smith. "At a very high level of intense exercise you could start to see a psychological aspect, like you would in young human athletes (who have pursued the sport with too much intensity)," says Smith. "But the level of exercise we’re talking about in young equine stock is much lower than the level needed (to cause the type of effect in horses that we see) in human athletes."
As the field of equitation science expands, we can also take advantage of an improved understanding of equine stress when working with young horses. Equestrian scientist Witold Kedzierski, PhD, from the department of animal biochemistry and physiology at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland, has been focusing on this very issue.
Kedzierski recently determined that 3-year-olds learning to work under saddle displayed lower physiological stress levels (in particular, lower heart rates) when handlers trained and conditioned them using "natural" methods (working with horses individually in a round pen, starting them with ground work, schooling them to avoid pressure, and helping them get used to unfamiliar objects) versus conventional methods (walking horses on an automated walker, longeing, etc.). "This was especially true for colts," he adds.
More recently, he observed that colts and fillies exhibited more stress when working in mixed groups. "Training horses in sex-mixed groups is not recommended," Kedzierski says.
How Much is Enough? We've established that early exercise benefits these animals, but what comprises “appropriate”? Our sources note that science hasn't determined the specifics.
It comes down to "good common sense," says Lepeule. "You just have to know that if you leave your foal closed up all the time, that's not good. Or if you leave your foal outdoors all the time and exercise him intensively, that’s not good, either."
Smith agrees. "There's always a balancing act," he says. "If you give them too much exercise, you can cause damage, and we have data on that as well." Unfortunately, data on adaptive exercise levels is limited, and scientists can’t use it to draw specifics on how much exercise is too much.
So what's a breeder or an owner of a young horse to do? Smith says probably the best advice is to raise growing horses in outdoor pastures. "Our research demonstrates that the exercise the young horse takes out at pasture produces as good an effect on tendons as what we could achieve by adding extra exercise," he says, based on studies by the Global Equine Research Alliance—a collaboration of universities from four countries supported by the Horserace Betting Levy Board.
Smith adds that observations made during a collaborative study with the Japan Racing Association's Equine Research Institute, using GPS and visual monitoring of foals at pasture, showed putting distance between foals' water sources and food is a good way to encourage pastured youngsters to stay active. "This naturally increases the amount of exercise they do as they play a lot between those two areas," he says. "It's a very simple management tool."
Even so, be reasonable with pasture size, Smith warns. Extremely large pastures for mares with foals can lead mares to travel long distances with their young foals that could become too tired to keep up. Very large pastures also increase the risk of osteochondrosis in foals younger than two months, Lepeule warns.
Whatever you do, make sure you're not locking them up in stalls constantly. "People who don't exercise their young stock at all are going to experience a deleterious effect," says Smith.
Starting your horse in the right conditioning program also requires good sense, keeping in mind the horse's ability to adjust to additional exercise. Similar to a human athlete that must build to higher intensity training incrementally, a horse's work should begin gradually and build up slowly in phases, says Clayton. "Problems occur when the conditioning process proceeds too rapidly in young horses," she notes. "The trainer needs to allow adequate time for tissue adaptation and strengthening."
A Word of Caution Although young horses are capable of quite a bit of exercise, some kinds of activities are better held off until later. "In young horses, avoid high speeds or high-intensity work, especially on hard surfaces," Clayton says. "They also shouldn't be jumping large fences or going downhill at speeds faster than a walk. This kind of work is tough on the bones and joints because it involves high concussion." She also recommends holding off on any work that involves rapid turns or spins until the horse is fully developed. Different breeds mature at different rates, so consult your veterinarian for advice on timing your horse's training.
Despite all our best intentions and efforts, accidents can still happen. So it's a good idea to be aware of warning signs that you’ve gone too far or that the horse has suffered a mishap. Watch for soft tissue swelling, lameness, a reluctance to work, or a sour attitude, Clayton says.
If you see these warning signs, the best thing to do is stop exercise and call your veterinarian. "If you get to that stage, it’s very important that you don't continue (your exercise program)," Smith says.
Take-Home Message If we use good sense in managing our youngsters, we can help protect their musculoskeletal systems over the long term with proper exercise. And that can help keep athletes healthier and prevent layups during their athletic careers. "The single most important reason for horses to lose days of training or competition is locomotor injuries," says Clayton. While we can't prevent all injuries, we can plan ahead. If we do it right, we can give our young horses every chance of having the strong bones, resistant tendons, energetic muscles, and star attitude of the world's greatest equine athletes.
About the Author
Christa Lesté-Lasserre, MA
Christa Lesté-Lasserre is a freelance writer based in France. A native of Dallas, Texas, Lesté-Lasserre grew up riding Quarter Horses, Appaloosas, and Shetland Ponies. She holds a master’s degree in English, specializing in creative writing, from the University of Mississippi in Oxford and earned a bachelor’s in journalism and creative writing with a minor in sciences from Baylor University in Waco, Texas. She currently keeps her two Trakehners at home near Paris. Follow Lesté-Lasserre on Twitter @christalestelas.
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jadeshitposts · 7 years
Just a thing from boredom
EDIT: forgot to link the prompt. It's this one: http://prompts-blog.tumblr.com/post/161235231906/unfortunately-we-have-a-very-short-time-limit-and Not much self-editing, but my brain is hellbent creating and so I’m gonna vomit out this thing, featuring characters adopted from @url-does-not-exist and @datcheese. (More the former than the latter, though I’m sure another one of these will pop up for Xaleria soon-) It doesn’t show much except a stupid ‘origin’ as to how someone got mixed up in stuff. Posted here on tumblr because one, I wanted to show that I do have things in mind for the things I adopt, two, I need more writing on my writing blog, and three, because the basis of this came from this prompt from @prompts-blog. Don’t worry, the prompt actually comes up in here, just doesn’t start with it. I have a habit of imagining things that happen in the middle or end of a situation.
This turned into an unexpectedly terrible day for Enisair. Just this morning, they were enjoying their visit on this world as usual, writing songs and enjoying the company of the race of unicorn people they had discovered and made good relations with. Now, they laid injured in a makeshift infirmary, surrounded by panic they even held when the world decided it was going to turn hostile, sending everyone in a race against what was essentially a worldwide nuclear meltdown.  Misty pink eyes glared out the window as the Palju bard waited to see what would happen from the bed, knowing they would still be able to play an active role in helping had they just used their brain. No, they had to play hero instead, leading the formation of the barrier around the building everyone piled into when they weren’t even close to the likes of mages in terms of magical skill. At least some of the natives would be safe, they figured. Thoughts of frustration were ripped away from Enisair, however, when a series of bright flashes brought to them something rather startling. After the first, what looked to be a sprite carrying another sprite flew into the room. Oddly enough, they held a familiarity to Enisair in that they held the power of the stars, but something was…Off.  It was almost immediately after the second flash that Enisair found themselves clamoring across the bed, pressing themselves against the wall and clutching their crystal. Before them stood a man, no doubtedly one of the sprites, bearing an appearance not unlike an alien from popular science-fiction, though impressive moth wings extending from his back.  However, as gentle as the man’s appearance was with a touch of nobility, Enisair could tell they were ‘dead’, with an aura that was starved and wanting to take in whatever life force it could, especially that of stars. The only light it would let escape from the being, it seemed, was from his large, red eyes, burning with the light of a dying sun. The Palju had heard of similar beings from their own home; though they hadn’t yet seen it for themselves, they knew how dangerous they were and didn’t want to risk this encounter. The man appeared to be able to understand Enisair’s panic, though, and with a soft chuckle raised a hand. “Don’t worry, I’m not here to consume you,” he said, “I’m Prince Anomaly of the Alnumaeia people. I’m here to pick up stragglers that couldn’t exit on time to get to safety, and while you aren’t one of the Alnumaeia, this still isn’t your home, either.  Thankfully you pulled your stunt with the barrier, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to find you.”  The bard relaxed a little, realizing the other was not only civil, but recognized what they were. “Ah-Thanks,” they said, “But what about everyone else here?” “They’ll be fine, they’re more adapted for this crisis than you’d think,” Anomaly said, “This is their native realm, after all. Besides, you helped really improve their chances–The neighboring cities are following suit with the barrier tactic, it’ll definitely soften the blow for them. However, especially in your condition, you may not fare well with what’s about to happen, so we’ll have to leave immediately.”  Enisair couldn’t deny they really strained themselves, so they simply nodded, not wanting to take that chance either. Pulling themselves back to their feet, they followed the prince out of the room.  “I’m glad you understand…Once we get out of the interference of this barrier, I can transport us out of here properly,” Anomaly said as he led the way, approaching a sealed-up door to the outside and trying to open it, “And then–I can get you settled–Where you can recover better–And…And…Oh dear.”  “What, what’s wrong?” Enisair asked, concern washing over his face. “Unfortunately, we have a very short time limit and as evidenced, we can’t even kick down a door,” Anomaly said, trying once more to kick it open. Realizing that wouldn’t work, he started poking at the other sprite he was carrying before and was now sleeping on his shoulder. When the it woke up, groggily staring at him, he offered a hand to Enisair.  “Time to see if this’ll work,” he said, “I’ll need you to concentrate however much energy you comfortably can into me, and I’ll use it to try contacting the others to transport us from here.” Warily, Enisair took the prince’s hand and tried, and so did the scraggly sprite on Anomaly’s shoulder. After a moment of concentration, sparks of light started emitting from the prince’s filament-like antennae as the jewel they connected to flared up with a dark light. There was a moment of weightlessness soon afterwards, before another flash of light brought Enisair to a completely different environment. It was certainly different from both the place he just was, and the place he called home. It was rather technology-oriented and many would consider it ‘futuristic’; however, it didn’t feel cold and sterile at all, having been tailored to work with the environment and those brought to the area. There were definitely other Alnumaeians here, scattered about interacting with each other and ‘guests’ from other worlds, and thankfully, none were ‘dead’ like the prince standing next to the Palju. “I would say ‘Welcome to the kingdom’, but that’s only partially true,” Anomaly said with a laugh, “This is actually just a fraction of the territory…It’s usually where we take members of races that had very unfair chances and let them stay until we can find a place which their chances are much fairer. We’ve worked so that it can accommodate anyone for as long as necessary, too, so you won’t have to worry.” “Well, that wouldn’t be very long anyway, right?” Enisair asked. It seemed it would just be better if he could go back.  Anomaly about answered, but caught himself in a slight cringe. “Unfortunately…Due to some unforeseen circumstances, we can’t exactly get you back home. It’s inaccessable currently,” he said, hoping not to discourage his guest. He saw the upset look on Enisair’s face, and nearly panicked. “O-Oh, but don’t worry, we’ll work on it, I promise–I’m a man of my word. We’ll do our best to keep you comfortable until then–But for now, er, uh, Xaleria?” The blue-haired girl he called out for hurried up to the prince; she definitely wasn’t one of the natives either, but she obviously worked for them, and the accessories she wore signified a healer of sorts. “Yes?” she asked cheerily.  “Uh, my friend Enisair here has overworked himself, would you help him with that, please? He’ll be staying here for a while,” Anomaly asked, before turning to the Palju, sighing. “I’m really sorry-” he said, “Here, I’ll even find you one of the better places to stay-” “I–Well–I understand if it’s just circumstance-Really–” Enisair tried to reassure the prince as he followed with the one called Xaleria; sure, it was upsetting he couldn’t go back home, but what could be done? “No,  no, I should have really told you before,” Anomaly said, “So I’ll have to make it up to you.” “No I–Oh, fine,” Enisair said as he was shown where he was going to stay. He really hated owing other people, and he was going to have to figure out how to repay this prince now. At least he was safe, right?
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doctorwhonews · 7 years
Original Sin - Big Finish AudioDrama
Latest Review:   Written By: Andy Lane, Adapted By: John Dorney Directed By: Ken Bentley STARRING: Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor),  Lisa Bowerman (Bernice Summerfield),  Yasmin Bannerman (Roz Forrester),  Travis Oliver (Chris Cwej) WITH: Andrew French (Beltempest),  Philip Voss (Robot/ Under-Sergeant),  Amrita Acharia (Rashid/ Computer/ Shythe Shahid),  Robbie Stevens (Dantalion/ Homeless/ Securitybot),  Jot Davies (Powerless/ Pryce/ Hater/ Evan Claple). ( Other parts played by members of the cast).     --- Written By: Andy Lane + Adapted by John Dorney Director: Ken Bentley Sound Design: Russell McGee Music: Crispin Merrell & Gordon Young Cover Art: Tom Newsom Executive Producers: Jason Haigh-Ellery and Nicholas Briggs **** Available on 2 CDS or Digital Download Duration: 2 hours approx   Big Finish Release: December 2016 General Release: 31st January 2017 The future Earth Empire is truly a bustling and expanding phenomenon. But something very suspect and decadent lies at its core. Two of the law-keepers of the ‘United Kingdom’ – better denoted as Spaceport Five Overcity – start their day assuming ‘business as usual’. One is the experienced Roz, the other the relatively fresh-faced Cwej. By the end of their run-in with a mysterious little man called ‘the Doctor’ and his unusually informal academic friend Bernice, they will have markedly different views of their identity and the wider cosmos around them. Unstable stasis fields, cybernetic technology, and travels across the stars will all come into play. And a slug-like race known as the Hith will have a chance to restore their reputation, in spite of the sizeable propaganda delivered on the ever-present public newscasts. --- Original Sin was a novel that saw the New Adventures range re-calibrate for a different ‘era’. Following the milestone that was Human Nature – a book so remarkable it had a second telling as a Tenth Doctor story in 2007 - more ‘traditional’ adventures across the cosmos were back amongst the status quo. Sporting a very nice cover, the book is now unfortunately hard to track down, and thus for many this adaptation is even more welcome. I had become a somewhat infrequent reader of the paperback adventures, at the time. Owing to having a multitude of other books to read as part of homework assignments, as well as those tomes given as presents, the net-result was that the Seventh Doctor’s literary incarnation had some serious competition for my escapist affections. Damaged Goods had already showcased the wonderful duo of Cwej and Forrester, with Yasmin Bannerman and Travis Oliver established as committed and engaging performers. Credit once again to them for managing to convince of the same characters, but this time at an earlier point in their lives; before they had the chance to travel with the Doctor and Bernice. What is important, and what Ken Bentley so handily delivers in this play, is a credible bonding process between the two markedly different Adjudicators. The listener swiftly cares for their friendship, and it is also important that they relate as well as they do to the Doctor’s present companion; Professor Summerfield. Supporting characters are especially well done here, a by-product of Andy Lane’s sterling source material and enlivened with panache by the voice talent enlisted by Big Finish. Especially well-characterised is Provost-Major Beltempest, who goes from seemingly heartless military professional to someone more helpful and open- minded, and then a key twist is revealed which ties in with one of the core story strands. Also the psychotic criminal Zebulon Pryce is portrayed in more than broad brush strokes, and together with the Doctor – during a standard moment of captivity for our title hero - has a truly fascinating ethical debate, where some of the ‘Time’s Champion’ burden is fully explored. The only real drawback is the scale of the story, and thus some familiar sounding voices recur as some cast members  have two (or more) roles. Sylvester McCoy and Lisa Bowerman typically work well together, and this story sees an even better partnership. Whilst their alter egos do split up several times, they have enough audio time together, which perhaps was not the case in a story such as The Highest Science. With plenty of knowing wit and teasing of one another, it is clear they match as personalities, and furthermore it is clear that each would take a bullet/ laser/arrow for the other. Having a returning villain from the classic series is typical for the Virgin line of books that lasted for much of the Nineties. This antagonist hales from the black and white days of the TV series, and is well-done and authentically acted; thus justifying his/her inclusion. Furthermore, the theme of survival, but at the cost of identity, is nicely combined with this use of Who continuity. The demented prisoner Pryce is in some ways a more interesting character in the context of the story proper, but I still enjoyed the nod to the past. However the inconsistency over the TARDIS’ internal dimension rules is only re-enforced in the final showdown, so perhaps this area of Doctor Who lore is best regarded as a convenient plot device (along with the likes of the Sonic Screwdriver). Also I did find the Hith voices an acquired taste, and the timbre also for some reason reminded me of the rather forced third cliff-hanger from The Paradise of Death; a contemporary of the Virgin New Adventures, but rather more solitary compared to the Big Finish audios that followed. However any quibbles with the production are negated by the truly superlative interludes featuring news broadcasts to the various citizens of the Earth Empire. Often showing just how little humanity has advanced in terms of emotional intelligence and diplomacy, they are a great way to prevent the story proper from ever stalling. Transitioning from one supremely confident anchor to a rather more ‘wet-behind-the-ears’ colleague further on, these ‘excerpts’ of daily life add much to the already competent world building conveyed by the dialogue from the supporting characters, in addition to the exposition the Seventh Doctor so eloquently provides to his dear friend Bernice (who certainly appreciates it in spite of her sizeable qualifications). The previously released Seventh Doctor audios managed to deftly condense the source material of these often groundbreaking novels, and this latest release is particularly confident, thanks to the experienced and astute writing skills of John Dorney. A whole-hearted recommendation is awarded to this two-parter. I hope more such adaptations will follow, in due course. --- BONUS: Full and candid interviews are again in supply here, along with some proper explanation of what the production team were aiming for with this re-telling. McCoy in particular has some interesting input, as well as evident enthusiasm that he has so many opportunities to deepen the character, that he first portrayed all those years ago in the final stanzas of the 20th Century. http://reviews.doctorwhonews.net/2017/04/original_sin_big_finish_audiodrama.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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hermanwatts · 4 years
Sensor Sweep: Year’s Best Horror, Blood Sundown, Al Williamson, Northworld
Writing (Larry Correia): Of course the article is trash. It comes from Buzzfeed. They get everything wrong. But worse, some of the quotes in there from certain writers are agenda driven garbage, which give aspiring writers a completely ass backwards view of how publishing works. I want to see writers be successful. I’m rooting for you guys. This crap right here? It is defeatist garbage, and if you buy into this pity party, you are going to artificially limit your career.
Fantasy (DMR Books): Lin Carter (1930-1988) blazed a trail in fantasy literary criticism, and for that we owe him a debt. Today on what would have been his 90th birthday I celebrate his pioneering efforts as a historian and guide, thank him for treating fantastic material with respect and enthusiasm—and also offer some critique I think he might have welcomed.
Science Fiction (Black Gate): First, it’s Heinlein’s first novel in that it’s the first one he wrote, way back in 1938 and 1939, when he hadn’t yet broken into print. But it didn’t sell, was never published at the time, and went unknown for decades. In fact the manuscript was thought lost; Heinlein and his wife had destroyed copies in their possession in the approach to Heinlein’s death. Yet another copy of the ms. was found years later, after Heinlein’s death in 1988, and, as Robert James explains in an afterword here, was published in 2004, with an introduction by Spider Robinson. (Spider Robinson would later publish Variable Star, based on a Heinlein outline, in 2006.
Edgar Rice Burroughs (Dark Worlds Quarterly): Edgar Rice Burroughs was a professional in the best sense of the word. This meant he worked hard at producing the best work he could. It also meant he knew you didn’t stop a successful franchise but always left a back door for more stories in the future. With Tarzan, Pellucidar and John Carter he used pretty much the same method (which I think was largely instinctual and certainly not planned).
REH and HPL (Westhunt): Just as Robert E. Howard’s take on prehistory was closer to the truth than the one promulgated by archaeologists  in the past few decades,  H.P. Lovecraft’s views on insanity were more realistic than the common ones in American popular culture – where people are thought to be driven insane by trauma, where your mum and dad fuck you up by their actions, rather than their genes.
Comic Books (Bleeding Cool): Robert E. Howard’s Conan is brought to life UNCENSORED! Discover the true Conan, unrestrained, violent, and sexual. Read the story as he intended!
In the kingdom of Vendhya, the king has just died, struck down by the spells of the black prophets of Yimsha.The king’s sister, Yasmina, decides to avenge him…and contacts Conan, then chief of the Afghuli tribe. But several of Conan’s warriors have just been killed by the men of the kingdom of Vendhya, further complicating the matter. The princess thought she could use the Cimmerian, but rather it is she who will serve his interests…
Fiction (Misha Burnett): I love it when a plan comes together! Yes, I do have a plan, although it may not be evident from my publishing schedule. Ever since I realized that short fiction is the ideal medium for me, I have been working towards building a body of work. As I’ve said several times in this blog, I am now writing stories with an eye not just to first publication, but to inclusion into a series of collections.
Fiction (Marzaat): My multi-part look at this John Buchan collection concludes. Buchan took a cruise to the Aegean in 1910 and that’s the setting of “Basilissa”. This 1914 story is my least favorite in the collection. It mixes precognitive dreams with a standard damsel-in-distress romantic plot. Every April since boyhood Vernon has had a dream where he enters a house with many rooms and senses a danger. On each repetition of the dream, the danger draws closer.
RPG (Tenkars Tavern): Using my Soapbox to “Discourage” a Problem at Some Tables… So I’m not 100% when this post will be, well posted, but I’m running with the assumption that this will be my 1st weekly entry here at the Tavern. There’s so many things I could write about, but one thing popped into my head, something I feel strongly about and something that has a back story. There are probably three things I’m passionate about, well maybe five things, or 50……..I really don’t keep track, but clearly I’m a passionate, passionate man…..
History (Brandywine Books): I’ve been doing a little translation lately (I’ll tell you more about it later) which reminded me of one of my favorite passages from Snorri Sturlusson’s Heimskringla. This story involves King Eystein I, far from the most renowned of Norway’s kings, but very possibly the most likeable. He was part of a set, sharing a joint monarchy with his brother, Sigurd Magnusson. They were both the sons of King Magnus Bareleg, who never got the memo that the Viking Age was over, and died young and outnumbered in Ireland, declaring, “Kings were made for glory, not for long life.”
Pulp Magazines (Pulp Net): Adventure magazine was one of the “Big Four” of pulp magazines. For those not aware, the other three are Argosy, Blue Book, and Short Stories. Adventure existed from 1910 to 1971, though not always as a pulp fiction magazine. Ridgeway, which had been bought by Butterick Publishing, who published sewing patterns and related magazines, published Adventure, along with Everybody’s and Romance, until selling these to Popular Publications in 1934. I suspect Butterick basically sold Ridgeway to Popular, similar to Popular buying out Munsey in 1941.
Art (DMR Books): The great Al Williamson died on this date in 2010. Not to be confused with the equally cool Jack Williamson—wouldn’t it have been awesome if Al had adapted Jack’s “Legion of Space” tales to comics?—Al was the “kid brother” and child prodigy at the Cartoonists and Illustrators School which was run by the legendary Burne Hogarth. Al would fill the same role at EC Comics, where he worked with the likes of Frank Frazetta, Roy Krenkel and Wally Wood. Here’s an excellent bio from the Inkwell Awards website:
Science Fiction (Science fiction fantasy blog): The Northworld Trilogy, by David Drake.  This trilogy was first published as three individual novels: Northworld (published 1990), Northworld Vengeance (1991) and Northworld Justice (1992), although I have all three in one paperback omnibus, published by Baen in 1999. The first novel (but not the others) has the distinction of its own Wikipedia page, so if you want a thorough plot summary – complete with spoilers – you can look it up. The principal character of the story is Nils Hansen, a classic SF hero; an intelligent and highly capable leader of a special police unit on the planet Annunciation, and exceptionally skilled in close combat.
RPG (Dr Bargle blogspot): I’ve been running the sample adventure in Blood Sundown for the past few nights for players who are relatively new to RPGs and it has worked a treat. Everywhen’s simple mechanics with little bookkeeping or arithmetic make it ideal for new or casual players, and the range of pregenerated characters included mean you can be up and running almost straight away. The sample adventure could probably be played in an evening if players most fast, but it’ll have taken us three sessions of 2(ish) hours.
Cartoons (Black Gate): The show’s setup couldn’t be simpler. Sometime in the near future – near enough for there to be no such thing as microwave ovens but future enough for personal hovercraft to be no big deal – Dr. Benton Quest (one of the world’s “top scientists”) roams the globe, troubleshooting various problems for the U.S. and other friendly governments. (We’re never told what Dr. Quest is a doctor of, and it’s impossible to pin down his specialty. Is it nuclear physics? Chemistry? Geology? Botany? Oceanography? Molecular biology? Who knows? He shows a deep knowledge of all of these fields and more, like that guy they had to retire from Jeopardy.)
Horror (Jayro Thermal): 8 stories from Year’s Best Horror Stories 1980        The Year’s Best Horror Stories Series VIII, Edited by Karl Edward Wagner (1980, DAW) Volume VIII was the first edited by Karl Edward Wagner. In 1980 the boom was underway.  When I first landed a copy of this paperback, I read the stories by Dennis Etchison, Ramsey Campbell, Harlan Ellison, Alan Ryan, and Charles L. Grant, but I left money on the table when I got distracted and picked up another book instead.
Publishing (Kairos): Imagine that you’re an artist of some sort desiring to make a living through your art. In the case of novelists, this used to mean seeking approval from an agent and then an editor before landing a book deal with one of the big New York publishers. That publishing model is on the way out, thanks to decades of literary malpractice on the big publishers’ part brought to a head by the Kindle revolution and finished off by Corona-chan. We can expect another round of mergers and mid list contract cancellations. When the dust settles, old pub will be reduced to pimping a handful of name authors at Costco.
Sensor Sweep: Year’s Best Horror, Blood Sundown, Al Williamson, Northworld published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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kayawagner · 6 years
Cthulhu Live [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
This special 60% off bundle contains everything needed to play Cthulhu Live, the licensed live-action version of the popular Call of Cthulhu tabeltop RPG! These include the core rulebook, 10 self-standing adventure scripts, and a companion suite with more scenarios and numerous other resources to support play. 
Arcanum Imperii: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $5.99 Bundle price: $2.39 Format: PDF TOGA! TOGA! TOGA! But life in ancient Rome isn’t just one big party. The Second Triumvirate has been shattered and Rome is embroiled in civil war once again. Octavian has declared Marc Antony and his Egyptian queen, Cleopatra, enemies of Rome and the legions march south toward Alexandria. The situation seems dire for Marc Antony following destruction of his fleet at the Battle of Actium, but in the dusty hills of Macedonia a dark secret of the empire is waiting to be unveiled.  Governor Publius Artorius Stabo thought he was comfortably distant from the war. He was happy taking bribes and tribute from the local Macedonian nobles, indulging himself with slave girls, and avoiding his shrew of a wife. Then, a ragged band of survivors from  Actium washed up on his s... Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition (LARP) Regular price: $9.99 Bundle price: $3.99 Format: PDF This book is a completely revised, expanded, and updated version of the acclaimed live-action roleplaying (LARP) game based on the horror tales of H.P. Lovecraft.  This newest and best edition of Cthulhu Live includes a richly detailed and uniquely playable rules system that incorporates more than 12 years of best practices and refinements from hundreds of gamers worldwide. Features of this self-contained game include: All-new rules for skills, combat, Sanity, Magic, and Psychic powers. Extensive information on organizing events, stagecraft and special effects. Guidelines on role-playing Outsiders tainted by the touch of the Mythos. New and improved photographs, graphics, and other images, including works by renowned Cthulhu Mythos artist Richard Alan Poppe. A screen-fri... Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Companion Suite Regular price: $9.99 Bundle price: $3.99 Format: ZIP File The stars are right for the eagerly anticipated release of the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Companion Suite! This collection of computer applications and support materials was created specifically for the thoroughly revised, expanded, and improved 3rd Edition of the Cthulhu Live live-action role-playing game (LARP). Skirmisher partnered with Mantra Design Studio to produce this collection of resources (which were originally released as a Companion CD-ROM). With a stunning graphic interface and a soundtrack by Midnight Syndicate, this is a fantastic tool resource for Keepers and Players alike that is compatible with PC, Mac, and Linux platforms. This suite of resources includes: * Advanced character creation program. * Character Card Creator. * Government ID Badg... Der Leere Blick: Ein Skript für das Cthulhu Live Rollenspiel 3. Edition (Sight Unseen: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition) Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $1.99 Format: Watermarked PDF Der Leere Blick is a German-language version of the Sight Unseen script for the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition live-action role-playing game and designed for use with the rules for it. This script can also be easily adapted for use with other horror and Mythos-oriented games, such as Call of Cthulhu. It ideal for a LARP party with friends or as a convention event and offers hours of fun, intrigue, and horror.  Can we trust our senses? How do we know that what we see is real? Are our eyes inherently deceptive and prone to misdirection? If so, then such flawed organs must be removed, for only in blindness can one perceive the truth: that all the world is horror.  Der Leere Blick/Sight Unseen is an unnerving multi-media LARP experience like no ... House of Pain: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $6.99 Bundle price: $2.79 Format: PDF Welcome to the New World Order. It’s the autumn of 1991, and the world isn’t what it used to be. Saddam Hussein’s army lies in smoldering ruins. The Soviet Union is suffering its death throes. Germany has been reunified. Africa is aflame with small bush wars. Across the world, the balance of power is shifting. Old powers are dying out and the playing field of the future will be a chaos of warlords and rogue states. In this full-length adventure for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition, the players are power-brokers who have been invited to a private summit to help form the geopolitical landscape of the next century. But while they plot their moves and hide their secrets, they may find that they themselves are pawns in a much larger, more ancient game. This adventure incl... Muerte al Chupacabras!: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $6.99 Bundle price: $2.79 Format: PDF For three decades, Hobbsbad, New Mexico, has lived in fear of El Chupacabra, an unseen monster that comes in the night and feeds on blood. Every few years, the attacks become more frequent, and then stop just as quickly and mysteriously as they began. Nothing has been able to stop this malevolent creature. Now, one man has done the impossible and captured El Chupacabra alive, and tonight, he plans to reveal his prize to the world - or at least the highest bidder. Hobbsbad has been thrown into chaos, as crackpots, cryptozoologists, reporters, and ranchers swarm into it! Muerte al Chupacabras! is a scenario inspired by B-movies and pseudoscience that is designed to be played with 15 or more players and two to four staff members. Although it is meant to stand on its own, this script... Old Man of Damascus: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $1.99 Format: PDF The Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1190 is in dire peril. Saladin’s army has retaken Jerusalem. The crusader army is in tatters. The once-mighty Christian kingdoms of Palestine are crumbling. In the easternmost provinces of the Christian kingdoms, the fortress of Li Vaux Moise has been under siege for three months. The defenders have tried to hold out, but the fortress is clearly about to fall, and the commander of the Muslim army has requested a meeting to discuss terms of the garrison’s surrender. But there are dark forces at work here far greater than any mortal army. Ancient evils from the wind-swept deserts stalk the stone walls, hungry for blood and power. Terrible, mind-shattering secrets from beyond the stars lie ripe to be exposed. Horrors beyond the comprehension of both... Sight Unseen: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $1.99 Format: PDF Can we trust our senses? How do we know that what we see is real? Are our eyes inherently deceptive and prone to misdirection? If so, then such flawed organs must be removed, for only in blindness can one perceive the truth: that all the world is horror. Sight Unseen is a LARP experience like no other. When an assortment of Arkham citizens check into the local hospital for surgery, they find themselves blinded by a madman and forced to confront the unearthly terror he has unleashed upon the world. Sight Unseen is a game script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition and requires the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition game rules. The text contains the game overview and timeline; detailed guidelines for simulating blindness in LARP, including safety precautions; prop, special effec... The Ageless (Cthulhu Live) Regular price: $1.99 Bundle price: $0.89 Format: PDF Around this time every year, just as the leaves begun to change, Sir Arthur Westfield holds a grand salon at his manor of West End. The gathering always attracts a healthy mix of dilettantes, eccentrics, and academics. Often little more than a pretense for Westfield to show off his new acquisitions and oddities, it is also a chance for deals to be made. A renowned patron of the arts and sciences, many a man has worked long into the night, maneuvering the old man into some business arrangement or endowment. It remains to be seen what deals tonight may bring ... “The Ageless” is a Gold bestselling live-action role-playing game script designed for 10-15 participants and a medium-sized staff. It is stat'ed for the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition system but is rules light and so ... The Green Fairy: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $6.99 Bundle price: $2.79 Format: PDF Paris at the end of the 19th century: a city of lights, music, excitement at the approach of the new century and aflame with the creative spirit of the Bohemian revolution. But for months the city has been locked in a state of fear as the brutal murderer known as the Raptor stalks the steep streets and narrow alleyways of the north-end hill neighborhood of Montmartre. Many refuse to leave their homes by night. Others frequent establishments such as “The Green Fairy,” an absinthe bar and popular meeting place for artists, actors, whores, criminals, and the well-to-do seeking to taste the thrills and pleasures of Montmartre. This evening, the patrons of “The Green Fairy” will be joined by a visitor beyond their darkest nightmares.  The Green Fairy... The Island: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $1.99 Format: PDF When their ship is sunk by a freak storm. the survivors swim to the nearest land, a small island off the New England coast. Safe on land they feel that their troubles are over ... but they are wrong. The Island is a Cthulhu Live live-action role-playing (LARP) game scenario for up to 13 players. It is set in 1947 and brings the characters face-to-face with their own twisted lineages and the madness carried in their very souls. The text contains the game overview and timeline; prop, special effects, and stagecraft tips, including instructions for creating an elaborate working Moon Clock prop; and detailed character sheets and backgrounds for the player characters. Ideal as an event for a Live Action Role-Playing (LARP) party with friends or as a convention event, it offers hours ... The Return of Cyris Crane (Cthulhu Live) Regular price: $1.99 Bundle price: $0.79 Format: PDF Last autumn, Cyris Crane, brilliant businessman, loving father, world traveler, and one of the wealthiest and most respected men in Arkham, ventured into the Arkham hill country and disappeared in a sudden blizzard. Now, he has returned, much to the joy of his friends and family, and he has summoned them to his home to make a pronouncement to them ... "The Return of Cyris Crane" is a LARP scenario designed to be played with minimal staff and a small number of players. The only staff required are the Keeper and, if possible, a Stage Manager. It is stat'ed for the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition system but can easily be adapted for use with other LARP or tabletop games.  Cthulhu Live is a live-action roleplaying game (LARP) version of the popular horror r... WitchFinder: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $3.99 Bundle price: $1.59 Format: PDF Set in Yugoslavia in 1943, during the height of World War II, this tense and exciting scenario focuses on the struggle between Allied and Axis special operations teams to seize control of information critical to control of the Balkans. Players can assume roles as military or civilian operatives in one of four opposing factions, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the SS Ahnenerbe occult operations division, the Communist partisans, or the Chetnik royalist freedom fighters. Little by little, however, the characters will begin to realize that their war is not the first to have left its mark on the region in which they are battling for supremacy - and that their actions are uncovering a powerful and dangerous evil that is beyond anything they ever expected to face. WitchFinder...
Total value: $74.87 Special bundle price: $29.97 Savings of: $44.90 (60%)
Price: $74.87 Cthulhu Live [BUNDLE] published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
0 notes
kayawagner · 6 years
Cthulhu Live [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
This special bundle contains everything needed to play Cthulhu Live, the licensed live-action version of the popular Call of Cthulhu tabeltop RPG! These include the core rulebook, 10 self-standing adventure scripts, and a companion suite with more scenarios and numerous other resources to support play. They are available here together at 51% off of their regular total price. 
Arcanum Imperii: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $3.99 Bundle price: $1.97 Format: PDF TOGA! TOGA! TOGA! But life in ancient Rome isn’t just one big party. The Second Triumvirate has been shattered and Rome is embroiled in civil war once again. Octavian has declared Marc Antony and his Egyptian queen, Cleopatra, enemies of Rome and the legions march south toward Alexandria. The situation seems dire for Marc Antony following destruction of his fleet at the Battle of Actium, but in the dusty hills of Macedonia a dark secret of the empire is waiting to be unveiled.  Governor Publius Artorius Stabo thought he was comfortably distant from the war. He was happy taking bribes and tribute from the local Macedonian nobles, indulging himself with slave girls, and avoiding his shrew of a wife. Then, a ragged band of survivors from  Actium washed up on his s... Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition (LARP) Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $2.47 Format: PDF This book is a completely revised, expanded, and updated version of the acclaimed live-action roleplaying (LARP) game based on the horror tales of H.P. Lovecraft.  This newest and best edition of Cthulhu Live includes a richly detailed and uniquely playable rules system that incorporates more than 12 years of best practices and refinements from hundreds of gamers worldwide. Features of this self-contained game include: All-new rules for skills, combat, Sanity, Magic, and Psychic powers. Extensive information on organizing events, stagecraft and special effects. Guidelines on role-playing Outsiders tainted by the touch of the Mythos. New and improved photographs, graphics, and other images, including works by renowned Cthulhu Mythos artist Richard Alan Poppe. A screen-fri... Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Companion Suite Regular price: $6.69 Bundle price: $3.31 Format: ZIP File The stars are right for the eagerly anticipated release of the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Companion Suite! This collection of computer applications and support materials was created specifically for the thoroughly revised, expanded, and improved 3rd Edition of the Cthulhu Live live-action role-playing game (LARP). Skirmisher partnered with Mantra Design Studio to produce this collection of resources (which were originally released as a Companion CD-ROM). With a stunning graphic interface and a soundtrack by Midnight Syndicate, this is a fantastic tool resource for Keepers and Players alike that is compatible with PC, Mac, and Linux platforms. This suite of resources includes: * Advanced character creation program. * Character Card Creator. * Government ID Badg... Der Leere Blick: Ein Skript für das Cthulhu Live Rollenspiel 3. Edition (Sight Unseen: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition) Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $2.47 Format: Watermarked PDF Der Leere Blick is a German-language version of the Sight Unseen script for the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition live-action role-playing game and designed for use with the rules for it. This script can also be easily adapted for use with other horror and Mythos-oriented games, such as Call of Cthulhu. It ideal for a LARP party with friends or as a convention event and offers hours of fun, intrigue, and horror.  Can we trust our senses? How do we know that what we see is real? Are our eyes inherently deceptive and prone to misdirection? If so, then such flawed organs must be removed, for only in blindness can one perceive the truth: that all the world is horror.  Der Leere Blick/Sight Unseen is an unnerving multi-media LARP experience like no ... House of Pain: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $6.99 Bundle price: $3.46 Format: PDF Welcome to the New World Order. It’s the autumn of 1991, and the world isn’t what it used to be. Saddam Hussein’s army lies in smoldering ruins. The Soviet Union is suffering its death throes. Germany has been reunified. Africa is aflame with small bush wars. Across the world, the balance of power is shifting. Old powers are dying out and the playing field of the future will be a chaos of warlords and rogue states. In this full-length adventure for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition, the players are power-brokers who have been invited to a private summit to help form the geopolitical landscape of the next century. But while they plot their moves and hide their secrets, they may find that they themselves are pawns in a much larger, more ancient game. This adventure incl... Muerte al Chupacabras!: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $6.99 Bundle price: $3.46 Format: PDF For three decades, Hobbsbad, New Mexico, has lived in fear of El Chupacabra, an unseen monster that comes in the night and feeds on blood. Every few years, the attacks become more frequent, and then stop just as quickly and mysteriously as they began. Nothing has been able to stop this malevolent creature. Now, one man has done the impossible and captured El Chupacabra alive, and tonight, he plans to reveal his prize to the world - or at least the highest bidder. Hobbsbad has been thrown into chaos, as crackpots, cryptozoologists, reporters, and ranchers swarm into it! Muerte al Chupacabras! is a scenario inspired by B-movies and pseudoscience that is designed to be played with 15 or more players and two to four staff members. Although it is meant to stand on its own, this script... Old Man of Damascus: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $3.34 Bundle price: $1.65 Format: PDF The Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1190 is in dire peril. Saladin’s army has retaken Jerusalem. The crusader army is in tatters. The once-mighty Christian kingdoms of Palestine are crumbling. In the easternmost provinces of the Christian kingdoms, the fortress of Li Vaux Moise has been under siege for three months. The defenders have tried to hold out, but the fortress is clearly about to fall, and the commander of the Muslim army has requested a meeting to discuss terms of the garrison’s surrender. But there are dark forces at work here far greater than any mortal army. Ancient evils from the wind-swept deserts stalk the stone walls, hungry for blood and power. Terrible, mind-shattering secrets from beyond the stars lie ripe to be exposed. Horrors beyond the comprehension of both... Sight Unseen: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $2.47 Format: PDF Can we trust our senses? How do we know that what we see is real? Are our eyes inherently deceptive and prone to misdirection? If so, then such flawed organs must be removed, for only in blindness can one perceive the truth: that all the world is horror. Sight Unseen is a LARP experience like no other. When an assortment of Arkham citizens check into the local hospital for surgery, they find themselves blinded by a madman and forced to confront the unearthly terror he has unleashed upon the world. Sight Unseen is a game script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition and requires the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition game rules. The text contains the game overview and timeline; detailed guidelines for simulating blindness in LARP, including safety precautions; prop, special effec... The Ageless (Cthulhu Live) Regular price: $1.99 Bundle price: $0.98 Format: PDF Around this time every year, just as the leaves begun to change, Sir Arthur Westfield holds a grand salon at his manor of West End. The gathering always attracts a healthy mix of dilettantes, eccentrics, and academics. Often little more than a pretense for Westfield to show off his new acquisitions and oddities, it is also a chance for deals to be made. A renowned patron of the arts and sciences, many a man has worked long into the night, maneuvering the old man into some business arrangement or endowment. It remains to be seen what deals tonight may bring ... “The Ageless” is a Gold bestselling live-action role-playing game script designed for 10-15 participants and a medium-sized staff. It is stat'ed for the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition system but is rules light and so ... The Green Fairy: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $6.99 Bundle price: $3.46 Format: PDF Paris at the end of the 19th century: a city of lights, music, excitement at the approach of the new century and aflame with the creative spirit of the Bohemian revolution. But for months the city has been locked in a state of fear as the brutal murderer known as the Raptor stalks the steep streets and narrow alleyways of the north-end hill neighborhood of Montmartre. Many refuse to leave their homes by night. Others frequent establishments such as “The Green Fairy,” an absinthe bar and popular meeting place for artists, actors, whores, criminals, and the well-to-do seeking to taste the thrills and pleasures of Montmartre. This evening, the patrons of “The Green Fairy” will be joined by a visitor beyond their darkest nightmares.  The Green Fairy... The Island: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $3.34 Bundle price: $1.66 Format: PDF When their ship is sunk by a freak storm. the survivors swim to the nearest land, a small island off the New England coast. Safe on land they feel that their troubles are over ... but they are wrong. The Island is a Cthulhu Live live-action role-playing (LARP) game scenario for up to 13 players. It is set in 1947 and brings the characters face-to-face with their own twisted lineages and the madness carried in their very souls. The text contains the game overview and timeline; prop, special effects, and stagecraft tips, including instructions for creating an elaborate working Moon Clock prop; and detailed character sheets and backgrounds for the player characters. Ideal as an event for a Live Action Role-Playing (LARP) party with friends or as a convention event, it offers hours ... The Return of Cyris Crane (Cthulhu Live) Regular price: $1.33 Bundle price: $0.66 Format: PDF Last autumn, Cyris Crane, brilliant businessman, loving father, world traveler, and one of the wealthiest and most respected men in Arkham, ventured into the Arkham hill country and disappeared in a sudden blizzard. Now, he has returned, much to the joy of his friends and family, and he has summoned them to his home to make a pronouncement to them ... "The Return of Cyris Crane" is a LARP scenario designed to be played with minimal staff and a small number of players. The only staff required are the Keeper and, if possible, a Stage Manager. It is stat'ed for the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition system but can easily be adapted for use with other LARP or tabletop games.  Cthulhu Live is a live-action roleplaying game (LARP) version of the popular horror r... WitchFinder: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $3.99 Bundle price: $1.97 Format: PDF Set in Yugoslavia in 1943, during the height of World War II, this tense and exciting scenario focuses on the struggle between Allied and Axis special operations teams to seize control of information critical to control of the Balkans. Players can assume roles as military or civilian operatives in one of four opposing factions, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the SS Ahnenerbe occult operations division, the Communist partisans, or the Chetnik royalist freedom fighters. Little by little, however, the characters will begin to realize that their war is not the first to have left its mark on the region in which they are battling for supremacy - and that their actions are uncovering a powerful and dangerous evil that is beyond anything they ever expected to face. WitchFinder...
Total value: $60.61 Special bundle price: $29.99 Savings of: $30.62 (51%)
Price: $60.61 Cthulhu Live [BUNDLE] published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
0 notes
kayawagner · 6 years
Cthulhu Live [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Skirmisher Publishing
This special bundle contains everything needed to play Cthulhu Live, the licensed live-action version of the popular Call of Cthulhu tabeltop RPG! These include the core rulebook, 10 self-standing adventure scripts, and a companion suite with more scenarios and numerous other resources to support play. They are available here together at 51% off of their regular total price. 
Arcanum Imperii: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $3.99 Bundle price: $1.97 Format: PDF TOGA! TOGA! TOGA! But life in ancient Rome isn’t just one big party. The Second Triumvirate has been shattered and Rome is embroiled in civil war once again. Octavian has declared Marc Antony and his Egyptian queen, Cleopatra, enemies of Rome and the legions march south toward Alexandria. The situation seems dire for Marc Antony following destruction of his fleet at the Battle of Actium, but in the dusty hills of Macedonia a dark secret of the empire is waiting to be unveiled.  Governor Publius Artorius Stabo thought he was comfortably distant from the war. He was happy taking bribes and tribute from the local Macedonian nobles, indulging himself with slave girls, and avoiding his shrew of a wife. Then, a ragged band of survivors from  Actium washed up on his s... Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition (LARP) Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $2.47 Format: PDF This book is a completely revised, expanded, and updated version of the acclaimed live-action roleplaying (LARP) game based on the horror tales of H.P. Lovecraft.  This newest and best edition of Cthulhu Live includes a richly detailed and uniquely playable rules system that incorporates more than 12 years of best practices and refinements from hundreds of gamers worldwide. Features of this self-contained game include: All-new rules for skills, combat, Sanity, Magic, and Psychic powers. Extensive information on organizing events, stagecraft and special effects. Guidelines on role-playing Outsiders tainted by the touch of the Mythos. New and improved photographs, graphics, and other images, including works by renowned Cthulhu Mythos artist Richard Alan Poppe. A screen-fri... Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Companion Suite Regular price: $6.69 Bundle price: $3.31 Format: ZIP File The stars are right for the eagerly anticipated release of the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Companion Suite! This collection of computer applications and support materials was created specifically for the thoroughly revised, expanded, and improved 3rd Edition of the Cthulhu Live live-action role-playing game (LARP). Skirmisher partnered with Mantra Design Studio to produce this collection of resources (which were originally released as a Companion CD-ROM). With a stunning graphic interface and a soundtrack by Midnight Syndicate, this is a fantastic tool resource for Keepers and Players alike that is compatible with PC, Mac, and Linux platforms. This suite of resources includes: * Advanced character creation program. * Character Card Creator. * Government ID Badg... Der Leere Blick: Ein Skript für das Cthulhu Live Rollenspiel 3. Edition (Sight Unseen: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition) Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $2.47 Format: Watermarked PDF Der Leere Blick is a German-language version of the Sight Unseen script for the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition live-action role-playing game and designed for use with the rules for it. This script can also be easily adapted for use with other horror and Mythos-oriented games, such as Call of Cthulhu. It ideal for a LARP party with friends or as a convention event and offers hours of fun, intrigue, and horror.  Can we trust our senses? How do we know that what we see is real? Are our eyes inherently deceptive and prone to misdirection? If so, then such flawed organs must be removed, for only in blindness can one perceive the truth: that all the world is horror.  Der Leere Blick/Sight Unseen is an unnerving multi-media LARP experience like no ... House of Pain: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $6.99 Bundle price: $3.46 Format: PDF Welcome to the New World Order. It’s the autumn of 1991, and the world isn’t what it used to be. Saddam Hussein’s army lies in smoldering ruins. The Soviet Union is suffering its death throes. Germany has been reunified. Africa is aflame with small bush wars. Across the world, the balance of power is shifting. Old powers are dying out and the playing field of the future will be a chaos of warlords and rogue states. In this full-length adventure for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition, the players are power-brokers who have been invited to a private summit to help form the geopolitical landscape of the next century. But while they plot their moves and hide their secrets, they may find that they themselves are pawns in a much larger, more ancient game. This adventure incl... Muerte al Chupacabras!: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $6.99 Bundle price: $3.46 Format: PDF For three decades, Hobbsbad, New Mexico, has lived in fear of El Chupacabra, an unseen monster that comes in the night and feeds on blood. Every few years, the attacks become more frequent, and then stop just as quickly and mysteriously as they began. Nothing has been able to stop this malevolent creature. Now, one man has done the impossible and captured El Chupacabra alive, and tonight, he plans to reveal his prize to the world - or at least the highest bidder. Hobbsbad has been thrown into chaos, as crackpots, cryptozoologists, reporters, and ranchers swarm into it! Muerte al Chupacabras! is a scenario inspired by B-movies and pseudoscience that is designed to be played with 15 or more players and two to four staff members. Although it is meant to stand on its own, this script... Old Man of Damascus: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $3.34 Bundle price: $1.65 Format: PDF The Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1190 is in dire peril. Saladin’s army has retaken Jerusalem. The crusader army is in tatters. The once-mighty Christian kingdoms of Palestine are crumbling. In the easternmost provinces of the Christian kingdoms, the fortress of Li Vaux Moise has been under siege for three months. The defenders have tried to hold out, but the fortress is clearly about to fall, and the commander of the Muslim army has requested a meeting to discuss terms of the garrison’s surrender. But there are dark forces at work here far greater than any mortal army. Ancient evils from the wind-swept deserts stalk the stone walls, hungry for blood and power. Terrible, mind-shattering secrets from beyond the stars lie ripe to be exposed. Horrors beyond the comprehension of both... Sight Unseen: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $2.47 Format: PDF Can we trust our senses? How do we know that what we see is real? Are our eyes inherently deceptive and prone to misdirection? If so, then such flawed organs must be removed, for only in blindness can one perceive the truth: that all the world is horror. Sight Unseen is a LARP experience like no other. When an assortment of Arkham citizens check into the local hospital for surgery, they find themselves blinded by a madman and forced to confront the unearthly terror he has unleashed upon the world. Sight Unseen is a game script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition and requires the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition game rules. The text contains the game overview and timeline; detailed guidelines for simulating blindness in LARP, including safety precautions; prop, special effec... The Ageless (Cthulhu Live) Regular price: $1.99 Bundle price: $0.98 Format: PDF Around this time every year, just as the leaves begun to change, Sir Arthur Westfield holds a grand salon at his manor of West End. The gathering always attracts a healthy mix of dilettantes, eccentrics, and academics. Often little more than a pretense for Westfield to show off his new acquisitions and oddities, it is also a chance for deals to be made. A renowned patron of the arts and sciences, many a man has worked long into the night, maneuvering the old man into some business arrangement or endowment. It remains to be seen what deals tonight may bring ... “The Ageless” is a Gold bestselling live-action role-playing game script designed for 10-15 participants and a medium-sized staff. It is stat'ed for the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition system but is rules light and so ... The Green Fairy: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $6.99 Bundle price: $3.46 Format: PDF Paris at the end of the 19th century: a city of lights, music, excitement at the approach of the new century and aflame with the creative spirit of the Bohemian revolution. But for months the city has been locked in a state of fear as the brutal murderer known as the Raptor stalks the steep streets and narrow alleyways of the north-end hill neighborhood of Montmartre. Many refuse to leave their homes by night. Others frequent establishments such as “The Green Fairy,” an absinthe bar and popular meeting place for artists, actors, whores, criminals, and the well-to-do seeking to taste the thrills and pleasures of Montmartre. This evening, the patrons of “The Green Fairy” will be joined by a visitor beyond their darkest nightmares.  The Green Fairy... The Island: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $3.34 Bundle price: $1.66 Format: PDF When their ship is sunk by a freak storm. the survivors swim to the nearest land, a small island off the New England coast. Safe on land they feel that their troubles are over ... but they are wrong. The Island is a Cthulhu Live live-action role-playing (LARP) game scenario for up to 13 players. It is set in 1947 and brings the characters face-to-face with their own twisted lineages and the madness carried in their very souls. The text contains the game overview and timeline; prop, special effects, and stagecraft tips, including instructions for creating an elaborate working Moon Clock prop; and detailed character sheets and backgrounds for the player characters. Ideal as an event for a Live Action Role-Playing (LARP) party with friends or as a convention event, it offers hours ... The Return of Cyris Crane (Cthulhu Live) Regular price: $1.33 Bundle price: $0.66 Format: PDF Last autumn, Cyris Crane, brilliant businessman, loving father, world traveler, and one of the wealthiest and most respected men in Arkham, ventured into the Arkham hill country and disappeared in a sudden blizzard. Now, he has returned, much to the joy of his friends and family, and he has summoned them to his home to make a pronouncement to them ... "The Return of Cyris Crane" is a LARP scenario designed to be played with minimal staff and a small number of players. The only staff required are the Keeper and, if possible, a Stage Manager. It is stat'ed for the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition system but can easily be adapted for use with other LARP or tabletop games.  Cthulhu Live is a live-action roleplaying game (LARP) version of the popular horror r... WitchFinder: A Script for Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition Regular price: $3.99 Bundle price: $1.97 Format: PDF Set in Yugoslavia in 1943, during the height of World War II, this tense and exciting scenario focuses on the struggle between Allied and Axis special operations teams to seize control of information critical to control of the Balkans. Players can assume roles as military or civilian operatives in one of four opposing factions, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the SS Ahnenerbe occult operations division, the Communist partisans, or the Chetnik royalist freedom fighters. Little by little, however, the characters will begin to realize that their war is not the first to have left its mark on the region in which they are battling for supremacy - and that their actions are uncovering a powerful and dangerous evil that is beyond anything they ever expected to face. WitchFinder...
Total value: $60.61 Special bundle price: $29.99 Savings of: $30.62 (51%)
Price: $60.61 Cthulhu Live [BUNDLE] published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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